Page created by Shirley Rowe

     INTRODUCTION                   2    OVERVIEW OF
                                         CLOUD SERVICES                19
                                         THE CURRENT CLOUD
                                         SERVICES LANDSCAPE
     METHODOLOGY                    3    IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA         20

                                         UNDERLYING CLOUD
                                         SERVICES DYNAMICS             21
     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY              4

                                         DATA CENTRE AND
     SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA’S                CLOUD SERVICES USERS          22
     DATA CENTRE AND                     DIFFERENT WAVES
     CLOUD LANDSCAPE                5    OF GROWTH                     23
     GROWTH                         6    TRANSFORMATION                25

                                         OPPORTUNITIES IN
                                         SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA            30
                                         THE GROWING NEED FOR
                                         LOCAL INTERCONNECTION         31
     AFRICA’S DATA CENTRES          10
                                         CONSOLE CONNECT IN
                                           SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA          32
     DATA CENTRES                   11

     DATA CENTRES                   14

     CENTRES IN THE REGION          16

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                               1
       2020 has been a significant year for Africa’s         that are driving growth in data centres and
       cloud ecosystem. Considerable new investment          cloud services.
       is going into carrier-neutral data centres across
       Sub-Saharan Africa and slowly but surely the          The second section focuses more closely on
       adoption of cloud services is gathering pace.         the region’s data centres, mapping the
                                                             growth of carrier-neutral data centres and the
       The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has led           emergence of regional hubs. From there, we
       many businesses to accelerate adoption of             look at the arrival of hyperscale cloud providers
       cloud services in order to help them operate          to the region and chart the impact this will have
       during these difficult times. But they are also       on both local businesses and infrastructure.
       looking beyond the short-term and want a
       more strategic view of how cloud can drive            This is followed by a profile of data centre and
       efficiencies and reduce cost in the future.           cloud service users in Africa; looking at the
                                                             likely growth sectors over the next 5 years and
       To gain a deeper insight into these trends,           showcasing some current examples of digital
       Console Connect by PCCW Global recently               transformation.
       commissioned consultancy firm Balancing Act
       to gather market research on the region’s data        Finally, we look at new interconnection
       centre and cloud ecosystem.                           opportunities in Africa and consider the role
                                                             network automation can play in enabling
       The research focuses on 10 of the region’s            carriers and enterprises to harness the power
       largest economies, but to some lesser detail          of cloud.
       covers all countries across Sub-Saharan Africa.
       The countries of focus in the report are: Angola,     We would like to thank all those people that
       Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, DRC, Ghana, Kenya,           spoke to Balancing Act during the course of this
       Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda.         research - almost all of which was conducted on
                                                             video conferencing tools like Google Hangout,
       This report is made up of five sections. The first    Skype, Teams, WhatsApp and Zoom. A further
       looks in detail at the current state of Africa’s      illustration of the current importance of cloud-
       data centre and cloud landscape, exploring            based communications services to businesses
       some of the broader global and local trends           across the region.

          About Balancing Act                Research by:
          Balancing Act focuses              Russell Southwood,
          on Africa and carries out          CEO,
          consultancy assignments            Balancing Act
          for a variety of clients. The
          company helps national             Email:
          and global brands with their
          involvement in the African         Tel: +44 207 582 5220
          continent.                         Cell: +44 7973 561 987

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                    2
METHODOLOGY                                         GLOSSARY
       It is important to clarify that this study is       Some common industry terms used throughout
       primarily about the use of public cloud rather      the report:
       private cloud services. It also uses the term
       hyperscalers as a shorthand for global public       Data localisation: It is the act of storing data
       service providers.                                  on any device physically present within the
                                                           borders of a country. As of now, most of these
       Interviews were conducted with key players          data are stored, in a cloud, outside countries.
       in the following countries: Angola, Benin, Cote
       d’Ivoire, Djibouti, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria ,    Data sovereignty: It is the idea that data is
       Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania,        subject to the laws and governance structures
       Uganda, Morocco and Egypt.                          within the nation within which they are
       Interviews were carried out in the following
       industry categories: data centres, cloud service    Edge computing: It is about pushing the
       providers, carriers and ISPs, enterprise users      frontier of computing applications, data, and
        and other (investor, platform, vendor). We have    services away from centralised nodes to the
       used a generous definition of carrier-neutral       logical extremes of a network. It enables
       data centres, which includes companies that         analytics and data gathering to occur at the
       operate their data centres independently of         source of the data.
       their other activities.
                                                           Hybrid cloud: It is a computing environment
       These interviews provide a good snapshot            that combines a public cloud and a private
       of a fast moving sector for the following           cloud by allowing data and applications to be
       reasons:                                            shared between them.

       1. All country markets chosen have proven           Private cloud: It is defined as computing
          data centre and cloud services potential.        services offered either over the internet or a
                                                           private internal network and to selected users
       2. Our own broader data gathering and               only.
          reports support the findings and insights
          offered.                                         Public cloud: It is a type of computing in which
                                                           a service provider makes resources available
       3. All those interviewed were CEOs, Managing        to companies and the public via the internet.
          Directors or Heads responsible for data          Some public cloud providers offer resources
          centres and/or cloud service activities.         for free, while clients pay for other resources by
                                                           subscription or a pay-per-usage model.
       There were many, many useful insights in
       these conversations but as ever, the opinions       Tiers II, III and IV: The different service level
       and findings expressed in this study are entirely   provisions of a data centre provided by the
       from Balancing Act (except for Section 5 of         Uptime Institute.
       the report).

