CONJNLI: Natural Language Inference Over Conjunctive Sentences

Page created by Heather Vasquez
C ONJ NLI: Natural Language Inference Over Conjunctive Sentences

 Swarnadeep Saha Yixin Nie Mohit Bansal
 UNC Chapel Hill
 {swarna, yixin1, mbansal}

 Abstract tences more realistic and challenging. A sentence
 can have many conjunctions, each conjoining two
 Reasoning about conjuncts in conjunctive sen-
 tences is important for a deeper understanding or more conjuncts of varied syntactic categories
arXiv:2010.10418v2 [cs.CL] 21 Oct 2020

 of conjunctions in English and also how their such as noun phrases, verb phrases, prepositional
 usages and semantics differ from conjunctive phrases, clauses, etc. Besides syntax, conjunctions
 and disjunctive boolean logic. Existing NLI in English have a lot of semantics associated to
 stress tests do not consider non-boolean us- them and different conjunctions (“and” vs “or”)
 ages of conjunctions and use templates for affect the meaning of a sentence differently.
 testing such model knowledge. Hence, we
 Recent years have seen significant progress in
 introduce C ONJ NLI, a challenge stress-test
 for natural language inference over conjunc- the task of Natural Language Inference (NLI)
 tive sentences, where the premise differs from through the development of large-scale datasets
 the hypothesis by conjuncts removed, added, like SNLI (Bowman et al., 2015) and MNLI
 or replaced. These sentences contain single (Williams et al., 2018). Although large-scale
 and multiple instances of coordinating con- pre-trained language models like BERT (Devlin
 junctions (“and”, “or”, “but”, “nor”) with et al., 2019) and RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019b)
 quantifiers, negations, and requiring diverse have achieved super-human performances on these
 boolean and non-boolean inferences over con-
 juncts. We find that large-scale pre-trained
 datasets, there have been concerns raised about
 language models like RoBERTa do not under- these models exploiting idiosyncrasies in the data
 stand conjunctive semantics well and resort using tricks like pattern matching (McCoy et al.,
 to shallow heuristics to make inferences over 2019). Thus, various stress-testing datasets have
 such sentences. As some initial solutions, we been proposed that probe NLI models for simple
 first present an iterative adversarial fine-tuning lexical inferences (Glockner et al., 2018), quan-
 method that uses synthetically created training tifiers (Geiger et al., 2018), numerical reasoning,
 data based on boolean and non-boolean heuris-
 antonymy and negation (Naik et al., 2018). How-
 tics. We also propose a direct model advance-
 ment by making RoBERTa aware of predicate ever, despite the heavy usage of conjunctions in
 semantic roles. While we observe some perfor- English, there is no specific NLI dataset that tests
 mance gains, C ONJ NLI is still challenging for their understanding in detail. Although SNLI has
 current methods, thus encouraging interesting 30% of samples with conjunctions, most of these
 future work for better understanding of con- examples do not require inferences over the con-
 junctions.1 juncts that are connected by the coordinating word.
 1 Introduction On a random sample of 100 conjunctive examples
 from SNLI, we find that 72% of them have the
 Coordinating conjunctions are a common syntac- conjuncts unchanged between the premise and the
 tic phenomenon in English: 38.8% of sentences in hypothesis (e.g., “Man and woman sitting on the
 the Penn Tree Bank have at least one coordinating sidewalk” → “Man and woman are sitting”) and
 word between “and”, “or”, and “but” (Marcus et al., there are almost no examples with non-boolean
 1993). Conjunctions add complexity to the sen- conjunctions (e.g., “A total of five men and women
 tences, thereby making inferences over such sen- are sitting.” → “A total of 5 men are sitting.” (con-
 C ONJ NLI data and code are publicly available at https: tradiction)). As discussed below, inference over
 // conjuncts directly translates to boolean and non-
# Premise Hypothesis Label
 C ONJ NLI Dataset
 He is a Worcester resident and a member
 1 He is a member of the Democratic Party. entailment
 of the Democratic Party.
 He is a Worcester resident and a member
 2 He is a member of the Democratic Party. neutral
 of the Democratic Party.
 He is a Worcester resident and a member He is a Worcester resident and a member
 3 contradiction
 of the Democratic Party. of the Republican Party.
 A total of 793880 acre, or 36 percent of A total of 793880 acre, was affected by the
 4 entailment
 the park was affected by the wildfires. wildfires.
 Its total running time is 9 minutes and 9 Its total running time is 9 minutes, spanning
 5 contradiction†
 seconds, spanning seven tracks. seven tracks.
 He began recording for the Columbia Phono- He began recording for the Columbia Phono-
 6 neutral†
 graph Company, in 1889 or 1890. graph Company, in 1890.
 Fowler wrote or co-wrote all but one of the Fowler wrote or co-wrote all of the songs on
 7 contradiction†
 songs on album. album.
 All devices they tested did not produce grav- All devices they tested did not produce grav-
 8 entailment
 ity or anti-gravity. ity.
 SNLI Dataset
 A woman with a green headscarf, blue shirt
 9 The woman is young. neutral
 and a very big grin.
 MNLI Dataset
 You and your friends are not welcome here, Severn said the people were not welcome
 10 entailment
 said Severn. there.

