Evaluation and Management of Patients With Heart Disease and Cancer: Cardio-Oncology

Page created by Frances Fitzgerald

Evaluation and Management of Patients With
Heart Disease and Cancer: Cardio-Oncology
Joerg Herrmann, MD; Amir Lerman, MD; Nicole P. Sandhu, MD, PhD;
Hector R. Villarraga, MD; Sharon L. Mulvagh, MD; and Manish Kohli, MD


The care for patients with cancer has advanced greatly over the past decades. A combination of earlier
cancer diagnosis and greater use of traditional and new systemic treatments has decreased cancer-related
mortality. Effective cancer therapies, however, can result in short- and long-term comorbidities that can
decrease the net clinical gain by affecting quality of life and survival. In particular, cardiovascular com-
plications of cancer treatments can have a profound effect on the health of patients with cancer and are
more common among those with recognized or unrecognized underlying cardiovascular diseases. A new
discipline termed cardio-oncology has thus evolved to address the cardiovascular needs of patients with
cancer and optimize their care in a multidisciplinary approach. This review provides a brief introduction
and background on this emerging field and then focuses on its practical aspects including cardiovascular
risk assessment and prevention before cancer treatment, cardiovascular surveillance and therapy during
cancer treatment, and cardiovascular monitoring and management after cancer therapy. The content of
this review is based on a literature search of PubMed between January 1, 1960, and February 1, 2014,
using the search terms cancer, cardiomyopathy, cardiotoxicity, cardio-oncology, chemotherapy, heart failure,
and radiation.
                                      ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research     n   Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89(9):1287-1306

            ver the past decades, there has been                 another level of complexity. Involvement of
            a tremendous improvement in the                      cardiologists has thus become more and more
            survival rates of a number of cancers                advisable not only to most optimally manage                         From the Department of
                                                                                                                                     Internal Medicine, Division
and a steady increase in the number of cancer                    cardiovascular complications of cancer therapy                      of Cardiovascular Diseases
survivors (see Supplemental Figure 1 and                         but also to assist in the overall care of patients                  (J.H., A.L., H.R.V., S.L.M.),
Supplemental Table 1 [available online at                        with cancer from the initial assessment to survi-                   Division of General Inter-
                                                                                                                                     nal Medicine (N.P.S.), and
http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org]). As a                     vorship. This integrative approach has been                         Department of Oncology
result, an increasing number of patients with                    termed cardio-oncology,6,7 and herein we will                       (M.K.), Mayo Clinic,
cancer are now being followed not only by on-                    reflect on this emerging field. An overview of                        Rochester, MN.
cologists or hematologists but also by general                   cancer therapyeinduced cardiotoxicity is pro-
practitioners. Cardiovascular complications                      vided in the first part and practical steps to its
are not uncommonly encountered in these pa-                      evaluation, management, and prevention in
tients with potentially profound impact on                       the following parts. The content is based on a
morbidity and mortality, and thus their recog-                   literature search of PubMed between January
nition and management has become an impor-                       1, 1960, and February 1, 2014, using the
tant element in the overall care for patients with               search terms cancer, cardiomyopathy, cardiotox-
cancer.1,2 Furthermore, there is an intriguing                   icity, cardio-oncology, chemotherapy, heart fail-
geographic overlap in the prevalence of cancer                   ure, and radiation.
and cardiovascular disease (see Supplemental
Figure 2 [available online at http://www.                        PART 1: CHEMOTHERAPY AND RADIATION
mayoclinicproceedings.org]) and expansion of                     THERAPYeINDUCED CARDIOTOXICITY
cancer therapies to more elderly individuals                     The armamentarium for the treatment of various
with a greater burden of comorbidities.3-5                       cancers has increased substantially over the past
Hence, an increasing number of patients with                     decades, with a gradual change from a cell cycle
preexisting cardiovascular diseases are now be-                  kineticsebased approach to more specific tar-
ing considered for cancer therapy, which adds                    geting of crucial signaling pathway(s). In most

