Regulatory Element by Guanine and Adenine Ligation-Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction

Page created by Julian Figueroa
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, May 1992, p. 2135-2142                                                                     Vol. 12, No. 5
Copyright C© 1992, American Society for Microbiology

        In Vivo Footprinting of the Human o-Globin Locus Upstream
            Regulatory Element by Guanine and Adenine Ligation-
                    Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction
          ERICH C. STRAUSS,"12 NANCY C. ANDREWS,' DOUGLAS R. HIGGS,3                            AND   STUART H.     ORKIN',3*
      Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Department of
           Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School,' Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2 and
            Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 3 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, and MRC Molecular Haematology
                Unit, Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, England4
                                         Received 4 November 1991/Accepted 12 February 1992

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             A major regulatory element required for expression of the human ao-globin genes is located 40 kb upstream
           of the embryonic C-globin gene. To understand how this and other locus control region (LCR) elements
           contribute to high-level expression in erythroid cells, we have performed high-resolution, in vivo dimethyl
           sulfate footprinting. In addition, we have modified the dimethyl sulfate-based ligation-mediated polymerase
           chain reaction in vivo footprinting procedure to permit the assessment of interactions at guanine and adenine
           residues, rather than guanines alone. In vivo footprinting of the human ca-LCR element carried on chromosome
           16 in a mouse erythroleukemia cell environment revealed protein occupancy at GATA-1, AP-1/NF-E2, and
           CACC/GGTGG motifs, specific differences compared with in vitro protein binding, and distinct changes in one
           region upon dimethyl sulfoxide-induced cellular maturation. No protein contacts were detected in nonexpress-
           ing hepatoma cells. In addition, we have demonstrated that two AP-1 motifs in the a-LCR element which are
           occupied in vivo bind purified mouse NF-E2 protein in vitro. Our data suggest that three proteins, GATA-1,
           NF-E2, and unknown CACC/GGTGG factors, are minimally required as DNA-binding proteins for the
           function of LCR-like elements. The juxtaposition and interaction of these factors with each other, and with
           accessory proteins not directly in contact with DNA, are likely to account for the relative position independence
           of the upstream globin regulatory elements.

   Expression of ox- and ,-like globin genes in developing               ,B-globin clusters in thalassemic individuals with deletions
erythroid cells is dependent on the integrity of distant,                encompassing these upstream regulatory elements provides
upstream regulatory elements, termed locus control regions               conclusive evidence of their role in vivo (7, 13).
(LCRs) (reviewed in reference 28). As first shown in studies                The functional activity of LCR elements is thought to be
of the human ,-globin gene complex, the LCR corresponds                  mediated through their interaction with both cell-specific and
to a region of chromatin exhibiting erythroid-specific DNase             ubiquitous nuclear proteins, perhaps in chromatin regions
I hypersensitivity (36). Linkage of the 13-LCR to globin, or             associated with nuclear matrix. To investigate the properties
unrelated, genes permits high-level, position-independent                of LCR elements and the basis of cell-specific gene expres-
erythroid expression of the linked gene in transgenic mice or            sion, DNA binding of nuclear proteins has been examined in
cultured cells (12). Indirect evidence suggests that the LCR             vitro (15, 22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34). These studies have
acts in synergy with promoter sequences to enhance tran-                 revealed multiple binding sites of several types that include
scription (2). Competition of individual genes in the 3-globin           motifs which bind the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1
cluster for productive interactions with the ,B-LCR may                  (reviewed in reference 28) (or closely related family mem-
contribute to differential regulation of the human fetal and             bers [37]), AP-1 and/or the erythroid AP-1 like activity (15,
adult globin (-y- and P-globin) genes (5, 8). Within the entire          22, 26, 27, 30, 34) termed NF-E2 (21), and proteins recog-
P-LCR, discrete regions of approximately 250 to 500 bp                   nizing CACC or GGTGG sequences (30, 33). However, in
encompassing the individual hypersensitive sites display                 vitro studies are limited in several respects. They may detect
partial activity (30, 31, 34). Interspecies sequence compari-            binding to sites that are unavailable in native chromatin and
sons demonstrate extraordinary sequence and spatial con-                 fail to reveal sites which bind proteins that are present in low
servation of these P-LCR segments in humans, mice, and                   concentrations in nuclear extracts or are displaced by more
goats (16, 23). Recently, Higgs and colleagues have identi-              abundant proteins with overlapping specificities. Further-
fied a region located 40 kb upstream of the embryonic                    more, in vitro analysis is insensitive to chromatin structure.
4-globin gene that appears to serve as an LCR-like element               For these reasons, we have used in vivo dimethyl sulfate
for the ot-globin cluster (14, 15). Like the 1-LCR, this                 (DMS) footprinting (9, 25) as a complementary method for
element is associated with erythroid-specific DNase I hyper-             dissection of LCR elements. In an effort to derive maximal
sensitivity, and it is capable of directing high-level a-globin          insights from this approach, we have analyzed a 350-bp
gene expression in stable erythroid cell lines and transgenic            region that appears to contain the major upstream regulatory
mice (14, 15). The inactivation of genes within the ax- or               activity of the ao-globin cluster (14, 15). In addition, we have
                                                                         modified the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction
                                                                         (LMPCR) in vivo footprinting procedure of Mueller and
      Corresponding author.                                              Wold (25) to permit the analysis of DNA-protein interactions
2136    STRAUSS ET AL.                                                                                       MOL. CELL. BIOL.

