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                              Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
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                              Exploring Complex Ornamental Genomes: The Rose as a Model Plant
                              Th. Debenera; M. Lindea
                                Leibniz University of Hannover, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute for Plant Genetics, Hannover,

To cite this Article Debener, Th. and Linde, M.(2009) 'Exploring Complex Ornamental Genomes: The Rose as a Model
Plant', Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 28: 4, 267 — 280
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Critical Reviews in Plant Science, 28:267–280, 2009
                                                                   Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
                                                                   ISSN: 0735-2689 print / 1549-7836 online
                                                                   DOI: 10.1080/07352680903035481

                                                                   Exploring Complex Ornamental Genomes: The Rose
                                                                   as a Model Plant
                                                                   Th. Debener and M. Linde
                                                                   Leibniz University of Hannover, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute for Plant Genetics,
                                                                   Hannover, Germany

                                                                                                                                                   As cultivated plants they are economically very important.
                                                                       Despite its high economic importance, little is known about rose         Roses belong to the top five ornamentals worldwide. In most
                                                                   genetics, genome structure, and the function of rose genes. Reasons          developed countries sales due to ornamental plant production
                                                                   for this lack of information are polyploidy in most cultivars, simple        exceed those for vegetables and fruits. Worldwide production
                                                                   breeding strategies, high turnover rates for cultivars, and little pub-
                                                                                                                                                values for flowers and pot plants were estimated to be about
                                                                   lic funding. Molecular and biotechnological tools developed during
                                                                                                                                                24 billion Euros per year, based on values from 1995 to 2007
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                                                                   the genomics era now provide the means to fill this gap. This will
                                                                   be facilitated by a number of model traits as e.g., a small genome,          (Heinrichs, 2008). In 2007, roses accounted for about 20% (723
                                                                   a large genetic diversity including diploid genotypes, a compara-            million EUR) of all ornamentals exported from the EU into other
                                                                   tively short generation time and protocols for genetic engineering.          countries. Imports of roses into the EU in 2001 had a value of
                                                                   A deeper understanding of genetic processes and the structure of
                                                                   the rose genome will serve several purposes: Applications to the
                                                                                                                                                447 million Euros. About 31% of all cut flowers traded at the
                                                                   breeding process including marker-assisted selection and direct              European auctions were cut-roses with a total value of about
                                                                   manipulation of relevant traits via genetic engineering will lead to         858 million EUR (Heinrichs, 2008).
                                                                   improved cultivars with new combinations of characters. In ba-                  This, however, is no reason to choose roses as an object
                                                                   sic research, unique characters, e.g., the biosynthesis and emission         of research or even to choose it as a model plant. One rea-
                                                                   of particular secondary metabolites will provide new information
                                                                   not available in model species. Furthermore comparative genomics
                                                                                                                                                son to do so is that roses combine some model traits not
                                                                   will link information about the rose genome to ongoing projects on           found in any other woody species (Table 1). These are the
                                                                   other rosaceous crops and will add to our knowledge about genome             following:
                                                                   evolution and speciation. This review is intended as a presentation
                                                                   and is the compilation of the current knowledge on rose genetics
                                                                                                                                                a small genome size
                                                                   and genomics, including functional genomics and genetic engineer-
                                                                   ing. Furthermore, it is intended to show ways how knowledge on               an enormous biodiversity with a large number of morpholog-
                                                                   rose genetics and genomics can be linked to other species in the                  ically and physiologically diverse species and cultivated
                                                                   Rosaceae in order to utilize this information across genera.                      varieties
                                                                                                                                                no juvenility period and in recurrent flowering genotypes a gen-
                                                                   Keywords        Rosa, rose, Rosaceae, structural genomics, genetic map-           eration time of about one year
                                                                                   ping, functional genomics, polyploidy, molecular mark-       easy vegetative propagation for most genotypes
                                                                                   ers, disease resistance, positional cloning, fragrance,
                                                                                                                                                easy generation of segregating progeny on various ploidy levels
                                                                                   flower color, ornamental traits, transgenic plants, recur-
                                                                                   rent flowering                                                    even between different species
                                                                                                                                                availability of several regeneration and transformation
                                                                                                                                                a close phylogenetic relationship to other rosaceous crops for
                                                                   I. INTRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                     which more extensive genomic information is available
                                                                      For more than five thousand years roses have delighted hu-
                                                                   mans as ornamental plants, and have been used as medicinal
                                                                                                                                                   In addition, they display particular morphological, physio-
                                                                   plants and even as food (Shepherd, 1954; Gudin, 2000). A sym-
                                                                                                                                                logical, and genetic characteristics that can not be studied in
                                                                   bol for beauty and elegance, they became an object of diverse
                                                                                                                                                other model species. Among these are the biosynthesis and
                                                                   forms of human art.
                                                                                                                                                emission of a large number of different volatiles in petals, a
                                                                                                                                                high morphological diversity with a variety of flower structures,
                                                                                                                                                growth types, and prickle morphologies as well as a unique
                                                                     Address correspondence to Th. Debener, Leibniz University of               type of meiosis not found in other taxa. Furthermore, roses
                                                                   Hannover, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute for Plant Genetics,         are long-lived woody perennials (Krüssmann, 1981) and inter-
                                                                   Hannover, Germany. E-mail:                   esting questions on the generation and maintenance of genetic