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2014;89(9):1287-1306 n http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013                                                            1287
www.mayoclinicproceedings.org n ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

                                                                                      both (eg, bevacizumab and sunitinib). Radiation
 ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS                                                                   therapy leads to an all-encompassing form of
                                                                                      injury to the myocardium, the pericardium,
 n   Advances in cancer therapy have allowed for increasing
                                                                                      the valvular apparatus, and the coronary vascu-
     numbers of long-term cancer survivors but have also generated                    lature from the epicardial to the microvascular
     increasing potential and significance of cardiovascular                           level, though modern approaches appear to
     complications.                                                                   reduce cardiovascular damage compared with
 n   Involvement of cardiovascular disease specialists has therefore                  older techniques. The focus herein will be on
                                                                                      cardiotoxicity, and vascular toxicities will be dis-
     become advisable from the initial assessment through survi-
                                                                                      cussed only as much as they relate to this topic.
     vorship, and this integrative approach has been coined “cardio-
     oncology.”                                                                       Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity
 n   Cardiotoxicity related to cancer therapy is currently defined by                  To organize the broad spectrum of cardiotoxic-
     a decrease in cardiac function and categorized into 2 types:                     ity due to chemotherapy, an operational classi-
     irreversible injury type (type 1) or reversible dysfunction type                 fication system was introduced by Ewer and
                                                                                      Lippman23 (see Supplemental Table 2 [available
     (type 2).
                                                                                      online at http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.
 n   Monitoring and management algorithms for either type of                          org]). This system is based on the presence of
     chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy are evolving around                          structural abnormalities and extent of func-
     the central paradigm of early recognition and early treatment.                   tional reversibility. Accordingly, a distinction
 n   Radiation-induced cardiotoxicity encompasses a broad spec-                       can be made between an injury type (type 1
                                                                                      chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity) and a
     trum of cardiac diseases that potentiates any chemotherapy-
                                                                                      dysfunction type (type 2 chemotherapy-
     induced cardiotoxicity.                                                          induced cardiotoxicity). Given that cardiac
 n   Treatment of cardiovascular conditions of patients with cancer                   magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has provided
     generally follows the American Heart Association/American                        evidence for scar formation in patients with pre-
     College of Cardiology guidelines with some particular nuances.                   sumed type 2 cardiotoxicity and appropriate
                                                                                      heart failure therapy led to an improvement in
 n   Preventive efforts should be considered for patients at an
                                                                                      presumed type 1 cardiotoxicity, the outlined
     estimated high risk for cancer therapyeinduced cardiotoxicity,                   classification pattern may not be as much of an
     with the preferred drugs being angiotensin-converting enzyme                     absolute as perceived.24,25 Also, one has to be
     inhibitors and the specific b-blockers carvedilol or nebivolol.                   cognizant of the fact that there is no consensus
                                                                                      definition of cardiotoxicity at present.26,27 The
                                                                                      one used in recent times was developed by the
                        cases, these are cell proliferation pathways,                 Cardiac Review and Evaluation Committee of
                        which are regulated by receptor and nonrecep-                 trastuzumab-associated cardiotoxicity, and it de-
                        tor tyrosine kinases, leading to the development              fines chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity as a
                        of a wide range of inhibitors. The extent to                  decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction
                        which this would interfere with normal cardio-                (LVEF) by 5% or more to less than 55% in the
                        vascular function has often not been well antic-              presence of symptoms of heart failure (diag-
                        ipated, but such “off-target” effects have become             nosed by a cardiologist) or an asymptomatic
                        clinically relevant and revealing with regard to              decrease in LVEF by 10% or more to less than
                        the functional role of signaling pathways in the              55%.28
                        cardiovascular system. A comprehensive list of
                        currently used cancer drugs with a propensity                 Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity Type 1
                        for cardiovascular toxicities is provided in                  Induction of cardiomyocyte injury is a key distin-
                        Table 1, along with their Food and Drug Admin-                guishing feature of this type of chemotherapy-
                        istrationeapproved cancer indications. 8-22                   induced cardiotoxicity, with anthracyclines
                             Considering the spectrum of cardiovascular               as the prototype class of drugs in this category.
                        effects, a distinction can be made between those              Given the imposition of structural changes, it
                        agents that primarily affect cardiac function (eg,            has become widely accepted that this type of
                        anthracyclines and trastuzumab), vascular func-               cardiotoxicity is not reversible. Moreover,
                        tion (eg, 5-fluorouracil and capecitabine), or                 anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy has
                                                                 n                                    n
1288                                           Mayo Clin Proc.       September 2014;89(9):1287-1306       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013

