Numerical modeling of the semidiurnal tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar

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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 109, C05011, doi:10.1029/2003JC002057, 2004

Numerical modeling of the semidiurnal tidal exchange through
the Strait of Gibraltar
G. Sannino, A. Bargagli, and V. Artale
Ocean Modeling Unit, Special Project Global Climate, ENEA C. R. Casaccia, Ente per le Nuove Technologie, l’Energia
e l’Ambiente, Rome, Italy
Received 21 July 2003; revised 22 February 2004; accepted 5 March 2004; published 7 May 2004.

[1] A three-dimensional sigma coordinate free surface model is used to investigate the
semidiurnal tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. The model makes use of a
coastal-following, curvilinear orthogonal grid that includes the Gulf of Cadiz and the
Alboran Sea, with very high resolution in the strait (
C05011                 SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                       C05011

         Figure 1. Chart of the Strait of Gibraltar showing the principal geographic features referred to in the
         text. Locations of current meter moorings deployed during the Gibraltar Experiment (October 1985 –
         1986) and during the Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations (CANIGO) observations (October
         1995 –April 1996) are also shown with red and blue solid circles, respectively.

Lafuente et al., 2002], semidiurnal variations due to strong        during a tidal cycle, which is precisely the situation that
tides and finally, on very short timescales, modifications          occurs in the Strait of Gibraltar. Both theories assert that the
due to internal bores (internal wave reaching amplitudes of         exchanged flows increase with the strength of the barotropic
up to 150 m [Richez, 1994]).                                        tidal forcing, but the quasi-steady theory always predicts
  [7] The tidal forcing in the strait has been extensively          more flow than the time-dependent theory.
studied and analyzed in the past. On the basis of data                [9] The purpose of this work is to implement a three-
collected during the Gibraltar Experiment during 1985 –             dimensional (3-D) high-resolution, primitive equation, free-
1986 [Bryden and Kinder, 1988]. Candela et al. [1990]               surface numerical model, of the circulation in the strait
(hereinafter referred to as CA90) and Bryden et al. [1994]          region and to use it to: (1) reproduce the semidiurnal tides
described the structure of the barotropic M2 tide and of the        within the Strait of Gibraltar, (2) estimate the water trans-
tidal transport through the strait, respectively, Bruno et al.      ports through the strait and (3) evaluate the effect of tidal
[2000] have described the vertical structure of the semidiur-       forcing on the mean exchanges and entrainment.
nal tidal current at Camarinal Sill, while Wang [1993] used a         [10] The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 con-
numerical model to study tidal flows, internal tide as well as      tains a description of the model used to simulate the tide
fortnightly modulation. Recently, others studies have been          in the strait. In section 3, model results are compared with
carried out, based on direct observations collected during the      available data of surface elevation, currents and internal
Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations (CANIGO)               bores measurements. Section 4 is devoted to the study of
project (1995 – 1996) [Parrilla et al., 2002]: Tsimplis [2000]      the tidal effect on water transports and entrainment
has described the vertical structure of tidal currents at           through the strait, while summary and conclusions com-
Camarinal Sill, Tsimplis and Bryden [2000] (hereinafter             plete the paper.
referred to as TB00) have estimated the water transports
through the strait, Garcı́a Lafuente et al. [2000] have
analyzed in detail the tide at the eastern section of the strait,   2. Model Description
and Baschek et al. [2001] (hereinafter referred to as BA01)           [11] The numerical model used for this study was imple-
have estimated the transport with a tidal inverse model.            mented in SBA02, where it was used to investigate the
  [8] To estimate the effect of tidal forcing on mean flow,         mean exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. The model
Farmer and Armi [1986] included tides into their hydraulic          was only forced by the density contrast between the
theory by using a quasi-steady approximation in which the           Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz, without any other
steady solution is verified at each time of a tidal cycle.          forcing, such as tides, wind or atmospheric pressure. The
However, Helfrich [1995] showed that this approach is not           main differences introduced in the present model regard the
valid for dynamically long straits, i.e., straits having a          treatment of open boundary conditions, forcing and vertical
length greater than the distance traveled by an internal wave       resolution. In the following we only focus on the principal

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model characteristics and on the main differences with               forcing tide elevation at the grid point i and time step n  1,
respect to the model implemented in SBA02.                           and zMi is the time-independent mean elevation at the grid
                                                                     point i, which is set to about 12 cm at the western open
2.1. Model Grid and Bathymetry                                       boundary and to 0 cm at the eastern open boundary.
  [12] The region covered by our model includes the                  Condition equation (1) incorporates a radiation mechanism
Strait of Gibraltar and the two adjacent subbasins                   that allows the undesired transients to pass through the open
connected to it: the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea.              boundaries, going out of the model basin, without
The horizontal model domain is discretized by a curvi-               contaminating the desired forced solution [Arnold, 1987].
linear orthogonal grid made by 306  53 grid points (see             A zero gradient condition is used for the depth-integrated
Figure 2 in SBA02). The resolution in the strait is much             velocity.
higher (500 m) than in the eastern (8 – 15 km) and                    [14] The time-independent mean elevation values used at
western ends (10 – 20 km), so that the dynamics in the               the open boundaries (zM) are obtained running the model in
strait will be well resolved. The vertical grid is made of           barotropic mode. This model, as the baroclinic version, has
32 sigma levels, logarithmically distributed at the surface          at the eastern and western ends of the computational domain
and at the bottom, and uniformally distributed in the rest           two open boundaries where values of barotropic velocity
of the water column. The model topography has been                   and surface elevation must be specified. For the surface
obtained by merging the high-resolution ( 0.2, as suggested by Mellor                the normal velocities are set to zero along coastal
et al. [1994]. In order to estimate the residual pressure            boundaries, at the bottom, adiabatic boundary conditions
gradient error, we have integrated the model for one year            are applied to temperature and salinity and a quadratic
without initial horizontal density gradient, i.e., with sa-          bottom friction, with a prescribed drag coefficient, is
linity and temperature fields only varying with depth,               applied to the momentum flux. This is calculated by
with no open boundary applied, i.e., closed domain, and              combining the velocity profile with the logarithmic law
without any other external forcing. In this integration the          of the wall:
maximum intensity of erroneous currents introduced by
the sigma coordinates is of about 2 cm s1. Since the                                                                  
                                                                                  CD ¼ max 2:5  103 ; k 2 lnðDzb =z0 Þ ;       ð2Þ
expected baroclinic velocities are up to 1 m s1 this error
seems to be tolerable. The resulting model topography in             where k is the Von Karman constant, z0 is the roughness
the region of the strait, with the minimum depth of the              length, set to 1 cm, and Dzb is the distance from the bottom
shelf set to 25 m, is shown in Figure 2. The dominant                of the deepest velocity grid point.
topographic features of the strait (from west to east) are             [16] For the initial condition we have used the same
clearly recognizable: Spartel Sill (Sp), Tangier basin,              lock-exchange condition as in SBA02, i.e., we have filled
Camarinal Sill (Cm) with a minimum depth of 284 m                    the model with two water masses, horizontally uniform
and Tarifa Narrows.                                                  and vertically stratified, separated by an imaginary dam in
2.2. Boundary, Initial, and Forcing Conditions                       the middle of the strait (longitude 5420W) that is removed
  [13] Near the eastern and western ends of the computa-             at the initial time. Initial temperature and salinity fields for
tional domain two open boundaries are defined, where                 the Alboran basin have been obtained from a horizontal
values of velocity, temperature, and salinity must be                average of the spring MODB data (available at http://
specified. In order to minimize the contamination of the   , while the spring Levitus [1982]
interior model solution due to wave reflection at the                data set has been used to set initial values over the Gulf of
boundaries, an Orlanski radiation condition [Orlanski,               Cadiz (see Figure 5 in SBA02). As in SBA02 and
1976] is used for the depth-dependent velocity at both               Napolitano et al. [2003], we have used the Smolarkiewicz
boundaries. A forced Orlanski radiation condition [Bills             upstream-corrected advection scheme [Smolarkiewicz,
and Noye, 1987] is used for the surface elevation at the             1984, 1990], in order to simulate correctly the free flow
western and eastern boundaries:                                      adjustment to the density gradient within the strait after the
                      1                                            dam is removed.
                       n                  n1
                      zTi 2 þ zMi  ðCr=2Þzi 2 þ Crzni1               [17] The model is forced at the open boundaries
         zi      ¼                                         ;   ð1Þ   through the specification of the surface tidal elevation.
                                  1 þ Cr=2
                                                                     Candela et al. [1990] and more recently Tsimplis [2000]
where zni represents the surface elevation at the i grid point       have found that 75% of the current variability in the strait
of the open boundary at time step n, Cr = cDt/(2Dx) is a             is due to the semidiurnal tide, so we have limited our
Courant number defined in the x direction, zn1    Ti   is the       modeling study to the semidiurnal component, forcing the

