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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2018, 34: 349


 Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Human Physiology and Unit of Dietetic and Sport Medicine, Università degli Studi
della Campania, Naples, Italy - 2Department of Human science, Università della Basilicata, Italy - 3SiPGI Postgraduate School of
Integrated Gestalt Psychotherapy, D.M. 12.10.2007 Naples, Italy - 4Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, Department of
Mental Health, Physical and Preventive Medicine, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy - 5Department of
Health Sciences, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy - 6Child Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychology and Pedagogical
Sciences, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy - 7Child Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences,
University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy - 8Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy
 Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Human Physiology and Unit of Dietetics and Sports Medicine, Università degli Studi
della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy - 10Centro CRD, Santa Maria del Pozzo, Somma Vesuviana, Naples - 11Struttura
Complessa di Farmacia, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria, Foggia, Italy


       Orexin system regulates sleep/wake states and its deficiency result in narcolepsy thus indicating the crucial role of orexins in
maintaining wakefulness. There are two types of orexin peptides: the orexin-A (OXA or hypocretin 1) and orexin-B (OXB or hypocre-
tin 2). The Majority of the central nervous system orexin peptides are synthesized in neurons located in the lateral and back hypotha-
lamus and send projections throughout the brain regions Orexin neurons are “multi-tasking” hence regulating also energy homeosta-
sis, reward systems and feeding behaviour through connection with hypothalamic nuclei and through responsiveness to leptine and
glucose. It has recently been found a connection with lymbic system suggesting a further possible role of orexins in regulating emo-
tions. All the studies conducted confirm that orexin system regulates vigilance states, energy homeostasis, reward system, and emo-
tions. These crucial role might be the target to develope treatments of narcolepsy, obesity, emotional stress, and drug addiction.

      Keywords: Orexin, Obesity, emotional stress, narcolepsy.

      DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2018_2_55

Received November 30, 2017; Accepted January 20, 2018

Introduction                                                          thalamic region known as the feeding centre(2-5); fur-
                                                                      ther research showed a clear association between
     Orexin A and B are excitatory hypothalamic                       hypocretins system and a sleep disorder named nar-
neuropeptides, which play a key role in various                       colepsy hence indicating a regulation of sleep and
physiologic functions such as sleep and wakefull-                     wakefulness(5-9). More recent studies focused the
ness regulation, thermoregulation, control of energy                  attention on the role of the orexins in the coordina-
metabolism, cardiovascular responses, feeding, and                    tion of emotion, energy homeostasis, reward, drug
SPA (spontaneous physical activity).                                  addiction and arousal(10-14). These findings suggest
     Described by Sakurai et al.(1) at the end of the                 that orexin/hypocretin system is involved in regula-
last century (referred to as Hypocretins 1 and 2)                     tion of many different physiologic functions and
they were firstly recognized as regulators of feeding                 that its implications in metabolism pathways are far
behaviour because of their production in a hypo-                      to be definetely determined.
350                                                                       Raffaele Sperandeo, Mauro Maldonato et Al

The orexin/hypocretin system                                romodulators influencing the activation or inhibi-
                                                            tion of orexin neurons activity. For example nora-
      Orexins are two neuropeptides synthesized, in         drenaline and serotonin (5HT) inhibit the activity of
humans as in mammals, in neurons of lateral hypo-           orexin neurons by sending inhibitory feedback pro-
thalamic and perifornical area(15-17). The two sub-         jections. Through its activity on α2-adrenoceptors
types of orexin (A and B) are produced from a com-          also dopamine can inhibit orexin neurons, whilst
mon polypeptide precursor (prepro-orexin), through          histamine has no effect over them. Furthermore
proteolytic processing.                                     agonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors excite
      Orexin A is a neuropeptide composed of 33             orexin neurons, while glutamate antagonists inhibit
amino acid with an amino (N)-terminal pyroglu-              their activity, thus indicating that glutamatergic
tamyl residue, two intra-chain disulphide bonds and         neurons tonically acitvate orexin neurons.
carboxy (C)-terminal amidation. Orexin B is a lin-          Inhibitory stimulation above orexin neurons comes
ear neuropeptide sized 28 amino acid, C-terminally          from GABAergic input(21-30).
amidated. The N-terminal portion has more vari-                   Further studies where conducted in order to
ability whilst the C-terminal portion is very similar       perform a screening for factors affecting the activi-
between the two subtypes. The actions of orexins is         ty of orexin neurons. Thanks to the help of trans-
modulated by their receptors, orexin 1- and orexin          genic mice it has been possible identifying several
2-receptor (OX1R, OX2R). Orexin 1 receptor has              factors influencing the activity of orexin neurons:
greater affinity for orexin A than B and trasmits sig-            - activators such as cholecystokinin, neu-
nals throughout a G-protein class, which activates a        rotensin, oxytocin and vasopressin, - inhibitors such
cascade leading to an increase in intracellular calci-      as GABA, glucose, 5-HT, noradrenaline, and lep-
um. By contrast orexin 2 receptor binds the two             tine. Orexine neurons activity should also be modu-
subtypes of orexin with similar affinities, and is          lated by adenosine and concentration in acid and
thought to be associated also to a G inibitory pro-         CO2(12, 31-33). In fact acidification increases neural
tein class.                                                 excitability, whereas alkalinization depresses it.
      These differences indicate that the two types
of receptors have different physiological roles(1,18-20).   Sleep/wake states regulation
Furthermore mRNAs receptors show complemen-
tary distribution patterns:                                       Orexin system is important for maintenance of
      - OX1R distributes in prefrontal and infralim-        wakefullness, as demonstrated by the fact that nar-
bic cortex (IL), hippocampus (CA2), amygdala, bed           colepsy is caused by orexin deficiency in human
nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), PVT, anterior        and animals (34-39). Narcolepsy is a neurological
hypothalamus, dorsal raphe (DR), ventral tegmental          desease affecting ~1 in 2000 individuals in the
area (VTA), LC, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus          United State.
(LDT)/pedunculopontine nucleus (PPT);                             Narcolepsy is the results of the loss of orexin-
      - OX2R distributes in the amygdala, TMN,              A and orexin-B which have excitatory effects once
Arc, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH),                bound with their receptors. These neuropeptides
paraventricular nucleus (PVN), LHA, BST, PV.T,              increase their activity during wakefullness through
DR, VTA, LDT/PPT, CA3 in the hippocampus, and               activation of many aminergic nuclei such as locus
medial septal nucleus.                                      coeruleus, raphe nuclei, and tuberomammillary
      This support the hypothesis that different            nucleus. The final results of orexins action is a sta-
receptor subtypes play distinct physiological roles.        bilization of wake state and prevention of inappro-
Orexin neurons project to multiple brain region and         priate transitions into rapid eye movement (REM)
the wide distribution of its receptors suggests that        or non-REM sleep, and inhibition of REM sleep(40-
orexin system is involved in multiple physiological         48)
processes such as arousal and sleep, reward, stress,              In general, orexin sleep/wake regulation may
and energy homeostasis.                                     be considered as relevant and essential for cogni-
                                                            tion because of its specific action in modulation
Modulation of orexin neurons                                sleep macroarchitecture and NREM sleep instabili-
                                                            ty (Esposito el al., 2013) Moreover, probably due to
    Electrophysiological studies on transgenic              the same role in sleep modulation, orexin seems to
mice identified several neurotransmitters and neu-          be involved also in migraine pathogenesis.
Orexin System: network multi-tasking                                                                    351