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                   3
       Some high-level findings from the report:

           he report identifies countries with potential
          T                                                  here are 28 IXPs across Sub-Saharan Africa.
          to develop carrier-neutral data centres and       In countries where they exist, international
          cloud services. The more operators there          players also locate themselves. The greatest
          are in a country, the greater the need for        concentration of international companies
          interconnection, either through an IXP or         and organisations is found in South Africa,
          a data centre, or in nearly all cases both.       followed by Kenya and Nigeria (see P14).
          This point is most vividly illustrated by the
          position of South Africa and Nigeria but at       T
                                                              here are five major hyperscalers with an
          a smaller level is also seen in Ghana and          active interest in Africa. These are: Microsoft
          Tanzania.                                          Azure (which is probably currently the
                                                             largest provider), AWS, Google Cloud (which
           here are 10 Sub-Saharan African countries
          T                                                  has a significant presence in Kenya, Ghana
          with carrier-neutral data centres (Angola,         and South Africa), Whale Cloud (part of
          Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya,             Alibaba) and Huawei Cloud (see P20).
          Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, South
          Africa and Zambia) and 6 more are coming          
                                                            African companies that are either using
          on stream shortly (DRC, Ethiopia, Rwanda,         carrier-neutral data centres for data recovery
          Senegal, Uganda and Zimbabwe). Overall,           or have replaced their in-house data centres
          significant investments are being made in         with an external supplier are on a journey
          new facilities.                                   towards further cloud adoption.

           bout a quarter of Sub-Saharan African
          A                                                 In more liberalised communications markets,
          countries have an existing or planned              there are local telcos and ISPs which need
          carrier-neutral data centre. Of the rack           a meet point function: even with a relatively
          capacity in 5 key countries (South Africa,         small number of players, it makes no sense
          Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Angola), South           in an IP world to have individual connections
          Africa represents 89% of total capacity in         to all players.
          those selected countries (see P11).
                                                            Among   the first wave of carrier-neutral data
           he quality and operational expertise of
          T                                                 centre users were banks, which are under
          carrier-neutral data centres in Sub-Saharan       increasing legal obligations to have their
          Africa has improved a great deal over last 5      disaster recovery outside their own premises
          years. Operators who were in the first wave       (see P23). The second wave of users were
          of launches can now point to nearly a decade      multinational companies looking for cost and
          or more of continuous successful operation.       operational efficiencies. Several examples
          Several of the planned next generation data       of companies transitioning to the cloud are
          centres are being built to Level IV standard.     given on P25.

           everal carriers – mainly mobile operators
                                                            The acceleration in digital transformation
          – have made significant investments in data       and the arrival of more data centres and
          centres. These include data centres of some       cloud service providers in Africa will increase
          scale in the following countries: Cameroon,       the overall need for local interconnection
          Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,         (see P21).
          Nigeria and South Africa.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                  4
1. S
BROADER GLOBAL AND                                    These implementations may use things like
                                                             VMWare cloud software that can be provided
       AFRICAN INDUSTRY TRENDS                               closer to home. Software of this kind also offers
       IMPACTING GROWTH                                      integration with all the main hyperscalers.

       The findings of this study must be set in the
                                                             However, over time companies using these
       context of the trends affecting the data centre
                                                             platforms will inevitably consider the often
       and cloud sector, both in Africa and globally:
                                                             cheaper, large-scale cloud providers which have
                                                             a much wider customer experience to draw
       I mpact of COVID-19
                                                             upon. Initial experience will make them more
        This study was completed during the COVID-19
                                                             confident about shifting more decisively later in
        pandemic and many of the responses given
                                                             the transition.
        were based on a return to some version of
        normally functioning economies. At the time
                                                             The more cautious approach to the cloud in
        of writing, the full economic implications of the
                                                             Sub-Saharan African countries may reflect a
        crisis were far from clear.
                                                             combination of circumstances: fears about
                                                             the adequacy and reliability of bandwidth;
       However, the impact of the various national
                                                             the speed with which their customers (both
       lockdowns in Sub-Saharan African countries has
                                                             enterprise and retail) are migrating online; and
       reinforced the importance of the ability to have
                                                             fears about how good cloud security will be.
       flexible working. This is a trend that requires the
       following: access through a range of devices;
                                                             In several of the countries surveyed, there were
       effective online communications platforms;
                                                             latency issues and some data centre providers
       access to all the necessary work documents;
                                                             said only local hosting would work for cloud
       and sufficient security to ensure that no-one
                                                             services. Those businesses that are consumer
       can abuse any part of what is required.
                                                             facing are looking to raise revenues through
                                                             mobile apps and trying to work out whether
       That said, major markets like South Africa
       and Nigeria have been experiencing what will
       almost certainly be a medium-term economic

       Hybrid implementation
       Although migration to cloud applications is
       accelerating in key markets in Sub-Saharan
       Africa, more cautious companies are relying on
       platform technologies before making everything
       cloud based. This means that enterprise
       customers may choose to take parts of their
       services to the cloud, such as Know Your
       Customer (KYC) implementations.

       Hybrid implementation may also involve
       companies using local, in-country cloud
       solutions, which in the first wave of migration
       feel “closer to home” or seem to deal more
       effectively with bespoke requirements. It may
       also mean before going to global hyperscalers,
       transferring all or some operations to a local,
       private cloud.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                    6
they can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and         but will also take place across other domains
       Machine Learning (ML). Mobile apps also allow         in the economy, both for B2B and consumer
       companies (particularly banks) to give their          transactions. Worsening economic conditions
       customers 24/7 service.                               will add to the pressure to innovate.

       On security, companies may feel more                  An example taken from India illustrates how
       confident that an external provider can handle        this might happen to the payments ecosystem
       all of the business of security, such as automatic    for telecoms. Vodafone Idea, a player in India’s
       back-up, intrusion detection, SSL encryption          hotly contested telecoms space, is moving to a
       and vulnerability tests. The estimated number         cloud-native charging solution delivered using
       of security professionals on the continent            its own private cloud. The pilot is managing over
       (around 10,000) is about the same size as, for        4 million live subscribers and serves up more
       example, Oracle’s security team.                      than 1,000 transaction units per second (TPS)
                                                             traffic for online data charging. The purpose
       Over the medium-term, the advantages of cost          of the pilot is a two-step process: firstly, to
       savings, more efficient processes, only paying        roll-out the private cloud option across India
       for what you use as demand scales up and              and secondly, as a step towards a public cloud
       down and the ability to make service changes          platform.
       more quickly will begin to be more persuasive
       as the first cohort of major cloud users              Data sovereignty and localisation:
       demonstrate that the technology works.                Data centres and cloud services raise particular
                                                             challenges for regulators. For example, a
       One of the key cost savings is shifting from          Kenyan’s individual data might be stored in any
       time spent on manual processes (in say, payroll       one of a number of data centres globally, some
       payments) to automating processes and being           on the continent and some not.
       able to understand more easily the meaning of
       a company’s own data.                                 Therefore how can national law protect
                                                             the individual from abuse in non-national
       Digital disruption                                    jurisdictions? What right does that Kenyan
       Whether globally or in Sub-Saharan Africa,            individual have to see the data that has been
       there is an increasing level of digital disruption.   collected on him or her? Data sovereignty
       According to Weetracker, US$679 million was           covers legislation that information which is
       invested in African start-ups in the Fintech          stored in the cloud is subject to the laws of the
       sector in 2019. Most of this investment was           country in which it is physically stored.
       made in Kenya and Nigeria. There are now
       significant pan-continental operators in              In 2016, the European Union passed the
       this space.                                           General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
                                                             which had five key provisions:
       Alongside the newcomers, there has been a
       steady transformation in the digital offerings        •   Requiring the consent of subjects for data
       of African banks, particularly in Nigeria. For            processing
       example, the country’s largest retail bank, First     •   Anonymising collected data to protect
       Bank of Nigeria, has over one million downloads           privacy
       of its Android app. The same is also true for         •   Providing data breach notifications
       Kenya’s largest retail bank KCB.                      •   Safely handling the transfer of data across
       The combination of start-up and existing              •   Requiring certain companies to appoint a
       enterprise innovation is creating new                     data protection officer to oversee GDPR
       transaction ecosystems. This migration can                compliance
       be seen most clearly in the financial sector

