PRIMARY ACTIVITY PACK 6 - 15 March 2020 - NET - British Science Week

Page created by Derrick Reyes
PRIMARY ACTIVITY PACK 6 - 15 March 2020 - NET - British Science Week
                       ACTIVIT Y
                       PACK 2020
                        6 – 15 March

                    R D ER

                                   PL AN


                      Managed by
Supported by
PRIMARY ACTIVITY PACK 6 - 15 March 2020 - NET - British Science Week
This resource pack is your                                                  D IVER
    ‘one-stop shop’ for supporting                                            R


    you during British Science Week,
    but it can be used at any time.

                                                                                                       PL AN
    Feel free to adapt or extend
    the activities to suit your
    children’s needs and the                                                                    ET
    curriculum you are delivering.

                                                                    This year our activity pack theme
    In addition to the activities in this pack, there are lots      is ‘Our Diverse Planet’ - celebrating
    of other ways to enthuse and engage your children
                                                                   the amazing diversity we see across
    throughout British Science Week. In developing this
    pack, we have looked for activities which break down           the world. From biodiversity to
    the stereotypes surrounding science, technology,               cultural and societal diversity, from
    engineering and maths (STEM) and that promote                  the diversity of knowledge to STEM
    cross-curricular learning. We encourage you to use            careers and subjects. There are lots
    British Science Week as an opportunity to link STEM           of ways to explore this theme - we’
    to other curriculum subjects and to your children’s                                                  d
                                                                  love to hear some of your ideas too
    own backgrounds, lives and interests.                                                                 !

    This year, we’ve got some fantastic activities to
    complete in school, plus some designed for students
    to take part in at home with their families.

    You can either create your own club, class or school
    event, or search for things happening near you. Last
    year we reached more than 180,000 people. Help
    us make British Science Week 2020 even bigger and
    better! Visit

                                                                 Poster competition
                                                                 Look out for the paintbrush symbol
                                                                 at the top right corner of the page
                                                                 for activities that could be used to
                                                                 make your poster.

PRIMARY ACTIVITY PACK 6 - 15 March 2020 - NET - British Science Week
    Making the most of volunteers                    4
    British Science Week at home                     5
    Gathering resources for your classroom or home   6
    Beyond the Week                                  7
    Get children leading the way                     8

    Diverse places
    Journey to Antarctica                             9
    Antarctica discovery fact sheet                  10
    Surviving Antarctica                             11
    Don’t tip the ship!                              12

    Diverse people
    Playground games                                 14
    Build your body clock                            15
    Is everyone’s body the same?                     17
    What kind of taster are you?                     18

    The world around us
    Clever camouflaged creatures                     21
    Which metal?                                     22
    How can we grow mushrooms?                       23
    Start your own farm                              24
    Invertebrate hotel                               25

    Assembly ideas                                   27
    Poster competition                               28

    the most
    of volunteers
    Volunteers could be a wonderful        Volunteers come from a range               Check out STEM Learning’s website
    asset to your British Science Week     of careers and experiences, from           for some handy tips on how to get a
    adventures. Volunteers like STEM       engineers, designers and architects to     STEM Ambassador:
    Ambassadors offer their time and       scientists and technicians – be sure to
    enthusiasm to help bring STEM          take advantage of this so students can     find-a-stem-ambassador
    subjects to life, demonstrating        see all the options available to them in
    their value in life and careers. The   the future!                                Visit Inspiring the Future’s website for
    Inspiring the Future website can                                                  some helpful ideas of events you can
    match you up with someone who has                                                 use volunteers at:
    the skills you’re looking for.                                          

                                                       Here are some ideas and tips on
                                                       how you could utilise volunteers
                                                       this British Science Week:
                                                          Kick off with a volunteer-led talk/de
                                                                                                  mo, to get the
                                                          children excited about taking part in
                                                                                                  the rest of the Week.
                                                          Invite a different visitor each day to
                                                                                                 keep children
                                                          engaged throughout.
                                                         Where available, choose volunteers/a
                                                                                               mbassadors who
                                                         go against stereotypes the children
                                                                                             might have of
                                                         people who work in or engage with
                                                                                             science, e.g. female
                                                         Reserve visitors early (many speake
                                                                                             rs get booked up
                                                         during British Science Week), have a
                                                                                              clear idea of what
                                                         you want them to do and communicat
                                                                                               e this with them
                                                         ahead of time with a brief.

    Science Week
    at home
    Want your children to enjoy British       2 Get parents thinking about how           4 If you know that parents may
    Science Week at home, but not               their own jobs might link to science       struggle to engage with British
    sure how? Here are our top tips for         and technology subjects and                Science Week at home, invite them
    engaging parents and carers so the          encourage them to chat with their          on school trips or use resources such
    fun doesn’t stop at school.                 children about this. You could do          as:
                                                this via a newsletter.
    1   Make the most of your parent                                                     5 Send an experiment idea home
        newsletters, the Parent Teacher       3 Encourage exploring the outdoors           during the Week which may spark
        Association (PTA) and text              in the community or in local               mealtime discussions around
        messaging services, if you have         cultural spots. This could be              STEM. Try and make it as easy
        them. Let parents know what you         anything from local parks to the           as possible. It can help if it’s
        have planned and how you’d like         streets around children’s homes.           something the children have tried
        them to be involved in advance of       Parents and families can get               or seen at school first, so they feel
        the Week (at least a month before).     involved by going on a nature walk,        like ‘experts’ when they do it at
        They might be able to collect/          exploring science related events           home with family, allowing them
        donate materials for use during         and activities in their local area, or     to lead the learning. Crafty Rafts
        the Week, and if you want them to       visiting places such as museums or         from our SuperStar resources
        try any experiments at home, they       science centres. Many of our CREST         is ideal for this: primarylibrary.
        may need time to plan and collect       activities are quick and easy to 
        materials for themselves. The           do as fun outdoor challenges too:          challenges/61747644 Or you could
        PTA may be able to support you                    use the ‘Camouflaged creatures’
        financially to run the Week or help                                                activity on page 10 of this pack.
        drum up parent volunteers.

                                                                                   D IV E R S
                                                                            O UR

        As well as this pack, there are
                                                                                                P L A NE

        always lots of other useful
        downloads for take-home                                                              T
        activities, such as:

Gathering resources
    for your classroom or home
     Try to collect materials all year     Alternatively, check whether there      Look at
     round: empty bottles, toilet rolls,   is a scrap shop/store/club in           to find a UK directory of scrap
     cereal boxes, elastic bands,          your local area. These shops are        stores, or, use Google to find your
     newspapers, etc. This way you will    often membership-based and can          nearest.
     have lots of great things to use      provide a brilliant, inexpensive or
     during your British Science Week.     free resource for card, plastic, bits   Look out for the ‘At home’ tasks in
                                           of material – all sorts. These things   this pack for more ideas.
                                           can be turned into rockets, cars,
                                           spaceships; you name it, the kids
                                           will think of it!

