Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. A Plastic Photosynthetic Adaptation to Arid Environments1

Page created by Clifford Bates
Update on Crassulacean Acid Metabolism

Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. A Plastic Photosynthetic
Adaptation to Arid Environments1

John C. Cushman*
Department of Biochemistry, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557–0014

  Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is an impor-                     plants that inhabit extremely arid environments (e.g.

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tant elaboration of photosynthetic carbon fixation                    deserts), semi-arid regions with seasonal water avail-
that allows chloroplast-containing cells to fix CO2                   ability (e.g. Mediterranean climates), or habitats with
initially at night using phosphoenolpyruvate carbox-                  intermittent water supply (e.g. tropical epiphytic
ylase (PEPC) in the cytosol. This leads to the forma-                 habitats). Most notable among these are commer-
tion of C4 organic acids (usually malate), which are                  cially or horticulturally important plants such as
stored in the vacuole. Subsequent daytime decarbox-                   pineapple (Ananas comosus), agave (Agave subsp.),
ylation of these organic acids behind closed stomata                  cacti (Cactaceae), and orchids (Orchidaceae). CAM is
creates an internal CO2 source that is reassimilated                  also correlated with various anatomical or morpho-
by Rubisco in the chloroplast. The refixation of this                 logical features that minimize water loss, including
internal CO2 generates carbohydrates via the conven-                  thick cuticles, low surface-to-volume ratios, large
tional photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle. Thus,                   cells and vacuoles with enhanced water storage ca-
CAM involves a temporal separation of carbon fixa-                    pacity (i.e. succulence), and reduced stomatal size
tion modes in contrast to the spatial separation found                and/or frequency.
in C4 plants. The first recognition of the nocturnal                    The selective advantage of high WUE likely ac-
acidification process can be traced to the Romans,                    counts for the extensive diversification and specia-
who noted that certain succulent plants taste more                    tion among CAM plants principally in water-limited
bitter in the morning than in the evening (Rowley,                    environments. Intensive ecophysiological studies
1978). However, formal descriptions of the ability of                 over the last 20 years have documented that CAM is
succulent plants to conduct nocturnal CO2 fixation or                 present in approximately 7% of vascular plant spe-
to acidify photosynthetic tissues at night and deacid-                cies, a much larger percentage than the percentage of
ify them during the day did not appear until the early                C4 species (Winter and Smith, 1996a). The wide-
19th century (de Saussure, 1804; Heyne, 1815). The                    spread distribution of CAM among 33 taxonomically
term CAM was coined to give credit to Heyne’s                         diverse families (Smith and Winter, 1996) suggests
observations that were made using Bryophyllum caly-                   that CAM most likely evolved independently on nu-
cinum, a succulent member of the Crassulaceae.                        merous occasions in different families and even
  Since these early descriptions, a detailed account of               within individual families (Griffiths, 1989; Ehleringer
the sequence of biochemical reactions of the CAM                      and Monson, 1993; Pilon-Smits et al., 1996). More
                                                                      recent phylogenetic reconstructions using PEPC se-
cycle (Ranson and Thomas, 1960), the complexity of
                                                                      quence information have provided more convincing
the biochemical variations in the pathway among
                                                                      support for the polyphyletic origins of CAM (Gehrig
different CAM species, and its regulation by the en-
                                                                      et al., 1998b, 2001). It is curious that CAM is also
vironment have been achieved (Osmond, 1978; Ting,
                                                                      found in aquatic vascular plants where it presumably
1985). Initial nocturnal CO2 fixation by PEPC occurs
                                                                      enhances inorganic carbon acquisition in certain
when stomata are open and transpirational water
                                                                      aquatic environments where CO2 availability can be-
losses are low. CO2 release during the day promotes                   come rate limiting for photosynthesis (Keeley, 1996,
stomatal closure and concentrates CO2 around                          1998). Thus, the daytime limitation of CO2 availabil-
Rubisco, suppressing its oxygenase activity, thereby                  ity, brought about by water-conserving stomatal clo-
minimizing photorespiration. The net effect of this                   sure in arid terrestrial habitats or by competition
CO2-concentrating strategy is that CAM plants ex-                     from other species and the high diffusional resis-
hibit water use efficiency (WUE) rates severalfold                    tances limiting access to CO2 in aquatic habitats,
higher than C3 and C4 plants under comparable con-                    appears to be the common factor responsible for the
ditions (Drennan and Nobel, 2000). Thus, CAM is                       evolution of CAM.
typically, although not exclusively, associated with

