THE VIEW - REAPING THE WHIRLWIND - Economic Research October 2018 - Allianz

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THE VIEW - REAPING THE WHIRLWIND - Economic Research October 2018 - Allianz
THE VIEW                                            Economic Research
                                                                                           October 2018
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

                                       REAPING THE WHIRLWIND
                                       04   The US: In the Eye of the Storm

                                       05   Regional Overviews: Asia– Pacific, Eurozone,
                                            Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle-East,

                                       08   Insolvencies worldwide
THE VIEW - REAPING THE WHIRLWIND - Economic Research October 2018 - Allianz
The View by Economic Research

      POLICY BULLYING                                       As 2018 comes to an end, it is becoming clear that President Trump’s
                                                            policies have shaped not only the acceleration of growth in the United
                                                            States, but many policy reactions and therefore growth trajectories
      LUDOVIC SUBRAN                                        outside the US. The decisive fiscal stimulus and financial deregulation
                                                            in America have created significant momentum: wages, investment,
                                                            and financial markets all show positive developments. What looked
                                                            like a possible recession in 2019 is much less likely today than a year
                                                            ago. In the meantime, Europe, China and the emerging world are
                                                            plateauing at best, after a too short pickup between early 2017 and
                                                            The reasons for this growing divergence are: the uncertainty shock
                                                            related to the so-called trade war, and the tightening monetary and
                                                            financial conditions in dollars because of a high-pressure US econo-
     Global Head of Macroeconomic Research at Allianz and
                                                            my. As of September 2018, the average US import tariffs entered the
     Chief economist at Euler Hermes
                                                            grey area at 5.2%, from 3.5% last year. The scarring effect on import-
                                                            ed inflation and trade diversion is visible yet under control, including
                                                            through the successful renegotiation of the US-Mexico-Canada trade
                                                            deal (USMCA). On the contrary, China has started feeling the heat,
                                                            both in terms of export growth and financial stress. The problem is
                                                            that the US-China feud is not de-escalating. Some call it the
                                                            “Thucydides’ trap”, others the new “Cold War”. For economists, the
                                                            biggest risk is policy bullying, whereby countries are cornered and
                                                            pushed to make policy mistakes as a coping mechanism when affect-
                                                            ed by the double-whammy of protectionism and drying up liquidity.
                                                            China has immediately reacted to the drop of confidence over the
                                                            past months with more subsidies, more credit, and more economic
                                                            diplomacy. The risk of a Minsky moment in China is increasing, but
                                                            more importantly, the hostility towards China has put on hold the nat-
                                                            ural opening of the country at a critical time for companies.
                                                            China is complex and certainly has many assets to withstand a cold
                                                            war. Just like Europe or Japan, President Trump’s policy-making is a
                                                            concern, but buffers and agility will help them weather the storm and
                                                            hopefully benefit from a stronger America. This is not the case for
                                                            fragile emerging markets. Argentina and Turkey are cases in point:
                                                            both countries have become more vulnerable (twin deficits) and more
                                                            politically unstable in the past years. The resoluteness of American
                                                            policies has precipitated their fate with important financial stress. Pol-
                                                            icy mistakes explain their contractionary situation today. On the edge,
                                                            Russia, because of possible new sanctions, and Brazil and South Afri-
                                                            ca, with potentially unorthodox policy-makers, must be watched. To a
                                                            lesser extent, Indonesia, India, Hungary and Romania must continue
                                                            to proactively curb overheating. Interestingly enough, most emerging
                                                            markets are doing the right things, but it is the ones that are not that
                                                            hit the front page of the news.

THE VIEW - REAPING THE WHIRLWIND - Economic Research October 2018 - Allianz
The View by Economic Research
Photo by Anton on Unsplash

                             US 10Y government bond yield
                             in October                           3.2 %
                             The significant increase of inte-
                             rest rates in the US led President
                             Trump to state that the Fed is
                             now “his biggest threat”

August 2018

    A cyclone is brewing in the global economy. The US – with its erratic
    policy-making causing major shocks of uncertainty – is in the eye of the
    storm, sending headwinds toward the rest of the world.

