Kombucha microbiome as a probiotic: a view from the perspective of post-genomics and synthetic ecology

Page created by Raymond Sanders
ISSN 0233–7657. Biopolymers and Cell. 2012. Vol. 28. N 2. P. 103–113

UDC 575

Kombucha microbiome as a probiotic:
a view from the perspective of post-genomics
and synthetic ecology
N. O. Kozyrovska, O. M. Reva1, 2, V. B. Goginyan3, J.-P. de Vera4

Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680
 D. K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine
154, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680
 Department of Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Lynnwood road, Hillcrest, Pretoria, South Africa, 0002
 SPC «Armbiotechnology», NAS of Republic of Armenia
14, Gyurjyan Str., Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 0056
 Institute of Planetary Research, DLR, Germany
Rutherfordstr. 2D-12489, Berlin, Germany

                                 Probiotics are essential for establishing and maintaining optimal immune health. The probiotic therapy is known
                                 from alternative medicine for ages; however, the recent demonstration of the normal microflora to induce innate
                                 immunity has introduced the science-based concept of therapeutic application of potentially beneficial probiotic
                                 microorganisms for a treatment of functional disorders. Traditionally, probiotics are associated with dairy pro-
                                 ducts, however, novel formulations are needed, first of all, originated from naturally occurring symbiotic micro-
                                 bial communities as the most robust assemblages. Especially, safe and robust probiotics are needed for long-
                                 term expeditions, outposts, extraterrestrial permanently-manned bases, where humans are exposed to adverse
                                 environmental factors. Kombucha beverage is Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) and associated
                                 with health-promoting effects. Kombucha tea/mat is being in use in human livings within millennia as a probiotic
                                 drink for healing and health prophylaxis effects, however, new research opportunities promise its «renaissan-
                                 ce», going to be used pharmacologically.
                                 Keywords: probiotics, kombucha microbiome, post-genomics, synthetic ecology.

Introduction. Products and probiotic preparations                        probiotics. A few common probiotics are yeasts such as
with beneficial microorganisms have formed the basis                     Saccharomyces boulardii, S. cerevisiae etc. Important-
for functional human nutrition. The World Health Or-                     ly, administration of probiotics is effective, if nondiges-
ganization and the Food and Agriculture Organization                     tible foods (cellulose fibers) are available in the diet. It is
of the United Nations have defined probiotics as «Li-                    why prebiotics (food ingredients that selectively stimu-
ve microorganisms which when administered in ade-                        late the growth and/or activity of beneficial microorga-
quate amounts confer a health benefit on the host».                      nisms already in people’s colons) are highly recommen-
Most often, the probiotic bacteria come from Lactoba-                    ded, and along with probiotics these supplements known
cillus or Bifidobacterium or cocktails (for example, Dr.                 as synbiotics (a combination of prebiotics and probio-
Ohhira’s Probiotics), however, soil and other bacteria                   tics). Examples of foods containing probiotics are yogurt,
in dairy, vegetarian or other formulas are accepted as                   fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, some
                                                                         juices, fermented cabbage juice, and brews like kombu-
Ó Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, 2012      cha tea.


     Probiotic microorganisms provide a balance in in-          11], antioxidants [12, 13], enzymes [14], essential ele-
testinal microbiota, normalizing processes in gut and           ments (Na, K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) [9]. Potenti-
boosting immune system [1]. The U. S. National Insti-           al health effects of the SCOBY’s metabolites have crea-
tute of Health has initiated Human Microbiome Project           ted an increased interest in kombucha drinks. The kom-
(HMP) to characterize the human microbiota [2]. The             bucha’s greatest health benefits are its ability to detox
HMP has increased understanding of the diversity and            and energize the body, improve digestion, boost immu-
genetics of the microbiota associated with the human            ne system. KT is known from ages, however, scientific
body, and the next step of the project is microbial pro-        interest to SCOBY was increased at the beginning of
duct characterization in a context of understanding the         the last century. Due to efforts of many scientific teams,
microbiome (including probiotic bacteria) functions             positive effects of kombucha on immunological, endo-
and its relationship to health and diseases. In spite of tre-   crinological, cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, urogeni-
mendous progress in a study of beneficial human intes-          tal and other levels were substantiated (see [12]). Ap-
tinal microorganisms with probiotic traits and its inter-       proaching mid century, kombucha was established in
relationships with the host, the range of candidates for        official pharmacopoeia in Germany. However, in 60-s
probiotics is mainly restricted to lactic acid bacteria         interest to kombucha declined probably on the reason
and bifidobacteria. However, novel types of probiotics,         of the wide expansion of synthetic pharmaceuticals. At
especially, exhibiting diverse composition of naturally-        the beginning of this millennium we observed kombu-
occurring symbiosis of beneficial microorganisms, could         cha’s «renaissance» as the consequence of a slow retur-
be promising and complementary for traditional probio-          ning to natural healing products, as well as research ac-
tic foods and preparations.                                     tivity on the background of functional nutrition study.
