INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022 - ExchangeWire

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INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022 - ExchangeWire

INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022 - ExchangeWire
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CLIENTS & CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                 CONTENTS
                                                                                                       FOREWORD                             04           PILLAR THREE: DATA-DRIVEN TV              26
                                                                                                       PILLAR ONE: THE OPEN WEB             06           The CTV Advertising Revolution            28
                                                                                                       Let the Cookie Crumble: an           08
                                                                                                       Opportunity for Digital Marketers.                PILLAR FOUR: GROWING                      30
                                                                                                       Quantcast                                         WALLED GARDENS
                                                                                                       Media Buying AI Will Eliminate the   10           The Rise of the Next Generation           32
                                                                                                       Privacy Vs Performance Tradeoff                   of Walled Gardens
                                                                                                       Scibids                                           Clearcode

                                                                                                       Navigating the Fragmented World      12           Walled Gardens: You Can Go Under          34
                                                                                                       FirstPartyCapital                                 Them, You Can Go Over Them, and
                                                                                                                                                         You Can Go Through Them
                                                                                                       Resolving Publisher Challenges       14           59A
                                                                                                                                                         PILLAR FIVE: THE SERVICE LAYER            36
                                                                                                       How Everyone Wins: Contextual        16
                                                                                                       Targeting and the Key to Building                 Embracing Change: the Future              38
                                                                                                       Better Relationships                              of the Service Layer
                                                                                                       SmartFrame Technologies                           Silverbullet

                                                                                                       Beyond the Cookie: New Signals       18           How the Service Layer is Evolving         40
                                                                                                       in Digital Advertising                            and What That Means for Advertisers
                                                                                                       Sharethrough                                      and Agencies
                                                                                                       The Pivot to Privacy: Aegrescit      20

                                                                                                       PILLAR TWO: RETAIL MEDIA             22
                                                                                                       Why Retail Media is One of the       24
                                                                                                       Strongest Trends Right Now
                                                                                                       CvE   For more detail, contact |                   For more detail, contact |
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Moving Away from                                                                            CIARAN O’KANE
                                                                                            President and CSO,
Legacy Infrastructure                                                                       WireCorp

Our industry is in a state                to look a lot different from today.       Buyers will be attracted by changing
of flux. From regulatory                  I believe the building blocks for a       user behaviour and the tight attribution
oversight, to increased
                                          successful open web need to be built      model offered by the channel. Ad tech                      THE REALITIES OF THE ‘SHRINKING’ OPEN WEB WERE BROUGHT HOME
                                          on a privacy-first approach — and         will be necessary for aggregation,
platform privacy functionality,           that’s why we will see a big focus        execution, segmentation, format                             TO ME BY A PRODUCT LEAD RECENTLY, WHEN HE POINTED OUT THAT
to the proliferation of the
walled garden, the entire
                                          on technologies evolving beyond
                                          ID hacking.
                                                                                    innovation and addressability.
                                                                                                                                                 A SIZEABLE MINORITY (30%–40%) OF CHROME USERS ARE EITHER
ecosystem is still trying to
get to grips with a rapidly               2.                                        3.                                                             BROWSING IN ‘INCOGNITO’ MODE OR HAVE THE STRONGEST DNT
                                                                                                                                                              (DO NOT TRACK) SETTINGS IN PLACE.
                                                                                    MAKING DATA-DRIVEN TV
changing media and                        THE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY
marketing landscape.
                                                                                    ADDRESSABLE TO BUYERS
                                          IN RETAIL MEDIA                           The third pillar is data-driven TV. There
For my review of the industry this        Retail media is another big growth        is so much TV inventory locked in
year I am going to focus on six pillars   area. It is a ten-year-in-the-making
                                                                                    walled gardens outside the US. How          concerns around the use of IP will see                                              audiences and emerging channels like
that will concentrate minds. I believe    ad market. It has taken the rise of       do you make the BVOD, AVOD, FAST            a bigger adoption of 'evolved' panel                                                retail media. Some will see this as a
these pillars represent the best          e-commerce, shifting trade budgets,       et al addressable to buyers?                                                                                                    backward step, but it will be necessary
opportunities, and will be the focus      and the explosive growth of Amazon's
                                                                                                                                solutions.                                THE EVOLUTION OF THE                      with so many audience blind spots.
of most innovation and investment                                                   The sheer number of siloed TV
for the coming 12 months.
                                          ad business for online retailers,
                                                                                    inventory sources makes it especially
                                                                                                                                Data-driven TV buying outside the US      SERVICE LAYER
                                          marketplaces, tech vendors and buyers                                                 is very difficult; it is underpinned by                                             The industry review provides
                                                                                    difficult to scale targeting and                                                      The fifth and final pillar will focus

                                          to invest resources into the area.                                                    legacy buying practices and slow tech                                               ExchangeWire's view of the market,
                                                                                    measurement. It will be interesting                                                   on the evolution of the service layer.    and the emerging trends. We firmly
                                          We will see hundreds and thousands                                                    adoption. But this evolving USD$200bn
                                                                                    to see how data-driven focused                                                        The service layer becomes even more       believe we are about to enter an
                                                                                                                                ad market will offer huge opportunity.
THE FATE OF THE OPEN WEB                  of online retailers and marketplaces      buyers aggregate and optimise                                                         important as the media landscape          extended innovation cycle, moving
                                          building retail media businesses,
                                                                                    in this challenged environment.                                                       splinters. Buying scale no longer         away from legacy infrastructure that
The first - and probably most critical    trying to tap a new margin-heavy                                                                                                matters in a privacy-first world,         can no longer deliver for buyers
- is the fate of the open web. With       revenue source.                           Programmatic will be critical to                                                      littered with walled gardens.             and sellers.
third-party cookies and ID deprecation,
                                          The multi-billion dollar/euro/pound
                                                                                    enabling data-driven buying. But so         GROWING WALLED GARDENS
can we find functional replacements for                                             too will new aggregator platforms, as                                                 Agency partners will instead be           The year 2022 will represent the
existing targeting and measurement?       channel emerging in retail media now      marketers try to knit together disparate    The fourth pillar looks at the impact     benchmarked on their planning             beginning of that transition, opening
Can contextual, clean rooms, and a        seems to be on everyone’s radar. Retail   pockets of TV ad inventory.                 of walled garden growth. While some       expertise, data management and            up exciting opportunities for those
move to ‘attention’ measurement save      media accesses a whole new source                                                     might bemoan this development, there      execution capabilities, and the ability   vendors building truly innovative
the open web?                             of ad spend — namely traditional          Contextual will be the go-to for            will be huge upside for the service       to piece together disparate technology.   technology that has proper utility in
                                          trade budget spend that sat with          targeting, as buyers seek out greater       and tech layer — as buyers look to
The realities of the ‘shrinking’ open                                                                                                                                     New service solutions will emerge         a world where walled gardens and
                                          large retailers.                          granularity. Increased privacy              vendors for execution, optimisation
web were brought home to me by a                                                                                                                                          to plug knowledge gaps around data        privacy underpin the new reality ■
product lead recently, when he pointed                                                                                          and measurement capabilities.             management, technology selection
out that a sizeable minority (30%-40%)                                                                                          Media is now a series of walled           and implementation, and channel
of Chrome users are either browsing in                                                                                          gardens. Simple tasks like frequency      expertise (Amazon, TikTok etc). The
‘incognito’ mode or have the strongest                                                                                          capping and basic optimisation will       increased complexity means more
DNT (do not track) settings in place.                                                                                           become more difficult. We need to         specialism is required.
That means that over 40% of the
addressable web has already gone.
                                                       CONTEXTUAL WILL BE THE GO-TO FOR                                         re-imagine how we do marketing in         Ad networks will return to the fore to

