ViennaFAll 2021 - Town of Vienna

Page created by Betty Jensen
ViennaFAll 2021 - Town of Vienna
                                                                              FALL 2021

PARKS AND RECREATION programs and events guide

                                                                                   See pages 12 , 13
                                                                                    and back cover

                                                                        75th Annual
                                                                                       See page 13

  Town of Vienna Parks and Recreation
  Creating community through people, parks and programs
         The Town will follow the Governor’s Forward Virginia Phased Guidelines.
                Updates to the brochure will be posted at
ViennaFAll 2021 - Town of Vienna
FALL 2021

       TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR
                                                                        Leslie Herman, CPRP.........................................................................................................703-255-6356

                                                                        COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                                        Leon Evans, Community Center Manager.................................................................703-255-6355
                                                                        Nick Jones, Assistant Manager......................................................................................703-255-5726
                                                                        Joy DiLillo Harrington, Administrative Assistant II.................................................703-255-5741
                                                                        Gagan Sandhu, Customer Care Specialist.................................................................703-255-6360

        Vienna to Herndon Caboose to Caboose                            Jeremy Edwards, Parks Superintendent.....................................................................703-255-6336
                    see back cover                                      Brian Harrington, Parks Supervisor..............................................................................703-255-5755
                                                                        Gary Lawrence, Arborist/Horticulturist......................................................................703-255-6309
                                                             PAGE       Scott Diffenderfer, Urban Arborist...............................................................................703-255-6358
        General Information........................... 2 – 5            RECREATION
        Registration Dates............................... 3 – 4         Amy-Jo Hendrix, Recreation Program Manager......................................................703-255-6357
                                                                        Brandy Wyatt, Recreation Program Coordinator II ................................................703-255-5721
        Historic Vienna, Inc.................................... 3      Lily Dunning-Widman, Rec. Program Coordinator II — Special Events..........703-255-5738
                                                                        Kathy Blevins, Recreation Program Coordinator — Mature Adults.................703-255-7801
        WebTrac Registration................................ 4          Natalie Duncan, After School Program Coordinator.............................................703-255-5736
        About Our Parks.......................................... 5     PHONE NUMBERS
        Preschool & Youth Classes................ 6 – 9                 Community Center Front Desk/Business Office......................................................703-255-6360
        Club Phoenix Teen Center........... 10 – 11                     Weather, Special Events and Sports Line...................................................................703-255-7842
                                                                        Virginia Relay Center............................................................................................................................. 711
        Special Events.................................. 12 – 13        Business
            Octoberfest ...........................................12   BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS
                                                                        Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
           Summer on the Green ......................12
           Big Screen on the Green ..................12                 COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION
                                                                        Mon. – Fri.: 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
           75th Annual
                                                                        Sat.: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunday: 12:00 noon – 6:00 p.m.
              Halloween Parade...........................13
            Halloween on the Green...................13                                                       YOUTH TEAM SPORTS
        Adult Art & Fitness Programs...............14                   VIENNA BABE RUTH LEAGUE — boys ages 13–18, visit for more information.
                                                                                    VIENNA LITTLE LEAGUE — For children ages 5–12,
        Adult Fitness Programs................ 15 – 16
                                                                                    Little League also sponsors a T-ball program. For further information see
        Adult Programs                                                           VIENNA GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE ­— Softball program for girls ages 3–18.
           and Lectures................................ 17 – 18                                                          For more information visit
                                                                           VIENNA YOUTH INC. — Programs in football, lacrosse, rugby, wrestling, cheerleading,
        Mature Adult Lectures.................. 19 – 20
                                                                                                basketball and track and field. For more information, visit
        Mature Adult Classes...............................22             VIENNA YOUTH SOCCER — For boys and girls ages 5–18, for information, visit
        Fall 2021 Adult Trips................................21
                                                                                             AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT
        Drop-in and On-going
                                                                        The Vienna Parks and Recreation Brochure will be made available in large print or on
           Programs................................................22   an audio device upon request. Call 703-255-6360 • TTY 703-255-5739/ Virginia
                                                                        Relay Center 711. The Town of Vienna does not discriminate based on disability in the
        Registration Form.....................................23        administration or access to, treatment of, or employment in its programs or activities. The
                                                                        Director of Public Works at 127 Center Street S, Vienna, VA 22180 has been designated to
        Caboose to Caboose..............Back Cover                      coordinate ADA compliance. This location is fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
        Chillin’ on Church....................Back Cover                Translation requests need to be made in writing at least 14 working days before the date
                                                                        of the event.


      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                                                2                                                                                               703-255-6360
FALL 2021
                           REGISTRATION DATES                                                           HISTORIC VIENNA
      IN TOWN BEGINS                                   OUT OF TOWN BEGINS                                     HISTORIC VIENNA INC.
      August 2 at 8:00 a.m.                            August 9 at 8:00 a.m.                       HVI is a non-profit corporation established by the
      Classes need to reach the minimum number one week prior to the start date or they            Town of Vienna to preserve and promote Vienna’s
      will be canceled. Camps must meet the minimum two weeks prior to the start of camp.               history through a knowledge of the past.
      Trips must meet the minimum thirty days before the trip.                                    New members and volunteers are always welcome.
                                                                                                         Throughout the year, we offer a variety
                                                                                                     of special events for the enjoyment of visitors,
                                                                                                                  families and children.
                                                                                                       For more information check our website
                                                                                                               or call 703-938-5187.

                     AND DISPLAY GARDEN                                                                   FREEMAN STORE & MUSEUM
                                                                                                  Located at 131 Church Street NE, behind the Town
      The Vienna Community Learning and Display Garden located behind the Vienna                   Green, the Freeman Store and Museum is jointly
      Community Center. The garden features food, flowers and herbs and provides learning          owned and operated by the Town of Vienna and
      and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Also visit the Take-a-book, Leave-a-         Historic Vienna, Inc. Built in 1859, The Freeman
      book kiosk. Guided tours are available, contact Vienna Parks and Recreation at 703-           Store is a museum, a gift shop and has a used
      255-6360. No restroom facilities at this location.                                           book cellar. It remains the jewel of Vienna today.
                                                                                              • 703-938-5187

                            COURT RESERVATIONS
      Town of Vienna residents can reserve Glyndon Park courts for pickleball or tennis
      Monday through Friday from 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. in two-hour time blocks. There
      is no charge for this service. One reservation per household per day. Reservations can be
      made up to one day in advance. Please visit to reserve your spot.

