Peripartum Pubic Symphysis Diastasis-Practical Guidelines

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Peripartum Pubic Symphysis Diastasis-Practical Guidelines
Journal of
              Clinical Medicine

Peripartum Pubic Symphysis Diastasis—Practical Guidelines
Artur Stolarczyk , Piotr St˛epiński * , Łukasz Sasinowski, Tomasz Czarnocki, Michał D˛ebiński
and Bartosz Maciag

                                             Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Medical University of Warsaw, 02-091 Warsaw, Poland;
                                    (A.S.); (Ł.S.); (T.C.);
                                    (M.D.); (B.M.)
                                             * Correspondence:

                                             Abstract: Optimal development of a fetus is made possible due to a lot of adaptive changes in the
                                             woman’s body. Some of the most important modifications occur in the musculoskeletal system. At
                                             the time of childbirth, natural widening of the pubic symphysis and the sacroiliac joints occur. Those
                                             changes are often reversible after childbirth. Peripartum pubic symphysis separation is a relatively rare
                                             disease and there is no homogeneous approach to treatment. The paper presents the current standards
                                             of diagnosis and treatment of pubic diastasis based on orthopedic and gynecological indications.

                                             Keywords: pubic symphysis separation; pubic symphysis diastasis; pubic symphysis; pregnancy; PSD

                                   1. Introduction
                                                   The proper development of a fetus is made possible due to numerous adaptive
Citation: Stolarczyk, A.; St˛epiński, P.;
Sasinowski, Ł.; Czarnocki, T.;
                                             changes in women’s bodies, including such complicated systems as: endocrine, nervous
D˛ebiński, M.; Maciag,
                     ˛ B. Peripartum
                                             and musculoskeletal. With regard to the latter, those changes can be observed particularly
Pubic Symphysis Diastasis—Practical
                                             in osteoarticular and musculo-ligamento-fascial structures. Almost all of those changes
Guidelines. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10,          have an aim to broaden space inside the pelvic ring, especially to increase the transverse
2443.               diameter to provide the best conditions for fetal development and safe delivery [1].
jcm10112443                                        Weight gain of a pregnant woman and a shift in the center of gravity forwards causes
                                             mechanical changes mainly in the pelvic girdle and lower limb joints. There is a tendency
Academic Editors: Peter V.                   for deepening of lordosis in the lumbar spine, forward inclination of the pelvis, and
Giannoudis and Angelo Cagnacci               formation of flexion contractures in the hip joints [2,3]
                                                   As a result of hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy, especially under the
Received: 16 March 2021                      influence of estrogens and relaxin, water is accumulated in the body and remodelling of the
Accepted: 28 May 2021                        collagen fiber structures occurs, which in turn leads to relaxation of tendon and ligament
Published: 31 May 2021                       structures. At the same time, the abdominal muscular corset (mainly the rectus abdominis
                                             muscle) is stretched, which further impairs the ability to control the balance of the body. A
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral         few weeks before delivery, the uterus and the fetus move downwards towards the pelvic
with regard to jurisdictional claims in      inlet, further increasing the relaxation of the ligamentous structures located in the lower
published maps and institutional affil-
                                             areas of the pelvic girdle. The process of water retention in the pregnant woman’s body
                                             leads to greater hydration of cartilage and bone tissue. This results in the softening of
                                             cartilage of intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, and sacroiliac joints. Most noticeable
                                             changes occur in the pubic symphysis, which during pregnancy and childbirth is most
                                             prone to stretching [2–4].
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.                  The phenomenon of separation of the pubic symphysis often causes pain and impairs
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.           normal life activities [5]. Because of the rare occurrence of this pathology, there is a lack
This article is an open access article       of therapeutic algorithms in the literature. The creation of guidelines for the diagnosis
distributed under the terms and              and treatment of pubic separation is aimed to make diagnosis easier and enables faster
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                             decision-making, which may result in better therapeutic outcomes.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2443.                                        
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2443                                                                                           2 of 11

