2014 Chinese Zodiac - By: Thomas T

Page created by Jerry Gray
2014 Chinese Zodiac - By: Thomas T
Chinese Zodiac

     By: Thomas T

     Geomancy Hut
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                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
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Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                   Rat       Born in: 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008


The Rat is charming and humourous, honest and meticulous. Although they can give good advice, they cannot
necessarily decide for themselves. May be power hungry, petty or greedy, Bright, sociable and highly ambitious. A
true opportunist to reach the target. Passionate and good to her lover. Yet likes to gamble and spend lavishly.

The charm of the Rat personality is as universally known and loved as the Walt Disney character, Mickey Mouse.
He could be forthright and honest but in such a disarming manner that you find yourself at a disadvantage.

Remarkably easy to get along with, hard working and thrifty, he will be generous only to those he is inordinately
fond of, so if you get an expensive gift from him, you should certainly rate yourself high in his esteem. However,
in spite of his penny-pinching ways, he will never be found wanting for admirers as he emits such fantastic appeal.

The Rat likes: bargains, Negotiation, Winning, Trust and Gambling.
The Rat dislike: Boredom, Timetable, Poverty, Loneliness and Reprimands.

Compatible Animals: Dragon, Monkey, Ox

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

Evil stars are in the house, which is worsened by the direct clash with the Horse zodiac; setbacks are inevitable.
Fortunately, there are still many lucky stars around to cushion the impact. Mull over each business decision
rather than to risk by rushing through, that may lead to dire repercussions. Evil stars are biding their time to
wreck havoc, so please do more good deeds.

Our Services:

                                                     Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                  Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                      Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                     Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                     Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                    Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                      House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                             ZODIAC 2014
Work progress is impeded, so one should strategise before execution. Scrutinise each company document to
avoid legal disputes. Those working should improve working relation and have forbearance; getting angry doesn't
solve the issue. Be vigilant against monetary trap, and the best way to avoid backstabbers is to avoid talking bad
about others. Do most things ourselves than reply on another person.


You may carry on with your unique character as long as you are responsible in your job. No one dare to criticize
you on this. But you also have to be meticulous as no mistake committed.


Empathy and communication are important in an admirable affair. the longer both of you getting together, the
mutual understanding will lead to a harmonic life. Good matches are the Dragon, Monkey and Ox.


This year is the year of great promising, the wealth star is shining on you, everything is so smooth either in
investment or entrepreneurship but do not involve in partnership as others' luck may not be the same as you.


Your health condition has improved after long time of suffering. Watching out of illness related with your liver,
urinary and stomach. Hygiene is very important. Also beware of accidents on road.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                   Ox            Born in: 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009


Intelligent and self-confident. Patient and methodical, helpful and hardworking. Although they might appear
rigid and slow, a kind and active mind is beneath. A Natural born under works systematically, the Ox is
responsible for family and believes in authority but is sometimes too stubborn and traditional.

The Ox or the Buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A person born during this
year will be dependable, calm and methodical. A patient and tireless worker, he sticks to routine and conventions.
Although he is generally fair-minded and a good listener, it is difficult to make him change his views as he is
stubborn and often has strong prejudices.

Still, because of his steady and trustworthy character, the Ox person will be entrusted with positions of authority
and responsibility. He will not fall short where duty calls. As a matter of fact, he should be careful not to get
carried away.

The Ox likes: Tradition, Appreciation, Organisation, Sobriety and Routine
The Ox dislike: Gimmicks, Parties, Gossip, Laziness and Being Teased

Compatible Animals: Rat, Snake, Rooster

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

This is a smooth sailing year for the Ox zodiac. Unfavourable stars may be numbered a lot but are on par with
favourable stars. With a lucky star shining brightly, it will bring your career to greater heights. Benefactors render

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                   Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                       Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014
strong support. so if you can ride on the momentum with greater effort put in, you can receive both wealth and
fame. A Heavy Loss star will cause one who is greed to win and turn winning to losing. Take precaution of your
health this year.

Your endeavours and projects in the pipeline will proceed smoothly. At work, everything is like a sea of calmness,
and there are chances for promotion and grasp of authority. Problems that sprout out will be resolved easily.
Avoid being schemed by vile people. You will breakthrough easily in any work obstacles. Your mind is lucid and
full of ideas such that you can conjure lots of brilliant proposals. Students are able to progress with great speed.

