Linguistic Phenomena in Natural Language Understanding

Linguistic Phenomena in Natural Language Understanding
C URRICULUM: A Broad-Coverage Benchmark for
             Linguistic Phenomena in Natural Language Understanding

                                            Zeming Chen Qiyue Gao
                                        Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
                                         {chenz16, gaoq}

    In the age of large transformer language mod-
    els, linguistic evaluation play an important role
    in diagnosing models’ abilities and limitations
    on natural language understanding. However,
    current evaluation methods show some signif-
    icant shortcomings. In particular, they do not
    provide insight into how well a language model
    captures distinct linguistic skills essential for
    language understanding and reasoning. Thus                     Figure 1: We propose a broad-coverage diagnostic
    they fail to effectively map out the aspects of                benchmark for linguistic-phenomena-driven evaluation.
    language understanding that remain challeng-                   Our benchmark includes both a dataset collection and an
    ing to existing models, which makes it hard to                 evaluation procedure for evaluating model performance
    discover potential limitations in models and                   and diagnosing linguistic skills captured by a model.
    datasets. In this paper, we introduce C UR -                   We evaluate models fine-tuned on large NLI datasets
    RICULUM as a new format of NLI benchmark
                                                                   through four types of diagnostic tests: zero-shot, inocu-
    for evaluation of broad-coverage linguistic phe-               lation, hypothesis-only, and cross-distribution.
    nomena. C URRICULUM contains a collection
    of datasets that covers 36 types of major linguis-
    tic phenomena and an evaluation procedure for
    diagnosing how well a language model captures                  made that these benchmarks fail to serve as effec-
    reasoning skills for distinct types of linguis-                tive measures of progress in machine learning (Raji
    tic phenomena. We show that this linguistic-                   et al., 2021). In particular, the task design does not
    phenomena-driven benchmark can serve as an                     formulate specific linguistic skills required for un-
    effective tool for diagnosing model behavior                   derstanding. They lack the effectiveness in helping
    and verifying model learning quality. In addi-
                                                                   researchers understand how certain systems or mod-
    tion, our experiments provide insight into the
    limitation of existing benchmark datasets and                  els work and how they fail. Although many state-
    state-of-the-art models that may encourage fu-                 of-the-art language models have shown impressive
    ture research on re-designing datasets, model                  performance on these common benchmarks, their
    architectures, and learning objectives. 1 .                    performance degrades considerably on adversarial
                                                                   or out-of-distribution samples (Bras et al., 2020).
1    Introduction                                                  The performance drop shows that models may not
With the rising power of pre-trained language mod-                 be learning the required linguistic skills for solving
els, large-scale benchmarks serve as an important                  the tasks of these benchmarks but exploit spurious
factor driving the future progress of NLP. These                   dataset biases (Poliak et al., 2018b). Overall, the
benchmarks can provide a tool for analyzing the                    current benchmark format seems to be more like
strengths and weaknesses of pre-trained language                   a contest than a tool that can explain how well a
models. In recent years, many benchmarks (Wang                     language model captures distinct linguistic skills
et al., 2019, 2020; Rajpurkar et al., 2018) have                   essential to language understanding and reasoning.
been proposed that offer a diverse set of evaluation                 In this paper, we propose a new form of bench-
objectives. However, recent criticisms have been                   mark that serves as a diagnostic evaluation tool for
     Our code and data are publicly available at https://github.   analyzing model linguistic skills. We present C UR -
com/eric11eca/curriculum-ling                                      RICULUM benchmark: a framework for diagnosing

    Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics:
                                    Human Language Technologies, pages 3204 - 3219
                            July 10-15, 2022 ©2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
neural language models through broad-coverage            eralize when the difficulties of the train and test
linguistic phenomena. Our benchmark includes (1)         distributions are different, for example, relational
a large-scale collection of natural language infer-      knowledge, puns, and contextual commonsense
ence (NLI) datasets covering 36 linguistic phenom-       reasoning. A model’s learning performance may
ena and (2) an evaluation procedure for probing          not align with its generalization ability, suggesting
and evaluating how well a language model captures        the lack of a general reasoning skill.
reasoning skills for distinct types of linguistic phe-      Overall, our proposed benchmark systematically
nomena. Targeted linguistic phenomena in C UR -          maps out a wide range of specific linguistic skills
RICULUM range from fundamental properties like           required for language understanding and inference.
named entity and coreference to complex ones like        We envision linguistic-phenomena-based evalua-
commonsense and deductive reasoning. With the            tion to be an integral component of general linguis-
C URRICULUM benchmark, we aim to investigate             tic intelligence. We hope C URRICULUM can serve
the following research questions:                        as a useful evaluation tool that can map out which
• Q1: Do language models trained on benchmark            aspects of the problem space remain challenging
  datasets have the ability to reason over a wide        for existing systems and models.
  range of linguistic phenomena?
                                                         2   Related Work
• Q2: Are linguistic phenomena missing from
  the training data recoverable through inoculation      NLU Benchmarks In recent years, multiple
  (i.e., continuing to train models on a small sam-      large-scale benchmarks for evaluating models’ gen-
  ple of examples) (Liu et al., 2019a)?                  eral language understanding performance have
• Q3: Do language models learn a general reason-         been proposed. Similar to our benchmark’s task
  ing skill of a phenomenon through inoculation?         format, SNLI (Bowman et al., 2015) and MultiNLI
To address the above questions, we empirically an-       (Williams et al., 2018) are the two common
alyze NLI models trained on popular benchmark            benchmarks for Natural Language Inference (NLI).
datasets through a pipeline of evaluations that in-      GLUE and SuperGLUE are the two most popular
cludes: a zero-shot diagnostic test, inoculation re-     benchmarks that aim to provide a straightforward
training, hypothesis-only sanity check, and cross        comparison between task-agnostic transfer learn-
cross-distribution generalization tests.                 ing techniques. They cover various task formats,
                                                         task domains, and training volumes, with datasets
   For Q1, we observe that models trained on
                                                         all collected from publicly available sources. The
benchmark datasets, including adversarial data, do
                                                         construction of our benchmark is similar in that
not have the reasoning ability for a large set of lin-
                                                         we also collect publicly available datasets from
guistic phenomena. Our results show that training
                                                         peer-reviewed papers. Adversarial NLI (ANLI) is
on more datasets can help the model learn more
                                                         a new benchmark collected "via an iterative, adver-
types of reasoning but does not help the model ac-
                                                         sarial human-and-model-in-the-loop procedure."
quire complex reasoning skills such as deductive
                                                         (Nie et al., 2020). ANLI is shown to be a more
and commonsense reasoning. Our benchmark ex-
                                                         difficult challenge than previous benchmarks. Dif-
poses multiple knowledge gaps in large NLI mod-
                                                         ferent from these benchmarks, our work aims to
els regarding diverse linguistic phenomena, particu-
                                                         map out and evaluate specific linguistic skills a
larly in the categories of commonsense and compre-
                                                         model needs for language understanding.
hension. For Q2, our analysis provides empirical
evidence that exposes the lack of recoverable lin-       Fine-grained NLU Evaluation On top of large-
guistic phenomena in benchmark datasets and mod-         scale benchmarks, there are several works (Joshi
els’ inability to learn certain linguistic phenomena.    et al., 2020; Tarunesh et al., 2021) contributing
We also show that, on some phenomena, models             to the fine-grained analysis of model performance.
may rely heavily on spurious dataset bias existing       They collect data examples from existing bench-
in the hypothesis to reach high accuracy. For Q3,        marks by attaching taxonomic category labels to
Our experiments show that models can adapt be-           each data. Or, they build semi-synthetic data allow-
tween distributions with different difficulties only     ing analysis on 17 reasoning dimensions. Our data
on 22.2% of the phenomena such as Boolean, con-          collection and categorization concepts are similar
ditional, and comparative logic. In the majority         to them. However, our work covers more linguistic
(58.3 %) of the phenomena, models fail to gen-           phenomena that are difficult but important such as
Category         Description                                                     Phenomena

                   Testing a model’s Word-level reasoning                          Lexical Entailment (lex-ent), Named Entity (ner)
  Lexical          skill on lexical semantic, direct, transitive,                  Hypernymy (hyper), Hyponymy (hypo)
                   and compositional lexical relationships.                        Veridicality & Transitivity (transit)
                   Testing a model’s reasoning skill on                            Syntactic Alternation (syn-alt), VerbNet (vbn)
                   syntactic structure and compositionality.                       Syntactic Variation (syn-var), VerbCorner (vbc)
                   Testing a model’s reasoning skill on sentence-level reasoning   Sentiment (senti), Relational Knowledge (kg-rel),
  Semantic         involving diverse semantic properties: entity relations,        Puns (puns), Semantic Proto Label (sprl)
                   context, events, subjectivity, and semantic proto roles.        Context Alignment (ctx-align), Coreference (coref)
                   Testing a model’s reasoning skill on logical operations:        Boolean (bool), Counting (count), Conditional (cond)
  Logical          propositional structure, quantification, negation,              Comparative (comp), Negation (negat)
                   and monotonicity reasoning.                                     Monotonicity (monot), Quantifier (quant)
                   Testing a model’s knowledge exploitation ability: drawing       Entailment Tree (ent-tree)
  Analytical       accurate conclusions based on domain-specific knowledge,        Analytical Reasoning (analytic)
                   symbolic knowledge, and interpretable reasoning steps.
                   Testing a model’s reasoning skill on commonsense knowledge      Physical (physic), Social (social), HellaSwag (swag)
                   independent of cultural and educational background.             Contextual Commonsense Reasoning (cosmo)
                   Testing a model’s reasoning skill on complex reading            Event Semantics (ester), Discrete Reasoning (drop)
  Comprehension    comprehension and inference, covering aspects of                Deductive Reasoning (logi)
                   semantic, context, logic, and numerical                         Long Contextual Reasoning (control)
                   Testing a model’s everyday reasoning skill. Including           Spatial Reasoning (spat), Temporal Reasoning (temp)
  Special          non-monotonic reasoning about valid but defeasible hypothesis   Defeasible Reasoning (defeas)
                   from hypothetical context and spatial-temporal reasoning.       Counterfactual Reasoning (counter)

Table 1: This table lists the eight categories of linguistic phenomena covered by our dataset collection. We provide
a brief introduction for each category describing the types of linguistic skills they intend to evaluate. We also list the
dataset names and abbreviations each category contains.

