Long-term COVID May Rise to the Level of Disability under the ADA: Employers' Duty to Accommodate

Page created by Herman Lowe
Long-term COVID May Rise to the Level of Disability under the ADA: Employers' Duty to Accommodate
                                                                                       8519 Eagle Point Boulevard, Suite 100
                                                                                               Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042

                                       JLO Newsletter                            Spring 2022
              Long-term COVID May Rise to the Level of Disability under the ADA:
                            Employers’ Duty to Accommodate

                                                   By: Maya Ortiz

The U.S. Department of Health &           dizziness, heart palpitations, chest     According to Cannice v. Norwest
Human Services (DHHS) and the             pain, joint and muscle pain, and loss    Bank Iowa N.A., a disabled
Civil Rights Division of the              of taste or smell. Also, these           employee must initiate the
Department of Justice (DOJ) have          symptoms may lead to other               accommodation-seeking process by
recently published guidance on            complications such as damage to          making their employer aware of the
“Long COVID” as a disability              organs including the heart, lungs,       need for an accommodation. 189
under the Rehabilitation Act of           kidneys, skin, and brain.                F.3d 723, 726 (8th Cir. 1999).
1973 § 504 and the American                                                        Additionally, the employee must
Disabilities Act § 15571. Generally,      Long COVID can be a disability           provide relevant details of their
individuals diagnosed with COVID-         under the ADA if it substantially        disability and, if not obvious, the
19 get better within weeks, whereas       limits one or more major life            reason that their disability requires
some people continue to experience        activities. According to 42 U.S.C.A.     an accommodation. Once the
symptoms that can last months             § 12102 (1), an individual has a         employer is made aware of the
after their initial infection date. The   disability under the ADA if they         legitimate need for an
Centers for Disease Control and           have: “(a) a physical or mental          accommodation, the employer must
Prevention (CDC) found more than          impairment that substantially limits     “make a reasonable effort to
79 million Americans have been            one or more major life activities of     determine the appropriate
diagnosed with COVID-19,                  such individual; (b) a record of such    accommodation.” Cannice, 189 F.3d
however, studies have found that          an impairment; or (c) being              at 727. This means that the
globally roughly 43% of people            regarded as having such an               “employer should first analyze the
with confirmed COVID-19 have              impairment… .” An individualized         relevant job and the specific
experienced COVID-19 symptoms             assessment must still be conducted       limitations imposed by the disability
for at least 28 days after infection.2    on persons affected by long              and then, in consultation with the
Post-COVID symptoms which last            COVID in order to qualify as a           individual, identify potential
four or more weeks have been              disabled person under the ADA.           effective accommodations.” Id.
classified as a condition called “long                                             Ultimately, employers are required
COVID.”3                                  People whose long COVID                  to “make a good-faith effort to seek
                                          qualifies as a disability are entitled   accommodations.” Fjellestad v. Pizza
According to the CDC, long                to the same protections from             Hut of Am., Inc., 188 F.3d 944, 954
COVID can include a range of new          discrimination as any other person       (8th Cir. 1999).
or ongoing symptoms that can last         with a disability under the ADA.
weeks, or months after someone is         This means that employers have a         The DHHS and DOJ guidance
infected with the virus that causes       duty to accommodate these                stated some reasonable
COVID-19 and symptoms can                 individuals when an                      accommodations for people whose
worsen with physical and mental           accommodation is requested.              long COVID qualifies as a disability
activity. Symptoms of long COVID          However, caselaw has established a       include allowing a person with
mimic those of COVID-19 such as           shared responsibility between            dizziness to be accompanied by
fatigue, difficulty thinking or           employers and employees to resolve       their service animal, providing
concentrating, shortness of breath,       accommodation requests.                  additional time on a test for a

