Alibaba Style Guide GERMAN GERMANY 2019

Page created by Arnold Carrillo

Alibaba Style Guide


ALIBABA INC | AliLanguage team   VER1.2

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. 2

THE SG IN THE QUALITY ECOSYSTEM .................................................................................................. 2

OUR PRINCIPLES................................................................................................................................. 2

STYLE AND TONE ................................................................................................................................ 2

TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 5

HUMOR & CULTURAL REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 7

CULTURAL REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 8

PRODUCT RELATED GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................... 8

CONTENT TYPE SPECIFICS ................................................................................................................... 8

   UI .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
   HELP CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................... 10
   MARKETING ........................................................................................................................................... 10
   PRODUCT TITLES ..................................................................................................................................... 13
   PRODUCT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................. 14
   INSTANT MESSAGES (IMS) ........................................................................................................................ 15
   COMMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 15
   LEGAL ................................................................................................................................................... 16
   MOBILE ................................................................................................................................................. 16
   VIDEO ................................................................................................................................................... 17

LINGUISTICS ..................................................................................................................................... 17

   SPELLING, GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION.................................................................................................... 18
   ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ 18

LOCALE CONVENTIONS .................................................................................................................... 19

   NUMBERS .............................................................................................................................................. 19
   DATES ................................................................................................................................................... 19
   TIME FORMAT ......................................................................................................................................... 19
   UNITS OF MEASUREMENT.......................................................................................................................... 19
   CURRENCY ............................................................................................................................................. 20
   ADDRESSES ............................................................................................................................................ 20
   PHONE NUMBERS .................................................................................................................................... 20
   TAGS AND PLACEHOLDERS ......................................................................................................................... 20

Hello and welcome to your Language Style Guide. The Alibaba Style Guide is intended to provide
everybody involved in the localization of DE-DE Alibaba products with professional, consistent and
clear standards that are specific to Alibaba’s needs.
The guide will help ensure the DE-DE version maintains consistency, accuracy, fluency and usability.

The SG in the Quality Ecosystem
The Style Guide is part of a "Quality Ecosystem" which includes other important references that
translators and reviewers should be aware of when translating and reviewing content for Alibaba.
These additional references include:
    Product-specific information and trainings
     When kicking-off new products, Alibaba will provide trainings and learning materials for
     translators to better understand the products and language expectations. All the training
     recordings and materials will be achieved in one place for future reference.
    Glossaries
     Our glossaries are stored in LARK and will be provided to translators along with projects if
     applicable. When using the glossaries, remember not to limit yourself only to the glossary
     for the product line of the project you are currently working, but feel free to search online
     and make your best judgement based on the context.
    LQE Tool and Error Categories
     The LQE Tool is not just an error logging tool: its main purpose is to provide continuous
     feedback to the translators and create a transparent communication channel. Reviewers
     mark errors according to the error category associated with a specific type of error and
     translators and reviewers can engage in a discussion that may result in an arbitration.

Our principles
Golden Rules
1.   Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2.   Familiarize yourself with the type of document and its target audience.
3.   Make sure localized content is grammatically and syntactically correct.
4.   Ensure the same terms are used for the same translation across all content.
5.   Translate the meaning of the text, not just the words.
6.   Make good use of all resources and reference materials.

Style and tone
General rules
   Never use heavy, staid, or arrogant tone; translations should be clear, concise and flowing.

               SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
       Alibaba cloud uses          Alibaba bringt Computing      Alibaba           verwendet
       computing         and       und Algorithmen zur           Datenverarbeitung       und
       algorithms to monitor       Anwendung,             um     Algorithmen,            um
       for pollution and           Umweltverschmutzung           Umweltverschmutzung     und
       natural disasters as        und Naturkatastrophen zu      Naturkatastrophen        zu
       well     as   helping       überwachen            und     überwachen              und
       businesses cut down         Unternehmen bei der           Unternehmen bei der Senkung
       on carbon emissions.        Senkung                der    des     CO2-Ausstoßes    zu
                                   Kohlendioxid-Emissionen       unterstützen.
                                   unter die Arme zu greifen.

