Of Cellulosic Ethanol - Energy in 2020: Assessing the Economic Effects of Commercialization

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Energy in 2020:
     Assessing the Economic Effects
          of Commercialization
     of    Cellulosic Ethanol
                                                                                  by Stefan Osborne
                                                        Office of Competition and Economic Analysis

Executive Summary                                          •   The primary beneficiaries of commercially
                                                               viable cellulosic ethanol production would be
U.S. dependence on imports of crude oil has                    crop-producing U.S. industries and their sup-
steadily increased for three decades. One way to               pliers. The increase in output over baseline
reduce this dependence is to increase domestic                                                                    Manufacturing and Services
                                                               projections from these sectors would range
production of renewable fuels such as etha-                    from 2.4 percent to 4.3 percent in 2020. U.S.      Competitiveness Report
nol. This report examines the effect on the U.S.               agriculture could gain 20,350 jobs at the ex-      November 2007
economy in 2020 if advances in technology allow                pense of other sectors.
cellulosic ethanol to become commercially viable
and if cellulosic ethanol production becomes               •   Conversely, lower prices for crude oil would
adequate to allow total ethanol production to                  hurt U.S. oil producers, although the motor
reach 30 billion gallons (including 10.5 billion               fuel producing industry would benefit from
gallons of corn-based ethanol). In this report, “oil”          lower input prices.
and “crude oil” are used interchangeably, unless           Two critical factors that influence our impact
otherwise noted. Our findings, based on produc-            assessments are our assumptions on (a) the
tion of 19.5 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol in      cost-competitiveness of cellulosic ethanol and (b)
2020, indicate the following:                              the volume of production of cellulosic ethanol in
•   Compared with current projections for 2020,            2020. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the U.S.
    U.S. crude oil imports would be 4.1 percent            economy would benefit even if we assume that
    lower than projected, amounting to a dif-              cellulosic ethanol is only cost-competitive when
    ference of about 460,000 barrels per day.              world oil prices are $60 per barrel, rather than
    Furthermore, the worldwide price of oil and            the $50-per-barrel assumption used in the base
    the domestic U.S. fuel price would be 1.2 per-         scenario. Our findings further suggest that the
    cent and 2.0 percent, respectively, lower than         benefits are roughly proportional to the volume
    projected.                                             of cellulosic ethanol produced domestically. In
                                                           a best-case scenario where enough cellulosic
•   The annual benefits to U.S. consumers of in-           feedstock is available to produce 49.5 billion gal-
    creased cellulosic ethanol production would            lons of cellulosic ethanol in 2020 and the world
    be $12.6 billion in 2020. Expressed in terms of        price of crude oil is $50 per barrel, U.S. crude oil
    today’s economy, that amount is equivalent to          imports in 2020 would be lowered by 1.2 million
    about 40 percent of the gains in real income           barrels per day over baseline projections and U.S.
    that would accrue to the United States from            agriculture would gain 54,000 jobs compared
    eliminating all restraints on imports.                 with current baseline projections.
Our analysis does not take into account all factors               gallons in both cases, with the remaining ethanol
    determining the costs associated with additional                  production coming from cellulosic feedstock.2,3
    cellulosic ethanol use, such as the transitional                  This report assesses the projected benefits to the
    investments necessary to replace crude oil with                   U.S. economy and industries if price and volume
    ethanol in the U.S. fuel supply. Similarly, this                  targets are met.
    report does not address all the economic benefits
                                                                      To assess the economic impacts of meeting those
    associated with expanded cellulosic ethanol use,
                                                                      targets, we constructed a simplified facsimile
    such as reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
                                                                      of the U.S. economy in 2020. This facsimile is
    resulting from decreased petroleum consump-
                                                                      consistent with forecasts of macroeconomic
    tion. Given that transition costs are likely to be
                                                                      variables and energy prices released by the
    incurred only once, whereas the benefits would
                                                                      Energy Information Administration (EIA) An-
    accrue each year, the value of the stream of
                                                                      nual Energy Outlook 2006 (AEO). The facsimile
    benefits from cellulosic ethanol production likely
                                                                      provides a snapshot of how the U.S. economy
    exceeds the one-time transition costs.
                                                                      would look in 2020 without commercially viable
    This report assesses the impact of cellulosic                     cellulosic ethanol. We then assumed that 19.5
    ethanol production from a U.S. economy-wide                       billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol could be
    perspective. The report uses a computable general                 produced at the Department of Energy (DOE)
    equilibrium model that tracks 500 industry sectors.               target cost of $1.07 per gallon, so that total ethanol
                                                                      production (corn-based and cellulosic combined)
                                                                      would replace 10 percent of the crude oil inputs
    Introduction                                                      used in gasoline and distillates. The findings are
                                                                      presented by comparing the alternate picture of
    The United States is importing an increasing
                                                                      the 2020 economy with the EIA’s original or base
    share of the petroleum that it consumes each
                                                                      projection. The report also examines a best-case
    year and world petroleum prices are projected to
                                                                      outlook, in which 49.5 billion gallons of cellu-
    remain high over the next few decades. Without
                                                                      losic ethanol could be produced in 2020, and an
    alternative sources of transportation fuel, the U.S.
                                                                      alternate scenario where the $1.07 per gallon cost
    economy could face adverse economic and politi-
                                                                      target is not met.4
    cal consequences.
                                                                      An understanding of the changes likely to occur
    Few viable alternatives exist for the crude oil
                                                                      in the petroleum and agricultural markets is es-
    used in transportation fuels. Although ethanol
                                                                      sential to gauge the benefits to the U.S. economy
    manufactured from corn can be used to replace
                                                                      associated with increased production and use of
    gasoline, corn-based ethanol can replace only a
                                                                      cellulosic ethanol. The study begins, therefore,
    limited amount of U.S. crude oil consumption.
                                                                      with a description of the state of the world market
    However, much more ethanol could be manufac-
                                                                      for crude oil, including trends that are leading
    tured from the cellulosic materials in biomass,
                                                                      to higher world prices in the long run. The study
    such as crop and forestry residues, energy crops,
                                                                      then explains the different methods for reducing
    and wood wastes.
                                                                      U.S. demand for petroleum, with ethanol as the
    Because cellulosic ethanol is not yet commercially                primary option for directly replacing the petro-
    viable, the benefits of cellulosic ethanol produc-                leum used in vehicle fuel. The current market for
    tion can be realized only if its production costs                 corn-based ethanol and the potential for cel-
    are reduced. The magnitude of benefits gained                     lulosic ethanol production are explained next.
    will depend on the degree of cost reduction and                   The report concludes by describing the projected
    the volume of cellulosic ethanol produced do-                     benefits to the U.S. economy if 19.5 billion gallons
    mestically. The DOE has set a target for reducing                 of cellulosic ethanol can be used to replace the
    cellulosic ethanol’s production costs to $1.07 per                petroleum used for vehicle fuel. Effects on specific
    gallon by 2012. Available literature indicates that               U.S. industries are also highlighted.
    annual ethanol production (both corn-based and
    cellulosic) could range from 30 billion gallons to
    60 billion gallons in 2020.1 Annual production of
    corn-based ethanol would be about 10.5 billion