Moreover, the relationship between good quality of       induce depolarization. Lateral hypothalamic area
sleep and cognitive performance has been support-        contains neurons which activity is modulated by
ed by the evidence of a link between the role of         glucose concentration hence regulating feeding and
non-rapid eye movement sleep and instability in the      energy expenditure; then we might hypothesize a
child’s cognitive performance and by mechanisms          predominant role of orexin neurons in these mecha-
explaining how learning and cognitive performance        nisms. Surprisingly this system permits discrimina-
depend on a good night’s sleep(49-55).                   tion of physiological variation in glucose levels due
                                                         to meals so that orexin neurons might modulate
The role of orexin system among obesity                  energy balance according to food intake. Human
                                                         narcolepsy patients shown disregulation in energy
      Obesity is a clinical condition characterized by   homeostasis such as decreased caloric intake and
a excess of body fat which can lead to negative          increased BMI thus reflecting feeding abnormalities
effects above health such as metabolic syndrome,         such as hypophagia and obesity related to impaired
type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and    thermogenesis(58-66).
finally a reduced life expectancy. In the last decades
incidence of obesity has continuing increased in         Energy Homeostasis
children and adults all over the world causing alert
and attention from public health. Environmental                Some authors pointed out another regulation
and genetic factors cause large variations among         of orexin system above muscle glucose metabolism
humans susceptibility to obesity. Physical activity,     through activation of β2-adrenergic signaling indi-
and specifically a component named “non-exercise         caitng a further regulation of orexin above peripher-
induced thermogenesis” (NEAT), is a factor deter-        al energy expenditure and not only feeding. A solid
mining variability. NEAT includes all forms of           state of awake mediated by orexin could also be
energy expenditure not associated with formal exer-      important in relation to food intake motivation;
cise, such as standing and fidgeting. A complemen-       when facing reduced food availability animals
tary concept to that of NEAT is SPA (spontaneous         adapt with a longer awake period, revolutionizing
physical activity), used to describe any type of         their normal pattern of activity. During starvation
physical activity that does not qualify as voluntary     the activation of orexin neurons mediated by low
exercise. NEAT and SPA are hereditable not inter-        leptin and glucose levels, might modulate their
changeable, complementary concepts: NEAT refers          activity according to energy expenditure and stores,
to energy expenditure while SPA describes the            in order to maintain wakefullness, whilst orexin
types of physical activity that result in NEAT.          neuron-ablated mice fail to respond to fasting with
      However the regulation of body weight seems        increased wakefulness and acitvity. This is the con-
to be more complex according to the lack of orexin       firm that orexin neurons mediate energy balance
neurons. Some Authors found body weight loss and         and arousal, maintaning a consolidated state of
protection against obesity in brain mice submitted to    wakefulness in hungry animals in order to promote
repeated orexin A (OXA) injections; OXA has also         alertness(65-72).
been discovered to promote SPA and NEAT follow-
ing injection of orexin into the rostral LH, hypothal-   Reward System
amic paraventricular nucleus, nucleus accumbens,
locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, tuberomam-              Recent studies focused their attention on
millary nucleus, and substantia nigra(52-60).            reward system modulation by orexins. Treating nar-
                                                         coleptic patients with amphetamine-like drugs did
Other function of orexin                                 not lead to addiction to these drugs. Wild-type mice
                                                         are more susceptible to developing morphine
      Feeding Behaviour                                  dependence in comparison with orexin knockout
      Icv injection of orexins during the light period   mice. Furthermore reward brain circuits in humans
induces feeding behavior in rodents and zebrafish-       affected by narcolepsy were abnormal. In the regu-
es, then orexin might regulate feeding behaviour in      latory mechanisms seem to be clear that orexin neu-
many species. High concentrations of glucose and         rons modulate reward system and play a predomi-
leptin hyperpolarize orexin neurons whilst               nant role in the mechanism of drug addiction.
diminuished concentrations of glucose and ghrelin
352                                                                   Raffaele Sperandeo, Mauro Maldonato et Al

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