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         Figure 2. (top) Model bathymetry, computational grid, and transects for the presentation of model
         results within the Strait of Gibraltar. The gray levels indicate the water depths. The points Cm and Sp
         mark the points where Spartel Sill and Camarinal Sill are located, respectively. (bottom) Bathymetry
         along the longitudinal section E.

model with only the M2 tide, with period of 12.42 hours,               boundary (ywm) during the neap tide ranges from 48 to
and the S2 tide, with period of 12.00 hours:                           +75 cm, while during the spring tide ranges from 128 to
                                                                       +140 cm. Owing to the strong velocities generated by the
                            2                                          tidal forcing short external and internal time steps of 0.1 and
            zT ð y; t Þ ¼         An ð yÞ cosðsn t  jn ð yÞÞ;   ð3Þ   6 s need be used in the simulation.

where An (y) and jn (y) are the prescribed surface elevation           3. Model Results
amplitude and phase of the nth tidal constituent and sn is its           [18] The model was run for 360 days without tidal forcing
frequency. The M2 and S2 surface tidal elevation amplitudes            (zT ( y, t) = 0) in order to achieve a steady two-layer
and phases have been obtained from the global tidal model              exchange system. The steady exchange obtained is charac-
of Kantha [1995] and Kantha et al. [1995]. The resulting zT            terized by an inflow (toward the Mediterranean) and an
(ywm, t) applied at the middle point of the western open               outflow (toward the Atlantic Ocean) of 0.62 and 0.51 Sv

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Table 1. Comparison Between Observed and Predicted Amplitudes A and Phases P of M2 Tidal Elevationa
                                                                               Observed M2               Predicted M2          Difference (Pre  Obs)
 Location         Latitude North                 Longitude West           A, cm             P, deg     A, cm      P, deg    A, cm      A, %       P, deg
                                                                          Tsimplis et al. [1995]
Gibraltar             36080                         05210               29.8              46.0       29.7        46.0     0.1        0.3       +0.0b

                                                                         Garcı́a Lafuente [1986]c
Pta. Gracia          3605.40                        0548.60           64.9 ± 0.2      49.0 ± 0.5     64.9        51.0     +0.0        0.0       +1.5
Tarifa               3600.20                        0536.40           41.5 ± 0.2      57.0 ± 0.5     40.5        46.3     0.8        1.9       +10.2
Pta. Cires           3554.70                        0528.80           36.4 ± 0.2      46.5 ± 0.5     33.6        50.1     2.6        7.1       +3.1
Pta. Carnero         3604.30                        0525.70           31.1 ± 0.2      47.5 ± 0.5     29.1        43.8     1.8        5.8       3.2

                                                                          Candela et al. [1990]
DN                    35580                         05460               60.1             51.8        56.2        53.9     3.9       6.4        +2.1
DS                    35540                         05440               54.0             61.8        51.4        61.6     2.6       4.8        0.2
SN                    36030                         05430               52.3             47.6        50.1        48.2     2.2       4.2        +0.6
SS                    35500                         05430               57.1             66.8        58.0        65.3     +0.9       1.5        1.5
DW                    35530                         05580               78.5             56.1        73.3        58.4     5.2       6.6        +2.3
TA                    36010                         05360               41.2             41.2        41.0        47.3     0.2       0.4        +6.1
AL                    36080                         05260               31.0             48.0        28.6        46.0     2.4       7.7        2.0
CE                    35530                         05180               29.7             50.3        27.5        47.3     2.2       7.4        3.0
DP5                   36000                         05340               44.4             47.6        38.2        43.9     6.2       13.9       3.8
   Station locations are shown in Figure 1.
   ± indicates standard errors.

at the Camarinal Sill section, and of 0.69 and 0.58 Sv at                             SBA02. This difference mainly depends on the value of
the Gibraltar-Ceuta section (1 Sv = 106 m3/s1).                                       mean elevation (zM) used in the open boundary condition
  [19] Transports were computed integrating the along-                                 equation (1) and on the better vertical resolution imple-
strait velocity vertically from the bottom up to the depth                             mented in this present work.
where the along-strait reverts its direction for the outflow,                            [20] In order to achieve a stable time-periodic solution, the
and from this depth up to the surface for the inflow, and then                         model was run for further 29 days, forced only by the two
meridionally, across the Camarinal Sill and Gibraltar-Ceuta                            principal semidiurnal tidal components. Finally, after reach-
sections (sections C and D in Figure 2):                                               ing the stable time-periodic regime, the model was run for a
                           Z            Z                                              further fortnightly period and the least squares harmonic
                                North        0
                INð xÞ ¼                          uð x; y; zÞdzdy                      analysis was applied to the surface elevation and currents.
                               South    hð x;yÞ
                           Z     North Z hð x;yÞ
                                                                               ð4Þ     3.1. Tidal Elevation
               OUTð xÞ ¼                             uð x; y; zÞdzdy;                    [21] In Tables 1 and 2 the observed [Tsimplis et al., 1995;
                               South        bottom
                                                                                       Garcı́a Lafuente, 1986; Candela et al., 1990] and simulated
where u is the along-strait velocity, h is the depth of the                            amplitudes (A) and phases (P) are compared, for the M2 and
interface, and x is the longitude. The computed transports                             S2 tidal elevation, respectively. A good agreement between
are about 15% less than the estimation carried out in                                  observed and predicted values is found; the maximum