at both guanine and adenine residues, rather than at guanines      Guanine-specific piperidine cleavage of in vivo-methyl-
alone; we term this modified method GA-LMPCR in vivo            ated DNA was done according to Maxam and Gilbert (18).
footprinting.                                                   Piperidine cleavage products were precipitated in 0.3 M
   GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting detects occupancy of           sodium acetate with 2.5 volumes of ethanol. Trace amounts
specific protein binding sites in the a-globin regulatory       of piperidine were removed by repeated lyophilizations in a
element. The in vivo usage of binding sites differs in detail   SpeedVac concentrator. Guanine-specific cleavage products
from the pattern of proteins binding to naked DNA in vitro,     were resuspended in water at approximately 1 ,ug/ul.
and our results highlight a subregion that may reflect local-      In vivo footprinting. LMPCR genomic footprinting was
ized alterations of chromatin structure upon induction of       performed essentially as described by Mueller and Wold
erythroid maturation. With our demonstration that the eryth-    (25). After exponential amplification of the ligation products,
roid factor NF-E2 can bind the AP-1 motifs of the a-globin      the 100-pA reaction volume was transferred to a 1.5-ml tube
regulatory element, the composite in vitro and in vivo data     containing 295 pA of Taq stop buffer (260 mM sodium acetate
allow us to infer that GATA-1, NF-E2, and unknown CACC/         [pH 7.0], 10 mM Tris-HCI [pH 7.5], 4 mM EDTA [pH 8.0],
GGTGG factor(s) are minimally required as DNA-binding           35 ,ug of tRNA per ml); the solution was extracted once with
proteins for function of LCR-like elements. It is likely that   phenol-chloroform and precipitated with ethanol. The am-
the juxtaposition and interaction of these factors with each

