User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees

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User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees
Preprint version – please cite as: Kermezis G., Limniotis K., Kolokotronis N. (2021) User-Generated Pseudonyms Through Merkle Trees. In: Gruschka N., Antunes L.F.C.,
                    Rannenberg K., Drogkaris P. (eds) Privacy Technologies and Policy. APF 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12703. Springer, Cham.

                                                                              User-generated pseudonyms
                                                                                through Merkle trees ?

                                                             Georgios Kermezis1 , Konstantinos Limniotis1,2[0000−0002−7663−7169] , and
                                                                          Nicholas Kolokotronis3[0000−0003−0660−8431]
                                                           School of Pure & Applied Sciences, Open University of Cyprus, 2220 Latsia, Cyprus
                                                                     {georgios.kermezis, konstantinos.limniotis}
arXiv:2109.03673v1 [cs.CR] 8 Sep 2021

                                                                Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Kifissias 1-3, 11523, Athens, Greece
                                                             Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese,
                                                                      Akadimaikou G.K. Vlachou Street, 22131 Tripolis, Greece

                                                                Abstract. A pseudonymisation technique based on Merkle trees is de-
                                                                scribed in this paper. More precisely, by exploiting inherent properties of
                                                                the Merkle trees as cryptographic accumulators, we illustrate how user-
                                                                generated pseudonyms can be constructed, without the need of a third
                                                                party. Each such pseudonym, which depends on several user’s identifiers,
                                                                suffices to hide these original identifiers, whilst the unlinkability prop-
                                                                erty between any two different pseudonyms for the same user is retained;
                                                                at the same time, this pseudonymisation scheme allows the pseudonym
                                                                owner to easily prove that she owns a pseudonym within a specific con-
                                                                text, without revealing information on her original identifiers. Compared
                                                                to other user-generated pseudonymisation techniques which utilize pub-
                                                                lic key encryption algorithms, the new approach inherits the security
                                                                properties of a Merkle tree, thus achieving post-quantum security.

                                                                Keywords: Data minimisation · General Data Protection Regulation ·
                                                                Merkle trees · Personal data · Pseudonymisation

                                                      1       Introduction
                                                      Pseudonymisation of personal data constitutes an important privacy enhancing
                                                      technique that, when appropriately implemented, suffices to provide specific data
                                                      protection safeguards. More precisely, the data pseudonymisation may give rise
                                                      to protecting (hiding) the real identities of the individuals (which is related, as a
                                                      data protection goal, to data confidentiality), as well as to unlinkability of indi-
                                                      viduals across different application domains. Moreover, pseudonyms can also be
                                                      used in some cases to ensure verification of the actual identity of the individual
                                                           This work was supported by CYBER–TRUST project, which has received funding
                                                           from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
                                                           grant agreement no. 786698. This work reflects the authors’ view and agency is not
                                                           responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees
2       G. Kermezis, et al.

(which is related, as a data protection goal, to data integrity) [15,16]. Therefore,
taking into account the six data protection goals as they have been presented
in [19] for addressing the legal, technical, economic, and societal dimensions of
privacy and data protection in complex IT systems - namely confidentiality,
integrity, unlinkability, availability, intervenablity and transparency - the pseu-
donymisation may contribute in ensuring (at least) the three of them.
    The aforementioned data protection goals of pseudonymisation are implied in
the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679
or GDPR). There are several references to pseudonymisation within the GDPR,
mainly as the vehicle for providing appropriate data protection safeguards in
several cases, such as towards achieving the so-called data protection by design
principle. However, choosing a proper pseudonymisation technique is not always
an easy task, since there are different parameters that need to be considered
each time, taking into account the specific scenario that the pseudonymisation
is to be used [15,16].
    One quite challenging use case of pseudonymisation is the one that the user’s
pseudonym is being generated in the user’s environment - i.e. user-generated
pseudonyms. In such a scenario, neither the data controller (as is defined in the
GPDR) nor any other (trusted or not) third party is actively employed in the
process of deriving the pseudonyms; instead, the individuals by themselves, via a
specific process in a decentralised approach, generate pseudonyms which in turn
are being subsequently used by data controllers. Several such pseudonymisation
approaches have been proposed in the literature (e.g. [33,24,35]). One of the
most known scenarios of user-generated pseudonyms is the the case of several
blockchain systems (such as the case of Bitcoin), in which the users are being
identified by a meaningless identifier (i.e. the pseudonym, being called address
in this case) which is uniquely associated with a relevant cryptographic key
corresponding to its owner.
    As stated in [24], when designing such a decentralised approach for pseudonym
generation, we are mainly interested in fulfilling the following requirements: i)
ease of use, ii) linking a pseudonym to its owning user should not be possible
for any other than the user herself, unless it is explicitly permitted, iii) in cases
that users may have multiple pseudonyms, it should not be possible to identify
different pseudonyms as belonging to the same user, iv) injectivity, in terms that
the pseudonym generation process should avoid duplicates, v) flexibility, i.e. it
should be possible to add new pseudonyms to the user entities with minimal
    In this paper, we explore the notion of the so-called cryptographic accumula-
tors, in order to derive user-generated pseudonyms with some specific properties.
Cryptographic accumulators are data structures based on cryptographic prim-
itives to efficiently implement set membership operations [31]. They allow to
accumulate a finite set of values {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } into a succinct value X. There-
fore, they may constitute a convenient tool to derive pseudonyms (corresponding
to the relevant succinct values) that are contingent on a set of initial identifiers
(corresponding to the relevant set of values), so as to allow extracting the infor-
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees          3

