Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework

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Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Performance Improvement

Review for the
New Zealand Transport Agency
Waka Kotahi

April 2018

                 Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   a
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Accepting the Challenge                                                               3
The New Zealand Transport Agency’s commitment                                          4
Central Agency support                                                                 9

The Challenge                                                                       11
Four-year Excellence Horizon                                                         12
Performance Challenge                                                                14
What will success look like?                                                         20

Strengths and Opportunities                                                         24
Overview                                                                             25
Strengths and opportunities in detail                                                27

Appendices                                                                          53
Lead Reviewers’ acknowledgement                                                      54
About the New Zealand Transport Agency                                               55
Framework Questions                                                                  56
Ratings Scale                                                                        57
Interviewees                                                                         58

Introducing the New Zealand
Transport Agency’s Lead Reviewers

Dr Paul Reynolds                                                                              Dr Keith Turner
Dr Reynolds currently serves as Deputy Chair of Landcare Research                             Dr Turner is a professional director and is currently Chair of Fisher
Limited, director of AgResearch Limited, Chair of the Sir Peter Blake                         and Paykel Appliances Limited and Chair of specialist engineering
Trust, a trustee of the Eastland Community Trust and Chair of the Our                         consultancy Damwatch. He has several Australian directorships:
Land and Water National Science Challenge.                                                    South Australia Power Networks; NSW TransGrid and Victoria
                                                                                              Power Networks Pty Limited. He has recently completed his term
He was Chief Executive at the Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
                                                                                              as a director of Chorus Limited and has previously served on the
from 2008 to 2015, when he also led the Natural Resources Sector
                                                                                              Board of Spark Infrastructure, an Australian listed company, as
Group of Chief Executives and served as chair of the Leadership
                                                                                              Chair of Emirates Team New Zealand and Deputy Chair of Auckland
Development Centre and the Advisory Board to the Victoria University
                                                                                              International Airport Limited.
of Wellington School of Government. Previous senior public service
roles were at the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology                                Dr Turner has 40 years’ executive experience in the New Zealand
and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Dr Reynolds began his                           power industry, including as CEO of Meridian Energy, from its
career as a research scientist at the University of Missouri, then at the                     establishment in 1999 to 2008. He holds a PhD in electrical
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and HortResearch.                            engineering and is a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of
He holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Otago.                                  Professional Engineers of New Zealand.
He has been a Lead Reviewer for the PIF Reviews of Ministry for                               He has been a Lead Reviewer for the PIF Review of Ministry of
Pacific Peoples, Crown Law Office, Ministry for the Environment and                           Transport.
Ministry of Transport and for the PIF Follow-up Review of the Ministry
of Culture and Heritage.

Published April 2018. ISBN 978-0-478-43488-0 (Online) Web address:
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                                                                       Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
The Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) enables
State Service leaders to identify opportunities for
improvement, building positive outcomes for
New Zealand.

PIF is designed for agencies in the New Zealand State sector.
The PIF Review is a valuable tool that helps leaders drive organisational change.
Change that will improve future agency performance, resulting in the delivery of
better public services.
Independent reviewers lead each PIF Review. They have significant leadership
experience across New Zealand’s public and private sectors. Their fresh
perspective helps to stimulate ‘new thinking’ amongst agency leaders as they
grapple with the critical issues and challenges that lie ahead for their agency.
The Review is a future-focused exercise. The reviewers consider the questions:
what is the contribution New Zealand needs from this agency and what is the
performance challenge to make that contribution over the next four years?
Taking a four-year horizon encourages medium-term strategic thinking and
helps leaders and agency staff to understand what success would look like.
Then, by considering current capability to meet future challenges, the reviewers
evaluate the agency’s preparedness for the future and describe its performance        Peter Hughes
improvement priorities.                                                               State Services Commissioner
Each PIF Review delivers a published report, ensuring transparency and
supporting accountability to New Zealanders.

The PIF Review is a valuable tool that helps
leaders drive organisational change.

                                                  Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   1
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Performance Improvement Framework

                      Four-year Excellence Horizon
           What is the agency’s performance improvement challenge?

                                Delivering Government Priorities
                          How well is the agency responding to government priorities?

                                         Delivering Core Business
    In each core business area, how well does the agency deliver value to its customers and New Zealanders?
          In each core business area, how well does the agency demonstrate increased value over time?
                     How well does the agency exercise its stewardship role over regulation?

                                    Organisational Management
                       How well is the agency positioned to deliver now and in the future?

   Leadership and         Delivery for            Relationships              People               Financial and
     Direction          Customers and                                     Development               Resource
                        New Zealanders                                                            Management

  Purpose, Vision       Customers                Engagement with        Leadership              Asset
  and Strategy          Operating Model          Ministers              and Workforce           Management
  Leadership and                                 Sector                 Development             Information
                        Collaboration and
  Governance            Partnerships             Contribution           Management              Management
                                                                        of People               Financial
  Values, Behaviour     Experiences of
                                                                        Performance             Management
  and Culture           the public
                                                                        Engagement with         Risk Management

                                            Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   2
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Accepting the
                                                 In this section:
  New Zealand Transport Agency’s commitment
                      Central Agency support

          Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   3
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
New Zealand Transport
Agency’s commitment

