Page created by Calvin Robertson
Fall/Winter 2021

The Master of Engineering
Management Program has a student
population that is 61 percent women,
                                           Also in this Issue
five times the national average.
                                           COHEN’S CARING EARNS HIM
                                           DISTINGUISHED EDUCATOR AWARD     04
Page 18                                    FREE ALUMNI RESOURCES            14
                                           SIZES, SCALES AND POWERS OF 10   22
BY THE                                                 Fall/Winter 2021

                                                                         Department Head
                                                                         Dr. Julie Swann
                                                                         Director of Graduate Programs
                                                                         Dr. Yahya Fathi
                                                                         Director of Undergraduate Programs
                                                                         Dr. Kanton Reynolds

                                                                         inGear Staff
                                                                         Editor and Design Director
                                                                         Robert Lasson
                                                                         Graphic Designers
                                                                         Robert Lasson, Ian Price, Rebecca Ross

Degrees Offered                           National Rankings              Contributing Writers
                                                                         Robert Lasson, Kierney Leonard,
•   B.S. in Industrial Engineering         Undergraduate Program: #14    Stuart Nisbet, Ian Price, Rebecca Ross,
•   Accelerated Bachelor/Master                                          Julie Swann
    in Industrial Engineering
                                           Graduate Program: #16
                                                                         Contributing Editors
•   Master in Industrial Engineering                                     Richard Bernhard, NC State College of
                                                                         Engineering Commuications
•   Master in Industrial Engineering
                                                                         Photographers and Photo Credits
                                                                         Chris Baird, Tony Blevins, Larry Bowman,
•   Master of Engr. Management                                           Damon Butler, Cheryl Doninger,
                                                                         Candance Gingles, Carlos Gonzalez-
•   Master of Engr. Management (Online)                                  Miranda, Jaio Gu, Rashida Hodge,
•   Master of Industrial Engineering /                                   Jeff Johnson, Gayle Lanier,
    Master of Business Administration     Faculty   (2020-2021)          Robert Lasson, Leon McGinnis,
                                                                         Scott Moody, Patrick Murray,
•   M.S. in Industrial Engineering         29 Tenured and Tenure-track   Stuart Nisbet, Dave Parker, Shutterstock,
•   Doctor of Philosophy in IE                                           Juli Trexler, Taylor Wanbaugh
                                           6 Distinguished Professors
                                                                         inGear is a publication of the Edward
Operations Research                        8 Professors                  P. Fitts Department of Industrial and
•   Master in Operations Research                                        Systems Engineering. It is distributed two
                                           8 Associate Professors        times a year to alumni, ISE departments,
•   M.S. in Operations Research                                          faculty, students and friends. We
•   Doctor of Philosophy in
                                           7 Assistant Professors        welcome your feedback about the
    Operations Research                                                  magazine and invite submissions of news
                                           6 Lecturers                   to

Integrated Manufacturing                   11 Emeritus                   To receive news updates throughout
Systems Engineering                        16 Adjunct                    the calendar year, please subscribe to
                                                                         inGear online by going to
•   Master in Integrated Manufacturing                                   JoininGear.
    Systems Engineering
                                                                         NC State Engineering Foundation, Inc.
•   Master of Integrated Manufacturing                                   Campus Box 7901
    Systems Engineering (Online)                                         NC State University
                                                                         Raleigh, NC 27695-7901

                                          Enrollments                    Change of Address?
                                                                         Visit or send
                                           380 Undergraduates            address corrections to alumnianddonor_
                                                               ; or call 919.515.7458,
                                           106 Masters                   toll-free: 866.316.4057.
Degrees Granted (2020-2021)                64 Ph.D.
 103 Undergraduates                                                      @ 2021. The Edward P. Fitts Department
                                                                         of Industrial and Systems Engineering
 68 Masters                                                              produced 7,500 copies this document at a
                                                                         cost of $10,308.00.
 14 Ph.D.
Welcome back, everyone. After a
full year and a half of teaching,
working and studying (remotely for
many), the university community
has fully returned to campus for
the fall semester. It is terrific to see
Fitts-Woolard Hall full of people and
buzzing with energy. I want to thank
everyone for following the COVID-19
procedures and working together to
keep each other safe.

While I am thanking everyone, I
would also like to thank those who
participated in this year’s Day of
Giving. As you may know, your
generosity led to NC State raising
$58 million from more than 14,000
gifts, setting a national record for
dollars raised during a university
giving day. ISE engaged in a friendly
competition with fellow engineering
departments, trying to receive the
most gifts and win a more significant      ISE Alumni LinkedIn Group, NC State                  Dr. Julie Swann
share of the $15,000 in prize money        online library access, ISE job board,                ISE Department Head and
from Dean Louis Martin-Vega. With          and more. We anticipate adding                       A. Doug Allison Distinguished
221 gifts (totaling $70,460 with an        more to it over the coming months.
estimated $3,124.50 in Dean’s Prize        Discover more about the program on
Money), we finished a close second         page 9.
to Civil Engineering (234 gifts).
                                           I will wrap this up with a final
We also competed against Civil and         thank you. I believe I speak for
Mechanical Engineering to see which        everyone in the community when
would receive 150 gifts first. While       I say “Thank you” to Gayle Lanier            Do yo
Civil Engineering reached its 150 gifts    for her leadership and guidance as                   u like
                                           ISE’s advisory board chair this past                           inG   ear?
first, all three departments made                                                       Please
their challenge, receiving extra funds     academic year. I want to welcome                    take a
                                                                                       tell me        secon
from our departmental advisory             our newest advisory board chair,                    what           d to
                                           Stuart Nisbet. But, I will let him         what           you lik
boards. Again, thank you for your                                                            you w           e and
generosity and support.                    tell you a little about himself in his    (jlswa        ould li
                                                                                             nn@n          ke to s
                                           article, Advisory Board Chair Notes,                    csu.e           ee
The pandemic has undoubtedly               on page 29. And finally, I also want     Thank                  du).
created challenges for faculty, staff,     to send well wishes to everyone in
                                           the ISE community as we continue
students and alumni alike. So it is the
ISE Department’s turn to give back.        to face the challenges that the
Over the summer, we introduced             pandemic brings.
our new Alumni Resources Program.
You, our alumni, can find many free
sources to help you advance your
career or network with fellow alumni,
faculty and students. This program
includes our 1100+ member private          Julie Swann

                                                                                                 g o. n c s u . e du/ inGear |   1
5 Questions with ...
          Hometown:                 Oxon Hill, MD
          Graduating Class:         2001
          Career Overview:          Over 20 years in manufacturing in various positions including
                                    new product introduction, quality, continuous improvement and
                                    industrialization. She is currently the Director of Quality and
                                    Continuous Improvement for Cognex Corporation based in Natick, MA.

               What is the single most important experience or understanding you gained in
               the ISE department? Leveraging your team’s strengths to execute goals. I learned this from
               one of my very first ISE classes with our group projects and it’s a lesson I hold true today not just
               in the team I lead, but also with my peers in projects we are driving to completion. I understand
               my strengths and what I bring to the table and leverage those of my team members to achieve
               common goals.