                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from on March 1, 2021 by guest
                                                                plification reaction products were resuspended in 100 pI of
other, and with accessory proteins not directly contacting      water; 50 ,u was used in a three-cycle labeling reaction. The
DNA, account for the functional attributes of the regulatory    labeling reaction was processed as described above and
elements of the globin LCRs.                                    resuspended in 10 pI of formamide-dye; 1 to 2 pA was applied
                                                                to denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Gels were dried and
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                           exposed to Kodak X-AR film with an intensifying screen at
   Cell lines and cell culture. The interspecies human/mouse    -70°C for 15 to 45 h.
somatic cell hybrid line J3-8B was established by the method       Oligonucleotide primers. Oligonucleotides were synthe-
of Deisseroth and Hendrick (6) as modified by Zeitlin and       sized on an Applied Biosystems DNA synthesizer model
Weatherall (38). Cells were cultured in Ham's F12 medium        380B and gel purified prior to use. For top- and bottom-
supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum; J3-8B cells contain-    strand LMPCR genomic footprinting analysis, specific
ing human chromosome 16 were selected with methotrexate         primer sets were used for the Sequenase extension reaction
(10 ,M), adenine (0.1 mM), and thymidine (30 ,M). HepG2         (primer 1), the PCR amplification reaction (primer 2), and the
cells were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium       labeling reaction (primer 3). Primer sets for top-strand anal-
with 10% fetal calf serum. K562 cells (32) were cultured in     ysis were as follows:
RPMI 1640 medium containing 10% fetal calf serum.                 S.1: 1, CTTCAGCTCCAGATGAAGAACG
   Methylation and isolation of genomic DNA. J3-8B cells                  2, AACGTATTTACTGTCTGGGTCAGGC
were induced by addition of 1.5% dimethyl sulfoxide                       3, CTGTCTGGGTCAGGCTTTGCCCCTG
(DMSO) 48 h prior to in vivo methylation. In vivo methyla-        S.2: 1, TCCAGAAGCAOTGAGTCATG
tion of cultured cells with DMS was done by the procedure                 2, GAGTCATGGTTGGCCCAGTTATCTG
of Becker and Schutz (3). In vitro DMS methylation of                     3, GGCCCAGTTATCTGCTCCCTCAAGTG
control protein-free DNA was performed according to                Primer sets for bottom-strand analysis were as follows:
Maxam and Gilbert (18). In vivo-methylated and control            AS.i: 1, AAGAGCTCCTTCTGCAACCAT
protein-free genomic DNAs were prepared by lysing cells in                 2, CCATGATGACTGGGTCAAAGGACAG
harvest buffer (200 mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 100 mM EDTA,                     3, TGGGTCAAAGGACAGTGCAGGAGGCTC
1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.2 mg of proteinase K per ml)         AS.2: 1, CAACCATGACTCAGTGCTTC
for 3 to 4 h at 37°C. Sodium perchlorate was added to 1 M;                 2, TTCTGGAGGCCAACAGGACTGCT
the mixture was extracted four times with phenol-chloro-                   3, GGCCAACAGGACTGCTGAGTCATCCTG
form, precipitated with 2.5 volumes of ethanol, and resus-         NF-E2 binding studies. NF-E2, purified from mouse eryth-
pended in 10 mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.5)-i mM EDTA-10 ,g of            roleukemic (MEL) cells by affinity chromatography (la),
RNase A per ml; digestion of RNA was performed at 4°C for       was used in gel shift assays (1) as follows. For each reaction,
15 to 20 h. The solution was extracted twice with phenol-       a small aliquot (estimated 5 fmol) of purified NF-E2 was
chloroform, precipitated in 0.3 M sodium acetate with 2.5       incubated with 1 ng (2 x 104 dpm) of end-labeled 80-bp DNA
volumes of ethanol, and resuspended in 10 mM Tris-HCI (pH       fragment containing the 46-bp NF-E2 binding site from
7.5)-i mM EDTA at a final concentration of 1 to 2 mg/ml.        DNase-hypersensitive site 2 (HS 2) of the human P-LCR in
   Base-specific DNA cleavage. The guanine/adenine-specific     10% glycerol-60 mM potassium chloride-20 mM N-2-hy-
cleavage of methylated DNA was modified from the G>A            droxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-
chemistry described by Maxam and Gilbert (19). Specifi-         KOH (pH 7.9)-6 mM magnesium chloride-1 mM dithiothre-
cally, water and 30 ,g of methylated genomic DNA were           itol-0.2 mM EDTA-1 mg of bovine serum albumin per ml-50
combined to a volume of 100 ,u, an equal volume of 20 mM        ,g of poly(dI-dC) per ml with or without 0.5 ,ug of nonra-
sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) was added, and the solution was       dioactive oligonucleotide competitor per ml for 20 minutes at
mixed and incubated at 90°C for 15 min. The reaction            room temperature. The samples were then electrophoresed
mixtures were collected by brief centrifugation and trans-      at 17 V/cm through a 5% acrylamide (19:1 acrylamide/
ferred to ice; 20 ,u of 1 M sodium hydroxide was added, and     bisacrylamide)-0.5 x Tris-borate-EDTA gel at room temper-
the solution was mixed well and incubated at 90°C for 30        ature for about 90 min. Oligonucleotide competitors (top
min. The reaction mixtures were collected again by brief        strand) were as follows: porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD)
centrifugation, neutralized with 1 M HCI, and precipitated in   promoter, GATCCTGGGGAACCTGTGCTGAGTCACTG
0.3 M sodium acetate with 2.5 volumes of ethanol. Guanine/      GAGG; mutant 1 PBGD promoter, GATCCTGGGGAACC
adenine-specific cleavage products were resuspended in          TGTTCTGAGTCACTGGAGG; mutant 2 PBGD promoter,
water at approximately 1 ,ug/ul.                                GATCCTGGGGAACCTGAGCTGAGTCAGTGGAG; and
VOL. 12, 1992                                                            IN VIVO FOOTPRINTING OF THE oa-GLOBIN LCR ELEMENT                    2137

                     A & G ~A
                                           B   2                 G                Fig. 1B, GA-cleavage chemistry reveals protection of two
                                                                                  adenines in J3-8B cells but not in either K562 or HepG2
                           G                                     G

