Neural Temporal Opinion Modelling for Opinion Prediction on Twitter

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Neural Temporal Opinion Modelling for Opinion Prediction on Twitter

                             Lixing Zhu†       Yulan He†∗       Deyu Zhou§
                       Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK
           School of Computer Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Computer Network
             and Information Integration, Ministry of Education, Southeast University, China

                         Abstract                                time duration. Models trained on the current inter-
                                                                 val are used to predict users’ opinions in the next
     Opinion prediction on Twitter is challenging                interval. However, we argue that such a manual
     due to the transient nature of tweet content
                                                                 segmentation may not be appropriate since users
     and neighbourhood context. In this paper, we
     model users’ tweet posting behaviour as a tem-
                                                                 post tweets at different frequency. Also, the time in-
     poral point process to jointly predict the post-            terval between two consecutively published tweets
     ing time and the stance label of the next tweet             by a user is important to study the underlying opin-
     given a user’s historical tweet sequence and                ion dynamics system and hence should be treated
     tweets posted by their neighbours. We design                as a random variable.
     a topic-driven attention mechanism to capture                  Inspired by the multivariate Hawkes process
     the dynamic topic shifts in the neighbourhood
                                                                 (Aalen et al., 2008; Du et al., 2016), we propose
     context. Experimental results show that the
     proposed model predicts both the posting time               to model a user’s posting behaviour by a temporal
     and the stance labels of future tweets more ac-             point process that when user u posts a tweet d at
     curately compared to a number of competitive                time t, they need to decide on whether they want
     baselines.                                                  to post a new topic/opinion, or post a topic/opinion
                                                                 influenced by past tweets either posted by other
1    Introduction                                                users or by themselves. We thus propose a neu-
                                                                 ral temporal opinion model to jointly predict the
Social media platforms allow users to express their
                                                                 time when the new post will be published and its
opinions online towards various subject matters.
                                                                 associated stance. Instead of using the fixed for-
Despite much progress in sentiment analysis in so-
                                                                 mulation of the multivariate Hawkes process, the
cial media, the prediction of opinions, however,
                                                                 intensity function of the point process is automati-
remains challenging. Opinion formation is a com-
                                                                 cally learned by a gated recurrent neural network.
plex process. An individual’s opinion could be
                                                                 In addition, one’s neighbourhood context and the
influenced by their own prior belief, their social
                                                                 topics of their previously published tweets are also
circles and external factors. Existing studies often
                                                                 taken into account for the prediction of both the
assume that socially connected users hold similar
                                                                 posting time and stance of the next tweet.
opinions. Social network information is integrated
with user representations via weighted links and                    To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
encoded using neural networks with attentions or                 work to exploit the temporal point process for opin-
more recently Graphical Convolutional Networks                   ion prediction on Twitter. Experimental results on
(GCNs) (Chen et al., 2016; Li and Goldwasser,                    the two Twitter datasets relating to Brexit and US
2019). This strand of work, including (Chen et al.,              general election show that our proposed model out-
2018; Zhu et al., 2020; Del Tredici et al., 2019),               performs existing approaches on both stance and
leverages both the chronological tweet sequence                  posting time prediction.
and social networks to predict users’ opinions.
   The majority of previous work requires a man-                 2    Methodology
ual segmentation of a tweet sequence into equally-
                                                                 We present in Figure 1 the overall architecture
spaced intervals based on either tweet counts or
                                                                 of our proposed Neural Temporal Opinion Model
         Corresponding author                                    (NTOM). The input to the model at time step i

           Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 3804–3810
                              July 5 - 10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
τi+1               yi+1

… GRUcell                                                                                    GRUcell                             GRUcell …

                       hci,1           hci,2        hci,L                      ci
                                                                                       hi              zi          τi        u
                    Bi-LSTM         Bi-LSTM …     Bi-LSTM

                                                                                    Bi-LSTM            VAE
                         …              …             …

                       di,1           di,2       di,L                                        …
                                   Neighborhood context                                 xi                     ith tweet
 i-1th tweet                                                                                                                     i+1th tweet