We currently operate in an addressable
                                                    TARGETING, AS BUYERS SEEK OUT GREATER                                       the privacy-first era.                    aggregate and optimise open web

marketplace that is becoming less
addressable by the day. Thankfully,
                                                   GRANULARITY. INCREASED PRIVACY CONCERNS
we are seeing offerings and strategies               AROUND THE USE OF IP WILL SEE A BIGGER
emerging that are tackling some of
these underlying problems.                          ADOPTION OF 'EVOLVED' PANEL SOLUTIONS.
The open web will have a good future
post third-party cookie. But it’s going                         For more detail, contact |                         For more detail, contact |
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PILLAR ONE                                                                                             THE OPEN WEB

THE OPEN WEB                                                                                           Moving Away from
                                                                                                       Legacy Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RICHARD REEVES
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Managing Director,

⃝✓ This will continue to attract                                                                       Agencies may want targeted              to third-party cookies, there is a rising
                                                                                                                                               number of ad tech intermediaries
                                                                                                                                                                                           Now, more than ever, publishers
                                                                                                                                                                                           need to protect their valuable assets.
                                                                                                       advertising to continue in
   most of independent ad tech                                                                         its current form once third-            taking data from publishers to fuel         To do this, they should focus on
                                                                                                                                               their own solutions — without first         applying tighter scrutiny and controls
                                                                                                       party cookies are gone, but                                                         when entering relationships with
⃝✓ Context will continue to lead
                                                                                                                                               asking permission to do so. Publishers’
                                                                                                       publishers don’t need a like-           intellectual property is being used         intermediaries, as well as ensuring
                                                                                                                                                                                           they have the means to effectively
   the way in terms of targeting                                                                       for-like replacement. With
                                                                                                       vast amounts of first-party
                                                                                                                                               by third-party vendors for purposes
                                                                                                                                                                                           enforce the terms of their licensing
                                                                                                                                               outside of licensing agreements
                                                                                                                                                                                           agreements ■
                                                                                                       data at their disposal, third-          — which may be set to help verify
⃝✓ Measurement will shift to                                                                           party cookie deprecation                brand-safe environments — and
   “attention” and panel-based                                                                         presents publishers with                are instead being used to create
                                                                                                                                               contextual advertising segments that
                                                                                                       an opportunity to lead the
   solutions                                                                                           way forward and take
                                                                                                                                               rival publishers’ ad offerings. In this
                                                                                                                                               instance, activity is comparable to
                                                                                                       back control.
⃝✓ Clean rooms play a bigger
                                                                                                                                               agreeing a deal to buy apples but
                                                                                                       However, as the industry continues to   using them to plant an orchard right
   role                                                                                                explore alternative targeting methods   next to the farm.

⃝✓ Cookie-less will play a big
   role here   For more detail, contact |                       For more detail, contact |
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Let the Cookie Crumble: an
Opportunity for Digital Marketers.

The open web is a space
made up of the weird and                                                                       SOPHIE LEE
wonderful content we all                                                                       Sales Director, Quantcast

enjoy every day. There
are currently 1.93 billion
websites on the internet
and 4.95 billion global
internet users. Most of these
websites and users fall into                       AS WE PREPARE FOR A FUTURE WITHOUT THIRD-
the open internet category,
which encompasses online                            PARTY COOKIES, QUANTCAST HAS EMERGED AS
destinations that are                              A STRATEGIC PARTNER, THANKS TO ITS CUTTING-
equally free and available
to all, without requiring
                                                   EDGE APPROACH. THEIR SOLUTION HAS ALLOWED
registration or payment. In                         US TO FULLY SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES OF THE
fact, consumers spend 66%                            OPEN INTERNET AND EMBRACE THE FUTURE
of their time on the open
internet, with the remaining                                WITH GREATER CONFIDENCE.                                               succeed. This will require marketers        complete picture of who the user          less competition, and lower inventory
                                                                                                                                   to embrace the opportunities offered        might be, and highlights potential        costs, as well as time to establish
34% spent in walled gardens.                                      FRANCESCA GRASSI MANTELLI                                                                                    behaviours, interest, and intent. When    measurement benchmarks and
                                                                                                                                   by first-party data, as well as cohorts,
                                                            DIGITAL MARKETING CLUSTER LEAD, VODAFONE                                                                                                                     optimise resources and strategy.
Yet, the walled gardens receive 60%                                                                                                contextual, and more. Those who             it comes to probabilistic data, more
of advertising spend. There is a major                                                                                             seize these solutions can reap the          information is always better, and so      By casting a net across the open
disconnect between where consumers                                                                                                 competitive advantage of access to          the Quantcast Platform takes into         web, marketers have the opportunity
are and where ad budgets are being                                                                                                 new audiences, more inventory, and          account a multitude of relevant signals   to scale and reach more diverse
allocated. Traditionally, this has been                                                                                            more scaled advertising results. This       when making decisions regarding           audiences than they can within a
driven by a perceived gap between          matter to them with precision, accuracy    looming, this is an ideal moment for                                                     audiences, targeting, measurement,        walled garden. This unparalleled
                                                                                                                                   is an opportunity for the industry to
the targeting capabilities of the walled   and efficiency.                            our industry to create a more robust                                                     and attribution.                          reach enables far greater effectiveness
                                                                                                                                   rethink identity and make the process
gardens and the targeting capabilities                                                solution for the open web.                                                                                                         and efficiency ■
                                           However, as the industry evolves,                                                       of collecting consent more transparent.
(or lack thereof) of the open web. But     technology must keep up to help            Today, much of the internet is already                                                   FIRST-MOVER ADVANTAGE
that gap is narrowing — quickly.           advertisers and publishers navigate the    operating without third-party cookies,       WHAT IS THE SOLUTION TO SAVING              The challenge of building a

                                           deprecation of third-party cookies and     including browsers like Firefox and
Serving relevant advertising to
                                           other digital identifiers by 2023. The     Safari, which deprecated third-party
                                                                                                                                   THE OPEN WEB?                               sustainable, free, open, and trusted
audiences on the open web and                                                                                                                                                  internet that better protects consumer
measuring the success of these             big question is what will these changes    cookies years ago. Even now, an              Quantcast believes there is no one-         data privacy will not be solved
campaigns has never been simpler           mean for the fate of the open web and      estimated 30-40% of Chrome users             size-fits-all solution to the post-third-   overnight or by any one organisation.
than it is today. Over the past few        what needs to happen to ensure its         browse using incognito mode or               party cookie conundrum. Savvy               It will take a wide spectrum of
years, ad tech companies have              survival as a resource for consumers       with strong do not track signals. This       marketers will focus on more than a                                                   Consumers spend 66% of their
                                                                                                                                                                               companies from across the online
                                           globally?                                  points to the need for a cookieless
streamlined and simplified advertising                                                                                             single approach to replace the third-       publishing, advertising, and technology   time on the open internet
on the open web. Advertisers can           Well, with change comes opportunity,       solution to help marketers and               party cookie, because the truth is that     industries collaborating together to
now oversee the entire life cycle of       and so while third-party cookies           publishers measure and optimise              the best cookieless solutions will build    carve a path forward. Despite this
a campaign using a unified platform        have been a popular mechanism for          their investments now.                       on first-party data, cohorts, contextual,   daunting challenge, the future is

