A neglected fish stressor: mechanical disturbance during transportation impacts susceptibility to disease in a globally important ornamental fish

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A neglected fish stressor: mechanical disturbance during transportation impacts susceptibility to disease in a globally important ornamental fish
Vol. 134: 25–32, 2019                   DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS
                                                                                                           Published online April 11
 https://doi.org/10.3354/dao03362                      Dis Aquat Org

  A neglected fish stressor: mechanical disturbance
   during transportation impacts susceptibility to
   disease in a globally important ornamental fish
                                          N. Masud, A. Ellison, J. Cable*
                               School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AX, UK

       ABSTRACT: The transport of fish in aquaculture and the ornamental trade exposes fish to multiple
       stressors that can cause mass mortalities and economic loss. Previous research on fish transport
       has largely focussed on chemical stress related to deterioration in water quality. However,
       mechanical disturbance during routine fish transport is unpredictable and is a neglected potential
       stressor when studying fish welfare. Stress-induced immunosuppression caused by mechanical
       disturbance can increase the chances of contracting infections and can significantly increase in-
       fection burden. Here, using a model host−parasite system (guppy Poecilia reticulata and the
       monogenean ectoparasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli) and a new method of bagging fish (Breathing
       Bags™), which reduces mechanical disturbance during fish transport, we investigated how para-
       site infections contracted after simulated transport impact infection trajectories on a globally
       important ornamental freshwater species. Guppies exposed to mechanical transport disturbance
       suffered significantly higher parasite burden compared to fish that did not experience transport
       disturbance. Unfortunately, there was no significant reduction in parasite burden of fish trans-
       ported in the Breathing Bags™ compared to standard polythene carrier bags. Thus, transport-
       induced mechanical disturbance, hitherto neglected as a stressor, can be detrimental to disease
       resistance and highlights the need for specific management procedures to reduce the impact of
       infectious diseases following routine fish transport.

       KEY WORDS: Animal transport · Fish welfare · Aquarium trade · Infectious disease · Guppy ·
       Poecilia reticulata · Gyrodactylus turnbulli
                              Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

                  1. INTRODUCTION                                       2007, Stevens et al. 2017) despite fish being the most
                                                                        abundant pet in western households (American Pet
  For the animal industry, transportation can lead to                   Products Association 2012). Indeed, with over 4500
maladaptive traits, including reduced feeding, altered                  freshwater and 1450 marine fish species traded glob-
immune response and mortality (cattle: Stockman et                      ally as pets, the ornamental trade is a lucrative busi-
al. 2013; swine: Zou et al. 2017; poultry: Matur et al.                 ness valued at US $800 million to $30 billion annually
2016; fish: Momoda et al. 2007, de Castro et al. 2016).                 (Stevens et al. 2017), and this demand for ornamentals
Although the impact of transport stress is a general                    is increasing with expansion of the global pet trade
animal welfare issue, priority of research has been                     (Saxby et al. 2010). Increased fish transport is an
placed on terrestrial livestock (Schwartzkopf-Gens-                     inevitable consequence of rising demands for exotic
wein et al. 2012) over aquatic species. Furthermore,                    species, and emphasis on meeting these demands in-
current research on transport stress in fish focusses on                cludes minimising transport costs which may lead to
food fish and neglects the ornamental trade (Ashley                     fish being transported in sub-optimal conditions.

*Corresponding author: cablej@cardiff.ac.uk                             © Inter-Research 2019 · www.int-res.com
26                                          Dis Aquat Org 134: 25–32, 2019

