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 L. Clasing1*, E. Waffenschmidt1, H. Rost van Tonningen 2
 Cologne Institute for Renewable Energy, TH Köln - Cologne, Germany
 Solteq Energy B.V – Leeuwarden, Netherlands

 *Corresponding author. E-mail:

 In this work a design and simulation of an off-grid system for a novel wind-driven reverse osmosis desalination
 technology, which provides drinking water and electrical energy, is presented. The system is designed according
 to technological, sustainable, ecological and economic criteria on the example of the Johnny Cay Regional Park.
 The novel wind-driven desalination technology is based on a hydraulic drivetrain and enables seawater
 desalination by reverse osmosis with low conversion losses and is now intended to additionally generate electrical
 energy from excess wind energy. Furthermore, the hydraulic drivetrain promises variable-speed transmission for
 an electrical generator and can take over the network formation. Thus, a new approach for an off-grid system
 compatible to a wind turbine with variable-speed transmission as a network generator is needed. Additionally, a
 concept has been developed to black start the wind turbine with a low-budget backup battery inverter, which is
 easy to find in remote areas with frequent power failures or without grid connection. For analyzing and evaluating
 the design, measurements in an experimental test setup of the wind turbine were performed in the laboratory.

 Keyword: off-grid systems, wind-driven desalination, variable-speed transmission, photovoltaics

1. Introduction pressure oil pump of a reverse osmosis (RO) can be used
 for seawater desalination. Drinking water from seawater
As in many other places around the world, the island can be obtained with this technology with low
Johnny Cay (Colombia) has a simultaneous need for conversion losses [4][5][6]. In addition, the hydraulic
drinking water and electrical energy. Johnny Cay is drivetrain promises a variable-speed transmission for
located in a Regional Park in the archipelago of San the operation of an electric generator [7]. As a result, a
Andrés (Colombia) and this area has been declared a connected synchronous generator (SG) can be used
marine protected area as part of the UNESCO Biosphere directly without inverter power electronics for mains
Reserve [1]. Furthermore, the Regional Park is a popular supply or the formation of an off-grid system. In
destination for tourists with around 350,000 visitors a particular, the grid quality in off-grid systems with the
year [2]. In biosphere reserves in remote areas or on sole use of renewables can be improved [8]. Thus, a new
islands, a connection to a national grid is often approach for an off-grid system must be developed in
uneconomical or can only be realized with great which a SG, driven by the hydraulic drivetrain in a wind-
technical effort. For this reason, off-grid systems are turbine, takes over the task of network formation. The
often the only chance to enable sustainable tourism in design should also include an analysis of the
biosphere reserves with flexible energy supplies. requirements and conditions as well as the selection and
Additionally, the special criteria for nature conservation dimensioning of the possible components of the off-grid
exclude the combustion of fossil fuels to cover the system, considering the criteria of a biosphere reserve in
energy requirements. ecological, economic and social terms. Furthermore, a
That leads to the aim of this work to design a battery- redundant backup battery inverter with uninterruptible
based wind photovoltaic off-grid system for a novel power supply (UPS) for the safe operation and black
wind-turbine technology in the pilot phase on the start capability of the wind-driven desalination system
example of the Johnny Cay Regional Park. This wind- will be implemented.
turbine technology is developed by the company Solteq In an experimental test setup with a three-phase SG and
Energy B.V. and the pilot project is intended to a UPS system, a crucial part of the off-grid system and
contribute to sustainable tourism [3]. The wind-turbine the wind turbine is to be simulated. This should provide
with a novel hydraulic drivetrain technology, which is insights into the real operating behavior of the designed
mechanically coupled via a hydraulic motor to the high- off-grid system with the UPS system. The aim of the