                                        Use of several
                                           foreign words
                                           Emissionen), the
                                           use of a
                                           expression (unter
                                           die Arme zu
                                           greifen) as well as
                                           the heavy, staid
                                           style (bringt ...
                                           zur Anwendung)
                                           cause an arrogant

   Avoid awkward, unprofessional or offensive wording.

               SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                  REVIEWED TARGET
       Take your career to the     Bringen Sie Ihre Karriere     Bringen Sie Ihre Karriere auf
       next level by becoming      endlich ans Laufen und        die nächste Stufe und lassen
       certified on Alibaba        lassen Sie sich auf Alibaba   Sie sich auf Alibaba Cloud
       Cloud.                      Cloud zertifizieren.          zertifizieren.

 Customers might
                                             find this offensive
                                             because this
                                             implies that they
                                             are not successful
                                             in their job. The
                                             overly colloquial
                                             tone adds to this

   If possible, prefer active voice instead of passive voice.

               SOURCE                  INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
        Explore            the      Die       Crowdsourcing-       Erkunden       Sie        die
        crowdsourcing AI &          Lösungen für KI und            Crowdsourcing-Lösungen für
        machine       learning      maschinelles      Lernen       KI und maschinelles Lernen in
        solutions   in     our      können      in   unserer       unserer           Entwickler-
        developer community.        Entwickler-Community           Community.
                                    erkundet werden.

   Do not use overlong sentences. If necessary, split one long English sentence into two or
    more German sentences.

                SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                  REVIEWED TARGET
        Alibaba     Cloud     is    Alibaba Cloud entwickelt       Alibaba Cloud entwickelt
        developing a suite of       derzeit eine Suite von         derzeit eine Suite von
        cloud-based and AI-         cloudbasierten und AI-         cloudbasierten und AI-fähigen
        powered       solutions     fähigen Lösungen, die zur      Lösungen, die zur digitalen
        that help drive the         digitalen Transformation       Transformation der Spiele
        digital transformation      der Spiele beitragen,          beitragen. Davon werden Fans,
        of the Olympic Games        wovon Fans, Zuschauer,         Zuschauer,           Sportler,
        which will benefit fans,    Sportler,                      Wettkampfstätten          und
        spectators, athletes,       Wettkampfstätten      und      Veranstalter gleichermaßen
        venues,             and     Veranstalter                   profitieren.
        organizers.                 gleichermaßen profitieren

    Avoid inappropriate superlatives, heavy usage of possessive pronouns

               SOURCE          INCORRECT TARGET               REVIEWED TARGET
        We are the best Wir sind der beste Wir                 sind    ein    weltweit
        provider.           Anbieter.                   führender Anbieter.
        Please turn on your Schalten Sie Ihr Gerät ein. Schalten Sie das Gerät ein.
        your device.
    Never translate literally or word-for-word. You won’t be penalized for improving on the
     source content.

               SOURCE          INCORRECT TARGET                          REVIEWED TARGET
        Breaking       down Barrieren     niederreißen             Wir       machen        neue
        barriers of emerging und die digitale Welt neu             Technologien zugänglich und
        technologies     and definieren                            definieren die digitale Welt
        redefining the digital                                     neu.

    When deciding on the right tone to use, it is crucial to look at the different products you are
     working on, the type of audience you’re aiming for and the original text used (the three are
     often compatible).

General rules
As words and phrases occur repeatedly in localization, consistency in translation is very
1.   For general technical terms not listed in the glossary, official expression will be used
     whenever available.
2.   If no standard terms have been officially defined, use the Microsoft glossaries as they
     are the de facto industry standard for computer terminology in many languages.
3.   If no appropriate translation for a term can be found through either the official channel
     or Microsoft term base, dictionaries, published software, books, journals, technical
     documents, etc. should be consulted and the most widely-used expression should be
4.   In addition, usage of search engines is often a good way to locate various translation
     options and identify which translation option is most used or most popular in the
5.   Only when all these fail, is the translator justified in creating his/her own translations.
While it is important to adhere to the glossary, it should be emphasized that context is the deciding
factor. Often a word may take on a different meaning in a certain context not listed in the glossary.
Not all English words or phrases have matching translations. In some situations, semantically
equivalent translations rather than word-for-word translations are allowed or even encouraged.
The basic idea is that translators convey the essential meaning of the English messages in natural
target language.