for the open web, and advances in AI       measuring return on investment from                                                     and more, using an AI-driven ensemble       bright for the companies that can
and machine learning are empowering        advertising for a long time, they are      PRIVACY IS PIVOTAL IN                        to understand audiences, value              successfully navigate this change.
scale and reach like never before.         far from perfect. In fact, they have                                                    advertising, and measure results.           Embracing cookieless advertising
This has transformed the way media         been less and less prominent in the
                                                                                      THE SOLUTION                                 The benefit to this approach is that        now will give companies a first-mover
is bought and sold and marketers are       process of delivering online advertising   A privacy-first solution is crucial          every signal is additive in that it         advantage and will help them benefit
now able to reach the audiences that       for some time. So with their demise        for any post-cookie strategy to              allows advertisers to build a more          from access to additional inventory,      Global internet users                          For more detail, contact |                           For more detail, contact |
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Media Buying AI Will Eliminate the                                                                                                             Scibids helps Charlotte Tilbury Beauty reduce cost per
Privacy Vs Performance Tradeoff                                                                                                                    acquisition (CPA) by 29% with custom bidding

                                                                                                                                                THE GOALS

                                                                                                                                                     Increase purchases of luxury cosmetic
For the moment, we’re being                                                                                                                          products on the Charlotte Tilbury website.

spared apocalyptic headlines                                                                         JULIEN HIRTH                                    Maximize ad campaign’s return on investment.

                                                                                                     Co-founder and General
about the embattled cookie                                                                           Manager, Scibids                           THE APPROACH
and the outsized reliance                                                                                                                            Used Display & Video 360 to optimize bids.

on personally identifiable                                                                                                                           Worked with Scibids, a company developing
information (PII) in digital                                                                                                                         custom algorithms to tailor the bidding

marketing, but don’t get too                                                                                                                         Assessed performance impact using

comfortable. Regulators                                                                                                                              experiments & lift tool.

around the world remain                                  SCIBIDS’ UNIQUE APPLICATION OF DISPLAY &                                               THE RESULTS

emphatic, while big ad tech
                                                       VIDEO 360’S CUSTOM BIDDING SOLUTION ACROSS
                                                                                                                                                     Reduced customer acquisition costs by 29%.

still plans big deprecation of                                                                                                                       Increased conversion rate by 60%.

cross-site, tracking-based ad                           OUR CAMPAIGNS GENERATED A STEP CHANGE IN                                                     Doubled viewable reach by optimizing
technologies. A cookieless
future for ad tech will be here
                                                        PERFORMANCE. WE ARE EXCITED TO LEVERAGE
before you know it, and that                              THIS PARTNERSHIP TO FURTHER SCALE OUR
should be an exciting time                                         PROGRAMMATIC EFFORT.                                                 Restoring confidence in the                                 enjoy rich customisation options to put      simplifies campaign setup and ongoing
for digital marketing.
                                                                      ANDREW LEUNG, GLOBAL HEAD OF                                      performance, quality, and scale                             their proprietary insights to work.          adjustments to campaigns, which
The good news is that artificial                                        PERFORMANCE MARKETING                                           opportunities of the open web is                                                                         alleviates extra work that traders
intelligence (AI) is growing productivity                                                                                                                                                           Further, agencies and ad tech partners
                                                                         CHARLOTTE TILBURY BEAUTY                                       critical for the entire digital advertising                                                              may seek to do.
and profitability opportunities across                                                                                                                                                              are seeking to differentiate themselves by
                                                                                                                                        ecosystem. Only independent,
industries. It enables sophisticated,                                                                                                                                                               deploying intelligent, proprietary, cross-   Scaled & Automatic Usage of AI
                                                                                                                                        agnostic, and transparent AI providers
scaled media buying decisions for                                                                                                                                                                   channel programmatic media activation        Scibids created the Autoplug feature
                                                                                                                                        will be able to handle the full scale
advertisers in digital marketing. The                                                                                                                                                               strategies to distinguish themselves in      to instruct the AI to be automatically
                                                                                                                                        of what is required for advertisers to
better news is that AI also brings both                                                                                                                                                             a DSP landscape that is increasingly         activated on campaigns meeting
                                                                                                                                        succeed in the privacy-first era. With
new optimisation methods that eschew                                                                                                                                                                commoditised. In short, advertisers can      specific criteria. This helps traders
                                               while driving advertiser growth. While        produce superior performance across        the walled gardens growing larger in a
PII and cross-site tracking while                                                                                                                                                                   no longer consider AI optional in their      scale the usage of Scibids AI on
                                               we’re all mindful of the legal, regulatory,   a range of business KPIs.                  fraught media landscape, advertisers
delivering superior marketing results.                                                                                                                                                              programmatic bidding strategy.               specific categories of campaigns.
                                               and consumer backlash, advertisers                                                       need assurance that their investments
And the best news is that AI works from                                                      And like any good technology, the right                                                                                                             Other than time saving benefits, it
                                               need to be ready to use big tech’s                                                       in the open web are paying off.                             Dynamic Budget Allocation
within your existing ad tech stack.                                                          AI doesn’t ask its users to upend the                                                                                                               helps traders optimise campaigns
                                               evolving data regimes. These data sets                                                   The following features highlight what AI-                   Humans can’t compete with a                  sooner and get quicker results on KPIs.
                                                                                             way they work, nor to stop using the
Few use cases present such an ideal            pool users in groups rather than in                                                      powered ad decisioning should provide                       machine’s ability to analyse large data
                                                                                             tech stacks they’re used to. Instead, it                                                                                                            Scibids prides itself on being an
environment for the deployment of              individual cookies, data structures that                                                 media buyers:                                               sets in seconds. Every trader knows
                                                                                             makes those systems work harder and                                                                                                                 agnostic partner that helps agencies,
novel machine learning as digital              simply weren’t top-of-mind for those                                                                                                                 that some campaigns have the potential
                                                                                             produce more.                              Increased Data Science Capabilities                                                                      brands, and ecosystem partners do
marketing; the scale of data points            who engineered the algorithms of a                                                                                                                   to scale in volume of KPIs produced,
                                               decade ago.                                   With the right AI at their sides,          As advertisers take greater control of                      while others do not. This doesn’t mean       more with their media budgets using
and media opportunities is global
                                                                                             advertisers like Dell, Nestle, Spotify,    their holistic digital media operations,                    algorithms replace humans but rather         AI. The interoperability between
and growing, while data feedback               The right AI flexibly ingests these
                                                                                             Square, and Charlotte Tilbury Beauty       effective optimisation through                              frees them up to add the human touch         proprietary first-party, CRM, and
for hungry algorithms is real-time. In         new data and enables ad campaigns
                                                                                             are embracing a privacy-aligned, highly    proprietary, first-party data sets and                      when applicable and resolve them with        marketing cloud data, all the way
addition, ad tech’s primary source of          to thrive. Instead of over-targeting a
                                                                                             performant future today.                   signals is becoming a must-have.                            more significant AI-enabled insights.        to measurement and reporting
fuel (online behavioural analysis) is          specific and small group of cookies,                                                     Scibids provides customers ramping                                                                       data (such as attention metrics), to
about to run out, and with it the utility of   modern AI is smart enough to ingest           There is yet much to do and use            up their use of first-party data with                       Scibids’ dynamic budget allocation           become actionable in the bidding
a generation of optimisation methods           plentiful, non-user-specific metadata         cases to solve. Upending reliance for      better results, even if they do not have                    function allows traders to open up           process requires sophisticated AI.
that rely on it.
                                               from web content across much larger           cross-site tracking and behavioural        deep engineering, data science, or                          budget allocation at the IO level (not       As a decisioning company, Scibids AI
For the most effective results, it’s           pools of individuals. It then goes on to      targeting is an important step forward.    media optimisation resources. More                          just the campaign level), ensuring that      helps partners bring their differentiated
necessary to use ad decisioning                pair that data with specific advertiser       Fortunately, we have the technology        sophisticated advertisers looking to                        optimally allocating budgets to line         assets to the ad decisioning process,
technology capable of flexibly ingesting       goals and business rules, and finally         to leave burdensome, intrusive, legacy     deploy their insights as proprietary                        items and strategies follow the value        creating differentiated results for long-
more voluminous, non-user related data         generates buying algorithms that              technology from another age behind.        custom algorithms in their DSPs can                         created in real time. This automation        term competitive advantages ■                             For more detail, contact |                                            For more detail, contact |
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Navigating the Fragmented World