  TABLE 1. Most Commonly Used Chemotherapeutic Agents With Cardiotoxicity Potentiala
    Chemotherapeutic      Cardiomyopathy
     class and agents        incidence             Other types of cardiovascular toxicity                       Clinical use in cancer therapy
    Doxorubicin8          3%-26%            Myopericarditis, cardiac arrhythmias,                 Acute myeloid leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia,
                                              ECG abnormalities                                     chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin and non-
                                                                                                    Hodgkin lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma, mycosis fungoides,
                                                                                                    thyroid cancer, breast cancer, Ewing sarcoma, transitional
                                                                                                    cell bladder cancer, multiple myeloma, gastric cancer,
                                                                                                    prostate cancer, lung cancer, nephroblastoma
     Epirubicin8          0.9%-3.3%         Cardiac arrhythmias, ECG                              Breast, esophageal, and gastric cancer
                                              abnormalities, arterial embolism
     Idarubicin8          5%-18%            ECG abnormalities                                     Acute myeloid leukemia
     Mitoxantrone9        0.2%-30%          Cardiac arrhythmias, ECG abnormalities,               Acute nonlymphocytic leukemias, prostate cancer (multiple
                                              myocardial ischemia, hypertension                     sclerosis)
  Alkylating agents
    Cyclophosphamide 7%-28%                 Peri-/myocarditis, cardiac tamponade,                 Bone marrow transplant, bladder cancer, lung cancer,
       (high dose)8                           arrhythmias                                           sarcomas, anal cancer, myeloproliferative disorders,
                                                                                                    chronic myelogenous leukemias
     Ifosfamide8          17%               Arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, myocardial               Testicular cancer, cervical cancer, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin
                                              hemorrhage, myocardial infarction                     lymphoma, Ewing sarcoma, osteosarcoma, soft tissue
     Busulfan10           Rare              Endomyocardial fibrosis, pericardial effusion          Chronic myelogenous leukemia, hematopoietic stem cell
                                              and tamponade, ECG changes, chest pain,               conditioning regimen, polycythemia vera, essential
                                              hyper-/hypotension, thrombosis, arrhythmias           thrombocythemia
     Mitomycin10          10%                                                                     Stomach or pancreas adenocarcinoma, anal carcinoma,
                                                                                                    bladder cancer
    Clofarabine8          27%               Arrhythmias, hypo-/hypertension, pericarditis/        Acute lymphocytic leukemia
                                              pericardial effusion
     5-Fluorouracil11     2%-20%            Coronary vasospasm, myocardial ischemia               Advanced colon cancer, anal cancer, gastrointestinal
                                              and infarction, arrhythmias, ECG changes              cancers, pancreatic cancer, hepatobiliary cancers, breast
                                              including ventricular ectopy, hypotension             cancer, bladder cancer, head and neck cancers, and as a
                                                                                                    radiation sensitizer in several tumors
     Capecitabine11       2%-7%             Coronary vasospasm, myocardial ischemia               Breast cancer, advanced colon cancer, anal cancer,
                                              and infarction, arrhythmias, ECG changes,             gastrointestinal cancers, pancreatic cancer, hepatobiliary
                                              thrombosis                                            cancers
     Cytarabine10         Undefined          Pericarditis, chest pain (including angina)           Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute leukemia
                                                                                                    (myeloid and lymphocytic)
  Platinum agents
     Cisplatin10          Rare              Arterial vasospasm, cardiac/cerebral/                 Lung cancer, bladder cancer, sarcomas, testicular cancer,
                                              mesenteric/limb ischemia,                             ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer, metastatic breast
                                              hypo-/hypertension, arrhythmias                       cancer, cancer of unknown origin, esophageal cancer
  Antimicrotubule agents
    Vincristine10        25%                Hyper-/hypotension, myocardial ischemia               Acute lymphocytic leukemia, central nervous system
                                              and infarction, arrhythmias                           tumors, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple
                                                                                                    myeloma, Ewing sarcoma, ovarian cancer, small cell lung
                                                                                                    cancer, thymoma
  Monoclonal antibody-based tyrosine kinase inhibitors
   Bevacizumab8         1.7%-3%           Hypertension, arterial and venous                       Renal cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer
   Trastuzumab8         2%-28%            Hyper-/hypotension, arrhythmia, vascular                HER2þ breast cancer, HER2þ gastric cancer
   Pertuzumab12         3%-7%                                                                     HER2þ breast cancer
   Alemtuzumab13        Rare              Hypo-/hypertension, arrhythmia                          Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cutaneous T-cell
                                                                                                    lymphoma, bone marrow transplant
                                                                                                                                         Continued on next page