Beyond the Week
    The exploration and curiosities don’t                                                                      Children could take part in a                                                                                                                                                                                       Think about incorporating the
    need to stop once British Science                                                                          CREST Award, spending anywhere                                                                                                                                                                                      Science Capital teaching approach
    Week is over!                                                                                              between five and 10 hours on a                                                                                                                                                                                      into your methods:
                                                                                                               project that they lead, on a topic                                                                                                                                                                                  ioe/departments-and-centres/
    Below are some ideas of how you                                                                            they’re interested in. For more                                                                                                                                                                                     departments/education-practice-
    can continue the fun in the future.                                                                        information, take a look at the                                                                                                                                                                                     and-society/science-capital-
                                                                                                               different CREST levels available:                                                                                                                                                                                   research/science-capital-
          Set up a STEM club or run a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         teaching-approach
          Curiosity Lab once a month during
          science class.                                                                                       Older students could run a CREST                                                                                                                                                                                    Keep an eye out for the ‘Next steps’
                                                                                                               Star Award with younger children,                                                                                                                                                                                   tasks in this pack for more ideas.
                                                                                                               and work on their communication
                                                                                                               skills. Learn more about CREST Star

                                                                                                               Consider sharing your British
                                                                                                               Science Week learnings by
                                                                                                               running a continued professional
                                                                                                               development session for other

                                                                                                               teachers in your school or, where
                                                                                                               relevant, academy chain.

    Getting started guide
    Find out how you can use CREST Star and
    SuperStar to give primary children their first
                                                                                                                                                              R aCTiv
    experience of pupil-led problem-solving
                                                                                                                                               eXaMple sTauRe
                                                                                                                                            an            T
    challenges set in a real-world context.

    Typical age: 5-11                                                                                                                                                               d out, to
                                                                                                                                                                            oors an
                                                                                                                                                                   ring ind
                                                                                                                                                         ren explo       bitats!
                                                                                                                                                                              Get child and their ha
                                                                                                                                                                                          sts                                          real-
                                                                                                                                                                              minibea                                      res in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 d creatu
                                                                                                                                                                                                     imals an
                                                                                                                                                                                             with an
                                                                                                                                               star                            • Engage ntext
                                                                                                                                                                                           co                    sci ence ski
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                lls, using

                                                                                                                                                                                  wo   rld              cti ca l
                                                                                                                                                                                              their pra       oters                    ast’ and
                                                                                                                                                animal re                       • Develop jars and po                     , ‘minibe

                                                                                                                                                                                             ng                  ‘animal’

                                                                                                                                                adventu                                               such as

                                                                                                                                                                                           ss terms                                           ere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      out wh

                                                       A            ard                                                                                                          • Discu                                   ions ab

                                                                                                                                                                                              brate’             te decis
                                                             tivity                                                                                                                 ‘inverte                ica

                                                                                                                                                                                                        un                       e
                                                           Ac                                                                                                                     • Make
                                                                                                                                                                                            and comm easts migh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         t   liv
                                                                                                                                                                                               and minib

                                                                                th     e
                                                                        ting on                                     imal
                                                               m are sit bored.                            on an an

                                                        and Ge

                                                                                                 “Let’s go outs Gem,

                                                 Cosmic frame. They are                                  sh
                                                                                                 safari!” down.                                                           perStar
                                                 climbing                                                                                                         EST Su
                                                                                                                                                     Every CR comes with a
                                                                                                  jumping                                                activity               to
                                                                                                                                                                        er Card                                re
                                                                                                                                                  separate plan your sessio
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ventu Card
                                                                                                                                                                           on what           al Ad Organiser’s
                                                                                                                                                   help yo         es tips
                                                                         lies. He                                                                       It includ u might need,
                                                                smic rep        Gem                                        i,” says                               yo
                                                                                                                   nd safar al
                                                      “OK,” Co prowl around
                                                                                                                                                               nt             ed
                                                                                                                                                   equipme time requir
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the acti

                                                                                                         t a prete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  about minibea

                                                                           to be a                                 real anim puzzled.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        re. Uncle
                                                                                                                                                              the               sio
                                                      starts to
                                                                                               “No, no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        thinking               adventu           low but

                                                                                                                                                       we                   cus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              children              an animal looks high and for help.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     d to get
                                                                                                                                                    as             what dis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to go on

                                                                                                          mean a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is designe                                       . Gem           Astro

                                                                                                                                                                                           This activity                    Gem wants look carefully           ask Uncle
                                                                                                                                                                                    h                           are bored.        if they

                                                                                                                                                      run it and u could use wit

                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Gem find minibeasts               thinks they

                                                       while pr                                Gem, “I e.” Cosmic loo e
                                                                                                                                                                                           Cosmic                               Cosmic
                                                                                                                                                                                                      they will        animals.                   to:
                                                                                                                                                                                            said that find any little                   children

                                                                                                                                                                                            she can’t                you will

                                                                                                                                                       points           the childr
                                                                                                                                                                                                       this activity

                                                                                                      nt ur         roun d th                                                                Through              st hunt                see and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   their habitats

                                                                                                                                                                                                       a minibea               sts they

                                                                                                                                                                                             • Go on

                                                                                                           ws Gem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      minibea             the group

                                                                                                                           high, sh
                                                                                                                                                                                                      out  about the         the rest of
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Find                    with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        their findings

                                                                                                He follo d. She looks em to be
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Share


                                                                                                           un                                                                                  Kit list
                                                                                                 playgro but doesn’t se king for.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for catching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (special            ope                                           (you
                                                                                                                                                                                                             g jar or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         microsc                                  of old carpet
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Collectin             and/or                                            pieces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            large stones,

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing glasses            l)

                                                                                                 looks low d what she is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Magnify               (optiona              rocks, logs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ation book               ly with         earlier)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Identific            ent, preferab a few weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                              r environmon the ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Outdoo        some

                                                                                                                                                                                                     could place

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       their investig

                                                                                                  ab le                                                                                                                                                                          children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to conduct of their results.

                                                                                   there are
                                                                                                                                                                                                             do                                                                                records
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        aphs or

                                                                                                                                                                                                    What toactivity using thewhere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5. Support their own                                st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              story on think                           and make also take photogr    to use a

                                                                          id that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    they                                They couldThey might like find.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e the           children                              drawing              what they                  to the

                                                                Astro sa lled minibeasts
                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Introduccard. Ask the                                                      identify             their findings in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sts.                                   guide to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   find minibea                    nt to                                     to present    as creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                         they will                                                            the children they can be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              cards and                               6. Ask      the group,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                out activity                                              rest of            they want.