   Stressors experienced by fish during transport can        bags to be completely filled with water (without the
lead to immunosuppression, with the proposed mech-           need to add air or oxygen), and since water is incom-
anism linked to the release of catecholamines and            pressible relative to air, this should provide natural
glucocorticoid hormones as a stress response (Barton         cushioning against mechanical stress during transport
2002, Ackerman et al. 2006), which may increase dis-         (Thiagarajan et al. 2011). The impacts of other stres-
ease susceptibility (Caruso et al. 2002, Ramsay et al.       sors associated with fish transport have been previ-
2009). There tends to be huge variability in immune          ously investigated (water quality: Ackerman et al.
responses to stressors (see Tort 2011 for review), with      2006, Dhanasiri et al. 2011; capture and handling:
chronic or acute stressors suppressing or enhancing          Caruso et al. 2002, Thompson et al. 2016; stocking
immunity (Dhabhar 2000). In Atlantic salmon Salmo            densities: Ramsay et al. 2009), whereas mechanical
salar, for example, chronic stress suppresses transcrip-     stress has thus far remained neglected.
tional immune responses to pathogenic challenge,                The transport procedure for fish varies globally,
whereas acute stress enhances it (Uren Webster et al.        depending on local animal trading laws and whether
2018). Thus, with transport stressors that remain un-        fish are transported locally or internationally. The lat-
identified, we still do not know how pathogens will be       ter routinely involves fish quarantine procedures
affected by the host’s immune response. Further com-         before transport and border inspections post-arrival
plications arise when variations in susceptibility to        (Portz et al. 2006). In addition, such fish will experi-
disease are linked to both host and pathogen species,        ence extended transport disturbance including mul-
making the outcome of transportation on fish welfare         tiple handlings due to inspections. Fish transporta-
uncertain. Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha           tion procedures typically lack routine screening
and ayu Plecoglossus altivelis, for example, exposed         procedures for parasites and therefore represent a
to transport conditions showed increased susceptibil-        wide-scale welfare issue (Ashley 2007, Stevens et al.
ity to bacterial infections (Iguchi et al. 2003, Ackerman    2017). Ornamentals transported from the wild or
et al. 2006). Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus that       local pet shops may be reservoirs of undiagnosed
experienced low water crowding stress as part of sim-        infections that become more pernicious due to stress-
ulated transport conditions only showed increased            imposed immunosuppression following transport
susceptibility when exposed to Ichthyophthirius mul-         (Wendelaar Bonga 1997). Due to mixing of species
tifiliis, but not to inoculation with the channel catfish    from different geographic regions, disease dynamics
virus (Davis et al. 2002).                                   in wholesalers, retailers and hobbyist aquaria may
   Typically, fingerlings, juveniles and small fish are      result in parasite host switching and increased viru-
transported in plastic bags filled with 25−30% water         lence (Kelly et al. 2009). Accidental or intentional
and 70−75% air or pure oxygen (Carneiro & Urbinati           introduction of exotic species into local fish popula-
2001, Conte 2004). Presence of air pockets in poly-          tions can cause transmission of highly virulent para-
thene bags for fish increases the chances of mechani-        sites to which native fish species may be especially
cal stress due to water movement. In mechanical              susceptible (Smit et al. 2017).
terms, stress is defined as a force applied across a sur-       Ornamental fish trade practices routinely involve
face per unit area for all orientations of that surface      the addition of antiparasitic chemicals into water and
(Chen & Han 2007). In addition, accumulation of car-         removal of weak or diseased fish, which reduces dis-
bon dioxide from respiring fish can lead to displaced        ease outbreaks and keeps parasite numbers to a min-
available oxygen, especially if stocking densities are       imum (Stevens et al. 2017). Diseases with distinctive
high (Conte 2004). Thus, traditional transport carriers      symptoms, such as those caused by I. multifiliis or
can expose fish to multiple stressors, including cap-        Saprolegnia parasitica, are relatively easy to detect
ture, handling, overcrowding, abrupt changes in tem-         through visual inspection of fish, leading to either
perature and physical trauma (Robertson et al. 1988,         quarantine or euthanizing infected individuals to halt
Portz et al. 2006). A decline in water quality caused by     spread of infections (Stentiford et al. 2017). Such
the accumulation of ammonia (Ackerman et al. 2006)           standard practice for fish farmers and hobbyists does
and fluctuations in dissolved oxygen and pH (Moran           reduce maintenance costs, and for legal reasons,
et al. 2008, Sampaio & Freire 2016), which are known         many countries only sell or display fish that appear
fish stressors, is another consequence of transportation     healthy (Washington & Ababouch 2011). However,
(Paterson et al. 2003). Unlike traditional polythene         many parasites at low levels of infection do not affect
bags, micro-porous transport bags (Breathing Bags™,          fish phenotype, making them undetectable to non-
Kordon®) allow exchange of respired carbon dioxide           specialists. Ectoparasites, such as Gyrodactylus spe-
with atmospheric oxygen. Their porosity allows the           cies, typically require thorough microscopic exami-
Masud et al.: Fish transport influences disease susceptibility                         27

