Page created by Reginald Mcdonald

                                 ABDURRAHMAN TEKIN
                        Erasmus student from Adryaman Ubinersity in
                       “1 Decembrie 1918” University from Alba Iulia

    ABSTRACT: Since the industrial revolution, human nature, his environment, even, and
even his own hand, damaging more than ever. Technological advances, the world's
population, the demand for new product production and institutionalization, appears
dependent on them, and also further increases with increasing damage to the environment.
    Of course, only the factories are not limited to damages to the environment, but all kinds
of industry production and wide use of chemical substances is the use of raw materials and
emissions of a large amount of waste material as a result of their destructive nature and the
environment is much more variety of plants, a little more about environmental pollution
pushing forward.
    In this paper, the environmental damage caused by factories, and this issue will be
discussed as the cause of environmental pollution, air, water, noise pollution, as well as the
size of the image will be discussed.
    Keywords: pollution, factory, pollution in Turkey.

              1. Introduction
                                                   monuments and statues [www.macgregoss.
   1.1. What is pollution ?                        eq.edu.au] (fig.1).
                                                       Pollution is contamination by a chemical
    Pollution is when water, air or land           or other agent that renders part of the
becomes very dirty. Pollution can come in 4        environment unfit for intended or desired
different types effecting different types of       use. These uses also and very importantly
areas in the world. Air pollution effects the      include all wildlife and ecological
air, water pollution effects the water and         requirements to sustain life in all its natural
marine life, land pollution effects the land       forms.
destroying life and the environment and                Pollution damages the Earth's land, water
there is also noise pollution that can affect      and air. It results in contamination of the
our hearing. We all contribute to pollution in     earth's environment with materials that
some way or another. Whether it be with a          interfere with human health, the quality of
large amount or small amount we can still          life, and the natural functioning of
cause major damage to our health and the           ecosystems (living organisms and their
environment. Although we all contribute to         physical surroundings).
help stop the increase of pollution. Very little       Pollution is usually caused by human
people realize that pollution is very harmful      actions, but can also be the consequence of'
because they do not think of the                   natural disasters. Pollution can also occur
environment, themselves and other people           from disruption or damage to wastewater
and what it can do. Pollution is an important      collection and .treatment infrastructure due
factor to our lives. It involves our society and   to severe natural events like hurricanes or
all other animals. Pollution is gradually          flooding. Most types of pollution affect the
destroying our planet and is gradually killing     immediate area surrounding the source, and
ourselves too. Like air pollution, smog and        reduce as you move away from the source.
acid rain is a killer to all of us. It destroys        Pollution is often caused by the garbage
marine life, our own          health     and       that people throw on the ground or into
destroys historical                                oceans, lakes or rivers [ezinearticles.com] .
26                                                                              Abdurrahman Tekin

                           Fig. 1. Pollution is gradually destroying

    Pollution is the contamination of air, soil,   Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be
or water by the discharge of harmful               foreign substances or energies, or naturally
substances. Pollution prevention is the            occurring; when naturally occurring, they are
reduction or elimination of pollution at the       considered contaminants when they exceed
source (source reductio) instead of at the         natural levels. Pollution is often classed as
end-of-the-pipe or stack. Pollution                point source or nonpoint source pollution
prevention occurs when raw materials,              [en.wikipedia.org] (fig. 2).
water, energy and other resources are                  Pollution is a serious problem to the
utilized more efficiently, when less harmful       environment. Pollution is the contamination
substances are substituted for hazardous           of the environment. Efforts to improve the
ones, and when toxic substances are                standard of living for humans have started a
eliminated from the production process. By         very serious problem. There are many
reducing the use and production of                 different kinds of pollution. Some are more
hazardous substances, and by operating more        of a problem than others. One of those is
efficiently we protect human health,               water pollution. Another is air pollution.
strengthen our economic well-being, and            Sound pollution is a type of pollution that is
preserve the environment [www.p2.org].             not much of a problem. Even so, all types of
    Pollution is the introduction of a             pollution are bad for the environment.
contaminant into the environment. It is                Unfortunately, pollution is something
created mostly by human actions, but can           that many people cause each day. Simply
also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution   turning on the engine of your car causes
has a detrimental effect on any living             pollution. Businesses can cause pollution
organism in an environment, making it              too! They can make mistakes and things
virtually impossible to sustain life               accidents like oil spills result in those
[www.green-studentu.com ]                          mistakes Carelessness is why people litter; it
    Pollution is the introduction of               can also cause other types of pollution
contaminants into a natural environment that       [library.thinkquest.org] .
causes instability, Qisorder, harm or                  Pollution insurance is a type of insurance
discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical          which offers assistance with the economic
systems or living organisms. Pollution can         costs associated with pollution. These costs
take the form of chemical substances or            can range from liability suits associated with
energy, such as noise, heat, or light.             pollution to regulatory charges for polluters.
Environment pollution from factories in Turkey                                                    27