                                                                                  cells. We draw two inferences from these data. First, GA-
                                                   -   _
                                                                                  cleavage chemistry provides information not obtainable with
                                                                                  G chemistry alone. Second, K562 cells, though partially
                                GATA   1                   -A        o
                                                                                  erythroid in phenotype, may be inadequate for the detection
                           T                                     T
                                                                                  of in vivo footprints at many erythroid regulatory elements.
                                                                                  Of the multiple regions that displayed protein occupancy in
                           c                                     c                J3-8B cells, only a few corresponding sites showed detect-
                                                                 G                able, but less extensive, in vivo footprints in hemin-treated
  FIG. 1. Analysis of in situ, DNA-protein interactions at the
                                                                                  K562 cells; no in vivo footprints were observed in uninduced
nonconsensus   GATA-1 binding site in the ot-LCR element, using                   K562 cells. Presumably these differences are attributable to
guanine (A) and guanine/adenine (B) LMPCR in vivo footprinting.                   variability in expression and/or heterogeneity in the cellular
Expressing cell lines include in vivo-methylated J3-8B and K562; in               commitment of our K562 cell line. The lack of an in vivo
vivo-methylated HepG2 cells were used as a nonexpressing control.                 footprint in HepG2 cells is most consistent with inaccessi-

                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from on March 1, 2021 by guest
K562 cells were treated with 30 ,uM hemin for 2 days prior to in vivo             bility of the ct-LCR element in nonerythroid (non-globin-
methylation; J3-8B cells were treated with DMSO as described in                   expressing) cells and the absence of GATA-1 protein in cells
Materials and Methods. The same preparations of methylated DNA                    of hepatic origin (35, 39).
were used for the two experiments.                                                   In vivo DMS footprinting of the human a-LCR element.
                                                                                  The major functional activity of the ox-LCR element has been
                                                                                  localized to a 350-bp region (15). We have examined this
o.1,    TGGGCCAACCATGACTCAGTGCTTCTG; and a.2,                                     region by GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting. The analysis was
AACAGGACTGCTGAGTCATCCTGTGGG.                                                      performed in uninduced and DMSO-induced J3-8B cells.
                                                                                  Comparison was made with in vivo-methylated DNA from
                                                                                  HepG2 cells and with in vitro-methylated, protein-free
                                 RESULTS                                          DNA.
                                                                                     The human a-LCR element contains several motifs that
  GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting. In vivo footprinting has                         are bound by proteins present in nuclear extracts of eryth-
generally involved the use of DMS, an alkylating agent that                       roid and nonerythroid cells (15). These include four potential
penetrates the nucleus of intact cells to methylate genomic                       binding sites for the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1,
DNA at the N-7 position of guanines and the N-3 position                          two potential sites for AP-1 and/or the erythroid-factor
of adenines (3). Proteins bound at, or adjacent to, these                         designated NF-E2, and four potential sites for factors that
purine residues may either reduce (protect) or increase                           recognize CACC/GGTGG elements. Using DNase I foot-
(enhance) the frequency of DMS methylation in vivo in                             printing and gel shift analyses, Jarman et al. (15) have
comparison with protein-free, control DNA. Since adenines                         demonstrated in vitro interactions with many of these motifs
are methylated less efficiently than guanines (19) and the N-7                    in the a-LCR element. GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting of
position of guanines resides in the major groove of DNA, a                        the region is displayed in Fig. 2 to 4 and summarized in Fig.
common site for binding proteins, the reactivity of guanine                       5. In nonerythroid HepG2 cells, no discernible footprint was
residues has been used exclusively for in vivo footprinting                       evident throughout the entire oa-LCR. In vivo footprints
studies of complex genomes. However, an analysis re-                              detected in J3-8B cells were unchanged following DMSO-
stricted to guanines is inherently limited in its informative-                    induced erythroid maturation with the single exception of an
ness.                                                                             induced hypersensitivity in a region outside the previously
   In vivo footprinting may also be limited by heterogeneity                      recognized binding motifs. Protein occupancy of each motif
in the cell population studied (25). Cell heterogeneity with                      is described below.
regard to level of gene expression, stage of differentiation, or                     GATA elements. Sequences of the general form (T/A)GA
cell type may compromise or obscure observable in vivo                            TA(A/G) (11) bind the abundant, erythroid transcription
protein-DNA interactions.                                                         factor GATA-1 (10, 35). Of four potential GATA-1 binding
   Two aspects of our experiments were critical to a com-                         sites in the ao-LCR element, including a nonconsensus site
plete in vivo footprinting analysis of the human a-globin                         (TGA1T7A), only three display protections or enhancements
regulatory element. First, we modified DNA cleavage con-                          in vivo in J3-8B cells (Fig. 2, 4, and 5). The upstream GATA
ditions to permit scoring of adenine as well as guanine                           site identified by in vitro binding studies (15) is not contacted
residue contacts (GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting). Second,                         in vivo.
we compared footprints of the same chromatin region in                               AP-1/NF-E2 elements. Two AP-1 consensus sites [TGA(C/
different cellular environments. In this regard, we examined                      G)TCA] reside in the central portion of the a-LCR element.
the human chromosome 16 a-LCR element in K562 cells,                              Motifs of this variety are bound by a multiplicity of proteins
which exhibit erythroid, megakaryocytic, and myeloid prop-                        in vitro, including an erythroid-restricted factor (NF-E2).
erties (17, 32), in MEL cells containing a single human                           This factor, which was first identified through study of the
chromosome 16 (line J3-8B), and in nonerythroid hepatoma                          erythroid promoter of the PBGD gene (20, 21), appears to
(HepG2) cells.                                                                    mediate enhancer activity of a segment of human P-LCR HS
   As shown by the example in Fig. 1, the combined use of                         2 encompassing an AP-1 dimer motif (22, 26, 27, 33).
GA-cleavage chemistry and MEL hybrid cells greatly en-                            GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting reveals strong protections
hances the power of this technique at elements in which G                         and enhancements over both AP-1/NF-E2 motifs in the
residues are not contacted. With G chemistry alone, no in                         oa-LCR element (Fig. 2, 4, and 5). Jarman et al. (15) observed
vivo footprint is detected in either J3-8B hybrid or noneryth-                    in vitro footprints in this region in both erythroid and
roid HepG2 cells in the vicinity of a potential GATA motif in                     nonerythroid cells. Although they identified an erythroid-
the human oa-LCR element (Fig. 1A). However, as shown in                          specific gel shift complex corresponding to NF-E2 with use
2138     STRAUSS ET AL.