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                    7
Because a large number of multinational                Likewise in Tanzania, circular number
       companies are based or operate in Europe this          FA.56/293/01/54 (dated 23 August 2019)
       has had the effect of ‘exporting’ many of these        from the Bank of Tanzania specifies that banks
       requirements to other countries.                       locate their primary or secondary data centres
                                                              in Tanzania.
       According to a Lexology report in 2019, 16
       African countries had passed data protection           Furthermore, in 2011, Nigeria’s Central Bank
       legislation with a further 8 due to do so.             introduced a measure that required all point-
       According to a 2017 Personal Data Protection           of-sale and ATM transactions to be processed
       report from Deloitte, 13 African countries             locally.
       require notifications of personal data breaches.
                                                              Another example globally would be India
       Data localisation means that there is legislation      where the Reserve Bank of India insisted on
       (or guidelines) that requires companies to store       data localisation of financial transactions in
       a copy of the data locally, requiring companies        2018. Whether right or wrong, these kinds of
       to process data locally, and mandating                 legislation (or guidelines) will lead to growth in
       individual or government consent for data              local data centre and cloud activity.

       The most obvious example in Africa is
       Nigeria. The 2014 Guidelines for Nigerian              FACTORS ENCOURAGING THE
       Content Development in Information and                 DATA CENTRES AND CLOUD
       Communications Technology (ICT) mandated
       that all subscriber, government, and consumer
                                                              SERVICES ECOSYSTEMS
       data be stored locally.
                                                              There are three key factors that encourage
                                                              the development of a data centre and cloud
       Map indicating size of African economies               services ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa:

                                                               verall size of economy and population
                                                              Taking GDP (PPP) US$ and GDP per capita (PPP),
                                                              there is a clear ‘first division’ in Sub-Saharan
                                                              African economies, comprising the 9 following
                                                              countries (in descending scale): Nigeria, South
                                                              Africa, Ethiopia, Angola, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania,
                                                              Ghana and DRC.

                                                              This is followed by smaller but nonetheless
                                                              relatively larger economies that make up a
                                                              ‘second division’, of the following six countries
                                                              (in descending scale): Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon,
                                                              Uganda, Zambia, Senegal and Mali.

                                                              Although there is some political risk in a
                                                              number of these countries – Ethiopia, Sudan,
            ‘First division’                                  DRC and Mali – they are all in the main
            Economies                                         economies with growth potential. The June
                                                              outlook from the IMF predicts that Sub-Saharan
            ‘Second divison’                                  African growth will recover to 3.4% in 2021.
            Economies                 Source: Balancing Act   Population size matters: the more people in

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                      8
a country as its economy is expanding, the           country’s IXP has 65 members, including 19
       greater the level of economic activity. All the      drawn from Abuja, Kano and Port Harcourt.
       ‘first division’ countries have a 2020 estimated
       population of over 30 million except for Ghana,      Two other countries make the same point
       which has 29 million. All the ‘second division’      at a smaller level. Tanzania has four mobile
       countries have populations of above 15 million       operators and 14 members of its ISP
       and below 30 million.                                association TISPA. TIX, the country’s IXP has 35
                                                            members and there are smaller IXPs in Arusha
       On this basis, there are fifteen countries           (AIX), Mwanza (MIXP) and Zanzibar (ZIXP). Ghana
       that have economies and population sizes             has three mobile operators and 18 members
       that give them the potential to develop data         of the country’s ISP association, GISPA. GIX, the
       centre and cloud services ecosystems. There          country’s IXP has 22 members.
       are two exceptions: Cape Verde and Djibouti.
       The former has higher wealth levels based on         Regulatory climate
       tourism but in the short to medium term this         The development of a data centre and cloud
       may prove problematic in terms of the impact         services ecosystem requires an ‘open market’
       of COVID-19. Djibouti’s key position as a data       attitude to regulation and an understanding of
       centre is defined by its geographic positioning      how the data ecosystem operates elsewhere in
       as a crossroads for several important cables.        the world.

       Number of operators                                  On this basis, Ethiopia is entering new territory,
       The more operators there are in a country, the       as it both liberalises its market and privatises
       greater the need for interconnection, either         its incumbent, Ethio Telecom. However, these
       through an IXP or a data centre, or in nearly all    are both developments that have taken time to
       cases both. This point is most vividly illustrated   work through in other countries.
       by the position of South Africa and Nigeria.
                                                            Cameroon has a de-facto monopoly over
       In South Africa there are four mobile operators,     significant parts of its infrastructure and a
       11 MVNOs, 160 or more ISPs and many other            dominant player that fights hard to maintain
       companies involved in connectivity. As a result,     its privileges. In Senegal, there is also a de-
       there are two IXPs and the Teraco operated           facto dominant player but in recent years the
       exchange point, NAPAfrica, which has 430             government and regulator have opened up the
       peering partners.                                    telecoms and internet service provider sector to
                                                            new players. Nevertheless, Orange has invested
       The numbers are not so large in Nigeria but still    in new data centres in both countries and
       show the same point: four mobile operators,          will undoubtedly become a key player in the
       more than 30 ISPs and again many other               ecosystem.
       companies involved in connectivity. IXPN, the

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                    9
2. M
       There are 10 Sub-Saharan African countries
       with carrier-neutral data centres (Angola, Cote
       d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius,
       Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia)
       and 5 more are coming on stream shortly (DRC,
       Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe).