               What is the most pressing issue facing human society that engineers should
               be working harder to solve? The digital divide still exists. It is not just in lower income areas,
               but also with older generations. With so many solutions and services migrating to digital platforms,
               it is forcing a less technical savvy population to a divide that did not exist. I would like to see more
               emphasis put on addressing this digital divide with learning for those that are not as comfortable
               with electronics, the internet, etc. along with support and funding for those that desire access but are
               unable to obtain digital or electronic platforms (phones, computers, etc.).

               What would you like to accomplish in your career? What are you most proud
               of so far? I would like to continue to support the increase of
               diversity within engineering. I am a firm believer in diversity
               of thought and the more diverse the background of the
               team, the more creative you can be at problem solving. I
               am proud to be in a position that not only supports this
               initiative, but also in a position that allows me to speak
               on the great careers in engineering to encourage more
               underrepresented groups to engage in STEM fields.

               If you were not in the engineering field, what
               would you likely be doing? I would probably be
               in human resources or teaching. I enjoy developing
               and coaching people. I also enjoy teaching people new
               skills and encouraging and stretching people to their full
               potential. In both HR and teaching, it would afford me the
               opportunity to do this.

               What advice do you have for current
               ISE students? It’s important to get industry
               experience coupled with your classroom learning.
               The experience is invaluable and allows you to
               link coursework and real-life application. It also
               is important in those internships and coops,
               that you establish and maintain connections
               and start building your professional network.
               Professional organizations like National Society
               of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Institute of
               Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)
               are great assets to provide opportunities
               for relevant job experience as well as
               your network.

2   | in G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
                 18                                                                      04
                                                                                         COHEN’S CARING EARNS
                                                                                         HIM DISTINGUISHED
                 MEM PRODUCING FEMALE                                                    EDUCATOR AWARD
                 LEADERS AT A SUPER RATE                                                 Paul Cohen has made caring the
                 The Master of Engineering                                               focal point of his forty-year career
                 Management Program has a student                                        and that commitment has earned
                 population that is 61 percent women,                                    him the Albert G. Holzman
                 five times the national average. Let’s                                  Distinguished Educator Award.
                 meet a couple of its stars.

                 SIZES,SCALES AND POWERS
                 OF 10
                                                                ALONS IS AN
                                                             ACADEMIC ALL-
                                                          AMERICA SELECTION
                                                                     With two national
                                                            championships under her
                                                           belt, junior swimmer Kylee
                                                          Alons was named a Second
                                                          Team CoSIDA Academic All-
                 How much is a billion? How tiny is an               America selection

                 atom? The National Science Foundation
                 (NSF) has awarded assistant professor
                 Karen Chen and her team a $1.3 million
                 research grant, allowing them to use
                 virtual reality to improve students’
                 understanding of the extremes of scale
                 in STEM.
                                                                                         FREE ALUMNI
                                                                                         The ISE Department has
                                                                                         launched our Alumni
Also in this Issue                                                                       Resources Program to
                                                                                         provide you, our alumni,
                                                                                         with FREE resources that
GRAD STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: KARL SCHUCHARD 12                                                will benefit you throughout
                                                                                         your career.
                                                                                                     g o. n c s u . e du/ inGear |   3
Cohen’s Caring
                                                                                         Earns Him
                                                                                         Educator Award

                                               Paul Cohen is the Edgar S. Woolard Distinguished Professor and served as the ISE department head from 2007 - 2017

                  ll good educators share                       as a person,” he reflected. “Once                         learning and to grow professionally.
                  common qualities like                         you recognize this, the way you                           “There is much to be learned
                  intellect, innovation and                     prepare, teach and treat students                         outside the classroom while in
          passion. But perhaps the quality                      fall into place.” For Cohen, it is                        school, and this learning certainly
          that separates the great from the                     rewarding to see students grasp                           continues past graduation,”
          good is the ability to care. Style and                critical concepts and grow, knowing                       Cohen stated.
          method can change, but without                        that the professor provided the
          caring, students will never reach                     background to be successful.                              Cohen served as the ISE
          their fullest potential. Paul Cohen,                                                                            department head from 2007 until
          Edgar S. Woolard Distinguished                        Providing the best possible                               2017, where he spearheaded the
          Professor, has made caring                            experience requires a commitment                          focus on providing students with an
          the focal point of his forty-year                     to change. “I think it is important                       excellent educational experience.
          career in higher education. That                      to continue to innovate, adapt,                           “Even after stepping down from
          commitment has earned him the                         and change the content one is                             that role, he has continued to be
          Albert G. Holzman Distinguished                       teaching over time as the needs                           involved in education, research, and
          Educator Award.                                       of the students change,” said Julie                       outreach,” reflected Swann. Cohen
                                                                Swann, ISE department head.                               pioneered the modernization of a
          Cohen’s contributions to education                    Cohen has continually introduced                          traditional Industrial Engineering
          and constant focus on providing                       new and contemporary topics into                          area by bringing IT tools into
          the best possible educational                         his classes, developed new courses                        “planning and control” instruction
          experience are the hallmark of                        and added multiple interdisciplinary                      and developed new tools and
          his career. “The most important                       components. He believes that it                           methods for manufacturing
          thing is to care about students                       is essential to prepare for lifelong                      applications in engineering. “His

4   | in G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
Albert G. Holzman
                                                                                                          Distinguished Educator
enthusiasm for engineering has                  eyes of industrial engineers
been contagious for everyone he                 worldwide. “We are so proud                                       Award
contacts,” explained professor                  that Dr. Cohen has been selected
emeritus Richard Wysk.                          for this distinguished educator                            The Albert G. Holzman Distinguished
                                                award, which shows the national                            Educator Award is one of IISE’s most
Cohen embodies what an                          and international reputation that
                                                                                                           prestigious awards recognizing
engineering professor should be.                                                                           educators who contributed
                                                he has as an educator of both
“When I look at the list of past                                                                           significantly to the profession
                                                undergraduate and graduate                                 through teaching, research and
winners, many are good friends                  students,” Swann remarked.                                 publication, extension, innovation,
who I respect greatly, and I am
                                                                                                           and administration. “His contributions
humbled,” Cohen said. “To be                    Recently, Cohen also received the
                                                                                                           to industrial engineering span all
honored for something you love                  Institute of Industrial and Systems                        of the areas required to be a most
doing, contributing to the education            Engineering Manufacturing &                                distinguished educator,” explained
of students, our next generation                Design Division’s Outstanding                              Wysk. His door is always open for
of professionals is a wonderful                 Service Award, recognizing his                             students and colleagues, whether they
recognition and a tribute to my                 leadership and contributions to                            have questions or need to discuss
many mentors who shaped my                      the manufacturing public and                               ideas. “He has extended himself
career and its values.” Winning                 community, further showing his                             for students in all of his classes and
this prestigious award enhances                 dedication and care to the industrial                      has even helped students with other
the department’s reputation for                 engineering field.                                         classes that he is not teaching,”
high-quality education in the                                                                              Wysk recalled.