                               2. Pubic Symphysis Diastasis—Incidence and Preliminary Characteristics
                                    A pubic symphysis diastasis (PSD, diastasis symphysis pubis) is defined as excessive
                               widening of the system of anatomical structures that make up the pubic symphysis (above
                               the physiological norm of 10 mm), occurring during pregnancy or postpartum. It is total
                               separation or instability of the symphysis without breaking the pubic bones. It is a rare
                               disease with incidences ranging from 1/300 to 1/30,000 [1,5]. Incidence seems to grow
                               higher with years [6]. In the current literature, many synonyms for the separation of the
                               pubic symphysis can be found, such as: “Pubic rupture of the pelvis”, “Pubic diastasis”, or
                               “Postpartum symphysis pubis diastasis”, which all refer to pain associated with childbirth
                               or pelvic instability after childbirth [2].

                               3. Anatomy and Pathophysiology of Pubic Symphysis
                                     The pelvis is a spatially closed structure formed by the pelvic bones and sacrum.
                               The posterior part of the ring is formed by the posterior parts of the hip bones, sacroiliac
                               joints, and sacral bone. The anterior part of the ring includes the pubic bones and the
                               pubic symphysis. The pubic symphysis is a synchondrosis made of a fibrous cartilage disc
                               between the two surfaces of the pubic bones covered by hyaline cartilage, which slowly
                               decreases in thickness with age. It is strengthened by ligaments: upper pubic, lower pubic
                               (arcuate, subpubic), posterior pubic, and anterior pubic. The posterior pubic ligament, as
                               thin as the membrane, passes into the periosteum of the pubic bones, while the anterior
                               pubic ligament is a thick structure containing both transverse and diagonal fibers. It also
                               includes fibers from the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis and
                               oblique external muscle), gracilis muscle, and adductor longus muscle, which significantly
                               increases effectiveness of locking the sacroiliac joints [7]. The connection of the anterior
                               pubic ligament with the ischiocavernosus muscles and corpora cavernosa has also been
                               described. The greatest stability of symphysis is provided by strong and thick upper pubic
                               ligaments and lower arches. Additionally, minimal mobility is ensured by a small rotation
                               of 1 to 3◦ [7].
                                     The pubic symphysis disc is made of fibrous cartilage, in which apart from regularly
                               arranged, thick, type I collagen fibers, chondrocytes are deployed. An additional feature of
                               this tissue is the low content of glycosaminoglycans (2% dry weight). The arrangement
                               of collagen fibers reflects the forces acting on the disc. Unlike the vitreous cartilage, the
                               interpubic disc does not have perichondrium. The width of the pubic symphysis changes
                               with age. In a newborn, it is 9–10 mm, gradually decreasing with age. A normal width
                               of the pubic symphysis in adults is 3–6 mm, and is larger in the anterior part than the
                               posterior [7].
                                     Shear forces act on the joint while bending, standing, and while standing with the
                               leg raised, known as tensile and frictional (sliding) forces, which have different values
                               and vectors. While walking, pubic symphysis absorbs shock from the pelvic ring. Under
                               physiological conditions, the pubic symphysis may become loose in the range of 1–2 mm
                               (during lower limb abduction) and may also be rotated by 1◦ .
                                     During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and during childbirth, relaxation of
                               the structures of the pubic symphysis can be observed as a result of hormone activity [2,4,8].
                               The perinatal dilation of the symphysis by 3–5 mm is physiological, and returns to its
                               original size within 5 months [7]. With soft tissue relaxation comes: anterior pelvic tilt,
                               accentuated low-back curvature, hyperextension of the upper back, forward tilting of the
                               neck, and backward extension of the neck [8].