Although health is better than last year, minor illnesses are inevitable. Avoid work fatigue; be mindful of your
diet and sleep. While being mindful of surrounding, take note of home safety measures. Your affinity with
others is excellent. Love may blossom well. Couples are more tender loving and able to embrace the flaws and
faults of one another. Money and friendship does not go along side by side.


This is a good year that suits your ambition, hold the chance and be outstanding. Your wild luck is as good as it,
you will gain some profit is you are not greedy.


You are a sentimentalist, try to keep it balance with rational. The world of love is not always so smooth especially
for female who long for entertainment outside the family. The love affair is well received but can be quite
negative this year; you have to control it well as not to be out of bound.


The direct wealth luck is moderate, so no huge investment to be involved. Control your finance with extra effort,
stop finding new source of income, just to maintain or, better still, if you can cut down expenses. Be realistic
about it.


The immune system is weak, take care of your eyes and throat. Try not to be burn the candles at both ends. Take
care of your health and safety when you are overseas.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                    Tiger     Born in: 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010


Courageous, active, and self-assured, a natural leader, passionate and independent. Possibly restless especially if
born at night. Rebellious and dynamic. A warrior and center of attention. Quick tempered but considerate.
Affectionate but careless. A roaring success awaits the Tiger.

In the East, the Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. A rebellious, colorful and unpredictable character, he
commands awe and respect from all quarters. This fearless and fiery fighter is revered as the sign that wards off the
three main disasters of a household: fire, thieves and ghosts.

The Tiger is a fortunate person to have around provided you are prepared for all the activity that comes along
with his dynamic personality. The impulsiveness and vivacity of the Tiger person are contagious. His vigor and
love of life are stimulating. He will arouse every sort of emotion in people except indifference. In short, the
captivating tiger loves being the center of attention.

The Tiger likes: Changes, New experiences, Flattery, Surprises, Quality and Parties.
The Tiger dislikes: Boredom, Criticism, Ignorance, Responsibility, Laws and Slowness.

Compatible Animals: Pig, Horse, Dog

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There are many evil stars and favourable stars are weak. Tread with caution. Beware of vile people seizing the
chance to hammer you hard. Stay away from causes of gossips etc as it may lead to lawsuits. Your emotions must
be under check; relax and cheer up. Beware of personal safety.

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                   Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                       Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014
Whether you are doing business or at work, solidify your foundation. Striking without planning is suicidal. Be
nice to those around you, or else they will become harmful to you. With such low luck, it is best to stay in low
profile and adopt defensive measures. As unnecessary chatters are everywhere in the office, it is best to focus our
time and ears at the right place, which is your works. Have patience and all matters will be resolved soon.

Your easily agitated temperament will cause your health to spiral down rapidly and become a cause for more
illness. Stay cheerful and avoid getting into work fatigue. There may be injuries here and there if you are not
careful. Drive safely on road within speed limits. Relationship with everyone, including your lover, is on the
rock. If forbearance, sincerity, genuine care and concerns are present, only will relationship with colleagues,
peers and loved ones be improved.


Be vigilance in your career this year. Stay calm and ride along the wave. At times, the tide may has a sudden turn
and cause all progress to be like pushing a cart up a steep hill.


The course of true love never run smoothly on an obstacle path. This trend applies to both married couple as
well. The proposed solution is to be empathy to each other and spend more time together. The relationship is
fragile; you need to handle with care.


The luck is plain and without surprise. Your personal income is getting better and may secure a small fortune in
the second half of the year, especially on lottery, comparing to the overspending in the first half of the year.


You will always feel tired this year. Do more exercise can improve the situation. preventive is better than a lot of
cures. Avoid water activities is advised.

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                     Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                    Rabbit              Born in: 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011


Peace loving, impeccable manners in the pursuit of a good life, intelligent in business with creative mind but
sometimes moody and indifferent.

A person born in the year of the Rabbit possesses one of the most fortunate of the twelve animal signs. The
Rabbit, or Hare as he is referred to in Chinese mythology, is the emblem of longevity and is said to derive his
essence from the Moon.

The rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft
speech and graceful nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician.

Likewise, a person born under this sign will lead a tranquil life, enjoying peace, quiet and congenial environment.
He is reserved and artistic and possesses good judgment. His thoroughness will also make him a good scholar. He
will shine in the fields of law, politics and government.

The Rabbit likes: The arts, Comfort, Secrets, Riddles and Intrigue.
The Rabbit dislike: Decisions, Violence, Criticism, Untidiness and Dirtiness.