                                                                                                                     Page 1
Long-term COVID May Rise to the Level of Disability under the ADA: Employers' Duty to Accommodate
student with difficulty                  reasonable is a question of fact to           and Systematic Review.” MedRxiv, Cold
concentrating, and pumping gas for       be decided by a jury. Fjellestad, 188         Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1 Jan.
                                                                                       2 0 2 1 , h t t p s : / / w w w . m e d r xi v . o r g/
a customer with joint or muscle          F.3d at 957.                                  content/10.1101/2021.11.15.21266377v1
pain. Here, there is no precise test
                                         1Office  for Civil Rights. “Guidance on
for what constitutes a reasonable                                                      3“Post-Covid  Conditions.” Centers for
                                         ‘Long Covid’ as a Disability under the Ada,
accommodation, but an                    Section 504, and Section 1557.” HHS.gov,      Disease Control and Prevention, Centers
accommodation is unreasonable if it      11 Aug. 2021, https://www.hhs.gov/civil-      for Disease Control and Prevention,
requires the employer to eliminate       rights/for-providers/civil-rights-covid19/    https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
an essential function of the job.        guidance-long-covid-disability/index.html
Dropinski v. Douglas County, Neb., 298                                                 2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-
                                         2Chen,Chen, et al. “Global Prevalence of
F.3d 704, 709 (8th Cir. 2002).                                                         ncov%2Flong-term-effects.html
Whether an accommodation is              Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19
                                         (PASC) or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis

Congratulations to Patrick S. Collins and Joseph E.             Joseph E. Flynn and Vicki A. Hruby obtained an
Flynn who successfully obtained dismissal of all                order dismissing a § 1983 suit arising out of the
claims for their clients in Hunter v. City of Crosby, et        alleged failure to disclose Brady material to a
al. EaV^ci^ö ?VbZh =jciZg VaaZ\ZY i]^gin-one claims       Xg^b^cVaYZ[ZcYVci#EaV^ci^ö8aVgZcXZAdodnVVaaZ\ZY
of defamation against the former Crosby Chief of                i]Vi i]Z8Vgaidc8djcin6iidgcZnÈh DõXZ[V^aZY id
Police Kim Coughlin, former Crosby Lieutenant                   disclose Brady material on the arresting police
Kevin Randolph and the City of Crosby. Pursuant to              dõXZgeg^dgidZciZg^c\^cidVeaZVV\gZZbZcil^i]
the Defendants’ motion to dismiss, the district court           Lozoya. The U.S. District Court found that the U.S.
dismissed all thirty-dcZ d[ EaV^ci^öÈh XaV^bh# I]Z         Constitution does not require the government to
EaV^ci^ö VeeZVaZY VcY i]Z B^ccZhdiV 8djgi d[             disclose material impeachment evidence prior to
6eeZVah]ZaYi]Vidcanildd[EaV^ci^öÈhXaV^bhXdjaY          entering a plea agreement with a criminal defendant.
hjgk^kZ Y^hb^hhVa# EaV^ci^öÈh ild gZbV^c^c\ XaV^bh        6hVgZhjai!EaV^ci^öÈh˜&.-(XaV^bh[V^aZYVhVbViiZg
were sent back to the district court. At the end of             of law. Lozoya v. City of Cloquet, et. al, 21-cv-0990
Y^hXdkZgn!EaV^ci^öZaZXiZYidkdajciVg^anY^hb^hh]^h         (ECT/LIB), 2022 WL 37460 (D. Minn. Jan. 4, 2022).
two remaining claims instead of face motions for
summary judgment and sanctions. At the end of this
long battle, Patrick and Joe successfully obtained
dismissal of all claims with prejudice.