                                 Fig. 2. Health effects of pollution
    This specialty insurance is offered by a          carbon dioxide and mercury which although
limited number of insurance companies, and            there can be some natural sources of these
it varies widely in cost and scope. For the           elements, elevated levels produced by
most part, it is aimed at companies involved          industries can have catastrophic effects on
in polluting industries, such as oil refineries,      the environment and all forms of life
although pollution insurance for contractors          including humans." [www.brighthub.com]
and more ordinary businesspeople is also                  Our lifestyles include cars, fast food,
available." [www.wisegeek.com]                        disposable items (for example, paper plates
    We often talk about the harm$ of                  and plastic baggies), newspapers, air
pollution but do you know what pollution              conditioning, household appliances (for
actually is? Before we can understand how to          example, microwaves and hairdryers), and
control environmental impacts caused by               many other items that make our lives safer,
various forms of pollution we must first start        easier, and more comfortable. Unfortunately,
at the beginning with the basics to                   pollution is often a consequence of
understand what exactly pollution is and              producing, using, and disposing of these
where it comes from.                                  goods. Waste is unwanted or discarded
    The official definition of pollution, as          material and when it is released to the
defined by Webster's Dictionary is "the               environment, it becomes pollution. Pollution
introduction of harmful substances or                 is generated by industries, agriculture,
products into the environment." Basically,            businesses, schools, vehicles, and even our
any time a foreign substance is introduced            homes and if not properly handled, can
into an environment, particularly a                   contaminate our soil, water, and air.
contaminant or toxin, that produces some                  Once pollution is generated, it is
kind of a negative or harmful impact on the           generally here to stay. Even if it is properly
environment or living beings is considered            disposed of, wastes or pollution can migrate
pollution.                                            into the earth's environmental media,
    Pollution occurs in many forms ranging            including soil, water, and air. Although these
from chemicals in the form of gases or                environmental media may seem separate,
liquids, noise, energy sources such as light or       they interact in ways that are not all ways
heat, or even solids such as the types of             apparent. The pollutants in each medium can
waste that end up in landfills. Even                  move to or from any other medium. For
substances that occur naturally can be                example, pollution released to the air can fall
considered pollution when additional                  to the ground and contaminate soil which
quantities are added to the environment in            can leach into aquifers, which are
unsafe amounts, such as is the case with              underground sources of water for
28                                                                            Abdurrahman Tekin