commonsense and non-monotonic reasoning.                             formation on syntactic phenomena but only weakly
                                                                     encode information on semantic tasks compared to
Challenge Datasets for NLU Many challenge                            non-contextual baselines. Chen and Gao (2021)’s
datasets have been developed to evaluate models on                   linguistic-information-probing framework extends
specific linguistic skills for understanding. These                  the edge-probing study by focusing on different se-
datasets are in different formats such as NLI, Ques-                 mantic phenomena that are important for logical in-
tion Answering (QA), and Reading Comprehen-                          ference in natural language. Their results show that
sion (RC). They target a large set of skills includ-                 pre-trained contextual embeddings encode more
ing monotonicity (Yanaka et al., 2019a), deduc-                      linguistic information on simple semantic phenom-
tive logic (Liu et al., 2020), event semantics (Han                  ena than complex phenomena. Our work is partly
et al., 2021), physical and social commonsense                       motivated by this line of work in which our evalu-
(Sap et al., 2019; Bisk et al., 2019), defeasible rea-               ation is based on the fact that pre-trained models
soning (Rudinger et al., 2020), and more. Our work                   can capture specific linguistic skills from learning.
brings together a set of challenge datasets to build
a benchmark covering a large set of specific lin-                       Other work investigates if models use specific
guistic skills. We also merge different evaluation                   linguistic skills to solve a downstream task. The
methods proposed by these works into a complete                      DNC benchmark (Poliak et al., 2018a) provides a
evaluation pipeline for our benchmark.                               collection of datasets for analyzing if models use
                                                                     distinct linguistic phenomena to conduct natural
Probing Linguistic Knowledge Several works                           language inference. Several tasks in our bench-
have found evidence that pre-trained models’ repre-                  mark come directly from this collection. However,
sentations encode knowledge about linguistic phe-                    our benchmark covers a wider range of linguis-
nomena. Tenney et al. (2019) probe contextual rep-                   tic phenomena from more categories than DNC.
resentations from four pre-trained language mod-                     In particular, our benchmark contains semantic
els through the edge-probing method across tasks                     phenomena and includes phenomena from funda-
ranging from syntactic and semantic phenomena.                       mental linguistic properties to complex reasoning
They find that pre-trained models encode rich in-                    types. In addition, our benchmark includes a sys-
tematic evaluation methodology that allows a more         training, such as medical knowledge. We finalize
in-depth analysis of model behavior.                      our selection with 36 datasets. Figure 1 shows
                                                          a detailed ontology of our selected linguistic phe-
3   The C URRICULUM Benchmark                             nomena and their abbreviations. Our motivation for
                                                          dataset selection is mainly based on the linguistic
3.1 A New Form of Benchmark
                                                          phenomena categories that we aim to cover which
Recently, Raji et al. (2021) suggested that good          will range from a simple to complex setting.
benchmark construction should focus on mapping
out a specific set of linguistic skills required for      3.3 Unified Task Format
language understanding. They recommend a fu-              We unified the task formats into a single linguistic
ture benchmark should provide interpretation on           task, Natural Language Inference (NLI). NLI is a
how systems work and how they fail on particular          task for Natural Language Understanding. The task
aspects of a problem space. Following this sug-           requires a model to classify the logical relationship
gestion, we propose a new form of benchmark:              between premise and a hypothesis. This logical
linguistic-phenomena-driven evaluation. Our main          relationship can either be Entailment (premise is
objective is to reformulate the benchmark not sim-        true implies the hypothesis is absolutely true), Con-
ply to be a scoreboard for SOTA model contest             tradiction (premise is true implies the hypothesis
but rather as a real measurement and standardiza-         is absolutely false), and Neutral (one cannot deter-
tion tool for (1) analyzing model performance, (2)        mine if the hypothesis is true or false based on the
exposing model and dataset weakness and (3) pro-          premise) (Dagan et al., 2013). We select NLI as the
viding insights for future research directions.           universal task format because NLI often serves as a
   The curriculum benchmark aims to map out a             general evaluation method for models on different
specific set of linguistic skills required for language   downstream tasks. A model would need to han-
