Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by

Page created by Clarence Frazier
Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by
Proudly hosted by the
Townsville Game Fishing Club


   Lucinda Barra Bash
    SEPTEMBER 16th-19th
Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by
Program                                                                                           Tournament Rules
                                                                                                  OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 2021                                      are responsible for research of fishing, fishing licences and        fishing waters. Boats must remain in tournament waters during
Thursday 16th Sept                                                                                Note: Interpretation and enforcement of these rules is the
                                                                                                  exclusive responsibility of the tournament coordinators and
                                                                                                                                                                           boating regulations.                                                 tournament days. Competitors must leave from and return to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                official boat ramp/s by boat. Both competitors must remain in the
                                                                                                                                                                           SPORTSMANSHIP                                                        boat at all times except in the event of an emergency. Partners
                                                                                                  TGFC Barra Bash committee. In the event of a rule violation, the
                                                                                                  tournament committee and judges may impose such sanctions                Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with     must remain together at all times, in sight of each other and verify
                                                                                                                                                                           regard to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors     each other’s catch in order for their catch of that day to be scored
Check in at Hinchinbrook                                                                          as deemed appropriate by them, including without limitation,
                                                                                                  disqualification, forfeiture of prizes, entry fee and prohibition from   who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a competitor             in the tournament Competitors are allowed to leave the boat to
                                                                                                                                                                           which reflects unfavourably upon efforts to promote fisheries        retrieve a lure. All fishing by that competitor must cease until the
Marine Cove from 12:00pm                                                                          participation in subsequent tournaments.
                                                                                                                                                                           conservation, clean waters, and courtesy shall be reason for         competitor is back in the boat before any further casts are made.
                                                                                                  Penalties for rule violations may include the following:                 disqualification.
                                                                                                  • Reduction of competition hours as determined by the                                                                                         SCORING
                                                                                                    tournament coordinators / judges                                       THE SHOT GUN START                                                   Catch Photo & Release:
                                     Scoring - BARRAMUNDI
                                                                                                  • Loss of one or more fish in question.                                  A shot gun start will occur on Friday morning only, involving a      • Each team to nominate their largest ten (10) barramundi
Compulsory Skippers                                                                               • Loss of catch for the day of the violation
                                                                                                                                                                           staggered start.                                                        over the course of the two day event. All ten (10) fish can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   nominated on Day 1 or Day 2 or combined. Eg. 63.5cm =
Briefing. Rules &                                                                                 • Disqualification from the tournament in question.                      CEASE FISHING EACH DAY                                                  63 points.
                                      Each team to nominate their largest ten (10) fish.                                                                                   Nominated cease fishing times will occur via the Tournament
Scoring discussed              Example: 72cm Barramundi = 72 Points. All fish to be round down.
                                                                                                  • Disqualification from future TGFC Barra Bash events, which
                                                                                                    may involve a specific number of events, a specific period of          APP. These are 5pm Friday and 4pm Saturday. Please ensure            • Please record down to the nearest whole number.
                                                                                                                                                                           all scoring fish are entered and successfully uploaded into your     • Photos of fish must be clear and correctly uploaded to TGFC