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 TABLE 1. Continued
      Chemotherapeutic       Cardiomyopathy
       class and agents         incidence              Other types of cardiovascular toxicity                         Clinical use in cancer therapy
 Small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors
   Dasatinib8           2%-4%              Pericardial effusion, hypertension,                       Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid
                                             arrhythmia, QT interval prolongation                      leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia
   Imatinib mesylate8 0.5%-1.7%            Pericardial effusion and tamponade, anasarca,             Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid
                                             arrhythmias, hypertension, Raynaud                        leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia,
                                             disease                                                   gastrointestinal stromal tumors, dermatofibrosarcoma
                                                                                                       protuberans, hypereosinophilic syndrome
      Lapatinib14           1.5%-2.2%          QTc interval prolongation, myocardial                 HER2þ breast cancer
                                                 ischemia (Prinzmetal angina)
      Sunitinib15-17        3%-15%             Hypertension, arterial and venous                     Renal cell cancer, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors,
                                                 thrombosis, arrhythmias, aortic dissection,           gastrointestinal stromal tumors
                                                 QTc prolongation
      Sorafenib18           4%-28%             Hypertension, thrombosis, coronary                    Renal cell cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, differentiated
                                                 vasospasm, myocardial ischemia/infarction             thyroid carcinoma
      Pazopanib18,19        7%-13%             Hypertension, thrombosis, myocardial                  Renal cell cancer, soft tissue sarcoma
                                                 ischemia/infarction, bradycardia, QTc
                                                 interval prolongation
 Proteasome inhibitor
   Bortezomib8              2%-5%              Ischemia, bradycardia                                 Multiple myeloma, mantle cell lymphoma
   All-trans-retnoic        6%                 Hypotension, pericardial effusion                     Acute myeloid leukemia (promyelocytic leukemia)
   Pentostatin10            3%-10%             Myocardial ischemia and infarction, acute             Hairy cell lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia,
                                                 arrhythmias                                           cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
      Interferon            25%                Hypotension, myocardial ischemia and                  Metastatic melanoma, renal cell carcinoma
         alpha-2b20                              infarction, ECG changes, sudden cardiac
      Aflibercept21,22       1%-6.8%            Hypertension, myocardial ischemia/infarction,         Metastatic colorectal cancer
     ECG ¼ electrocardiographic; QTc ¼ corrected QT.