While it may seem backward to some,             highlight ways in which students can better      “A strong indicator of Dr. Starly’s teaching
ISE professor Binil Starly enjoys teaching      engage with course material,” he recalled.       effectiveness is that he was voted by the
because he enjoys learning. The ability         “His use of 10-minute videos to complement       ISE students as the Anderson Outstanding
to teach a variety of courses allows him        his in-class lecture was available even before   Faculty as soon as he became eligible for the
to Better understand new and emerging           the pandemic. It is a practice adopted by        award,” Wysk recalled.
technology areas. Starly’s passion for          many other ISE faculty.”
                                                                                                 Starly wants to thank his parents and his
learning, teaching, and enhancing education
                                                Showing passion for the subject enables          wife for their continuous support, without
has earned him an NC State Outstanding
                                                students to enjoy the learning process and       which he could not have made a positive
Teaching Award, a prestigious award
                                                ensures that the material is constantly          impact on his students. “I also want to
recognizing excellence in teaching at
                                                improved. “I see my classes that I teach as      thank the ISE department and the College
all levels.
                                                a product that I deliver,” Starly explained.     of Engineering for continuously supporting
Passion, Starly believes, is the core of what   Like with any good product, he goes through      my teaching effort,” he said. Taking every
makes a teacher good. “Show passion for         iterations and processes to continuously         opportunity to continue teaching, he hopes
the subject. Students perceive the passion      refine courses year after year. “He is truly a   that winning this award serves as an
with which a teacher teaches a particular       ‘Renaissance Man’ that looks to the future       inspiration for ISE’s junior faculty to excel in
subject and the thoughtfulness placed           for the next wave of exciting opportunities to   engineering education delivery.
into the lecture content, exercises, and        produce products,” said Wysk.
                                                                                                 Warwick Arden, Executive Vice Chancellor
feedback provided,” he said. ISE emeritus
                                                Earning an Outstanding Teaching Award is         and Provost extends his warmest
professor Richard Wysk, whose book on
                                                no small accomplishment. In fact, it has         congratulations for Starly’s excellence as
computer-aided manufacturing Starly read
                                                been 20 years since the University has           a teacher and mentor. “Your commitment
as an undergraduate, shares the innovative
                                                honored an ISE faculty member with this          to the success of your students is an
methods Starly uses to involve students in
                                                award. “I always knew that winning the           embodiment of NC State’s mission and
class activities – particularly when content
                                                University Teaching award was hard,” Starly      vision,” he praised. For his efforts, Starly
can be dry and boring. “Use of class
                                                recalled. “It feels great to represent our       will become a member of the Academy of
discussion, Think-pair-share activity, use of
                                                department among the outstanding teaching        Outstanding Teachers for the duration of his
sketches, even a cookie tasting exercise
                                                faculty ranks.”                                  faculty appointment at NC State.

                                                                                                                             g o. n c s u . e du/ inGear |   5

                                               With two national championships        Open record. She was a 2021 All-
                                               under her belt in 2021, junior         American in seven events at the
                                               swimmer Kylee Alons was named          NCAA Championships, including
                                               a Second Team CoSIDA Academic          all three of her individual events.
                                               All-America selection on their At-     She also reached the finals of all
                                               Large Team. Along with her many        three of her races at the 2021 ACC
                                               athletic accomplishments, Alons        Championships. Alons was the ACC
                                               has completed her junior year          champion in the 50-yard freestyle this
                                               with a 3.80 GPA in her industrial      past season, and she did not lose a
                                               engineering major.                     single individual race during 2020-21
                                                                                      dual action.
                                               Since she arrived from Fort Collins,
                                               CO, Alons has been an All-ACC          Joining Alons on the CoSIDA
                                               and CSCAA Scholar All-American         Academic All-America Team are
                                               team member three times. This          fellow swimmer Sophie Hansson
                                               past academic year, she won a pair     (3.83 GPA, Business Management)
                                               of NCAA titles in the 200-yard and     and fellow swimmer and engineer
                                               400-yard medley relays, with her       Eric Knowles ( 4.0 GPA, Materials
                                               butterfly leg in the 400-yard race     Science Engineering).
                                               helping to set a new NCAA and US

6   | in G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
      ome people are planners.   and diagnosing problems. "We had           By choosing academia over industry,
      Others go with the flow.   a great team that could build the          Fang could have the freedom to work
      Some people play it        whole condition monitoring system          on whatever interested him.
safe. Others are risk-takers.    from head to toe," Fang stated. While      However, the freedom that comes
When it comes to ISE professor   there, he contributed to the design        with academia is useless without the
Xiaolei Fang, he prefers the     and development of different modules       resources to back it up. To research
best of all worlds — he always   of the condition system. This work         what truly interested him, Fang would
has a plan but isn't afraid to   included hardware design, software         need a major university. That is when
seize opportunities.             development, database and algorithm        he discovered NC State. "The ISE
Fang planned to earn his         design and user interface improvement.     department at NC State is one of the
undergraduate degree —           Fang found a new, intense interest in      top in the nation," Fang explained. "The
Bachelor's of Science in         creating data analytics methodologies      department has a large number of
Mechanical Engineering at        within all of this work — an attraction    excellent researchers and a wide range
the University of Science and    so strong that he once again switched      of focus areas, which provide plenty
Technology Beijing (USTB) —      plans and pursued a new degree             of collaboration opportunities. Also,
and then join the workforce.     ... at a new university ... in a new       Raleigh is one of the most livable cities
But as he was finishing his      country. He decided to enroll at           with very attractive weather."
degree, he seized one of         Georgia Tech to complete a Master's in
                                 Statistics and a Ph.D. in Industrial and   With the support of the ISE
those opportunities. "I was
                                 Systems Engineering.                       Department, Fang's research lies
recommended for admission
                                                                            in the intersection of engineering,
to be a postgraduate without     Along with the decision to change          statistics, machine learning, artificial
exams when I was a senior,"      degrees, he also seized the opportunity    intelligence and optimization. It will help
Fang recalled. "I accepted       to change his career path. "I decided      the manufacturing industry to reduce
the recommendation since it      to work in academia before I made the      equipment failures and maintenance
was exam-free, and I could       decision to pursue a Ph.D. degree,"        costs while improving product quality
expect a better job with a       remembered Fang.                           and equipment availability. His research,
higher salary after completing
                                 "I found it was very interesting to use    much like Fang himself, is ready
graduate studies."
                                 the knowledge I learned from class         to seize new opportunities with its
So Fang continued studying       to develop new methods to solve            potential applications across many
at USTB, working with the        challenging problems in real-world         industries, including manufacturing,
top two steel production         applications, especially when no           healthcare, power and aviation.
companies in China, monitoring   solution is available for these problems
the conditions of machines       or existing models do not work well."