     This work was supported by the National Science Foundation       A REMARKABLE PLASTICITY
(Integrative Plant Biology, Plant Genome Programs) and by the
Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station.                                 One of most striking themes to emerge in recent
   * E-mail; fax 775–784 –1650.                      years is the extent to which the phylogenetic and                    ecological diversity of CAM plants is also reflected in
Plant Physiology, December 2001, Vol. 127, pp. 1439–1448, © 2001 American Society of Plant Biologists   1439

a remarkable plasticity of the basic metabolic scheme                            phases (Table I). “Nearly-C3 ” or “CAM cycling”
described above. Genotypic, ontogenetic, and envi-                               species display daytime net CO2 uptake with refix-
ronmental factors such as light intensity, relative hu-                          ation of respiratory CO2 at night accompanied by
midity, and water availability combine to govern the                             only small diel C4 acid fluctuations. In plants grow-
extent to which the biochemical and physiological                                ing in thin soils or rock outcrops, this nocturnal
attributes of CAM are expressed (Cushman and Bor-                                recapture of respiratory CO2 is thought to help main-
land, 2001). The photosynthetic plasticity of CAM                                tain a positive carbon balance during frequent epi-
occurs within a continuum of diel gas exchange pat-                              sodes of drought (Martin, 1996). However, the poten-
terns that fall into four phases as defined by Osmond                            tial conservation of water resulting from the
(1978). The nocturnal uptake of atmospheric and re-                              induction of CAM cycling varies widely (5%–70%) in
spiratory CO2 via PEPC to form C4 acids (phase I)                                various species (Borland, 1996; Martin, 1996). In C3-

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and daytime organic acid decarboxylation to gener-                               CAM intermediate species, such improvements in
ate elevated Ci and stomatal closure (phase III) are                             WUE are not always associated with CAM induction
interspersed with transitional periods of net CO2 up-                            (Eller and Ferrari, 1997; Cushman and Borland, 2001).
take at the start (phase II) and end of the day (phase                           In “obligate” or “constitutive” CAM species, net CO2
IV) when both PEPC- and Rubisco-mediated carbox-                                 uptake occurs almost exclusively at night (phase I),
ylation can contribute to CO2 assimilation. The pro-                             with some net CO2 assimilation occurring during
portion of CO2 taken up via PEPC at night or directly                            phases II and IV, even under well-watered condi-
during the day by Rubisco (net CO2 assimilation) is                              tions, accompanied by large diel C4 acid fluctuations.
dictated by the integration of stomatal behavior, fluc-                          Under severe drought conditions, many CAM spe-
tuations in organic acid and storage carbohydrate                                cies will undergo “CAM-idling” wherein stomata re-
accumulation, and the abundance and activity of pri-                             main closed day and night, preventing net CO2 up-
mary (PEPC) and secondary (Rubisco) carboxylating                                take, yet the plants will continue to conduct diel
and decarboxylating enzymes (e.g. malic enzyme or                                fluctuations in organic acids. Other modes of CAM
PEP carboxykinase), as well as gluconeogenic/glyco-                              such as latent CAM, indicated by organic acid con-
lytic enzymes responsible for the synthesis and                                  centrations elevated above those normally present in
breakdown of C3 carbon skeletons.                                                C3 plants but without diel fluctuation, may represent
  Depending on developmental and/or environmen-                                  a nascent C3-to-CAM progression in some species
tal influences, a variety of CO2 assimilation, acid flux,                        (Schuber and Kluge, 1981). A hypothetical variation
and stomatal behavior characteristics may be ob-                                 of CAM called “rapid-cycling CAM” has also been
served outside the conventional pattern of the four                              proposed in which the CO2 acquisition and reduction

Table I. Plasticity of CAM modes in relationship to environmental and developmental influences
                                                 Respiratory                                         Developmental/
                               Net CO2                         Stomatal Behavior
      CAM Variation                                 CO2                              C4 Acid Flux    Environmental           Proposed Functions
                               Uptake                               (Open)
                                                 Refixation?                                            Impact

C3                               Day                No                 Day                –a              –/–                         –
CAM cycling                      Day                Yes                Day                ⫹               ⫹/⫹            Maintain positive carbon
                                                                                                                              balance; improved
                                                                                                                           WUE?b; reduced photo-
C3-CAM (faculta-              Day/night             Yes             Day/night            ⫹⫹              ⫹/⫹⫹            Maintain positive carbon
  tive CAM)                                                                                                                   balance; improved
                                                                                                                           WUE?; reduced photore-
CAM (obligate             Phases I, II, and IV      Yes             Day/night           ⫹⫹⫹             ⫹/⫹⫹⫹            Improved WUE; reduced
  CAM)                                                                                                                         photorespiration
Phase II CAM                Phases I and II         Yes        Morning/night           ⫹⫹⫹⫹             ⫹/⫹⫹⫹            Improved WUE; reduced
Phase I CAM                  Phase I only           Yes             Night only          ⫹⫹⫹             ⫹/⫹⫹⫹            Improved WUE; reduced
CAM idling                       None               Yes        Always closed              ⫹           ⫹/⫹⫹⫹⫹⫹             Protection of photosyn-
                                                                                                                            thetic apparatus from
                                                                                                                           photoinibition; maintain
                                                                                                                            a positive carbon bal-
Latent CAM                       Day                Yes                Day           – (elevated)          ?/?            C3 to CAM progression?
Rapid-cycling CAM                All                 ?                  ?              – (rapid)           ?/?                        ?
  a                                                             b
      Dashes indicate no substantial occurrence or effect.          Question marks indicate that no information is available.

