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150                     IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.3, March 2018

                      A Review of Mobile and SIM Forensics Tools
                                             Mohammed Abdul Rahman AlShehri

                               CCIS, Majmaah University Al Majmaah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Summary                                                                       b) It will retrieve hidden information from non-
The technological advancements in Smartphones and in secure                   standard files
elements makes their use of value for the criminal community as               c) Many instances can be executed in parallel
a secure and tamper resistant data terminal in conducting                     with in the same system without overloading the
organized crime. When smartphones and secure elements are
used in crimes by criminals, so forensic examiners need tools
which allow secure retrieval and prompt examination of data
                                                                              d) The output generated using this tool is in
present on mobile devices and secure elements. Substantial                    textual XML format helping for the purpose of
amount of information is stored on mobile device's internal                   archiving and for Web integration.
memory and external memory modules and SIM cards which                Following are the limitations of this tool
play vital role as evidence. This paper focusses on the currently             a) The consumption of time for brushing a
available mobile and SIM forensic tools that help in carrying                 SIM/USIM is more.
forensic investigation. Security features of SIMs hamper in many              b) It cannot extract the body of those files with
ways the possibility to dump a bit for bit internal memory image.             ADM or NEV access conditions.
SIM card forensics is a promising area that can provide
investigators with a plethora of evidentiary data, given that they
have the right knowledge and tools to extract it in a forensically-
sound manner.
                                                                      2. SIM Features
Key words:
Secure elements, SIM Forensics, Smartphones, SIM and
                                                                      Smart cards are standardized by ISO according to ISO
SIMbrush                                                              SIMs are contact (as opposed to contactless) smart cards
                                                                      specified in [10]. It is impossible to get the bit for bit
                                                                      image of a SIM card if digital integrity is a constraint,
1. Introduction                                                       SIMbrush tool does not guarantee to extract all the data
                                                                      from the SIM card but can be very useful in real
In April 2004, the number of GSM registered users                     investigative processes. All the existing SIMs are a subset
exceeded the amount of a billion [4], or a sixth of the               of existing smart cards. The main concern of smart cart
world population. Considering several hundred million                 design is the security of the data stored in the SIM. The
users of non-GSM mobile telephony systems, it is the                  term “security” can be further specified into four basic
probably is the one that most penetrated technology in our            properties of security are confidentiality, authentication,
lives: people bring with themselves mobile phones for the             non-repudiation and integrity. Being the SIM a smart card,
majority uses such as to communicate with others. These               the aforementioned requisites are used to accomplish the
bring it with them even when they are acting illegally.               subsequent tasks:
From a Forensic Sciences point of view, there is nothing              Confidentiality: Client’s confidentiality must
better, to confirm evidences, clear, impartial, non-                  be ensured by encrypting voice and data that transit Over
contradictory and true witness. These are exactly the                 The Air (OTA). Cryptographic keys are implemented in
characteristics of digital evidence extracted from a SIM              the SIM.
card by means of a forensically sound process. Despite                Authentication: no unauthorized client can access the
huge advantages investigations could gain from such                   system. Authentication keys reside in the SIM.
digital evidence, a very small number of tools exists that            Non repudiation: no one should be able to access the
can help investigators in their job. SIMbrush is a new                signing keys without proper authentication i.e.
forensic imaging tool for SIM/USIM cards. It is an open               compromising the private key.
source tool which caters the need of SIM forensics.                   Integrity: no one should be able to tamper or modify data
Following are the advantages of this tool:                            that is protected. A lot of protections aimed at this target
         a) This tool interfaces with SIM/USIM card in a              are implemented in smart cards and SIM cards.
         standard way without discriminating based on the             A smart card is considered as tamper resistant so it is not
         manufacturer, the issuer or the provider of the              easy to access data from the smartcard without proper
         card                                                         authentication. From a forensics perspective we can

   Manuscript received March 5, 2018
   Manuscript revised March 20, 2018
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.3, March 2018                             151

