BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools

Page created by Hugh Montgomery
BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools
WJCC School Closure Extended Learning
Dear WJCC Families,

This packet contains activities, resources and information to extend learning for your child during this
extended school closure.

Additional resources may be posted on Student VUE for this course and other classes on your child’s
schedule. Students are encouraged to check Student VUE during this time.

Thank you for your partnership and support of WJCC Schools.

WJCC Staff
BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools
Suggested Sequence to Complete the Biology Review Packet - Complete the learning activities listed below which
review content covered in your course.
 Activity 1                     Activity 2              Activity 3            Activity 4             Activity 5
 Scientific Investigation and   Life at the             Life at the           Life at the Cellular   Review Cell
 characteristics of Life:       Molecular Level –       Molecular Level –     Level:                 Organelles:
     • Complete Pages 1-3       Inorganic               Organic                    • Complete            • Complete
          of Biology Packet     Compounds:              Compounds:                     Pages 10-            Page 12
                                     • Complete           • Complete                   11 of
                                          Pages 4-6            Pages 7-9 of            Biology
                                          of Biology           Biology                 Packet
                                          Packet               Packet

 Activity 6                     Activity 7              Activity 8            Activity 9             Activity 10
 Cell Membrane and              Cell Cycle and          Meiosis:               Complete              Complete practice
 Transport:                     Mitosis:                   • Complete          practice SOL          SOL questions #15-26
      • Complete Pages 13-           • Complete                 Pages 17-      questions #1-13       on pages 22-24 of
        14 of Biology Packet             Pages 15-16            18             on Pages 19-21        Biology packet
                                         of Biology                            of Biology
                                         Packet                                Packet

 Online Activity 1 (optional)                 Online Activity 2 (optional)    Online Activity 3 (optional)
 Complete online Jefferson Lab                Review Digital Flash Cards      Complete any Explore Learning Gizmo Labs
 Assessments to prepare for SOL               on Quizlet to prepare for       to review Scientific Investigation       SOL key terms         
Secondary Online Programs Available at Home
   • Discovery Education - CONNECT VIA OFFICE 365
        Content by standard/subject. Includes virtual experiences and instructional strategies We fully license
        Essentials and K-8 Science plus Streaming for K-8
   • Office 365 -
        Online tools for WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ONENOTE with heavy emphasis on TEAMS. We
        are fully licensed
   • EMediaVA -
        Online educational service offering media resources appropriate for PreK-14 All students and
        teachers. Students use computer login for username and last five digits of student ID for password
        curriculum, for use in classrooms, home schools, and informal educational environments, such as after-
        school, community facilities, and museums (the "Service").
   • Imagine Learning -
        This program is designed to support the language, literacy, and early reading skills of certain English
        Learners. Cannot use on a cell phone. Recommendation is 20 minutes a day Licensed for our ELL
   • VUE -
        Student access: Primary communication and
grading tool
   • Culture Grams -
   • Explora - Online Database that students should access from school webpage
   • World Book Online
BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools
Activity #1
I. Scientific Investigation:
       A. Steps to the Scientific Method
       1. Make observations/Do research: to determine what problem you want to address
       2. Develop a Research Question: what specifically do you want to determine?
       3. Develop a hypothesis: based on research from a variety of sources
              a. scientific journals: are the best place to locate current findings on the newest
              b. encyclopedias: are a good place to find information on extinct species or
              historical theories
              c. state/local agencies: can help with local policies or local research (example: can
              help research the effects of pesticides on the squirrel population)
       4. Conduct a Controlled Experiment- testing the hypothesis and collecting data and
       5. Interpret and Analyze Data: using tables and graphs
       6. Draw Conclusions- including improvements for future experiments
       7. Communicate Results: so others can build on the experiment

      B. Terms: Word Bank: experiment, variables, hypothesis, constants, control,
      independent variable, dependent variable

      1. ___________________- is an educated guess/prediction; usually in “IF...THEN” form.
      2. _____________________________- are the factors that are measured in an
      3. _____________________________- is the variable that you purposely
          change...variable “I” change.
      4. _____________________________- is the variable that changes as a result of
          changing the IV.
      5. ___________________- is the baseline measurement that you compare your data to.
      6. ____________________- the thing(s) that are purposely kept the same in the
      7. _________________________- is a structured way to test a hypothesis.

