Deduplication: Concepts and Techniques

Page created by Arthur Martin
Deduplication: Concepts and Techniques
                                                William Jannen
                                                    April 25, 2021

1    Document Overview                                             2    Introduction
                                                                   Data deduplication is a form of compression. The name
This document’s goal is to present a survey of the general
                                                                   itself, deduplication, hints at a deduplication system’s
deduplication design space. Deduplication is a broad con-
                                                                   overarching goal, which is to identify duplicate data,
cept, and deduplication systems can be implemented us-
                                                                   and eliminate repeated instances of that data. Success-
ing a variety of techniques and design choices. For each
                                                                   fully identifying and eliminating redundant data can dras-
core design element, the document presents the high-level
                                                                   tically decrease the storage requirements for systems that
idea and a set of considerations that influence an appropri-
                                                                   manage large volumes of data. This is especially true
ate choice for that design. The document also presents a
                                                                   for systems which maintain multiple copies of identical
few representative systems as case studies, hopefully giv-
                                                                   files—such as a system that performs nightly backups—
ing a sense for practical parameter choices and their im-
                                                                   or for systems that store many files with large, overlap-
plications. If there are parts of the text that are unclear,
                                                                   ping regions—such as boilerplate or configuration files
please let me know so that I can improve them! I am not
                                                                   that are part of an OS distribution. Even when storage
aware of any good surveys/introductory texts on dedupli-
                                                                   capacity is not an issue, there are other reasons that dedu-
cation, so this is my attempt to create one for us to use in
                                                                   plication may be valuable; for example, when sending
this class.
                                                                   data from a client to a server, a client that knows that the
                                                                   server already has a copy of the data it wishes to send
                                                                   can avoid transferring unnecessary data, avoiding network
Learning objectives. After reading, you should be able             overheads.
to answer the following questions:                                    Completely eliminating all duplicate data is an ad-
                                                                   mirable goal, but deduplication systems may tolerate
Definition. At a high level, what are the core tasks that          some replication for a variety of reasons. For example, al-
    deduplication systems perform?                                 lowing some redundant data may be necessary in order to
Measurement. How do you quantify the effectiveness of              complete important tasks in a reasonable amount of time
    a deduplication system so that we can compare it               (identifying all duplicates may be expensive!), or tolerate
    against other designs?                                         system failures (if we lose the only copy of a file system
Timing. When do you perform deduplication? What is                 superblock, our whole system is hosed). Thus, we would
    the difference between an inline and an offline dedu-          like some measure that describes a deduplication system’s
    plication system? How do they trade performance                effective “data savings”. For that, we turn to the dedupli-
    and space consumption?                                         cation ratio.
                                                                      Concretely, if N bytes of data are presented to a storage
Data structures. What is a chunk? What is a fingerprint?
                                                                   system S, which unambiguously represents that data using
    What is the fingerprint index, and how is the finger-
                                                                   B bytes, then the deduplication ratio of D is defined to be:
    print index used?
Parameters. What knobs can be tuned in a typical                                                    N
                                                                                             DS =                            (1)
    deduplication system design, and how do differ-                                                 B
    ent choices affect performance, deduplication ratio,              A more efficient deduplication system will have a
    metadata overhead, and fragmentation?                          higher deduplication ratio (i.e., it represents more data us-
Use cases. In what scenarios are deduplication tech-               ing fewer bytes).
    niques beneficial? What characteristics of an envi-               DS is not the only measure that we care about. Latency,
    ronment present promising opportunities or difficult           throughput, scalability, and resiliency are all system de-
    challenges for a deduplication system to manage?               sign concerns, and the right balance of performance and

deduplication efficiency is going to be context dependent. 2.2.1           When?