                                 been considered to be associated with a prog-                        interstitial edema.31 It manifests primarily with
                                 nosis that is worse than that for ischemic or                        electrocardiographic (ECG) changes (20%-30%)
                                 dilated cardiomyopathies and possibly even for                       and arrhythmias (up to 3%), and occasionally
                                 the primary cancer for which it was given.29,30                      with reversible cardiac dysfunction, even acute
                                 These views have been refined by the observa-                         heart failure and peri-/myocarditis. The afore-
                                 tion of reversibility as a function of timely                        mentioned clinically much more recognized
                                 institution of appropriate therapy.25 Although                       type is the chronic form of anthracycline-
                                 anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy was                             induced cardiotoxicity with early onset within 1
                                 found to be rarely and never fully reversible                        year or late onset more than 1 year after comple-
                                 when recognized and treated late, resolution                         tion of therapy.32 This type is marked by cardiac
                                 can be noted with close surveillance and prompt                      dysfunction rather than ECG abnormalities. On
                                 institution of therapy early on (Figure 1).25                        histology, cytoplasmic vacuolization due to
                                     Traditionally, a distinction has been made                       swelling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mito-
                                 between an acute and a chronic form of                               chondria can be noted, as well as disruption of or-
                                 anthracyline-induced cardiotoxicity. The acute                       ganelles, myocyte death, myofibrillar loss, and/or
                                 form develops at the time (or within 1 week) of                      myofibrillar disarray.31,33 Studies on the exact
                                 administration of anthracyclines and resembles                       mechanisms responsible for the cardiotoxicity of
                                 an acute toxic myocarditis with myocyte damage                       anthracyclines have remained without a unifying
                                 (pyknotic debris), inflammatory infiltrates, and                       explanation. The prevailing theory has been the
                                                                                 n                                    n
1290                                                           Mayo Clin Proc.       September 2014;89(9):1287-1306       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013

“iron and free-radical hypothesis.”34 Accord-
ingly, reductases in cardiomyocytes catalyze the
addition of an electron to the quinone moiety
of anthracyclines, which leads to the formation                                                     80
of a semiquinone that then regenerates the                                                                    64%

                                                                     Responders (%)
quinone state by reducing molecular oxygen to                                                       60
superoxide anion and its dismutation product
hydrogen peroxide (the so called “redox                                                             40
cycling”).34 The propensity toward toxicity is                                                                         28%
significantly increased when these products                                                          20
interact with low-molecular iron, generating a                                                                                  7%
                                                                                                                                         0%          0%         0%     0%
surge of oxidative stress (Fenton reaction). The                                                     0
oxidative modification of proteins and lipids as                                                                1-2      2-4      4-6     6-8      8-10      10-12       >12
well as genomic and mitochondrial DNA damage                                                                 (n=75)   (n=35)   (n=20)   (n=8)    (n=7)      (n=7)     (n=44)
are the downstream consequences.34,35 Uncou-                         A                                                                  Months
pling of the electron transport chain with im-
pairment of oxidative phosphorylation and                                                          100
                                                                                                                                                          Death HF Arrhythmias
adenosine triphosphate synthesis contributes
further to mitochondrial dysfunction and dam-                                                                                           Responders         0%    0%     3%
                                                                     Cardiac event-free rate (%)

