Interpretable Entity Representations through Large-Scale Typing

Interpretable Entity Representations through Large-Scale Typing

                                                                         Yasumasa Onoe and Greg Durrett
                                                                          Department of Computer Science
                                                                          The University of Texas at Austin
                                                                    {yasumasa, gdurrett}

                                                               Abstract                          2020; Jiang et al., 2020), and these representa-
                                                                                                 tions can be explicitly grounded in structured and
                                             In standard methodology for natural language        human-curated knowledge bases (Logan et al.,
arXiv:2005.00147v1 [cs.CL] 30 Apr 2020

                                             processing, entities in text are typically em-      2019; Levine et al., 2019; Peters et al., 2019; Zhang
                                             bedded in dense vector spaces with pre-trained      et al., 2019; Poerner et al., 2019; Xiong et al., 2020;
                                             models. Such approaches are strong build-
                                                                                                 Wang et al., 2020). However, these representations
                                             ing blocks for entity-related tasks, but the em-
                                             beddings they produce require extensive addi-       do not explicitly maintain representations of this
                                             tional processing in neural models, and these       knowledge, and dense entity representations are not
                                             entity embeddings are fundamentally difficult       directly interpretable. Knowledge probing tasks
                                             to interpret. In this paper, we present an ap-      can be used to measure LMs’ factual knowledge
                                             proach to creating interpretable entity repre-      (Petroni et al., 2019), but designing the right prob-
                                             sentations that are human readable and achieve      ing task is another hard problem (Poerner et al.,
                                             high performance on entity-related tasks out
                                                                                                 2019). Probes to extract this information often
                                             of the box. Our representations are vectors
                                             whose values correspond to posterior probabil-      have significant numbers of parameters themselves
                                             ities over fine-grained entity types, indicating    (Chen et al., 2019), raising the question of how
                                             the confidence of a typing models decision that     naturally this knowledge is captured (Hewitt and
                                             the entity belongs to the corresponding type.       Manning, 2019; Voita and Titov, 2020).
                                             We obtain these representations using a fine-          In this work, we explore using a set of inter-
                                             grained entity typing model, trained either on      pretable entity representations that are simultane-
                                             supervised ultra-fine entity typing data (Choi
                                                                                                 ously human and machine readable. The key idea
                                             et al., 2018) or distantly-supervised examples
                                             from Wikipedia. On entity probing tasks in-         of this approach is to use fine-grained entity typing
                                             volving recognizing entity identity, our embed-     models with large type inventories (Gillick et al.,
                                             dings achieve competitive performance with          2014; Choi et al., 2018; Onoe and Durrett, 2020).
                                             ELMo and BERT without using any extra pa-           Given an entity mention and context words, our typ-
                                             rameters. We also show that it is possible to       ing model outputs a high-dimensional vector whose
                                             reduce the size of our type set in a learning-      values correspond to predefined fine-grained entity
                                             based way for particular domains. Finally, we
                                                                                                 types. Each value ranges between 0 and 1, so it can
                                             show that these embeddings can be post-hoc
                                             modified through simple rules to incorporate
                                                                                                 be viewed as the confidence of the model’s deci-
                                             domain knowledge and improve performance.           sion that the entity has the property given by the
                                                                                                 corresponding type. These typing models are pre-
                                         1   Introduction                                        trained Transformer-based entity typing models,
                                                                                                 trained either on a supervised dataset (the ultra-
                                         In typical neural NLP systems, entities are em-         fine entity typing dataset of Choi et al. (2018)) or
                                         bedded in the same space as other words either          on a distantly-supervised type set from Wikipedia.
                                         in context-independent (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pen-      The embedding vectors produced by these models,
                                         nington et al., 2014) or in context-dependent ways      which contain tens of thousands of types, can then
                                         (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019). Such        be used in downstream tasks. Most importantly,
                                         approaches are powerful: pre-trained language           the models used to do so can be lightweight and
                                         models implicitly learn factual knowledge about         are interpretable, making them easier to extend
                                         those entities (Petroni et al., 2019; Roberts et al.,   and debug, as we will show.
0.9 living people     Type Reduction (Section 5.2 & 7.3)
       Embedding Model
                                                        0.8 sportspeople
              (Section 3)
                                                                                                                 Find useful types by
                                                        0.7 tennis                                               Learning weights

                                                        0.8 american
                                                            american male
                                                        0.6 tennis players
 Larry Fine O'Brien served for the                                            Debugging Model Outputs (Section 5.3 & 7.4)
                                                        0.9 people
                                                                              0.7 tennis                             1.0 tennis
 match in the third set before                          0.6 place                 american male                          american male
                                                                              0.6 tennis players                     1.0 tennis players

 Washington came charging back.                         0.5 cities            0.6 place                              0.0 place
                                                                                              Use simple rules to
                                                                              0.5 cities      modify probabilities   0.0 cities

Figure 1: Interpretable entity representations. (1) A mention and its context are fed into (2) an embedding model.
(3) An entity embedding vector consists of probabilities for corresponding types. (4) We can reduce the size of the
type set for a particular downstream task in a learning-based (Section 7.3). (5) We can also incorporate domain
knowledge via rules to modify bad probabilities and improve model performance.