                                                                   The first choice in the design of any deduplication system
                                                                   is when to perform deduplication. The two main classes of
2.1    Deduplication in a nutshell                                 deduplication systems are inline and post-process dedu-
                                                                   plication [7].
Deduplication system designs differ along many dimen-
sions, but at a high level, they all follow the same ba-
sic formula. The system receives a data stream as input,           Inline. In an inline deduplication system, the data
and it breaks that stream into discrete parts called chunks.       stream is chunked and hashed before it is written to
For each chunk, the system calculates a collision-resistant        disk [6]. The main advantage of the inline approach
hash (e.g., SHA-1, MD5). This hash value is com-                   is that duplicate chunks are identified before they are
monly referred to as the chunk’s fingerprint because the           written, saving I/O. However, inline deduplication intro-
fingerprint uniquely identifies the chunk’s contents: the          duces chunking, hashing, and index queries—expensive
same data always produces the same fingerprint, and two            computations—onto the critical path of each potential
chunks that differ by even a single byte should have inde-         write. As a result, inline deduplication systems generally
pendent fingerprints. The set of unique chunk hashes (fin-         suffer increased latency.
gerprints) and the locations of the data that those finger-
prints describe (chunk pointers) are stored in a data struc-
ture that can be searched and updated when new data is             Offline. Post-process (or offline) deduplication elimi-
written. Regardless of which data structure is used, this          nates data redundancy after the data has been completely
repository of hfingerprint, chunk pointeri map-                    committed to disk. This deferred processing keeps system
pings is called the system’s fingerprint index.                    responsiveness high, since duplicate elimination is done
   From this basic outline, we can start to see a rough            as a background process—possibly even on a remote sys-
deduplication workflow. As the system processes a data             tem (imagine a system where a nightly deduplication pro-
stream, it breaks the stream into successive data chunks.          cess scans the system and copies all new unique data to a
For each chunk, the system calculates the chunk’s unique           backup server). Unfortunately, duplicate data temporarily
fingerprint and checks the fingerprint index to see if that        consumes space in the time between being written and the
chunk is new. If the fingerprint is missing (i.e., the chunk       time that the data is identified as a duplicate and replaced
is new), the system writes the chunk and adds a new                with a reference to the common data.
hfingerprint, chunk pointeri pair to the index for                    Thus, an offline deduplication system may store more
future data sharing. If the fingerprint is found in the in-        data than is strictly necessary, but with some extra work
dex (i.e., the chunk is a duplicate), then the system does         in the background, it can restore “good performance.”
not write the chunk; instead, the system stores a logical          In some ways, this trade-off is similar to the way that
pointer to the existing chunk, which is now shared.                garbage collection in a log-structured file system or in a
                                                                   NAND flash SSD pushes the work of reclaiming space off
   A deduplicated data stream can also be restored from
                                                                   of the critical path. However, there may be a point where
a list of fingerprints in a straightforward manner. To re-
                                                                   the background work becomes a bottleneck, so sufficient
assemble the original data stream, the stream’s sequence
                                                                   resources must be available for this approach to be suc-
of fingerprints are iteratively found in the fingerprint in-
dex, and the data referred to by the chunk pointers are
added to the stream.
                                                                   2.2.2   What?

                                                                   A second choice for deduplication systems is what to
2.2    Design Choices
                                                                   deduplicate. Deduplication can be performed at the gran-
Although a given deduplication system can be large and             ularity of entire files [2], fixed-size blocks [11, 15], or
complex, there are three primary design decisions within           variable-sized chunks [3, 10]. (Hybrid schemes are also
the basic deduplication framework:                                 possible, where the chunking strategy is dynamic. Hy-
                                                                   brid schemes often leverage additional information, such
   • when to perform deduplication,
                                                                   as file type, to form heuristics and make decisions on a
   • where to perform deduplication, and                           case-by-case basis about which chunking scheme is most
   • what to deduplicate                                           appropriate [9]. For example, an .mp3 file might be dedu-
   This section breaks down these choices and explains the         plicated at whole-file granularity, but a .c file may use
considerations that might lead system designers to make            variable-sized chunking. The rest of this section gives
particular choices.                                                some intuition for why that might be a good design.)