He Waka Kotahi, He                        Technology is making rapid changes        The challenge now is to ensure
                                          to the way people connect and the         effective implementation of the
waka eke noa                              transport choices they have.              organisational changes we have
‘Together on one                          These fundamental changes are
                                                                                    made to bring the strategy to life and
                                                                                    maintain the trajectory and increase
canoe with no                             inevitable, and exciting, and require
                                                                                    the pace of improvements.
                                          revolutionary as well as evolutionary
exception moving in                       responses. The changes we are             We welcome the reviewers’
the right direction’                      making are so we are well-positioned      endorsement of our strategy and
Every organisation should                 to adapt to what customers and            operating model and agree with
continuously look to the future of        citizens need from us today and           them that effective implementation of
where it wants to be and what it          tomorrow.                                 the operating model is a significant
needs to achieve. Our 2016 PIF Self-                                                challenge. We are well aware that
                                          The essence of our strategy is to
assessment set us on a path of being                                                success depends on our leaders,
                                          think: system rather than networks;
ready for the future and as a result                                                in particular, living the three DNA
                                          people rather than vehicles; and
the NZ Transport Agency made some                                                   attributes and implementing a ’team-
                                          partnerships to create more customer
significant and fundamental changes                                                 of-teams’ approach to bring the full
                                          value. The desired behaviours to bring
to our strategy, culture and operating                                              potential of the operating model to life.
                                          the strategy to life are to be curious,
model. The 2017 independent PIF           collaborative and customer-focused.
Review has validated those changes        Locking in these changes is our new
and provided valuable insights for        operating model that, together with a
further improvement.                      supporting organisational structure,
We are grateful to the many staff,        business processes and delegations,
customers, council co-investment          took effect from 3 July 2017.
partners, and other stakeholders and      These changes mean that we are
service providers who provided their      now even better placed to play our
perspectives to the reviewers. The        role on behalf of the Government          The essence of our
feedback and the reviewers’ insights
have provided us with well-grounded
                                          of enabling journeys that provide
                                          efficient, affordable and safe access
                                                                                    strategy is to think:
outside-in perspectives about the         to housing, healthcare, education and     system rather than
challenges and opportunities we face,
our strengths, and the areas where
                                          jobs and support social and economic
                                          development generally. Our foundation
                                                                                    networks; people rather
we can lift our performance. Such         is we have become a complete end-to-      than vehicles; and
feedback is essential to being relevant
and delivering better connected
                                          end planner-designer-builder-operator-
                                          regulator. We’re able to deliver any
                                                                                    partnerships to create
journeys for customers and citizens.      type of land transport infrastructure     more customer value.
We are on the cusp of a
                                          and services.                             The desired behaviours
transport revolution                                                                to bring the strategy to
The world is changing. Customers’                                                   life are to be curious,
expectations are changing and they
expect the NZ Transport Agency to
                                                                                    collaborative and
understand and meet their needs.                                                    customer-focused.
Technology is also changing at a rapid
rate – and today’s transport system
has technology at its core.

                                                Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   4
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
How we will respond                        More broadly, we are implementing           will inform system-focused thinking.
                                           our system-focused approach by              This year we will use the current
to the challenges                          integrating transport decision-making       LTSV in the development of the
and opportunities set                      within wider urban form needs so that       2018-21 National Land Transport
                                           transport investment and services           Programme as a source of evidence
out in the Four Year                       support urban development objectives        for projects and programmes that
Excellence Horizon                         and improve the quality of the urban        may come forward in Regional Land
The reviewers set out five key areas       living environment.                         Transport Plans.
for the NZ Transport Agency to             We are well placed to develop               The LTSV (version two) will be a
focus our efforts on – identified as       and implement system-focused                step change, more comprehensive
the Four Year Excellence Horizon,          solutions. We are shifting to               and in a more user-friendly format. It
together with five key action areas        take a comprehensive approach               will contain system-wide and place-
to meet our challenges. The NZ             that balances the provision of              based assessments of the land
Transport Agency’s high-level              new infrastructure with travel              transport system and connections
responses to these are organised           demand management and network               beyond the land transport system,
under the umbrella of our strategy -       optimisation, leveraging off digital        incorporating information about
System, People, Partnerships - along       technologies and travel information.        pressures, opportunities and
with actions identified to meet our        A more enabling investment policy           possible future responses at
organisational development needs.          setting is needed to support a true         a transport system level. It will
The responses are interdependent           system focus and we look forward            support the Ministry of Transport’s
and together identify how we will          to playing our role to ensure policy        strategic thinking across the wider
give effect to our customer-centred        aligns with strategic intent.               transport system for New Zealand,
approach and lift our performance to                                                   incorporating and building from
meet our challenges.                       Primary actions we are taking to
                                                                                       the Ministry’s transport futures
                                           embed a system focus fall in two
                                                                                       thinking. The LTSV (version two)
System-focused solutions                   areas: system-level planning and
                                                                                       will underpin development of the
                                           harnessing technology.
We welcome the reviewers’ identifying                                                  2021-2024 National Land Transport
the increased value we can provide by                                                  Programme.
                                             System-Level Planning
taking consistently a system-focused,
customer-centric and technology-             Planning is underway to co-create
enabled approach to the performance          with partners and stakeholders
and development of the land transport        version two of the Long Term             We welcome the
                                             Strategic View (LTSV), which has a
system. A systems approach will
lead to improved customer service            ten- to 30-year wide view, pulling in    reviewers’ identifying
offerings – particularly rapid transport     to focus on a ten-year outlook. We       the increased value we
and other multi-modal options, as
well as better utilisation of existing
                                             anticipate engaging with partners
                                             and stakeholders on version two
                                                                                      can provide by taking
networks – for people, for vehicles of       by late 2018. We will focus on the       consistently a system-
all types, and of travel modes.
A systems approach will incentivise
                                             collaborative effort required to bring
                                             it together to ensure its sector-wide
                                                                                      focused, customer-
investment decision-making in system         acceptance and uptake and we             centric and technology-
performance gaps rather than                 will prioritise a system focus and
                                             Resilience, Accessibility and Safety
                                                                                      enabled approach to
network links.
                                             perspectives.                            the performance and
                                             We expect the value of the LTSV to       development of the
                                             partners and stakeholders and to
                                             us will increase over time and that it
                                                                                      land transport system.