      C. Scientific Tools - Identify the tool used for each of the following tasks: Word
      Bank: beaker, graduated cylinder, balance, light microscope, electron microscope
      1. _____________________________- used for measuring mass
      2. _____________________________- used for examining extremely small specimens
      3. _____________________________- used for examining small specimens, was used
            to discover cells
      4. _____________________________- used for measuring precise volumes of liquids
      5. _____________________________- less accurate tool for measuring volume

BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools

      D. Microscope – Fill in the names of the parts of the microscope.
Word bank: objective lens, ocular lens, diaphragm, fine focus, course focus, stage, barrel, base,
stage clips, lamp, arm, revolving nosepiece

                                                        Total Magnification
                                                        Ocular Lens x Objective Lens

                                                        Ocular: 10x
                                                        Objective: 100x
                                                        Total Magnification: 10 x 100 =1,000x

1. _____________________________________- used to make BIG changes in focus
2. _____________________________________ -adjusts the amount of light
3. _____________________________________- changes the magnification
4. _____________________________________- holds down the slide
5. _____________________________________- what you look through
6. Draw a picture demonstrating how to properly put a coverslip on this slide to avoid bubbles:

II. Characteristics of Living Things
      A. List the 7 Themes of Biology: Word Bank: cells, metabolism, homeostasis,
reproduce, heredity, evolution, interdependence

      1. ________________________- smallest unit of all life
      2. ________________________- get and use energy in order to carry out life functions
      3. ___________________________________- organisms rely on each other to survive
      4. ________________________- either asexually or sexually
      5. ________________________- maintain a constant internal environment, ex. body
      6. ________________________- pass on traits to offspring
      7. _______________________- populations of organisms change over time
BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools

      B. Biological terms in order from smallest to largest

Celltissueorganorgan systemorganismpopulationspecies

1. ______________________: the smallest unit of life
2. ______________________: a group of cells that carry out a similar function
3. ______________________: a group of tissues that carry out a specialized function in
                           the body
4. ______________________: a group of organs that work together to perform body
5. ______________________: a single living thing
6. ______________________: a group of organisms of the same species that live in the
                           same area and can interbreed
7. ______________________: a group of organisms that look similar and can produce
                           fertile offspring
8. ______________________: a group of different species that live in the same habitat
                           and interact with on another
9. ______________________: a community of organisms and their non-living
10. ______________________: all of the world and its atmosphere that support life.

Activity: Draw a sketch of a living thing and briefly describe the ways in which it
demonstrates each of the characteristics of life.

BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools
                                                 Activity #2
III. Life at the Molecular Level
       A. Inorganic Compounds~ (Typically DO NOT contain carbon)

1. Water: Word Bank: hydrogen bonding, floats, acids, body temperature, capillary action,
water, polar, 7, 4, 14, 0, cohesion, solvent, adhesion, bases, high heat capacity, homeostasis,
surface tension).

       a. Water molecules have an unevenly distributed charge, this means that the molecule is
       b. _____________________________ is the attraction between the positive end of one
       water molecule and the negative end of another water molecule.
       c. Many of the unique properties of water are caused by hydrogen bonding
       ~ ____________________________________ is the movement of water up thin tubes,
       due to _____________________ which means that water molecules ‘stick’ to each
       other and ______________________ which means that water molecules can ‘stick’ to
       other substances.
       ~ The property that helps bugs stand on water is called _________________________.
       ~ Water expands when it freezes which makes ice ______________.
       ~ Water has a __________________________________which means it takes a lot of
       energy to raise or lower its temperature. This is important because it helps organisms
       maintain ___________________________ by keeping a constant
       d. Because water is a polar molecule, it is called the universal __________________
       which means that it can dissolve many substances.
       e. Cells are mostly ______________, therefore much of your entire body is made of
       ~The pH scale is from 0-14. ______________ range 0-6. ___________ range 8-14. A
       neutral solution has a pH of ___________.