Humor & cultural references
There is frequent use of humor (or social jargon) in Alibaba products and marketing materials,
intended to catch the reader’s attention, help audience to remember the product and present the
product in a more informal way. While the translation must attempt to capture the humor of a
certain phrase or sentence, it should not do so at the cost of clarity.
Though humor may be a very useful tool to make the consumer feel identified with the brand, be
careful when using it in German making sure it is appropriate in a given context or with a certain
product or consumer group.

Forms of politeness
While English loves polite words and expressions such as "please", "thank you", "congratulations",
etc., other languages vary in their use. The politeness level also changes according to the product.
Please be mindful of how many times you actually thank/congratulate in your language, and don’t
overuse these phrases.
Hence, please be careful to be idiomatic (e.g. omitting the word "please" when it is not necessary).
                 SOURCE                  INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
         Please download the         Bitte laden Sie die Datei      Laden Sie die Datei herunter.
         file.                       herunter.
         Congratulations on your     Herzlichen Glückwunsch         Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für
         purchase of XYZ.            zum Kauf des XYZ.              XYZ entschieden haben.

Exclamation marks
Though the usage of exclamation marks is pretty common in English, in German they should
only be rarely and carefully used

                 SOURCE                  INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
         A Free Trial That Lets      Beginnen Sie kostenlos mit     Beginnen Sie kostenlos mit
         You Build Big! Get          mehr als 40 Produkten und      mehr als 40 Produkten und
         hands on experience         Services!                      Services.
         with 40+ products and
         services for free.

Addressing the user
Unless otherwise instructed, please use the formal "Sie" and not the informal "du".

Cultural References
Sensitive topics
If referring to any of the following topics or issues, make sure you do so in a way which is
respectful to all groups and could not be offensive to any group. Take particular care
regarding the following issues:
      Race
      Ethnicity
      Sex and sexual orientation
      Religion
      Politics
      Culture
      Weight and body image
      Gender
      Age

As values and taboo subjects vary with individual cultures, potentially sensitive topics are
not limited to those listed above.

Product Related Guidelines
          Product Lines                      Formality                           Audience
 DingTalk                           Medium                           Consumers
 YunOS                              Medium                           Consumers
 LAZADA                             Medium                           Consumers
 AliExpress Website                 Medium                           Partners
 AliExpress Top Seller              Medium                           Consumers
 AliPay                             Medium                           Consumers
 Youku                              Low                              Consumers
 IPP                                High                             Legal owners                        Medium                           Partners
 eWTP                               High                             Partners

Content Type Specifics
When translating messages, the translation should be as concise as possible, since the space in the

dialog box will be limited. Each user interface element should be handled as indicated below.

Menu names
Menu names are normally translated with nouns. When translating these elements, please
remember to follow German spelling/grammar rules, e.g. do not use the ampersand as an
abbreviation of the word "and" (ampersands may only be used for company names in German).
            SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                     REVIEWED TARGET
  Bags & shoes                Taschen & Schuhe                  Taschen und Schuhe

In German, buttons and CTA are normally translated with the infinitive form of the verb.
            SOURCE            INCORRECT TARGET                       REVIEWED TARGET
  Sign in                   Anmeldung                     Anmelden

Text providing instructions to the client should use the imperative form, and the use of "bitte"
should be avoided. As mentioned in other sections of this guide, please remember to use the
formal tone for addressing the customer. Also, when a word in English has an equivalent in German,
the correct German word and spelling should used:
          SOURCE                INCORRECT TARGET                     REVIEWED TARGET
  Please enter your         Bitte geben Sie Ihre Email    Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein.
  email.                    ein.
Avoid accidentally following the English punctuation and using the passive voice. Also, try to use
the most concise and direct way to express the meaning contained in the source.
          SOURCE                INCORRECT TARGET                    REVIEWED TARGET
  Unfortunately, your       Leider, musste Ihre           Leider mussten wir Ihre Bestellung
  order needed to be        Bestellung von  uns           stornieren.
  cancelled by us.          storniert werden.
Common questions in messages in English start with "Do you want to…/ Do you wish to… / Would
you like to…” or “Are you sure you want to…?". Please be sure to be consistent here.

