Page created by Ben Espinoza
2021 – 2022
TOOLS                                  As a workplace rep, one of your key roles is
                                          to make sure all newly-hired members get
                                          a sense of what their MGEU membership
   to help you                            means, how it works, and why it’s important.

   welcome new                            To make this as easy as possible, we have
                                          union orientation materials to help you
   members to                             welcome new hires to the MGEU. Every

   the MGEU!                              workplace rep should have these in their

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                  Take a to be an MG
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                                           To find out more, please
                                           contact the Resource Centre

To find out more, please contact the Resource Centre

2021–2022 MGEU
Whether you are a president, chief steward, vice-               This guide does not include a course schedule. Instead,
president, member-at-large, steward, workplace safety           courses you are eligible to attend will be posted in
and health committee member, or workplace safety                THE SOURCE for Workplace Reps. You will be emailed
and health representative, thank you for stepping up            (or mailed) notice eight weeks in advance of a course
and agreeing to accept your vitally important role.             letting you know you can register. Information on how
Through the Membership Education Program, you’ll                to set up an account and register for courses in THE
gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to assist             SOURCE for Workplace Reps can be obtained from the
your fellow members in the workplace and, ultimately,           MGEU Resource Centre.
to help build a better union.                                   As an elected leader, you have already shown you’re
In the 2021-2022 Membership Education Course Guide,             ready to stand up, have a say, and accept new
you will find descriptions of each course. You will             challenges. You are now an integral part of making
also find a Frequently Asked Questions section which            our union the best it can be and you are encouraged
should help steer you through some of the logistics of          to take advantage of the wide range of educational
attending. The MGEU Resource Centre can help if you             opportunities available.
have any questions.                                             —THE MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE

                                 Workplace Representative Core Courses...................................            2
                                 Workplace Representative Issues Seminars..............................              4
                                 Workplace Safety & Health Courses...........................................        6
                                 Frequently Asked Questions.......................................................   8
                                                               These courses provide a solid foundation for workplace
                                                               representatives in their elected roles. Presidents, chief

CORE                                                           stewards, vice-presidents, members-at-large and
                                                               stewards are invited to attend up to four days of training in

                                                               the coming union school year.
                                                               Please note: We Are the MGEU is the first course to take. It
                                                               is the prerequisite for other Core Courses, with the exception
                                                               of Local Table Officers Discussions and Bargaining Collectively
                                                               which have no prerequisite, and the Issues Seminars.

 WE ARE THE MGEU                                               REPRESENTING OUR MEMBERS
 A broad overview of the MGEU, including:                      +   Overview of steward roles
                                                               +   The grievance procedure
 +   Who we are: diversity of MGEU membership
                                                               +   Labour/workplace legislation
 +   What we believe: core values
                                                               +   Effective grievance investigation interviews
 +   What we do: primary functions
                                                               +   Writing and presenting grievances
 +   Roles of active members, elected leadership and staff
                                                               +   Representing members in disciplinary meetings
 +   Communication within the MGEU
 +   Membership Education Program
 +   Importance of Local meetings and how to strengthen them
                                                               RETURN TO WORK
 +   Review of Bourinot’s Rules of Order
 +   Taking effective minutes                                  + Defining return to work and the duty to accommodate
 +   Troubleshooting and keeping your meeting on track         + Interests and roles of all return to work parties
 +   Introduction to steward roles                             + Overview of Workers Compensation principles, legislation
                                                                 and policies
 Please bring your collective agreement to the course.         + Role of stewards in return to work meetings and plans
                                                               + Collective agreement and employer policy language
                                                               + Typical forms used in return to work planning

                                            As part of the Membership Education Program, the MGEU provides the opportunity
                                            for an experienced steward or table officer to learn more about the union and to
                                            expand their skills by working intensively with MGEU staff representatives for a six
                                            month period through the Membership Training and Apprenticeship Program (MTAP).
                                            Applicants are selected through an interview process. Members are encouraged to
                                            check the MGEU website periodically to find out if an MTAP training opportunity is
                                            currently available.

