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2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
What we mean by Industry 4.0 / Survey key findings / Blueprint for digital success

Industry 4.0: Building
the digital enterprise

                                                             respondents in 26 countries

                                                             US$493 bn
                                                             in digital revenue gains p.a.

                                                             US$421 bn
                                                             p.a. in cost and efficiency gains

                                                             US$907 bn
                                                             in annual digital investments


04                                                             26

Introduction                                                   Blueprint for digital
06     What we mean by Industry 4.0                            success
                                                               27   Map out your Industry 4.0 strategy

                                                               29   Create initial pilot projects
                                                               30   Define the capabilities you need

                                                               31   Become a data virtuoso
Executive summary                                              31   Transform into a digital enterprise
08     Key findings from our survey research                   32   Actively plan an ecosystem approach
10     Blueprint for digital success

11                                                             33   About the survey

                                                               34   Contacts and acknowledgements

Key findings from our survey
11    Industry 4.0 - from talk to action

13    Digitisation drives quantum leaps in performance

15    Deepen digital relationships with more empowered

17    Focus on people and culture to drive transformation

18    Data analytics and digital trust are the foundation of
      Industry 4.0

21    Robust, enterprise-wide data analytics capabilities
      require significant change

22    Accelerating globalisation, but with distinct regional

24    Big investments with big impact: it’s time to commit

2    2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Global Industry 4.0 Survey: Building the digital enterprise

PwC’s 2016 Global Industry
4.0 Survey is the biggest
worldwide survey of its kind,
with over 2,000 participants
from nine major industrial
sectors and 26 countries. The
study explores the benefits
of digitising your company’s       Industry split of survey respondents
horizontal and vertical value
chains, as well as building                 Forest, paper & packaging 4               Aerospace, defence & security
                                                                       %      2%
your digital product & service                        Metals 8%
portfolio. Based on the                                                                                    Industrial
                                                                                                  21% manufacturing
findings and our experience                Other 8%

working with first movers,
we’ve also crafted a blueprint
for success to help you secure     Automotive 9                           Industry
your company’s position as                                                  split

a leading digital enterprise
in tomorrow’s complex               Transportation 9
                                                                                                                  Engineering &
                                                                                                          19% construction
industrial ecosystems.              & logistics

                                                 Electronics 10%
                                                                                  11% Chemicals

                                   Participating countries

                                             Canada                           Sweden              India
                                          USA                                                             China
                                                                     UK        Poland

                                                                                         Middle East

                                                                                 South Africa
                                                      Brazil                 Germany


                                                                                              Building the digital enterprise     3
Behind the scenes of the world’s leading industrial and
manufacturing companies, a profound digital transformation
is now underway.

                                 Industrial leaders are digitising           At the end of this transformation
                                 essential functions within their internal   process, successful industrial companies
                                 vertical operations processes, as well      will become true digital enterprises,
                                 as with their horizontal partners along     with physical products at the core,
                                 the value chain. In addition, they are      augmented by digital interfaces and
                                 enhancing their product portfolio with      data-based, innovative services. These
                                 digital functionalities and introducing     digital enterprises will work together
                                 innovative, data-based services. The        with customers and suppliers in
                                 2,000+ companies that we surveyed are       industrial digital ecosystems.
                                 expecting to dramatically increase their
                                 overall level of digitisation. While just   These developments will fundamentally
                                 33% rate their company as advanced          change individual companies, as well
                                 today, that number jumps to over 70%        as transform market dynamics across
                                 looking ahead to 2020.                      a whole range of industries. And that’s
                                                                             true in countries all around the world
                                 While terms like the industrial internet    – in both the developed as well as the
                                 or digital factory are also used to         emerging markets. Here’s what’s driving
                                 describe these changes, in this report      change:
                                 we use Industry 4.0 as a shorthand to
                                 describe a journey industrial companies     • Annual digital revenue
                                 are taking towards a complete value           increases of 2.9% on average
                                 chain transformation (see What we mean        – and a significant minority that
                                 by Industry 4.0).                             expect total increases of more than
                                                                               50% over five years. That adds up
                                                                               to US$493 bn in increased annual
                                                                               revenues for the next five years
                                                                               across the industrial sectors we

                                                                             • Cost reductions of 3.6% p.a .
                                                                               on average. Digital technologies
                                                                               enable shorter operational lead
                                                                               times, higher asset utilisation and
                                                                               maximum product quality; all told,
                                                                               our survey respondents expect to
                                                                               save US$421 bn in costs each year
                                                                               for the next five years.

4   Global Industry 4.o Survey
• Incremental and revolutionary                     Focus on people and digital               Digital trust is key
  product & service innovation                      transformation                            With so much change in store, there’s
  To generate these additional                      The biggest challenge of industrial       one area that companies can’t afford to
  revenues, companies will introduce                leaders isn’t technology - it is the      ignore: digital trust. Digital ecosystems
  new industrial products with digital              people. While digital technologies are    can only function efficiently if all
  features and augment their existing               rapidly becoming a commodity, success     parties involved can trust in the security
  portfolio. Digital services based on              largely depends on an organisation’s      of their data and communication,
  data analytics, or even complete                  Digital IQ1, especially how well its      as well as the protection of their
  digital solutions serving a customer              digital leaders like the CEO, CTO, or     intellectual property. Protecting your
  ecosystem, will drive breakthrough                CIO define, lead, and communicate         company and ensuring digital trust
  revenue growth.                                   the transformation. It’s also dependent   requires significant investment and
                                                    upon the digital qualifications of        clear guidelines for data integrity and
• A strong commitment to invest                     the employees who need to roll out        security.
  Industrial sectors are planning to                digital processes and services. Radical
  commit US$907 bn p.a. to Industry                 disruption isn’t always comfortable       The key findings we explore in the
  4.0 – around 5% of revenue p.a.                   for the people who make it happen,        first half of this report confirm that no
  A major focus of these investments                so change management will also            industrial company can afford to ignore
  will be on digital technologies like              be critical. And with data analytics      the fundamental changes that Industry
  sensors or connectivity devices, and              becoming a core capability for every      4.0 will bring. The second half provides
  on software and applications like                 industrial company, enhancing skills      a pragmatic, step-by-step blueprint
  manufacturing execution systems.                  and organisational structures will be     for how industrial companies can
  In addition, companies are investing              critical.                                 successfully build a digital enterprise.
  in training employees and driving
  required organisational change. 55%                                                         Please reach out to us for more details
  of the investments expect a payback                                                         on our research or to discuss our
  within two years.                                                                           approaches. The digital transformation
                                                                                              is underway: now is the time for your
To keep up, you’ll need to transform                                                          company to act!
your business.

