The new RZ€ - Economy of breeding in focus - vit

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The new RZ€ - Economy of breeding in focus - vit
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The new RZ€
- Economy of breeding in focus

July 2020

Genetic Evaluation Unit
Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V. (vit)
Heinrich-Schröder-Weg 1, 27283 Verden
The new RZ€ - Economy of breeding in focus - vit

◼ Dairy farms have different breeding goals
    ▪ Decreasing profits → breeding must follow (only) economy

◼ The well-known Total Merit Index RZG
    ▪ Basis: economic values of traits
    ▪ Additional breeding philosophy aspects
    ▪ Expressed on relative scale (average 100, genetic spreading 12)

◼ The relative scale
    ▪ Advantage: comparable across traits, for indices applicable, too
    ▪ Disadvantage: no information on absolute differences

◼ ➔ in practice relative breeding values often are perceived as abstract values
  and the phenotypic and economic importance are often mis-interpreted

◼ ➔ this is also true for the Total Merit Index RZG

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The new TMI concept

◼ Continuation of RZG on relative scale
   ▪ incl. non-economic breeding aspects (e.g. conformation)
   ▪ Traits with direct economic impact according to ratio of margins
   ▪ ➔ from April 2021 onward Health traits and young stock survival included

◼ NEW: additional TMI on Euro scale = RZ€
   ▪ Includes only/all evaluated traits with direct economic impact
   ▪ → orientated strictly on economy
   ▪ scale: Euro differences in margin
       ▪ based on lifetime of cow (ca. 3 lactations)
       ▪ basis (± 0 €): average cow alive (4-6 years old cows)

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RZ€ - the principle

◼ RZ€ = Euro differences in profit compared to average cow
    ▪ caused by differences in genetics

◼ This needs:

1.) How much phenotypic units equal to one point relative breeding value?
         ▪ 12 relative points = 1 genetic standard deviation (Sg)

2.) Margin of one additional phenotypic unit (e.g. +1 kg protein)
         ▪ Marginal income minus marginal cost

                                        page 4
1.) EBV differences  phenotypic differences (I)

   Relative EBV           daughter trait
                                                   daughter phenotype   12 points EBV   ◼ Derived from sire-EBV-
                                                       ( all lact.)        ≈ +/-         differences  daughter-
 RZS                      cell count (tsd/ml)             218*               83*          phenotype-differences
 RZN                       longevity (days)               1115               259
                                                                                            ▪   24 points sire-EBV-diff.
 RKFit              survival rate (%) until 15 mo.        93.0*             4.4*
                                                                                                equals 1 Sg=12 points in
 1st-to-last heifer   1st-to-last heifer (days)           31.3               6.2                daughters (in daughters
 NR heifer                   NR heifer (%)                72.0               5.0                half of sire difference is
 calv.-1st                  calv.-1st (days)              84.2               9.0                expressed)
 1st-to-last cows      1st-to-last cows (days)            51.5              10.1
 NR cows                      NR cows (%)                 55.7               6.3
 CE direct              difficult calvings (%)            3,5*              2.0*
 SB direct               still born calves (%)            5.8*              2.4*
 CE daughter            difficult calvings (%)            3.2*              1.7*
 SB daughter             still born calves (%)            5.8*              3.1*
 dairy type               dairy type (scores)             81.9               0.9
 body                        body (scores)                82.1               1.1
 feet & legs             feet & legs (scores)             80.6               1.0
 udder                      udder (scores)                81.2               1.0
 stature                      stature (cm)                148.4              2.1
 RZD                  milking speed (kg/min.)             2.42              0.40

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1.) EBV differences  phenotypic differences (II)

◼ Published health EBV are indices of several single traits (except RZudderfit)
◼ ➔ +/- 12 points index EBV causes differences in several traits at the same time

                                                                      Diff. in 6 traits at the same time for
                                                                             12 points RZhoof index

                                                                       Diff. in 3 traits at the same time for
                                                                              12 points RZrepro index

                                                                      Diff. in 3 traits at the same time for
                                                                           12 points RZmetabol index

                                 *) spreading on phenotypic scale is skewed

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1.) EBV differences  phenotypic differences (III)

◼ EBV for milk production traits are expressed on phenotypic scale (kg resp. %)
     ▪ ➔ +/-1 kg cow EBV = +/- 1 kg phenotypic yield / lactation
     ▪ ➔ +/-1 kg bull EBV = +/- 0.5 kg daughter yield / lactation