                                                 Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   5
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Harnessing technology                   People-centred services                     be a key enabler for us to contribute
                                                                                    a step-change in improving safety
We are developing a customer-           The reviewers noted opportunities           and public health outcomes
centric Transport Technology            for the Agency to up its game in            for our customers and reducing
Future Plan to operationalise future    smart analysis of data to support a         environmental harms in our
technology that enables new and         customer-centric focus. As part of          communities. The reviewers identified
enhanced choices to move around         our organisational transformation,          some positive initiatives underway
in a safe, efficient and healthy        our new Customer Experience &               and signalled what could be achieved
manner for our customers. The           Behaviour Directorate will gather           with a more enabling authorising
plan will identify actions to help us   data and generate insight into the          environment. Early activities for the
transition to a technology-enabled      preferences, needs and behaviours           2018/19 financial year include a new
transport system and to energise        of our customers and how well the           sector road safety and harm reduction
new and existing service providers      transport system is performing for          strategy, a safer networks programme
to deliver more and more tailored       them, enabling the Agency to better         (designing and delivering safer roads)
customer offerings, leveraging off      target system performance gaps              and initiatives to ensure safer and
the investments we will make.           and customer groups experiencing            cleaner vehicles.
                                        difficulty. To ensure our solutions work
We will work closely with the                                                       Our business planning and therefore
                                        for customers, we are now embedding
Ministry of Transport and others so                                                 delivery emphasis over the next three
                                        expertise – like behavioural
that the regulatory and investment                                                  years aims to:
                                        psychologists and economists,
policy settings enable innovative
                                        ethnographers, and service designers        • reverse the trend of the
technology solutions.
                                        – into key projects, in particular to         unacceptable number of road
The two broad initiatives we will       support customers to shift modes              deaths and serious injuries,
pursue initially are:                   in urban areas (travel demand                 underpinned by the ethical
                                        management) and to intuitively operate        principle that no-one should die
• widening our operating system
                                        safely.                                       or be seriously injured on the land
  to capture and share information
  as part of a multi-modal transport    Early activities for the 2018/19              transport system, and
  system                                financial year include roll out of          • reduce carbon emissions from land
• expanding the Mobility as a           customer groupings that enable                transport through improving vehicle
  Service marketplace offering,         Agency projects and teams to                  fuel efficiency, supporting low
  ensuring it plays its role in         understand and design for the                 emission vehicles, facilitating uptake
  moving people and goods and           diversity of customers using the              of public transport, shared mobility,
  encouraging others to provide         transport system; establishing a              walking and cycling, and managing
  mobility services on the platform.    customer panel and segment networks           speeds to optimal levels. We intend
                                        that enable us to gather deep insight         to continue to mitigate the adverse
                                        quickly and test or co-create new             impact of the land transport system
                                        ideas; and setting up an analytics            on the natural and built environment.
                                        forum to co-create an evidence              The reviewers have identified
                                        base with and for local government          the opportunity to improve our
                                        partners. We will also ramp up              regulatory systems to ensure they
                                        capability around smart analytics and       are both relevant and responsive
                                        integrated modelling, focusing both         to current and future customers
                                        on delivering to priority initiatives and   and technologies. We are excited
                                        creating foundations for faster, smarter    by the potential for positive change
                                        analytics in the future.                    in this area. We will work closely
                                        Safety is fundamental to a system           with the Ministry of Transport and
                                        designed for people. A new Safety           others to identify the customer value
                                        and Environment Directorate will            from a change to a principles-based

                                              Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   6
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
regulatory system. A regulatory          Partnerships with others to               A whole-of-government joined-up-
management strategy, framework and       create value                              approach to developing the LTSV and
prioritised programme of work are                                                  using it to inform investment priorities
in development, to complement and        The reviewers have identified             will enable us to contribute to wider
support the Ministry of Transport’s      the opportunity to improve our            outcomes in cities and regional
role in regulatory stewardship for       relationships with planning and           communities. This is our opportunity
the transport system, with the first     investment partners and stakeholders.     to inform shared understanding and
deliverable to be the strategy by        We have more to offer to ensure           coordination of wider government
mid-2018.                                that transport plays its full role        investment interests (e.g. transport,
                                         in supporting wider government            health, education, housing,
We will also commence a                  outcomes.                                 environment) and support integrated
comprehensive review of new and
                                         We will strengthen our partnerships       decision-making to optimise public
used vehicle entry certification
                                         with public sector colleagues to          value over time.
processes focussing on how we get
the most from the current regulatory     ensure that transport investment          We will ensure that our traditional and
system and identifying opportunities     and services contribute to wider          enduring partnerships, particularly
to enhance the regulatory settings to    social and economic development,          with local government agencies,
deliver benefits to citizens.            particularly for urban development.       are strategic and have a long-
                                         The primary focus will be on using        term outlook. We already stretch
The analysis supporting the regulatory
                                         development of the LTSV (version          beyond merely transport outputs,
work programme will inform,
                                         two) as an opportunity to collaborate     as evidenced by our partnerships
consolidate and focus on those parts
                                         with central and local government         with local authority spatial planning
of the regulatory system where we
                                         and with other transport partners         partners and by our support for the
need to deliver better customer value
                                         and stakeholders to build a shared        Government’s housing initiatives
as soon as possible, such as: online
                                         understanding of the transport            and investments. Ensuring a thriving
services; a more effective approach to
                                         challenges ahead. The goal is that        Auckland is vital and we will continue
compliance across the land transport
                                         the LTSV becomes a sector tool            to work with Auckland and deliver the
regulatory system and updating the
                                         that is co-created with our partners,     transport solutions it needs.
rail regulatory framework.
                                         accepted by them, and used as the
                                         shared evidence base for our short- to
                                         medium-term investment and delivery
                                         decisions as well as our long-term

                                                                                   We will ensure that
                                                                                   our traditional and
                                                                                   enduring partnerships,
                                                                                   particularly with local
                                                                                   government agencies,
                                                                                   are strategic and have a
                                                                                   long-term outlook.