Dr. Reinhard Geissbauer                          Jesper Vedso                             Stefan Schrauf
Head of EMEA Industry 4.0                        Global Industrial Products               Head of PwC Strategy& Industry 4.0
Digital Operations Team                          Leadership Team Member                   Team for Germany
+49 170 939 1263                                 +45 3945 9144                            +49 895 790 5317

1   PwC, 2015 Global Digital IQ Survey, September 2015.

                                                                                                           Building the digital enterprise   5
What we mean by                                                       1) Digitisation and integration
                                                                      of vertical and horizontal value
                                                                                                                              2) Digitisation of product and
                                                                                                                              service offerings
Industry 4.0                                                          chains
                                                                                                                              Digitisation of products includes the
In this report, the term ‘Industry                                    Industry 4.0 digitises and integrates                   expansion of existing products, e.g. by
4.0’ stands for the fourth industrial                                 processes vertically across the                         adding smart sensors or communication
revolution. Other related terms include                               entire organisation, from product                       devices that can be used with data
the ‘Industrial Internet’ or the ‘Digital                             development and purchasing, through                     analytics tools, as well as the creation
Factory’, although neither takes as                                   manufacturing, logistics and service.                   of new digitised products which focus
complete a view. While Industry 3.0                                   All data about operations processes,                    on completely integrated solutions.
focused on the automation of single                                   process efficiency and quality                          By integrating new methods of data
machines and processes, Industry 4.0                                  management, as well as operations                       collection and analysis, companies
focuses on the end-to-end digitisation                                planning are available real-time,                       are able to generate data on product
of all physical assets and integration                                supported by augmented reality and                      use and refine products to meet the
into digital ecosystems with value                                    optimised in an integrated network.                     increasing needs of end-customers.
chain partners. Generating, analysing
and communicating data seamlessly                                     Horizontal integration stretches beyond                 3) Digital business models and
underpins the gains promised by                                       the internal operations from suppliers                  customer access
Industry 4.0, which networks a wide                                   to customers and all key value chain
range of new technologies to create                                   partners. It includes technologies from                 Leading industrial companies also
value.                                                                track and trace devices to real-time                    expand their offering by providing
                                                                      integrated planning with execution.                     disruptive digital solutions such
While the term Industry 4.0 is                                                                                                as complete, data-driven services
becoming increasingly familiar, we use                                                                                        and integrated platform solutions.
it in a specific way in this report. In our                                                                                   Disruptive digital business models are
view, Industry 4.0 is driven by:                                                                                              often focused on generating additional
                                                                                                                              digital revenues and optimising
                                                                                                                              customer interaction and access. Digital
                                                                                                                              products and services frequently look to
                                                                                                                              serve customers with complete solutions
                                                                                                                              in a distinct digital ecosystem.

     Industry 4.0 framework and contributing digital technologies

                                                                  Mobile devices
                         Cloud computing                                                             IoT platforms

                                                                  cs as core
                                                          alyti                  ca
                                                     An                             pa
                                                   &               n and              bi
                                                ta        is a tio       in  te g       l
        Augmented                                       it al and ho             ra


                                                     i      tic
                                                    D er ue chai on        ri z    ti                                Location detection
        reality/wearables                              v val             ns t                                        technologies
                                                                                     on l

                                         pr o 2 . D i g d s erv

                                                                                         m er ac c ess
                                             d uct a n

                                                                                      sto n e s s

    Multilevel customer                                                  4.0
                                                                                  cu l b u s i

    interaction and                                                                                                   Advanced human-machine
                                                       i t i s ic

    customer profiling                                                                                                interfaces

                                                                                   it a

                                                    n                       ig

                                                      o e
                                                   of f
                                                     fe r            3 . D and
                                                          in g s m o d e l s

                                                                                              it y

                                             ta                                        l

          Big data analytics                      An                           a pa
                                                     a ly t                  c
          and advanced                                      ic s as c or e
                                                                                                         Authentication &
                                                                                                         fraud detection
                                    Smart sensors                                3D printing

6      2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Executive summary
 PwC’s 2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey of industrial
 companies is the biggest survey of its kind studying
 Industry 4.0 to date.

 With over 2,000 participants from           explores each finding in more detail.
 companies in nine major industrial          Based on the findings and our
 sectors and 26 countries, it goes to        experience working with some first
 the heart of company thinking on the        movers, we’ve also crafted a blueprint
 progress towards transforming into a        for implementation success. In the
 digital enterprise.                         second half, we detail six steps to help
                                             companies move from initial strategy
 We’ve distilled the results of our          all the way to taking a leading role in
 research into eight distinct key            tomorrow’s digital ecosystems.
 findings. The first half of our report

Key findings from our survey research

                                                  From talk
                                                  to action

                             Big                                           Digitisation
                        investments                                     drives quantum
                      with big impacts:                                     leaps in
                          it’s time                                       performance
                         to commit

              Industry 4.0
            is accelerating                                                          Deepen digital
           globalisation, but                                                      relationships with
            with a distinctly                                                      more empowered
                regional                                                               customers

                        enterprise-wide                                     Focus on
                         data analytics                                    people and
                      capabilities require                               culture to drive
                          significant           Data analytics           transformation
                            change                and digital
                                                 trust are the
                                                foundation of
                                                 Industry 4.0

                                                                                                        Building the digital enterprise   7
and operational savings. Their plans        even half of these expectations are met,
Key findings from                         for the next five years are even more
                                          ambitious and far-reaching, with digital
                                                                                      Industry 4.0 will fundamentally reshape
                                                                                      the competitive landscape and bring
our survey research                       products and services paving the way        fundamental change to established
                                          for disruptive business models.             industries.

1) Industry 4.0 - from talk to            2) Digitisation drives quantum              3) Deepen digital relationships
action                                    leaps in performance                        with more empowered customers

The buzz around Industry 4.0 has          Companies that successfully implement       Customers will be at the centre of the
moved from what some saw as PR            Industry 4.0 no longer need to choose       changes to value chains, products
hype in 2013 to investment and real       between focusing on a better top or         and services. Products, systems and
results today. Respondents expect to      bottom line. They can improve both at       services will be increasingly customised
significantly increase their portfolios   the same time. Over the next five years,    to customer needs, and many of our
of digital products and services; more    the companies we surveyed expect to         survey respondents say they plan to
than twice as many expect to be at an     increase annual revenues by an average      use data analytics to understand and
advanced level in this area by 2020       of 2.9% and reduce costs by an average      meet them. First movers who are
compared to today. Similarly, almost      of 3.6% p.a. First movers who combine       able to establish successful industrial
three-quarters of companies expect to     high investment levels with advanced        platforms will have a significant
have highly digitised horizontal and      digitisation are set to achieve even more   advantage over competitors. Ultimately,
vertical value-chain processes in five    dramatic gains.                             industrial companies will need to own
years.                                                                                relationships with the end customers
                                          All told, our survey respondents expect     who drive demand or at least integrate
Investment plans are extremely            to see US$421 bn in cost reductions         with platforms that allow them to
ambitious, with first movers in           and US$493 bn in increased annual           access the end customers efficiently.
particular already making significant     revenues p.a. for the next five years. If
Industry 4.0 investments and realising
both above-average digital revenues