268                                                    T. DEBENER AND M. LINDE

                                                                   diversity in natural populations can be investigated in diploid       North American Rosa palustris. Today the genus is distributed
                                                                   and polyploid species.                                                over the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere in Europe,
                                                                                                                                         North America, East and West Asia also reaching into subtrop-
                                                                   Taxonomy                                                              ical areas of Mexico (with R. montezumae as the only discov-
                                                                                                                                         ered species in Mexico), the near East (Iran and Iraq), northwest
                                                                       All true roses belong to the genus Rosa (L), which together
                                                                                                                                         Africa (Morocco, Ethiopia) and Asia (Southern China), with the
                                                                   with species from genera Fragaria, Rubus, Potentilla, and Geum
                                                                                                                                         exception of some Arctic and tropical regions and some central
                                                                   belong to the subfamily of the Rosideae within the family of
                                                                                                                                         Asian areas. R. acicularis is regarded as the only naturally oc-
                                                                   Rosaceae. They are therefore related to economically important
                                                                                                                                         curring species in polar regions of Europe, Asia, and North
                                                                   fruit crops as e.g., apple and pear (subfamily Maloidea) and
                                                                                                                                         America (Zlesak, 2006; Henker, 2003; Krüssmann, 1981). An
                                                                   cherry and peach (subfamily Prunoidea).
                                                                                                                                         important center of diversity of the genus Rosa as it is known
                                                                       The genus Rosa comprises about 180 species of woody
                                                                                                                                         today is central and south western Asia including China and
                                                                   perennials, mostly shrubby species with a basic chromosome
                                                                                                                                         Turkey. In contrast to the natural distribution of rose species,
                                                                   number of seven and ploidy levels ranging from 2x to 8x. All
                                                                                                                                         cultivated roses are grown all around the world in almost all
                                                                   species have conspicuous showy flowers with four to five petals
                                                                   that are mostly scented. Roses are mostly outbreeders, but some
                                                                   species from the Caninae section display a certain tendency for
                                                                   apomixis (Wissemann and Hellwig, 1997).
                                                                                                                                         Breeding and Cultivating Roses
                                                                       The current classification is based on the system of Rehder
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                                                                                                                                             Today’s cultivated roses are the product of many interspe-
                                                                   (Rehder, 1940) with some modifications (Wissemann, 2003) and
                                                                                                                                         cific hybridizations to which about 10 different rose species
                                                                   is still under discussion. It divides the genus into four subgenera
                                                                                                                                         contributed parts of their genomes (Wylie, 1954; Gudin, 2000).
                                                                   (Hulthemia, Platyrhodon, Hesperodos and Rosa). In this clas-
                                                                                                                                         In horticultural literature various systems for the classification
                                                                   sification the largest subgenus Rosa is further subdivided into
                                                                                                                                         of rose cultivars have been proposed mostly based on morpho-
                                                                   ten sections with the section Rosa of the same name comprising
                                                                                                                                         logical characters, origin, or horticultural use (Cairns, 2003).
                                                                   almost all of the cultivated varieties.
                                                                                                                                         As these schemes reflect only marginally genetic relationships,
                                                                       Recent molecular evidence from an extensive study using
                                                                                                                                         they are of little use for genetic or genomic research (Scariot et
                                                                   AFLPs to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Rosa indi-
                                                                                                                                         al., 2006). Phenetic analysis using molecular data distinguishes
                                                                   cates that several modifications should be applied to the clas-
                                                                                                                                         two major clusters of cultivars. One has a European genetic
                                                                   sification of Rheder (1940) and Wissemann (2003). Based on
                                                                                                                                         background with cultivars related to the section Rosa (with R.
                                                                   UPGMA clustering, Wagner parsimony, and Baysian inference
                                                                                                                                         ×damascena and R. gallica) belonging to the Damask, Centifo-
                                                                   Koopmann et al. (2008) suggested amongst others the follow-
                                                                                                                                         lia, Gallica, Alba, Moss and Portland cultivar groups. The other
                                                                   ing alterations: 1) the two small subgenera Hulthemia (with
                                                                                                                                         has an Oriental genetic background related to the section Syn-
                                                                   1 species) and Plathyrhodon (with 1 species) do not deserve
                                                                                                                                         stylae (R. moschata, R. multiflora and R. wichurana) with cul-
                                                                   this status, but should be integrated into the subgenus Rosa. 2)
                                                                                                                                         tivars arranged in the Bourbon, Moschata, Multiflora, Noisette,
                                                                   The section Carolinae (with 5 species) should be integrated into
                                                                                                                                         Polyantha and Tea cultivar groups (Koopman et al., 2008). Most
                                                                   the Cinnamomeae (with about 80 species). 3) The only sup-
                                                                                                                                         modern cultivars are tetraploid and recurrent blooming. There
                                                                   ported subsection in section Caninae is subsection Rubigineae
                                                                                                                                         are three major horticultural groups for which breeding strate-
                                                                   as a monophyletic group. All other 5 subsections are not sup-
                                                                                                                                         gies differ significantly and which have divergent though over-
                                                                   ported by the data from Koopman et al. (2008). These suggested
                                                                                                                                         lapping gene pools: garden roses, pot roses, and cut-roses.
                                                                   changes in the Rosa phylogeny demonstrate the complexity of
                                                                                                                                         Breeding for all three groups is based on traditional strate-
                                                                   the relationships caused by extensive hybridization events, the
                                                                                                                                         gies starting with intercrosses between superior genotypes. Most
                                                                   recent radiation, polyploidy and incomplete speciation. A sec-
                                                                                                                                         breeders select marketable varieties among the first generation
                                                                   ond major source of confusion is caused by the splitting into
                                                                                                                                         hybrids with various numbers of selection cycles combined with
                                                                   many species solely based on few morphological characters
                                                                                                                                         vegetative propagation of the selected clones. In garden roses
                                                                   which in addition are often under selection pressure (Olsson
                                                                                                                                         this results in cycles of 8 to more than 10 years between the
                                                                   et al., 2000; Koopmann et al., 2008).
                                                                                                                                         crosses and registration of the variety for garden roses as each se-
                                                                                                                                         lection cycle corresponds to one growing season (Noack, 2003).
                                                                   Distribution                                                          For cut- and pot roses cycles are between three and six years as
                                                                      The original geographical distribution of modern roses is the      cultivation of these groups allows all year production and sev-
                                                                   northern hemisphere, between 20 and 70 degrees latitude. Roses        eral selection cycles per year. Selection for commercial pot rose
                                                                   are not indigenous in the southern hemisphere. Fossil records for     production takes place under highly controlled and automated
                                                                   roses date back 37 million years. Leaf marks found in sedimen-        production conditions in factory like greenhouse environments.
                                                                   tary rocks in Florissant (Colorado) were allocated to the genus       A large part of the cut-rose production is done at higher altitudes
                                                                   Rosa (MacGinitie, 1953) and display a high similarity to the          in the tropics combining high irradiation with mild temperatures
THE ROSE AS A MODEL PLANT                                                       269

                                                                   which favors high productivity all year round (de Vries, 2003;       gametes. In embryo sac mother cells the bivalents divide and
                                                                   Chaanin, 2003).                                                      segregate at anaphase I while the univalents collect at one pole
                                                                      A key factor for genetic analyses is the use of diploid segre-    without division. At anaphase II all univalents collect at one pole
                                                                   gating populations. Three genetic backgrounds have been used         and a set of chromosomes from the bivalents divide and two cells
                                                                   to date: genotypes resulting from introgression of genes from        with 28 chromosomes each are formed. One of these develops
                                                                   garden roses into diploid Rosa multiflora genetic backgrounds        as the ovum. These processes originally observed by standard
                                                                   (Debener, 1999), crosses of diploid varieties with diploid R.        cytological techniques have recently been confirmed by analyses
                                                                   wichurana genotypes (Shupert et al., 2007) and crosses between       with polymorphic microsatellites in which the transmission of
                                                                   dihaploid R. hybrida genotypes with R. wichurana genotypes           only one genome through the pollen could be confirmed (Nybom
                                                                   (Crespel et al., 2002).                                              et al., 2004, 2006).