These courses do not count towards your four days of annual           ENCOURAGE YOUR
training and do not have a prerequisite. You will receive an          MEMBERS TO REGISTER!
invitation, by email or mail, if you are eligible to attend.          You and Your Union Membership
                                                                      Information Sessions
LOCAL TABLE OFFICER DISCUSSIONS                                       Do you have members who want to know “what” or
                                                                      “who” the union is? Do they want to understand how
Annual discussions designed to provide presidents, chief              decisions are made in our union and where they fit in?
stewards and vice-presidents with an opportunity to:
                                                                      Our Membership Education Department offers one
+ Network within their own MGEU Area                                  day general information sessions for members who do
+ Share strategies and resources for engaging and                     not hold an elected position and for safety and health
  orientating new members                                             representatives who do not hold any other elected
+ Explore practical ways to strengthen Local                          position. Invitations are sent by email.
  leadership teams
                                                                      Topics covered include:
                                                                      + Who we are
BARGAINING COLLECTIVELY                                                 - general information
An overview of the MGEU collective bargaining process                   - members, elected leadership and staff
designed and scheduled when required for, primarily,                    - organizational structure
presidents and chief stewards preparing to bargain. Learn             + What we do
more about:                                                             - key functions
                                                                        - bargaining, servicing and campaigning
+ Legislative foundation of the right to collective bargaining
                                                                      + Financing what we do
+ Constraints on collective bargaining (within and beyond
                                                                      + Sources of information about your union
  the union)
+ Who does what: staff, local, leadership and members
+ Developing bargaining proposals
+ Communication with members during bargaining
+ Ratification and strike votes

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                    3
WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVES                                          These courses provide an opportunity for

                                                                   presidents, chief stewards, vice-presidents,
                                                                   members-at-large and stewards to explore
                                                                   important workplace issues in depth.

                                                                   Please note: Representing Our Members is the
                                                                   prerequisite for all Issues Seminars.

+ Explore elements of a respectful workplace                   BENEFITS
+ Increase understanding of the forms of disrespectful         This course is geared to all members at any stage of
  behaviours (including harassment, bullying, violence) that   employment and will cover the following:
  occur in the workplace
                                                               + Review of Federal pensions and benefits (Canada Pension
+ Review laws, collective agreement language, workplace
                                                                 Plan and Employment Insurance)
  policies and cases
                                                               + Short-term and long-term disability
+ Clarify member, employer and steward/union
                                                               + Review of pension basics (structure, contributions,
                                                                 legislation, transfers)
                                                               + Benefits coverage (Extended Health, Dental, Vision and
                                                                 Health Spending)
                                                               + Current pension and benefits issues
+   Introduction to conflict resolution theory                 + Income tax review
+   Sources of conflict in the workplace and union
+   Understanding your conflict style
+   Communication skills                                       PENSION PRIMER
+   Useful steps for conflict resolution
                                                               This course is geared to members 5-10 years away from
                                                               retirement. Separate versions of this course will be delivered
                                                               to members in the Civil Service Superannuation Fund
                                                               (CSSB), Winnipeg Civic Employee’s Benefits Plan (WCEBP),
+   The importance of knowing your audience                    Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (HEPP), and Manitoba
+   How to organize information and arguments                  Home Care Employees’ Pension Plan, and will cover
+   Verbal and non-verbal tips to get your message across      the following:
+   Hands-on, confidence-building exercises
                                                               + History of pensions and the role of unions
+   Practice developing and delivering a short speech on a
                                                               + Overview of legislation
    union topic
                                                               + Current issues
                                                               + Overview of Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan and
                                                                 Guaranteed Income Supplement
                                                               + Overview of Civil Service, health employees and home
                                                                 care pension plans