mation whether a given identifier corresponds to a given pseudonym. To achieve
this goal, we appropriately utilize the Merkle trees [27] - which is a case of a
cryptographic accumulator - as the means to provide a new pseudonymisation
technique. The generic idea of using Merkle trees for pseudonymisation purposes
has been very recently discussed in [17]. In our approach, we propose a new pseu-
donymisation scheme such as, for a user A with some domain-specific identifiers
idA1 , . . . , idAn , a pseudonym PA of A can be generated by the user A herself,
satisfying the following properties:

P1. The pseudonym PA depends on all idA1 , . . . , idAn .
P2. Knowledge of PA does not allow revealing any of the original identifiers
   idAi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n .
P3. The user A can prove, whenever she wants, that any idAi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
   corresponds to PA , without revealing any other information on the remaining
   identifiers idAj , j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} \ {i} .
                                                              (1)       (s)
P4. The user may generate several such pseudonyms PA , . . . , PA , with the
   above properties, being pairwise unlinkable.
P5. Two different users A and B will always generate different pseudonyms PA
   and PB , regardless the number, the types and the values of their original

Therefore, the new pseudonymisation technique satisfies the properties described
in [24] (implementation issues will be subsequently analysed), enriched with
some additional properties that may be of high importance in specific scenarios,
as discussed next. Actually, due to the property P3, the user A may prove, if
                                                (1)      (2)
she wants, that two different pseudonyms PA and PA , even if they have been
given to two different organisations Org1 and Org2 respectively, correspond to
her; such a proof of pseudonym’s ownership though (i.e. proving to Org1 that she
owns PA in Org2 and/or vice versa), does not reveal any additional information
on the original identifiers of A to either Org1 or Org2 .
    Moreover, it should be pointed out that the cryptographic strength of the
above properties are strongly related to the cryptographic strength of the Merkle
tree as an one-time signature scheme, which is known to be post-quantum secure
under specific assumptions on the underlying hash function [9,10] (see subsection
3.3). This is an important property, taking also into account that other known
techniques on deriving user-generated pseudonyms (such as the aforementioned
techniques in [33,24,35])) rely on conventional public key cryptographic schemes
which are not post-quantum secure.
    The rest of the paper is organised as follows. First, the necessary background
is given in Section 2, covering both the basic elements of the legal framework
(subsection 2.1) and the typical Merkle trees (subsection 2.2). Next, the basic
idea on the proposed pseudonymisation technique is presented in Section 3; this
section also includes a discussion on the security properties and on implementa-
tion issues, as well as on possible application scenarios for this technique. Finally,
concluding remarks are given in Section 4.
4       G. Kermezis, et al.