understanding. Our benchmark will serve as a diag-        dle nearly the full complexity of natural language
nostic framework for linguistic-phenomena-driven          understanding in order to solve the NLI task (Po-
probing and evaluation. The targeted linguistic           liak et al., 2018b). Our benchmark contains two
skills should range from fundamental linguistic           types of NLI problems: (1) the 3-way NLI with
properties to complex reasoning types. Our lin-           Entailment, Contradiction, and Neutral; (2)
guistic phenomena selection is motivated by three         the 2-way NLI with Entailed and Not-Entailed.
benchmarks: GLUE Diagnostic, Rainbow, and                 Each example has a premise and a hypothesis with
DNC. In addition, we include many more phenom-            2-way or 3-way labels.
ena focusing on complex reasoning types such as
deductive logic and analytical thinking. Our fi-          3.4 Automatic Recast
nalized benchmark covers eight categories of lin-         To convert non-NLI datasets into the NLI task for-
guistic phenomena. Each linguistic phenomenon is          mat, we follow the dataset recast procedure (Poliak
considered one task, and one should train, evaluate,      et al., 2018b): automatically convert from non-
and analyze models on each phenomenon individ-            NLI datasets with minimum human intervention.
ually. We briefly describe the types of reasoning         We design algorithmic ways to generate sentence
skill each category focus on in Table 1. Appendix         pairs from the input text and convert the original
A and B shows a list of references and dataset de-        labels into the NLI labels. Question Answering
tails for the train and test datasets used for each       (QA) and Reading Comprehension (RC) are the
linguistic phenomenon.                                    two major tasks we need to convert. To convert
                                                          datasets into NLI format, we follow the standard
3.2 Dataset                                               procedure (Khot et al., 2018). In QA datasets, if
We collect many challenge NLI or NLU datasets             choices are given as declarative statements, we con-
and filter them individually with the following crite-    sider them as hypotheses and the question context
ria: (1) We focus on datasets that evaluate a specific    as the premise. If choices are given as phrases an-
or a set of specific linguistic phenomena. (2) We         swering the question, we concatenate the context
focus on English monolingual datasets that are in-        and question to form a premise and consider the
stitutional and publicly available. (3) We exclude        answers as hypotheses. Several datasets are tasks
tasks that require domain-specific knowledge that         with free-response problems, and an answer can
we would not expect a model to learn through pre-         only be converted to an entailed hypothesis. To
P           Iv    P             Iv    P            Iv           Name               Model                  Train/Test     Accuracy
     lex-ent    0.31   transit      0.41   hyper      -0.99          roberta-mnli                              MNLI/MNLI      90.2%
                                                                                        (Liu et al., 2019b)
     hypo      -0.10   ner          0.19   vbn         0.55                             BART
                                                                     bart-mnli                                 MNLI/MNLI      89.9 %
                                                                                        (Lewis et al., 2020)
     vbc       -0.40   syn-alt      0.10   syn-var     0.11                                                    SNLI, MNLI,
     bool       1.12   cond         1.13   cont        0.75          roberta-anli-mix   RoBERTa                FEVER, ANLI/   53.7 %
     comp       0.98   negat        1.13   quant       0.78                                                    ANLI
                                                                                                               SNLI, MNLI
     monot     -1.57   kg-rel       0.05   coref      -0.38                             XLNet
                                                                     xlnet-anli-mix                            FEVER, ANLI/   55.1 %
     senti      0.42   ctx-align   -0.79   puns        0.14                             (Yang et al., 2019)    ANLI
     sprl      -0.11   ent-tree     0.50   analytic    0.00
     temp       0.10   spat         0.49   counter     0.47      Table 3: Details on models used in our experiments. All
     defeas    -0.39   social      -0.40   physic     -0.17      four models are large models and publicly available.
     swag      -0.66   cosmo       -0.57   drop        0.19
     ester     -0.10   logi        -0.71   control    -0.07
                                                                 V-information (PVI) where we measure the diffi-
Table 2: Dataset difficulty measured by the amount               culty of each data example. Given a training dataset
of usable information (Iv ) from input data instances.
                                                                 Dtrain = {(xi , yi )}ni=1 , and the predictive family
The lower Iv is the more difficulty a dataset will be for
the model. P here are the abbreviations of linguistic            V, the PVI of a data instance (x, y) ∈ Dtrain is
phenomena listed in Table 1                                      computed as:

                                                                     PVI(x → y) = − log2 f [∅](y) + log2 f ′ [x](y),
generate non-entailed hypotheses, we use several
techniques during recasting. We show more details                where ∅ is an empty string (null input) and
on our conversion techniques in Appendix C. As                   {f, f ′ } ⊆ V. f ′ and f are models fine-tuned
a sanity check on our resulting datasets, we em-                 from Dtrain and {(∅, yi )|(xi , yi ) ∈ Dtrain } re-
pirically find low performance on standard partial-              spectively. The V-information framework can also
input baselines (Poliak et al., 2018b), suggesting               serve as a difficulty measurement for datasets and
that our conversion yields data of high quality.                 can be computed explicitly by averaging over PVI:

3.5 Dataset Difficulty                                                                             1X
                                                                            Iv (X → Y) =              PVI(xi → yi )
To enhance our benchmark to provide more infor-                                                          i

mation on each dataset for in-depth evaluation and               As Table 2 shows, the difficulty level ranges from
analysis, we provide each phenomenon a difficulty                negative to positive. The higher the V-information
level. We use the predictive V-information (Etha-                is, the easier a dataset is for the model.
yarajh et al., 2021) as a measurement for dataset
difficulty. The V-information can measure how                    Dataset Controlled Split For our model evalua-
much information an input variable X can provide                 tion pipeline, we are interested in verifying model’s
about Y when constrained to functions V. Intu-                   ability to learn a generalizable reasoning skill on
itively, more usable infromation X can provide, the              linguistic phenomena. In particular, we want to
easier a dataset is for the functions V. Formally,               check if a model can generalize when its training
let ∅ denote a null input that provides no informa-              and testing data distributions have different mea-
tion about Y and V as a predictive family, we can                surement of difficulty. Thus, we need to conduct
compute the V-information Iv (X → Y) as follows:                 controlled split on datasets based on the point-wise
                                                                 difficulty, i.e. the point-wise V-information of their
               Hv (Y ) = inf E[− log f [∅](Y)]                   data examples. We first calculate the PVI(x → y)
                           f ∈V
                                                                 for each phenomenon dataset, then we split each
          Hv (Y |X) = inf E[− log f [X](Y)]                      dataset into two portions: simple and hard, based
                           f ∈V
                                                                 on the calculation of each example’s PVI.
         Iv (X → Y) = Hv (Y ) − Hv (Y |X)
                                                                 4      Evaluation Methodology
where X, Y denote random variables with sam-
ple spaces X , Y. According to Ethayarajh et al.                 We define an evaluation process for the C URRICU -
(2021), ∅ can be an empty string here as f [∅]                   LUM benchmark that aims to bring different types
models the label entropy. This framework can nat-                of evaluation and diagnosing methods used by pre-
urally adapt to the calculation of the point-wise                vious challenge NLI datasets. Following Raji et al.
(2021)’s suggestion, we want our evaluation pro-         Cross-Distribution Generalization We conduct
cess to both to analyze the model output in detail       the cross-distribution generalization test (Rozen
and explore which aspects of the inference problem       et al., 2019) to verify if the model learns a general
space remain challenging to current models.              reasoning skill from inoculation. The good inocula-
                                                         tion performance does not ensure that the model’s
Zero-shot Diagnostic Test This test is motivated         learned skill is generalizable. The model can likely
by the diagnostic test in GLUE. We focus on provid-      over-fit the dataset distribution by adopting superfi-
ing fine-grained analysis of zero-shot system per-       cial cues. We evaluate the model’s generalization
formance on a broad range of linguistic phenomena.       ability by training and testing the model on distri-
We follow the GLUE diagnostic dataset and use the        butions yielding different difficulty levels within
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) (Jurman           the same dataset. For example, we train the model
et al., 2012) as the evaluation metric. MCC com-         on the simple part of the dataset (data with high
putes the correlation coefficient of the predicted       V-information) and test it on the hard part (data
labels and the true labels. The correlation coeffi-      with low V-information).
cient value is between -1 and +1. A coefficient of
                                                         4.1 Experiment Setup
+1 indicates a perfect prediction. A 0 indicates aver-
age random prediction A -1 indicates the classifier      For the zero-shot test, we test a model on each
always miss-classifies. MCC is perfectly symmet-         test set without additional fine-tuning. We select
ric, so it can be used even if the dataset has classes   NLI models with top performance on NLI bench-
with different sizes.                                    marks MNLI and ANLI. We list these models in
                                                         Table 3. We are interested in evaluating models
Inoculation by Fine-tuning We use inoculation            with both the single-encoder and the text2text ar-
(Liu et al., 2019a) to further analyze model fail-       chitecture. All models are publicly available from
ures on target linguistic phenomena. This method         Huggingface (Wolf et al., 2019). For inoculation,
fine-tunes the model on a down-sampled training          we fine-tune models on training examples with a
section of a phenomenon dataset (inoculation). One       size ranging from 10 to 1000 examples per label.
can interpret inoculation performance in two ways:       For the cross-distribution generalization test, we
                                                         first create variant data distributions for train and
1. Good performance: the original training set of
                                                         test sets using the V-information-based dataset split
   the model, prior to inoculation, did not suffi-
                                                         method from Section 3.5. We split each dataset
   ciently cover the target phenomenon, but it is
                                                         into two portions (simple and hard) according to
   recoverable through through additional training
                                                         the point-wise V information. Next, we either train
   on a small sample of data.
                                                         and test the model on the same difficulty distribu-
2. Poor performance: there exists a model weak-
                                                         tion or train it on one portion and test it on a dif-
   ness to handle the target phenomenon.
                                                         ferent portion. In the inoculation, hypothesis-only,
                                                         and generalization experiments, we all use roberta-
Hypothesis-only Bias Analysis We conduct                 anli-mix as our NLI model because its training set
analysis on hypothesis-only bias as (1) a sanity         covers all the major NLI training datasets: SNLI,
check for our converted datasets and also and (2)        MNLI, FEVER (Thorne et al., 2018), and ANLI.
a verification on whether model’s good perfor-           We use accuracy as our evaluation metric for all
mance is from leveraging artifacts in the hypothe-       these three experiments. For all the experiments
ses. We train a hypothesis-only baseline (Poliak         excluding zero-shot test, we run several turns and
et al., 2018b) for each phenomenon and compare           select the best performance for analysis.
their performance against the best models from the
inoculation experiment. We want to ensure that           5   Empirical Analysis
models’ improved performance after inoculation is
due to their ability to reason about a hypothesis and    5.1 Zero-shot Linguistic Phenomena Diagnose
the given context together. If the hypothesis-only       First, we report the results on zero-shot diagnos-
baseline shows good performance, we interpret this       tic evaluation for each baseline model. From Fig-
as a sign that the datasets contain artifact. If the     ure 2a, we observe that both single-encoder and
baseline shows poor performance, it gives evidence       text2text models trained on MultiNLI show a neg-
that the model is not taking short-cuts.                 ative correlation in the majority of linguistic phe-
Matthews Correlation Coefficient
                                                                                                                          roberta-mnli         roberta-anli-mix
                                        0.5                                                                               bart-mnli            xlnet-anli-mix