conclude that we cannot use tools that require a physical        from a SIM card. He identified 21 extractable items and
manipulation so SIMbrush tool does not make use of any           demonstrated how the GSM mobile telephone system can
“black hat” methods; it interfaces, instead, itself with the     play a significant role in forensics examination.
SIM in the standard way. This tool only tries to extract         Highlighting the challenges in the field of digital forensics,
data from the filesystem. A smart card's filesystem is           Savoldi and Gubian (2007) provided a proof-of-concept
stored in an internal EEPROM, with a hierarchical tree           with regards to the possibility of data hiding in a
structure, containing root as Master File (MF). There are        SIM/USIM card through various techniques that are
two classes of files: directories, called Dedicated Files        widespread due to the absence of a nonstandard part in the
(DF) and files, called Elementary Files (EF). These can be       SIM/USIM image memory. Cilardo, Mazzocca, and
called as the nodes and leaves of a tree, respectively. The      Coppolino proposed a unified architecture, “TrustedSIM,”
MF is a DF. The main difference between a DF and an EF           inherently relying on a subscriber’s identification module
is that a DF contains only a header, whereas an EF               (SIM) as its core component. This, according to them, was
contains a header and a body. The header contains all the        due to the tamper-resistant domain and flexible
control data or meta data that quantitatively relates the file   multiplication environment that could manage users’
with the structure of the filesystem (available space under a    security profiles. Given the above potential data that could
DF, number of direct children, length of a record, etc.) and     be transformed into forensically-sound evidence, general
security information, whereas the body contains                  forensic examination tools were used to extract and
information related to the application for which the smart       recover these data. Jansen and Ayers (2006) demonstrated
card has been issued. The body structure has four types of       that some of these tools, however, may yield inaccurate
EF which are listed below:                                       results because they were not specifically designed for
Transparent EF: the organization of files is in the form of      SIM Card Forensics. This inefficiency may also be
a sequence of bytes. The content can be read by specifying       referred to a programming error, utilization of an incorrect
a numeric interval.                                              protocol, or an out of date specification that might lead to
Linear-fixed EF: A record is a group of bytes that have a        improper functionality. Casadei et al (2006), on the other
known coding: every record of the same file represent the        hand, tried to experiment with an open-source SIM-
same kind of information. Record is a unit in files instead      specific forensic tool instead of commercial and
of the byte. All the records have the same length in a           proprietary restricted software. The researchers presented
linear-fixed EF.                                                 their SIMbrush tool analysis through conducting an
Linear-variable EF: This is similar to linear-fixed EF           experiment to extract all observable memory and non-
with one exception i.e. record's length may vary from one        standard files of the SIM Card.
record to the other.
Cyclic EF: Cyclic EF files implement a circular buffer
where the atomic unit is a record. Therefore, the concepts       4. Forensics Tools
of first and last are substituted by those of previous and
next. SIM cards only implement transparent, linear-fixed         The number of forensic tools for smart phones are very
and cyclic EFs. Every file is uniquely identified with its ID    few compared with personal computers due to different
that is the name of the file. No two files will have the same    operating systems, or a type of hardware architecture and
ID. The operations allowed on the filesystem are coded           manufacturer's product line (e.g. palm OS, Windows CE
into a set of commands that the interface device (IFD),          and others). Some of the forensic tools provides all the
which is the device capable of interfacing with a smartcard      functionalities comprising acquisition, examination, and
and setting up a session of communication, issues to the         reporting functions, (Paraben, 2006) but other tools
smart-card, then waiting for responses.                          focuses on a one function such as SIM forensic, external
                                                                 memory modules (CP, SO, MMC & other) and phone itself,
                                                                 (Ayers, 2004, 2006). Forensic tools can use many
3. Literature Survey                                             interfaces (e.g., Bluetooth, IrOA, serial cable and USB) to
                                                                 acquire device contents. Information retrieved from the
SIM Forensics is still in its infancy due to the extensive in-   tools depends on the tools specification and vendors
depth knowledge and expertise required; hence, previous          hardware and software compatibility. Most common data
research efforts are limited to the best of the authors’         available is PIM data, logs of calls, messages, email, URLs
knowledge. There have been, some pioneering attempts             (Uniform Resource Locator), video, audio, image, and
that have paved the way for SIM Forensics which are              SIM data. So in order to retrieve all the data from mobile
summarized below. Using the GSM 11.11 Technical                  phones we can sub-categorize as follows:
Specification, Willassen (2003) focused on the                   a)       Handset based Tools
subscriber’s sensitive information that can be extracted         b)       Operating System Based Tools
152                   IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.3, March 2018