                                               Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   7
Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi - Performance Improvement Framework
Organisational development               We will finalise, and begin               The value we deliver at the NZ
                                         implementation during 2018 of,            Transport Agency is to be part
The reviewers have identified the need                                             of creating a better New Zealand
                                         our Business Technology Plan.
to implement fully the organisational                                              by enabling “Great Journeys to
                                         Initiatives will include increasing
changes that underpin achieving the                                                Keep New Zealand Moving”. The
                                         online customer-centric services
challenges set out in the Four Year                                                PIF Review has been timely, the
                                         and generating more effective
Excellence Horizon. The scale of                                                   reviewers’ insights helpful, and central
                                         customer insights. In addition, the
organisational change is significant.                                              agency and Ministry of Transport
                                         plan will cover the provision of more
We know that strong leadership                                                     commitments to support us necessary.
                                         effective corporate systems and tools
across the Senior Leadership Team
                                         to support collaboration, improve
is essential. Our business plan for                                                We are excited about being able to
                                         information management and core
2018/19 to 2020/21 will continue the                                               play our role more effectively over the
                                         financial services processes, as
current organisational development                                                 next four years, helping people get
                                         well as the necessary investment in
focus as we transition fully to the                                                the most out of life and supporting
                                         foundational technology services,
desired behaviours and ways of                                                     business.
                                         such as cyber-security, service
working and develop the underpinning
                                         management and collaboration tools.
enterprise systems and processes to
bring our operating model to life.       We will also undertake work to identify
                                         the longer-term investment options
Particular emphasis over the next        needed to support a truly digital
year is to:                              organisation in the future.
• complete our Workforce Strategy,
  including a Capability and
  Capacity Plan, by mid-2018
• start implementation by supporting
  Diversity and Inclusion
• develop and retain the necessary
  capability and capacity to deliver
  and support data analysis and
  digitally-enabled services in the
                                                                                   We are excited about
  future.                                                                          being able to play our
                                                                                   role more effectively
                                                                                   over the next four years,
                                                                                   helping people get the
                                                                                   most out of life and
                                                                                   supporting business.

 Dame Fran Wilde                             Fergus Gammie
 Acting Chair                                Chief Executive

                                               Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   8
Central Agency

The New Zealand Transport Agency          MoT and the three Central Agencies,        Technology as an
(NZTA) leads infrastructure build         State Services Commission, the
and management and regulatory             Treasury and the Department of             enabler
functions on behalf of the Government     the Prime Minister and Cabinet,            The reviewers highlight the significant
to deliver and maintain an effective,     will provide effective support and         opportunities presented by new
efficient and safe land transport         assistance to NZTA to respond to           mobility options and embedded
system for New Zealand. It is a well-     its performance challenge. Of the          smart technology, and challenge
regarded high-performing agency           five areas of focus for NZTA, three in     NZTA to improve its capability to
and it has already recognised the         particular provide a major opportunity     take advantage of new technologies.
need to change its strategy, culture      for NZTA and MoT to work more              MoT has an important role to play,
and operating model to meet current       closely together.                          in shaping regulatory settings to
and future transport challenges and                                                  accommodate new technologies,
opportunities for its customers and for   The transport                              and in developing policy and
New Zealand.                              strategy system                            investment settings through the
Those challenges include: increasing                                                 Government Policy Statement (GPS)
                                          The reviewers challenge NZTA to
customer expectations, the need to                                                   on land transport that guide NZTA’s
                                          iterate its own Long-Term Strategic
co-create transport solutions with                                                   investments. MoT and NZTA will need
                                          View with the work of MoT as it
others, the differing needs of each                                                  to collaborate closely for MoT to
                                          develops the medium-term strategy
region, disruptive and transformative                                                develop a strong strategic framework
                                          for the New Zealand transport system.
technological developments, the                                                      for technology as part of its wider
                                          MoT will lead a process with NZTA,
impact of natural hazard-related                                                     system leadership role.
                                          other transport agencies and across
events and climate change.                the broader public sector, liaising with   The regulatory
The Lead Reviewers commended              Ministers, to co-create a strategic
NZTA’s recognition of, and                vision for transport over the medium-      system
commitment to, the need to change         (and longer-) term.                        The reviewers also highlight the
fundamentally how it views and            This work will produce a strategic         opportunities presented by moving
undertakes its role in the transport      approach and outcomes framework            the regulatory model for the transport
system. They identified, for the          that reflect the widest set of public      system away from a prescriptive
agency’s performance challenge, five      policy objectives. It will be a truly      approach towards a more flexible
areas of focus in the next four years.    multi-modal, systemic approach. This       model. MoT is very focused,
                                          will need NZTA’s unique insights into      consistent with its own PIF Review, in
There is a high level of alignment
                                          customer experiences, how regulatory       leading a review of regulatory design
between this PIF Review and
                                          and investment settings operate in         and practice. MoT looks forward to
that of the Ministry of Transport
                                          practice in the land transport system,     working closely with NZTA in fulfilling
(MoT) published in January 2018,
                                          and the challenges of building and         this challenge.
highlighting a real opportunity for
the two agencies to step up their         managing transport infrastructure that
respective roles together to transform    delivers value over time.
the transport system, working with        NZTA also has strong channels to,
other key players across national         and presence in, regional and local
and local government and the private      communities, and works in partnership
sector.                                   with a wide range of stakeholders.
                                          Success will require each agency to
                                          play to its strengths and to recognise
                                          and value what others bring to the

                                                Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   9
The Central Agencies are committed to providing support to NZTA, where able to
do so, including:
• in conjunction with MoT, supporting a work programme that creates an
  effective policy, regulatory and fiscal environment that allows NZTA to make
  investment decisions leading to better transport outcomes
• supporting key strategic issues and projects such as implementing the GPS
  and significant investments requiring direct central government intervention or
  financial support
• ensuring that NZTA’s work is joined up with other government agencies
  and processes and that we leverage NZTA’s contribution to policy work

  Peter Hughes           Peter Mersi                 Gabriel Makhlouf                  Andrew Kibblewhite
  State Services         Secretary for Transport     Secretary to the Treasury         Department of the Prime Minister and
  Commissioner                                                                         Cabinet

                                                Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   10
The Challenge
                                           In this section:
                  Four -year Excellence Horizon
                         Performance challenge
                    What will success look like?

    Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   11
Four-year Excellence
In undertaking this PIF Review the Lead Reviewers considered: “What is the
contribution that New Zealand needs from the New Zealand Transport Agency
(NZTA) and, therefore, what is its performance challenge? And, if NZTA meets
the performance challenge, what would success look like in four years?”