The open web is facing its
biggest existential crisis.                                                                     RICH ASHTON
                                                                                                Managing Partner,
The deprecation of IDs and                                                                      FirstPartyCapital
third-party cookies are
breaking the targeting and
measurement framework
that has underpinned digital
advertising on the open                     Google by the French DPA “for               You can be guaranteed that the cases
web for the best part of two                deploying confusing language in             will keep coming.
decades. The industry is                    cookie banners” is a prime example.
                                                                                        This is not to say that FirstPartyCapital
desperate to preserve the                   Google has since introduced a
                                                                                        is not optimistic about the future of
status quo.                                 “reject all” button across all its          the “open web”. We believe that this
                                            consent banners.                            transition to a privacy-first environment
Initiatives like the TCF were introduced
                                            Thirdly, we have the changing user          will unleash a wave of innovation in
to enable data sharing among
                                            behaviour around privacy. The public        ad tech.
the thousands of vendors in the
programmatic ecosystem. This was            is becoming more aware of data              We also see industry bodies playing a
deemed illegal in February by the           usage in ad tech. Privacy settings are      key role in helping architect this new
Belgian DPA — in a ruling that the IAB      getting tighter and clearer language        future. The IAB Tech Lab, for instance,
Europe is currently appealing.              on cookie banners will ultimately           has done some fine work around
                                            see an increase in “reject all” click       the release of SDA (seller defined          Clean rooms: Clean room technology           be the new metric for measurement         Creative: For the past two decades
These efforts are a little like “fiddling   rates. Anecdotal evidence from some         audience). We believe this will act         is arguably the hottest segment in ad        on the open web. Attention does           there has been an obsession with
while Rome burns”. What actual data         European publishers is already              as a framework for standardising            tech right now. The ability to aggregate,    have a few problems: there is no          one-to-one marketing — much to the
will be passed in the new-look TCF          verifying the latter.                       publisher contextual data.                  manage, and activate marketer and            standardisation; vendors are pushing      detriment of the creative. Now that
when third-party cookies are expunged
                                            And finally, we have the privacy zealots.   So, where does FirstPartyCapital see        publisher data will become a critical        a media and measurement hybrid,           there will be less of a reliance on
from all browsers (including Chrome)?
                                            They are an unknown quantity. Johnny        this open web innovation coming from?       capability. The “clean room” is              effectively marking their own media       ID-based marketing, the creative is
There are four important factors            Ryan and Max Schrems see GDPR as            We see four key areas for the open          positioning itself as the privacy-           homework; and right now there are         making a comeback. But there has
working against these misguided             a bill of rights for humanity. And they     web: clean rooms; attention-based           first solution.                              very few scaled independent solutions.    been very little innovation — and you
attempts by LAT (legacy ad tech) to         continue to pick holes in ad tech’s         measurement; privacy and first party                                                     Again, it’s early days for “attention”.   cannot count DCO. We see exciting
                                                                                                                                    There has been some early grumblings
preserve the current model.                 flimsy “sticky plaster” data strategies.    data; and creative technology.                                                           Independent attention measurement         opportunities in AI-based creative
                                                                                                                                    about poor match-rates but this is very
                                                                                                                                                                                 tech offering buyers the necessary        and chatbot solutions.
The first of these is the platforms.                                                                                                much the early stage of the “clean room”
                                                                                                                                                                                 framework for measurement is
The privacy functionality being built                                                                                               innovation cycle. We believe there will be                                             With the demise of third-party cookies
                                                                                                                                                                                 definitely coming. Top-of-the-funnel
by gatekeeper platforms like Google                                                                                                 multiple players in this space. For that                                               and IDs, the open web now feels —
                                                                                                                                                                                 won’t be sufficient: there will need to
and Apple is making it more difficult                                                                                               reason, interoperability will have to be                                               for some — like a “busted flush”. The
                                                                                                                                                                                 be investment in linking engagement
to hack privacy.                                                                                                                    a requisite for the segment.                                                           “Chicken Littlers” will tell you that
                                                                                                                                                                                 with outcomes.
Secondly is that those practices                      PRACTICES SKATING AROUND THE FRINGES                                          You are also going to see the
                                                                                                                                                                                 Privacy and supply-side data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the majority of open web budgets
skating around the fringes of                                                                                                       emergence of the MCR (Meta Clean                                                       is going to Meta, Amazon, Google,
acceptability, such as fingerprinting,               OF ACCEPTABILITY, SUCH AS FINGERPRINTING,                                      Room). Given the blockers against
                                                                                                                                                                                 activation: Data management (first-       and Amazon. The truth is always a
                                                                                                                                                                                 party and contextual) and activation
will come under increased scrutiny.
Go-to work-arounds like hashed emails
                                                    WILL COME UNDER INCREASED SCRUTINY. GO-TO                                       IDs (read above), activation will have
                                                                                                                                    to be on the supply-side. That will be
                                                                                                                                                                                 will be critical for publisher audience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           little different. Premium supply will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ultimately consolidate around the best
and IP targeting will be next on the hit             WORK-AROUNDS LIKE HASHED EMAILS AND IP                                         a mess of connections that will need
                                                                                                                                                                                 monetisation on the open web.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Understanding how all that data is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           publishers, and ad tech will evolve to
list of the privacy engineers.                                                                                                      management. An appnexus-for-the-                                                       help buyers and sellers navigate this
You also need to contend with
                                                     TARGETING WILL BE NEXT ON THE HIT LIST OF                                      clean-room is probably getting
                                                                                                                                                                                 used within organisations will also be
                                                                                                                                                                                 front-of-mind on both the supply and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           new fragmented world.
global privacy legislation like GDPR,                         THE PRIVACY ENGINEERS                                                 funding right now.
                                                                                                                                                                                 demand side. With the focus of ad tech    FirstPartyCapital is excited to see
CCPA, et al, which are now being                                                                                                    Attention: Measurement is the biggest        moving to enablement, expect to see a     what comes next and continues to
used to full effect. The recent fine                                                                                                issue for brands as we enter this post-      wave of interesting ad tech startups in   invest in startups shaping the new
(USD$170m/£136m) imposed on                                                                                                         cookie/ID world. Attention is vying to       this area.                                open web ■                           For more detail, contact |                            For more detail, contact |
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Resolving Publisher Challenges

