DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank

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DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank
Industry review and outlook:          DVB
                                               Bert van Leeuwen

Extracted from Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank
Sponsored editorial: ROLLS ROYCE

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2       Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank
Industry review and outlook: DVB

Good times, bad times
Aviation might still be enjoying its supercycle, but that does not mean there
is nothing bad waiting around the corner, writes Bert van Leeuwen, with
contributions from Albert Muntane Casanova and Steven Guo, DVB Bank SE.

I n last year’s industry review,
  we reluctantly revived the term
“supercycle” to describe the state of
                                                Clearly, not all airlines are
                                             profitable and not all manufacturers
                                             have reasons to celebrate. Sales
                                                                                         of a good number of financiers
                                                                                         and investors. Fortunately, trading
                                                                                         volumes are high and, because of
the industry. Now, more than halfway         volumes for the Airbus A320 family          the combination of strong demand,
through 2018, we can conclude                and the Boeing 737 have reached             restricted supply and low fuel cost,
that indeed the good times are still         unprecedented levels, but twin-aisle        airlines are generally willing to extend
continuing in the commercial aviation        sales are definitely not as strong while    leases, even for slightly older-
business in a way never seen before.         in the regional jet market, a relatively    technology aircraft.
   Traffic volumes in revenue                large group of manufacturers, is               So, are there no clouds in the sky
passenger kilometres (RPK) have              competing for a relatively limited          at all for the industry? Certainly not.
been growing more than 5% a year             number of new aircraft orders.              There is still a number of airlines in
since 2010 and over the first half of           The regional jet landscape,              trouble. The future of Alitalia remains
2018 global traffic increased by a very      however, is changing dramatically.          uncertain and the recent pressure
robust 7%. In addition, airlines are still   Airbus took over the Bombardier             on selected emerging market
enjoying higher load factors. Over           CSeries programme and renamed               currencies, in particular Turkey, but
the first half of 2018, the load factor      the aircraft Airbus A220. In response,      also Argentina and South Africa,
improved to 81.3%, a level not deemed        Boeing revealed plans to take over          could cause problems for the local
possible only a few years ago.               the commercial jet unit of Embraer.         carriers. The spreading protectionism,
   After some fairly high-profile airline    Should this deal materialise, the           trade tensions and the political
defaults during the past few years,          market will see Airbus and Boeing           unpredictability of certain countries
and recognising that many airlines           competing head-to-head over virtually       have not made any major impact on
are still struggling, the bottom-line        the full range of commercial jets           the airline business yet, but these
results of the world’s air transport         with more than 100 seats. It seems,         factors will be cause for concern for
providers looks healthy, with positive       however, the North American-                some time.
net operating results every year             Brazilian link up (that clearly was a          On the equipment side, while
since 2010 and even decent returns           response to Airbus’s move to take           the manufacturers cannot produce
on invested capital for the past four        over the CSeries) is mainly driven by       enough A320s and 737s, it seems
years.                                       Boeing’s desire to access Embraer’s         the larger widebody segment is
   The International Air Transport           engineering resources and benefit           struggling and the current-generation
Association (IATA) did adjust its            from lower production costs in Brazil –     Airbus A330 and Boeing 777 may
forecast for the industry’s 2018 profit      more so than the desire the become a        come under more pressure once
from $38.4 billion (December 2017)           regional jet player.                        the temporary demand to replace
to $33.8 billion (June 2018) because            On the money side of things,             grounded Rolls-Rolls-powered Boeing
of expected increases in fuel, labour        the industry continues to attract           787s disappears.
and interest costs, but even at the          new investors and financiers which             Investors with significant positions
new lower level this still is an excellent   are looking for yields unavailable          in large twin aisles, such as the Airbus
result by industry standards.                in their traditional markets. As a          A380 or even 777s, probably look at
   Order volumes for new aircraft            consequence, the aircraft finance           future lease terminations with some
reached a peak in 2013-14 but                market is extremely competitive,            concern. While some A380s returned
ordering continues at high levels.           which translates in low margins and,        by their previous owners continued
Today, the industry backlog for              for lessors, very low lease-rate factors.   as flyers (but at what terms?), others
western-built commercial jets is                In addition, it seems terms for          were parked in Tarbes, France, and
about 50% of the in-service fleet of         airlines and aircraft lessors are           only seem to serve as part donors
about 28,000 aircraft. This backlog          becoming increasingly borrower-             (including the high-value engines).
is equivalent to almost nine times the       friendly. While in the past competition        The title of the most recent (July
2017 level of production. In reality,        outside of the mainstream new               2018) update of the International
the backlog can be fulfilled quicker         aircraft market was limited, today          Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World
because 2017 production levels were          market niches, such as aero-engines,        Economic Outlook clearly has a less
restricted by (engine) supply problems       freighters, predelivery payment             optimistic tone compared with the
for some of the more popular aircraft        financing, older equipment and              July 2017 edition. While last year the
types.                                       end-of-life assets, enjoy the interest      theme was “A firming recovery”, this

6          Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank
Industry review and outlook: DVB

year the report’s subtitle is “Less even    a strengthening US dollar, trade                                             In sub-Saharan Africa, growth
expansion, rising trade tensions”.          tensions and geopolitical conflicts.                                      figures have been adjusted upwards
While the IMF maintains that the            The updraft on oil exporters from                                         thanks to rising commodity prices,
pickup of the global economic growth        the improving fuel prices was largely                                     from 2.8% in 2017 to 3.4% in 2018
remains about 3.9% both in 2018 and         offset by the drag this caused on other                                   and 3.8% in 2019. Finally, the IMF
2019, the organisation also notes           economies. Emerging and developing                                        expects a stabilisation of growth at
that the expansion is becoming less         Asia is expected to grow at no less                                       about 2.3% for the Commonwealth
even, that expansion in some major          than 6.5%, with China, however,                                           of Independent States, implying an
economies has peaked and that risks         seeing a drop from 6.9% in 2017 to                                        upward revision to 2.3% in 2018 and
to the outlook are mounting.                6.6% in 2018 and 6.4% in 2019. Growth                                     2019. Russia and Kazakhstan both
   Projected oil price increases have       in India is expected to rise from 6.7%                                    should benefit from stronger oil prices.
been adjusted downwards for 2019.           in 2017 to 7.3% in 2018 and 7.5% in                                          Overall, the IMF notes for the global
The average oil price was $42.8 a           2019.                                                                     economy that the downside risks have
barrel in 2016, $52.81 in 2017 and             In developing Europe, growth of the                                    become more salient, most notably
the IMF now projects an average             Turkish economy is expected to slow                                       the possibilities of escalating and
of $70.23 (adjusted from $59.9 in           down significantly from 7.4% in 2017 to                                   sustained trade actions and tighter
the January 2018 World Economic             only 4.2% in 2018 and 3.9% in 2019.                                       global financial conditions. Financial
Outlook) for 2018 and $68.99                   Growth in Latin America remains                                        conditions face the possibility of
(adjusted from $56.4 in the World           modest at 1.6% in 2018, increasing to                                     abrupt shifts because of the market’s
Economic Outlook) for 2019.                 2.6% in 2019. While for commodity                                         reassessment of fundamentals and
   It seems demand for air transport        exporters the higher prices provide                                       risks.
services is still sufficiently strong,      some support, tighter financial                                              The global aviation industry has
even without the stimulus of lower          conditions and the need for policy                                        proven remarkably resilient to many
ticket prices. However, despite             adjustments in Argentina as well as                                       geopolitical and other non-economic
generally strong yield figures, rising      strikes and political tension in Brazil                                   shocks in recent years. According
oil prices have already had an impact       explain the more subdued outlook.                                         to the United Nations World Tourism
on the bottom line of a number of           Renegotiation of the North American                                       Organisation (UNWTO) World
airlines. Disruption of global trade        Free Trade Agreement and the                                              Tourism Barometer, global travel and
and industrial production as well as        collapse of the economy in Venezuela                                      tourism remained relatively strong
further – unexpected – rises in oil         are other negative factors.                                               over the first four months of 2018 as
prices are obviously potential threats         Intensifying geopolitical conflicts                                    international tourist arrivals increased
for commercial aviation, and under          and the need for fiscal consolidation                                     by 6.2%. Over the full-year 2016,
a negative scenario could put the           in the Middle East are compensated                                        international tourist arrivals increased
prolongation of the supercycle at risk.     by the improved outlook for oil.                                          3.9%, while full-year 2017 saw a 6.8%
   As mentioned in the headline of          Consequently, growth is projected to                                      increase.
IMF’s July 2018 report, expansion           strengthen from 2.2% in 2017 to 3.5%                                         There were big differences among
levels differ per region. Advanced          in 2018 and further to 3.9% in 2019,                                      the various regions. Africa and Europe
economies are projected to grow             numbers that were adjusted upwards                                        grew by 9% and 8.4%, respectively
by 2.4% in 2018, before easing to           from the earlier April economic                                           in 2017 but both saw a drop to 5.6%
2.2% in 2019. Emerging markets and          outlook.                                                                  and 6.8%, respectively over the first
developing countries are at 4.9% and
5.1%, respectively. The US is expected
to enjoy a temporary strengthening
                                            Recent monthly traffic developments
                                            Source: IATA Air Passenger and Freight Analysis
because of a combination of fiscal
stimulus with the existing strength of        0.14

