Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water

Page created by Jason Hawkins
Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
Kaitiaki Wai
     Wellington Water’s official magazine | Winter 2018

                         wet winter?
                      Why your home
                     is more prone to

                                  Six Principles
                      Taking a principles-based
                      approach to three waters

                                Not if, but when:
                            building Wellington’s
                                    resilience for
                                    ‘the big one’
Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water

      Editorial                                  2

      Our People: Waterloo treatment plant       3

      Harbour bores                             4

      Not if, but when: building Wellington’s    7
      resilience for ‘the big one’

      Award: Civil Defence Emergency            10
      Management (CDEM) innovation

      Six principles approach to three waters   11

      Opinion: “Will it flood?”                 14

      Respect for the environment               18

      Critical health and safety risks          22

      Omāroro reservoir                         24

      Community engagement                      26

      Our service goals                         28

      Reports                                   32

            Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018        1
Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                  OUR PEOPLE

W                                                                                                                          waterloo
           elcome to our first edition    more frequent, particularly short-      urban stormwater networks.
           of Te Kaitiaki Wai –           burst rainfall events. No matter what
           Wellington Water’s official    the event, our customers can rely       We’re developing a stormwater
magazine. We’ve got lots of great         on us to be out there dealing with      strategy, and will work with councils

                                                                                                                           treatment plant
stories to share with you, and we’re      the issues and working hard to get      to introduce planning controls to
looking forward to getting to know        our services back up as quickly as      mitigate the effects of stormwater
you better.                               possible.                               run-off. By 2021 we will complete
                                                                                  three major stormwater projects in
For our three water networks              We’re working with government           Tawa, the Porirua central business
(drinking/potable water, stormwater       and our client councils to help         district, and Kilbirnie.
and wastewater), the wetter weather       Wellingtonians be more resilient in
can pose risks and opportunities.         the event of a significant earthquake   To make sure we minimise the
                                          through raising awareness for the       impact of flooding on people’s lives
While it’s the perfect time to make       need to get water storage sorted (at    and proactively plan for the impacts
sure our storage lakes (Stuart            a household level) and implementing     of climate change we’ll complete a
Macaskill Lakes) are replenished,         a network of community water            three-year modelling programme to
so we have enough water stored            stations and distribution points        understand the full extent of the risk
for summer, we must also manage           throughout the region. We’ve also       across all catchments. While we know
the capacity of our stormwater            been busy looking for an alternative    high-risk flooding areas, we’ll model
network to prevent overflows. If          water source in the harbour and         stormwater impacts and work with
stormwater enters and overwhelms          the development of more water           our client councils and customers to
our wastewater network, this can          reservoirs.                             plan how to minimise this impact.
cause overflows that can wreak
havoc in terms of public health and   To make sure we enhance the health          If you’ve got a story to share with us
environmental impacts.                of our waterways and ocean we’re            for our next issue, we’d love to hear
                                      working to reduce wastewater                from you – please flick us an email at
We live in a region which experiences network overflows following heavy           info@wellingtonwater.co.nz.
a number of natural hazard events.    rain events. We’ll also monitor the
In recent times these have been       impact of stormwater run-off from           Happy reading!

                                                                                                                           Tony Ochsner,                           Lance Harrison,                       William Stewart,
                                                                                                                           Operations Technician                   Maintenance Fitter                    Project Facilitator/Treatment
                                                 He wai, he wai                                                            Tony is monitoring the Optimiser        Lance is kitting up in Personal
                                                                                                                           programme. The Optimiser is a           Protective Equipment (PPE) ready to   William is checking the chlorine
                                             He wai herenga tāngata                                                        computer programme which runs in        perform a lime dosing system clean.   residual level at the Waterloo
                                             He wai herenga whenua                                                         the background, primarily to optimise                                         treatment plant using a pocket
                                                   He wai ora                                                              power usage and reduce running        The lime dosing system is cleaned       colorimeter. The water in the sample
                                                                                                                           costs.                                once a week to remove a build-up        vial has gone pink, visually indicating
                                                   He wai rua                                                                                                                                            the presence of chlorine.
                                                                                                                                                                 of calcium, a by-product of hydrated
                                                 Tihei mauri ora                                                           It does this by predicting the demand lime slurry.
                                                                                                                           on our bulk water system and                                                  A reagent is added to a 10ml vial of
                                               Tis water, tis water                                                        juggling things like available water                                          water sample. The change in colour
                                                                                                                           supply and cost of treatment at the                                           is then measured using a pocket
                                               Water that joins us                                                         plants. Then it schedules pumps                                               meter to give an accurate reading
                                         Water that necessitates the land                                                  on and off accordingly to maintain                                            of chlorine, which in this case is
                                                   Soul of life                                                            reservoir levels while avoiding peak                                          ~0.77ppm.
                                                   Life forever                                                            power demand periods.

                                                                                                                           The screen Tony is looking at shows
                                                                                                                           a 12-hour prediction of the reservoir
                                                                                          @wellingtonwater                 level for McAlister Park, Waterloo
                                                                                                                           Treatment Plant’s outflow, and the
                                                                                          @WgtnWaterNZ                     schedule for the Wellington pumps.

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water

On the hunt for alternative
fresh water sources

                                                                                                                                             Drilling barge, Tuhora, being transported back out into Wellington Harbour, January 2018

     he search for an alternative                        city, particularly the eastern and      could be a cheaper and more resilient                                                 would require significant treatment
     fresh water source beneath
     Wellington Harbour began at
                                          Wellington     southern suburbs, could be without
                                                         water for up to 100 days after a
                                                                                                 alternative to a cross-harbour pipeline.   Fresh water was                            to make it safe for drinking, as early
                                                                                                                                                                                       tests identified levels of manganese,
the end of June 2017.                      could be      significant quake.                      In June 2017, the barge and drilling         discovered in                            iron, and ammonia.
                                                                                                 rig, Tuhora, was fitted out at Taranaki
Wellington city’s water is piped        without water    To ensure Wellington is prepared, we    Wharf and deployed about a kilometre        the Waiwhetu                              In January 2018, the harbour bores
from the Hutt Valley along the State                     began investigating ways to provide     off the Miramar Peninsula to see                                                      project resumed with Tuhora
Highway 1 and 2 corridors. In a large      for up to     Wellington city with an increased and   if suitable drinking water could be          Aquifer that                             heading back out into the harbour
earthquake, it’s likely these main                       more resilient fresh water supply.      found in the Waiwhetu Aquifer which                                                   at a new location near Somes/Matiu
water pipelines will break, and could   100 days after                                           extends under the harbour floor.            extends under                             Island. After a month of exploratory