                               4. Etiology
                                     Current knowledge does not allow to define a certain cause of PSD [9]. The poten-
                               tial factors that could contribute to occurrence of this pathology are divided into either
                               metabolic or mechanical reasons (post-traumatic, as well as connected with degenerative
                               changes) (Table 1) [10]. Most specialists associate the cause of this condition with the
                               activity of relaxin, which, in combination with other hormones, causes relaxation of the
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                               ligaments within the pelvic girdle. It has been proved that the release of relaxin does
                               not correlate with the degree of dilation of the symphysis; however, disturbed internal
                               regulation of its secretion with simultaneous relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus can
                               be associated with postpartum diastasis of the pubic symphysis [11,12]. The role of relaxin
                               is not only correlated to relaxation as a possible natural antifibrotic substance, but concen-
                               trations of serum relaxin may be investigated as a potential marker of pubic symphysis
                               diastasis [11].

                               Table 1. Etiological Factors of Peripartum Pubic Symphysis Separation.

                                Etiological Factors of Peripartum Pubic Symphysis Separation
                                Congenital pelvic asymmetry, hyperlordosis, pathological pelvic dimensions
                                Improper regulation of collagen synthesis, generalized joint laxity
                                Increased release of relaxin, estrogen and progesterone
                                Metabolic abnormalities of wit. D and calcium turnover
                                Past history of pelvic trauma
                                Inflammation of sacropelvic joints/pubic symphysis
                                Osteoarthritic changes
                                Macrosomia, high mother’s age, previous complications during delivery
                                Forceps delivery
                                Sports: football, basketball, light athletics

                                     Among the mechanical factors predisposing a person to the described pathology, there
                               should be included: disproportionate labor (i.e., heavier weight of the child in relation to
                               the relatively narrow bone pelvis of the mother), the position of the fetus in the uterus,
                               rapid and strong contractions during labor, a second labor period which is too long, the
                               use of labor forceps, or a medical history of trauma in the pelvic area [13]. Additional
                               factors that may have an influence on the occurrence of PSD are: degenerative changes in
                               sacroiliac joints, rheumatoid arthritis, pain in the lumbosacral region of the spine, hormonal
                               disorders, and psychosocial factors. It seems that nulliparity and multiple pregnancies are
                               also significant risk factors [14]. In recent studies, a correlation between patient age and risk
                               of PSD was observed [6]. However, some bigger studies did not seem to confirm these ob-
                               servations since the age of the mother, gestational age, gender of the baby, and body weight
                               of the baby were not risk factors of pubic symphysis diastasis [1]. It has been observed that
                               if a woman has PGP, there is a higher probability of this disorder recurring in subsequent
                               pregnancies; however, the degree of their intensity cannot be estimated [15]. Other factors
                               which may contribute to PSD are epidural anasthesia, osteomalacia, chondromalacia, and
                               previous infections of symphysis [1,14].
                                     Interestingly, in a murine model of pregnancy, elasticity of the pelvis was investigated.
                               Thanks to studies on genetically modified mice, it was discovered that elastin/tropoelastin,
                               fibrillin 1, LOXL1/Loxl1, and fibulin 5 played a vital role in processes of elastogenesis
                               and are responsible for elasticity of the pelvic girdle during labour [16]. Further evidence
                               has shown that it is not only proteins produced by tissues that are involved in changes,
                               but also the cellular phenotype and morphology. This discovery indicates that problems
                               with pubic symphysis flexibility is not only connected with the extracellular matrix, but
                               also with cells [17]. Lately, special attention was paid to monocytes and macrophages
                               in mouse pubic symphysis remodeling. Research showed that they are involved in the
                               relaxation of interpubic ligaments during labour, as well as in processes of repair after
                               pregnancy [18]. Moreover, during pregnancy, proliferation in osteochondral progenitor
                               cells is observed, especially in the osteoligamentous junction. Notably, these cells also
                               help in recovery of the symphysis pubis when they are involved in hyaline cartilage
                               recovery [19]. All these discoveries give new insight into complicated processes in pubic
                               symphysis during pregnancy.
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                               5. Clinical Symptoms
                                     Characteristic symptoms of PSD are: pain localized in the area of pubic bones that gets
                               worse when the patient tries to walk, lift something heavy, or climb stairs. Pain most often
                               occurs in the first and subsequent days after childbirth. The condition does not always give
                               a specific symptom. Patients can feel well and generally do not correlate minor pain with
                               pathological changes in the pelvic girdle. Due to the fact that many cases are asymptomatic,
                               the exact number of patients affected is difficult to assess [20].
                                     If pubic symphysis diastasis symptoms occur, they correlate with the amount, the
                               point of application, and the vector of forces acting on the pubic symphysis, not with the
                               width of the separation gap. Patients are, in a majority of cases, prone to inflammation in
                               this region [20]. Most patients complain of those symptoms within 48 h after childbirth [21].
                               Manifestation of all symptoms can be observed later in time during further checks in the
                               ambulatory. There are cases in which symptoms occur even 6 months after delivery [22].
                                     Most often, on the first postpartum day, patients complain of pain in the pubic area
                               during attempted mobilization. An additional feature of pain is its radiation to the sacral
                               bone and the anterior surface of the thighs, which may mimic sciatica. Intensification of
                               this sensation occurs when changing the position of the body from lying to standing and
                               while lifting or climbing stairs. Standing on one leg is impossible or accompanied with
                               severe pain [2,10,20,22]. Less commonly, swaying (duckling) gait and dysuria are observed.
                               The most common symphysis symptoms are presented in Table 2.