                              FACILITY RENTALS
                    Looking for a premier location
                           for your event?
                                                                                                                   LITTLE LIBRARY
               Look no further. Vienna Community Center can host intimate                             The Little Library is a museum located on the
          meetings of 25 persons or other events. To discuss your event needs                     Freeman Store grounds. Although the Little Library
          or to book a room, please contact Leon Evans at levans@viennava.                            no longer operates as a lending library, guests
              gov, 703-255-6355 or Nick Jones at,                              will enjoy visiting and learning the history of the
                                                                                                   first library in Fairfax County. If you are interested
              703 255-5726. You can also find more information and rental                            in being a volunteer and welcoming visitors on
                  guidelines on our website at                                the days the building is open please contact the
                                                                                                              Freeman Store, 703-938-5187.
............................................................................................................................                                                           3                                           FALL 2021 • Vienna
      REGISTRATION DATES AND TIMES                                                 No refunds or credits will be given after the first class without
      In Town (walk-in, mail-in, WebTrac, fax) begins                              a doctor’s note. No refunds will be given for a materials fee
      August 2 at 8:00 a.m.                                                        or Pottery Lab. All requests for refunds and credits must be
                                                                                   submitted in writing.
      Out of Town Registration (walk-in, mail-in, WebtTrac, fax) begins
      August 9 at 8:00 a.m.                                                        Trips: No refunds or credits will be issued within two weeks of the trip.
      Registrations are accepted at the Community Center front desk                PRORATED CLASSES AND CAMPS
      during regular hours of operation.
                                                                                   We will prorate classes for students registering late for a class/camp;
      REGISTRATION FORM                                                            however, we cannot prorate the class fee for students who will miss
                                                                                   classes in the middle of the session.
      Please use a separate registration form for each distinct household.
      Example: do not sign up your neighbor or family member residing at
                                                                                   CONFIRMATION POLICY
      a different address on your form.
                                                                                   Please note the date and time of your class. If registering by WebTrac
      Please include complete address, phone number(s), birth date and             a confirmation can be printed from the screen. For in person, drop
      e-mail information. Include activity number, section and name of             off, mail-in and faxes, a confirmation will be emailed to you within
      each registrant.                                                             one week. We may also need to notify you if your class is canceled
                                                                                   or changed, therefore we must have a current daytime telephone
      WEBTRAC ONLINE REGISTRATION                                                  number and e-mail address.
      Log onto for instructions on how to access
      WebTrac or create an account, If you have questions about your user          INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY
      name or password, call the Community Center at 703-255-6360.                 Weather related class or camp cancellations
      FEES                                                                         Full Closure
      Full payment must be included with your registration form.                   • When the Town of Vienna is closed for the day, all classes
      Sending the incorrect fee will delay your registration.                        are canceled.
      • Forms of payment are CREDIT CARD (American Express, Discover,              Modified Operating Schedule
        Master Card or Visa), CHECK (made payable to the Town of Vienna)           • For classes scheduled to begin before 1:00 p.m., operating status
        or CASH (exact change only).                                                 will be announced by 5:00 a.m.
      • R indicates individuals that reside within the corporate limits            • For classes scheduled to begin after 1:00 p.m., operating status will
        of Vienna.                                                                   be announced by 12:00 p.m. (noon).
      • RSR indicates seniors 65 and over that reside within the corporate         For the most up to date information, please check the Town website
        limits of Vienna.                                                          at or call 703-255-7842 for specific details on delays,
                                                                                   early dismissals and closings.
      • NR indicates individuals that reside outside the corporate limits
        of the Town of Vienna.                                                     Outdoor Programs Held in Spring, Summer and Fall Seasons
                                                                                   Decision on outdoor programs/classes will be made one hour prior to
      AGE REQUIREMENT                                                              the start of class. Late cancellations may occur due to unpredictable
      Participants must meet the age requirements by the first day of              weather conditions.
      the program.
                                                                                   Programs and classes will be rescheduled when possible. For those
      CLASS CANCELLATIONS                                                          programs/classes that cannot be rescheduled, a credit will be given
                                                                                   for the class.
      We reserve the right to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment.
      All classes require a minimum number of participants. Classes are            Please call the weather line, 703-255-7842 for updated information.
      normally canceled within one week before each session begins.
      A full refund will be given.                                                 TEXT ALERTS
                                                                                   Vienna Parks and Recreation Department will now offer SMS
      CLASS REFUNDS AND CREDITS                                                    Text Messaging for our WebTrac users. We ask that users opt into
      All requests for refunds or credits must be submitted in writing.            the program to ensure they receive messages about inclement
      Refunds: To obtain a full refund or credit, a request must be                weather closures, camp, program and special event cancellations.
      submitted 14 calendar days prior to the start of the program.                You will only receive immediate emergency messages from our
      A refund requested less than 14 calendar days prior to the start of          Department. We will continue to post other communications
      the program will incur a 50% penalty ($50 max) per program.                  through our email systems, on the Town of Vienna’s website and
                                                                                   through the Town’s social media pages. You must opt in through
      Credits: There is no fee for a household credit submitted 14 calendar
                                                                                   your WebTrac account.
      days prior to the start of the program. A household credit requested
      less than 14 calendar days prior to the start of the program will            Call 703-255-6360 for details on how to opt into the program, or
      incur a 10% penalty per program. Credits are good for one year               visit The Community Center front desk staff
      from date issued.                                                            cannot opt in for you.

      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                       4                                                         703-255-6360
                                                                                      & PARKS
      WORKDAYS                                                              ABOUT OUR PARKS
      Scheduled classes will meet when
      Fairfax County Public Schools are       BRANCH ROAD TOT LOT is located at the intersection of Locust Street and Branch Road,
      closed for teacher workdays.
                                              SE. This park has playground equipment for children ages 2-5. No restroom facilities at
                                              this park.
      POLICY                                  GLYNDON PARK is located on the north side of Maple Avenue on Glyndon Street. It has two
      • Please arrive on time for classes.    lit tennis courts, four pickleball courts, a basketball court, ballfield, picnic areas with pavilions,
        We do not delay the start of class
                                              playground equipment, and restrooms. The park pavilion may be reserved for picnics online.
        for tardiness.
                                              See reservation fees.
      • To ensure the safety of your child
        please accompany your children        MEADOW LANE PARK is located on the corner of Meadow Lane, Ware Street and Courthouse
        to and from the classroom.            Road. This park has two lit tennis courts, two pickleball courts, a basketball court, ball fields,
                                              playground equipment, restrooms and pavilions. The park pavilion may be reserved for picnics online.
      • Pick up your children promptly at
        the end of class. Before and after    See reservation fees.
        class supervision is not available.
        If parents are continually late to    MOOREFIELD PARK is located at 700 Courthouse Road adjacent to Nottoway Park. There is on-site
        pick up their child, the Parks and    parking with walking trails connecting to Nottoway Park. No restroom facilities at this park.
        Recreation Department reserves
        the right to charge an additional     NORTHSIDE PARK-MAUD ROBINSON WILDLIFE PRESERVE is located at the end of
        fee of $10 per child per instance     Glyndon Street on the north side of Maple Avenue. The park is a slice of undisturbed woodland
        of late pickup.                       with winding trails. A hiker and biker connector boardwalk is open. No restroom facilities at
                                              this park. Visit Vienna’s own LOVE sign, The Vienna Public Art Commission’s project, designed
      • We attempt to reschedule all
                                              and donated by a local family.
        classes we cancel; however, we
        cannot reschedule classes for         PETERSON LANE PARK is located on Malcolm Road NW and is jointly operated and owned
        students who miss classes.
                                              by the Town of Vienna and Fairfax County Park Authority. This park has playground equipment,
      • If students cannot be a               a basketball court, GaGa pit, open fields and walkways. No restroom facilities at this park.
        cooperating member of class or
        are a constant distraction during     SARAH WALKER MERCER PARK is located at the corner of Nutley Street and Knoll Street
        the class or camp, they will be       NW. This is a neighborhood park with walking paths, seating areas and an abundance of plant
        asked to withdraw. A refund           material. No restroom facilities at this park.
        will be issued for the remaining
        classes. No refunds will be issued    SOUTHSIDE PARK is located on Ross Drive and is the site of two softball fields. Playground
        for supply fees or Pottery Lab.       equipment and a basketball court are also available at this park. The park pavilion may be reserved
                                              for picnics online.