1440                                                                                                                  Plant Physiol. Vol. 127, 2001
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism

phases of CAM may occur over time periods shorter          or abscisic acid treatment is controlled primarily by
than the normal diel cycle (Cockburn, 1998).               transcriptional activation (Cushman et al., 1989,
  The best examples of CAM plasticity are the C3-          2000b) initiated through a signaling cascade with
CAM intermediate species found predominantly               apparent requirements for calcium and calcium-
among the Aizoaceae, Crassulaceae, Portulaceae, and        dependent protein kinase activities (Taybi and Cush-
Vitaceae (Smith and Winter, 1996). These facultative       man, 1999; Golldack and Dietz, 2001). In general,
or inducible CAM species use the C3 pathway to             transcript and protein accumulation patterns are well
maximize growth when water is abundant, but then           correlated; however, discrepancies between tran-
they undergo a gradual C3-to-CAM transition often          script and protein abundance have suggested that
coincident with seasonal moisture availability (Win-       changes in mRNA stability and utilization or trans-
ter et al., 1978). The C3-to-CAM transition reduces        lational efficiency are also likely to govern gene ex-

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water loss and maintains photosynthetic integrity          pression changes during the C3-to-CAM transition
under water-limited conditions that ultimately trans-      (Cushman et al., 1990; DeRocher and Bohnert, 1993).
lates into reproductive success (Winter and Ziegler,          Detailed analysis of the PEPC gene families from
1992). Among facultative CAM species, the common           facultative and obligate CAM species including pine-
ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, has been         apple (Ananas comosus), K. blossfeldiana, K. daigremon-
most intensively studied (Adams et al., 1998; Bohnert      tiana, common ice plant, and Vanilla planifolia has in-
and Cushman, 2001). This model species undergoes a         dicated that a single member of a four- to six-member
gradual, largely irreversible, and partially develop-      PEPC gene family is typically recruited to fulfill the
mentally regulated transition into CAM following           primary carboxylation and carbon flux requirements
water stress (Cushman et al., 1990; Herppich et al.,       of CAM, as demonstrated by its enhanced expression
1992). In contrast, other inducible CAM species (e.g.      in CAM-performing leaves (Cushman et al., 1989; Ge-
Clusiaceae and Bromeliaceae) display more rapid            hrig et al., 1995, 1998a). Remaining isoforms, which
and reversible shifts between C3 photosynthesis and        presumably fulfill anapleurotic “housekeeping” or
CAM in response to changes in water deficit, regard-       tissue-specific functional roles, generally show lower
less of leaf or plant ontogeny (Schmitt et al., 1988;      transcript or protein abundance and remain unaf-
Zotz and Winter, 1993; Lüttge, 1996; Borland et al.,      fected in their expression following CAM induction.
1998). The magnitude of CAM induction in faculta-          This “gene recruitment” paradigm likely pertains to
tive CAM plants tends not only to be influenced by         other gene families as well. Enhanced expression of
water deficit, but also by associated environmental
                                                           enzymes for C4 acid metabolism is accompanied by
conditions such as temperature, light intensity, and
                                                           corresponding increases in carbohydrate-forming and
humidity (Lüttge, 2000). For example, it is well es-
                                                           -degrading enzymes and transcripts (Holtum and
tablished that high light intensity or light quality can
                                                           Winter, 1982; Paul et al., 1993; Häusler et al., 2000).
enhance CAM induction in the ice plant in the pres-
                                                           Elevated organellar PEP (Kore-eda et al., 1996) and
ence or absence of salinity stress (McElwain et al.,
                                                           triose and hexose phosphate transport activities (Neu-
1992; Cockburn et al., 1996; Miszalski et al., 2001).
                                                           haus and Schulte, 1996; Kore-eda and Kanai, 1997)
                                                           associated with CAM induction in common ice plant
                                                           are matched by light-enhanced increases in transcript
MOLECULAR GENETICS OF CAM                                  abundance and diurnal gene expression patterns of a
  Since the first molecular characterization of the        PEP phosphate translocator and a Glc-6-P phosphate
common ice plant Ppc1 gene encoding a CAM-                 translocator (Häusler et al., 2000). However, the ex-
specific isoform of PEPC more than a decade ago            pression of a chloroplast Glc transporter and a triose
(Cushman et al., 1989), a large number of enzymes,         phosphate transporter remain largely unchanged
transporters, and regulatory proteins required for         (Häusler et al., 2000; S. Kore-eda and J.C. Cushman,
CAM have been identified and characterized (for            unpublished data). Tonoplast H⫹-translocating
review, see Cushman and Bohnert, 1999, 2001; Cush-         ATPase transport activity and expression of corre-
man and Borland, 2001). Most studies have been             sponding tonoplast H⫹-translocating ATPase subunit
restricted to inducible C3-CAM models (e.g. common         genes for energizing vacuolar malate storage is en-
ice plant and Kalanchoë sp.) because the differential     hanced during the C3-CAM transition in common ice
expression of genes induced in response to water           plant (Rockel et al., 1998a, 1998b; Barkla et al., 1999;
deficit serves as a convenient and reliable indicator of   Golldack and Dietz, 2001). Molecular characteriza-
their potential functional role(s) in CAM. Greater         tion of the vacuolar malate transporters, carriers, and
investments have been made in establishing molecu-         channels for malate influx and efflux has remained a
lar genetic resources for common ice plant than other      challenge (Lüttge et al., 2000). Recent measurements
CAM models because this species is also a halophyte        of vacuolar malate transport activities demonstrate
and has been extensively investigated to understand        an approximate 3-fold increase following CAM in-
salinity stress tolerance mechanisms (Bohnert and          duction in common ice plant (Lüttge et al., 2000). A
Cushman, 2001; Bohnert et al., 2001). CAM induction        strategy to analyze differences in polypeptide expres-
in response to salinity, water deficit, osmotic stress,    sion patterns in C3- versus CAM-performing leaves
Plant Physiol. Vol. 127, 2001                                                                                  1441