                                                                imals, ca ys Gem. “But
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2. Give          .                         a                                  tion as               sts to their
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the children                  going on                          presenta               d minibea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               will be                                              any collecte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that they

                                                      little an
                                                                                                                                                                                                        3. Explain st hunt.                                and         7. Return
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               their ideas

                                                                  d us,” sa
                                                                                                                                                                                                           minibea                  to discuss ations. Prompt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ge children      investig
                                                                                                                                                                                                         4. Encouracarry out their

                                                               un                                             d tigers
                                                                                                                                                                                                             how to                                 sts?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s:                  minibea           sure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 look for

                                                                                                                                                                                                             question                              we make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        will you         How will

                                                                  e any.”                            lions an
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Where collect them?
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Will we harm them?

                                                               se                             an tiny ic. “Come on,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                we don’t

                                                       ca  n’t
                                                                                       You me
                                                                              “Wow!      s?” asks
                                                                                                  Cosm           us.”
                                                                                                       can help
                                                                              and thingif Uncle Astro
                                                                               let’s see

                                                                            think Un k?
                                                                do you         m to loo
                                                                   ll tell the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            13
                                                          Astro wi

                                                                         al   lenge
                                                               Your ch              ure and
                                                                              advent n find.
                                                                       animal       ca
                                                               Go on an animals you                                        GEM
                                                               how ma


Get children
    leading the way
    A great way to encourage young          Encourage children to run their       The children could research events
    people’s interest in STEM subjects is   own events during British Science     or programmes happening in your
    by letting them lead the way. Here’s    Week. They could recruit STEM         community, particularly those that
    how you can help them along:            Ambassadors or Inspiring the          at first don’t seem to be obviously
                                            Future volunteers to come in and      science related. Take a look at
                                            present in class or at an assembly,   some of the community groups we
                                            or ask classmates’ parents with       work with during British Science
                                            knowledge and experience of any       Week for inspiration on where to
                                            STEM-related subjects to speak        start:
                                            about their own backgrounds.          plan-your-activities/support-us/

              STEM                                                                Get children running their own
                                                                                  CREST projects and use this as

            Ambassad                                                              inspiration for a science fair or

                    or                                                            other related event. We have lots
                                                                                  of handy CREST resources on our

Diverse places

                                                  Journey to Antarctica
    About this activity
    2020 marks the 200th anniversary
    of the first sighting of Antarctica.
    Since then it has been a destination for
    explorers and scientists whose voyages
    help inform us of the role this continen
    plays in our world. In this activ ity you
     will write a diary based on what you
     know about the explorer Bransfield’s
     journey to Antarctica.

     Kit list
           Pens and pencils
           Access to the internet
           (optional)                             Instructions
                                                  1   Students should work in groups of
     Time: 1 hour                                     around three to five.

                                                  2 Read about Bransfield’s journey to
                                                    Antarctica in 1819-1820 in the fact
                                                    sheet on the next page.

                                                  3 Think about what equipment
                                                    Bransfield would have needed to
                                                    take with him on his trip including
                                                    food, clothes and any scientific

                                                  4 Next look at the route that
                                                    Bransfield took on his way to
                                                    Antarctica. There is not much
                                                    evidence of the route he took up
                                                    until he arrived in South America.
                                                    How might he have travelled to
                                                    South America from the UK?

                                                  5 Think about the wildlife that
                                                    Bransfield might have seen             Next steps
                                                    on his journey to Antarctica.          Why not take a look at more recent
                                                               adventures to Antarctica? For
                                                                                           example, British group Expedition Ice
                                                  6 Use the information you have           Maiden became the first all-female
                                                    learned about Bransfield’s journey     team to use muscle power alone to
                                                    to write a diary of his travels to     ski coast-to-coast across Antarctica:
                                                    Antarctica, making it as accurate How might their trip
                                                    as possible. Think about the kind of   be different to Bransfield’s?
                                                    entries he would have included and
                                                    anything else he may have seen on
                                                    his way there, and even while he       For more facts on Antarctica visit
                                                    was in Antarctica too.       

Diverse places

                                                        discovery fact sheet
 Antarctica is a continent
 like no other. It was the last to
 be discovered, the only continent
 without a human population and is
  the coldest, windiest and driest place
  on Earth.

 Edward Bransfield sighted Trinity
 Peninsula, the northernmost point
 of the Antarctic mainland, in January
 1820. At the same time, a Russian
 expedition spied an ice cliff in another
 part of the continent.

     The journey was fraught with danger
     – the small vessel had not been
     strengthened against the ice and
     had sailed without a support ship
     in notoriously turbulent seas, where
     cross currents, high winds and ice
      were a constant threat.

     Ernest Shackleton led a famous
     expedition in 1914 when his ship
     became stuck in ice in the Weddell Sea
     and was eventually lost. Shackleton
     rescued all his marooned men after a
     courageous journey to South Georgia
      in a small boat.
      Today, ships are a vital part of scientifi
      research and exploration.   Rese  arch                             Valparais
      ships like the newly-built RRS Sir
      David Attenborough are well equipped                                        INA

      to survive in these harsh conditions

       and explore parts of Antarctica few
       have ever visited. A recent British                               Cape Ho
       and American expedition to West                                           rn
       Antarctica involved three ships
       installing a new science programme to        Antarc
       study the Thwaites Glacier.                  Peninsutic
       For more facts on Antarctica visit                                                              Weddell

Diverse places

                                             Surviving Antarctica
 About this activity                         1   Your aim is to find out what           7 As a class you should share your
 Antarctica is one of the most                   material is the best thermal             results and select three materials
 extreme environments on Earth.                  insulator. Split into groups, each       to make your coat from.
 A satellite recently recorded a                 equipped with at least one beaker
 temperature of -98°C. At the National           (ideally two or three) and potential 8 Design a prototype of your coat
 Maritime Museum, there are letters              insulation materials.                  using your chosen materials. Think
 by polar explorer Ernest Shackleton                                                    about what else the coat may
 describing the Antarctic winter. He says    2   Wrap identical screw top beakers in    need:
  that on a warm day, the temperature            different materials.
  reached the equivalent of -17°C which                                                    Should it be waterproof?
  is about as cold as a freezer. What can    3   Give beakers to your teacher to be
  explorers dress themselves in to stay          filled with hot (not boiling) water       Might it need pockets or a
   warm in such conditions? You will be          from the tap, making sure their lids      hood?
   designing a prototype of a coat to be         are screwed on.
   worn in Antarctica.                                                                     Discuss what problems there
                                             4   Place beakers in a freezer (or in an      might be using these materials
                                                 cool box filled with ice). To ensure      to keep a person warm.
     Kit list                                    a fair test, you must leave equal
          Hot (but not boiling) water            space between the beakers.           Next steps
          Freezer (or a fridge or coolbox)                                              What difference does it make if
                                             5   After an hour your teacher should      your materials get wet before you
          Matching plastic beakers with
                                                 collect the beakers and return         put them around the beaker (Use
          lids (ensure these have screw
                                                 them to your group, removing           cold tap water rather than hot
                                                 the lid.                               water for this)?
           Elastic bands                     6 As a group, use your thermometer            What factors do you need to
           Tray                                to record the temperature of your           consider to ensure a fair test?
                                               water and identify which material
                                               kept the water the warmest. Your
           Thermometers                        teachers can show you how to
           Measuring cylinder                  do this and how to record your
            Cloth/fabric                       findings.
            Cotton wool
            Corrugated card
            Tissue paper
            Bubble wrap
            Cling film

       Time: 2 hours

        Watch out!
        Be careful with hot water.