Compatible Animals: Goat, Dog, Pig

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There are a basket of lucky stars gathering together with no obstacles. There are also be joyous news such as
conception. Those in business are experiencing stellar performance and thus a good time to expand. Those

Our Services:

                                                        Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                     Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                        Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                        Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                       Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                         House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                                ZODIAC 2014
working class are going through a good time as well with benefactors providing timely support. Mainstream
income is strong while windfall luck fluctuates. Be mindful of your speech this year.

Even though one is perhaps affected by roll of words or gossips flying around, just be very cautious of your
thoughts and speech. Just have forbearance and make matters small or none to get by. People who are employed
are in for a good time if they make full use of the support from benefactors to develop further in one's career
path. Pay raise and job promotion is probable; focus your energy sincerely at work to reap the justified rewards.

Your health luck is flat. Be forewarned of possible intestinal issues, so take note of hygiene. Take good care of
the health of the elderly and young. Good affinity with others and vibrant activities with others will create love
sparks for you, especially during the start of the year. Those married should stay clear of illicit affairs as it will
cause to pay dearly in your career, family and health status.


All in all the luck are good, especially for the female. The male is expecting unforeseen problems in the career, so
straight forward and simplify in your undertaking.


Love with integrity. Marriage couples have to be very careful when dealing with martial affairs. It can brings you
joys and also damages. The damages can be so huge that may go beyond your imagination.


The wealth is stable and progressing now, a right moment to lay your business plan. You are advised to be firmed
when making decision on high-return business, not influence by the opinion of media. Use your fund wisely.


Physical condition is in good terms for the first six months, thereafter, may have some problems in the later part
of the year. Beware of old illness such as nose and skin problems. Please control your diet, eat more healthy food
to avoid stomach and gut problems.

Our Services:

                                                        Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                       Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                        Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                        Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                       Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                         House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014

                     Dragon          Born in: 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012


Magical, shrewd, intuitive, artistic and very lucky are the in the Dragon. Alternately, he can be stubborn, irritable
and impulsive. At times, can also be rather worldly and hard to get close to. Full of vitality, self assured, bright and
master of success. Somewhat proud and quick-tempered, the Dragon personality is always attractive.

The mighty and magnificent Dragon of mythical folklore never ceases to enchant or stir the imagination. The
Dragon person is magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. To him life is a blaze of colors and he is
constantly on the go. Egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical or terribly demanding and unreasonable, he is
still never without a band of admirers. Proud, aristocratic and very direct, the Dragon-born establishes his ideals
early in life and demands the same high standards and perfection from others that he has for himself.

The powerful Dragon is difficult to contest, at times even impossible. He tends to intimidate those who dare
challenge him. An angry, spurned Dragon could be like the big bad wolf at your door. He'll huff and he'll puff
until he blows your house down.

In spite of his volcano of emotions, the Dragon cannot be said to be sentimental, sensitive or very romantic. He
takes love and adulation for granted: they are his just due. But while he maybe stubborn, irrational and
overbearing when irked, the Dragon can forgive you the moment he gets over his outbursts. And since things are
supposed to work both ways, he expects your forgiveness for his errors, too.

The Dragon likes: Festivals, Control, Wealth, Comfort, Concerts, Antique and Decadence.
The Dragon dislikes: Boredom, Cold, Dullness, Hunger, Hypocrisy and Quietness.

Compatible Animals: Rat, Monkey, Rooster

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

Evil stars gather collectively to wreck havoc. Lucky stars are helpless. There will be vile people sowing discords
during the year. Stay in low profile and be nice to everyone. Health luck is bad, and illness starts its invasion into
your body. Take note of personal safety. Handle documents with extra care to avoid unnecessary litigation.

This year's luck is exceptionally bad, with many obstacles along your path. Adopt a defensive manoeuvre to get
around it. Plan comprehensively in your business operations before moving forward. Vile people are causing lots
of problems and enemies are encircling you as well. Just stay in a low profile and let the tide die down by itself.
Do not rush on the decision making of any major business plans. Do your best to improve relations with your
peers and don't go head-butt with your superiors. Students should really focus on their studies else grades will

Health status is terrible and illness causes its damage on your health. Food and personal hygiene are a concern as
well as fatigue. Handle sharp objects with care and be vigilant when you are in the outdoor. Relationship luck
with loved ones will be improved only if one embrace everything good and bad of the other person. Those who
have someone in their mind should spur on.