of common ice plant is being used to identify candi-          land et al., 1999; Nimmo, 2000). In addition, feeding of
date vacuolar malate transporters. Antisera raised            detached K. fedtschenkoi and common ice plant leaves
against affinity chromatography-purified tonoplast            with various pharmacological reagents implicates the
vesicle fractions from K. daigremontiana enriched for         involvement of a phosphoinositide-dependent phos-
malate transport activity has been used to identify           pholipase C, inositol 1,4,5 P-gated tonoplast calcium
32- and 33-kD common ice plant polypeptides that              channels, a putative Ca2⫹-dependent/calmodulin
are induced or enhanced in the CAM state (Steiger et          protein kinase, and RNA and protein synthesis as
al., 1997; Lüttge et al., 2000). These low abundance         possible components in the signaling cascade that reg-
polypeptides could be candidates for the vacuolar             ulates PPcK activity on a circadian basis (Hartwell et
malate transporter. Amino acid sequence informa-              al., 1999; Bakrim et al., 2001; Nimmo et al., 2001b).
tion from these polypeptides may facilitate the isola-        However, these studies fail to address the influence of

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tion of the corresponding genes.                              such inhibitors on the functioning of the underlying
                                                              circadian oscillator, and so, observed changes in PEPC
                                                              activity may not reflect alterations in the PEPC kinase-
CIRCADIAN CONTROL OF CAM                                      signaling cascade per se. One great challenge to un-
                                                              derstanding circadian regulation of CAM will be to
  The circadian rhythm of CO2 fixation, primarily             dissect the mechanisms responsible for controlling the
studied in K. fedtschenkoi, is one of the earliest and        circadian oscillations in malate uptake and release
best documented examples of circadian rhythms in              across the tonoplast membrane. In particular, it will be
higher eukaryotes (Wilkins, 1992). Diel oscillations in       important to understand how tonoplast malate trans-
the activity of PEPC, controlled in part by circadian         port is controlled by an underlying nuclear-controlled
changes in its phosphorylation state, play a key role         circadian clock. Rapid molecular identification of
in directing carbon flux through the CAM pathway              malate transport components in the tonoplast and cir-
by changing the enzyme’s sensitivity to allosteric            cadian clock components from CAM species will be
inhibitors such as malate (Nimmo et al., 1987;                essential for this effort.
Nimmo, 1998). PEPC phosphorylation state is con-
trolled largely by changes in the activity of PEPC
kinase (PPcK; Carter et al., 1991). In common ice             A GENETIC MODEL FOR CAM?
plant, PPcK activity is induced concomitantly with a
CAM-specific isoform of PEPC (Li and Chollet, 1994).             To date, ecophysiological investigations have sur-
Recent cloning of the gene for PPcK first in K.               veyed a wide variety of CAM species to determine
fedtschenkoi (Hartwell et al., 1999) and then in com-         which ones actually perform CAM. Alternatively,
mon ice plant (Taybi et al., 2000) demonstrated di-           studies have focused on comparative analysis of spe-
rectly that this kinase is itself regulated at the level of   cific aspects of CAM such as the degree of CAM
transcript abundance by a circadian oscillator. A dis-        induction by water limitation (Cushman and Bor-
sociable protein inhibitor of PPcK activity has also          land, 2001), intercellular localization of carboxylation
been described from K. fedtschenkoi that may function         and decarboxylation processes (Borland et al., 1998),
to suppress basal kinase activity during the light            or the patterns of carbohydrate partitioning within a