                                         a significant                                                                                        the harbour
take months to repair.                                   Investigations highlighted two water                                                                                          drilling, it headed back to the wharf
                                                         source options – a cross-harbour        Fresh water was discovered in                                                         and is now decommissioned.
Wellington needs an alternative
water supply because parts of the           quake        pipeline and under harbour bore.
                                                         If viable, the under harbour bore
                                                                                                 sufficient volumes that could be used
                                                                                                 as an emergency supply. However, it              floor                                A full analysis of all data from both

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
exploratory bores is now underway.
The results from the second bore
are not yet available, but early
indications are positive as the upper
aquifer is thicker in this location than
the first, but the water quality is not

                                                                                                        not if, but when
yet known.

Additional analysis has also been
commissioned from GNS Science
into the aquifer and the likely
thickness of the aquiclude (the solid,
impermeable area underlying and
overlying the aquifer).

Once the data has been assessed,
a full report will be developed,
providing a comparative analysis of
the harbour bores against the cross-
harbour pipeline, looking at the
business cases of both in providing
Wellington with an alternative water

We expect to have some decisions on
the way forward by July this year.

                                                                                                                                                      The first of the emergency bladders being manufactured February 2018

                                                                                                        Building Wellington’s resilience for ‘the big one’

                                                                                                              ave you thought about what                                     We will do our best to get our
                                                                                                              you’d do for drinking water                                    water services back up and
                                                                                                              after a major quake? And do                                    running, but the time this takes

                                                                                                                                                   You need
                                                                                                        you have a plan for what to do with                                  will depend on the damage to our
                                                                                                        your wastewater (ones and twos)?                                     infrastructure.

                                                                                                        Our water network is made up of            20 litres                 In an emergency, the first
                                                                                                        more than 2000 kilometres of buried
                                                                                                        pipes – and around 1400 kilometres
                                                                                                                                               of stored water               thing people need to rely on is
                                                                                                                                                                             themselves and their families – so
                                                                                                        are considered vulnerable. Around 30
                                                                                                        per cent of our 149 water reservoirs
                                                                                                                                                  per person                 storing water and food is a must for
                                                                                                                                                                             every household. We recommend
                                                                                                        are also considered vulnerable.            per day,                  you need enough stored water (20
                                                                                                                                                                             litres per person per day) for you,
                                                                                                        Following a significant earthquake,      for at least                your family, and your pets, for at
                                                                                                        some communities will be without
                                                                                                        drinking water and wastewater            seven days                  least seven days.

                                                                                                        services for more than 100 days.                                     The single best thing people can
                                                                                                        There will be no water in the taps,                                  do to help Wellington survive and
                                                                                                        and you’ll be unable to flush your                                   thrive after a major earthquake is
                                                                                                        toilet, or use your sink.                                            to be prepared.
                                                   Drilling barge, Tuhora, in Wellington Harbour 2017

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
Preparing communities                                                                                     From mid-June 2018,
                                                                                                          22 community water
                                                                                                          stations will be
We are working with local councils
and central government to establish                                                                       throughout the
an above-ground emergency water                                                                           Wellington region.
network. Made up of at least 22
water stations across metropolitan
Wellington, they will supply more than
300 strategically-placed water collection
points throughout Wellington, Lower                                                                       Community water
Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua.                                                                             stations will only
                                                                                                          operate from day 8+
From day eight you’ll be able to get a                                                                    onwards following an
daily supply of 20 litres of water per                                                                    earthquake, so from
person, from these community water                                                                        days 0-7 all households
collection points. There’ll be a collection                                                               need to be prepared
                                                                                                          and have water stored
point within one kilometre from your
                                                                                                          at home.

Get your water storage sorted TODAY!

Plastic bottles

Water can be stored in plastic juice
or soft drink bottles that have been
washed with warm soapy water and
rinsed. Don’t use milk bottles, as they
are too difficult to clean well and will
spoil your water. Fill each bottle with tap
water until it overflows.

Store your bottles in a dark, cool place,
and replace the water every 12 months.
Put a reminder on your calendar, or do                                                                    The community
it at the same time as checking your                                                                      water station signs
smoke alarm batteries when daylight                                                                       demonstrate where the
saving starts/ends.                                                                                       water comes from and
                                                                                                          how it’s distributed.
Water tanks

You can buy a 200-litre water tank from
your local council for $105. They will fit
into most cars, and are easy to install at
home. All fittings are included, including
a diverter kit to collect rainwater,
strapping, a bung and brass tap.

We recommend filling it up with hose
water first so you have chlorinated
water ready from the outset. Then hook
up the diverter if you need it.

Because it doesn’t need to be fitted to a
downpipe, a water tank is a good option                                                                   We have an Emergency Water section on
even if you’re renting – just empty it and                                                                our website where people can go for more
take it with you when you move.                                                                           information about the water stations.
                                                                                                          Visit wellingtonwater.co.nz/emergency-water.
                                                   Emergency drinking water and wastewater kit supplies

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
AWARD                                                                                                     REPORT

                        innovation                                                                                                  six principles
                       S                                                                                                               Taking a principles-based approach to
                             ignificant Contributions to       Mark said that the award was a great
                             Civil Defence Emergency           recognition of the collaboration
                             Management (CDEM) have
                        been recognised by Minister of Civil
                                                               between Wellington Water and
                                                               Cardno to deliver the CIR programme
                                                                                                                                                  three waters management
                        Defence Kris Faafoi at an event in     of work.
                        Wellington on 30 May.
                                                               “We are grateful to be recognised
                        Mr Faafoi said that the awards         for the hard work and innovative
                        ceremony recognised people and         approach to delivering this