     Medusomyces gisevii Lindau represents a symbio-            Recent well-documented research works on the KT ad-
tic microbial community known as tea «fungus» or kom-           ministration have exhibited antimicrobial and antipro-
bucha tea (KT). The KT microorganisms co-exist in in-           liferative activity [13, 15]; improvement after lipid pe-
terdependent symbiotic relationships: during fermenta-          roxidation and oxidative stress [16] and cytotoxicity
tion in sweet tea the added sugar is converted into orga-       [17] induced by environmental pollutants; antiobesity,
nic acids and ethanol by yeast, and bacteria use the lat-       hypocholesterolaemic and antioxidant effects [18]; ul-
ter to produce cellulose fiber, forming a jellyfish-like        cer-healing activity [19]; protective effect on chromo-
zoogleal mat where microbial cells are attached. Final-         somal aberrations induced by gamma radiation [20];
ly, SCOBY gives a pleasant sweetish sour sparkling be-          the hepatoprotective effect against oxidative stress via
verage under aerobic conditions. Organic acids and etha-        suppression of mitochondria-dependent apoptosis [21].
nol protect SCOBY from the colonization of other mic-                Kombucha products raised interest in veterinary me-
roorganisms, and this is a reason that keeps the SCOBY          dicine. The supplementation of dried mat in animals
within ages. The representatives of yeast found in the          and poultry feed had the positive influence on the treat-
SCOBY can vary and may include Brettanomyces/Dek-               ment of intestinal infections, disbacteriosis, contami-
kera, Schizosaccharomyces, Torulaspora, Zygosaccha-             nated wounds, etc. [13, 22, 23] and thus increased per-
romyces, Pichia [3–5]. Few bacterial species, origina-          formance observed in meat/egg characteristics. In paral-
ted from kombucha, Gluconacetobacter xylinus, G. kom-           lel, we note that the kombucha mat and kombucha’s se-
buchae sp. nov., Acetobacter nitrogenifigens sp. nov,           condary metabolites have applications in several other as-
Acetobacter intermedius sp. nov. were isolated from             pects. Bacterial cellulose (BC) synthesized by G. xyli-
different ecotypes of KT [6–8]. The exact microbiolo-           nus, an active component of the kombucha microbial
gical composition depends on the source of the SCOBY,           community (KMC), is chemically pure, free of lignin
however, kombucha symbiotic culture must surely con-            and hemicellulose and may have several practical ap-
tain the acetic acid bacteria and yeast.                        plications in nanobiotechnology and biomedicine [24,
     Kombucha-derived microorganisms produce a cock-            25]. Diverse microbial metabolites like enzymes, or-
tail of diverse metabolites, and it is rich in fiber, organic   ganic acids and other biologicals originated from kom-
and amino acids, especially, in lysine [9], vitamins [10,       bucha are in use, however, still manufactured by tradi-


tional microbiological industry, despite the fact that bio-   ses or parasites trigger the two-step immune response:
technology is declared as the leading science and tech-       innate immunity halts the infection and adaptive immu-
nology in 21 century.                                         nity subsequently clears, providing also systemic fast
     In this paper, we discuss the potential of kombucha      response on repetitive infection. The innate immunity
microorganisms as probiotics from the position of cur-        can destroy invading microorganisms, triggering in-
rent knowledge on the role of intestinal microbiota in        flammation, however, does not confer long-lasting pro-
immune system and perspectives of KMC from the point          tection to the host. The innate immune system is an evo-
of post-genomics and synthetic ecology.                       lutionarily older defense strategy, and is the dominant
     Intestinal indigenous microflora: effect on the          immune system found also in plants, fungi, insects, and
immune system. Indigenous microbial communities               in primitive multicellular organisms. If the first step of
serve important functions for the human host that are not     defense is not effective, adaptive immunity is called in-
prescribed in the human genome. Using metagenome              to action. With its highly specialized systemic T, B,
data, Gill et al. [26] demonstrated that gut microbiota       DCs (dendric cells) and other cells, it produces antibo-
played beneficial roles in the human host by regula-          dies and killer cells that destroy infected cells. The ada-
ting many genes related to the metabolism of glycans,         ptive immune system maintains an immunologic me-
amino acids, biosynthesis of vitamins and isoprenoids         mory. The mechanisms, triggering the activation of in-
and showed for the first time physiological phenome-          nate immunity and mediating the communication bet-
non not regulated by human. Human gut microbiota              ween innate and adaptive immunity, have been cleared
also plays important roles in harvesting energy from the      in series of research works [30–32] awarded by the No-
diet, stimulating the proliferation of the intestinal epi-    bel Prize in 2011.