Table 1: Examples from our C ONJ NLI dataset consisting of single and multiple occurrences of different coordinat-
ing conjunctions (and, or, but), boolean or non-boolean in the presence of negations and quantifiers. Typical SNLI
and MNLI examples do not require inference over conjuncts. † = Non-boolean usages of different conjunctions.

boolean semantics and thus becomes essential for boolean semantics, it requires an inference of the
understanding conjunctions. form “A and B → A”. Likewise, the third example
 is of the form “A and B → A and C”. While such
 In our work, we introduce C ONJ NLI, a new
 inferences are rather simple from the standpoint
stress-test for NLI over diverse and challenging
 of boolean logic, similar rules do not always trans-
conjunctive sentences. Our dataset contains anno-
 late to English, e.g., in non-boolean cases, i.e., an
tated examples where the hypothesis differs from
 inference of the form “A and B → A” is not al-
the premise by either a conjunct removed, added or
 ways entailment or an inference of the form “A or
replaced. These sentences contain single and mul-
 B → A” is not always neutral (Hoeksema, 1988).
tiple instances of coordinating conjunctions (and,
 Consider the three examples marked with a † in
or, but, nor) with quantifiers, negations, and requir-
 Table 1 showing non-boolean usages of “and”, “or”
ing diverse boolean and non-boolean inferences
 and “but” in English. In the fifth example, the total
over conjuncts. Table 1 shows many examples
 time is a single entity and cannot be separated in
from C ONJ NLI and compares these with typical
 an entailed hypothesis.2 In the sixth example, “or”
conjunctive examples from SNLI and MNLI. In
 is used as “exclusive-or” because the person began
the first two examples, the conjunct “a Worces-
 recording in either 1889 or 1890.
ter resident” is removed and added, while in the
 We observe that state-of-the-art models such as
third example, the other conjunct “a member of
 BERT and RoBERTa, trained on existing datasets
the Democratic Party” is replaced by “a member
 like SNLI and MNLI, often fail to make these infer-
of the Republican Party”. Distribution over con-
 ences for our dataset. For example, BERT predicts
juncts in a conjunctive sentence forms multiple
simple sentences. For example, the premise in the 2
 While “9 minutes” can be a vague approximation of “9
first example of Table 1 can be broken into “He minutes and 9 seconds” in some scenarios (Channell, 1983;
 Lasersohn, 1999; Kennedy, 2007; Lee, 2008; Morzycki, 2011),
is a Worcester resident.” and “He is a member in our work, we focus on the “literal interpretations” of sen-
of the Democratic Party.”. Correspondingly, from tences with conjunctions.
entailment for the non-boolean “and” example #5 and its association to NLI.
in Table 1 as well. This relates to the lexical overlap
issue in these models (McCoy et al., 2019), since Conjunctions in English. There is a long his-
all the words in the hypothesis are also part of the tory of analyzing the nuances of coordinating con-
premise for the example. Conjunctions are also junctions in English and how these compare to
challenging in the presence of negations. For exam- boolean and non-boolean semantics (Gleitman,
ple, a sentence of the form “not A or B” translates 1965; Keenan and Faltz, 2012; Schein, 2017). Lin-
to “not A and not B”, as shown in example #8 of guistic studies have shown that noun phrase con-
Table 1. Finally, a sentence may contain multiple juncts in “and” do not always behave in a boolean
conjunctions (with quantifiers), further adding to manner (Massey, 1976; Hoeksema, 1988; Krifka,
the complexity of the task (example #7 in Table 1990). In the NLP community, studies on conjunc-
1). Thus, our C ONJ NLI dataset presents a new tions have mostly been limited to treating it as a syn-
and interesting real-world challenge task for the tactic phenomenon. One of the popular tasks is that
community to work on and allow development of of conjunct boundary identification (Agarwal and
deeper NLI models. Boggess, 1992). Ficler and Goldberg (2016a) show
 We also present some initial model advance- that state-of-the-art parsers often make mistakes in
ments that attempt to alleviate some of these chal- identifying conjuncts correctly and develop neural
lenges in our new dataset. First, we create syn- models to accomplish this (Ficler and Goldberg,
thetic training data using boolean and non-boolean 2016b; Teranishi et al., 2019). Saha and Mausam
heuristics. We use this data to adversarially train (2018) also identify conjuncts to break conjunctive
RoBERTa-style models by an iterative adversarial sentences into simple ones for better downstream
fine-tuning method. Second, we make RoBERTa Open IE (Banko et al., 2007). An et al. (2019) study
aware of predicate semantic roles by augmenting French and English coordinated noun phrases and
the NLI model with the predicate-aware embed- investigate whether neural language models can
dings of the premise and the hypothesis. Predicate represent constituent-level features and use them
arguments in sentences can help distinguish be- to drive downstream expectations. In this work,
tween two syntactically similar inference pairs with we broadly study the semantics of conjunctions
different target labels (Table 5 shows an example). through our challenging dataset for NLI.
Overall, our contributions are:
• We introduce C ONJ NLI, a new stress-test for Analyzing NLI Models. Our research follows a
 NLI in conjunctive sentences, consisting of body of work trying to understand the weaknesses
 boolean and non-boolean examples with single of neural models in NLI. Poliak et al. (2018b); Gu-
 and multiple coordinating conjunctions (“and”, rurangan et al. (2018) first point out that hypothesis-
 “or”, “but”, “nor”), negations, quantifiers and re- only models also achieve high accuracy in NLI,
 quiring diverse inferences over conjuncts (with thereby revealing weaknesses in existing datasets.
 high inter-annotator agreement between experts). Various stress-testing and analysis datasets have
• We show that BERT and RoBERTa do not under- been proposed since, focusing on lexical inferences
 stand conjunctions well enough and use shallow (Glockner et al., 2018), quantifiers (Geiger et al.,
 heuristics for inferences over such sentences. 2018), biases on specific words (Sanchez et al.,
• We propose initial improvements for our task by 2018), verb verdicality (Ross and Pavlick, 2019),
 adversarially fine-tuning RoBERTa using an iter- numerical reasoning (Ravichander et al., 2019),
 ative adversarial fine-tuning algorithm and also negation, antonymy (Naik et al., 2018), pragmatic
 augmenting RoBERTa with predicate-aware em- inference (Jeretic et al., 2020), systematicity of
 beddings. We obtain initial gains but with still monotonicity (Yanaka et al., 2020), and linguistic
 large room for improvement, which will hope- minimal pairs (Warstadt et al., 2020). Besides syn-
 fully encourage future work on better understand- tax, other linguistic information have also been in-
 ing of conjunctions. vestigated (Poliak et al., 2018a; White et al., 2017)
 but none of these focus on conjunctions. The clos-
2 Related Work est work on conjunctions is by Richardson et al.
 (2020) where they probe NLI models through se-
Our work is positioned at the intersection of under- mantic fragments. However, their focus is only on
standing the semantics of conjunctions in English boolean “and”, allowing them to assign labels au-
Conjunctive Sentence Manual Validation
 Conjuncts Identification NLI Pair Creation
 Selection + Expert Annotation