2     Preliminaries

2.1   Pseudonymisation and data protection: legal framework

The European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (2016) —known as the General Data
Protection Regulation or GDPR— constitutes the main legal instrument for per-
sonal data protection in Europe, which applies to all organizations that process
personal data of individuals residing in the European Union, regardless of the
organizations’ location, which can be outside European Union.
    The term personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person, that is a person who can be identified (being called
data subject). Personal data processing means any operation that is performed
on personal data, including the collection, recording, structuring, storage, adap-
tation or alteration, retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination,
combination and erasure. The GDPR codifies the basic principles that need to
be guaranteed when personal data are collected or further processed and sets
specific obligations to the data controllers - i.e. the entities that, alone or jointly
with others, determine the purposes and means of the processing of personal
data. Amongst them, the so-called data minimisation principle refers to the ne-
cessity that the personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is
necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (art. 5 of the
    The data minimisation, as a fundamental principle, spans the entire text of
the GDPR: for example, is it explicitly mentioned in art. 25 towards ensuring the
data protection by design principle, which in turn constitutes an important chal-
lenge involving various technological and organisational aspects [2]. Moreover,
the art. 11 of the GDPR states that if the purposes for which the data controller
processes personal data do not or do no longer require the identification of an in-
dividual, then the controller shall not be obliged to maintain, acquire or process
additional information in order to identify the data subject.
    In light of the above requirements, data pseudonymisation plays an important
role in data protection. From an engineering perspective, a pseudonym is defined
as an identifier of a subject, which is different from the subject’s real name [32,1],
whereas the types of pseudonyms may be distinguished by the context of use
[32]. Typically, a pseudonym replaces a data subject’s identifier, with the latter
one being able to explicitly identify the data subject within a specific context;
for example, the original identifier can be a combination of first name and last
name, an e-mail address, or even a device/network identifier (e.g. an IP address,
a device ID etc.) which in turn constitute personal data when the device is
associated with an individual (see also [12]).
    The GDPR also defines pseudonymisation as the processing of personal data
in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific
data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such addi-
tional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organisational
measures to ensure that the personal data are not attributed to an identified or
identifiable natural person. As the GDPR explicitly states, pseudonymous data
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees             5

are personal and not anonymous data, despite the fact that there is often a
confusion in characterizing pseudonymous data as anonymous (see, e.g., [12] for
a discussion on this). However, with a properly implemented pseudonymisation
scheme, pseudonymous data should not allow revealing the original identifier
without some additional information; this piece of information can be, for exam-
ple, a cryptographic key which is protected - and that’s why a pseudonymisation
technique often relies on utilizing a cryptographic function to identifiers or other
identity-related information (see, e.g., [15,16] and the references therein).

2.2   Merkle trees
A Merkle tree is a binary tree based on a cryptographic hash function H. Having
as starting point N values y0 , . . . , yN −1 , where N = 2n for some integer n, the
i-th leaf node is labeled with the corresponding hash value H(yi ) of yi , whereas
every inner node is labeled with the hash value formed from the concatenation of
its children’s labels. The label of the root node is the accumulated value, which
is clearly contingent on all y0 , . . . , yN −1 . For example, in Fig. 1 which illustrates
a Merkle tree of 23 = 8 leaves (i.e. of height 3), it holds a1,0 = H(a0,0 k a0,1 ) =
H(H(y0 ) k H(y1 )), a2,0 = H(a1,0 k a1,1 ) and a3,0 = H(a2,0 k a2,1 ).

                     Fig. 1. A classical Merkle tree with 23 leaves.

    A Merkle tree may be the basis for deriving hash-based one-time signatures
[27], generalizing the notion of Lamport’s signatures [22]. Each yi corresponds to
a private key that is being used to sign a message, whereas the root of the tree is
the signer’s public key. When such a yi is to be used for signing, the signer signs
the message with the pair (yi , H(yi )) - i.e. the signer reveals the private value
yi which allows for the computation of H(yi ) which in turn is being used for
the signature. To allow signature verification, the signer should also reveal the
authentication path of the tree - i.e. all the necessary labels of the intermediate
6       G. Kermezis, et al.

nodes which are needed to verify the root of the tree, that is the signer’s known
public key. For example, for the case of Merkle tree illustrated in Fig. 1, the
verification path for the signature corresponding to y2 consists of the labels a0,3 ,
a1,0 and a2,1 (see Fig. 2). The Merkle trees constitute the main building blocks
for hash-based post-quantum secure signature schemes, such as LMS [25], XMSS
[20], and SPHINCS+ [5].

            Fig. 2. An authentication path in a Merkle signature scheme.

3     The new pseudonymisation technique
In this section, we present how a Merkle tree can be used to generate pseudonyms
with the properties P1 - P5 described in Section 1.