Diverse places

                                               Don’t tip the ship!
 About this activity
 Cargo ships have been around                  Instructions                                  boat. On a real ship the weight
 for thousands of years, transporting          1   Fill a tub or tank with water.            is carefully spread across it to
 goods around the world. The Cutty Sark            Place it on a mat or tray so your         prevent it from tipping.
 was built in 1869 to bring tea from               surfaces don’t get slippery with
 China to London. In this activity, you will       spilled water.                         7 Repeat the experiment and
  build boats and investigate how much                                                      compare your results with other
  weight can be added to the boats             2 Take a piece of squared paper. Create      groups.
  before they sink.                              a rectangle of 6 x 7 squares. Cut this
                                                 out as shown on the next page.           8 Now try different designs. Does
     Kit list                                                                               the size or shape of the boat
          1cm2 paper                           3 Fold up the four sides (shown in           change how many weights it can
          Ice cream tub, or any                  green). Tape the corners together          hold? The only limit is the size of
          tub or tank                            to make it watertight.                     the tub!
          Small weights or coins               4 Count the number of squares in           9 Discuss your results as a class.
           Sellotape                             the base of the boat.
           Scissors                                                                       Next steps
           Cloth to mop up spills quickly      5 Gently place the boat in the tub of      Why not use different materials to
                                                 water - it will float!                   make and test your boats?
           Optional extra materials for
           boat building e.g. foam, foil,
                                               6 Add weights one after the other          Find out more about the Cutty Sark
                                                 until the boat sinks. For best           and how to visit at
                                                 results, place the weights equally
      Time: 1 hour                               and in a balanced way around the

       Watch out!
       Quickly mop up any water that you
       spill – wet floors are slippery and
       can cause accidents.

1    2    3    4

     5    6    7    8

     9    10   11   12

     13   14   15   16

     17   18   19   20

Diverse people

                                             Playground games
 About this activity
 Get thinking about disabilities and
 creating games that are accessible
 and inclusive to everyone.

 Kit list
       Games equipment such as
       bean bags, balls, cones, poles,
       Bells and other nnoisy things
       Torches and other lights
        Ear plugs                                                                       5 Try out one or more of the games
                                                                                          you’ve researched or invented,
        Low-vision simulation
        glasses (accessible online via:
                                                                                           What games can you play outdoors?
                                                                                           Are there any markings for games?
     Time: 45 minutes                                                                      What could you do so that other
                                                                                           children can join in?

                                                                                           What new games can you create?
                                             1   Try bowling while wearing low-            What rules will your games have?
                                                 vision simulation glasses. What
                                                 difference does it make if you can’t      How will you make sure your
                                                 see very well? What ways can you          games are safe?
                                                 change the game to make it easier
                                                 for everyone to play together?         6 Now test your game. How
                                                                                          accessible is it? If you do not have
                                             2 Discuss what it is like/might be           a disability, you may need to try
                                               like having a disability such as low       your games by using low-vision
      Watch out!                               vision. How do you think this would        simulation glasses, earmuffs,
                                               affect you when joining in with            sitting in a chair, and so on.
      Before restricting sight, hearing        games and play?                            Decide how you will know if the
      or movement, ensure the children                                                    game is a success.
      are in a safe space and have           3 Think about what you can do
      appropriate support.                     to understand more about how             Next steps
                                               certain games might limit access to      This activity can be put towards a CREST
      Watch out for any children showing       people with disabilities.                SuperStar Award and there are plenty
      signs of distress.                                                                more online activities you could try for
                                             4 Think about how well outdoor             free. For more information, follow this
       Follow your organisation’s              games are designed for children          link:
       guidelines for outdoor work.            who have low vision or difficulty
                                               hearing, have limited movement           At home
       Make sure that any alterations          or use a wheelchair. You could           Create a plan of your ideal playground
       made to sports equipment are safe       do some research on games that           with games marked on it. You could
                                               people with disabilities play, for       share it with adults – they may like to
                                               example goalball.                        use your ideas!

Diverse people

                                                Build your body clock
 About this activity
 Did you know that your body has
 its own built in clock? Your body uses
 chemical messengers called hormones
 to decide when to do things. It tells
  your body when to wake up, when to
  sleep, when to eat and when you are
  full. Different hormones increase and
  decrease in waves throughout the day.

     Kit list
          Clock template
          Scissors to cut out the clock
          A green pencil
           A blue pencil
           A normal pencil
           A green, red, yellow and blue
           felt-tip pen or small stickers

      Time: 30 minutes                      Instructions                                    control when we wake up.
                                            1   Cut out the clock template on the
                                                following page..                         b. Ghrelin
                                                                                            Made by our stomachs, ghrelin
                                            2 What time do you wake up and                  tells our brain when we are
                                              what time do you go to sleep?                 hungry.
                                              Use a ruler to draw lines showing
                                              these times. Colour in your ‘awake’        c. Leptin
                                              time with a green pencil and your             Made by fat cells, this hormone
                                              ‘asleep time’ with a blue pencil –            tells our body when we are full.
                                              using pencils means you can draw
                                              things on top!                             d. Melatonin
                                                                                            Made by a tiny gland in our brain
                                            3 What time of day do you feel most             which releases more melatonin
                                              hungry? Draw a picture on your                as it gets dark. This hormone
                                              clock of your favourite food at the           makes our body feel sleepy.
                                              time you get most hungry.
                                                                                      Next steps
                                            4 The more of a hormone there is          Hormones play lots of different roles
                                              in our blood, the bigger the effect     in our bodies. As well as the ones
                                              it has. Read the descriptions of        you’ve learned about today, there are
                                              the following hormones. For each        other hormones which help you grow,
                                              hormone, mark on your clock when        let you feel love or help you run away
                                              you think there is going to be a lot    if you get scared. Visit yourhormones.
                                              of it in your blood. (Use a different   info to find out more about hormones.
         Watch out!                           colour for each hormone):
                                                                                      At home
         Be careful cutting out your            a. Cortisol                           Adults and children’s body clocks run
         template.                                 made and released by glands        on different times. Ask your parents
                                                   in our kidney. Cortisol helps      about their body clock and see how it
                                                                                      is different from yours.