                                         daughter phenotype                 ◼   Derived from sire-EBV-
     sire EBV        daughter trait                           realized Sg
                                             ( all lact.)                      differences  daughter-
 milk kg             milk kg (305 d)            9058             690            phenotype-differences
 fat kg               fat kg (305 d)            360.7            25.1
 protein kg         protein kg (305 d)          305.8            19.7

                                +937                   Data from herd genotyping:
                                                       ◼ ±1,488 kg EBV diff. of young females
          -551                                         ◼ equals ± 1,508 kg true diff. in 305 d yield
                                                       ◼ ➔ ± 1 kg EBV = ± 1 kg yield/lactation

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2.) Margin of one additional phenotypic unit (I)

◼ ceteris paribus  everything else is kept constant
◼ ➔ exclusively/all directly associated returns and costs (no double counting)

◼ Example for this principle:
2 cows in the same herd (= same management conditions) show in all traits
because of same genetic pattern the same performance, except for milk kg
Cow 1:                                   Cow 2:
◼ EBV M kg +500 = 9500 kg                ◼ EBV M kg +501 = 9501 kg
◼ RZN 105       = 1100 d herdlife        ◼ RZN 105       = 1100 d herdlife
◼ RZR 100       = 128 d open             ◼ RZR 100       = 128 d open
◼ …                                      ◼ …
              ◼ ➔ Return: +1 kg milk * 0.33 € = 0.33 €
              ◼ ➔ Cost: +0.5 kg concentrate * 0.26 € = 0.13 €
              ◼ ➔ Margin: 0.33 € - 0.13 € = 0.20 € / kg milk

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2.) Margin of one additional phenotypic unit (II)

◼ ceteris paribus  everything else is kept constant

◼ ➔ exclusively directly associated returns and costs (no double counting)

◼ Example Mastitis: one (additional) case
    ▪   Costs for treatment 
                                                       ◼ Included in milk EBV and valued there
    ▪   Discarded milk                                      ▪     The EBV for milk includes all genetic
    ▪   Less milk in lactation after cure      -                   based differences regardless the
    ▪   Culling because of severe Mastitis     -                   cause, i.e.EBV milk is not corrected for

              ◼ Included in RZN and valued there
                   ▪   The EBV for herdlife (RZN) includes all
                       genetic based cullings regardless the
                       reason, i.e. includes cullings because of

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RZ€: Margin based on lifetime of cow

◼ Most EBV refer to performance in one lactation or one calving
    ▪ e.g. milk yield: EBV +100 kg = per 305 day lactation
◼ → the EBV is realized more than once in life of a cow

◼ Life of an average Holstein cow:
     ▪ ᴓ HOL cow: 1,100 d herd life (3.01 years), 410 d calving interval (BRS statistic)

              1st                             2nd                            3rd
            calving                         calving                        calving          culled

                        410 d CI                         410 d CI
    →            360 d milking + 50 d dry       360 d milking + 50 d dry        280 d milking

                             1,100 days herdlife (3.01 Jahre)

◼ RZ€ includes margin of the cow itself, not the margin generated by the next generations
    ▪   1/2 of genetic superiority is transferred to next generation (daughter); she transfers 1/2 to next …
    ▪   → long term total margin is even bigger as expressed in RZ€

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Calculation of margin

◼ Assumed costs and return are based on
    ▪ Figures used in management consultations
    ▪ health: real data from veterinarians
    ▪ Literature
    ▪ Economic figures found by University of Kiel in cooperation with RSH in
      representative dairy herds
    ▪ Own calculations of vit

◼ Experiences since introduction of RZG in 1996 show
    ▪ Costs and returns per unit vary over time
    ▪ The ratio of costs/returns and with that margin is much more stable
    ▪ → margins to calculate RZ€ should be verified ca. every 5 years

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Margin for individual traits

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Margin: Milk production traits

◼ Margin per kg
                       return1) costs (feed)              margin
   per Fat kg      3.73 €        - 1.17 €                  2.56 € / kg
   per Protein kg: 5.60 €        - 1.51 €                  4.09 € / kg
   per Lactose kg2) 0 €          - 0.50 €                 -0.50 € / kg
    ▪   1) paid   are delivered amount of fat and protein
          ▪  payment Friesland Campina, DMK, MUH-Arla
    ▪   2) 4.8%   not paid lactose per kg delivered milk, causes costs