Proceedings COA_ER 2020 1
simulation is to analyze and assess the voltage quality Furthermore, the system is to be designed on the basis
with and without the use of the UPS battery in different that the electrical energy generators are already set in
scenarios. This work should provide a basis for further their dimension, with PWIND = 12 kVA and PPV = 1.7
installations of the novel wind-turbine technology to kWp, due to project requirements.
enable people to supply drinking water and electrical
energy in remote regions, away from national 3.2. Experimental Test Setup
interconnected grids. The laboratory test bench, as shown in Figure 1, consists
 of a SG powered by a Leonard motor control system.
2. Literature Review
In previous work [8] an approach for an optimal
combination in a hybrid renewable energy off-grid
system of installed wind turbines and PV systems was
developed for remote areas in which there is no
possibility of using a diesel generator. The goal was to
determine an optimal configuration at minimal cost,
provided that all analytical model equations are known.
The design provides for a DC-coupled system in which
a battery storage device is to compensate for the
fluctuation in the available energy supply. It should be Figure 1. Leonard motor control system with
determined which is the optimal proportion of the synchronous generator of a laboratory facility in the
producers when combining wind turbines and PV Institute for Electrical Power Engineering of the Cologne
systems in order to reduce costs to a minimum. For this University of Applied Sciences
purpose, the energy production of PV systems and wind
turbines should be considered together. It was found that The Leonard motor control system consists of a three-
an increase in the share of wind turbines from 8% to phase asynchronous machine (M1) connected to the
33% results in a significant reduction in the costs for PV mains as a drive for a separately excited DC machine
systems and battery storage. (M2). At the clamps of the DC machine (M2), a further
An autonomous wind turbine with hydrostatic externally excited DC machine (M3) is connected as a
transmission that drives a RO directly via a mechanical drive for a three-phase synchronous machine (M4).
coupling was developed and installed in Curacao [4]. This makes it possible to variably operate the SG in
Because the storage of excess energy for a RO operation terms of voltage and frequency within specified limits.
during a low wind supply has proven to be very Due to the voltage and frequency variability, this test
uneconomical, no electrical energy is generated in this setup is suitable as a simulation of the wind turbine with
wind turbine. For this purpose, an electronic control the novel hydraulic drivetrain.
system was dispensed with in this configuration. Due to
the direct coupling, the production of the permeate 4. Results and Discussion
varies depending on the wind speed. With this system, 4.1. Off-grid System Design and
an average drinking water production of 5-10 m³ per day
was achieved. Apart from the uneconomical energy
 In this work, an off-grid system for a wind turbine with
storage for the RO operation, an electronic control
 variable-speed transmission was designed and
system would optimize the operation of the entire
 evaluated according to technological, sustainable,
system and further increase the permeate capacity.
 ecological and economic criteria. For the components
In further works [5][6] tests and simulations of wind-
 of the off-grid system, a possible selection,
turbines with hydraulic drivetrains have been done for
 dimensioning and implementation was developed.
the reverse osmosis part.
 The off-grid system was designed as a single-phase AC
 grid, as seen in Figure 2, in which the generators are
3. Methodology both DC and AC coupled and a modular extendable
 3.1. Design and Concept AC bus. The network formation can be done by the
Local conditions like the barriers of the construction wind-turbines generator as well as by a bidirectional
site, climatic conditions, generator and load profiles battery inverter from a battery storage.
must be analyzed for dimensioning and defining the After evaluation of the historic climatic data, the
type of the network system and the components. There network formation should be done primarily by the
are different possibilities when defining a grid system generator, thus can be saved in the dimensioning of the
type for an off-grid system. The grid system can be bidirectional battery inverter, costs. Other advantages of
DC-coupled, AC-coupled or AC-DC-coupled [9]. using a generator as a network generator are in its
Particularly the requirements of the hydraulic damping property in switching operations and
drivetrain with variable-speed transmission must be consequent compensation processes in the network.
considered in the choice of the generator. The variable- The maximum system power calculation has shown that
speed transmission offers the advantage of directly the wind turbine has an apparent power of 12 kVA and
using a generator with synchronous speed, because the an active power of 9.6 kW with a power factor of 0.8.
frequency no longer needs to be adjusted by a The PV-system has a peak power of 1.7 kWp under
converter. Standard Test Conditions. The planned load output of
 Proceedings COA_ER 2020 2
13.38 kW, considering the own needs of the wind-
desalination system, is thus not achieved. 4.2. Experimental Test Setup
A dimensioning for the battery storage could not be In this section the developed experimental test setup,
made because the planned energy demand with the which is presented in this work, is described. All used
required autonomy of one day would require a battery devices of the setup are listed in Table 1. The SG is
storage with a capacity of 6480 Ah. The investment connected to an adjustable power resistor set, which
costs would be very high and therefore a potential simulates the loads in the off-grid system, as shown in
profitability must be checked in a computerized yield Figure 3. This will be used to investigate switching
forecast. operations in the off-grid and its impact on grid quality.