Table 2. Comparison Between Observed and Predicted Amplitudes A and Phases P of S2 Tidal Elevationa
                                                                               Observed S2               Predicted S2          Difference (Pre  Obs)
 Location         Latitude North                 Longitude West           A, cm             P, deg     A, cm      P, deg    A, cm      A, %       P, deg
                                                                          Tsimplis et al. [1995]
Gibraltar             36080                         05210               10.7               72        10.5        72.0      !0.2       1.8        +0.0
                                                                         Garcı́a Lafuente [1986]
Pta. Gracia          3605.40                        0548.60           22.3 ± 0.2       74.0 ± 1.0    20.3        77.9     1.8        8.1       +2.9
Tarifa               3600.20                        0536.40           14.2 ± 0.2       85.0 ± 1.5    14.7        69.8     0.3        2.0       13.7
Pta. Cires           3554.70                        0528.80           14.1 ± 0.2       74.0 ± 1.0    13.1        76.7     0.8        5.7       +1.7
Pta. Carnero         3604.30                        0525.70           11.5 ± 0.2       71.0 ± 1.0    10.6        68.6     0.7        6.9       1.4

                                                                          Candela et al. [1990]
DN                    35580                         05460               22.5             73.8        20.3        77.9     2.2       9.7        +4.1
DS                    35540                         05440               21.1             83.3        18.3        87.3     2.8       13.2       +4.0
SN                    36030                         05430               18.5             73.4        18.1        74.2     0.4       2.1        +0.8
SS                    35500                         05430               20.6             92.3        21.0        90.0     +0.4       1.9        2.3
DW                    35530                         05580               29.0             82.2        26.6        81.8     2.4       8.2        0.4
TA                    36010                         05360               14.7             67.9        15.1        70.7     +0.4       2.7        +2.8
AL                    36080                         05260               11.1             73.9        10.2        71.2     0.9       8.1        2.7
CE                    35530                         05180               11.4             75.6        9.6         74.8     1.8       15.7       0.8
DP5                   36000                         05340               16.1             73.9        14.0        69.1     2.1       13.0       4.8
   Station locations are shown in Figure 1.
   ± indicates standard errors.

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         Figure 3. Cotidal charts of the (a) M2 and (b) S2 surface tides. Solid lines are phase contours in degrees;
         dashed lines are amplitude contours in cm.

differences do not exceed 6.2 cm in amplitude (with a           propagation, more evident east of Camarinal Sill as far as
maximum error of about 15%) and 13 in phase. The               the eastern entrance of the strait. The same features are also
maximum differences are confined to coastal points as           present on the S2 cotidal chart even if the cotidal lines
Ceuta (CE), Algesiras (AL), Tarifa and Pta. Cires, since        exhibit a greater deviation toward North over the Camarinal
our model grid is not coastal fitted.                           Sill. In agreement with CA90, the ratios and phase differ-
  [22] In Figure 3 are also shown the computed cotidal          ences between the M2 and S2 components remain quite
charts for the strait region, for the simulated M2 and S2       constant throughout the strait; the amplitude ratio is con-
surface tidal waves. The M2 chart is in good qualitative        fined between 2.6 and 2.8 and the phase difference
agreement with the empirical cotidal chart presented by         decreases from west to east of only 2 degrees between
CA90. The only difference is in the Camarinal Sill area,        24 to 26.
where the cotidal lines (lines of constant phase) undergo a
deviation toward North. The principal features to be noted      3.2. Tidal Currents
on this chart are the reduction (more than 50%) of the            [23] A direct comparison between the predicted fields of
amplitude in the along-strait direction, the invariability of   major and minor axes of tidal ellipse and data are difficult
the amplitude in the cross-strait direction (except for the     because of the lack of data in most part of the strait, with the
eastern part of Tarifa narrow), and the southwestward phase     exception of Camarinal Sill (see CA90) and of the eastern

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         Figure 4. Comparison between observed and simulated semimajor axis components of tidal ellipses.
         Observed data M1, M2, M3, M7, M8, M9, and F3 are from Candela et al. [1990], and N, C, and S are
         from Garcı́a Lafuente et al. [2000].

entrance [see Garcı́a Lafuente et al., 2000]. Thus in order to     [24] Figures 5 and 6 show a complete semidiurnal tidal
quantitatively compare the model results with observed data,     cycle simulated by the model during spring tide at the
a linear regression between predicted and observed semi-         Gibraltar-Ceuta and Camarinal Sill sections, respectively. It
major axis, in only ten different locations, was performed       is apparent from Figure 5 that the lower-layer flow, at the
(Figure 4). The mean errors and the root mean square errors      eastern section D, is periodically reversed by tidal currents
are shown in Table 3. The errors are limited to 4.0 cm s1 and   toward the Mediterranean Sea (also during neap tide, not
7.5 cm s1 for the S2 and 5.9 cm s1 and 7.9 cm s1 for the      showed). The typical currents range from 60 to 30 cm s1
M2, except for the stations M3 and F3 where the mean error       during spring tide and from 40 to 30 cm s1 during neap
reaches the value of 24.7 cm s1 and the root mean square        tide. On the contrary, the upper layer is always directed
reaches 31.9 cm s1. These differences are mainly due to an      toward the Mediterranean Sea, indicating a clear weakness of
overestimation of the simulated lower-layer currents.            the tidal amplitude in comparison with the mean upper layer