the private sector. Unemployment is
at very low levels. Growth in the US
is projected at 2.9% in 2018 and 2.7%
in 2019.
   Growth numbers in the Euro area                                                                                                                           7%
were adjusted downward to 2.2% in
2018 and 1.9% in 2019 as a result of          4%

activities softening in the first quarter    3.8%

in Germany, France and Italy.
   Also Japan has been revised
downward 1% in 2018 and 0.9% in              -1%

2019 as a result of weak private
consumption and investment.                                               Revenue Passenger Km.   Freight Tonne Km.           2018YtD Avg.    2018YtD Avg.

   Emerging countries, according to          -6%

the IMF, experienced the impact of
                                                                          Ju 16

                                                                           M 8
                                                                          O 6




                                                                          De 6


                                                                          N 7

                                                                          M 7





































rising oil prices, high US yield levels,

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DVB Industry review and outlook: DVB Bank
Industry review and outlook: DVB

months of 2018. The Americas had              22.1% – especially between 2014 and                                     break even or negative results. In
3.3% more tourist arrivals last year,         2015. Between 2015 and 2016 another                                     2015, the profit margin suddenly
with 3% so far this year. Asia-Pacific        significant drop of 24.1% could be                                      skyrocketed to 8.6% and this
seems to be speeding up, from 5.6%            noted but between 2016 and 2017 the                                     level could be maintained in 2017.
in 2017 to 7.8% in early 2018, while          fuel bill increased by 10.3% and for the                                Preliminary figures for 2017 indicate a
the Middle East remains stable, going         year 2018 another increase by no less                                   slight reduction to 7.5%. For 2018, the
from 4.6% last year to 4.5% now.              than 26.1% is projected. The average                                    expectations are even more modest
    In terms of total tourism spending,       annual fuel price in dollars a barrel                                   with a forecast for 6.8%. Clearly, as
China takes the top position with             dropped by 41.9% in 2015 and 21.9%                                      a result of increasing (fuel) costs the
$258 billion, followed by the US with         in 2016 but increased again in 2017                                     industry has passed the peak of the
$135 billion, Germany with $84 billion,       by 28% and for 2018 another 25.9%                                       profitability cycle, but compared with
the UK with $63 billion and France            increase is anticipated. Between 2017                                   previous cycles, there seems to be no
with $41 billion.                             and 2018, fuel cost as a percentage of                                  short-term risk of the global airlines
    The top net earner from global            total operating cost is set to increase                                 diving into the red.
tourism is the US with $211 billion,          to 24.2% from 21.4%.                                                       It should be noted that the main
followed by Spain with $68 billion,              The projected total spend on air                                     cause of this swing in profitability has
France with $61 billion, Thailand with        transport in 2018 is anticipated to                                     been the structural changes in the
$57 billion and Italy with $44 billion.       be about $834 billion, 10.7% higher                                     North American airline landscape.
    It is a far cry from the 1960s when       compared with the $754 billion from                                     The main contributors to the global
international tourist arrivals reached        2016. In real volume terms, both the                                    airline profit numbers are without
only 69 million. By the year 2000, this       RPKs and the number of passenger                                        doubt the North American carriers. It
number had increased to 669 million:          departures are projected to increase.                                   is interesting to compare the absolute
that had almost doubled by 2016 to            The RPK volume will rise from 7.75                                      post-tax profit per region and the
1.23 billion. For 2018, another increase      billion in 2017 to an estimated 8.29                                    profit per passenger. By both criteria,
to 1.8 billion is expected.                   billion this year, a 7% increase. The                                   North America stands out.
    Last year, air transport had a share      number of passenger departures will                                        Comparing net profit figures, the
of 55% of all tourist arrivals, followed      increase by about 6.5% to 4.36 million.                                 system-wide global commercial airline
by 39% for road transport. Water (4%)            The airline industry is offering its                                 profit reached $38 billion in 2017.
and rail (2%) are relatively insignificant.   customers an increasing range of                                        Just over 48% of this, or $18.4 billion,
Confidence in international tourism           direct connections. Over the past 20                                    was generated by North American
remains high, according to UNWTO.             years, connectivity increased by 108%,                                  airlines. Almost 27% came from the
Its expert panel’s outlook for the            and today the world’s airlines offer                                    Asia-Pacific, overtaking their European
May-August period this year is one of         connections between well over 21,000                                    competitors to take second position.
the most optimistic in a decade, with         unique city-pairs.                                                      European airlines contributed 21%,
sentiments particularly upbeat for               From a financial perspective, the                                    the Middle East just under 3%, Latin
Africa, the Middle East and Europe.           airlines entered a new era in 2015.                                     America just over 1% and African
    Over the first half of 2018, global       Before then, global airline operating                                   airlines lost $100 million, so not
RPKs increased by a solid 7%.                 profit margins would be about 3%                                        contributing to industry profitability.
According to Iata, this growth level still    to 4% at best and generally any                                            For the year 2018, the relative
illustrates the strength of underlying        profitable year would quickly be                                        positions are not expected to change
demand, despite a slight slow down            followed by one or more years with                                      a lot. North America is projected to
versus the 7.9% achieved during the
first half of 2017. This year the industry
has not been able to lower airfares to        Crude Oil & Jet Fuel - Price Development
                                              As of Aug. 21st : WTI = $66,50 / BBL; Brent $71,11 / BBL ; Jet Fuel $2,077 / Gallon
stimulate demand because of rising
input costs, most notably fuel prices.
    The average return fare (before
surcharges and taxes) in constant
(2018) US dollars dropped to $394
in 2016 from $380 in 2017 but is
anticipated to remain at this level
in 2018. A stabilisation of airfares
would be relatively unusual, taking
into account that between 1998 and
2018 fares dropped by 59%. The main
factor ending this period of falling
ticket prices is obviously the cost of
fuel because it has mainly been the
lower fuel price that enabled airlines
to lower ticket prices. Fuel cost for the
global airlines dropped dramatically –