UI terms
When UI terms appear in messages or instructions, they should be translated consistently with
the UI term in the web site or app. Also, they should be written in smart quotes.
             INCORRECT TARGET                                   REVIEWED TARGET
   Um Ihre Bestellungen anzuzeigen, klicken Um Ihre Bestellungen anzuzeigen, klicken Sie auf
   Sie auf Meine Bestellungen.                  „Meine Bestellungen“.
When UI terms are not translated in the software and these terms appear in any other context,
please provide the shortest, most accurate and most commonly used translation possible. If
necessary, please raise a query to alert the PM about the issue and receive further instructions.
            SOURCE                     INCORRECT TARGET                  REVIEWED TARGET
   What happens if my            Was geschieht, wenn mein           Was geschieht, wenn mein

AliExpress order changes       AliExpress-Bestellung als           AliExpress-Bestellung als
  to “Frozen Order”?             „Frozen Order“ (Eingefrorene        eingefrorene Bestellung
                                 Bestellung) angezeigt wird?         angezeigt wird?

Help Content
FAQ titles should always be phrased as questions, as the following example shows. If a FAQ
question is using the first person, the same should be reflected in German.
               SOURCE                                    REVIEWED TARGET
  What if the seller gave me fake         Was ist, wenn mir der Verkäufer eine falsche
  tracking number?                        Verfolgungsnummer gegeben hat?
The text below the title should directly answer the question posed in the title.
When answering FAQs, instructions are normally given to the reader. In this case, the formal tone
(formal "Sie") for addressing the client should be used.
In this type of content, recurrent terms are frequent (such as "violation", "appeal", "working days",
etc.). Please kindly make sure to translate these terms consistently. Also, remember to keep
consistency for UI terms such as "Category service indicator assessment", "Manage Products",
"Seller Central", "Failed Product Assessment", etc.

When translating marketing content, such as case studies, success stories and campaigns, it is of
vital importance that the translated text sounds as natural and fluent as possible. For this purpose,
we should not only avoid literal/word-for-word translation, but also detach from the grammatical
structures and punctuation in the source text and adapt them to sound more fluent and natural in
              SOURCE                     INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
  “Alibaba Cloud has virtually      „Alibaba Cloud verfügt über      „Alibaba Cloud bietet
  limitless storage space, and      praktisch grenzenlosen           praktisch unbegrenzten
  an advanced range of              Speicherplatz und ein großes     Speicherplatz sowie ein
  products available globally,      Sortiment an weltweit            zukunftsweisendes und vor
  and for these reasons we          verfügbaren Produkten und        allem weltweit verfügbares
  recommend more                    aus diesen Gründen               Produktspektrum. Genau aus
  companies to join Alibaba         empfehlen wir auch anderen       diesen Gründen raten wir
  Cloud.”                           Unternehmen, der Alibaba         auch anderen Unternehmen
                                    Cloud beizutreten”.              guten Gewissens dazu, sich für
                                                                     Alibaba Cloud zu

Section headings
When translating section headings, try to keep structural consistency, as this will create an
improved final effect.