2   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Long-Term Demand Rising;                                                                                                                    World oil supplies have become tight in recent
Prices for Crude Oil Worldwide Will                                                                                                         years primarily because of strong demand from
                                                                                                                                            the United States and from developing countries in
Remain High                                                                                                                                 Asia, including China and India. The United States
The need to consider alternative fuels like cel-                                                                                            consumes about one-quarter of the world’s petro-
lulosic ethanol is driven largely by high crude oil                                                                                         leum production. Developing countries in Asia,
prices and energy security. Not only are crude                                                                                              including China and India, have enjoyed strong
oil prices relatively high at present, but the EIA                                                                                          recent economic growth and have also become
forecasts that crude oil prices will continue to                                                                                            important users of petroleum. According to EIA
be high, reaching $50 a barrel (in 2004 prices) in                                                                                          forecasts, daily petroleum consumption by 2030
2020. The increases in crude oil price will follow                                                                                          will rise by 5.4 million barrels over current levels
a decline between 2007 and 2014, when world                                                                                                 in the United States and by 13.6 million barrels
crude oil prices are forecast to fall to $46.90 per                                                                                         in developing Asian economies. Daily petroleum
barrel as new crude oil supplies enter the market                                                                                           consumption will grow by 9.7 million barrels per
(see Figure 1).                                                                                                                             day in the rest of the world by 2030 (see Figure 2).

Figure 1. Crude      Oil Price
          Figure 1. Crude Oil Price Forcast     in 2004
                                    Forecast in 2004 Dollars,Dollars,
                                                             2004–20 2004–20
                                         Figure Energy Information
                                                    1. Crude    OilAdministration,
                                                                    Price Forecast AnnualinEnergy
                                                                                             2004Outlook 2006 (Washington,
                                                                                                   Dollars,    2004–20 D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2006),
                                        available at www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/archive/aeo06/pdf/aeotab_12.xls.
                                         Source: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2006 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2006),
                                70       available at www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/archive/aeo06/pdf/aeotab_12.xls.
                   per barrel

              per barrel



 U.S. U.S.

                                   0         2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                                              2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                                       Source: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2006 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2006), available at

                                       Figure 2. Compound Annual Growth in
Figure 2. U.S.
          WorldICT 2.Exports
           Figure            to Asia,
                       Oil Consumption
                       Compound       2001–06
                                   Annual Growth inForcasts, 2010–30
                 Source: U.S. Exports
                  U.S. ICT    Census Bureau.
                                        to Asia, 2001–06
     Vietnam Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
  Hong   Kong
  South   Korea
             -10.0% -5.0% 0.0%                      5.0%                    10.0% 15.0%                                  20.0%
                                   -10.0%         -5.0% Compound
                                                           0.0% annual
                                                                                (%) 15.0%                                 20.0%
                                                         Compound annual growth (%)
                                       Source: Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 2006),
                                       available at www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/excel/ieoreftab_5.xls.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   3
Ethanol Is the Only Current                                       ethanol demand (and production) was relatively
    Substitute for Crude Oil in                                       low. MTBE was preferred because it is a byproduct
                                                                      of refinery operations, making it easier to handle
    Transportation Fuels                                              and less expensive than ethanol when crude oil
    Because the United States is the world’s largest                  prices are low, as they were throughout the 1990s.
    importer of crude oil, reducing U.S. demand for
                                                                      However, in 2004, a number of states (including
    crude oil imports would significantly affect world
                                                                      California, Pennsylvania, and New York) banned
    demand and would likely cause world oil prices
                                                                      MTBE because it tended to leak into and contami-
    to fall, which could lead to significant economic
                                                                      nate groundwater supplies. Ethanol then became
    benefits for the United States. One way to reduce
                                                                      the main oxygenate additive in those states. Etha-
    U.S. demand for crude oil is to develop alternative
                                                                      nol demand rose significantly at that time and was
    fuels like cellulosic ethanol, although the size of
                                                                      largely driven by state-level environmental regu-
    the effect will largely depend on how much etha-
                                                                      lations mandating oxygenate use (see Figure 3).
    nol can be produced in the United States.
                                                                      Since 2005, market forces have driven ethanol
    Currently, the only commercially viable substitute
                                                                      demand more than environmental regulations
    for crude oil in transportation fuels is corn-based
                                                                      for two main reasons: (a) the 2005 Energy Policy
    ethanol.5 Annual U.S. ethanol production in 2006
                                                                      Act (EPACT) eliminated the requirement to use
    was slightly less than 5 billion gallons. Because
                                                                      oxygenates in reformulated gasoline, and (b) the
    ethanol holds about two-thirds of the energy
                                                                      price of oil rose, making corn-based ethanol more
    content of gasoline, 5 billion gallons of ethanol
                                                                      cost-competitive than MTBE.
    can replace about 1.7 percent of U.S. gasoline and
    distillates. Currently, the United States consumes                The EPACT replaced the oxygenate requirement
    annually about 200 billion gallons of gasoline and                with the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), which
    distillates (including diesel fuel).                              mandates the use of renewable fuel. Currently
                                                                      the only commercially viable renewable fuel is
    If cellulosic ethanol becomes commercially
                                                                      ethanol. The RFS requires refineries and fuel
    viable, the available literature suggests that
                                                                      importers to purchase enough ethanol to meet a
    between 19.5 billion and 49.5 billion gallons of
                                                                      nationwide target, rising from 4 billion gallons in
    cellulosic ethanol could be produced annually by
                                                                      2006 to 7.5 billion gallons in 2012. On an energy-
    2020, while corn-based ethanol production would
                                                                      equivalent basis, the mandated consumption
    rise to about 10.5 billion gallons. Thirty billion
                                                                      amount of 7.5 billion gallons would replace about
    gallons of ethanol would replace about 20 billion
                                                                      2.5 percent of current U.S. gasoline and distillate
    gallons of gasoline, or 10 percent of U.S. gasoline
                                                                      fuel consumption. However, because of continued
    and distillate fuel consumption.
                                                                      high gasoline prices, market demand for corn-
                                                                      based ethanol has already led to production levels
                                                                      exceeding the RFS mandate. The AEO forecasts
    Market Forces Rather Than
                                                                      that corn-based ethanol production in 2012 will
    Regulations Are Becoming                                          continue to exceed the mandate.6
    Increasingly Important for Ethanol
    Until recently, environmental regulations drove
    the U.S. ethanol market. The Clean Air Act, as                    The Potential to Displace Gasoline
    amended in 1992, requires that oxygenates be                      Consumption Is Greater for
    added to reformulated gasoline to lower auto-                     Cellulosic Ethanol than for Corn-
    mobile tailpipe emissions. Oxygenates are fuel                    based Ethanol
    additives (alcohols and ethers) that contain
    oxygen, which can boost gasoline’s octane qual-                   Most ethanol currently produced in the United
    ity, enhance combustion, and reduce exhaust                       States is produced from corn, but there is a limit
    emissions. Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE)                     to corn’s ethanol production capacity. Given
    and ethanol are the two main oxygenates used                      the stable demand for U.S. corn supplies from
    to satisfy the Clean Air Act requirements. Until                  domestic and international livestock producers,
    2003, MTBE was the main oxygenate used, and                       it is unlikely that the entire U.S. corn crop would
                                                                      be used to produce ethanol. A report sponsored

4   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Figure 3. U.S. Ethanol Production, 1990 to 2005
              Source: Ethanol production before 2001: Renewable Fuels Association, “Industry Statistics,”
              www.ethanolrfa.org/industry/statistics/#A. All other production and supply statistics are from
              the 2004 to 2007 editions of the Energy Information Administration’s, Annual Energy Outlook
Figure 3. U.S.(Washington,
               Ethanol Production,          1990–2005
                             D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy).