thelium, regulating fat storage in the host [27]. However,        Innate immune responses to microorganisms, both
the most intriguing role of human microbial associates        pathogenic and beneficial, are triggered when the host
is hidden in the developing of immune system.                 recognizes specific structures, called pathogen-associa-
     Human commensals and mutualists. All surfaces of         ted molecular patterns (PAMPs) or endogenous stress
the human body, including the skin, mucosal surface and       signals, called DAMPs (danger-associated molecular
genital and gastrointestinal tracts are occupied by habi-     patterns) (BOX 1) [33].
tat-specific microorganisms (bacteria, archaea and fun-
gi). The human intestinal microbiota is composed of 1013              BOX 1. PAMPs may include lipopolysacchari-
to 1014 microorganisms whose cells outnumber those of             des, bacterial peptides, peptidoglycans, microbial
the human body by ten times [26]. A new insight on hu-            nucleic acids, lipoteichoic acids etc. DAMPs inclu-
man-microbial ecosystem as «a superorganism» pro-                 de uric acid. PAMPs are recognized by pattern-re-
vided by HMP. Its results showed that a number of total           cognition receptors (PRRs), such as membrane-bo-
genes carried by associated microorganisms are two or-            und Toll-like (TLRs) and cytoplasmic NOD-like
ders of magnitude higher than that contained in the hu-           (NLR) receptors, RIG-I-like helicases etc. [34–37].
man genome [18]. The human harbors a complex mic-                 Signaling PRRs include the large families of leuci-
roflora, consisting of facultative and strict anaerobes,          ne-rich repeats (LRRs) in TLRs and NLRs, compo-
which includes more than 5000 species of bacteria [28].           sed of a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). In plants
Several reports indicated that in the colon microbial             and animals, the most diverse family of PRRs is the
communities were dominated by five identified phyla:              cytoplamic NBD-LRR family, having more mem-
Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Fusobacte-             bers than the cell surface LRR receptors, sugges-
ria, and Proteobacteria [18, 29]. The vast number of              ting that NBD-LRRs can detect a large array of mic-
bacteria in host tissues raises the question of how sym-          roorganisms, assembling inflammasomes with bac-
biotic host-bacterial relationships are maintained wi-            terial elicitors [38]. Endocytic PRRs promote the at-
thout eliciting potentially harmful immune responses.             tachment, engulfment and destruction of microor-
     Innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Infection             ganisms by phagocytes, without relaying on an intra-
of the human body by pathogenic microorganisms, viru-             cellular signal. TLRs are localized on the surface of


      different T cells (T lymphocytes) and epithelial          programmes. A balanced indigenous microbiota is requi-
      cells, lining the intestinal tract [36]. T helper cells   red to prevent or stop these programmes.