                               Figure 1: Overview of the Neural Temporal Opinion Model.

consists of user’s own tweet xi , bag-of-word rep-             by optimising the reconstruction error between the
resentation xbi , time interval τi between the i − 1th         generated tweet and the original tweet. Specifically,
tweet and the ith tweet, user embedding u, and                 we convert each tweet to the bag-of-word format
neighbours’ tweet queue {di,1 , di,2 , . . . , di,L }. At      weighted by term frequency, xbi , and feed it to two
first, a Bi-LSTM layer is applied to extract features          inference neural networks defined as fµφ and fΣφ .
from input tweets. Then the neighborhood tweets                These generate mean and variance of a Gaussian
are processed by a stacked Bi-LSTM/LSTM layer                  distribution from which the latent topic vector zi is
for the extraction of neighborhood context, which              sampled. Then the approximated posterior would
is fed into an attention module queried by the user’s          be qφ (zi |xbi ) = N (zi |fµφ (xbi ), fΣφ (xbi )). To gen-
own tweet hi and topic zi . The output of attention            erate the observation x̃bi conditional on the latent
module is concatenated with tweet representation,              topic vector zi , we define the generative network
time interval τi , user representation u, and topic            as pϕ (xbi |zi ) = N (xbi |fµϕ (zi )), fΣϕ (zi )). The re-
representation zi , which is encoded from xbi via a            construction loss for the tweet xbi is then:
Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Finally, the com-
bined representation is sent to a GRU cell, whose                    Lx =Eq                             b                    b
                                                                                            b [log pϕ (xi |zi )]−KL(qφ (zi |xi )||p(zi ))   (1)
                                                                                    φ (zi |xi )
hidden state participates in computing the intensity
                                                               Neighbourhood Context Attention: To capture
function and the softmax function, for the predic-
                                                               the influence from the neighbourhood context, we
tion of the posting time interval and the stance label
                                                               first input the neighbours’ recent L tweets to an
of the next tweet. In the following, we elaborate
                                                               LSTM in a temporal ascending order. The output
the model in more details:
                                                               of the LSTM is weighed by the attention signals
Tweet representation: Words in tweets are
                                                               queried by the user’s ith tweet and topic:
mapped to pre-trained word embeddings (Baziotis
et al., 2017)1 , which is specially trained for tweets.                                                  L
Then Bi-LSTM is used to generate the tweet repre-                                                ci =             αl hci,l                  (2)
sentation.                                                                                               l=1

Topic extraction: The topic representation zi in                     αl ∝ exp([hT    T           c         c
                                                                                i , zi ]tanh(Wh hi,l + Wz zi,l )) (3)
Figure 1 captures the topic focus of the ith tweet.            where {hci,1 , hci,2 , . . . , hci,L } denotes the hidden
It is learned by VAE (Kingma and Welling, 2014),               state output of each tweet di,l in the neighbour-
which approximates the intractable true posterior              hood context, zi,lc
                                                                                     denotes the associated topic, hi
  1                              is the representation of the user’s own tweet at time
datastories-semeval2017-task4                                  step i, and both Wh and Wz are weight matrices.

Brexit                             Election
    We use this attention mechanism to align the                               8000                                   10000