8   2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
4) Focus on people and culture to                   6) Robust, enterprise-wide data             China’s industrial companies stand
drive transformation                                analytics capabilities require              out in all aspects of digitisation: they
                                                    significant change                          are expecting both above-average cost
Our survey respondents say that their                                                           reductions as well as increased digital
biggest implementation challenge isn’t              Industrial companies will need              revenues through to 2020. China is one
the right technology, it’s a lack of digital        to develop robust organisational            of the countries that stands to gain the
culture and skills in their organisation.           structures that support data analytics      most from automating and digitising
This finding is also consistent with                as an enterprise-level capability.          labour-intensive manufacturing
our Digital IQ research, which for nine             Half of the surveyed companies have         processes and needs to find a solution
years has explored how organisations                established dedicated data analytics        to rising employee remuneration. In
across industries can derive value                  functions, either on a corporate level      addition, Chinese companies are highly
from digital investments2. Digital IQ               to bundle talent or on a business unit      flexible and open to digital change.
emphasises that while investing in                  level to remain close to the operational
the right technologies is important,                business. However, 38% of companies         8) Big investments with big
ultimately success or failure will depend           currently rely on selective, ad-hoc         impacts: it’s time to commit
not on specific sensors, algorithms                 capabilities of single employees; another
or analytics programmes, but on                     9% have no significant capabilities at      Industry 4.0 investments are already
a broader range of people-focused                   all.                                        significant and our research suggests
factors. Industrial companies need to                                                           that global industrial products
develop a robust digital culture and to             7) Industry 4.0 is accelerating             companies will invest US$907 bn per
make sure change is driven by clear                 globalisation, but with a distinctly        year through to 2020. The major focus
leadership from the C-suite. They’ll                regional flavour                            of this investment will be on digital
also need to attract, retain, and train                                                         technologies like sensors or connectivity
digital natives and other employees who             Industry 4.0 will create digital networks   devices, as well as on software and
are comfortable working in a dynamic                and ecosystems that in many cases will      applications like manufacturing
ecosystem environment.                              span the globe, but still retain distinct   execution systems (MES). In addition,
                                                    regional footprints. Both developed         companies are also investing in training
5) Data analytics and digital trust                 and developing markets stand to gain        employees and driving organisational
are the foundation of Industry 4.0                  dramatically.                               change. More than half of respondents
                                                                                                expect their Industry 4.0 investments to
Data fuels Industry 4.0 and successful              Companies in Japan and Germany are          yield a return within two years or less,
data analytics is the prerequisite for              the furthest along in digitising internal   given investment of around 5% p.a. of
successful implementation of digital                operations and partnering across the        their annual revenue.
enterprise applications. It’s time to               horizontal value chain. With high
move from a phase of discovery and                  investment in technology and employee
understanding what data is available                training, they view their digital
and what it is worth to one of insights             transformation primarily in terms of
and action. ‘First movers’ are already              gains in operational efficiency, cost
making the shift and using data                     reduction and quality assurance. Our
analytics to help drive decision-making.            experience working with companies in
                                                    the US suggests that they are planning
As digital ecosystems expand, so does               to invest more heavily in developing
the importance of establishing strong               disruptive business models, as
levels of digital trust, backed up by               companies move quickly to digitise their
transparency and non-repudiation                    product and service portfolios.
that provides proof of the integrity
and origin of one’s own and third-
party data. Strong risk management
and data integrity systems can help
companies avoid breaches and manage
disruption to operations better – the
#1 data security concern of our survey

2   PwC, 2015 Global Digital IQ Survey, September 2015.

                                                                                                             Building the digital enterprise   9
Blueprint for digital                       processes as well as for implementing
                                            new technologies. Your success with
                                                                                              Remember that change doesn’t stop
                                                                                              once you’ve implemented Industry 4.0.
success                                     Industry 4.0 will depend on skills and            Your company will need to re-invent its
                                            knowledge. Your biggest constraints may           capabilities at faster rates than in the
To move forward with Industry               well be your ability to recruit the people        past to stay ahead of the game.
4.0, digital capabilities are all-          needed to put digitisation into place.
                                                                                              6) Actively plan an ecosystem
important. These take time and              4) Become a virtuoso in data                      approach
concentration; a step-by-step               analytics
approach is important. But move                                                               Develop complete product and services
with deliberate speed, so that              Consider how you can best organise                solutions for your customers. Use
                                            data analytics; cross-functional expert           partnerships or align with platforms if
you don’t lose the first-mover
                                            teams are a good first step. Later these          you cannot develop a complete offering
advantage to competitors.                   capabilities can be fully embedded in             internally. You may find it difficult to
                                            your functional organisation.                     share knowledge with other companies,
1) Map out your Industry 4.0                                                                  and you may prefer acquisition. But look
strategy                                    Learn to get value out of data by                 for ways to bridge this gap – perhaps
                                            building direct links to decision-making          with technical standards – so that you
Evaluate your own digital maturity now      and to intelligent systems design. Use            can profit from being part of platforms
and set clear targets for the next five     the data to improve products and their            that you don’t fully control.
years. Prioritise the measures that will    use in the field to offer and build new
bring the most value to your business       service offerings. Think big, but start           Real breakthroughs in performance
and make sure these are aligned             small, with ‘proof of concept’ projects.          happen when you actively understand
with your overall strategy. Make sure                                                         consumer behaviour and can
company leadership is ready and willing     5) Transform into a digital                       orchestrate your company’s role within
to champion your approach.                  enterprise                                        the future ecosystem of partners,
                                                                                              suppliers and customers.
2) Create initial pilot projects            Capturing the full potential of Industry
                                            4.0 often requires company-wide                   Don’t buy the hype. Buy the reality.
Use them to establish proof of concept      transformation. Look to set “tone                 Industry 4.0 will be a huge boon to
and demonstrate business value. Target      from the top”, with clear leadership,             companies that fully understand what
a confined scope, but highlight the         commitment and vision from the C-suite            it means for how they do business.
end-to-end concept of Industry 4.0. Not     and financial stakeholders. Foster a              Change of this nature will transcend
every project will succeed, but they        digital culture: all your employees               your company’s boundaries – and
will all help you to work in a cross-       will need to think and act like digital           probably the national boundaries of
functional and agile approach with          natives, willing to experiment with new           the countries where you do business.
customers and technology partner - the      technologies and learn new ways of
new norm of the future. With evidence       operating.
from early successes, you can also
gain buy-in from the organisation, and
secure funding for a larger rollout.
Design pragmatically to compensate           Blueprint for digital success
for standards or infrastructure that
don’t yet exist. Collaborate with digital
leaders outside your organisation, by
working with start-ups, universities,
or industry organisations to accelerate
your digital innovation.