STRENGTH IN DIVERSITY                                            TECHNOLOGY AT WORK:
+ An exploration of the elements of culture                      OUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES
+ The importance of enhanced communication when                  +   Computer, email, cell phone and internet use
  cultures interact                                              +   Social networking
+ Presentations by organizations that support newcomers,         +   Workplace discipline issues
  people living with disabilities, and the LGBT2SQ+              +   Off-duty conduct
  community including ways to create an inclusive and            +   Union strategies for being proactive on these issues
  supportive workplace
+ Practical tools and resources will be provided
                                                                 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD (WCB)
                                                                 IN MANITOBA
TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION                                         + Overview of the workers compensation system
AND THE MGEU                                                       in Manitoba
+ Learn to become a culturally competent ally and how to         + Understand how the WCB adjudicates and manages claims
  support members in the workplace                               + Common issues with WCB claims
+ Participate in the KAIROS Blanket exercise to gain:            + The appeal process
  - insight into Canada’s shared history with Indigenous         + The union’s role in WCB claims
  - insight into the impacts of the Indian Act, Indian
    Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop                    CAMPAIGN SKILLS
                                                                 MGEU is expanding our capacity to run campaigns in our
MENTORING                                                        workplaces and in our communities to support collective
                                                                 bargaining and defend the rights and interests of our
+ Define mentoring and how it can build a stronger union
                                                                 members. Learn more about:
+ Key qualities and skills required by mentors and mentees
+ How to initiate and engage in an effective mentoring           +   What is a campaign and why are they important?
  relationship                                                   +   MGEU campaigns past and present
                                                                 +   How can you get involved?
                                                                 +   How can we mobilize our members to get involved?
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP                                        +   How can we engage the general public?
                                                                 +   How can we engage and lobby government?
+ Become aware of environmental issues close to home
+ Discover practical steps you can take as an individual and
  as a union member
+ Learn ways you can help make changes in your community,
  workplace and province

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                    5
                                                                               MGEU members elected or appointed
AND WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH REPRESENTATIVES                                as workplace safety and health
                                                                               committee members or workplace

WORKPLACE                                                                      safety and health representatives are
                                                                               entitled to employer-paid training as per

                                                                               provincial legislation.
                                                                               Please note: Basic Safety and Health
                                                                               Training is the first course to take. It is

COURSES                                                                        the prerequisite for all other safety and
                                                                               health courses.

In accordance with Section 40(13) and 41(8) of the           BASIC SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING
Workplace Safety and Health Act, employers must ensure
                                                             + Labour Movement’s historical commitment to safer and
that workplace safety and health committee members and
                                                               healthier workplaces
workplace safety and health representatives are trained
                                                             + Overview of provincial safety and health legislation
to competently fulfill their duties. Your workplace safety
                                                             + Identifying and controlling hazards in the workplace
and health committee or representative should discuss and
                                                             + Structure and function of workplace safety and health
approve which particular courses to attend: MGEU, Safe
Manitoba ( or other.
Courses delivered by another provider may be considered
as an equivalent to MGEU’s Basic Safety and Health           MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY
Training. If you have attended basic safety and health       FOR SAFE WORK
training through another organization (such as Safe          + The rights and responsibilities of the employer, supervisor
Manitoba), please contact the Member Education                 and workers that are key to an effective safety and
Department and let us know.                                    health system
A. Members who sit on joint workplace safety and health      + Ensuring that the workplace is managed consistent with
   committees (workplaces with 20+ employees for a 90          the Workplace Safety and Health Act
   day period or longer)                                     + Conducting inspections and investigations
B. Members who are designated safety and health              + Responding to Workplace Safety and Health Committee
   representatives in workplaces where joint committees        recommendations
   are not required (workplaces with 5 – 19 employees)
C. Chief stewards who are responsible for
   communicating with (a) and (b)                            SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS
D. With special approval, other members who are              + Establishing policy statements to deal with safety and
   interested in playing a safety and health role in their     health hazards and corresponding control measures
   workplace                                                 + Review of the eleven elements of a documented safety
E. In Areas 1 and 8 only, local table officers, stewards       and health program required by the Workplace Safety and
   and members-at-large                                        Health Act
Please note: Basic Safety and Health Training is the
first course to take.

