Privacy as a Competitive Advantage - 4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust - eMarketer

Privacy as a Competitive Advantage - 4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust - eMarketer
Privacy as a Competitive
4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust

Shifting consumer attitudes and new regulations have raised the stakes on personal
protection. Today, privacy is more than a compliance concern—it’s a key opportunity
for differentiation. This eMarketer Report gives a closer look at why this opportunity
is especially true for emerging tech platforms and applications that rely on users’
trust to grow.

                                                                               presented by
Privacy as a Competitive Advantage - 4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust - eMarketer
Dear eMarketer Reader,

eMarketer is pleased to make this report, Privacy as a Competitive Advantage:
4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust, available to our readers.

This report features eMarketer data, insights, and four case studies that illustrate
how trust and privacy practices can fuel adoption, growth, and increase or retain
market share.

We invite you to learn more about eMarketer’s approach to research and why we
are considered the industry standard by the world’s leading brands, media companies,
and agencies.

We thank you for your interest in our report and Adtaxi for making it possible to offer
it to you today.

Best Regards,

 Nancy Taffera-Santos
Nancy Taffera-Santos
SVP, Media Solutions & Strategy, eMarketer

                                               eMarketer, Inc.   
                                               11 Times Square, Floor 14
                                               New York, NY 10036
Privacy as a Competitive Advantage - 4 Case Studies on How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust - eMarketer
Privacy as a Competitive Advantage: 4 Case Studies on How Tech Is
 Building Consumer Trust
Shifting consumer attitudes and new regulations have raised the stakes on personal data protection. Today, privacy is
more than a compliance concern—it’s a key opportunity for differentiation. This is particularly true for emerging tech
platforms and applications that rely on users’ trust to grow.

Why are privacy and trust so important for tech
                                                                 Priorities and Actions in Protecting Their Privacy
companies now?
                                                                 According to Consumers Worldwide, June 2020
Privacy is at an inflection point. Between growing market        % of respondents
demand, shifting consumer norms, and new legislations, tech
firms recognize their product development and business
models must adapt to address these concerns. Rebuilding                     89%                             70%                            29%
and establishing consumer trust will be necessary to drive
adoption of the next wave of innovations.
                                                                             I care                    I'm willing to act                I've acted
                                                                         I care about                I am willing to spend            I have switched
How are leading tech companies differentiating                           data privacy                   time and money                 companies or
themselves with privacy-protecting values and                            I care about                    to protect data               providers over
                                                                       protecting others                This is a buying             their data policies
product designs?                                                     I want more control                  factor for me               or data sharing
                                                                                                         I expect to pay
Big tech firms like Amazon and Facebook are taking privacy                                                    more
concerns into account when developing new products               Note: n=2,602
                                                                 Source: Cisco, “2020 Consumer Privacy Survey”; Insider Intelligence calculations;
like smart speakers and AR and VR platforms. Apple has           Oct 21, 2020
given users more information and control over how they           265586                                                        

are tracked.
                                                                 KEY STAT: There is a market for privacy: While nearly nine
What are the competitive impacts of tech’s privacy and           out of 10 consumers state they care about data privacy,
trust-building efforts?                                          about three out of 10 consumers worldwide have actually
                                                                 acted on those preferences and switched providers over
A solid privacy strategy can fuel user adoption, revenue
                                                                 their data policies or data-sharing practices, according to
growth, and help companies increase or retain market
                                                                 Cisco’s 2020 Consumer Privacy Study.
share. Likewise, breaches of trust and unmet consumer
expectations around privacy open up opportunities
for competitors.
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report features four case
studies that illustrate how trust and privacy practices can      3    Privacy as a Competitive Advantage: 4 Case Studies on
fuel adoption, growth, and increase or retain market share. It        How Tech Is Building Consumer Trust
also looks at how breaches of trust can open opportunities       4    Key Points
for competitors.
                                                                 4    Privacy and Trust: Essential Foundations for Emerging
                                                                      Technology Adoption
                                                                 4    The Market for Privacy—Why Now?
                                                                 8    Building Trust in Emerging Technologies Through Privacy:
                                                                      4 Case Studies
                                                                 16 Best Practices for Differentiating on Privacy
                                                                 17 Editorial and Production Contributors

                                                 PRESENTED BY:             Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.          Page 3
Key Points                                                        The tech backlash rages on, and emerging tech products
                                                                  and platforms have some work to do to regain users’ trust
■   There’s a market for privacy. Consumer attitudes              with their data, especially as new interfaces get smarter
    have evolved beyond the “privacy paradox”—the idea            and more intimate on our bodies and in our homes. Tech’s
    that users’ stated preferences don’t always match             biggest players understand this and are pivoting their
    their actual behaviors and choices. Privacy-conscious         product development strategies to meet consumers’
    consumers are willing to spend time and money to              growing demands for responsible data management.
    protect their data and identify trustworthy companies.
                                                                  This report examines four cases that illustrate how tech’s
■   Tech companies should consider users’ trust from              biggest players are establishing, maintaining, and even
    the start of product development. New behaviors,              losing consumers’ trust with their data practices and privacy-
    interfaces, and devices—like smart speakers and               centric product development. From smart speakers, to
    extended reality wearables—are changing norms                 augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), to messaging
    around trust. Tech companies need to keep user                platforms, to the entire app ecosystem—these cases
    concerns and preferences in mind from day one of the          illustrate how approaches to privacy and trust are becoming
    design process.                                               strategic initiatives. The report also lays out best practices to
                                                                  ensure that privacy and trust are essential pillars of all digital
■   Communication is key to building trust. Tech                  transformation efforts.
    companies should respect their users by speaking to
    them in plain, transparent, and honest terms, as well as
    by allowing them to state their preferences and provide
    consent regarding the use of their data.                       The Market for Privacy—
■   Privacy and trust are foundational to any company.
                                                                   Why Now?
    These strategies apply beyond emerging tech
    platforms and companies; they’re part of any digital          Consumer and privacy advocates have been talking
    transformation effort that relies on data and is built on a   for the last decade about the tradeoffs posed by
    close relationship with the consumer.                         an economy fueled by data. For years, the “privacy
                                                                  paradox” has hung over this discussion—the idea that
                                                                  users’ stated preferences don’t always match their
 Privacy and Trust: Essential                                     actual behaviors and choices. But concurrent forces
 Foundations for Emerging                                         have now reached an inflection point, making privacy a
                                                                  competitive differentiator. Shifts in the market demand
 Technology Adoption
                                                                  for privacy, consumer norms, regulations, and product
Shifting consumer attitudes and new regulations have              design suggest that the time has come for technology
raised the stakes on personal data protection. Today,             companies to actually make progress in building
privacy is more than a compliance concern—it’s a key              consumer trust and differentiating on privacy practices.
opportunity for differentiation. Consumers are not only
becoming increasingly aware of data’s foundational role
in the digital economy, they’re also beginning to make
                                                                  The Market for Privacy Is Here
informed decisions about companies based on their                 Recent research indicates consumers are becoming more
data policies and practices.                                      discriminating about sharing their personal data online.
                                                                  Cisco’s June 2020 worldwide survey of consumers found
                                                                  that seven out of 10 consumers were willing to spend time
                                                                  and money to protect their data, while nearly three out of
                                                                  10 have actually acted on those preferences and switched
                                                                  providers over their data policies or data-sharing practices.