In case studies and success stories, it is common to find quotes from clients and customers. The
following guidelines should be taken into consideration when translating quotes:
1.   Please remember that in German the comma is placed outside the quotation marks
2.   When translating expressions like "said the CEO", it is recommended to use the present
     tense rather than past simple or present perfect. Try to use various verbs and
     expressions (as the one given in the example) to avoid repetitions.
                SOURCE                INCORRECT TARGET                REVIEWED TARGET
         “We would also like to „Wir würden gerne auch         „Wir würden gerne auch andere
         try other Alibaba        andere Alibaba Cloud         Alibaba Cloud Services
         Cloud services such as Services ausprobieren, z. B. ausprobieren, z. B. ApsaraDB for
         ApsaraDB for Redis,      ApsaraDB for Redis,          Redis, ApsaraDB for Memcache,
         ApsaraDB for             ApsaraDB for Memcache,       Alibaba Cloud CDN und ApsaraDB
         Memcache, Alibaba        Alibaba Cloud CDN und        for RDS“, so der CTO von Xi'an
         Cloud CDN, and           ApsaraDB for RDS,“ sagte     Happy Yoga Software Technology
         ApsaraDB for RDS,”       der CTO von Xi'an Happy      Co. Ltd.
         said the CTO of Xi'an    Yoga Software Technology
         Happy Yoga Software      Co. Ltd.
         Technology Co. Ltd.
3.   After a quote, we normally find the name and position of the person. In English, it is
     common to separate the name and position by commas. However, in German it is more
     common to use prepositions. Also, remember that position names (director, chief
     officer, etc.) are written in lower case, while department names (Financer, Human
     Resources, etc.) are written in upper case.
                 SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                REVIEWED TARGET
         Timothy Yu, Founder         Timothy Yu, Gründer und     Timothy Yu, Gründer und CEO
         and CEO, Snapask            CEO, Snapask Holding Pte.   von Snapask Holding Pte. Ltd.
         Holding Pte. Ltd.           Ltd.
     If the city where the company is based appears, this would be separated by a comma from
     the company name. The name of the country may also be added, so the reader can get a
     clearer idea of where the company is from, in case they are not familiar with the city

Present tense in case studies, press releases etc.
Present tense makes sure that the text sounds up-to-date.
Past tense on the other hand gives the reader the impression that the press release is already

               SOURCE                INCORRECT TARGET                REVIEWED TARGET

Moving to Alibaba           Durch den Wechsel zu            Durch den Wechsel zu Alibaba
       Cloud has eliminated        Alibaba Cloud musste            Cloud muss Worktile nicht mehr
       the complications of        Worktile nicht mehr länger      länger     eine    interne  IT-
       having to maintain an       eine interne IT-Infrastruktur   Infrastruktur pflegen und kann
       on premise IT               pflegen und konnte sich         sich nun intensiver auf die
       infrastructure and          nun intensiver auf die          Entwicklung von Innovationen
       enabled Worktile to         Entwicklung              von    und die Herstellung besserer
       focus more on               Innovationen      und     die   Produkte konzentrieren.
       innovation and              Herstellung         besserer
       building better             Produkte konzentrieren.

Third person in case studies/press releases etc.
A press release should always use third person as well as a neutral style.

               SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                   REVIEWED TARGET
       Beijing YC Technology       Wir von Beijing YC              Beijing YC Technology Co. Ltd
       Co. Ltd. is a company       Technology Co. Ltd setzen       setzt auf Cloud-Computing,
       betting on cloud            auf Cloud-Computing,            Social-Media und mobile
       computing, social           Social-Media und mobile         Technologien, um Task-
       media and mobile to         Technologien, um Task-          Management-Systeme über
       enhance task                Management-Systeme              eine On-Demand-Anwendung
       management systems          über eine On-Demand-            namens Worktile zu
       through an on-demand        Anwendung namens                optimieren.
       collaboration               Worktile zu optimieren.
       application called

Explanation of abbreviations

When abbreviations are used, the full term should be used when it occurs for the first time in the
text and the abbreviation should be indicated in brackets. In the text that follows, only the
abbreviation should be used.

               SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                   REVIEWED TARGET
       […] Object Storage          […] OSS zusammen mit der        […]      Objektspeicherservice
       Service (OSS) along         CDN-Lösung von Alibaba          (OSS) zusammen mit der
       with Alibaba Cloud          Cloud zur Beschleunigung        Content Delivery Network
       Content       Delivery      der Bereitstellung von          (CDN-)Lösung von Alibaba
       Network         (CDN)       Inhalten     und      zur       Cloud zur Beschleunigung der
       solution to accelerate      Reduzierung          der        Bereitstellung von Inhalten und
content delivery and allgemeinen Latenz.                  zur      Reduzierung            der
       reduce overall latency.                                   allgemeinen Latenz.