Whole file. In whole-file deduplication, the system cal-              many opportunities to share data among the logical ob-
culates one fingerprint for each file, regardless of the file’s       jects in the system. Content-defined chunking also grace-
size. Files are deduplicated only if their entire contents are        fully handles sharing in the case where new data is in-
identical to an existing file. The downside of this coarse            serted into a stream; only the modified chunk (and poten-
file-level granularity is that there are fewer sharing oppor-         tially its neighbors) must be re-chunked and re-hashed in
tunities. For example, consider two large files which are             the common case [10]. (For more details, a variable-sized
identical up to the last byte; with whole-file deduplication,         chunking example is shown in the LBFS case study.)
no data is shared whatsoever.                                            Despite its higher deduplication ratios, content-defined
   File granularity is inappropriate for deduplicating boil-          chunking introduces several costs into the end-to-end
erplate code, configuration files, and files that are itera-          deduplication workflow. First, work must be done to iden-
tively modified. In these contexts, no amount of data will            tify the chunk boundaries. One popular strategy is to com-
be shared despite large regions of commonality.                       pute Rabin fingerprints [12] over a sliding window of the
   Yet in some domains, whole file granularity is prefer-             data. When the computation in a given window matches
able. Compressed files and media files exhibit the prop-              a target value, a chunk boundary is created. By chang-
erty that even small modifications to the underlying data             ing the window size, we can change the target size of our
completely transform the final representation. As a con-              chunks, giving us more control over the system’s behav-
sequence, either the whole file is identical or none of it            ior.
is [9].                                                                  The overheads that content-defined chunking adds to
                                                                      the cost of storing and querying the fingerprint index are
                                                                      more subtle. The more chunks there are in the index,
Fixed-size chunking. Dividing data into fixed chunk
                                                                      the larger the indexing data structure becomes; for even
sizes, which are typically on the order of a few kilobytes,
                                                                      modest data sets, the index may exceed the size of RAM
enables more fine-grained sharing than whole-file dedu-
                                                                      and spill onto disk. This problem is compounded by the
plication. Chunk boundaries are set at predetermined off-
                                                                      fact that fingerprint index queries have almost no locality
sets in the data (often fixed-size chunks are set at 4KiB
                                                                      of reference—a collision resistant hash is independently
to match common page/block sizes). Using fixed offsets
                                                                      and uniformly distributed, so data that has locality in the
makes the task of dividing the data fast and computation-
                                                                      workload does not have locality in the index. As index
free, and fixed offsets lend themselves nicely to block-
                                                                      sizes grow, each look-up requires one or more disk seeks,
oriented storage hardware where I/Os must be aligned.
                                                                      introducing the chunk index disk bottleneck [16].
System rules governing disk layout are much simpler as
a result, and an appropriate block size can be chosen to
manage internal fragmentation and index size.                         2.2.3   Where?
   Unfortunately, inserting or deleting data at the middle
of a stream is difficult for a fixed-size-chunking system             A third design decision is where to perform deduplication.
to handle—all data that comes after the insertion/dele-
tion is shifted, affecting the boundaries of all subsequent
                                                                      Source deduplication describes systems where an in-
chunks. The rest of the file must be rehashed, creat-
                                                                      dex is maintained or queried locally, and data is examined
ing many “unique blocks” even though the data has not
                                                                      for duplicates before being sent to a remote server for stor-
changed. Despite this so-called boundary shifting prob-
                                                                      age. Data transfer is minimized because duplicate data is
lem, fixed-size chunking still typically has better dedupli-
                                                                      never transmitted across a network in source deduplica-
cation ratios than whole-file deduplication.
   The next strategy, variable-sized chunking, gracefully
handles both insertions and deletions.
                                                           Destination deduplication systems remove the dedu-
Variable-sized chunking. A system that uses variable- plication process from the client; all deduplication is done
sized chunking divides its data into potentially many, po- remotely. Destination deduplication minimizes client
tentially small chunks in an attempt to maximize the shar- computation at the cost of network bandwidth.
ing opportunities. The locations of chunk boundaries are      In some systems [14], a lightweight index is used to
determined by a computation over the data itself, which is check for existence at the source, but location data is
why variable-sized chunking is also referred to as content maintained at the destination. The choice of source or des-
defined chunking.                                          tination deduplication determines where system resources
   Content-defined chunking often yields the highest must be allocated (should we have one very powerful sys-
deduplication ratios. Like fixed-size chunking, variable- tem that is used as the destination, or should each local
sized chunking creates many small segments, so there are system dedicate a small amount of resources for its own