    While China, Japan and the Euro-       The US economy has positively re-        This is the reason why we still consid-
    zone are in the stable vortex of the   acted to the fiscal impulse initiated    er protectionist initiatives by Presi-
    cyclone, able to absorb the shocks,    by President Trump. The current in-      dent Trump are more a trade game
    emerging markets are in the unsta-     vestment cycle remains favorable         than a real threat, and that global
    ble vortex, leaving them in a vulner-  despite high uncertainty, as the         trade should be preserved, as shown
    able position. Nevertheless, we pre-   monetary policy remains supportive       by the real volume of growth re-
    dict the global economy can weath-     despite its progressive normaliza-       maining in a healthy regime of 2% to
    er this storm, with world GDP growth   tion. The level of US rates, despite     4%. However, the recent implemen-
    expected to remain resilient in 2018   worrying signals from the so-called      tation of a 10% tariff on USD200bn
    and 2019.                              flatness of the yield curve, remains     worth of Chinese imports bring us
                                           far below the level of household         closer to the trade feud scenario,
    The eye of the cyclone                 saving rate, which in our view means     where global trade could land in the
    The storm centers on the US, a ‘high an extremely low probability of re-        low growth band of 0–2%.
    pressure economy’ tirelessly creating cession.
    jobs. Approaching a situation of                                                Asia-Pacific to benefit from China’s
                                           More interestingly, the US deficit is    stabilization
    overheating, the Fed won’t hesitate likely to reach 3.7% of GDP in 2018
    to tighten its monetary policy, and    and 4.5% of GDP in 2019. The widen-      Asia-Pacific economic growth is ex-
    this could have global repercussions ing deficit, coupled with a tax holi-      pected to slow to +4.9% in 2018 and
    on the most cash dependent econo- day on foreign profits, has contribut-        +4.8% in 2019 (from +5.1% in 2017),
    mies and companies. The US fiscal      ed to attract a wave of inward capi-     supported by stabilizing policies in      Photo by
    policy also plays the role of a power- tal flows.                               China and Japan. In China, the soft
    ful absorber of global USD liquidities                                          landing is expected to continue, with
    by offering attractive returns to in-  This is triggering a shock on global
                                           liquidity, which is at the core of the   a growth of +6.6% in 2018 (after
    vestors. Beside these centripetal                                               +6.9%) and +6.3% in 2019 supported
    forces, we have also centrifugal forc- troubles for the most fragile emerg-     by pro-growth policies.
    es originating in the US in the form   ing economies. This disturbance is
    of real and potential threats of pro- also accompanied by a huge shock          Fiscal policy is already expansion-
    tectionism.                            of uncertainty related to the US         ary, with measures ranging from tax
                                           trade policy.                            cuts and support for SMEs to infra-
    The last initiative from President
                                                                                    structure projects. Monetary policy is
    Trump targets USD200bn of Chinese In our view, these major sources of
                                           uncertainty should progressively         set to become more accommoda-
    imports, with a 10% tariff to be in-
                                                                                    tive, with further cuts in the Reserve
    creased to 25% by the end of 2018. decrease post mid-term elections.
                                                                                    Requirement Ratio (50bp more) and
    We are now heading close to a sce- We expect a rebalancing of the US
                                           Congress in favor of Democrats with      a gradual boost to credit growth.
    nario where global trade growth
    could be cut by 2pp should the trade two major consequences: more con-          On trade, the authorities are multi-
    spat between the US and China fur- straints on the fiscal policy and less       plying measures to reduce risks re-
    ther deteriorate.                      severity on trade policy.
                                                                                    lated to US protectionist measures.