 (“He is a Worcester resident and a member of
“He is a Worcester resident and a “a Worcester resident”, Entailment
 the Democratic Family.”,
member of the Democratic Family.” “a member of the Democratic Family”
 “He is a member of the Democratic Family.”)

 Figure 1: Flow diagram of C ONJ NLI dataset creation.

tomatically through simple templates. Also, their 3.2 Conjuncts Identification
goal is to get BERT to master semantic fragments, For conjunct identification, we process the conjunc-
which, as they mention, is achieved with a few min- tive sentence using a state-of-the-art constituency
utes of additional fine-tuning on their templated parser implemented in AllenNLP3 and then choose
data. C ONJ NLI, however, is more diverse and the two phrases in the resulting constituency parse
challenging for BERT-style models, includes all on either side of the conjunction as conjuncts. A
common coordinating conjunctions, and captures conjunction can conjoin more than two conjuncts,
non-boolean usages. in which case we identify the two surrounding the
Adversarial Methods in NLP. Adversarial conjunction and ignore the rest. Figure 1 shows
training for robustifying neural models has been an example where the two conjuncts “a Worcester
proposed in many NLP tasks, most notably in QA resident” and “a member of the Democratic Party”
(Jia and Liang, 2017; Wang and Bansal, 2018) and are identified with the conjunction “and”.
NLI (Nie et al., 2019). Nie et al. (2020) improve ex-
 3.3 NLI Pair Creation
isting NLI stress tests using adversarially collected
NLI data (ANLI) and Kaushik et al. (2020) use Once the conjuncts are identified, we perform three
counter-factually augmented data for making mod- operations by removing, adding or replacing one of
els robust to spurious patterns. Following Jia and the two conjuncts to obtain another sentence such
Liang (2017), we also create adversarial training that the original sentence and the modified sentence
data by performing all data creation steps except form a plausible NLI pair. Figure 1 shows a pair
for the expensive human annotation. Our iterative created by the removal of one conjunct. We create
adversarial fine-tuning method adapts adversarial the effect of adding a conjunct by swapping the
training in a fine-tuning setup for BERT-style mod- premise and hypothesis from the previous example.
els and improves results on C ONJ NLI while main- We replace a conjunct by finding a conjunct word
taining performance on existing datasets. that can be replaced by its antonym or co-hyponym.
 Wikipedia sentences frequently contain numbers
3 Data Creation or names of persons in the conjuncts which are re-
 placed by adding one to the number and randomly
Creation of C ONJ NLI involves four stages, as
 sampling any other name from the dataset respec-
shown in Figure 1. The (premise, hypothesis) pairs
 tively. We apply the three conjunct operations on
are created automatically, followed by manual veri-
 all collected conjunctive sentences.
fication and expert annotation.
 3.4 Manual Validation & Expert Annotation
3.1 Conjunctive Sentence Selection
 Since incorrect conjunct identification can lead to
We start by choosing conjunctive sentences from
 the generation of a grammatically incorrect sen-
Wikipedia containing all common coordinating
 tence, the pairs are first manually verified for gram-
conjunctions (“and”, “or”, “but”, “nor”). Figure 1
 maticality. The grammatical ones are next anno-
shows an example. We choose Wikipedia because
 tated by two English-speaking experts (with prior
it contains complex sentences with single and mul-
 experience in NLI and NLP) into entailment, neu-
tiple conjunctions, and similar choices have also
 tral and contradiction labels. We refrain from using
been made in prior work on information extraction
 Amazon Mechanical Turk for the label assignment
from conjunctive sentences (Saha and Mausam,
 because our NLI pairs’ labeling requires deeper
2018). In order to capture a diverse set of conjunc-
 understanding and identification of the challenging
tive phenomena, we gather sentences with multiple
 conjunctive boolean versus non-boolean semantics
conjunctions, negations, quantifiers and various
syntactic constructs of conjuncts.
Ent Neu Contra Total Sentence CT
 Conj Dev 204 281 138 623 Historically, the Commission was run by
 NP + Adj
 Conj Test 332 467 201 1000 three commissioners or fewer.
 Conj All 536 748 339 1623
 Terry Phelps and Raffaella Reggi
 were the defending champions but did NP + NP
 Table 2: Dataset splits of C ONJ NLI. not compete that year.
 Terry Phelps and Raffaella Reggi were
 and or but multiple quant neg the defending champions but did not VP + VP
 compete that year.
 Conj Dev 320 293 99 152 131 70
 Conj Test 537 471 135 229 175 101 It is for Orienteers in or around North
 Prep + Prep
 Conj All 857 764 234 381 306 171 Staffordshire and South Cheshire.
 It is a white solid, but impure samples Clause +
Table 3: Data analysis by conjunction types, presence
 can appear yellowish. Clause
of quantifiers and negations.
 Pantun were originally not written down,
 the bards often being illiterate and in Adj + PP
 many cases blind.
(see examples #1 and #5 in Table 1 where the same
 A queue is an example of a linear
conjunct removal operation leads to two different data structure, or more abstractly a NP + AdvP
labels). Expert annotation has been performed sequential collection.
in previous NLI stress-tests as well (Ravichander
 Table 4: C ONJ NLI sentences consist of varied syntac-
et al., 2019; McCoy et al., 2019) so as to ensure a
 tic conjunct categories (bolded). CT = Conjunct Types,
high-quality dataset. NP = Noun Phrase, VP = Verb Phrase, AdvP = Adver-
Annotator Instructions and Agreement: Each bial Phrase.
annotator is initially trained by showing 10 exam-
ples, of which some have boolean usages and others
 We note that conjunctive sentences can contain
non-boolean. The examples are further accompa-
 conjuncts of different syntactic categories, rang-
nied with clear explanations for the choice of labels.
 ing from words of different part of speech tags
The appendix contains a subset of these examples.
 to various phrasal constructs to even sentences.
The annotations are done in two rounds – in the
 Table 4 shows a small subset of the diverse syn-
first, each annotator annotated the examples inde-
 tactic constructs of conjuncts in C ONJ NLI. The
pendently and in the second, the disagreements
 conjuncts within a sentence may belong to differ-
are discussed to resolve final labels. The inter-
 ent categories – the first example conjoins a noun
annotator agreement between the annotators has a
 phrase with an adjective. Each conjunct can be a
high Cohen’s Kappa (κ) of 0.83 and we keep only
 clause, as shown in the fifth example.
those pairs that both agree on.
 4.1 Iterative Adversarial Fine-Tuning
4 Data Analysis
 Automated Adversarial Training Data Cre-
Post-annotation, we arrive at a consolidated set of ation. Creation of large-scale conjunctive-NLI
1623 examples, which is a reasonably large size training data, where each example is manually la-
compared to previous NLI stress-tests with expert beled, is prohibitive because of the amount of hu-
annotations. We randomly split these into 623 vali- man effort involved in the process and the diverse
dation and 1000 test examples, as shown in Table 2. types of exceptions involved in the conjunction in-
C ONJ NLI also replicates the approximate distribu- ference labeling process. Hence, in this section,
tion of each conjunction in English (Table 3). Thus, we first try to automatically create some training
“and” is maximally represented in our dataset, fol- data to train models for our challenging C ONJ NLI
lowed by “or”4 and “but”. Sentences with multiple stress-test and show the limits of such rule-based
conjunctions make up a sizeable 23% of C ONJ NLI adversarial training methods. For this automated
to reflect real-world challenging scenarios. As we training data creation, we follow the same pro-
discussed earlier, conjunctions are further challeng- cess as Section 3 but replace the expert human-
ing in the presence of quantifiers and negations, annotation phase with automated boolean rules and
due to their association with boolean logic. These some initial heuristics for non-boolean5 semantics
contribute to 18% and 10% of the dataset, resp.
 Non-boolean usages of conjunctions, to the best of our
 We consider sentences with “nor” as part of “or”. knowledge, cannot be identified automatically; and in fact,
NLI Label
Algorithm 1 Iterative Adversarial Fine-Tuning
 Classification Head
 1: model = finetune(RoBERTa, MNLItrain ) SRL Tags