work?). Location may also be determined by system con- Venti implements a write once policy — once written,
straints; general purpose workstations may not be well- data cannot be modified or deleted by a user or adminis-
equipped to meet deduplication requirements.                  trator. The decision to archive data is permanent.
                                                                 Venti writes data to an append-only log, divided into
                                                              fixed-size, logical containers termed arenas. Data blocks
3 Case Studies                                                may be variable sized, but the append only nature of are-
                                                              nas prevents physical fragmentation. Each data block
In this section, we discuss deduplication use cases and is stored with an associated header. The header lists,
a few representative systems that target those use cases. among other information, whether or not the data was
Hopefully, the discussion highlights the properties of compressed and with what algorithm. A list of the head-
those workloads that lend themselves to different design ers for all data the arena contains is replicated at the end of
decisions.                                                    each arena. When an arena is filled, it is sealed — never
   Table 1 provides a classification of a handful of sys- to be modified again.
tems. For each system, the system is categorized along           An on-disk hash table is used as the fingerprint index,
the dimensions we’ve described above: where it performs and it is stored separately from the log. Hash buckets,
deduplication (source or destination), what it deduplicates which are used to resolve collisions, occupy an entire disk
(chunking strategy), and the structure of its fingerprint in- block, with any excess fingerprints written to subsequent
dex. Table 1 shows the diversity of design choices that blocks. Thus, every index query requires at least one disk
systems make.                                                 seek, but often only one seek.
                                                                 Separating the index from the block store allows Venti
                                                              to maintain flexible storage policies. The block store is
3.1 Archival
                                                              kept on a RAID, providing fault tolerance through parity.
Perhaps the most frequent (and important) use case for           Venti is not a full backup solution—it is merely a back-
data deduplication is data backup. In many indus- end block store that can be used as one component of a
tries, companies are required to maintain comprehensive complete system. Mappings from files to their logical
records of old data, and keep that data for many years, in chunks must be maintained externally. We observe this
order to comply with government regulations. The char- pattern in many deduplication systems. A storage back-
acteristics of these large-scale data backups are drastically end is optimized for expected access patterns, and over-
different from the workloads seen on single-user worksta- laid with client file system structures.
tions in several important ways:
    • a backup operation is a large streaming write, with 3.2 Minimizing data transfer
      no random accesses or reads
    • a backup must complete in its entirety in a given win- Persistent storage is not always the most constrained sys-
      dow, often as a nightly process                         tem resource. This subsection studies the application of
    • once written, the data in a backup will never change deduplication techniques to data written over the network,
      (it is immutable)                                       as opposed to a rotating disk. In this scenario, systems
                                                              may choose to trade CPU and memory for bandwidth sav-
    • data may be read in the future, but rarely (data is
      “cold storage”). Backups are often accessed only
      in emergencies or in “offline settings”, like an audit,
      where latency is not the primary performance con- 3.2.1 Case Study: LBFS
                                                              The low bandwidth file system (LBFS) [10] is a network
    • data must always be accessible in its original form     file system. Clients cache some data on their local ma-
    • the aggregate volume of data will only ever grow— chines, but the authoritative versions of the system’s data
      the system’s capacity should be incrementally scal- are kept on a centralized server.
      able                                                       LBFS minimizes network transmission at all costs.
   These archival workloads often prioritize deduplication    LBFS    prioritizes deduplication ratio and relies heavily on
ratio, favor throughput over latency, require resilience to   client-side  caching in order to achieve these goals.
data loss, and must scale extraordinarily well.                  LBFS was the first system to propose variable-sized
                                                              chunking, although they did not use that name at the time.
3.1.1 Case Study: Venti                                       In the paper, the authors referred to variable-sized chunk-
                                                              ing as the sliding window method (SW), which is shown
Venti [11] is an early implementation of a content address- in Algorithm 1. SW has two parameters: window size w,
able archival repository, shareable among multiple clients. and target pattern size t. SW computes a fingerprint over