          ODD JOB LIST                        VIENNA DOG PARK is located at 700 Courthouse Road. This off-leash dog park is situated in
                                              Moorefield Park. The fenced area is shaded with on-site water. Owners and dogs must follow
              Do you need help with           posted rules and regulations. Dogs must be licensed by the Town of Vienna or Fairfax County.
            shoveling snow or maybe           The park is open dawn to dusk. Please follow all rules and pick up after your dogs. No restroom
             to check off a few “to do”       facilities at this park.
          items from your list? Call the
          Vienna Parks and Recreation         VIENNA TOWN GREEN located at 144 Maple Avenue E. The park is in the Town center and is
         Department for our Youth Odd
                                              home to the Summer on the Green performance series. The Town Green includes a plaza, lawn
         Job List. Vienna youth sign up
                                              area, amphitheater, seating and picnic areas, restrooms and parking. The park has Wifi on site.
           to be on the list as a way to
         earn extra cash while helping
                                              WILDWOOD AND STREAM VALLEY PARKS are linear stream buffer parks with a
          their neighbors. The Town of
                                              combination of asphalt, woodchip and nature trails. No restroom facilities at this park.
          Vienna is not responsible for
           setting wage expectations.
                                              SALISBURY SPRING is located at Lawyers and Windover roads NW. Salsbury Spring is less
          Please call the Community           park and more a quiet place of reflection. Named for Captain H.L. Salsbury, the land donor for
          Center front desk for more          both West End and Sons and Daughters cemeteries. It is quiet, shaded and unpretentious.
         information, 703-255-6360.

............................................................................................................................                                                        5                                                FALL 2021 • Vienna
                                                                                                             TENNIS 1 & 2

                                                                                      Instructor: First Serve Tennis
      MUSIC TOGETHER® SING AND GROOVE                                                 Players learn and review the fundamental strokes with emphasis
      Subject to re-evaluation according to state mandates                            on developing rallying skills. Player-Coach ratio is 6:1.
      Each week in Music Together® mixed-age classes, babies, toddlers,               No Class Nov 11
      preschoolers, and the grownups who love them gather for 45 minutes              Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
      of fun-filled family music time. Music activities range from lullabies to       Activity #     Dates # of Classes   Day      Time      Age       R/NR
      full-on jam sessions! You’ll receive a CD of the award-winning music            214040-A1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   3:30-4:20pm 6-8     $198/$247.50
      used in class, a growth chart displaying how your child might develop           214040-B1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   4:30-5:20pm 6-8     $198/$247.50
      musically over semesters, a guide explaining why we do what we do,
                                                                                      214040-C1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   5:30-6:20pm 8-10    $198/$247.50
      and a beautifully illustrated songbook with an access code to Music
                                                                                      214040-D1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   6:30-7:20pm 10-14   $198/$247.50
      Together’s online Family Music Zone to download the collection to
      your digital devices. Classes will meet in the auditorium to ensure
      appropriate social distancing and we’ll follow the CDC face covering
      guidelines. Bring a blanket to sit on, and each week we’ll let you know
      what simple items to bring from home so you can play along in class.
      It’s so much fun you won’t realize how much learning is taking place!
                                                                                          Sign Up for Vienna Happenings
             September 18 – December 4: No class 11/13 and 11/27                                    E-Newsletter
                       9:00 a.m. • 10:00 a.m. • 11:00 a.m.
                 Fees: $232 Residents • $282 for Non-Residents
                                                                                           to sign up to receive the Town’s weekly email
                   To register and for questions, please visit
                                             with updates on what’s going down around town.
                           or call/text 703-282-4786.

                             KIDS ON THE GREEN
                           Tuesdays in August                       .   10:00 a.m.           .     Vienna Town Green
          Enjoy our 4th annual series of free, interactive kids’ programs presented by the Town of Vienna and
             sponsors. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a 30-45-minute program for kids of all ages.
                 Call the weather line at 703-255-7842 or check the Town’s social media for updates on weather cancellations.
                                             Please wear a face covering if you are not vaccinated.

                   MAGIC SHOWS                  .   LIVE INTERACTIVE KIDS MUSIC                                 .   PUPPET SHOWS
                                                       August 3: Blue Sky Puppets
                                              August 10: Mr. Jon — Kids Music and Storytelling
                                                              August 17: TBA


      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                          6                                                         703-255-6360
                                                                                                            YOUTH CLASSES
      GYMNASTICS FOR PARENT AND CHILD	                                                GYMNASTICS FOR AGES 5 TO 13
      Instructor: Shannon Lake                                                        Instructor: Shannon Lake
      Kids! Grab your favorite grown up and come to gymnastics. This is an            Children will receive instruction on the uneven bars, balance beam,
      introductory class where kids will explore the bars, beam, floor, and           vault and floor. Class also includes flexibility and strength building
      springboard with a responsible adult. Instructor provides guidance              moves. Classes are for all ability levels: beginner through advanced.
      and supervision. Adults and children need to be cooperative and                 Children progress through the program based on individual ability
      participating members of the class. No Class Nov 11                             levels. Boys and girls are grouped primarily by ability level and age.
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes      Day     Time        Age      R/NR           Join us for one, two or three days a week! No Class Oct 27, Nov 11
      204060-A1 9/15-11/17   10            W 9:45-10:30am     2-3     $60/$75         Activity #     Dates # of Classes   Day      Time       Age       R/NR
      204060-B1 9/15-11/17   10            W 10:45-11:30am    2-3     $60/$75         214061-A1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   4:15-5:00pm   5-13     $60/$75
      204060-C1 9/16-11/18    9            Th 9:45-10:30am    2-3    $54/$67.50       214061-B1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   5:15-6:00pm   5-13     $60/$75
                                                                                      214061-C1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   6:15-7:00pm   5-13     $60/$75
      PRESCHOOL                                                                       214061-D1    9/15-11/17    9         W    4:15-5:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      GYMNASTICS	                                                                     214061-E1    9/15-11/17    9         W    5:15-6:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      Instructor: Shannon Lake                                                        214061-F1    9/15-11/17    9         W    6:15-7:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      Gymnastics for the younger set!                                                 214061-G1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   4:15-5:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      A fun and challenging class that                                                214061-H1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   5:15-6:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      teaches age appropriate skills on                                               214061-I1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   6:15-7:00pm   5-13    $54/$67.50
      uneven bars, balance beam, floor, and springboard. Students need to
      be able to attend without an adult and be cooperating members of                ADVANCED GYMNASTICS
      the class. No Class Nov 11                                                      Instructor: Shannon Lake
      Activity #     Dates # of Classes   Day      Time       Age      R/NR           This class has a student/teacher ratio of 4 to 1 and is for the year round
      204062-A1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   1:15-2:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         student. Students will improve on and add to skills already learned as
      204062-B1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   2:15-3:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         well as work on routines, dance, flexibility and strength. AN INSTRUCTOR
      204062-C1    9/14-11/16   10         Tu   3:15-4:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         WILL APPROACH A PARENT WHEN A CHILD IS READY FOR THIS CLASS.
      204062-D1    9/15-11/17   10         W    1:15-2:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         Registration will not be accepted with out a written letter from the
      204062-F1    9/15-11/17   10         W    2:15-3:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         instructor. Participants need to be registered for a MINIMUM of two classes
      204062-G1    9/15-11/17   10         W    3:15-4:00pm   3-5     $60/$75         a week in addition to the advanced class. No Class Oct 27, Nov 11
      204062-H1    9/16-11/18    9         Th                 3-5    $54/$67.50       Activity #  Dates # of Classes      Day      Time       Age        R/NR
      204062-I1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   1:15-2:00pm   3-5    $54/$67.50       214063-A1 9/14-11/16   10            Tu   7:15-8:00pm   7-13     $140/$170
      204062-J1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   2:15-3:00pm   3-5    $54/$67.50       214063-B1 9/15-11/17    9            W    7:15-8:00pm   7-13     $126/$153
      204062-K1    9/16-11/18    9         Th   3:15-4:00pm   3-5    $54/$67.50       214063-C1 9/16-11/18    9            Th   7:15-8:00pm   7-13     $126/$153