                                                 PRESENTED BY:           Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 4
Priorities and Actions in Protecting Their Privacy                                                  Consumer Norms Are Changing
According to Consumers Worldwide, June 2020
                                                                                                    Consumers’ expectations and requirements around the
% of respondents
                                                                                                    handling of their data are shifting. Consumer concern about
                                                                                                    privacy is steadily increasing, according to CivicScience,
                                                                                                    and an overwhelming majority of US adults are at least
           89%                             70%                              29%                     somewhat concerned about consumer privacy.

            I care                    I'm willing to act                 I've acted
        I care about                I am willing to spend             I have switched
                                                                                                    Levels of Concern About Consumer Privacy
        data privacy                   time and money                  companies or                 According to US Adults, Q1 2020-Q1 2021
                                        to protect data                providers over
        I care about
                                                                     their data policies            % of respondents
      protecting others                This is a buying
                                         factor for me                or data sharing                                                                                          51%
    I want more control                                                   practices                                                        49%
                                        I expect to pay                                               47%                47%                                 46%
Note: n=2,602                                                                                                40%               40%               39%               40%               39%
Source: Cisco, “2020 Consumer Privacy Survey”; Insider Intelligence calculations;
Oct 21, 2020

In February 2020, Consumer Reports similarly found that
45% of US consumers were potentially willing to pay for
products like search in lieu of having companies collect,                                                          12%               13%
share, or sell their personal data.

While privacy isn’t the top societal issue that adults
                                                                                                       Q1 2020            Q2 2020           Q3 2020           Q4 2020           Q1 2021
worldwide expect brands to address, it’s still relatively
                                                                                                       Very concerned                 Somewhat concerned                   Not all concerned
high on the priority list, according to Edelman’s 2020 Trust
                                                                                                    Note: 232,563 responses were obtained online during January 1, 2020-March 31, 2021;
Barometer report.                                                                                   numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding
                                                                                                    Source: CivicScience as cited in company blog, April 20, 2021
                                                                                                    265451                                                     eMarketer |

Societal Issues that Adults Worldwide* Expect
Brands to Address, Oct 2020                                                                         Meanwhile, a PwC survey published in 2020 found that 36%
% of respondents                                                                                    of consumers were less comfortable sharing information
                                                                                                    now than they were in the previous year.
Climate change/environmental                                                            42%

Coronavirus pandemic economic challenges                                                 39%        Trust in technology is also declining. Edelman’s 2021 Trust
Coronavirus pandemic employment challenges                                            38%           Barometer showed that trust in the technology industry
Coronavirus pandemic health challenges                                                38%
                                                                                                    dropped 6 percentage points between 2020 and 2021, a
                                                                                                    figure that was tied for the biggest drop among a handful of
Poverty                                                                             37%
                                                                                                    other industries.
Job loss due to automation                                                     35%

Cybersecurity and data privacy                                              34%                     Similarly, Edelman found that trust in specific emerging
Coronavirus pandemic educational challenges                               33%                       technologies—AI, the internet of things (IoT), and VR—has
Fake news and misinformation                                              33%
                                                                                                    declined at similar rates as the tech industry as a whole, year
                                                                                                    over year.
Systemic racism, injustice, and discrimination                            33%

Unifying people despite political differences                          32%

Government corruption                                       27%

Helping big cities                                     25%

Immigration policy                                23%

Election participation and integrity          21%

Note: ages 18+; *Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, the UK, and the US
Source: Edelman, "Edelman Trust Barometer 2020: Brands Amidst Crisis (Special Report),"
Nov 24, 2020
262881                                                       eMarketer |

                                                                          PRESENTED BY:                       Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.         Page 5
Trust in Select Technology Sectors Among Internet                                                   Reasons Consumers Worldwide Are Not Able to
Users Worldwide, 2016-2021                                                                          Effectively Protect Their Personal Data Today,
% of respondents                                                                                    June 2020
                                                    66%                                             % of respondents
                                   63%                                                              Reasons why not
                                                    62%         63%
                   61%                                                                              Too hard to figure out what companies 79%
                                                                   62%               57%            are actually doing with my data
                                   57%                                                  57%         If I want the service, I have to accept    51%
                                                                    59%                             how my data is used
                                   56%                                                  56%         Feel my personal data is already           45%
  52%              55%                                                                              available
                                                                                       53%          Don't understand what service             44%
                                                                                                    choices are
                                                                                                    Don't trust companies to follow           40%             48%                 Yes
                                                                                                    stated policies                                                               52%

  2016             2017            2018            2019             2020               2021
   Internet of things (IoT)                 VR platforms                   AI                5G                                                              Able to effectively protect
                                                                                                                                                                   personal data
Note: ages 18+; respondents were asked to rate their trust in businesses to do what is right
on a 9-point scale; percentages reflect responses in top 4 boxes                                    Note: n=2,602 ages 18+
Source: Edelman, "2021 Edelman Trust Barometer: Trust in Technology," March 31, 2021                Source: Cisco, "Consumer Privacy Survey," Oct 21, 2020
265152                                                        eMarketer |   260582                                                      eMarketer |