System         Deduplication      Chunking               Index                Keywords
Venti [11]     destination        N/A (variable)         on-disk hash ta-     write-once policy, append-
                                                         ble                  only arena, data compres-
Deep Store     destination        variable               local hash struc-    rich metadata, delta encod-
[15]                                                     ture, distributed    ing, compression
                                                         hash table
Hydrastor      destination        variable (Rabin)       distributed hash     resiliency classes, erasure
[4]                                                      table                codes, continuous operation
LBFS [10]      hybrid             variable (Rabin)       legacy DB            content defined chunking,
                                                                              modified NFS, resource
Data    Do-    destination        variable (Rabin)       tiered:    Bloom     locality-preserving cache,
main [16]                                                filter,   locality   stream informed segment
                                                         preserving cache,    layout, disk bottleneck
                                                         legacy DB
Sparse         destination (hy-   variable      (two     in-memory, sam-      sampling, sparse      index,
Indexing [8]   brid)              thresholds,    two     pled                 chunk locality
PRUNE [9]      destination        variable (INC-K)       partitioned index    INC-K, tablet, partitioned
                                                         (tablets)            index
HydraFS        destination        variable (Rabin)       distributed hash     familiar file system API over
[13]                                                     table                Hydrastor backend
SIS (Win-      source             N/A (whole-file)       database             file links with copy seman-
dows                                                                          tics, copy-on-close
2000) [2]

                    Table 1: A categorization of example deduplication file systems.

all overlapping w-width byte ranges (hence, the name slid-            boundary, and (3) data is inserted into a window that pre-
ing window: the first window spans from bytes [0, w], the             viously contained a chunk boundary. In (1), only the sin-
next window from bytes [1, w+1], and so on). When the                 gle block containing the new data must be re-chunked.
value of the fingerprint’s t low-order bits are equal to 0,           In both (2) and (3), the containing block up to any new
SW defines a break point (i.e., a chunk boundary) at the              boundary is fingerprinted, followed by the successor, un-
last byte in w. SW then shifts the window right by w bytes,           til an existing chunk boundary is encountered. LBFS only
and repeats the process until reaching the end of the file.           transmits the new chunks across the network.

Algorithm 1 - Sliding window method
 1: param NUMERIC w,t
 2: param FILE f
 3: INT i ← 0
 4: while (i + w) ≤ | f | do
 5:   t ← F INGER P RINT( f [i, . . . , i + w])
 6:   if t = 0 then
 7:       define chunk boundary at f [i + w]
 8:       i ← i+w
 9:   else
10:       i ← i+1
11:   end if
12: end while

      A negative binomial distribution allowing r failures has
a mean of (pr)/(1 − p), so the sliding window method
yields an expected chunk size of 2t − 1 + w. LBFS selects             Figure 1: Three cases of a small data insertion into an ex-
t = 13, w = 48, for an expected chunk size of ≈ 8K. Thus,             isting file with variable sized chunks. Windows that rep-
the calculation of a single chunk boundary requires ≈ 8K              resent chunk boundaries are shown in gray. In the first
individual fingerprint calculations.                                  case, the insertion does not introduce any new chunks. A
      Fortunately, Rabin fingerprints [12] are a reasonably ef-       new fingerprint must be taken for the containing chunk,
ficient choice for chunking calculations because their cal-           but no boundaries shift. In the second case, the insertion
culation is incremental. Large parts of a Rabin fingerprint           causes an existing chunk to be divided into two. The final
computation for one window can be reused in the compu-                example eliminates an existing chunk boundary, causing
tation for the next overlapping window. Note that Rabin               two previously existing chunks to be merged. LBFS only
fingerprinting is used to identify chunk boundaries, not to           transmits new chunks across the network, reducing band-
uniquely identify block contents. Deduplication requires              width.
that each chunk be separately fingerprinted with a crypto-
graphically strong hash, such as SHA-1, in order to prevent
                                                                         Two drawbacks to variable-sized chunking are an in-
      Variable-sized chunking presents an elegant solution
                                                                      creased computational burden (calculating the Rabin fin-
to the problem of data insertion. Recall that fixed-size
                                                                      gerprints is not free) and a vulnerability bad behavior un-
chunks are defined by byte offsets within a file. A file
                                                                      der certain inputs. On one extreme, there are inputs that
 f 0 , produced by adding a single byte at the front of the
                                                                      would contain a chunk boundary every w bytes. It would
file f , might have no fixed-size blocks in common with
                                                                      be less expensive to transmit the raw data than to trans-
 f because every block boundary is shifted by one. This
                                                                      mit the messages that identify these very tiny duplicate
is called the boundary-shifting problem. In LBFS, this
                                                                      blocks. On the other extreme, some data streams could
would mean that the entire file would need to be re-
                                                                      produce no internal chunk boundaries. Notably, a se-
transmitted over the network, despite the fact that the data
                                                                      quence of all 0’s has this property: since every window
exists in its entirety at the server (the file just has one new
                                                                      is identical, there would be no boundaries in any of them.
byte at the front). If the system used variable-sized chunk-
ing (which it does!), it is likely that only one block would             To combat this, LBFS defines a minimum chunk size of
need to be sent.                                                      2KiB and a maximum of 64KiB to handle these degener-
      To see why, consider the three cases shown in Figure 1          ate cases: the sliding window algorithm starts at an offset
where (1) data is inserted into the middle of a chunk, (2)            of 2KiB instead of 0, and after 64K, an artificial boundary
data is inserted that includes (or produces) a new chunk              is inserted whether a match is found or not.