       Overall, significant investments are being made
       in new facilities. On this basis, about a quarter
       of Sub-Saharan African countries have an
       existing or planned carrier neutral data centre.
       The chart below shows the rack capacity in 5
       key countries. Of these, South Africa represents
       89% of total capacity in the countries shown.

       Chart 1: Number of racks in
       carrier-neutral data centres in 5 key
       countries in 2020

                                                           South Africa (24,487)

                                                           Nigeria (1475)

                                                           Kenya (1080)

                                                           Ghana (232)

                                                           Angola (200)

                                                               Source: Balancing Act

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                          11
The chart below shows the geographic
          distribution of carrier-neutral data centres
          (20) and a full list of planned new facilities (15)
          - some of which are in countries that already
          have one or more carrier-neutral data centres.
          There are also a number of “under-the-radar”
          projects that have not yet come to fruition and
          are therefore not included in these figures.

          Chart 2: Number of existing and planned
          carrier-neutral data centres in Sub-Saharan
          Africa by country

                       Existing                                 Planned










                                                                 Cote d’Ivoire






                        South Africa







                                                                                                                                                        Source: Balancing Act

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                                                                                          12
On the basis of the criteria outlined in section     It estimates that South Africa is currently
       1 (See P8), there are another six countries that     70% of the market but that will change over
       may see the opening of a carrier-neutral data        the next 5-10 years as 85% of what it defines
       centre: Benin, Cameroon (if telecoms regulation      as broadband connections are outside South
       changes), Cape Verde, Madagascar, Namibia            Africa.
       and Zambia.
                                                            In a sign of the times, in May 2020, Liquid
       The quality and operational expertise of             Telecom-owned Africa Data Centres received
       carrier-neutral data centres in Sub-Saharan          approval from the South African Competition
       Africa has improved a great deal over last 5         Tribunal to buy Standard Bank’s data centre
       years. Operators who were in the first wave          (and the land on which it sits) in Samrand,
       of launches can now point to nearly a decade         north of Johannesburg. According to Africa Data
       or more of continuous successful operation.          Centres, the Samrand facility was purpose-built
       Several of the planned next generation data          as a Tier IV data centre to provide maximum
       centres are being built to Level IV standard.        levels of security and reliability for banking IT
       In a summary of the data centre landscape for
       the African Data Centres Association, Xalam          Several companies (for example, icolo, Main
       Analytics said that there were 100 data centres      One, PAIX, Rack Centre and Raxio) have regional
       of Tier III and above and that there were a          expansion plans and will either buy or build
       further 20 planned facilities. These figures         facilities in a range of countries. The countries
       relate to all types of data centres, not just        involved might include: DRC, Mozambique and
       carrier-neutral data centres.                        Namibia.

         At the 2017 Data Cloud           Tunisia, South Africa,           infrastructure ecosystem,
         Monaco event, there was an       Kenya, Ghana, Ivory Coast        that will be a catalyst for
         Africa Day that included a       and Zimbabwe – and its           economic transformation of
         panel session with 5 African     members include both             the continent.
         colocation companies from        carrier-neutral and carrier
         all over the continent.          data centres.                    The Chair of ADCA
                                                                           Fatoumata Sarr, who is also
         During the discussion, it        The Africa Data Centres          CEO of Orange Services
         showed that they were            Association (ADCA) is the        Group, said: ”The amount of
         not connected to each            trade organisation for data      data centre area in square
         other, while sharing similar     centres in Africa. It provides   metres on the African
         challenges.                      a platform for data centres      continent is similar to the
                                          actors in Africa to get          Paris or Amsterdam Area,
         Out of this discussion,          together, with the aim of        with an economy of 12
         the Africa Data Centre           promoting and developing         million people. That means
         Association was launched in      growth for the industry, as      there is a 1 for 100 ratio and
         Marrakech on September,          well as being a catalyst for     shows the room for growth
         2018.                            Africa digital development.      in Africa. To enable our
                                                                           members to benefit from
         The current board members        Its mission is to create a       this opportunity, the ADCA
         represent a diversity of         thriving, world class African    helps its members navigate
         African countries - Senegal,     data centres and cloud           the different challenges.”

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                   13
Several carriers – mainly mobile operators            There are 28 IXPs across Sub-Saharan Africa. In
       – have made significant investments in data           countries where they exist, international players
       centres. These include data centres of some           also locate themselves. For example, in Ethiopia
       scale in the following countries: Cameroon, Cote      there is no IXP because at the moment there
       d’Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria          is only one incumbent carrier in the market,
       and South Africa.                                     EthioTelecom. But with liberalisation coming
                                                             and bringing more carriers into the market, the
       There is a clear difference between the               planned Raxio carrier-neutral data centre has
       level of investment planned by key carrier-           the potential to become both a meet point and
       neutral centres companies and the pattern of          the place to host the country’s IXP.
       investment by carriers. In March 2020, Actis
       announced that it would invest US$250 million         The greatest concentration of international
       to create an African data centre platform. In         companies and organisations is found in South
       May 2020 Teraco announced that it would be            Africa, followed by Kenya and Nigeria. For
       investing US$220 million in its next stage of         example, Kenya’s KIXP hosts Amazon, Facebook,
       growth. That said, not all neutral carrier            Google, Microsoft, VeriSign, Cloudflare,
       data centres are investing at this level: for         Multichoice, BICS, China Telecom, China Mobile,
       example, PAIX’s investment in Ghana and Kenya         Hurricane Electric and Swisscom.
       was 2 million euros.
                                                             As streaming services develop, CDNs start
                                                             hosting locally. For example, Neflix has a local
                                                             presence in Nigeria, while Apple Music has a
       INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE IN                             local presence in South Africa.
                                                             The table on P15 shows international
       DATA CENTRES                                          companies and organisations hosted at NAP
                                                             Africa (part of Teraco in South Africa), which has
       The Executive Chairman of global data
                                                             the largest number of peering connections on
       centre operator Equinix, Peter Van Camp,
                                                             the continent. It shows how as markets develop
       has compared data centres to “international
                                                             – both in size and complexity – that increasing
       airports where passengers from many different
                                                             numbers of companies need to use its ‘airport’
       airlines make connections to get to their final
                                                             function. It also demonstrates that the larger
       destinations”. In Sub-Saharan Africa, this
                                                             the number of peering connections at a data
       ‘airport’ function was initially played by national
                                                             centre, the more incentive there is for nearby
       Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) that were set
                                                             countries to use it as their regional hub.
       up to ensure local traffic stayed local. Nearly all
       have been successful in attracting the majority
                                                             There are 15 African countries represented
       of carriers and ISPs in their respective countries
                                                             there: the majority are sub-regional but
       and in doing so, have created a “meet point”
                                                             two (Burkina Faso and Kenya) are some
                                                             considerable distance away. One of the major
                                                             limitations on this kind of regional peering is
       The earliest international presence in Sub-
                                                             latency, an issue that will be touched on in
       Saharan Africa was to be found in IXPs and
                                                             section 4 of the report (see P23).
       in many countries even now, the number of
       international players is greater in IXPs than
       carrier-neutral data centres where they exist.
       Not all IXPs and data centres declare all of their
       hosting parties so what follows is based on
       publicly available information.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                     14
Table 1: Categories of international hosting partners at NAPAfrica