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Table 3. Mean and Root-Mean-Square Error of the Simulated                  is only a difference of 20, i.e., a difference of 40 min
Semimajor Axis                                                             between the appearing of the maximum velocity in the
                       M2                               S2                 upper layer and the appearing of the maximum velocity in
Station   Mean Error        RMS Error      Mean Error        RMS Error
                                                                           the lower layer. This difference goes up to 60(2h) at the
                                                                           eastern entrance (Figure 7b), where the phase decreases
                       Candela et al. [1990]
 M1           3.4            3.9             0.8               3.3        from about 210 in the upper layer to 150 in the lower
 M2           0.9            5.5             4.0               7.5        layer.
 M3          24.7           29.8             3.5                7.2          [27] The S2 tidal current amplitude also decreases of more
 M7          0.8            1.9              0.1               0.3        than 70% from Camarinal Sill to the eastern entrance
 M8           1.0            1.0             3.3               3.3
 M9           5.9            5.9              2.3               2.6
                                                                           (Figures 10a and 9a, respectively). At the eastern entrance
 F3          24.5           31.9             0.4               0.8        the amplitude increases with depth, from the surface to about
                                                                           250 m, of only 2 cm s1, remaining constant at 11 cm s1 as
                       Garcı́a Lafuente [1986]                             far as the bottom on the southern side. S2 tidal current phase
 N            2.7              7.9             0.9             1.7        (Figure 9b) decreases from 170 to 130 in the first 200 m
 C            3.9              7.9              0.9             1.5
 S            0.1              1.1              0.5             0.8        and increasing up to 150 at about 350 m, remaining
                                                                           constant below 350 m to the bottom. At Camarinal Sill the
                                                                           S2 tidal current amplitude increases from surface to 90 m of
flow, that is too strong to be reversed. Here the upper layer,             about 14 cm s1, with an increment that is not uniform along
the currents range from 80 to 140 cm s1 during spring tide                the cross section (maximum values of about 42 cm s1 are
and from 60 to 110 cm s1 during neap tide. These results are              concentrated on the south and north sides), while below 150
in good agreement with BA01, who showed very similar                       m the amplitude decreases going toward the bottom. Phase
results for the M2 component, computed with an inverse                     (Figure 10b) is constant (150) from the surface to the
model at the eastern entrance of the strait.                               bottom for nearly the whole section.
  [25] At Camarinal Sill, the tidal signal is so strong to
always reverse the currents, both in the upper and lower                   3.3. Internal Bore
layers, for a part of each semidiurnal tidal cycle, except for               [28] One of the most important features of the dynamics in
the neap tide where the Mediterranean layer is not reversed                the strait is the presence of internal bores which are generated
completely (for the spring tidal cycle see Figure 6). To                   over Camarinal Sill and propagate both eastward and west-
discriminate between upper and lower-layer velocities we                   ward [Armi and Farmer, 1988; Farmer and Armi, 1988]. In
superimposed to the velocity contours the depth of the                     Figure 11 we present six sequential snapshots of longitudinal
37.25 isohaline, that, as suggested by SBA02, can be                       salinity sections which cover the overall spring tidal period.
considered as an interface between the two layers. Using                   Here one can see that, in good agreement with the two-
this method, it is possible to see that velocity in the upper              dimensional, two-layer, hydrostatic model of Izquierdo et al.
layer ranges from 130 to 200 cm s1 during spring tide and                [2001], the generation of the eastward propagating internal
from 100 to 130 cm s1 during neap tide. For the lower                    bore begins with the formation of an interfacial depression
layer, velocity ranges from 230 to 150 cm s1 during                      over the western edge of Camarinal Sill, approximately
spring tide and from 190 to 70 cm s1 during neap tide.                   1.5 hours before high tide at Tarifa, i.e., as soon as the
  [26] Figures 7 – 10 show the simulated M2 and S2 tidal                   westward barotropic forcing over Camarinal Sill starts
amplitude and phase of the along-strait velocity at Camari-                weakening and the interface located upstream of Camarinal
nal Sill and Gibraltar-Ceuta cross-strait sections. Looking at             Sill is not sustained any more. Subsequently, about 30 min
Figures 7a and 8a it is clear that there is a drastic decrease in          before high tide at Tarifa, the internal bore is released from
the M2 amplitude (more then 70%) going from Camarinal                      Camarinal Sill and starts to travel eastward. The bore is
Sill to the eastern entrance of the strait. At Camarinal Sill              released when the upper layer starts to move toward east
the amplitude constantly increases from 100 cm s1 at the                  while the lower layer continues to move westward. Its initial
surface up to 140 cm s1 at a depth of about 220 m and then                length scale, in the along-strait direction, is about 3 km and
decreases in the vicinity of the bottom due to the influence               its travel times from Camarinal Sill to Tarifa, Pta. Cires and
of friction. On the other hand, in good agreement with                     Gibraltar sections are 2, 4 and 6 hours, respectively. It
BA01, at the eastern entrance of the strait the amplitude                  follows that, always in agreement with the two dimensional
increases from 8 cm s1 at the surface to 42 cm s1 in the                 model of Izquierdo et al. [2001], the speed of the bore is
lower layer. The main increase is in the upper layer:                      about 1.7 m s1 between Camarinal Sill and Tarifa sections,
amplitude reaches the value of 34 cm s1 in the first                      2.5 m s1 between Tarifa and Pta. Cires sections, and
200 m, and remains rather constant in the rest of the water                1.5 m s1 between Pta. Cires and Gibraltar sections.
column. It is also evident a meridional variation of the                     [29] In agreement with Armi and Farmer [1988], a much
amplitude from the southern part (40 cm s1) to the                        weaker westward propagating internal bore is also released
northern part (18 cm s1) of the strait. Another point to                  from Camarinal Sill, just 30 min before the eastward prop-
highlight is that the phase at Camarinal Sill (Figure 8b) is               agating bore reaches Gibraltar-Ceuta section, i.e., 40 min
quite constant from the upper layer to the lower layer; there              before the low tide at Tarifa. The amplitude of the eastward

Figure 5. (a – f ) Simulated sections of the along-strait current (cm s1) showing several phases of a semidiurnal (M2 + S2)
tidal cycle during spring tide at the Gibraltar-Ceuta section. The time difference between the single sections is 2 hours.
(g) Time moments referred to the surface elevation at Tarifa. The contour interval is 10 cm s1. Red and blue shadows
highlight outflow and inflow currents, respectively. Yellow lines represents the depth of the 38.1 isohaline.

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                                    Figure 5

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C05011               SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                C05011

         Figure 6. Same as Figure 5, but for the Camarinal Sill section. Yellow lines represent the depth of the
         37.25 isohaline.

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C05011                SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                     C05011

         Figure 7. M2 tidal constituent of the along-strait velocity at the eastern section D. (a) Amplitude in
         cm s1; the contour interval is 2.0 cm s1. (b) Phase relative to the Moon transit at Greenwich in degrees;
         the contour interval is 10.
propagating bore diminishes progressively from about 100 m        TB00. They considered two methods of estimating the mean
on the western edge of Camarinal Sill to about 50 m at the        transport across the sill: in the first one they used the time-
Gibraltar section. Initially the bore is characterized by two     averaged along-strait velocities, fixing the interface depth at
large and steep internal waves that during the eastward           147 m, while in the second method they produced 30 min
propagation seem to be subject to an amplitude dispersion.        time series of transport by finding the depth of the interface
What happen actually is that the bore, during its eastward        for each measurement. In the first case the inflow transport
propagation, disintegrates into a train of internal solitary      was estimated to be 0.46 Sv, while in the second case the
waves [Artale and Levi, 1990; Artale et al., 1990; Brandt et      average over the time series gave an estimated transport of
al., 1996]. The model is not able to reproduce these internal     0.78 Sv.
solitary waves since nonhydrostatic effects are neglected and       [31] At the eastern entrance of the strait other direct
the horizontal model resolution is lower in the eastern part of   measurements have been carried out by BA01. They report
the domain; however the final effect is the same, since the       an inflow of 0.81 Sv, estimated by using an inverse model to
bore is in any case dispersed. The model shows also that the      predict every instant the interface displacement and the
bores are always released from Camarinal Sill in the course       along-strait velocities, while using an interface at constant
of the fortnight period, even during neap tides.                  mean depth they estimated a transport higher than 7%
                                                                  respect to the nonstationary interface case.
                                                                    [32] As initially argued by Bryden at al. [1994] and more
4. Transport                                                      recently by TB00 the contribution of the fluctuating terms in
4.1. Effect of Tidal Forcing on Transport and Mean                velocity and interface depth represents the main difference
Quantities                                                        between the two methods of computation. To better explore
  [30] Recent estimates of transport based on direct mea-         the effect of these fluctuating terms on the mean flow along
surements over Camarinal Sill have been carried out by            the strait, we analyze numerical results of both experiment

         Figure 8. M2 tidal constituent of the along-strait velocity at the Camarinal Sill section B. (a) Amplitude
         in cm s1; the contour interval is 10.0 cm s1. (b) Phase relative to the Moon transit at Greenwich in
         degrees; the contour interval is 10.