      (Th cells) provide signals for orchestrating the im-           A role of intestine microbiota in the developing of im-
      mune response. Once activated, Th cells divide ra-        mune system. Normal gut bacteria limit excessive inflam-
      pidly and secrete cytokines (like interferon gam-         mation through the suppression of NF-kB signaling.
      ma, IFNg, and tumor necrosis factor alpha, TNFa)          Commensal microbiota regulate NF-kB activity in inte-
      that regulate or assist in the active immune respon-      stinal epithelial cells and mucosal immune cells [43, 44].
      se. T helper type 1 (Th1) cells produce cytokine IFN      In normal homeostasis, indigenous bacteria specifical-
      g and control intracellular microorganisms (viru-         ly prevent NF-kB activation by blocking ubiquitination
      ses and bacteria); the Th2 cells produce interleu-        of its inhibitor IkBa that elicits an intracellular state of
      kins and control infections caused with extracellu-       tolerance against further TLR activation [45, 46]. The
      lar microbes and helminths; the proflammatory             microbial factors positively or negatively regulate this
      Th17 cells have significant roles in protecting the       key pathway: commensal bacterial DNA [47] or bacte-
      host from bacterial and fungal infections [39]. Re-       rially produced metabolites, such as ATP [48] or short-
      gulatory T cells (Treg cells) are crucial for the main-   chain fatty acids (SCFA) (acetate, butyrate, propionate)
      tenance of immunological tolerance (the process by        [49] can exert profound effects on NF-kB activation.
      which the immune system does not attack an anti-               Commensal bacteria educate T cells to be tolerant of
      gen) [40]. After sensing microbial elicitors, PRRs        foreign antigens. The education of T cells takes place in
      activate various transcription factors, including uni-    the thymus where self-reactive cells are either elimina-
      versal Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NF-kB) and inter-           ted or differentiated in Treg cells [50]. Interestingly,
      feron regulatory factors, to induce the production        colonic Treg cells used T cell antigen receptors diffe-
      of proinflammatory cytokines and co-stimulatory           rent from those used by Treg cells in other locations, im-
      molecules via MAP kinases cascades in intestinal          plying an important role for local antigens in shaping
      epithelial cells and mucosal immune cells.                the colonic Treg cell population. It was shown that in-
                                                                digenous clostridia species induced Treg cells in the
     Either exo- or endogenous stress signals are being         colonic lamina propria (a thin layer of the mucosa
recognized with PAMP/DAMP immunity and further                  which lies beneath the epithelium) [51]. Segmented fi-
transduced via complex signaling cascades to the target         lamentous bacteria promoted the development of Th17
genes encoding effector molecules that involved in tis-         population in the small-intestinal lamina propria [52].
sue protection.                                                 Relatedly, colonization of the mouse gastrointestinal
     Universal NF-kB is a key element of the signaling          tract with the human gut commensal Bacteroides fragi-
cascades that ultimately regulates the transcription of         lis or administration of one of its products, polysaccha-
defensive genes. Being in an inactivated state, NF-kB           ride A, may have a substantial impact on both effector
is located in the cytosol complexed with the inhibitory         and regulatory T cell subsets, depending on the context
protein IkBa [41]. Through the intermediacy of inte-            [53]. These and other findings clearly demonstrate the
gral membrane receptors, a variety of extracellular sig-        role of normal gut microbiota in immunity status and
nals can activate the enzyme IkB kinase (IKK). IKK, in          dependence the status on its balance in the microbiome.
turn, phosphorylates the IkBa protein which results in               Human microbial communities are affected by ex-
ubiquitination, dissociation of IkBa from NF-kB, and            ternal and internal factors that may disbalance its rela-
degradation of IkBa by the proteosome. The activated            tionships with immune system. Comparative study of
NF-kB translocates into the nucleus where it binds to           microbial community structure showed that these are li-
specific sequences of DNA called response elements.             festyle, dietary patterns, antibiotic usage, host genotype
The DNA/NF-kB complex then recruits other proteins              [29, 54–56] and so on. As a result, the structure of normal
such as co-activators and RNA-polymerase which                  gut microbiome may change dramatically, and abnor-
transcribe downstream DNA into mRNA [42]. Impor-                mal gut microflora may contribute to alterations in the
tantly, different pathogens elicit specific transcription       mucosa and immune system, leading to diseases. The


overgrowth of some intestinal opportunistic or pathoge-         persons, down-regulation of the inflammatory response
nic bacterial species as Clostridium difficile, Proteus spp.,   was detected [69].