period and early stages of the dark period when               particular family (Christopher and Holtum, 1996,
carbon flux through PEPC is not needed (Nimmo et              1998). However, unlike C3 and C4 plants, which have
al., 2001a). In contrast to C4 plants, elevations in          the well-developed genetic models Arabidopsis and
cytosolic pH appear to have little (Bakrim et al., 2001)      maize (Zea mays), respectively, there has been, until
or no influence (Paterson and Nimmo, 2000) on PPcK            recently, no investment in the development of a ge-
activity in common ice plant or K. fedtschenkoi, re-          netic model for CAM. This deficiency has hindered
spectively. However, circadian control of PPcK tran-          our understanding of many of the molecular mecha-
script abundance may be merely a secondary re-                nisms that regulate CAM. In the past, CAM models
sponse to other factors such as the cytosolic malate          were selected for their physiological characteristics.
concentration, which has been hypothesized to reg-            For example, certain obligate CAM species such as K.
ulate the transcript abundance and activity of PPcK           daigremontiana are often favored for gas exchange
(Borland et al., 1999; Nimmo, 2000). Cytosolic malate         and biochemical studies due to their reproducible
concentrations are likely to be controlled by transport       behavior. Other CAM models such as common ice
of malate across the tonoplast, a view that is well           plant can show hyperplastic stress responsiveness to
supported by temperature effects on tonoplast func-           slight changes in growth conditions, which can be a
tion and modeling studies (Rascher et al., 1998;              problem for reproducible physiological studies.
Lüttge, 2000). Thus, response to environmental fac-          Kalanchoë species, however, lack potential for devel-
tors that alter organic acid content or malate parti-         opment as a genetic system as well as any significant
tioning between the vacuole and cytosol may be able           molecular genetic resources.
to override circadian rhythms of PPcK activity, pro-             A comparison of the attributes of well-studied or
viding a possible mechanism for the rapid alterations         commercially important CAM models from diverse
in PEPC activity observed in some CAM species (Bor-           families indicates that common ice plant has many
1442                                                                                        Plant Physiol. Vol. 127, 2001
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism

desirable features that make it an attractive genetic                       sativa; Li et al., 2001). Facile screening procedures have
model (Table II). This fast-growing annual produces                         been developed for the isolation of CAM-defective
large quantities of small seeds (typically 10,000–15,000                    mutants (Cushman et al., 2000b). Identification of
plant⫺1) under standard greenhouse or growth cham-                          CAM-defective mutants is based on a simple pH assay
ber conditions in 1-L pots. The plant is self-fertile, yet                  that detects a failure in nocturnal C4 acid accumula-
outcrossing is possible. In contrast, the perennial or                      tion. Mutant collections are not currently available in
semi-perennial pineapple, Kalanchoë, and Clusia spe-                       other CAM models. A useful by-product of such mu-
cies grow more slowly and are poor seed producers.                          tant screens is the identification of mutants with mor-
Although the common ice plant grows more slowly                             phological (e.g. dwarfism and absence of epidermal
than models such as Arabidopsis, compared with                              bladder cells) or physiological defects (e.g. salt sensi-
other CAM models, the common ice plant life cycle is                        tivity; J.C. Cushman, unpublished data).