                                                                                1     2
                                                                                               3      4

                                                                                                              -o   CATA -1





                                                                                                                                                                                 MOL. CELL. BIOL.


                        ..    ....

                                                                   4~ ~               -        ~U                            -        ___
                                                                                                                                              -    m

                                                                                _u-   ___m            4m      -*             im           a~am~

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                                                                                                                .J_Al'- I
                                                                                                              -o1 N g 1-.2

                                ~~I. -> "m                         j__
                                                                    u..                        _
                                                                                              -....       _
                                                                                                      ,       -o             E        m           Il       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(;T

                                          (A ISl'l'

                                                                                      iiU                                    - -. -.
                                                                       ATA 'I                                                -       oh            mm

   FIG. 2. In vivo DMS footprinting of the top strand of the human a-LCR element, using primer sets S.1 (A and B) and S.2 (C). Lanes: 1,
in vitro-methylated protein-free K562 DNA; 2, in vivo-methylated HepG2 DNA; 3, in vivo-methylated J3-8B DNA (uninduced cells); 4, in
vivo-methylated J3-8B DNA (DMSO-induced cells). Protections are indicated by open circles; enhancements are represented by closed
circles. A solid arrow corresponds to a hypersensitive guanine between the two downstream GATA elements.

of human erythroleukemia nuclear extracts, no such gel shift                                             Induced hypersensitivity between two GATA elements. An
was seen with MEL extracts, possibly because of unfavor-                                              aim of in vivo footprinting experiments is the identification
able experimental conditions. As shown below, we provide                                              of novel protein-DNA interactions that might account for the
evidence that both AP-1/NF-E2 motifs are, in fact, suitable                                           relative position independence and potent enhancer activity
targets for the binding of murine NF-E2.                                                              of LCR regions. Between the two downstream GATA motifs
   CACC/GGTGG elements. Sequence motifs of this type are                                              contacted in vivo, we observe a discrete region character-
widely seen in globin gene promoters and in the 3-LCR.                                                ized by a protection and a weak hypersensitivity on the
Within the ,B-LCR HS 3, these motifs are found associated                                             bottom strand and a strong hypersensitivity on the top strand
with GATA consensus sites. Although the ubiquitous tran-                                              in either uninduced or induced J3-8B cells (Fig. 2, 4, and 5).
scription factor Spl will bind to these sites, other proteins                                         In DMSO-treated cells, the weak hypersensitivity on the
also appear to bind in vitro, although none have been                                                 bottom strand becomes distinctly pronounced (Fig. 4). To
demonstrated to be erythroid specific (33). Of four potential                                         investigate whether this region binds nuclear proteins in
binding sites of the CAC/GT class, only one is occupied in                                            vitro, gel shift experiments were performed. An oligonucle-
vivo in J3-8B cells (Fig. 2 to 5). An expanded, high-                                                 otide probe corresponding to the region between the two
resolution analysis of the top strand encompassing this                                               downstream GATA elements was incubated with nuclear
element is shown in Fig. 3. In the in vitro analyses of Jarman                                        extracts (1) from NIH 3T3, uninduced MEL, and DMSO-
et al. (15), protein binding to this element was not observed;                                        induced MEL cells. Several complexes were detected, and
conversely, in vitro binding to sequences upstream of this                                            their binding specificities were determined by competition
CAC/GT motif was noted.                                                                               experiments (not shown). Our findings from this analysis
                                                                                                      indicate that the in vitro binding specificity of these com-
                                                                                                      plexes is determined by sequences which are not coincident
                    I   2            3       4       C
                                                      C; (188)                                        with the in vivo protection and hypersensitivities. Thus, the
                                                      G                                               protection and hypersensitivity observed in both uninduced
                                                     A                                                and induced J3-8B cells, as well as the inducible hypersen-