10          Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

account for 44% of the anticipated         (MoUs), letters of intent (LoIs), options   existing old- and current-technology
$33.8 billion net profit, Europe and       and option LoIs. As an example,             aircraft, rather than making a massive
Asia-Pacific each about 24% to             during the 2018 Farnborough air show        switch to new-technology equipment.
25%, respectively. The Middle East         a total of 1,464 order commitments          By doing so, airlines can benefit from
carriers are expected to improve their     and options were announced by the           the highly competitive situation among
results to $1.3 billion, or about 4% of    manufacturers, of which only 400            aircraft lessors and operate low
the industry total. Latin America is       (27%) were firm orders.                     capital cost (or low lease rate) aircraft
projected to contribute just below 3%,        Both the 737 and the A320 continue       without paying a huge penalty in the
while Africa will again be negative.       to be the most popular commercial           form of a massively higher fuel bill.
    Comparing the profitability per        jet types by far. According to the          As generally airlines expect a gradual
passenger eliminates the impact            Flightglobal Ascend database, Boeing        increase in fuel cost, the market has
of the relative size of each region.       sold about 450 737 Max aircraft             not seen massive cancellations of
Asia-Pacific as an example has a           during the first seven months (75           the new-generation aircraft; however,
share of 33.7% of global traffic, versus   cancellations) of the year, including       reportedly aircraft lessors are not
only 2.2% for Africa. Profitability        orders announced at Farnborough.            able to generate significant lease-rate
per passenger as such reflects the         Airbus sold more than 200 A320neos          premiums for the new-technology
performance of each region more            during the same period. Despite             aircraft compared with the older types,
fairly. For 2018, each North American      reliability problems and production         where short-term availability is at a
airline passenger is projected to          delays around the new single-aisle          premium.
generate $15.67 net profit. In Europe,     engines, it is clear that the 737NG and        After having fluctuated between
it is $7.58, with $5.89 in the Middle      A320 are coming to an end. Boeing           about $2.8 and $3 in 2013-14, jet
East and $5.1 in the Asia-Pacific. In      received orders for only 13 more            fuel (US Gulf Coast, FOB) reached a
Latin America, profit per passenger        NGs, while Airbus’s orders totalled 22      low in January 2016 at just over $0.8
is a bit lower at $1.78 and African        A320s.                                      a gallon. Subsequently, the price
carriers, which subsidise each                After the transfer of the CSeries        showed a generally upward trend to a
passenger, generate a negative $1.55       family of large regional jets from          peak of $2.22 in May this year and, in
per passenger.                             Canada’s Bombardier to Airbus, a            August, kerosene fluctuated between
    Apart from the benefit of lower fuel   firm order for 30 aircraft was received     $2 and $2.1 per gallon.
cost, the North American result can be     (excluding any LoIs or options, etc).          Apart from the still modest price
explained by the increased (domestic)      Bombardier sold another 30 CRJ900           of jet fuel, it seems the new order
market power of the major airlines         regional jets.                              volume is held back by the record
after a wave of consolidation. This has       Despite a flurry of different types      backlog already on order and the
enabled improved pricing power, as         of commitments at Farnborough,              resulting significant lead times for the
well as higher load factors and more       Embraer has only a limited firm order       delivery of the more popular jet types.
income from ancillary services.            volume. So far this year, the old           Overall, the backlog for western-built
    Traditionally, when airline            Embraer E1 version is still outselling      commercial jets (all civil operations) is
profitability goes up, the new order       the new E2. Japanese manufacturer           equal to about eight-and-a-half times
volume for commercial aircraft             Mitsubishi’s MRJ has not had much           the number of jet deliveries made in
increases also. In the past years, this    sales success this year.                    2016. As production is set to increase
relationship has been broken. While           Widebody aircraft sales volumes          in the coming years (bar any supplier
the industry profit doubled between        are still relatively low, but improving.    constraints, such as engines and
2014 and 2015 and subsequently             Boeing sold about 105 of its 787 types,     interior parts), burning off the backlog
stayed at a near record high level in      while Airbus placed about 58 A350s.         may not take as long.
2016-18, the number of new aircraft        While Boeing also sold about 33                The launch of a new aircraft type
gross (net) orders dropped from about      777s, the vast majority of these sales      can have a stimulating effect on
3,500 (3,100) in 2014 to about 2,400       were for the freighter version of the       order volumes. Compared with the
(2,100) in 2015 and 2,200 (1,750) in       aircraft. In addition, Boeing sold 14       boom years in the first half of the
2016 to just under 2,600 (2,300) in        747-8 freighters and 20 767-300ER           decade, major new product launches
2017 (new orders for western-built         freighters. Airbus sold 14 A330s,           were almost absent during 2015-
jets).                                     of which the majority was for the           17, not counting some significant
    Over the first seven months of 2018,   re-engined A330-900neo version.             product variants (such as the Airbus
the trend in new ordering seems to         Emirates Airline also placed orders for     A321neo LR). Most developments
continue up again with about 1,100         another 20 A380s, giving the type a         that were announced focused on
(1,000) orders versus just about           shot in the arm.                            range increases and high-density
800 (700) over the same period in             Kerosene-type jet fuel prices were       interiors, by applying slimline seats,
2017. It has to be taken into account      up by 38% in August 2018, compared          more compact galleys and toilets and
that counting orders is not always         with a year ago. Despite the fuel price     reconfigured emergency exits.
straightforward, because of different      increases during the past months, and          However, the importance for aircraft
contract types. Apart from firm            oil at about $70 a barrel no longer         orders of the launch of a new aircraft
orders, manufacturers also announce        cheap, it seems that airlines are still     type was vividly illustrated during the
memorandums of understanding               comfortable with extending leases on        2017 Paris air show, when Boeing

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Industry review and outlook: DVB

launched a new stretched version of
the 737 Max family, dubbed the Max-        IATA Passenger Market Data
10. Shortly after the launch of this new    20                                                                                                                                                            84

version, Boeing booked more than
360 commitments, 260 orders plus             15                                                                                                                                                  81.5     82

over 100 LoIs and options. It must be                                                                                                                                         80.5      80.5
                                                                                                                       9.5                                 79.7    79.8
noted that the majority of these orders      10           8.9
                                                                    6.9      8                8.3                  8
                                                                                                                                78.4 7.5
                                                                                                                                                                              7.4       7.4

were changes in variants.                                              6.6
                                                                                                                                            5.3        5.7         6

   The year has not seen any major           5
                                                    2.8                             1.7 2.4

new aircraft launches, apart from a                             1                                   76.1
                                             0                                                                                                                                                            76
rebranding of the former Bombardier                                                                                                                                                                -0.8
CSeries CS100 and CS300 as the                              74.9
                                             -5    73.5                                                                                                     -3.9                                          74
A220-100 and A220-300, respectively.                                                                                                                                   -5.5

It can be argued that even this
                                            -10                                                                                                                                           -8.8            72
change sparked additional interest
in the type because immediately             -15                                                            -13.7                                                                                          70
after the announcement some                                                                                RPK Growth          Pax. Yield            PLF
major commitments followed, after           -20                                                                                                                                                           68
some years of relative calm in the                2004    2005      2006     2007        2008         2009         2010        2011         2012       2013        2014       2015      2016     2017