                                                                                                    g o. n c s u . e du/ inGear |   7
           JAVAD TEHARI
           Javad Taheri first joined the NC State        at Nortel, mostly in a very high tech
           ISE Department as a Ph.D. student.            manufacturing environment, and at the
           As he neared graduation, he had the           Durham VA Healthcare System."
           opportunity to teach a course over the
                                                         Taheri was an innovator in both the
           summer. "That summer, I realized how
                                                         industrial engineering industry and
           much I enjoyed teaching, and teaching
                                                         in the classroom. "I would like to be
           became my life-long desired profession,"
                                                         remembered as someone who had a
           he recalled.
                                                         genuine interest in and cared deeply for
           After graduating, Taheri took this            his students," he stated. He would like
           revelation and ran with it, joining the       to thank the late professor John Canada,
           department as a visiting assistant            his first manager, his two committee
           professor. After his time as a visiting       co-chairs, professor Henry Nuttle and
           scholar, he began working with Northern       the late Raul Alvarez, his second career
           Telecom corporation (now Nortel). There,      mentors, professors Ivy and Roberts and
           he served as a project manager but still      Kenneth Goldberg, at the Durham VA
           maintained an adjunct professorship           Medical Center.
           with the department. "During my career
                                                         During retirement, Taheri hopes to
           at Nortel, I had hired several of NCSU's
                                                         volunteer in the community, travel and
           Master and Ph.D. students," Taheri said.
                                                         read poetry. Of course, he hopes to
           He also collaborated with the Integrated
                                                         continue his life-long passion for teaching
           Manufacturing Systems Engineering
                                                         by instructing one — maybe two —
           Institute Program helping students
                                                         classes in the future.
           in their co-op positions. He finished
           his career at Nortel as the director
           of Operations Research with early
           Now that he was enjoying his retirement,
           Taheri attended one of professor Robert
           Young's classes. "He provided me with
           an opportunity to contribute to the
           course material and teach a few of the
           classes," he said. Soon after, Taheri began
           teaching Introduction to Simulation and
           Computer-Based Modeling for Engineers.
           "Thanks to professor Roberts’ ingenuity,
           I obtained a 5/8 IPA grant from Durham
           VA Medical Center in 2009, and I became
           a full-time faculty member," Taheri
           explained. He later joined professor
           Julie Ivy and contributed to her CDC
           Preparedness Project. "My greatest
           accomplishment has been translating
           the principles of industrial and systems
           engineering into practical solutions

8   | in G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
Before joining NC State's Materials          instructor, mentor, colleague and friend
                                                  Science and Engineering Department           to me," recalled ISE alumnus and former
                                                  in 1992, Dan Leonard was a machinist         Processes Lab Technician Tood Goldfarb.
                                                  with Edward Valves (now Flowserve).          "He taught me the value of being safe,
                                                  In September of 2008, Leonard moved          doing things the right way and treating

                                                  from material science to the Industrial      our environment, tools and each other
                                                  and Systems Engineering Department           with respect. Thank you Dan!"
                                                  as the supervisor of ISE's Manufacturing
                                                                                               Long-time lab manager, Jason Low,
                                                  Processes Laboratory. This move
                                                                                               recalls Leonard's many learning moments
                                                  allowed him to get back to his passion
                                                                                               both with students and himself. "Dan will
                                                  for machining.
                                                                                               always be remembered for keeping all
                                                  As the caretaker of the Processes Lab,       of our lab equipment running smoothly
                                                  Leonard will be remembered for his           and occupants safe, providing some of
                                                  guidance of countless students in safely     the best hands-on laboratory experiences
                                                  completing their machining projects.         one could ever imagine in an engineering
                                                  From lab experiments, course projects,       program," remembered Low. "But I will
                                                  summer camps and open houses, he             always have fond memories of getting
                                                  was the "go-to guy" when there was           to know Dan as a person and how much
                                                  something to be done that involved           he cared for his environment and fellow
                                                  the use of equipment and processes           man. May we all learn by his example."
                                                  under the ISE roof. "Dan is the first face
                                                                                               As Leonard moves into retirement and
                                                  you think of when you think about the
                                                                                               trades in his infamous closed-toe shoes
                                                  manufacturing department," said ISE
                                                                                               for a more comfortable pair of sandals,
                                                  senior Nikki Gorrell. "He has given so
                                                                                               he said he doesn't have any plans.
                                                  many of us students invaluable skills by
                                                                                               Still, we suspect that one will be able
                                                  volunteering his time around complex
                                                                                               to find him with his wife, Paige, and an
                                                  machinery. I know that I will be forever
                                                                                               accompaniment of friends at the TraLi
                                                  grateful for his expertise."
                                                                                               Pub in Morrisville, playing traditional Irish
                                                  Leonard was not only known for his           dance tunes on his iridescent blue Reso-
                                                  unwavering belief in safety but for          Dude guitar.
                                                  having respect for all things as well.
                                                  "Working with Dan was great - he was an

                                                                                           STEPHEN JACKSON
One word that could be used to              his return to NC State, where he would
describe Steve Jackson and his career       earn his second engineering degree
is multidisciplinary. Maybe not a           in integrated manufacturing systems.
term that is often used to describe         After that, he remained at the university
someone, but it fits in this case.Jackson   as the director of graduate programs
received all three of his degrees from      in the Integrated Manufacturing
NC State, and each in a different           Systems Engineering Institute (IMSEI).
engineering discipline.                     It was the perfect fit since IMSEI is a
                                            multidisciplinary program that uses
After graduating with a bachelor’s
                                            faculty, course offerings and laboratory
in civil engineering, Jackson spent
                                            facilities within the engineering, computer
several years as a designer at an
                                            science, business, textiles and other
aircraft ground support equipment
                                            departments. In 2001, Jackson earned
manufacturing company, eventually
                                            his Ph.D. in his third engineering field,
rising to the department head position.
                                            mechanical engineering.
While there, he implemented product-
focused organization and encouraged
closer cooperation between the
design, production planning, and
manufacturing teams. Jackson
was later president of a computer-
aided manufacturing software firm,
leading its product development
and administering its general
company management.
But it was his passion for
manufacturing systems that prompted

                                                                                                                        g o. n c s u . e du/ inGear |   9
ISE and CCEE students enjoy ice cream and take a

                                                                             break at a joint ice cream social.

 It’s an exciting time to be part of ISE, and
 these photos prove it. Have you been seen?

US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Second
Gentleman Doug Emhoff learn about the advanced
manufacturing and 3D printing capabilities of the CAMAL lab

NC State alumni who didn’t have the
opportunity to attend an in-person graduation
come together for a reception on the oval.

                                                                                                           ISE alumnus Will Heath returns to the
                                                                                                           Pack as he joins The Ergonomics Center.

                                                                                                        ISE alumnus Anton Ørskov
                                                                Search                                  Ipsen is back at the 2021
                                                              ncstateise                                Olympic Games. Check out the
                                                                  on                                    wolf he threw after his event
                                                                                                        in 2016!

10    | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
ISE graduate student Aman Kumar
                                      standing in front of “The Bean” in
                                      downtown Chicago


ISE’s Maria Mayorga talks with CBS
17 about the effectiveness of masks
and COVID testing in schools.