 2: adv train = get adv data() Classifier Layer
 3: k = len(advtrain )
 4: for e = 1 to num epochs do
 Linear Layer
 5: MNLI small = sample data(MNLI
 S train , k) …

 6: all data = MNLI small adv train 1 … 1 … / 1 … 
 7: Shuffle all data
 8: model = finetune(model, all data) RoBERTa BERT
 9: end for …
 [CLS] Tok 1 … Tok M [SEP] [SEP] Tok 1 Tok N [SEP] [CLS] Tok 1 … Tok M [SEP]

 Premise Hypothesis Premise/Hypothesis
so as to assign labels to these pairs automatically.
For “boolean and”, if “A and B” is true, we assume Figure 2: Architecture diagram of predicate-aware
that A and B are individually true, and hence when- RoBERTa model for C ONJ NLI. * = BERT-SRL
ever we remove a conjunct, we assign the label weights are frozen while fine-tuning on the NLI task.
entailment and whenever we add a conjunct, we
assign the label neutral. Examples with conjunct
replaced are assigned the label contradiction. As We create a total of 15k adversarial training ex-
already shown in Table 1, there are of course excep- amples using the aforementioned shallow heuris-
tions to these rules, typically arising from the “non- tics, with an equal number of examples for “and”,
boolean” usages. Hoeksema (1988); Krifka (1990) “or” and “but”. A random sample of 100 examples
show that conjunctions of proper names or named consisting of an equal number of “and”, “or” and
entities, definite descriptions, and existential quan- “but” examples are chosen for manual validation
tifiers often do not behave according to general by one of the annotators, yielding an accuracy of
boolean principles. Hence, we use these sugges- 70%. We find that most of the errors either have
tions to develop some initial non-boolean heuris- challenging non-boolean scenarios which cannot
tics for our automated training data creation. First, be handled by our heuristics or have ungrammatical
whenever we remove a conjunct from a named en- hypotheses, originating from parsing errors.
tity (“Franklin and Marshall College” → “Franklin
College”), we assign the label neutral because it
typically refers to a different named entity. Second, Algorithm for Iterative Adversarial Fine-
“non-boolean and” is prevalent in sentences where Tuning. Our adversarial training method is out-
the conjunct entities together map onto a collective lined in Algorithm 1. We look to improve results on
entity and often in the presence of certain trigger C ONJ NLI through adversarial training while main-
words like “total”, “group”, “combined”, etc. (but taining state-of-the-art results on existing datasets
note that this is not always true). For example, like MNLI. Thus, we first fine-tune RoBERTa on
removing the conjunct “flooding” in the sentence the entire MNLI training data. Next, at each epoch,
“In total, the flooding and landslides killed 3,185 we randomly sample an equal amount of original
people in China.” should lead to contradiction. We MNLI training examples with conjunctions as the
look for such trigger words in the sentence and amount of adversarial training data. We use the
heuristically assign contradiction label to the pair. combined data to further fine-tune the MNLI fine-
Like “and”, the usage of “or” in English often dif- tuned model. At each epoch, we iterate over the
fers from boolean “or”. The appendix contains de- original MNLI training examples by choosing a
tails of the various interpretations of English “or”, different random set every time, while keeping the
and our adversarial data creation heuristics. adversarial data constant. The results section dis-
 cusses the efficacy of our algorithm.
5 Methods
 As shown later, adversarial training leads to lim-
In this section, we first describe our iterative adver- ited improvements on C ONJ NLI due to the rule-
sarial fine-tuning method (including the creation of based training data creation. Since real-world con-
adversarial training data), followed by some initial junctions are much more diverse and tricky, our
predicate-aware models to try to tackle C ONJ NLI. dataset encourages future work by the community
that is the exact motivation of C ONJ NLI, which encourages and also motivates a need for direct model develop-
the development of such models. ment like our initial predicate-aware RoBERTa.
Premise Hypothesis Label SRL Tags
 It premiered on 27 June 2016 and It premiered on 28 June 2016 and ARG1:“It”, Verb:“premiered”,
 airs Mon-Fri 10-11pm IST. airs Mon-Fri 10-11pm IST. Temporal:“on 27 June 2016”