2. The Water Cycle: Fill in the blanks with
letters from the diagram to the right.

a. water falls to the ground in the form of precipitation
(letter _______)
b. it percolates through the soil to make ground water
(letter ____)
c. water that doesn’t go into the ground is called run off
(letter _____)
d. water is taken into plants through the roots by capillary
e. transpiration is the process of releasing water vapor into the atmosphere from plant
leaves. (letter ___)
f. evaporation puts water from oceans and lakes into the atmosphere. (letter _____)
g. water in the atmosphere forms droplets in clouds by condensation. (letter ______)

BIOLOGY WJCC School Closure Extended Learning - WJCC Public Schools

3. The Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen Cycle: Word Bank: heterotrophs, CO2, water, O2, glucose,
chloroplasts, mitochondria, photosynthesis, chemical, respiration, autotrophs, solar

a. ___________________ use organelles called __________________ in their leaves to
collect _____________________ energy.

b. ____________________ occurs so plants can make ____________ to use for energy

c. photosynthesis converts _____________ energy into ______________ energy.

d. photosynthesis uses ___________, ___________ and __________ energy to form
__________ & __________.
e. animals can not make their own food
therefore they are called __________________.

f. all organisms use organelles called
___________________ to perform a
process called ___________________
which breaks down food molecules to
produce ATP for energy.

g. respiration uses __________ and
______________ to produce _______ and

h. the gas made by respiration is ______;
the gas taken in by photosynthesis is

i. the gas taken in by respiration is_________;
the gas produced by photosynthesis is


Use the following diagram to show where energy is released and where energy is used. Also
use arrows on the lines attached to the circles to indicate the direction of the energy.

                                   What cellular process produces ATP?

                                   What is ATP energy used for?     Give examples.

Label the following molecules in these equations (water, glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethyl
A)    6H2O + 6CO2                      C6H12O6 + 6O2

B)    C6H12O6 + 6O2                    6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

C)    C6H12O6                     2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + ATP

Which of the above reactions is photosynthesis?

Which of the above reactions is fermentation (anaerobic cellular respiration)?

Which of the above reactions is cellular respiration (aerobic)?

Which reaction(s) requires or stores energy?

Which reaction(s) release energy (ATP)?


                                         Activity #3

      B. Organic Compounds: There are ______ (number) different organic compounds.
      All organic molecules contain __________ and are necessary for __________!!!!

1. Carbohydrates Word Bank: monosaccharides, built, glucose, broken down
      a. Carbohydrates are ________ to store energy in plants and are_________________to
      be used as cellular energy to accomplish the characteristics of life.
      b. ____________________________ are the building blocks of carbohydrates, example

2. Lipids Word Bank: fat, cuticle, oil, store, wax, insulate
      a. lipids are organic compounds that include include __________, __________,
      and _________.
      b. lipids are used to _______________ energy in animals.
      c. leaves have a protective lipid layer called the ______________ that prevents
      water loss.
      d. lipids like those in whale blubber and human fat help _________________
      organisms, protecting them and keeping them warm.

3. Proteins: Word Bank: unchanged, amino acids, active sites, peptide, enzymes,
speed up, substrate
      a. Proteins are made up of ________________________ joined together by
      __________ bonds.
      b. _______________ are a special group of proteins that ____________________
      c. Enzymes have _________________ with specific shapes that allow them to
      interact with only one type of _______________.
      d. Enzymes are ________________ during reactions.
      e. Circle the substrates. Box in the enzyme AFTER the reaction. Draw a
      Triangle around the products.