   Another fairly low-profile              two versions, probably called 797-6X                                                Claudia Slacik. Senator Pat Tooney,
development is the intended redesign       and 797-7X. Any launch decision will                                                however, said he would continue to
of the 787-8. While this launch            only be made in 2019, interestingly                                                 block a quorum on the bank’s board,
version of the 787 enjoyed good            while maintaining the entry-into-                                                   so the bank will still not be able to
sales success in the early phase of        service date in 2025.                                                               approve big-ticket transactions.
the programme, later on the spotlight         Like in 2017, during the first months                                               Interestingly, ECAs from Italy and
moved to the bigger 787-9 and -10          of 2018 any airline or leasing company                                              the UK guaranteed credit lines for
and the orderbook for the 787-8            looking to finance its fleet purchases                                              local suppliers to help financing for
slowly dried up.                           had ample choice from a range of                                                    Boeing products. As an example, Lot
   In April, American Airlines placed      funding sources. Both debt funding                                                  Polish Airlines has taken two 787s
an order for 787s, surprisingly            and equity is abundantly available at                                               on finance leases with guarantees
including the -8 version. It turned out    historically low cost and offered by a                                              from UK Export Finance (UKEF).
this was for a structurally different      broad range of lenders and investors                                                These aircraft are the first 787s to
-8, compared with the earlier              worldwide. The only traditional                                                     be guaranteed by UKEF under a
aircraft. Reportedly, the aft fuselage     sources of funding that have not been                                               programme in which the UK’s export
commonality between the 787-8 and          available for about three years has                                                 credit agency offers support for
787-9 is relatively low, only 30%, while   been export finance for Airbus and                                                  (Rolls-Royce-powered) aircraft with a
commonality between the -9 and -10 is      Boeing products.                                                                    significant UK content.
almost 95%. Apparently, this resulted         Both the Export-Import Bank of                                                      As an alternative to export credit,
in relatively high production cost         the United States (Eximbank) and the                                                Boeing, together with Marsh &
for the -8, making this version less       European export credit agencies (ECA)                                               McLennan and Aircraft Finance
attractive to sell for Boeing, compared    had their problems. While Eximbank’s                                                Consortium, developed the Aircraft
with the more lucrative -9 or -10.         charter was reauthorised for five years                                             Finance Insurance Product (AFIC).
   With a more common design, the          at the end of 2015, the US Senate                                                   This is a syndicate of insurance
manufacturing cost of the -8 will go       did not nominate three new board                                                    companies (Allianz, Axis Capital,
down, which will improve the profit        members, essentially taking away the                                                Endurance/Sompo International and
margin on future sales. Interestingly,     bank’s ability to approve big-ticket $10                                            Fidelis) providing a default or non-
while this will also strengthen Boeing’s   million-plus transactions.                                                          payment insurance for banks and
competitive position versus the               Last year, Scott Garrett, a former                                               capital market investors funding new
A330neo, the improved 787-8 design         congressman, was nominated to lead                                                  aircraft purchases from Boeing. The
plus the 2017-launched 737 Max-10          the bank, but the Senate Banking                                                    premiums and advanced rates are
could, in theory, limit the open space     Committee rejected his nomination.                                                  inspired by the terms set forth in the
in the market for a future Boeing             In July, President Trump nominated                                               2011 Aircraft Sector Understanding.
New Midrange Aircraft (NMA). This          Kimberly Reed to serve as president                                                 The structure has already been
middle-of-the-market NMA – and             of Eximbank after her nomination as                                                 used to finance more than $1 billion-
Airbus’s response to it – probably is      first vice-president was withdrawn                                                  worth of commercial jets. While AFIC
the most exciting potential new aircraft   earlier in the year. In August, Reed’s                                              reportedly has no immediate plans to
design of the moment, and the subject      nomination got support from the                                                     support Airbus aircraft, there seems
of many industry debates. Boeing           Senate Banking Committee. Other                                                     to be no specific reasons why the
released a rendering of the NMA this       nominees for the board of directors                                                 European manufacturer could pursue
year, and reportedly is thinking about     are Spencer Bacchus, Judith Prior and                                               a similar solution.

12         Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

   In Europe, the problems were of                                   Less than a year ago, as an                                     apparently keeping or increasing its
an entirely different nature. In April                            example, Japanese hotels were                                      levels in Europe. Last year, at this
2016, UKEF, Coface (France ECA) and                               warning their guests there could be                                same time, the forecasts for 2017
Euler Hermes (German ECA) halted                                  North Korean rockets. After three                                  profits were $31.4 billion, and airlines
all guarantees and export support for                             years of RPK growth between 7.4%                                   and Iata updated their forecasts after
Airbus aircraft. Alleged “inaccuracies”                           and 8.1%, the forecast for 2018 is                                 mid-year to a record $38 billion in
in applications for export credit                                 slightly below at 7%, which is not                                 order to reflect better-than-expected
financing relating to information                                 enough to signal a real change in the                              second-half demand.
provided in respect to consultants                                trend yet.                                                            Initial information for July 2018 is
and other third parties were the                                     In 2017, airlines delivered the                                 showing a very strong performance
reason for this suspension of support.                            highest-ever profits as an industry                                in terms of load factors, but given
In early 2018, Airbus reached an                                  and, according to Iata, they generated                             the pressure on the costs side (fuel
agreement with the ECAs on a                                      a record net profit of $38 billion (5%                             and wages) and potentially negative
process under which it would be able                              net margin), which would translate                                 foreign exchange effects for some
to apply for UK ECA support again                                 approximately into a net profit of $9.3                            airlines, it is too early to foresee a
this year and, in April, the company                              per passenger.                                                     reviewed 2018 forecast.
was reported as having received                                      These were a result of a very strong                               Using data from The Airline Analyst,
European export credit support for                                demand, where RPK grew 8.1% on a                                   we performed a more granular
two A330s going to Rwandair.                                      6.7% available seat miles (ASK) growth                             analysis on airline profitability in
                                                                  and, as a result, airlines experienced                             2017. Using a sample of 160 airlines
Air transport market – first-half 2018                            their highest-ever load factors,                                   (including both passenger and cargo),
After a couple of years of good                                   reaching an average of 81.5% on a                                  we see that the majority of those
times, could it be that the tide has                              global basis. Passenger yields were                                (79%) were profitable – ie, they had
already turned? After all, one of the                             down 0.8% versus 2016, but this yield                              positive net results – and only 21%
most used terms in quarterly and                                  development shows a remarkable                                     posted negative results. If we then
half-year reports from airlines during                            improvement compared with previous                                 look at earnings before interest,
the first half of 2018 was “fuel price                            years. As airlines were experiencing                               taxes, depreciation, amortisation
increase”. Despite some negative                                  an increasing fuel cost, they seem                                 and rent cost (Ebitdar) levels, these
impact on the results of many airlines,                           mostly to have been able to pass on                                airlines delivered on average a
passenger growth still remains very                               those increases to passengers.                                     19% Ebitdar margin. This compares
strong, and this has enabled airlines                                As can be observed from the                                     positively with 14% in 2010, the first
to adjust their pricing upwards. Maybe                            chart, profitability in 2017 has been                              year when the industry had positive
surprisingly, the continuous political                            consistent with 2016 levels across                                 net results after the global crisis.
uncertainties worldwide are not                                   all regions, with again North America                              While not evenly distributed, and
having much of an impact on demand                                maintaining the lion’s share of net                                with the potential caveat of the fuel
– although it would be interesting to                             profits, followed by Asia-Pacific and                              price, the 2017 Ebitdar figures seem
know how much higher passenger                                    Europe. Forecasts for 2018 based on                                to suggest that the majority of airlines
demand would have been had those                                  first-half data show a bit of a reversing                          are proficient and capable to manage
uncertainties not been there.                                     trend in the first two regions, but                                their operations profitably.
                                                                                                                                        However, if we look at these same
                                                                                                                                     airlines at net profit levels, we clearly
 Airline Net Profit (Post Tax, in US$ bln.) by IATA Region                                                                           see that the biggest portion of last
                                                                                                                                     year’s profits come from a reduced
                                                                                                                                     number of airlines, and many others
              Net Profit 2012
                                                                                                                                     are only capable of delivering small
 $35.0        Net Profit 2013                                                                                                 33.8

              Net Profit 2014
 $30.0        Net Profit 2015
                                                                                                                                        Nevertheless, the picture looks a
              Net Profit 2016                                                                                                        bit brighter if we put these numbers
 $25.0        Net Profit 2017(E)                                                                                                     in relation to the respective airline
              Net Profit 2018(F)                                                                                                     revenue sizes.
 $20.0                                                                                                                                  As we can see in the chart, airlines
                                                                                                                                     are showing a solid improvement in
 $15.0                                                                                                                               managing their operating margins
                                                                                                                                     (Ebitdar) and also have managed
 $10.0                                                                   8.6                  8.2                                    a significant reduction in their
                                                                                                                                     debt levels, which results in lower
                                                                                                                                     adjusted net debt/Ebitdar ratios. This
                                      0.9                                                                                            combination of better operational
                  -0.1                                                                                                               results and financial metrics give us
         Africa           Latin America     Middle East         Europe         Asia/Pacific         North America    Global
                                                                                                                                     some comfort in the resilience of the
                                                                                                                                     airline industry in a potential downturn.