                                                                                                    80                                  (n=85)
age.36,37 Finally, the inhibition of topoisomerase
2-b in cardiomyocytes has recently been                                                             60
proposed as an additional, if not key, mediator
of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy.38
                                                                                                    40                                  Non-responders 4%        8%     16%
Anthracyclines thereby induce DNA damage
and impair its repair, which are the mechanisms                                                                                         Partial responders 0%    4%     23%
responsible for tumor cell death. In crucial                                                                                            (n=26)
distinction, however, it is the inhibition of topo-
isomerase 2-a in cancer cells.37
                                                                                                         0    3   6   9 12 15 18 21 24
     Other drugs that cause structural damage to
                                                                     B                                                Months
the heart include alkylating agents such as cyclo-
phosphamide at high doses (Table 1).39,40 It
                                                                            FIGURE 1. Illustration of the percentage of patients with an improvement in
develops as an acute myopericarditis, which (usu-                           left ventricular ejection fraction to greater than 50%, depending on the
ally) does not take the course of chronic injury                            timing of the initiation of heart failure therapy after the diagnosis of
and hence does not meet all criteria for a type 1                           anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy (A) and survival free of cardiac
pattern. Similarly, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor                           events for patients with an improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction
sunitinib manifests cardiotoxicity that meets                               less than (partial responders) or greater than 50% (responders) (B).
some, but not all, of the above criteria and has,                           From Cardinale et al,25 with permission.
in fact, been considered to represent a type 2
pattern.41,42 Histology is not completely un-
remarkable and exhibits cardiomyocyte hy-                          pathway and the vascular endothelial growth
pertrophy with mild degenerative changes                           factor (VEGF) receptor pathway leads to hypoxia,
and myocyte vacuolization.15 However, edema,                       hypoxia-inducible genes, and a pattern of
inflammation, regional infarct or focal cell necro-                 myocardial hibernation rather than infarction.37
sis, and fibrosis are not seen.15 Transmission elec-                This may explain the reversibility of sunitinib car-
tron microscopy exhibits a normal sarcomere                        diomyopathy in most, but not all, patients.17
structure but provides evidence of mitochondrial
injury.15 Mechanistically, sunitinib inhibits aden-                Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity Type 2
osine monophosphateeactivated protein kinase,                      This type of treatment-induced cardiotoxicity is
which interferes with the ability of the cardiomyo-                marked by the absence of structural abnor-
cyte to adapt to energy demands with untoward                      malities and reversibility on cessation of therapy.
consequences for cardiac function.43,44 Further-                   Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is the prototype drug,
more, other studies suggest that the inhibition                    and the key pathophysiological mechanism is
of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor                     interference with the HER-2/ErbB2eregulated

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2014;89(9):1287-1306   n   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013                                                                          1291