What is the function of enzymes in biological systems? Why are they necessary for all
biochemical reactions?

Explain why enzymes can be reused over and over again.

Why is there only one kind of enzyme for each biochemical reaction?

How do extreme pH and extreme temperature affect enzymes?

Explain the lock-and-key model of enzymes and substrates.

4. Nucleic Acids: Word Bank: adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, hydrogen bond,
uracil, replication, sugar, ribose, Watson & Crick, nucleotides, Rosalind Franklin,
double helix, genetic, deoxyribose, phosphate, DNA, RNA, nitrogen base

a. The two types of nucleic acids are __________ and _________.
b. The building block of a nucleic acid is a ____________________, which is made of a
____________, a _________________, and a _______________________.
c. __________ is common to all living things and it stores genetic information.
d. In DNA, ______________ bonds with _____________ and _______________ bonds
with ___________________.
e. The nitrogen bases are held together by __________________________.
f. The shape of a DNA molecule is a ________________________, discovered by
g. ______________________________ took X-ray photographs of DNA that helped
determine DNA’s structure.
h. _______________________ is a process that makes an exact copy of DNA.
i. The sugar in DNA is _________________, but the sugar in RNA is ______________.
j. In DNA adenine bonds with ______________, but in RNA it bonds with ___________.
k. __________ is single stranded, and _____________ is double stranded.
l. ___________ is copied by _________ which becomes the pattern for making proteins.
m. ________________ engineering involves inserting foreign DNA into host DNA to
make recombinant DNA.


 Specific        Type of organic molecule/Function   Monomer/Subunits










                                        Activity #4

IV. Life at the Cellular Level

A. The Parts of the Cell Theory




B. Development of the Cell Theory Word Bank: Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden,
Schwann, Virchow

1. ____________________- first to observe living microorganisms through a microscope
2. ____________________- observed cork and named cells
3. ____________________- studied plant cells
4. ____________________- studied animal cells
5. ___________________- concluded that all cells come from preexisting cells

C. Types of Cells Word Bank: prokaryotes, eukaryotes, both

1. _____________________- have a nucleus
2. _____________________- have organelles
3. _____________________- includes the kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
4. _____________________- do not have organelles (mini-organs)
5. _____________________- includes Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals
6. _____________________- have DNA, (HINT: ALL kingdoms have this in common)
7. _____________________- go through mitosis
8. _____________________- go through binary fission
9. _____________________- have ribosomes to synthesize (make) proteins


D. Cellular Organelles: Word Bank: nucleus, mitochondria, vacuole, ribosomes, golgi
body or apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus, centriole, cell wall, cytoplasm,
chloroplast, lysosomes, cell membrane

1. _____________________- command center of the cell; DNA in the form of
                          chromosomes is here
2. _____________________- small organelle in the nucleus that makes ribosomes
4. _____________________- the site of protein synthesis in prokayrotes and eukaryotes
5. _____________________- transport system of the cell
6. _____________________- collects, packages, and distributes proteins
7. _____________________- contains digestive enzymes to break down old cell parts
8. _____________________- storage tank of the cell
9. _____________________- organelle that conducts ‘respiration’ for the cell
10. ____________________- the powerhouse of the cell
11. ____________________- organelle that conducts ‘photosynthesis’ for plant cells
12. ____________________- assists in cell division in animal cells only
13. ____________________- the jelly-like material in which organelles float inside a cell
14. ____________________- made of cellulose (plants) or chitin (fungi); boundary
                          outside of the cell membrane in some cells
15. ____________________- encloses cell, controls what gets into and out of the cell
16. ____________________- numerous in heart muscle cells because of need for energy
17. ____________________ numerous cells that produces large quantities of proteins

E. Differences between plant and animal cells (complete the table)

                                                          Plant (A)          Animal (B)


                                                     Activity #5

         Cell Part and Letter    Function                          Found in Plant or
                                                                   Animal Cells ?