                        organisations who have made a          programme in such a short
                        vital contribution to CDEM in New      timeframe. The outcomes will                    rinciples serve to guide
                        Zealand.                               help our communities to be more                 behaviour and practice. They
                                                               prepared and resilient in the event of          are foundational beliefs or
                        “Through their efforts, they have      a significant natural disaster, and this   understandings of how we believe
                        helped make our communities safer      is something we are very proud of,”        things should be done, and as such,
                        and more resilient,” said Mr Faafoi.   Mr Kinvig said.                            they guide what we do. They are
                                                                                                          especially valuable when decisions
                        The awards ceremony also               The CIR programme is jointly funded        have to be made quickly, or in the
                        recognised innovation in CDEM          by central government and the              absence of hard and fast rules, or
                        through the presentation of the        Wellington, Porirua, Upper Hutt and        in the presence of considerable
                        Director’s Innovation Award, which     Hutt City Councils, and has three          complexity and ambiguity.                spite of all the regulations and rules,   going about it.
                        was jointly awarded to Wellington      elements:                                                                           processes and standards, procedures
                        Water and Cardno for Community         1. building awareness about the            Recognising this complexity, the first   and tests that you might care to          It’s worth noting that two of the
                        Infrastructure Resilience (CIR):           need for household water               recommendation of the Stage Two          wrap around something as critical         principles have a strong cultural
                        keeping water flowing to 400,000           resilience (20 litres per person,      inquiry into the contamination of        to human health as providing safe         element to them. Principle 1: A high
                        people following a major earthquake        per day) to help people cope for       Havelock North’s water in August         water, there are always going to be       standard of care must be embraced,
                        in Wellington.                             at least the first seven days after    2016, which caused a third of the        times when human behaviour can            and Principle 5: Suppliers must own
                                                                   an earthquake;                         population there to fall ill, was that   influence outcomes.                       the safety of drinking water, speak
                        This award recognises exceptional      2. building community water                water supply managers adopt six                                                    to the way we engage with our
                        innovation or creativity that has          resilience; and                        principles for assuring safe drinking    As the Inquiry put it, supply systems     communities on the work we do, and
                        pushed the boundaries of current       3. strengthening water                     water.*                                  are vulnerable in countless ways          the way we choose to behave as we
                        CDEM practice in New Zealand.              infrastructure.                                                                 to contamination and a single             carry out our work.
                                                                                                          *Recommendation 1. The six               vulnerability has the potential
                        Wellington Water’s Mark Kinvig         We’re currently building a                 fundamental principles of drinking       to cause widespread illness in            Over the coming year we’ll refine
                        (Group Manager, Network Strategy       comprehensive above ground water           water safety should be recorded and      consumers.                                how we report on the six principles
                        & Planning) and Nick Hewer-            distribution network that will provide     promulgated to the industry and used                                               and look to broaden their application
                        Hewitt (Service Delivery Facilitator   emergency water from nine new              to inform all recommended reforms      We are embracing this principles-           across other areas of our work.
                        - Operations, Network & Customer       bores, and a number of streams and         as well as the operation of the entire based approach, and we intend to            For now, we’ve chosen to present
                        Operations) were at the ceremony       rivers will be available through 22        drinking water system.                 use it to demonstrate both what             both hard (data-based metrics) and
                        held at The Beehive to collect the     new water treatment stations, as well                                             we’re doing to make sure the water          soft (people-focused) performance
                        award on behalf of Wellington Water.   as desalination systems.                   This reflects the experience that in   we provide is safe, and how we’re           measures and activities.

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water
A high standard of care must             Protection of source water is             Maintain multiple barriers                    Change precedes                      Suppliers must own the                   Apply a preventive risk
        be embraced                       of paramount importance                   against contamination                         contamination                       safety of drinking water                 management approach

We care about our customers and          We will look after our water sources    Our source-to-tap approach uses         We will actively monitor our              Our people are responsive,              We will actively monitor and manage
their communities, and will make         and catchment areas and will            multiple robust barriers to make sure   environment, prepare and respond          knowledgeable, experienced and          risks to our water supply from source
sure they always have access to safe     work with others to make sure           the water we supply our customers is    quickly to any change that could result   committed to making sure we provide     to tap to make sure we prevent
drinking water now and in the future.    they are protected from potential       and remains safe.                       in the contamination of the drinking      safe drinking water to our customers.   contamination.
                                         contamination.                                                                  water we supply.
What we do:                              What we do:                             What we do:                             What we do:                               What we do:                             What we do:
• Water quality testing at:              • Source risk management plan           • Treatment results                     • Emergency response events               • Learning participation hours          • Risk audit
    • source                             • Resource consent compliance           • Monitoring procedures                 • Customer service response               • Consultation activity                 • Water safety plan status.
    • treatment point                    • Lab test review and audit.            • Burst and leak responses.             • Workplace risk management.              • Responsiveness.
    • delivery                                                                                                                                                                                             How we do it:
• Backflow prevention testing            How we do it:                          How we do it:                            How we do it:                             How we do it:                           We’re preparing a single, regional
• Water supply operator and              Our source water quality depends       We employ multiple barriers against      Flooding and overflows from the           Recently, earthworks created a          water plan from the nine water safety
  contractor training requirements.      on the surrounding catchment. Our      contamination:                           storm or wastewater network can           situation where wastewater entered      plans that are currently in place. This
                                         river sources are protected, but       • protection and quality monitoring      impact customer safety and drinking       the water distribution network. Staff   will include identifying nine critical
How we do it:                            our aquifer is located in an urban          at source;                          water quality.                            from across our business, along with    control points, along with points
One of our drinking water wells          environment. This puts the aquifer at  • treating raw water;                                                              our partners, quickly worked together   where there’s increased pressure to
recently recorded a positive E.coli      risk from development.                 • secure distribution networks;          Customers can often be the best           to make sure the affected community     the contamination barriers.
result. We shut this well down and                                              • network monitoring; and                early warning system we have to let       knew what to do to keep themselves
classified it ‘non-secure’.              We are working with local authorities • rapid responses to adverse              us know about water quality issues.       safe while the problem was fixed.       Alongside these, are other risk
Note: All water from our active          to make sure that any development           signals such as leaks.                                                                                                and assurance processes designed
wells is ultra-violet (UV) treated and   activity takes the aquifer into                                                 We’re working hard to make it easier      We know that people are                 to minimise the chance of
chlorinated before it’s delivered to     account.                               The annual programme of network          for customers to find us, when they       concerned about major work in           contamination. We support activities
the customer.                                                                   upgrades and renewals is a core part     need us, and to respond quickly in        their community. Our consultation       that make sure our key stakeholders
                                         Recent work to identify an alternative of improving distribution security.      times of emergency.                       process on a planned reservoir was      are involved in this work.
                                         extraction point for aquifer water     We’ve recently completed installing                                                commended by community members
                                         prioritised the risk of salt water     network meters to improve our                                                      and commissioners.
                                         intrusion in viability studies.        ability to respond to leaks.