3) Define the capabilities you need
                                                Map out         Create         Define the        Become a         Transform        Actively plan
                                             your Industry   initial pilot     capabilities   virtuoso in data   into a digital   an ecosystem
Building on the lessons learned in            4.0 strategy     projects         you need          analytics       enterprise        approach
your pilots, map out in detail what
capabilities you need to achieve
your vision. Include how enablers
for Industry 4.0, like an agile IT                1               2                3                4                 5                6
infrastructure, can fundamentally
improve all of your business processes.                                      Blueprint for digital success

Remember to develop strategies for
attracting people and improving

10   2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Key findings from our
survey research
Industry 4.0
has moved                                    Figure 1: 	 Respondents expect to more than double their level of
from talk to                                              digitisation by 2020


                                                                               +39%                                     72%
When PwC conducted its first
set of research on Industry 4.0                      33%
in 2014 , it was on the radar for
many companies – but relatively
few were actually in the process
                                                     High level of                                                          High level of
of implementing it. That has                       digitisation today                                                  digitisation in 5 years
changed dramatically this year.
                                               Vertical value-chain                                          41%
Industry 4.0 is no longer a ‘future trend’               integration                                                                     72%
– for many companies it is now at the
heart of their strategic and research        Horizontal value-chain                                 34%
agenda. Companies are combining                          integration                                                              65%
advanced connectivity and advanced
                                                 Digital business                               29%
automation, cloud computing, sensors          models, product and
                                                 service portfolio                                                               64%
and 3D printing, connected capability,
computer-powered processes, intelligent                                                                      42%
                                             Product development
algorithms and ‘internet of things’ (IoT)           & engineering                                                                       71%
services to transform their businesses.
                                                 Customer access,                                      35%
                                                  sales channels &
Change is happening fastest in                           marketing                                                                   68%
areas close to the core business                                               Today                  In five years

                                                 Shown: Percentage of companies surveyed reporting high degrees of digitisation and integration
Just over two-fifths of companies
report that they believe their product
development and engineering and                  Q: How would you classify the current level of digitisation and integration in the
                                                 following areas in your company? What levels of digitisation and integration are you
their vertical value chains are already          expecting in the next five years?
benefiting from an advanced level
of digitisation and integration (see
Figure 1). Areas of focus include
digitising and connecting functions

                                                                                                             Building the digital enterprise     11
such as digital order processes,          First movers are set to outpace
customised product development and        their competitors
the automated transfer of product
data to connected planning and            Some companies report advanced
manufacturing systems, and further on     or very advanced current levels of
to integrated customer service. These     digitisation and integration. There are
are also the areas that they anticipate   also companies who rate themselves
will also be furthest advanced in five    ahead of their main competitors when
years’ time.                              it comes to building digital operations
                                          capabilities. And some companies have
Advanced digitisation and integration     made early investments in Industry 4.0.
of the horizontal value chain, with
suppliers, customers and other value-     There is also a select group of
chain partners, and digitisation of       companies who score highly on all three
customer channels are progressing         of these key dimensions. We identified
a little slower than with the vertical    71 companies (around 4% of the whole
value chain. Big advances are expected    survey population) who are setting the
in five years’ time but these are areas   fastest pace. We call these companies
that companies believe will be more       “first movers,” and they’re already
challenging than those closer to their    gaining a nearly insurmountable
core production activities.               advantage over competitors, as we’ll
                                          show throughout this report.

                                          ‘First movers’ expect to gain significant
                                          benefits from their more advanced
                                          digital capabilities and greater levels
                                          of investment. They are far more likely
                                          to be forecasting both revenue gains
                                          of more than 30% and cost reduction
                                          of more than 30% at the same time
                                          (see Figure 2). They’re more likely to
                                          expect efficiency gains too. Put these
                                          all together and you have an enormous

                                          Figure 2: First movers are almost three times more successful in combining
                                                    high revenue increases with significant gains in cost reduction

                                                                                                          10% 27%
                                                                                                           Companies              First

                                                                                                   % of companies achieving >30% increased revenue
                                                                                                    and >30% reduced costs simultaneously by 2020
                                            Revenue growth
Digitisation                               System based, real-time end-to-end
                                           planning and horizontal collaboration
drives                                     is now possible using cloud-based
                                           planning platforms. Companies that
quantum leaps                              use such systems to become better
in performance                             integrated with horizontal value chain
                                           partners, including suppliers and key
Our survey respondents                     customers, can significantly improve
                                           efficiencies and reduce inventories. In
anticipate significant gains from          addition, the implementation of track-
the implementation of Industry             and-trace devices on products will lead
4.0 initiatives.                           to better inventory performance and
                                           reduced logistics cost.
On average, companies expect to
reduce operational costs by 3.6% p.a.,
while increasing efficiency by 4.1%        Figure 3: Companies in every industry sector expect significant cost
annually. High levels of cost reduction              reductions
are expected in every industry sector
we studied (see Figure 3). Some of                                       Cost reduction                           Cost reduction
                                                                         (in % p.a. until 2020)                   (in US$bn p.a. until 2020)
these cost savings can be achieved by
implementing smart manufacturing                 Aerospace, defence                                  3.7%          9
                                                          & security
initiatives. For example, companies
are moving to integrated planning &                       Automotive                                     3.9%               28
scheduling for manufacturing. Such
                                                           Chemicals                                     3.9%                        49
systems combine data from within
the enterprise – from sensors all the                     Electronics                                3.7%                                      62
way through to ERP systems – with
                                           Engineering & construction                              3.4%                                             78
information from horizontal value
chain partners, like inventory levels      Forest, paper & packaging                                       4.2%             28
or changes in customer demand.
                                             Industrial manufacturing                               3.6%                              52
Integrated shop floor planning improves
asset utilisation and product throughput                       Metals                             3.2%                                    54
time. Another example is predictive
                                            Transportation & logistics                            3.2%                                         61
maintenance of key assets, which uses
predictive algorithms to optimise repair
                                                   Weighted Average                                 3.6%            Total                            421
and maintenance schedules and to
improve asset uptime.
                                           Q: What cumulative benefits from digitisation do you expect in the next 5 years? Lower costs.

                                                                                                                       Building the digital enterprise     13
The new competitive landscape                       Improved customer insight from smart
Figure 4: R
           evenues from digitising                                                                            data analytics also allows companies to
          the product and service                          Efficiency gains of the magnitude                   better focus on additional high-margin
          portfolio will grow
          significantly in future                          uncovered by our survey have the                    business.
                                                           potential to change the competitive
                                                           landscape within a very short space of              In the new industrial reality, most
                                                           time. If even half of the expectations              companies (86%) expect to secure
                                                           outlined are realised, some companies               simultaneous gains from both lower

  47%                          44%
                                                           may find themselves unable to compete.              costs and added revenue in the next five
                                                           In an increasingly cost-competitive                 years.
  Digitisation of the             Introducing a            market, no industrial company can
  existing product                  new digital
       portfolio                     product               afford to lose out in operational                   And the impact is far-reaching for every
                                                           efficiency against their market peers.              industry we studied. At least a third
                                                           The next two to three years will be                 of companies in every sector expect to
                                                           crucial for companies looking to catch              secure efficiency gains and cost savings

  42%Other digital
                                38% Big data
                                                           up.                                                 of more than 20% and many anticipate
                                                                                                               that these will be accompanied by
     services to                analytics services         Significant revenue opportunities                   additional revenues of the same
       external                    to external
      customers                    customers               ahead                                               magnitude.