    Previous research has shown that rich represen-        text,1 we compute a vector of probabilities, each
tations of real world entities play a crucial role         of which reflects (independently) the probability
in natural language understanding tasks such as            of an entity exhibiting a particular type. Types are
entity linking (Yamada et al., 2016), relation ex-         predefined concepts that could be derived from ex-
traction (Baldini Soares et al., 2019), entity typing      isting knowledge bases. We hypothesize that real
(Ling et al., 2020), and question answering (Févry        world entities can be represented as a combination
et al., 2020). Those approaches use millions of pre-       of those concepts if we have a large and varied
defined entities, while our approach uses a much           enough concept inventory. This representation can
smaller number of types (10k or 60k). This makes           be used as a dense vector since the values are still
it simultaneously more compact and also more flex-         continuous numbers (though restricted between 0
ible when generalizing to unknown entities.                and 1). It is interpretable like a discrete feature
    We evaluate our embedding approach on bench-           vector since each dimension has been named (with
mark tasks for entity representations. We use coref-       the corresponding entity types).
erence arc prediction (CAP) and named entity dis-             We define s = (w1 , ..., wN ) to denote a se-
ambiguation on CoNLL-YAGO, two tasks in the                quence of context words, and m = (wi , ..., wj )
EntEval suite (Chen et al., 2019), as well as the          to denote an entity mention span in s. The input
WikilinksNED dataset (Eshel et al., 2017), which           word sequence s could be naturally co-occurring
covers broader entities and writing styles. We             context words for the mention, or descriptive words
compare our approach against entity representa-            such as might be found in a definition. The out-
tions produced by pre-trained word embeddings              put variable is a vector t ∈ [0, 1]|T | whose values
(e.g. GloVe, ELMo, BERT). Our “out-of-the-box”             are probabilities corresponding to fine-grained en-
entity representations used in a very lightweight          tity types T . Those entity types are predefined and
way (using dot product or cosine similarity) can           static, so their meanings are identical for all entities.
achieve competitive results on CAP without using           Our goal here is to learn parameters θ of a function
additional trainable parameters that the baselines         fθ that maps the mention m and its context s to a
employ. On NED tasks, our approach outperforms             vector t, which capture salient features of the entity
all baselines with a substantial margin. We observe        mention with the context.
that even a smaller type set obtained by a simple             We learn the parameters θ in a supervised
type reduction technique can achieve similar per-          manner.        We use a labeled dataset D =
formance. Finally, we show that our approach po-           {(m, s, t ) , ..., (m, s, t∗ )(k) } to train an entity
                                                                      ∗ (1)

tentially eases the debugging process of black-box         typing model. The gold labels t∗ , where t∗i ∈
models by leveraging its interpretability.                 {0, 1}, are obtained by manual annotation or
                                                           distant-supervision techniques (Craven and Kum-
2   Interpretable Entity Representations                   lien, 1999; Mintz et al., 2009). Manual annotation
                                                                Our approach can also embed entities knowledge bases,
Our approach for producing entity representations          if these knowledge bases contain appropriate descriptive text.
is shown in Figure 1. For an entity mention in con-        We discuss this in Section 4.
Entity Embedding                                         means the financial industry in our target domain.
                                                         We show that simple rules based on prior knowl-
                                                         edge can improve performance further (discussed
   Embedding                       Sig.
                                          Element-wise   in Section 5); critically, this is done without having
   Model                                                 to annotate data in the target domain, giving sys-
                                                         tem designers another technique for adapting these

                             Type                        3       Embedding Model
                                                         Our model fθ to produce these embeddings is
                                                         shown in Figure 2: it takes as input the mention
                                                         m and its context s and predicts probabilities for
                                                         predefined entity types T . This is a Transformer-
             Mention and Context                         based typing model similar to the BERT model
               Encoder (BERT)                            of Onoe and Durrett (2019). First, a Transformer-
                                                         based encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017) maps the input
                                                         variables, m and s, to an intermediate vector repre-
                                                         sentation. A type embedding layer then projects the
     [CLS] mention [SEP] context [SEP]                   intermediate representation to a vector whose di-
                                                         mensions correspond to the entity types T . Finally,
Figure 2: Embedding model architecture. We use
                                                         we apply a sigmoid function on each real-valued
BERT to embed the mention and context, then multiply
by an output matrix and apply an elementwise sigmoid     score in the vector to obtain the posterior probabili-
to compute posterior probabilities for each type.        ties that form our entity representation t (top of the