The View by Economic Research

      Figure 1 Nurturing global uncertainty with protectionism                                     Figure 2 Impact of US tariffs and second round effects from
      (centrifugal forces)                                                                         China on Asia-Pacific economies (pp GDP growth)
      4,5                                                                                     0
      4,0                                               3,8                                   -1          -0.3
                                                                       Other                                     -0.4
      3,5                                                              Autos                  -1                               -0.6
                                                                       Washing machines                                                      -1.0 -1.0
      3,0         2,7                                                                                                                                      -1.2
                                                                       Steel and aluminium    -2                                                                  -1.3
                                                                       US-China dispute
                                                                                              -2             Trade Game
      2,0                                                                                                    Trade Feud
                                                                                                             Trade War                                                                 -2.5
                                                                                              -3                                                                                              -2.9
      1,0                                                                      0,8
                                     0,6                                                      -4

            % of world imports   % of world GDP   % of world imports     % of world GDP
             (implemented)       (implemented)      (threatened)          (threatened)

       Sources: IHS Global Insight. Allianz Research                                                                                                     Sources: IHS, Euler Hermes

               This includes the implementation of                     trade Feud scenario and -1pp of                    around 5-6% annually in Germany,
               new protectionism measures, a de-                       GDP growth in the case of trade war.               France and Spain, and a bit above
               preciation of the currency to pre-                      Trade hubs such as Hong Kong, Tai-                 3% in Italy.
               serve exports competitiveness, the                      wan and Singapore would be the
                                                                                                                          While slowing down, turnover
               acceleration of strategic partner-                      most affected economies in the re-
                                                                                                                          growth remains above the financing
               ships to find new growth outlets (e.g.                  gion.
                                                                                                                          costs (at 2% on average for SMEs in
               negotiations for the RCEP) and gain-                                                                       the Eurozone). The ECB is expected
                                                                       The Eurozone to buffer liquidity and
               ing political leverage on the US. In                                                                       to continue to play the safeguard
                                                                       protectionism shocks
               Japan, the BOJ will likely keep its                                                                        role: (i) the first interest rate hike is
               policies accommodative until 2020                       The Eurozone remains in the stable                 expected in Fall 2019 only with the
               in a context of still-below-target in-                  vortex of the global economy as its                refi rate reaching 0.75% at the end-
               flation, rising external risks and an                   margins can absorb the negative                    2020; (ii) the reinvestment of bonds
               upcoming hike in the sales tax                          external shocks of liquidity and                   maturing will last until 2021 post
               (October 2019).                                         trade uncertainty. However, after                  end of the QE program in December
                                                                       +2.6% in 2017, the highest in 10                   2018.
               Asia as a whole has the room to ab-
                                                                       years, GDP growth should slow
               sorb the impact of Fed hikes. Apart                                            In Italy, the peak of the economic
                                                                       down to +2.1% and +1.8% in 2018
               from higher currency risk in markets                                           expansion is clearly behind us: Ital-
                                                                       and 2019 respectively.
               with twin deficits (e.g. Indonesia, In-                                        ian GDP growth looks set to slow to
               donesia, and Philippines), risk on       We expect Eurozone GDP growth to 1.2% in 2018 and 0.8% in 2019, down
               demand growth is relatively con-         reach 0.4–0.5% q/q in Q3 and to       from 1.6% last year.
               tained, as the most vulnerable coun-     remain stable for the next coming
                                                                                              Investment and hiring decisions are
               tries have enough buffers (strong        two quarters. Going forward, lower
                                                                                              set to be impacted by strengthening
               private demand) to support their         net external contribution is expected
                                                                                              headwinds for Italian exports amid
               growth.                                  to be partly offset by stronger do-
                                                                                              rising global trade tensions and ele-
                                                        mestic demand. The moderation in
               The main risk relates to trade. The                                            vated domestic policy uncertainty
                                                        inflation (1.7% at end-2018) coupled
               region can handle the second round                                             following the formation of a populist
                                                        with a fall in unemployment rate to coalition government.
               effects of a rise of US tariff on
                                                        8% at end-2018 and moderate wage
               USD50bn of imports from China. Yet,
                                                        acceleration (+2.3% y/y at end-2018) The first 100 days of the populist
               it would struggle to cope with much                                            government saw relations with the
                                                        will be supportive for consumer
               higher tariffs, especially if the tariff                                       EU become increasingly confronta-
                                                        spending going forward.
               hikes were to impact USD200bn at a                                             tional, including clashes with the EU
               rate of 25% instead of 10% today         Companies are expected to invest      over the handling of the European
               (trade feud scenario) or USD500bn as they still enjoy high margins and refugee crisis, as well as fiscal pledg-
               (trade war) of Chinese imports. Chi- low financing costs. Turnover growth es that are likely to put Italy on a
               na could lose -0.3pp in the case of a for non-financial corporations stood collision course with EU fiscal rules.