Diverse people

                                                Is everyone’s body the same?
 About this activity
 Have you noticed that although our
 bodies are alike in some ways, there
 is no one else in the world who looks
 quite the same as you? We are all
 different! In this activity we will think
  about and compare different parts of
  our bodies to see what makes
  us unique.

     Advance activity for teachers
     Ensure that you have access to
     adequate space (e.g. school hall) to
     carry out the drawings for this activity
     and have an area ready for display.

     Be alert to the possibility of children
     acting inappropriately, and make sure      Instructions                              4 Stick your picture up on the wall
     pupils treat each other with respect.      1   Play ‘Simon says…’ with your            next to your classmates to create a
                                                    classmates, taking turns to give        life-size gallery of bodies.
      Kit list                                      instructions. Which parts of your
           Mirrors                                  body can you name?                    5 Look carefully at your pictures.
           Large sheets of paper or a roll                                                  Does everybody have brown hair?
           of lining paper                      2 Find a partner and compare                Are you all the same height?
           Coloured chalks or wax crayons         different body parts. Remember            Are your arms the same length?
                                                  that everyone’s body is different,        What other questions can you
            Tape or wall fixing                   and that is something to be               ask to compare your bodies? Use
                                                  celebrated! For example:                  your gallery to answer as many
      Time: 1.5 hours                                                                       questions as you can. What makes
                                                      Who has the longest legs?             you unique?

                                                      Who has the biggest hands?          Next steps
                                                                                          Visit for
                                                      Use a mirror to look carefully at   more information and fun activities.
                                                      your face. Have you both got the
                                                      same colour eyes? Have you          At home
                                                      both got freckles?                  Think about the similarities and
                                                                                          differences between you and the
                                                      What else do you notice?            other members of your family. You can
                                                                                          do this together. Do you look alike?
                                                3 Create a life-size drawing of           How are you unique?
                                                  ‘you’. Lie down on the floor on a
                                                  large piece of paper and ask your
        Watch out!                                partner to draw carefully around
                                                  the outline of your body. Work
        Show respect to your partner when
                                                  together to draw in details like
        drawing their outline and make sure
                                                  your hair, eyes and fingernails
        you have enough space around you.
                                                  (don’t forget to use a mirror to
                                                  help you). Then work together
         Make sure all body types are
                                                  to draw your partner.

Diverse people

                                               What kind of
                                               taster are you?
 About this activity
 Are you a supertaster? Supertasters           Instructions
 experience bitter tastes more strongly        1   Everyone taking part should wash
 than other people; this is because                their hands.
 they have a higher number of taste
 receptors within the fungiform papillae.      2 Look at the glossary at the end of
 These are the big pink bumps on your            this activity to make sure you
  tongue that contain your taste buds            understand what all of the
  and enable you to taste. In this activity,     words mean.
  you will determine whether you are a
  supertaster, taster or non-taster.           3 The person who is going to
                                                 have their fungiform papillae
     Kit list                                    (pink bumps) counted first
          Bottle of natural blue food dye        needs to sit down with
          Cotton buds                            their elbows on the table,
                                                 supporting their chin.
          Disposable ‘mini cups’
           A4 card                             4 Place a cotton bud into the blue
           Hole punch                            food dye until it is covered. Ask the
           Scissors                              person taking part to stick their
                                                 tongue out. Using the cotton bud,
           Damp cloth
                                                 coat the front third of the person’s
           Cup or bag on each                    tongue with the dye.
           table for waste
           Anti-bacterial surface cleaner          NB: Only dip the cotton bud in the
            Torches (optional)                     food dye once. Place the cotton        The results
                                                   bud in a container such as a plastic   9 Look at the chart at the end
            Magnifying glass (optional)
                                                   bag which will then be thrown            of this activity and see how
                                                   away.                                    your classmates’ sense of taste
      Advance teacher activity                                                              compare to the rest of the nation!
          Cut the A4 card in to 16 strips      5 The blue dye will stain the tongue         Use the chart on page 19 to collate
          and punch a hole in the end            but slide off the fungiform papillae.      your class results.
          of each strip. Ensure you have         Did you know that each bump
          enough for each child to have          contains three to five taste buds?       10 What percentage of your class fits
          their own strip.                                                                   into each category?
           Split class into groups of three.   6 Next, ask the person to carefully
                                                 place a hole-punched card on their       11 Does your class follow the national
           Pour a little food dye into the       tongue over the blue food dye.              distribution for each category?
           mini cups so that each group
           has one cup.                        7 Looking through the hole in the          12 Did you observe a pattern
                                                 strip of paper/card, someone in             between the number and density
        Time: 1 hour                             your group should count how                 of fungiform papillae?
                                                 many pink bumps they can see on
                                                 the tongue inside the hole.              Next steps
                                                                                          Find more exciting activities by
        Watch out!                             8 Count the number of fungiform            visiting
                                                 papillae twice to find an average        scientific
        See page 19 for details.
                                                 amount. Record your results on the
                                                 student sheet (See page 19). When        At home
                                                 you have finished with the card,         Why not try this activity at home, with
                                                 throw it away like you did with the      family or friends? You could see how
                                                 cotton bud.                              compare to your classmates.

Pupil Worksheet:
                                             Super taste test results!

                                             What kind of
                                             taster are you?
                                                                                          Number of          What kind of
 Watch out!                                                                               fungiform          taster are you?
                                                                                          papillae           a. Non-taster
 Ensure the person preparing and                                                          (pink              b. Taster
 handing out the holed card has               First name                                  bumps)             c. Supertaster
 clean hands, uses new card and
 has clean scissors and hole-punch.
 Prepared card should be kept in a
 new freezer bag or similar.

     Used cotton buds and card strips
     should be discarded into a waste
     container immediately after use and
     the container then placed in the bin.

     Ensure all pupils wash their hands
     before and after taking part in the
     activity. Only allow children to dip
     their cotton bud once into the food
     dye. If more dye is needed, get a
     fresh cotton bud. Have a receptacle
     on each table for waste.

      Have paper towels, antibacterial
      surface wipes or cleaner on hand to
      wash up any mess or spillages.

      Make sure pupils know that there
      is nothing wrong with being any of
      the different kinds of taster.         How to interpret results
                                                                                     lts show that you are   a non-taster,
                                             Use this table to work out if your resu
                                             taster or supertaster.