Specific co-chairperson’s duties may include:                     INFORMATION SESSION

+ Preparing an agenda, scheduling meetings,                       Workplace Safety and Health Representatives who do not
  notifying members                                               hold a steward position are encouraged to attend a You
+ Inviting specialists or resource persons as required            and Your Union Membership Information Session in
+ Making recommendations to the employer                          your Area. This one-day session provides an overview of
+ Ensuring that the committee carries out its functions           the MGEU which may help you to answer general questions
  including inspections and investigations                        about your union. Invitations are sent by email. Sign-up
                                                                  either by replying to the email invitation or by contacting
                                                                  the Member Education Department through the MGEU
WORKPLACE WELLNESS/PSYCHOLOGICAL                                  Resource Centre.
HEALTH                                                            Topics covered include:
+ Identifying and discussing workplace stressors                  + Who we are
+ Exploring symptoms of stress and stress-related                   - general information
  dysfunction                                                       - members, elected leadership and staff
+ Applying the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)                 - organizational structure
  Standard for a Psychologically Safe Workplace                   + What we do
                                                                    - key functions
                                                                    - bargaining, servicing and campaigning
ERGONOMICS                                                        + Financing what we do
+ Definition and general principles of ergonomics (fitting        + Sources of information about your union
  work to the worker)
+ Identifying specific risk factors
+ Strategies for prevention and response

+ Identifying various types of workplace violence (physical
  and mental)
+ Identifying factors that increase the risk of
  workplace violence
+ Developing harassment, respectful workplace and
  violence policies

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                     7
                                                                                           If you have any
                                                                                           questions, please contact
                                                                                           the MGEU Resource

ASKED                                                                                      Centre at 204-982-6438,
                                                                                           1-866-982-6438 or

How does COVID-19                           entitle you to start taking courses. If    Card ready; you’ll need your
affect the MGEU Member                      you are elected by a workplace process,    membership number to get started.
Education Program?                          but not at a Local meeting, please call
                                                                                       If you do not know your membership
The MGEU continues to follow                or email and let us know so we can
                                                                                       number, or need a replacement
public health guidelines and take           have you complete a Local Election
all necessary precautions to reduce         Form. Basic Safety and Health
risks for members and staff posed by        Training is the first course.
COVID-19. Appropriate safeguards that
                                            If you have been elected as a workplace
follow public health guidelines will be
                                            representative or to a workplace safety
in place for all in-person educational
                                            and health position and have not been
functions. Where possible, the MGEU
                                            receiving invitations to courses, please
provides some courses online.
                                            contact the MGEU Resource Centre
                                            to ensure that the union has received
How do I get started on                     your Local Election Form and that your
my training?                                membership and contact information
If you are elected as a president,          is up-to-date. You can also update your    membership card, please call the
chief steward, vice-president,              contact information on THE SOURCE for      MGEU Resource Centre. The MGEU
member-at-large or steward at a             Workplace Reps.                            Resource Centre has handouts that
Local meeting, you will be given a Local                                               walk you through getting started on
Election Form. Fill it out and return it                                               THE SOURCE and how to register for
to your staff representative. When this     What is THE SOURCE for
                                            Workplace Reps?                            a course.
information has been entered into our
                                            THE SOURCE for Workplace Reps
database, it will create a record of your
                                            (THE SOURCE) is an online tool             How do I apply for a course?
position and entitle you to start taking
                                            designed specifically for elected MGEU     Once your Local Election Form has been
courses. We Are the MGEU is the
                                            workplace representatives like you. You    received and you are entered into our
first course.
                                            can update your contact information,       database, you have two options:
If you are elected as a safety and          submit union expenses, read minutes,
health committee member or                                                             1. THE SOURCE. When registration
                                            find materials from courses you
representative at a Local meeting,                                                        has opened, you will be notified
                                            have attended, and apply for MGEU
you will be given a Local Election Form.                                                  by email. You can then apply
                                            education courses and other events.
Fill it out and return it to your staff                                                   online by going to and
                                            To get started on THE SOURCE, click on        clicking THE SOURCE icon in the
representative. When this information
                                            the homepage link on or visit         left sidebar. Click the “Courses/
has been entered into our database, it
                                   Make               Events” tab. Courses that you are
will create a record of your position and
                                            sure you have your MGEU Membership            eligible to attend will be posted