                               Table 2. Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Pubic Symphysis Separation.

                                Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Pubic Symphysis Separation
                                Pain radiating to sub-abdominal region, sacroiliac area, inguinal area, and lateral part of the thigh
                                Problems with daily living activities (bending, standing on one leg, rising up, walking on the
                                stairs, changing position in bed)
                                Pain that wears off after rest
                                Clicking in the area of pubic symphysis
                                Swaying while walking (duckling)
                                Urinary retention
                                Urinary/fecal incontinence

                               6. Differentiation
                                    To describe pain in the area of pelvis, the term “pelvic girdle pain” (PGP) is often
                               used, which is defined as discomfort or pain in the two pelvic connections: the sacroiliac
                               joints and the pubic symphysis. Most of the patients diagnosed with PGP are women
                               undergoing pregnancy or just after its termination. Currently, it is assumed that the
                               frequency of this disorder reaches even 45% of pregnant women and 25% in the first
                               months of puerperium [23]. About 25% of patients experience severe pain, and in 8% of
                               patients it causes a significant reduction in daily functioning. The percentage of patients
                               with severe ailments during the puerperium remains at the level of 7% [23,24]. Recent
                               analyses stress the fact that PSD is not associated with the pain severity of PGP [25].
                                    Differentiation of pelvic pain after delivery is based on a detailed medical history, as
                               well as physical examination. In order to clarify the clinical examination, it is recommended
                               to ask the patient the following questions [22]:
                                    One or more positive responses:
                               1.   Are you having difficulty rolling over in bed?
                               2.   Does pain increase/decrease when climbing stairs?
                               3.   Are you feeling uncomfortable during a full-length stride?
                               4.   Do you have difficulties getting up from low chairs?
                                    Two or more positive responses:
                               1.   Does pelvic pain occur when moving small weights?
                               2.   Is there any pain when you roll over in bed?
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                               3.   Is there any pain when getting up from a chair or walking upstairs?
                                    According to Wellock and Fry et al., Diagnosis for symphysis diastasis should be
                               performed in the case of [22,26]:
                               -    History of pelvic pain after childbirth;
                               -    After excluding other diseases;
                               -    With obvious clinical symptoms.
                                     Differential diagnosis must exclude symptoms of sciatica, infection of the genitouri-
                               nary system, deep vein thrombosis, and inflammation of the pubic symphysis [27–29].
                                     During physical examination, the first change that can be spotted is the Destot sign
                               (hematoma in labia majora) which indicates pelvic ligament injury with pelvic floor disrup-
                               tion [30]. Another sign is in the supine position, when a patient’s legs will involuntarily
                               move apart [31].
                                     The disease that most commonly mimics PSD is osteomyelitis or septic arthritis of
                               pubic symphysis. Although clinical findings, such as pain in pubic area, problems during
                               ambulation, and pain with hip movement are the same, there are a few differences. First,
                               the leucocyte level, C-reactive protein level, and erythrocyte sediment rate are significantly
                               increased compared to only mild leucocytosis in PSD. Another important finding may
                               be seen in imaging studies, such as: abscess formation in ultrasonography and sclerosis
                               combined with osteolytic changes in X-rays [32]. The most common pathogens involved
                               in osteomyelitis are S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, but before results of a culture, Serratia
                               marcescens, Streptococcus group G, Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus capitis, Staphy-
                               lococcus epidermidis, and Enterococcus faecalis should also be taken into consideration as
                               potential causes [33].
                                     Another diagnosis which should be excluded is osteitis pubis. It causes loss of flex-
                               ibility in the groin region, dull aching pain in the groin, and tenderness in pubic area,
                               which can emulate PSD. Even though it usually affects athletes, it can also occur sponta-
                               neously after childbirth. CT and ultrasonography may be helpful in differentiating this
                               condition [34].
                                     For proper diagnosis, sacral insufficiency fractures should also be taken into con-
                               sideration. In those cases, pain is located in the area of the buttock and cause similar
                               biomechanical changes. The following conditions predispose people to these fractures:
                               prolonged corticosteroid treatment, rheumatoid arthritis, fibrous dysplasia, Paget disease,
                               osteogenesis imperfecta, osteomalacia, and hyperparathyroidism. The ideal diagnostic tool
                               for differentiation is an MRI, which shows bone marrow oedemas and even the thinnest
                               fracture lines [35].
                                     Less common causes of pelvic girdle pain and widening of symphysis may be neoplas-
                               tic destruction of the pubis, which is typically due to multiple myeloma, metastatic adeno-
                               carcinoma, or direct infiltration from adjacent rectal or genitourinary cancers. Although
                               they are not connected with pregnancy, those neoplasms can cause the first symptoms
                               right after delivery which could possibly mimic PSD and lead to misdiagnoses. The most
                               important method for differentiation in this case is an MRI [36].
                                     There is also low back pain (LBP), which causes very similar symptoms. Pain is usually
                               located between the posterior iliac crest and the gluteal fold near one or both sacroiliac
                               joints, occasionally radiating into the posterior thigh. It can occur in conjunction with or
                               separately from the pubic symphysis pain, with possible radiation into the anterior part of
                               the thigh. Some practitioners recommend acupuncture and exercises with a rigid belt to
                               improve average pain. However, pharmacologic management is the gold standard [8]
                                     In case of hemodynamic instability and signs of acute PSD, immediate usage of a
                               pelvic binder or properly placed sheet is recommended [31].