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Kaitiaki Wai - Wellington Water

“will it
                                                  uying a house can be one of         Our nation’s legacy of establishing
                                                  life’s biggest decisions, so you    towns and cities on floodplains,
                                                  want to get it right. There are     combined with our shift to slab-
                                            a lot of factors to consider, like: how   on-ground house construction,
                                            many bedrooms do you need; does it        has left many of us in a vulnerable
                                            get enough light; what maintenance        situation. But whilst our past has
                                            does it need; does it have enough         left us exposed, it’s actually our
                                            storage space; how big is the garden;     future climate that could turn our
                                            and, of course, can I afford it?          vulnerability into a crisis.
We’re working to                            These days many Kiwis also ask            New Zealand experienced a taste of
make sure Kiwis are                         the question ‘will it leak?’ In the
                                            1990s and 2000s, the combination
                                                                                      what it should prepare for recently
                                                                                      when, in Christchurch, following

prepared in the face of                     of changing building regulations,
                                            architecture design, construction
                                                                                      the earthquake, some low-lying
                                                                                      neighbourhoods sunk. Another way

a changing climate                          industry materials and practices
                                            created the conditions for a national
                                                                                      of looking at this is that these areas
                                                                                      experienced more than half a metre
                                            crisis. The leaky homes legacy            rise in sea level in only one year. Half
                                            has left us with a nationwide scar.       a metre may not seem like much,
-Ben Fountain                               Those affected speak not just of the      but in the floods that followed close
                                            financial hardship, but also about the    on the heels of the earthquakes, this
Wellington Water Chief Advisor,             stress and health impacts.                sinking of half a metre was enough to
Stormwater                                                                            nudge a vulnerable drainage situation
                                            Another question worth asking is ‘will    into a crisis.
                                            it flood?’ This can be a hard question
                                            to answer because many parts of our       The changing climate is making us
                                            country are only flood-prone under        think about our toolbox of measures,
                                            rare weather conditions. But, like a      which we use to manage flood risk.
                                            leaky house, a flood-prone home can
                                            be just as hard on the owners as a        Traditionally, New Zealand’s flooding      We’re trying to help, where
                                            leaky home can be.                        risk has been managed through a
                                                                                      combination of infrastructure and             we can, and make sure
                                            Minimising the impacts of flooding
                                            on people’s lives is one of our service
                                                                                      private insurance, and to a lesser
                                                                                      degree by development planning              flooding does not become
                                            goals. We’re trying to help, where we
                                            can, and make sure flooding does not
                                                                                      controls, community preparedness,
                                                                                      and emergency response. As we learn        another ‘leaky homes crisis’
                                            become another ‘leaky homes crisis’.      more about the impacts of rising sea

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levels and the increased frequency                                                             communities grapple with these
of rainfall, we recognise the need to                                                          complex problems, the challenge
place greater emphasis on the flood                                                            will be to draw together a consensus
risk management tools we haven’t                                                               around appropriate responses and
frequently used before.                                                                        to empower communities to make
                                                                                               meaningful changes.
Appropriate development planning
controls are the most effective and                                                            A learning following the Canterbury
powerful measure that councils                                                                 Earthquakes was that the resilience
can employ to build a community’s                                                              of our communities is one of our
long-term, sustainable resilience to                                                           greatest assets in a disaster.
flooding. The controls encourage
the growth of our towns and cities,                                                            Connecting and empowering a
but also avoid the most vulnerable                                                             community to respond to a flood
areas. They also maintain a natural                                                            is an important way we can reduce
hydrology, enhance natural drainage                                                            the impact of flooding on people’s
paths and guide homes and                                                                      lives. Wellington Water is engaging
businesses to be built at safer, higher                                                        with communities to help them
levels.                                                                                        prepare for floods, develop response
                                                                                               plans and prioritise the vulnerable
In many low-lying areas near the                                                               areas that may need assistance. A
coast, the traditional forms of                                                                neighbourhood’s response helps to
private insurance and flood defence                                                            avoid a catchment-wide problem
infrastructure are likely to be the                                                            being carried only by those at the
least adaptable measures to our                                                                bottom.
changing climate. The consequences
of sea level rise and the warming                                                              Technology is also providing new
climate are slow-approaching                                                                   tools to empower communities
challenges, so we need to make the                                                             to respond– currently we are
most of the narrowing window of                                                                developing a system to utilise rain
opportunity to rethink how we grow                                                             radar, which would provide a warning
our neighbourhoods.                                                                            to location-specific areas that are
                                                                                               about to be hit by intense rain, up to
A privilege of our democratic society                                                          two hours beforehand. A lot can be
is a community’s involvement in                                                                done with a bit of warning, such as
shaping its own future. Those of us                                                            moving vehicles, raising valuables,
who are tasked with understanding                                                              putting barriers in place or closing
flooding hazards need to be creative                                                           flood prone roads.
in how we inform and empower our
communities to prepare for floods.                                                             Underpinning all our efforts in
There are fantastic examples of this                                                           minimising the impacts of flooding
engagement happening across New                                                                on people’s lives is the need for a
Zealand we can all learn from.                                                                 strong and reliable base of evidence.
                                                                                               But evidence is only as useful as the
For communities to prepare for
flooding, they need access to                          Wellington Water is                     ability to effectively communicate it.