 He also played in the East-West He also played in the North-South ARG1: “He”, Discource:“also”,
 Shrine Game and was named MVP Shrine Game and was named MVP neutral Verb:“played”, Location:“in the
 of the Senior Bowl. of the Senior Bowl. East-West Shrine Game”.

 Table 5: Two examples from C ONJ NLI where SRL tags can help the model predict the correct label.

5.1 Initial Predicate-Aware (SRL) RoBERTa MD SD CD CT

We find that C ONJ NLI contains examples where BERT-S - 90.85 60.03 59.40
 BERT-M 84.10/83.90 - 58.10 61.40
the inference label depends on the predicate and RoBERTa-S - 91.87 60.99 63.50
the predicate roles in the sentence. Consider the RoBERTa-M 87.56/87.51 - 64.68 65.50
two examples in Table 5. The two premises are
syntactically similar and both undergo the conjunct Table 6: Comparison of BERT and RoBERTa trained
replacement operation for creating the hypothesis. on SNLI and MNLI and tested on respective dev
 sets and C ONJ NLI. MNLI Dev (MD) results are in
However, their respective predicates “premiered”
 match/mismatched format. SD = SNLI Dev, CD = Conj
and “played” have different arguments, notably one Dev, CT = Conj Test.
referring to a premier date while the other describ-
ing playing in a location. Motivated by the need to as well as their combination.
better understand predicates and predicate roles in
NLI pairs, we propose a predicate-aware RoBERTa 6 Experiments and Results
model, built on top of a standard RoBERTa model
 We perform experiments on three datasets - (1)
for NLI. Figure 2 shows the architecture diagram.
 C ONJ NLI, (2) SNLI (Bowman et al., 2015) and
We make the model aware of predicate roles by
 (3) MNLI (Williams et al., 2018). The appendix
using representations of both the premise and the
 contains details about our experimental setup.
hypothesis from a fine-tuned BERT model on the
task of Semantic Role Labeling (SRL).6 Details 6.1 Baselines
of the BERT-SRL model can be found in the ap-
 We first train BERT and RoBERTa on the SNLI
pendix. Let the RoBERTa embedding of the [CLS]
token be denoted by CN LI . The premise and hy-
 RoBERTa-M) training sets and evaluate their per-
pothesis are also passed through the BERT-SRL
 formance on the respective dev sets and C ONJ NLI,
model to obtain predicate-aware representations
 as shown in Table 6. We observe a similar trend
for each. These are similarly represented by the
 for both MNLI and C ONJ NLI, with MNLI-trained
corresponding [CLS] token embeddings. We learn
 RoBERTa being the best performing model. This
a linear transformation on top of these embeddings
 is perhaps unsurprising as MNLI contains more
to obtain CP and CH . Following Pang et al. (2019),
 complex inference examples compared to SNLI.
where they use late fusion of syntactic information
 The results on C ONJ NLI are however significantly
for NLI, we perform the same with the predicate-
 worse than MNLI, suggesting a need for better un-
aware SRL representations. A final classification
 derstanding of conjunctions. We also experimented
head gives the predictions.
 with older models like ESIM (Chen et al., 2017)
5.2 Predicate-Aware RoBERTa with and the accuracy on C ONJ NLI was much worse
 Adversarial Fine-Tuning at 53.10%. Moreover, in order to verify that our
 dataset does not suffer from the ‘hypothesis-only’
In the last two subsections, we proposed enhance- bias (Poliak et al., 2018b; Gururangan et al., 2018),
ments both on the data side and the model side we train a hypothesis-only RoBERTa model and
to tackle C ONJ NLI. Our final joint model now find it achieves a low accuracy of 35.15%. All
combines predicate-aware RoBERTa with iterative our successive experiments are conducted using
adversarial fine-tuning. We conduct experiments to RoBERTa with MNLI as the base training data,
analyze the effect of each of these enhancements owing to its superior performance.
 Our initial experiments show that BERT marginally out- In order to gain a deeper understanding of these
performs RoBERTa for SRL. models’ poor performance, we randomly choose
Conj Dev MNLI Dev Conj Test Conj Dev MNLI Dev Conj Test
 BERT 58.10 84.10/83.90 61.40 BERT 58.10 84.10/83.90 61.40
 RoBERTa 64.68 87.56/87.51 65.50 RoBERTa 64.68 87.56/87.51 65.50
 AFT 67.57 76.61/76.68 66.40 PA 64.88 87.75/87.63 66.30
 IAFT 69.18 86.93/86.81 67.90 IAFT 69.18 86.93/86.81 67.90
 PA-IAFT 68.89 87.07/86.93 67.10
Table 7: Table showing the effectiveness of IAFT over
AFT and other baseline models. Table 8: Comparison of all our final models on C ON -
 J NLI and MNLI.