                                                                                                      How common
                                             Number of fungiform                                      in population
                                             papillae (pink bumps)       Type of taster
                                                                         Non-taster                   One in four (25%)
                                              0 -5
                                                                          Taster                      One in two (50%)
                                              6 - 10
                                                                          Supertaster                 One in four (25%)
                                              11 +

                                             Class super taste test results
                                             Please collate the number of non-tasters, tasters and supertasters in your class.

                                              Type of taster     Number in our class


     What kind of
     taster are you?

     Fungiform papillae   Scientific name for the big, round pink bumps on
                          the tongue which contain taste buds.

     Taster chart         A chart used to indicate whether a person is a
                          supertaster or not.

     Non-tasters          A percentage of the population that has fewer
                          fungiform papillae (pink bumps) on their tongues
                          than most and are less sensitive to bitter tastes.

     Tasters              A percentage of the population that has an
                          average amount of fungiform papillae (pink
                          bumps) on their tongues.

     Supertasters         A percentage of the population that has more
                          fungiform papillae (pink bumps) on their tongues
                          than most and are more sensitive to bitter tastes.

     Cotton bud           A small wad of cotton wrapped around one or
                          both ends of a short rod.

     Taste                Sense which helps us experience salt, sweet, sour,
                          bitter and umami flavours with our tongues.

The world around us

                                              Clever camouflaged
 About this activity
 This activity will get you thinking
 about creature adaptations and
 understanding the diverse world
 around them.

 Kit list
       Butterfly shapes cut out of
       brown or grey paper (sugar
       paper or wrapping paper is fine)
       Crayons, scissors, pencils and/
       or felt tip pens
        Blu-Tack                              1   Use the cut-out paper butterflies to          Where are they difficult to see?
        Objects to ‘hide’:                        explore camouflage by finding ways            Why do you think that is?
           A piece of brightly coloured           to hide them around the room. Talk
           wool or pipe cleaner                   about how camouflage works.                   Where can they be seen very
           Plastic animals in their                                                             easily? Why do you think that is?
           natural colours                    2 How easy is it to hide creatures
                                                that are a plain colour? Some                   Can you do other things to help
           A square white sheet of paper
                                                animals, such as snakes, use                    to camouflage them?
           (6 cm x 6 cm approx) and some
                                                patterns to hide. Others, like stick
            patterned wrapping paper
                                                insects, use their shape to try to        Next steps
            Any other objects (optional)        stay hidden. There are other ways         This activity can be put towards a CREST
                                                of camouflaging as well.                  SuperStar Award and there are plenty
     Time: 45 mins                                                                        more online activities you could try for
                                              3 Take it in turns to hide the other        free. For more information, follow this
                                                objects as quickly as you can. You        link:
                                                are not allowed to cover them up.
     Did you know?                              Think about:                              Why not take photos and make a collage
                                                                                          of lots of different creatures that often
        In 2019, the Wallace’s giant bee            Which object do you think will        use camouflage? Use the facts below to
        was rediscovered as the Largest             be easiest to hide?                   do some research, if you like.
        species of bee, females can reach           Why do you think this?
         up to 4.5 cm long – 4 times longer                                               1   Animals such as big cats have
         than the average honeybee!                 Where will it be best to hide them?       spots or stripes to blend with their
                                                                                              surroundings. Zebras’ stripes make
         Found only in the plains of Kenya
                                                    Will anyone be able to find them?         it difficult for a predator to know
         and Ethiopia, the Grevy’s zebra is
                                                                                              where one animal ends and the
         the Rarest species of zebra with
                                                    What if you change the colour             other begins.
         a population of only 2,680 (as of
                                                    of things?
                                                                                          2 Some animals have special skin
      Find out more from:                           What about their shape? Can you         that can change colour. Chameleons                 see a pattern that might help?          are the most famous of these.

                                                    Do you think some places are          3 Female animals are sometimes
                                                    better for hiding the objects?          better camouflaged than the males
                                                    Why do you think this is?               (e.g. pheasant). This is so that they
      Watch out!                                                                            are not seen when sitting on the
                                                    Try putting each of them in             nest or looking after young.
       Do not climb on anything to hide             different places.
       your creatures.

The world around us

                                               Which metal?
 About this activity
 In this activity you will investigate
 how some metals rust when exposed to
 oxygen in the air and water. You will learn
  about some metals that do not change,
  corrode or rust easily and so have
  special uses, particularly in reducing gas
  emissions on highly polluted roads.

 Kit list
        Range of common objects                                                             this to happen. You could use a
        made from different metals                                                          magnet to identify metal items
        Saucers or petri dishes                                                             that contain iron or steel.
        containing water
                                                                                         4 Think of your own ‘rusting’ enquiry
        Fine steel wool pads                                                               questions, such as: can iron or
        Extra things you might need                                                        steel rust when there is no water?
        could include mild white               Instructions                                Does salt speed up rusting? Can
         vinegar, lemon juice or salt          1   Carry out a ‘rust hunt’ to observe      I prevent rusting? Plan and carry
         Magnet (optional)                         how some metals change colour           out your investigation; you can ask
                                                   and become weaker (corrode)             for extra ‘kit’ if you need it.
                                                   when they react to substances in
     Time: 2 to 3 hours
                                                   the environment.                      5 Research how some metals,
     with ongoing observations over
                                                                                           such as gold, silver, platinum and
     several days
                                               2 Investigate which metals rust by          palladium, are unique because
                                                 placing everyday metal objects            they do not react easily, change or
                                                 in saucers of shallow water. Over         corrode. These ‘precious metals’
                                                 several days, observe which objects       are often used to make jewellery
                                                 start to show signs of rust and which     as well as catalysts which are
                                                 do not. Steel wool pads can be used       fitted to car exhaust systems to
                                                 to test for signs of rusting.             turn harmful gases produced in
                                                                                           the engine into safe gases.
                                               3 Begin to form conclusions about
                                                 which metals rust and what causes       Next steps
                                                                                         This activity is taken from CIEC’s
      Watch out!                                                                         Sustainable stories and solutions for
                                                                                         our planet, which contains two
      Be particularly careful when                                                       introductory activities and four
      handling metal objects because they                                                further main activities with industry
      may have sharp corners or edges. A
                                                                                         stories to help young children develop
      few metals, especially lead, are toxic
                                                                                         an understanding of sustainability.
      but can be handled briefly if hands
                                                                                         Thank you to Thomas Swan and Co.
      are well washed afterwards.
                                                                                         for funding the development of this
       Protect your eyes from acidic           Companies such as Johnson
       solutions such as vinegar by                                                      publication, which can be downloaded
                                               Matthey in England are world
       wearing safety goggles.                 leaders in making catalysts.              for free at
                                               Their scientists and engineers use        sustainability.html
       Wash hands thoroughly after             precious metals to help make the          At home
       completing the investigations and        air cleaner and reduce pollution.        Find out if corrosion can be removed
       clean up responsibly.                    To find out more visit                   from metal by rubbing old coins with
                                                               acidic substances, such as vinegar,
                                                                                         lemon juice or even cola.