                                                                                                      sitivity, may reflect local chromatin structure, perhaps re-
                  ___                    j            G          CAC                                  sulting from the interaction of bound GATA-1 molecules or
                                                              TT                                      their interaction with other proteins that may not directly
                                                      Ge                                              contact DNA. Similar hypersensitivities have been detected
                                                      A (201)
                                                                                                      upstream of a GATA-binding site in the human 3-globin HS
  FIG. 3. High-resolution analysis of the top-strand CACCC/GT                                         2 in a region where the primary sequence is distinct from that
element by in vivo DMS footprinting. Lanes: 1, in vitro-methylated                                    of the ot-LCR element (32a). Alternatively, the protection
protein-free K562 DNA; 2, in vivo-methylated HepG2 DNA; 3, in                                         and hypersensitivities may represent in vivo protein occu-
vivo-methylated J3-8B DNA (uninduced cells); 4, in vivo-methyl-                                       pancy that in vitro binding studies fail to detect, possibly as
ated J3-8B DNA (DMSO-induced cells). Protections are indicated                                        a result of low abundance or instability of the relevant
by open circles; an enhancement is represented by a closed circle.                                    protein in erythroid nuclear extracts.
VOL. 12, 1992




                              -_"_ _

                                    A3   4

                                         _ ICAC


                                                          .  IN VIVO FOOTPRINTING OF THE a-GLOBIN LCR ELEMENT


                                                          4 6*18-^


                                                        w w -f_ 0 I NF-E2



                                                                                                                       3     4




                                                                                                                                                I GATA 1

                                                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from on March 1, 2021 by guest
                                                          w-s---.~ ~~a. aU     -No|-E2                                                          GATA -   I



   FIG. 4. In vivo DMS footprinting of the bottom strand of the human a-LCR element, using primer sets AS.1 (A and B) and AS.2 (C).
Lanes: 1, in vitro-methylated protein-free K562 DNA; 2, in vivo-methylated HepG2 DNA; 3, in vivo-methylated J3-8B DNA (uninduced
cells); 4, in vivo-methylated J3-8B DNA (DMSO-induced cells). Protections are indicated by open circles; enhancements are represented by
closed circles; a protected adenine between the downstream GATA motifs is indicated with an open arrow; an inducible hypersensitivity in
this region is indicated with a closed arrow.
                                                                      A          GATA-1
   Binding of NF-E2 to the AP-1/NF-E2 motifs of the a-LCR
element. While in vivo footprinting reveals protein occu-                       CACYGT                                                                                      GATA-1
pancy of the ao-LCR element AP-1 motifs, it provides no                                                                                                             *_zoo     oo
specific information regarding the nature of the interacting
proteins. Though these elements bind putative AP-1-related
proteins in vitro (15), they may be targets for the erythroid                                    AP-/NF-E2                                                        AP-VNF-E2
factor NF-E2 in vivo. This is of interest in two respects.                                                                                                                           168
First, the upstream motif differs at one position from the                      CCCTGGIC
                                                                                                          0            000                                    0         0
proposed NF-E2 consensus binding site (ACTGAGTCA                                      CAC/GT CACTCAYGT                                                            GATA-1
versus GCTGAGTCA). Second, if the AP-1/NF-E2 motifs in
the a-LCR element are functionally analogous to those in
,-LCR HS 2, we might anticipate that they would specifi-                                                                                                           00
cally bind NF-E2.                                                                                                          GATA-1
   To evaluate protein binding to these sites in the a-LCR                                                    0              0 0
element, we have used gel shift analysis with highly purified                   WryG             T=T                                       --_                                       , 280
mouse NF-E2. In other studies, we have shown that affinity-
                                                                                                 _                         aA
purified NF-E2 is distinct from other AP-1 binding activities,
is unrelated to known Jun, Fos, or Fra proteins, and corre-
lates best with a polypeptide(s) of about 43 kDa (lb). For this                 B                    GATA.1
                                                                                                                      GT     GATA-1 NF-C
                                                                                                                                           AB      MCr
                                                                                                                                                 N1.0 GT
                                                                                                                                                                   GT   GATA1   GATAA