                               7. Imaging
                                    Imaging of symphysis can include both non-invasive tests (USG, MRI), as well as those
                               with the use of ionizing radiation (X-ray, CT). Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
                               should form the diagnostics of choice during pregnancy to avoid radiation exposure [37],
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                               and X-ray and computed tomography only after childbirth. A simple and quick way to
                               determine the width of a symphysis pubis is the use of conventional radiological diagnostics
                               in the form of an X-ray image in AP projections and aimed at the pelvic inlet and outlet. In
                               the projections mentioned, it is also possible to evaluate the divergence of the sacroiliac
                               joints [6]. Physiologically, the width of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy may reach
                               9 mm. A diagnosis can be made when the intrapubic gap is greater than 10 mm at the
                               narrowest point.
                                    To illustrate instability of the pubic symphysis, a functional test could be performed,
                               during which the patient assumes the “flamingo” position [9]. It consists in putting a
                               load on one limb, while the other one makes simultaneous flexion of the knee and hip
                               joints. Vertical displacement of the pubic bones in relation to each other by 1 cm indicates
                               instability of the juncture, and values above 2 cm indicate an additional component of
                               instability of the sacroiliac joints [38].
                                    The use of ultrasounds in assessment of the pubic symphysis and precise measure-
                               ment of the distance between the upper branches of the pubic bones should be the gold
                               standard. This non-invasive, fast, and easily available test can be performed in every stage
                               of pregnancy and childbirth. The small thickness of the soft tissues and short distance be-
                               tween the ultrasound head and the symphysis guarantees good image quality and enables
                               precise measurements [37]. Advantages of these kinds of study include: non-invasiveness,
                               safety, economy, and also the possibility of further control in the clinical setting [37,38].
                               In complicated cases of symphysis separation, when there is difficulty in diagnosis using
                               conventional diagnostics (X-ray, ultrasound), computed tomography should be used (CT)
                               and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
                                    These studies provide detailed information on the anatomy of the pubic symphysis
                               area, as well as the involvement of the sacral joints, which is essential for proper diagnosis
                               of pelvic pain. MRI shows greater tissue specificity for soft tissues (especially the ligaments
                               of the sacroiliac complex, joints, and symphysis cartilage) and enables the assessment of the
                               subchondral layer and bone marrow edema. In addition, MRIs can be performed during
                               pregnancy due to the lack of ionizing radiation [39].

                               8. Non-Operative Treatment Approach
                                      Treatment of symphysis pubis is often long-lasting, and its main goal is to restore
                               pelvic stability. In the initial stage, the therapy of choice remains non-surgical [21]. The
                               basic method is to use a pelvic (pubic) belt [Figure 1] while simultaneously lying in bed in a
                               lateral position, and physiotherapy of the pelvic muscles [30,40]. An important aspect is use
                               of pharmacotherapy for pain relief, based on paracetamol or short-term administration of
                               NSAIDs (safe in the lactation period) [20]. Additionally, the painful area around the pubis
                               should be cooled. The intensity of pain should be measured to allow gradual mobilization
                               (moving with crutches or with a walking frame). The therapy could also involve use of
                               a locally administered steroid [10]. General improvement should occur within 6 weeks;
                               however, in patients treated conservatively, pain may persist for up to 6 months [10]. It is
                               important to closely and regularly monitor the progress of treatment [6,40,41]. There have
                               been reports of excellent results using chiropractic management, such as: trigger point
                               release, electrical stimulation, moist heat, sacroiliac belts, and specific stabilizing exercises.
                               They should also be considered as possible adjustments to traditional management [42].
                               It is essential to avoid prolonged bed rest, as it leads to numerous complications, such as:
                               decubitus ulcers, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, thromboembolism, musculoskeletal
                               deconditioning, neuropathy, and joint stiffness [43]. With proper treatment, near complete
                               closure of the pubic symphysis is usually observed on X-ray or ultrasound exams within
                               3 months [44].
exercises. They should also be considered as possible adjustments to traditional manage-
                                ment [42]. It is essential to avoid prolonged bed rest, as it leads to numerous complica-
                                tions, such as: decubitus ulcers, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, thromboembolism,
                                musculoskeletal deconditioning, neuropathy, and joint stiffness [43]. With proper treat-
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2443    ment, near complete closure of the pubic symphysis is usually observed on X-ray7or    ul-
                                                                                                                   of 11
                                trasound exams within 3 months [44].

                                          Figure 1. Proper positioning of the pelvic belt.
                                           Figure 1. Proper positioning of the pelvic belt.