        GLOBAL               REGIONAL            CDNS AND             CLOUD
        CARRIERS             CARRIERS            HOSTING              PROVIDERS

                                                                      Africa Cloud
        Airtel India         Communications      Amazon                                 Broadcom
        BICS                 Angola Cables       Akami                Alibaba Cloud     Cisco
        BT                   Aptus (TZ)          Cachefly             AWS               SITA
                                                                                        Rogers Capital
        China Telecom        Avoxi               Cloudflare           G-Core Labs       Technology
                                                                                        Services (DC in MU)
        CM Telecom           BTC (BW)            Facebook             Google Cloud      Route Views
        CMC Networks         Canal+ Telecom      Fastly               Microsoft Azure   The Packet House
        Dialpad              Congo Telecom       FFG Connection                         Tiggee
        G8                   Liquid Telecom      GVA Canalbox                           Ubuntunet
        Hurricane Electric                                             Epsilon
                             Telecom (MU)
        IPTP Networks        Mauritius Telecom   Misaka Network
        Layer3 Telecom       OPQNet (BW)         NSOne
        Netnod               Orange Tunisie      Psychz Networks
        Netovate             Paratus Africa      Reunicable
        Orange Business
                             Safaricom           Showmax
        Packet Clearing
                             SEACOM              Tysflo
        PCCW Global          Skyband (MW)        Valve
        Saudi Telecom        Swaziland PTC       VeriSign
        SG.GS                Telecom Nambia
        Siliconsky           TNM (MW)
        Swisscom             Telone (ZW)
                             Togo Telecom
                             Utande (ZW)
                             Technologies and
                             Solutions (BF)
                             Webmasters (MZ)

                                                                                         Source: Balancing Act

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                    15
FUTURE DISTRIBUTION                                  This regional hub effect is a combination of
                                                            three things:
       DATA CENTRES                                         •   Good fibre links to neighboring countries,
                                                                particularly those inland.
       The major carrier-neutral data centres in
                                                            •   Good onward fibre links across several
       Europe are clustered in a number of different
       countries. For example, Telehouse London sits
                                                            •   An advantageous position on the
       on the crossroads of several major international
                                                                crossroads of several international cables.
       fibre routes and as a result is host to 530
       carriers. Likewise Altice Portugal’s data centre
                                                            With a favorable combination of all three,
       is relatively close to the Sessimbra landing
                                                            a country can act as a regional data centre and
       stations crossroads, albeit for a much smaller
                                                            cloud services ecosystem.
       number of cables. The presence of a large,
       regional or global financial centre also seems
                                                            So for example access to one of the planned
       to play a role in scale and diversity of
                                                            international cables emphasises this
       companies hosted.
                                                            connection. Access to the 2Africa cable will
                                                            either be through carrier-neutral data centres
       So the key question in the longer-term is where
                                                            or through an Open Access landing station.
       will Sub-Saharan Africa’s regional carrier neutral
       data centres be located? The data centre and
                                                            The table on P17 identifies countries with either
       cloud services ecosystems in some countries
                                                            actual or potential regional hub status through
       acts as a sub-regional hub, for more than one
                                                            looking at their international and regional
                                                            fibre links.

       Map indicating potential regional hubs

            Existing regional

            Potential regional


                                                                                           Source: Balancing Act

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                      16
Table 2: Potential regional hubs (based on international and cross-border fibre links)        Source: Balancing Act

                     INTERNATIONAL                 CROSS-BORDER FIBRE
    REGIONAL                                                                 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS
                     SUBSEA CABLES                 LINKS

                     Existing: EaSSy, SAT3/WASC/ Lesotho, Mozambique,
                     SAFE, SEACOM, WACS          Namibia, Swaziland,         •   Also an international hub
    South Africa
                     Under construction:         Zimbabwe (and good          •   JSE is a large regional stock exchange
                     A2Africa, Equiano, PEACE    links further north)

                     Existing: EASSy, LION 2,      Ethiopia, South Sudan   •     Strong East African trading links
                     SEACOM, TEAMS                 (via Uganda) Tanzania,  •     Nairobi is a regional
    Kenya                                          Uganda and on-                business centre
                     Under construction:           connections to Burundi, •     Nairobi Stock Exchange is the fourth
                     A2Africa, PEACE               Rwanda, DRC (Gombe)           largest on the continent

                     Existing: ACE,                                          •   Abidjan is a regional business centre
                     Main One, SAT3, Maroc                                       and has significant percentage
                     Telecom international cable   Burkina Faso, Ghana,
    Cote d’Ivoire                                                                of its export trade within West Africa
                                                   Liberia, Mali
                     Under construction:                                     •   Home to West Africa’s BRVM; the
                     A2Africa                                                    region’s sixth largest stock exchange

                     Existing: ACE,
                     Main One, SAT3                Gambia, Mauritania,
    Senegal                                        Mali (and on to Guin-
                     Under construction:           ea-Bissau and Guinea)
                                                   CAR, Chad, Republic of
                     Existing ACE, NCSCS, SAIL,
    Cameroon                                       Congo, Equatorial Guin-
                     SAT3, WACS
                                                   ea (and on to Gabon)
                                                   Eritrea (planned),
                     Existing: SEACOM (via
    Ethiopia                                       Kenya, Somalia, South
                                                   Sudan, Sudan
                     Existing: ACE, GLO 1,
                     Main One, SAT3, WACS          Benin, Burkina Faso,      •   Ghana Stock Exchange is
                     Under construction:           Cote d’Ivoire, Togo           the fifth largest on the continent