experiment, we have used the tandem AP-1/NF-E2 sites of                         In vitro
,-LCR HS 2 as a probe and excess, nonradioactive oligonu-
cleotides as specific competitors. As shown in Fig. 6, excess
oligonucleotides bearing either of the two AP-1/NF-E2 mo-
tifs from the ot-LCR element strongly compete for binding of                    In      vivo                  _                  _
labeled probe to purified NF-E2 (lanes 5 and 6), as does a
PBGD promoter oligonucleotide (lane 2). Although two                             FIG. 5. (A) Summary of altered DMS reactivities in the human
synthetic AP-1-like sites (PBGD promoter mutant 1 and                          ax-LCR element. Protections are indicated by open circles; enhance-
mutant 2; lanes 3 and 4) do not compete with the labeled                       ments are represented by closed circles. Hypersensitive sites be-
probe, they are still able to bind AP-1 (not shown). Of                        tween two GATA-1 binding sites are represented by closed arrows;
                                                                               an associated protection is indicated by an open arrow. (B) Sche-
interest, one of the sequences which does not compete                          matic comparison of in vitro and in vivo footprinting analyses of the
(PBGD mutant 2) contains the proposed NF-E2 consensus                          a-LCR element. Potential binding sites where no footprints were
binding sequence (20, 21, 26, 33). This finding agrees with                    observed are represented by open boxes; protein occupancy of
other data that indicate that the NF-E2 binding site is more                   regulatory motifs is indicated by closed boxes. A protection and two
complex than previously appreciated (la). Our in vitro                         hypersensitivities detected by in vivo footprinting are designated
protein binding studies, therefore, demonstrate that purified                  with open and closed arrows, respectively.
2140     STRAUSS ET AL.                                                                                           MOL. CELL. BIOL.

                                                                     region which has not been shown to bind proteins in vitro. A
                Comnpetitor:   -                    Y       -        schematic comparison of the in vitro and in vivo footprinting
                                                                     results is shown in Fig. 5B. In contrast with the P-LCR,
                                                                     which spans several kilobases (12), the majority of the
                                                                     activity of the ot-LCR has been localized to 350 bp (14, 15).
                                                                     Our results suggest that the a-LCR element is remarkably
                                                                     compact: six binding sites in erythroid cells are occupied in
                                                                     vivo within 150 bp. Delineation of all sites or protein contact
                                                                     and developmental changes in chromatin in this small region
                                                                     should guide functional analyses.
                  -}2-         IW
                                        g"                              Functional dissection of LCR elements in transgenic mice
                                                                     and cultured cells, in vitro DNase I footprinting and gel shift
                                                                     analyses, and the in vivo footprinting results presented here
                                                                     underscore features in common between the oa-LCR element
                                                                     and active core regions of the 1-LCR. These include multi-
                                                                     plicity of potential binding sites for GATA-1 and association