3.1   Initial assumptions
Our main initial assumption is that an individual A is being identified by different
organisations Org1 , . . . , OrgN though pairwise distinct identifiers idA1 , . . . , idAN
respectively; for example, depending on the context, such identifiers could be.
e.g., a Social Security Number, an Identity Card Number, a VAT Registration
Number or even an e-mail address or a device identifier. We are not interested
in how each Orgi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N , obtains, at the first place, the identifier idAi ;
we simply assume that the validity of each such identifier, for the corresponding
organisation, is ensured (e.g. through a secure registration procedure).
    Actually, the term identifier is being used hereinafter to describe any piece
of information that allows distinguishing an individual from other individuals;
the GDPR (Article 4) provides a non-exhaustive list of common identifiers (such
as name, identification number, location data, online identifier). In our scenario,
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees          7

an identifier for each organisation could be of any form. However, our main
assumption is that an organisation Orgi should not, by default, be able to link
personal information of A with another organisation Orgj (i.e. such a linking
would vanish the data minimisation principle); this in turn means that, for any
pair i, j, the organisation Orgi should not know that idAj is associated with
the individual A. For example, a hospital may identify a patient though her
Social Security Number; however, since there is no need for the hospital to get
knowledge of the VAT Registration Number of the patient, this user’s identifier
should not become known to the hospital.
     It should be pointed out that the notion of identifier is not necessarily re-
stricted to a single value, as in the examples presented above; for example, one
such identifier idAi may consist, e.g., of a combination of individual’s first name,
last name and ID card number; although the ID card number by itself suffices
to uniquely identify the individual in a specific context (i.e. it is a single iden-
tifier), we may allow incorporating many user’s attributes into the definition of
a single identifier. By these means, the number of possible single identifiers that
may occur does not affect our analysis, since all of them may become part of
a new single identifier incorporating all of them. Indeed, re-visiting the above
example, the combination of first name and last name could be also an identifier
(depending on the context), apart from the ID card number; however, we may
define in this case that: idA1 = first name k last name k ID card number.
     Moreover, in the subsequent analysis, we assume that the organisations Orgi ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , N do not secretly exchange information towards getting, for a user
A, much more personal information of A than they need for their data processing
purposes (i.e. they do not collaborate maliciously in terms of personal data
protection requirements). In other words, for any i 6= j, Orgi and Orgj do
not try to link information relating to idAi and idAj - which would also lead
in revealing idAi (resp. idAj ) to Orgj (resp. Orgi ). It should be noted that
such linking attacks, generally, may be possible between different databases,
even if the relevant users identifiers are different: this may occur, for example,
by comparing the so-called quasi-identifiers of individuals (see, e.g., [18]). In
our paper, we do not consider such threats; we simply focus on deriving user-
                                        (i)      (j)
generated different pseudonyms PA and PA being pairwise unlinkable - i.e.,
                      (i)    (j)                       (i)
for any i 6= j, PA 6= PA , whilst knowledge of PA , i = 1, 2, . . . , N , does not
allow computation of idAi , as well as computation of any other identifier idAj
of A. Moreover, under the aforementioned assumption of the honest model with
respect to the behavior of the parties (organisations), there is no way to establish
         (i)         (j)
that PA and PA correspond to the same individual - unless the individual A
by herself wants to prove it.

3.2   How to derive a pseudonym
Let us assume that the user A wants to generate N pseudonyms PA , i =
1, 2, . . . , N , each for one different organisation Orgi , where Orgi already knows
the identifier idAi of A. First, for the sake of simplicity, we assume that N =
8        G. Kermezis, et al.

Fig. 3. Generating a pseudomyn depending on idA1 , idA2 , idA3 , idA4 , (b) Proving that
the pseudonym corresponds to the known identifier idA2