                                    Scoring - Other Species
                                                                                                    time, or may be a lifetime disqualification.
                                                                                                                                                                           teams tournament APP within one (1) hour from cease fishing             Barra Bash APP - See the below example. In the event of an
                                                                                                  • Any different or additional penalties determined by the                                                                                        unclear photograph, the judges may disqualify the fish. Please
                                                                                                                                                                           each day. Teams to return to tournament base within one (1) hour
7:00pm                                                                                              tournament coordinators.
                                                                                                                                                                           of cease fishing each day to ensure the safety of all anglers.          ensure the photo is shadow free, close as possible to fish,
BBQ dinner provided                       Fish Prize Categories                                   PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mouths are hard up against board, fish are the correct way up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and laying straight on the brag mat.
                                       Nominate your largest; (no points) photo required.         • TGFC Inc Barra Bash events are contested by a field of teams,
                                                                                                    once team per boat with a maximum of 3 anglers .                       • The use of Enviro landing nets for landing barramundi is           • Photos to be taken straight above each fish, not from an angle.
                                •   MANGROVE JACK                                                                                                                            encourage during tournament competition.                           • All scoring fish to be entered correctly into the tournament APP.
                                                                                                  • Proof of insurance should be with the boat being used and must
                                •   SALMON                                                          cover all passengers in that boat.                                     • Only artificial lures and biodegradable artificial lures may be    • Anglers are to supply their own Smart Phone devises suitable
                                                                                                                                                                             used. No ”live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted during
8:30pm                          •   FLATHEAD                                                      • A correctly submitted registration form via the tournament APP           the competition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for the tournament APP.
                                •   TREVALLY                                                        must be received by 30th July 2021.                                                                                                         Please be aware, if tournament coordinator and judges are
Calcutta summary                •   BREAM                                                         • The tournament coordinators reserve the right to discontinue
                                                                                                                                                                           • Only ONE (1) fly rod, casting, spin-casting or spinning rod and    unable to clearly read or see each fish in your photos, tournament
                                                                                                                                                                             reel may be used at any one time. A hung lure that is not in       coordinators have the right to disqualify fish.
                                •   COD                                                             acceptance of applications prior to the deadline as well as the          or on the water is not considered in use and may be set aside
                                •   FINGERMARK                                                      right to extend the acceptance date.                                     while another is in use. Other rigs as specified above may be      For all other nominated species, each angler is to nominate their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                largest fish each day. These species include Grunter, Mangrove
Friday 17th Sept                •   GRUNTER              Example of correctly taken photograph.   ANGLER CODE OF CONDUCT                                                     in the boat ready for use; however, only ONE (1) is permitted to
                                                                                                                                                                             be in use at any given time. All barramundi must be caught live    Jack, Fingermark, Flathead, Salmon, Bream, Cod, Trevally.
                                                                                                  Anglers participating in any TGFC Barra Bash event shall observe           and in a conventional sporting manner.
                                                                                                  the Angler Code of Conduct and the applicable rules for the                                                                                   TIES
                                                                                                  specific event in which they are participating. Anglers shall, at all    CALCUTTA                                                             If in the event of a tie, a count-back rule will apply and the
6:30am                                                                                            times, conduct themselves in a manner becoming of professional           This is NO Calcutta Auction. Anglers are invited to purchase their   angler / team that score and record their points first, will be
                                                                                                  anglers that will not reflect unfavourably on the TGFC, its                                                                                   awarded the win.
Breakfast provided                                                                                members, officers or representatives, tournaments or sponsors.
                                                                                                                                                                           team at Registration Thursday afternoon at a cost of $250.00 per
                                                                                                                                                                           team. In the event your team elects not to purchase themselves,
                                                                                                  To this end, anglers shall use their best efforts to demonstrate         your team will then go to the floor at a starting bid of $250.00.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WAIVER AND NOMINATION
                                                                                                  professionalism and integrity in support of the sport of                 The Calcutta will be structured by;                                  As a condition of participation in the TGFC Barra Bash, each
                                                                                                  professional fishing. Any angler who violates any of the provisions                                                                           competitor must execute a waiver, release of liability and a name
                                                                                                  of the Angler Code of Conduct may be subject to forfeiture of            1st Place Team = 50% of Earnings                                     and likeness release. The waiver is found with the invitation.
                                                                                                                                                                           2nd Place Team = 25% of Earnings
7:00am                                                                                            tournament winnings, suspension from competing in individual
                                                                                                  TGFC Barra Bash events, permanent ban from competition, or any           3rd Place Team = 15% of Earnings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Each competitor must read and fully understand all points within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the entire document and confirm they will abide by the official
Shot gun staggered start                                                                          combination thereof deemed appropriate by the TGFC.                      Lucky Entry = $1000.00 Cash                                          rules and regulations of the TGFC Barra Bash. To authorise this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                agreement, each competitor must sign the nomination page.