 Table 1. Device list of the experimental test setup

 Device characteristics
 Device U I/C P/E
 (V) (Ah) (kWh)
 Leonard motor
 AC/DC - - -
 control system
 3-phase AC
 AC, Siemens, 380/ 33/
 Synchronous 12.5
 1FA3 144 B3 230 55
 UPS Battery Interactive,
 110 . 3.5
 Inverter [12] Panda,
 Battery Bank 12 120 5.76
 Resistor Bank Ohmic - - -

 The low-budget backup UPS has a battery bank
 consisting of 4 series-connected batteries with a battery
 Figure 2. Example of an off-grid system design for a
 voltage VBAT = 12 V DC and a total capacity C = 120
 stand-alone wind-drive desalination-system with black
 start capability
 Ah. The important difference to the off-grid design, is
 that in this experiment, the 3 phase windings of the SG
In the designed system, the excess energy from the RO are led out to a three-phase network. This allows a
is to be used to generate electrical energy. For this simultaneous investigation of the performance of a
purpose, a hydraulic motor is available as the drive string with and without connected UPS. It should be
machine for the generator, which is fed by the hydraulic noted that the phase windings are loaded unbalanced in
drivetrain of the wind turbine. As described in section the SG as a result of unbalanced load, this leads to
3.1, the speed of the hydraulic motor from the hydraulic additional losses in the massive iron.
drivetrain and the hydraulic control should be variable
and permanently adjustable. This should be used as the
basis for the selection of a generator and the formation
of the off-grid system.
There are different types of generators with which a
conversion would be conceivable, but some are
associated with complex power electronics or even
higher technical expenditure such as reactive power
generators. SGs are used almost exclusively in stand-
alone grids because they can provide both active power
and reactive power without additional equipment. It
follows from this and from the fixed speed of the drive Figure 3. The circuit design diagram of the experimental
machine that a SG can be used directly as a network test setup used for the simulation
generator in stand-alone networks, since the speed of the
generator is directly linked to the frequency of the phase The measuring setup consists of two measuring units,
voltage via the number of pole pairs in the stator whereby a time-resolved measurement of voltage U is
winding. The selection was therefore restricted to the recorded by an opto-coupler and current I by a Hall-
SG. The specification of the nominal speed n of the drive sensor. The measurement signal is transmitted to a
machine or hydraulic motor was specified with n = 1800 LabView program by an analog/digital converter. As
rpm at a mains frequency of 60 Hz. Due to the high shown in Figure 3, the measuring sensors are located
centrifugal forces, all-pole machines can only be used in between the generator and the converter, as well as
this speed range [11]. Due to the fixed speed of the between the converter and the power resistor. The root
hydraulic motor, the operating behavior of a diesel unit mean square (RMS) values of voltage and current as
can be assumed as drive for the generator. well as the resulting quantities of power P, reactive
 power Q, apparent power S and frequency f were
 Proceedings COA_ER 2020 3
determined by the program from the following UR1 and UR2. The dependence of the transient voltage
equations 1-5: deviations on the power of the consumer can be seen
 from the different voltage peaks.
 2 1 + 
 = √ ∫ 0 2 [Eq. 1] 200 25
 175 20
URMS : Root mean square voltage (V)