Independent news publishers
and marketplaces are no                                                                       MARTIN JENSEN
longer top-of-mind for                                                                        CCO and Founder, Nexta
agencies and advertisers
— this is a massive threat
to the local media buying
process we know and to the
advertising revenue of local
media outlets.                                      FOR US, USING THE NEXTA PLATFORM IS THE KEY
The optimal performance of an online
marketing campaign is vital, but what                COMPONENT IN OUR STRATEGY OF CONVERTING
is equally important — and often
overlooked — is delivering on the
                                                        PRINT ADVERTISING SMBS INTO DIGITAL
scheduled client investment: budget,                ADVERTISING. THANKS TO THEIR DATA-ORIENTED
clicks, leads, or conversions of some
form. Simultaneously, obtaining optimal                APPROACH AND AUTOMATION, PURCHASING
performance while delivering the
booked volume is highly non-trivial
                                                     WITHIN PUBLISHING HAS NEVER BEEN SO EASY.
in omnichannel settings.                                           CHRISTIAN THU, VP OF AD SALES
Modern platforms such as Nexta's                                              AMEDIA
NeOO enable campaign spend
to be formulated as a constraint,
allowing a campaign to be tasked with
delivering on a specific budget, either
entirely, or not more, or not less. This     through increased local sell-through     our platform, always prioritising the                                                                                          Continuing to expand on the value
feature gives the user full flexibility to   and by achieving a higher CPM as         publishers’ owned inventory as much                                                                                            proposition and monetisation of owned
guarantee presence on all channels,          programmatic traffic remains at a        as possible while not compromising                CONTINUING TO EXPAND ON THE VALUE PROPOSITION                                content will prove key for publishers,
                                             much lower rate. Nexta is helping to     on the advertising clients’ campaign                                                                                           as they are inclined to maintain
regardless of performance, and within
a specific spend range. According            automate and facilitate this through     performance.                                     AND MONETISATION OF OWNED CONTENT WILL PROVE                                  partnerships with less profitable (albeit
to their respective performances, if a                                                                                                    KEY FOR PUBLISHERS, AS THEY ARE INCLINED TO                                popular among advertising clients)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     digital advertising channels, such as
particular campaign cannot deliver its
booked budget, the omnichannel layer                                                                                                     MAINTAIN PARTNERSHIPS WITH LESS PROFITABLE                                  Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
dynamically re-allocates the budget to
the client’s other delivery campaigns.                                                                                                   (ALBEIT POPULAR AMONG ADVERTISING CLIENTS)                                  Local SMBs are rapidly adapting to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     remote and increasingly online post-
That ensures that the whole campaign
set receives the necessary resources
                                                                                                                                       DIGITAL ADVERTISING CHANNELS, SUCH AS FACEBOOK,                               COVID consumer environment, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     will demand the same from their local
to deliver on the client’s omnichannel                 EUROPEAN PUBLISHERS ARE FACING SIMILAR                                                        GOOGLE, AND AMAZON                                              advertising partners. Publishers will
target while maintaining optimal
                                                        CHALLENGES AS LOCAL PUBLISHERS IN THE                                                                                                                        need to accelerate their digital revenue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     models and find more ways to continue
European publishers are facing similar                US — TRADITIONAL REVENUE (MAINLY PRINT) IS                                                                                                                     to be SMBs’ preferred local media and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     marketing partners, while still remaining
challenges as local publishers in
the US — traditional revenue (mainly
                                                       DECREASING, AND PUBLISHERS ARE LOOKING                                      Other trends that have emerged         data. This has been fast-forwarded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     focused on profitability through offering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     digital services which will continue
print) is decreasing, and publishers                     FOR NEW SOLUTIONS TO BRIDGE THE GAP                                       amongst local publishers include the   as we’re entering a new era of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to increase in demand among their
are looking for new solutions to                                                                                                   search for automation advantages       audience targeting capabilities, privacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     clients ■
bridge the gap. One area is achieving                                                                                              through technological advancements     regulation, and advertiser demand
better revenue performance among                                                                                                   and the proactive pursuit of ways      for transparency and campaign
owned-and-operated inventory                                                                                                       to collect and monetise first-party    performance and quality.                           For more detail, contact |                      For more detail, contact |
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How Everyone Wins: Contextual
Targeting and the Key to Building
Better Relationships

Human relationships are
                                                                                                  GREGOR SMITH
vital to us all. Being able to                                                                    Head of Global Advertising
communicate effectively with                                                                      Sales, SmartFrame
others — whether as friends
or partners, to seek or offer
advice, or for something else
— is critical if we are to get
what we need from life and
make sure that those around                          THE DEMISE OF THE COOKIE PLACES CONTEXTUAL
us do too. Being understood
is central to this, and those                        ADVERTISING FRONT AND CENTER OF THE ADTECH
who are receptive to our                             ECOSYSTEM. SMARTFRAME’S IMAGE-STREAMING
desires and ideas are in a
better position to provide                               TECHNOLOGY REPRESENTS A GREAT STEP
the things we need than                                  FORWARD FOR CONTEXTUAL TARGETING.                                             is, advertising not based on previous
                                                                                                                                       activity, that is relevant to the here and
                                                                                                                                                                                    According to a survey carried out by
                                                                                                                                                                                    the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The principle on which this works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                predates the internet, of course.
those who pay no attention.
                                                                                    THE IAB                                            now, and to the content being displayed      81% of UK consumers prefer online ads       The idea of placing an ad where an
And often they, in turn, can                                                                                                           around it, with respect for user privacy.    to match the content they are viewing.      already engaged audience is more
benefit from this too.                                                                                                                                                                                                          likely to see and respond to it is
                                                                                                                                       Contextual advertising is just that.         Consumer preference is not, of
As we move away from third-party                                                                                                       Taking cues from the content on              course, synonymous for efficacy.            something we encounter every day in
cookies and into new digital territory,                                                                                                the page, the sentiment of copy, the         But a separate survey carried out by        the physical world. But it’s precisely
we should remember this. While most of                                                                                                 subjects within images featured, and         the IAB, which indicated that 70% of        these kinds of findings, and this kind
                                              invasiveness when going about daily         issue, but it doesn’t present a solution
our online experiences may not seem                                                                                                    the topics under which such content is       UK consumers claimed that ads are           of understanding of what people in
                                              business online.                            for the problem that remains — namely,
human in the same way that talking                                                                                                                                                  more likely to be remembered if they        today’s online environments want
                                                                                          what to serve in its place.                  filed (among other things), contextual
to a friend or colleague in person            Various privacy-focused regulations                                                                                                   appear next to content that is relevant     and expect, that should inspire the
                                                                                                                                       advertising finely tuned to these things
might, those whose goal is to capture         designed to address these issues,           A logical approach to solving this asks                                                   — together with an additional finding
                                                                                                                                       is not only likely to resonate with the                                                  systems we build for the future.
and retain people’s attention online          together with changes to browser            us to examine what specifically people                                                    that 65% of UK consumers have a
                                              functionality from the likes of Apple and   object to with cookie-based tracking         viewing audience, but it’s also more                                                     If brands, publishers and website
should try to consider their audience                                                                                                                                               more favourable opinion of brands
                                              Mozilla in response to these, has meant     and behavioural targeting. Advertising       likely to ensure the web page                                                            operators can make it clear that
as people with needs and preferences                                                                                                                                                that serve contextually relevant ads —
                                              that the average online user is arguably    served as a result of this is deemed         remains congruent.
first, rather than as numbers and                                                                                                                                                   certainly paints contextual ad display      their audience’s needs are being
statistics.                                   better informed and better protected        to be intrusive because it’s based on        Perhaps unsurprisingly, recent               as a system in which consumers and          considered, and can create more
                                              than ever. Third-party cookies are          previous user activity, activity that may    research suggests that this is exactly       advertisers can be simultaneously           meaningful experiences for their
Advertising served by behavioural             now blocked as standard by certain          no longer be relevant to the user. As        what most people would prefer.               benefitted.                                 audience, it follows that they stand to
tracking, aided by third-party cookies,       browsers, while fingerprinting is           most online users browse a variety                                                                                                    reap the rewards. Conversions are
was never designed on this principle.         receiving the same treatment. What was      of sites that can span all manner of
It was intended to exploit the footsteps                                                                                                                                                                                        key, of course, but brand development
                                              once objectionable is now starting to       subjects, there’s no guarantee that it
left by our online activities, and to force                                                                                                                                                                                     and loyalty, social shares, and
                                              become a thing of the past.                 will bear any relation to content being
us to reconsider things we may have                                                                                                                                                                                             recommendations — online or through
                                                                                          displayed at the time it’s viewed. It also
expressed an interest in at some point.       But as much as we ought to celebrate                                                                                                                                              word of mouth — are the building
It’s perfectly logical to show people         this victory for consumer privacy, it’s
                                                                                          reminds users that their activity is being
                                                                                          monitored by an unknown third party,
                                                                                                                                               REMOVING INTRUSIVE ADVERTISING ADDRESSES                                         blocks of successful brands.
advertisements that are known to be           easy to forget that this advertising
related to their interests, hobbies, and      existed for a reason. If we’re to
                                                                                          and that it’s being used against them.                   ONE ISSUE, BUT IT DOESN’T PRESENT A                                          By fostering trust, it becomes easier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to gain more useful first-party data,
purchases, of course, but as data
breaches started to become more
                                              retain the internet that we’re used to,
                                              we should remember that website
                                                                                          What website operator wishes their
                                                                                          audience to have such an experience
                                                                                                                                                SOLUTION FOR THE PROBLEM THAT REMAINS —                                         which users are likely to volunteer if
common, and privacy concerns more             operators must still be able to balance
                                              these issues with the commercial
                                                                                          when visiting their site? No doubt very
                                                                                          few. But it does lead us to an interesting
                                                                                                                                                   NAMELY, WHAT TO SERVE IN ITS PLACE.                                          they can appreciate it being part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a fair value exchange. It shouldn’t be
frequently discussed, it was clear that
people were becoming increasingly             reality of running their sites. Removing    proposition: what would the complete                                                                                                  the case that one party must sacrifice
tired of having to accept this level of       intrusive advertising addresses one         inverse of this situation look like? That                                                                                             something for the other ■                            For more detail, contact |                             For more detail, contact |
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Beyond the Cookie: New Signals
in Digital Advertising