4       Improving Dedup Systems                                     Tier 1: summary vector. The first level is the sum-
                                                                    mary vector, a simple Bloom filter [1] that stores the set
                                                                    of all chunk fingerprints in the system. Looking up a fin-
The two primary factors that influence a system’s dedupli-
                                                                    gerprint in the summary vector isn’t perfect, since false
cation efficiency are the chunking method and the index
                                                                    positives are possible. But, we do know that any time the
management. Although related—the average chunk size
                                                                    Bloom filter says that a fingerprint is absent, we are guar-
affects the index size—the index and chunking algorithm
                                                                    anteed that we don’t need to look up that fingerprint on
can be optimized separately.
                                                                    our disk. If our Bloom filter returns present, we advance
   This section presents two case studies that improve
                                                                    to level two.
upon the basic strategies we’ve discussed so far. In Sub-
section 4.1, we introduce the disk-bottleneck problem and
we discuss the various techniques that the Data Domain              Tier 2: locality preserving cache. The second tier is
deduplication system [16] introduces to manage it. In sub-          the locality preserving cache (LPC) which is an in-
section 4.2, we briefly discuss optimizations to the sliding        memory hash table. This hashtable contains full finger-
window algorithm and Rabin fingerprinting.                          print index entries, but the caching/eviction policies that
                                                                    move fingerprints into and out of the LPC do so in large
                                                                    groups. If our lookup hits in the LPC, we are done. If our
                                                                    lookup misses in the LPC, the lookup proceeds to the final
4.1     The Disk Bottleneck: Efficient Indexing
                                                                    tier, the actual on-disk index.
Each unique chunk that we add to our system requires
a corresponding hhash, locationi entry be inserted to
the system’s fingerprint index. Even for modest data sets
(and we’ll use modest as a relative term), the size of the
fingerprint index can exceed the size the system’s RAM.             Figure 2: Container abstraction. Data from a single
Let’s consider a chunk store with 20TB of unique data: if           stream is chunked and appended to a until the container
the fingerprint index only stores each chunk’s SHA-1 hash           is filled. Chunk descriptors are stored contiguously at the
(20B) an average chunk size of 4KB would result in a                end of a container, in order to be efficiently read into to the
100GB index!                                                        locality preserving cache. Containers are self-describing.
   In general, caching is the technique we use to improve
our performance whenever our data structures exceed the
bounds of our memory. Our standard caching techniques               Tier 3: stream-informed segments. One key observa-
typically rely on good locality to be effective (spatial            tion is that the actual backup data stream has good locality
and/or temporal locality). Unfortunately, we’ve seen that           over time. For some intuition, consider a nightly backup
SHA-1 fingerprints are independently and uniformly dis-             of the contents of your laptop. Many files continue to ex-
tributed, and as a result, fingerprint index queries have           ist between backups (unless the file is new, it was present
no locality of reference. If we naively apply standard              in the previous backup). And the files that do change will
caching techniques to our fingerprint index, they will per-         typically have many of the same contents in consecutive
form poorly, and each lookup will still require an expen-           versions, with a few new chunks that have the modifica-
sive disk seek. This problem is referred to as the disk-            tions.
index bottleneck problem, and it is the problem that the               Thus, Data Domain’s on-disk format divides the data
Data Domain deduplication system [16] sets out to solve.            into containers that store a group of chunks from the same
                                                                    stream (along with their fingerprints). Data Domain refers
                                                                    to this as the stream informed segment layout (SISL).
4.1.1    Case Study: Data Domain                                    The on-disk container layout is depicted in Figure 2. The
                                                                    metadata for each chunk is kept at the head of the con-
The Data Domain deduplication system introduces a                   tainer. The metadata (called segment descriptors) are the
three-tiered system to efficiently manage its fingerprint in-       fingerprint/chunk pointers mappings that make up the fin-
dex queries (the tiers are described below). The overall            gerprint index.
system goals are to: (1) minimize the number of on-disk                When a miss occurs in the LPC, the system must go
index lookups, and (2) make sure that any work that is              to the disk to find the fingerprint’s container. But instead
done when an on-disk lookup is necessary also helps with            of just reading that one fingerprint, the system prefetches
satisfying future queries.                                          the fingerprints for all members of that container into the
   Figure 3 shows the possible paths of a fingerprint               LPC. In this way, the disk seek that was done to fetch one
lookup through the three tiers, which are described in              entry is used to preload many candidates that will hope-
more detail below.                                                  fully create cache hits on future lookups.