➔ Margin per standard deviation and lifetime of cow:
      EBV     margin     n lact.          margin/
    ▪ Fat kg:     25.1 kg x 2.56 €/kg x 2.75 x 1.12 3) = 197.72 €
    ▪ Protein kg: 19.8 kg x 4.09 €/kg x 2.75 x 1.12 3) = 248.76 €
    ▪ Lactose kg: 33.1 kg x -0.50 €/kg x 2.75 x 1.123) = - 51.13 €
                                            3)EBV refer to 305 day lactation.
                                             Factor to correct for total milk in full lactation (360 d) = 1,12

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Margin: herd life

◼ Main economic effect is replacement cost
    ▪ Difference return culled cow to (rearing) cost of replacement heifer

◼ Cost replacement heifer = 1,800 €

◼ Return culled cow = 701 €
    ▪   1000 € for 42.5 % healthy cow at end of lactation (BCS>=3)
    ▪   650 € for 42.5% skinny cow (BCS
Margin: fertility traits (I)

◼ 5 evaluation traits: NR heifers/cows, first-last heifers/cows, calving-first cows (CF)
    ▪ Non-Return-Rate (NR) and first-to-last-insemination (FL) both describe conception
    → Valueing conception via FL = closer to true conception (= no double counting)

◼ Economic impact of CF and FL
    ▪ Both increase calving interval (CF + FL +pregnancy length = CI)

    ▪ „Base“ costs per day prolonged CI – independent from causal trait
         ▪ Less calves per life (with constant herdlife) = 0.33 € / day CI
         ▪ Less milk per day herdlife ?

    ▪ „additional“ costs per day CI if caused by worse conception
         ▪ Additional costs for re-insemination
         ▪ 35€ per re-ins. incl. work of owner per 1 cycle ➔ 21 days / 35 € = 1.67 €/day

       Holstein cow with >9,500 kg milk in 305 days is not drying off with one day prolonged CI
                  - but less milk in the additional day in milk
                  - but less dry days per life, too (with constant herdlife)
       ➔ + 1 day CI causes no extra costs because of less milk per lifetime of cow

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Margin: fertility traits (II)

◼ First-to-Last (FL) heifers
    ▪ 1 x per lifetime realized = 1 x 6.21 Sg x 1.67 € = 10.35 € / 12 points EBV FL-heifer

◼ Calving-to-First-insemination cows (CF)
    ▪ 2 x per life realized = 2 x 9.01 Sg x 0.33 € = 6.05 € / 12 points EBV CF

◼ First-to-Last (FL) cows
    ▪ 2 x fully realized = 2 x 10.10 Sg x (1.67 + 0.33 €) = 40.40 € / 12 points EBV FL-cows
    ▪ 0.69 x in culling lactation = 0.69 x 10.10 Sg x 1.67 € = 11.64 € / points EBV FL-cows
         ▪   About 70 % of cows are inseminated in culling lactation, but no impact on n born calves per lifetime

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Margin: still born calf (SB)

◼ Cost/loss per still born calf = 138 €
    ▪  male (75 €) + female for own replacement (200 €)

◼ Genetic standard deviation
   ▪ SB direct = 0.024 (+/- 2.4% SBd)
   ▪ SB maternal = 0.031 (+/- 3.1% SBm)

◼   margin/loss per lifetime of cow (3 calvings):
        ➔ SBd: 0.024 x 138 € x 3 = 9.87 € / 12 points EBV SBd
        ➔ SBm: 0.031 x 138 € x 3 = 12.81 € / 12 points EBV SBm

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Margin: calving ease (CE)

CE class                         Add.              diff. %    CEm      Diff. %       CEd
                               cost/case            CEm       €/Sg      CEd          €/Sg
1 (easy)                            0*             +5.6 %      0       +5.8 %          0
2 (normal)                          10             -3.8 %    0.383     -3.9 %        0.390
3 (difficult)                      49**            -1.7 %    0.817     -1.8 %        0.903
4 (caesarean)                    256.52            -0.1 %    0.143     -0.1%         0.383
margin/12 points EBV                                         1.343 €                1.676 €
                        *) standard/reference
                       **)   20% with vet assistance

◼ €/Sg perm lifetime of cow (3 calvings):
       CEm: 1.343 x 3 = 4.03 € / 12 points EBV CEm
       CEd: 1.676 x 3 = 5.03 € / 12 points EBV CEd