October 2018
Table 1 The UK: Brexit scenarios
    “Blind” Deal                               70%
                                                     No Deal                                25%
                                                                                                      Remain                                   5%

    Status quo                                       Strong recession, WTO rules                      Growth recovers to 2016 levels
    GDP growth remains weak (1.2%) as                4-5% average import tariffs on EU goods GDP      GDP growth accelerates to 1.8% on the
    consumers bear the brunt of a weak               fells by -1% driven by contraction in consumer   back of positive confidence effects
    sterling and high inflation                      spending, investment and exports GBP/EUR         GBP/EUR recovers to pre-vote levels (1.16)
    The BoE hikes further (+0.25bp to 1%)            below parity. BoE on hold                        The BoE stays on course for 1 rate hike only
    Business insolvencies rise further (+6%)         15% increase in business insolvencies            Business insolvencies growth slows down

    Extensive FTA                              55%
                                                     Limited FTA                            35%
                                                                                                       No FTA                                   10%

    Norway-type / Full access to Single              CETA-type / Duty-free access to Single            Recession, WTO rules
    Market                                           Market for 98% of goods, equivalence for          GDP growth fells by -0.5% driven by
    GDP growth at 0.8%                               services                                          contraction in consumer spending,
    GBP/EUR around 1.12                              GDP growth at 0.3%                                investment and exports
    Business insolvencies rise by 1%                 GBP/EUR below parity                              GBP/EUR below parity
                                                     Business insolvencies rise by 8%                  Business insolvencies rise by 5%
Sources: ONS, Bloomberg, Allianz Research