    Fig. 4. Proving that the pseudonym PA corresponds to the known identifier idA1

2n for some integer n (and the more general case will be subsequently dis-
cussed). For these parameters, each pseudonym is associated with a Merkle tree
of height n + 1 - i.e. with 2N leaves. For the i-th such Merkle tree, the labels
 (i)    (i)            (i)
a0,0 , a0,1 , . . . , a0,2N −1 of its leaves are constructed via a secret key k (i) , which is
known only to A, as follows:
                       (i)     H(idA(`+2)/2 ),      if ` = 0, 2, 4, . . . , 2N − 2,
                     a0,` =
                               Hk(i) (idA(`+1)/2 ), if ` = 1, 3, 5, . . . , 2N − 1
   where H is a cryptographic hash function and Hk(i) is a keyed hash function
with a key k (i) - i.e. a Message Authentication Code (MAC). Actually, in simple
words, each pair of leaves of the Merkle tree corresponds to one users’s identifier;
the first leaf of the pair is labelled by the hashed value of the identifier, whilst the
second leaf is labelled by the keyed hashed value of the identifier (i.e. its MAC).
Such a Merkle tree is shown in the Fig. 3, with 8 leaves (i.e. N = 4); the label PA
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees              9

of the root corresponds to the pseudonym of the user. Apparently, the root of
the tree depends on all its leaves - namely, on all identifiers idAi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N .
Moreover, by using different key k (i) for each Merkle tree, a different pseudonym
  (i)                                                                      (i)
PA is being generated for each Orgi ; all of these pseudonyms PA though,
i = 1, 2, . . . , N , share the same properties (i.e. each of them depends on all idAi ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , N ,) and are pairwise unlinkable.

    Since we assume that these pseudonyms are being generated in the user’s
environment, which in turn means that each secret key k (i) is known only to the
pseudonym’s owner A, it is essential to establish a procedure that the user A
proves to an organisation Orgj that she owns the pseudonym PA . Recalling our
assumption that Orgj already knows idAj as an identifier of A, the properties
of a Merkle tree as a cryptographic primitive for a digital signature (see Fig. 2)
suffice to allow such a proof of ownership. Indeed, let us assume that, for the
pseudonym derived in the Fig. 3, that the user A wants to prove to Org2 that
she owns this pseudonym. Then A simply reveals the labels of the authentication
path of the tree that allows Org2 verify that the pseudonym PA corresponds
to idA2 - namely, A reveals the values Hk(i) (idA2 ), a1,0 and a2,1 (recall that
Org2 can compute H(idA2 )). This is illustrated in Fig. 4. Clearly, a similar
procedure may be followed for any identifier idAi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N or, equivalently,
to any organisation Orgi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N . Due to the properties of the Merkle
tree, no information on other identifiers of A is revealed in this verification
procedure. Moreover, for a secure keyed hash function, knowledge of the pair
(idAi , Hk(i) (idAi )) does not allow computing k (i) .

     An interesting remark is that the above verification procedure holds for any
pair i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } - i.e. A can always prove to Orgj that PA corresponds
to idAj , without revealing to Orgj any other information on the remaining iden-
tifiers idA` , ` ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } \ {j}. If i = j, such a verification procedure is
essential in establishing that the pseudonym of A within Orgj will be PA ; this
is a necessary first step (i.e. a registration process), since a pseudonym PA may
be considered as valid in a specific context only if the relevant organisation Orgj
that will use PA is ensured for its validity. However, if i 6= j, then we are in the
case that A proves to Orgj that she owns another pseudonym PA in another
organisation Orgi - i.e. the user A allows for linking personal information of
herself. Note that, without this intervention (i.e. proof of ownership) of A, such
                     (i)      (j)
a linking between PA and PA is not possible.

    Due to the nature of the Merkle tree, which is typically considered as a full
balanced binary tree, the number of its leaves is always a power of 2; that’s why
we first assumed that N = 2n for some n. However, this may not be always the
case. To alleviate this issue, we choose the minimum possible integer m such that
N < 2m and we proceed accordingly by constructing a Merkle tree with 2m+1
leaves; the first 2N of them correspond to the N user’s identifiers as described
previously, whereas the remaining 2m+1 − 2N leaves can be chosen arbitrarily.
10      G. Kermezis, et al.