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quite rapid. Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate                         Another desirable feature of the ideal CAM model
the normal life cycle of common ice plant from 4 to 5                       is the availability of an efficient transformation sys-
mo under natural conditions (Winter et al., 1978) to                        tem, preferably one that employs a non-tissue
approximately 7 weeks under growth chamber condi-
                                                                            culture-based methodology such as vacuum infiltra-
tions under continuous light or extended photoperi-
                                                                            tion or floral dipping in Agrobacterium tumefaciens
ods and limited rooting volumes (Cheng and Ed-
                                                                            suspensions (Bechtold et al., 1993; Clough and Bent,
wards, 1991). Acceleration of the life cycle is
conveniently accompanied by a miniaturization of the                        1998). A transformation system with adequate effi-
plant. This is an important consideration when con-                         ciency would allow systematic functional genomic
ducting genetic screening because growth chamber or                         investigations to be performed involving reverse ge-
greenhouse space is often a limiting factor. Alterna-                       netic screens for T-DNA insertion/activation-tagged
tively, genetic screens could be conducted in a recently                    gene knockouts, suppression or overexpression stud-
identified dwarf mutant background that displays                            ies, and ultimately targeted gene replacement of reg-
CAM (see below). Finally, mutant collections have                           ulatory or structural genes of interest with key roles
been established in common ice plant from fast                              in CAM. Of the possible candidate model CAM spe-
neutron- or gamma-irradiated (Cushman et al., 2000b)                        cies, several are amenable to genetic manipulation
or ethylmethane sulfonate-treated seeds (Adams et al.,                      using an A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation sys-
1998). Expansion of existing fast neutron collections                       tem (Truesdale et al., 1999). However, given the ice
would create a useful resource for a fast neutron                           plant’s susceptibility to A. tumefaciens transformation
mutagenesis-based reverse genetic screening system                          in tissue culture (Andolfatto et al., 1994; Ishimaru,
in the common ice plant, similar to related resources                       1999) and the availability of a high efficiency regen-
recently developed in Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza                           eration system (Cushman et al., 2000b), an experi-

Table II. Comparison of desirable attributes of well-studied CAM models
                                         Common Ice Plant          (K. daigremontiana, K.    Balsam Apple (Clusia minor,          Pineapple
                                          (M. crystallinum)           blossfeldiana, K.           C. major, C. rosea)           (A. comosus)

Family                                 Aizoaceae (dicot)          Crassulaceae (dicot)          Clusiaceae (dicot)         Bromeliaceae (monocot)
Growth habit                                Annual                     Perennial                    Perennial                   Semiperennial
Commercial/horticultural              Ornamental, ground           Ornamental ($$)               Ornamental (⫺)               Edible crop ($$$$)
  importance (relative value)        cover, and fire break ($)
Mode of CAM                       C3-CAM and stress inducible         Obligate and              C3-CAM, rapid and               Obligate and
                                                                      developmentally                reversible                 developmentally
                                                                          regulated                                                regulated
Propagation mode                              Seed                        Clonal                      Clonal                       Clonal
Seed production                      10,000 –15,000 plant⫺1a          Poor to none                     None                     Poor to none
Growth rate (to adulthood)               Rapid (6 weeks)               Intermediate                Intermediate               Slow (18 –24 mo)
                                                                          (2–3 mo)                    (2–3 mo)
Mutant collections?                  Ethylmethane sulfonate,                No                          No                          No
                                     fast neutron, and gamma
Transgenic plants?                       No (callus, yes)                 Yes                           No                          Yes
Transformable?                                  Yes                       Yes                           ?b                          Yes
Genome size (Mb)                               390                     790 –1,500                        ?                          526
No. of expressed sequence                   ⬎15,000                         0                            0                           0
  tags (ESTs) available
Microarray availability?                        Yes                         No                          No                          No
  a                                                                           b
      Soil-grown plants under standard laboratory conditions in 1-L pots.         Question marks indicate that no information is available.

Plant Physiol. Vol. 127, 2001                                                                                                                  1443

mental platform for future transgenic analysis in            Abundant molecular genetic resources will facili-
common ice plant appears highly feasible.                  tate integrative approaches to phenomena ranging
  The other major limitation for CAM research has          from gene expression to gas exchange characteristics.
been the lack a genetic model with a wealth of avail-      Such integration is required to identify and distin-
able molecular genetic information, such as the com-       guish the functional contribution and regulation of
plete nucleotide sequence of the genome or at the          specific gene products, especially among circadianly
very least, sizeable collections of ESTs. The common       regulated genes. Large EST collections and associ-
ice plant genome is approximately 390 Mb, as esti-         ated databases provide the foundation of nucleotide
mated by flow cytometry (DeRocher et al., 1990) in         sequence information on which to build anticipated
nine chromosomes (2n ⫽ 18; Adams et al., 1998) or          genome sequencing efforts (see below), as well as
approximately 2.5 times larger than the Arabidopsis        materials with which to print cDNA-based microar-