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C05011                 SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                             C05011

         Figure 9. S2 tidal constituent of the along-strait velocity at the eastern section D. (a) Amplitude in cm
         s1; the contour interval is 2.0 cm s1. (b) Phase relative to the Moon transit at Greenwich in degrees; the
         contour interval is 10.

(with and without tidal forcing (hereinafter TE and NTE)),          S2) and plus a residual component that also includes the
in a two-dimensional two-layer formulation; in particular           internal bore:
we have integrated the model results in the cross-strait                                                                
direction choosing, as in SBA02, the 37.25 psu as interface         cð x; t Þ ¼ c        ~ M2 ð xÞ cos wM2 t þ jcM2 ð xÞ þ c
                                                                                 ð xÞ þ c                                 ~ S2
isohaline between the two layers. In this case the momen-                                 h                i
                                                                                  ð xÞ cos wS2 t þ jS2 ð xÞ þ c^ ð x; t Þ;           ð7Þ
tum and continuity equations for the upper layer can be
written as
                                                                    where c  represents the mean component, c  ~ M2, c
                                                                                                                      ~ S2 are the
                                                                  amplitudes of the semidiurnal components, wM2, wS2 and
              @u @ u2   r @ ðh  he Þ
                þ      þ 0g           ¼0                     ð5Þ    jMc  , jSc are the frequencies and phases of the semidiurnal
              @t @x 2   r1    @x                                       2     2
                                                                    components, respectively, and c   ^ represents the residual
                                                                    component, which includes the internal bore. Time-aver-
                                                                    aging the continuity equation (6), we obtain the following
                        @h @ ðhuÞ
                           þ      ¼ 0;                       ð6Þ    transport equation for the upper layer:
                        @t   @x

                                                                    @        uM ~
                                                                             ~  hM              ~
                                                                                                  uS ~
where u is the velocity, h is the thickness of the layer, h is         
                                                                       u h þ 2 2 cos juM2  jhM2 þ 2 2
the surface elevation, he is the equilibrium potential, r0 is the   @x         2                    2
density of surface water, and r1 is the mean density of the                             !
layer. Moreover we decompose each model variable (c) in a              cos ju  jh þ ^ ^ ¼ 0:
                                                                                      uh                                             ð8Þ
                                                                                S2     S2
mean term, plus the two semidiurnal components (M2 and

         Figure 10. S2 tidal constituent of the along-strait velocity at the Camarinal Sill section B. (a) Amplitude
         in cm s1; the contour interval is 10.0 cm s1. (b) Phase relative to the Moon transit at Greenwich in
         degrees; the contour interval is 10.

                                                              12 of 23

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                                                                                                                                         SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE

           Figure 11. Evolution of salinity perturbations during a tidal period. Contours are shown with an interval of 0.5 psu. The
           snapshots are plotted at an interval of 2 hours. The time moments are referred to the surface elevation at Tarifa (insets).
C05011                 SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                    C05011

         Figure 12. Along-strait total upper layer transport in the case with (A) and without (B) tidal forcing,
         and single component of upper layer transport in the case of tidal forcing: mean component (C), M2 and
         S2 components (D, E), and residual component (F).

In Figure 12 all terms of equation (8) are plotted: the mean       the current (B) shows a local maximum in the same region.
transport (C), the transport due to the M2 and S2                  Residual (E) and S2 (D) terms appear negligible.
components (D, E) and the residual transport (F). Also               [34] Always from Figure 13 one can note that in most part
plotted are the total upper layer transport (A) and the            of the strait, and in particular in the eastern part, the mean
transport computed for NTE (B). This figure reveals that           current is higher for TE (A) respect to NTE (B). Most of tidal
the contribution of the semidiurnal tidal component M2             energy is dissipated toward smaller scales, but we suppose
((~uM2 ~hM2 cos(juM2  jhM2 ))/2) is relevant over Camarinal       that part of this energy can be transferred also to the mean
Sill whereas it is negligible at the eastern end of the strait.    flow. This supposition is based on the fact that the only
In practice, while in the eastern region of the strait the         difference between the two experiments is the tidal forcing,
mean current nearly determines the whole transport, it only        and so the difference between the mean currents can only be
contributes about 60% of the total transport near                  caused by this forcing. It is plausible that everywhere within
Camarinal Sill, in agreement with the results of TB00 and          the strait, with exception at Camarinal Sill and surroundings,
BA01. Contributions of the S2 component and of the bore are        tidal fluxes interact with mean motion enhancing it. At
less than 4%, but, whereas the S2 component has its                Camarinal Sill, dissipation processes (bottom friction, mix-
maximum effect near Camarinal Sill, the bore is more               ing) and energy transfer to internal bore generation drop
effective in the eastern region. Deviations from the               energy probably from both tidal and mean motion.
conservation relation equation (8) are mainly due to the             [35] The effects of tide on the interface depth are shown
large entrainment of Mediterranean water near the hydraulic        in Figure 14. Plotted are the mean depth of interface (A),
jump, just west of Camarinal Sill, whereas in the eastern part     its range of variation due to the M2 component (Bmin,
diffusion of salinity moves the interface toward 38.1 psu          Bmax), its range of variation due to the residual term
(see BA01, see also section 4.2 of this paper), implying an        (Cmin, Cmax), and the interface depth for NTE (D). The
underestimation of transport in this zone when the upper           variation due to the residual term is mainly due to the bore
layer is limited to 37.25 psu.                                     and it is of the same order of that associated with the M2
   [33] In order to investigate the effect of the tidal forcing    component. In the presence of tidal forcing the mean depth
on the mean currents of the layers we have plotted in              of the interface rises of about 20 m just west of Camarinal
Figure 13 (for the upper layer only) the mean currents        u   Sill up to about 40 m over the sill respect to the depth of
(A), half of the M2 current amplitude (1/2 ~uM2) (C), half of      interface of NTE. The minimum difference of about 13 m
           pffiffiffiffiffi amplitude (1/2 ~
the S2 current                    uS2) (D), the mean quadratic     is limited at Tarifa Narrow. This interface rising is probably
residual ( ^u2 ) (E), and the current for NTE (B). It is evident   related to the increased mixing between upper and lower
that the mean current (A) shows a local minimum in the             layer introduced by tidal forcing. However, in spite of this
region where the amplitude of the M2 current (C) has its           reduction of the upper layer thickness the transport
maximum value, whereas in the case without tidal forcing           increases for TE, indicating that the effect of a stronger