quality information that explains
the risks. Pictures, maps, interactive             engaging with communities                   It is communication that will help us
                                                                                               shift from our reactive methods of
websites, animations, and virtual
reality are some of the many tools                  to help them prepare for                   dealing with floods and our changing
                                                                                               climate to a proactive approach,
that are increasingly being used to
communicate effectively. As our
                                                    floods, develop response                   allowing communities to become
                                                                                               sustainable, connected and resilient.
                                                     plans, and prioritise the
                                                   vulnerable areas that may
                                                         need assistance
16                 Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                 Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                     17
respect for the

The Resource Management Act’s Plan-Making Process
                                                    -Stewart McKenzie, Principal Advisor, Resource Management Act and Environment

                                                                                                                    ellington Water operates in
                                                                                                                    a highly-regulated industry,
                                                                                                                    with the effect of our
                                                                                                        activities on the natural environment
                                                                                                        rigorously regulated under the
                                                                                                        Resource Management Act 1991
                                                                                                        (RMA). The overall purpose of the
                                                                                                        RMA is to achieve ‘the sustainable
                                                                                                        management of natural and physical
                                                                                                        resources’, and the remainder of the
                                                                                                        Act provides the means to support

                                                                                                        In our region, the key RMA plan is
                                                                                                        the Proposed Natural Resources
                                                                                                        Plan (PNRP). This sets out the
                                                                                                        objectives, policies and rules for
                                                                                                        activities affecting water, land and air,
                                                                                                        and is administered by the Greater
                                                                                                        Wellington Regional Council (GWRC).
                                                                                                        Given its broad scope, the PNRP has
                                                                                                        a direct bearing on the three waters
                                                                                                        services we provide to customers,
                                                                                                        affecting everything from how much
                                                                                                        water we can take for drinking
                                                                                                        water, what standard we must treat
                                                                                                        wastewater to, and even how we
                                                                                                        maintain stormwater assets.

                                                                                                        The PNRP replaces five Regional
                                                                                                        Plans, and is the most fundamental
                                                                                                        change to our region’s past
                                                                                                        environmental regulation in 20
                                                                                                        years. There is a lot at stake for any
                                                                                                        person, business, farm, industry,
                                                                                                        etc. that relies on using natural
                                                                                                        resources (indirectly, everyone).
                                                                                                        Given how much is at stake, the PNRP

18        Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                   Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                      19
Respect for the environment dashboard
                                                                                                                         We are mindful of the impacts that our activities have on the environment. We work closely with
                                                                                                                         stakeholders to ensure discharges into waterways and the sea are carefully managed.

                                                                                                                         Below are the results of our activities from 1 July 2017 – 31 March 2018.

                                                                                      Wellington Water
                                                                                                                         Harbour quality

                                                                                                                         Target: Each monitored beach is
                                                                                                                         suitable for recreational use 90%
                                                                                                                         of the days during bathing season
                                                                                  stormwater inlet and                   (1 Nov 2017 - 31 Mar)

                                                                                  outlet structures, and

                                                                                 of stormwater pipes in
                                                                                  the Wellington region

must go through a legal submission      the fifth of seven hearings about       the PNRP that will make it apply
and hearing process in front of         activities in the beds of lakes and     more realistically to three waters’      Fresh water quality:
independent commissioners before        rivers, which has a direct bearing on   infrastructure and services. We’ve       % of sites compliant
it becomes operative, with the          many of our operational activities.     also suggested a number of changes
potential for appeals.                  This includes the ability to maintain   to the plan’s objectives.
                                        7500 stormwater inlet and outlet                                                 Target: 90% of all freshwater sites
We submitted a lengthy submission       structures and the 1615km of          We also gave evidence on consenting        have a rolling 12 month median
about the PNRP, making over 350         stormwater pipes we are responsible   risk and compliance issues, and            < or = 1000cfu/100ml3
individual submission points relating   for.                                  highlighted the potential costs that
to water allocation, stormwater,                                              could be borne by ratepayers if the
                                                                                                                         S On Track
wastewater, discharges to land,         Previous hearings covered             PNRP remains in its current state. The     S Some concern
activities in streams and rivers, and   strategically important matters such  commissioners presiding over the           S Off track
a host of other matters. We are just    as water quality, allocating drinking hearing were very interested in our
one of 526 submitters on the PNRP,      water from aquifers and rivers,       evidence and arguments, and have
with submitters collectively making     and policies and rules applying to    taken an inquiring approach. This is a
14,500 separate submission points.      wastewater and stormwater services. positive sign.

Overall, we support the intent          Our people, including Chief Advisors   One thing’s for sure, the process
                                                                                                                         Overflow discharges
of the PNRP, as it aligns with our      and the RMA team, along with expert    for developing the PNRP is complex        from treatment plants
customer outcomes and service           planning and legal advisors, have      and highly contested, and will take
goals, particularly ‘respect for the    presented a comprehensive suite of     several years (it’s taken four years      Target: Nil non-consented overflow
environment’. However, we do            evidence (some 700 pages to date).     just to get to this point). We’re in it   from treatment plants
have concerns with many of the                                                 for the long haul, and are doing our
objectives, policies and rules in the   The resounding theme from the          best to influence the PNRP, so it lets    *In 15/16, the portion of the HCC/UHCC
                                                                                                                         network operated by HVWS was included
PNRP, and we’ve been presenting         evidence is that we’ll struggle to     us provide an efficient three waters      in the total number of discharges for the
evidence on these matters at topic      maintain our service delivery in       services, whilst at the same time         Seaview WWTP. For the 16/17 period the
based hearings.                         these areas, given the objectives,     being respectful for the environment      network discharges have been separated
                                                                                                                         from the WWTP discharges.
                                        policies and rules currently proposed. and meeting the overall purpose of
We recently presented evidence to       We have suggested changes to           the RMA.