         Plasma Membrane

         Cell wall






Which cell is the plant cell (left or right)?

Which structures are found only in the plant cell?

Which structures are found only in the animal cell?

                                           Activity #6

F. The Fluid Mosaic Model and Movement through the Cell Membrane: Word Bank:
diffusion, proteins, cell membrane, active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis,
phospholipids, energy, low, high, carbohydrates, water, facilitated diffusion,
pinocytosis, osmosis, phagocytosis

1. The cell membrane is composed of ____________________, ________________ ,
      and ________________________.
2. The Fluid Mosaic Model describes the ____________________________.
3. Passive transport is also called ______________________ and it doesn’t require
4. Passive transport moves molecules move from areas of ______________ to
      ____________ concentration.
5. ______________________________- diffusion where carrier proteins help molecules
      across the membrane.
6. ______________________ is a type of diffusion involving only the movement of water
7. The type of transport that requires energy is ______________________________.
8. The movement that requires energy moves molecules from __________ to
      __________ concentrations.
9. Active transport that moves substances into the cell is called ___________________.
10. Moving solid particles into the cell is called ______________________.
11. Moving liquids into the cell is called is called ______________________.
12. Active transport that moves substances out of the cell is called _________________.
13. Molecules are transported across the cell membrane by carrier ________________.
The diagram below shows many proteins and other molecules embedded in a cell membrane.


                                                          Explain what has happened in the diagram to the left.

                                                          Why did the large dark molecules NOT move to the

                                                          How is the semipermeable membrane like a cell

If the dark molecule is starch, where is the starch concentration greatest (left or right)?

If the white molecule is water, where is the water concentration greatest at first?

In osmosis, water moves from an area of __________ to an area of _________ concentration.

If the dark molecules could move, in what direction would they move? Why?

In diffusion, molecules move from an area of ________ to an area of ________ concentration.

Draw arrows to show which way water will move in each of the following situations:

           a. Salt inside the cell = 65% and outside the cell 40%.

           b. Sugar inside the cell 27% and outside 80%.

What is homeostasis?

How do cells maintain homeostasis?

                                    PASSIVE TRANPORT                   ACTIVE TRANSPORT
 Requires energy?

 Low to high concentration
 or high to low

                                         Activity #7

V. Cell Division
      A. Mitosis (Word Bank: nucleus, replicated, interphase, prophase,
      metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis, centromere, chromatids,
      chromatin, centrioles, spindle fibers, plate, furrow).

1. A chromosome is made of two identical parts called _______________.
2. The parts of a chromosome are held together by a ______________________.
3. Only animal cells have __________________ to help with chromosome movement.
4. During ___________________ sister chromatids are separated at the
_________________ and are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.
5. DNA is ____________________ during _____________________ so each cell will
have the same information
6. Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell in ______________________.
7. Loose or uncoiled chromosomes are actually DNA in the form of _______________.
8. During ______________spindle fibers shorten which pulls chromosomes to the poles.
9. After the nucleus divides, __________________ occurs: the division of the cytoplasm
10. In plant cells only, a cell _______________forms during cytokinesis.
11. In animal cells only, a cell _________________ forms during cytokinesis.
12. _____________________________ are attached to chromosomes at the centromere
13. ____________________- chromosomes become visible
14. ____________________- nuclear membrane forms around each chromosome set
15. ____________________- nuclear membrane begins to disappear
16. ____________________- two daughter cells are formed

17. Label each phase
of mitosis in the
diagram at the right.
Word Bank:
Interphase, Metaphase, Cytokinesis,
Prophase, Anaphase, Telophase


Cell Cycle:

                                          Look at the diagram of the cell cycle.
                                          When does the duplication of DNA occur? What is this
                                          phase called?

                                          What do GI and G2 represent?

                                          Does mitosis include cytokinesis (division of the

Summarize what is occurring in each of these images.