                                                                   II. CONVENTIONAL GENETICS                                            Self-incompatibility within the Genus
                                                                       Considering the importance of roses as ornamental crops              Based on observations that many diploid species do not set
                                                                   conventional genetic analyses in roses are scarce. This is be-       seed after self-pollination a gametophytic self incompatibility
                                                                   cause genetic analyses in the predominantly tetraploid varieties     system in diploid roses has been postulated (Ratsek et al., 1939;
                                                                   are complicated as compared to diploids. Another reason is           Cole and Melton, 1986; Ueda and Akimoto, 2001; Heslop-
                                                                   that diploid populations of sufficient size segregating for agro-    Harrision and Shivanna, 1977). Within the group of the mostly
                                                                   nomically interesting characters have been rare compared to          tetraploid modern cultivars and several polyploid species self-
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                                                                   tetraploid populations as they have mostly no economic impor-        fertilization is a common phenomenon (Morey, 1959; Rajapakse
                                                                   tance (Debener, 1999). In addition, public research in breeding      et al., 2001; Zlesak, 1998) indicating a breakdown of the SI sys-
                                                                   and genetics of roses has been rare compared to that of major        tem in tetraploids. Whether this breakdown is due to heteroga-
                                                                   food crops or fruits.                                                metic competition as found in Solanaceae or to the accumulation
                                                                       The availability of linkage maps and the application of molec-   of mutant alleles as found in Prunus (Hauck et al., 2006) is un-
                                                                   ular markers to segregating populations greatly facilitated ge-      known. Although generation of interspecific hybrids is possible,
                                                                   netic analyses (Debener and Mattiesch, 1999; Malek et al., 2000;     various symptoms of hybrid breakdown and incongruity often
                                                                   Rajapakse et al., 2001).                                             occur. Low fertility and reciprocal differences are found in in-
                                                                                                                                        terspecific crosses between diploid hybrid rugosa and hybrid
                                                                                                                                        china cultivars (Svejda, 1974, 1976).
                                                                       As mentioned above roses comprise species with ploidy lev-
                                                                   els of 2x to 8x with the majority of the wild species being          Recurrent Flowering
                                                                   diploid and most of the cultivars being tetraploid (Erlanson,           Recurrent flowering is one of the key characters crucial for
                                                                   1933; Krüssmann, 1981). Aneuploidy, incomplete sets of chro-        the success of roses as ornamental crops as it leads to supe-
                                                                   mosomes and the presence of supernumerary or B chromosomes           rior genotypes flowering throughout the whole growing season.
                                                                   are rarely reported for roses (Erlanson, 1933; Rowley, 1961;         This trait was most probably introgressed from R. chinensis
                                                                   Shahare and Shastry, 1963; Lata, 1982). In general diploids          and R. odorata in the early nineteeth century. It affects the ver-
                                                                   have regular meiosis with 7 bivalents whereas many tetraploids       nalization requirement of rose shoots for flower induction and
                                                                   have 14 bivalents and also show regular meiosis (Shahare and         allows the plants to flower without vernalization therefore ex-
                                                                   Shastry, 1963; Ma et al., 2000; Byrne and Ma, 2003; Ma et al.,       tending the flowering period. As segregation could be observed
                                                                   2003). Genetic experiments with molecular markers indicate           in many crosses between recurrent and nonrecurrent cultivars
                                                                   tetrasomic inheritance due to four homologous genomes in some        it was speculated since the 1940s that this trait is caused by a
                                                                   hybrid tetraploid genotypes (Malek et al., 2000). However, pen-      single recessive gene. However, statistically sound experiments
                                                                   taploid species in the Caninae section display an aberrant type      were first made with diploid R. wichurana populations support-
                                                                   of meiosis that often is referred to as the canina or permanent      ing theses hypotheses (Semeniuk 1971a, b). These were later
                                                                   odd polyploid meiosis. Here, the male gametes transfer only          confirmed by other authors also analyzing diploid populations
                                                                   one of the genomes (n =7), whereas the ovules transmit four          (deVries and Du Bois, 1984; Debene,r 1999; Crespel et al.,
                                                                   genomes (n = 28; Lim et al., 2005). During pollen development,       2002; Dugo et al., 2005).
                                                                   this is achieved through the formation of seven bivalents at the
                                                                   first division of meiosis while all other chromosomes remain         Flower Morphology
                                                                   unpaired (Nybom et al., 2006).                                          Flower morphology is another key character in rose breeding
                                                                       In pollen mother cells, both bivalents and univalents divide     as commercially important groups such as the cut roses are al-
                                                                   and segregate but only the bivalents divide and segregate at         most exclusively bred with “multi-petaled” (so-called “double”
                                                                   anaphase II. The univalents do not segregate and instead form        flowered) flowers. Flower morphology is affected by a range of
                                                                   micronuclei that are excluded from further development of the        parameters including the number, size and the shape of petals,
270                                                   T. DEBENER AND M. LINDE

                                                                   number of stamens and the number and shape of styles and             Black Spot Resistance
                                                                   ovaries. Wild roses with the exception of R. sericea and R.              Three major resistance genes have been characterized in
                                                                   omeiensis have five sepals and petals, but a variable number of      tetraploid and diploid populations, two of which are linked
                                                                   stamens and carpels. In so-called “double flowers” with more         within 10 cM on the same linkage group (Malek and Debener,
                                                                   than five petals additional petals seem result from the homeotic     1998; Kaufmann et al., 2003; Zhang, 2003; Yan et al., 2005;
                                                                   transformation of stamens into petals (Debener et al., 2003).        Gebreyesus and Linde, personal communication). The Rdr1 lo-
                                                                      The inheritance of double (>5 petals) versus single (5 petals)    cus is the most intensively studied among these and approaches
                                                                   flowers was shown to be caused by a single dominant gene in          to positional cloning of Rdr1 led to the construction of two BAC
                                                                   1999 (Debener 1999; Debener and Mattiesch, 1999) and later           contigs spanning the locus (Kaufmann et al., 2003; Biber et al.,
                                                                   confirmed by other authors (Crespel et al., 2002; Yan et al.,        submitted). A minimum of four BAC clones with a total length
                                                                   2005a; Linde et al., 2006; Shupert et al., 2007). The locus          of about 300 kb span the locus. Sequencing of these clones
                                                                   has been mapped on several rose linkage maps (Debener and            with a combination of 454 sequencing and Sanger sequencing
                                                                   Mattiesch, 1999; Crespel et al., 2002; Zhang, 2003, Linde et al.,    revealed a group of nine highly similar TIR-NBS-LRR genes,
                                                                   2006; Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al., 2008). First analyses with         five of which are expressed in rose leaves within 200 kb of
                                                                   anchor SSR markers analyzed in several of these populations          the contig (Terefe et al., in preparation). In addition to these
                                                                   indicate that the double flower locus is identical in all of the     RGA candidate genes 29 other genes as predicted by BLAST
                                                                   analyzed populations (Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al., 2008). Inter-      searches are located on the contig resulting in an average gene
                                                                   estingly in populations segregating for single and double flow-      density of one gene every 8 kb. From this contig several markers
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                                                                   ers, additional genetic factors influence the number of petals in    tightly linked to Rdr1 were developed among which three SSR
                                                                   the double-flowered genotypes. Some QTLs for additive genes          markers cosegregating without recombination to Rdr1 and am-
                                                                   could be located on several linkage maps (Debener et al., 2001;      plifying DNA of several rose species (Biber et al., in press) are
                                                                   Zhang, 2003; Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al., 2008). Flower size          useful as anchor markers for the location of black spot resistance
                                                                   appears to be quantitatively inherited and several QTLs could        on rose maps.
                                                                   be identified and placed on linkage maps (Lal et al., 1982;              In addition to single qualitative genes, quantitative inheri-
                                                                   Dugo et al., 2005; Shupert et al., 2007; Debener et al., in          tance of black spot resistance has also been postulated based on
                                                                   preparation).                                                        the observation that continuous variation can be observed be-
                                                                                                                                        tween 11 cultivars infected with black spot (Xue and Davidson,
                                                                                                                                        1998). A transgenic approach was tested by Marchant et al.
                                                                   Moss Phenotype                                                       (1998a) transforming the floribunda ‘Glad Tidings’ with a chiti-
                                                                      The moss phenotype gave rise to a group of rose cultivars         nase transgene. Some of the resulting genotypes showed a 13–
                                                                   called “moss roses.” It is characterized by glandular protuber-      43% reduction in black spot disease symptoms. As for the other
                                                                   ances densely covering calyx tubes, stems, petioles, pedicels,       fungal diseases, research has also been done in detail on the
                                                                   and even petals leading to a mossy appearance of rose flowers        disease development in the leaves (Blechert and Debener, 2005;
                                                                   and flower buds (Hurst and Breeze, 1922; De Vries and Du Bois,       Gachomo and Kotchoni, 2007) and the effects of the thickness
                                                                   1984). It originated from sports of R. centifolia in the 17th cen-   and composition of the leaf cuticle on the resistance to D. rosae
                                                                   tury and was shown to be inherited as a single dominant gene in      (Goodwin et al., 2007). In this study, Goodwin and coworkers
                                                                   crosses between tetraploid moss roses and tetraploid non moss        examined five cultivars for natural infections with black spot in
                                                                   varieties (De Vries and Du Bois, 1984).                              the field. The cv. ‘Knockout’ showed, with 10% of the leaves
                                                                                                                                        exhibiting symptoms, the highest quantitative resistance. Be-
                                                                                                                                        cause only five cultivars were evaluated and phytopathological
                                                                   Disease Resistances                                                  experiments were not conducted under controlled conditions
                                                                      Disease resistances have long been neglected in rose breed-       the results have to be considered as tentative and need more
                                                                   ing since in the past, the application of agrochemicals in orna-     thorough investigations.
                                                                   mentals were less problematic compared to agricultural crops.
                                                                   However, both increasing costs and environmental concerns lead
                                                                   to an increasing pressure to significantly improve resistance of     Powdery Mildew Resistance
                                                                   rose cultivars to the major diseases. In contrast to morphological      Only one description of a single dominant resistance gene
                                                                   and physiological characters, genetic analyses of disease resis-     (Rpp 1) to powdery mildew based on repeated inoculations with
                                                                   tance require the isolation of defined pathogenic races of the       single conidial isolates has been published so far (Linde et al.,
                                                                   pathogen. This has been done by several groups for black spot        2004). In addition, major loci (Rpm, CRPM1) were described
                                                                   (Wenfrida and Spencer, 1993; Debener et al., 1998; Carlson-          by analyses of natural infections on field sites, in greenhouses or
                                                                   Nilson, 2000; Whitaker et al., 2007), powdery mildew (Linde          by artificial infections with polysporous isolates (Zhang, 2003;
                                                                   and Debener et al., 2003; Leus et al., 2006) and downy mildew        Xu et al., 2005). The Rpp1 and Rpm loci were mapped in a
                                                                   (Schulz et al., 2007) and will not be discussed in detail here.      diploid population of R. multiflora hybrids and a SCAR marker
THE ROSE AS A MODEL PLANT                                                      271