usually guarantees high-quality labels while dis-        Mention and Context Encoder We use pre-
tant supervision often results noisy labels, but is      trained BERT2 (Devlin et al., 2019) for the mention
more flexible. We select a predefined types T from       and context encoder. This BERT-based encoder ac-
modified Wikipedia categories, or we use an ex-          cepts as input a token sequence formatted as x =
isting type set such as UFET (Choi et al., 2018)         [CLS] m [SEP] s [SEP], where the mention
(discussed in Section 4).                                m and context s are chunked into WordPiece to-
                                                         kens (Wu et al., 2016). We encode the whole se-
   We use the output vectors t as general purpose
                                                         quence using BERT and use the hidden vector at
entity representations in downstream tasks. No-
                                                         the [CLS] token as the mention & context repre-
tably, using off-the-shelf similarity measures like
                                                         sentation: h[CLS] = B ERT E NCODER(x).
dot product and cosine similarity can lead to good
performance on the tasks we consider. These rep-         Type Embeddings This output layer is a single
resentations can also be customized depending on         linear layer whose parameter matrix can be viewed
task specific requirements. We show that the num-        as type embeddings E ∈ R|T |×d , where d is the di-
ber of entity types can be reduced drastically (by       mension of the mention and context representation
90%) with maintaining similar performance (top           h[CLS] . The type embeddings E learn semantic
right of Figure 1). This can be done by training a       information about entity types. The dot product of
simple bilinear model using the target task’s train-     the mention and context representation h[CLS] and
ing examples (Section 7.3).                              ith row vector ei is a score that indicates if an entity
   An advantage of our interpretable embeddings          type Ti is relevant with the entity mention m. Sim-
is that they give us a hook to “debug” our down-         ilar to previous work (Choi et al., 2018; Onoe and
stream models. Debugging black-box models built          Durrett, 2019), we assume independence between
on embeddings is typically challenging, but since        all entity type in T (i.e., we ignore hierarchical
our entity representations are directly interpretable,   relationships between types). This design choice
we can modify the output vectors t using our prior           2
                                                              We use BERT-large uncased (whole word masking) in
knowledge about entities (bottom right of Figure 1).     our experiments. We experimented with RoBERTa (Liu et al.,
For example, we might know wall street usually           2019) but found it to work less well.
reduces the model complexity and eases optimiza-                 embeddings, but it doesn’t have examples of defi-
tion challenges. We obtain the output probabilities              nitions for descriptive embeddings (following the
t by taking a dot product between the type em-                   terminology of (Chen et al., 2019)).
bedding E and h[CLS] followed by element-wise                       Therefore, we additionally use two distantly
sigmoid function: t = σ (E · h[CLS] ).3                          labeled entity typing datasets derived from
   One assumption in our model is that the model’s               Wikipedia. We select the appropriate dataset for
output probabilities are a meaningful measure of                 each setting depending on task-specific require-
class membership. Past work (Desai and Durrett,                  ments (see Section 6).
2020) has observed that this is true for other models
                                                                 Wiki-Context We collect a set of occurrences
involving BERT variants.
                                                                 of typed entity mentions using hyperlinks in
Training Following Onoe and Durrett (2020),                      Wikipedia. Given a sentence with a hyperlink, we
the loss is a sum of binary cross-entropy losses                 use the hyperlink as an entity mention m, the sen-
over all entity types T over all training examples               tence as a context sentence s, and the Wiki cate-
D. We predict each type independently and opti-                  gories of the destination page as the gold entity
mize a multi-label binary cross entropy objective:               types t∗ . We follow the preprocessing of Onoe
           X                                                     and Durrett (2020) in modifying the type set. In
    L=−          t∗i · log(ti ) + (1 − t∗i ) · log(1 − ti ),     particular, the original Wikipedia categories are
             i                                                   mostly fine-grained and lack general categories.
                                                                 We expand the raw Wikipedia categories using
where i are indices over types, ti is the ith com-               simple rules to include more coarse-grained types,
ponent of t, and t∗i is the ith component of t∗ that             and filter to keep the 60,000 most frequent types.
takes the value 1 if the ith type applies to the cur-            This yields 6M training examples that cover a wide
rent entity mention. We update all parameters in                 range of entities and fine-grained entity types. We
the BERT encoder and the type embedding matrix.                  compute entity typing macro F1 using development
Hyperparameters We use pre-trained BERT-                         examples (1k) to check model convergence.
large uncased (24-layer, 1024-hidden, 16-heads,                  Wiki-Description Following a similar paradigm
340M parameters, whole word masking) (Devlin                     as for Wiki-Context, we create description-focused
et al., 2019) for our mention and context encoder.               training examples from Wikipedia. We use the
All BERT hyperparameters are unchanged. We                       same entity type set as the Wiki-Context dataset.
train our models with batch size 32 (8 × 4 gradient              We collect lead paragraphs from all Wikipedia
accumulation steps) using NVIDIA V100 GPUs.                      pages and filter to keep examples that contain at
We use the AdamW optimizer (Kingma and Ba,                       least 1 entity type in the 60k entity types. We use
2014; Loshchilov and Hutter, 2018) with learning                 the Wikipedia page title (usually boldfaced) in the
rate 2e-5 for BERT parameters and learning rate                  lead paragraph as the entity mention m, and retain
1e-3 for the type embedding matrix. We use Hug-                  at most 100 words on either side to form the con-
gingFace’s Transformers library (Wolf et al., 2019)              text s. The Wiki categories of the same page would
to implement our models.                                         be the gold entity types t∗ . We obtain 2M training
                                                                 examples after filtering. We compute macro F1
4       Training Data                                            using development examples (1k) to check model
To train our entity typing model, we need labeled                convergence. The size of entity type set is 60k.4
examples consisting of (m, s, t∗ ) triples. Although             UFET This ultra-fine entity typing dataset is cre-