                                         Activity #8

B. Meiosis Word Bank: gametes, 1, the same, 46, 23, eggs, sperm, zygote, homologous, diploid,
half, 2, haploid, prophase, fertilization

1. Meiosis is a type of cell division that makes sex cells or
2. The two types of sex cells are ______________and
3. Mitosis consists of _______ division(s), while meiosis
consists of ______ division(s).
4. Mitosis makes cells with _______________number of
chromosomes as the parent cell, but meiosis produces cells with
______________ the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
5. A human’s body cells have __________chromosomes; sex
cells or gametes have _____________.
6. For every chromosome your mother gave you, there is a
chromosome from your father with information regarding the
same trait(s).
7. When a cell has a full complement of homologous chromosomes from each parent (2
complete sets of chromosomes), the cell is said to be _________________.
8. Sex cells have only ONE set of chromosomes, they are called ______________.
9. When an egg and a sperm combine during ______________, the ____________ that
is formed has the normal diploid number of chromosomes.
10. ________________________ chromosomes exchange information during
______________ which adds to diversity.


Compare Mitosis and Meiosis
Fill out the following to compare the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

                                         MITOSIS                     MEIOSIS
         Type of reproduction
         (Asexual or sexual)
         Chromosome number of
         mother cell (1N=haploid or
         Chromosome number of
         daughter cells (1N=haploid or
         Number of cell divisions

         Number of cells produced

         When does replication
         Crossing over (Y or N)
         Random assortment of
         chromosomes (Y or N)
         Gene mutations (Y or N)

         Nondisjunction (Y or N)

         Fertilization (Y or N)


                     SOL Practice Questions                            Activity #9

   1. A bacterium will construct different proteins to metabolize the sugars lactose or glucose,
      depending on which one it detects in the outside environment. What part of the bacterium
      allows it to recognize different substances in the outside environment?
          a. Nucleus
          b. Lysosomes
          c. Endoplasmic reticulum
          d. Cell membrane
   2. Both lipids and carbohydrates are important in animal cells because both –
          a. Contain nitrogen
          b. Form cell walls
          c. Provide insulation
          d. Store energy
   3. Using this tool, Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to –
          a. Magnify plants
          b. Observe lightwaves
          c. Use a telescope
          d. See microscopic organisms

   4. In eukaryotic cells the process indicated by arrow A occurs in the-
      a. Cell membrane
      b. Cytoplasm
      c. Ribosome
      d. Nucleus

   5. Some peeled pieces of apple were placed in distilled water and some in very salty water. The cells
      in the apple pieces will –
          a. Gain water in both solutions
          b. Lose water in distilled water and gain water in salty water
          c. Lose water in both solutions
          d. Gain water in distilled water and lose water in salty water


   6. Under a microscope, a series of cells are observed that lack membrane-bound internal organelles.
      Which of these is the most likely cell type?
        a. Prokaryote
        b. Eukaryote
        c. Animal
        d. Plant
        e. Bacteria

   7. What organelle is responsible for structure 4?
        a. Ribosomes
        b. Cell membrane
        c. Nucleus
        d. Vacuole

   8. "I took a good clear piece of Cork and with a Pen-Knife sharpen'd as keen as a razor . . . cut
      off . . . an exceeding thin piece of it. For upon examination with my Microscope, I could
      exceedingly plainly perceive it to be all perforated and porous . . . These pores, or cells, were
      not very deep, but consisted of a great many little Boxes."