under “Available Events” and              2. PAPER APPLICATION. If you are              What expectations does the
   will indicate when registration              not registered for THE SOURCE,             union have of me when I
   opens, if they’re not yet available.         or do not have easy access to the          attend a course?
   Follow the steps. After completing           Internet or email, you will receive        + For in-person courses:
   the application process, you will            an application by mail when                  - Attend the entire course from
   receive an email indicating your             registration has opened.                       9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
   application has been received or                                                          - Arrive at 8:45 AM to fill out any
                                                 Four weeks prior to the course,
   that the course is full and you are                                                         required paperwork
                                                 you will be notified by mail if you
   on a wait list. If the course is full,                                                    - Refrain from the use of scented
                                                 have been accepted. You will
   you will receive an email indicating                                                        products due to sensitivities and
   you are on a waitlist. MGEU may                                                             allergies
   contact you if an additional course                                                     + For online courses:
   is offered in your Area, giving you                                                       - Ensure that you have a stable high
   priority. If you have any questions,                                                        speed internet connection
   please call the MGEU Resource                                                             - You will need a laptop or desktop
   Centre.                                                                                     computer with a speaker
                                                                                               • A camera and microphone are
   Four weeks prior to the course,
                                                                                                  also nice to have but are not
   you will be notified by mail if you
   have been accepted. You will
                                                                                             - Load and test the link you are sent
   receive a Request for Union Leave
                                                                                               ahead of the course and contact
   letter and an acceptance package
                                                                                               the MGEU Resource Centre ahead
   which contains information
                                                                                               of time if you have any difficulties
   regarding the course. If you do not
                                                                                             - Read any materials posted in the
   receive your acceptance package               receive a Request for Union Leave
                                                                                               online classroom when you test
   four weeks prior to the course                letter and an acceptance package
                                                                                               the link
   date, call the MGEU Resource                  which contains information
                                                                                             - Log-on at 8:30 AM the day of the
   Centre immediately.                           regarding the course. If you do not
                                                                                               course and be ready for a sound
                                                 receive your acceptance package
   If the course is full, you will receive                                                     check at 8:50 AM
                                                 four weeks prior to the course
   an email indicating you are on a                                                        + For all courses:
                                                 date, call the MGEU Resource
   wait list. You may be contacted                                                           - Actively and respectfully
                                                 Centre immediately.
   if a spot becomes available or if                                                           participate in all course activities
   MGEU determines an additional                 If the course is full, you will receive     - Respect and protect the privacy
   course will be scheduled. You will            a letter indicating you are on a              of other course participants and
   receive notification of the next              wait list. You may be contacted               facilitators, as well as other
   available course.                             if a spot becomes available or if             MGEU workplace
                                                 MGEU determines an additional                 representatives
   Since notifications are sent by               course will be scheduled. You will            and staff not in
   email, please ensure we have                  receive notification of the next              attendance
   your current email address                    available course.                           - Turn off your phone
   in our database. Contact                                                                    during a course
   information can be updated by                                                             - Notify the MGEU if
   clicking on the “Make Changes”                                                              for any legitimate
   tab on THE SOURCE or by                                                                     reason you are
   contacting the MGEU Resource                                                                unable to attend
   Centre.                                                                                     • After normal business hours,