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from on March 1, 2021 by guest
                                                                     of these sites with AP-1/NF-E2 and CACC/GGTGG motifs.
                                                                     In 3-LCR HS 2, GATA and AP-1/NF-E2 motifs are juxta-
                                                                     posed and conserved among species (16, 23, 24, 31, 34).
                                                                     Multiple GATA and CACC/GGTGG elements are found in
                                                                     association in HS 3 (30). In the a-LCR element, all three
                                                                     types of motifs are present and are occupied in vivo. Two of
                                                                     the sites bound by proteins in vivo do not strictly conform to
                               1    2   3   4   5
                                                                     the accepted consensus sequences for GATA-1 and NF-E2
   FIG. 6. Binding of purified NF-E2 to both AP-1/NF-E2 sites in     binding. An atypical GATA-motif (TGATTA) is occupied in
the cx-LCR element. Purified NF-E2 was incubated with a probe        vivo (Fig. 1B, 2, and 4) and also bound by GATA-1 in vitro.
carrying the ,3-LCR NF-E2 sites in the absence (lanes 1 and 7) and
presence (remaining lanes) of excess unlabeled oligonucleotide
                                                                     In other studies, we have found that sequences of this form
competitors. The sequences of oligonucleotides are shown in Mate-    are high-affinity GATA-1 targets (19a). Whereas the down-
rials and Methods. Disappearance of the gel shift complex reflects   stream AP-1/NF-E2 site of the ot-LCR element matches the
NF-E2 binding by the oligonucleotide. The less intense band seen     proposed NF-E2 consensus site (20, 26, 27), the upstream
just below the major complex most likely results from binding of     differs slightly (ACTGAGTCA versus GCTGAGTCA).
partially proteolyzed NF-E2.                                         Nonetheless, highly purified NF-E2 binds both AP-1/NF-E2
                                                                     motifs of this element (Fig. 6). Given the parallels between
                                                                     the oa-LCR and P-LCR HS 2, it is most likely that NF-E2 is
                                                                     the protein occupying the AP-1/NF-E2 sites of the ot-LCR
NF-E2 binds the AP-1/NF-E2 motifs in the ot-LCR element.             element in expressing cells.
This result is consistent with the emerging view that NF-E2             Globin LCRs are distinguished by their capacity to confer
may play an important role in the function of such regulatory        relative position-independent expression on linked genes. A
elements.                                                            goal of current efforts is the delineation of mechanisms
                                                                     responsible for this phenomenon. Several possibilities might
                          DISCUSSION                                 account for the unique properties of these elements. First, a
                                                                     chromatin domain might be opened upon DNA binding of a
   Of the methods available to analyze mechanisms of gene            specific protein, distinct from proteins which interact with
control, only in vivo footprinting assesses DNA-protein              GATA, AP-1/NF-E2, and CACC/GGTGG motifs. Alterna-
interactions in situ. In vivo footprinting may reveal tissue-        tively, the factors binding these characterized motifs might
specific binding of ubiquitous proteins, discriminate poten-         act in concert to open a closed chromatin domain during
tial binding sites that are available or inaccessible, monitor       hematopoietic differentiation and/or prevent closure during
changing profiles of protein occupancy at overlapping DNA            development. Altered chromatin structures thus generated
elements, and detect active chromatin structures (4, 9, 25,          might be revealed by in vivo footprinting as protections or
29). In this study, we have extended the analytical potential        enhancements in regions not recognized by nuclear proteins
of LMPCR in vivo footprinting by examining DMS methyl-               in vitro. The altered methylation pattern detected between
ation of adenine as well as guanine residues. Hence, infor-          the two downstream GATA elements of the ao-LCR element
mation can be obtained regarding all purine-protein contacts.        may reflect such changes in chromatin structure, probably
The additional resolution and sensitivity afforded by this           attributable to interactions of bound GATA-1-, NF-E2-, and
modification have been indispensable for detailed analysis of        CACC/GGTGG-binding proteins with each other and with
a major regulatory element of human globin genes.                    additional nuclear proteins that do not directly contact
   Jarman et al. recently reported in vitro studies of protein       DNA. These findings may help resolve the paradox that the
binding to the 350-bp core of an ao-LCR element by using             same repertoire of protein-DNA interactions is evident in
DNase I footprinting and gel shift analyses (15). Their study        cells poised to undergo terminal differentiation and in cells
demonstrated protein binding to various sites on naked               which have been induced to differentiate further. Subtle
DNA. With GA-LMPCR in vivo footprinting, we have                     alterations in protein-protein interactions or posttransla-
investigated occupancy of these sites on human chromo-               tional modifications of preexisting nuclear factors may trans-
some 16 in the context of an active erythroid environment.           duce signals for differentiation and, in this particular in-
We find specific differences in the occupancy of sites in vivo       stance, high-level ox-globin gene expression. These changes
compared with protein binding in vitro and detect a protec-          might activate chromatin without modifying protein-DNA
tion, hypersensitivity, and inducible hypersensitivity in a          contacts themselves. Remarkably, the DNA-binding sites
VOL. 12, 1992                                               IN VIVO FOOTPRINTING OF THE ot-GLOBIN LCR ELEMENT                           2141

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