                     Existing: ACE, GLO 1,
                     Main One, SAT3, WACS          Benin, Burkina Faso,
                                                                             •   NSE is the region’s third largest stock
    Nigeria                                        Cameroon, Ghana,
                     Under construction:                                         exchange exchange, the NSE.
                                                   Niger, Togo
                     A2Africa, Equiano

                     Existing: SAS-1               Chad (planned),
                                                   Ethiopia, Kenya
    Sudan            Under construction:           (planned 2021), South
                     A2Africa                      Sudan, Uganda


                     Existing: SEA-ME-WE 3 & 4,
                     I-ME-WE, EIG                                            •   Djibouti could be become
                     Under construction:                                         the Horn of Africa hub
                     A2Africa, PEACE

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                                 17
On a rational basis, the most likely regional        However, there are a number of factors
       carrier-neutral data centre locations would be       that may affect the rational simplicity of the
       South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.                     view expressed above. As already identified
                                                            in section 1 (see P7), data sovereignty and
       South Africa is well connected to its                localisation laws and regulations may lead to
       Southern African sub-region and has good             some countries insisting that their citizens’
       links to countries further up the continent.         data is held on national soil. Although
       Furthermore, Teraco has the largest group of         many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have
       data centres in a single Sub-Saharan African         passed data protection laws – some to bring
       country. Its IXP NAPAfrica is the 7th largest in     themselves in line with Europe’s GDPR – the
       the world and it hosts 250 carriers.                 situation is still far from clear.

       As a regional data centre hub, Nigeria is still      Furthermore, the differences between
       very much a work in progress. There is no            Anglophone and Francophone business areas
       single company that looks like a leading player      may lead to two very different regional entry
       yet; the corporate market is still transitioning     points. Likewise, there is a complicated set
       into external data centres; and connections to       of regional policy considerations in the Horn
       Francophone Africa are weak (both in terms of        of Africa that could lead to several countries
       trade and fibre links). That said, Rack Centre has   bidding to be a regional hub there.
       35 carrier connections making it and MDX-i with
       26 carrier connections the strongest current

       Kenya is already a regional hub for connectivity
       but it has not yet become the place to host
       regionally. Carrier-neutral data centres have
       been relatively slow to develop and there is
       no clear leader yet, although East Africa Data
       Centre is currently the largest.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                18
3. O
THE CURRENT CLOUD CLOUD                                  in the next year. Microsoft says it has seen
                                                                110% growth over the last year and has quite
       SERVICES LANDSCAPE                                       advanced plans for a number of new services
                                                                including SAP on Azure and Machine Learning.
       There are five major hyperscalers with an active
       interest in Africa:
                                                                At the AWS Online Summit Europe, Middle East
                                                                and Africa in June 2020, the company said it had
       •     Microsoft (which is probably currently
                                                                tens of thousands of customers, including Old
             the largest provider)
                                                                Mutual, Standard Bank, South Africa’s National
       •     AWS
                                                                Department of Health and Apex Innovation.
       •     Google Cloud (which has a significant
             presence in Kenya, Ghana and South Africa)
                                                                According to the company, customers choose it
       •     Whale Cloud (part of Alibaba)
                                                                for four reasons: flexibility, global reach, security
       •     Huawei Cloud
                                                                and product innovation.
       The table below summarises the local cloud
                                                                Although Huawei Cloud launched last year
       presence of the five major players. Both AWS
                                                                in South Africa, it does not yet appear to
       and Microsoft have expanded beyond South
                                                                have made much market impact outside of
       Africa and Alibaba plans to expand from there
                                                                Government contracts in South Africa and with
       into other Sub-Saharan African countries
                                                                its core customer base, telcos.
       over the next 12-18 months. It is also scaling
       up overall, recruiting 5,000 people globally

       Table 3: Hyperscaler and local presence by country                              Source: Balancing Act (estimates)

                                                                                         LOCAL CLOUD
     COUNTRY                     PRESENCE

                                 • Microsoft
     Nigeria                     • VMWare Cloud Provider                                 3-5
                                 • Google Cloud
                                 • AWS (Cape Town and Johannesburg)
                                 • Google Cloud
                                 • Huawei Cloud
     South Africa                • Microsoft Azure                                       40-50
                                 • VMWare Cloud Provider
                                 • Whale Cloud Services
                                 • Teraco’s neutral cloud platform

                                 • AWS
     Kenya                       • Microsoft Azure                                       2-4
                                 • Google Cloud

     Angola                      • Microsoft Azure                                       1

     Ethiopia                                                                            2

     Uganda                                                                              3

     Cote d’Ivoire                                                                       1

     Mozambique                                                                          2

     Multi-location              SEACOM (offers hybrid cloud)

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                              20
In addition to the local presences noted in         For others, like African TV broadcasters, they
       Table 3, Microsoft has over 10 PoPs in countries    have had suddenly to patch together cloud
       along the coastline of Africa and can offer cloud   working for production and news-gathering
       capability in countries in which there is not a     from a standing start with publicly available
       Microsoft local presence. In revenue terms,         tools to survive. Going forward, they will
       Microsoft’s cloud business revenues come 75%        undoubtedly be creating more considered
       from South Africa and 25% from the rest of          approaches to cloud working.
       Sub-Saharan Africa.
                                                           For some, like banks, the COVID-19 crisis
       According to IDC, annual cloud computing            has been a moment to focus tactically on
       subscriptions in South Africa will grow from        providing cloud based digital services to offer
       US$370 million in 2019 to US$1.7 billion in         convenience to their home-bound customers.
       2024. There is little or no data on the turnover    For example, many of the big lenders in Kenya,
       of cloud services outside of South Africa.          like Equity Bank, were offering free bank to
       Analysys Mason estimates that revenue from          mobile wallet transfers to their customers.
       public cloud services delivered to businesses
       in South Africa will reach US$170 million by        Research company IDC has predicted as a
       2023, accounting for more than half of all such     result of the pandemic, cloud spending will rise
       revenue across Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole.       across Middle East, Turkey and Africa to US$2.8
                                                           billion a year. It sees online collaboration tools,
                                                           cloud-based platforms, and secure remote
                                                           access as all being central to this process, as will
       UNDERLYING CLOUD                                    also improvements in infrastructure resiliency
       SERVICES DYNAMICS                                   and disaster recovery. The sectors it highlights
                                                           are: education, media and communications,
       There is no doubt that COVID-19 has                 government, healthcare and retail.
       accelerated the uptake of cloud services in
       Sub-Saharan Africa. Companies that might not        Beyond these COVID-19 changes, there were
       have considered these services before have          already several dynamics producing a migration
       gone through lockdown periods where they            to the cloud. When a carrier-neutral data centre
       needed to provide hassle-free home working          opens in a country there is an accompanying
       and communications.                                 growth in local cloud suppliers. Over time, many
                                                           of them become consultants who bridge the
       For some, especially outside South Africa,          gaps between legacy systems and hyperscaler
       this requirement had already been on their          offers. This is particularly true in South Africa
       roadmap in the form of things like future           where there are large numbers of companies
       Bring-Your-Own-Device strategies for multi-         supplying cloud software expertise rather than
       location companies and COVID-19 has simply          products and services.
       accelerated their implementation.