                           Award Categories
                                                                                                  SAFETY                                                                   BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT
                                                                                                  When boating in situations of low visibility , for example fog or                                                                             PROTESTS
                                                                                                                                                                           During official practice and competition, every boat must have all
                                                                                                  heavy rain, during both practice and competition, competitors                                                                                 Any protests must be lodged in writing within 30 minutes of the
                           •   Champion Team                                                      must operate their boats at a safe speed and in a safe manner as         legally required safety equipment as specified by Queensland law.    appointed finishing time for the day in question. The tournament
5:00pm                     •   2nd Place Team                                                     determined by tournament officials.                                      BOAT IDENTIFICATION                                                  judges will consider any submission and their decision is final.
Cease fishing              •   3rd Place Team                                                     Note: It is a legal requirement that the boater have a safety check      Prior to start fishing on day one, each boat will be given a TGFC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tournament judges will be announced at the skippers briefing.
                                                                                                  with the partner each day prior to launch the vessel to familiarize      Barra Bash team number sticker. This must remain in a visible
                           •   Biggest Barramundi Day 1                                           themselves with the location of all safety equipment and ensure          location on the external of the boat throughout the tournament.
                           •   Biggest Barramundi Day 2                                           the correct labelling of spaces where safety equipment is kept.
                                                                                                                                                                           PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS
Saturday 18th Sept         •   Overall Biggest Barramundi                                         IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION,
                                                                                                  COMPETITORS SHOULD CALL 000 FIRST AND ONCE SAFE                          Tournament waters shall be established by the Tournament
                           •   Biggest Mangrove Jack
                                                                                                  THEN NOTIFY TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS AS SOON AS                              coordinators each year. Any water within these boundaries
                           •   Biggest Salmon                                                     POSSIBLE.                                                                posted as “Off-Limits” or “No Fishing” by Queensland Fisheries, is
7:00am                     •   Biggest Flathead                                                   Tournament officials have the right to delay, shorten or cancel          not considered tournament waters. Only that water open to ALL
Start fishing              •   Biggest Trevally                                                   the start of an official tournament day due to bad weather or            public fishing will be considered tournament waters. All angling
                                                                                                                                                                           must be done from the boat. Tournament officials reserve the right
                           •   Biggest Cod                                                        other factors that could endanger the safety of the competitors.
(no shot gun start)        •   Biggest Bream                                                      Tournament waters may also be restricted at any time because of          to restrict or enhance tournament waters based on conversations
                                                                                                  weather conditions. Competitors are allowed to leave the                 with local authorities. All teams are to leave from Dungeness Boat
                           •   Biggest Fingermark                                                 boat and seek safe shelter in bad weather where danger may               Ramp, Lucinda, and return here each day.                                                                           2021
                           •   Biggest Grunter                                                    be imminent.                                                             COMPETITORS MUST REMAIN IN BOAT
4:00pm                     •   HIGH & DRY AWARD                                                   All competitors are bound by the prevailing statutes and
                                                                                                  regulations of Queensland waters in which they fish. Competitors
                                                                                                                                                                           During the competition days, competitors must not depart
                           •   FIRST & LAST CAUGHT BARRA                                                                                                                   the boat to land fish or to make the boat more accessible to
Cease fishing
Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by
Proudly supported by...                                       COMPANIES WHO
                                                          SUPPORT YOUR SPORT

              N   o   r   t   h

                          For more information on this event please contact the
Contact us:               Townsville Game Fishing Club.
                          Phone: (Ben) 0409 302 789
                                 (Stav) 0418 599 389
Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by Lucinda Barra Bash SEPTEMBER 16th-19th - Proudly hosted by
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