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Industry review and outlook: DVB

   Meanwhile, airlines seem not too
worried about a potential downturn          IATA - Net Airline Profit - (post tax) per Region
and they continue to order and              40

lease aircraft to accommodate the
continuous growth of demand.                35

Measured in ASK, Asia-Pacific is                             Net Profit 2018(F)                    Net Profit per Passenger 2018(F)
leading such growth in both 2017
and 2018, followed closely by Europe        25

and Latin America. The Middle
East, however, has slowed its past          20

impressive growth rate. North America                                                                                                                       15.67
shows a stable growth rate at about
4%, very much in line with previous          10                                                                                                                                7.8
years.                                                                                                    5.89
   The most relevant fact, though,           5

remains that all regions are
forecasting a growth in demand above
growth in capacity (RPKs are above           -5
ASKs in all regions) for the current                      Africa              Latin America          Middle East       Europe         Asia/Pacific   North America          Global

year, and some regions are showing
a massive capacity growth in the first
quarter of 2019.
   Taking a different angle, and           EBITDAR Margin 2017 (%)
according to schedules and capacity         50
data from Diio/SRS Analyser, if we
look beyond the regional focus we
find that capacity has been growing at      30
a higher rate in non-hub airports than
in traditional hubs.
   Perhaps not surprisingly given the        10
saturation of some of the largest hubs
and the ever-present growth of the                0                 20                     40               60          80            100            120             140             160
low-cost carrier (LCC) model, capacity      -10
at non-hub airports measured in ASK
accounts already for 55% of the total
production of passenger airlines. With      -30
growth rates that are almost twice of
those in hub airports, the gap between
non-hubs and hubs continues to
expand.                                    Net Income 2017 (USDm)
   If we look at the seat capacity
distribution per airline groupings, we
can clearly see that on a global level,
LCCs account already for almost             4000

one-third of the seats available, and
taking into account that traditionally      3000
this type of operator reaches higher-
than-average load factors, it can safely
be assumed that LCCs already carry
one-third of all passengers. In any
case, LCCs continue to grow faster           1000

than their traditional competitors.
   It is comforting to see that the               0
recovery in the airfreight market                     0                  20                   40                 60       80            100           120             140             160

continued to be strong throughout           -1000
2017 and – albeit at a more moderate
pace – also in the first half of 2018.
This slowdown in the upward trend          orderbooks of manufacturing firms are                                          protectionism and tariffs. This is visible
mainly reflects the fact that the          also experiencing some moderation                                              in the export orderbooks of several
inventory restocking cycle is adjusting    in their development because of                                                countries (China and the US, but also
downwards and also that export             the political frictions arising from                                           Germany, Japan or South Korea),

14         Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

and therefore could be indicative of
a global slowdown in global trade         Net margin 2017 (%)
conditions. Nevertheless, industry        50
freight tonne kilometres (FTK) grew       40
4.7% in the first half of 2018 and the
forecast for the entire year is 4%, but
unlike in the previous years, available
freight tonne kilometres grew more
than FTK, resulting in a lower load               0                    20                   40              60             80                  100             120             140                 160
factor of 44.7% (down 0.6 points
against the first half of 2017).
   At regional level, Asia-Pacific        -30

(which is the biggest air cargo market    -40

with about one-third of the total)        -50

experienced a growth of 4.6% on           -60

a 6.8% increase of capacity, which
resulted in a decrease of 1.1 points of
load factor.
   While demand is growing below          Ebitdar & Adj. Net Debt ratio evolution
capacity, the continuous positive
development of cargo yields has           0.25                                                                                                                                               14
helped the performance of revenues
in the first half of 2018, as yields                     12.9                                                                                                                                12
reached $1.8 to $2 a kilo, up from          0.2                                                                                                                0.186             0.19
the $1.55 to $1.6 both in 2016 and                       0.165                                                                                                                               10
2017. Nonetheless, the outlook for                                                                                                                    0.146
                                                                                                 0.104   0.14                               0.139
the rest of 2018 is less optimistic,       0.15
                                                                                                                   0.13     0.128                                                            8
and there seems to be a consensus                                                  0.107
that world trade is weakening, with                                                                                                                                                          6
these developments visible not only                                                 7.2
                                                                                                                   5.5          5.6
on airfreight markets but also on                                       5.1                               5.3                                5.2       5                                     4
containerised trade, where container                                                                                                                            4.2     4.2          4.2
throughput index reached peak                                                                                                                                                                2
growth rates of close to 8% in third
quarter of 2017 but is now down to               0                                                                                                                                           0
below 4% levels.                                         2006          2007        2008          2009    2010      2011     2012            2013      2014     2015    2016      2017
   It is worth highlighting the role
                                                                                    EBITDAR Margin (%)                      Adjusted (Net) Debt/EBITDAR (x)
that developing and/or emerging
economies have in passenger
demand and, therefore, on aircraft
demand. A key element of the air
traffic growth over the past 20 years     Worldwide Airline Profitability
has been the establishment of new
routes or city-pairs, particularly by     45

LCCs. During that time the number                            Net Airline Profit (US$ billion) - source: IATA "Economic Performance of the Airline
                                                             Industry (Jun. 2018)                                                                                36
                                                                                                                                                                       34.2                33.8
of city-pairs has gone from about         35

10,000 to 21,000, enabling passengers
travel options not even fathomable
                                                                                     14.7                        17.3
a few years ago. Where in mature                                                                                                                        13.7
markets the traffic growth used to be                                                                                     8.3         9.2

a multiple of between 1.3 and 1.7 times    5

GDP growth, in new markets (new
routes), and provided some minimum         -5
                                                                -4.1                                     -4.6
requirements are met (infrastructure,             -5.6

payment methods), the first driver        -15

of growth is the capacity deployed
– ie, the number of seats available       -25

– and therefore the resulting traffic                                                            -26.1

growth is not correlated with GDP, but    -35
                                                      2004     2005         2006     2007        2008    2009    2010     2011        2012     2013     2014    2015   2016     2017E      2018F
rather with new aircraft flying those
previously non-existing routes.