there are labeled typing datasets such as UFET                   ated by Choi et al. (2018). This dataset consists
(Choi et al., 2018), getting large amounts of manu-              of 6k manually annotated examples. The entity
ally labeled data is expensive. Moreover, the UFET               mention spans could be named entities, nominal ex-
dataset contains instances of entities in context,               pressions, and pronouns while Wiki-based datasets
so it is suitable for training models for contextual             mostly provide named entity mention spans. We
    3                                                               4
    Note that this makes our entities occupy a d-dimensional          For tasks like entity linking, we could in principle just
subspace in the type representation logit space (pre-sigmoid).   use gold type vectors for each entity, as in Onoe and Durrett
A different model could be used to combat this low-rankness.     (2020). However, the paradigm here matches that of Chen
Regardless, the explicit type space has advantages in terms of   et al. (2019), and the descriptive entity embedding model we
out-of-the-box functionality as well as interpretability.        train can generalize to unseen descriptions at test time.
use 5.5k examples for training and 500 examples                  10k or 60k types. Although larger type set provides
for validation. Note that because our goal in this               more precise entity representations, these may have
work is downstream task performance, we deviate                  redundant types or types which are unimportant
from the standard train/dev/test splits of 2k/2k/2k              for a particular domain. For both statistical and
in favor of higher performance.                                  computational efficiency, we would like to compute
   The entity type set combines 9 coarse types (e.g.             the types useful for a downstream task in a data-
person, location etc.) and existing fine-grained                 driven way.
types (Ling and Weld, 2012; Gillick et al., 2014). In               For all tasks we consider in this work, our model
addition, approximately 10k popular noun phrases                 will depend chiefly on a function sim(t1 , t2 ) for
are included as ultra-fine types.                                two different type vectors. These type vectors are
                                                                 computed from mention and context pairs using the
5       Tailoring to a Task                                      trained entity typing model t = fθ (m, s). In ex-
                                                                 periments, we will use both dot product and cosine
Our interpretable entity embeddings are designed
                                                                 similarity as our similarity function.
for general-purpose uses and intended to work “out-
                                                                    Our approach to compression involves learning a
of-the-box”. However, their interpretability enables
                                                                 sparse trainable mask that restricts the set of types
us to customize the representations depending on
                                                                 considered. We modify these operations as below:
task-specific requirements. We first discuss two
scenarios (tasks) and then show two modifications                      simdot (t1 , t2 ) = t1 > W t2 ,
we can make: reducing the size of types and debug-
ging model output using prior knowledge.
                                                                                                 1 W t2
5.1      Case Study                                                    simcos (t1 , t2 ) = q        q       ,
                                                                                             >        >
                                                                                            t1 W t1 t2 W t2
Coreference Arc Prediction (CAP) This task
focuses on resolving local coreference arcs. For                                                              (Cosine)
each instance, two entity mention spans and their
                                                                 where the weight matrix W is a diagonal matrix
context are provided. The task is to predict if those
                                                                 diag(w1 , w2 , ..., w|T | ) whose components are cor-
two mention spans are coreferent or not, so this is
                                                                 responding to the entity types in T . These sim-
a binary classification problem.5
                                                                 ilarity functions can be plugged into learning for
Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) NED is                         downstream tasks (e.g., CAP and NED) and trained
the task of connecting entity mentions in text with              end-to-end to learn the mask parameters W. Note
real world entities in a knowledge base such as                  that in the cosine scoring function, we clip these
Wikipedia. This requires nuanced understanding of                parameter values to be between 0 and 1.
context to select the correct entity from a large num-              We train with the standard downstream task ob-
ber of sometimes highly related candidates (e.g.,                jective, but with an additional L1 regularization
the same movie produced in different years). We                  term applied to W (Tibshirani, 1994). This encour-
use the local resolution setting where each instance             ages the W values to be sparse.
has one entity mention span in the input text (e.g.                 This approach naturally leads to around 20−35%
a sentence). We consider the setting where descrip-              sparsity in the vector diag(w1 , w2 , ..., w|T | ) with
tions for candidates entities are available (e.g. the            settings of the regularization parameter we found
first sentence of the Wiki page). The number of                  effective. In practice, to achieve a higher level of
candidates can be more than two, so we generally                 sparsity, we further reduce the entity type set based
have to score several candidates and choose the                  on the magnitude of W (e.g., keep the 10% of
highest one.                                                     types with the highest values). Finally, we use the
                                                                 reduced entity types for further experiments on the
5.2      Type Reduction                                          target task.
The size of predefined entity types can be large;
                                                                 5.3   Debuggability
the type sets we consider in this work consist of
                                                                 Our interpretable entity representations allow us
     The mentions in this case are always drawn from the same    to more easily understand when our models for
or adjacent sentences, so constraints from saliency that would
need to be incorporated in a full coreference system are less    downstream tasks make incorrect predictions, typ-
relevant in this setting.                                        ically by misunderstanding the use of a word in
Emb. Model          Emb. Model
                                                     (Wiki-context)       (Wiki-desc.)