       signaling pathways in cardiomyocytes.45 These                 order of 45-50 Gy). Modifications of radiation
       are key stress, adaption, and survival path-                  protocols, careful radiation field planning, and
       ways, which explains why the incidence of                     techniques such as breath holding have been
       cardiotoxicity is extremely high when trastu-                 implemented to reduce the radiation dose to
       zumab is given in close temporal relationship                 the cardiovascular structures. As outlined in
       with anthracyclines.42 Furthermore, mice                      recent studies and not without controversy,
       with a cardiac-specific deletion of the ErbB2                  however, there may not be a threshold level
       receptor develop a dilated cardiomyopathy                     below which radiation therapy is safe to the
       and are unable to tolerate high afterload (blood              heart and the vascular system.51-53 From a cur-
       pressure) challenges.45,46 As not all HER-2/                  rent practice standpoint though, radiation-
       ErbB2 pathway inhibitors, however, share the                  induced heart disease remains of significance,
       same potential for cardiomyopathy, the ulti-                  as most patients seen today are those who
       mate consequences are dictated by the net ef-                 had higher exposures 20 to 30 years ago.2,51,54
       fect on multiple downstream targets.14                             Radiation therapy induces a spectrum of
           Another example of a drug that can cause                  cardiotoxicities that differ considerably from
       type 2 treatment-induced cardiotoxicity is bev-               chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxic effects and
       acizumab. In contrast to the aforementioned                   affect all layers of the heart. Acute pericarditis
       drugs, the cardiomyocyte does not appear to                   used to be the most frequent complication,
       be the primary culprit. Rather, bevacizumab                   but advances reduced its incidence from 25%
       binds to and prevents VEGF from interacting                   to 2%.2 Chronic pericarditis still develops
       with its receptor(s), which reside primarily on               with a clinical incidence of 3% at 20 years
       endothelial cells. Still, cardiotoxicity including            and 12% at 30 years in those who underwent
       clinical heart failure has been reported with                 chest radiation at a dose of 35 Gy or greater.55
       this drug.47 Reversibility of cardiac dysfunction             Fibrinous exudates, fibrous adhesions, and
       has been noted, suggesting that no structural                 collagenous thickening (predominantly of the
       damage to the cardiomyocytes is induced,                      parietal pericardium) are characteristic fea-
       though histological confirmation is lacking.48                 tures.56 Similar fibrotic changes can be noted
       The underlying mechanisms likely include                      in the endocardium and the valve apparatus,
       interference with endothelial function, im-                   initially causing retraction and regurgitation
       pairment of endothelial-myocardial coupling,                  and over time (>20 years) also stenosis, espe-
       and capillary rarefaction.37 Indeed, mice with                cially of the left-sided valves.57 Diffuse intersti-
       cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of VEGF de-                    tial fibrosis as well as thickening and narrowing
       velop hypovascular, nonnecrotic cardiac con-                  of arterioles and capillaries are characteristic
       tractile dysfunction.49                                       changes in the myocardium.56 Capillary rare-
                                                                     faction has also been noted, and injury to the
       Radiation Therapy-Related Cardiotoxicity                      endothelium is considered an integral part of
       Radiation therapy entails the use of high-energy              radiation-induced heart disease. The theory
       particles, x-rays, or g-rays that fragment cellular           has been that microvascular insufficiency leads
       DNA and thereby interfere with cell prolifera-                to ischemia and cardiomyocyte death with
       tion and viability. This affects cancer cells in              replacement fibrosis; however, this has not
       particular, given their high metabolic and pro-               been substantiated by histological observa-
       liferation index. The effect on normal cells                  tions.58,59 Instead, barrier breakdown of the
       and tissues is related to their particular suscep-            endothelium with microhemorrhage and aggra-
       tibility and the extent of ionizing radiation                 vation of (radiation-induced) oxidative stress
       exposure. For instance, radiation therapy to                  and inflammation seems to be an important
       the chest can harm the cardiovascular system,                 pathomechanism.60 Furthermore, extravasation
       and even more so if doses exceed 30 Gy.50                     of albumin can lead to amyloid formation and
       This had been the case with mantle field radia-                predisposition to sudden cardiac death. These
       tion and is still the case with involved field ra-             recent observations add another dimension
       diation therapy in patients with Hodgkin                      to the restrictive cardiomyopathy phenotype
       lymphoma (up to a total dose of 20-35 Gy).                    observed after radiation therapy. They may
       Doses for adjuvant radiation therapy in patients              also have important implications for the early
       with breast cancer can be even higher (in the                 detection of radiation-induced cardiotoxicity
                                                n                                    n
1292                          Mayo Clin Proc.       September 2014;89(9):1287-1306       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013