                  3.0                                                                                                                                                                   250.0
                                                                ethanol production (left axis)
billion gallons

                                                                                                                                                                                                billion gallons


                  0.5                                                                                         gasoline and distillate supply
                                                                                                              (right axis)
                  0.0                                                                                                                                                                   150.0
                         1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
                        Source: Ethanol Production before 2001: Renewable Fuels Association, “Industry Statistics,” www.ethanolrfa.org/industry/statistics/#A. All other
                        production and supply statistics are from the 2004 to 2007 editions of the Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy Outlook (Washington,
                        D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy)..

jointly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and                                                                        ability will increase from approximately 100 mil-
the DOE, Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy                                                                            lion to 220 million dry tons per year.9 Combining
and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibil-                                                                        the resulting cellulosic ethanol production with
ity of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply7 (henceforth                                                                          existing corn-based ethanol production would be
the Billion-Ton Biomass report), predicts that corn                                                                      enough to produce a total of 30 billion gallons of
used to manufacture ethanol could grow to a                                                                              ethanol in 2020. The DOE’s “biofuels roadmap”
maximum of about 50 million to 97 million tons,                                                                          policy states that 60 billion gallons of ethanol
depending on yield growth assumptions. A total                                                                           could be produced annually by 2030, mostly
of 97 million tons of corn would produce about 11                                                                        from cellulosic feedstock, although in a best-case
billion gallons of ethanol, which on an energy-                                                                          scenario the annual target of 60 billion gallons
equivalent basis would replace only 3.7 percent of                                                                       could be met earlier, between 2020 and 2025.10 If
current U.S. gasoline and distillate consumption.                                                                        the DOE’s technological targets are met, 60 billion
In its 2006 AEO, the EIA projected that ethanol                                                                          gallons of ethanol could be manufactured from
production would reach 10.75 billion gallons in                                                                          667 million tons of biomass. The “moderate crop
2020 (10.5 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol                                                                         yield growth with land-use change” scenario
plus 250 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol pro-                                                                      (from the Billion-Ton Biomass report) was meant
duction, as mandated in the 2005 EPACT).                                                                                 to determine the maximum theoretical avail-
                                                                                                                         ability of biomass; under that scenario, as much
Although its production technology is not yet
                                                                                                                         as 710 million tons of biomass could be available
commercially viable, cellulosic ethanol offers a
                                                                                                                         between 2020 and 2025.
much greater potential to displace gasoline con-
sumption than does corn-based ethanol. Accord-
ing to estimates from the DOE’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, as the price of
cellulosic feedstock increases from approximately
$29 to $33 per dry ton8, cellulosic feedstock avail-

                                                                                                                                                                            Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol    5
Cellulosic Ethanol Will Be                                        Because of the expensive pretreatment process for
    Competitive With Corn-Based                                       cellulosic ethanol and its higher capital costs, the
                                                                      only way to make cellulosic ethanol cost-compet-
    Ethanol If Cellulosic Costs Are                                   itive with corn-based ethanol is to reduce the cost
    Reduced to $1.07 per Gallon                                       of the cellulosic feedstock. The DOE’s $1.07 per
    Cellulosic ethanol currently costs about $2.65 per                gallon target can be reached by taking the follow-
    gallon to produce, down from more than $5 per                     ing actions:
    gallon in 2001, while corn-based ethanol costs                    •   Reducing the cost of enzymes to $0.05 per
    between $0.90 and $1.65 per gallon to produce,                        gallon.
    depending on the price of corn.11 The DOE has
    set targets for technological advances that would                 •   Reducing the cost of cellulosic feedstock to
    reduce the cost of producing cellulosic ethanol                       $30 per ton.
    to $1.07 per gallon by 2012, which would make                     •   Increasing ethanol yield from cellulosic feed-
    cellulosic ethanol competitive with corn-based                        stock to 90 gallons per ton.
    ethanol (in 2004 corn and crude oil prices).
                                                                      Reaching the last two goals would lower the cost
    Crucial differences exist between the technolo-                   of cellulosic feedstock to $0.33 per gallon of etha-
    gies used to produce ethanol from corn and cel-                   nol, providing a cost advantage over corn feed-
    lulose. In both technologies, feedstock sugars or                 stock that would be just large enough to offset the
    starches are extracted and fermented to make                      cost of enzymes and the higher capital costs. Our
    ethanol, but extracting sugars from cellulose re-                 analysis assumes that the DOE’s technological
    quires expensive chemical processes that are not                  targets are feasible, and that the targets are met.
    necessary to extract sugars from corn.

    According to a 2000 report by the National Re-
    newable Energy Laboratory, it costs $30 million to                Ethanol Is Less Competitive Once
    construct a typical corn-based ethanol plant that                 Annual Production Exceeds 14
    can produce 25 million gallons per year.12 Adding                 Billion Gallons
    the pretreatment equipment needed for cellulose
                                                                      The demand for ethanol (both corn-based
    would increase the cost of constructing a plant
                                                                      and cellulosic, which have essentially identi-
    with the same capacity to $136 million.
                                                                      cal chemical properties) depends on whether
    In addition to the higher capital costs, the pre-                 ethanol is being used as an additive to gasoline
    treatment process must use enzymes to break                       or as a replacement for gasoline. When ethanol is
    cellulose down. Today, those enzymes cost                         used as an additive, its high octane and its other
    about$0.40 per gallon of ethanol produced, down                   properties allow it to displace some of the more
    from more than $3.00 per gallon in 2001.                          costly components of gasoline, and the market
                                                                      sets the price of ethanol about equal to the price
    Currently, the cost of cellulosic feedstock per
                                                                      of gasoline. The maximum percentage of ethanol
    gallon of ethanol produced is approximately
                                                                      allowed as a mixture into conventional gasoline
    equal to the cost of corn grain used in traditional
                                                                      is 10 percent. Current U.S. gasoline consump-
    ethanol-producing facilities. One bushel of corn
                                                                      tion is about 140 billion gallons, so the maximum
    yields about 2.8 gallons of ethanol, so 0.36 bushels
                                                                      amount of ethanol that can be used as an additive
    of corn are needed to manufacture one gallon of
                                                                      is 14 billion gallons. The 14-billion-gallon addi-
    ethanol. At $3.00 per bushel, the cost of the corn
                                                                      tive market is almost twice the 7.5-billion-gallon
    feedstock in one gallon of ethanol is $1.07. The cur-
                                                                      mandate for 2012 set in EPACT and is about 3.5
    rent estimated cost of cellulosic feedstock is about
                                                                      billion gallons higher than the projected level of
    $60 per dry ton. With each ton of cellulosic feed-
                                                                      corn-based ethanol production in 2020.13
    stock yielding about 60 gallons of ethanol, the cost
    of cellulosic feedstock is $1 per gallon of ethanol.              Once total ethanol production capacity exceeds
                                                                      14 billion gallons, most of the output of any addi-
                                                                      tional capacity will be sold as E85, a fuel mixture
                                                                      consisting of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent
                                                                      gasoline. Currently, E85 sales make up a small