3.3   Security requirements

As in any hash-based post-quantum signature scheme, the security of the de-
scribed pseudonymisation scheme rests with the cryptographic properties of the
underlying hash function H in the Merkle tree [10,11]. In our case, the necessary
security requirement for H is collision resistance, which means that finding two
inputs with the same hash value is computationally infeasible. Collision resis-
tance implies other weaker security requirements such as one-wayness (i.e. for
essentially all pre-specified outputs, it is computationally infeasible to find any
input which hashes to that output) and second-preimage resistance (i.e. it is
computationally infeasible to find a second input which has the same hash value
as that of a specified input). Therefore, if collision resistance is present, an ad-
versary cannot find, for any given pseudonym PA , as well as for any given label
of an intermediate node of the tree, any relevant idA` , ` = 1, 2, . . . , N . Moreover,
an adversary cannot find/compute inputs which give rise to the same outputs
as the original idA` , ` = 1, 2, . . . , N .
    An important parameter of hash functions towards evaluating the aforemen-
tioned collision resistance is the length n of the hash value. As it is stated in
[10], the so-called birthday attack, which works for any hash function, finds
a collision in time approximately 2n/2 ; moreover, in a quantum world, there
exists an attack finding a collision in time approximately 2n/3 [4]. Therefore,
today we need n ≥ 256, whilst for post-quantum security we need n ≥ 384 [10].
The cryptographic NIST standards SHA-2 [29] and SHA-3 [30] are known to be
collision-resistant, also supporting such lengths for their output.
    Our pseudonymisation scheme also utilises a keyed hash function. Appar-
ently, the requirement of collision resistance is also necessary for this function.
To this end, the HMAC [28] or GMAC [13] cryptographic standards can be, e.g.,
used. For the case of HMAC, it is well-known [6] that its cryptographic strength
depends on the properties of the underlying hash function - whereas the security
of HMAC is formally studied in [7]. Therefore, again an appropriate collision
resistant hash function, such as SHA-2 or SHA-3, suffices to develop a secure
keyed hash function (see also ENISA’s report on cryptographic parameters [14]).
The security properties of the GMAC, being an information-theoretic authenti-
cation code, already assumes an attacker with unlimited computing power and,
thus, it provides protection in the post-quantum era (see, e.g., [3]). Regarding
the key size, GMAC provides post-quantum security with 128 bits key size [3].
The same key size is also considered as adequate today for HMAC; however,
although there is a belief that such a key size will also be adequate for HMAC in
the post-quantum era, several post-quantum implementations of HMAC utilize
larger key sizes (see, e.g., [23]).
    Apart from the properties of the cryptographic primitives that are being used,
the following security requirement should also necessarily be in place: When the
user A registers her pseudonym PA to the organisation Orgi , this registration
should be authenticated (i.e. the identity of A providing idAi shall be ensured).
Otherwise, an adversary having knowledge of the original identifier idAi of A
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees        11

                                           (i0 )
could clearly create a fake pseudonym PA           for which he could prove that it
stems from idAi .

3.4   Possible applications

Based on the above properties of the pseudonymisation scheme, several possible
application scenarios can be considered, in which the proposed pseudonymisa-
tion scheme provides the means to ensure data minimisation. Some indicative
applications are given below, actually based on the properties P1 − P5 of the

Minimizing information requested from another entity/data controller
Let us assume that the individual A is identified by idA1 in Org1 and by idA2
in Org2 , whereas the organisation Org1 needs to get some information about A
from Org2 . However, Org1 (resp. Org2 ) should not get knowledge of idA2 (resp.
Org1 ).
    As a specific indicative example, Org1 could be, e.g., a University, using the
student number of A as idA1 , whereas Org2 could be the Finance Ministry, with
the Department/Service that is responsible for citizens taxes, using the VAT
number as idA2 . Let us assume that the University needs to get knowledge on
the annual income of the student A, in order to decide whether the student A
deserves some benefits (e.g. housing alliance). Actually, due to the data minimi-
sation principle, if the decision on students benefits is based on a threshold of
their annual income, only knowledge on whether this income is higher or lower
than the threshold is needed (and not the exact value of the income).
    With our pseudonymisation scheme, the user A has already created the
                (1)       (2)
pseudonyms PA and PA for the University and Finance Ministry respectively,
having proved to each of them their ownership. Each of these pseudonyms is the
root of a Merkle tree with 4 leaves; the leaves, in both trees, corresponds to the
student number and the VAT number. To allow the University obtain the neces-
sary information, the student A may provide to her University her pseudonym
PA that uses for the service of the Finance Ministry, proving also that this
pseudonym indeed corresponds to her; note that, for such a proof of ownership,
A will provide to the University the authentication path of the Merkle tree of
PA corresponding to her student number and not to the VAT Number (i.e. a
different authentication path from the one that A used to prove the ownership of
PA to the Finance Ministry). In other words, the University is able to verify the
ownership of PA , without getting any information on the VAT number of A.
Then, the University simply asks the Finance Ministry to response whether the
annual income of the individual with the pseudonym PA if higher or lower than
the prescribed threshold. By these means, the University receives the minimum
possible information that is necessary to perform its tasks.
    Clearly, other similar examples as the above may be considered.
12      G. Kermezis, et al.