Misuse or abuse of personal data was the top reason (41%)
US adults would lose trust in a company, according to a                                             Regulation Is Forcing the Issue
2020 Genesys/Wakefield Research survey.
                                                                                                    Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
                                                                                                    which went into effect in 2018, set the global standard for
What Would Make US Adults Lose Trust in a                                                           protecting consumer data and regulating data practices.
Company?                                                                                            Now, US state laws, beginning with California’s Consumer
% of respondents, April 2020                                                                        Privacy Act (CCPA) and the subsequent California
Misusing or abusing their personal data                                                             Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), are changing the regulatory
                                                                                          41%       requirements for companies’ handling of consumer data, and
Failing to deliver a product or service as promised                                                 introducing a patchwork of rules along the way.
Poor customer service when resolving issues                                                         Sentiments among marketers suggest a federal standard
                                                                                                    for privacy would be welcome: 37% of US marketers
A lack of empathy in helping address their needs
                                                                                                    noted that building patchwork compliance was a leading
                                                                                                    privacy compliance challenge, according to a July–August
Overwhelming them with advertisements and notifications
                                                                                                    2020 survey from enterprise data management service
                                                                                                    Treasure Data.
Note: ages 18+
Source: Genesys, "Personalization & Empathy in Customer Experience" conducted by
Wakefield Research, May 20, 2020                                                                    Consumers are increasingly informed of their data rights.
259555                                                        eMarketer |
                                                                                                    Nearly half of worldwide consumers under age 45 are aware
                                                                                                    of privacy regulations, per Cisco’s June 2020 research. The
When it comes to controlling their data, consumers don’t                                            same survey found that a plurality (40%) of respondents
feel empowered. Cisco’s June 2020 worldwide survey of                                               believe that native governments should be responsible
consumers found that just under half didn’t feel they were                                          for protecting data privacy. And, worldwide, those polled
able to effectively protect their personal data, primarily                                          had overwhelmingly positive or neutral evaluations of the
because it’s too hard to figure out what companies are                                              impacts of privacy laws.
actually doing with it. Consumers also bristled at accepting
the terms of use without choice.

                                                                          PRESENTED BY:                       Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.          Page 6
Sentiment of Consumers in Select Countries                                                      Moreover, innovation-leading companies value data
Toward the Impact of Privacy Laws, June 2020                                                    privacy and security more than innovation laggards and
% of respondents                                                                                have invested in and prioritized data privacy to improve
                                                                                                the customer experience, according to an October 2020
                                              58%                                 38%4%         Harvard Business Review survey.
                               42%                                            50%       8%
                                                                                                Attitude of Business Executives Worldwide Toward
China                                                                                           Data Privacy and Security Affecting the Customer
                                                                 80%          18% 2%
                                                                                                Experience, by Maturity Level, Oct 2020
France                                                                                          % of respondents
                                43%                                            56% 1%
                                                                                                                                        Executives at all Innovation Innovation
Germany                                                                                                                                  organizations      leaders   laggards
                            38%                                     44%                18%      Organization considers ensuring data           38%               41%             33%
                                                                                                privacy and security important to the
                                                                                                customer experience
                                                             75%                  21%4%
                                                                                                Organization has/plans to invest in            37%               46%             28%
Italy                                                                                           data privacy and cybersecurity
                                        52%                                 45% 3%              management to improve the customer
Japan                                                                                           Organization is prioritizing data privacy      26%               36%             19%
                               41%                                          56% 3%              and security to enhance the customer
                                                                                                Organization made recent investments           15%               23%               9%
                                          54%                                37%        9%
                                                                                                in data privacy and cybersecurity
UK                                                                                              specifically in response to the coronavirus
                                     48%                                    48% 3%
                                                                                                Source: Harvard Business Review (HBR), "The Value of Experience: Customer Needs Top the
   Positive             Neutral               Negative                                          Innovation Agenda" commissioned by Mastercard, March 30, 2021
                                                                                                265080                                                   eMarketer |
Note: among respondents ages 18+ who are aware of the regulation; read chart as 48% of
UK consumers believe GDPR has had a positive impact; numbers may not add up to 100%
due to rounding
Source: Cisco, "Consumer Privacy Survey," Oct 21, 2020
                                                                                                Half of executives said cybersecurity and privacy are now
260580                                                    eMarketer |   baked into every business decision or plan, according to
                                                                                                PwC’s Global Trust Insights 2021 report. But only seven
But privacy is not only a data protection concern. It’s                                         in 10 executives in North America believe they can clearly
increasingly becoming part of the antitrust conversation                                        communicate to customers how their data is stored,
as well. Established antitrust enforcement has focused on                                       protected, and used, according to a July 2020 NTT Data
predatory pricing, but leading legal scholars have made the                                     Services report.
case for expanding to a broader notion of consumer harm
resulting from the anticompetitive tactics of free internet

platforms. They argue that consumers are also harmed by
poor experiences caused by a lack of choice in competitors,
leaving consumers with no alternative but to surrender
their data.

Product and Business Models Shift to                                                               of executives worldwide said that
Reflect These Changes                                                                              cybersecurity and privacy are now baked
Tech giants are noticing these shifts in consumer opinion                                          into every business decision or plan.
and government regulation and are questioning long-held
                                                                                                   PwC, October 2020
assumptions that more user data is always better. That means
some tech companies—including Facebook—are exploring
product designs that capture and process data on the device
rather than in the cloud. Product teams and organizational
structures are starting to consider privacy from the start,
rather than checking a box with legal before shipping. “Privacy
by Design” principles are becoming the industry standard.

                                                                      PRESENTED BY:                       Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.       Page 7
The paradigm shift common across new privacy legislation           ■   And Facebook’s Reality Labs is rebuilding trust in the
emphasizes the importance of first-party data relationships            company and starting from scratch in VR and AR by
with consumers. Some firms are seeing this shift as an                 taking a data minimization stance and including privacy
opportunity for new ad-based revenue models that extract               in user testing and field research.
value from their privileged position as the first-party data
holder. In fact, companies like Walgreens are already
starting to enter into the retail advertising market. But that's
a risky strategy and doesn't match the intent of privacy
laws. Companies should instead use this moment as an
opportunity to build consumer trust based on those primary,
first-party relationships.