The world around us

                                                   How can we
                                                   grow mushrooms?
 About this activity
 Consider the benefits of following
 a more sustainable diet as an
 alternative to obtaining meat from
 animals as a source of protein. You
 will be challenged to grow a crop of
 mushrooms as a sustainable food
  source before learning about one
  company’s solution to producing
  protein-rich food in a sustainable way.

     Kit list
          Commercially available
          mushroom growing kit
          Without a growing kit, a
          comprehensive guide and list
          of equipment can be found at
                Instructions                               3 Grow your own mushrooms using
           oyster-mushrooms (check                 1   It is important to consider the          a ready-made growing kit. The
           the health and safety section               ‘sustainability’ of the diets we         mushrooms often take two to
           to ensure you source any                    eat. This means that when food is        four weeks to grow and then the
           mushrooms safely)                           produced it uses a limited amount        growing cycle can be repeated
                                                       of land and water and creates little     twice more.
                                                       or no greenhouse gases.
      Time: 1 to 2 hours
                                                                                              4 Keep a growth journal over a few
      with ongoing observations over
                                                   2 Many people believe that a healthy,        weeks; this could include scientific
      several weeks.
                                                     sustainable diet today should              diagrams, photographs or time
                                                     include lots of plant-based foods          lapse video, measurements and
                                                     which can be grown with less               written explanations.
       Watch out!                                    impact on the environment, as well
                                                     as mushrooms, which are a type           5 Think about how scientists and
       Some fungi are very poisonous so mak          of fungi from the group of living          engineers are finding more
       sure you obta in the spaw n from a            things called microorganisms.              sustainable ways to produce
       reliable source – do not be tempted to                                                   sources of food.
       gather your own from the countryside.
                                                                                              Next steps
       Before and after working with                                                          This activity is taken from CIEC’s
       mushrooms, spawn or growing material                                                   Sustainable stories and solutions
       you must follow strict hygiene rules by                                                for our planet, which contains two
       cleaning your hands well with hot soapy                                                introductory activities and four
       water and wiping down all surfaces you                                                 further main activities with industry
       are working on with a cleaning spray.                                                  stories to help young children
                                                                                              develop an understanding of
        You should not eat during the activity                                                sustainability. Thank you to Thomas
        or handle items such as notepads.                                                     Swan and Co. Ltd for funding the
                                                   Companies like Quorn in England            development of this publication,
         We do not advise cooking and eating       produce a sustainable protein              which can be downloaded for free
         the mushrooms you have grown.             from fungi. Many people say                at
         If you do you should follow the           that it looks like meat and tastes
         guidelines in The ASE booklet Be          like meat and so is an excellent
         safe! (4th edition), which has a safety   substitute made in a more
          code for food hygiene.                    environmentally friendly way.

The world around us

                                             Start your own farm
 About this activity
 Around 70% of Britain is farmland.          Instructions
 Farmers work hard every day to              1   Today you are going to become a        2 Think about all four of these
 produce the food we eat but how do              farmer. When choosing which crop         factors and then choose the seed
 they choose what they are going to              to grow, you need to think about         of the fruit or vegetable you’d like
 grow? In this activity, you are going to        four things:                             to grow.
 become a farmer and investigate which
 crops would be ideal for your new farm!         Climate: what weather conditions       3 Fill the pot with compost, poke a
                                                 does your plant need to grow             small hole in it and add your seed.
 Kit list                                        in? Tropical fruits like bananas
       Seeds (check the ‘Watch out!’             need warm temperatures and             4 What do plants need to be able
       section to make sure seeds                lots of sun. What is the weather         to grow? Cover it over with a
       are handled safely). Suitable             like in Britain? Which fruits and        little more compost, water it and
       examples could be:                        vegetables grow well in this             leave it in a sunny place. Water it
            Sugar snap seeds                     climate?                                 regularly.
             Radish seeds        Peas
                                                 Seasonality: different crops grow at   5 Watch and see how your crop
             Beans         Sweetcorn             different times of the year. Which       grows.
              Cress       Mungbean               crop seeds can be sown at this
         Compost (check the ‘Watch               time of year?                          Next steps
         out!’ section to make sure                                                     Why not use your ingredients to start
         compost is handled safely)              Demand: it’s important to find         your own farm shop business? Visit
                                                 out what other people like to
         Biodegradable or recycled pots
                                                 eat so you can grow something          stemterprise and gain your CREST
         Small watering can                      people want. Carry out a survey        Discovery Award.
         Pencil                                  in your class. Create a bar chart
                                                 or pictogram to show which crops       Do you want to try and speed up
     Time: 30 minutes                            have the highest demand.               your plant growth? You can design
                                                                                        and make your own propagator:
                                                 Plant life cycles: some plants
                                                 take a very long time before they
                                                 bear fruit whereas others grow         At home
                                                 quickly. For this project, we want     When you visit the supermarket, check
                                                 something we can harvest as soon       the fruit and vegetables. Where have
                                                 as possible.                           they come from? Could they have
     Watch out!                                                                         been grown in Britain instead?

     Remember to wash your hands
     after handling compost.

      Ensure all pupils wash their hands
      thoroughly after handling any seeds.

      Some seeds are very poisonous,
      e.g. castor oil and laburnum. French
      beans or red kidney beans are
      poisonous unless cooked.

      If using compost from your school
      compost heap, be aware of the
      possibility of releasing huge
       numbers of fungal spores which
       could provoke an asthma attack.