                                                                                      BUILD YOUR OWN ROBOT
                                                                                      Instructor: Stemtree
                                                                                      All facets of our life are affected by engineering — mechanical,
      STEMTREE CODING WITH FUN	                                                       civil, software — just to name a few. To be successful in the field of
      Instructor: Stemtree                                                            engineering, creative problem-solving abilities are a must. Stemtree
      Students will learn the computer programming concepts in a fun                  Engineering Workouts use the wonder and genius of robots to inspire
      and interactive way. They will combine media elements to create and             students to learn engineering, apply their knowledge and skills of
      share their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art.         basic science, model construction, computer programming, and
      Students will learn basic reasoning and problem-solving skills; and             problem solving to explore STEM concepts. This is both a perfect
      they will have an opportunity to think creatively, communicate clearly,         introduction to the world of robotics for younger students and an
      use technology fluently, and collaborate effectively. No class Oct. 27          opportunity to expand the knowledge base of older students.
      Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day        Time        Age        R/NR          Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day        Time      Age         R/NR
      214462-A1 9/29-12/1        9      W     5:30-6:30pm    6-11     $234/$279       214661-A1 9/27-11/29        10      M    5:30-6:30pm  6-11      $260/$310
............................................................................................................................                                                                7                                                FALL 2021 • Vienna
      Instructor: Brian Lonardo
      The Little Hoopers class will focus on exercise, improving locomotor
      movements and basketball skills. We will start with warm-up games
      like see you later tag, tunnel tag, use an agility ladder and mini
      hurdles. For basketball, we will work on stationary dribbling, sit-down
      passing drills, jump stops and pivot, rebounding, playing defense
      on and away from the ball. The class will be taught by Brian Lonardo,
      Nursery school/Elementary PE teacher, youth basketball coach and
      summer camp director. No class Nov 12
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time         Age       R/NR            ALL SPORTS FOR KIDS
      204091-A1 9/24-11/19    8       F       4:00-5:00pm     4-6     $126/$158         Instructor: Helen Petrakes
                                                                                        All Sports will teach the fundamentals of a variety of team sports
      LIL BOOTS JUNIORS	                                                                including soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball and track
      Instructor: Golden Boot Soccer                                                    and field. Kids will enjoy playing new games such as; Rainbow Run,
      Lil Boots Juniors is a one-hour soccer class specially designed to                End Zone Trappers, Battleship, Bye-Bye Tag and much more. We
      create a positive, active experience for young players while helping              will focus on large motor skill development and ball handling
      them learn the basic fundamental skills of the game. Our innovative               skills, as well as emphasizing good sportsmanship and teamwork.
      and interactive storytelling curriculum focuses on teaching soccer                No Class Sept. 23, Nov 11
      fundamentals through fun activities and small-sided games that keep               Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day      Time        Age       R/NR
      campers excited and engaged. Children will develop their confidence               204707-A1 9/16-11/18       8       Th   1:30-2:45pm   3.5-6   $135/$162
      and coordination, along with their physical, mental, and social
      skills in a positive, non-competitive environment with warm and                   PE AND TEAM SPORTS
      enthusiastic professional trainers.                                               Instructor: Helen Petrakes
      Location: Caffi Field                                                             Join All Kids Sports for a PE and Team Sports class! Each class will
      Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day      Time         Age       R/NR            focus on a Sport of the day with lots of fun games, to burn off energy,
      204333-A1    9/21-11/9     8       Tu   1:30-2:30pm     3-4     $166/$208         socialize and get you moving! We begin with a warm up game, then
                                                                                        move through skill stations and end with challenging scrimmages.
      LIL’ BOOTS ADVANCED	                                                              We will offer cardio, agility work and footwork while reinforcing
                                                                                        team play and good sportsmanship! Our coaches are all high school
      Instructor: Golden Boot Soccer
                                                                                        athletes and our Lead coach has been teaching and coaching kids,
      Lil Boots Advanced is the perfect introduction to the wonderful game
                                                                                        preschool - 9th grade for over 30 years. No class Sept. 27
      of soccer for slightly older players. Through innovative and engaging
      activities, they will learn the fundamentals of soccer in a positive              Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day       Time        Age       R/NR
      and active way, then get to practice them in low-key, small-sided                 204708-A1 9/13-11/8         8      M    4:00-5:00pm     5-9    $135/$162
      games. Our perceptive, professional trainers build self-esteem and
      confidence and promotes sportsmanship and fair play, while also                   TWOOSEY DOODLERS
      developing players social skills in a noncompetitive environment.                 Instructor: Abrakadoodle
      Location: Caffi Field                                                             This is a special art class just for toddlers and parents (or helpers).
                                                                                        Little fingers will experiment with painting, gluing, sticking, printing
      Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day      Time         Age       R/NR
                                                                                        and creating, while developing fine motor, language and self-help
      204334-A1    9/21-11/9     8       Tu   2:30-3:30pm     5-6     $166/$208
                                                                                        skills. This is an “I can do it!” class that is fun and creative! Each session
                                                                                        has new activities and moms’ helpers get to play too. A $32 materials
      SPORTS & GAMES FOR KIDS	                                                          fee is due on the first day of class.
      Instructor: Chris Kurtzman                                                        Activity #      Dates     # of Classes Day        Time       Age        R/NR
      Come join the fun and get active in this dynamic sports and games                 207250-A1 9/21-11/9             8       Tu 10:45-11:30am 1.5-3       $116/$146
      class while learning sportsmanship and team work. Each week
      we will introduce fundamental rules and skills of a sport and then                MINI DOODLERS
      reinforce with a variety of games. Sports and games include soccer,               Instructor: Abrakadoodle
      basketball, hockey, volleyball, track and field/triathlon, flag football,         Children develop their creativity through carefully designed lessons
      baseball, kickball, Battleship, Friendship Tag, Alarm Clock, Pound                that ignite the imagination and develop skills. Using real artists’
      Puppies, Super Troopers and a lot more.                                           materials including watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, creative
      Tuesday class held on Caffi Field.                                                tools and more, the children create masterpieces that are truly
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time         Age       R/NR            unique. A materials fee of $32 is due the first day of class.
      204706-A1 9/20-11/22   10       M       1:30-2:45pm     3-6    $150/$187.50       Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day       Time          Age      R/NR
      204706 B1 9/21-11/23   10       Tu      1:30-2:45pm     3-6    $150/$187.50       207251-A1 9/21-11/9      8        Tu 12:30-1:15pm        3-6   $116/$146