communities that get their drinking water            But since the start of the industrial
from wells. When we try to clean up              revolution vast amounts of these resources
pollution after it is generated, sometimes we    had been exploited within a period of just a
just end up moving the pollutant from one        couple of hundred of years at unimaginable
medium to another. The scenario below            rates, with all the waste from this
illustrates problems that may occur when         exploitation going straight in to the
pollution is produced. This fact sheet           environment (air, water, land) and seriously
introduces the concept of preventing             damaging its natural processes."
pollution before it is produced and therefore    [www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com]
reducing the need to clean up pollution in           Environmental pollution is a broad
the environment." [www.epa.gov]                  concept which includes pollution of various
                                                 biological and physical components of the
     1.2. What is environmental pollution ?      planet as a result of human activities. On the
                                                 basis of this definition, environmental
    Although pollution had been known to         pollution can be categorized into various
exist for a very long time (at least since       types. When we talk about the different types
people started using fire thousands of years     of environmental pollution, the first thing
ago), it had seen the growth of truly global     that is likely to come to your mind is
proportions only since the onset of the          pollution of air, water, and land. However,
industrial revolution during the 19th century.   the fact is that environmental pollution
    The industrial revolution brought with it    includes much more than the pollution of
technological progress such as discovery of      land, water and air. Other important
oil and its virtually universal use throughout   attributes of environmental pollution include
different industries.                            noise pollution, thermal pollution and
    Technological progress facilitated by        radiation pollution as well. These
super efficiency of capitalist business          environmental issues are much more serious
practices (division of labour, cheaper           as these pollutants are being dumped in the
pr oduction costs, overpr oduct i on ,           environment at a much faster rate than the
overconsumption, overpollution) had              rate at which the environment can
probably become one of the main causes of        accommodate them [www.buzzle.com]
serious deterioration of natural resources.          Heavy metals are metallic elements that
    At the same time, of course, development     are present in both natural and contaminated
of natural sciences led to the better            environments. In natural environments, they
understanding of negative effects produced       occur at low concentrations. However at high
by pollution on the environment.                 concentrations as is the case in contaminated
    Environmental pollution is a problem         environments, they result in public health
both in developed and developing countries.      impacts. The elements that are of concern
Factors such as population growth and            include lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic,
urbanization invariably place greater            chromium, zinc, nickel and copper. Heavy
demands on the planet and stretch the use of     metals may be released into the environment
natural resources to the maximum.                from metal smelting and refining industries,
    It has been argued that the carrying         scrap metal, plastic and rubber industries,
capacity of Earth is significantly smaller       various consumer products and from burning
than the demands placed on it by large           of waste containing these elements. On
numbers of human populations. And overuse        release to the air, the elements travel for
of natural resources often results in nature's   large distances and are deposited onto the
degradation.                                     soil, vegetation and water depending on their
    It is interesting to note that natural       density. Once deposited, these metals ar~ not
resources had been stored virtually              degraded and persist in the environment for
untouched in the Earth for millions of years.    many years poisoning humans through
Environment pollution from factories in Turkey                                               29
inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption.       companies contribute to the pollution of the
Acute exposure leads to nausea, anorexia,        atmosphere by releasing inorganic and
vomiting, gastrointestinal abnormalities and     organic gases and particulates into the air.
dermatitis." [www.unep.org]                      The atmosphere is a paper-thin layer of gas
    E n vi r on m e n t a l pollution       is   (representing 1 percent of the mass of Earth)
contamination of air, water and land from        that protects the planet from damaging
man-made waste. Pollution leads to               cosmic and ultraviolet radiation, contains
depletion of the ozone layer, global warming     life-giving oxygen, and allows the efficient
and climate change. Air pollution is the         cooling of the planet [www.chemistry-
release of chemicals and particles into the      explained.com].
atmosphere. Water pollution includes surface
runoff, leakage into groundwater, liquid            1.3. Pollution caused by factories
spills, wastewater discharge and littering. If
toxins are spilled on the ground or if an            Factory pollutants include water
underground storage tank leaks, soil can         pollutants, (commonly including phosphates,
become contaminated. Well known                  asbestos, mercury, nitrates, grit, caustic soda
contaminants include herbicides and              and other sodium compounds, sulfuric acid,
pesticides. Toxic waste is waste material,       sulfur, oils and petrochemicals), solid waste
often in chemical form, which pollutes the       pollutants (including gypsum, metals,
natural environment and contaminates             cement, abrasives and poisonous solvents,
groundwater [www.chicagotribune.com].            components in adhesives, plastic wrap and
    Environmental pollution is often divided     various lubricants), and also air pollutants
into pollution of water supplies, the            (including carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides,
atmosphere, and the soil. In his book            chlorofluorocarbons, hydrocarbon gases and
Environmental Chemistry, Stanley Manahan         nitrogen oxides) [greenanswers.com].
lists several different types of pollutants,         Factory related pollution is the number
including toxic inorganic and organic            one source of pollution in the United States.
compounds, high concentrations of normally       Factory pollution accounts for more than half
innocuous compounds, and heat and noise.         the volume of all water pollution, as well as
While much pollution is produced by the          for the most deadly of pollutants. More than
chemical industry, domestic sources include      365,000 manufacturing factories consume
human waste and automobile exhaust.              vast quantities of fresh water to carry away
    While physical sources, such as noise and    wastes of several different types.
light, of pollution are important, people most       This waste water from industrial factories
often notice the damage of chemical              is discharged into lakes, oceans and streams,
pollution on animals and plant life. These       which eventually disperse the polluting
chemicals can react with tissues in the body     effluent substances. The United States
and change the structure and function of the     Environmental Protection Agency stated in
organ, cause abnormal growth and                 1996 to Congress that about 40% of the
development of the individual, or bind with      country's surveyed rivers, estuaries and lakes
the genetic material of cells and cause          were too polluted for such elementary uses as
cancer. The study of the effects of poisons on   swimming, fishing and drinking water-
the body is called toxicology. One of the        supply.
central tenets of toxicology states that the         Common factory-emitted water pollutants
dose of a chemical determines its overall        include phosphates, asbestos, mercury,
effects and that most chemicals can be           nitrates, grit, caustic soda and other sodium
dangerous at high exposures.                     compounds, sulfuric acid, sulfur, oils and
    Individuals and chemical and petroleum       petrochemicals (Fig. 3).
30                                                                           Abdurrahman Tekin