B. fragilis etc. results in functional disorders [57]. The          These examples show that Lactobacilli administra-
change of human gut bacterial community is associated           tion maintained the innate immune system in alert state
with obesity [58], type 1 diabetes (T1D) [59], hyperten-        through modulated expression of TLRs and cytokine
sion [60], IBD, gastric and colonic cancers [61], multip-       signals in the effector and inductor site of the gut immu-
le sclerosis (MS) (a devastating autoimmune disease lea-        ne system and implicate the potential use of probiotic
ding to progressive deterioration of neurological functi-       bacteria as immunomodulatory agents for humans.
on) [62]. Probiotics have the capacity to reverse deleteri-     Specific probiotic bacteria possess significant anti-in-
ous changes in gut microbiota and local immunity.               flammatory properties which benefit in IBD, including
     Probiotics: immunomodulation of local and                  Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis [70]. Use of Lac-
systemic response. The demonstration that gut mic-              tobacillus species to combat human urinary tract infec-
roflora induces innate immunity has nourished a                 tion is now giving modern concept of genitourinary vac-
background for research on probiotics. Recent data              cine that activates TLR and prevents inflammatory re-
show that probiotic microorganisms exert their protec-          actions in the response of pathogens [71].
tive effects by multiple immune and nonimmune me-                   Probiotics modulate the composition of the intes-
chanisms.                                                       tinal microflora, producing anti-microbial peptides
     Probiotics have been shown to influence both in-           such as defensins [72] and bacteriocins [73] against fo-
nate and adaptive immunity or modify the composition            od-borne pathogens. Probiotic Bifidobacterium speci-
and activity of the gut microbiota. One of the principal        es have been shown to produce acetate which results in
mechanisms of protection against gastroenteric infecti-         lowering pH in microeconiche, inhibition of human gut
ons by probiotics is via modulation of proinflamma-             pathogens, and in the activation of immune response
tory cytokines. Several strains of live lactic acid bacte-      [74]. Indigested probiotic bacteria also modulate the
ria have been shown to induce in vitro the release of           metabolic activity of gut microbiota. In germ-free mi-
TNFa, interleukins, reflecting stimulation of`innate            ce, whole genome transcriptional profiling showed that
immunity [63, 64]. Also the continuous lactobacilli ad-         the exogenously administered probiotic Bifidobacteri-
ministration, before and after Salmonella challenge,            um longum expanded the variety of polysaccharides tar-
protected the mice hosts by modulating the inflamma-            geted for degradation by Bacteroides thetaiotaomic-
tory response, mainly in the immune effector site of the        ron which is a prominent member of the adult human
gut, decreasing TNFa and increasing IFNa and inter-             gut microbiota [75].
leukins production in the small intestine [65]. Lactoba-            Recent findings highlight the important role of com-
cilli up-regulated human beta defensin-2 via induction          mensal and mutualistic bacteria in the bidirectional
of proinflammatory pathways, including NF-kB and                communication of the gut-brain axis and suggest that
AP-1, as well as MAPKs in human [66]. Oral introduc-            certain microorganisms may prove to be useful thera-
tion of Lactobacilli enhanced phagocytosis which res-           peutic adjuncts in stress-related disorders such as anxie-
ponsible for early activation of the inflammatory res-          ty and depression [76]. g-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)
ponse before antibody production [67, 68]. Phagocytes           is the main central nervous system (CNS) inhibitory
release toxic agents, reactive oxygen intermediates and         neurotransmitter and is significantly involved in regula-
lytic enzymes in various inflammatory reactions. Pha-           ting many physiological and psychological processes.
gocytic activity results in the further recruitment of im-      Alterations in central GABA receptor expression are
munocompetent cells and the generation of inflamma-             implicated in the pathogenesis of anxiety and depres-
tory response.                                                  sion which are highly comorbid with functional bowel
     It is therefore interesting to note that probiotic bac-    disorders. Chronic treatment with Lactobacillus rham-
teria were shown to modulate phagocytosis differently           nosus can alter the transcript level for receptors of the
in healthy and allergic subjects: in healthy persons, there     neurotransmitter GABA in the CNS in a region-depen-
was an immunostimulatory effect, whereas in allergic            dent manner. Recent and future advances in functional


genomics and transcriptomics allow elaborate the perso-       tics or artificially assembled communities of beneficial
nal probiotics-based TLR-therapy which comes true             microbial strains;
even in local clinics in the future.                              – due to kombucha biofilm, the starter is prac-
     Symbiotic kombucha microbial community as a              tically immortal and can be activated when needed.