      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                            8                                                            703-255-6360
                                                                                                             YOUTH CLASSES
                                                                                                       DANCE & TUMBLING
                                                                                                               TINY TOTS DANCE
                                                                                                               Instructor: Velocity Dance
                                                                                                               This class focuses on teaching your dancer
                                                                                                               the basics of dance as well as working on
                                                                                                               overall body awareness, performance and
                                                                                                               showmanship, musicality, following directions
                                                                                                               and working with peers. Dancers will learn
                                                                                                               Ballet, Jazz and Hip Hop. We use popular music,
      CLAY-MAGINATION FOR KIDS	                                                                                upbeat choreography and games to keep
      Instructor: Meredith Patton                                                                              dancers engaged and excited about class.
      In these classes, children will explore the world of clay and ceramics           Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day       Time         Age       R/NR
      with the power of play and discovery. Students will be shown a wide              208100-A1    9/20-11/8     8       M     4:00-5:00pm     4-6     $160/$200
      variety of different tricks and tips in order to bring their clay projects
      to life. Processes will allow the students to experiment in building,            ADRENALINE DANCE FORCE HIP HOP
      sculpting, and decorating, all while trying out new techniques.                  Instructor: Adrenaline Dance Force
      Projects will include cups and bowls to use at home, funky figurines
                                                                                       Our ADF hip hop dancers will learn the latest street dancing
      to display, and everything in between. Students will find that clay can
                                                                                       technique, performance skills and confidence. Hip Hop is an ever-
      be just as unique and different as they are. Projects will go through a
                                                                                       evolving style performed to current hip hop music. The Adrenaline
      two-firing process of bisque to glazing and will be taken home on the
                                                                                       Dance Force classes offer the ability to improve hip hop style,
      last day and as they are completed throughout the program. The last
                                                                                       increase memory and improve balance by staying grounded and
      15 minutes of class will be dedicated to cleaning up
                                                                                       strong through upper and lower body movement. Adrenaline’s
      Location: Bowman House Arts and Crafts Center
                                                                                       experienced staff brings excitement to this class with the latest hip
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age        R/NR           hop moves and age appropriate music! An in-class parent showcase
      217210-A1 9/18-11/20   10       Sa      5:00-7:00pm    8-12     $210/$260        will be held on the last day of class. No Class Nov 5
                                                                                       Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day          Time         Age       R/NR
                                                                                       228101-A1 9/24-11/19    8       F        7:00-8:00pm     6-12    $120/$150

                                                                                       ADRENALINE CHEER & TUMBLING
                                                                                       Instructor: Adrenaline Dance Force
                                                                                       Our cheer class is designed to teach basic to advanced concepts
                                                                                       of cheer. We will work on motions and jump technique, stunting
                                                                                       basics and cheer dances. All of our cheerleaders will gain strength,
                                                                                       performance techniques and improve on their showmanship!
                                                                                       Our tumblers will learn tumbling basics, flexibility and beginning/
                                                                                       intermediate level skills such as rolls, cartwheels and back bends.
                                                                                       An in-class parent showcase will be held on the last day of class.
                                                                                       No Class Nov 5
      TEEN POTTERY: WHEEL AND THROWING                                                 Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day          Time         Age       R/NR
      Instructor: Meredith Patton                                                      228105-A1 9/24-11/19    8       F        5:00-6:00pm     6-12    $120/$150
      Teens will enter a space of creativity, focus and the joy of learning
      something new while building their skills on the pottery wheel.                  STORYBOOK BALLET
      Alongside their instructor, they will create both functional and                 Instructor: Adrenaline Dance Force
      aesthetic pieces that reflect their own unique perspective and                   This ballet class will expose your little ballerina to many of the
      personality. These classes will emphasize building skills on the wheel           classical ballet stories such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and The
      as well as hand building to add handles, lids and surface designs                Nutcracker through literature, storytelling and music. Basic ballet
      to their pieces. Teens will be empowered in their abilities as they              concepts will be introduced to lay a positive technical foundation
      sharpen their own unique sense of style through making one of                    (i.e.: positions, plies, etc.). Students will enjoy being exposed to real
      kind art that will last a lifetime. The last 15 minutes of class will be         ballet stories to create a love for this classical art form! An in-class
      dedicated to clean-up. No Class Oct 27                                           parent showcase will be held on the last day of class.
      Location: Bowman House Arts and Crafts Center                                    Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day       Time         Age       R/NR
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time         Age       R/NR           228107-A1    9/20-11/8     8       M     1:15-2:00pm     3-6     $120/$150
      217212-A1 9/15-11/17    9       W       4:30-6:30pm    13-18    $189/$234        228107-B1    9/20-11/8     8       M     3:00-3:45pm     3-6     $120/$150
............................................................................................................................                                                                 9                                               FALL 2021 • Vienna
                                                                               TEEN IMPROV CLUB

              lub Phoenix Teen Center, open for grades 6 –12 Monday            The Teen Improv Club is an
              through Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday              opportunity for teens to flex
              2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. We offer special interest clubs           their homedic muscles by
        and sports/fitness programs to round out the daily activities.         participating in a series of
        There are video games and large table games like pool and air          improvisation and sketch
        hockey that will occupy our participants. The program is free          comedy classes. It does not
        and open to any teen in the Greater Vienna area.                       matter if you have never
        Registration is required. To register or if you have any questions,    tried comedy; the
        please contact Natalie Duncan, Teen Center Program                     club is open to
        Coordinator at 703-255-5736 or by email: natalie.duncan@               newcomers as well as                                                          experienced comics. You will
                                                                               participate in improv games and write comedic sketches to enhance
                           Club Phoenix Location                               your skills. The troop meets every Friday night at Club Phoenix,
                            Vienna Community Center                            during the school year. 0For more information, please contact Jose
                               120 Cherry Street, SE                           Torres at 703-255-5736.
                                Vienna, VA 22180
                                                                               TEEN COUNCIL
                             Hours of Operation                                The Teen Council, a group of youth from Club Phoenix, participates
                    Monday – Thursday: 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.                   in many events ranging from stream cleanups to kids’ activities in
                         Friday: 2:30p.m. – 9:00p.m.                           hopes of making a difference in their community. The teens are also
                                                                               leaders at Club Phoenix by providing education on youth issues and
              Club Phoenix is closed the following dates                       volunteering at special events. Applications can be picked up at Club
             August 23 – September 6 • October 27 • November 11                Phoenix. Meetings are on alternating Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00
                          November 25 – November 26                            p.m. Volunteer opportunities are typically on the weekends, with
                                                                               some opportunities after school and during school breaks. Teens are
            All programs will be held at the Vienna Community Center,          chaperoned by a Town of Vienna employee on each volunteer outing.
                              unless otherwise noted.                          Call 703-255-5736 or e-mail for
                                                                               more information.

                                                                               HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEER HOURS
                                                                               High School students may also volunteer and mentor at the
                                                                               Teen Center during the after school program. Interested students
                                                                               should contact Natalie Duncan at 703-255-5736 or by email:

                                                                               “THE PHOENIX” PARENT E-NEWSLETTER
                                                                               The Club Phoenix Parent E-Newsletter “The Phoenix” will keep you
                                                                               informed of schedule changes, special events, center closures and
                                                                               after school activities. You can add your email at Club Phoenix, call
                                                                               703-255-5736 or email

                                                 ODD JOB
                                                  LIST                                                 Welcome Back
        Calling all youth interested in earning some extra cash! Do
                                                                                                      Ice Cream Social
        you enjoy babysitting or have a passion for dog walking? The
                                                                                                                Friday, September 10
        Vienna Parks and Recreation Department sponsors a program
                                                                                                                3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
        in which youth can sign up to be added to the Odd Job list to
        help their neighbors while potentially earning some extra cash.
        If you are interested in more information about our Odd Job                Celebrate the start of a new school year with all of your friends.
        List application, please call Natalie Duncan at 703-255-5736                  Enjoy an ice cream sundae with all the fixings, play some
        or email                                           board or card games, or start a Madden tournament.