                            Fig. 3. Pollution caused by factories

    Additionally, many manufacturing                Factory pollution includes carbon
factories discharge undiluted poisons,          monoxide, which is mainly produced in
corrosives and other completely noxious         combustion processes. Though most carbon
substances. Construction related factory        monoxide pollution comes from motorized
discharge includes gypsum, metals, cement,      vehicles, there are also many combustion
abrasives and poisonous solvents. One           driven power plants still in operation today.
dangerous type of contaminant that has been         Factory pollution also includes
entering the food chains are the                chlorofluorocarbons, which have been shown
polychlorinated biphenyl compounds, which       to destroy the ozone layer. Hydrocarbon
are components in adhesives, plastic wrap       gases and nitrogen oxides are also frequently
and various lubricants.                         emitted by industrial factories. Nitrogen
    In other findings, power plants cause       oxides combine with hydrocarbon gases to
thermal pollution when they increase water      produce what is known as “smog”.
temperatures. These increases of temperature        Sulfur oxides cause acid rain and comes
affect the amounts of oxygen that are           from the burning of fuel that contains sulfur.
suspended in a volume of water. Changing        Sulfur oxides are mostly produced at power
the oxygen levels of water disrupts the         plants or even combustion-driven power
ecological balance of a body of water. This     plants. There has been a 33% decrease in
can kill of animal and plant species, at the    sulfur oxides emissions between the years of
same time it encourages the overgrowth of       1983 and 2002. This reduction in sulfur
other plant and animal species.                 oxide pollution is believed to be due to state
    Contaminants of the air are classified as
                                                    Tropospheric ozone is another type of
gases and particulates. Particulates are tiny
                                                pollutant that is another product of two
particles which are further grouped by their    factory pollutants. This type of ozone is
sizes. Generally speaking, the smaller the      created when nitrogen oxides interact with
particulates are of a noxious substance, the    hydrocarbon gases. In the stratospheric level,
more dangerous it is because it will be able    ozone reduces the amount of ultraviolet
to travel more deeply into the airways of       radiation that reaches the earth's surface. Yet
those that breath it in.                        at lower levels it is an irritating gas.
Environment pollution from factories in Turkey                                                31
    Other types of pollutants that are known       the artificial chemical fog that often shrouds
products of factory waste include volatile         metropolitan areas is responsible for the
organic compounds like solvents, gasoline,         many lung and respiratory problems so many
petroleum products and cleaning solutions.         people develop. Factory pollution constantly
    Over time, the typical industrial factory      damages the ozone layer, leaving the earth
has been fitted with various types of              and all life forms unprotected against the
pollution control devices that are designed to     harmful cosmic radiations. From a certain
minimize the amount of contaminants that           point of view, the earth may seem without
are released into the air or water. While          perspective given the fact that no shutting
these and other means of decreasing                down of factories is in view or even slightly
pollution are somewhat effective, the              possible [www.healtharticles.lk] .
pollution problem continues to be an
increasing area of concern [www.                      1.4. Pollution caused by factories
articleclick.com].                                         in Turkey
    Factory pollution is considered the main
source of pollution in many parts of the              When a small country located between
world in terms of water, air and soil damage.      the cities of Kocaeli of Turkey in terms of
Vast quantities of fresh water are consumed        land area in the industry has a large share.
by numerous factories simply to wash away          Kocaeli Province, rural migration to urban
their waste, and the factory pollution has         areas and as a result of the rapid and corrupt
reached such an extent that there are hardly       construction, inadequate infrastructure, the
any rivers, lakes or estuaries that are safe for   most important cause of pollution. In
people to bathe, fish or use as primary water      addition, air pollution in Ontario is one of
supply. Though environmental regulations           the major cities are experiencing. The
have become a lot harsher during the last          biggest causes of air pollution in the
few years, it is nevertheless true that the        province, for heating fuels, motor vehicles
problem of global warming and the constant         and industrial pollutants.
deterioration of the living conditions on
earth does remain more actual than ever.               Air pollution. Industrial air pollution in
    Another troublesome factor of factory          the province, from flue gases of industrial
pollution refers to the thermal damage power       pollutants and other contaminants-due to the
plants cause to the environment. They              shape and type of organic and inorganic.
increase the normal temperature of the             Most of metal that creates more pollution,
waters which is directly connected to the          chemicals, paper, petroleum and petroleum
quantity of oxygen present in a certain            products sector organizations in the industry.
volume of liquid. When such a thermal                  In the past years Dilovasi Gebze and the
imbalance occurs, entire ecosystems suffer         PM (Particulate Matter) and 802 (sulfur
the consequences: from this point of view,         dioxide) measurements in February Gebze
factory pollution is responsible for the           maximum value of PM 69 mg/m3, 55 mg/m3
mutations in the size of species and the           Dilovasi in August, the species. Maximum
extinction of the more fragile or sensitive        value of 802 in February Gebze 218 mg/m3,
organisms. 80 far, the overgrowth of plants        152 mg/m3 were found in January in
and animals in areas affected by this type of      Dilovasi.
factory pollution has been signaled on a               Dilovasi, especially metal, paper and
repeated basis.                                    chemical industry, environmental pollution
    Factory pollution is also the one              caused by the addition of noise and visual
responsible for the creation of the smog in        pollution reaches alarming proportions.
heavily industrialized city areas. Gases and       From previous warnings were ignored by the
particles are the noxious chemicals we             authorities has reached the stage today for
breathe in the industrial parts of our cities:     the line.
32                                                                              Abdurrahman Tekin