                                                             Number of users
user’s tweet to the most relevant part in the neigh-                           6000                                    8000
bourhood context. Our rationale is that a user                                 4000
would attend to their neighbours’ tweets that dis-                             2000                                    2000
cuss similar topics. The attention output ci is then                             0                                        0
                                                                                       5      10     15     20   25           5      10   15     20   25
concatenated with a user’s own tweet hi and the                                            Number of tweets                       Number of tweets
extracted topic zi . We further enrich the represen-
tation with the elapsed time τi between the post-                      Figure 2: Number of users versus number of tweets.
ing time of the current tweet and the last posted
tweet, and add a randomly initialised user vector                For the stance prediction we employ the cross-
u to distinguish the user from others. The final               entropy loss denoted as Lstan . The final objective
representation is passed to a GRU cell for the joint           function is computed as:
prediction of the posting time and stance label of
the next tweet.                                                                             L = ηLx + βLtime + γLstan                                 (9)
Temporal Point Process: The goal of NTOM is
to forecast the time gap till the next post, together          where η, β and γ are coefficients determining the
with the stance label. Instead of modelling the time           contribution of various loss functions.
interval value based on regression analysis, we use
the GRU (Cho et al., 2014) to simulate the temporal            3                 Experiments
point process.                                                 3.1                    Setup
    At each time step, the combined representation
[ci , hi , zi , τi , u] is input to the GRU cell to itera-     We perform experiments on two publicly avail-
tively update the hidden state taking into account             able Twitter datasets2 (Zhu et al., 2020) on Brexit
the influence of previous tweets:                              and US election. The Brexit dataset consists of
                                                               363k tweets with 31.6%/29.3%/39.1% support-
          gi = fGRU (gi−1 , ci , hi , zi , τi , u)    (4)      ing/opposing/neutral tweets towards Brexit. The
                                                               Election dataset consists of 452k tweets with
where gi is the hidden state of GRU cell. Given gi ,           74.2%/20.4%/5.4% supporting/opposing/neutral
the intensity function is formulated as:                       tweets towards Trump. We filter out users who
                                                               posted less than 3 tweets and are left with 20, 914
  λ∗ (t) = λ(t|Hi ) = exp(bλ + vλT gi + wλ t) (5)
                                                               users in Brexit and 26, 965 users in Election. We
Here, Hi summarises all the tweet histories up                 plot in Figure 2 the number of users versus the num-
to tweet i, bλ denotes the base density level, the             ber of tweets and found that over 81.6% users have
term vλT gi captures the influence from all previous           published fewer than 7 tweets, we therefore set the
tweets and wλ t denotes the influence from the in-             maximum length of the tweet sequence of each user
stant interval. The likelihood that the next tweet             to 7. For users who have published more than 7
will be posted at the next interval τ given the his-           tweets, we split their tweet sequence into multiple
tory is:                                                       training sequences of length 7 with an overlapping
                                Z τ                            window size of 1. For each user, we use 90% of
         ∗        ∗                                            their tweets for training and 10% (round up) for
                                     λ∗ (t)dt
       f (τ ) = λ (τ ) exp −                     (6)
                                      0                        testing.
                                                                  Our settings are η = 0.2, β = 0.4 and γ = 0.4.
  The expectation for the occurrence of the next
                                                               We set the topic number to 50 and the vocabu-
tweet can be estimated using:
                                                               lary size to 3k for the tweet bag-of-words input
                    Z ∞
                                                               to VAE. The mini-batch size is 16. We use Adam
            τ̂i+1 =      τ · f ∗ (τ )dτ      (7)               optimizer with learning rate 0.0005 and learning
                                                               rate decay 0.9. The evaluation metrics are accu-
Loss: We expect the predicted interval to be close             racy for stance prediction and Mean Squared Error
to the actual interval as much as possible by min-             (MSE) for posting time prediction. The results are
imising the Gaussian penalty function:                         compared against the following baselines:
             1    −(τi+1 − τ̂i+1 )2                             2
    Ltime = √ exp                                     (8)
           σ 2π        2σ 2                                    TopicalAttentionBrexit