                                                           Survey participants expect additional
Note: Companies achieving 10% or more additional
                                                           digital revenues of 2.9% p.a. until
revenue in the following areas over the next 5 years.
Multiple answers possible                                  2020. To generate these additional
                                                           revenues, companies will introduce new
Q: Which of the following new digital products             industrial products with digital features
or services do you plan to introduce and                   and augment their existing portfolio
expect will generate more than 10% of your                 (see Figure 4). Digital services based on
future revenue over the next 5 years?
                                                           data analytics, or even complete digital
                                                           solutions serving a customer ecosystem,
                                                           will drive breakthrough revenue

                                                           In addition, real-time data availability
                                                           will enable companies to manufacture
                                                           personalised products and customise
                                                           solutions. These customised products
                                                           usually generate significantly higher
                                                           margins than mass-manufactured

How Industry 4.0 is delivering revenue, cost and efficiency gains

 Additional revenue from:                                                   Lower cost and greater efficiency from:

 Digitising products and services within the existing portfolio             Real-time inline quality control based on Big Data Analytics

 New digital products, services and solutions                               Modular, flexible and customer-tailored production concepts

                                                                            Real-time visibility into process and product variance, augmented reality
 Offering big data and analytics as a service.
                                                                            and optimisation by data analytics

                                                                            Predictive maintenance on key assets using predictive algorithms to
 Personalised products and mass customisation.
                                                                            optimise repair and maintenance schedules and improve asset uptime

 Capturing high-margin business through improved customer insight from      Vertical integration from sensors through MES to real-time production
 data analytics                                                             planning for better machine utilisation and faster throughput times

                                                                            Horizontal integration, as well as track-and-trace of products for better
 Increasing market share of core products
                                                                            inventory performance and reduced logistics

                                                                            Digitisation and automation of processes for a smarter use of human
                                                                            resources and higher operations speed
                                                                            System based, real-time end-to-end planning and horizontal collaboration
                                                                            using cloud based planning platforms for execution optimisation

                                                                             Increased scale from increased market share of core products

14     2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Deepen digital                                                           Deepening customer relationships
                                                                         through co-creation and
                                                                                                                    Using data to enhance customer
                                                                                                                    service and responsiveness
relationships                                                            customisation
                                                                                                                    Nearly three-quarters of companies
with more                                                                Digital integration with the customer      (72%) expect that the use of data
empowered                                                                and new technological opportunities        analytics will substantially improve
                                                                         to move production closer to the           customer relationships and customer
customers                                                                customer, for example with 3D printing,    intelligence along the product life cycle
                                                                         will enable greater individualisation      (see Figure 5). Greater integration
As Industry 4.0 develops, the                                            and customisation of products. Most        of data between manufacturers
traditional model of products                                            companies we spoke to are expecting        and customers can open up new
                                                                         to strengthen their digital offering to    collaboration opportunities. Clever
pushed out to the market will
                                                                         customers, either by digitising existing   use of pooled data, for example, can
fade and ‘customer pull’, with                                           products or by developing new digital      allow manufacturers in B2B markets
customers intimately involved in                                         products. The opportunity is there not     to help customers in value-chain
a more collaborative relationship                                        only to greatly increase the ability to    planning, driving efficiencies within
with manufacturers, will be much                                         respond flexibly and more rapidly to       the customer’s operations as well as
                                                                         customer demands but also to anticipate    vice versa. Many companies have such
more the norm. Industry 4.0 will
                                                                         demands, helping the customer move         collaborative opportunities in sight.
greatly enrich the opportunities                                         ahead in a range of predictive ways.       Over a third (38%) of companies in our
to retain and grow the customer                                                                                     survey said they plan to offer their big
relationship but it will also make                                                                                  data services to external companies.
the fight for the customer more

Figure 5: Industry 4.0 is helping                                                  How industrial companies are getting closer to
          industrial companies                                                     customers
          optimise customer

                                                                                            Basing              Innovation in
                                                                                        product/service       customer service
                                      cs as core
                                alyti              cap
                            An                        ab                                  on customer
                   ta               tion and inte       il
                                 isa             g
                              git ical and horiz rati                                    specifications


                            D ert      e cha     on
                               v valu       ins t
                                                    on l

             m od . D i d cus

                                                           e offerings
                 e ls a n

                                                  se i o n o f
                       g it a to

                                                     r vic
                                                 d tis a t
                             lb m

                                n            Di


                            er e s s      3. t an
                                acc          c
                ta                    pro du

                                                              it y

                     &                               bi
                       An                         pa
                          alyt                 ca                                                             products all the way
                               ic s a s c ore                                             Using data
                                                                                          analytics to         down to a lot size
                                                                                        meet customer                of 1
                                                                                       requirements and
                                                                                      improve operational
Q: In which areas will your company use data
analytics in five years? Improving customer
relationship and customer intelligence along
the product life cycle.

                                                                                                              Driving customer-
                                                                                                              centric marketing
                                                                                                             and channel access
                                                                                          Building a
                                                                                        supply chain

                                                                                                                                     Building the digital enterprise   15
Developing a platform approach              Other industrial companies are also
                                                    to stay close to customers                  moving from simply augmenting
Key types of platforms                                                                          their products with digital features to
                                                    Integrated solutions or value-              more comprehensive digital offerings.
                                                    added services are characterised            These can range from complete digital
Product Lifecycle Management                        by significantly higher customer            solutions to becoming a platform
(PLM) systems: connect market                       benefits and will revolutionise existing    integrator.
intelligence with product                           product portfolios and performance
development and operations, all                     relationships. Foremost among these         An effective platform must, by
the way to smart services – both                    is a platform approach. A platform is a     definition, bring the customer close to
within a manufacturing company                      nexus of exchange and interoperable         operations. Industrial companies that
as well as with key value-chain                     technology, which allows a wide range       share these platforms will also have
partners.                                           of vendors and customers to interact        access to customer data, which will be
                                                    seamlessly. The most successful first       analysed to better forecast their needs,
Manufacturing Execution                             movers of the software and internet         improve products and develop new
Systems (MES): connect the                          industries all cemented their positions     ones. Whoever owns the platform thus
data input and transfer between                     with powerful and distinctive               owns the customer, owns access to the
the equipment of multiple                           platforms.                                  customer, and ends up aggregating
vendors, as well as facilitating                                                                the work of a lot of other enterprises.
communication between                               First movers on Industry 4.0 will seek a    Ultimately this can lead to providing a
multiple software and systems                       similar advantage. GE and Siemens, for      full digital ecosystem.
applications, extending from a                      example, are already rushing to solidify
company’s Enterprise Resource                       themselves as platform providers. Each
Planning (ERP) all the way to                       has developed a cloud-based system
shopfloor quality applications.                     for connecting machines and devices
                                                    from a variety of companies, facilitating
                                                    transactions, operations and logistics,
                                                    and collecting and analysing data.