Context                                    Due to geography and history, there is      In New Zealand, funding for land
                                           a high usage of private road transport      transport services provided by the
Transport systems are entering a           compared to public transport by             Government comes primarily from
time of disruptive change driven           New Zealanders. Over 3.5 million light      hypothecated taxes. These are
by, amongst other things, the rapid        passenger vehicles (light passenger         collected via fuel excise, road user
emergence of new technologies and          cars and vans) contribute 75% of road       charges (applied to diesel-powered
increasing global demands for de-          travel. Ownership of light vehicles         vehicles only), tolling, motor vehicle
carbonisation. Industry is engaging        (light passenger vehicles and light         registration and licensing fees and
actively with new technologies that        goods vehicles) in New Zealand is           management of Crown land. This
allow improved and/or innovative           the highest per capita in the world.        revenue is supplemented by Crown
service delivery and cost reduction.       The average age of the light fleet is       appropriations from time to time in
Some consumers are early adopters;         14.1 years, considerably older than         special cases. With pressure to reduce
others will follow as new technologies     in comparable countries (Canada,            the use of fossil fuels it is likely that
and technology-enabled services            Australia and USA). New technologies        the funding from fuel excise duty and
deliver better travel experiences,         may assist in addressing the                current road user charges will decline.
greater access and efficiency,             geographic challenges and have the          Technological developments provide
improved safety and cost savings.          potential to reduce or, perversely, to      new options to address the challenges
Depending on how it is delivered,          reinforce New Zealanders’ attachment        of access pricing and the funding
transport can be an enabler for, or        to private transport options.               required to build and maintain the
impede, economic growth and social                                                     infrastructure needed and to ensure
                                           There are increasing pressures
participation and cohesion. There                                                      equitable access within and across
                                           on the country’s land transport
are particular transport infrastructure                                                generations.
                                           infrastructure, including in the regions,
challenges in New Zealand due              arising from population, tourism and        There will be ongoing public scrutiny
to the country’s geography, small          economic growth, with consequential         of the acquisition and usage of
population for its land mass, as well      increases in freight. Recent major          transport corridors, infrastructure
as the concentration of around 30%         earthquakes and weather events have         investment and asset maintenance,
of the population in Auckland and the      highlighted inherent weaknesses in          operation of the State highway
balance widely dispersed throughout        the resilience of that infrastructure and   network, public transport options and
the rest of the country. Individuals and   in the robustness of the network and        the development and enforcement of
businesses make location decisions         alternate transport options.                land transport regulations.
and choose what transport modes
                                           Safety has been an important driver
to use and what to invest in vehicles
                                           for the regulatory model for land
based on the quality and efficiency of
                                           transport in New Zealand. But there
surrounding transport infrastructure,
                                           are challenges under the current
land transport links and, in urban
                                           regulatory regime to allow for
centres, public transport options.
                                           innovative vehicles and transport
                                           services, as well as the needs of
                                           differently abled drivers and a wide
                                           range of highway, urban and rural
                                           driving conditions. In addition, some
                                           smart technology innovations may be
                                           stifled by a preoccupation with risk

                                                Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency    12
…within this context                      As a consequence, it is difficult to      This Review has been
                                          predict the level of success of this
This Review has been conducted            transformation at this early stage        conducted at a time when
at a time when there is fundamental
transformation underway inside
                                          in the journey. However, there are        there is fundamental
                                          many attributes about the changes
NZTA. It is being reorganised from        underway that are timely and designed     transformation underway
an organisation that operated
largely in functional silos to a value
                                          to overcome past organisational           inside NZTA.
                                          weaknesses, including the challenge
chain organisation. Central to the        of meeting customers’ ever-increasing
value chain is a focus on design          demand for efficient transport
and delivery of customer service,         services, especially in Auckland
as distinct from its historical role of   and in regional centres. There are
delivering products such as road          a number of issues associated with
infrastructure, public transport          the transformation itself meeting its
subsidies and regulation with limited     objectives that are identified later in
understanding as to whether these         this report.
products individually and collectively
met the needs of users.                   The performance challenge and
                                          success scenario outlined below are
This is a far-reaching and                provided in this context.
fundamental transformation both of
the agency’s objectives and in the
way it undertakes its business and

                                               Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   13

Performance                              Performance                               We think NZTA paints a compelling
                                                                                   picture for its future. In developing
challenge - outcomes                     challenge – agency                        our Four Year Excellence Horizon for
New Zealanders want an effective,        In its own four-year excellence           NZTA we have focused on five key
efficient transport system that meets    horizon developed to support its          areas where the agency needs to
their economic, social-cultural          transformation and to inform this         focus its efforts in order to meet the
and environmental needs now and          Review, NZTA identified five high-level   challenge it has set itself. These areas
adapts to meet changing needs            challenges:                               are:
and aspirations; that demands a                                                    • the transport strategy system
                                         • increasing customer/citizen service
step change. It means an integrated
                                           expectations                            • transport disruption driven by new
transport system that:
                                         • government expectation that NZTA          mobility options and embedded
• provides the platforms and               co-creates wider outcomes with            smart technology
  processes enabling New Zealanders        others                                  • the transport regulatory system
  to gain equitable access to goods,
                                         • the relative importance of Auckland     • organisational transformation
  employment and services
                                         • the pace of digital platforms and       • stakeholder management.
• optimises the potential of all modes
                                           services becoming available that will
• increases utilisation of the land        improve customer journeys               The transport strategy
  transport infrastructure for which
                                         • responding to significant natural
  NZTA is responsible
                                           hazard and climate change-related       NZTA, as part of its current
• is resilient                             events.                                 organisational transformation, has
• is safe for customers to use,          It identified its response to these       developed its Long Term Strategic
  delivering them seamless journeys      challenges in three domains:              View. This has a 10-year plus outlook
• takes advantage of technology as it                                              and was developed with some limited
                                         • a system response that delivers         input from local government. To be
  becomes available
                                           one connected transport system          effective this work must iterate with
• anticipates disruptive change and
                                         • a service response that sees            the work of the Ministry of Transport
  makes the most of it for the benefit
                                           people-centred services                 (MoT) as that organisation develops its
  of users of the transport system and
                                         • a community response that               ‘Mezzanine’ or medium-term strategy
  New Zealanders.
                                           sees NZTA unlocking social              for the New Zealand transport system.
                                           and economic opportunities              NZTA will bring to MoT valuable
                                           for customers, businesses and           operational context and MoT should
                                           communities through targeted            bring to NZTA a broad transport policy
                                           partnerships.                           perspective, informed by the wider
                                                                                   economic, environmental, social and
                                                                                   cultural outcomes that the Government
                                                                                   is seeking. This will help bring NZTA
                                                                                   firmly into the transport system.