synbiotic. A work in extreme conditions (mines, sub-          This means that the longevity of the KT shelf-life has
marines, polar expeditions, space stations etc.) needs the    no sense;
robust immune system and balanced indigenous intesti-             – slow-growing biofilms produce substantial num-
nal microbiota. The reason is that the microbiome of          bers of persisters (a subpopulation of dormant cells which
crews may deviate substantially from that of its nor-         tolerate adverse factors);
mality as a result of unusual external influences, as well        – multiple healing effects; an energizer;
as psycho-emotional discomfort in hostile conditions.             – KMC has metabolic plasticity and can be adap-
Combined with sharp changes in diet and the increasing        ted to various feeding resources;
sanitary conditions in which crews live, their state of gut       – KMC is resistant to adverse abiotic factors as a high
colonization by normal microbiota may be dysbiotic.           dose of UV radiation, vacuum etc. in model experi-
Protective gut commensals and mutualists may disap-           ments (will be published);
pear, leading to secondary infection by opportunistic             – kombucha is easily, safely and at low cost and
microbes, and may have large health consequences such         labor produced in situ (at home, expeditions, out-posts
as altering predisposition to allergies and autoimmune        etc.);
disease, T1D, MS. Reverse altering community compo-               – the final KT product, a slightly carbonated, acidic-
sition in a positive way may not be quite as straightfor-     sweetish beverage, resembling cider or champagne, is
ward, however, correction with probiotics and prebio-         to create delight and positive emotions.
tics may be reasonable. The microbiome-focused the-               In spite of tremendous interest to the health-pro-
rapeutics is focused on altering the composition of the       moting activity of KMC, there is no systemic scientific
community and endowing it with new functions.                 approach to characterizing KMC collective genome
     Currently probiotics reached a new frontier and may      and its expression in changed environment, using new
contribute to the maintenance of human health under           research opportunities (BOX 2). Practically all fin-
unearthly circumstances. The National Aeronautics and         dings in a study of kombucha microbial symbiosis have
Space Administration (U. S.) is starting to look at how       been done with traditional microbiological approach.
to use probiotics in foods for astronauts. For this purpo-
se L. rhamnosus as leading probiotic bacterium is a pro-          BOX 2. Post-genomics as a new field of research
mising species. The astronaut’s diet is not rich enough in        has been developed over the past decade for comp-
vegetables (soluble and insoluble fibers), and taking             rehensive study of individual and community orga-
probiotics may not be so effective, because of insufficient       nisms and includes metagenomics, transriptomics,
food sources for the probiotic bacteria do not support            proteomics, metabolomics and other «omics». Me-
them in the intestines. Kombucha tea/mat may be a pro-            tagenomics is the cultivation-independent analysis
mising formulation of a probiotic/prebiotic for extre-            of the collective genomes of microbial communiti-
me expeditions on several reasons [77]:                           es within a given environment, using sequence- and
     – kombucha provides a source of both probiotic bac-          function-based approaches [78]. Metagenomics is
teria and yeast, as well as prebiotics (microcellulose)           developed to elucidate the community genomes
which help fuel the growth of helpful microorganisms              with the goal to better understand global microbial
in digestive track; KMC may be accepted as a synbiotic;           ecology. On the other side, metagenomics has been
     – kombucha provides SCFAs and other metabolites              driven by the increasing biotechnological demands
which boost immunity;                                             for novel enzymes and biomolecules. Since it is well
     – the diversity of naturally occurring symbiotic mic-        accepted that the majority of microbes has not yet
roorganisms and appropriate wide range of their acti-             been cultured, these microorganisms represent intri-
vity are advantageous in KT over single strain-probio-            guing hidden new knowledge, as well as a resource


     for the development of novel genes, enzymes and          dressed to functional genomics and transcriptomics.
     chemical compounds for use in biotechnology, phar-       Knowledge about the KMC transcriptomes at standard
     maceutical industry etc. Transcriptomics is the stu-     and changed conditions (which may provoke to deve-
     dy of the transcriptome, the complete set of RNA         lop populations of persisters and other latent microbes)
     transcripts, produced by the genome at any one time.     will invest in the evaluation of putative hidden effects
     The transcriptome shows the activity of genes at         on human health, as well as in the study of bacteria-
     the given moment. Metabolomics is the scientific         yeast interrelationships.