                                                                                                  contact the MGEU Resource

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                     9
Centre by email or leave a voice     Collectively do not count as one of        You can also go paperless! Materials
      message on their answering           these days.                                from courses you have attended, or
      service                                                                         are registered for, can be found in THE
                                           Chief Stewards in Areas 2-7 can attend
                                                                                      SOURCE. Go to “Courses for Workplace
                                           up to four days of MGEU safety and
How can I attend an online                                                            Reps” and then “Course Materials”
class if my internet connection            health training in addition to four days
                                                                                      under the under the Education tab. If
is unstable?                               of workplace representative training.
                                                                                      you cannot access the materials there,
If you would like to attend an online      In Areas 1 and 8, presidents, chief
                                                                                      you can also request them from the
course but are uncertain about whether     stewards, vice-presidents, members-
                                                                                      Education Department through the
your equipment or internet connection      at-large and stewards can attend
                                                                                      MGEU Resource Centre.
are sufficient to participate, please      up to four days of safety and health
contact the MGEU Resource Centre for       training in addition to workplace
                                           representative training.                   How do I get time off to attend
                                                                                      courses for presidents, chief
                                           Workplace safety and health committee      stewards, vice-presidents,
Are all courses listed in the              members or representatives can attend      members-at-large or stewards
course guide offered?                      up to four days of MGEU safety and         and do I receive pay?
No. These are descriptions of courses      health training.                           Your collective agreement contains
in our program. However, which             You may occasionally receive               an article that permits the MGEU to
courses we offer, dates, location,         invitations to courses which would         request that you be allowed to take
method of training, facilitators, and      put you over your training maximum         time off work for union business. A
number of participants, are subject to     (for example, when two courses are         letter confirming your registration in
change. Detailed information about         running around the same time and you       a course will have a letter attached
in-person and online courses you are       have room to take one of them). Please     for you to give to your employer
eligible to attend will be posted in THE   take your previous days attended into      requesting this time off. Employers will
SOURCE eight weeks in advance of           consideration when registering for         generally agree to such requests unless
the course date. An email notice will      courses. In the event your selection(s)    workplace “operational requirements”
be sent.                                   exceed the maximum, you will               prevent it.
                                           be notified.                               If you would normally be working on
Can I find online what courses                                                        the day(s) the course is running, your
I am eligible to take?                                                                employer will continue to pay you and
                                           Are there course materials
Yes. The courses you are eligible to       required?                                  then bill the MGEU. If you would not
take will appear on THE SOURCE under       All materials are provided in our          normally be working, you attend the
“Available Events” in the “Courses/        in-person courses and are yours to         course on your own time.
Events” tab.                               keep. Materials required for our online
                                           courses can be downloaded onto your        How do I get time off to attend
How many education courses                 personal device.                           safety and health courses and
am I allowed to take?                                                                 do I receive pay?
                                           We ask that you bring a copy of your
The MGEU school year is August 1                                                      A letter confirming your registration in
                                           collective agreement to We Are the
to July 31 with courses generally                                                     an MGEU safety and health course will
                                           MGEU and Representing Our Members.
scheduled from September to June. In                                                  have a letter attached for you to give
                                           You will receive a copy of the Manitoba
any one union school year, a president,                                               to your employer requesting approval
                                           Workplace Safety and Health Act
chief steward, vice-president, member-                                                of employer-paid leave as per the
                                           and Regulation in Basic Safety and
at-large or steward can attend up                                                     Workplace Safety and Health Act.
                                           Health. We ask that you bring this to
to four days of MGEU workplace
                                           subsequent safety and health courses.      As per Section 40 (11)(c) and 40 (12)
representative training. Local Table
Officer Discussions and Bargaining                                                    of the Workplace Safety and Health

How does the union decide                   travel time,” a reasonable amount of
                                              who gets accepted into                      time to get to and from the course
                                              courses?                                    location.
                                              Applications are initially screened
                                              to ensure the member is eligible to
                                              attend the particular course and then
                                              processed on a first-come, first-served
                                              basis. Space is limited in all courses.