It is not a good year for you. Any business plans at the start of the year, should be conservative. Disputes are
surrounding you, which will affect your work progress.


Do not ask for troubles when you are holding a peaceful family life. The single is having good match while the
married couple is leading to a honey life. Single has a great chance of meeting his/her Mr/Miss Right.


Be honest with your wealth. Do not overspend this year. You may entangle with huge losses if investments are
not wisely analysed. Do consider the capricious macro environment.

Our Services:

                                                     Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                       Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                     Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                     Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                    Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                      House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                             ZODIAC 2014

Sickness stars surrounding you this year. Rest well and do not overwork. The elderly may suffer illness in the
cold weather, be open minded and avoid getting angry to keep healthy.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014

                   Snake          Born in: 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013


Philosophical, wise, calm and understanding, though often fickle or self-indulgent. Elegant to the point of being
ostentatious. Can behave selfishly if crossed. A Snake lady is also charming in personality and elegant in dress.
She is receptive and a deep thinker and likes to judge by intuition. She is fortunate in wealth through her life.

Philosopher, theologian, political wizard, wily financier - the Snake person is the deepest thinker and enigma of
the Chinese cycle. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom of his very own; a mystic in his own right. Graceful and
soft-spoken, he loves good books, food, music, the theater; he will gravitate toward all the finer things in life. The
most beautiful women and powerful men tend to be born under this sign. So if you are one of the Snake people,
you are in good company.

A person of this sign generally relies on his own judgment and does not communicate well with others. He can
deeply religious or psychic, or on the other hand, totally hedonistic. Either way, he trusts his own vibrations
rather than outside advice. More often than not...he will be right.

The Snake likes: Mystery, Books, Extravagance, Warmth, Organising, Pets and Good Food
The Snake dislike: Surprises, Cold, Lending Money, Crowds, Vulgarity, Noise and Discomfort.

Compatible Animals: Monkey, Ox, Rooster

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There is a big change in your luck this year. Although there are many unfavourable stars gathering together, there
are a few very favourable stars to dissolve the negative energy and surface positive energy. There may be minor
Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014
illness here and there. Wealth luck is flat, but you may lose a sum of money, so beware. Romance luck is brewing
strong. For those who are attached already, be faithful.

Because there are illness stars wrecking havoc, you must not overwork lest you get work fatigue. Maintaining a
calm heart will ensure you will not get inflicted by severe illness. Since this year does not allow you to ride on a
good wave for career development, it is advisable to adopt defensive measures. It is pertinent to improve your
relationship with peers and colleagues, so that works and social life can be smooth sailing, or else you will be
ostracized. Invest only small amount or else you losing will be big.

Because you may be effected badly by illness, you have to watch your diet and personal hygiene. Overwork will
wreck your health. Seek medical treatment promptly rather than delaying until emergency treatment. Students
have to stay fit and healthy to keep up good grades. It is a good time for you to go all out to find your destined
one. Stay clear of illicit sex.


Although you may face some changes under the stability, it is a good opportunity to innovate or explore new
venture, just aware of bad changes. Base on the careful planning and the basis of reality, you may strike a fortune
by your determination and hard work. there will be a chance of pay rise as well for working class people if the
environment is harmonic enough.


Your love luck is driving towards its peak, all negative element will be gone this year. Be faithful if you are
attached. Do not focus too much on relationship and overlook on your career.


Wealth luck is vague, so avoid speculative money and making activities or gambling. Be frugal. do more good


Most of the illnesses that strike you id due to the lack of a healthy lifestyle. Keep to a regular exercise programme
which is good for your health condition.

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                     Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                    Horse        Born in: 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014


Cheerful, quick-witted and popular. With a happy outlook, independent, subjective and self-centered. She is also
good at handling wealth.

A person born in this year is said to be cheerful, popular and quick- witted. He has raw sex appeal rather than
straight good looks. Earthy and warmly appealing, he is very perceptive and talkative. His changeable nature may
lead him to be hot-tempered, rash and headstrong at times. The unpredictable- able horse will fall in love easily
and fall out of love just as easily.

In most cases the Horse will leave home early. If not, his independent spirit will goad him to start working or to
take up some career at an early age. An adventurer at heart, still he is noted for his keen mind and ability to
manage money. Self-reliant, vivacious, energetic, impetuous and even brash, the Horse is a showy dresser, partial
to bright colors and striking designs to the point of being gaudy on occasion.