                                                                   was generated from a closely linked AFLP marker (Zhang, 2003;          crosses to tetraploid modern rose classes, most miniature cul-
                                                                   Linde et al., 2004), whereas the major gene CRPM1 was mapped           tivars are also tetraploid. The frequent occurrence of dwarfs
                                                                   in a population of R. roxburghii (Xu et al., 2005). In addition to     in rose progenies already indicated a simple genetic control,
                                                                   these major genes several QTLs were mapped in three diploid            which was supported by observations in diploid and tetraploid
                                                                   mapping populations (Zhang, 2003; Dugo et al., 2005; Xu et al.,        segregating populations where a single dominant gene could be
                                                                   2005; Linde et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2007). Furthermore, Li et al.     confirmed (Dubois and De Vries, 1987).
                                                                   (2003) transformed the cultivar ‘Carefree Beauty’ with Ace-
                                                                   AMP1, a gene coding for an antimicrobial protein resulting in
                                                                   transgenic plants showing an enhanced resistance to powdery            III. STRUCTURAL GENOMICS
                                                                                                                                          Genome Sizes
                                                                   Nematode Resistance                                                       Genome sizes of roses are, similar to other Rosacea, rela-
                                                                      Four different geographic isolates of Meloidogyne hapla             tively small (Yokoya et al., 2000; Folta and Davis, 2006). The
                                                                   were used in artificial inoculation experiments to study resis-        astonishing finding that R. wichurana had an extremely small
                                                                   tance in genotypes of R. multiflora and R. indica genotypes as         genome of 0.1 pg/haploid genome (Bennett and Smith, 1991)
                                                                   well as progeny from four crosses (Wang et al., 2004b). Re-            could not be confirmed by more recent analyses with flow cy-
                                                                   sults show clear differences between genotypes and indicate            tometry with a value of 0.55 pg per haploid genome (Yokoya
                                                                   polygenic control of resistance to nematodes in roses.                 et al., 2000). Several studies found genome sizes of 0.3–0.8 pg
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                                                                                                                                          per haploid genome for a total of 33 rose species and several
                                                                                                                                          cultivars. This is equivalent to approximately 294 Mb (Dolezel
                                                                                                                                          et al., 2003) for R. blanda with the smallest genome which is
                                                                      In contrast to thorns, prickles are derived from the epidermal      comparable to the genome of R. persica and about two times as
                                                                   cell layer of the stem and occur in a large diversity of forms and     large as the Arabidopsis genome (Dickson et al., 1992; Shulaev
                                                                   densities in different rose species and varieties. While they have     et al., 2008). The study of Yokoya et al. (2000) is the most
                                                                   a certain ornamental value in garden roses they are usually neg-       extensive investigation and includes 34 rose genotypes from
                                                                   atively selected in cut- and pot roses (Chaanin, 2003). Several        29 different species and 5 cultivars. Differences were found in
                                                                   studies have shown that prickles on stems are inherited as sin-        DNA amounts between the sections and the subgenera within
                                                                   gle dominant genes (Debener ,1999; Zhang, 2003; Linde et al.,          the genus.
                                                                   2006; Shupert et al., 2007) and that they are independently in-
                                                                   herited from prickles on petioles (Lal et al., 1982; Crespel et al.,
                                                                   2002; Zhang, 2003). Both single genes and QTLs could be lo-            Linkage Maps/Populations
                                                                   cated on several rose linkage maps (Table 2, Rajapakse et al.,            Over the last ten years a number of linkage maps have been
                                                                   2001; Linde et al., 2006).                                             constructed most of which are based on diploid populations
                                                                                                                                          (Table 2). In all mapping projects, the mapping strategy was
                                                                   Dwarf Phenotype                                                        based on the so-called double pseudo test cross strategy, firstly
                                                                      Dwarf phenotypes probably introgressed from the diploid R.          constructing independent maps for each parent and later joining
                                                                   chinensis minima (Sims) were used to breed miniature roses             the linkage groups by markers segregating with alleles from
                                                                   (Shepherd, 1954; De Vries, 2003). Through repeated back-               both parents.

                                                                                                                                TABLE 1
                                                                                              Major Characteristics of Roses as Compared to other Rosaceae Model Species
                                                                                                     Rosa (diploid genotypes)         Malus x domestica         Prunus persica          Fragaria vesca
                                                                   No. of species in the genus       ∼180                            Approx. 35               Approx. 53              Approx. 20
                                                                   Genome size (Mb/C)                Approx. 300Mb                   750                      280                     206
                                                                   Chromosome number                 2n = 2x =14                     2n = 2x = 34             2n = 2x = 16            2n = 2x = 14
                                                                   Generation time
272                                                  T. DEBENER AND M. LINDE

                                                                                                                             TABLE 2
                                                                                                           Linkage Maps and Populations Available for Roses
                                                                    Name of               Number of        Number of                                            Linkage
                                                                   population             individuals       markers           Phenotypic traits mapped          groups               Reference
                                                                   94/1 (93/1-119 ×          99 F1             605          Double flowers, Pink flower         7 and 7       Debener and Mattiesch,
                                                                     93/1-117)                                               color                                             1999; Debener et al.,
                                                                     diploid                                                                                                   2002; Yan et al.,
                                                                                                                            5 Petal number QTLs                                2005; Spiller et al., in
                                                                                                                            5 Petal length QTLs
                                                                                                                            3 Petal width QTLs
                                                                                                                            2 Petal color QTLs
                                                                                                                            10 QTLs for plant vigor
                                                                                                                            6 QTLs for 4 scent volatiles
                                                                   97/7 (95/13-79 ×          170 F1            233          Double flowers, Rdr1                7 and 7       Linde et al. 2006;
                                                                     82/78-1)                                                 resistance, prickles, white                       Zhang 2003
                                                                     diploid                                                  stripes, 28 QTLs for
                                                                                                                              powdery mildew resistance,
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                                                                                                                              Rpp1 powdery mildew
                                                                   HW (H190 × R.             91 F1             241          Double flowers                      7 and 7       Crespel et al., 2002;
                                                                    wichurana)                                                                                                 Hibrand-Saint Oyant
                                                                                                                            1 Petal number QTL
                                                                    diploid                                                                                                    et al., 2008
                                                                                                                            1 Blooming date QTL
                                                                   90–69 (86–7 ×             52 F2             685          Prickles                           14 and 15      Rajapakse et al., 2001
                                                                   (“Blush Noisette”         96 F1             133          Double flowers                      7 and 7       Dugo et al., 2005
                                                                     (D10) × R.
                                                                     wichurana                                              4 Flower size QTLs
                                                                     (E15)) diploid                                         2 Flowering time QTLs
                                                                                                                            5 Leaf size
                                                                                                                            2 Powdery mildew resistance