 Building Trust in Emerging
 Technologies Through Privacy:
 4 Case Studies
The adoption curve for emerging technologies has
always involved some amount of trust. Early adopters
are willing to take on both risk and costs to potentially
benefit from an entirely new experience. To maintain
trust among this vanguard, developers, engineers, and
business managers alike should take data and privacy
concerns into account from the start, rather than treat
data privacy as an afterthought.

The following four case studies look at how technology
companies can build, maintain, standardize—and sometimes
lose—user trust based on their data practices and
privacy stances.                                                   Maintaining Trust in an Intimate
■   Amazon’s Alexa continuously iterates and adds to               Assistant: Alexa Trust
    privacy and transparency features that give users              Users can whisper to Amazon’s virtual assistant, Alexa, and
    control, allowing it to maintain a privileged position as      it will whisper back. It can play white noise to lull users to
    an “always-on” listener in users’ most intimate spaces.        sleep, and will pick up on the annoyance in a user’s tone of
                                                                   voice when it plays the wrong song. A recently launched
■   Thanks to its brand recognition and established
                                                                   feature, Alexa Hunches, allows the device to proactively
    user trust, Apple’s privacy labels and App Tracking
                                                                   complete tasks based on a user’s previous habits and
    Transparency framework are setting standards for
                                                                   requests. While Alexa is available on several different types
    privacy and data sharing as well as causing an opt-in
                                                                   of devices, it’s often accessed on a smart speaker. And the
    paradigm shift in the industry.
                                                                   top location for smart speakers is actually in the bedroom,
■   After establishing a reputation for secure messaging           according to Voicebot data. That kind of intimacy requires a
    that’s encrypted by default, WhatsApp’s new data-              certain level of trust.
    sharing policy for businesses was poorly received by
    users whose expectations and trust were broken.

                                                  PRESENTED BY:           Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 8
Where in the Home Do US Smart Speaker Owners                              Which Organizations Do US Adults Trust the Most
Keep Their Smart Speakers?                                                vs. the Least with Personal Data?
% of respondents, Jan 2020
                                                                          % of respondents, April 2020
Bedroom                                                           45.5%                                                                           Most         Least

Living room                                                  43.2%        Banks or other financial services providers                              48%          6%
                                                                          Health care providers                                                    43%          8%
Kitchen                                                   41.5%
                                                                          Government agencies                                                      29%         18%
Bathroom             13.3%                                                Health insurance companies                                               29%          7%
Home office       11.6%                                                   Home & auto insurance companies                                          16%          8%
                                                                          Digital retailers (e.g., Amazon)                                         10%         17%
          5.8%   Dining room
                                                                          Social media companies                                                    8%         47%
Garage 5.5%                                                               Smart home technology companies (e.g., Google Home,                       8%         27%
                                                                          Amazon Alexa)
     2.9%   Work office
                                                                          Charitable causes (e.g., Red Cross, Cancer Society, museums,              8%         10%
                                                                          arts groups)
Note: ages 18+
Source: Voicebot, "Smart Speaker Consumer Adoption Report," April 28,     Restaurant and hospitality providers including hotels                     7%         17%
2020                                                                      Uber, Lyft, or other personal transportation providers                    5%         23%
                                                                          Genealogy companies (e.g.,, 23andMe)                         5%         17%
                                                                          Airlines                                                                  5%          5%
Voice assistants and smart speakers introduced a whole                    Retailers (both digital and brick-and-mortar)                             4%         21%
new user interface experience to consumers. With Alexa,                   Cryptocurrency providers                                                  3%         15%
Amazon led the way in helping users get comfortable                       Note: n=1,000; ages 18+
                                                                          Source: Genesys, "Personalization & Empathy in Customer Experience" conducted by
with voice-controlled devices in their most intimate                      Wakefield Research, May 20, 2020

spaces. The Alexa team has made user trust core to its                    259554                                                    eMarketer |

development strategy.
                                                                          The trust barriers to adoption for new users are high. For
THE CHALLENGE: Alexa first entered the home through its                   US internet users who don’t own a smart speaker, most said
Echo and Dot devices. But now Amazon—the market leader                    it bothers them that devices are always listening, and they
in smart speakers—needs to maintain users’ trust and win                  don’t trust companies to keep information secure, according
over skeptics to keep its spot in living rooms and bedrooms               to a 2020 NPR and Edison survey.
as well as continue future growth.
                                                                          Reasons that US Internet Users Do Not Own a Smart
Despite rapid adoption rates, voice assistants and smart                  Speaker, April 2020
speakers still suffer from trust issues.                                  % of respondents
                                                                          It bothers you that smart speakers are always listening
Smart home tech companies were the second-least trusted                                                                                                        66%
organizations to handle personal data, with only social                   You worry that hackers could use smart speakers to get access
media companies trusted less, according to an April 2020                  to your home or personal information
Genesys/Wakefield Research survey of US adults.
                                                                          You don't trust the companies that make the smart speakers to
                                                                          keep your information secure
                                                                          You worry that smart speakers could allow the government to
                                                                          listen to your private conversations

                                                                          Note: ages 18+
                                                                          Source: National Public Radio (NPR) and Edison Research, "The Smart Audio
                                                                          Report," April 30, 2020