                                                  Ph.D. graduate Li Li having some fun with
                                                  a “research partner” during his hooding
                                                  ceremony at Fitts-Woolard Hall

                                              US Secretary of Transportation
                                              Pete Buttigieg and Second
                                              Gentleman Doug Emhoff tour the
                                              ISE and CCEE Departments before
                                              heading over to textiles

                                                          g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   11

Do all engineers start loving STEM at a young age? From disassembling and                              Karl Schuchard is a Ph.D.
reassembling models to excelling in math in science classes, it seems like all engineers               student who received
begin here. However, Ph.D. student Karl Schuchard challenges this stereotype. For him, it              his bachelor’s degree
all started with a love of nature.
                                                                                                       in political science
“My parents encouraged my personal scientific exploration when I was growing up,                       from the University of
and we did a lot of at-home experiments,” Schuchard recalled. Being free to explore
nature served to fuel his curiosity, so in college, Schuchard participated in various nature
                                                                                                       Minnesota. His research
research projects while studying political science and mathematics. One project was a                  focuses in the area
                                two-year National Science Foundation research program                  of biomanufacturing
                                             in biology and mathematics. This collaboration
                                                                                                       under professor
                                                 gave Schuchard experience performing
                                                     hands-on research with biologists.                Rohan Shirwaiker
                                                        In return, he taught his fellow
                                                          researchers how to mathematically
                                                           model results. “Through this work,
                                                            I learned the value of humbly
                                                              stepping outside of my research domain to work on a cross-functional team,” he
                                                                explained. “I knew that this was the type of research that I wanted to continue doing
                                                                in graduate school.”
                                                            With support from his advisors in biology and mathematics, finding a path to follow
                                                            in graduate school was easy. Industrial Engineering was a perfect fit because of its
                                                            cross-functional and widely applicable field. “ISEs are systematic problem solvers,
                                                            and I think we catch on fast and can apply ourselves in new ways constantly, all the
                                                            while working with a huge cross-section of the population,” Schuchard stated. It
                                                            complements what he learned during his undergraduate research flawlessly.
                                                            Just like discovering how ISE was the perfect degree, finding the ISE department
                                                           at NC State was also a Goldilocks situation. “I was unsure of what area I wanted to
                                                          pursue research in but knew that I wanted a larger ISE department that was solid
                                                         in a wide breadth of disciplines so I could explore a bit,” Schuchard admitted. Some
                                                        departments were too small, and others were too specialized. “But, when I came to NC
                                                       State, it honestly felt like home,” he said. NC State held many research concentrations,
                                                      experienced and relatable professors and offered an active larger community. Schuchard
                                                     could continue making contributions to science, technology, and society while enjoying
                                                        the natural splendor of North Carolina’s beaches, mountains, music, food, lakes, rivers
                                                            and parks.
                                                               Never one to slow down, Schuchard stays active while finishing his Ph.D. “I’ve
                                                                played golf since I was 5 and of course, being in North Carolina: every day
                                                                 is a challenge to keep my GPS pointed away from the range or squeezing
                                                                  in nine (or 18, don’t tell my advisor),” he exclaimed. Schuchard even finds
                                                                   ways to merge nature and engineering. “I really enjoy rock climbing in the
                                                                   Piedmont with my friends and girlfriend,” he said. Many routes are protected
                                                                    and require removable anchors into existing cracks or weaknesses in the
                                                                     rock. “It’s really a high-dimensional engineering problem that you get to
                                                                      physically experience, which is both physically and mentally challenging,”
                                                                      he explained.
                                                                        Upon graduation, Schuchard will consider biomedical and
                                                                         pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, and quality
                                                                          science opportunities. “The Research Triangle Park is a great place to be
                                                                           for pursuing these positions, so I will be here for now.”

12    | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
Alumni and Friends of ISE Help
       Set a New Day of Giving Record

        s alumni, faculty and staff       (totaling $70,460 with an estimated     postponed to September due to the
        members, and friends of ISE       $3,124.50 in Dean’s Prize Money)        COVID-19 pandemic.
        came together in support          and the Department of Mechanical
of their department, they helped          and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)         Competing against other colleges
drive NC State to a record-setting        with 193.                               and units at NC State, the College
day. Overall, the University raised                                               won two of the hourly challenges —
$58 million from more than 14,000         ISE also competed against CCEE and      most gifts made from 12 – 1 a.m. and
gifts, setting a national record for      MAE to see which would receive 150      the “Show Us Your Wolfies” photo
dollars raised during a college or        gifts first. While CCEE reached its     challenge — earning an extra $3,500.
university giving day, according to       150 gifts matching challenge first,     Despite spending a good portion of
the consulting firm State of Wow. The     all three departments made their        the day at the top of the leaderboard
previous record for the highest total     challenge, receiving extra funds from   for total funds raised, the College
funds raised during a single day was      their departmental advisory boards.     was runner-up for both total funds
held by Purdue University when $42                                                and number of gifts.
                                          Day of Giving is a 24-hour
million was raised in 2020.
                                          fundraising campaign to raise           ISE is grateful to everyone who
Throughout the day, ISE engaged           money to support the University’s       participated in this year’s Day of
in a friendly competition, trying         world-class research, develop new       Giving. The incredible support
to receive the most gifts to win a        opportunities and improve existing      will have an impact for future
greater share of $15,000 in prize         programs for students. Now in its       industrial and systems engineers for
money from Dean Louis Martin-             third year, NC State has seen a rise    generations to come.
Vega. The Department of Civil,            in giving every year since 2019.
Construction, and Environmental           Remarkably, the 2021 record-setting
Engineering (CCEE) won, with 234          total comes just six months after
gifts, closely followed by ISE with 221   the 2020 Day of Giving, which was

                                                                                                     g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   13
Swann Named IISE Council Chair
                                                                    Department head Julie Swann will be the 2022 Chair of the
                                                                 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Council of
                                                                Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH).
                                                               Her election shows the dedication and commitment Swann has
                                                                                led to improving the industrial engineering field.

                                                                    Beginning at the May 2021 IISE meeting, Swann will be the
                                                                   CIEADH Chair-elect for one year, where she will serve under
                                                               this year's CIEADH Chair, Sunderesh S. Heragu from Oklahoma
                                                                         State. After serving as the chair in 2022, Swann will be
                                                                  recognized as the Immediate past chair during her third year,
                                                                                                                 starting in 2023.

                                                                                                         What is CIEADH?
                                                                  CIEADH is composed of the leaders of industrial engineering
                                                               programs nationwide. As a part of the Institute of Industrial and
                                                               Systems Engineers, CIEADH works to encourage interest in the
                                                                industrial engineering field. They also discuss ways to improve
                                                                   industrial engineering education, curriculum, accreditation,
                                                                           student activities, research and faculty development.

         The ISE Department has launched our Alumni Resources Program
         to provide you, our alumni, with FREE resources that will benefit you
         throughout your career.

         These resources include:
                • Private ISE Alumni LinkedIn Group (1150+ members)
                • NC State Online Library Access
                • ISE / OR Job Board
                • Online Certifications and Professional Learning
                • NC State Alumni Directory
                • Alumni-Student Mentoring Program
                • Ask the Pack Alumni to Alumni Program

         Whether you are looking to gain a competitive edge in your career or
         interested in networking with ISE alumni, faculty and students, the Alumni
         Resources Program can help.