The eventual end of cookies
and an addressable web will                                                                  RICHARD OTTOY
                                                                                             General Manager EMEA
not mean an end to open                                                                      Sharethrough
web advertising but, instead,
an opportunity to focus
on other signals to deliver
effective privacy-friendly ad
campaigns. The two most                     performance. The resulting datasets      been focusing on even before the
scalable and promising                      and optimisations can lead to similar    cookiepocolypse started. Our goal is
solutions for maintaining and               or even better performance as            not to reinvent ad formats, simply to
improving ad performance on                 advertisers experienced with third-      meet human needs, behaviours, and
the open web are in improved                party cookies, which AI can then use     expectations by improving existing ad
                                            to create endless iterations of ads,     types like CTV, video, and display.
AI-driven contextual targeting              tailored to each unique impression.
and improvements in ad
experiences to better fit                   Using Natural Language Processing        SOLVING FOR BANNER BLINDNESS
                                            (NLP), AI can understand the main        Advertisers will spend an estimated
modern consumption                          message of a site page rather than       23% of all digital ad spend on banner
behaviours.                                 looking for simple keywords. More        ads in 2022 (eMarketer). Needless to         IMPROVING VIDEO AD EXPERIENCES            SOLVING THE TV COMMERCIAL                  experiences. If we can focus on
                                            than that too, AI can instantly view                                                                                                                                       solutions that build on those two areas,
                                                                                     say, banners are vital to the success        Taking a similar human-centric            ATTENTION PROBLEM
CONTEXTUAL TARGETING                        all the images and videos on a page,
                                                                                     of advertising on the open web.              approach to video ads, our research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       advertisers will have no choice but to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       continue to increase investment on
                                            thanks to advanced image recognition                                                                                            Even with the growth of CTV, the actual
Contextual targeting is already a                                                    However, most eye-tracking studies           uncovered that 75% of people keep                                                    open web advertising. This is needed
                                            technology. With all its capabilities,                                                                                          ad experience on TV hasn’t changed
tried-and-true privacy-complaint                                                     confirm that consumers are blind to                                                                                               to maintain access to an independent
                                            AI will help create a more robust                                                     their devices on mute while watching      much. As a result most people don’t
way to exponentially scale ad                                                        banners, which is why advertisers are                                                                                             and free open web, which is a basic
                                            contextual targeting platform and,                                                    video and prefer video to have            pay attention during commercials and
campaigns, while often delivering                                                    not surprised to see CTR’s continuing                                                                                             human right ■
                                            ironically, a more human ad                                                           captions. However, less than 10%          are instead on their mobile devices.
better performance for brands and                                                    to fall below 0.10%.
                                            experience for users.                                                                 of video ads on the open web have
advertisers through more relevant ads                                                                                                                                       One potential solution to pull attention
                                                                                     Since those same eye-tracking studies        captions.
for users. Contextual targeting is and      AI can deliver the optimal custom                                                                                               away from mobile and back to the TV is
                                                                                     showed people do look at headlines,
will continue to become even more           ad experiences tailored to audiences                                                  That led us to launch Dynamic             through QR codes on TV ads. We saw

                                                                                     we decided to test adding headlines
sophisticated as artificial intelligence    by gathering contextual signals and                                                   Video Captions, which is a way to         a 12% increase in people’s attention to
                                                                                     under banners that fit the look and
and machine learning technology             using component parts to automatically                                                automatically add human-verified          CTV ads when we added a QR code.
                                                                                     feel of each site. The results were
improve and learn about the correct         generate endless variations.                                                          captions to advertiser videos that        Advertisers can now automatically
                                                                                     incredible. People were 2.5x more likely
contextual signals to consider to further                                                                                                                                   add QR codes to CTV ads targeting
                                                                                     to pay attention and comprehend the          run on the Sharethrough exchange.
improve ad performance.                     BETTER AD EXPERIENCES                    message of the banner ad when it was         We’ve since done six brand studies
                                                                                                                                                                            Sharethrough but this is just one more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CTR jumped by as much as
                                                                                                                                                                            example of how the industry as a
                                            Consumers find most ad experiences       paired with a headline that used the         and all six have shown a significant                                                 7x for banners with headlines
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND                 to be annoying, obtrusive, and a         same text as the banner.                     increase in awareness and message
                                                                                                                                                                            whole can better adapt to consumer
MACHINE LEARNING IN CONTEXTUAL                                                                                                                                              behaviours, thus improving ad              compared to industry average
                                            large part of why third-party cookies                                                 comprehension compared to the same
                                                                                     So we launched a product called                                                        performance enough to counteract the
ADVERTISING                                 are going away in the first-place.       Enhanced Banners that automatically          video without captions.                   decrease in addressable audiences.
                                            However, by applying the principles      adds client-approved headlines to
Current contextual data encompasses                                                                                               This seemingly small adaptation