                                                                                                                                     Page 2
Long-term COVID May Rise to the Level of Disability under the ADA: Employers' Duty to Accommodate
Data Practices Act Compliance: Data with

                                                 By: Trevor S. Johnson

The Minnesota Government Data             transparency might equally violate       In its analysis, the Commissioner
Practices Act (“MGDPA”) attempts          the MGDPA. Additionally, the             relied on the Minnesota Supreme
to balance multiple competing             classification of any particular piece   Court’s 2016 decision in KSTP TV
interests: that of the public in          of data is not inherent to the data      v. Metropolitan Council, 884 NW 2d
government transparency, that of          itself, but rather depends on the        342. In KSTP, the TV station
individuals in their privacy, and that    timing of the request, the way the       sought video recordings from two
of the government itself in being         data is stored, the identity of the      different Metro Transit busses that
able to function effectively.             requester, and even the purposes         included depictions of the bus
Reflecting the importance of each         for which the data is kept.              drivers’ conduct as well as that of
of these goals (with special              Accordingly, data can shift from         passengers, pedestrians and other
emphasis on the first two), the           one classification to another over       traffic. One of the busses had
MGDPA imposes significant                 time or even fall into multiple          driven off of the road and crashed,
responsibilities on the government        classifications simultaneously.          and the driver of the other had
entities to which it applies, which       Successful handling of MGDPA             gotten into an altercation with a
span the spectrum from statewide          responsibilities requires crafting,      cyclist. In each case, the Council
agencies to local park boards to          and then adhering to, a robust,          copied the incident video onto
private parties contracted to             clearly defined data retention policy    DVDs and used it to evaluate the
perform certain governmental              and conducting a careful, fact-based     conduct of the drivers. Like the
functions. The Act regulates the          analysis of each data request.           school district, the Council believed
ways in which government entities                                                  the video was private personnel
create, collect, retain, manage, store,   A recent advisory opinion (No. 21-       data and declined to release it.
secure and provide access to data         002; January 13, 2021) from the
and, further, provides for civil          Commissioner of Administration           The supreme court’s analysis of this
actions, administrative sanctions,        illustrates how a seemingly simple       data classification question hinged
and even criminal penalties against       request related to a routine             on the statutory phrase “maintained
both government entities and              proceeding can end up being more         because...” Was the data maintained
individual personnel in case of           difficult than expected, and also        strictly for the purpose of evaluating
violations (see, e.g., Minn. Stat. §§     illustrates the importance of a data     employee performance? In that
13.08, 13.09). Notably, the Act           retention policy. In this example,       case, it could be private personnel
explicitly waives the State’s             someone made a MGDPA request             data. Or were there also non-
immunity to actions brought under         for a recording of the public            personnel-related reasons, such as
the MGDPA (Minn. Stat. § 13.08,           comment portion of the ISD 197           public safety, for maintaining the
subd. 1).                                 school board meeting. A record of a      video? In that case it would be
                                          school board meeting is classified as    public. Complicating the matter, the
The MGDPA has competing goals             public data (Minn. Stat. § 13D.05,       court determined that the Council
of ensuring extensive public access       subd. 1(c)). However, the school         may have had different reasons for
to certain government data, while         district declined to release the         maintaining the video at different
requiring robust protection of other      recording, having decided it was         points in time. Each bus contained
government data, which can make           private personnel data because the       a hard drive that recorded video on
compliance difficult. When                public comment section included          a continuous loop, storing 330
analyzing a request for data and          “allegations against district            hours of video before recording
deciding what must be redacted, it        employees.” Personnel data is            over the oldest data. If the Council
is generally not possible to “play it     information about an individual          wanted to preserve the video
safe” in either direction, as             “maintained because the individual       beyond that time period for any
withholding data in the name of           is or was an employee…of a               reason, such as to evaluate an
individual privacy and over-              government entity” (Minn. Stat. §        employee’s performance, the
disclosing in the name of                 13.43, subd. 1).                         Council needed to copy the relevant
                                                                                                                  Page 3
video to a DVD. The court               outcome” (Harlow v. State Dept. of      district, highlight an important