                                                               (a) Zero-shot system performance on the C URRICULUM benchmark.
                                                    Lexical                     Syntactic                    Logical                       Semantic
                 100                                                 100                        100                          100
                           80                                         80                         80                           80
                           60                                         60                         60                           60
                           40                                         40                         40                           40
                                          10 50 100 500 1000               10 50 100 500 1000           10 50 100 500 1000          10 50 100 500 1000
                                                    Analytic                     Special                 Commonsense                     Comprehension
                 100                                                 100                        100                          100
                           80                                         80                         80                           80
                           60                                         60                         60                           60
                           40                                         40                         40                           40
                                          10 50 100 500 1000               10 50 100 500 1000           10 50 100 500 1000          10 50 100 500 1000
                                          lex-ent         ner         syn-var      comp     kg-rel           puns       temp              social        logi
                                          transit         vbn         bool         negat    coref            sprl       spat              physic        drop
                                          hyper           vbc         cond         quant    senti            ent-tree   counter           swag          ester
                                          hypo            syn-alt     cont         monot    ctx-align        analytic   atomic            cosmo         control

                           40                                                                                                                          complete












     (b) Inoculation by fine-tuning vs. hypothesis-only analysis. The X-axis of the top plot represents training examples
     per label. Both plots’ Y-axis show the accuracy. Models used in these two experiments are both the roberta-anli-mix
     model, introduced in Section 4.1.

nomena. Meanwhile, anli-mix models (roberta-                                                     datasets from common benchmarks lack examples
anli-mix, xlnet-anli-mix) are positively correlated                                              of a diverse set of reasoning skills.
on most (77.8 %) of the phenomena and they show
high correlation (> 0.50) on 27.8 % of the phe-                                                  5.2 Inoculation
nomena. On average, models trained on the large                                                  Based on Figure 2b, the model can reach high ac-
dataset mixture show better performance than mod-                                                curacy on about 64 % of the phenomena as the
els trained on MultiNLI alone, suggesting that train-                                            training examples accumulate. Most of these phe-
ing on more datasets help models capture more                                                    nomena have higher V information (> 0.0) that
types of linguistic phenomena. However, most of                                                  should relatively be easier to learn. We are sur-
the phenomena captured by the anli-mix models are                                                prised that for some hard phenomena (≤ 0.0) such
easier to learn (higher V information). On harder                                                as commonsense contextual reasoning (cosmo, -
phenomena, models did not benefit from the train-                                                0.67), the model’s performance improved after in-
ing dataset mixture. For instance, both the anli-mix                                             oculation. The improvement shows an gap in the
models have a low correlation on deductive and                                                   original training data mixture. On 25 % of the phe-
analytical reasoning. Overall, we find that NLI                                                  nomena, the model’s performance did not improve
lex-ent     transit     hyper        hypo         ner         vbn         vbc       syn-alt     syn-var
                simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard simple hard

       simple    96    87    94    61    69    57    55    42     95     87   99   94    93    46    99    78     87   82
        hard     68 88       74 99       41 65       37 74        40 90       84 96      73 82       27 99        52 97
                   bool       cond        comp         cont        quant       negat      monot       coref        senti
       simple    99    99    99    99    99    99    97    52     99     99   99   99    85    41    79    43     98   99
        hard     99 99       99 99       99 99       34 99        96 99       99 99      40 96       56 85        33 99
                  kg-rel      puns         sprl      ctx-align    analytic    ent-tree    social      physic       swag
       simple    83    38    92    32    83    82    82    42     68     30   99   97    49    32    57    47     83   57
        hard     53 98       48 96       68 80       57 98        26 67       99 99      36 62       44 92        56 55
                  cosmo       temp         spat      counter       defeas       logi      ester        drop        control
       simple    76    53    88    70    99    88    97    98     84     54   59   43    58    36    89    59     67   29
        hard     50    82    36    84    99    99    33    99     41     61   39   62    41    68    52    83     28   59

Figure 3: Generalization between controlled dataset splits. Here each heat-map shows the generalization performance
of the model fine-tuned and evaluated on different distributions within each linguistic phenomenon.