    Dilovasi environmental pollution is                Due to the increasing industrialization
threatening the environment has become             and population growth have resulted in
resorts. Poor living conditions, heart diseases    building industrial-residential placement
and cancer has led to an increase in Dilovasi.     intertwined. This narrow urban roads,
    What can be done ?                             parking problems caused by high and green
 1.     Dilovasi resort the use of natural gas     spaces have been inadequate. The first stage
        soon as interlaced.                        of development the industry has reached
 2.     Factories filter must be installed         high levels in accordance with the squatters.
        chimneys.                                  Fast construction characteristics of buildings
 3.     Dilovasi pit is in area, established       at any time by the effect of making additions
        systems to ensure clean air flow.          and renovation ideas have prevented the
 4.     Environmental pollution map should         completion of the building aesthetics, and
        be removerd.                               many of these buildings is very difficult to
 5.     Air pollution measurements should be       control.
        done.                                          Industrial pollution is worse than the
 6.     Greea areas should be increased.           reflection of the image. At many factories,
                                                   including factories in the slag Dilovasi
    Visual pollution. Ease of transportation       external appearance, the release layers of
around the industrialization of the city's first   smoke, waste and scrap piles left Dilderesi
phase, the E-5 highway and the residential         river pollution is caused by the image.
settlement pattern and accordingly led to the      yolakoglu factory owned thermal power plant
formation of the north and south, and around       pollution alone monument of the image state.
factories. Dilovasi in plain stuffed up, has       Dilovasi plain dump waste into the mountain
developed as a result. In short, the city,         stone exterior views of their own businesses
north, northeast and northwest toward the          in these factories do not give importance
town of Gebze, the correct placement of the        to the image Dilovasi do their best to
developed west is widening.                        contribute to pollution.