       As one oil and gas company in Nigeria told us:
       ”The (COVID-19) lockdown has increased the
       need for data to be accessed from here. Office
       365 can’t supply everything. The future is fully

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                     21
                                                           The third wave, which has begun to happen in
       Naturally there is a significant overlap between    larger markets includes: international telcos,
       data centre and cloud service users. African        Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), large local
       companies that are either using carrier-neutral     or regional companies, payment processors,
       data centres for data recovery or have replaced     manufacturing companies, online start-ups
       their in-house data centres with an external        and larger private hospital companies. In due
       supplier are on a journey towards further cloud     course, it may begin (as is already the case in
       adoption.                                           South Africa) to include the public sector.

       This journey actually starts with quite a narrow    The number of potential customers and rack
       initial group of users. In more liberalised         use strongly correlates with the size of the
       communications markets, there are local telcos      economy. In the bigger economies, like South
       and ISPs who need a meet point function:            Africa, Nigeria and Kenya, there is a larger
       even with a relatively small number of players,     number of racks per customer but in smaller
       it makes no sense in an IP world to have            countries, like Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, there is
       individual connections to all players. Later with   usually only one rack per customer (or less).
       smartphones, telcos needed the capacity to
       service a growing number of handset apps.           In some countries, the number of likely data
                                                           centre or cloud services users is relatively small
       The other group of African companies in the         and most are already in data centres, if not using
       first wave of carrier-neutral data centre users     cloud services. As one data centre operator said:
       were banks, who were increasing under legal         ”The economy here is not so stratified. There
       obligations to have their disaster recovery         are some industrial companies but there’s not
       outside their own premises.                         enough quality of IP in their space.”

       The second wave of users were multinational or      Some Francophone countries like Cote d’Ivoire
       multi-location companies looking for cost and       seem ready for cloud services (“All realise the
       operational efficiencies. This category includes    importance of the cloud with the current crisis,”
       a long list of potential business categories        said one local ISP) but smaller countries like
       including:                                          Benin may be much slower to transition (“Local
                                                           companies don’t make many changes. It will be
       •   Oil and natural gas                             three years before it happens,” said a local ISP).
       •   FMCG
       •   Automotive
       •   Power distribution
       •   Retail
       •   Mining
       •   Fertilizers
       •   Betting companies
       •   International NGOs
       •   Insurance
       •   Conglomerates

       This second wave of growth in individual
       countries is by no means complete and relies
       on improvements in bandwidth and power
       supply and regulatory changes to create a
       trusted environment.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                   23
For some categories, like international NGOs,         The latency issue was identified as key by one
       the speed of moving towards cloud on their            of the hyperscalers: ”It’s not just about the
       roadmap is much slower. They may have                 public cloud. It’s going to be hybrid cloud for
       cloud services in Europe, the US and some             quite some time because of the distances from
       parts of Asia but for Africa, one executive told      data centres”. At its worst, latency from regional
       us that: “The IT people are still very concerned      locations can be between 120-150 milliseconds
       about losing control. In normal times in Nairobi      and the upper end of this range causes
       the bandwidth would be fine to deliver these          problems for the customer.
                                                             However, in one West African country, latency
       The kind of migration experienced can best            was 300 milliseconds to neighboring countries
       be illustrated by a Kenyan company spoken             and 50 milliseconds in the country itself.
       to for this study, which was an early cloud           Sometimes the latency experienced by a
       adopter in 2012. Initially it used a local MNO for    customer can be laid at the door of network
       putting its customer data on a cloud service.         optimisation. One cloud service provider
       It experienced issues around storage and              told us of a customer in Botswana who was
       scalability before moving it to Microsoft Azure.      experiencing a 125 millisecond delay. With
       There were no issues of latency on its database       network optimisation, it was able to halve this
       function. However, it tried to move its call          level of latency. MyBroadband’s 2019 Cloud
       centre (taking 10,000 calls a day) to the cloud       Survey of gathered responses from 386 South
       but at that time experienced latency issues as        African companies of different scales, of which
       it was being served from South Africa. A second       77% used cloud services and 23% did not. 31%
       attempt (using a hybrid cloud) has been made          of those surveyed use telecoms cloud services.
       to move it to the cloud but again the service
       was not of good enough quality and it has             The main uses of cloud services in South Africa
       remained locally hosted.                              are summarised in the table below.

       Table 5: Type of cloud services used by percentage in South Africa

                                                             % OF COMPANIES USING SERVICE
                                                             IN SOUTH AFRICA

          Backup-as-a-Service                                53.24%

          Software-as-a-Service                              42.16%

          Infrastructure-as-a-Service                        26.76%

          Platform-as-a-Service                              26.22%

          Recovery-as-a-Service                              20.54%

          Other                                              0.81%

                                                                                      Source: MyBroadband, 2019

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                     24
EXAMPLES OF DIGITAL                                 platform from which it can oversee its business
                                                           operations from end-to-end. It has also seen
       TRANSFORMATION USING                                a “huge” reduction in capex on its server
       DATA CENTRE AND CLOUD                               infrastructure and IT resources.
       Example 1: A regional conglomerate
       Mukwano Industries is an East African
       conglomerate with interests that include
       manufacturing, agriculture and property
       development. Its products, ranging from
       petroleum jelly and detergents to cooking oil
       and soap; from drinking water to household
       and commercial plastics; can be found in many
       homes across Uganda.
                                                           Example 2: A regional bank
       Although it had implemented the SAP ECC             Standard Bank has launched digital-only
       6.0 platform in 2008, it still depended a great     banks in Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana,
       deal on paper-based systems and Excel               Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
       spreadsheets. Furthermore, the system had           and Zimbabwe. As African banks increasingly
       been customised many times and digital              come under pressure from other services like
       management did not go down to operations            mobile money, it has created a unified digital
       and plant management.                               strategy across diverse markets that allows
                                                           the advantages of scale and cost-cutting as
       It was in the words of its CEO Tony Gadhoke         accounts are self-servicing. Having services
       in a situation where it “had data everywhere,       on a digital platform (rather than on legacy
       but information nowhere. This meant we              systems) also allows them to take new products
       had low cost insights and a growing need for        and services to market more quickly than their
       operational efficiencies. Something had to give.”   competitors.