   Industrial companies are moving towards greater digital value creation, from augmented
   products to serving digital ecosystems

                                                              a   tion
                                                    Value cre
                                                                                           Integrated Digital
                                                                 Data Analytics,          Ecosystem Provider
                                                               Content & Platform
                                      Complete Solution/           Integrator
                                       Service Provider                                        Integration of
       Augmented Digital                                                                    third-party partner
        Product Player                                             Focus on data
                                                                                               or competitor
                                                                    analytics and
                                        Focus on digital                                       products and
                                                                data-based services;
                                         products and                                      control systems in a
       Focus on products              data-based services,      access to customers
                                                                                           complete customer
       with digital features            which provide a            via a dedicated
         like sensors or              complete solution for       (online) platform
         communication                    the customer

                                                    Core product

       Asset intensity                                                                            Data intensity

  16    2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Focus on                                   Skills issues loom large for data
                                           analytics too
                                                                                                                                   69% say increasing
people and                                                                                                                         in-house data
culture to drive                           Lack of skills or competencies in the                                                   analytics technology
                                           company’s workforce is also the biggest
transformation                             challenge survey respondents see                                                        and skill levels is
                                           when it comes to making use of data                                                     the top route to
Industry 4.0 has massive                   analytics. It’s not surprising, then, that
                                           over two-thirds (69%) cite increasing
                                                                                                                                   boost data analytics
implications for the nature of how         in-house data analytics technology                                                      capabilities
a company chooses to organise              and skill levels as the single biggest
itself and its delivery model.             improvement route to boost data
                                           analytics capabilities. Some companies
Companies will need to make sure           also say external partnerships have a
staff understand how the company is        role to play, through the provision of
changing and how they can be a part of     technology or training, and a minority
it. From our interviews with industrial    of companies (18%) expect to use M&A
companies, the biggest challenges          to acquire outside companies.
centre around internal issues such
as culture, organisation, leadership
and skills rather than external issues
such as whether the right standards,
infrastructure and intellectual property   Figure 6: L
                                                      ack of digital culture and training is the biggest
protection are in place or whether                   challenge facing companies
concerns about data security or privacy
concerns can be overcome.

The absence of a digital culture and the
right training was identified as a top                                                                 An
                                                                                                                 cs as core
                                                                                                   &                            ab
challenge by more companies than any                                                          ta
                                                                                                                ion and i
                                                                                                            isat and h ntegra
                                                                                                                 l      o

                                                                                                       Di ertica e cha rizon ti

                                                                                                         v valu        ins t
other (see Figure 6). That was equally
                                                                                                                                         on l

                                                                                        m od . D i d cus

                                                                                                                                                e offerings

true for companies rating themselves
                                                                                            e ls a n

                                                                                                                                       se i o n o f

as advanced. And it held true across
                                                                                                  g it a to

                                                                                                                                          r vic
                                                                                                                                      d tis a t
                                                                                                        lb m

industries and regions as well.                                                                            n                          Di


                                                                                                       er e s s                    3. t an
                                                                                                           acc                        c
                                                                                           ta                  ess             pro du

                                                                                                                                                   it y

                                                                                                &                                             bi
                                                                                                     An                                    pa
                                                                                                               alyt                     ca
                                                                                                                      ic s a   s c ore

                                                                                 Lack of digital culture and training
                                                               Lack of digital culture and training                                                                                          50%

                                                      Lack of a clear digital operations vision and
                                                      support / leadership from top management                                                                                      40%

                                                Unclear economic benefit and digital investments                                                                                  38%

                                                          High financial investment requirements                                                                                36%
                                             Unresolved questions around data security and data
                                              privacy in connection with the use of external data
                                                                                 Insufficient talent                                                                  25%

                                                Lack of digital standards, norms and certification                                                                  21%

                                              Slow expansion of basic infrastructure technologies                                                               18%

                                                                Business partners are not able to
                                                              collaborate around digital solutions                                                             16%

                                                       Concerns around loss of control over your
                                                                company’s intellectual property                                                               14%

                                                 Note: Included as one of three possible responses

                                           Q: Where are the biggest challenges or inhibitors for building digital operations
                                           capabilities in your company?

                                                                                                                                                                      Building the digital enterprise   17
Data analytics
and digital
trust are the
foundation of
Industry 4.0
Data lies at the heart of the fourth
industrial revolution, but the              Figure 7: D
                                                       ata and analytics are becoming increasingly important to
massively growing information
flow brings little value without
the right analytics techniques.
The rapidly growing number

                                                                                +33%                                   83%
of sensors, embedded systems
and connected devices as well
as the increasing horizontal
and vertical networking of
value chains result in a huge
continuous data flow.                               High importance
                                                                                                                       High importance
                                                                                                                          in 5 years

Data is coming from multiple sources,
                                                  Aerospace, defence
in different formats, and there is a need                  & security                 39%                                            82%
to combine internal data with data from
                                                           Automotive              49%                                                   84%
outside sources. Expert and effective
data analytics is essential to using                        Chemicals        60%                                                          88%
data to create value. And with so many
                                                           Electronics    66%                                                             89%
points of entry, companies need to take
a rigorous, proactive approach to data      Engineering & construction                40%                                          72%
security and related issues and work to
                                            Forest, paper & packaging           55%                                                      83%
build digital trust.
                                              Industrial manufacturing          54%                                                       88%
Advanced companies use data to
drive decision-making                                           Metals             49%                                                   83%

                                             Transportation & logistics          50%                                                       90%
While most of our respondents (83%)
expect data to have a significant impact                         Other                43%                                                83%
on their decision-making in five years,
only about half are currently using data
                                                                                   Today                           In five years
to drive decisions (see Figure 7). Our
research suggests that companies who
                                              Shown: Summarised percentages of companies surveyed reporting high levels of significance
are already ahead on their digitisation
and integration journey are also much
more likely to be putting data analytics    Q: What significance does the gathering, analysis and utilisation of data for decision-
                                            making have for your company?
to work. Among those with advanced
levels of digitisation and integration,
nearly three-quarters (73%) say that
data and analytics play a significant
role in their decision-making, compared
to just 38% of those who have low levels
of digitisation and integration.