No filler words

Meaningful, informative words should be used. Filler words like „eigentlich“, „ziemlich“, „schon“,
„irgendwann“, „möglicherweise“ etc. are part of spoken language and not ideal in a
Marketing/press release context.

No long compound words
Long compound words impact the readability of Marketing texts. Instead such words should be
divided into several segments.

              SOURCE            INCORRECT TARGET             REVIEWED TARGET
       solutions in smart Intelligente                   Lösungen für die intelligente
       video identification Videoidentifikationslösungen Videoidentifikation

Short sentences
Short sentences are easier to understand and should be preferred – in general (cf. example in the
section on Style and tone), but especially when it comes to Marketing texts.

Numbers from 1 to 12 not as digits
Numbers from one to twelve should be written as words and not as digits (as opposed to numbers
13 and higher; those should be written as digits). If possible, numbers that are written as digits
should not be used at the beginning of the sentence.

Product Titles
We will not add commas in the title. Normally, titles are short enough and if we translate the
syntagms properly (with the help of prepositions) we don't need to add commas, because it does
not look like overloaded, as it happens in English.
           SOURCE                 INCORRECT TARGET                REVIEWED TARGET
  Autumn European            Sexy Herbstmode, im            Sexy Herbstmode im westlichen
  American Sexy Fashion      westlichen Look, für           Look für Damen
  Fan Female Clothing        Damen
On the other hand, if needed, it is allowed to add comma for separating segment portions.

Product titles should be translated in a consistent word order.

As long as we can, we will place the Marketing expressions in the first place.
                    ENGLISH                                           GERMAN
  New                                                 Neuheit!
  Hot sale                                            Hot Sale!
  DIY                                                 DIY
  Brand new (+name)                                   Neue/s/r (+Produkt)
  Original (+name)                                   Original- (+producto)
To make it more understandable, let's say Marketing words are those that have the intention of
capture the look of the client, and do not refer to that product per se, but a more general concept.
Normally, when translated into German, we would treat them as nouns. Other examples of
marketing words, besides those on the list provided, could be: "Buy now! ", "New season! ",
"Season 2017", "Summer 2017", "Exclusive offer", etc.

Product description
Regarding the product description, we will follow the same instructions we described in the
introduction of this guide: short messages, concise, friendly but polite (not too informal), and
Write in clear, straightforward language. Introduce the main features and functions of the product.
Large amount of information and product specifications may be presented in lists for which the
following rules apply:

       Punctuation at the end of bullet points should be consistent within a list.
       Periods should only be used at the end of bullet points if all the items within the list
        are complete sentences.
       Translations should be concise, with key information presented first.
       Translated bullet points can be re-ordered, so that the most important information is
        presented to the user first.
To find information about sizes in China, Europe and the US, please visit the following links:

Please remember to keep consistency in the translation of words that describe products (e.g. not
using different translations for one term)
         SOURCE                   INCORRECT TARGET                      REVIEWED TARGET

Apple watch               Exklusiv für die Apple Uhr         Exklusiv für Apple Watch
  exclusive                 AND
                            Für Apple Watch exklusiv

Instant Messages (IMs)
The IM refers to the 1-on-1 communication between the related vendor and customer, e.g. a reply
to a specific question or request. The IMs are divided into two domains: e-commerce and
- The e-commerce IMs should be translated in a formal, business style (e.g. "Sie").
- The social/travel IMs should be translated in an informal, conversational style (e.g. "du").
On both domains, wherever the gender is not clearly indicated in the source, the translation should
be gender-neutral, also.

 Do you still have interest Interessierst du dich noch Interessieren Sie sich noch
 about surgical suture          für            chirurgisches für             chirurgisches
                                Nahtmaterial?                Nahtmaterial?
                                                             Or even better:
                                                             Noch       Interesse       an
 dear friend,the right tracking Lieber Freund, die korrekte Lieber Kunde, die korrekte
 number is 11111111111.         Verfolgungsnummer lautet Verfolgungsnummer lautet
                                11111111111.                 11111111111.
 No , dear, it is portable, you Nein, mein Lieber, das Gerät Nein, das Gerät ist mobil und
 can use in home.               ist mobil, du kannst es kann zuhause verwendet
                                zuhause verwenden.           werden.