20                 Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                                     Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                   21
                                     ellington Water is             Our Health & Safety and Risk &                                      To start, we will concentrate on             •    less experienced staff still coming
                                     conducting a review of         Assurance teams analysed the risks in                               the first four critical risks and set             to terms with site risks;
                                     its critical health and        our incident reporting system. From                                 up a structure to actively manage            •    staff stepping out of the
                          safety risks to find out if those we‘ve   this information, we’ve identified our                              them; ideally by eliminating the                  controlled zones into traffic lanes;
                          previously identified are, in fact, the   own critical health and safety risks:                               risk altogether or minimising the                 and
                          ones our people truly face when                                                                               opportunity for those risks to cause         •    site controls with more of an
                          they’re working.                       • traffic management                                                   more harm or ill health. The first                emphasis on complying with the
                                                                 • vehicles and mobile equipment                                        critical risk we’re addressing is traffic         temporary traffic management
                          It will help us concentrate our        • tools, equipment and assets                                          management.                                       code of practice and not
                          resources on the risks that have the   • falls from heights                                                                                                     necessarily thinking of practical
                          most potential to seriously injure our • excavations                                                          Traffic management                                safety measures.
                          workers, contractors, and customers - • contact with services such as                                         We’ve held workshops with our
                          or make them sick.                          electricity, gas, sewage, etc                                     senior leadership and our contractors        A working group has been set up to
                                                                 • chemicals                                                            to identify what safety issues workers       investigate suitable controls, while
                          The review was prompted by an          • confined spaces.                                                     face when using traffic management           working alongside our supply chain
                          update from WorkSafe New Zealand                                                                              processes on worksites. As expected,         to agree on a best practice approach
                          that identified the top three critical Our strategy for managing critical risks                               a number of risks were identified,           to eliminate or reduce the risks
                          risks workers face. They are:          is to follow a consistent approach with                                including:                                   surrounding this activity.
                                                                 an emphasis on involving our people,                                   • distracted drivers and pedestrians
                          1. traffic management                  our supply chain and consultants. We                                        not obeying the traffic signs;          We will also follow up with the staff
                          2. work equipment                      seek feedback from these important                                     • driver inattention from cellphone          exposed to this risk to find out if the
                          3. falls from heights.                 contributors at each stage of the                                           use;                                    controls are making a difference for
                                                                 process.                                                               • increase in speeding vehicles;             the better.

                                                                                                             Health and safety dashboard
                                                                                                             Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)
                                                                                                             Note: Total Recordable Injuries (TRI) include medical treatment, hospitalisation and fatality injuries.

                                                                                                                                                                                    This trend has increased over the
                                                                                                                                                                                    period, in particular in terms of lost
                                                                                                                                                                                    time injuries.

                                                                                                                                                                                    We’ll continue to reinforce good
                                                                                                                                                                                    practices, and raise awareness of
                                                                                                                                                                                    risk mitigations to prevent injuries.

                                                                                                             Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
                                                                                                             Note: Lost Time Injury (LTI) rate is based on rolling 12 months data per 200,000 hours worked.

          critical risk
                                                                                                                                                                                    This quarter, we experienced three
                                                                                                                                                                                    LTI’s, resulting in us not meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                    our industry benchmark metric of
                                                                                                                                                                                    1.5 LTIFR.

                                                                                                                                                                                    We have reviewed each incident
                                                                                                                                                                                    and have been able to implement
          -Nikki Ganley, Business Assurance Advisor, Risk and Assurance                                                                                                             controls to either eliminate or
                                                                                                                                                                                    significantly reduce the potential of
                                                                                                                                                                                    the incidents reoccuring.

22        Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                                        Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                 23
                                                               panel of independent           challenges and improve disaster          within the Town Belt and also close      planning and addressed openly.
                                                               commissioners have praised     resilience.                              to long-established residential
                                                               the extensive community                                                 communities in Mt Cook and               A key concern raised at the Open
                                                        engagement carried out for the        Currently, bulk water supply             Brooklyn. This meant the project         Days was the number of trucks using
                                                        proposed new Prince of Wales/         pipelines bring water to Wellington      required an easement under the           Rolleston Street. To address this,

Prince of Wales/
                                                        Omāroro reservoir. The project        from both Lower Hutt and Upper           Wellington Town Belt Act 2016 – and      Wellington Water proposed to limit

                                                        has included a strong consultative    Hutt, crossing major earthquake          this was the first test of how the Act   truck use of the road from 9am to
                                                        process.                              faults. It is very likely water supply   would be applied.                        3pm Monday to Friday and Saturday
                                                                                              will be disrupted in the event of a                                               mornings; and to raise the level of
                                                        The panel specifically noted that a   severe earthquake.                       Wellington Water Project Director,       two adjacent sports fields, using
                                                        number of submissions, including                                               Ulvi Salayev, said it was clear from     material from the site, reducing the
                                                        from local residents’ associations,   The proposed 35 million-litre buried     the earliest stages that extensive       need to truck out rock and fill.

                                                        had welcomed the level of             reservoir will be built to modern        community consultation would be an
                                                        community engagement.                 seismic standards and will be the        integral part of the project.            To help address concerns about the
                                                                                              largest in Wellington.                                                            visual impact of the reservoir, we
                                                        It has long been recognised that                                               “We knew from the outset, when           provided virtual reality headsets,
                                                        Wellington needed a major new         The proposed site for the reservoir      the site was first identified, that      showing how it currently looked
                                                        reservoir to address water storage    provides the challenge of being          we would need to be as visible as        from different vantage points

  -Dan Ormond, Omāroro Reservoir Communications Lead
                                                                                                                                              It was clear from the earliest
                                                                                                                                            stages that extensive community
                                                                                                                                            consultation would be an integral
                                                                                                                                                   part of the project