                                              Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   14
Other stakeholders, partners and            Transport disruption driven                 Smart analytics – NZTA needs to
customers need to be brought into           by new mobility options and                 up its game in smart analysis of
development of NZTA’s Long Term             embedded smart technology                   its data. For example, it needs to
Strategic View to ensure that it is both                                                derive insights about customers’
widely informed, widely supported           Transport is undergoing significant         wants and needs from data
and highly regarded. This will drive a      disruption, driven by the intersection      collected that reveal customer’s
more strategic approach to Regional         of three phenomena:                         preferences, needs and behaviours.
Land Transport Plans, encouraging           • The first is the new mobile               The challenge here is not just a
the agency to leverage those                  ‘hardware’ appearing in the system        technical one; it also demands new
partnerships and achieve improved             - electric vehicles, autonomous           capability (behavioural economics,
asset management, network utilisation         vehicles, drones, platoons1, and so       market analytics, industrial
and customer service.                         on.                                       psychology) and a customer-centric
Such an interlinking approach               • The second is the smart technology
to strategy will better inform the            embedded in everything from new           Technology foresight – NZTA
Government Policy Statement on                mobile hardware, to the horizontal        needs to develop further its
Land Transport (GPS), leading to              infrastructure itself, to the devices     technology foresighting function.
shifts (over time) in the National            carried by people journeying on           A lot of innovation is happening
Land Transport Programme, making              transport networks.                       internationally that New Zealand
it more multi-modal and inclusive of        • The third, particularly in urban          is well behind on. Much of this
future technology. Even where the             centres, is a customer-desire shift.      is embedded technology (for
GPS is not directing investment in            Some people are now open to a             example, sensor signs, RFID chips)
infrastructure for rail, sea, air, self-      wider choice of mobility options –        that has the power to change
propelled and ’3D-Land’ transport,            and these shared service options          the way in which people use the
it needs to be intelligent about the          are made more visible and attractive      transport system. Technology also
intersections between modes to                now on new technology platforms.          puts power into the customers’
ensure there is an integrated, resilient,                                               hands to demand and select the
                                            The performance challenge for NZTA
customer-focused, multi-modal                                                           transport services they need. Smart
                                            in this area lies in three dimensions:
transport system. New Zealand and                                                       technology has the potential to
users of the transport system need to         Information systems – NZTA needs          enable much better utilisation of
be able to take full advantage of all         to position itself to make use of the     the capital-intensive infrastructure
modes operating as a system.                  datasets it holds. These datasets         already built, freeing up funding to
                                              are currently distributed and             drive much smarter services, at the
The time has come to develop a
                                              separately compiled and NZTA has          same time giving customers wider
genuine all-of-transport strategy
                                              a challenge to develop an integrated      choices of access and service for
system across all modes that will
                                              approach to the way in which those        mobility.
shift the focus from simply providing
                                              datasets are gathered, assembled
infrastructure to one where transport                                                 Overall, NZTA needs to improve
                                              and stored.
is a key enabler of New Zealanders’                                                   its capability to take advantage of
success in their lives, environments                                                  disruption in transport due to new
and enterprises. As the largest                                                       mobility options and embedded smart
operational agency in the system,                                                     technology, driving intelligence out
NZTA has a key role to play.                                                          of it and using it for risk management

1      ‘Platoon’ in this context refers to the concept of a number of trucks using smart technology to drive in close
       formation at a constant speed. There is interest in this overseas, especially for long-haul cross-continental freight
       journeys, with expected benefits claimed being improved safety, lower overall fuel consumption and more efficient
       use of roading networks.

                                                 Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   15
The regulatory system                      • alive to the need to regulate           We believe the journey
                                             different things (e.g. for drones
The current regulatory system is             enforcing the first 400 feet, or        the agency is on, bringing
exhaustively prescriptive with many
rules written into legislation. This
                                             extending regulatory coverage           ‘service’ and ‘the customer’
                                             to the first 1000 feet, or how
means that even developmental                transportation information is           to be the central focus, is
changes in regulations may require
changes to legislation. This is a
                                             gathered and managed).                  the right one.
                                           NZTA cannot do this work alone.
significant barrier to achieving a
                                           Reflecting the change in its
flexible regulatory model that can
                                           operational model, it needs to do this
be adapted in the same timeframes
as apply in the present disruptive
                                           work with partners, stakeholders and      The size of this
                                           customers. In particular, it will need
environment. The cadence between
regulatory change and technological
                                           to be in lockstep with MoT and be         transformation challenge
innovation is completely out of
                                           supplying data and analysis to support    is a large one, and to
                                           regulatory change.
balance.                                                                             achieve this challenge
To shift the regulatory model is a         Organisational                            will require a sustained
significant challenge. It will require a   transformation
change in attitude and skill within the                                              leadership effort,
                                           We believe the journey the agency
agency and amongst its key policy
                                           is on, bringing ‘service’ and ‘the        demanding agility,
partners. The current regulatory
system, whilst it may be archaic,          customer’ to be the central focus, is     emotional intelligence and
                                           the right one. Without the changes
needs a good shove. As much as
                                           being driven now in the operating         persistence, over the next
can be achieved, within the current
legislation, needs to be achieved.         model, the agency will not be able to     four years.
There is no incentive to change            respond to technology shifts and the
legislation just to make the work of the   accompanying change in demands of
agency easier. The need for change         customers.
must be manifest and the opportunity       Transformation is a leadership
costs of ‘no change’ must be exposed.      challenge. While NZTA has a well-
All of the thinking and analysis driven    earned reputation amongst many of
by the new customer focus of the           its stakeholders as a high-performing
agency needs to be brought to the          organisation with a strong focus on
table to design a regulatory system        product delivery, over the next four
that is:                                   years there are many aspects of
                                           NZTA’s business that will need to be
• principles-based                         in much better and different shape,
• responsive in the face of ongoing        and managed by the new organisation
  disruption and open to extending         in a better way than has been the
  the regulatory frame where justified     case in the past. The size of this
• multi-modal and focused on journey,      transformation challenge is a large
  not mode                                 one, and to achieve this challenge
                                           will require a sustained leadership
                                           effort, demanding agility, emotional
                                           intelligence and persistence, over the
                                           next four years. Board monitoring of
                                           progress will be important.