                                                        PRESENTED BY:                Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.       Page 9
Sixty-two percent of smart product owners said they worried      ■     User control: Amazon recently added the ability to
about potential loss of privacy when buying smart products,            command Alexa to “delete everything I’ve ever said,”
according to the 2020 Consumer Reports survey.                         wiping the audio history of processed interactions.
                                                                       Users can also change how long the platform holds
THE STRATEGY: The audio-first interface of voice                       on to interaction history and review which skills are
assistants and smart speakers required a steep learning                connected to Alexa, including third-party interfaces
curve to establish consumers’ expectations about                       with other smart home devices and applications. At
interactions. Key elements of Alexa’s product development              CES 2021, Toth shared that “every product released is
have centered on privacy and trust. In a press release, Anne           coupled with a privacy feature release.”
Toth, director of Alexa Trust at Amazon, put it clearly: “The
future we envision for Alexa is not possible unless we earn      ■     Dedicated organizational structure: Amazon has an
and continually re-earn our customers’ trust in us.”                   entire team dedicated to consumer perceptions of its
                                                                       smart assistant: Alexa Trust. Led by Toth, the team looks
“The future we envision for Alexa is not possible                     across the range of policy decisions that inform features
                                                                       on the platform. According to Amazon’s website,
  unless we earn and continually re-earn our
                                                                       “Privacy by design is not a platitude with the Alexa team,
  customers’ trust in us.” —Anne Toth, Director of Alexa               it’s a daily operational reality.” Alexa also has an Alexa
 Trust, Amazon                                                         Privacy Experiences team focused expressly on how
                                                                       users encounter these privacy features and interfaces
■   Designing for transparent interactions: Amazon                     and supports an “Alexa Privacy Bar Raiser” program.
    has put a lot of emphasis on the wake word—saying
                                                                 COMPETITIVE IMPACT: Toth has said she recognizes
    “Alexa” to trigger user interactions. Toth describes
                                                                 that Alexa has gained users’ trust and must work hard
    such design features as “conscious friction” that help
                                                                 to retain it. According to our forecasts, 27.2% of the US
    train and educate users about what to expect in an
                                                                 population will have smart speakers in their homes this year,
    interaction with a relatively new user interface and
                                                                 and nearly two-thirds (66.9%) of smart speakers will be
    experience. In addition to the wake word and a ping
                                                                 Amazon devices.
    audio cue that lets users know Alexa is hearing and
    processing commands, Echo devices have a blue light
    ring that signals an active interaction. Echo devices        US Smart Speaker Users, by Brand, 2019-2022
    also feature buttons that stop them from listening—          % of smart speaker users
    when the red light is on, the mic cannot be activated.
                                                                                         66.8%             66.9%                66.9%
    Amazon’s Echo Show 10 has a built-in shutter that
    covers the camera when users want extra confirmation
    of visual privacy.

■   Explainability is key to maintaining trust: Alexa has
    introduced numerous commands that help provide                        31.1%               30.4%               31.4%                31.9%

    transparency by explaining its actions and behaviors.
    For instance, a user can ask Alexa to repeat back what                       17.9%             17.6%                18.4%                18.6%

    it has heard, or ask, “Alexa, why did you do that?” While
    most Amazon smart speakers have no visual interface,
    Alexa will take users straight to the privacy settings                2019              2020                 2021                 2022
    page in the smartphone app or web page when asked,               Amazon          Google           Other
    “Alexa, how do I review my privacy settings?”
                                                                 Note: individuals of any age who use smart speakers at least once a month
                                                                 on any device
                                                                 Source: eMarketer, July 2020

                                                 PRESENTED BY:            Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 10
But Amazon’s market dominance has taken a hit over time as      according to a March 2021 report from AppsFlyer and
competitive products from Google and Apple gain traction        MMA Global.
and third-party devices like Sonos interoperate with multiple
smart assistants.
                                                                Who Do US Smartphone Owners See as
                                                                Responsible for Educating Consumers About the
By comparison, Facebook’s Portal has hardly any market
                                                                Usage of Personal Data?
share, holding just 4% of US smart speaker owners in 2020,
                                                                % of respondents, Feb 2021
per Hub Research. Portal was admittedly late to market, but
consumers are seemingly less trusting of Facebook when          Leading tech companies (e.g., Apple, Google, etc.)                                   53%

it comes to collecting data: An eMarketer/Bizrate survey        Content publishers and app developers                32%
found that just 3.4% of US adults trusted the company with      Brands/marketers                                    31%
their personal information, and just 1.5% of US adults would
                                                                Government organizations                     27%
consider buying a video calling device made by Facebook.
                                                                Industry consortiums         17%

OUR TAKE: Without visual interfaces, default settings           Trade associations 14%
matter. Alexa could do more to guide new users through                   4%    Other
preference setting in the onboarding experience to establish    Not sure                                24%
true user choice about privacy and preferences from the
get-go. This commitment to transparency will be increasingly    Source: AppsFlyer and MMA Global, "Personal Data, Privacy, & Smartphones: The Cautious
                                                                Consumer," March 17, 2021
important as Amazon expands its business model beyond           264613                                                    eMarketer |

ecommerce transactions to advertising. For example, Alexa
will need to be clear about when it’s presenting ads and how    The Consumer Reports survey found that US adults think
the platform is using transaction data to personalize and       companies (42%) should be most responsible for protecting
target experiences.                                             consumers’ online privacy, compared with the federal
                                                                government (32%) or individuals (17%).
Amazon will need to demonstrate clear value for convenience
to overcome consumers’ and critics’ worst dystopian fears       THE STRATEGY: Apple has deployed a multipronged
about these always-on spies of surveillance capitalism.         strategy, including privacy-focused ad campaigns and
                                                                policies for its ecosystem of partners, to establish its
                                                                authority as a privacy leader. Apple’s careful curation of
Standardizing Trust in Platform Values:                         the App Store experience has been integral to establishing
                                                                trust. It also allowed users to more easily opt out of
Apple’s Privacy Labels                                          location tracking by apps in iOS 13. Now, Apple’s new
Apple has already established itself as a privacy-friendly      privacy “nutrition labels” and App Tracking Transparency
company among consumers. Now, it’s leading the charge           requirements released in iOS 14.5 set a new standard that all
to hold the rest of the tech industry to its claims of high     app developers must comply with.
standards in the name of consumer protection. Disrupting
the dominant data-driven business model of the internet         ■        Privacy nutrition labels aim to put policies in plain
stands to benefit Apple’s bottom line, as well.                          terms for users, requiring app publishers to describe
                                                                         what types of data are being collected and for what
THE CHALLENGE: Noting the rise of polarization and                       purpose. Nearly three quarters (72%) of US iPhone
disinformation on platforms that optimize for engagement,                and iPad owners indicated they were aware of the
the tide is turning on companies with business models                    privacy labels’ introduction, according to a January 2021
based on the “goal of collecting as much data as possible,”              SellCell survey.
said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a January 2021 speech to the
                                                                ■        App Tracking Transparency requires apps to ask users
Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection conference. Cook
                                                                         for permission to track their activities across other apps
suggested that business built on data exploitation without
                                                                         and websites. The alerts are the platform’s first attempt
consumer choice deserves reform.
                                                                         to introduce meaningful, opt-in consent for advertisers
Just over half of US smartphone users think tech companies               using Apple’s unique device identifier, IDFA. Apple is
are responsible for educating consumers about the use                    preempting shifts in policy and law by requiring opt-in,
of their personal data, more than any other stakeholder,                 rather than opt-out, consent.