                                                                       Three maps are based on crosses between R. multiflora           and 490 cM of the female (93/1-119) chromosomes and covers
                                                                   hybrids into which various genes from garden roses have been        approximately 90% of the rose genome with an average distance
                                                                   introgressed during the early 1970s (Debener, 1999; Debener         between markers from 1.2 (linkage group A4) to 3.6 cM (linkage
                                                                   and Mattiesch, 1999; Yan et al., 2005a; Linde et al., 2006). The    group A6). Meanwhile this map was again extended by addi-
                                                                   first rose map published is based on 60 individuals of the pop-     tional ESTs and SSRs, some of which segregate codominantly
                                                                   ulation 94/1 a cross between two half sib R. multiflora hybrids     (Spiller et al., in preparation). Ninety-nine individuals of
                                                                   that are seedlings of the same maternal genotype. This map was      this population were analyzed. The updated map of the male
                                                                   constructed with 157 RAPD and 119 AFLP markers. In addition         93/1-117 now has a length of 427 cM containing 260 markers,
                                                                   to the molecular markers single dominant loci for double flow-      including 186 AFLPs, 59 SSRs, 13 ESTs and a locus for flower
                                                                   ers and pink flower color could be mapped. The total map length     color. The largest gap with 14 cM was located on the lower
                                                                   was 326 and 270 cM for each parent respectively and 5 pairs of      end of linkage group 4. The female 93/1-119 map includes
                                                                   linkage groups could be linked by at least two markers segregat-    345 markers on 570 cM length, with 243 AFLPs, 75 SSRs, 17
                                                                   ing from both parents. Subsequently this map was extended with      ESTs and loci for the flower color, double flowers. A gap of 16
                                                                   SSR markers (Debener et al., 2001) and with additional plants       cM occurred on the lower end of linkage group 7. The parental
                                                                   (88 individuals) and markers (Yan et al., 2005a) which led to the   linkage groups could be linked to the map of Hibrand-Saint
                                                                   most extensive map published so far. It comprises a total of 520    Oyant et al. (2008) by 6 and 7 SSRs and the morphological
                                                                   markers including 58 SSR loci, CAPs and one RFLP marker             markers in both populations. An extended analysis of volatile
                                                                   for the Rdr1 locus and the genes for double flowers and flower      scent components was performed for the individuals of the
                                                                   color (Yan et al., 2005a). It spans 487 cM of the male (93/1-117)   94/1 population, leading to 6 significant (LOD>5.0) QTLs for
THE ROSE AS A MODEL PLANT                                                       273

                                                                   the nine evaluated components on nearly all linkage groups           have been mapped. Among these, 91 annotated EST markers
                                                                   except group 2 and group 6 of the male parent. Other flower          will also be mapped onto different diploid populations allowing
                                                                   traits were the petal number, petal length and width. All were       the alignment of diploid and tetraploid maps (Zamir, personal
                                                                   analyzed over various years and environments.                        communication).
                                                                       Pink flower color was recorded as an additive trait both vi-        All published maps contain some STS markers (SSRs and
                                                                   sually and photometrically at 525 nm after extraction of antho-      ESTs) potentially suitable to link the maps. A range of markers
                                                                   cyanins resulting in one significant QTL for each of the male        have already been exchanged between the labs to integrate both
                                                                   and female maps. A further map based on R. multiflora hybrids        diploid and tetraploid maps comprising genomic and EST SSRs
                                                                   (population 97/7) using 170 F1 individuals has been published        and ESTs. This map should allow a more efficient use of molec-
                                                                   by Linde et al. (2006) and comprises 233 markers (172 AFLPs,         ular markers across the maps, enabling the comparison of map
                                                                   50 RGAs, 4 SSRs, 4 morphological and 3 others). The total            positions of horticulturally important characters across genetic
                                                                   map length for this map is 370 and 354 cM respectively and           backgrounds and labs.
                                                                   72 biparental markers could be used to link all complementary
                                                                   linkage groups from the maternal and paternal map. The pheno-
                                                                                                                                        Synteny to Other Rosacea
                                                                   typic markers mapped comprise the genes for double flowers, a
                                                                                                                                            A few studies have demonstrated syntenic relationships
                                                                   single dominant gene for prickles, the Rdr1 gene for black spot
                                                                                                                                        of various degrees between genomes across the rose family.
                                                                   resistance, and the occurrence of white stripes on the petals.
                                                                                                                                        Whereas synteny within the genus Prunus is very high with
                                                                   However, the main reason in constructing this map was the
                                                                                                                                        essentially collinear genomes (Arus et al., 2006; Dirlewanger
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                                                                   analysis of QTL loci for powdery mildew resistance for which
                                                                                                                                        et al., 2004), several rearrangements have been detected be-
                                                                   a total of 28 QTLs could be located on the map some of which
                                                                                                                                        tween Prunus and Fragaria representing the Prunoideae and
                                                                   are stable across environments and experimental years.
                                                                                                                                        the Rosoideae (Vilanova et al., 2008). Here, the analysis with
                                                                       The second group of maps published made use of R. wichu-
                                                                                                                                        71 markers detected a larger number of rearrangements due to
                                                                   rana hybrids or R. wichurana selections crossed to diploid R.
                                                                                                                                        27 inversions and 9 translocations. In roses, attempts to utilize
                                                                   hybrida genotypes. Population Hw was obtained from an inter-
                                                                                                                                        genomic SSR markers from the well established Prunus maps
                                                                   cross between a R. wichurana hybrid and a dihaploid R. hybrida
                                                                                                                                        failed, as only a few markers gave consistent PCR amplifica-
                                                                   genotype generated by pollination of a tetraploid variety by X-
                                                                                                                                        tion and detected polymorphisms in roses (Rajapakse et al.,
                                                                   ray irradiated pollen and embryo rescue (Crespel et al., 2002;
                                                                                                                                        2001; Dugo et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2006; Hibrand-Saint
                                                                   Meynet et al., 1994). The population comprised 91 individuals
                                                                                                                                        Oyant et al., 2008). However, attempts to use ESTs or EST
                                                                   and segregated for double flowers and recurrent flowering. The
                                                                                                                                        derived SSR markers from Fragaria in Rosa were mostly suc-
                                                                   map was constructed independently for the female and male
                                                                                                                                        cessful and a macrosynteny study between the two genomes is
                                                                   parent with 68 and 108 AFLP markers respectively. Both the
                                                                                                                                        in progress (Hibrand-Saint Oyant and Denouyes, unpublished).
                                                                   recurrent flowering and double flower loci were mapped to link-
                                                                                                                                        First results indicate that although Fragaria and Rose share the
                                                                   age groups A6 and B4 respectively. In addition to these genes
                                                                                                                                        same basic chromosome number of 7, numerous rearrangements
                                                                   two QTLs for the number of prickles were also located close
                                                                                                                                        have occurred since the genera diverged (Hibrand-Saint Oyant
                                                                   to the recurrent flowering locus. This map was extended by
                                                                                                                                        and Denouyes, unpublished).
                                                                   Hibrand-Saint Oyant et al. (2008) on the same population, map-
                                                                   ping an additional 23 genomic and 18 EST-SSRs from roses,
                                                                   2 SSRs from Prunus, one from Malus and one from Fragaria.            BAC Libraries
                                                                   Two other diploid maps involving R. wichurana hybrids were              To date three BAC libraries have been constructed in roses
                                                                   generated, mapping some important phenotypic traits in relation      (Kaufmann et al., 2003; Hess et al., 2007; Biber et al., in press).
                                                                   to various molecular markers (Table 2, Dugo et al., 2005).           One of the libraries was constructed from DNA of a chromo-
                                                                       In addition to the diploid maps, a map has been constructed      some doubled R. rugosa genotype (Kaufmann et al., 2003).
                                                                   in a small F2 population of tetraploid plants (Rajapakse et al.,     With an average insert size of 102 kb and a total of 27262
                                                                   2001). The map of the female parent was comprised of 171             clones it covers 5.2 genome equivalents that results in a prob-
                                                                   markers distributed over 15 linkage groups whereas the male          ability of more than 99% to recover any given rose sequence
                                                                   map consisted of 167 markers on 14 linkage groups. In addi-          from the library. The second published library was made from
                                                                   tion, a dominant gene for the presence of prickles on the petiole,   the diploid R. chinensis cv. Old Blush, with the aim to isolate
                                                                   segregating independently from prickles on stems, was located        the recurrent flowering gene via positional cloning (Hess et al.,
                                                                   on the female linkage map on the telomeric end of linkage            2007). It comprises 30,720 clones with an average insert size of
                                                                   group seven (Rajapakse et al., 2001). Another more extensive         108 kb resulting in a 5.9 × genome coverage. The third library
                                                                   tetraploid map is currently under construction at the Hebrew         was constructed from DNA of the R. multiflora hybrid 88/124-
                                                                   University of Jerusalem in Israel. This map is based on 160          46 carrying the monogenic dominant black spot resistance gene
                                                                   progeny of a cross between the cultivars Golden Gate and Fra-        Rdr1. In contrast to the first two libraries which were constructed
                                                                   grant cloud, on which a larger number of molecular markers           in pBeloBACII and pECBAC1 vectors respectively, the library
274                                                    T. DEBENER AND M. LINDE