                                              What happens if I try to
Act, training as approved by the Safety       register for a course but                   If you use your own vehicle, you can
and Health Committee and employer             it’s full?
                                                                                          claim your mileage and be reimbursed
is deemed to be work and you shall            You will be placed on a waitlist. Let
                                                                                          at a rate that is adjusted periodically
receive regular or premium pay                us know if you would be able to take
                                                                                          by the union. Parking can be expensed
as applicable.                                advantage of a seat that comes open
                                                                                          with receipts.
                                              at the last minute as we may still be
What if I find out that I was                 able to register you. If you don’t end      You can submit receipts for bus fare.
not invited to a course being                 up getting into a course, you will be       If you require a flight, you are
offered in my Area that I                     offered advance registration the next       responsible for booking it by calling
should have been invited to?                  time that course is offered in your Area.   the Great Canadian Travel Company
Call the MGEU Resource Centre. If the                                                     (204-949-0199 or 1-800-661-3830). Let
course has not yet been held, we may          What if I have special                      them know that you are with the MGEU
still be able to register you. In addition,   requirements as a course                    and provide the name of the course.
please call the MGEU Resource Centre          participant?                                The MGEU will be billed directly. If you
or check on THE SOURCE as your                Please indicate on your application         have to cancel, it is your responsibility
contact information or your education         form if you have dietary, allergy,          to call the Great Canadian Travel
record may be incorrect.                      mobility, visual, hearing or other          Company and ask to cancel your flight.
                                                                                          You can submit receipts for taxis from
How do I know what courses                                                                the airport to the course location.
I’ve already taken?
After every course you attend, the                                                        Will the MGEU provide a hotel
MGEU uses attendance sheets to                                                            room to course participants
update your education record in its                                                       who live away from the
database. This information is then used                                                   training location?
to determine who is invited to courses.                                                   Yes. Course participants who live at
To find out what courses you’ve already                                                   least 120 km (roundtrip) from the course
taken check under “Event History”             requirements. You can also update your      location are entitled to a hotel room
in the “Courses/Events” tab on THE            requirements on THE SOURCE on the           (contact the MGEU Resource Centre if
SOURCE. You can also contact the              “Make Changes” tab. We will do our          you are uncertain if you qualify). You
MGEU Resource Centre and they will            best to accommodate your needs.             will receive hotel information in your
provide you with this information over                                                    acceptance letter. Hotel parking is
the phone or by email.                        What travel expenses are                    usually included in any hotel booking.
                                              covered by the MGEU when I                  Street parking can be expensed
                                              attend a course?                            with receipts.
                                              Your Request for Union Leave letter for
                                                                                          If you are accepted into a course
                                              your employer will include “appropriate
                                                                                          and authorized for a hotel room, you

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                     11
must contact the hotel as per your         other expenses or contact the MGEU       Are courses ever cancelled?
acceptance letter and make your own        Resource Centre.                         Yes. Courses may be cancelled due
booking from a block of rooms reserved                                              to low enrollment or situations out of
by the MGEU. Keep in mind that there       What about childcare or                  our control (e.g. bad weather, illness).
is a release date for these rooms and      eldercare expenses?                      You will receive an email or phone call
if you miss the deadline you are then      Childcare and eldercare expenses         if we need to cancel or reschedule
responsible to book your own room          are also reimbursed within certain       your course.
and claim the cost of the room on          guidelines. See the MGEU Policy
your expense sheet with your other         and Procedures Manual for more           What if I am unable to attend
expenses for reimbursement.                specific information on these and all    all or much of a course that I
If you have booked a hotel room but        other expenses or contact the MGEU       am scheduled to attend?
are unable to attend the course, you       Resource Centre.                         If you are accepted into a course but
must contact the hotel to cancel                                                    then decide to withdraw, notify the
your room. If you do not do this, you      How will I be reimbursed                 MGEU Resource Centre right away in
will be responsible for these hotel        for allowable out-of-                    case there are others wanting to get
expenses. You must also notify the         pocket expenses?                         into the course. If you have booked a
MGEU Resource Centre that you will         Your direct deposit information is       hotel room, you must contact the hotel
not be attending the course. After         required. You can download the           to cancel your room. If you have booked
normal business hours, you can contact     Direct Deposit Enrollment form from      a flight, you must cancel it.
the MGEU Resource Centre by email          THE SOURCE (under “Downloadable          If, on the actual day of the course, you
or leave a voice message on their          Forms” in the “Forms” tab) or forms      find that you are unable to attend as
answering service.                         are available at courses or through      scheduled, contact the MGEU Resource
                                           the MGEU Resource Centre. Fill out       Centre so your course facilitators can
What meal expenses are                     the form and send it to our Finance      be notified. After normal business
reimbursed by the MGEU                     Department at the Winnipeg office.       hours, you can contact the MGEU
when I attend a course?                    Once your direct deposit information     Resource Centre by email or leave
Lunch is either brought in for course      has been processed, you can either       a voice message on their answering
participants or everyone goes out and      submit your expenses on THE SOURCE       service.
you can claim up to a set amount. If you   (go to the “Forms” tab and click on      If, while attending a course, you
                                           “Expense Claim Form”) or forms will be   unexpectedly have to miss part of it,
                                           provided at courses.                     speak to one of your facilitators who
                                                                                    are required to note any absences on
                                           Can I attend a course more               the attendance sheet.
                                           than once?
                                                                                    Education courses are considered an
                                           In certain circumstances, with special
                                                                                    MGEU sanctioned event. The following
                                           permission, a request to attend
                                                                                    MGEU policy is in effect:
                                           a course more than once will be
                                           considered for refresher purposes.         MGEU Policy and
                                           Please contact the Member Education        Procedures Manual
are required to stay away from home                                                   Financial Guidelines:
                                           Department through the MGEU
overnight to attend a course, additional                                              Expenses – Union Meetings,
                                           Resource Centre.
meals as well as an overnight per                                                     Schools and Events
diem can be claimed. See the MGEU
Policy and Procedures Manual for more                                                 When a member registers for
specific information on these and all                                                 an MGEU sanctioned event and
                                                                                      fails to attend the entire business