     study of chemical processes involving metabolites.            The kombucha culture is a tiny biochemical facto-
     The pool of small-molecule metabolites present in        ry, producing valuable health-promoting substances.
     a biological cell, tissue, organ or organism as the      Up to date, there is inconsistency in the results of chemi-
     end-products of cellular processes under specific        cal analysis of the kombucha metabolome, and we see a
     physiological state is metabolome. Metabolomics          solving this problem in a comprehensive study of kom-
     relies on the entire set of genes in an organism/s –     bucha metabolome with modern analytical technique
     genome/metagenome – to study physiology.                 and programs in order to identify and characterize bio-
                                                              active compounds and to study their role in healing dise-
    Metagenomic approach in a study of microbial eco-         ases and modulation of immune system. The annotated
systems allows reconstructing the community structure         KMC metagenome and deciphered KMC metabolic
and transcriptome on the base of a high-throughput            pathways and their networks will create a basement for
DNA sequencing and analysis of annotated sequences            separation and a study of unknown valuable specific
with bioinformatics programs. The use of such an ap-          compounds needed for the design of recombinant tech-
proach for a study of the KMC structure will unmask           nology and high-throughput producing. This will be
not-yet-cultivated microorganisms which are expected          helpful for metabolic engineering approach and const-
in such biofilms as SCOBY and stop discussions about          ruction of more efficient pathways of sugars utilization
hidden deleterious microbes. Metagenomics approach            from waste plant materials by KMC during KT fermen-
may help by allowing comprehensive documentation of           tation. Basic science efforts, especially synthetic bio-
changes in the gut «microbiome» of a given individual         logy and systems biology (BOX 3), lead to the way that
as a function of probiotic administration, including          will enable genetic engineering of KMC to endow its
comsumption of KT. It is important for the evaluation         members with new desirable functions that treat disease
of dietary products, consuming as probiotics. Recent          or promote health.
advances in the HMP have furthered our understan-
ding of probiotic functionality and the specific inter-            BOX 3. Synthetic biology aims a better understan-
actions between probiotics and their human hosts (see              ding of biological systems through constructing
rev. [79]). The ability to examine fully sequenced and an-         them. Synthetic biology is a methodology for analy-
notated kombucha genomes will promote the applica-                 zing the dynamics of small biological networks to
tion of genetic approaches to elucidate many important             predict their behavior in experimental and compu-
functional roles of probiotic kombucha microbes. A pa-             ter models and the transition to more complex net-
rallel study of effects of KMC on indigenous or transi-            works in order to understand the functioning of the
ent human microbiota, as well as on the immune sys-                model in the given conditions. In the broadest sense
tem markers allows elaborating the personal kombu cha-             of the term, synthetic biology used to describe inte-
based corrections of functional disorders in a patient-fri-        grated approaches to solving problems of biology
endly manner.                                                      and a holistic view of life. Systems biology is inter-
    How do we make sure that probiotic bacteria do not             disciplinary study field that focuses on complex in-
lose positive and do not endow negative features under             teractions in natural biological systems. Synthetic
effect of adverse conditions? In other words, what res-            ecology is the science of human-altered and human-
pond will be to environmental factors, influencing pro-            created ecosystems. In this sense «synthetic» means
biotics functional properties? These questions are ad-             either artificial fabrication or arrangement of synthe-


      sis. Synthetic ecology either mimics an analog of a      Н. О. Козировська, О. М. Рева, В. Б. Гогінян, Ж.-П. Девера

      particular environment which exists in nature, or in-    Мікробіом чайного гриба як пробіотик: погляд з позиції
      vents a synthetic one based on natural or genetically    постгеноміки і синтетичної екології
      modified environment. Synthetic ecology will undo-       Резюме
      ubtedly be a lively area of research in the coming       Пробіотики мають істотне значення для встановлення і під-
      years, especially, in elaborating autonomous life-       тримки оптимального імунного здоров’я. Пробіотична терапія
                                                               здавна відома з народної медицини, проте демонстрація того,
      support systems, and will benefit from the tools and     що мікрофлора кишечника індукує вроджений імунітет, пред-
      strategies of synthetic biology. Ecological enginee-     ставила науково обгрунтовану концепцію терапевтичного за-