14   | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
                                                                                                        Maria-Hunter Macie is a
                                                                                                        senior double majoring in
                                                                                                        inustrial engineering and
                                                                                                        business administration.
There are many stories about ISE students and faculty who knew that industrial                          She performs undergraduate
engineering was for them from a young age, either through playing with legos or                         research under the
following in their parent’s footsteps. But what about the people who find themselves                    mentorship of professor CS
later in life?
                                                                                                        Nam.Together they study
Enter Maria-Hunter Mackie, an undergraduate student whose entire life path changed                      Brain to Brain Interfacing an
once she discovered ISE. “I have been interested in systems design for a long time, but
it wasn’t until 2017 that I realized it was a field I could get a degree in,” Mackie recalled.
                                                                                                        emerging technology that
“I read up on the major and found that it fit my desire to work with people, technology,                allows information exchange
and processes to get better outcomes for the customer, worker and the company.”                         directly between brains
When Mackie finished high school, she wanted to move out of state to continue her
education like many of her fellow graduates. However, she made a decision that
changed everything; she took a gap year to work in the field. Once the time to apply
to colleges rolled back around, her outlook on North Carolina had changed. She
decided to stay in her home state, beginning her associate’s in engineering at a local
community college. It was there that she discovered the perfect degree.

                                        Mackie Joins ISE
                                                 Mackie enrolled in the ISE department and joined a research experience (REU) with
                                                   Ph.D. student Zach Traylor under the supervision of professor Chang S. Nam.
                                                     Nam leads the research at NC State’s Brain-Computer Interface Lab, focusing on
                                                       human-systems engineering.
                                                          Together, they studied Brain to Brain Interfacing (B2BI), an emerging
                                                           technology that allows information exchange directly between brains
                                                             using neuroimaging and neurostimulation methods. At that point, B2BI
                                                              researchers lacked a uniform classification for B2BI systems. So the team
                                                              set out to fix that. “From the research, we noticed a lack of classifications
                                                             for experimental communication loops,” Mackie explained. “An interesting
                                                            outcome of my semester was working with Mr. Traylor and Dr. Nam to
                                                            create terminology to distinguish experiments where the feedback loop for
                                                           communication used B2BI or other methods (such as a computer screen).” To
                                                           speed up all future B2BI research, The team developed a system that put all
                                                          B2BI systems into one of four classifications.
                                                         At the same time, Mackie applied what she had learned at the NC
                                                        Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Conference and a featured article in IISE
                                                       magazine. “I left the REU with new insight into how ISE could be applied to the
                                                      world, a deeper understanding of graduate school and research paper writing,”
                                                       said Mackie. “It was a really positive experience for me, and I would recommend
                                                             it to anyone considering undergraduate research.”
                                                                     When Mackie isn’t busy researching cutting-edge technology, she’s
                                                                        volunteering at a local nonprofit. “Pre-Covid-19 I spent those
                                                                            hours helping people learn how to use 3D printers, laser
                                                                              cutters, micro bits, and shop tools as well as mentoring
                                                                                a 14-person middle school FIRST FTC team - FTC
                                                                                  13883 the Razzle Dazzle of Fantazmagazzles,” Mackie
                                                                                   explained. “With Covid-19 I have continued to work
                                                                                    with Razzle Dazzle and have done a small amount
                                                                                      of laser cutting support as well. I like to read and
                                                                                        play lots of puzzle games.”
                                                                                            After graduation, Mackie hopes to get a job
                                                                                             in supply chain that has a direct impact on
                                                                                              the consumer. If her adaptable and diligent
                                                                                               nature has shown anything, she should have
                                                                                                no problem finding that perfect job too.

                                                                                                                       g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   15
PHILANTHROPY                           PROJECT                  CLASSROOM                  SUMMER CAMP                    TOURS OF
      AND                            OPPORTUNITIES              PRESENTATIONS               OPPORTUNITIES                 INDUSTRIAL
 SPONSORSHIP                                                    AND LEARNING                                               FACILITIES

Outside support                     ISE’s senior design         You can interact with ISE   You can interact with     Have students tour your
through philanthropy                course is a chance to       students through class      future ISE students       industrial facilities. This
and sponsorship                     work with students who      presentations, panels and   through class             is a great opportunity
allows us to enhance                can analyze your proposal   lectures. This allows you   presentations and         for students to see
our programs. The ISE               and provide valuable        to engage students in       hand-on exercises.        principles taught in the
Enhancement Fund                    solutions.                  real-world problems and     This is a great way to    classroom getting put
addresses one of the                                            solutions.                  expose students to        into action.
department’s greatest                 Kanton Reynolds                                       what it’s like to be an
needs, discretionary                      Julie Swann            industrial engineer.           Jingyan Dong
support. These funds                     919.515.0605                                
allow the department                                                919.515.6423                  Jason Low                919.515.7196
head to quickly respond                                                              
to these opportunities                                                                           919.515.1424
and challenges.

     Mike Walsh

   16    | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
CO-OPS AND                 RECRUITING                  CAREER FAIRS               INDUSTRY
  INTERNSHIPS                                                                        RESEARCH

Co-ops and internships      Interested in our           Take part in one of NC     ISE’s faculty and students
allow you to work with      students? We                State’s Engineering        work with corporations
some of the nation’s top    encourage you to send       Career Fairs. This is a    and governmental
students. They give you     job announcements to        great way to enhance       agencies to perform
the opportunity to test a   the department. You         your company’s             in-context research.
student’s effectiveness     can also post right         visibility to future job   This research broadens
and potential as a          on our social media         candidates in ISE. To      knowledge and creates
future employee.            channels: Facebook,         register go to https://    new methodologies.
Students also benefit by    Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
gaining valuable work                                   careerfair/employers/.          Julie Swann
experience.                      Julie Swann                              
                                  Brian Koehler              919.515.6423
     Julie Swann

              The ISE Department works with a wide network of industry
              partners and our alumni. Above are nine ways in which ISE and the
              professional community are working together for mutual benefit.

              Got your own idea? We are always eager to explore new and
              creative ways to team up with our alumni and industry friends.

                                   Ready to go?
                                                      Register at

                                                                                                            g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   17

                           NC State’s Master of Engineering
                           Management Program boasts
                           a staggering 61 percent female
                           population compared to the 12.1
                           percent women in engineering
                           management nationally. Let’s
                           meet two of its stars.
                           By Kierney Leonard

18   | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1

      he number of women pursuing
      STEM-based and leadership
      careers has continued to trend
upward over the last several decades.
According to the Census Bureau,
the ratio of women in STEM careers
jumped from eight to 27 percent
between 1970 and 2019. Taking this
trend to the next level, NC State's
Master of Engineering Management
(MEM) Program boasts a staggering
61 percent female population
compared to the 12.1 percent
women in engineering management
nationally. Let's meet two of NC
State's female leaders from MEM,
Melissa Pressley and Delshad Zaker.

                        g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   19
                                                 Since graduating with her bachelor’s degree
                                                 from NC State’s Edward P. Fitts Department
                                                 of Industrial and Systems Engineering in
                                                 2016, Melissa Pressley has worked for Duke
                                                 University Health Systems. She plans to use
                                                 her MEM degree to advance her career and
                                                 further pursue her passion for healthcare.