The horse loves exercise both physical and mental. You can spot him by his rapid but graceful body movements,
his animated reflexes and fast way of speaking. He responds quickly and can make snap decisions. His mind works
at remarkable speed and whatever he may lack in stability and perseverance, he will certainly make up for by being
open-minded and flexible. Basically, he is a nonconformist.

The Horse likes: Riddles, Eat in Restaurants, Compliments, Conversation, Challenges and Kindness.
The Horse dislikes: Violence, Cold, Cheating, Noise, Bad Food and Lateness.

Compatible Animals: Tiger, Goat, Dog

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

This is the year when you meet the year of your birth. You clash with Tai Sui this year. Evil stars gather together
to invade you. Lucky stars are weak. Anything good that happen will be restrained. In general, your luck will not
be good, to stay in low profile and be firm in your heart to brace for anything that come. Be mindful of your
deeds so that you will not be accidentally hurt yourself.

As there are many setbacks along the way, you would have to develop your business activities with thorough
planning. Being headstrong and rushing through will only fail you; wait for the second half of the year for change
of tide to your favour. Be sincere and nice to everyone so that you have lesser enmity. Being proud and showoff
will only ostracize yourself.

Though your health maybe alright, you can also be hit by sudden accident or injuries. Hence, do not speed and
"drink and drive" on road. Be mindful when crossing the road. Students have to know of their goals in life, or
else they will never be able to concentrate in their studies. Change your attitude in life and towards others and
create more friends than foes. Your love luck is colourful and smooth-sailing. Cherish your loved ones and
ignore any gossips or slanders that are said about your loved ones.


The road to success is not going to be easy, you got to treasure opportunity along the way. It is risky to involve in
uncertain major project, think twice before any action.


Little tolerance means lesser choice for your affair. Choose and settle down with one of your many choices of
opposite gender this year.


It is not up to your satisfactory, the income could have reduced. The fate is always there even you try to struggle
to make more profit. Do not trip yourself on the oversized investment.
Our Services:

                                                   Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                  Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                     Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                   Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                   Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                  Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                    House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                           ZODIAC 2014

Drink accordingly, and do not drink excessively to keep your health sound. The stomach and the system of
respiration could have problems, beware of serious illness.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                    Goat         Born in: 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003


Intelligent with a mind for business. She has artistic inclination who tend to be pessimistic. Good natured and
generous but can be undisciplined and irresponsible. May have somewhat antisocial tendencies. The Sheep is also
indecisive and too passive. Yet she has fantastic luck in her life.

This is the most feminine sign of the zodiac. A person of the Goat year is called the Good Samaritan of the cycle.
He is righteous, sincere and easily taken in by sob stories. He is likely to be mild-mannered, even shy. At his best,
he is artistic, fashionable and a creative worker. At his worst, he tends to be easily overcome by his emotions,
pessimistic and withdrawn.

The Goat is known for his gentle and compassionate ways. He can forgive easily and be understanding about
others faults. He dislikes strict schedules and cannot take too much discipline or criticism. Fond of children and
animals, he is close to nature and a general homebody. The Goat is apt to mother or even smother the objects of
his affections. He is possessed by varying moods and finds it impossible to work under pressure. He also finds it
difficult to be objective.

The Goat likes: Pleasure, Culture, Harmony, Space, Literature, Quiet, Freedom and Wit
The Goat dislikes: Noise, War, Paperwork, Beggar, Politics, Bills and Inelegance.

Compatible Animals: Rabbit, Horse, Pig

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014
There are many lucky stars gathering around to protect you, but there are also unlucky stars garnering their might,
so it becomes a neutralising balance of luck. You have a star that might either bring you offspring luck or cause
you tumble and fall if you engage in illicit sexual affair. Wealth star is dim, so nothing spectacular. Gossips and
rumours sprout like weeds around your life, so stay low profile and be mindful of your thoughts, speech and

Your career luck is flat, so a lot of projects cannot follow through with great success. Setbacks are present but be
steadfast and gradual in moving forward. Greed and inflexibility will only set you further back. Be sincere and
nice to everyone so that you will gain the support that is required to boost your career progression. Students have
to find the true motivation in life, or else they can be easily distracted and lose the chance to get good grades.

Your health is well, but stop drinking, smoking, as well as engaging in sexual flings. Eating too much meat will
also ruin your health. Beware of food poisoning issue too. Calm your mind and heart before you make any
decisions or when handling affairs of the heart. If you do not pay heed to faithfulness, then you will ruin your
reputation, career, health and wealth.