                                                                   from 88/124-46 was constructed in PCLD04541 (Jones et al.,             studies on scent related genes in roses were started and resulted
                                                                   1992), originally designed as a binary cosmid vector suitable for      in the characterization of a number of genes involved in volatile
                                                                   Agrobacterium mediated transformation (Tao and Zhang, 1998).           biosynthesis (see above).
                                                                   This library comprises about 60,000 clones with an average in-             In addition to these published projects a new set of ESTs has
                                                                   sert size of 48 kb. The smaller insert size was chosen to facilitate   been sequenced recently from vegetative apices of R. wichurana,
                                                                   Agrobacterium transformation of individual clones. A particular        a non recurrent wild species and floral buds of R. hybrida Black
                                                                   problem faced during the construction of all three libraries was       Baccara a recurrent modern cultivar (Foucher et al., submitted).
                                                                   the high amount of polysaccharides and polyphenols present in          After clustering, a total number of 2,336 unique sequences were
                                                                   rose leaves which complicates the isolation of high molecular          obtained that will be used to investigate the flowering control in
                                                                   weight DNA. This problem was circumvented for the R. rugosa            roses.
                                                                   and the 88/124-46 library by the use of high concentrations                Interestingly, in both EST projects a larger number of tran-
                                                                   of PVP 40, DIECA and 2-mercaptoethanol, whereas modified               scripts (around 30%) did not match to any annotated sequence
                                                                   plant cultivation conditions and an increased number of washing        in the common databases (Channeliere et al., 2002; Gutermann
                                                                   steps were used for the R. chinensis library. The libraries from       et al., 2002). One reason for this might be technical problems
                                                                   both R. rugosa and the R. multiflora hybrid 88/124-46 were used        generally encountered during homology searches with partial
                                                                   to construct contigs around the Rdr1 black spot resistance gene.       transcripts. However, the high number of these “non-matches”
                                                                   The R. rugosa contig comprises six clones spanning an interval         is a first indication that a larger number of rose petal genes are
                                                                   of 0.36 cM. From this contig probes were used to construct a ho-       either unique or too divergent from genes from other taxa to
Downloaded By: [University of Michigan] At: 07:29 7 January 2011

                                                                   mologous contig from 88/124-46. With additional segregating            be picked up via sequence homology therefore underlining the
                                                                   progeny the new contig could be reduced to four clones span-           necessity for further transcriptome analysis in this genus.
                                                                   ning an interval of 0.2 cm and 300 kb of DNA (Biber et al., in             Currently the EST collection is being enlarged by an extended
                                                                   press). A problem that occurred during the contig construction         EST project the aim of which is the sequencing of several rose
                                                                   was the assembly of allelic BACs caused by the high level of           tissues harvested under different physiological conditions by
                                                                   heterozygosity in roses.                                               means of the novel 454 sequencing strategy (M. Bendamahne,
                                                                                                                                          personnel communication).
                                                                   IV. FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS
                                                                       Functional genomics in roses is still in its infancy and com-      Floral Fragrance
                                                                   pared to other rosaceae e.g. apple or model species little in-
                                                                                                                                             Fragrance is one of the most important characters of orna-
                                                                   formation about expressed genes is yet available. Most of the
                                                                                                                                          mental roses and therefore an important trait selected in breeding
                                                                   published reports on gene expression focus on floral character-
                                                                                                                                          programmes for garden roses. However, in cut roses this char-
                                                                   istics like flower color, flower morphology, flower senescence,
                                                                                                                                          acter seems to be inversely correlated to vase life and resistance
                                                                   and floral fragrance. Major progress was achieved through two
                                                                                                                                          to stress during transportation (Chaanin, 2003). This leads to
                                                                   flower petal projects that apart from generating data on volatile
                                                                                                                                          a loss of strong fragrance in cut-rose varieties and therefore
                                                                   biosynthesis genes led to the publication of useful EST se-
                                                                                                                                          only a few very lightly scented cut-rose varieties are available
                                                                   quences (Channeliere et al., 2002; Guterman et al., 2002).
                                                                                                                                          to date (Chaanin, 2003). Phytochemical analyses of rose scent
                                                                                                                                          composition date back to the 1970s and more than 400 differ-
                                                                   EST Libraries                                                          ent volatiles have been identified in rose petals (Flament et al.,
                                                                      Several small scale EST sequencing projects in roses have re-       1993). Therefore, fragrance is a complex character determined
                                                                   sulted to date, in a total of about 9,300 ESTs available in public     by mixtures of volatiles that can be grouped into the following
                                                                   databases to date. These can be accessed via two web links. A          five major series: hydrocarbons (mostly sesquiterpenes), alco-
                                                                   smaller set of about 5,300 ESTs is stored at the GDR (Genome           hols (mostly terpenes such as geraniol, nerol, and citronellol),
                                                                   database for the Rosaceae,             esters (mostly acetates such as hexyl acetate or geranyl acetate),
                                                                   projects/rosa/unigeneV3/index.shtml) at Washington State Uni-          aromatic ethers (3,5-dimethoxytoluene, benzyl methyl ether and
                                                                   versity, whereas a larger set of about 10,000 ESTs is                  methyl-eugenol), and others such as aldehydes, aliphatic chains,
                                                                   hosted by URGI (Genomic-info Research Unit, http://urgi.               rose oxides, and norisoprenes such as ß-ionone (Antonelli et al.,
                                                          run by the INRA in France. Chan-           1997; Caissard et al., 2005).
                                                                   neliere et al. (2002) analyzed 1794 ESTs from petals of the R.            Several O-methyl transferases were isolated by differential
                                                                   chinensis cultivar Old Blush. These clustered as 877 unigenes.         expression (Guterman et al., 2002), EST analysis (Channeliere
                                                                   In a similar study Guterman et al. (2002) sequenced and ana-           et al., 2002; Scalliet et al., 2002) or by homology to published
                                                                   lyzed 3,500 ESTs from petals of two cultivars, Fragrant cloud          sequences (Wu et al., 2003). They are responsible for the last
                                                                   and Golden Gate, which clustered into 2,139 unigenes. A large          steps in the biosynthesis of phenolic methyl esters as e.g.,
                                                                   number of sequences (about 15%) were unique sequences puta-            DMT (3,5-dimethoxy toluene), TMB (1,3,5-trimethoxy ben-
                                                                   tively related to scent metabolism. From both projects functional      zene), or methyleugenol. Two of these genes (Rh OOMT1 and
THE ROSE AS A MODEL PLANT                                                        275