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         Figure 13. Along-strait current amplitudes for the mean component  u (A), the Mp
                                                                                         2 component
                                                                                           ffiffiffiffiffi       (1/2 ~
         (C), the S2 component (1/2 ~ uS2) (D), the mean quadratic residual component ( ^  u2 ) (E), and for the
         experiment without tidal forcing (B).

mean current, together with that of tidal transport prevail        four layers framework. This was accomplished integrating
on the effect of depth reduction.                                  model results in the across-strait direction and then choosing
  [36] Mean surface elevation is another quantity that shows       the following three separating isohalines: 36.8, 37.5 and 38.2
an unexpected change due to tidal forcing. It is well known        psu. Figure 16 shows the thickness of the four layers and the
that there is a gradient of elevation between Atlantic Ocean       depth of the three interface isohalines for NTE and TE; here
and Mediterranean Sea that compensates for the different           the layers are numbered, starting from the upper one, from 1
densities of the two seas. In the presence of tide, there is a     to 4 (hereinafter L1, L2, L3 and L4), while arrows represent
strong gradient of elevation just west of Camarinal Sill with      volume fluxes between adjacent layers, i.e., entrainment and
an extra 1.9 cm of gradient between the two seas. The equa-        detrainment.
tion for the mean elevation is analogous to equation (8);            [39] Including to volume and salt conservation equations
in the presence of tide there are terms like 1/2UA    fM h  ~      terms representing intrusion of volume flux from one layer
                                                           2 M2
cos(jUAM2  jM2 ) (where UA represents the barotropic cur-         into an adjacent one, it is possible to calculate entrainment
rent), that act to modify the mean elevation with respect to the   and detrainment fluxes:
case without tide. This quantity has its maximum value near                                        
Camarinal Sill, in coincidence with the maximum value of the             @ ðBk hk Þ
                                           fM .                    Dx               þ rH ðBk hk uk Þ ¼ Fupkþ1  Fdwk  Fupk þ Fdwk1
tidal amplitude of the barotropic current UA    2                           @t
  [37] The mean salinity field within the strait is also                                                                         ð9Þ
modified by tidal forcing. This appears particularly clear
in Figure 15, where are shown the along-strait (section E)
difference between the salinity field obtained for NTE and a             @ ðBk hk Sk Þ
fortnightly average of the tidally forced salinity field. This     Dx                  þ rH ðBk hk uk Sk Þ ¼ Skþ1 Fupkþ1  Sk Fdwk
figure shows strong differences in the mean profiles of                                                       Sk Fupk þ Sk1 Fdwk1 ;
salinity: the yellow spot (+0.6 psu) east of Camarinal Sill is
an evidence of the increased entrainment of Mediterranean                                                                         ð10Þ
water in the upper layer due to the effect of tide; while the
long blue patch (0.3 psu) is due to an increment of               where k indicates the number of the layer, hk and Bk are the
entrainment of the Atlantic water in the denser layer. The         thickness and the width of the kth layer, Dx is the
hydraulic jump is characterized by strong mixing also in the       longitudinal distance between two adjacent grid point
case without tidal forcing, and for this reason in the region,     (600 m), and Fupk and Fdwk represent upward and
west of Camarinal Sill, the effect of tide is less evident.        downward volume flux of the kth layer through the BkDx
                                                                   surface, respectively.
4.2. Effect of Tidal Forcing on Entrainment                          [40] The resulting time averaged (on a fortnight period)
  [38] In order to estimate entrainment and detrainment            upward and downward fluxes, for NTE and TE, are
fluxes, we have analyzed model results in a two-dimensional        shown in Figure 17. For NTE entrainment increases just

                                                             15 of 23
C05011                 SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                     C05011

           Figure 14. Along-strait mean depth of interface (37.25 psu) (A), its range of variation due to the M2
           (Bmin, Bmax), its range of variation due to the residual term (Cmin, Cmax), and interface depth for the case
           without tidal forcing (D).

west of    Camarinal Sill (Figure 17a), i.e., in the same         water flows from L2 to L3. Weaker entrainment is also
location   of the stationary hydraulic jump. Here water           evident at the western entrance of Tarifa Narrow. Here,
mass is    exchanged prevalently between L3 and L4:               water mass is exchanged prevalently between L1 and L2:
0.06 Sv    of L4 water intrudes into L3, while 0.04 Sv of         0.013 Sv of L1 water intrudes into L2, while 0.01 Sv of

           Figure 15. Along-strait (section E) salinity difference between the field obtained in the case without
           tidal forcing and the field obtained by averaging the tidally forced salinity field on 15 days.

                                                            16 of 23

                                   Figure 16

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C05011                 SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                       C05011

                                                                   show a behavior similar to NTE. West of Camarinal Sill the
                                                                   most active layers are the second, third and fourth: 0.075 Sv
                                                                   of L4 water are entrained into L3 and 0.08 Sv of L3 water into
                                                                   L2, while 0.07 Sv of L2 water are detrained downward L3
                                                                   (see peaks number 1 in Figure 17b). East of Camarinal Sill
                                                                   the most active layers are the first and second: 0.12 Sv are
                                                                   exchanged from L1 to L2 and a slightly more is exchanged
                                                                   from L2 to L1 (peaks n. 2), while 0.08 are exchanged from L3
                                                                   to L2. Entrainment between layers decreases from Camarinal
                                                                   Sill as far as Tarifa, from here to the eastern entrance of the
                                                                   strait entrainment increments again showing two relative
                                                                   maximum (peaks n. 4 and n. 5). Within Tarifa Narrow the
                                                                   most active layers are the first, second and third: in the
                                                                   western maximum, 0.08 Sv of water are exchanged between
                                                                   L1 and L2 in both direction, 0.05 Sv of water flows from L3
                                                                   to L2, 0.025 Sv are exchanged from L2 to L3, while only
                                                                   0.01 Sv flows from L4 to L3. The second maximum shows a
                                                                   behavior similar to the first one, except for the amplitudes
                                                                   that are reduced of about 25% for layers 1, 2 and 3.
                                                                     [42] Results shown for TE are representative of a complete
                                                                   fortnight period, however for a complete understanding of the
                                                                   tidal entrainment along the strait it is necessary to investigate
                                                                   also the single ebb (toward Gulf of Cadiz) and flood (toward
                                                                   Alboran Sea) tidal periods both for spring and neap tide.
                                                                     [43] During ebb tide (not showed) only peaks n. 1 are
                                                                   present, that is entrainment is located only west of Camari-
                                                                   nal Sill where 0.18 Sv of water is exchanged from L4 to L3
                                                                   and from L3 to L2 for spring tide and 0.12 Sv for neap tide,
                                                                   while 0.15 Sv are exchanged between L3 and L4 for spring
                                                                   tide and 0.09 for neap tide.
                                                                     [44] During flood tide (not showed) peaks n. 1 are not
                                                                   present and entrainment is located only at east of Camarinal
                                                                   Sill and within Tarifa Narrow. East of Camarinal Sill, during
                                                                   spring tide, the water exchanges principally from L1 to L2
                                                                   and from L2 to L1 at a rate of 0.4 Sv, and from L3 to L2 and
                                                                   from L2 to L3 at a rate of 0.21 Sv and 0.11 Sv, respectively.
                                                                   During neap tide the active layers are always L1, L2 and L3
                                                                   with weaker values for peaks n. 3, 4, and 5 while peaks n. 2
                                                                   are totally absent. The only possible cause of a such behavior
                                                                   is that the dynamical mechanisms generating peaks n. 2 are
Figure 17. Along-strait time-averaged (on a fortnight
                                                                   activated only when intensity of tidal currents exceed a
period) entrained and detrained volume fluxes between
                                                                   threshold value. Observing that at Camarinal Sill only during
layers (the same as Figure 16) for the case (a) without and
                                                                   neap tide the entire water column it is not reversed com-
(b) with tidal forcing. Positive values (solid lines) indicate
                                                                   pletely, we can assume that peaks n. 2 appear only when both
upward volume flux, while negative value (dashed lines)
                                                                   the upper Atlantic layer and the lower Mediterranean layer
represent downward volume fluxes. Positive red, blue, and
                                                                   flow simultaneously in the same direction.
green lines represent entrainment from L2 to L1, from L3 to
L2, and from L4 to L3, respectively. Negative red, blue, and       4.3. Transport Estimates
green lines represent entrainment from L1 to L2, from L2 to          [45] The simple and intuitive method of computation of
L3, and from L3 to L4, respectively.                               inflow and outflow volume transport introduced in section 3
                                                                   is strictly related to the existence of an internal surface of
water flows from L2 to L1. 0.01 Sv of water are also               zero along-strait velocity, used as an interface between
exchanged from L2 to L3.                                           Atlantic and Mediterranean water. However, this method
  [41] TE shows an increased entrainment along whole the           cannot be used to determine the volume transport when tidal
strait respect to NTE (Figure 17b). Strong exchange between        forcing is included, since, as described in section 3.2, the
the first and second layer as well as the second and third layer   semidiurnal tidal signal is so strong to reverse the inflow or
are located at Camarinal Sill and within whole Tarifa Narrow,      the outflow during part of each tidal cycle, obscuring the
while exchange between the fourth and third layer seems to         two-layer character of the mean flow. Another way of