Minimizing exchange of information between joint data controllers
or between a data controller and a data processor There are also cases
in which a specific personal data processing is being somehow shared between
different entities - each of them having a specific role in the whole process.
Depending on the role, this could be a case of joint controllership (i.e. two or more
entities are joint data controllers, that is they jointly determine the purposes
and means of processing) or the case that some entities are data processors (i.e.
entities which process personal data on behalf of the controller(s)). In any case,
there may be necessary that such a single entity should have restricted access to
personal data, in the framework of the data minimisation principle. For example,
let us assume that one entity (let’s say Org2 ) may perform analysis on raw data,
so as to derive an output for each individual which in turn will be feed to another
entity (let’s say Org1 ). It is probable that, due to the data minimisation principle,
Org2 should not be able to re-identify the individuals, whilst Org1 , being able
to re-identify them, should get access only to the outcome of the processing of
Org2 and not to the whole volume of initial raw data.
    As a possible application scenario lying in this case, we may refer to data pro-
cessing based on the Pay-How-You-Drive model. The main idea of this insurance
model is that drivers have to pay a premium based on their driving behaviour and
degree of exposure, instead of paying a predetermined fixed price. Such a model
poses several privacy risks, due to the fact that the evaluation of the driver’s
behavior typically necessitates tracking of the driver’s routes, collecting and/or
extracting detailed personal information (speed, harsh braking/acceleration, vis-
ited places, trips frequencies and time schedules, number and duration of pos-
sible stops etc.). Hence, the proposed pseudonymisation scheme could possibly
alleviate such privacy threats as follows:
 – The collection of raw data, based on the driver’s driving information, is
   performed by Org2 , which in turn performs the whole analysis in order to
   derive a scoring for the driver (according to the model). The scoring by itself
   does not allow going backwards to the detailed personal information.
 – Org2 works on pseudonymised information. For an individual (driver) A,
   Org2 uses a user-generated pseudonym PA based on an identifier idA2 of A
   which is known only to Org2 . Although it is important that idA2 is unique
   for A and suffices to discriminate her from any other user, the value idA2 by
   itself should not be able to allow finding the identity of A. For example, idA2
   could be a unique identifier generated by the relevant smart application.
 – Org2 submits the output of its analysis (i.e. scoring of the driver) to the
   insurance company Org1 , in a pseudonymised form, based on the pseudonym
     (2)                                                           (2)
   PA . Note that, at this moment, Org1 is not able to link PA to any of its
   insured customers (whereas even idA2 is not known to Org1 ).
 – Org2 deletes the raw data.
 – The user A proves to the Org1 that she owns the pseudonym PA . Such a
   proof of ownership is based on an identifier idA1 , which is known only to
   Org1 for identifying its customers, which had been also used, in conjunction
                                   (2)                   (2)
   with idA2 , for constructing PA . In other words, PA is the root of a Merkle
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees         13

      tree, whose four leaves are based on two identifiers idA1 and idA2 - namely,
      they are being labelled by idA1 , Hk (idA1 ),idA2 , Hk (idA2 ) respectively.

By the above procedure, the insurance company gets the desired information on
the evaluation of the driving behavior of its customer A, without obtaining any
detailed personal information of her driving habits (trips, speed etc.). Moreover,
Org2 which get (and processes) such detailed personal information, is not able
to link this information to an identified individual, unless of course the user A
wants to prove her exact identity to Org2 - e.g. in case of disputing the accuracy
of personal data processed (recall also our assumption with respect to the honest
model, in the beginning of Section 3).
    Although the above clearly does not constitute a full solution to the privacy
challenges of a Pay-How-You-Drive model, it becomes clear that by utilizing ad-
vanced pseudonymisation techniques such the one presented here, more options
for alleviating data protection issues in several application scenarios are present.