Stay away from gossip and grapevine in your workplace. Strive seek breakthrough, throw away your opinions, bias
and dogmatic approach to matters.


Either lady or gentleman, you will meet your perfect partner now, the love will have a fruitful end. Learn to
behave oneself properly and your love will be sweet and sound.


Wealth star is breached. Your mainstream income is stable. There are no windfall luck, so do not persistent. Be
frugal and save often.


Beware of your liver which is the resultant of excessive drinking. Try to relax yourself to lessen the pressure,
losing temper is a known poison to your body.

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                     Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                             ZODIAC 2014

                    Monkey          Born in: 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004


Lively, witty, inventive and intelligent, a fast learner with good memory. Good at problem solving but can be too
clever and become lazy, opportunistic and manipulative. They also know social skills well but can be selfish and
egoistic. Also unbeatable in terms of talent and wealth.

Of all the animals in the lunar cycle, the Monkey bears the closest resemblance to the Naked Ape himself, Man. It
is therefore no wonder that it should be he who will inherit most of man's intelligence as well as his capacity for

The Monkey is the sign of the inventor, the improvisor, and the motivator in the Chinese zodiac; a charlatan
capable of drawing everyone to him with his intimate guile and charm. Being the quick-witted genius of the cycle,
he is clever, flexible and innovative. The monkey can solve intricate problems with ease and will be a very fast
learner. He can master anything under the sign and usually has the aptitude for being a good linguist. A person
born in this year will be successful at whatever he chooses to do. No challenge will be too great for him.

The Monkey likes: Risks, Cooking, Travel, Jokes, Intrigue, Flamboyance and Sunshine.
The Monkey dislikes: Organisating, Illness, Convention, quietness, Responsibility and Failure.

Compatible Animals: Snake, Rat, Dragon

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014
Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There are some terrible evil stars in your life chart, which are reinforced by many other unfavourable stars. Even
though there may be a very good star that may solve problems, dangers are lurking everywhere. Watch each step
you make carefully and be on heightened alert, and you may just turn danger to safety.

It's a big blow to your luck this year. The luck this year is rugged and work progress is impeded. Stay on the
defensive line and avoid high expectations. Avoid making rash decisions for your career development, or else you
will fail miserably. Wait for the right time to strike. Calm your heart and be poised to handle all types of
situation level-headedly. Authority and power will only invite troubles to you, so be mindful of your speech and
deeds. Do not go headstrong with your superiors. Take things easy and just let go.

Your health is not good, and is easily affected by mouth and digestive issues. So beware of what you eat, and be
particular about food hygiene. Manage your work by prioritising or else fatigue will take its toll on you. Ensure
home safety measures are in place. Love luck is stagnating. Your unstable emotions will negatively affect others
so stay cheerful. Have forbearance and loving kindness for everyone.


It will be a little problematic during the beginning of the year, and the luck will be turning good after mid-
autumn. The element of success comprise not only your luck but also your interpersonal skill as well.


You are having a happy problem when more than one choice. Married person has to take care of your current
partner's emotional feelings. Married couples who are seeking new partner are like digging your own grave.


Finally you have a little breakthrough in finance, try to keep your wealth for rainy days. You will be suffering in
the end if money comes from hurting someone for the purpose of little profit.

Our Services:

                                                    Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                   Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                      Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                    Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                    Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                   Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                     House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                            ZODIAC 2014

Though your health doesn't seem good this year, it should be alright if you can manage your temperament. Try to
seek medication for your insomnia and breathing problem. Also take care of your stomach. Be careful when on

Our Services:

                                                        Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                       Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                        Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                        Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                       Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                         House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014

                    Rooster Born in: 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005

Dramatic but a reputable person who works systematically Hardworking, resourceful, talented and confident.
Vivacious and popular socially, but may have a tendency to brag insensitively. Outspoken and loves to attract
attention. Always take good care of their family and can handle money well.

The Rooster, or Chicken as he is called, is the Don Quixote of the Chinese cycle. The dauntless hero who must
look to the earth to survive, he is the most misunderstood and eccentric of all the signs. outwardly, he is the
epitome of self-assurance and aggression, but at heart he could be conservative and old-fashioned.

The Rooster-born, especially the men, will be attractive, even dashingly handsome. The princely fowl is radiant
and proud of his fine feathers and has an impressive carriage. You don't find any roosters slouching; they strut
about with dignity. Even the shyest member of the Rooster family will cut a neat, trim figure and maintain a
special bearing wherever he goes.