6   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
segment of the ethanol market, and the market               gasoline exceeds $1.60 per gallon (in 2004 dollars),
price for ethanol is set by demand for ethanol as           which, according to the above formula, corre-
an additive. Once capacity significantly exceeds            sponds to crude oil prices of about $50 per barrel.15
14 billion gallons, the price for ethanol will be
determined largely by the demand for E85.
                                                            Replacing 10 Percent of Gasoline
Ethanol contains about 83,333 Btus (British
thermal units) per gallon compared to 125,000
                                                            and Distillates with Corn-Based
Btus per gallon for gasoline. Because of ethanol’s          and Cellulosic Ethanol in 2020
lower energy content and the resulting decline in           Would Reduce U.S. Dependence
vehicle mileage per gallon, it may be difficult to          on Imported Oil and Improve
sell ethanol without offering a 33 percent discount         U.S. Income
relative to gasoline.14 Consequently, the market
for ethanol may face a steep price decline when             If the DOE’s cost target is met, what would be the
annual ethanol production exceeds 14 billion                effect on the U.S. economy of producing enough
gallons. This property of the U.S. ethanol market           cellulosic ethanol to reach total ethanol produc-
has important implications for modeling the                 tion of 30 billion gallons? In the 2006 AEO, the
benefits of producing more than 14 billion gallons          EIA forecast that corn-based ethanol production
of ethanol.                                                 would reach 10.5 billion gallons in 2020, and
                                                            cellulosic ethanol production would be 250 mil-
Prices received by ethanol producers are compa-             lion gallons (as mandated in the 2005 EPACT). If
rable to gasoline prices at the refinery gate, which        corn-based ethanol production remains at the
can be calculated by combining the value added              amount forecast by the EIA,15 reaching the target
by the refinery process with the cost of the crude          of 30 billion gallons of ethanol production would
oil used in gasoline. From 2000 to 2007, the value          require total production of 19.5 billion gallons of
added by refineries to gasoline averaged about              cellulosic ethanol production (including the 250
$0.30 per gallon. This amount can be considered             million gallons mandated by the EPACT). Because
as the long-run refinery margin required to keep            of ethanol’s lower energy content, the additional
refineries solvent. The price of gasoline leaving           19.25 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol produc-
the refinery can then be characterized as follows:          tion would replace 12.9 billion gallons of gasoline,
                                                            or about 6.4 percent of total U.S. gasoline and
                                                            distillate consumption.

                                                            To estimate the economic benefits of producing
                                                            additional cellulosic ethanol, we used the U.S.A.
In this equation, Pgasoline is the ex-refinery price of a   General Equilibrium (USAGE) model to construct
gallon of gasoline, and Poil is the price of a barrel of    a simplified facsimile of the U.S. economy in 2020.
crude oil. The value 42 in the denominator converts         This facsimile is consistent with forecasts of mac-
barrels to gallons, and the value 0.93 recognizes that      roeconomic variables and energy prices released
only about 93 percent of crude oil is usable (to make       in the EIA’s 2006 AEO. 17 The facsimile provides a
gasoline, diesel fuel, or other products).                  baseline scenario of how the economy would look
If ethanol faces no discount relative to gasoline,          without commercially viable cellulosic ethanol.
meeting the DOE’s cost target of $1.07 per gallon           The baseline includes 10.75 billion gallons of
would make it cost-competitive when gasoline                corn-based and cellulosic ethanol production,
costs $1.07 per gallon leaving the refinery. How-           which would replace about 3.6 percent of crude oil
ever, if ethanol producers must offer a 33 percent          inputs used to manufacture gasoline and distil-
discount relative to gasoline prices to account             lates in 2020. The construction was then altered
for ethanol’s lower energy content, ethanol that            to allow cellulosic feedstocks produced by the
costs $1.07 per gallon to produce would become              agricultural sector to replace another 6.4 percent
competitive only when gasoline costs at least $1.60         of crude oil inputs, and this alternate picture of
per gallon. The findings in this study assume that          the 2020 economy was compared to the original.
meeting the DOE’s cost target makes ethanol cost-           Two main assumptions drive the differences
competitive with gasoline only when the price of            between the two future snapshots:

                                                                                       Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   7
Table 1. Macroeconomic Effects of Producing 19.5 Billion Gallons of Cellulosic Ethanol in 2020

                                                                                               Percentage change, 2004–20                                      Effect of cellulosic ethanol
                                                         2004 prices                                                                                          production in 2020 economyb
                                                          ($ billion)                   Base scenario                      Alternate scenarioa                          ($ billion)
        Public and private consumption                           9,914                           51.677                                  51.804                           12.6
        Investment                                               1,968                           82.047                                  82.348                            5.9
        Exports                                                  1,166                          237.147                                235.707                           −16.8
        Imports                                                  1,849                          112.234                                112.073                            −3.0
        Gross domestic productc                                 11,199                           65.811                                  65.853                            4.7

                                                                                               Percentage change, 2004–20                                      Effect of cellulosic ethanol
                                                                                                                                                              production in 2020 economyb
                                                               Index                    Base scenario                      Alternate scenarioa                              (%)
        Real post-tax wage rate                                  1.000                           31.868                                  32.003                          0.102
        Terms of trade                                           1.000                            0.018                                   0.361                          0.343
    Source: USAGE Model Simulation
    a. This scenario assumes additional cellulosic ethanol production.
    b. Dollar values for 2020 are calculated by multiplying the 2004 value data by the percentage changes for base and alternate scenarios and subtracting.
    c. Gross domestic product is the sum of consumption (public and private), investment, and net exports.