significantly after inoculation, meaning that it fails                 while the baseline has low accuracy, suggesting the
to learn the reasoning skills for these phenomena.                     model can learn the phenomenon without relying
Most of these phenomena are difficult, with a low                      on hypothesis artifacts. On 36 % of the phenomena,
V information, such as monotonicity(mono) and                          the model does not show a significant performance
deductive (logi) reasoning. The accuracy is consis-                    gain compared to the baseline. Most of these are
tently low when training examples accumulate.                          complex reasoning phenomena like deductive and
   We also observe that model struggles to learn                       analytical reasoning. The result validates that the
phenomena that require complex reasoning, such                         model struggles more with complex linguistic phe-
as phenomena from the comprehension category.                          nomena. On 33.3 % of the phenomena, both the
This trends show inherent weaknesses in the model                      full-model and the baseline achieve high accuracy
or its training strategy that cause its failure to learn               showing the possibility that the model exploits arti-
complex and hard phenomena. Overall, results                           facts from the hypothesis to reach high accuracy.
from this experiment, combined with the zero-shot                         Also, note that the hypothesis-only baseline per-
evaluation, suggest that many linguistic phenomena                     forms better for some tasks than the fine-tuned
are missing from different large-scale NLI datasets                    model, which can be interpreted in two ways.
but are recoverable through additional training ex-                    When both the baseline and fine-tuned model
amples. However, the model fails to learn the skills                   achieve high accuracy (vbc, syn-alt), higher accu-
for hard and complex phenomena. In summary,                            racy on baseline indicates that the hypothesis-only
our diagnostic study through inoculation exposes a                     bias is pretty strong in the dataset. When the inter-
diverse set of dataset and model weaknesses.                           vention from the premise is removed (hypothesis-
                                                                       only input), the models can easily exploit the bias
5.3 Hypothesis-only Bias                                               to achieve higher accuracy. In contrast, when both
To determine if models can leverage spurious arti-                     the baseline and fine-tuned model achieve low ac-
facts in the hypotheses of each phenomenon, we                         curacy (hypo, analytic, social, ester), higher ac-
compare full models to hypothesis-only baselines.                      curacy on baseline indicates that the task is very
From Figure 2b, we observe that hypothesis-only                        difficult for a model to master successfully. Low
baseline performs poorly on a majority of the phe-                     baseline accuracy means that the dataset does not
nomena. This indicates that our benchmark gener-                       contain much bias, so a model must learn the cor-
ally requires the model to learn an inference pro-                     rect reasoning to perform well. However, the fine-
cess between contexts and hypotheses for good                          tuned model has even worse performance than the
performance. We observe that on 30.6% of the phe-                      baseline, meaning that it fails to learn the skill re-
nomena, the full-model can reach a high accuracy                       quired for these tasks. Our main finding here is
that good performance on a linguistic phenomenon         language models capture specific linguistic skills
dataset does not mean the model captured the asso-       essential for understanding. Our major findings
ciated phenomena. The model can learn short-cuts         include:
through hypothesis-only bias and artifacts.              • Models trained on benchmark NLI datasets fail to
                                                            reason over a diverse set of linguistic phenomena.
5.4 Generalization                                       • Good inoculation performance on some phenom-
As Figure 3 show, the model can adapt between               ena results from the model leveraging superficial
different distributions only on 22.2 % of the phe-          artifacts in the hypothesis.
nomena. The model achieves high accuracy consis-         • The model tends to over-fit the dataset distribu-
tently for all four categories in the generalization        tion without learning a general reasoning skill on
matrix suggesting the learned skills are general-           a majority of phenomena.
izable. On 58.3 % phenomena, models can not              Overall, our benchmark effectively evaluates a
generalize between different difficulty distributions.   model on specific linguistic skills and exposes a
They show higher accuracy when trained and tested        list of model and training data weaknesses. We
on the same distribution but low accuracy when the       hope that our benchmark and empirical findings
test distribution shifted. For example, on relational    can encourage the communicate to rethink dataset
knowledge reasoning (kg-rel), the model achieves         construction and model architecture design. In
83% for simple → simple and 98 % for hard →              particular, we hope to encourage the the develop-
hard. Nevertheless, the performance drops to 53 %        ment of new datasets that cover richer types of
for hard → simple and 38 % for simple → hard.            linguistic phenomena and language models that
   Notice that model’s good performance on inoc-         can learn essential linguistic skills that are gener-
ulation does not align with its generalization abil-     alizable. For future work, we plan to add more
ity. For example, the model reaches 90.9 % accu-         datasets to cover more phenomena such as psycho-
racy on kg-rel, but its generalization performance is    linguistics (Laverghetta Jr. et al., 2021). We envi-
poor. This behavior highlights a model weakness:         sion our benchmark to be dynamic, meaning that
can over-fit to a particular distribution but fail to    a higher-quality and more difficult dataset for a
learn a general reasoning skill for the target phe-      phenomenon should replace the current ones in the
nomenon. We observe an interesting behavior that         future. For example, the StepGame benchmark (Shi
models struggle to generalize from hard to simple        et al., 2022) provides better data for spatial reason-
distribution on about 14 % of the phenomena while        ing, which can replace the current spatial reason-
showing good generalization from simple to hard          ing dataset. We also plan to explore new learning
distribution. We think the possible reason is that       methods to help models overcome the weakness of
the hard distribution contains data with relatively      learning non-generalizable skills, such as calibra-
low V information. A low amount of usable in-            tion through symbolic loss functions.
formation makes it hard for the model to learn the
phenomena sufficiently for generalization.               Acknowledgment

6   Conclusion and Future Work                           We thank the anonymous reviewers for their
                                                         thoughtful and constructive comments. We thank
In this paper, we introduce a new form of bench-         Kyle Richardson from AI2 for his insights and sug-
mark that can serve as an effective tool for evaluat-    gestions on improving our camera-ready version.
ing and analyzing model outcomes. We propose a           Thanks also to our advisors Laurence S. Moss and
linguistic-phenomena-driven benchmark that aims          Michael Wollowski for their feedback on earlier
to diagnose neural language models to discover           drafts of this work. Special thanks to the Machine
types of linguistic skills that remain challenging       Learning for Language Group at NYU for their
to models. We compiled a dataset collection cov-         wonderful NLP toolkit, JIANT (Phang et al., 2020).
ering 36 types of linguistic phenomena ranging
from fundamental linguistic properties to complex
reasoning skills. In addition, we define an evalu-       References
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A Linguistic Phenomena in C URRICULUM