There are two distinct type of Roosters. The rapid-firing, extremely talkative ones and the deadly solemn observer
types with the X-ray vision. both are equally hard to deal with. The Rooster has many outstanding qualities to
crow about. He is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, upright, alert, and most direct. He can also be critical
to the point of brutality. Don't ever ask him his frank, candid opinion--you may never recover from his comments.

He loves to argue and debate, showing how knowledgeable and smart he is, some- times with little regard of the
feelings of others. But when his feathers are ruffled in return, he is insufferable. He isn't cut out to be a diplomat.
Situations regarding tact, delicacy and discretion will cramp his style. His way is to go about trying to convert
everyone to his way of thinking with a missionary zeal. He shines when he is the center of attraction.

Tremendously imposing as a personality, he could well pursue any career that exposes him to the public eye.

The Rooster likes: Hard works, Fresh Air, Neat but Casual, Challenges, Nature and Control.
The Rooster dislikes: Laziness, Weakness, Technology, Illness, Practical Jokes and politics.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014
Compatible Animals: Dragon, Snake, Ox

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There are two lucky joyous stars, as well as many auspicious stars shining brightly onto your life. Though there are
may be two unlucky stars, it will not cause much issue. You may receive offspring luck and fame/authority.
Secure your valuable well. Show more genuine care and love to your partners so that third party do not have

It is really a bright and auspicious year for you, with great career development. All projects and plans are
underway. Be mindful not to over enjoy yourself and result in making mistakes, thus letting others overtake you.
Stay in low profile even if you achieve very good results and thus gain the recognition from the superior; pay raise
and promotion are around the corner. But being haughty will only attract unnecessary envy and jealousy that will
result in sabotage. Those studying will have exceptionally lucid mind to absorb new knowledge and breeze
through the exams.

You feel joyous and happy. Physical and mental health is great. But over indulgence in entertainment and night
life as well as smoking, alcohol and meat, will crash you soon. Also, avoid sexual flings to avoid inviting troubles.
Food poisoning may be a problem this year. Couples should be more loving and have forbearance.


The opportunities for men and women are equally well, especially for females. You will achieve your target with
scheduled plan. For male, do not be extravagant when you are successful.


When cracks appeared obviously in the relationship, it is advisable not to save it. You will find someone better in
some days. You have to leave your hometown to earn a living in a far place; to make you set your heart on tour
for a loved one.

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                     Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                             ZODIAC 2014

The lucky star is shining over your head, the wealth will be flowing from everywhere, You will be successful an
any undertakings.


Your health is fantastic subjected that you are in the right diet and eat within your mean. Take extra care on your
heart and stomach.

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014

                    Dog      Born in: 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006


Honest , faithful and possessing deep loyalty and responsibility. Can be magnanimous and prosperous, yet also
guarded and defensive, never really relaxed despite outer calm. She has a glib tongue, practical and realistic. The
Dog is also trustworthy and generous to people and has a deep sense of justice.

This maybe the most likable sign of all in the Chinese cycle. A person born in the year of the Dog is honest,
intelligent and straightforward. He has a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play. A dog native
is usually animated and attractive and will exude sex appeal. Generally amiable and unpretentious, he will know
how to get along with others as he is not too demanding. The egalitarian dog likes to meet others halfway, is
always willing to listen to reason and can be counted on to do his share.

For a friend, you must know that whenever you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial D-O-G. For no matter
how much he or she complains, scolds, feign indifference, the Dog person cannot ignore a real call for help. At
times, the dog protects the interests of others more avidly than his own. The Dog often sticks to his object of
affection no matter how unworthy the person is. You don't find a dog leaving home just because he discovers that
his master has the proverbial feet of clay. He makes allowances for such frailties and will probably stick it out thick
or thin.

The Dog likes: Routine, Challenges, Friends, Presents, Travel, Food, Play and Nature
The Dog dislikes: Mistreatment, Fakes, Discomfort, Rudeness, Dishonesty, Hunger and Anger

Compatible Animals: Tiger, Rabbit, Horse

Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                    Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                        Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                               ZODIAC 2014
Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

It is not really a good year for you. There are two evil stars causing big problems, and the lucky stars are not able
to help much because there are many other evils stars aggravating the situation, be mindful of your thought,
speech and action, such as being law-abiding, being frugal, and be down-to-earth in every endeavours.