c)        SIM based Tools                                      binary contents of individual files and storing them as
The setup for the experiment required the arrangement of a     individual files.
mobile device and a SIM card reader. We prepared two
mobile devices, an Apple iPhone 4s and a Samsung Galaxy           Table 1: Handset Based Tools Comparisons, (Ayers, 2004, 2006)
SIII that included an Etisalat and DU SIM cards,                Name      Func                    Features
respectively, in addition to an external SIM card reader.                                  a) Targets Palm OS phones
The selection of two different service providers was made                 Acqu             b) Open source non-forensic
                                                                Pilotli   isitio                        software
to investigate the difference—if any—between the various          nk        n           c) No support for recovering SIM
service providers. To complete the setup for the                                                      information
                                                                                         d) Supports only cable interface
experiment, data creation was required on both mobiles,                   Acqu          a) Targets certain models of GSM,
such as saving user data (i.e., contacts) to the SIM card.                isitio             TDMA, CDMA ' with Palm OS,
                                                                Devic       n,              Pocket PC, and RIM OS advance
For the iPhone, this was not directly possible because by                  Exa               Device Examination, handheld
                                                                  e       mina                      devices support
default, iPhone does not support saving to the SIM card.        Seizu
                                                                 re        tion        b) Supports data recovery of internal
The authors have to manually move the SIM card to                          and                   and external memory
another mobile device that supports this feature (a Nokia                 Repo         c) Supports cable, Bluetooth, and IR
device). The authors additionally set up various social                   rting                        interfaces
media accounts, i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, etc.,                 isitio         a)     Targets certain models of GSM
and created dummy user data on them. For our                                n,                              phones
                                                                GSM        Exa          b)     Supports recovery of internal and
experiments, we planned to explore both commercial and                    mina
                                                                XRY        tion                          external SIM
open source tools. The following tools were chosen for                                 c)      Supports cable, Bluetooth, and IR
                                                                           and                             interfaces
comparison due to their support of SIM card forensic                      Repo
investigations:                                                           rting
EnCase Forensics: From Guidance software, EnCase is a                     isitio
tool widely used in the digital forensics field. EnCase’s                   n,           a)     Targets certain models of GSM
                                                                OXY        Exa                         phones (forensic)
Smartphone Examiner module collects information from            GEN       mina                b) Supports only internal SIM
different smart devices, SIM card readers, or through           PM         tion                           acquisition
device backups.                                                            and
MOBILedit: a mobile forensic tool that not only provides                  rting
viewing, searching, or retrieval from a phone; but also                   Acqu
retrieves information such as IMEI, OS, and firmware,           MOB         n,
                                                                ILedit     Exa           a) Targets certain models of GSM
SIM card details such as IMSI, ICCID, and location area                                                  phones
                                                                   !      mina          b) Internal and external SIM support
information.                                                    Foren      tion
                                                                  sic      and           c) Supports cable and IR interfaces
Mobile Phone Examiner: MPE from AccessData includes
an enhanced smart device                                                  rting
acquisition and analysis capabilities. With the integration               Acqu          a)     Targets certain models of COMA
                                                                          isitio                             phones
of nFIELD, it provides forensic mobile device data              BitPI     n and         b)     Open source software with write-
collections that support both USIM and SIM acquisition           M         Exa                    blocking BitPIM capabilities
with reporting abilities.                                                 mina           c)      No support for recovering SIM
                                                                           tion                            information
Oxygen Forensic Suite: Oxygen is developed by Oxygen                                    a)     Targets GSM and COMA phones
Software Company and performs digital forensic analysis                   Acqu                  that use supported protocol s to
                                                                          isitio                     establish connectivity
of smartphones through the use of proprietary protocols.        TULP        n          b)      Internal and external SIM support
Paraben SIM Card Seizure: SIM Card Seizure is a tool             2G        and         c)     Requires PC/SC-compatible smart
                                                                          Repo                 card reader for external SIM cards
from Paraben Cooperation                                                  rting               d) Cable, Bluetooth , and IR
that performs a forensic SIM card acquisition and analysis                                            interfaces supported
with the ability to recover deleted text messages from SIM
cards.                                                         UFED Cellebrite: This forensic tool access mobile data
pySIM: This open forensic tool is from TULP2G used for         and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using
extracting and decoding of data stored within the electronic   advanced logical file system, and physical extractions.
devices.                                                       Additional features of this tool includes in-depth decoding,
SIMBrush: Is an open-source tool which can be used to          analysis, and reporting.
extract all observable memory from SIM/USIM cards.
SIMScan: This forensic tool is an open-source toolkit
used to recover SIM card information by downloading the        USIMdetective: This forensic tool is from Quantaq
                                                               Solutions designed especially for the management of
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.3, March 2018                              153