      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                      10                                                     703-255-6360
                                                                                                             TEEN CENTER
      NATIONAL HISPANIC-LATINO                                                   PARENT DISCUSSION: COLLEGE PLANNING
      HERITAGE MONTH                                                             This presentation is for parents of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The
      September 15 – October 15                                                  discussion will provide families up-to-date information designed
                                                                                 to educate families on the daunting task of college admissions in
      Wednesday, September 15: Dulce Appreciation Day
                                                                                 today’s post-covid landscape. Topics will include financial aid, the
      Thursday, October 14: Horchata Appreciation Day
                                                                                 FAFSA, why the assumption you cannot qualify for financial aid is
      During the period of September 15 to October 15, we will be                probably incorrect, updates about SAT/ACT realities post-covid, how
      celebrating the contributions of Hispanic-Latino influences within         to maximize your student’s potential to receive scholarships, grants,
      the fabric of America, by exploring their culture and heritage.            and other forms of gift aid. Class will be led by college planning
                                                                                 expert Theresa Crowley, owner of Red Team College Planning.
      TEEN TALK                                                                  Students are welcome to attend.
      Thursday, September 30 • 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.                             September 21: In person at the Vienna Community Center
      Samantha Russell-Porte of the Women’s Center will conduct a                September 28: Virtual program, link will be emailed prior the
      discussion with our teens as they settle into the new school year with     event date.
      the tools to cope with familiar, scholastic and social expectations.
                                                                                 Activity #     Dates   # of Classes Day      Time        Age    R/NR
                                                                                 222300-A1       9/21         1       Tu   7:00-8:30pm   12-99   Free
      “A MILLION THANKS”                                                         222300-B1       9/28         1       Tu   7:00-8:30pm   12-99   Free
      Deadline for Thanksgiving Letters: Monday, October 4
      Deadline for Winter Holiday Letters: Friday, November 5

                                                                                         TEENS ON THE GREEN
      This fall, Club Phoenix will continue to participate in the “A Million
      Thanks,” letter writing program. The program sends letters of
      appreciation to our military, both past and present. It is their goal
      to send letters to every member of the military-active, reserve, and                          Saturday, September 25
      veterans, serving at home or abroad, and the infirmed. There will be                    11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. • Town Green
      two collections: one for the Thanksgiving Holiday and the other for
      the Winter Holidays. Letters can be written and dropped off at Club               The Town of Vienna Parks and Recreation and Club
      Phoenix during operating hours or at the Front Desk of the Community           Phoenix Teen Center proudly presents ”Teens on The Green,”
      Center (please inform them that the letters are for Club Phoenix).               at the Vienna Town Green. The local talent will awe and
                                                                                      amaze as we highlight tremendously talented teen artists.
      FALL FIELD DAY                                                                          The concert is free and open to the public.
      Monday, November 1 • 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                        Please contact the Vienna Community Center for more
      We will enjoy the crispness of the fall air before the chill of winter,                       information at 703-255-6360.
      with an afternoon dedicated to competition. Members are
      encouraged to dress according to the weather and physicality of
      outdoor team games. Participants must be registered with Club

      Phoenix. Registration forms can be found online,
      For more information, please contact Natalie Duncan at natalie. or call 703-255-5736.

      CREATING HEALTHY SNACKS                                                                               COSTUME PARTY
      Tuesday, November 2 • 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
      Participants will create nutritious snacks from everyday household                                          Friday, October 29
      items that are quick and easy, unique to their likes.
                                                                                                                 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                         We’re gonna thrill ya, thrill ya
                                                                                                        Come in your best costume to party,
                                                                                                          enjoy the food, play games and
           TRIVIA & MOVIE “NIGHT”                                                                            win the costume contest.
               Wednesday, November 24 • 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.                                               Candy will not be the only
            No need to change out of your pajamas, come on down to                                            food item on the menu,
           The Club in your onesies or the coziest pajamas you can find.                                       dinner will be served.
                     We will provide the movie and popcorn.

............................................................................................................................                                                              11                                            FALL 2021 • Vienna
FALL 2021

                                                                                      Saturday, October 2
                                                                                           11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                           Historic Church Street
                                                                          Sponsored by the Vienna Business Association and the Town of Vienna.

                                                                           Join us for a traditional Oktoberfest Festival
                                                                               with drinks, food, ­entertainment and
                                                                                         games for families.

                                         Vienna                              Watch for more information in the Vienna Town Newsletter,
                                                                                        on our website and local papers!

                                                                                 BIG SCREEN
                                                                                   ON THE
                   on the Green
                  Concert Series                                                  THURSDAY August 12, 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                        GLYNDON PARK
                  Fridays in August                                                    300 Glyndon St NE, Vienna VA 22180

                            6:30 p.m.
                       Vienna Town Green                                                       ONWARD
             This summer series offers free performances                       In Disney® and Pixar’s® Onward, two teenage
                  presented by the Town of Vienna,                             elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of
           Rotary Club of Vienna and additional sponsors.                      Tom Holland and Chris Pratt), get an unexpected
                                                                               opportunity to spend one more day with their late
          In the event of bad weather please call the weather line             dad and embark on an extraordinary quest aboard
             at 703-255-7842 or Vienna Parks and Recreation at
                                                                               Barley’s epic van Guinevere. Like any good quest,
                  703-255-6360 two hours before the event.
           Bring chairs and blankets, no alcoholic beverages are
                                                                               their journey is filled with magic spells, cryptic maps,
              permitted. We recommend leaving pets at home.                    impossible obstacles, and unimaginable discoveries.
           Please wear a face covering if you are not vaccinated.              But when the boys’ fearless mom Laurel (voice of Julia
                                                                               Louis-Dreyfus) realizes that her sons are missing,
                                                                               she teams up with a part-lion, part-bat, part-scorpion,
                        August 6th                                             former warrior — aka The Manticore (voice of Octavia
                The Rockits – Rock and Motown                                  Spencer) — and heads off to find them. Perilous
                                                                               curses aside, this one magical day could mean more
                        August 13th
                                                                               than any of them ever dreamed.
                US Navy Band Commodores Jazz
                                                                                 Please wear a face covering if you are not vaccinated.


      Vienna • FALL 2021                                             12                                                       703-255-6360
FALL 2021
                                                                                               SPECIAL EVENTS

         Vienna’s 75th Annual Halloween Parade
                                   The Roaring Twenties
                                                       Wednesday, October 27
                                                        7:00 p.m. . Maple Avenue

                                                                                  ienna’s most popular event! This fun, free
                                                                                  parade features originally created floats,
                                                                                  bands, costumed kids, and more. The Vienna
                                                                           Halloween Parade is co-hosted by the Town of
                                                                           Vienna and the Vienna Business Association.
                                                                           The 2021 theme is ‘The Roaring Twenties.’
                                                                           Parade application deadline is September17.
                                                                           Applications can be found online at
                                                                           halloween. Wear a costume and come join the fun!