 Voltage U / V

 Current / A
T : Time of one AC period (s) 125 15
t0 : Time (s)
 100 10
u : Instantaneous value of voltage (V)
 75 5
 2 1 + 2 25 0
 = √ ∫ 0 [Eq. 2] 0 -5
IRMS : Root mean square current (A) 0 25 50 75 100 125
i : Instantaneous value of current (A) Time t / s
 U_R2 U_R1 I_R1
 = ∗ = [Eq. 3] Figure 4. Measurement of the transient voltage behavior
P : Electrical power (kW) with gradual switching of loads in the off-grid system
 with ohmic resistors
 = ∗ = [Eq. 4]
Q : Reactive power (var) It can be seen that UR2 has a significantly smaller and
 shorter voltage deviation than with UR1. This is due to
 S = ∗ ∗ = | + | [Eq. 5] the voltage stabilizing property of the UPS battery
S : Apparent power (VA) inverter. According to a calculation from the measured
 values, there is a transient voltage deviation of + 45%
 over a period of 2 s for UR2 and approximately + 20%
 4.3. Simulation for a period of 300 ms for UR1. This would make UR1 in
Different scenarios are simulated in the experimental
 the permissible range and UR2 in the impermissible
test setup described above and the results are
 tolerance range of the guidelines used. It can still be
determined by using equations 1-5. Voltage and
 seen in the course that the voltage-stabilizing property
frequency behavior are observed when switching loads
 increases as the power is reduced but increases again
in the off-grid system. The rotor speed of the hydraulic
 when the load is completely disconnected. This
drivetrain is assumed to be constant, but there are still
 property contributes to voltage stability and can protect
slight speed fluctuations on the SG to be expected by
 the connected loads in the island grid from damage
the control [10]. Therefore, the fluctuating rotor speed
 caused by overvoltage. An improvement by an
of the wind turbine is simulated.
 automatic voltage regulation (AVR) integrated in the
Finally, the operating behavior and operation limits of
 SG in combination with the UPS battery inverter could
the selected UPS battery inverter in network and off-
 achieve a good result.
grid operation is to be examined in more detail.

 4.3.1. Switching Operations and 4.3.2. Rotor Speed Variation
 The influence on the battery charging current is to be
 Transient Voltages examined and a limit value for the speed change of the
There are no general limit values for transient voltage
 SG is to be set. Figure 5 shows the curve of the
increases in off-grid systems, everything is expediently
 effective value of the load current and the frequency
permissible if the consumers are not harmed.
 across a resistor as a function of time.
Therefore, the guide values given in [9] are applied so
 The curves were measured, the red curve represents the
that the voltage may deviate transiently by up to ± 20%
 frequency fR1 at the resistor R1 and the green curve the
from the nominal value for a maximum of 1.5 s. The
 frequency fR2 at the resistor R2. The yellow curve
curves in Figure 4 were measured and represent the
 shows the time course of the effective value of the
course of the RMS value of the voltages with and
 battery charging current I1 at the input of the UPS
without the UPS battery inverter with a step-by-step
 battery inverter. The frequency curve of the SG can be
increase and decrease of the current through ohmic
 observed at fR2, this corresponds exactly to the speed n
power resistors of different sizes depending on the
 of the SG of approximately n = 1350 rpm. From this
 value on, the charging process of the battery is
The red curve represents the voltage UR1 across resistor
 interrupted and resumed. This is repeated periodically
R1 and the green curve represents voltage UR2 across
 until the 45 Hz are exceeded again.
resistor R2. The yellow curve was also measured and
 For the UPS battery inverter, this means that the
represents the time course of the effective value of
 battery can no longer be properly charged from a
current IR1 through resistor R1. In this experiment,
 frequency of 45 Hz. The speed control of the
current IR1 is intended to simulate the load on the
 hydrostatic drive train must therefore be observed for
consumer. The expected transient voltage deviations
 this limit value.
due to network perturbations during switching
operations in an off-grid system can be clearly seen on
 Proceedings COA_ER 2020 4
80 20 110 V at resistor R1. It can also be seen from I 1 that the
 battery charging current also decreases with decreasing
 Frequency f / Hz