                                            of human-centric design (HCD) to
various signals like the article
                                            advertising: studying human behaviour
                                                                                     banners that target the Sharethrough         towards consumer behaviours went a        BETTER PERFORMANCE WILL
                                                                                     exchange and, low and behold, CTR
content, publications, time of day,
trends and local weather and events.
                                            and preferences then adapting
                                                                                     jumped by as much as 7x for banners
                                                                                                                                  long way in improving ad performance      SAVE THE OPEN WEB
                                            ad experiences to better fit those                                                    and could further improve the future of
Machine learning can add to these                                                    with headlines compared to industry          video ads on the open web.                Focusing on AI-driven contextual
                                            behaviours, ad performance improves
existing signals to create a constant                                                average. Such drastic performance                                                      targeting and improving ad experiences
learning loop, whereby advertisers
                                            which can further counteract the loss
                                                                                     increases are exactly what can               People are 56% more likely to             will help the open web flourish past the   increase in people’s attention
                                            of addressable audiences.                                                                                                                                                  to CTV ads when we added a
can determine which combinations                                                     counteract the decrease in                   comprehend a video ad’s message           end of cookies for two reasons: better
of contextual data are driving              HCD is what we at Sharethrough have      addressable audiences.                       with Dynamic Captions.                    ad performance and better consumer         QR code                           For more detail, contact |                         For more detail, contact |
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The Pivot to Privacy: Aegrescit Medendo?

It is easy to feel the future
of the open web is fraught.                                                                 SØREN H., DINESEN
Government regulation;                                                                      CEO, Digiseg
growing consumer demand
to not be tracked, logged
or resolved; and the
weaponisation of privacy
and consent as a marketing
strategy seem to indicate                              DIGISEG DATA HELPED MAKE OUR LENOVO
the open web may not be
long for this world.                                   CAMPAIGN A REAL SUCCESS, DELIVERING
What’s at stake? At the risk of                      VIEWABILITY AS MUCH AS 30% BETTER THAN
appearing hyperbolic, what is at
stake is democracy itself. The                       COMPETING STRATEGIES AND AN IMPRESSIVE
cure for decades of marketing
surveillance risks being worse than
                                                                    CLICK RATE.
the disease — Aegrescit Medendo.                           SABINA SMOŁKA, HEAD OF PROGRAMMATIC
                                                                                                                                THE COOKIE NEVER LIVED UP                 digital and cookies. The first TV ad      activated using zip codes — a less-
                                                                                                                                                                          appeared in 1941. TV reigned for 53       than-ideal approach which has limited
There is an accelerating shift of                                           INIS                                                TO ITS PROMISE                            years before the first banner ad hit      its appeal. But with modern modelling
spend into the big platforms. Identity                                                                                                                                                                              and methodology, entire countries can
                                                                                                                                The dream promised by cookies             desktops in 1994. TV remains the gold
resolution technology is attempting to                                                                                                                                                                              be segmented into neighbourhoods of
                                                                                                                                became a Wanamaker-ian nightmare          standard for targeted delivery because
recreate the one-to-one tracking the                                                                                                                                                                                as few as 100 households. It’s how TV
                                                                                                                                — or at least a Wanamaker-ian             it combines context with reach,
deprecation of third-party cookies was                                                                                                                                                                              would have done it if they’d had digital
                                                                                                                                mirage. Calculating ROAS required         conceding a bit of precision by using
supposed to end. This means explicit                                                                                                                                                                                instead of broadcast. It is inherently
                                                                                                                                painstakingly counting and de-duping      content as a proxy for identity, but
consent in the form of PII is becoming                                                                                                                                                                              anonymous, with the ideal blend of
                                           Given just how large the walled          what you want; skip the waste. Album        last clicks. The promise of laser-        compensating with unmatched reach.
the currency of access to information.                                                                                                                                                                              reach and precision.
                                           gardens’ share of advertising revenue    sales have disintegrated. The Swedish       guided, one-to-one targeting never        This combination is the power of
Having to log in to get news is not
                                           is, even a small shift away can mean a   streaming company transformed the           quite lived up to the hype. The cookie    mass media, and this is where digital
optimal for democracy. We risk a world
with a private web for the wealthy         considerable gain for the open web.      music business. Another simple piece        was supposed to reveal which 50% of       needs to shift as cookies disappear.      WHAT’S OLD IS NEW AGAIN
                                                                                                                                advertising spend was being wasted.       We need to let go of our cookie-
and a preponderance of platform            The cure is not worse than the           of technology — the humble browser                                                                                              In music, the album format had a good
                                                                                                                                But its biggest contribution might be     driven, deterministic dream and start
panopticons for everyone else.             disease. But the patient is not out of   cookie — transformed an entire                                                                                                  run until Spotify arrived and everyone
                                                                                                                                complicated dashboards.                   imagining targeting without identity.
However, the competition between the       the woods yet. The paradigm needs        industry almost as quickly as Spotify                                                                                           started listening to singles. But what
                                                                                                                                                                          It is possible. Here are two methods
                                           to complete the shift in favour of the   changed music. The cookie provided                                                                                              was the dominant format before the
titans is going to be fierce. Amazon's
advertising revenue is growing             consumers and publishers.                advertisers a level of insight they never
                                                                                                                                DIGITAL AS MASS MEDIA: HOW                pointing us toward the mass media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    album came along? The single.
exponentially. Apple’s ad network —                                                 had. By promising they could pay for
                                                                                                                                THE OPEN WEB DOES NOT JUST                future right now:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Likewise, the third-party cookie has
where it is giving preference to their     THE FUTURE OF THE OPEN WEB               exactly what they wanted (their target      SURVIVE, IT THRIVES.                      1. Contextual targeting: This is the      had a good run. But despite feeling
own inventory and do not track for                                                                                                                                        same basic model as TV. While the
everyone else — is quietly growing
                                           WILL LOOK A LOT LIKE THE MASS            audience) and skip the waste, the           The focus on “cookie-free” tracking,      cookie reigned, it felt archaic and had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    like a tectonic shift in the ad world, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reality is that the “cookieless future”
quickly. The threat to Meta is clear       MEDIA PAST                               cookie enabled billions of marketing        targeting and attribution frames the      limited adoption. But savvy thinkers      may look a lot like the mass media
                                                                                    dollars, euros, and pounds to move          issue in the wrong way. This transition   are seeing context in a new light — a
by their investment in creating their      If you are Gen X or (gasp!) a boomer,                                                                                                                                    model that dominated for more than
                                                                                    online. Whereas big brands once             should not be, as Joanna O’Connell        solid segmentation method that’s
metaverse. Whether it is FAANG, or         you remember a time when listening                                                                                                                                       half a century before digital. Don’t
                                                                                    relied on PhDs to apply econometric         of Forrester puts it, “a find-replace     inherently anonymous, with reach
it is MAAAM, or whatever… like the         to the new hit song at home meant                                                                                                                                        remember? Ask a boomer. They’ll
                                                                                                                                moment.” We should not simply
Godzilla meme says: Let Them Fight.                                                 wizardry, while mom-and-pop shops                                                     challenges that can be solved.            tell you ■
                                           buying the whole album. Getting                                                      substitute one solution and paradigm
                                           what you wanted required paying          relied on instinct, the third-party                                                   2. Offline demographic data: Our TV
Apple’s ATT and the deprecation of the                                                                                          for a new solution in service of the
cookie have also impacted the walled       for a bunch of stuff you didn’t: the     cookie levelled the playing field,          same paradigm. There is a demand for      ancestors used panels to approximate
gardens’ greatest strength — the ability   other ten songs on the record. Enter     bringing the dream of truly measuring       real privacy and meaningful anonymity     this method, but they could never
to attribute ROAS. This is a significant   Spotify. Queue up almost any track       advertising effectiveness within            — not just cookie redux. Targeting        achieve the precision of digital. More
opportunity for the open web.              you want for free or a small fee. Get    reach for all.                              and measurement existed long before       recently, this data has been clumsily                          For more detail, contact |                         For more detail, contact |
INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022        22                                                                       INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022        23