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Industry review and outlook: DVB

    This leads to the following question:
how far can this generation of new             ASK Evolution (%)
city-pairs go? Likewise, the second key
factor for this traffic development is
the introduction of low fares by airlines      12
to the public. Some airlines have             10
                                                                                                                                                                    North America
been pioneers at developing the LCC            8
concept, but even those seem to have
                                               6                                                                                                                    Asia-Pacific
reached the bottom when it comes to
                                               4                                                                                                                    Middle East
unitary costs, and it might be difficult
                                                                                                                                                                    Latin America
for them to improve further that cost          2
advantage in order to generate traffic.        0
                                                                 2015                      2016                      2017                     2018F
Hence, the next question: how much             -2
traffic can be stimulated by low (but not
lower) fares?
    On the costs side, fuel remains a
key driver, and with current prices up
37.5% compared with one year ago,              RPK & ASK growth 2018 (%)
it is certainly a threat to profitability     10
that airlines need to manage. The              9
second main cost driver is labour,
where pressures are mounting not
only on the salary side but also on the
access to flight crews, which is quickly
becoming an issue for many airlines            5
(and which no doubt unions will try            4
to use in order to obtain concessions          3
from airlines’ management).                    2
    The third main cost driver is the           1
cost of aircraft, where airlines seem
to be enjoying a benign enough                           Global                  North             Europe          Asia-Pacific    Middle East Latin America             Africa
environment given a) the increased                                              America                                                                            RPK         ASK
competition among aircraft providers
(original equipment manufacturers and
lessors) and b) increased competition
among financiers because of low               ASK growth Q1 2019
interest rates, and, as a result, airlines
can achieve lower aircraft costs, which
they might lock in for the next couple                                                                                 10.7%

of years.                                       0.1
    Even if we are only halfway through                 8.9%

the year, it is reasonable to assume          0.08

that the final financial results for the
global airlines in 2018 will be below         0.06
those of 2017. Demand remains                                                       4.7%
extraordinarily strong, with record load       0.04

factors across the system and with
yields showing a stable development,          0.02                                              1.5%                               1.5%

but unit costs are growing because                                      -0.4%
of fuel prices and labour pressures.                                                                       Central                              North     South              TOTAL
                                                        Africa          Asia     Australasia   Caribbean   America     Europe   Middle East    America   America
Nevertheless, 2018 results will still be
overly positive and 0.9 points above
the cost of capital (WACC), with Iata
forecasting $33.8 billion net profit         fuel environment. The bigger players                                       even if at a relatively slow pace,
for the year. While this is below 2017       in the industry have shown a very                                          consolidation is also developing
figures ($38 billion net profit and two      distinct focus in managing profitability,                                  in Europe – and to a lesser extent
points above WACC), it is still a quite      and this focus seems to be slowly                                          in Asia. Needless to say, one of
remarkable figure that somehow               extending throughout the industry.                                         the benefits (at least in theory) of
shows that the industry can – at least       We must not forget that one way of                                         acquisitions is also the acquisition of
for the time being – still generate          achieving this profitability is through                                    assets. However, taking into account
shareholder returns in a higher cost         the acquisition of competitors, and                                        the current profitability levels, some

16         Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

                                              According to the Flight Fleets data,                                                            the first converted A330-200 P2F
 Market share 2018 (in seats)              over the first seven months of 2018, a                                                             freighter and West Atlantic the first
                                           total of 1,112 commercial aircraft was                                                             Boeing-converted 737-800 (BCF)
                                           sold, of which 678 were single aisles,                                                             freighter. The first delivery of an A330-
                oneworld                   263 twin aisles, including widebody                                                                900 to TAP has been postponed until
                                           freighters, 129 regional jets and 42                                                               September.
                                LCC        turboprops.                                                                                           In terms of sales successes the
                                              The already full orderbook, as well                                                             737 Max and A320neo family still
    Star Alliance                          as the low fuel price, could be used to                                                            dominate the scene. Boeing received
                                           explain the slight softening of the new                                                            sizable orders for the Max from
                                           equipment market last year. It could                                                               Southwest Airlines, Ryanair, UTAir,
                                           be argued that now that fuel prices                                                                Gol, and lessors Jackson Square and
             Alliance      Others          seem to be on the rise again, another                                                              Goshawk Aviation. The Neo booked
                17%         22%
                                           order wave for new aircraft is building,                                                           double-digit orders from SAS, Jetblue
                                           especially against the background of                                                               Airways, Aegean Airlines, and lessors
                                           traffic growth of 7% or better.                                                                    Macquarie, Goshawk and China
                                              This year has seen only a few new                                                               Aircraft Leasing. The E-Jets got bigger
potential acquisition targets might        aircraft types enter service. Qatar                                                                orders from United Airlines and Envoy
be deemed too expensive, and the           Airways received the first A350-                                                                   for the E175 scope clause special
bigger players in the industry have        1000 in February, while in March,                                                                  and from Wataniya Airways for the
certainly the financial capability and     Singapore Airways got the first 787-10.                                                            new E195-E2. Unfortunately, Embraer
strong strategic positioning to be able    In the same month, Thai Lion Air                                                                   also lost an important order from Air
to wait until the next downturn and        received the first 737 Max-9, while,                                                               Costa. PSA and Skywest selected the
buy at potentially distressed prices.      in April, Wideroe completed the first                                                              competing Bombardier CRJ900.
                                           commercial flight of an Embraer                                                                       In the twin-aisle segment, Boeing
Equipment market                           E190-E2. Egyptair took delivery of                                                                 sold significant numbers of the 787s
After several years of increasing sales
volumes, a temporary commercial jet
order slow down started in 2015. This       Capacity growth (seats)
downward trend continued into 2016                     11.7%

as well as over the first 11 months of                               10.4%

2017. In December 2017, however, the
industry witnessed an order explosion,
predominantly Airbus aircraft. Industry                                                        6.7%         6.7%

speculation suggests the December
miracle was effectively the last hurrah                                                                                            4.0%
from Airbus’s retiring super salesman                                                                                                                                  3.1%

John Leahy, who in his final year with
the European manufacturer was eager                                                                                                                                                                           -1.2%        -0.4%

to beat Boeing in terms of annual                              LCC                                     Others                       SkyTeam Alliance                        Star Alliance

sales volume.                                                                                                                2017 vs 2016      2018 vs 2017                                                           oneworld

   According to the latest Flight Fleets
gross order figures (western-built jets,
airlines, finance and professionals)
at the end of July, order volumes            Air freight growth vs. global new export orders
exceed 2017’s level at the same point
in time by about 40% and the 2016           % y-o-y
level by only 4%. As it seems unlikely
                                                 30                                                                                                                                                                                 40
a similar order boom will occur in the
second half of 2018, it may end up               20
about 2,200-2,400 for full-year 2018.
Obviously, a few mega-orders can                 10                                                                                                                                                                                 10

change this number dramatically. The                                                                                                                                                                                                 0
number of commitments and options                                                                                                                                                                                                   -10

placed during the 2018 Farnborough              -10                                                                                                                                                                                 -20

air show was close to the level placed                                                                                                                                                                                              -30
at the very successful Paris air show                                                                                                                                                                                               -40
in 2013. If all these LoIs, MoUs and            -30                                                                                                                                                                                 -50
options are firmed up the second half                   2000     2001        2002   2003       2004      2005      2006   2007    2008      2009   2010       2011   2012     2013      2014    2015     2016     2017      2018

of 2018, the end-year total could also                               Growth in industry FTKs                          Global PMI new export orders component                         Implied PMI series if the index remains flat
                                                                     (LHS)                                            (RHS, adv. 2 months)                                           at its July 2017 level in the months ahead
bring a surprise.
                                            Sources: IATA Economics, IATA Monthly Statistics, Markit

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Industry review and outlook: DVB

to American Airlines, Turkish Airlines
and Hawaiian Airlines. Also for the        IATA Cargo Market Data
Boeing freighter types, the first half     25

of 2018 brought good sales volume
from especially the integrators, among     20

others with orders for the 767-300ERF                                                                                          14.4
from FedEx, the 777-200LRF from DHL                  11.6
and the 747-8F from UPS.                    10
   Airbus also booked good order                                              6.3         4.7 5.6
                                                                                    4.4                                                                              5
volumes outside the A320 family.            5               3.9
                                                                  2.3                                                                    0.8                                      2.3
The original equipment manufacturer                                     0.5                                                           0.4      -0.9
                                                                                                                                                      0   0.6
(OEM) booked double-digit twin-aisle                                                                -0.7
orders from Turkish Airlines and
Sichuan Airlines for the A350 and                                                                                                                           -4.8         -4.7
Emirates threw a lifeline for the A380     -10                                                               -8.8
in a year when used aircraft of this                                                                                                                                                -11.9
type encountered mixed fortunes.           -15
Some were taken over by Portuguese                                                                                                       FTK Growth             Cargo Yield
charter airline Hi Fly for continued                 2004         2005        2006        2007      2008      2009      2010           2011    2012        2013     2014           2015        2016        2017
operations, while others were parked
in Tarbes, maybe permanently.
   Looking beyond the most recent
sales successes, how are the various       IATA Estimates - Net Post Tax Profit H1 2017 and H1 2018
programmes progressing? The table,         Preliminary estimates based on sample of 34 airlines
which includes a small number of           12000

corporate jet and (semi) military                                         Q2               Q1

versions as well, shows the current        10000

backlog by aircraft family and main
versions or variants. Overall, the          8000
backlog is still impressive, with almost
14,000 firm orders plus 3,000 options.      6000
With about 5,700 orders outstanding,
the A320neo family clearly remains
the top-seller in the market. Within
this family, the A320neo is the most
popular version, followed by the            2000