                                                                   RhOOMT2) were shown to be upregulated during petal devel-              rose homologues for genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis
                                                                   opment and localized predominantly in the adaxial epidermal            include an ACC oxidase (RhACO1) and three ACC synthases
                                                                   cells. The function of rose OOMTs was confirmed by feed-               (Muller et al., 2000b; Wang et al., 2004a; Ma et al., 2006).
                                                                   ing experiments with cell free petal extracts and heterologous         In addition, homologues of genes involved in ethylene percep-
                                                                   expression in E. coli.                                                 tion and signaling like e.g., CTR1 and 2 (Muller et al., 2002)
                                                                      In addition to the OOMTs phloroglucinol O-                          EIN3 (Muller and Stummann, 2003a), ETR1-3 (Ma et al., 2005,
                                                                   methyltransferases (POMTs) were isolated and characterized             2006) have been isolated by homology based approaches. Stud-
                                                                   (Wu et al., 2004). These enzymes are crucial for the synthesis         ies of flower development revealed differential regulation during
                                                                   of TMB as in contrast to OOMTs they are able to methylate              different developmental stages as well as differences between
                                                                   phloglucinol.                                                          genotypes with differences towards artificial ethylene treatment
                                                                      Transcriptomic experiments using a small rose petal microar-        (Ma et al., 2005; Ma et al. 2006; Tan et al., 2006). However these
                                                                   ray (Guterman et al., 2002) were also able to characterize a ger-      results so far do not fit the known ethylene signaling networks
                                                                   macrene D synthase involved in the biosynthesis of Germacrene          as e.g., analyzed in Arabidopsis and need further investigation.
                                                                   D, an important sesquiterpene volatile. Analysis of cell free ex-          Flower senescence was studied in pot rose varieties with
                                                                   tracts as well as expression experiments in E. coli confirmed          differing vase life. R. hybrida cv. Vanilla has a long vase life and
                                                                   that the enzyme is responsible for the conversion of farnesyl          is less sensitive to ethylene, whereas R. hybrida cv. Bronze has
                                                                   diphosphate into Germacrene D (Guterman et al., 2002).                 a short vase life and a high sensitivity to ethylene. Transcript
                                                                      Key enzymes in the biosynthesis in volatile acetate esters          levels of RhACS increased in ‘Vanilla’ but remained low in
Downloaded By: [University of Michigan] At: 07:29 7 January 2011

                                                                   are alcohol acetyltransferases (AATs). Acetate esters are major        ‘Bronze,’ whereas transcript levels of RhACO increased more in
                                                                   constituents of the volatile profiles of some rose varieties (Shalit   ‘Bronze’ as compared to ‘Vanilla’ (Muller et al. ,2000b). Similar
                                                                   et al., 2003). The expression of an AAT gene isolated from a           differences were found for transcript levels of RhETR1 and
                                                                   rose petal EST library was shown to be regulated during petal          RhETR2 which were higher in ‘Bronze’ than in ‘Vanilla’ or for
                                                                   development. The function of the gene product was analyzed             RhETR3 that was only expressed during senescence in ‘Bronze’
                                                                   in feeding experiments after expression in E.coli extracts and         (Muller et al., 2000a). However, as for flower development these
                                                                   geraniol was shown to be the preferred substrate (Shalit et al.,       observations as well as observation on the regulation of Rh
                                                                   2003).                                                                 CTR1/2 (Muller et al., 2002) and RhEIN3 (Muller et al., 2003a)
                                                                                                                                          are in contrast to common models of regulation of ethylene
                                                                                                                                          signaling (Bishopp et al., 2006) thus indicating that additional
                                                                   Flower Color
                                                                                                                                          experiments are needed to elucidate the role of ethylene in rose
                                                                      Genes coding for proteins involved in flavonoid metabolism
                                                                                                                                          flower senescence.
                                                                   are among the most extensively studied genes in ornamental
                                                                   plants. Therefore, they were also among the first rose genes
                                                                   isolated. A gene for dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) has             Plant Morphology Architecture/Flower Morphology
                                                                   been characterized as being developmentally regulated in petals
                                                                                                                                              The functional characterization of genes involved in floral
                                                                   and also expressed in sepals, prickles and styles (Tanaka et al.,
                                                                                                                                          morphology so far has been restricted to MADS box genes
                                                                   1995). Functional studies with this gene were done by heterolo-
                                                                                                                                          with homology to homeotic Arabidopsis floral organ identity
                                                                   gous expression in Petunia resulting in the accumulation of high
                                                                                                                                          genes (Weigel and Meyerowitz, 1994). Homologues of the C-
                                                                   amounts of pelargonidin and therefore confirming the function
                                                                                                                                          type gene AGAMOUS were isolated from R. rugosa (Kitahara
                                                                   of the cDNA.
                                                                                                                                          and Matsumoto, 2000) and Rosa hybrida cv. Montrea (Chmel-
                                                                      Many compounds of the flavonoid pathway are glycosylated
                                                                                                                                          nitsky et al., 2003) with degenerate primers for the conserved
                                                                   at various positions. One glycosyltransferase has recently been
                                                                                                                                          MADS box domain. In R. rugosa two genes (Masako C1 and
                                                                   isolated and characterized (Ogata et al., 2005). In addition to
                                                                                                                                          D1) are expressed in stamens and carpels comparable to expres-
                                                                   the few genes characterized in more detail several ESTs with
                                                                                                                                          sion patterns of AGAMOUS (Kitahara and Matsumoto, 2000).
                                                                   significant similarities to known genes in the biosynthesis of
                                                                                                                                          Overexpression under the 35S promoter in Arabidopsis and Tor-
                                                                   flavonoids are present in the EST libraries mentioned above
                                                                                                                                          renia induced homeotic transformations of floral organs as ex-
                                                                   (Guterman et al., 2002; Channeliere et al., 2002).
                                                                                                                                          pected for C-function genes and indicating a redundant function
                                                                                                                                          in rose flower development (Kitahara et al., 2004). With a sim-
                                                                   Ethylene Metabolism                                                    ilar strategy the B function genes MASAKO BP and B3 ortho-
                                                                      Ethylene signaling is involved in a number of physiological         logues of PISTILLATA and APETALA 3 respectively were iso-
                                                                   processes in roses among which are germination, growth, organ          lated (Kitahara et al., 2001). Both genes are expressed in petals
                                                                   abscission, flower development, and leaf and flower senescence         and stamens as expected for B-type genes. In this study an-
                                                                   (Müller and Stummann, 2003b). In roses mostly flower develop-         other B-type gene, MASAKO euB3 with similarity to APETALA
                                                                   ment and flower senescence have been studied (Ma et al., 2005;         3 that is expressed in all floral organs was isolated (Hibino
                                                                   Tan et al., 2006; Müller, 2000a, b; Wang et al., 2004a). Cloned       et al., 2006). Phylogenetic analyses indicate that MASAKO euB3
276                                                    T. DEBENER AND M. LINDE