100 examples with “and” and only replace the “and”
with “either-or” (exclusive-or) along with the ap- examples than non-boolean (65% vs 35%) and the
propriate change in label. For example, “He re- non-boolean examples either have named entities
ceived bachelor’s degree in 1967 and PhD in 1973.” or collective conjuncts.
→ “He received bachelor’s degree in 1967.” (entail- We note that IAFT is a generic approach and can
ment) is changed to “He either received bachelor’s be used to improve other stress-tests in an adversar-
degree in 1967 or PhD in 1973.” → “He received ial fine-tuning setup. As an example, we apply it
bachelor’s degree in 1967.” (neutral). We find that on the boolean subset of the dataset by Richardson
while RoBERTa gets most of the “and” examples et al. (2020) containing samples with “boolean and”
correct, the “or” examples are mostly incorrect be- and find that our model achieves a near perfect ac-
cause the change in conjunction does not lead to curacy on their test set. Specifically, RoBERTa,
a change in the predicted label for any of the ex- trained on only MNLI, achieves a low accuracy of
amples. This points to the lexical overlap heuristic 41.5% on the test set, but on applying IAFT with
(McCoy et al., 2019) learned by the model that if an equal mix of MNLI and their training data in
the hypothesis is a subset of the premise, the label every epoch, the test accuracy improves to 99.8%,
is mostly entailment, while ignoring the type of while also retaining MNLI matched/mismatched
conjunction. results at 86.45/86.46%.