nation to determine parasite burden (Maceda-Veiga             dactylus turnbulli, isolated from a Nottingham (UK)
& Cable 2019), which is not a routine procedure for           aquarium shop in October 1997 and subsequently
fish at any point in the aquaculture or ornamental            maintained at Cardiff University since 1999 on inbred
trade. For gyrodactylosis, there is no 100% effective         guppies prior to this study. All work was approved by
treatment, and parasites can remain at low frequen-           the Cardiff University Animal Ethics Committee and
cies in fish populations that are being transported;          conducted under UK Home Office licence PPL 303424.
then, under favourable conditions, they can increase
exponentially until stock survival is severely affected
(Cable 2011). Thus, even if species harbour low-level                         2.2. Experimental design
infections due to the presence of anti-parasitic chem-
icals, stressful transport conditions can sufficiently           To test the impact of traditional polythene bags ver-
weaken the immune system, allowing large infection            sus Breathing Bags™ on fish susceptibility to disease,
sources to be established in healthy stocks.                  guppies (20 per experimental treatment) were exper-
   Amongst the most popular tropical fish species is          imentally infected after experiencing simulated trans-
the guppy Poecilia reticulata (see Maceda-Veiga et al.        port. All guppies were netted carefully from breeding
2016), which has been transported worldwide as an             tanks to minimise handling stress and transferred to
ornamental and biological control agent, with 41 re-          separate tanks for a 24 h holding period. Fish were
corded introductions outside its native habitat (Magur-       not fed during the holding period to ensure a post-
ran 2005). The most common parasites of wild and or-          absorptive stage and to minimise build-up of nitro-
namental guppies are the viviparous monogeneans               genous waste, as per standard aquacultural practice
Gyrodactylus spp., known for their ‘Russian doll’ re-         (Berka 1986). To simulate transport stress, fish were
production and direct transmission (Cable 2011). This         randomly assigned to either 48 × 21 cm polythene
makes them capable of rapidly colonising a fish popu-         bag treatments (provided by Aquatic World, Cardiff)
lation, affecting the behaviour of the fish, including        or 36 × 19 cm Breathing Bags™ treatments. The poly-
courtship, feeding and shoaling (Kennedy et al. 1987,         thene bags were filled with one-third dechlorinated
Kolluru et al. 2009, Hockley et al. 2014) and survival        water to two-thirds air, which is the most common
(Cable & van Oosterhout 2007, Yamin et al. 2017).             method of transporting small fish in aquaculture
   Here we investigated the impact of simulated               (Conte 2004). Air was not added to the Breathing
transportation on fish infection dynamics. Specifi-           Bags™ as per supplier instructions to reduce mechan-
cally, we assessed how mechanical disturbance asso-           ical disturbance due to sloshing (Thiagarajan et al.
ciated with traditional polythene carrier material im-        2011). Fish stocking density was 4 fish l−1 for both bag
pacts susceptibility to disease in fish exposed to            treatments, which falls within approved guidelines
parasites after simulated transport. In addition, we          for tropical freshwater species stocking densities
tested the efficacy of Breathing Bags™ in helping             (OATA 2008), and each bag contained water volumes
alleviate mechanical disturbance-induced elevated             of up to 1.5 l. To prevent handling fish with nets, they
disease susceptibility and mortality.                         were placed into bags while fully submerged. Bagged
                                                              fish were then contained in an insulated sealed ther-
                                                              mal box (dimensions: 30 × 24 × 19 cm, 24 ± 1°C) and
         2. MATERIALS AND METHODS                             placed onto an orbital shaker (Stuart®) for 24 h at
                                                              50 rpm to simulate transport motion. The rotator al-
    2.1. Host and parasite species maintenance                lowed for orbital movement on a horizontal platform,
                                                              similar to any flat surface fish would be placed on in
  Male guppies (standard length: 12.1−17.4 mm) bred           a transport vehicle or aircraft (Portz et al. 2006). Con-
from a stock originating in the Lower Aripo River in          trol fish (n = 20) were kept in bags without turning on
Trinidad, were initially housed at Exeter University,         the orbital rotator, adjacent to an operating rotator to
UK, before being transferred to Cardiff University, UK,       ensure fish were exposed to the same noise levels.
in October 2014. Guppies were kept in 70 l breeding
tanks, containing artificial plants and refugia. They
were maintained under a 12:12 h light:dark photo-                           2.3. Experimental infections
period (lights on from 07:00−19:00 h) at 24 ± 1°C and
fed daily on dry food flakes (Aquarium®) and every               To perform controlled infections, guppies were
alternate day on live freshly hatched Artemia nauplii.        lightly anaesthetised with 0.02% MS-222, and each
Experimental infections used the Gt3 strain of Gyro-          fish was infected with 2 gyrodactylid worms. Parasite
28                                          Dis Aquat Org 134: 25–32, 2019