complex data storage mechanisms which is found in smart          5. Conclusion
XRY: Is a comprehensive digital forensics examination            This paper focusses on the currently available mobile and
tool used for mobile devices. With its ability to grab           SIM forensic tools that help in carrying forensic
mobile information, XRY also retrieves specific SIM card         investigation. Security features of SIMs hamper in many
information. XRY Viewer is an easy-to-use tool for               ways the possibility to dump a bit for bit internal memory
viewing and accessing retrieved data. Different tools            image. SIM card forensics is a promising area that can
provide different acquisition techniques, and with respect       provide investigators with a plethora of evidentiary data,
to the abovementioned tools, some of them acquire SIM            given that they have the right knowledge and tools to
card information through phone acquisitions like EnCase,         extract it in a forensically-sound manner. Currently, over-
MOBILedit, Oxygen, and UFED, while others provide the            the counter tools are generally built to aid examiners in
acquisition of SIM cards through a SIM card reader like          analyzing the mobile phone as a whole unit, neglecting the
Encase, SIM card seizure, SIM Manager, USIMDetective,            fact that some vital information is often left out in smaller
and XRY.                                                         modules (i.e., the Subscriber Identity Module). Some of
                                                                 the tools used in this paper’s experiment did yield vital
     Table 2: OS Based Tools Comparisons, (Ayers, 2004, 2006)    information regarding the subscriber, but further
                  Palm OS            Pocket PC          Linux
                 Acquisition,       Acquisition,                 development is needed to ensure the reliability of the
  Device         Examination        Examination         _____    information gathered. Having knowledge of the tools’
  Seizure       and Reporting      and Reporting
 Pilot Link      Acquisition
                                                                 strengths and limitations helps investigators develop an in-
                                                     Examinati   depth expertise on the right tool to use in different
                 Acquisition,                           on
   Encase        Examination          _______                    situations. Forensic examiners are advised not to rely
                and Reporting                          and
                                                     Reporting   solely on one tool and to opt instead to cross-validate
                                                                 findings. SIM card forensics research is a promising realm
    Table 3: SIM based Tools Comparisons. (Ayers. 2004. 2006)    for future research, which includes a SIM card file system,
      Name         Function               Features               data acquired in raw format (binary data) and represents
      Device      Acquisition,     External/ Internal SIM
                  Examination                                    digital evidence.
      Seizure    and Reporting     cards (direct I indirect)
      USIM        Acquisition,       External SIM cards
      Detecti     Examination            only (direct)
        ve       and Reporting                                   [1] Ayers, R. & Jansen, W. (2006). 'Forensic Software Tools for
                                   Recover      information          Cell Phone Subscriber Identity Modules’. National Institute
      TULP2       Acquisition      from SIM card. When
        G        and Reporting     inserted in handset (No           of Standards and Technology
                                   direct SIM support) .         [2] Ayers, R. & Jansen, W. (2004). 'Guidelines on PDA
                                   Recover      information          Forensics’. National Institute of Standards and Technology
       GSM        Acquisition,     from SIM card, when
                  Examination      Reporting inserted in             (NIST Special Publication 800-72)
       XRY       and Reporting     handset (No direct SIM        [3] Ayers, R. & Jansen, W. (2004). 'PDA Forensic Tools: An
                                   support).                         Overview and Analysis’. National Institute of Standards and
      MOBI                         Recover      information
                  Acquisition,     from SIM card. When               Technology (NISTIR 7100)
       Ledit!     Examination      Forensic       Reporting      [4] GSM Association: “Membership & Market Statistics as at
      Forensi    and Reporting     inserted in handset (No
         c                                                           the End of March 2004”, GSM Association, 2004.
                                   direct SIM support).              Downloadable                                              at
                  Acquisition,     External SIM cards
      SIMIS       Examination                                        http://gsmworld.com/news/statistics/pdf/mar04.pdf.
                 and Reporting     only (direct)
                                                                 [5] Casadei, F., Savoldi, A., & Gubian, P. (2006). Forensics
                                   External SIM cards                and SIM cards: An Overview. International Journal of
                  Acquisition,     only (direct) Produces
      Forensi     Examination      physical       Reporting          Digital Evidence, 5(1), 1-21.
       cSIM      and Reporting     facsimiles of SIM for         [6] Jansen, W., & Ayers, R. (2006). Forensic software tools for
                       n           prosecutor and defense,           cell phone subscriber identity modules. In Proceedings of
                                   and as a storage record.
      Forensi                                                        the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law (pp.
         c        Acquisition        External SIM cards              93-106).
       Card      and Reporting          only (direct)            [7] Savoldi, A., & Gubian, P. (2007). Sim and usim filesystem:
      Reader                                                         A forensics perspective. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
      SIMCo       Acquisition,       External SIM cards
                  Examination                                        symposium on Applied computing (pp. 181-187). ACM.
         n       and Reporting          only (direct)            [8] Savoldi, A.; Gubian, P., "Data Hiding in SIM/USIM Cards:
                                                                     A Stenographic Approach," in Systematic Approaches to
                                                                     Digital Forensic Engineering, 2007. SADFE 2007. Second
                                                                     International Workshop pp.86-100, 10-12 April 2007.
154                    IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.18 No.3, March 2018

[9] Willassen, S. (2003). Forensics and the GSM mobile
    telephone system. International Journal of Digital Evidence,
    2(1), 1-17.

                     Mohammed Abdul Rahman AlShehri is
                     working as a Vice Dean for Academic
                     Affairs in CCIS, Majmaah University Al
                     Majmaah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His
                     research interests include Computer
                     Networks and applications, E-services, E-
                     learning, IS, Mobile Applications. He can
                     be reached at ma.alshehri@mu.edu.sa
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