                                                       Read request
                                                         for chunk

                                                         in Bloom


                                                                                      On-disk fingerprint
                          No Lookup                     Fingerprint
                                                                                       index lookup: get
                          Necessary                      in LPC?
                                                                                       container location


                                                                                       Prefetch fingerprints
                                                     Read data from
                            END                                                        from head of target
                                                     target container.
                                                                                      data container into LPC.

Figure 3: The Data Domain file system mitigates the disk bottleneck with its three-tiered architecture. The first level
is a Bloom filter, which provides efficient in-memory approximate membership queries. A positive Bloom filter hit
triggers a lookup in the in-memory locality preserving cache. A miss in the locality preserving cache finally results in
an index lookup. Instead of reading just the requested fingerprint, all chunk descriptors from the containing segment
are read into the locality preserving cache, evicting the oldest set of segment chunk descriptors.

   The summary vector, LPC, and SISL work together to             disk accesses for index lookups in two real deduplication
reduce aggregate disk seeks for backup workloads. They            workloads. That is an incredible result for a real sys-
are effective as a unit because each component fills a            tem, and it is one of the reasons why this paper won the
different role, the relative importance of which changes          USENIX test of time award for being so influential, even
over time. The summary vector filters queries for new             today.
data blocks, which are common during an initial backup;
however, fewer new blocks are seen thereafter. LPC
prefetching loads the previously encountered block fin-           4.2    Chunking
gerprints from a single container into the cache. The LPC
                                                      Since chunking is the division of a data stream into one
is most effective for data that has been previously stored
and rarely changes. The LPC and SISL rely on chunk    or more segments, and the segment is the granularity at
locality within the backup stream. Chunk locality is awhich data is stored and redundant data detected, chunk-
reasonable assumption for backup workloads where filesing, perhaps more than any other system component, af-
change incrementally. However, for frequently changingfects the system’s deduplication ratio.
files, chunk locality LPC prefetching populates the cacheThere are two dimensions in which to evaluate a chunk-
with unrelated chunk fingerprints.                    ing algorithm: runtime performance and chunk quality.
                                                      Section §4.2.1 describes the two thresholds, two divisors
  Together, the three techniques removed up to 99% of (TTTD) algorithm [5]. TTTD reduces chunk size vari-

ance, so that most chunks are about the same size. As a            are many other areas of interest that this survey did not
result, it lowers the overhead introduced by small modifi-         cover but that deduplication researchers continue to ex-
cations.                                                           plore. Restore throughput, sketching, data migration, and
   The comparison of the runtime performances of two               even alternative strategies for removing redundancy (e.g.,
chunking methods is difficult. The speed of identifying            generalized deduplication or delta compression) are all
boundaries can be directly compared, but a system that             active areas of research that are of interest to academics
identifies more shared data will save disk I/O of dupli-           and industry alike.
cate writes. TTTD provides more uniformly sized chunks,
which lowers the overall overhead of data insertions, but
does so at the cost of additional computations.                    References
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4.2.1    Case Study: Two Thresholds Two Divisors                        errors. CACM, 13(7):422–426, jul 1970. 7