◼ Overall farmers report a low percentage of calving problems (
Margin: health traits

◼ EBV for health traits are based on treatments and diagnoses

◼ ➔ not in all traits recorded diagnoses lead necessarily to treatments i.e. to
  additional costs
    ▪ In particular for claw disorders (e.g. Tylom/Interdigital Hyperplasia)

◼ ➔ for each health EBV the percentage of treatments that causes extra
  costs must be defined (% severe/treated from all recorded diagnoses)
    ▪ This varies from 100 % (e.g. Displaced Abomasum, Mastitis)
    ▪ down to only 10% for Tylom/Interdigital Hyperplasia

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Margin: health traits
    ◼ Margin per genetic standard deviation (Sg) health index
                                Costs per                                                                             Total costs /
                                             % treated from       Costs per     ± incidence rate
                              treated case                                                       Total cost / Sg       Sg+life [€]
                                              diagnoses          diagnose [€]       /Sg index
                                  [€]**                                                                                (2.75 lact.)
RZudderfit (Mastitis)            186.02            100             186.02             0.120             22.32            61.39
Dermatitis Digitalis             32.00             30                9.60            0.120*             1.15*
Sole Ulcer                       68.90             50               34.45            0.132*             4.55*
Digital Phlegmon                 62.00             50               31.00            0.108*             3.35*
White Line disease               32.00             50               16.00            0.064*             1.02*
Laminitis                        32.00             50               16.00            0.035*             0.56*
Interdigital Hyperplasia         73.52             10                7.35            0.044*             0.32*
RZhoof                                                                                                  10.95            30.13
Ovarian Cycle Disorders          28.00             50               14.00            0.115*             1.61*
Metritis                         97.71             30               29.31            0.074*             2.17*
Retained Placenta                99.59             50               49.80            0.049*             2.44*
RZrepro                                                                                                 6.22             17.10
Displased Abomasum               289.28            100             289.28            0.031*             8.97*
Milk Fever                       139.71            100             139.71            0.017*             2.38*
Ketosis                          131.38            100             131.38            0.024*             3.15*
RZmetabol                                                                                               14.50            39.86
              **) Vet/hoof
                         trimmer, drugs, working                   *) changes in all included traits in index at the same time
                time farmer, wasted milk                            for 12 points health index

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Margin: Young stock survival (calf fitness)

◼ RZcalffit refers to young stock losses in period 3 - 458 days
    ▪ Animal losses within first 48 h are includes in still birth
◼ → costs/losses of a  died young animal within this period
   age                  cost/value       % losses in                          Proportionally
                                                              losses in
   period              /animal [€]         period                               costs [€]
   day 3-14                179*              1.86                0.26              45.62
   day 15-60                367              2.37                0.33             119.50
   day 61-120               485              1.24                0.17              82.62
   day 121-200              604              0.83                0.11              68.81
                                                                                               ◼ 12 points RZcalffit (Sg)
   day 201-458              989              0.98                0.13             133.14
                                                                                                 equals ±4.4% losses
   Sum                                       7.28                1,00             449.70
                  *)    male and female for own replacement (see still born calves)

◼ margin for lifetime of cow (3 calvings):
◼ 449.70 € x 0.044 Sg x 3 x 0.921) = 54.61 € / 12 points RZcalffit
            1) only   calves alive at day 3 (8 % still born calves already in SB taken into account)

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Margin: cell count

◼ Has cell count (SCS) own economic weight (independent from mastitis)?
    ▪ Higher SCS → farms more/longer affected by delivery stop because of milk quality
      (>3x above 400,000 cells per ml)
        ▪ But proportion of delivered milk affected is very low
    ▪ Lower SCS → more milk can get quality bonus
        ▪ Not all dairies pay bonus (and with bonus no higher  milk price)
    → Calculation of margin per trait unit is difficult
    → And total direct value most probably would be very low

◼ ➔ no own/direct economic weight for cell count (EBV RZS)
    ▪ Independent from incidence rate for mastitis

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Margin: conformation traits (I)

◼ Economic impact of conformation traits predominantly is indirect through
  relationship with other traits (e.g. longevity)
    ▪ But these indirect economic effects are already valued with the respective traits

◼ ➔ Differences in conformation – with all other traits/performances the same –
  have a small direct own economic weight
◼ A direct economic impact is realized when breeding animals are sold
    ▪ And here mainly for fresh heifers traded on auctions