6.2 Iterative Adversarial Fine-Tuning 6.3 Predicate-Aware RoBERTa with
We compare our proposed Iterative Adversarial Adversarial Fine-Tuning
Fine-Tuning (IAFT) approach with simple Adver- Table 8 consolidates our final results on both
sarial Fine-Tuning (AFT) wherein we start with the the datasets. We compare the baselines BERT
MNLI fine-tuned RoBERTa model and fine-tune and RoBERTa with (1) Predicate-aware RoBERTa
it further with the adversarial data, in a two-step (PA), (2) RoBERTa with Iterative Adversarial Fine-
process.7 Table 7 shows that IAFT obtains the best Tuning (IAFT), and (3) Predicate-aware RoBERTa
average results between C ONJ NLI and MNLI with with Iterative Adversarial Fine-tuning (PA-IAFT).
2% improvement on the former and retaining state- Our first observation is that PA marginally im-
of-the-art results on the latter. In the simple AFT proves results on both the datasets. This is en-
setup, the model gets biased towards the adversarial couraging, as it shows that NLI in general, can
data, resulting in a significant drop in the original benefit from more semantic information. However,
MNLI results. The slight drop in C ONJ NLI re- we obtain a larger gain on C ONJ NLI with adversar-
sults also indicates that the MNLI training data is ial training. This, however, is unsurprising as the
useful for the model to learn about basic paraphras- adversarial training data is specifically curated for
ing skills required in NLI. IAFT achieves that, by the task, whereas PA is only exposed to the original
mixing the adversarial training data with an equal MNLI training data. On combining both, our re-
amount of MNLI examples in every epoch. We sults do not improve further, thus promoting future
also analyze a subset of examples fixed by IAFT work by the community on better understanding of
and find that unsurprisingly (based on the heuris- conjunctions. Finally, all our models encouragingly
tics used to automatically create the adversarial maintain state-of-the-art results on MNLI.
training data in Sec. 4.1), it corrects more boolean
 7 6.4 Amount of Adversarial Training Data
 AFT, in principle, is similar to the Inoculation by
Fine-Tuning strategy (Liu et al., 2019a), with the excep- We investigate the amount of training data needed
tion that they inject some examples from the challenge set
for training, while we have a separate heuristically-created for RoBERTa-style models to learn the heuristics
adversarial training set. used to create the adversarial data. We experiment
70 69.18
 69 68.53
 68.86 And Or But Multiple All
 CONJ DEV ACCURACY 68 RoBERTa 65.36 59.87 81.48 65.93 65.60
 67 66.45
 PA 66.29 60.93 81.48 66.81 66.30
 64.68 IAFT 67.59 62.20 80.00 62.88 67.90
 Table 9: Comparison of all models on the subset of
 62 each conjunction type of C ONJ NLI.
 0 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 with “but”, owing to fewer non-boolean usages in
 such sentences. Our initial predicate-aware model
Figure 3: Effect of amount of adversarial training data. encouragingly obtains small improvements on all
 conjunction types (except “but”), indicating that
with the IAFT model on C ONJ NLI dev and linearly perhaps these models can benefit from more lin-
increase the data size from 6k to 18k, comprising guistic knowledge. Although single conjunction
of an equal amount of “and”, “or” and “but” ex- examples benefit from adversarial training, multi-
amples. Figure 3 shows the accuracy curve. We ple conjunctions prove to be challenging mainly
obtain maximum improvements with the first 12k due to the difficulty in automatically parsing and
examples (4 points), marginal improvement with creating perfect training examples with such sen-
the next 3k and a slight drop in performance with tences (Ficler and Goldberg, 2016b).
the next 3k. Early saturation shows that RoBERTa
 6.7 Analysis of Boolean versus Non-Boolean
learns the rules using a small number of examples
only and also exposes the hardness of C ONJ NLI.
 One of the expert annotators manually annotated
6.5 Instability Analysis the C ONJ NLI dev set for boolean and non-boolean
Zhou et al. (2020) perform an in-depth analysis examples. We find that non-boolean examples con-
of the various NLI stress tests like HANS (Mc- tribute to roughly 34% of the dataset. Unsurpris-
Coy et al., 2019), BREAK-NLI (Glockner et al., ingly, all models perform significantly better on the
2018), etc and find that different random initializa- boolean subset compared to the non-boolean one.
tion seeds can lead to significantly different results Specifically, the accuracies for RoBERTa, IAFT
on these datasets. They show that this instability and PA on the boolean subset are 68%, 72% and
largely arises from high inter-example similarity, 69% respectively, while on the non-boolean subset,
as these datasets typically focus on a particular these are 58%, 61% and 58% respectively. Based
linguistic phenomenon by leveraging only a hand- on these results, we make some key observations:
ful of patterns. Thus, following their suggestion, (1) Non-boolean accuracy for all models are about
we conduct an instability analysis of C ONJ NLI by 10% less than the boolean counterpart, revealing
training RoBERTa on MNLI with 10 different seeds the hardness of the dataset, (2) IAFT improves both
(1 to 10) and find that the results on C ONJ NLI are boolean and non-boolean subsets because of the
quite robust to such variations. The mean accuracy non-boolean heuristics used in creating its adversar-
on C ONJ NLI dev is 64.48, with a total standard ial training data, (3) PA only marginally improves
deviation of 0.59, independent standard deviation the boolean subset, suggesting the need for better
of 0.49 and a small inter-data covariance of 0.22. semantic models in future work. In fact, C ON -
C ONJ NLI’s stable results compared to most previ- J NLI also provides a test bed for designing good
ous stress-tests indicate the diverse nature of con- semantic parsers that can automatically distinguish
junctive inferences captured in the dataset. between boolean and non-boolean conjunctions.