                               9. Invasive Methods of Treatment
                                 9. Invasive Methods of Treatment
                                      In the absence of results from conservative therapy for symphysis, surgery should
                                        In the absence of results from conservative therapy for symphysis, surgery should be
                               be considered [9,30]. Indications for surgical intervention include chronic pain, failure
                                 considered [9,30]. Indications for surgical intervention include chronic pain, failure to pro-
                               to progress in reducing symphysis separation, and recurrence of dissolution of the pubic
                                 gress in reducing symphysis separation, and recurrence of dissolution of the pubic sym-
                               symphysis after removal of the pelvic belt [45]. An additional indication is instability of
                                 physis after removal of the pelvic belt [45]. An additional indication is instability of the
                               the sacroiliac joints. The advantage of surgical treatment is that there is a possibility of
                                 sacroiliac joints. The advantage of surgical treatment is that there is a possibility of early
                               early upright standing and rehabilitation [46]. The treatment of choice is open reduction
                               with         standing
                                      internal          andwith
                                                 fixation      rehabilitation
                                                                    the dedicated[46].reconstruction
                                                                                        The treatmentplateof choice   is open
                                                                                                               [47,48].         reduction
                                                                                                                          External           with
                                 internal   fixation   with    the   dedicated    reconstruction      plate [47,48].  External
                               are rarely used because of the risk of infection at the point of insertion of pins [49]. An        stabilizers are
                                 rarely   used  because     of  the  risk of infection   at  the point  of insertion   of
                               urgent indication for surgical treatment is acute injuries of symphysis during childbirth  pins [49].  An  urgent
                               and   damagefortosurgical       treatment issystem
                                                     the genitourinary         acute injuries
                                                                                        [50]. In ofthe
                                                                                                        case of during    childbirth
                                                                                                                accompanying           and dam-
                                 age   to the genitourinary        system   [50].  In the  case   of accompanying
                               and pain in the sacroiliac joints, additional stabilization of both with cortical screwsinstability   and  painisin
                                 the  sacroiliac   joints,  additional    stabilization    of  both  with  cortical  screws
                               recommended [29,41]. A tendency for earlier surgical intervention can also be observed, as    is  recommended
                                  decreases A tendency
                                               the recovery for earlier
                                                                 time and surgical
                                                                                          the overall can also be observed,
                                                                                                        functional               as it Another
                                                                                                                     outcome [51].     decreases
                                 the  recovery    time   and    improves     the overall    functional   outcome    [51].
                               advantage of this approach is prevention of sacroiliac arthritis, which may be developed    Another    advantage
                                 of this
                               due        approachof
                                     to instability    is the
                                                           prevention     of sacroiliac
                                                               pelvis, which     can happenarthritis,
                                                                                                 afterwhich   may be developed
                                                                                                       symphysiectomy       [52].      due to in-
                                 stability of the pelvis, which can happen after symphysiectomy [52].
                               10. Physiotherapy in the Dissolution of the Pubic Symphysis
                                 10. Physiotherapy
                                      The goal of physicalin thetherapy
                                                                              shouldof the
                                                                                       be to Pubic   Symphysis
                                                                                               strengthen   the deep muscles of the torso
                               and pelvic  muscles.
                                      The goal         Physiotherapy
                                                of physical    therapy should
                                                                          shouldinclude     isometric, the
                                                                                   be to strengthen     passive,
                                                                                                            deep and   activeofexercises
                                                                                                                  muscles        the torso
                                     pelvic not  causePhysiotherapy