A321neo, both in the old version and
in the new, increasingly popular Airbus          0
                                                        North America         North America Asia/Pacific 2017       Asia/Pacific                                                Sample total         Sample total
Cabin Flex (ACF) version. The CFM                           2017                  2018                                 2018             Europe 2017       Europe 2018              2017                2018

LEAP-powered A320/A321neos are             -2000

in the lead over the Pratt & Whitney
Geared Turbo Fan (GTF) version, but
a large number of orders have an
undecided engine selection.                Gross Orders Placed - Western Built Jets
   The A320neo engines have been           Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer (West.Built Jets ordered by Airlines, Finance & Professionals)
a hot topic during the past months.        4000
Production volumes of, in particular,                                                                                                          3554       3513
the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G GTF was        3500

behind plan and the entry into service     3000
has been plagued by a number of                                                                                         2639
technical problems. While Airbus is        2500                                                                                       2419
planning to ramp up production to                      2105        2088
60 a month in two years, still only 154                                                    1690
A320neos were delivered (of which           1500                                                               1384

96 were LEAP-powered).                                                                                                                                                                  1025                1070

   Demand for spare engines is              1000
                                                                                                     699                                                                                         764

high because of technical problems          500
plaguing in-service aircraft, such as
rotor-bow, prematurely deteriorating             0
                                                        2005        2006        2007        2008      2009      2010      2011         2012     2013       2014      2015          2016        2017       2018
combustor liners and carbon seals                                                          Gross Orders (full years)        Gross Orders (Jan.-July period)
and, in some cases, in-flight shut

18         Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

                                                  admittedly the 737 Max was launched                        and with a very limited order inflow in
 Gross Orders Placed                              some months after its European                             the past few years for the shorter -8,
 Jan-July 2018                                    competitor. With open commitments                          the -9 is likely to become the standard
 (Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer)                of about 5,000 units, however, this                        version, similar to the -300ER as the
                                                  should not worry the Seattle-based                         standard version of the old 767 family.
  Single Aisles                            678    manufacturer too much.                                     A redesigned version of the 787-8
  737 Max 8                          125             Within the 737 Max family, the Max-                     that potentially could be offered at a
  737 Max 10                          3           8 is clearly the most popular version.                     more competitive price could revive
  737 Max                            321          Its backlog of more than 2,100 units                       the fortunes of the smallest member
  A319neo                            26           (2,350 including the Max 8-200)                            of the 787 family. The redesign seems
  A320neo                            129          dwarfs the backlogs of the Max-7,                          mainly a defensive measure against
                                                  Max-9 and the new Max-10. Effectively,                     the A330. The double-stretched 787-
  A321neo                            52
                                                  the launch of the Max-10 has diluted                       10 is likely to become a bigger sales
  A319ceo                             5
                                                  the position of the Max-9 because a                        success compared with its equivalent
  A320ceo                             15
                                                  significant number of version swaps                        in the 767 family, the 767-400ER, but
  A321ceo                             2           was reported. Unfortunately, there is                      with a sales volume of only 165, there
  Regional Jets                            129    no clarity about 1,400 737 Max orders,                     is still some ground to cover.
  A220-300 (CS300)                   30           for which the exact version remains                           In the regional jet market,
  E175 E1                            44           undecided or unannounced.                                  Bombardier’s position is not totally
  E195 E2                             3              With a still modest – relative to the                   clear. After spinning off the CSeries to
  E195 E2                             13          mainstream single aisles – backlog                         Airbus, all that remains are two very
                                                  for the regional jets, the A350 and                        mature products, the CRJ regional jet,
  CRJ900                             39
                                                  787 twin-aisle families take third and                     effectively now only the CRJ900, plus
  Twin Aisles / WB Freighters              263
                                                  fourth position in the current backlog                     the Q400 turboprop. Both face strong
  767-300ERF                         20           chart. While this market was very soft                     competition, and it is difficult to see
  787-8                              26           last year, 2018 saw a modest firming                       how these two products are enough
  787-9                              79           up, albeit partly thanks to freighter                      to ensure Bombardier’s position as
  A350-900                           58           orders. The A350-900 XWB features a                        a commercial aircraft manufacturer,
  A330-200                            2           backlog of 536 aircraft, supplemented                      or if the future of the Canadian OEM
  A330-300                             1          by 164 orders for the stretched -1000                      will see it focus purely on corporate
  A330-900neo                         10          XWB. Airbus had to face reality for the                    aircraft.
                                                  A350-800 XWB and that version was                             While Embraer lost an important
  777-200LRF                          31
                                                  aborted.                                                   customer (50 E2s) when Indian carrier
  777-300ER                           2
                                                     Within the Boeing 787 family, the                       Air Costa suspended services, the
  747-8F                              14          -9 is clearly the most popular version,                    Brazilian manufacturer announced
  A380-800                           20
  Turboprops                                42
  ATR 42-600                          13
                                                   Western Built Jets - Backlog as per 25, August 2018
                                                   Source: Flight Fleets Analyzer
  ATR 72-600                          10
                                                    Type                     Versions / Variants
  DHC-8-400 (Q400)                    16
                                                                               E170              E175        E190          E195
  DHC-6-400                           2             Embraer E-Jets E1          0(6)              110(142)    40(55)        6(2)
                                                    Embraer E-Jets E2                            100(0)      46(40)        94(35)
  Do 228NG                             1                                       MAX7              MAX8        MAX8-200      MAX9         MAX10            MAX?
                                                    Boeng 737MAX               65(0)             2127(260)   235(75)       131(100)     436(10)          1483(158)
  Total                                    1112                                -700              -800        -900ER
                                                    Boeing 737NG               3(0)              188(6)      38(0)
                                                    Boeing 747                 22(0)
downs. P&W indicated that later in                                             B767-300ER
                                                    Boeing 767                 68(40)
new – redesigned – parts would                                                  -200LR            -200LRF     -300ER       -8           -9                -8/9
be introduced to solve some of the                  Boeing 777                 0(2)              58(0)       42(5)         53(0)        263(56)          10(12)
                                                                               -8                -9          -10            -?
problems. Some airlines decided to                  Boeing 787                 93(35)            407(105)    165(24)       0(66)
stick to the proven A320 for the time                                          -100              -300         -?
                                                    Airbus A220 (CSeries)      115(96)           246(131)    0(20)
being. While the backlog for the type                                          A319              A320        A321          A321ACF
is still meaningful at more than 250,               Airbus A320NEO             55(0)             3766(619)   1474(386)     421(0)
                                                                               A319              A320        A321
order intake is slowing down. The                   Airbus A320CEO             20(0)             119(29)     117(0)

same goes for the 737NG, for which                  Airbus A330
the backlog is about 230.                                                      -900              -1000        -?
                                                    Airbus A350                536(114)          164(23)     0(66)
   Its successor, the 737 Max, has a                                           -800
backlog of well over 4,400 aircraft                 Airbus A380                102(26)
                                                    Bombardier CRJ             -700              -900        -1000
with another 600 on option. The                                                1(0)              57(28)      6(0)
market share of the 737 Max family in               Embraer ERJ135             13(10)
                                                    Mitsubishi MRJ90           213(174)
the single-aisle market seems to be                 Overall Total :          13990 (2974)                                             Firm Orders (Options)
falling behind the A320neo, although