                              Halloween on the Green

                    Saturday, October 23 • 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at the Town Green

           J     oin in the fall family fun at our Halloween on the Green event sponsored by Vienna Parks and Recreation.
                 Activities include a spooky craft, games and prizes, storytelling, magician, a petting zoo, individually wrapped
                 goodies and a chance to carve or paint your own pumpkin aat home. A limited number of pumpkins will be
           available. EVERYONE IS SURE TO HAVE A HOWLING GOOD TIME! This is a free event. In the event of inclement
           weather, please call 703-255-7842 for event status. One ticket admits a family of four. A maximum of two tickets
           can be purchased per family. Only one time slot per family. Pre-registration is required.
                                          Activity #    Dates   # of Classes Day       Time      R/NR
                                          200122-A1     10/23         1       Sa 10:30-11:20am   Free
                                          200122-B1     10/23         1       Sa 11:40am-12:30pm Free

............................................................................................................................                                                     13                                   FALL 2021 • Vienna
                    POTTERY PROGRAMS
      Open to all adults enrolled in a pottery class. $15 for 25 pounds of
      clay, which includes glazes and firings. Only clay purchased from
      the Parks and Recreation Department may be used in the studio.
      Children may not accompany parents to lab.
      No Class Nov 11, Nov 25, Nov 26, Nov 27
      Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day        Time         Age     R/NR
      237210-A1 9/20-12/6      12       M 9:00am-12:00pm 18-99         $60
      237210-B1 9/20-12/6      12       M    6:00-9:00pm     18-99     $60                          All pottery programs held at the
      237210-C1 9/23-12/9      10       Th   1:00-4:00pm     18-99     $50                        Bowman House Arts and Crafts Center.
      237210-D1 9/24-12/10     11        F 9:00am-12:00pm 18-99        $55
      237210-E1 9/24-12/10     11        F   1:00-4:00pm     18-99     $55        HANDBUILDING
      237210-F1 9/25-12/11     11       Sa 9:00am-12:00pm 18-99        $55        Instructor: Treena Rinaldi
      237210-G1 9/25-12/11     11       Sa   1:00-4:00pm     18-99     $55        You will learn various methods of Handbuilding pots for both
                                                                                  functional and decorative use and a variety of glazing and decorating
      INTERMEDIATE WHEEL                                                          techniques. Advanced students entering the class are encouraged to
      Instructor: Monday/Tuesday — Bikki Stricker                                 develop and work on specialized projects. No Class Nov 11
                    Wednesday — Meredith Patton                                   Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day      Time         Age     R/NR
      This class is designed to expand on the basics taught in beginning          237214-A1 9/16-11/18     9       Th 9:30am-12:30pm 18-99    $189/$234
      wheel. Sample projects include throwing larger forms, making                237214-B1 9/16-11/18     9       Th   6:30-9:30pm    18-99  $189/$234
      dinnerware sets, and exploring various decorating techniques.
      Students should bring a towel, tools, and bats to class.
      Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day      Time        Age      R/NR
                                                                                                  ACRYLIC PAINTING
      237212-A1 9/14-11/16      10      Tu   4:00-7:00pm   18-99   $210/$260      Instructor: Kerry Burch
      237212-B1 9/15-11/17      10      W 9:00am-12:00pm 18-99     $210/$260      Learn the fundamentals of acrylic painting with canvas preparation
      237212-C1 9/13-11/15      10      M    2:00-5:00pm   18-99   $210/$260      and ground application, color mixing and “blocking in” technique.
                                                                                  Overall development of composition and layout to final rendering of
      ADVANCED WHEEL                                                              the finished piece will be the goal of this class. Students should arrive
      Instructor: Jennifer Coffin                                                 with a basic concept or idea for the painting they wish to produce.
      You will learn a variety of advanced techniques and to refine your          This should be an accurate preparatory drawing, photograph or
      work both aesthetically and functionally during class. Students             some other fully developed idea. Contact the instructor for materials
      should bring a sponge, old towel and bats to class.                         list prior to the first class.
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day      Time          Age       R/NR        Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day        Time         Age       R/NR
      237213-A1 9/14-11/16   10       Tu 9:00am-12:00pm    18-99    $210/$260     237240-A1 9/13-11/15   10       M      7:00-9:00pm    17-99    $105/$135

                                                       ADULT FITNESS
                                                                   Torch calories, get fit, have fun! Jazzercise — the original dance party workout.
                                                                   Aerobics plus weights = your hour of power.
                                                                   Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday — 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
                                                                             Monday, Thursday — 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
                                                                   Fee: $54.00 Monthly EFT (electronic funds transfer) — unlimited classes
                                                                        $64.00 monthly, unlimited classes — purchased in class with cash or check
                                                                        $15.00 walk-in * ($49.00 one-time joining fee)
                                                                   Please call Yhomara Warshavsky at 703-909-6449 to register or visit
                                                          to register online.


      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                        14                                                     703-255-6360
      CORE/SCULPT                                                                  QIGONG FOR HEALTH & HEALING
      Instructor: Sharon Turner                                                    Instructor: Carol Ritter
      Body weight exercises will be incorporated to target strength,               Qigong (pronounced “Chee-gong”) is an ancient Chinese practice of
      balance, flexibility and core conditioning so no muscle group will be        self-healing through the cultivation (gong) of life energy (Qi). Qigong
      neglected. A series of stretches to help flexibility, range of motion and    practice consists of a series of easy to learn, simple movements
      posture will be included in the workout. Multiple pieces of equipment        specifically designed to balance our physical, emotional and mental
      will be provided, however, please bring a set of hand weights and a mat.     energy. The practice also includes breathing techniques and gentle
      No Class Nov 26                                                              self-massage. Qigong teaches that when our energy is in balance, we
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time       Agae       R/NR        feel more relaxed and experience a renewed sense of well-being. When
                                                                                   practiced over time, Qigong awakens our natural inner happiness. The
      233020-A1 9/13-12/13   14       M       8:30-9:30am   16-99   $210/$262.50
                                                                                   instructor is a certified Qigong instructor and we will be learning the
      233020-B1 9/17-12/17   13       F       8:30-9:30am   16-99   $195/$243.75
                                                                                   Qigong practices of world-renowned Qigong Master Robert Peng.
                                                                                   Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age       R/NR
      ZUMBA® LATIN AEROBICS	                                                       233029-A1 9/18-10/23        6       Sa 9:00-10:15am     18-99 $78/$97.50
      Instructor: Lupe Rother
      Have fun dancing to Zumba®, an aerobics dance class with Latin and
      other exotic world beats, and become a fitter you! This dancercise
                                                                                   TAI CHI — ALL LEVELS
                                                                                   Instructor: David Cohen

      class promotes freedom of expression through body movement while
      tapping into the energy and excitement of Latin dancing. It will help        Tai Chi’s graceful and precise movements develop balance, alignment
      you to strengthen, shape, burn calories, and tone and sculpt your            and relaxation. Unlike purely physical exercise, this gentle yet powerful
      body, while you learn popular dances such as Merengue, Salsa, Belly,         discipline integrates body, mind and spirit. Cohen, a certified instructor,
                                                                                   will introduce you to techniques for balance and proper breathing.
      Cumbia, Samba, Bachata, Reggaeton, Cha Cha and more.
      No Class Oct 27                                                              Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day          Time         Age      R/NR
      Activity #     Dates # of Classes Day      Time        Age       R/NR        233030-A1 9/15-12/15   14       W       9:30-11:00am    18-99   $112/$140
      233021-A1    9/8-11/17    10       W    7:00-8:00pm   14-99    $100/$125
                                                                                   HATHA YOGA BEGINNER
      CARDIOBOXING                                                                 Instructor: John Giunta, MA/FRC
                                                                                   Have fun while we gain flexibility, strength, improve concentration
      Instructor: Fee Pearson
                                                                                   and achieve a deeper union of body, mind and spirit with authentic
      This 45-minute calorie blasting workout uses aerobics, kicks and
                                                                                   classical yoga teachings. Dress for movement and bring a mat and
      punches to improve fitness. Although this class is high energy,
                                                                                   towel if you think you need extra padding. John has made a pilgrimage
      variations are demonstrated for high and low impact. Kick, jab
                                                                                   to India, studying Raja yoga and Vedanta. John is a senior yoga teacher
      and punch your way to fitness to the hottest dance music.                    certified by the Himalayan Institute and has over 35 years of teaching
      No Class Oct 27, Nov 24                                                      experience. He is a Reiki practitioner, a yoga therapist and consultant
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age       R/NR        listed with George Mason University Arts Wellness Program.
      233022-A1 9/15-12/15   12       W       8:15-9:00pm   16-99    $132/$165     Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age     R/NR
                                                                                   233050-A1 9/13-12/6       13       M      1:15-2:45pm   18-99 $130/$162.50
      CARDIO MIX                                                                   233050-B1 9/14-12/7       13       Tu     7:00-8:30pm   18-99 $130/$162.50
      Instructor: Sharon Turner
      This is a cardio based body conditioning program which incorporates          HATHA YOGA BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE
      HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The workout is broken down          Instructor: John Giunta, MA/FRC
      into three segments beginning with HIIT, followed by a strength              This is John Giuntas group of students with some past experience
      portion and ending with core work and stretching. Please bring a set         in any yoga tradition. Students who attend this group should know
      of hand weights and a mat. No Class Oct 12, Nov 2, Nov 11, Nov 25            their safe range of motion and have a basic knowledge of some of
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age       R/NR        the major postures/asanas in yoga. No Class Nov 6, Nov 27, Dec 4
      233023-A1 9/14-12/7    11       Tu      5:30-6:30pm   16-99   $165/$206.25   Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day     Time        Age      R/NR
      233023-B1 9/16-12/16   12       Th      5:30-6:30pm   16-99    $180/$225     233051-A1 9/18-12/11      10      Sa  8:00-9:30am   18-99 $100/$125