Brexit            Election           3.2   Results
                   Acc. MSE          Acc. MSE
 CSIM W            0.653     –       0.656      –          We report in Table 1 the stance prediction accuracy
 NOD               0.675     –       0.690      –          and MSE scores of predicted posting time. Com-
 LING+GAT          0.692     –       0.704      –          pared to baselines, NTOM consistently achieves
 RNN               0.636 7.81        0.659 9.62            better performance on both datasets, showing the
 LSTM              0.677 3.37        0.683 4.51            benefit of modelling the tweet posting sequence as
 GRU               0.691 2.80        0.693 3.92            a temporal point process. In the second set of ex-
 NTOM-VAE          0.697 2.67        0.705 4.01            periments, we study the effect of temporal process
 NTOM-context      0.665 3.34        0.682 4.78            modelling. The results verify the benefit of using
 NTOM-GCN          0.680 2.65        0.706 4.29            the intensity function, with at least a 2% increase in
 NTOM              0.713 2.59        0.715 3.70            accuracy and 0.2 decrease in MSE compared with
                                                           vanilla RNN and its variants. In the ablation study,
Table 1: Stance prediction accuracy and Mean Squared       the removal of neighbourhood context component
Errors of predicted posting time on the Brexit and Elec-   caused the largest performance decline compared
tion datasets.                                             to other components, verifying the importance of
                                                           social influence in opinion prediction. Removing
                                                           either VAE (for topic extraction) or intensity func-
- CSIM W (Chen et al., 2018) gauges the social             tion (using only GRU) results in slight drops in
  influence by an attention mechanism for the pre-         stance prediction and more noticeable performance
  diction of the user sentiment of the next tweet.         gaps in time prediction. It can be also observed that
- NOD (Zhu et al., 2020) takes into account the            using GCN to model higher-order influence in so-
  neighborhood context and pre-extracted topics            cial networks does not bring any benefits, possibly
  for tweet stance prediction.                             due to extra noise introduced to the model.
- LING+GAT (Del Tredici et al., 2019) places a
  GCN variant over linguistic features to extract
  node representations. Tweets are aggregated by           3.3   Visualisation of Topical Attention
  users for user-level prediction.
                                                           To investigate the effectiveness of the context at-
We also perform ablation study on our model                tention that is queried by topics, we first select
by removing the topic extraction component                 some example topics from the topic-word matrix in
(NTOM-VAE ) or removing the neighbourhood con-             VAE. The label of each topic is manually assigned
text component (NTOM-context ). In addition, to            based on its associated top 10 words. Then we
validate that NTOM does benefit from point pro-            display a tweet’s topic distribution together with its
cess modelling and can better forecast the time            neighborhood tweets’ topic distribution. We also
and stance of the next tweet, we remove the in-            visualize the attention weights assigned to the 3
tensity function (i.e. no Eq. (5)-(7)) and directly        neighborhood tweets.
use vanilla RNN and its variants including LSTM
                                                              Figure 3 illustrates the example topics, topic
and GRU to predict the true time interval. Fur-
                                                           distribution and attention signals towards context
thermore, to investigate if is is more beneficial to
                                                           tweets. Here, x2 and x4 denote a user’s 2nd and
use GCN to encode the neighbourhood context, we
                                                           4th tweets respectively. The most recent 3 neigh-
learn tweet representation using GCN3 (Hamilton
                                                           borhood tweets are denoted as d1 , d2 , d3 . Blue in
et al., 2017), which preserves high-order influence
                                                           the leftmost separate column denotes the attention
in social networks through convolution. As in (Li
                                                           weights, and each row on top of T 1, T 2 and T 3 de-
and Goldwasser, 2019), we use a 2-hop GCN and
                                                           notes the topic distribution. It can be observed that
denote the variant as NTOM-GCN . For the Brexit
                                                           the user’s concerned topic shifts from immigration
dataset, MSE is measured in hours, while for the
                                                           to Boris Johnson in 2 time steps. The drift also
Election dataset it is measured in minutes due to
                                                           appears in the neighbour’s tweets. Higher atten-
the intensive tweets published within two days.
                                                           tion weights are assigned to the neighbour’s tweets
                                                           which share similar topical distribution as the user.
  3                        We can thus infer that the topic vector does help
GraphSAGE                                                  select the most relevant neighborhood tweet.