                                                                                                                                       possible within the community, with      and how it would look five years
                                                                                                                                       very active, ongoing and genuine         after completion. The residents
                                                                                                                                       engagement,” said Ulvi.                  really appreciated this innovative
                                                                                                                                       “It was important that people
                                                                                                                                       recognised we weren’t there to tick      “Between the formal open days, we
                                                                                                                                       boxes, but to work with them to          held evening street meetings, where
                                                                                                                                       reach solutions.”                        we could hear particular concerns
                                                                                                                                                                                and answer questions where
                                                                                                                                       One of the first steps was a             possible. Again, these were well
                                                                                                                                       community barbecue hosted by             attended,” said Ulvi.
                                                                                                                                       Wellington Water in Rolleston Street,
                                                                                                                                       Mt Cook. Ulvi worked with the very      We used a local shopfront to post
                                                                                                                                       active Mt Cook residents’ association   information and we personally
                                                                                                                                       to help publicise the event.            delivered leaflet information to
                                                                                                                                                                               houses. We entered feedback from
                                                                                                                                       “We used the barbecue as an             the meetings into a Frequently-
                                                                                                                                       opportunity to introduce the project, Asked-Questions (FAQs) section on
                                                                                                                                       and to meet the community – helping our project webpage.
                                                                                                                                       the locals to put names to faces,” said
                                                                                                                                       Ulvi.                                   The next stage of the project will
                                                                                                                                                                               see a community reference group
                                                                                                                                       A series of community open days         established and the appointment of
                                                                                                                                       helped to make sure residents’          a community liaison person to act as
                                                                                                                                       concerns were fed into project          a direct point of contact.
Omāroro Reservoir site location, Brooklyn, Wellington

24                   Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                          Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                            25
                                                                                                                       love every drop
                                                                                                                             he 2017/18 summer was one of      Garden watering restrictions allow for   The goals of the campaign were to:
                                                                                                                             the hottest Wellington has had    the use of:                              1. reduce demand; and
                                                                                                                             in recent times. After months     • a single watering system               2. increase our reach on Facebook,
                                                                                                                       of rain, the third driest November on       (sprinkler, irrigation system,           so we could:
                                                                                                                       record caught us on the hop, because        soaker hose, or unattended hose)         • Build a sense of community
                                                                                                                       at the same time as water demand            between 6-8am and 7-9pm                  • Connect with our customers,
                                                                                                                       shot up to over 180 million litres a    • on allocated watering days:                    providing them with
                                                                                                                       day (MLD), we were also working on          • even-numbered houses on                    information/tips
                                                                                                                       important upgrades to two of our                 even dates of the month             • Engage with our customers.
                                                                                                                       three main treatment facilities.                 (2nd, 4th, 16th, etc,.)
                                                                                                                                                                   • odd-numbered houses on             Messaging focussed around taking
                                                                                                                       We run a summer demand campaign                  odd dates of the month (1st,    care of water by conserving and
                                                                                                                       every year which typically kicks off             3rd, 11th, etc,.).              using it responsibly, so everyone
                                                                                                                       on Wellington Anniversary weekend                                                can enjoy it all summer long. This
                                                                                                                       (mid-January), however the increased    The campaign was largely digital,        message was reinforced when a
                                                                                                                       demand around the region coupled        giving us the flexibility to change      sprinkler ban came into effect at the
                                                                                                                       with low supply meant we had to         messaging depending on the water         end of November, 2017.
                                                                                                                       launch our Love Every Drop campaign     demand and weather predictions.
                                                                                                                       six weeks early with Watch Every                                                 The sprinkler ban was lifted at the
                                                                                                                       Drop.                                                                            end of January, 2017, thanks to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        combination of community members

out and about
                                                                                                                       The summer demand campaign is                                                    taking action to reduce their water
                                                                                                                       in addition to the garden watering                                               use, completing important treatment
                                                                                                                       restrictions in place in Lower Hutt,                                             plant upgrades, and some much-
                                                                                                                       Porirua, and Wellington during                                                   needed rain, which replenished
                                                                                                                       daylight saving months (and all year-                                            supply in our storage lakes and
                                                                                                                       round for Upper Hutt).                                                           rivers.

  t was a busy start to 2018 for our    Petone Fair. The turn-out was great      emergency water tank proved
  Community Engagement team,            despite the howling wind and on-         popular. A big thanks, as always,
  attending local shows, fairs,         and-off showers throughout the           to The Tank Guy for donating the
festivals and arranging treatment       day.                                     tanks!
plant tours. So far, this year, we’ve
attended six fairs and festivals, and   We donned our jetpacks again             A number of student groups have
had three groups visit our treatment    on 24 February, and headed out           been on tours of our drinking water
plants.                                 to Waitangi Park to support the          treatment plants. The tours are
                                        LGBTIQ community at Out in the           a great opportunity to teach the
In February, we attended the all-       Park. Once again we had fantastic        students (young and old) about
new Waitangi Day festival in Porirua.   weather and the chilled water was        where their water comes from, and
This event replaced Festival of the     well received.                           the process it goes through to make
Elements and saw approximately                                                   sure the water that comes out of
25,000 people wander through            Our last event of the summer was         your tap at home is safe to drink.
during the day. The weather was         Upper Hutt March Madness, where
fantastic, so our water manifold and    another cracker of a day greeted         Make sure you look out for the
jetpacks went down a treat as we        us. Our focus was resilience and         Wellington Water team at your
spent the day handing out chilled       reminding people to be prepared          next community event, or if you’re
water to thirsty patrons.               by having at least 20 litres of stored   interested in a water treatment
                                        water per person per day. Our            plant tour, contact us at
On 17 February, we attended the         competition to win a 200-litre           info@wellingtonwater.co.nz.

26                Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                                                    Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                           27
service goals

How we’re tracking against our service goals in 2017/18 to date.
S On Track   S Some concern       S Off track

              The Havelock North Inquiry recommended six fundamental principles that all water supply            We measure water consumption (including loss) across the region. An increase in the
              companies should adopt for assuring safe drinking water. The development of our regional           identification of water leaks requiring repair occurred in late 2017, coinciding with the early
              Water Safety Plan is currently underway, and any requirements related to the Inquiry will be       summer dry period and impacting on the per capita consumption for all councils. We put summer
              incorporated or actioned as required. We expect to achieve compliance with the New Zealand         demand management strategies in place, and we’re investigating the causes of the increased
              Drinking Water Standards.                                                                          leakage.
                                                                                                                 As part of the future consolidation of contracts for wastewater treatment plants, we’re
                                                                                                                 developing a regional approach for managing biosolids.
              We have experienced six injuries in 2017/18 to date. Our investigations considered physical and
              behavioural causes, and put a range of controls in place to prevent re-occurrences. The critical
              risk project has commenced with traffic management and vehicles/mobile equipment being             We currently monitor freshwater sites and beaches. Some of these sites exceed pollution target
              the two areas under review from a people and public safety perspective. The review process is      levels. This is a long-term ongoing initiative to identify and remove sources of pollution.
              collaborative, with working groups involving our staff, suppliers and consultants.