Figure 16. Along-strait time-averaged (on a fortnight period) thickness of four layers (L1, L2, L3, and L4) separated by
three isohalines (36.8, 37.5, and 38.2 psu) for the experiment (a) without and (b) with tidal forcing. Arrows represent
volume fluxes (Fup and Fdw) between adjacent layers, i.e., entrainment and detrainment.

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         Figure 18. Internal surface salinity interface between the upper Atlantic layer and lower Mediterranean

defining the interface between upper and lower layer is by                               Camarinal Sill (section B) (Figure 19a), at Tarifa (section C)
using an isohaline. For example, Bryden et al. [1994] and                                (Figure 19b), and at the east entrance of the strait (section D)
Candela et al. [1989] used the 37.0 and 37.5 isohalines,                                 (Figure 19c). In agreement with CA90 the largest amplitude
respectively, to define the exchange interface over Camarinal                            of the instantaneous transport occurs in the upper layer at the
Sill, while BA01 used the 38.1 isohaline at the eastern                                  sill, and in the lower layer at the eastern section. The behavior
entrance of the strait. The choice of different values for the                           of tidal currents noted in 3.2 is apparent in the transports: it is
separating isohaline has to be ascribed, as argued in the                                clear that the upper currents have decreasing amplitudes
previous section, to the strong entrainment developing along                             going eastward and reverse their directions only as far as
the strait: in particular, along Tarifa Narrow the inflowing                             Tarifa, while the lower currents increase eastward and reverse
Atlantic water entrains denser water and west of Camarinal                               their direction everywhere in the strait.
Sill the outflowing Mediterranean water entrains part of the                               [47] Red lines in Figure 20 show the mean along-strait
inflowing Atlantic water [Bray et al., 1995; SBA02].                                     transports, obtained averaging over the fortnight period the
  [46] Thus it emerges that it is incorrect to use a single                              ULT and LLT. From west to east the upper layer transport
isohaline as an interface for the whole strait. For this reason,                         ranges from 0.68 Sv to 0.9 Sv, while lower-layer transport
an alternative definition is used in this paper. We define as                            ranges between 0.5 Sv to 0.75 Sv. At Camarinal Sill the
interface the fortnightly averaged internal salinity surface                             transports are 0.85 Sv and 0.70 Sv for the upper and lower
associated with the internal surface where fortnightly aver-                             layer, respectively, while at the east entrance they are 0.9 Sv
aged along-strait velocity zero occurs. The internal salinity                            and 0.75 Sv.
surface obtained is shown in Figure 18; here it is possible to                             [48] At Camarinal Sill the most accurate estimates of
note that the salinity contrast between upper- and lower-layer                           transports from direct measurements are the ones given by
changes from 37.25 psu at Camarinal Sill up to 38.1 at the                             Bryden et al. [1994] and, more recently, by TB00. In their
east entrance of the strait. This salinity surface is then used to                       computation they considered the vertical movement of the
find the time-dependent depth of the internal surface interface                          interface and determined the transport of the upper layer to
between the two layers. Now we are able to calculate the                                 be 0.72 ± 0.16 Sv and 0.78 Sv, respectively, and the
instantaneous upper (ULT) and lower-layer transport (LLT)                                transport of the lower layer to be 0.68 ± 0.15 Sv and
in the whole strait by using the following equations:                                    0.67 Sv, respectively. At the eastern entrance of the strait
                           Z              Z                                              the last most accurate estimates of transports are from
                                  north         0
           ULTð x; t Þ ¼                                   uð x; y; z; t Þdzdy           BA01. They calculated the transports using an inverse
                                south         hð x;y;t Þ                                 model to predict for every instant the depth of the isohaline
                           Z            Z                                         ð11Þ
                                north         hð x;y;t Þ                                 38.1 obtaining an upper layer transport of 0.81 ± 0.07 Sv
           LLTð x; t Þ ¼                                   uð x; y; z; t Þdzdy;          and a lower-layer transport of 0.76 ± 0.07 Sv. The results
                               south      bottom
                                                                                         of the present study are in reasonable agreement with all
where u is the along-strait velocity and h is the time-                                  these transport estimates since they lie within the error bars.
dependent depth of the interface. In Figure 19, the computed                               [49] Also plotted in Figure 20 (blue lines) are the tran-
upper and lower-layer transports are shown for a complete                                sports computed for the experiment without tidal forcing
fortnight cycle at three different cross-strait section over                             (equation (4)). Comparison with the results with tidal forcing

                                                                                   19 of 23
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         Figure 19. Sixteen days of computed upper (blue) and lower (red) layer transport at three different
         cross-strait sections: (a) over Camarinal sill, (b) at Tarifa, and (c) at the east entrance of the strait.