x2                    yes , open borders with no way of planning strains on nhs…       jith et al., 2017), rumor detection (Lukasik et al.,
d3                    absolutely correct , so many reasons to vote leave               2016; Zubiaga et al., 2016; Alvari and Shakarian,
d2                    then vote leave for the sake of the fishermen . vote leave       2019) and retweet prediction (Kobayashi and Lam-
d1                    #brexit and we will all still be europeans free to do them all   biotte, 2016). A combination of the Hawkes pro-
     x2    T1 T2 T3
                                                                                       cess with recurrent neural networks, called Recur-
x4                    well played tonight boris ! u absolutely smashed it ! #brexit
                                                                                       rent Marked Temporal Pointed Process (RMTPP),
d3                    vote leave on thursday ! make it our independence day            was proposed to automatically capture the influence
d2                    bbc debate remain team has two aggressive bullies…
                                                                                       of the past events on future events, which shows
d1                    …eu is a closed protectionist market we pay than we ever…
     x4    T1 T2 T3                                                                    promising results on geolocation prediction (Du
                                                                                       et al., 2016). Benefiting from the flexibility and
          Topic                         Top wordsp Words
T1 immigration     immigration, stop, free, work, change, countries, immigrants,       scalability of neural networks, several work has
                   migrants, migration, open                                           been done in this vein including event sequence
T2 Boris Johnson Boris, live, Johnson, politics, sturgeon, TV, Nicola, morning,
                 takebackcontrol, guy                                                  prediction (Mei and Eisner, 2017) and failure pre-
T3 vote remain     voteremain, strongerin, Cameron, eureferendum, David,               diction (Xiao et al., 2017). Our work is partly
                   inorout, pm, eudebate, osborne, positive
                                                                                       inspired by RMTPP, but departs from the previous
Figure 3: Distribution over 3 topics and attention sig-                                work by jointly considering users’ social relations
nals on 3 neighborhood tweets, respectively in 2 time                                  and topical attentions for stance prediction on so-
steps. Topics are labelled based on the top 10 words.                                  cial media.

                                                                                       5   Conclusion
4         Related Work
                                                                                       In this paper, we propose a novel Neural Temporal
The prediction of real-time stances on social media
                                                                                       Opinion Model (NTOM) to address users’ chang-
is challenging, partly caused by the diversity and
                                                                                       ing interest and dynamic social context. We model
fickleness of users (Andrews and Bishop, 2019).
                                                                                       users’ tweet posting behaviour based on a temporal
A line of work mitigated the problem by taking
                                                                                       point process for the joint prediction of the post-
into account the homophily that users are similar to
                                                                                       ing time and stance label of the next tweet. Ex-
their friends (McPherson et al., 2001; Halberstam
                                                                                       perimental results verify the effectiveness of the
and Knight, 2016). For example, Chen et al. (2016)
                                                                                       model. Furthermore, visualisation of the topics
gauged a user’s opinion as an aggregated stance
                                                                                       and attention signals shows that NTOM captures
of their neighborhood users. Linmei et al. (2019)
                                                                                       the dynamics in the focused topics and contextual
took a step further by exploiting the extracted top-
ics, which discern a user’s focus on neighborhood
tweets. Recent advances in this strand also include
the application of GCNs, with which the social
relationships are leveraged to enrich the user repre-                                  This work was funded in part by EPSRC (grant
sentations (Li and Goldwasser, 2019; Del Tredici                                       no. EP/T017112/1). LZ is funded by the Chan-
et al., 2019).                                                                         cellor’s International Scholarship of the University
   On the other hand, several work has utilized the                                    of Warwick. DZ was partially funded by the Na-
chronological order of tweets. Chen et al. (2018)                                      tional Key Research and Development Program of
presented an opinion tracker that predicts a stance                                    China (2017YFB1002801) and the National Natu-
every time a user publishes a tweet, whereas (Zhu                                      ral Science Foundation of China (61772132). The
et al., 2020) extended the previous work by intro-                                     authors would also like to thank Akanni Adewoyin
ducing a topic-dependent attention. Shrestha et al.                                    for insightful discussions.
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