                                                PRESENTED BY:              Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.      Page 11
With its new platform policies, Apple is single-handedly          Would US Smartphone Owners Prefer to Allow
enforcing a paradigm shift that is meant to inform users and      Data Tracking or to Pay a Subscription to Access
give them more control over their data. But privacy labels        an App?
aren’t perfect. For now, they are self-reported, though Apple     % of respondents, Feb 2021
intends to review them as it does app submissions to the          Would allow tracking to all the apps that I use to avoid paying subscription
App Store.                                                                                                                                             31%
                                                                  Would not allow tracking to any apps, but I would prefer to pay a subscription
                                                                  for certain apps only

                                                                  Would do something in the middle (e.g., allow some apps to track me and pay
                                                                  for some others)

  of US iPhone/iPad owners are aware that                         Source: AppsFlyer and MMA Global, "Personal Data, Privacy, & Smartphones: The Cautious
                                                                  Consumer," March 17, 2021

  Apple introduced App Store Privacy Labels                       264611                                                   eMarketer |

  in recent OS updates.                                           But the survey also found that 6 in 10 respondents were
  SellCell, January 2021                                          willing to pay for at least some of their apps in exchange for
                                                                  not being tracked.

COMPETITIVE IMPACT: Apple tops the Ranking Digital                Following Apple's privacy nutrition labels, Google
Rights Corporate Accountability Index for global tech             just announced it will require app developers to provide
companies’ stance on privacy. Of users who switched from          details on data collection and use in a new safety section of
an Android to an iPhone in the past five years, 24% thought       the Google Play app marketplace. Google’s requirements
Apple was safer, 18% made the choice because they wanted          put the emphasis on data security and handling, rather than
a phone with better privacy protections, and 15% wanted           calling into question data collection and tracking overall.
apps that were better vetted for privacy and security,
according to Consumer Reports’ research. It also found that       Apple has packaged these moves as taking a moral high
4 in 10 Android users considering a switch cited privacy          ground on behalf of consumers, but it’s also good for Apple’s
and security reasons. These are clear signals that the Apple      bottom line. If the shift toward opt-in tracking hobbles
ecosystem is winning over competitors on privacy.                 the current digital advertising model for the internet,
                                                                  subscription models for content and experiences could see a
Apple’s privacy labels could help users choose between            boost—and Apple stands to benefit by taking its 30% cut of
comparable apps. For example, a consumer comparing                subscription revenues generated through its App Store.
messaging apps Signal and WhatsApp side by side will
clearly see the differences in their data-sharing policies.       Facebook has vocally opposed Apple’s privacy measures,
                                                                  suggesting that the changes would “severely impact” the
Consumers seem to be split: 31% of US smartphone owners           social media platform’s core business—its ad business.
would allow tracking on all their apps to avoid paying to         WhatsApp has also complained that the requirements
access them, while 30% wouldn’t allow any app tracking            unfairly advantage iOS’s own iMessage app. Apple’s moves
but would prefer to pay a subscription for certain apps,          have been criticized as gatekeeping and have brought
according to the AppsFlyer/MMA Global survey.                     the company—along with the entire tech industry—under
                                                                  antitrust scrutiny.

                                                  PRESENTED BY:            Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.      Page 12
OUR TAKE: Apple has led the way on privacy because                THE STRATEGY: WhatsApp bungled this recent rollout.
exploiting user data was never part of its business model.        Users interpreted the new terms to mean that Facebook
But the recent shift toward first-party data relationships        would be able to access the content of their private,
could make Apple cocky as it enters into new advertising          encrypted messages because the messaging wasn’t clear.
revenue opportunities in its App Store. Those first-party         And the ultimatum was aggressive—accept or stop using
data experiments might not sit well with users who have           WhatsApp altogether by the deadline.
expectations about how Apple will and will not use their
personal data. Apple will need to proceed with caution if         WhatsApp had to clarify that data sharing only affected
it doesn’t want to lose all the brand loyalty and trust it has    content sent between users and businesses for the
worked so hard to build. It’ll also have to convince regulators   purposes of managing those transactions. It had to send
that its consumer-protecting benefits outweigh its outsized       countless clarifying messages and post FAQs confirming
impacts on the competitive landscape.                             that WhatsApp and Facebook have no access to encrypted
                                                                  messages between users. The rollout was delayed from
                                                                  February 8 to May 15 to address user backlash and give
Losing Trust by Breaking Consumers’                               more time for review. Instead of deactivating or shutting
                                                                  down accounts after the deadline, WhatsApp has
Expectations: WhatsApp’s Tangled                                  announced that those who do not accept the new terms will
Policy Messaging                                                  gradually lose functionality.

In January 2021, WhatsApp users received a push                   COMPETITIVE IMPACT: As a result of user outrage,
notification requiring them to accept new terms and privacy       downloads of competing messaging apps Signal and
policies to continue using the messaging app. The policy          Telegram soared in the ensuing weeks. There were roughly
introduced data sharing between WhatsApp and Facebook             7.5 million downloads of Signal worldwide from January 6
to allow businesses to use shared resources across the two        to 10, more than 40 times higher than the preceding week,
platforms to enable ecommerce and payment transactions.           according to Sensor Tower data. During the same period,
Users interpreted the data sharing to mean that Facebook          Telegram was downloaded 5.6 million times, according
could now read or listen to their messages and calls. That        to Apptopia.
upended WhatsApp’s established reputation for being a
privacy-first, encryption-by-default messaging platform.          In Brazil, where we estimate WhatsApp has a near-complete
Users’ expectations for privacy protection were disrupted.        99.8% market penetration among mobile phone messaging
                                                                  app users, a quarter of internet users polled thought the
THE CHALLENGE: WhatsApp always positioned itself as a             policy changes were an invasion of or disrespectful to their
privacy-friendly, secure messaging service—one that claims,       privacy, per a February 2021 Toluna survey. The same survey
“Privacy and Security is in our DNA.” But when Facebook           also found that 13.7% of respondents planned to stop using
acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion in 2014, the service            WhatsApp because of changes to its privacy terms.
lacked a business model. A policy change was necessary for
the platform to finally roll out a monetization strategy.
                                                                  Internet Users in Brazil Who Plan to Stop Using
During the acquisition, Facebook assured EU regulators            WhatsApp Because of Its New Privacy Terms,
that there would be no data sharing to match user accounts        by Gender, Feb 2021
between the parent company and the encrypted messaging            % of respondents in each group
platform. Two years later, WhatsApp policy updates                Male
suggested data would be shared for certain personalization                 18.4%                                                  60.7%              21.0%