                                                Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   16
The agency has core strengths, which      The change in operating model                The challenge for the agency is to:
it can build on. NZTA needs to identify   means that leaders in the agency
                                                                                       • reconnect with stakeholders and
and nurture these strengths. For          have dependencies on each
                                                                                         explain to them how they can
example, NZTA’s embedded, widely          other if they are to deliver on their
                                                                                         interact with NZTA going forward
acknowledged capabilities around          individual accountabilities. Access
outcomes-based contracting and            to, and transparency in, information         • engage stakeholders in the change
alliancing should be taken forward        systems is critical to support them            the agency is going through,
and, as appropriate, adapted for use      in this endeavour. There needs to              explaining the rationale, the process
as NZTA contracts for services to         be consistency across the board                and the time it will take to bed in the
enable and deliver seamless journeys.     and common rules and assumptions               new operating environment
Such capability will also help it build   underpinning everything through all of       • enlist stakeholders in the journey
alliances with the other government       the corporate functions of the agency.         the agency is on, which after
transport agencies and its Safer                                                         all is about delivering a resilient
                                          We say much about NZTA’s
Journey partners.                                                                        transport system that serves those
                                          transformation journey in other parts
                                                                                         stakeholders and their customers.
Another strength that will be             of this report. The success of this
                                                                                         If stakeholders own the need for
fundamental to success is the current     transformation will not be apparent
                                                                                         change, then change will be durable
pride and enthusiasm of staff for         immediately and will likely be one area
                                                                                         and deliver value.
the work of the agency. There is          of focus in the PIF Follow-up Review
something special and empowering          as it is integral to progress on all other   This means the work ethos of NZTA
about NZTA’s customer-centric focus       aspects of the performance challenge.        has to be one in which collaboration,
that should resonate intuitively for                                                   partnership and co-production are the
staff who are already proud to work       Stakeholder management                       norm. Thinking and acting alone is no
for NZTA. Given a behaviour shift and                                                  longer part of the organisation’s DNA.
                                          A common theme across many of the
culture change is required, retaining
                                          conversations we had with partners
the pride and enthusiasm of staff will
                                          and stakeholders of NZTA was that
be possible if they understand the
                                          the agency has become inward-
new purpose and direction and what
                                          looking of late. There is confusion
it means for their role and they are
                                          about the change process itself and
supported to make the journey.
                                          concern that interacting with NZTA is
We believe that an ‘underpinning’         becoming more complex, with no clear
performance challenge for NZTA, as        touchpoint.
it drives this change, lies in getting
                                          Given that much of the message to the
its information management systems
                                          agency in this report is about pursuing
up to the task. There is no enterprise
                                          a genuine multi-modal system, working
layer of supporting systems in the
                                          with partners and stakeholders
agency. Rather, it has a stack of
                                          and being responsive to the needs
mostly point solutions, acquired
                                          of customers, it is clear that good
over time and largely from a project-
                                          stakeholder management is mission
driven environment. There has been
underinvestment at the corporate

                                               Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency     17
Implementation                           …activating medium term                     Going forward NZTA will need to think
                                         thinking and connecting it to               proactively about the information
The prescription of the Four Year
                                         the transport system                        it actually needs, to enable a
Excellence Horizon outlined above                                                    customer-centric, multi-modal
is demanding. It is a challenge that     Implementation of a genuine pan-            system of transport that enables
NZTA is already embracing and is         transport strategy system should see        New Zealanders to achieve in their
making changes in its operating          a number of actions emerge over the         lives, environments and enterprises.
model to achieve. Underpinning           period of the Four Year Excellence
corporate functions, the enablers,       Horizon:                                    NZTA will need to use its foresighting
are now together. The core functional                                                capability to be ready to take
                                         • a multi-modal operational approach        advantage of increasing embedded
capability of infrastructure design
                                           to the business of NZTA                   technology across the whole transport
and delivery remains, but now sits in
a value chain of strategy – systems      • increased utilisation of the existing     system. That capability is present in
– customer service, alongside              transport network; for example by         the Connected Journey Solutions
policy and planning, investment and        giving consideration to dynamic           Group. The thinking being driven there
finance and customer design and            pricing systems                           needs to infuse the whole agency.
delivery. Areas of new focus have        • a focus on journey not mode of
been elevated and made visible in the      transport                                 …making regulation relevant
operating structure:                     • considering a shift in the funding
                                                                                     and responsive
• Customer experience and behaviour        model to achieve a dynamic source         To make progress on a fit-for-purpose
                                           of funds (for example e-Road User         regulatory system NZTA needs
• Connected journey solutions
                                           Charge)                                   to focus on building the case for
• Transport access delivery                                                          change. This will require it to work
                                         • change in the scope of the GPS
• Safety and environment.                                                            with others, critically with MoT, with
                                         • optimisation of the system, by
This is positioning NZTA to obtain                                                   other regulatory agencies and with all
                                           broadening supporting analysis
and better use customer insight to                                                   parties subject to regulation.
                                           beyond the current heavy reliance
co-design solutions that work for          on benefit-cost methodologies.            It will need to build an alternate
customers. To realise its ambitions                                                  regulatory system that will be
and meet the Four Year Excellence        …lifting the game in data                   resilient and responsive in the face
Horizon, we think NZTA needs to          acquisition and analysis                    of change, as well as efficient and
focus on five key action areas:                                                      easily implemented. This will require
                                         Over the period of the Four Year
• Activating medium-term thinking        Excellence Horizon NZTA needs to            a total shift in regulatory capability.
  and connecting it to the transport     put in place the information systems        The new system may be focused on
  system                                 necessary to support the agency itself      some completely different things. Not
                                         (its corporate core), the work it does      only will stakeholders and customers
• Lifting the game in data acquisition
                                         with others, the regulatory system it       need to be convinced but also their
  and analysis
                                         operates and the procurement and            support for change must be enlisted.
• Making regulation relevant and                                                     Considerable thought will be needed
                                         contracting environment needed to
  responsive                                                                         to understand the future data required
                                         support its core operational activities.
• Working collaboratively with                                                       to support the system. The principles
  stakeholders                           Establishing these systems is               developed to underpin the model
                                         necessary, but not sufficient. NZTA         must be durable over time and take
• Harnessing technology tools to
                                         will need to lift its capability and        advantage of the technology sets
  underpin the future transport
                                         its capacity in data analytics and          widely used elsewhere. NZTA will also
  system, including making a step
                                         insights. Much of the information           need to remain alert to weak signals in
  change in safety.
                                         available now is not used or not used       the system that may require new, and
                                         to its full potential; that is a dividend   different, regulatory attention.
                                         sitting on the table.