                                                      Mention &              Entity
                                                       Context             Description

Entity      Such
       Embedding    wrong predictions can be traced             (a) CAP - Ours                             (b) NED - Ours

  back to incorrectly assigned high/low probabilities                               0 or 1                       argmax(Scores)
                                                                                              Cosine                               Cosine
  on irrelevant/relevant entity types.                                               Cos      Similarity                     Cos

     As an example from the CONLL-YAGO
                               Sig.             dataset,
  we observe that our model gets confused if the                      Emb. Model
                                                                                             Emb. Model
                                                                                                             Emb. Model
                                                                                                                                   Emb. Model

  mention span Spain should refer to Women’s na-
  tional tennis team or Men’s national tennis team.                   Mention &
                                                                      Context - 1
                                                                                             Mention &
                                                                                             Context - 2
                                                                                                              Mention &

  If we are trying to adaptType
                              to this scenario without
                                                                (c) CAP - Baselines                        (d) NED - Baselines
  annotatingDotmore data,Embeddings
                          a domain expert may never-
                                                                                    0 or 1                       argmax(Scores)
  theless be able to articulate a rule to fix this error.
                                                      LR                                      Logistic                              Logistic Regression +
                                                                                      LR      Regression                     LR     Popular Prior
  Such a rule might be: whenever Fed Cup (the in-
      CLS      team competition in women’s tennis)
                                                                      ELMo / BERT            ELMo / BERT     ELMo / BERT           ELMo / BERT
  appears in  the context,
           Mention         we assign 1 to a collection
                      and Context
  of relevant Encoder    (BERT)
               entity types such as women’s and 0
                                                                      Mention &              Mention &        Mention &               Entity
  to irrelevant types such as davis cup teams                         Context - 1            Context - 2       Context             Descriptions