◼ Heifer sales (BRS statistic 2018):
    ▪ from 1,827,808 Holstein herdbook cows
    ▪ 14,925 via auctions sold (fresh) Holstein heifers (1/3 of these exported)
    ▪ 91,432 exported Holstein heifers
         ▪ Includes exported heifers sold on auctions
    ▪ ??? privately sold heifers (i.e. not in BRS statistic)
         ▪ Calculated as same number as sold via auctions
    ▪ ➔ 0.19 sold heifers per herdbook cow and life (thereof ¼ fresh, ¾ pregnant)

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Margin: conformation traits (II)

◼ 0.19 sold heifers per herdbook cow and life (thereof ¼ fresh, ¾ pregnant)
◼ Value per point score (Master thesis S. Schierenbeck: heifer prices on MAR auctions)
     ▪   Dairy Type =       0 € / score (no significant difference in price)
     ▪   Body         = 10.08 € / score
     ▪   Feed&Legs = 11.25 € / score
     ▪   Udder       = 17.91 € / score
          ▪ Value for body and F&L adapted for pregnant heifers, too

◼ Economic impact
     ▪ Body : 0.191 x 10.08€ x 1.09 Sg = 2.09 € / 12 points EBV body
     ▪ F&L : 0.191 x 11.25€ x 1.01 Sg = 2.18 € / 12 points EBV feet&legs
     ▪ Udder: 0.0491)x 17.91€ x 0.98 Sg = 0.86 € / 12 points EBV udder
            ▪   1)   exclusively for fresh sold heifers (auction + private)
◼ ➔ Conformation totally
The margins per trait in summary

◼ From the ration of margins per Sg resp. per EBV unit (point relative
  EBV resp. kg) the relative Weighting in RZ€ can be derived
               RZ€          €/Sg+life
                                                             Resulting relativ weights (%)

       Fat (kg)             197,72        7,88        20,7
       Protein (kg)         248,76       12,56        26,0        41      milk production traits
       F/P free milk (kg)   -51,13       -0,07        -5,3
       RZN                  258,69       21,56        27,0        27          productive life
       FtL heifers           10,35        0,86         1,1
       CtF (cows)            6,05         0,50         0,6        7          daughter fertility
       FtL cows              52,06        4,34         5,4
       SB direct             9,87         0,82         1,0
       SB maternal           12,81        1,07         1,3
                                                                  3             calving traits
       CE direct             5,03         0,42         0,5
       CE maternal           4,03         0,34         0,4
       RZudderfit            61,39        5,12         6,4
       Rzhoof                30,13        2,51         3,1
                                                                  16            health traits
       RZrepro               17,10        1,43         1,8
       RZmetabol             39,86        3,32         4,2
       Rzcalffit             54,61        4,55         5,7        6        young stock survival
       Sum                                           100,0       100

                                                 page 25
Spreading / scale RZ€

    ◼ (active) AI bulls are strongly selected (top of the population)
    ◼ Females from herd genotyping show the spreading in the entire population
          ▪   213,538 HOL young females born 2018/2019 ( RZG 118,  RZ€ +801)
          ▪   they are 18 points RZG or 801€ superior compared to  cow alive with RZG 100 / RZ€ ±0

Min. -1,800 RZ€                                                                        Max. +3,000 RZ€

                   ◼ RZ€ of bulls: daughters realize half of difference of sire RZ€

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Selection differential with RZ€

◼ Relative breeding progress within complexes with selection by RZ€

◼ With maximization of economic progress significant phenotypic progress in
  all health and functional traits is achieved, too
    ▪ This includes conformation and SCS not directly included in RZ€
    ▪ For RZE ca. 2/3 of progress compared to selection by RZG is achieved
                                     page 27

◼ Ratio of margins for classical traits not changed significantly compared to 2008

◼ New health traits and young stock survival have substantial economic values
    ▪ And are economically taken into account instead of traits with indirect effects (e.g. RZS)
    ▪ ➔ health and young stock survival in RZG, too (in April 2021)

◼ Selection by RZ€ ensures for most dairy farms maximum progress in
    ▪ The scale ‘€ margin difference’ compared to average cow makes economic impact of
      selection alternatives directly visible

◼ The pure economic Total Merit Index matches with the expectation of the society
  according accepted breeding goals, too
    ▪ The sum of health traits is weighted higher compared to milk production traits (59 : 41)

                                         page 28
The new RZ€
- differences in margin with one look !

                 page 29
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