18   2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
It’s important to remember that data                       There are other uses for data analytics
analytics provides tools for decision-                     that far fewer companies have on their
making, rather than a complete                             radar screen. These include better
replacement for sound judgement                            service and maintenance of companies’
on the part of management. In other                        own assets and products owned by
research we’ve explored the “art and                       customers, and better cooperation
science” of decision-making, and                           and decision-making with partner
found that data analytics will play an                     companies. These open up possibilities
increasingly central role in the future                    for new service offering and ways of
–but it won’t fully replace other factors,                 working, so companies may want to
particularly when it comes to major                        start paying more attention.
strategic decisions3.
                                                           To succeed, companies will need to
Companies need to expand their                             use data in predictive, forward-looking
use of big data                                            ways that make sense of market
                                                           developments and customer behaviour
Many companies already use data                            to improve products and develop new
analytics to analyse and report on                         products and services.
processes (see Figure 8). Our survey
respondents say their companies are
focusing most on using data analytics
to control and improve their overall
business planning and manufacturing
operations, followed closely by efforts
to get closer to their customers, both
today and in five years. Around three-
quarters of companies are deploying or
plan to deploy data analytics in these
areas. But these approaches are just the

    Figure 8: Are companies underestimating the scope of data analytics?

                     Optimisation of overall business     56%                             22%              78%
                            planning and controlling
                               Better manufacturing /     59%                              16%         75%
                                 operations planning
          Improvement of customer relationship and        51%                        21%              72%
    customer intelligence along the product life cycle
                       More efficient asset utilisation   52%                            19%         71%
                             of operational efficiency
                 Development of new or optimisation       44%                      25%               69%
                       of existing products /services
                            Increase of sales revenue     46%                      22%           68%

                        Optimisation of transport and     48%                       19%          67%
                           logistics costs / efficiency
                 Improved product or process quality      47%                       18%         65%

               Efficient maintenance / service of own     38%                23%               61%
                         assets or customer products
             Better cooperation and decision-making       36%                20%          56%
                             with partner companies

                                                                Status quo    Growth potential in 5 years

    Q: In which areas are you using big data analytics today? In which additional areas will your
    company use data analytics in five years?

3    PwC, Global Data & Analytics Survey 2014: Big Decisions™

                                                                                                                 Building the digital enterprise   19
Building digital trust should be a
top priority
                                                       Also important will be working together
                                                       with ecosystem partners; with possible
                                                                                                              Digital trust is a
                                                       points of attack spread out throughout                 complicated issue,
Digital ecosystems and broad use of                    the ecosystem, responsibility needs to                 but it’s based
data also raises important issues around               be shared broadly.
cybersecurity. More touchpoints where                                                                         on three pillars:
data is collected and exchanged also                   Digital trust is a complicated issue, but              transparency,
means more potential points of entry                   it’s based on three pillars: transparency,
for an attacker. Our survey respondents                legitimacy and effectiveness. In other
                                                                                                              legitimacy and
flagged a wide range of concerns                       research, we look at ten issues which                  effectiveness.
around data security, with operational                 centre around the ethics and control of
interruption from cybersecurity                        data access and use, interaction through
breaches at the top of their list (see                 the internet, digital risk resilience and
Figure 9). Other issues like liability                 value-creation in the digital age4. The
risks, unauthorised access to data and                 emergent and interconnected nature
damage to company reputation are on                    of these issues – and the regulatory
the radar too.                                         response to them – highlight the
                                                       challenges organisations face. Industrial
There’s some good new though. Many                     companies will need to stay focused to
of our survey respondents are confident                meet them.
that they’ve made strong progress here
– just 25% rate unresolved questions
around data security and data privacy
as one of the top 3 challenges that are
slowing down their Industry 4.0 efforts.               Figure 9: Operational disruption is the top data security concern
To make sure that stays on track, many
companies will need to make building
and maintaining digital trust a priority.                            Operational disruption due to
                                                                          cybersecurity breaches
For example, as companies move                                     Liability risks through data loss                     40%
towards operating increasingly in
                                                        Unauthorised data extraction/modification
ecosystems, it will be important to                            within company-internal data flow
integrate a whole range of technical                   Damage to company reputation and loss of
domains into the system. These include                                                                                   39%
                                                                          trust due to data loss
managing organisational functions and                           Misuse of data during exchange of
transactions, controlling automation                                     information with partners

assets and supporting the creation and                                 Loss of intellectual property                35%
delivery of products and services, in
                                                               Violation of regulations and laws on
some cases focused towards end-users.                                                                             30%
                                                                       data security or data privacy
Making security an integral part of all
                                                              Endangerment of operators or users        10%
systems and processes can help deter
attacks and speed up response time if
they do happen. Third-party assurance                   Note: Included as one of three possible responses
is also an important way to confirm that
systems are robust and strengthen the
trust of ecosystem participants in your                Q: What are the main concerns in terms of data security?
platform’s integrity.

4    Norbert Schwieters, PwC, "Ten digital trust challenges," 4 December, 2015

20    2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
To reach excellence in data analytics,
Robust,                                     industrial companies will need access
                                            to a wide variety of skill sets, including
enterprise-                                 those of data scientists and algorithm
                                            architects. They will also need process
wide                                        expertise, advanced algorithms and
data analytics                              workflow integration for decision
                                            support. In some situations outsourcing
capabilities require                        can help supplement internal
significant change                          capabilities or bridge temporary gaps.

The companies we surveyed
understand that it’s critical to
have data analytics capabilities            Figure 10: Most companies don’t yet have mature data analytics
in order to successfully drive                         capabilities
digital transformation. But
there’s still a long way to go
before these reach the level of                             52%                       &
                                                                                                   cs as core
sophistication needed to really                                Medium
                                                                                   ta          atio n and inte       il
                                                                                             is               g
drive Industry 4.0 applications.                                        Da               igit ical and horiz rati

                                                                                        D ert                 o
                                                                                           v value chains nt

                                                                                                                            on l

Only 18% of survey respondents rate
                                                                             m od . D i d cus

                                                                                                                                 e offerings
the maturity of their data analytics
                                                                                 e ls a n

capabilities as advanced (see Figure 10),

                                                                                                                        se i o n o f
and more than half say that the lack
                                                                                       g it a to

of skills and competencies in their            Advanced

                                                                                                                           r vic
                                                                                                                       d tis a t
                                                                                             lb m

company’s workforce is a key challenge                                                      si                                   Outsourced
                                                                                               n                        Di

                                                                                                                                 to external
to making full use of data analytics.                                                      er e s s                  3. t a   n partners
                                                                                               acc                      c
                                                                                ta                 ess           pro du