  (the international team competition in men’s ten-
                                                                Figure 3: Overview of own downstream architectures.
  nis). Critically, because our representations have            Our method simply computes cosine similarity and
    [CLS] mention
  interpretable      [SEP]
                 axes, we can   more [SEP]
                            context   easily transform          uses it as a score. Our baselines use logistic regression
  our entity representations and incorporate this kind          over pre-trained embeddings to compute a score. (a)
  of domain knowledge.                                          Our entity embeddings on CAP (Section 7.1). (b) Our
                                                                entity embeddings on NED (Section 7.2). (c) Baseline
  6     Experimental Setup                                      models on CAP (Section 7.1). (d) Baseline models on
                                                                NED (Section 7.2).
  We evaluate the “out-of-the-box” quality of our
  entity representations and baselines on two entity
  probing tasks as discussed in the previous section.           a wide range of entities and diverse writing styles.6
                                                                We limit the number of candidate entities to 3 for
  6.1    Datasets                                               each instance, which still leaves us with a challeng-
  Coreference Arc Prediction (CAP) We use the                   ing benchmark. We create 5k training, 1k devel-
  CAP dataset derived from PreCo (Chen et al., 2018)            opment, and 1k test examples and call this dataset
  by Chen et al. (2019). In this dataset, two entity            WLNED. In both CoNLL-YAGO and WLNED, we
  mention spans could be in the same sentence or                form descriptions of candidate entities using the
  split into two consecutive sentences. The creators            Wiki-Context data, but otherwise do not use any
  of the dataset partition the data by cosine similar-          structured information from Wikipedia (hyperlinks,
  ity of GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) embeddings             etc.).
  of mention spans and balance the number of posi-
                                                                6.2        Baselines
  tive and negative examples in each bucket, so that
  models do not solve problems by capturing surface             Figure 3 schematically shows the use of our model
  features of entity mention spans. The original data           compared to baselines, which we now describe.
  split provides 8k examples for each of the training,          Entity Embeddings We create entity representa-
  development, and test sets.                                   tions of a mention span m and a context s using
  Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) We use                      ELMo (Peters et al., 2018) and BERT (Devlin et al.,
  the standard CoNLL-YAGO benchmark (Hoffart                    2019). We largely follow the embedding procedure
  et al., 2011) preprocessed by Chen et al. (2019).             of Chen et al. (2019)
  For each entity mention, at most 30 candidate en-             ELM O We first run ELMo on the entire sentence
  tities are selected using the CrossWikis dictionary             s. We combine the three layer outputs using uni-
  (Spitkovsky and Chang, 2012). This dataset con-                 form weights.7 Then, we average contextualized
  tains 18.5k training, 4.8k development, and 4.5k                  6
                                                                      WikilinksNED is created from scraped noisy web text
  test examples form newswire text, so the variety              that links to Wikipedia, and it does not include any text from
  of entities and the writing styles are limited. For           Wikipedia itself.
                                                                      Results from Chen et al. (2019) (Table 1 and Table 2)
  this reason, we create another NED dataset from               use trainable layer weights. Our results in Table 3 use fixed
  WikilinksNED (Eshel et al., 2017), which includes             weights.
Model                              Test Acc.            Model                                            Test Acc.
        G LOV E (Chen et al., 2019)          71.9               M OST F REQUENT (Chen et al., 2019)                58.2
        ELM O (Chen et al., 2019)            80.2               ELM O Description (Chen et al., 2019)              63.4
        BERT BASE (Chen et al., 2019)        80.6               ELM O Name (Chen et al., 2019)                     71.2
        BERT L ARGE (Chen et al., 2019)      79.1               BERT BASE Description (Chen et al., 2019)          64.7
                                                                BERT BASE Name (Chen et al., 2019)                 74.3
        EntEmbeddings → Cosine               80.2
                                                                BERT L ARGE Description (Chen et al., 2019)        64.6
                                                                BERT L ARGE Name (Chen et al., 2019)               74.8
Table 1: Accuracy on the CAP test set. All baselines
                                                                EntEmbeddings → Cosine                             84.8
use logistic regression (LR) trained on the CAP train-
ing set. Ours predicts based on cosine similarity (no
                                                               Table 2: Accuracy on the CoNLL-YAGO test set. All
additional training required).
                                                               baselines use logistic regression (LR) trained on the
                                                               CoNLL-YAGO training set and the prior probability.
                                                               Ours predicts based on cosine similarity (no additional
    vectors of the mention span m to obtain the entity
                                                               training required).
BERT BASE We concatenate an entity mention
 m and its context s and feed it into BERT-base.               type set is 10k, so the output of the typing model,
 We average the [CLS] vectors8 from the last 4                 our entity representation, is a 10k dimensional vec-
 layers and use it as an entity representation.7               tor. We do not use the training examples of the
                                                               CAP dataset here; we only use the developmen-
BERT L ARGE Similar to the BERT-base base-
                                                               t/test examples to assess our approach. To make a
 line, we feed an entity mention m and its con-
                                                               prediction if two mentions are coreferent, we com-
 text s into BERT-large. We average the [CLS]
                                                               pute simcos (t1 , t2 ) over the type vectors for each
 vectors8 from the last 8 layers and use it as an
                                                               mention and check if this is greater than a threshold,
 entity representation.7
                                                               which we set to 0.5.
Classification Layer for Baselines Following                   Baseline Details We compare our approach with
Chen et al. (2019), we train a simple classifier (bi-          ELMo and BERT baselines reported in Chen et al.
nary for CAP or multiclass for NED) to make final              (2019). They use three pre-trained LM embeddings:
predictions. A feature vector of two entity rep-               ELMo, BERT-base, and BERT-large. They also use
resentations x1 and x2 is a concatenation of x1 ,              two different types of entity representations. One
x2 , element-wise product, and absolute difference:            uses entity descriptions, and another uses entity
[x1 , x2 , x1 x2 , |x1 − x2 |]. These are depicted in          names only.
Figure 3 as “LR” blocks.
   This classifier is used for baselines only. Our             Results Table 1 compares test accuracy on the
approach only uses dot product or cosine similar-              CAP task. Our entity representations (EntEmbed-
ity only and does not require additional training.             dings) achieve comparable accuracy, 80.2, with
Because our embeddings are longer by default, an               ELM O and BERT baselines reported in Chen
additional classifier would have more parameters               et al. (2019) without training an additional clas-
than those of the other models and therefore make              sifier. This validates our hypothesis that these em-
direct comparison difficult.                                   beddings are useful out-of-the-box.

7     Results and Discussion                                   7.2   Named Entity Disambiguation (NED)
                                                               How to use embeddings In CoNLL-YAGO and
7.1    Coreference Arc Prediction (CAP)
                                                               WLNED, a single instance consists of one entity
How to use embeddings We choose the entity                     mention with context and multiple candidate en-
typing model trained on the UFET dataset (Choi                 tities. We use the entity typing model trained on
et al., 2018) (Section 4) for CAP. We choose this              the Wiki-Context data (see Section 4) to get the
dataset because many of mention spans in the CAP               mention and context representation t. Similar to
examples are nominal expressions or pronouns, and              Onoe and Durrett (2019), we prepend the docu-
the Wiki-Context dataset includes almost entirely              ment title and the first sentence to the input to en-
mentions of proper nouns. The size of the UFET                 rich the context information.9 To obtain the candi-
   8                                                               9
     We tried pooling span representations like for ELMo and         We retrieve the document-level information by using the
saw similar results.                                           original CoNLL data.
Model                                     Test Acc.                                     #Types       reduced
   M OST F REQUENT                             64.6                Task                   Dev Acc.       change
   ELM O embeddings → LR + prior               71.6
                                                                                        10k −→ 1k        90%
   BERT BASE embeddings → LR + prior           65.6                CAP
                                                                                       80.1 −→ 78.9      −1.2
   BERT L ARGE embeddings → LR + prior         69.8
                                                                                        60k −→ 5k        92%
   EntEmbeddings → Cosine                      75.6                CoNLL-YAGO
                                                                                       85.3 −→ 85.0      −0.3