The first example is an e-commerce type of IM. Both translations are correct; however, the first
one is written in an informal tone, which should be avoided in business conversations.
The second example is also an e-commerce type of IM. The improper translations uses "Freund"
to refer to the client. This is a colloquial practice and should also be avoided.
The third example has inappropriate colloquial tone and language. The English language often uses
"dear" to refer to the client, but in German we will omit it.

This refers to the comments left by the customers to share with the public their recommendations
about the products and services. The translation should sound like informal but not too colloquial
There are also the replies from the vendors to their customers. The messages from the vendors
should sound polite as they are written to the customers.

 Hi, my friend, Thanks for Hallo, mein Freund, danke Hallo, vielen Dank für Ihren
 your comments.            für deinen Kommentar.     Kommentar.

The above example is a reply left by the vendor to the customer. The improper translation is too
colloquial. A more formal tone is recommended.

          SOURCE                   IMPROPER TRANSLATION               PROPER TRANSLATION
 Blue background is darker                   -                     Der dunkle Hintergrund ist
 and worse than foto.                                              dunkler und schlechter als
                                                                   auf dem Foto.
 I reccomend the product.                        -                 Ich kann das Produkt nur

In the examples, both translations are accurate. These are comments left by the customers
regarding their negative and positive appreciation of the product. Even though the source text is
sometimes written ungrammatically or with incorrect punctuations, the translation has to follow
the grammar and norms in German writing.

Legal content should be translated into clear, unambiguous legal language. A mistake in legal
writing can result huge losses, both financial and to a company's image and reputation.

All legal translations must be reviewed by the Alibaba legal team before being released for use.
Though the legal review process is not the responsibility of translators, translators must ensure
quality and accuracy before the product is passed to the legal team.

Accuracy, clarity, and succinctness are the watchwords of good legal writing. Legal writing
emphasizes facts, and as such facts should be stated clearly and placed before other forms of
information when possible.

Plain language should be used in legal writing to aid ease of understanding. Where appropriate,
the correct legal (and of course, consistent) terminology should also be used.

Long sentences should not be split up; if needed, a semicolon may be used instead.

The main goal of localizing mobile apps is to make the user feel like the app has been developed
specifically for their region. In order to achieve this goal, the following guidelines should be
   The biggest challenge that translators face when localizing mobile apps is the limited space.
    In order to avoid truncation, translators should try to keep a similar character length to the
source. When this is not possible, standard abbreviations should be used. Articles can also
     be omitted when there are space constraints.
    In general, when nouns are used in English, nouns should be used in German.
    In general, when verbs are used in English, the infinitive should be used in German.
    Punctuation in the source text should be followed, except when this creates a punctuation
     issue in German.

When creating subtitles for a video, it is important to consider that the time is limited, so the
translation must be as concise as possible. Therefore, try to avoid long grammatical structures,
delete any repetitions and use compensation when needed. Focus on conveying the same meaning
as the source in as little words as possible.

Lines and subtitles
One subtitle comprises two lines. The total number of characters (including spaces) in a subtitle
shouldn’t be over 80 characters, 40 per line (takes 5 seconds to read).
When dividing lines and subtitles, units of meaning can’t be broken (i.e., “noun + verb” and “noun
+ adjective” have to be in the same line/subtitle).

1. It is recommended to use sans serif fonts, as they are easier to read on screen and allow to
introduce more text in the same amount of space.
2. There is no need to add double question/exclamation marks (??/!!) to indicate emphasis, since
the reader can get this information from the voice in the video.
3. There is no need to add ellipsis (…) between subtitles, as they take up unnecessary space.
4. In most cases, the n-dash is not used at the beginning of a dialog. If there are two characters
speaking in the same subtitle, then it is acceptable to use the n-dash.

Italics is used for voice-overs, voices that can be heard over the phone, song lyrics, book titles or
newspaper headings that appear on screen, etc.