observed that the Council may have      Human Services, 883 N.W.2d 561,         positive takeaway for government
had a “variety of reasons” for          568). Ultimately, the Commissioner      entities: your data retention policy
maintaining the last 330 hours of       concluded that it did not have          matters. Government entities
video from each bus, whereas video      enough information to determine         should be mindful that the way they
of an incident copied to a DVD          whether the District properly           internally classify and store data,
may have been maintained                responded to the request.               and the way their policies describe
“exclusively for a personnel                                                    the purposes for which data is
purpose.” Therefore, if the data was    In 2016, Justice Lillehaug, joined by   maintained, will play a significant
requested within the 330-hour           Chief Justice Gildea, dissented in      role in determining the ultimate
window when it still existed on the     the court’s decision in KSTP-TV,        classification of the data by a court.
bus’s hard drive, it was probably       noting that the holding allowed         Many types of data are not
public, but if the data was requested   “public data – images of events that    inherently public or private but take
after it had been automatically         occurred in public… – [to] morph        on those labels because of how they
recorded over on the hard drive,        into private data, and thereby          are used. A data retention policy is
and now only existed on a DVD           become inaccessible to the public.”     much more than just a deletion
used for evaluating the driver’s        KSTP-TV at 351. Justice Lillehaug       schedule. When properly designed,
performance, it was probably            went on to speculate that “today’s      the data retention policy should
private personnel data.                 decision will be taken by some          identify why data is being
                                        government entities as a free pass to   maintained. In the examples cited
Returning to the 2021 advisory          conceal that which should be            above, the confusion, and litigation
opinion regarding the school board      public. If government data…might        in the cases of KSTP-TV and
meeting, the Commissioner of            show misconduct, and disclosure         Harlow, arose because of a lack of
Administration noted an additional      might cause embarrassment or            clarity within the governmental
issue – the possibility that the        worse, then today’s decision            organization about why the data
district maintained multiple copies     enhances the temptation of the          was being maintained. As a result,
of the recording. If the district       entity to stash the data in an          the data’s classification was called
maintained a copy in an employee’s      employee’s personnel file. What is      into question. The MGDPA is
personnel file for evaluation or        public becomes private—perhaps          complex and confusing. A strong
discipline purposes, and maintained     forever.” Id., at 354. Notably, the     data retention policy can be a
another copy simply as a record of      decision in KSTP-TV was 3-2, as         powerful tool to ensure that
the open meeting, the personnel         Justices Chutich and Hudson took        individuals’ private data is
copy would be private and the other     no part.                                protected, government transparency
public. As the supreme court has                                                is promoted, and problematic
observed, “it may seem anomalous        Justice Lillehaug focused on a          litigation is prevented – allowing the
to have data classified as public for   potential negative impact to            government entity to function
one purpose and confidential for        government transparency.                effectively.
another purpose. But we see             However, the decision and dissent
nothing in the text of the MGDPA        in KSTP-TV, as well as the recent
that       prohibits          this      advisory opinion with the school

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About the Authors
                     Maya Ortiz                                                           Trevor Johnson
                      Law Clerk                                                              Associate
                  mortiz@jlolaw.com                                                    tjohnson@jlolaw.com
                    651-290-6533                                                           651-290-6534

Maya Ortiz is a Law Clerk at Jardine, Logan &                        Trevor is an Associate Attorney at Jardine, Logan &
O’Brien, P.L.L.P. She is in her second year of law                   O’Brien, P.L.L.P. He received his J.D. from the
school at the University of St. Thomas School of                     University of St. Thomas School of Law,
Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her focus areas are                     Minneapolis, Minnesota. Trevor’s practice is focused
employment law, health law, and government                           on Civil Litigation.

                                                      About the Firm
Jardine, Logan & O’Brien, P.L.L.P., is a mid-sized civil litigation law firm that has handled some of the region’s
largest and most difficult disputes with outstanding results for clients. Litigation has always been our primary
focus. With trial attorneys admitted in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa our firm has
the ability and expertise to manage cases of any size or complexity. We are trial lawyers dedicated to finding
litigation solutions for our clients.

  View our website at www.jlolaw.com to obtain additional information. Please call us to discuss a specific topic.

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