Table 3: Accuracy on the WLNED test set. All
                                                             Table 4: Accuracy on the development sets before and
baselines use logistic regression (LR) trained on the
                                                             after applying type reduction.
WLNED training set and the prior probability. Ours
predicts based on cosine similarity (no additional train-
ing required).                                               7.3    Reducing the Number of Types
                                                             In Section 7.3, we described a technique to reduce
                                                             the size of entity types using a simple model. In
date representations {c1 , c2 , ..., cj , ...}, we use the
                                                             this section, we show that our approach effectively
model trained on the Wiki-Description data, which
                                                             prune unnecessary types, and it leads to a compact
is specialized for entity descriptions (see Section 4).
                                                             task-specific entity typing model.
We choose Wikipedia datasets here because UFET
does not support entity descriptions. We rank the            CAP We train a simple bilinear model on the
candidate entities based on cosine similarity be-            CAP training examples. We use the dot scor-
tween t and cj , and the entity with the highest             ing function and the binary loss for this task.
score would be the model prediction.                         We sort the entity types T by the weight values,
                                                             (w1 , w2 , ..., w10k ), and keep the top 1k types as the
Baselines Details The M OST F REQUENT base-                  new type set. As can be seen in Table 4, the re-
line is simply picking the most frequent men-                duced type set only results in a reduction of 1.2%
tion and entity pair as a prediction. This re-               in development accuracy after removing 90% of
lies on prior probability pprior based on the count          types.
statistics from Wikipedia. All baselines except
M OST F REQUENT combine the classifier output                CoNLL-YAGO To learn the type reduction, we
and the prior   probability to make                          convert the CoNLL-YAGO training data to a binary
                                    a prediction:          classification problem for simplicity by choosing
arg max pprior (c) + pclassifier (c) .
    c                                                        positive and random negative entities. We train a
                                                             bilinear model with the cosine scoring function and
Results Table 2 lists test accuracy on the CoNLL-            keep the top 5k types by weight as described in
YAGO data. Our approach outperforms all base-                Section . The reduced type set achieves the compa-
lines, indicating that our entity representations in-        rable development accuracy just using around 10%
clude useful information about entities out-of-the-          of the original entity types.
box. Such a performance gap is expected since our               Combined, these results show that the computa-
entity representations can directly encode some fac-         tional tractability of our approach can be improved
tual knowledge from Wikipedia. However, these                given a specific downstream task. While our large
results also imply that pre-trained LMs do not have          type vectors are domain-general, they can be spe-
enough factual information out-of-the-box; they              cialized and made sparse for particular applica-
may rely on in-domain fine-tuning to achieve high            tions.
performance in the target domain, and often fail
to generalize to new settings (Onoe and Durrett,             7.4    Debugging Model Outputs
2020).                                                       We investigate if simple rules made by our domain
   Table 3 shows test accuracy on the WLNED data.            knowledge can further fix errors as discussed in
The general trend is similar to the CoNLL-YAGO               Section 5.3. For CoNLL-YAGO, we create 11 rules
results, and our approach outperforms all baselines.         and directly modify probabilities for certain types
ELM O embeddings achieves the highest accuracy,              in entity representations t. Those rules are based
and BERT BASE embeddings marks the lowest                    on our observations in errors, in the same way that
accuracy of 65.6, which only add 1 point to M OST            a user might want to inject domain knowledge to
F REQUENT.                                                   fix errors. The CoNLL data is heavily focused
Dev Acc.               Model                 #Types    P    R    F1
          EntEmbeddings → Cosine                  85.3                 W IKI -C ONTEXT        60k     86.7 77.7 82.0
          EntEmbeddings + Debug → Cosine          87.0                 W IKI -D ESCRIPTION    60k     77.6 71.2 74.2
                                                                       UFET                   10k     54.6 40.5 46.5
Table 5: Accuracy on the CoNLL-YAGO development
set before and after applying debugging rules.                     Table 6: Macro-averaged P/R/F1 on the development