6.6 Analysis by Conjunction Type 7 Conclusion
In Table 9, we analyze the performance of the mod- We presented C ONJ NLI, a new stress-test dataset
els on the subset of examples containing “and”, for NLI in conjunctive sentences (“and”, “or”,
“or”, “but” and multiple conjunctions. We find that “but”, “nor”) in the presence of negations and quan-
“or” is the most challenging for pre-trained lan- tifiers and requiring diverse “boolean” and “non-
guage models, particularly because of its multiple boolean” inferences over conjuncts. Large-scale
interpretations in English. We also note that all pre-trained LMs like RoBERTa are not able to opti-
models perform significantly better on sentences mally understand the conjunctive semantics in our
dataset. We presented some initial solutions via ad- Qian Chen, Xiaodan Zhu, Zhen-Hua Ling, Si Wei, Hui
versarial training and a predicate-aware RoBERTa Jiang, and Diana Inkpen. 2017. Enhanced LSTM for
 natural language inference. In Proceedings of the
model, and achieved some reasonable performance
 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu-
gains on C ONJ NLI. However, we also show limi- tational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages
tations of our proposed methods, thereby encour- 1657–1668.
aging future work on C ONJ NLI for better under-
 Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
standing of conjunctive semantics. Kristina Toutanova. 2019. BERT: Pre-training of
 deep bidirectional transformers for language under-
Acknowledgements standing. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of
 the North American Chapter of the Association for
We thank the reviewers and Adina Williams, Pe- Computational Linguistics: Human Language Tech-
 nologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages
ter Hase, Yichen Jiang, and Prof. Katya Pertsova
(UNC Linguistics department) for their helpful
suggestions, and the experts for data annota- Jessica Ficler and Yoav Goldberg. 2016a. Coordina-
 tion annotation extension in the Penn Tree Bank. In
tion. This work was supported by DARPA MCS
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Grant N66001-19-2-4031, NSF-CAREER Award sociation for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1:
1846185, DARPA KAIROS Grant FA8750-19-2- Long Papers), pages 834–842.
1004, and Munroe & Rebecca Cobey Fellowship. Jessica Ficler and Yoav Goldberg. 2016b. A neural net-
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ing agency. ceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Meth-
 ods in Natural Language Processing, pages 23–32.
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 A.1 Annotation Examples
Peng Shi and Jimmy Lin. 2019. Simple bert models for In Table 10, we list a subset of examples from C ON -
 relation extraction and semantic role labeling. arXiv
 preprint arXiv:1904.05255. J NLI, shown to the annotators with the purpose of
 training them. In the first example, the “or” means
Hiroki Teranishi, Hiroyuki Shindo, and Yuji Mat- “boolean exclusive-or” while in the second, it is
 sumoto. 2019. Decomposed local models for coor- used to establish equivalence between two phrases.
 dinate structure parsing. In Proceedings of the 2019 The fourth example is a non-boolean usage of “and”
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 Association for Computational Linguistics: Human as it appears as part of a named entity.
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 Bowman. 2020. BLiMP: The benchmark of linguis- 1971.”), (2) establishing equivalence between two
 tic minimal pairs for english. Transactions of the As- words or phrases (“Upon completion, it will rise
 sociation for Computational Linguistics, 8:377–392. 64 stories or 711 ft.”), and (3) “or” interpreted as
 “boolean or” (“He can play as a striker or a mid-
Aaron Steven White, Pushpendre Rastogi, Kevin Duh,
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 tence understanding through inference. In Proceed- dataset and thus we heuristically label a pair as en-
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 example as neutral.
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Hitomi Yanaka, Koji Mineshima, Daisuke Bekki, and
 Kentaro Inui. 2020. Do neural models learn sys- problem. The input to BERT is the tokenized sen-
 tematicity of monotonicity inference in natural lan- tence with a [CLS] token at the beginning and a
 guage? In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meet- [SEP ] token at the end.
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 (Volume 1: Long Papers). [CLS] Sent [SEP ][SEP ] P red [SEP ]
Xiang Zhou, Yixin Nie, Hao Tan, and Mohit Bansal.
 2020. The curse of performance instability in analy-
 Since BERT converts each word into word pieces,
 sis datasets: Consequences, source, and suggestions. we first propagate the gold SRL tags, which are
 In EMNLP. for each word, to word pieces. Thus, for a word
Premise Hypothesis Label Explanation
 In 870 or 871 he led The In 871 he led The Great neutral The year can be either 870 or 871, hence
 Great Summer Army to Eng- Summer Army to Eng- we cannot definitely say if it was 871.
 land. land.
 Upon completion, it will rise Upon completion, it will entailment 64 stories and 711 feet mean the same.
 64 stories or 711 ft. rise 711 ft. ”or” is used to establish equivalence be-
 tween two same things.
 During the shootout, Willis During the shootout, neutral Whether two others were killed is un-
 Brooks was killed while a Willis Brooks and two known.
 fourth man was seriously others were killed while a
 wounded. fourth man was seriously
 Gilbert was the freshman foot- Gilbert was the freshman neutral Gilbert can be the coach of two colleges
 ball coach of Franklin and football coach of Franklin with slightly different names “Franklin
 Marshall College in 1938. College in 1938. and Marshall College” and “Franklin
 It premiered on 27 June 2016 It premiered on 28 June contradiction If it premiered on 27 June, it cannot pre-
 and airs Mon-Fri 10-11pm 2016 and airs Mon-Fri 10- mier on 28 June.
 IST. 11pm IST.

 Table 10: Some examples from C ONJ NLI with gold labels and explanations, used for training the annotators.

 Premise Hypothesis RoBERTa PA IAFT PA-IAFT Gold
 India measures 3214 km India measures 3214 km ent contra contra contra contra
 from north to south and 2933 from north to south and 2934
 km from east to west. km from east to west.
 He appeared alongside An- He appeared alongside An- contra contra neu neu neu
 thony Hopkins in the 1972 thony Hopkins in the 1972
 Television series War and Television series War.
 It was released in January It was released in January ent ent neu contra contra
 2000 as the lead single from 2000 as the lead single from
 their album ”Here and Now”. their album ”Now”.
 3,000 people died in the days 3,000 people died in the days ent ent ent ent contra
 following the earthquakes following the earthquakes
 due to injuries and disease. due to disease.

 Table 11: Examples from C ONJ NLI showing where each model is good at and what is still challenging for all.

with multiple word pieces, we assign the tag B- by a B-ARG tag. The tag for each word is taken to
ARG to the first word piece, and the tag I-ARG to be the predicted tag of the first word piece of that
the subsequent word pieces. For tags of the form word. We train the SRL model on the CoNLL 2005
I-ARG and O, we assign the original word tag to dataset (Carreras and Màrquez, 2005) for 5 epochs
all the word pieces. The [CLS] and the [SEP ] with a learning rate of 5 ∗ 10− 5 and obtain a near
tokens of the input are assigned the tag O. Predicate state-of-the-art F1 of 86.23% on the dev set.8 The
information is fed to BERT through the segment BERT-SRL model’s weights are frozen for the NLI
ids, by assigning 1 to the predicate token and 0 for task.
others. Finally, we add a classification layer at the
top and the model is fine-tuned to predict the tag A.4 Experimental Setup
for each token using cross-entropy loss. Unlike Our implementation builds on top of the Pytorch
Shi and Lin (2019), our model refrains from using implementations (Wolf et al., 2019) of BERT-base
additional LSTM layers at the top, thus making it uncased (Devlin et al., 2019) and RoBERTa-base
consistent with other downstream fine-tuning tasks. (Liu et al., 2019b). We train the models for a maxi-
At inference time, we predict the most probable tag mum of 3 epochs using an initial learning rate of
sequence by applying Viterbi Algorithm with two 2 ∗ 10−5 , with linear decay and a weight decay
constraints - (1) a sequence cannot start with an I- 8
 The state-of-the-art F1 score for SRL on this dataset is
ARG tag and (2) an I-ARG tag has to be preceded 87.4% (Ouchi et al., 2018).
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