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genome (approximately 145 Mb) and slightly smaller         rays or to synthesize oligonucleotide-based Gene-
than the rice genome (approximately 420 Mb). The           Chips for large-scale gene expression-profiling ex-
common ice plant genome is also smaller than all           periments. Extensive or comprehensive expression
                                                           data can often provide important clues about the
other CAM models for which such data are currently
                                                           function of specific isogenes in CAM or implicate
available. For example, the pineapple genome (2n ⫽
                                                           roles in CAM for previously uncharacterized genes.
25) is somewhat larger, with a DNA content approx-
                                                           Analysis of the existing common ice plant EST data-
imately 3.7 times the size of the Arabidopsis genome       base compiled from salinity-stressed, CAM-induced
(Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991; Williams and               plants indicates the presence of large numbers of
Fleisch, 1993), whereas K. fedtschenkoi and K. blossfel-   genes, perhaps up to several thousand, that are not
diana are two (approximately 790 Mb) and four times        represented in other plant databases (Bohnert and
(approximately 1,500 Mb) the size, respectively, of        Cushman, 2001). Such unknown or novel ESTs in the
the common ice plant genome (DeRocher et al., 1990).       common ice plant database may arise, in part, from
Thus, the small size of the common ice plant genome        the evolutionary distance between common ice plant
makes it a most attractive target for genome               and the other plant models. We also expect that gene
sequencing.                                                family expansion has occurred in the common ice
  In lieu of genomic sequence information, the avail-      plant, a native of the Namib Desert, to meet the
ability of information-rich sequence data from EST         additional requirements of CAM for long-term sur-
collections would add strong incentives for investi-       vival and reproductive success in arid environments.
gators to invest in a particular CAM model. Although       Evidence for this can be seen in, for example, the
cDNA libraries are available for K. daigremontiana         PEPC gene family. In Arabidopsis, this gene family is
(Bartholomew et al., 1996) and K. fedtschenkoi (Hart-      comprised of four members. In the common ice plant,
well et al., 1999), the most comprehensive collection      however, at least six members make up this gene
of cDNA libraries for any CAM plant is available for       family, with only one specifically recruited to func-
the common ice plant. More than 30 cDNA libraries          tion in CAM (Cushman and Borland, 2001).
exist from tissues that span the entire life cycle, from
seedling to adult and flowering stages, as well as
different tissues such as meristems, roots, shoots,        SEQUENCING A CAM PLANT GENOME?
leaves, epidermal bladder cells, flowers and seed
capsules, and different stress treatments (Bohnert           Recent technological improvements in high-
and Cushman, 2001). Furthermore, more than 15,000          throughput, automated DNA sequencing systems
                                                           and access to large capacity sequencing facilities
ESTs are now available (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
                                                           make it reasonable to call for the sequencing of the
gov/dbEST/dbEST_summary.html; Bohnert and
                                                           complete genome of a CAM plant in the near future.
Cushman, 2001). In addition, a gene index has been
                                                           The common ice plant is a logical choice for such an
recently created that allows easy access to the EST        undertaking because it has the smallest genome
sequence information in the form of nonredundant           among well-studied CAM models and the largest
genes (singletons) and tentative consensus sequences       EST collection for gene identification (Table II). This
derived from redundant cDNAs (http://www.                  effort will also provide important genomic informa- However, similar investments          tion for comparative genomic studies of a species
in other intensively studied models such as K. daigre-     within the Caryophyllales. Most genome sequencing
montiana and Clusia spp. in which cDNA libraries are       efforts target the major crop species in the Cruciferae,
also under development (T. Taybi and A.M. Borland,         Poaceae, and Solanaceae. In contrast, very few
personal communication) will be needed for compar-         Caryophyllales, which includes such plant families
ative analyses of the functional significance of genes     as the Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cactaceae, Che-
encoding signaling and regulatory components, en-          nopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Phytolaccaceae, and
zymes, and transporters and to extend cross-species        Portulacaceae, are targets for genomic sequencing
comparison beyond current physiological or bio-            efforts because most are crop or ornamental species
chemical investigations.                                   of relatively minor economic value. Yet, many spe-
1444                                                                                     Plant Physiol. Vol. 127, 2001
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism

cies in the order Caryophyllales have evolved to              growth and development of Mesembryanthemum crystalli-
colonize environments characterized by water defi-            num (Aizoaceae). New Phytol 138: 171–190
cit, salinity, or extreme temperatures. As such, these      Andolfatto R, Bornhouser A, Bohnert HJ, Thomas JC
species can be expected to be useful sources of novel         (1994) Transformed hairy roots of Mesembryanthemum
genes involved in extending unusual biochemical               crystallinum: gene expression patterns upon salt stress.
pathways for plant secondary metabolites or abiotic           Physiol Plant 90: 708–714
stress tolerance. For example, many species of the          Arumuganathan K, Earle ED (1991) Nuclear DNA content
Caryophyllales accumulate chromogenic betacyanins             of some important plant species. Plant Mol Biol Rep 9:
instead of anthocyanins and other complex substi-             208–218
tuted flavonoids. Thus, access to complete sequence         Bakrim N, Brulfert J, Vidal J, Chollet R (2001) Phos-
information for the common ice plant would facili-            phoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase is controlled by a