                                                                                                                 This indicator is not currently measured although education programmes are in place for some
              Identifying and confirming critical hydrants with Fire and Emergency New Zealand of the critical   areas, such as community information boards, summer water conservation, and the whaitua
              hydrants that will be part of ongoing hydrant performance testing programme. When non-             committee. At this stage, we’re assessing these indicators using our experience and knowledge.
              compliant hydrants are found, they are prioritised for upgrade works.                              We’re finalising an annual plan to align with three water activities and raise community
                                                                                                                 awareness is being finalised.

              There are network capacity and condition issues that may cause wastewater overflows and
              contaminate urban stormwater catchments. This can cause public health concerns. Work is            There is significant work underway, with consenting activities under the proposed Natural
              ongoing throughout the region to minimise the number of overflows.                                 Resources Plan (NRP). We’ve also been involved in a good level of engagement in the NRP
                                                                                                                 process itself, including hearings, submissions and other collaborative opportunities. The
                                                                                                                 outcomes of the collaborative work with the whaitua committee may impact on future consent

28           Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                              Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                        29
                                                                                                         LURKING IN YOUR PIPES?
                                                                                                         The Rag Monster and Fatberg can wreak havoc on your home’s pipes, and could cost
                                                                                                         you thousands of dollars if the damage happens within your property boundary!

                                                                                                         To beat these two monstrosities into submission, remember these tips:

                                                                                                         1.    Flushing anything down the toilet that isn’t
                                                                                                               the 3 Ps (pee, poo or toilet paper) can cause
                                                                                                               blockages. Cleaning wetwipes (including
                                                                                                               ‘flushable ones’) and other sewage items
                                                                                                               can tangle together and create a monster
                                                                                                               of a problem for your pipes – and the

                                                                                                            Only flush the 3 Ps
      When we complete our hydraulic models in three years, we can better understand the likely
      impact of flooding on communities. There are known flood risk areas, and recent flooding events
                                                                                                            • PEE
      in Kilbirnie have reinforced the need for improved flood mitigations and programmes. Areas            • POO
      prone to flooding continue to be prioritised.
                                                                                                            • PAPER (toilet paper)
      Our networks are fragile and vulnerable to a significant natural event such as an earthquake.
      Improvements coming out of the water supply resilience strategy have been incorporated into
      the councils’ 30-year Infrastructure Strategies, informing and supporting the 2018-38 Long-Term

      We identified a water treatment capacity limitation at Te Marua treatment plant, which affects
      our drought resilience. The issue is under investigation, and we expect the results (due by June
      2018) to help determine how this can be resolved. The National Policy Statement (NPS) on Urban
                                                                                                                                               2.       When you pour fats and oils down your
                                                                                                                                                        kitchen sink, it can cause fabergs to form –
                                                                                                                                                        lumps of congealed fat that can grow larger
      Development Capacity reinforces the need to understand the impact of the councils’ growth                                                         and larger as they pass through your pipes,
      aspirations on the three waters infrastructure performance. Continued pressure to process                                                         even becoming big enough to block them.
      building consent enquiries has highlighted the need to properly identify and resolve potential
      capacity issues.

      Current service interruptions for water supply and network blockages for the wastewater and                                                          Keep fatbergs away! Put fats
      stormwater networks continue to sit within targeted service levels.
                                                                                                                                                           and oils in the bin.

30   Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018                                                                                                                      Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018             29
REPORTS                                                                                                                      Drinking water supply
                    Three waters network
                     reliability dashboard                                                                                                                                    Total water
                                                                                                                                                                              supplied to the
                                                                                                                                                                              four cities is
                                                                                                                                                                              tracking above last
                                                                                                                                                                              year after a long,
                                                                                                                                                                              dry summer, but it
                                                                                                                                                                              looks to be easing
                                                                                                                                                                              off with the arrival
                                                                                                                                                                              of winter.

                                                                                                                            13,831 million litres of safe
                                                                                                                           drinking water was supplied in
                                                                                                                               January - March 2018

             Network reliability remains well within target performance level,
                       with the exception of Porirua City Council.

                         Note: due to the temporary unavailability of task data,                    Capital expenditure
                         customer call data has been substituted and possibly
                           overstates the number of actual supply cuts and
                                              blockages.                           Our capital expenditure (Capex) programme of work was tracking well
                                                                                   against our full year forecast as at April. It’s been a challenging year for our
                                                                                   programme managers, with the fast-tracking of the $11 million ultraviolet
                                                                                   water treatment work requiring some rescheduling mid-flight to ensure we
                                                                                   remained within budget, along with the additional work required to deliver the
                                                                                   community water supply resilience programme.

                                                                                   These two projects bumped up the total capital programme budget for the year by about $13
                                                                                   million – the bulk of the roughly $25 million increase over last year’s programme. It’s a credit to
                                                                                   our supply chain – our contractors and our consultants – that we were able to deliver the larger
                                                                                   programme along with the critically important water quality project, as well as keep up with
                                                                                   prioritised network renewals and upgrades.

32        Te Kaitiaki Wai | Winter 2018
Wellington Water is owned by the Hutt, Porirua, Upper Hutt and Wellington city councils, and Greater
Wellington Regional Council. The councils are all equal shareholders.

Our vision is to create excellence in regional water services so communities prosper. Our customers,
the residents of the metropolitan Wellington region, use the services we provide: drinking water;
wastewater; and stormwater in their homes, businesses, and communities every day.
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