                                             muscles.    unilateral overload
                                                                           should ofinclude
                                                                                     the pelvis.   In cases
                                                                                              isometric,    of significant
                                                                                                          passive,          restrictions
                                                                                                                   and active    exercises
                               on theshould
                                and    mobility
                                                    patients,  it is advisable
                                                          unilateral    overloadtoofuse
                                                                                           pelvis. and/or
                                                                                                    In caseswheelchairs
                                                                                                             of significant[6].  In those
                                on thewalking
                                                   of patients, as
                                                                 it iswell as mobilization
                                                                       advisable                underand/or
                                                                                   to use crutches     supervision   is advisable
                                                                                                              wheelchairs            [22].
                                                                                                                             [6]. In those
                               Overall,  mobilization    and  unloading     added    to conservative    treatment  seems
                                cases, walking reeducation, as well as mobilization under supervision is advisable [22].    to  improve
                                Overall,resolving  symptoms
                                          mobilization          within 3 months
                                                          and unloading       added[52].   Because verytreatment
                                                                                      to conservative      few studies  havetoincluded
                                                                                                                     seems        improve
                                results,programs    in their conservative
                                         resolving symptoms                    approaches,
                                                                  within 3 months             clear recommendations
                                                                                       [52]. Because   very few studiesfor
                                                                                                                         have particular
                                exercise as  part of PSD
                                          programs         treatment
                                                      in their           are difficult
                                                               conservative            to develop.
                                                                                approaches,     clear recommendations for particular
                                exercises as part of PSD treatment are difficult to develop.
                               11. PSD and Delivery
                                    The diagnosis of symphysis pubic diastasis is not an absolute indication for termina-
                               tion of pregnancy by cesarean section. Even though it is considered as a complication after
                               vaginal delivery [53], it should be decided individually by the attending physician whether
                               delivery by cesarean section is the right choice. Despite the lack of clear guidelines, many
                               specialists take the dissolution of the pubic symphysis over 15 mm with accompanying
                               changes in sacroiliac joints as an indication for a caesarean section for prevention of pelvic
                               injuries during childbirth [54]. In addition, a lack of possibility of abduction of the lower
                               limbs during labor and the changes within the birth canal as a consequence of diastasis
                               may constitute contraindication to natural childbirth [9]. Another fact which should be
lines, many specialists take the dissolution of the pubic symphysis over 15 mm with ac-
                                  companying changes in sacroiliac joints as an indication for a caesarean section for pre-
                                  vention of pelvic injuries during childbirth [54]. In addition, a lack of possibility of abduc-
                                  tion of the lower limbs during labor and the changes within the birth canal as a conse-
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2443      quence of diastasis may constitute contraindication to natural childbirth [9]. Another8 of    11
                                  which should be taken into consideration is that one-third of women with PSD are at risk
                                  of diastasis during subsequent vaginal delivery [14]. In those cases, special care should be
                                  taken into consideration is that one-third of women with PSD are at risk of diastasis during
                                  subsequent   vaginal
                                       To improve      delivery [14]. Inwe
                                                    decision-making,     those  cases, special
                                                                            recommend          care
                                                                                          use of theshould  be provided.
                                                                                                     algorithm  shown in Figure
                                  2.    To improve  decision-making,   we  recommend     use of the algorithm  shown in Figure 2.