                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 05 August 2021
tate discovery of genes with CAM-specific functions           similar signaling cascade in CAM and C4 plants. Bio-
or regulation (e.g. circadianly regulated genes), as          chem Biophys Res Commun 286: 1158–1162
well as of new gene products for abiotic stress adap-       Barkla BJ, Vera-Estrella R, Maldonaldo-Gama M, Pantoja
tation and natural product biosynthesis and chemis-           O (1999) Abscisic acid induction of vacuolar H⫹-ATPase
try (Vogt et al., 1999a, 1999b).                              activity in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum is develop-
                                                              mentally regulated. Plant Physiol 120: 811–819
PERSPECTIVES                                                Bartholomew DM, Rees DJG, Rambaut A, Smith JAC
                                                              (1996) Isolation and sequence analysis of a cDNA encod-
   The C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways have been            ing the c subunit of a vacuolar-type H⫹-ATPase from the
extensively investigated at the molecular genetic             CAM plant Kalanchoë daigremontiana. Plant Mol Biol 31:
level. Much of this research has been greatly facili-
tated by the availability of excellent and well-studied
                                                            Bechtold N, Ellis J, Pelletier G (1993) In planta
genetic models and an abundance of cDNA and
                                                              Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer by infiltration of
genomic sequence information. In contrast, our un-
                                                              adult Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Mol Biol Genet 316:
derstanding of the complex regulation of the CAM
photosynthetic pathway has lagged behind these
                                                            Bohnert HJ, Ayoubi P, Borchert C, Bressan RA, Burnap
other models. However, recent advances toward the
                                                              RL, Cushman JC, Cushman MA, Deyholos M, Fischer
creation of one or more viable genetic models for
                                                              R, Galbraith DW et al. (2001) A genomics approach
CAM, coupled with increasing availability of gene
sequence and expression information, forecast a               towards salt stress tolerance. Plant Physiol Biochem 39:
bright and productive future for CAM researchers.             295–311
Future development and application of genomic,              Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC (2001) The ice plant cometh:
proteomic, and metabolic profiling technologies in            lessons in abiotic stress tolerance. J Plant Growth Regul
selected CAM models such as the common ice plant              19: 334–346
is expected to rapidly improve our understanding of         Borland AM (1996) A model for the partitioning of photo-
CAM induction by environmental and developmen-                synthetically fixed carbon during the C-3-CAM transi-
tal influences and the circadian rhythms that dictate         tion in Sedum telephium. New Phytol 134: 433–444
the diel patterns of CO2 fixation characteristic of         Borland AM, Hartwell J, Jenkins GI, Wilkins MB,
CAM plants. Thus, the greatest challenge facing               Nimmo HG (1999) Metabolite control overrides circa-
CAM researchers in the future will be to develop              dian regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase ki-
teams of interdisciplinary researchers using genomic,         nase and CO2 fixation in crassulacean acid metabolism.
biochemical, and physiological research approaches            Plant Physiol 121: 889–896
in selected CAM models. This approach will provide          Borland AM, Tecsi LI, Leegood RC, Walker RP (1998)
an integrated view of the complex regulatory dynam-           Inducibility of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in
ics that allow such remarkably plastic responses to           Clusia species: physiological/biochemical characteriza-
the environment that has become one of the great              tion and intercellular localization of carboxylation and
hallmarks of CAM plants.                                      decarboxylation processes in three species which exhibit
                                                              different degrees of CAM. Planta 205: 342–351
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                             Carter PJ, Nimmo HG, Fewson CA, Wilkins MB (1991)
                                                              Circadian rhythms in the activity of a plant protein ki-
  I would like to thank Mary Ann Cushman and James            nase. EMBO J 10: 2063–2068
Hartwell for their critical reading of the manuscript.      Cheng S-H, Edwards GE (1991) Influence of long photo-
Received September 7, 2001; returned for revision Septem-     periods on plant development and expression of crassu-
ber 10, 2001; accepted September 16, 2001.                    lacean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthemum crystalli-
                                                              num. Plant Cell Environ 14: 271–278
                                                            Christopher JT, Holtum JAM (1996) Patterns of carbohy-
                                                              drate partitioning in the leaves of crassulacean acid me-
Adams P, Nelson DE, Yamada S, Chmara W, Jensen RG,            tabolism species during deacidification. Plant Physiol
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