3.5     Implementation analysis

The performance of Merkle trees in terms of one-time signature schemes, tak-
ing into account both speed and storage, has been widely discussed by several
researchers, whereas several improvements deviating from the naive implemen-
tation have been also proposed. Namely, there are techniques aiming to generate
the signature without saving too many nodes, at a still efficient time - i.e. dealing
with the so-called Merkle tree traversal problem (see, e.g., [8,26,34]).
    Here, we do not focus on finding the best possible implementation, but we
rather discuss several aspects that need to be considered. First, the height of
the tree depends fully on the number of leaves - which, in our case, is fully
determined by the number N of original user’s identifiers idAi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N .
The height in turn determines the total number of the tree’s nodes, as well as the
length of the verification path (which in general affects network performance).
More precisely, in a Merkle tree of height h, the verification path also includes
h nodes. For example, if h = 4, which means that the number of user’s domain-
specific identifiers is N = 8, and the size of the hash value is 384 bits (i.e. to
be consistent with the requirements for post-quantum security), then the size of
the verification path, to verify the pseudonym of length 384 bits, is 192 Bytes.
    Moreover, as stated above, since the typical form of a Merkle tree implies
a balanced tree (i.e. all leaves reside at the bottom level h, where h is the
height of the tree), the number of the leaves should be a power of 2, and this
forms a restriction of the whole process (it is already discussed that utilizing
dummy values could be a way to deal with this issue). Alternatively, this could
be alleviated by extending the notion of the Merkle tree so as to be imbalanced
(see, e.g., [21]); in such a scenario, no all verification paths will have the same
length. In any case though, adding a new leaf (i.e. adding a new identifier)
yields a new root of the Merkle tree - i.e. a new pseudonym - and, therefore,
an extended verification path. We state the above as possible approaches that
could be considered as future research steps.
14      G. Kermezis, et al.

    In any case, it is expected that the utilization of a Merkle tree as a vehicle
for pseudonymisation through the proposed approach will not lead to a large
tree, since typically the number of individual’s identifiers will not be too large
(see, e.g., the discussion of possible application areas in Subsection 3.4). To
verify the effectiveness of the approach for small sizes of Merkle trees for N
identifiers or, equivalently 2N leaves, 2 ≤ N ≤ 128, we executed experiments
in a typical Windows 10 home computer (AMD Ryzen 3 2200U with Radeon
Vega Mobile Gfx 2.5 GHz, with 8 Gb RAM). We utilized Python v.3.8.2 for
our implementation of the pseudonymisation scheme, whilst we measured both
the time for creating the pseudonym (i.e. to create the Merkle tree) as well as
the time for the pseudonym verification (i.e. to verify that the given verification
path does yield the pseudonym, for the given identifier). We utilized the SHA-
2 hash function, with hash length 256 bits, and the HMAC, via the relevant
Python libraries. The results illustrate that, for N ≤ 128, the time for creating
a Merkle tree (without implementing the most effective approach) is less than
1 sec (starting from about 15mec for small values of N ), whereas the time for
pseudonym verification is less than 40msec.

4    Conclusions

In this paper, we illustrated how a Merkle tree (as a characteristic example of
cryptographic accumulator) can be used to provide a pseudonymisation mech-
anism with specific nice properties in terms of fulfilling the data minimisation
principle, which are not easily attained by other known pseudonymisation tech-
niques. Moreover, since the Merkle tree is known to provide post-quantum se-
curity, the proposed pseudonymisation scheme suffices to provide long-term se-
curity, whereas other known cryptography-based pseudonymisation techniques
with similar properties do not provide such post-quantum resistance. The main
outcome of the above analysis is that advanced cryptography suffices to provide
solutions to personal data protection matters - not only from a security perspec-
tive (which is the obvious one) but also from a data minimisation perspective.
    The ideas presented in this paper opens several directions for further research.
First, for any specific case study utilizing this pseudonymisation scheme, a formal
security analysis of the whole procedure is essential to be performed. Further-
more, other extensions of the Merkle trees (as in the cases of post-quantum one
time signatures like XMSS or SPHINCS) could be possibly studied in the frame-
work of deriving pseudonymisation schemes. Another interesting direction is to
examine how the pseudonym’s owner will be able to explicitly define which types
of personal data will be exchanged between the two entities (organisations), so
as to eliminate the risk that the two organisations exchange more personal data
than it is necessary (i.e. to force transparency on the data exchange to the user).
    In any case, a general conclusion is that the properties achieved by the pro-
posed technique should be further elaborated, in terms of identifying other ap-
plication areas in which this technique will be beneficial.
User-generated pseudonyms through Merkle trees          15

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