                                                 MELISSA PRESSLEY
                                                 Young professional Melissa                    work hard to make it in a historically
                                                 Pressley became one of the first              male-dominated career.
                                                 two alumni of the MEM program,
                                                                                               Studying and working in STEM and
                                                 graduating over the summer. She
                                                                                               business fields, she admitted there
                                                 originally graduated from NC State’s
                                                                                               had been times when she was
                                                 Industrial and Systems Engineering
                                                                                               the only woman in the room. By
                                                 Program (ISE) in 2016, earning
                                                                                               seizing development opportunities
                                                 her Health Systems Engineering
                                                                                               and building relationships with
                                                 Certificate. This program inspired
                                                                                               female peers and teachers in the
                                                 her to work in healthcare. Having
                                                                                               MEM program, Pressley built the
                                                 built a solid foundation of technical
                                                                                               confidence to say, “Yes, I’m the
                                                 skills through ISE, Pressley planned
                                                                                               only one here, but that doesn’t
                                                 to grow her leadership skills
                                                                                               mean my voice matters any less or
                                                 and explore healthcare through
                                                                                               that my opinion is any less valid.”
                                                 graduate school.
                                                                                               She furthered, “I have earned my
                                                 With a long list of MEM                       seat at this table, now it’s time for
                                                 concentrations to choose from,                me to take advantage of it.”
                                                 Pressley chose Health and Human
                                                 Systems, which married her
                                                 background in industrial engineering
                                                 to her passion for healthcare. “I
                                                 want to be able to do something
                                                 where, at the end of a career or
                                                 at the end of every day, there
                                                 is something that I have been
                                                 working on that is going to improve
                                                 the lives of other people,” stated
                                                 Pressley, who now works as a
                                                 management engineer for Duke
                                                 University Health Systems. She
                                                 works on process improvements in
                                                 healthcare delivery, which tackles
                                                 patient issues, such as wait times
                                                 for surgery. Pressley is now doing
                                                 what she loves, but she had to

20   | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1

                                                                              Since graduating with her bachelor’s
                                                                              degree from Islamic Azad Univeristy in 2016,
                                                                              Delshad Zaker has worked for Middle East
                                                                              Water and Evironment. She plans to use her
                                                                              MEM degree to advance her career in the
Coming from Tehran, Iran, where        attracted her to study engineering     manufacturing or healthcare fields.
she began her journey earning an       management at NC State. Currently
undergraduate degree in Industrial     halfway through the program's
Engineering, Delshad Zaker now         on-campus curriculum, Zaker
calls NC State home. In 2017,          plans to work in manufacturing or      "I think it is very important that we
Zaker worked for an engineering        healthcare once she graduates in       work in this field more and [take
consultant company called Middle       2022. The global pandemic sparked      on leadership positions]. We have
East Water and Environment as          her interest in healthcare, and        to for the next generation. [Men
an industrial engineer before          her creativity contributed to her      need to know] they can count
continuing her education. With her     desire to pursue manufacturing.        on us like themselves," Zaker
background in engineering and a        Regardless of which career path        explained. She encourages women
passion for leading, Zaker felt that   she chooses, Zaker feels prepared      to join programs like engineering
the MEM program at NC State best       to lead.                               management to find their place as
fit her career aspirations.                                                   leaders in society.
                                       Growing up, she has always had the
The diverse courses, accelerated       instinct to lead. Despite leadership
timeline, networking and leadership    positions being male-dominated,
development opportunities              she hopes more women step up.

                                                                                                        g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   21
Karen Chen, assistant professor, will use the $1.3 million NSF research grant awarded to improve students’ understanding of the extremes of scale.


                 ow much is a billion?                        understanding of the extremes of                      STEM fields have to deal with
                 How tiny is an atom?                         scale in STEM.                                        entities and ideas at the extremes
                 These seem like simple                                                                                            of scale, it is critical
         questions, but people of all ages
         struggle to conceptualize extreme                    extreme scales                “Conceptualizing                       for students to
                                                                                                                                   develop accurate
         sizes and scales. However, sizes,                    and sizes have
                                                              been a well-
                                                                                            extreme scales                         conceptions of
         scales and powers of 10 (10x) are                                                                                         scales that exist
         fundamental subjects in STEM.                        documented                    and sizes have                         well beyond
                                                              challenge in
         When ISE assistant professor
         Karen Chen heard of this                             the education                 been a well-                           their everyday
                                                              literature,” Chen
         challenge, she knew that VR could
                                                                                            documented                             of the world,”
         help bring the hard to visualize                                                                                          Chen stated.
         items into view. The National                        However, the                  challenge in                           An inaccurate
                                                              subject is a
         Science Foundation (NSF) has                                                                                              understanding of
         awarded Chen and her team                            crucial one to                the education                          size and scale can
                                                              understand in
         a $1.3 million research grant,
         allowing them to use virtual                         STEM fields.                  literature.”                           make it hard to
                                                                                                                                   apply concepts in
                                                              “Given many
         reality to improve students’                                                                                              the real world, and

22   | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
   not understanding subjects can
   also become a barrier to STEM             The virtual reality controller and headset are used to experience virtual environments
   for students.

   As a solution, the team will create   sizes, scales and powers of 10,                    collaboration with experts
   “Scale Worlds,” a new immersive       which are impossible to make                       outside of the engineering field,”
   virtual environment showing           in everyday life. “Since VR                        she stated, “Scale Worlds is
   scientific entities of different      enables us to visualize practically                truly a transdisciplinary research
   sizes. Students can enter one of      anything we could render using a                   project.” How much is a billion?
   31 distinct environments and see      computer, we thought it would be                   and how small is an atom? will
   incredibly small and unbelievably     a great approach to help students                  be much easier questions to
   large objects in relation to          conceptualize extreme scales,”                     answer, thanks to Karen Chen
   their bodies, like the difference     Chen said.                                         and her team.
   between molecules and cells
                                         Chen is working with faculty
   or the sun and the moon.
                                         from the College of Education
   This project allows students
                                         and College of Design. “I
   to make realistic comparisons
                                         am very excited about this
   and understand the concept of

                                                                                                                      g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   23
JEFF HOYLE, Director
                                                                    of Ergonomic Services at
                                                                    the Ergocenter, received an
                                                                    Outstanding Extension Award
                                                                    from NC State’s Office of
                                                                    Outreach and Engagement. He
                                                                    earned this award for his leadership
                                                                    in the field of ergonomics and
                                                                    his passion, dedication, and drive
                                                                    to educate and assist others in
                                                                    making the workplace safer. Hoyle
                                                                    also received the Creativeness
                                                                    in Ergonomics Practitioner of
                                                                    the Year Award at the Applied
                                                                    Ergonomics Conference for
          JEFF HOYLE                                                his achievements in the creative
                                                                    application of ergonomics.                          ROHAN SHIRWAIKER

                                                                                                                ROHAN SHIRWAIKER,
                                                                                                                associate professor, received the 2021
                                                                      KAREN CHEN,                               Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD)
                                                                                                                Award from the Penn State Industrial
                                                                      assistant professor, received
                                                                                                                and Manufacturing Engineering Society
                                                                      the Young Investigator of the
                                                                                                                in collaboration with the Harold and
                                                                      Year Award from the Applied
                                                                                                                Inge Marcus Department of Industrial
                                                                      Ergonomics Conference. She
                                                                                                                and Manufacturing Engineering. He
                                                                      won this award because of
                                                                                                                received this award for demonstrating
                                                                      the outstanding contributions
                                                                                                                successful early career development
                                                                      she is making to the
                                                                                                                and achievements.
                                                                      ergonomic field through her
                                                                      applied research.