There are many impediments at work, and there's a slow-down in business operations. be timely in your project
implementation. There are, however. many opportunities to grow further in your career, so enrich your skills and
seize opportunity to prove yourself. Those still in school can ride on a scholastic luck momentum, and thus will
gain good academic grades. Have wisdom when selecting who to be your friends or peers.

Your health is well this year. Take care of your diet. Avoid bringing problems to yourself due to your gluttony
habits. Take good care if health and safety measures of kid at home. Love luck is flat. do more to improve
relationship with colleagues, peers, loved one by being flexible, receptive in others' opinions, and being
considerate to others' needs. Have forbearance and show more care and genuine concern for your loved ones.


Though the career luck doesn't look bright but your hard works should be paying off. You will be more successful
if possess interpersonal skill and adaption to changes, these will definitely an added advantage.


Your attraction to opposite sex will be strong; it is time for single to discuss the future of family. Married one
could has extra-marital affair, try to avoid it.


The wealth is all go well as long as you can have a healthy balance sheet. Earned your money with a good name,
never go against the trend, it may affect your reputation.


Your health condition is on track. Just need to pay more attention to the body signal of numbness
Our Services:

                                                       Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
     Geomancy Hut                                      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                         Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                       Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                       Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                      Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                        House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014

                    Pig     born in: 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007


A pig is not as smart as a dog in understanding human thought. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus
it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no calculation to harm
others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, pigs were once regarded as wealth.

People born in the Year of the Pig are honest and frank. They have a calm appearance and strong heart, but they
lack patience and independence. As they do not like to talk in a roundabout way, they are thought to be
unsociable. Luckily, they are tolerant and optimistic, so not until they become your friends can their virtue,
advantages and fidelity to friendship been found.

The Pigs likes: Praise, Health, Diets, Teams, Bath, Comfort, Home, Children and Pets.

Compatible Animals: Tiger, Goat, Rabbit

Your Luck In Year 2014
Overall Forecast

There are many unlucky stars reinforcing each other and supporting your luck level. Thus, even if there are
invasion of unlucky stars, they will not be an issue. You will also be able to achieve stellar performance this year.
However, you have to be mindful of possible misfortunes, gossip and unlucky aura, which will ruin you if you are

Though there are many unlucky stars around, they are suppressed by many lucky stars, which will cause your
career luck to be smooth sailing. There are many projects that require detail planning before it can be on track

Our Services:

                                                      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
       Geomancy Hut                                   Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
       Your life . Your Destiny                       Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                                      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                                      Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg                     Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                       House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                              ZODIAC 2014
for success. Even if you met with setbacks and obstacles, if you stay calm and positive, you will find ways to
breakthrough, and also gain double reward. Those working class have to be diligent and proactive to get their
task done on time, so that the superiors will recognise your effort for pay raise and career promotion in the future.

Health is alright. There may be some cold and stomach upset that you may need prompt treatment. you may also
experience head related suffering. Stay calm and have a peaceful heart. Always exercise kindness and have
genuine love, care and concern for your loved one and peers. There may be wedding bells ringing soon. Female
Pig has to be cautious of the person that they fancy. Be more observant.


It is not difficult to be successful in nowadays business world with innovative ideals. And no matter how, you will
have to abide by the law to keep your good reputation intact.


Quarrels and arguments may occur occasionally. Try to strike a balance in between family and work. Single can
be expecting good news.


With a stability of wealth luck, you have a great chance to increase your income, also have another chance of
earning a 2nd income. The wild luck is very good especially for self-employed people.


Although your health is alright, over work can affect your health greatly. Those who are suffering from stomach
and digestion problems have to pay more attention on the diet.

Our Services:

                                               Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)
      Geomancy Hut                             Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date
      Your life . Your Destiny                 Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions
                                               Personal Life Characteristics Analysis
                                               Personal Annual Characteristics Analysis
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg              Couples’ Bazhi (8 Characters) for comparability
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg                House and Space Cleansing
Tel: (065) 6611 4700

                                      ZODIAC 2014

Our Services:

-      Geomancy Audits (Both commercial & residential)

-      Selection of Auspicious ROM/Wedding Date

-      Auspicious Dates selection for Special occasions

-      Personal Life Characteristics Analysis

-      Bazhi (8 Characters) analysis for couple's comparability

-      House and Space Cleansing


Thomas T

Tel: (65) 6611 4700
Email: enquiry@geomancyhut.com.sg
Website: www.geomancyhut.com.sg
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