                                              Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   18
Practically, NZTA must remain            NZTA needs to work closely with MoT
committed to the current framework       to widen interaction with government
and innovate to get as much out of       stakeholders to include agencies
the existing system as it is able. The   driving outcomes for which transport
opportunity costs of not changing        is a key enabler, for example,
need to become clear to all.             education, health, welfare.
                                         NZTA will need to develop a level of
…working collaboratively                 sophistication in how it manages its
with stakeholders                        relationships with stakeholders, as
To move NZTA’s relationship              it may be, simultaneously, funder,
with stakeholders to be in the           regulator, partner and collaborator.
collaboration space, the agency will
need to reset its relationships in the   …harnessing technology
post-transformation environment.         tools to underpin the future
Importantly, it holds the broadest       transport system
range of relationships for the
                                         The disruption and opportunity
Government’s transport agencies.
                                         afforded by new technologies are a
It must clarify the regional-central
                                         recurring theme in this PIF Review.
dynamic so stakeholders understand
                                         Working with MoT, NZTA will need to
how NZTA wants to interact with them
                                         make the case for where it invests
and how NZTA intends to continue to
                                         in technological infrastructure to
foster the strong partnership approach
                                         underpin a step change in safety,
that has been key to its success.
                                         regulatory management and new
The effectiveness of stakeholder
                                         transport delivery options. Case
engagements will improve as NZTA
                                         studies about opportunities to deploy
works to increase, and share, its
                                         new technologies are included in the
understanding of customer.
                                         next section.

                                              Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   19
What will success look

Here we outline some of the shifts that   The regulatory system will be more         NZTA will be taking a ‘best teams’
will be visible both within NZTA and      effective and better able to match         approach in all of its work. It will be
more broadly across the transport         the pace of change the sector is           highly collaborative, working with
system, as it meets the performance       experiencing. NZTA will, through           other regulators, policy agencies,
challenge. This is not a list of things   transparent processes and smart            councils and stakeholders. It will be
that must be done; rather it is a         design of the system, have maintained      clear about what role it plays and what
picture describing the attributes of      and improved the societal licence for      role it enables others, in the public
success that will be visible to all.      regulation.                                and private sectors, to play.
A comprehensive transport strategy        New approaches to funding that retain
system will be in place with NZTA         certainty, but that are dynamic and
                                                                                     …and the outcomes
playing its role in supporting and        resilient in the face of change, will be   Over the next four years and beyond,
continuing to develop it. The GPS will    under consideration or being trialled.     New Zealand’s land transport system
be evolving with the system it drives                                                increasingly supports:
                                          Large projects will be driven by a
ensuring an all-of-system multi-modal
                                          wider system context and the place         • individuals and families to choose
approach is maintained.
                                          of customer. Procurement will shift to       efficient, safe, seamless journeys
Technologies will be in place that        consider the life cycle value of those       that provide equitable access to
increase the utilisation of current       projects.                                    goods, employment and services,
transport assets across all of the                                                     so they can make the most out of
                                          The aggregation of data and
modes. The rate of uptake of new                                                       their lives
                                          generation of insight will be
technologies that drive efficiencies                                                 • businesses to grow faster due to
                                          coordinated across the value chain of
will have increased. NZTA’s focus                                                      a reliable, connected multi-modal
on the customer journey, combined                                                      transport system that enables
with technology services to enable        Strong collaboration between NZTA            delivery of their goods and services
customers to search out the               and Auckland Transport will see full         when and where their customers
most efficient ways to undertake          integration of transport management          need them
a journey, will be driving this           across all modes (both private and
increase in utilisation. Through          public) in Auckland, supported by          • New Zealand to benefit from
technological developments informed       intelligent, embedded data-gathering         cost-effective, environmentally
by its customer insights work,            systems.                                     sustainable land transport that is
NZTA will have provided improved                                                       adaptive, resilient and increases the
                                          NZTA will have deployed enterprise           utility of the whole transport system.
access to, and utility of, the land
                                          level solutions that support the
transport system for those who are
                                          thinking, running and doing of the
disadvantaged by the current system.

  Dr Paul Reynolds                                     Dr Keith Turner
  Lead Reviewer                                        Lead Reviewer

                                               Performance Improvement Framework – Review for the New Zealand Transport Agency   20
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