As expected in our baseline scenar-                  grade before end-2018.                 rent national polls suggest that be-
io, Italy put forward an expansive                                                          tween 39–41% of the seats of the
                                                     In the UK, we expect a last-minute
2019 budget draft exceeding mar-                                                            next European Parliament could be
                                                     Brexit deal under the form of a polit-
ket expectations. Despite a -2.4%                                                           held by “anti-establishment” parties
                                                     ical declaration stating close ties
target we estimate the budget to be                                                         against 36% in 2014. The rise in pop-
                                                     with the EU post-Brexit.
closer to or above 3% as the govern-                                                        ulism poses significant obstacles to
ment’s economic projections are too                  An FTA à la Norway is the most likely the speed of reform. A “grand-
optimistic. We expect bond spreads                   compromise to avoid Ireland’s dislo- coalition” scenario between tradi-
to the Bund to remain high (200 to                   cation by 2021 and is likely to be     tional parties is likely, which shows a
300bp) and borrowing costs to con-                   announced towards the end of the       high risk of polarization in the Euro-
tinue to rise.                                       transition period after tough negoti- pean political landscape.
                                                     ations. The political environment is
However, given the long maturity of                                                         Eastern Europe still preserved by the
                                                     likely to be shaky, as the Conserva-
the Italian debt (above 7 years) and                                                        market
                                                     tive Party could face internal insta-
current low average interest rate on
                                                     bility should hard Brexiters launch a Eastern European countries continue
the debt (2.8% for all maturities vs
                                                     procedure to oust PM Theresa May. to benefit from the Eurozone recov-
7% in 2012) interest expenditures
                                                                                            ery and ongoing strong investment
should rise gradually (3.9% of GDP in                In an international context of grow-
                                                                                            activity thanks to improved absorp-
2020 from 3.6% in 2018). This, cou-                  ing instability, Europe is facing nu-
                                                                                            tion of EU funds.
pled with lower nominal GDP                          merous new challenges that pose
growth, will bring Italian public debt               threats to its cohesion, Brexit among However, over the past two years,
up to 132.9% of GDP in 2020 (from                    others.                                this has fostered the accumulation
131.7% and 130.9% in 2019 and                                                               of imbalances and increased the risk
                                                     Against this background, Europeans
2018 respectively).                                                                         of overheating. This has been the
                                                     must reclaim their common project
                                                                                            case for Turkey and Romania, and
Even a small reduction in the prima-                 and agree on the priorities and com-
                                                                                            more recently for Hungary.
ry surplus will quickly reverse this                 mon goods they wish to share at the
trend, particularly as nominal GDP                   Union level.                           In Turkey, continued policy mistakes
growth looks set to slow to 2.1% in                                                         have led to a currency and balance
                                                     This could prove challenging as the
2019. In our baseline scenario, we                                                          of payments crisis that has become
                                                     European elections approach and
expect the Italian government to                                                            full-blown in Q3 2018 and the econ-
                                                     national parties start entering the
tone down its ultra-expansive                                                               omy is now heading for a hard land-
                                                     electoral campaign. A balance be-
EUR125bn fiscal policy agenda                                                               ing and recession.
                                                     tween reforms and winning electoral
amid elevated market pressure (with
                                                     support would be government’s key In Romania, tepid monetary tighten-
only 40% of proposed measures im-
                                                     priority.                              ing has been implemented since the
plemented in 2019/20). The reversal
                                                                                            start of 2018 and the economy will
in the positive debt dynamics is likely              Indeed, the environment is challeng-
                                                                                            experience a sharp slowdown, but
to trigger a one-notch rating down-                  ing as our simulations based on cur-
                                                                                            inflation is still hovering around 5%.

The View by Economic Research

              Figure 3 Latin America country risk and economic growth
                       BB2       Mexico
                                      2.7%                                            D4    Venezuela
                       2.0% 2.3%

                        2017   2018    2019                                                           -5.0%
                        2017          2019
                                                                                           -13.0 -8.0%2019
                                                     2.7% 3.1%                             2017   2018   2019

                           BB1 Colombia
                                              2017   2018   2019

                                                C3     Ecuador                                                                       B3 Brazil
                                                              1.9% 1.7%
                                                                                                                                    1.0% 1.3%

                                                      2017     2018   2019
                                                                                                                                     2017   2018   2019

                                              BB1 Peru                4.5%
                                                                                                                 Uruguay BB2
                                                                                                                             2.5% 2.5%
                          Low risk
                                                               2017 2018
                                                              2017            2019
                          Medium risk
                                                                                                                     2017    2018    2019
                          Sensitive risk                            Chile      A1             2.9%
                          High risk                                   3.9%                                      C4     Argentina

              Data as of Q3 2018                              2017 2018       2019
                                                             2017              2019
                                                                                              2017   2018     2019

              Sources: IHS, IMF, Euler Hermes
                                                                                              2017           2019