      ring is a study of integrating ecology and enginee-      стосування потенційно корисних мікроорганізмів. Традиційно
                                                               пробіотики пов’язані з молочними продуктами, тим не менш, для
      ring, anticipating the design, monitoring and const-     зміцнення здоров’я є потреба у нових препаратах, основу яких
      ruction of ecosystems, including microecosystems.        складають, перш за все, природні симбіотичні мікробні угрупо-
                                                               вання. Особливо безпечні і надійні пробіотики необхідні для три-
                                                               валих експедицій, у тому числі позаземних, іншопланетних баз, де
     In coming future, the engineering of the kombucha         люди піддаються дії несприятливих чинників довкілля. Через це
microbiota to interact directly with the human host in         профілактика та коригування імунної системи за допомогою про-
                                                               біотиків стають особливо важливими. Комбуча (чайний гриб) є
new ways (catabolism of cholesterol, production of             симбіотичним угрупованням бактерій та дріжджів і відомий як
valuable biologicals in gut, etc.) on the basement of de-      напій, що зміцнює здоров’я. Сучасні методи дослідження перебу-
                                                               вають на стадії відновлення популярності комбучі як пробіотика
ciphered individual gut microbiome will be possible.           для лікування і профілактики багатьох захворювань. Препарати
Novel cooperative robust synthetic ecosystems compo-           комбучі у недалекому майбутньому використовуватимуться як
sed of yeast and bacteria strains, like CoSMO (for Co-         фармакологічні.
                                                                  Ключові слова: пробіотики, постгеноміка, синтетична еко-
operation that is Synthetic and Mutually Obligatory)           логія.
[80], will be constructed for healing purposes. Synthe-
tic approaches can then be combined with analysis in           Н. А. Козыровская, О. Н. Рева, В. Б. Гогинян, Ж.-П. Девера
the laboratory and in nature to triangulate the rules of       Микробиом чайного гриба как пробиотик: взгляд с позиции
natural systems.                                               постгеномики и синтетической экологии
     Both natural and genetically engineered kombucha          Резюме
microbiome will be the indispensable component of re-
                                                               Пробиотики имеют существенное значение для установления и
generative life-support system. In addition to a probio-       поддержания оптимального иммунного здоровья. Пробиотичес-
tic for crew, KT is a promising probiotic for growing          кая терапия издавна известна из народной медицины, однако де-
                                                               монстрация того, что микрофлора кишечника индуцирует врож-
plants, and a kombucha mat could be used for both              денный иммунитет, предоставила научно обоснованную концеп-
crews and animals feeding as a rich source of biologi-         цию терапевтического применения потенциально полезных мик-
                                                               роорганизмов. Традиционно пробиотики связаны с молочными про-
cals. The kombucha jelly-like mat is a valuable resour-        дуктами, тем не менее, для укрепления здоровья возникает по-
ce for a formation of fertile soil.                            требность в новых препаратах, основу которых составляют, в
                                                               первую очередь, природные симбиотические микробные сообщест-
     Returning from the far future to nowadays, we may         ва. Особенно безопасные и надежные пробиотики необходимы
conclude that post-genomics tools will make a progress         для длительных экспедиций, в том числе внеземных, инопланет-
                                                               ных баз, где люди подвергаются действию неблагоприятных фак-
in the research of SCOBY, and the output of post-ge-           торов окружающей среды. В связи с этим профилактика и кор-
nomics studies will raise, first of all, a vote of confiden-   рекция иммунной системы с помощью пробиотиков особенно важ-
                                                               ны. Комбуча (чайный гриб) – это симбиотическое сообщество
ce to natural healing kombucha products. Secondly, stu-        бактерий и дрожжей, известный как напиток, укрепляющий здо-
dies on functional metagenomics would provide evi-             ровье. Современные методы исследования находятся на стадии
                                                               восстановления популярности комбучи как пробиотика для лече-
dences on healing effects of KT and kombucha mat and           ния и профилактики многих заболеваний. Препараты комбучи в
create a basement for safe use of these products in ad-        недалеком будущем будут использовать как фармакологические.
                                                                   Ключевые слова: пробиотики, постгеномика, синтетическая
verse conditions of long-term earthly expeditions and          экология.
in the future space missions or extraterrestrial bases.
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