transfer was conducted using a dissection micro-             model but was removed because the size range
scope with fibre optic illumination following standard       did not explain significant variation (Thomas et al.
methods of King & Cable (2007). Briefly, 2 worms from        2013). The area under the curve (AUC) is a statistical
heavily infected donor fish were transferred to the          parameter that provides a measure for analysing
caudal fin of recipient hosts by placing the anaes-          infection trajectories over time using the trapezoid
thetised donor fish in close proximity to an anaes-          rule (White 2011). AUC was analysed using a second
thetised naïve host with the transfer monitored con-         GLMM with a negative binomial error family. Finally,
tinuously using the dissecting microscope. Parasite          we used a generalised linear model (GLM) to analyse
infections were then monitored every 48 h by anaes-          how peak parasite day and maximum parasite count
thetising fish and counting the total number of gyro-        varied with treatment. For analysing maximum para-
dactylids over the first 17 d of infection. On Day 17,       site count, we used a negative binomial error family
all fish that survived were treated with Levamisole          with a log link function and a Gaussian error family
(Norbrook®) according to Schelkle et al. (2009), and         with an identity link function for peak parasite day.
their post-treatment recovery and any further mortal-        All error families were determined based on the low-
ities were monitored for 3 wk.                               est Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) value. A logis-
                                                             tic regression was used to analyse mortality between
                                                             transported and control fish and between bag types.
                  2.4. Water quality

   As water quality can impact disease susceptibility                               3. RESULTS
(Ackerman et al. 2006), we measured water ammonia
(freshwater master test kit, API®), pH (battery pow-           Parasite dynamics were influenced by simulated
ered checker HANNA®) and oxygen saturation (dis-             transport of fish, with guppies that were transported
solved oxygen meter, Lutron Electric Enterprise) to          suffering significantly higher mean parasite intensity
ensure this did not vary between treatment and con-          than untransported control fish (GLMM: Z = 2.51,
trol groups (n = 5 bags per experiment). All water           SE = 0.16, p = 0.009; Fig. 1). The carrier type used to
quality levels within the polythene bags and Breath-         simulate transport (polythene bags or Breathing
ing Bags™ post-transport were within normal ranges           Bags™), however, did not affect the mean intensity
(ammonia levels: undetectable for both bag treat-
ments; pH: 7.1−7.8; oxygen saturation: 20.4−21.4%)
and were consistent between treatments (Fisher’s
exact test: oxygen, p = 0.958, pH, p = 0.909).