              Elsewhere in Central Europe, labor     downward revision in Brazil’s fore-                                            reassure markets and preserve busi-
              markets have also overheated in        cast. In comparison, Andean coun-                                              ness confidence. We don’t expect a
              some places but without any impact     tries are faring well. In Argentina,                                           fiscal crisis in the immediate after-
              on inflation or the wider economy so   market tensions eased as a result of                                           math of the election (October 28th).
              far.                                   the IMF credit line, however poor                                              In 2019, we expect a moderate ac-
                                                     activity data and communication                                                celeration of growth to +2.5%. Exter-
              In Russia, new and tougher U.S.
                                                     errors of the government precipitat-                                           nal conditions will continue to tight-
              sanctions have adversely affected
                                                     ed a massive ARS peso sell-off (-50%                                           en and there will be no easy over-
              financial markets and should impact
                                                     ytd).                                                                          haul of the pension system.
              investment activity and growth in the
              medium term. Any short-term impact The consequent huge interest rate                                                  Two other countries are on the
              on the economy has been mostly         shock (+15pps to 60% policy rate), a                                           watchlist. The “Still Borderline but
              offset by higher oil prices and in-    bad harvest this year after the worst                                          Good Student”: Colombia, despite its
              creased oil output in 2018. Still, an- draught in decades, tight fiscal con-                                          twin deficits, the encouraging policy
              nual growth will remain subdued        solidation and runaway inflation                                               orientation and oil price develop-
              around +1.6% in 2018–2019 as struc- (40% at end-2018) should sink the                                                 ments are significantly lowering the
              tural rigidities persist.              country into recession (-3% in 2018, -                                         probability of policy mistakes.
                                                     2% in 2019). We identify three other
              The Eastern European region as a                                                                                      The “Not Yet Fully Out of the
                                                     vulnerable markets going forward:
              whole will experience a slowdown of                                                                                   Woods”: Mexico, sees positive trade
              growth from +3.9% in 2017 to +2.9% The “Fiscal Laggard”: Brazil, now the                                              developments, while external vul-
              in 2018 and +2% in 2019.               most vulnerable market in the re-                                              nerabilities are contained and mon-
                                                     gion, is a typical tightrope walker.                                           etary policy is proactive. The proba-
              Latin America’s recovery threatened
                                                     There are no external vulnerabilities,                                         bility of policy mistakes is moderate
              by headwinds
                                                     but public finance dynamics are                                                and so we need to carefully monitor
              We downgraded prospects for the        weak.                                                                          any signs of a resurging nationalistic
              region again (+1.2% in 2018, and                                                                                      stance on the oil sector in particular.
                                                     Our baseline scenario is that any
              +2.1% in 2019) because of the pro-
                                                     president-elect will take measures to
              jected recession in Argentina, and a

October 2018

Middle East still benefitting from the forecast is revised down by -1.3pp to                                    our previous scenario. In 2019, we
current commodity cycle                 +0.7%), but other commodity export-                                     still expect world growth to reach
                                        ers such as Algeria (+1.8% in 2018, -                                   3.1% y/y in 2019. Global insolvencies
In the Middle East, annual growth       0.7pp revision), Angola (+0%, -2pp                                      should be in line with this scenario.
will pick up from just +0.9% in 2017    revision) and to a lower extent Nige-                                   We expect our Global Insolvency
to around +2% in 2018–2019, mainly ria (-0.5pp revision to +2%) also dis-                                       Index to remain on the upside for a
because the GCC region is finally       appointed.                                                              second consecutive year in a row in
recovering from the recession. This is                                                                          2018 (to +7% from +6% in 2017) and
thanks to higher oil prices and the     This fading momentum is more se-
                                                                                                                to keep on increasing in 2019 (+5%).
revision of the OPEC deal in June       vere for the economies with already
2018, which will end the previous       high level of debt since it is weaken-                                  However, this global view masks
over-compliance with the deal since ing their overall liquidity. Zambia is a                                    uneven trends by regions and coun-
end-2016. In the non-GCC region,        case in point, with foreign reserves                                    tries: the decrease in insolvencies is
Iran will see a sharp growth deceler- depleting to just two months of im-                                       to remain on track in 2018 in North
ation in 2018 and recession in 2019 port cover.                                                                 America, but to soften in Western
due to the re-imposition of U.S. sanc- Otherwise, growth is still accelerat-                                    Europe, notably in France and Italy,
tions and secondary sanctions that                                                                              with several countries posting a re-
                                        ing in the regions that made more
were lifted in early 2016. Elsewhere, policy progresses in the past, such as                                    bound in insolvencies (UK, Nordics,
annual growth will remain robust in Egypt (+5.4% in 2018, from +4.2% in                                         Switzerland, Belgium). The improve-
Israel (around +3.7%) and muted in 2017) and Kenya (+6.5% in 2018,                                              ment in Brazil is likely to mark a
Lebanon (+1.5%) and Jordan                                                                                      pause in 2018 and postpone the
                                        from +4.9% in 2017).
(+2.2%).                                                                                                        decrease of insolvencies for Latin
                                        How will the whirlwind affect global                                    America as a whole to 2019.
Is the African recovery fading?
                                        insolvencies?                                                           The surge in insolvencies is expected
Africa’s growth is expected to stall in                                                                         to continue in China, notably for
                                        As a result of this whirlwind dynamic
2018 to +3.1% from +3.1% in 2017 (-                                                                             zombie companies, and to boost the
                                        originating in the US economic poli-
0.8pp revision). Key economies                                                                                  regional overall figures. The quasi-
                                        cy, we expect the world economy to
showed a deceptive cyclical mo-                                                                                 stabilization of insolvencies in Cen-
                                        grow by 3.2% y/y in 2018, the same
mentum, still weakened by a poor                                                                                tral and Eastern Europe will mask an
                                        as in 2017, representing a -0.1 ppt
political environment. South Africa is                                                                          increase in Poland and Turkey.
                                        downward revision compared with
the main bad surprise (the 2018