    •       From 2004 to 2020, the price of crude oil rises,                                                              over crude oil. However, the additional demand
            while the cost of cellulosic feedstocks falls                                                                 for feed grains would cause the grains’ price (and
            with the cost of agricultural production.                                                                     cellulosic ethanol production costs) to decline by
                                                                                                                          less than the full 12 percent.18 Because feed grains
    •       Increased production of a domestically pro-
                                                                                                                          are an input into livestock production, animal-
            duced fuel lowers U.S. demand for domesti-
                                                                                                                          product prices also decline relatively less than
            cally produced and imported crude oil. As
                                                                                                                          their prices would have without the additional
            a result of the decline in crude oil imports,
                                                                                                                          cellulosic ethanol production.19
            both the world price of crude oil and the U.S.
            import bill subsequently decline.                                                                             Three other assumptions drive the results in
                                                                                                                          the model:
    In the original facsimile, the U.S. motor fuel sector
    uses domestically produced crude oil, imported                                                                        1. Demand for imports and domestic crude oil
    crude oil, and a small amount of agricultural                                                                            production decline by the same amount when
    inputs to manufacture vehicle fuels and industrial                                                                       U.S. crude oil demand falls.
    chemicals. The alternate facsimile allows domes-
                                                                                                                          2. The value of global price elasticity of supply for
    tically produced agricultural inputs (specifically,
                                                                                                                             crude oil is assumed to be equal to one.
    from the feed-grains sector) to replace 6.4 percent
    of the crude oil inputs used to manufacture ve-                                                                       3. The U.S. national savings rate is constant.
    hicle fuels. The amount of agricultural inputs that
                                                                                                                          The United States is a high-cost producer of crude
    must be used is determined by the cost-competi-
                                                                                                                          oil, but the United States also imports crude oil
    tiveness of cellulosic ethanol. The main findings
                                                                                                                          from many high-cost producers, such as Canada,
    result from assuming that cellulosic ethanol is
                                                                                                                          Mexico, Nigeria, and Venezuela. Therefore, with-
    competitive in 2004 prices when oil prices are at
                                                                                                                          out definitive statistical evidence demonstrating
    $50 per barrel. Table 1 summarizes the macroeco-
                                                                                                                          the relative supply elasticities of imports versus
    nomic effects.
                                                                                                                          domestic production, we assume that imports
    Furthermore, we assume that the costs of produc-                                                                      and domestic production are affected equally. If
    ing cellulosic ethanol will track the cost trends                                                                     additional cellulosic ethanol production tends to
    of feed-grains production in general, meaning                                                                         replace more domestic production than imports,
    that by 2020, cellulosic ethanol production costs                                                                     the benefits from cellulosic ethanol production
    would drop by an additional 12 percent. Ethanol                                                                       would likely be smaller.
    production would then enjoy a cost advantage

8   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Similarly, given the lack of a reliable estimate       Total Consumption Would Be Higher, and
of the global price elasticity of supply for crude     Annual Wage Incomes Would Rise
oil, we assume a neutral parameter, or one. The        Our findings show that U.S. consumption ex-
more responsive the world crude oil market is to       penditures in 2020 would be 0.08 percent higher
changes in U.S. demand, the higher the benefits        (or $12.6 billion) with increased use of cellulosic
are for the United States.                             ethanol. That figure measures the increase in
                                                       the value of the goods and services consumed by
The assumption that the U.S. national savings
                                                       U.S. citizens and the U.S. government. The U.S.
rate remains constant implies that changes in
                                                       economy would benefit from importing crude oil
domestic investment opportunities are met with
                                                       that costs less. Furthermore, the improvement in
changes in foreign investment flows.
                                                       the U.S. terms of trade would attract foreign in-
                                                       vestment, which benefits gross domestic product
Crude Oil Imports, World Crude Oil Prices, and
Domestic Fuel Prices Would Be Lower                    (GDP). Improved terms of trade would also benefit
                                                       U.S. consumers, who would pay less for imports.20
Our analysis indicates that if, as a result of meet-
ing the DOE cost target, an additional 19.25 billion   In 2006, the U.S. GDP was $13.2 trillion. Although
gallons of commercially viable cellulosic ethanol      an increase of 0.08 percent may look rela-
production were available in 2020, U.S. crude oil      tively small, the gains are still substantial when
imports would be lower than baseline projec-           compared with benefits accruing from other
tions by 4.1 percent, or by about 460,000 barrels      microeconomic policy changes. For instance,
per day. Because the United States accounts for        the U.S. International Trade Commission’s 2004
about a quarter of world consumption of crude oil,     Import Barriers Report, which also used the US-
reducing the U.S. demand for oil imports through       AGE model, found that U.S. public and private
biofuels substitution would affect overall world       consumption would rise by 0.20 percent if all U.S.
demand. The world price for crude oil would,           import trade barriers were eliminated.21 In terms
therefore, be 1.2 percent lower in 2020 than the       of increased U.S. consumption, the benefits of
world price would have been otherwise. Although        cellulosic ethanol production account for about
strong demand from China and India will con-           40 percent of the size of the consumption ben-
tinue to drive the price of oil upward, the effect     efits that would result from eliminating all U.S.
of increased crude oil demand from the United          trade barriers. In another study, the World Bank
States in the baseline scenario would be lessened.     estimated that the benefit to the United States of
The benefits of lower world oil prices would be        global merchandise trade reform would be an
shared by all net oil-importing countries, but the     increase in real income in 2015 of $16 billion.22
benefit to the United States from paying relatively    Although not directly comparable to the results
lower prices for imported oil would be significant.    of this study, the orders of magnitude of effects
At $50 per barrel, the yearly reduction in expendi-    between the two studies are similar.
tures on U.S. oil imports in 2020 would be about
$8.4 billion (in 2004 dollars).                        Agricultural Employment Would Rise
U.S. domestic fuel prices would fall by 2.0 percent.   Replacing transportation fuel with cellulosic
Although cellulosic ethanol production enjoys a        ethanol would require a significant increase in
slight cost advantage over gasoline production,        activity in the U.S. agricultural sector, in both
the primary effects on domestic fuel prices result     output and employment. From 1994 to 2004, U.S.
from the decrease in crude oil imports, which          employment in crop and livestock production
causes the world price of crude oil to fall and the    declined by 75,000 jobs annually. The U. S. De-
U.S. terms of trade to improve. The EIA projects       partment of Agriculture (USDA) now projects that
that motor vehicle gasoline will cost an average of    the U.S. agricultural sector will grow in absolute
$2.08 per gallon in 2020. Lowering this price by 2     terms over the near future and will have to attract
percent would save $0.04 per gallon.                   new labor in order to do so. The increase of 20,350
                                                       U.S. agricultural jobs in 2020, as predicted by the
                                                       simulation, would somewhat offset recent job
                                                       losses and would contribute to further job growth
                                                       in the U.S. agricultural sector.