The world around us

                                             Invertebrate hotel
 About this activity
 Our amazing planet is home to a             Instructions
 variety of different animals. Within        1   Go on a tour of your school            6 After two weeks, visit your
 their habitats, all living things have an       grounds and make a note of which         invertebrate hotel to observe if
 important role. Learn about nearby              creatures can be found and what          any creatures have decided to
 habitats and help protect creatures             the environment is like there, e.g.      stay in it.
 found there by designing and building           was it dark or bright? Was it damp
  an invertebrate hotel – an ideal place         or dry? You can use the worksheet      Optional extras
  for your favourite minibeast.                  overleaf to record your findings.      Write a delicious room service menu
                                                                                        for your invertebrate, including all its
  Kit list                                   2 In the classroom, choose a               favourite things to eat.
        Paper                                  creature you found and list the
        Pencils                                type of environment this creature        Film an advert for your hotel, showing
                                               would love to live in. Use books or      why the invertebrate would love to
        Natural materials such as logs,        websites to find out more about          stay there.
        twigs, leaves, bark, rocks, soil       what it eats and what places it likes.
        Water                                  You can see an image gallery with        Next steps
        Structural materials such as           examples of different designs in         For a powerful video on habitats,
        cardboard, string, tape, scissors      STEM Connect, linked on next steps.      why we need to protect them and an
        Spot the invertebrate                                                           introduction to the invertebrate hotel
        worksheet                            3 Design an invertebrate hotel             challenge, head to STEM Connect and
                                               for your creature. Label its key         look at the ‘Helping local habitats’ unit.
     Time: 1 hour                              features and the materials used
                                               to make it. Make sure these are all      Find out more at:
                                               easy to find.                  
                                             4 Find a place outside where your
                                               hotel will be unlikely to get            The ‘Invertebrate hotels’ image
                                               knocked over or damaged and              gallery on STEM Connect also shows
                                               won’t need to be moved. The area         examples of invertebrate hotels to use
                                               should not be contaminated by            as inspiration.
                                               broken glass or cat and dog fouling
                                               and similar hazards.                     At home
                                                                                        Think of your favourite mammal, bird
      Watch out!                             5 Using natural materials and              or reptile and design a hotel that
                                               structural materials, build your         would be perfect for it, including a
      All living things are important and      invertebrate hotel in your chosen        dinner menu.
      need to be treated with care and         safe place outside.

      Avoid areas where there is broken                                                                    *** * *
      glass, fouling by cats or dogs and

      similar hazards.

      After the activity everything should
      be left exactly as you found it

       Wash your hands thoroughly after
       working with natural materials from

Name                      Date

                  Spot Our
                       the     invertebrate
                           Diverse Planet worksheet

                        the the
                             Name invertebrate
                            invertebrate     Date

                  Spot the invertebrate

      Bee           Butterfly        Caterpillar        Centipede

       Bee           Butterfly        Caterpillar        Centipede

       Bee          Butterfly         Caterpillar       Centipede
            Bee        Butterfly          Caterpillar     Centipede

     Earwig          Millipede              Slug              Snail

       Earwig         Millipede
                      Millipede               Slug
                                                Slug            Snail

     Earwig          Millipede               Slug              Snail

     Spider             Beetle
                       Beetle         Woodlouse
                                     Woodlouse                Worm

      Spider             Beetle           Woodlouse            Worm
                                                         © Discovery Education Europe Ltd.

26   Spider             Beetle        Woodlouse               Worm
                                                           © Discovery Education Europe Ltd.
Assembly ideas
     Why not start British Science Week off          You could reflect on important           Profile a specific person who
     with a bang by holding an assembly              scientific discoveries or inventions     has contributed in some way
     to get your children excited about the          in the last century, with a special      to the diversity of a STEM
     Week ahead? Tell the British Science            focus on the diversity and range         field; from opening doors for
     Association about your assembly ideas           of both subjects and the people          underrepresented communities,
     by tweeting or sharing images with              who discovered or invented them.         to contributing new ideas,
     the hashtag: #BSW20                             Try focusing on people from              understanding or knowledge.
                                                     underrepresented backgrounds,
     Kick start an assembly with a simple but        whose work may have been                 Invite a special guest or someone
     impressive demo. Make a cloud in a bottle       overshadowed at the time. See if         from the school community to        there is anyone from your area           come talk about a related topic. See
                                                     who fits this bill.                      page 3 for information on how to
     Remember, a demo is a good way                                                           get volunteers.
     to get children’s attention, but it             Get the children thinking about
     shouldn’t be the whole focus of the             how diversity is a part of people,
     assembly.                                       materials, animals, nature or
                                                     anything else in their everyday lives.

       Here are some other ideas to
       include during your assembly:
           Tell your children about the plan for
           British Science Week and give them
           challenge related to  the them e. If you
           are sending home a family experim
           maybe you could intro   duc e/d emo   it
            during the assembly
            Where has the topic of diversity bee
            in the news? Is there any way you  can
            discuss this in an assembly?
            Launch the poster competition
             (see page 28 of this pack)
Our Diverse Planet

                                             Poster competition
 About this activity
 Get creative and enter the British
 Science Association’s annual poster
 competition. You can make your poster
 about whatever version of ’Our diverse
 planet’ you like and enter our UK-wide
 competition with the chance to win
 some exciting prizes. You can enter
  one of the activities found in this pack
  for the poster competition - simply
  look for the paintbrush symbol. Or you
  can use them as inspiration to get you

                                             Research your poster                        Make your poster
     Kit list                                Investigate and imagine ‘Our diverse        Once you’ve done your research,
          Paper (A4 or A3)                   planet’ and everything that makes it        it’s time to get creative! Your poster
          Creative materials, e.g.           special. Here are some topic ideas to       must be:
          pens, pencils, scissors, glue,     get you started:
          watercolours, paint, colouring                                                 2D (flat) – if you make a model, you
          crayons, pipe cleaners,               Why not think about biodiversity?        need to just send us a photo of it on
          felt, thread, wool, foil, clay,       From the diversity in your own           A4 or A3 paper
           string, beads, stamps, foam,         garden, to the diversity at the very
           pompoms.                             bottom of the ocean, research            You can use pop up pictures, pull
                                                all the amazing creatures and            out tabs or materials such as paint,
                                                organisms that live on our planet.       drawing pencils, crayons and paper.
           N.B. try to avoid using straws
           or glitter - these plastics can      The diversity of science and STEM        Send us your poster
           damage our planet and harm           subjects. Have a think about all the     Posters will be judged on creativity, how
           the diverse creatures and            diverse ways that science affects        well they fit the theme and how well
           ecosystem that live there.           our lives and who you know that          the poster has been made or drawn.
                                                uses science every day. Is there
                                                science in baking and cooking?           Once the poster is complete, write your
       Guinness World Records are proud
                                                What about making a film or taking       children’s information on the back, fill
       to sponsor this year’s poster
                                                a picture? Or how about operating        in the online registration form, and
                                                planes and cars? Remember that           then post your entry to us at:
       There are many forms of discovery        science is everywhere, you just          British Science Week Poster Competition,
       in the world which go hand               have to look for it!                     British Science Association,
        in hand with records, such as                                                    165 Queens Gate, London, SW7 5HD
        exploring uncharted terrain, but        Think about the other kinds of
        ‘discovery’ comes in many forms         diversity our planet contains – from     Next steps
         - there are no limits on how you       the variety of the molecules that        Celebrate! For more details, along
         ‘discover your world’!                 make up essential parts of life, to      with the full set of rules and tips for
                                                the different ways our towns and         educators, check out our website
        Find record-breaking inspiration
                                                cities are built, and the variation of
        for your poster entry here:
                                                people’s tastes and interests.           activities/poster-competition
                                                Our planet is unique, but why not
                                                investigate what makes it different
                                                from the other planets in our solar

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