               2.5. Statistical analyses

  All statistical analyses were conducted using RStu-
dio v2.1 (R Development Core Team 2015). G. turn-
bulli mean intensity for all experiments was defined
as the average number of worms on infected hosts
(Bush et al. 1997). A generalised linear mixed model
(GLMM) with a negative binomial error family in the
‘MASS’ R package was used to analyse the relation-
ship between transport treatments (polythene bags
and Breathing Bags™) and mean parasite intensity.
Host standard length, bag type (polythene bags and
Breathing Bags™) and treatment (transport and no-
transport) were treated as fixed factors. As parasite
intensity was recorded for each individual fish on dif-      Fig. 1. Mechanical disturbance significantly impacted sus-
ferent days, ‘Fish ID’ and ‘days since initial infection’    ceptibility to disease in Poecilia reticulata exposed to Gyro-
                                                             dactylus turnbulli infections after experiencing 24 h of simu-
were included as random effects in the GLMM to               lated transport in both types of transport bags (Breathing
avoid pseudoreplication by incorporating repeated            BagsTM and polythene bags). Standard error bars are slightly
measures. Fish length was included in the initial                       transposed to one side to prevent overlap
Masud et al.: Fish transport influences disease susceptibility                          29

between transported and untransported fish (GLMM:              cortisol levels, increased disease susceptibility and
Z = 2.51, SE = 0.15, p = 0.19). Total infection trajec-        significant mortality levels (Robertson et al. 1988,
tory over 17 d, as measured by AUC, was signifi-               Caruso et al. 2002, Iguchi et al. 2003, Cho et al. 2009).
cantly greater in fish that experienced simulated              However, in the current study, fluctuating water qual-
transport versus controls (GLMM: Z = 2.42, SE = 0.17,          ity, temperature, lighting, noise, netting and stocking
p = 0.01). Similarly, peak parasite day (t = 2.24, SE =        densities were controlled, leaving mechanical distur-
0.25, p = 0.02) and the associated maximum parasite            bance as the major stressor. While we are unaware of
count (Z = 6.73, SE = 0.06, p < 0.001) were signifi-           how long a stress response would last in guppies post-
cantly different between transported and control fish,         transport, as there is likely a species-level difference
with maximum parasite count on peak days having                in cortisol production (Honryo et al. 2018), mechanical
approximately 51% greater parasite load compared               disturbance in our transported guppies could have
to controls in both carrier types (Breathing Bags™ =           caused elevated cortisol production during a stress
50.9% greater, polythene bags = 51.2% greater).                response leading to immunosuppression. Surprisingly,
There was no significant difference in mortality be-           guppies exposed to gyrodactylid infection immedi-
tween simulated transport and control fish within the          ately prior to experiencing mechanical transport dis-
same bags or between Breathing Bags™ and poly-                 turbance did not show a significant effect of trans-
thene bags (between bags, GLM: Z = 0.18, SE = 0.35,            portation on total infection trajectories or mean parasite
p = 0.85; within same bags, GLM: Z = 0.89, SE = 0.36,          intensity compared to untransported fish (see the Ap-
p = 0.371).                                                    pendix), which indicates that immune status at the
                                                               time of initial infection is the most important factor de-
                                                               termining disease outcome.
                   4. DISCUSSION                                  Undiagnosed infections of imported fish are a major
                                                               biosecurity risk in the ornamental trade (Maceda-
   Simulated transport significantly affected guppy            Veiga & Cable 2019), particularly as they may intro-
susceptibility to infections with Gyrodactylus turn-           duce novel parasite species to which local hosts have
bulli, showing for the first time the impact of mechan-        no immunity (Paterson et al. 2012). Our study empha-
ical disturbance on disease dynamics. Unfortunately,           sises the need for stricter screening procedures after
increased parasite burdens were not ameliorated                transport, as diseases such as gyrodactylosis are diffi-
following use of specialized Breathing Bags™, even             cult to diagnose without thorough microscopic screen-
though these bags did reduce the level of water                ing and can cause an explosion in parasite burden
sloshing during mechanical disturbance. However, it            due to transport stress. Application of anesthetic
should be noted that there could be additional bene-           agents, like clove oil and MS-222, into water prior to
fits of these bags that were not tested here, for exam-        transport has shown limited efficacy in reducing
ple in terms of maintaining higher water quality.              stress and mortality in transported fish (Rubec et al.
Mechanical stress is a broad term that encompasses             2001) and is actually associated with the risk of respi-
aspects of physical forces such as pressure and                ratory failure (Wagner et al. 2003, Pramod et al. 2010).
impulse (Thiagarajan et al. 2011), and reduced slosh           In contrast, addition of compounds such as salt prior to
does not rule out the possibility of such forces acting        fish transportation can reduce transport-related mor-
on fish within Breathing BagsTM during the transport           tality (Oyoo-Okoth et al. 2011); however, they have
simulation. Thus, fish transported in Breathing BagsTM         variable efficacy on diseases such as gyrodactylosis,
may indeed have experienced a form of mechanical               as treatment is often time-, concentration- and species-
stress despite reduced water sloshing, leading to              dependent (Schelkle et al. 2011). Studies of parasite
increased susceptibility to disease.                           diversity in the ornamental trade (pet shops, retailers
   The link between stressors and susceptibility to dis-       and home aquaria) highlight Gyrodactylus spp. as one
ease in fish is influenced by the production of cortisol,      of the most common groups of parasites detected dur-
an immunosuppressant (Tort et al. 2003, Tort 2011).            ing screening procedures (Trujillo-González et al.
While the relationship between a stress event and im-          2018, Maceda-Veiga & Cable 2019). Thus, the impact
munosuppression is far from clear (reviewed by Tort            of this monogenean infection remains a serious wel-
2011), the transport process for fish is associated with       fare issue for the global ornamental fish trade. For the
multiple stressors including handling and netting,             first time, our investigation highlights that even when
with water quality deterioration considered the major          water quality, stocking density and temperature are
stressor linked to high stocking density (see Braun &          stable, mechanical disturbance during transport, hith-
Nuñer 2014), which has been implicated in elevated             erto neglected as a potential stressor, significantly im-
30                                              Dis Aquat Org 134: 25–32, 2019