In German, color is not used for subtitles, which are normally white (may differ depending on


During translation, please always make sure that the translation is accurate in meaning and,
correct in form.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Please always make sure to follow German spelling, grammar and punctuation rules according to
the Duden (

Some additional information:
    Complete sentences should show a period in German, if the English source does not have
    Do not use a comma between two main clauses that are connected with "und" or "oder".
     Please use a comma for all infinitive clauses ("erweiterter Infinitiv").
    If technically possible, German „smart quotes“ should be used. Should that not be possible,
     "straight quotes" are accepted.
    Though the English source may use m-dashes, in German only n-dashes are accepted.
    A range may be expressed with the word "bis" (to) or with an n-dash without a space
     character, e.g. 10–15 Artikel
    After a colon, please use upper case if a complete sentence follows.
    If using an ellipsis, the corresponding special character should be used (ALT+0133), not
     merely entering three periods.
    There must be a non-breaking space between numbers and symbols, such as currency
     units, unit of measure, or other mathematical symbols: 100 g; 250 GB, etc.
    When commas ('') are used to indicate inches (5,5''), there should be no space between the
     number and the commas. However, if "in" (or "Zoll")is used, then there should be a space
     (5,5 in (Zoll)).
    There must be a comma between units and decimals, e.g. 13,65 $.
    There should be no spaces between a slash and the following word.
              SOURCE                    INCORRECT TARGET             REVIEWED TARGET
        $5.90/month                  $ 5,90 / Monat                $ 5,90/Monat
    Compound nouns with product/brand/company names should be spelled with or without
     hyphen as found in the official webpage of the corresponding brand, company or product.

Acronyms and Abbreviations
When German translations of English acronyms and abbreviations do exist and are commonly
used, these should be used as such:
               SOURCE               INCORRECT TARGET                 REVIEWED TARGET
        DP                           DV                            EDV

When German translations of English acronyms and abbreviations do exist, but may be confused
or are not that commonly used, these should be used with an explanation:
                SOURCE              INCORRECT TARGET            REVIEWED TARGET
       UPS                        UPS                              USV
When English abbreviations and acronyms are also common knowledge in German, they may be
used as such without further explanation:
                     SOURCE                                        TARGET
       USB                                      USB
If the English source shows abbreviations and acronyms that are not commonly used, an
explanation should be added detailing the full English term and German translation.

Locale Conventions
    Europe: we will use the comma to separate decimals.
    In four digits numbers, a period should be used, e.g. 9.500.

1. Order: day, month, year (14. Oktober 1951).
2. Letters and numbers: the common option is to combine letters and numbers (14. Oktober
3. When dates are written only with numbers: day, month and year are separated by a period:
    12.9.08 or 12.09.2018 (depending on the required format).
4. The order year, month and day, should be used only in international scientific documents
    (ISO system).

Time format
Unlike the (US) English, which knows two formats (12 and 24 hour format), the time in German is
written in the 24 hour format.

Units of measurement
Units in measurement are standardized symbols used internationally, hence, there is no need to
translate them into German as the symbol is already international.
   They are not followed by abbreviation dot: not 3 kg.*, but 3 kg

    We will leave a non-breaking space between the number and the symbol: not 3kg*, but 3 kg
    They will be written in lower case or caps, depending on each case, determined by ISO

Currency units (spelled out or as special character, e.g. $, €, etc.) may be place in front of or after
the figure, e.g. 250 Euro or Euro 250.

Note: Usage of currency character is preferred.

Name Surname
Street plus number
postal code CITY

URLs and Hyperlinks

    When you use a website address, do not capitalize any part of it:
    If applicable, us localized web addresses (if in doubt, doublecheck with PM)
    Punctuation should be outside the actual link.

Phone numbers
Phone and fax numbers will be written in pairs of three and two numbers with a space between
them. The prefix number appears in parenthesis, e.g. (040) 123 456 78.

The prefix number may also be separated with a hyphen: 040-123 45 67.

The extension is added by using a hyphen, e.g. (040) 132 45-67.

Tags and placeholders
When translating web pages and UI messages, you may see HTML tags and placeholders. Both
tags and placeholders must be handled specially.

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