on sports, so in some sentences about baseball,
we find that New York usually means New York                       cluding models for entity linking and coreference
Yankees, which belongs to the American League.                     (Durrett and Klein, 2014). In entity linking specif-
If a mention is Chicago, our model gives a high                    ically, typing has been explored for cross-domain
probability to Chicago Cubs, which belongs to the                  entity linking (Gupta et al., 2017; Onoe and Durrett,
National League. So, we create a rule that modifies                2020). Past work by Raiman and Raiman (2018)
the probabilities for Chicago White Sox to 1 and                   has also explored learning a type system for this
Chicago Cubs to 0. This simple rule fixes this                     task. Our approach to learning types starts from
particular case.                                                   a large set and filters it down, which is a simpler
   Table 5 shows that by applying our 11 rules (see                problem. A range of approaches have also con-
Appendix A), which only modify our type embed-                     sidered augmenting pre-trained models with type
dings post-hoc, the development accuracy goes up                   information (Peters et al., 2019); however, in these
by 1.7 points. We believe that more generally, this                models, the types inform dense embeddings which
could be a recipe for injecting knowledge when                     are still uninterpretable.
porting the system to new domains, as opposed to
                                                                   Representing words as properties Past work
annotating training data.
                                                                   has looked at understanding entities using inter-
7.5        Analysis: Entity Typing Performance                     pretable embeddings based around feature norms
                                                                   (McRae et al., 2005); this has advantages for learn-
One important factor for our model is the perfor-
                                                                   ing in few-shot setups (Wang et al., 2017). How-
mance of the underlying entity typing model. Ta-
                                                                   ever, most of this past work has used embeddings
ble 6 shows the entity typing results on the develop-
                                                                   that are much lower-dimensional than ours, and
ment set of Wiki-Context, Wiki-Description, and
                                                                   don’t necessarily to scale to broad-domain text or
UFET. On Wiki-Context, our entity typing model
                                                                   all of Wikipedia.
achieves 82.0 F1, which can be considered as a high
number given that this is 60k multi-label classifica-              Interpretability To understand what informa-
tion. All Wiki-Description development examples                    tion is captured by pre-trained LMs, past work tests
are unseen during the training time; thus, F1 is                   LMs using probing techniques. Peters et al. (2018)
lower compared to Wiki-Context. The results on                     report that ELMo performs well on word sense dis-
UFET are not directly comparable with past work10                  ambiguation and POS tagging. Some other work
since we use different data split.                                 also investigates models’ ability to induce syntac-
   Overall, a BERT-based entity typing model han-                  tic information by measuring accuracy of a probe
dle large number of entity types (10k or 60k) well.                (Zhang and Bowman, 2018; Hewitt and Manning,
Some of the high performance here can be at-                       2019; Hewitt and Liang, 2019). However, there
tributed to memorizing common entities in the                      is significant uncertainty about how to calibrate
training data. However, we argue that this mem-                    such probing results (Voita and Titov, 2020); our
orization is not a bad thing when the embeddings                   model’s representations are more directly inter-
still generalize to work well on less frequent enti-               pretable and don’t require post-hoc probing.
ties and in scenarios like CAP.
                                                                   Entity embeddings Some past work learns static
8        Related Work                                              vectors for millions of predefined entities. Yamada
                                                                   et al. (2016) and Eshel et al. (2017) embed words
Typing information Entity typing information                       and entities in the same continuous space partic-
has been used across a range of NLP tasks, in-                     ularly for NED. Ling et al. (2020) learn general
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Rule                                Types to be set to 1           Types to be set to 0
fed cup in the context.             women’s, tennis, teams,        davis cup teams, davis cup
soccer in the context.              football                       uefa member associations
cricket in the context.             england in international       women’s, women, women’s
                                    cricket, men’s, national       national cricket teams,
                                    cricket teams, in english      football
tennis in the context and the       tennis, living people          cities, in washington
mention is washington.                                             (state), in washington,
                                                                   d.c, established,
                                                                   establishments, capital
                                                                   districts and territories,
                                                                   populated, ’places
The mention is wall street.         exchanges, stock               streets, tourist
soccer and 1996 are in the con-     1998                           1996
text and the mention is world-
baseball and new york are in        chicago white sox              chicago cubs
the context and the mention is
yeltsin is in the context and the   living people, of russia
mention is lebed.
venice festival is in the context   living people, people,         member states of the
and the mention is jordan.          irish, irish male              organisation of islamic
                                    novelists, 1950 births,        cooperation, of the
                                    male screenwriters, bafta      organisation of islamic
                                    winners (people), writers,     cooperation, in jordan,
                                    for best director winners,     territories, countries,
                                    people from dublin             states, of the arab
                                    (city), 20th-century irish     league, member, western
                                    novelists                      asian countries, member
                                                                   states of the arab league,
                                                                   member states of the
                                                                   united nations, jordan,
baseball in the context.            major, baseball                soccer, football,
                                                                   major league soccer,
                                                                   professional sports
                                                                   leagues in canada,
                                                                   professional, in the
                                                                   united states, in canada
squash and the mention is jan-      1969 births                    1963 births

                  Table 7: Debugging rules applied for the CoNLL-YAGO development set.
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