       It decided to move straight from its legacy         In June 2020, the bank, which uses both AWS
       systems and to move its core business               and Microsoft Azure, signed an agreement with
       processes to the Cloud using the SAP S/4HANA        Salesforce to power the Standard Bank Group
       Public Cloud platform. Gadhoke said: ”In doing      Digital Platform and service its ecosystem of
       so, we aimed to leverage Cloud capabilities         clients and partners.
       to improve technical and operational agility,
       enhance real-time visibility across the business,   The group has more than 53,000 employees,
       harmonise data, improve reporting, and enable       approximately 1,200 branches and over 9,000
       future growth and innovation.”                      ATMs on the African continent, which enable it
                                                           to deliver a complete range of services across
       In order to keep costs down, it made the            personal and business banking, corporate and
       changeover in five and a half months. In a first    investment banking and wealth management.
       for Uganda, the business put its core business
       systems into the cloud by the agreed deadline,      In March 2019, it migrated its production
       with minimal disruption to the business. The        workloads, including its customer facing
       company has already seen significant gains          platforms and strategic core banking
       in productivity and faster time to market. It       applications to the cloud. It named AWS as
       has greater visibility into its operations than     its preferred cloud provider to enable it to
       ever before, through an intuitive, unified          use data analytics and machine learning, to

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                25
automate financial operations and enhance             Example 3: A regional retailer
       customer facing web and mobile applications.          Pick ‘n Pay is a continental retailer with shops
       Subject to approvals from local regulators it will    in South Africa (its largest operation), Nigeria,
       take place across all business units.                 Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana,
                                                             Swaziland and Lesotho. In South Africa it is
       Sim Tshabalala, Group CEO of Standard Bank            the largest supermarket group, with nearly
       said: “For Standard Bank Group to remain a            1,700 stores across the country employing
       leader in African financial services, we recognise    approximately 85,000 people.
       we need to adopt a cloud-first approach to our
       business. AWS Cloud technology will create a          The company has complex, multi-supplier
       springboard for Standard Bank Group, helping          relationships and its finance team analyses
       us to rapidly roll out our digitisation and data      all bills relating to its IT environment to ensure
       strategy to better cater to customers whose           that the correct expenses are allocated to the
       needs are constantly evolving. The combination        right business units and to identify any billing
       of AWS’s rapid agility and high levels of security,   inaccuracies. In the past, this team would
       combined with Standard Bank’s customer                manually enter every line item from each
       obsession and desire to constantly raise the          vendor invoice into its ERP software - a task that
       bar, will allow us to build Africa’s financial        was time consuming, inefficient and
       services organization of the future and to be         error prone.
       positioned as more than a bank.”
                                                             In 2018 it went over to using a Microsoft
                                                             Azure-based solution called OneView to
                                                             automate the process and generate reports.
                                                             The impact has been significant: during the
                                                             March 2018–February 2019 financial year,
                                                             OneView has helped Pick ‘n Pay recover just
                                                             over ZAR 3 million in costs.

                                                             In addition, OneView has helped the
                                                             supermarket chain monitor and control mobile
                                                             device usage and costs. And because it’s built
                                                             on a secure cloud, OneView delivers the speed,
                                                             safety, and security required by Pick ‘n Pay as it
                                                             begins the journey to becoming an increasingly
                                                             technology-driven business.

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                     26
Example 4: Content Distribution Network                 Example 5: FMCG multinational in China:
       iBAKA TV was one of the first video streaming           This final example is included to show what a
       platforms to launch in Nigeria in 2012. Although        multinational with a strong presence in Africa
       it started as a YouTube Premium Channel it has          is doing in another emerging market. One of
       become a VoD platform, serving Nigerians at             the biggest multinational consumer goods
       home and in the diaspora. It was iBAKA TV that          companies, Unilever has started an initiative in
       organised the first global online premier for a         China to carry out digital marketing campaigns
       Nollywood film in June 2012 for Obi Emelonye’s          using the Cloud. It believes that it will enable it
       Last Flight to Abuja.                                   to predict more precisely and respond more
                                                               quickly to changing customer buying habits
       Like many Nollywood VoD platforms, it gets              across multiple platforms.
       90% of its revenues from the African diaspora
       and currently has 70-100,000 people who have            In July 2020, it went into partnership with
       signed up and 40-50,000 active subscribers.             Alibaba Cloud, to use its Artificial Intelligence
       which means that there are probably around              (AI) and cloud-based technologies to optimise
       5,000 subscribers                                       its omni-channel, online and offline demand
                                                               generation activities. These technologies
       Between 2015 and 2017, the company began                can help to unlock detailed insights into it’s
       to experience a range of problems on the VoD            customers buying patterns and behavior. The
       platform it was using: ”We were partnering with         data-driven business intelligence could help it
       an international company based in the UK.               accelerate the creation of new and precisely
       There were major challenges with three issues:          targeted digital marketing campaigns. The
       piracy, speed and quality. We asked them to see         software can follow consumers’ purchasing
       how they might encrypt our content and they             journey through Unilever’s online stores in
       could not fully implement the technology. Our           Taobao and Tmall.
       subscribers in Europe were having problems
       that affected access.”

       “(In 2020) we decided to approach a different
       company. We had used AWS before for hosting
       our website. It was able to guide us through the
       product and how to implement it in terms of
       low pricing. It’s a far better deal financially as we
       got a 40% discount. It has a storage service and
       elastic load balancing and really is a cloud first
       service.” The Amazon Cloudfront service claims
       to deliver:”On average, up to a 50% reduction
       in first-byte latency when wishing to access
       watchable content.”

       So what has been the impact of the COVID-19
       lockdown on the company’s platform? ”It has
       created more engagement on our platform with
       longer watch times. People are now looking at
       5-10 movies a month and we’ve had increased
       subscription levels. But we haven’t had any drop
       in terms of speeds or downtime.” It has future
       plans to expand its service into Ghana and

AFRICA INTERCONNECTION REPORT                                                                                        27
5. N
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