 Current I / A
 65 15 voltage and sets the battery charge when switching to
 55 inverter operation.
 50 10 This represents the system tolerances for the effective
 40 input and thus terminal voltage between 85 V and 120
 35 5 V, the mains-parallel UPS in the off-grid. The lower
 25 limit of the voltage tolerance of - 22.7% would not be
 20 0
 permissible regarding the applied guidelines from [9].
 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
 The upper limit of the voltage tolerance represents a
 Time t / s permissible deviation of + 9.1%. Based on this
 f_R1 f_R2 I_1 knowledge, an AVR would have to be adjusted to the
Figure 5. Measurement of the frequency behavior and the permissible voltage tolerances of the guidelines.
 battery charging current at the resistor when the rotor Another alternative to influence the system tolerances
 speed of the three-phase synchronous generator changes would be manual load separation by means of a load
 relay, at the generator's feed point into the off-grid. A
An increase in speed could have a similar effect on the voltage-stabilizing property could not be determined in
battery charging process but could only be simulated in comparison to the transient deviations in the network
this test up to 65 Hz, as this would exceed the feedback caused by switching operations in the island
maximum speed of the SG in the test. network.

 4.3.3. Generator Voltage Variation 5. Conclusion
In this experiment, a voltage change at the terminals of The design for the off-grid system meets the
the SG is to be simulated. This is achieved by changing requirements that have been developed in this work
the excitation direct current in the rotor winding. With and have been applied for the novel hydraulic
an AVR, this happens automatically and cannot be drivetrain. The use of a hydraulic drivetrain in wind-
controlled. The purpose of this investigation is to turbines with variable-speed transmission, above all
determine the limits within which battery charging is can play an important role in network stability in
possible and to provide a guideline for the design of the renewable energy off-grid systems but can also
AVR. Figure 6 shows the curve of the voltages across contribute to network stability in interconnected
the resistors R1 and R2 as well as the battery charging networks. The simulation with the UPS battery inverter
current of the UPS battery charger. The red curve and has shown that a voltage stabilization is achieved
the green curve were measured and represent the during transient compensation processes by switching
course of the effective value of the voltage UR1 and UR2 operations, but this does not significantly contribute to
across resistors R1 and R2. The yellow was also the stabilization of the voltage at permanent voltage
measured and represents the effective value of the deviations. To ensure optimum charging of the UPS
battery charging current I1. battery storage, the voltage deviation must not be
 greater than - 9.1% and + 22.7%, as seen in Figure 6,
 170 16 and not lower than 45 Hz, as seen in Figure 5. The
 160 14 reaction to the frequency of the UPS battery inverter in
 Voltage V [V]

 Current I [ A]

 140 off-grid mode under load is greatly modified.
 130 10 Therefore, the inverter is only suitable for an off-grid
 120 8
 110 6
 system in accordance with these limits. The switchover
 100 4 time of the UPS is 3 ms and is considered sufficient for
 90 all critical devices of the system. The operating limits
 80 2
 70 0 of the UPS and battery charging function have been
 60 -2 checked and must be included in the voltage and speed
 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 control system. Additionally, black start capability is
 Time t [s] achieved by the implementation of a redundant UPS
 V_UPS V_grid I_UPS with a low-budget backup UPS available in the local
 market. This makes an important contribution to the
Figure 6. Measurement of the voltage and current
behavior at the load resistor with voltage variation of the
 social aspects in this project.
three-phase synchronous generator It should also be mentioned that wind-driven
 desalination offers many advantages for a rural
UR2 is analogous to the RMS voltage curve at the input drinking water and electrical energy supply far away
of the UPS battery charger and can be used as a from national interconnected networks, both in
reference for the unmodified terminal voltage on the specially protected biosphere reserves and, above all, in
SG. It can be observed that from a terminal voltage of developing countries with high fuel prices. Considering
85 V and 120 V, which corresponds to a voltage long transport routes and high prices for fossil fuels, an
deviation of + 9.1% and - 22.7%, the system switches off-grid system powered by renewables can already be
to the UPS battery inverter which is parallel to the grid. profitable today. In the future, prices will rise due to
The inverter now provides a stable voltage of UR1 = the scarcity of fossil fuels such as crude oil, making the
 Proceedings COA_ER 2020 5
installation of off-grid systems based on hybrid
renewable energy sources economically more

The authors would like to thank the Dutch Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the community of Leeuwarden for
financing the project. Also, we would like to thank the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for
supporting the journey to the conference “COA_ER
2020” with the Erasmus+ program.

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 Proceedings COA_ER 2020 6
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