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Industry review and outlook: DVB

an impressive number of new
commitments during Farnborough this         Cumulative Net Orders Single Aisle Jets
year. Given the arguably increased          Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer - yr. 1 is year of first order
competitiveness of the CSeries
in its new A220 guise, it is more                                737 Max ?                  737 Max 10                  737 Max 7                737 Max 8
                                                                 737 Max 9                  737MAX All                  A319neo                  A320neo
important than ever for the Brazilian                            A321neo                    A320NEO All
manufacturer to establish its E2
products. The total order backlog of
240 aircraft plus 75 options is fairly
evenly spread over the three versions,       4000
E175-E2, E190-E2 and E195-E2. The
E2’s predecessors, the original GE           3000
CF34-powered E-Jet E1, still enjoy a
backlog of 200-plus aircraft. The E175,     2000
especially, remains popular with the
US regional airlines.                        1000
   Unfortunately for Embraer, the
E175-E2 is not scope-compliant.                 0
Under current scope clauses, the E2’s                        0                  1               2           3               4               5               6         7                 8             9

maximum take-off eight (MTOW) is
slightly too high. Scope clauses limit
the number and capacity as well as          Cumulative Net Orders Regional Jets
the MTOW of aircraft that are operated      Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer - yr. 1 is year of first order
by commuter airlines on contracts with
the US major operators. These scope
                                                             A220 / CSeries                     E175 E2                      E190 E2
clauses are negotiated between               400
the US major airlines and the pilot                          E195 E2                            E-Jets E2                    MRJ 90

unions. Embraer hopes that during            350

the next contract negotiations, scope        300
clauses will be more liberal, but initial
responses from the unions indicate           250

this may be a tough fight.
   United will be the next US major to
negotiate pilot contracts in early 2019.     150

The scope clause in United’s deal with
the Air Line Pilots Association limits it
to 255 large regional aircraft (up to 76      50
seats and MTOW of 86,000lb). Delta
will follow in December 2019 and               0
                                                         0              1               2           3           4            5          6               7        8             9            10        11
American at the end of 2020.
   The same issue is causing Mitsubishi
Aircraft Corporation headaches with its
MRJ90. The type can be configured           Cumulative Net Orders Twin Aisle Jets
with up to 90 seats, although also          Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer - yr. 1 is year of first order
in a two-class configuration to meet
the 76-seat scope clause restriction.                             787-10                        787-8                   787-9
It will be more difficult to meet the       1400                  787 All                       A330-900neo             A350-1000
MTOW restriction. The MRJ90’s
                                                                  A350-900                      A350 All
MTOW ranges from 87,300lb for               1200
the MRJ90STD to 90,300lb for the
MRJ90ER and just over 94,000lb for          1000

the MRJ90LR. Restricting the MTOW
to 86,000lb would result in a clear
range shortfall with passengers on           600
   The MRJ90’s backlog has dropped           400

to 213 since last year: Eastern Airlines
cancelled 20 aircraft and no new             200

orders have been announced in
recent months. Given the scope                       0            1         2       3       4        5      6       7       8       9       10     11       12   13       14       15       16   17        18

clause issue, it is interesting to see if

20         Airfinance Annual • 2018/2019
Industry review and outlook: DVB

anything happens to the orders from
Trans States Holding and Skywest.             Cumulative Net Orders Large Twin Aisle Jets
Taking the time since the launch of           Source : Flight Fleets Analyzer - yr. 1 is year of first order
the programme into account, the MRJ
is losing ground versus the A220 and
the E2 products. The first MRJ delivery
to All Nippon Airways is still scheduled
for mid-2020. As an alternative for the
MRJ90, the Japanese company may
also refocus on the smaller MRJ70,
which will not be scope clause-
restricted, or even a larger MRJ100X
   In the larger twin-aisle category,          100
the A330’s backlog is now reduced to
about 58 aircraft. The majority is for          50
the A330-300HGW and a few more                                                                                    A380-800        747-8           777-8        777-8/9 ?           777-9   777X
-200s. During the first half of 2018,            0
the order stream for the A330-200/-                     0      1     2      3      4       5      6           7      8       9      10       11      12      13       14      15      16   17     18

300 almost dried up. The A330 still
is a workhorse for many operators.
                                             make sense to build an aircraft for                                           customers cancelled seven 777-
Some airlines expressed the desire
                                             effectively one customer?                                                     300ERs. As long as no freighter
to acquire additional used A330s to
                                                The A330-900 enjoys some                                                   versions of the new-technology twin
supplement their fleet. With prevailing
                                             popularity with the lessor community                                          aisles are announced, the 777-200LRF
market values and the low fuel cost,
                                             as Air Lease (ALC) and Avolon                                                 will be the preferred long-haul heavy
the A330 is an excellent entry-level
                                             (including CIT) committed to the type.                                        freighter by many airlines. It remains
twin aisle, with the -200 and -300
                                             Airasia X (100) and Delta (25) are the                                        unclear if Boeing or Bedek IAI will
HGW variant producing decent long-
                                             largest A330neo customers after Iran                                          eventually launch a P2F-conversion
range performance.
                                             Air (28).                                                                     programme for the 777-200LR, and in
   Airbus launched the A330neo
                                                Like the transition in the A330                                            recent months there was speculation
to plug the gap left behind by the
                                             product range, Boeing is facing a                                             about a potential 777-300ER P2F
cancelled A350-800 XWB. At that
                                             similar change for its large twin-aisle                                       programme. The potential feedstock
time, fuel costs were still relatively
                                             777 family. Since January, Boeing                                             for a -300ER conversion will probably
high and the fuel cost savings offered
                                             has booked 26 net orders for the                                              be more plentiful compared with the
by the A330neo looked favourable,
                                             777 classic. No less than 31 freighters                                       niche -200LR.
especially in combination with a
                                             have been sold, plus two passenger                                               The new-generation Boeing 777X
relatively low capital cost, compared
                                             versions to Swiss. Unannounced                                                has already clocked up an impressive
with modern hi-tech long-range
aircraft such as the 787 and A350.
   The launch success of the A330neo
was impressive, with 110 net orders           Western Commercial Jet Backlog as Multiple of Annual
in the second half of 2014. However,          Deliveries
in 2015, the net order intake dropped         Source: Fligh Fleets Analyzer - West. Built Jet, Commercial Ops.
to 52. In 2016, Airbus sold only 42
                                               16000                                                                                                                                              12
A330neos, of which 28 of the Rolls-
Royce-powered aircraft are destined            14000                                                                                                                   9.5
for Iran Air. Ten more Neos were sold                                                                                                                                                             10

in 2017 and another 10 during the first        12000                                                                                                                                        8.9
half of 2018 (excluding the additional                                                                                                                                                            8
34 Airasia X aircraft).                        10000

   Fortunately for the European
                                               8000                                                                                                                                               6
manufacturer, the Neo’s biggest
customer, Airasia X, reconfirmed its           6000
order for 66 A330-900s and added 34                                                        2.9

more in July after initial indications the     4000

Asian airline contemplated a switch to                                                                                                                                                            2
the 787 models. The shorter A330-              2000

800 does not seem to be too popular,
with only one order, for two aircraft,            0
                                                       1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

from Uganda Airlines after all other                                            On Order         Deliveries          Backlog as multiple of previous year's delivery volume

orders were cancelled. Does it really

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