Figure 4 Insolvency Heat Map 2018
  Strongly              Taiwan (+6%)          Poland (+10%)         GLOBAL (+8%)          Slovakia (+80%) *
deteriorating                                                       Finland (+6%)           China (+50%)
    strictly more                                                                        Luxembourg (+24%)
     than +5%                                                                             Denmark (+13%)
                                                                                         Colombia (+10%) *
                                                                                         Switzerland (+8%)
                                                                                            Chile (+7%)
                                                                                           Norway (+6%)
Deteriorating            UK (+5%)             Sweden (+2%)                                  Turkey (+5%)
  or stable          South Africa (+5%)      Singapore (+0%)                               Australia (+3%)
    +0% to +5%         Austria (+3%)           Estonia (0%)                                Belgium (+3%)
                      Romania (+3%)                                                          Spain (0%)
                     New Zealand (+2%)
                        Japan (+0%)
                        Brazil (+0%)
                       Canada (-2%)                                 Bulgaria (-5%)          France (-4%)
                        Latvia (-2%)                                                         Italy (-4%)
     -5% to -1%        Germany (-4%)
                    The Netherlands (-5%)
                          US (-5%)
                      South Korea (-5%)
                      Hong-Kong (-5%)
                        Greece (-9%)        Czech Rep (-17%) *                             Hungary (-7%)
                        Russia (-6%)                                                       Morocco (-9%)
                                                                                           Ireland (-10%)
    strictly more                                                                         Portugal (-10%)
      than -5%                                                                            Lithuania (-20%)
                      Very low level           Low level             High level           Very high level
                                             (between 0% and       (between 1% and
                    (more than 10% below                                                (more than 10% above
                                            10% below the 2003-   10% above the 2003-
                     the 2003-2007 level)                                                the 2003-2007 level)
                                                2007 level)           2007 level)

(*) Historical data is not fully consistent because of changes in law or national figures
Sources: National statistics, Euler Hermes, Allianz Research

Director of Publications: Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist
       Euler Hermes Allianz Economic Research
       1, place des Saisons | 92048 Paris-La-Défense Cedex | France
       Phone +33 1 84 11 35 64 |
       A company of Allianz


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particularly in the banking business, the extent of credit defaults, (vii) interest rate levels, (viii) currency exchange rat es
including the EUR/USD exchange rate, (ix) changes in laws and regulations, including tax regulations, (x) the impact of
acquisitions, including related integration issues, and reorganization measures, and (xi) general competitive factors, in
each case on a local, regional, national and/or global basis. Many of these factors may be more likely to occur, or more
pronounced, as a result of terrorist activities and their consequences.

The company assumes no obligation to update any information or forward -looking statement contained herein, save for
any information required to be disclosed by law.

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