                                                                                 Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   9
Industries Connected to Agricultural                              Two broad categories of industries that would see
     Production Will Benefit the Most,                                 their output fall are the following:

     While Domestic Oil Producers Will                                 •   Crude oil–producing industries in the United
     See Their Output Decline                                              States. The output of these industries would
                                                                           decline by 1.8 percent from base projections
     When commercially viable cellulosic ethanol low-                      as both demand and prices for crude oil fell.
     ers U.S. fuel prices, the economic effects will be
     broad. U.S. consumers will spend less disposable                  •   Industries using biomass commodities as
     income on fuel and will have more to spend on                         inputs, such as livestock producers, meat
     other consumption items. However, the competi-                        packing plants, and wet corn mills. The output
     tiveness of some industries will be more directly                     of these industries in 2020 would decline from
     affected than that of others (see Table 2). The two                   base projections by between 0.8 percent and
     industries in the U.S. economy that will benefit                      1.5 percent as costs rose.
     the most in 2020 from commercially viable cel-                    As is typical of models that rely on the “natural
     lulosic ethanol are as follows:                                   rate of employment” assumption, if aggregate
     •       Agricultural industries producing feedstock               employment is held constant, the increase in
             for cellulosic ethanol production, together               agricultural employment is offset by decreases in
             with industries supporting agricultural pro-              employment from other sectors of the economy.
             duction, such as farm machinery and fertil-               The most affected is the U.S. crude oil–producing
             izer producers. Output in those industries in             industry, which would lose about 2,200 jobs.
             2020 would increase by between 2.4 percent                Our findings suggest that one additional out-
             and 4.3 percent over base projections.                    come of expanded cellulosic production is the
     •       The motor fuel industry, which would benefit              appreciation of the U.S. dollar, which increases
             from lower input prices. In 2020, output in               the price of U.S. exports and decreases the price
             this industry would be 1.6 percent higher than            of U.S. imports. Typically, an appreciating dol-
             base projections.                                         lar would be expected to adversely affect the
                                                                       production of exporting industries and to benefit
                                                                       importing industries. Except for the petroleum
     Table 2. P
               ercentage Change in Output
                                                                       refining industry, which is directly affected by
              by Industry, 2020
                                                                       changes in the world price of crude oil, the out-
                                                                       put effects for the top 10 importing and export-
                                                 Percentage change
                        Industry                      in output
                                                                       ing industries are relatively small (see Table 3).23
                                                                       Net importers would see a small expansion in
         Crop agriculture                               4.27
                                                                       output, while net exporters would experience a
         Industries producing                                          contraction in output.
         agricultural inputs                            2.43
         Motor fuels                                    1.57
         Oil and gas field machinery                   −0.76           Results Are Robust to
         Animal agriculture                            −0.80           Changes in Assumptions
         Meat packing plants                           −1.00           As with any simulation that is based on a simpli-
         Wet corn mills                                −1.47           fied facsimile of an economy, the results in this
                                                                       study can be sensitive to assumptions. For exam-
         Crude oil and natural gas                     −1.84
                                                                       ple, the benefits would be larger if more cellulosic
         Pipelines, crude oil                          −1.93           feedstock were available or smaller if cellulosic
         Petroleum and natural gas exploration         −2.12           ethanol were not as competitive because research
         Petroleum and natural gas drilling            −2.16           failed to reach the DOE’s cost target. Alterna-
                                                                       tive scenarios can reveal the extent to which the
         Average overall                                0.04
                                                                       size of the benefits is sensitive to assumptions.
     Source: USAGE model simulations                                   Because the main results are driven by a number
                                                                       of sources of benefits that are effectively indepen-

10   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Table 3. Top Net Exporting and Import-Using Industries, 2020

                                                                             Net exports      Percentage
   Industry                                                                   ($ billion)   change in output
   Foreigners’ holidays in the United States                                     125.6             −0.23
   Industrial chemicals                                                           23.7             −0.24
   Banking                                                                        20.5             −0.01
   Education of foreigners in the United States                                   19.2             −0.48
   Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                            18.1             −0.27
   Telephone and communications services                                         −18.9              0.07
   Retail trade                                                                  −19.7              0.11
   Federal government national defense expenditures                              −22.3              0.09
   Motor vehicles                                                                −23.0              0.01
   Petroleum refining                                                           −116.0              1.68
Source: USAGE model simulations
Note: Net exports are defined as exports of output less imports of inputs.

dent of each other—lower costs of fuel production,                                          increasing yields from the current 60 gallons per
lower international prices for oil, and exchange                                            ton to 90 gallons per ton. Failing to meet those
rate appreciation—the benefits are fairly robust to                                         targets would lower the competitiveness of cel-
relaxing individual assumptions.                                                            lulosic ethanol.

                                                                                            However, even if cellulosic ethanol is less cost-
Benefits Are Substantial Even with More
                                                                                            competitive than projected, the benefit of replac-
Conservative Assumptions on Cost-
Competitiveness of Cellulosic Ethanol                                                       ing petroleum imports with biofuels production
                                                                                            could still be significant. In 2020, world crude oil
Only a portion of the benefits to the U.S. economy
                                                                                            prices are projected to be about $50 per barrel in
from biofuels comes from the cost savings that
                                                                                            2004 prices. If cellulosic ethanol is cost-compet-
would result from meeting the DOE’s cost target
                                                                                            itive today only when crude oil prices are higher
for cellulosic ethanol production of $1.07 per
                                                                                            than $60 per barrel, much of the cost savings ad-
gallon. Reducing the competitiveness of cellu-
                                                                                            vantages associated with using cellulosic ethanol
losic ethanol could eliminate some of those cost
                                                                                            are eliminated, but the price savings resulting
savings, but the other sources of benefits would
                                                                                            from reduced U.S. crude oil demand remain. Con-
remain. For example, replacing oil imports with
                                                                                            sequently, the benefits from lower world crude oil
domestic ethanol production would reduce U.S.
                                                                                            prices and the appreciation of the dollar attribut-
expenditures on imports, resulting in a stronger
                                                                                            able to lower crude oil imports would result in
dollar and in increased prices for U.S. exports.
                                                                                            a consumption increase of $10.1 billion in 2020,
Also, reducing U.S. demand for crude oil would
                                                                                            compared with $12.6 billion in the original simu-
lower world oil prices, thus reducing the cost of
                                                                                            lation. However, U.S. GDP would rise by only $1.5
the oil that the United States still imports. Those
                                                                                            billion, compared with an increase of $4.7 billion
benefits are independent of the cost-competitive-
                                                                                            in the original simulation.
ness of ethanol.