                                                                   belongs to the euAP3 lineage whereas MASAKO B3 belongs to              target cells were based on Agrobacterium mediated transfor-
                                                                   the TM6 lineage (Kitahara et al., 2001; Hibino et al., 2006).          mation. A range of Agrobacterium strains for example C58C1
                                                                   When all three genes were overexpressed in Arabidopsis and             and AGL0 (Derks et al., 1995; Condliffe et al., 2003), GV3101
                                                                   tobacco no homeotic phenotype could be observed. However,              (Souq et al., 1996; van der Salm et al., 1997, 1998; Li et al.,
                                                                   the combined overexpression of Masako BP and Masako B3 in-             2002b), EHA 105 and GV2260 (Dohm et al., 2001, 2002),
                                                                   duced transitions from sepals to petals and modified carpels to        LBA4404 (2004b) were successfully used in transformation ex-
                                                                   staminoid carpels similar to phenotypes induced by ectopic ex-         periments under various experimental conditions. All reported
                                                                   pression of the Arabidopsis PI/AP3 genes (Hibino et al., 2006).        rose transformation experiments made use of the neomycin
                                                                   The combined overexpression of Masako BP and Masako euB3               phosphotransferase gene (npt II) as a selectable plant trans-
                                                                   transformed sepals into petals. This indicates that in roses the       formation marker with varying concentrations of kanamycin for
                                                                   combined action of the gene products of Masako B3 and Masako           the selection of transgenic tissues. Transformation rates reach a
                                                                   BP is involved in petal and stamen development whereas the             maximum of 3% but are strongly dependent on the genotype due
                                                                   combined action of the products of Masako BP and Masako                to genotype-dependent regeneration frequencies (Dohm, 2003;
                                                                   euB3 is only involved in petal development.                            Burrell et al., 2006).
                                                                                                                                              A major goal for genetic engineering in many ornamental
                                                                                                                                          crops has always been the manipulation of flower colors (Tanaka
                                                                   V. ROSE BIOTECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                                          et al., 2008). In roses blue flower colors do not occur natu-
                                                                       Rose biotechnology dates back to the 1970s when the first in
                                                                                                                                          rally and therefore speculations on biotechnological approaches
                                                                   vitro cultures were reported (Elliot, 1970). Since then in vitro
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                                                                                                                                          to obtain blue hues in rose petals go back to the early 1990s
                                                                   techniques have been widely used to rapidly multiply cultivars,
                                                                                                                                          (Lawson, 1991). Only recently this goal was reached by ma-
                                                                   to produce healthy and disease-free plants and finally as a pre-
                                                                                                                                          nipulating three genes simultaneously (Katsumoto et al., 2007).
                                                                   requisite for genetic engineering of rose genotypes. The largest
                                                                                                                                          Roses with light blue petals were obtained after silencing the
                                                                   number of reports focus on the optimization and application
                                                                                                                                          endogenous DFR gene and the introduction of a DFR gene
                                                                   of micropropagation of rose shoots which have been reviewed
                                                                                                                                          from Iris as well as a F3 5 H from violets (Takahatsu et al.,
                                                                   several times (Skirvin et al., 1984; Rout et al., 1999; Borissova
                                                                                                                                          2007). However, clearly blue petals were only obtained after a
                                                                   et al., 2000; Jabbarzadeh and Khosh-Khui, 2005; Pati et al.,
                                                                                                                                          large number of rose varieties had been screened for the right
                                                                   2006) and which will not be discussed here. A key technique
                                                                                                                                          pH of petal cells and proper copigmentation (Tanaka, personal
                                                                   for rose biotechnology has been the induction and regeneration
                                                                                                                                          communication) indicating that even engineering simple bio-
                                                                   of somatic embryos as reviewed in Roberts et al. (1995) as all
                                                                                                                                          chemical pathways may be very challenging.
                                                                   published transformation protocols make use of regeneration
                                                                                                                                              Another target for genetic engineering in roses has been in-
                                                                   of transgenic plants from somatic embryos. Explant sources for
                                                                                                                                          creased disease resistance. Overexpression of a rice chitinase
                                                                   somatic embryogenesis include leaves (de Wit et al., 1990; Rout
                                                                                                                                          gene increased resistance to black spot (Marchant et al., 1998b).
                                                                   et al., 1991, Dohm et al., 2001; Kim et al., 2004; Estabrooks
                                                                                                                                          Expression of the Ace-AMP1 antimicrobial gene from onion
                                                                   et al., 2007), stem segments (Rout et al., 1991), immature seeds
                                                                                                                                          seeds increased the resistance of transgenic roses to powdery
                                                                   (Kunitake et al., 1993), petioles and roots (Marchant et al.,
                                                                                                                                          mildew both in detached leaf as well as in vivo greenhouse as-
                                                                   1996; Sarasan et al., 2001), filaments and petioles (Burrell et al.,
                                                                                                                                          says (Li et al., 2003). A Chitinase, a glucanase, and a ribosome
                                                                   2006), roots (van der Salm et al., 1996a) and protoplast derived
                                                                                                                                          inhibiting gene from barley as well as a gene for T4 lysozyme
                                                                   callus (Matthews et al., 1991; Schum et al., 2001). The latter
                                                                                                                                          increased resistance to black spot, powdery mildew, and downy
                                                                   reports focus on the isolation of protoplasts from roses, their fu-
                                                                                                                                          mildew (Dohm et al., 2001; Schulz, personal communication).
                                                                   sion and the regeneration to intact plants. However, to date only
                                                                                                                                          In order to manipulate plant architecture ROL A, B, and C genes
                                                                   Matthews et al. (1991) could regenerate protoplast fusion prod-
                                                                                                                                          were transferred to rose cultivars and rootstocks and enhanced
                                                                   ucts between two different species into intact plants. Several
                                                                                                                                          adventitious root formation and stimulated axillary bud break
                                                                   reports investigated the amount of somaclonal variation after
                                                                                                                                          in non transgenic scions grafted on transgenic rootstocks (Souq
                                                                   regeneration of somatic embryos and conclude that the amount
                                                                                                                                          et al., 1996; van der Salm, 1997, 1998). In addition, a number
                                                                   of variation is low (Arene et al., 1993; Souq et al., 1996; Dohm
                                                                                                                                          of marker genes including GUS and GFP were transferred dur-
                                                                   et al., 2001; Condliffe et al., 2003, Kim et al., 2004a).
                                                                                                                                          ing establishment of transformation protocols (Matthews et al.,
                                                                                                                                          1994; Firoozabady et al., 1994; Li et al., 2002b; Kim et al.,
                                                                   Genetic Engineering                                                    2004b).
                                                                      Several rose transformation and regeneration protocols have
                                                                   been published over the last 15 years (reviewed in Dohm, 2003)
                                                                   and in several labs rose transformation although tedious due to        VI. CONCLUSION
                                                                   low transformation rates can be considered to be a routine tech-          Based on a favorable combination of genetic parameters roses
                                                                   nique. All but two reports (Marchant et al., 1998a, b) in which        are a very interesting model for complex ornamental genomes
                                                                   particle bombardment was used to deliver the transgenes to the         and in particular for woody perennials. Linkage maps in diploid
THE ROSE AS A MODEL PLANT                                                                            277

                                                                   populations with no juvenile period have already significantly                      Blechert, O. and Debener, T. 2005. Morphological characterization of the in-
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                                                                   whole genome approaches. An area that will immediately profit                       Burrell, A. M., Lineberger, R. D., Rathore, K. S., and Byrne, D. H. 2006. Genetic
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