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32                                              Dis Aquat Org 134: 25–32, 2019

     Appendix. Transport-induced mechanical stress impact on infection trajectories of guppies with pre-existing infections

    Here, we investigated how mechanical disturbance dur-            Results. Mean parasite intensity and total infection tra-
 ing simulated transport impacted pre-existing high burden        jectories over 17 d as measured by the area under the
 infections in guppies Poecilia reticulata.                       curve (AUC) were not significantly different between
    Materials and Methods. Each guppy (n = 20 per treat-          transported guppies and controls (mean parasite intensity:
 ment) was experimentally infected with 30 Gyrodactylus           GLMM: Z = 1.64, SE = 0.1, p = 0.1; AUC: GLM: Z = 0.6, SE =
 turnbulli worms, packaged in standard polythene bags             0.38, p = 0.54; Fig. A1). Peak parasite burden, however,
 and then exposed to simulated transport (as described in         was significantly higher in guppies that experienced simu-
 Section 2.2 of the main text) or left as untransported con-      lated transport (GLM: Z = 2.72, SE = 0.05, p = 0.006) and
 trols. After 24 h of simulated transport, all fish (transport    timing of peak parasite burden was also earlier in these
 and control) were individually isolated in 1 l pots and          guppies compared to controls (GLM: t = −3.83, SE = 0.03,
 screened every 48 h over 17 d to monitor their infection tra-    p = 0.0001).
 jectories. Data were analysed as described in Section 2.5 of
 the main text.

 Fig. A1. Infection trajectory with standard error
 bars showing that Poecilia reticulata exposed to a
 starting point Gyrodactylus turnbulli infection of
 30 worms prior to transport did not suffer signifi-
 cantly elevated mean parasite intensity compared
                     to controls

Editorial responsibility: Stephen Feist,                          Submitted: November 27, 2018; Accepted: February 17, 2019
Weymouth, UK                                                      Proofs received from author(s): March 29, 2019
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