                                                                                                                                    it y
Moving beyond ad-hoc approaches                                                      &
                                                                                          An                                   p   ab
                                                                                                    alyt                    ca
                                                                                                           ic s a s c ore
Ad-hoc approaches to the organisation
and governance of data analytics may        Q: How mature are the data analytics capabilities in your company?
be part of what’s holding companies
back. Almost half lack a structured
approach to data analytics organisation
and governance (Figure 11). Thirty-         Figure 11: Nearly half of companies still need to develop a robust organisation
eight percent of respondents say their                 that supports data analytics excellence
companies rely on the selective, ad-hoc
data analytics capabilities of individual
employees, while another nine percent
have no significant data analytics
capabilities at all.                              14%                                          ta

                                                                                                               cs as core

                                                                                                                n a
                                                                                                             al a ho
                                                                                                                    nd inte



                                                 Dedicated department                                                                                              Data analytics is
In contrast, just over a third have              for data analysis serving                         Di ertic ue chai rizon ti                                      embedded within
                                                                                                      v val            ns t
                                                                                                                                      on l

                                                 many functions accross                                                                                           specific functions

embedded data analytics into specific

                                                       the company
                                                                                         m o 2 . D i g c u st

                                                                                                                                              e o ff e ri n g s

functions, giving themselves the
                                                                                            d e ls a n d

flexibility and proximity to business
                                                                                                                                    se i o n of

knowledge to fully utilise the
potential of data analytics. Another
                                                                      9%                                                                                   5%
                                                                                                       it al o

                                                                                                                                   d ti s a t

14% of companies have a dedicated                                   No significant
                                                                                                                                   Data analysis services

                                                                                                       s                        ig
                                                                                                                                     are outsourced and

department for data analysis serving                                                                 m in e

                                                                     data analysis                                            D          performed by
                                                                      capabilities                    er s s                .      n
                                                                                                                           3 t a external service
many functions across the company.                                                                       acc                  c
                                                                                                              ess pro d u                   providers

                                                                                                                                                    it y

                                                                                            ta                                             l
First movers are much more likely to                                                                      Selective, ad-hoc             bi

                                                                                                    &       data  analysis            a
                                                                                                      An capabilities of            p
have pursued these two options – 43%                                                                     alyt                   ca
                                                                                                                 s as c ore
have embedded their data analytics                                                                           employees
in specific functions and 24% have a
                                            Note: Answers shown are rounded
dedicated department.
                                            Q: How are data analysis capabilities organised in your company?

                                                                                                                                                   Building the digital enterprise     21
Accelerating                                         Our survey results show similarities
                                                     between leading companies around the
globalisation,                                       globe, but they also differ considerably
                                                     by region.
but with
distinct regional                                    Conventional wisdom suggests that
                                                     developed economies could be the
flavours                                             winners, in the short term at least, from
                                                     Industry 4.0, as they are driving digital
As the fourth industrial                             operations improvements to secure
revolution binds companies                           significant efficiency gains. So are
                                                     emerging economies losing out? Our
and countries ever more tightly
                                                     survey results indicate that emerging
together—through worldwide                           nations probably have the most to gain,
supply chains and data                               as Industry 4.0 takes hold around the
networks—it will increasingly                        globe. They can leverage digitisation to
promote globalisation.                               gain efficiency in their horizontal value
                                                     chain, efficiently working within a
Many industrial leaders operate                      global manufacturing network to supply
worldwide facilities, so successful                  key components, products and systems.
Industry 4.0 implementation is not                   In addition, rising personnel costs and
limited to specific countries or regions.            high potential to digitise processes will
At the same time, many applications                  lead to above-average efficiency gains
will link closely to local companies,                in emerging economies.
as customised products often require
regional manufacturing capabilities.

                                       Figure 12: Big gains are anticipated by industrial products companies in all regions

                                                                      Additional revenue       Lower costs                        Efficiency gains

                                                         Americas     37%                       39%                                50%

                                                       Asia Pacific   39%                       57%                                68%

                                       Europe, Middle East & Africa   32%                       41%                                55%


                                                             Brazil   41%                       32%                                41%

                                                             China    51%                       59%                                72%

                                                              India   43%                       46%                                62%

                                                          Germany     30%                       42%                                62%

                                                            Japan     22%                       65%                                67%

                                                     United States    37%                       37%                                51%

                                                         Global all   35%                       43%                                56%

                                       Shown: % of survey respondents in each region expecting gains of over 20% in the next five years

                                       Q: What cumulative benefits from digitisation do you expect in the next 5 years?

22   2016 Global Industry 4.0 Survey
Regional and country contrasts                    of the countries that stands to gain the           Looking five years ahead, expectations
                                                  most from automating and digitising                of the level of digital integration are
Companies in Japan and Germany                    labour-intensive manufacturing                     broadly comparable in all three regions
are the furthest along in digitising              processes and needs to find a solution             (EMEA, the Americas and Asia Pacific).
internal operations and partnering                to rising employee compensation. In                A large majority of companies expect
across the horizontal value chain. With           addition, Chinese companies are highly             to have advanced digitisation and
high investments in technology and                flexible and open to digital change, and           integration capabilities, with Japan
employee training, they view their                the Chinese workforce is embracing                 and Germany reaching digitisation
digital transformation primarily in               digital technologies.                              levels above 80%. American, French
terms of gains in operational efficiency,                                                            and Swedish companies show similarly
cost reduction and quality assurance.             A strong Asia Pacific push with                    high levels of optimism. Although Asia
                                                  other regions coming up fast                       Pacific companies report the highest
Our experience working with and                                                                      digitisation and integration levels
interviewing executives in the                    Industrial products companies in                   today, it is companies in the Americas,
US suggests that companies there                  all regions are pressing hard on the               followed by those in EMEA, that expect
are planning more investment in                   Industry 4.0 accelerator and expect to             to have the largest gains in digitisation
developing disruptive business models,            secure significant benefits. But it is             levels by 2020.
as companies move more quickly to                 companies in the Asia Pacific region
digitise their product and service                that are making the strongest running.
portfolio. Their focus is more on digital         They report making significant digital
revenue growth, rather than efficiency            investments and they have already
gains.                                            moved further forward in terms of
                                                  current digitisation and integration.
China’s industrial companies stand                Two-fifths (36%) believe they are at
out in all aspects of digitisation: they          an advanced level now, compared
are expecting both above-average cost             to a third (32%) of companies in the
reductions as well as increased digital           Americas and 30% of EMEA companies
revenues through to 2020. China is one            (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Companies all over the world are expecting to dramatically increase digitisation over the
           next five years

                                                 32%                        +42%                             74%
                                           Level of digitisation today                           Level of digitisation in five years

                                                 36%                        +31%                             67%
                                           Level of digitisation today                           Level of digitisation in five years
          Asia Pacific

                                                 30%                        +41%                             71%
                                           Level of digitisation today                           Level of digitisation in five years
Europe, Middle East & Africa

Q: How would you classify the current level of digitisation and integration in the following areas in your company? What levels of
digitisation and integration are you expecting in the next five years?

                                                                                                                       Building the digital enterprise   23
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