The primary findings in this report result from the                                         Economic Benefits from Cellulosic Ethanol
assumption that, as a consequence of meeting the                                            Are Greater If the 60-Billion-Gallon Target Is
DOE cost target, cellulosic ethanol is competitive                                          Met in 2020
(without subsidies) if today’s oil prices are about                                         The DOE’s Biofuels Initiative, or “30 by 30” target,
$50 per barrel. The DOE’s cost target of $1.07 per                                          calls for annual production of 60 billion gal-
gallon for cellulosic ethanol requires reducing                                             lons of ethanol by 2030.24 At 90 gallons per ton of
costs for enzymes and feedstock, and it requires                                            cellulosic feedstock, the 60-billion-gallon target

                                                                                                                       Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   11
would require about 667 million tons of biomass.                  worldwide reduction in demand for crude oil
     However, the “moderate crop yield increase with                   would cause the price of U.S. crude oil imports to
     land-use change” scenario in the Billion-Ton                      drop even further. However, the U.S. dollar may
     Biomass report estimates that as much as 710 mil-                 not strengthen as much as the currencies of other
     lion tons of biomass could be available as early as               countries. Even so, the net effect in most cases
     2020—about 130 million tons from forest residues                  would likely still be positive for the United States.
     and wastes and another 580 million tons from ag-                  Generally, replacing the demand for crude oil
     riculture (corn, crop residues, and energy crops).                with cellulosic feedstock worldwide would benefit
                                                                       net importers of crude oil at the expense of oil-
     To demonstrate the effects on the results of dif-
                                                                       exporting countries.
     ferent assumptions about cellulosic feedstock
     availability, we examined the benefits to the U.S.
     economy of a best-case scenario in 2020 in which
                                                                       Assessment of Benefits Will
     we assume that 60 billion gallons of ethanol can
     be produced annually. Of those 60 billion gallons,
                                                                       Improve as Information Becomes
     10.5 billion gallons would be corn-based, while                   Available on Other Factors
     the remaining 49.5 billion gallons would come                     This study does not address all the factors that
     from cellulosic feedstock. Increasing the amount                  could ultimately determine the costs and benefits
     of cellulosic ethanol production in 2020 to 49.5                  associated with the use of cellulosic ethanol—part-
     billion gallons would provide almost triple the                   ly because our goal is to assess a possible future
     benefits, as follows:                                             situation without speculating on various transition
     •    Annual U.S. consumption would increase by                    scenarios. Moreover, the information necessary to
          about $33.5 billion in 2020.                                 provide a more complete picture is not available at
                                                                       this time. Three issues could particularly impinge
     •    Domestic U.S. fuel prices would fall by 5.2                  on our overall findings and may require additional
          percent.                                                     analysis to better gauge the benefits associated
     •    World oil prices would decline by 3.1 percent.               with increased cellulosic ethanol use:

     •    U.S. oil imports in 2020 would decline by 10.7               •   Assessment of transition costs.
          percent, or by 1.2 million barrels per day.                  •   Availability of data on the (currently nonexis-
     •    U.S. agriculture would gain 54,000 jobs                          tent) cellulosic feedstock market.
          in 2020.                                                     •   Better understanding of emissions benefits
     The change in benefits is roughly proportional                        (for example, the reduction of GHG emissions
     to the change in additional cellulosic ethanol                        associated with substituting cellulosic etha-
     production. Similar results would hold for any                        nol for gasoline).
     upward or downward adjustment of the amount                       Furthermore, the estimates in this study are
     of additional cellulosic ethanol produced.                        based on the assumption that crude oil prices will
                                                                       stabilize at $50 per barrel in 2020, as forecast by
     Exporting Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Could                     the EIA. If oil prices rise (for example, to the EIA’s
     Lead to Further Benefits                                          high-price scenario of $85 per barrel), the pre-
     Our analysis considers a situation in which bio-                  dicted benefits from cellulosic ethanol production
     fuels from cellulosic feedstock are commercially                  would be even greater.
     viable only in the United States. However, if the
     technology for making ethanol from cellulose                      Analysis of Transition Costs
     were developed in the United States, it is possible
                                                                       A complete economic analysis of any policy
     that technology could be licensed to other coun-
                                                                       should contain a full accounting of both the costs
     tries. In addition to the revenue that U.S. produc-
                                                                       and benefits associated with that policy. For
     ers would receive from licensing the technology,
                                                                       cellulosic ethanol, a cost-benefit analysis would
     the United States would benefit significantly if
                                                                       require an estimate of the costs of infrastructural
     all countries were able to substitute significant
                                                                       investments required to handle the large volume
     amounts of cellulosic feedstock for crude oil. The
                                                                       of cellulosic ethanol production. For example,

12   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
normal cars can use gasoline containing only up          Benefits of Reduced Emissions from
to 10 percent ethanol. Fuel mixtures with greater        Ethanol Consumption
than 10 percent ethanol must be used only in             Use of cellulosic ethanol could reduce green
flex-fuel cars, meaning that a significant portion       house gas (GHG) emissions. A gallon of gaso-
of cars produced in the future would have to be          line emits about 25 pounds of carbon dioxide–
flex-fuel cars, which cost approximately $100            equivalent GHG emissions. Cellulosic ethanol
more per vehicle.                                        can achieve about an 85 percent reduction in
                                                         GHG emissions relative to gasoline, resulting in
Other transition costs include the costs of infra-
                                                         a reduction of 21.25 pounds of carbon dioxide
structural changes to accommodate shipping
                                                         emissions per gallon of gasoline equivalent.25 The
large amounts of ethanol around the United
                                                         current futures price associated with carbon diox-
States; a large increase in the number of E85
                                                         ide emissions reductions in the European carbon
service stations; the costs of research and devel-
                                                         dioxide trading market is $20 per ton of carbon
opment to lower the cost of cellulosic ethanol
                                                         dioxide equivalent. On the basis of this price, we
production; and the adjustment costs that the U.S.
                                                         calculate that the value of using cellulosic ethanol
economy must absorb when reduced demand for
                                                         in terms of GHG reductions is about $0.193 per
gasoline reduces the supply of refining byprod-
                                                         gallon.26 Producing an additional 19.25 billion
ucts, such as diesel fuel and industrial chemicals.
                                                         gallons of cellulosic ethanol would displace about
However, the findings in this study reflect the          12.9 billion gallons of gasoline, which would
benefits to an economy that has already made the         reduce GHG emissions by about 123 million tons
transitional investments necessary to replace a          of carbon dioxide equivalent.27 At $20 per ton of
large amount of crude oil with cellulosic ethanol        carbon dioxide equivalent, the economic value
in the national fuel supply. The costs of making         to the U.S. economy of reduced GHG emissions
the transition occur only once. Therefore, it is         would be about $2.5 billion per year. This benefit
likely that the present discounted value of the          is in addition to the other favorable findings, such
stream of benefits, starting at $12.6 billion per year   as $12.6 billion in additional consumption.
in 2020, will exceed the one-time transition costs.
                                                         The reduction in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions
                                                         may not correspond to reductions in carbon
Detailed Description of the Market for
Cellulosic Feedstock                                     dioxide emissions worldwide. Diversion of U.S.
                                                         agricultural production to ethanol production
A complete forecast of the future cellulosic etha-
                                                         (whether corn based or cellulosic) may lower
nol market would ideally contain the effects of
                                                         the worldwide supply of agricultural products. If
increased cellulosic ethanol production on the
                                                         agricultural acreage in the rest of the world must
industries that provide cellulosic feedstock, like
                                                         increase to compensate, converting non-agricul-
the agriculture and forest product industries. For
                                                         tural land (e.g., forests) to agriculture use could
example, one significant issue with cellulosic etha-
                                                         release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
nol is related to concerns that energy crops would
displace corn. Because one major feedstock for           Our analysis does not consider changes in
cellulosic ethanol would be corn stover—meaning          emissions regulated by the U.S. Environmental
that demand for cellulosic feedstock in the form of      Protection Agency or emissions requirements that
corn stover should add to corn demand—it would           would result from using 30 billion gallons of etha-
be helpful to model the demand for cellulosic            nol (10.5 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol and
feedstock explicitly and to show the extent to which     19.5 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol) in motor
demand for corn would change. The simplified             fuel. When mixed into conventional fuel, as in the
facsimile of the U.S. economy used in this study is      most prevalent mixture of E10 (with 10 percent
based on industry data published by the U.S. gov-        ethanol mixed), ethanol can have higher volatile
ernment. Because no cellulosic feedstock industry        organic compound emissions, which can contrib-
yet exists, no data exist on which to base an indus-     ute to formation of ground-level ozone (smog).
try simulation. Other research programs are under        Reformulated gasoline with ethanol added must
way in the DOE and USDA to develop economic              be chemically altered—by removing highly
tools to analyze the cellulosic feedstock market.        volatile chemicals like butanes and, sometimes,
                                                         pentanes—so that volatile organic compound