shows that the tidal forcing increases transport, both in the       with and without tidal forcing, are showed. It is evident that
upper and in the lower layer. It is also interesting to note that   tidal forcing increases the particle fluxes in both directions.
the increment is different between upper and lower layer; in        However a quantitative estimate of the effect of tidal forcing
particular, at Camarinal Sill is 37% for the upper layer and        on particles flux is better deduced looking at ratios of
34% for the lower layer, while at the eastern entrance the          particles arrived with and without tide; taking into account
increment is 28% and 29% for the upper and lower layer,             also other intermediate sections at the longitudes 5150,
respectively.                                                       5200, 5250. After 15 days, these ratios indicate that the
  [50] With the purpose of verifying our transport estima-          inflow transport increment is in the range 40%/65%, where-
tion, a comparative experiment using particle tracking has          as the outflow increment is in between 15%/35%.
been carried out. A particle was released every 60 min from
each grid point of two cross-strait sections located at the
western (l ’ 5500) and eastern (l ’ 5180) end of                5. Summary and Conclusions
the strait, both with and without tidal forcing. In Figure 21         [51] In this paper we have presented a 3-D numerical
the total number of particles arrived at the west (east)            model that is capable to reproduce reasonably well the main
section starting from the east (west) section, in the cases         aspects of the semidiurnal tidal cycle in the Strait of

                                                              20 of 23
C05011               SANNINO ET AL.: STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR SEMIDIURNAL TIDAL EXCHANGE                                    C05011

         Figure 20. Variation of the eastward (positive values) and westward (negative values) transports along
         the strait computed for the cases without tidal forcing (blue) and with tidal forcing (red). Dashed lines
         represent net water flow.

Gibraltar and, also, to provide new water transport             1989; Hibiya, 1990; Longo et al., 1992; Brandt et al., 1996;
estimates.                                                      Izquierdo et al., 2001; Morozov et al., 2002], another 2-D
  [52] Differently from previous modeling works, which          model was instead developed to investigate the semidiurnal
have concentrated on specific aspects of the phenomenology      surface tides in the strait [Tejedor et al., 1999], and two 3-D
related to tidal forcing, this numerical experiment tried to    models were developed, in the last 14 years, to study tidal
reproduce all the principal effects of the tide. For example    flows, internal tide as well as fortnightly modulation [Wang,
many 2-D models were developed to study the generation          1989, 1993]. However, none of these models, except partly
and propagation of internal waves within the strait [Pierini,   Brandt et al. [1996], was able to estimate water transports

         Figure 21. Total number of particles that arrived at (a) the west section starting from the east section
         and at (b) the east section starting from the west section. Solid lines represent the experiment with tidal
         forcing, while dashed lines represent the experiment without tidal forcing.

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along the whole strait and, at the same time, to provide an      transport reduction (20%) assumed by Helfrich [1995], their
estimation of the impact of tidal forcing on the mean flow       estimated transport increment reduces from 1.6 to 1.3, i.e., a
exchange.                                                        value very similar to that simulated by our model.
  [53] The 3-D model described in this work can be                 [56] Experiments with particles seem to show an incre-
considered as a natural improvement of Wang’s models.            ment for the upper layer tidal transport (1.4/1.65) greater
It is based on the model developed by SBA02: it makes            than the ones calculated in the Eulerian way. However, this
use of a curvilinear grid and terrain-following vertical         result must be evaluated with care, observing that the
grid, with mean horizontal resolution, within the strait, of     particle count does not depend on the arriving depth of
500 m, it is forced at the open boundaries through the           particles. For example, Atlantic particles are counted also if
specification of the M2 and S2 surface elevation. The            they arrive at the Mediterranean section at a depth charac-
validity of our numerical model has been tested by               terized by salinity greater than 38.1 psu, that is inside the
applying it to the description of tidal elevation, tidal         part of upper layer that entrains the lower layer. In order to
currents and internal bores. It has been shown that results      evaluate the increased entrainment due to tidal forcing, we
of our model are in good agreement with the observed             have compared the number of Atlantic particles arrived at
tidal elevation amplitudes and phases. The model repro-          the Mediterranean section, below the upper layer, for the
duces all of the known features of the spatial structure of      case with and without tidal forcing. What we have observed
the M2 and S2 tidal waves: a decrease of more than 50%           is that for the case without tide only 2% of Atlantic particles
in amplitudes and slight variations in phases along the          arrived below 150 m, while for the case with tide this value
strait, a prevailing propagation of phases southwestward,        increased up to 9%, so that the increased entrainment of
and nearly constant amplitude ratios and phase differences       Atlantic water in the lower layer can be estimated as 7%.
between the M2 and S2 tidal elevations throughout the            Applying this value of increased entrainment to reduce the
strait. At the same time the model has revealed a                upper layer tidal transport computed with the particle
distribution of amplitude and phase in the region of             tracking method, we obtained an increment in transport
Camarinal Sill (both for the M2 and S2) that is different        limited between 1.30 and 1.53, values that are closer to
from the empirical cotidal chart presented by CA90. The          those resulting from our direct Eulerian calculation. More-
predicted semimajor axis as well as amplitude and phase          over, if we reduce the upper layer tidal transport computed
of the along-strait velocities are quantitatively and quali-     by Farmer and Armi [1986] and Helfrich [1995] of the
tatively in good agreement with all available observed           same factor (7%.), their tidal transport increase of 1.49 and
data. The simulated eastward and westward internal bores         1.12, respectively, positioning our result in between of
are also in agreement with available data as well as the         them.
internal bore speeds in different sections of the strait           [ 57 ] The study of calculated entrainment fluxes
coincide with those estimated by Izquierdo et al. [2001],        (section 4.2) reveals that this phenomenon is effective
who used a completely different model.                           only at precise positions along the strait, in particular at
  [54] However, the principal aim of this work was to            Camarinal Sill and within Tarifa Narrow, i.e., the two zones
quantify the effects of tidal forcing on transport of            where the flow has higher probability to become critical.
Atlantic and Mediterranean water along the strait. To this       However a more theoretical treatment is needed to justify
end, initial conditions were produced by the stationary          that higher values of entrainment fluxes will be associated
experiment, where about 12 cm of mean sea level                  with critical transition of the flow.
difference was set between west and east boundaries.
With this setting the stationary experiment simulated an           [58] Acknowledgments. We thank many colleagues, particularly
inflow of 0.62 and 0.69 Sv at Camarinal Sill and                 Roberto Iacono, Adriana Carillo, and Paolo Ruti, for discussion and
                                                                 Emanuele Lombardi and Antonio Iaccarino for informatic support. The
Gibraltar-Ceuta sections, respectively, whereas the outflow      reviewers made helpful and knowledgeable suggestions. This work was
at the same locations was 0.51 and 0.58 Sv, with a             done using climatological data supplied by S. Levitus and the MODB
mean net flow toward the Mediterranean sea of about              project partners. This work was supported by the National project Ambiente
0.1 Sv. In presence of the semidiurnal tidal forcing (M2 +       Mediterraneo – SINAPSI.
S2), the Atlantic inflow is of 0.85 and 0.90 Sv at the
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