                                     Fig. 4. Visual pollution

    What can be done ?                              3.    External view the factories Neglected
1.    Display the aesthetics of buildings are             should reorganize themselves.
      arranged to break.                            4.    Thermal power plants should be
 2.   Modern housing estates should be                    removed.
      done.                                         5.    Green areas should be increased.
Environment pollution from factories in Turkey                                                    33
    Sound pollution. Industrial and                       Noise sources in the form of thermal
residential areas, and together they created          power plant with noise from quarries in the
the problems caused by industrial areas next          factory. First it was established that sounds
to the demonization of noise dimensions.              like the power plant at night when the
Large organizations that require the use of           fighter planes that was out of deposits of the
sound pollution caused by the fact that both          people of Halfway. Intense reaction of the
the workers and factories function and                people as a result of recently installed in the
creates a negative impact for residents. The          chimney that sounds less than before.
main source of noise pollution in the town of             There is the sound of the quarries in the
Dilovasi yolakoglu factory. This factory is           factory for miles. Extremely annoying,
the noise in 2 ways to disrupt the psychology         especially at night, the noise increases the
of the people of Dilovasi.                            sonorous ovens working night and day.

                                          Fig. 5. Sound pollution

    What can be done ?                                    Live cultivars decreased rapidly in the
 1.   Industry bodies shoud be kept in                Gulf of Izmit industrial and domestic
      normal level of noise limits.                   wastewater treatment systems were charging
 2.   Thermal extraction of the shaft                 proceeding constitutes a very big problem.
      prevented the sound.                                Dilderesi River is situated in the edge of
 3.   The Land and the people sitting near            a multi-industry company is a chemical
      railroads made aware of noise                   waste treatment has never been subject to
      pollution.                                      discharge without holding Dilderesi River.
                                                          What can be done ?
    Water pollution. One of the factors that           1.    Industry bodies give up a moment ago
most influence regional Dilderesi stream                     is charging waste Dilderesi River.
pollution. More than 25% of the factors                2.    Dilderesi River poured household
causing pollution of the Gulf of Izmit                       waste should be subjected to
Dilderesi River pollution, uncontrolled waste                purification.
is thrown.                                             3.    Gebze disposal facility involved in
    Now he has come to renew the Gulf of                     the dirty waters of the solution must
Izmit.                                                       Dilderesi River.
34                                                                             Abdurrahman Tekin

                                      Fig. 6. Water pollution

                Conclusion                        with the least damage possible should be
                                                  built given. Activity may be possible in the
    Century, technology and production has        least damaging way for the duration of the
become inevitable. Excessive increase in          operation, renewal, maintenance or
world population, production, facilitation,       performance of those who back the anti-
technical, and methods of obtaining raw           technology, support for removing or
materials, processing and development of          mitigating measures, need to be
new products and increasing demand for            strengthened. Facilities on-site, on time and
various reasons such as our world has             material costs in the right way, we live in our
become a big factory.                             world, our lives is more valuable?
    All of these developments and increase
our life extremely easier, almost, just about
everything that has made possible the rapid             REFERENCES
and practical. Of course, these people live
life to the highest standards, if we consider      1.     http://www.macgregoss.eq.edu.au/ql
the necessary things in terms of present-day              dwebchall/pollution2/index.htm.
conditions. However, the production and            2.     http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-
industrialization are necessary, justified does           Pollution?&id=776711.
not mean that industrial source of                 3.     http://www.p2.org/abouUwhat-is-
environmental contaminants. On the one                    pollution-prevention
hand makes it easy life, polluting our world,      4.     http://www.greenstudentu.com/ency
the world, making the planet for future                   clopedia/pollution
generations to live in a difficult situation is    5.     http://en.wikipedia.org.wiki.Pollution
not good at all.                                   6.     http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ031
    First of all, with the old times,                     2028/pol/What%20is%20Pollution.
ecosystems renew themselves, get rid of the        7.     http://www.forumalev.net/konu-disi-
thoughts that the world is absurd, such as                basliklar/39329-cevre-kirliliginin-
self-renew, thinking how ridiculous this is               tanimlanmasi.html.
something the so-called ozone layer, a few         8.     http://www.chicagotribune.com/topi
holes, and it is caused by global warming                 c/environmental-issues /environmen-
and the climatic disasters already showed                 talpoll ution/06005000. topic.
abnormalities.                                     9.     http://greenanswers.com/q/49218/poll
    These issues are very simple things to be             ut i on - t oxi n s/ con sum er -pr od
done. Than the planning stage of the                      ucts/what -are-typescaused-factories
facilities, the environment, in accordance
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