                                                                                    Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   13
emissions do not increase. However, any mixture                   Although the benefits of lower gasoline prices
     with more than 20 percent ethanol, including E85,                 would primarily help consumer demand, in
     is less volatile then gasoline. If 30 billion gallons             turn boosting all industries in the U.S. economy,
     of ethanol are to be used in transportation fuel, it              certain industries would be affected more than
     is likely that a good proportion of the fuel mixture              others. The U.S. crop-producing sector could see
     will be sold as E85. The additive market for etha-                its output rise by about 4.3 percent over baseline
     nol would be saturated at 10 percent of gasoline                  projections. Industries using feed grains as an
     consumption, or about 14 billion gallons, so the                  input, such as livestock producers and meat-pack-
     other 16 billion gallons would have to be sold as                 ers, could see their costs rise and their output fall.
     E85. When vehicles are designed for E85 and meet                  As U.S. demand for crude oil falls, U.S. petroleum
     Tier 2 exhaust and evaporative emission stan-                     producers would see their output fall as prices
     dards, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency                   decline, while producers of motor fuels would
     does not foresee the need to propose new exhaust                  benefit from lower input costs.
     or evaporative emission standards. By 2020, virtu-
     ally 100 percent of the pre-Tier 2 in-use light-duty
     vehicle fleet (i.e. cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs)
     will have been replaced with vehicles that meet
     Tier 2 standards.

     The benefits to the U.S. economy would be
     significant if the DOE’s target to lower the cost of
     producing cellulosic ethanol to $1.07 per gallon
     were met. The additional consumption that U.S.
     consumers would enjoy is about 40 percent of
     the consumption benefits that would result from
     unilaterally eliminating all U.S. trade barriers,
     according to the U.S. International Trade Com-
     mission’s 2004 import barriers report 28 and about
     half of the real income benefits that would result
     from worldwide merchandise trade liberalization,
     according to a World Bank study.29 Producing 19.5
     billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol would lower
     both the domestic cost of fuel and the worldwide
     price of oil and would lower U.S. crude oil imports
     by 4.1 percent over baseline projections, or
     460,000 barrels per day, in 2020. Even if the $1.07
     per gallon target is not fully met, the benefits to
     the U.S. economy would still be significant.

14   U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Technical Appendix: Methodology                        analysis are interpreted as differences between
                                                       variables of interest (GDP, consumption, domestic
The simulation discussed in this report was            fuel prices, world oil prices, and so forth) in the
undertaken using a computable general equilib-         alternate and base scenarios.
rium model called USAGE that was developed
at the Centre of Policy Studies, Monash Univer-
                                                       The Base Scenario
sity, in collaboration with the U.S. International
Trade Commission. The theoretical structure of         At the macro level, the DOE reference case pre-
USAGE is similar to that of the MONASH model           dicts the following:
of Australia.30 However, in its empirical detail       •   Very strong growth in U.S. exports (236 per-
(500 industries versus 100, with specifications            cent between 2004 and 2020, or 7.9 percent
capturing particular features of many industries),         per year)
USAGE goes far beyond MONASH. The basic
model describes the interaction of a detailed U.S.     •   Strong growth in U.S. imports (112 percent be-
economy with a “rest of the world” region.31               tween 2004 and 2020, or 4.8 percent per year)

The USAGE model uses input-output tables               •   Normal growth in real U.S. GDP (66 percent
released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis to             between 2004 and 2020, or 3.2 percent per
describe the physical requirements of industries           year)
at the six-digit Standard Industrial Classification    •   Normal growth in U.S. employment (15 per-
level. The model also uses equations to describe           cent between 2004 and 2020, or 0.9 percent
supply and demand responses to price changes               per year)
and investment opportunities. The model is
based on data from the U.S. economy in 2004 and        •   Normal growth in U.S. investment (83 percent
is updated to incorporate more recent data as it           between 2004 and 2020, or 3.8 percent per
becomes available. However, the basic structure            year)
of the U.S. economy does not change much from          •   Subdued growth in U.S. private consumption
year to year.                                              (57 percent between 2004 and 2020, or 2.9
Alternate simulations can be carried out with the          percent per year)
USAGE model by simulating a future economy             •   Very subdued growth in U.S. public consump-
using whatever data are available and by com-              tion (27 percent between 2004 and 2020, or 1.5
paring this “base scenario” to a future economy            percent a year)
with changes incorporated into it (the “alternate
scenario”). Those changes can be policy related or     Variables that are not provided by the 2006 AEO
technology related, or they may relate to any other    macroeconomic assumptions are generated
exogenous parameter that creates a deviation           from trends from a historical simulation of the
from the base scenario. The difference between         USAGE model. The model is forced to track data
the two scenarios is interpreted as the effect of      from 1992 to 2004, generating trends for technol-
implementing the change. The different scenarios       ogy and consumer preferences as well as trends
are both simulated as if the economy has reached       in the positions of world demand curves for U.S.
long-run equilibrium, assuming a natural rate of       exports and world supply curves for U.S. imports.
employment.                                            Those trends are used in the 2020 base scenario.
                                                       Importantly for this exercise, the simulation uses
In this study, the 2020 base scenario was simulat-     historical trends in U.S. agricultural prices, which
ed using macroeconomic forecasts in the Energy         have been declining fairly consistently for the past
Information Administration’s Annual Energy             several decades.
Outlook 2006. The alternate scenario changes the
model to allow additional cellulosic feedstock to      With regard to energy, the most important aspects
be used as an input into the motor fuel industry       of the DOE reference case for our purposes are
for no more than 19.25 billion gallons of cellulosic   those concerned with the motor fuel industry.
ethanol (replacing 12.9 billion gallons of gasoline)   For this industry, the DOE sees strong growth in
at prices that are competitive when crude oil costs    prices and slow growth in output. The price index
$50 per barrel or more. The main results of the        for domestically produced motor fuels (including

                                                                                  Energy in 2020: Cellulosic Ethanol   15
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