      These words were written by Robert Hooke in 1665. The pores or cells that Hooke described
      were really -
          a.   Cell membranes
          b.   Cell walls
          c.   Nuclei
          d.   Mitochondria


   9. Which one of these is a prokaryotic cell?

   10. Tall land plants have requirements different from those of aquatic plants. Which of these must
       the tall land plants have that aquatic plants do not need?
           a. Thick cell walls
           b. Photosynthesis abilities
           c. Reproduction
           d. Organelles for respiration

   11. Which of these types of reproduction provides the most protection to developing offspring of land-
       dwelling animals?
         a. An egg in a mass of jelly
         b. An egg in an eggshell
         c. An egg with a leathery shell
         d. An egg carried internally

   12. Which of the following came first in the scientific study of living things?
          a.   Cell Theory
          b.   Electron Microscope
          c.   Model of DNA
          d.   Light Microscope

   13. Which of these is responsible for the "rough" appearance of endoplasmic reticulum?
         a. DNA
         b. Lysosomes
         c. Ribosomes
         d. Enzymes


                                           Activity #10

   14. Based on the method by which they get food, organisms are classified as autotrophs or
       heterotrophs. Which organism listed below is correctly paired with its metabolism?
          a. Grass-heterotroph
          b. Mushroom-autotroph
          c. Fish-autotroph
          d. Human-heterotroph

                                              15.      Chart A shows how changes in pH cause
                                              testing paper to change color. Chart B shows how
                                              testing papers reacted with several experimental
                                              substances. Which of these has a pH of about 3?
                                              a. Shrimp
                                              b. Milk
                                              c. Beans
                                              d. Apples

                                                          16. Which hypothesis is best supported by
                                                          this graph?

                                                          a. A disease of cardinals spread throughout
                                                          the park.
                                                          b. The cardinals' food supply increased.
                                                          c. The population of cardinal predators
                                                          d. Dominant cardinal chicks were the first
                                                          to be fed.


   17. When there is a lower concentration of water outside of a plant cell rather than inside a plant
       cell, the plant will tend to —
       a. grow toward the sun
       b. lose water and wilt
       c. gain water and become rigid
       d. increase its rate of photosynthesis

   18. The unique properties of water enable life to exist on Earth. Which of these is a property of pure
       a. It dissolves many substances.
       b. Its solid form is more dense than its liquid.
       c. It is slightly more acidic than air.
       d. It has a low heat absorption capacity.

   19. Unlike other animals, mammals can perspire. The main benefit of perspiring is that it —
       a. removes dirt from the surface of the skin
       b. cools the skin with evaporation
       c. relaxes the muscles
       d. removes extra water from the cells

   20. In the human body, muscle cells have an increased need for energy during exercise. To help
       supply this energy, the body will immediately increase:
       a. activity in the nervous system to stimulate intake of carbon dioxide
       b. the breathing rate to supply more oxygen to cells for the release of energy
       c. the need for waste products to be retained
       d. food intake to increase the substances available for respiration

   21. Some insects can stand on the surface of water because water —
       a. has a high specific heat
        b. is a good evaporative coolant
       c. is cohesive and adhesive
       d. has a high boiling point

   22. If transpiration stopped completely, how would a plant’s homeostasis first be affected?
       a. Water molecules would not be released from leaves.
       b. Carbohydrates would no longer be formed
       c. Fewer sugars stored in roots and stems would diffuse into the soil.
       d. More carbon dioxide molecules would be taken in by leaves.

   23. Which of the following molecules is most abundant in the cells of the human body?
       a. Nucleotides
       b. Water
       c. Lipids
       d. Amino acids


24. The concentration of glucose must be maintained within a fairly narrow range in most vertebrates. This statement
is an example of —

a. homeostasis
b. fermentation
c. excretion
d. glycolysis

25. A microorganism which releases water into its environment to regulate its salinity during osmosis is undergoing a
process that is similar to a human being who releases moisture on a hot day. This process that helps keep both the
microorganism and the human body fluids in balance is known as —
a. heredity
b. homeostasis
c. mutation
d. cell division

                                                           26. The diagram to the left shows the process of osmosis.
                                                           Only the water molecules could enter the cell because
                                                           water molecules —
                                                           a. have more energy than the protein molecules
                                                           b. are smaller than the protein molecules
                                                           c. contain more hydrogen atoms than the protein
                                                           d. are more numerous than the protein molecules

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