                                           REYNOLDS,                            BINIL STARLY, James T.
                                           Director of                          Ryan Distinguished Professor,
                                           Undergraduate                        received a 2021 SME Journal
                                           Programs, won                        of Manufacturing Systems
                                           the COE Award                        Reviewer of the Year Award
                                           for Excellence                       from the North American
                                           from NC State.                       Manufacturing Research
                                           He received this                     Institution of SME. The
                                           award for improving                  award, given out since 2018,
                                           efficiency and                       recognizes high-performing
                                           innovation both in                   reviewers for their critical
                                           the ISE department                   review and oversight.
                                           and at the University.                                                                  BINIL STARLY

  24   | i n G e a r - Fa ll/ W i n te r 2 0 2 1
Kate Moore,
                                                                                                                     senior, and Kylee
                                                                                                                     Alons, junior,
                                                                                                                     were named to the
                                                                                                                     All-ACC Swimming
                                                                                                                     and Diving Academic
                                                                                                                     Team by the Atlantic
                                                                                                                     Coast Conference. The
                                                                                                                     two ISE stars are no
                                                                                                                     strangers to winning All-
                                                                                                                     ACC academic honors
                                                                                                                     as this is the third
                                                                                                                     for each.
                                                    KATE MOORE                                    KYLEE ALONS

                                              XU XU, assistant professor, received an inaugural
                                              Goodnight Early Career Innovator Award from NC
                                              State’s Provost’s Office. He earned this award for his
                                              cutting-edge work in biomechanics, as well as his academic
                                              achievements and teaching excellence. Xu also won the
                                              2021 C.A. Anderson Outstanding Faculty Award from the
                                              ISE Department. The winner of this award is determined by
                                              student voting.

                                                  CHANG “CS” NAM, professor, received
                                                  Fellow Status from the Human Factors and
                                                  Ergonomics Society (HFES). Fellow is the highest
                                                  recognition bestowed by the HFES and given to
                                                  recognize outstanding achievement, consistently
OLA HARRYSSON, Fitts                              superior professional performance, exceptional
Distinguished Professor, received the             contributions, personal service to the Society, and
International Freeform and Additive               other meritorious accomplishments.
Manufacturing Excellence Award
from the Solid Freeform Fabrication
Symposium in August. The award                                                                                  CHANG “CS” NAM
is given out at the International Solid
Freeform Fabrication Symposium and
recognizes an outstanding researcher in
the field of freeform/additive fabrication.

                                                                                                                 lecturer, received a
                                                                                                                 2021 CEO Award of
                                                                                                                 Excellence from SAS.
                                                                                                                 Summerville was
                                                                                                                 nominated by her peers
                                                                                                                 for living out SAS’s values
                                                                                                                 each day.

                                                             NATALIA SUMMERVILLE

                                                                                                                g o. n c s u . e d u/ inGear |   25
Advance Auto Parts                                                                                                                   Biogen
     Sidney Allen, Rebecca Rowen, Rachel Sykes,                                                                                                  Maks Bezruchko
     Gabrielle Tonsay and Nathan Woelfel                                                                                                         Quesinberry, Da
                                                                                                                                                 Christine Wilkin
     Advance Auto Parts wanted to improve its marketing efforts
     towards its commercial customers and optimize its inventory                                                                                 Biogen wanted to de
     management. The senior design team analyzed four years of                                                                                   alternative supplier
     customer data to determine any buying patterns. Once the                                                                                    and money in the ev
     data was cleaned, they discovered seasonal buying patterns                                                                                  researched local sup
     across all matches. They placed the vast majority of the                                                                                    help determine the f
     customers into eight pervading clusters, improving customer                                                                                 with a new supplier,
     relations, decreasing inventory costs, and increasing revenue.                                                                              how a new supplier

                                    City of Raleigh - A                                                                      City of Raleig
                                                   Rana Farawi, Connie Feinberg, Tess Garrison,                                 Jessica Berlin, Hannah Kosze
                                                   Matthew McMillan and Samantha Nagle                                          Mansdoerfer and Connor Pat
                                                   The City of Raleigh added License Plate Recognition Software                 The City of Raleigh wanted to add n
                                                   (LPR) to its parking enforcement operations. But, it lacked                  its Citrix Cycle Bikeshare Program in
                                                   the procedures for the drivers of its LPR-equipped vehicles                  studied areas, Five Points and Missi
                                                   to maximize their LPR usage. The senior design team created                  lacked a tool to select locations for t
                                                   dynamic routes to optimize parking enforcement around                        stations in those areas, which waste
                                                   NC State University and Downtown Raleigh. The team also                      station siting process. The senior de
                                                   streamlined communications between the department                            a dynamic decision matrix that inco
                                                   and the LPR technology provider, Genetec, to significantly                   various sources to produce the optim
                                                   improve the enforcement process. Lastly, the team made                       in the predetermined areas. City pla
                                                   recommendations on how to measure and incentivize                            tool in the future to increase the pro
                                                   driver performance.

                                                                                                                                     NC State
Manhattan Associates                                                                                                                 College of Veterina

                                       Daniel Cockson, Emily Cooke, Rahul Dhawan,                                 Ben Boyd, Sohil Doshi, Julia Peters and
                                       Matt Izzo, Anthony Szanfranski                                             Toofan Salahuddin
                                       Manhattan Associates wanted to improve client satisfaction                 The NC State College of Veterinary Medicine used
                                       and performance of its trucking supply chain division. They                time-consuming Google Forms to capture reques
                                       needed a tool that was compatible with its Profit Analyzer                 their principal investigators. Also, the investigator
                                       Tool and would reduce the time spent on cost model creation                not duplicate, make minor changes and resubmit
                                       and maintenance process by 15 percent. Using Microsoft                     when they were completing a project again. Addi
                                       Excel, the student team built a template with five built-in                inefficiencies was a general lack of communicatio
                                       VBA macros that automated the cost modeling process.
                                                                                                                  awareness of the Lab Animal Resources (LAR) we
                                       They reduced the cost model initialization time by more than
                                                                                                                  After completing a thorough voice of customer an
                                       50 hours and the monthly maintenance time by more than
                                                                                                                  student team created a Vet Services Form Prefilled
                                       five hours per week. Their efforts led to a 25 percent time
                                                                                                                  saves 30 minutes per submission. They added dro
                                       reduction and $50k in potential new client income.
                                                                                                                  menus and redesigned the Forms page, which inc
                                                                                                                  user-friendliness by 32%.

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