                               Figure 2.
                                      2. Algorithm
                                         Algorithm for
                                                   for decision-making
                                                       decision-making in
                                                                       in symphysis
                                                                          symphysis pubic
                                                                                    pubic separation.

                                  12. Conclusions
                                        Peripartum pubic symphysis diastasis, although being a rare condition, may cause
                                  serious problems during the postpartum period. Due to its complicated etiology based
                                  on improper hormone release, it is difficult to prevent. There are multiple risk factors
                                  which should be recognized before delivery. It may not only shorten diagnosis time, but
                                  should also lead to proper treatment as soon as possible. Diagnosis based on examination
                                  and imaging is necessary when pelvic girdle pain occurs. There are many conditions
                                  that should be taken into account during differential diagnosis, so only a combination of
                                  different diagnostic tools can provide sufficient information. In a majority of cases, the
                                  first line of treatment is non-operative. As it is non-invasive and gives good results, it is
                                  also a preferable method. Operative treatment is suggested in cases of extensive trauma to
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2443                                                                                                             9 of 11

                                    pubis symphysis and sacroiliac joints, which may cause instability and chronic conditions
                                    leading to arthritis. In order to make decisions easier, a special algorithm is recommended
                                    to use in everyday clinical practice.

                                    Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.S. software, Ł.S.; writing—original draft preparation,
                                    A.S., P.S., Ł.S., T.C., M.D.; writing—review and editing, P.S. and B.M.; visualization, M.D.; supervision,
                                    A.S.; project administration, T.C.; investigation T.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
                                    version of the manuscript.
                                    Funding: This research received no external funding.
                                    Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
                                    Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
                                    Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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