⃝✓ Big budgets are heading to
   retail media
⃝✓ Huge aggregation opportunity
⃝✓ Huge ad infrastructure
⃝✓ Measurement: layering
   in sales data, channel
   management will be crucial
   for attribution
⃝✓ Clean rooms again will play
   an important role
⃝✓ Buy-side players like DSPs
   could re-invent themselves in
   this new channel
⃝✓ Creative ad tech and custom
   ad units will get good traction   For more detail, contact |   For more detail, contact |
INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022            24                                                                                                 INDUSTRY REVIEW 2022          25


Why Retail Media is One of the
Strongest Trends Right Now

In 2022, the Retail Media
Network (RMN) has become                                                                        PAUL FRAMPTON
the latest boom and is one of                                                                   Global President, CvE

the strongest trends in media
right now. E-marketer goes
as far as calling it the third
wave of digital advertising,
following two consecutive                  because it has the potential to provide      accelerated yet further, with one-third
years of 50% growth in the                 the key to finely target people who          of all sales coming from online
United States; couple this                 have a genuine proclivity to buy your
                                                                                        There is an evident opportunity for
with the growth of Amazon’s                brand. What is less discussed is the
                                                                                        mass retailers who can reach a large
                                           complexity of going from millions of
ad business — USD$31bn                     customer IDs, to a matched audience
                                                                                        proportion of UK households. Boots,
(£25bn) in 2021.                                                                        Asda, Tesco, and Ocado are all
                                           that can be physically targeted through
                                                                                        jumping into the space with an offering.
The appeal is understandable —             scalable ad tech. Not only does this
incremental revenue for retailers at       require a lot of smarts around clean         In the US, we’ve seen entrants from
higher margins and an opportunity to       rooms, privacy, data fusion, different       every category and, if anything, the
grab a piece of the pie from Amazon,       browsers (etc.), but it is also a question   challenge is now keeping up with the         like Facebook or other publishers),        media — already we are seeing digital      variety of different expertise. Running
Facebook, or Google through offering       of how to genuinely use a variety            number of options and determining the        early investment into measurement,         screens programmatically connected,        a retail business and running a
compelling "custom audience"               of different data sets (retailer and         real points of difference between each.      insight, and attribution will be           but expect to also see more integrated     media business are very different
segments, based on transactional           manufacturer data, but also second-          Whilst it is still a nascent landscape                                                  buying platforms where targeted retail-    propositions and to be successful in
                                                                                                                                     critical. Brands do not have the
insights, and increasingly layering in     and third-party) to both enrich and          even in the US, the challenge has not                                                   first TV, DOOH, social, and display can    the latter, new skills will be essential,
                                                                                                                                     capacity to work with too many of
real-time stock availability.              ultimately create scalable reach that        been for retailers to win test budgets                                                  all be managed and traded together. A      ranging from ad tech to digital trading
                                                                                                                                     these retail media networks, and
                                           means fine targeting is purposeful.          but more to demonstrate genuine                                                         growing ask will also be an integrated     to incrementality measurement through
Retail media "networks" are not just                                                                                                 more will emerge leveraging their
                                                                                        incremental value and get repeat                                                        view of how techniques like instore        to technical strategy, data architects,
about blending first-party datasets        Consider these two facts (from                                                            proprietary transactional data insight
                                                                                        business.                                                                               activation and shopper marketing           and science. As with many decisions
through a DSP and activating against       Benedict Evans):                                                                          to build media networks — two early
                                                                                        These signals are helpful to predict         contenders are Shopify and Uber, but       versus first-party data programmatic       related to digital transformation, you
those audiences. Propositions range        1) E-commerce sales in the UK have
                                                                                        how things will play out in the UK.          the likes of Mastercard and Klarna are     targeting work in harmony with each        can choose to work with a partner or
from Criteo, which has diversified         always surpassed that of the US as a
                                                                                        Retailers can generate significant           other alternatives. Manufacturers will     other and insight that informs how to      explore how to best build a long-term,
on sponsored products and off-             percentage of all retail sales
                                                                                        incremental revenue here, but to             want proof of incremental value versus     best optimise the mix between each.        sustainable proposition by investing
site proposition through acquiring                                                                                                                                                                                         upfront in the design and ownership
Mabaya; CitrusAds (which enables           2) During lockdown, the UK has               build sustainable ad businesses (just        their other shopper marketing lines and    Retail, or perhaps more aptly              of a differentiated proposition with in-
both sponsored products but also                                                                                                     other digital marketing lines.             named commerce media, offers a             house control ■
co-branded landing pages); first-party                                                                                               Some commentators believe                  compelling advertising opportunity
data being plugged in to Facebook;                                                                                                   unbundling or aggregating the data         with proximity to transaction (both
and the list goes on. As with the                                                                                                    is the longer-term play (this has          digital and physical sales) offering the
evolution of digital advertising itself,                                                                                             been said many times before but            promise of not only better targeting,
in the early days, search-like formats
dominated in the beginning, but as time            BRANDS DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO WORK                                           has not played out in broader digital
                                                                                                                                     publishing), or that a meta buying
                                                                                                                                                                                but better performance and closed-
                                                                                                                                                                                loop measurement. It’s also worth an
passed, more mid- and upper-funnel
formats (such as display and video)
                                                     WITH TOO MANY OF THESE RETAIL MEDIA                                             layer is needed that helps ensure          opportunity that is not just for FMCGs
                                                                                                                                                                                but also other categories.
                                                                                                                                     that the same customer seen across
                                                 NETWORKS, AND MORE WILL EMERGE LEVERAGING

arose on Amazon and other RMN
                                                                                                                                     multiple retail media networks can be      If you are a retailer or an FMCG,
platforms. In the US, Walmart now
offers CTV through The Trade Desk,               THEIR PROPRIETARY TRANSACTIONAL DATA INSIGHT                                        identified and efficiencies found. These
                                                                                                                                     sound like safe bets, but will take time
                                                                                                                                                                                however, thoughtful experimentation
                                                                                                                                                                                is required. Whether retailer or
and Kroger has joined with Roku to
do the same.
                                                           TO BUILD MEDIA NETWORKS                                                   given we are still very much in the        FMCG, be sure you know how you
                                                                                                                                     early days. In addition, expect to see     will be measuring success before
First-party data clearly plays a                                                                                                     technology enable better connectivity      jumping in and planning for the fact       Amazon's ad business
significant role in this equation                                                                                                    between in-store and digital retail        that you will likely need to onboard a     in 2021                         For more detail, contact |                            For more detail, contact |
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