and ad-targeting features, leading EU regulators to further       Females
investigate the terms of the merger and fine the company.           9.7%                                                  63.1%                      27.1%

Further data integration plans were put on an “EU Pause”          Total
                                                                      13.7%                                                 62.0%                   24.3%
until data sharing between the two platforms could be
made GDPR compliant. The app has shared details like                 Yes               No               Don't know what the new privacy terms are
phone numbers with Facebook since 2016 to improve                 Note: n=1,087; numbers may not add up to 100% due to rounding
                                                                  Source: Toluna, "Redes sociais," Feb 23, 2021
recommendations and ads on the app.
                                                                  264515                                                   eMarketer |

                                                  PRESENTED BY:             Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.      Page 13
WhatsApp’s policy rollout still faces great uncertainty,        Attitudes Toward Facebook Among US Adults,
especially in its largest market, India. Courts there           June 2020
are evaluating whether the new policies violate India’s         % of respondents
technology and privacy laws on several counts because they      There is a lot of 'fake news' on Facebook
fail to specify the nature of user data being collected or to                                                                               40.9%
notify users about that collection. The government stated it    Don't like to use Facebook to log in to other (third party)
                                                                websites/apps because of privacy concerns
had “grave concerns” that Indian users have not been given                                                               34.1%
the choice to opt out of this data sharing. And in Germany,     Facebook targets ads to me based on my internet behavior
regulators have declared Facebook can no longer process                                                           32.6%
WhatsApp user data, which will likely go on to be reviewed      Concerned about others being influenced by political
by the European Data Protection Board.                          propaganda on Facebook

Network effects are strong. We have yet to see if               Think Facebook is addictive
WhatsApp’s market share has been materially affected
                                                                Facebook targets ads to me based on what it hears through my
in geographies where it dominates, but the spike in             phone's microphone
downloads for its competitors suggests that consumers                                     17.3%
are willing to take at least some of their secure messaging     Concerned about being influenced by political propaganda on
business elsewhere.                                             Facebook

OUR TAKE: WhatsApp built its reputation on secure               Get my news from Facebook
communications, but the Facebook acquisition and
                                                                Trust Facebook with my personal information
data-sharing policy change broke that trust. Communication
is everything. This rollout was bungled because it was an
                                                                Would consider using Facebook's cryptocurrency ("Libra") in the
affront to user expectations. When a company builds its         future
reputation on trust, security, and privacy, it must continue        2.0%
to meet and exceed consumer expectations built on               Would consider buying a video calling device for my home that is
                                                                made by Facebook ("Facebook Portal")
those principles.

                                                                Note: ages 18+
                                                                Source: "The eMarketer Facebook Flash Survey" conducted in June 2020 by
A Vision for Rebuilding Trust:                                  Bizrate Insights, June 29, 2020
Facebook Reality Labs
                                                                Trust and privacy are essential for introducing new
Facebook’s Reality Labs division is charged with developing
                                                                computing interfaces. So why should consumers trust
the next generation of computing interfaces. Between AR
                                                                Facebook to develop the next computing interface,
glasses, VR headsets, and neural interfaces to control and
                                                                especially one that users wear on their faces?
interact with these new systems, Reality Labs is designing
for the post-smartphone era. Facebook is throwing a lot of
                                                                THE STRATEGY: Andrew Bosworth, head of Facebook’s
engineering power behind these efforts: Nearly a fifth of
                                                                Reality Labs, has made his strategy loud and clear. In
Facebook employees are working in Reality Labs. But Reality
                                                                a memo to his team, he set the terms for a new data
Labs and Facebook will have to win back user trust to realize
                                                                minimization approach, dubbed “The Big Shift.” Bosworth
their vision for the future.
                                                                wrote, “Instead of imagining a product and trimming it
                                                                down to fit modern standards of data privacy and security
THE CHALLENGE: Users don’t trust Facebook with their
                                                                we are going to invert our process. We will start with the
data. In our June 2020 Digital Trust ranking of nine social
                                                                assumption that we can’t collect, use, or store any data. The
media platforms, Facebook landed at the bottom of the list.
                                                                burden is on us to demonstrate why certain data is truly
As mentioned earlier, 3.4% of US adults trust Facebook
                                                                required for the product to work.” Bosworth doesn’t want to
with their personal information, according to a June 2020
                                                                just meet consumer expectations; he wants Reality Labs to
eMarketer/Bizrate survey.
                                                                “differentiate our products on the basis of privacy. Let other
                                                                companies scramble to keep up with us.”

                                                PRESENTED BY:            Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 14
“We will start with the assumption that we can’t                entirety of our culture” if Facebook is going to redeem itself
  collect, use, or store any data. The burden is                 in consumers’ eyes. Bosworth likened the shift to that of
                                                                 Microsoft’s engineering culture change to address security
  on us to demonstrate why certain data is truly
                                                                 challenges in the early 2000s.
  required for the product to work.”
 —Andrew Bosworth, Head of Facebook Reality Labs                 COMPETITIVE IMPACT: It remains to be seen how
                                                                 privacy-focused changes in product development and
Reality Labs statements say that privacy is “baked into          engineering culture will manifest in AR and VR experiences.
our entire design process.” Facebook knows it’s breaking         In a Wired podcast released in April 2021, Bosworth said
new ground, and that means users don’t necessarily have          the company attempts to process user data locally on the
expectations about how these new interfaces can and              devices created by Reality Labs, rather than sending it to the
should function. That’s why Reality Labs has developed a set     cloud. He also said to expect to see similar data architecture
of principles for responsible innovation that put privacy and    choices in AR and VR moving forward.
security first. They include:
                                                                 Facebook’s Oculus held just over half of the VR headset
■   Never surprise people: be transparent about data             market in 2020, accounting for 53.5% of headset shipments
    collection and uses.                                         worldwide, according to Counterpoint Technology
                                                                 Market Research.
■   Provide controls that matter: give users clear choices.