  Phenomena                       Train Reference                           Test Reference
                                                      Lexical Phenomena
  Lexical Entailment              Schmitt and Schütze 2021                  Schmitt and Schütze 2021; Glockner et al. 2018
  Hypernymy                       Richardson and Sabharwal 2020             Richardson and Sabharwal 2020
  Hyponymy                        Richardson and Sabharwal 2020             Richardson and Sabharwal 2020
  Named Entity                    Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  Veridicality and Transitivity   Poliak et al. 2018a; Yanaka et al. 2021   Poliak et al. 2018a; Yanaka et al. 2021
                                                    Syntactic Phenomena
  VerbNet                         Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  VerbCorner                      Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  Syntactic Variation             Dolan and Brockett 2005                   Dolan and Brockett 2005
  Syntactic Alternations          Kann et al. 2019                          Kann et al. 2019
                                                    Semantic Phenomena
                                  Sakaguchi et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019   Sakaguchi et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019
  Coreference & Anaphora
                                  Webster et al. 2018                       Webster et al. 2018
  Sentiment                       Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  Relational Knowledge            Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  Puns                            Poliak et al. 2018a                       Poliak et al. 2018a
  Semantic Proto Label            White et al. 2017                         White et al. 2017
  Context Alignment               White et al. 2017                         White et al. 2017; BIG-bench collaboration 2021
                                                      Logical Phenomena
  Boolean                         Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Conditional                     Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Comparative                     Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Counting                        Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Quantifier                      Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Negation                        Richardson et al. 2019                    Richardson et al. 2019
  Monotonicity                    Yanaka et al. 2019b                       Yanaka et al. 2019a; Richardson et al. 2019
                                                      Analytic Phenomena
  Entailment Tree                 Dalvi et al. 2021                         Dalvi et al. 2021
  Analytical Reasoning            Zhong et al. 2021                         Zhong et al. 2021
                                                Commonsense Phenomena
  Physical                        Bisk et al. 2019                          Bisk et al. 2019
  Social                          Sap et al. 2019                           Sap et al. 2019
  HellaSwag                       Sap et al. 2018                           Sap et al. 2018
  Contextual Commonsense          Huang et al. 2019                         Huang et al. 2019
                                               Comprehension Phenomena
  Deductive Reasoning             Liu et al. 2020                           Liu et al. 2020
  Contextual Reasoning            Liu et al. 2021                           Liu et al. 2021
  Event Semantic Reasoning        Han et al. 2021                           Han et al. 2021
  Discrete Reasoning              Dua et al. 2019                           Dua et al. 2019
                                              Special Reasoning Phenomena
  Defeasible Reasoning            Rudinger et al. 2020                      Rudinger et al. 2020
  Temporal Reasoning              Weston et al. 2016                        Weston et al. 2016
  Spatio Reasoning                Weston et al. 2016                        Weston et al. 2016
  Counterfactual Reasoning        Patil and Baths 2020                      Patil and Baths 2020

Table 4: A detailed list of training datasets and test datasets used for each linguistic phenomenon in our benchmark.

B    C URRICULUM Dataset Details in C URRICULUM

                           Name                                   |Train| |Dev| Original task
                           Lexical Entailment                       6398    2964         NLI
                           Hypernymy                               20000    8500         QA
                           Hyponymy                                20000    8500         QA
                           Named Entity                            50000   30000         NLI
                           Veridicality and Transitivity           20000    8788         NLI
                           VerbNet                                  1398 160             NLI
                           VerbCorner                             110898 13894           NLI
                           Syntactic Variation                      3668 408              SC
                           Syntactic Alternations                  19990 8739             SC
                           Coreference & Anaphora                  12135   5799      NLI/SC
                           Sentiment                                4800    600         NLI
                           Relational Knowledge                    21905    761         NLI
                           Semantic Proto Label                    14038   1756         NLI
                           Puns                                    14038   1756         NLI
                           Context Align                           14038   1756         NLI
                           Boolean                                  3000   1000          NLI
                           Conditional                              3000   1000          NLI
                           Comparative                              3000   1000          NLI
                           Counting                                 3000   1000          NLI
                           Quantifier                               3000   1000          NLI
                           Negation QA                              3000   1000          NLI
                           Monotonicity                            35891   5382          NLI
                           Entailment Tree                          1314    340          TG
                           Analytical Reasoning                     3260    922          SC
                           Physical                         10000 1838                   QA
                           Social                            6003 6003                   QA
                           HellaSwag                        20000 8518                   QA
                           Contextual Commonsense Reasoning 9046 5452                    RC
                           Deductive Reasoning                     14752 2604            RC
                           Contextual Reasoning                     6719 1604            RC
                           Event Semantics Reasoning                2800 662             RC
                           Discrete Reasoning                      20000 13148           RC
                           Defeasible Reasoning                    39036    9860          SC
                           Temporal Reasoning                       4248    1174         NLI
                           Spatial Reasoning                       10000   10000         QA
                           Counterfactual Reasoning                 6062    3364          SC

Table 5: Overview of all the linguistic phenomena datasets in our benchmark. QA is short for Question Answering.
NLI is short for Natural Language Inference. SC is short for Sentence Classification. TG is short for Text Generation.
RC is short for Reading Comprehension.

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