The two thresholds, two divisors algorithm (TTTD) is a              [2] W. J. Bolosky, S. Corbin, D. Goebel, and J. R. Douceur. Single
                                                                        instance storage in windows 2000. In WSS, pages 13–24, 2000. 2,
generalization of the standard sliding window algorithm                 5
(SW) introduced by LBFS [10] and described in Section
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§3.2.1.                                                                 backup cheap and easy. In OSDI, pages 285–298, 2002. 2
   SW has two explicit parameters: window size w, target            [4] C. Dubnicki, L. Gryz, L. Heldt, M. Kaczmarczyk, W. Kilian,
t, in addition to divisor D. LBFS observed that for some                P. Strzelczak, J. Szczepkowski, C. Ungureanu, and M. Welnicki.
inputs, SW produces very small or very large chunks.                    HYDRAstor: a scalable secondary storage. In FAST, pages 197–
LBFS enhanced the algorithm with minimum and max-                       210, 2009. 5
imum chunk size thresholds (Tmin and Tmax ) to bound the            [5] K. Eshghi and H. K. Tang. A framework for analyzing and im-
                                                                        proving content-based chunking algorithms. HP Laboratories Palo
chunk size range. TTTD again extends the algorithm and
                                                                        Alto HPL-2005-30R1, 2005. 8
adds a second divisor D0 .
                                                                    [6] L. Freeman. Looking beyond the hype: Evaluating data dedupli-
   For window W and target t, we say a fingerprint match                cation solutions. Netapp White Paper, September 2007. 2
against divisor D occurs if
                                                                    [7] D. Geer. Reducing the storage burden via data deduplication. Com-
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   The TTTD algorithm slides a fixed-length window W                    using sampling and locality. In FAST, pages 111–123, 2009. 5
across the data stream byte by byte, starting at Tmin . TTTD        [9] J. Min, D. Yoon, and Y. Won. Efficient deduplication techniques
checks for a fingerprint match against D and D0 at each                 for modern backup operation. TC, 60(6):824–840, june 2011. 2,
position. A fingerprint match against D immediately halts               3, 5
execution and defines a chunk boundary. A fingerprint              [10] A. Muthitacharoen, B. Chen, and D. Mazières. A low-bandwidth
match against D0 is saved for future use. TTTD contin-                  network file system. In SOSP, pages 174–187, 2001. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
ues until reaching Tmax . The most recent fingerprint match        [11] S. Quinlan and S. Dorward. Venti: A new approach to archival
against D0 , if any, defines the chunk boundary. Otherwise,             storage. In FAST, pages 89–101, 2002. 2, 4, 5
a boundary is inserted at Tmax .                                   [12] M. O. Rabin. Fingerprinting by random polynomials. Harvard
   Adding a second divisor reduces chunk size variance:                 Aiken Computational Laboratory TR-15-81, 1981. 3, 6
fewer boundaries are defined by Tmax . Chunks defined by           [13] C. Ungureanu, B. Atkin, A. Aranya, S. Gokhale, S. Rago,
                                                                        G. Calkowski, C. Dubnicki, and A. Bohra. HydraFS: A high-
Tmax are fixed-size chunks, and therefore suffer from the
                                                                        throughput file system for the HYDRAstor content-addressable
boundary shifting problem. TTTD reduces the overhead                    storage system. In FAST, pages 225–238, 2010. 5
of data that is replicated not because it is redundant, but        [14] Y. Won, J. Ban, J. Min, J. Hur, S. Oh, and J. Lee. Efficient index
because a chunk modification disassembled its previous                  lookup for de-duplication backup system. In MASCOTS, pages
chunk. An appropriate choice of D0 reduces the overhead                 1–3, sept. 2008. 3
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5       Conclusion                                                      data domain deduplication file system. In FAST, pages 269–282,
                                                                        2008. 3, 5, 7
This survey presented a broad overview of the deduplica-
tion system design space. It talked about key parameters
that are common to many deduplication systems, and it
used several case studies as a way to present the common
problems that deduplication systems must solve. There

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