■   Consider everyone: not only users, but those who             Extended Reality (XR) Headset Shipment Share
    may be caught in the field of vision of a device in a        Worldwide, by Brand, 2020
    public setting.                                              % of total

■   Put people first: when faced with tradeoffs, users win
    over businesses.
These principles, along with the formation of internal
teams focused on issues like privacy, trust, and responsible                       Pico
innovation, will be integral to design choices that set clear                                                           Oculus
expectations for users’ interactions with AR and VR devices.                      5.5%                                  53.5%

Facebook knows it must tread carefully. Even the mere                                5.7%

mention in an internal meeting about considering whether or                                    Sony
not to test facial recognition features in AR ballooned into a
media frenzy, with Buzzfeed reporting that the company had
been considering it.                                             Note: includes VR and AR headsets
                                                                 Source: Counterpoint Technology Market Research as cited in press release, March 10, 2021

Under “Project Aria,” Reality Labs is deploying researchers      264312                                                      

wearing smart glasses prototypes that collect data about
AR interactions in the Bay Area and Seattle. In a photo          But adoption is still in its early stages. Just 8.5% of the US
provided by Facebook, the tester wore a T-shirt identifying      population owns a VR headset, according to our forecasts.
themselves as a researcher, and the company said that
                                                                 In keeping with Facebook’s early history, Bosworth has said
all data gathered during the process will be processed to
                                                                 he’s primarily focused on the technology development and
remove faces and license plates before researchers can
                                                                 product experience—not the business model to support it.
use it.
                                                                 In an interview with The Verge published in January 2021, he
Facebook has also introduced a privacy review process            said, “I have the great luxury of not worrying about it. I’ve got
for all its products, but Bosworth admitted that the             enough real problems right in front of it to go tackle before I
company’s engineering culture hasn’t yet internalized a          worry about the business model.”
shift toward prioritizing privacy in the user experience.
Still, he acknowledged the need to change in his memo:
“The next step is for the priority of privacy to permeate the

                                                 PRESENTED BY:             Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.      Page 15
While this may be liberating for Reality Labs’ research and      Ask for meaningful consent. Allow users to opt in, rather
development, the statement raises some red flags. Many           than opt out. Give them information to ensure they’re making
consumer concerns about privacy and trust center around          clear and informed decisions.
the exploitation and use of data as part of the fundamental
business model employed by the internet and social media         Reveal default settings. Ambient interfaces for emerging
platforms like Facebook.                                         technologies like smart speakers and AR make it harder to
                                                                 dig into settings. Companies should make defaults privacy-
OUR TAKE: Facebook’s Bosworth is approaching Reality             protecting from the start. Make defaults clear to users and
Labs’ development as a blank slate. But if the company’s         provide opportunities to change settings from the outset.
history teaches us anything, it’s that starting out with
the tech and letting the business model figure itself out        Write simple, clear policies. Spell out what your firm
later comes with significant risk and potentially perverse       will and won’t do with users’ data. Don’t make then wade
incentives. Facebook needs to be clear with users about how      through 75+ hours’ worth of legalese.
these interactions will be monetized now and far into the
future. Bosworth is also known for his controversial polemics    Be honest about the business model. Consumers
that spark conversations but don’t necessarily set policy.       increasingly understand the value exchange for their
Given his history running Facebook’s News Feed and ads           data—whether it’s improving the service, better targeting
businesses, we’ll believe the data minimization stance when      personalized recommendations, or subsidizing a free service
we see it.                                                       with advertising. Companies that are honest and upfront
                                                                 about the business model will earn more trust and respect
                                                                 from consumers.

 Best Practices for Differentiating                              Prioritize user testing and feedback. Engineers can’t
 on Privacy                                                      build in a vacuum. Solicit user feedback at every step of the
                                                                 development cycle. Seek out your blind spots. Watch for
Companies need to have a clear privacy strategy in               unanticipated use cases and evaluate how nonusers are
place to establish trust and win consumers’ business.            affected by the technology in their environments.
That’s true for any business built on customer data—
                                                                 Take first-party responsibility seriously. Just because a
both tech companies as well as industries in the midst           company holds a privileged first-party relationship with a
of digital transformation. Here are some best practices          consumer doesn’t automatically grant it their trust to use
gleaned from these cases that all companies can follow           their data for new products. Evaluate where their trust lies
to differentiate on privacy:                                     and focus on providing benefits to consumers there. The
                                                                 paradigm shift to first-party relationships should not be an
Give users agency and control. Concerns over                     opportunity for exploitation.
consumer privacy have evolved away from exposure
and data collection and toward autonomy, choice, and             Value changes require culture shifts. Putting privacy
control, especially as emerging technologies increasingly        first doesn’t happen overnight. Dedicate cross-functional
make assumptions about user intent. Consumers need               teams to overseeing privacy-centric thinking across the
mechanisms for stating their preferences and intent.             organization. Establish processes and performance metrics
                                                                 that prioritize and value consumer privacy.
Build in privacy by design. Companies should build
privacy-protecting principles into the design and architecture
of systems from the start. Ask yourself, what’s the minimum
amount of data needed to serve a customer’s needs?
Keep data close to the device rather than in the cloud. Be
proactive, not reactive.

                                                PRESENTED BY:           Copyright © 2021, Insider Intelligence Inc. All rights reserved.   Page 16
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                         THE AGE
                       OF PRIVACY

                                     "The process of collecting, analyzing,
                                     and leveraging first party data is part
                                of a necessary value exchange. Consumers are
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