proceedings of the event without                                  will not reimburse your employer if you   the program and discuss ideas for
  a legitimate reason and notice                                    cannot attend a course due to illness.    strengthening it, particularly based on
  to the MGEU, no reimbursement                                                                               feedback from course participants.
  will be made for wage recovery,                                   Who facilitates MGEU
  kilometers, meals or hotel. The                                   education courses?                        What if my contact information
  MGEU Director, Internal Operations                                The Membership Education Program          has changed?
  will send a letter to the member                                  strives to ensure that courses are        Stay in touch with the MGEU by either
  advising that the member may                                      co-facilitated by knowledgeable and       updating your contact information
  be ineligible to attend any school                                experienced staff and workplace           on THE SOURCE under the “Make
  or event during the following                                     representatives.                          Changes” tab or by calling or emailing
  12 months. (Board of Directors,                                                                             the MGEU Resource Centre.
  January 2019)
                                                                    Who makes decisions
                                                                    about the Membership
What if I am sick on a day                                          Education Program?
that I am scheduled to                                              The MGEU Membership Education
                                                                                                                      If you have any
attend training?                                                    Committee works closely with the                  questions, please contact
Contact the MGEU Resource Centre so                                 Education Centre Facilitator/Program              the MGEU Resource
your course facilitators can be notified.                           Specialist and the Safety and Health
After normal business hours, contact                                                                                  Centre at 204-982-6438,
                                                                    Specialist to ensure a high quality
the MGEU Resource Centre by email                                   program that meets the needs of our               1-866-982-6438 or
or leave a voice message on their                                   members. Chaired by the MGEU’s Third    
answering service. You should also                                  Vice-President, the Committee includes
contact your employer to notify them                                elected representatives from each
that you require a sick day. The union                              Area who meet regularly to review

       Continuing Your Education?

       We Can Help
       If you are an MGEU member, or an eligible family member,
       starting or continuing post-secondary education, on a
       full-time or a part-time basis,                             we can help.
       Applications are available in February and are due May 15th each year.

       For more information:
       204-982-6438 or Toll Free: 1-866-982-6438

                                                                                $      29,500
                                                                                AVAILABLE EACH YEAR

EDUCATION GUIDE 2021-2022                                                              13
204-982-MGEU (6438)
1-866-982-MGEU (6438)
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