      TABATA FITNESS	                                                              HATHA YOGA ONGOING EXPERIENCED
      Instructor: David Cohen                                                      Instructor: John Giunta, MA/FRC
      A thirty-minute-high intensity interval training program. Timed work         This is John Giuntas group of students with significant past

      periods alternating with timed rest periods. Scientifically proven           experience in any yoga tradition. Students who attend this group
      to boost metabolism. Helps with weight loss, improves cardio                 should know their safe range of motion and have a basic knowledge
      respiratory fitness, and improves muscle tone.                               of some of the major postures/asanas in yoga. No Class Nov 11, Nov 25
      Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age       R/NR        Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day      Time         Age     R/NR
      233028-A1 9/15-12/15   14       W       8:45-9:15am   18-99    $84/$105      233052-A1 9/16-12/9      11      Th   7:00-8:30pm    18-99 $110/$137.50
............................................................................................................................                                                               15                                           FALL 2021 • Vienna
                                                                                                 TENNIS & PICKLEBALL
                                                                                     ADULT TENNIS 1
                                                                                     Instructor: First Serve Tennis
                                                                                     Players new to the game learn the fundamental strokes: forehand,
                                                                                     backhand, volleys, overhead and serve. Player-Coach ratio is 4:1.
                                                                                     No Class Nov 11
                                                                                     Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
                                                                                     Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day        Time        Age      R/NR
                                                                                     234040-A1 9/16-11/18    9       Th    9:45-10:55am   18-99   $270/$320
        MORNING FITNESS WAKE-UP                                                      234040-B1 9/16-11/18    9       Th    7:30-8:40pm    18-99   $270/$320
        Instructor: Nathan Greiner
        This class is a group personal training program for adults run by
                                                                                     ADULT TENNIS 2
        a certified personal trainer. Get the benefits of your own personal          Instructor: First Serve Tennis
        trainer at a fraction of the cost. The class is designed to promote          Players with limited on-court experience will strengthen stroke
        lifelong healthy habits, increase energy levels, improve muscular            fundamentals and develop the movement, positioning and skills
        strength and endurance and reduce the adverse effects of aging.              necessary for initial singles and doubles match play. Player-Coach
        Class will incorporate interval training, HIIT training, strength            ratio is 4:1. No Class Nov 11
        training, body weight training, cardiovascular conditioning as               Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
        well as balance and flexibility training. No Class Oct 11                    Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day       Time       Age        R/NR
        Activity # Dates # of Classes Day         Time      Age      R/NR            234041-A1 9/13-11/15   10       M 9:45-10:55am 18-99         $300/$350
        233429-A1 9/8-9/29        10    M,W,F 6:00-7:00am 18-99 $177.50/$222.50      234041-B1 9/16-11/18    9       Th 11:05am-12:15pm 18-99     $270/$320
        233429-B1 10/1-10/29      12    M,W,F 6:00-7:00am 18-99    $213/$267
        233429-C1 11/1-11/24      11    M,W,F 6:00-7:00am 18-99 $195.25/$244.75      ADULT TENNIS 3
                                                                                     Instructor: First Serve Tennis
                                                                                     Techniques for improved shot making, tactics and strategy-based
      PILATES WITH PROPS	                                                            drilling combine with match play for intermediate players.
      Instructor: Bodymoves Fitness, LLC                                             Player-Coach ratio is 4:1.
                                                                                     Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
      Pilates with Props extends the benefits of Pilates by employing small
      apparatus including flex bands, sponge balls and physio balls. (Optional       Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day      Time       Age         R/NR
      material fee in class to purchase a burst-resistant, 55cm physio ball from     234043-A1 9/13-11/15   10       M 11:10am-12:20pm 18-99      $300/$350
      instructor or bring your own.) Please bring a mat to class. No Class Nov 2
      Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day         Time        Age        R/NR       ADULT TENNIS 2-3
      233500-A1 9/14-12/7         12      Tu 10:45-11:45am 16-99        $144/$180    Instructor: First Serve Tennis
                                                                                     For intermediate players. Match-based drills and game play with
      YOGA + PILATES	                                                                emphasis on consistency and stroke development. Player-Coach ratio
      Instructor: Bodymoves Fitness, LLC                                             is 4:1. No Class Nov.11
      This holistic integration energizes, relaxes and rejuvenates. Pilates          Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
      exercises develop movement from a strong core, protecting and                  Activity #  Dates # of Classes Day        Time        Age      R/NR
      lengthening the spine, while yoga poses promote strength, flexibility,         234044-A1 9/16-11/18    9       Th    8:40-10:00pm   18-99   $270/$320
      health of internal organs and stress relief. Please bring a yoga mat.
      Activity #    Dates # of Classes Day        Time         Age      R/NR         ADULT PICKLE BALL
      233501-A1 9/13-12/6       13      M      7:00-8:00pm    16-99  $156/$195       Instructor: First Serve Tennis
                                                                                     Pickleball is a fun, mini-tennis-like game that is fast growing in
      PILATES MAT                                                                    popularity! This introduction to the game teaches the fundamental
      Instructor: Bodymoves Fitness, LLC                                             strokes: dinks, volleys, forehands, backhands, overheads and the
      Enjoy the benefits of Pilates to strengthen the core; enhance balance          serve. Players learn rules and scorekeeping. Pickleball paddles are
      and muscle control; increase flexibility and range of motion; develop          provided. Ratio 6:1. No Class Nov 11
      proper body alignment, and connect mind to muscles using the                   Location: Meadow Lane Tennis Courts
      breath and mental focus. Please bring a mat to class.                          Activity #  Dates # of Classes   Day     Time         Age     R/NR
      No Class Oct 27, Nov 24                                                        234047-A1 9/16-11/18    9         Th 9:30-10:20am    15-99 $198/$247.50
      Activity #   Dates # of Classes Day        Time        Age      R/NR           234047-B1 9/16-11/18    9         Th 10:30-11:20am   15-99 $198/$247.50
      233502-A1 9/15-12/8       11       W    7:00-8:00pm   16-99   $132/$165        234047-C1 9/16-11/18    9         Th  6:30-7:20pm    15-99 $198/$247.50
                                                               234047-D1 9/16-11/18 9   Th   5:30-6:30pm 15-99 $198/$247.50

      Vienna • FALL 2021                                                            16                                                    703-255-6360
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