and the identification of patients at risk of malig-                The following sections are devoted to discuss
nant cardiac arrhythmias.61 Conceivably, radia-                    the principles of practice of cardio-oncology
tion therapy may lead to more tissue fibrosis                       before, during, and after chemo- and/or radia-
and substrate for MRI.52,62 While diffuse fibrosis                  tion therapy (Figure 2).
might be present, focal (scar-like) fibrosis is rare
with anthracyclines.52,62,63 How the combina-                      Cardiovascular Evaluation of Patients Before
tion of anthracycline-based chemotherapy and                       and During Cancer Therapy
radiation therapy affects these aspects remains                    Before the initiation of cancer therapy, a thor-
to be defined. Alterations in cardiac function                      ough patient history and physical examination
and valve disease are most profound though                         should be performed to determine the baseline
with combined therapies.55,57 In contrast, the                     cardiovascular risk. Traditionally, there has
incidence of radiation-induced pericardial dis-                    been considerable variation in the use of adjunc-
ease is not increased by concomitant anthracy-                     tive tests such as ECG or echocardiography,
cline therapy and only limited, inconclusive                       directed mainly by the cardiotoxicity profile of
data are available for coronary artery disease                     the planned treatment regimen and individual
(CAD).57,58                                                        practice styles. However, it is advisable to stan-
     Given the sensitivity and vulnerability of                    dardize the assessment of patients with cancer
endothelial cells, it is not surprising that radiation             and to stratify them in their cardiotoxicity risk
therapy induces and accelerates atheroscle-                        profile routinely. Such an approach allows for
rosis.64-66 A dose correlation has been noted                      a universal standard of care for all patients, facil-
and hence coronary artery segments with the                        itates communication across disciplines, and
highest degree of exposure are at greatest risk of                 aids in treatment decisions and follow-up plan-
disease. For mantle and even involved field radi-                   ning. Recent meta-analyses support operational
ation, this is the proximal left main and right cor-               models that incorporate underlying patient-
onary artery.67,68 For left- and right-sided breast                related risk factors.76 However, full assessment
cancer radiation, this is the mid left anterior                    should also include the cardiac toxicity potential
descending artery and proximal to mid right cor-                   of cancer therapies (as suggested in Figure 3) and
onary artery, respectively.69 Clinically, these                    the anticipated therapeutic benefit of the anti-
changes emerge after 15 years with an increase                     cancer regimen. Whether and which additional
in the incidence of myocardial infarction.55 An                    tests would further refine this risk assessment re-
intriguing aspect is that radiation therapy has a                  mains unanswered at present.
long-reaching effect despite a confined exposure                         Once patients have begun receiving treat-
period. This points to the induction of a smol-                    ment, it must be further decided which patients
dering process that continues after the initiating                 require cardiovascular follow-up. This depends
stimulus, and similar to the mechanisms dis-                       on the baseline cardiovascular risk profile, the
cussed for anthracycline-induced cardiomyopa-                      specific cancer treatment regimen, and the devel-
thy, this may be mitochondrial DNA damage                          opment of cardiac symptoms and/or events.
and perturbed mitochondrial function.70,71                         Monitoring protocols were developed and
Another unique factor could be vasa vasorum                        validated for patients undergoing anthracycline-
compromise.33,72 DNA damage and activation                         based therapy in the 1970s and 1980s
of key proinflammatory pathways such as the nu-                     (Figure 4).77 These were based on radionucleo-
clear factor kB pathway has been pointed out for                   tide angiogram (ventriculogram) (RNA, also
traditional cardiovascular risk factors as well,                   known as multiple-gated acquisition or MUGA
which may explain why traditional cardiovascular                   scan), and the pivotal observation that a decrease
risk factors can affect the type and extent of                     in LVEF noted by this technique would precede
atherosclerosis after chest radiation.51,57,62,71,73-75            clinically overt heart failure.78,79 Importantly,
                                                                   adhering to this protocol led to substantially bet-
PART 2: EVALUATION FOR CANCER                                      ter clinical outcomes.80
THERAPYeINDUCED CARDIOTOXICITY                                          Radionucleotide angiogram (ventriculo-
A multidisciplinary approach incorporating car-                    gram) is operator independent and highly
diology and oncology expertise is needed to                        reproducible but has been largely replaced
evaluate and manage short- and long-term ef-                       by echocardiography. Historically, change in
fects of cancer treatments enumerated above.7                      LVEF by 2-dimenisonal (2D) transthoracic

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2014;89(9):1287-1306   n   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013                      1293

                                                              Oncology/hematology patient

                      Before treatment                              During treatment                            After treatment

                           Cardiovascular review (incl. history, examination, CXR, ECG, and echocardiogram with strain)

                    Cardiovascular risk?                      Cardiovascular complications?              Cardiovascular complications?

              Cardiomyopathy (incl. abn strain)                Decline in ejection fraction
                Heart failure (incl. abn CXR)                 Myocardial strain abnormality
             CAD or equivalent (incl. abn ECG)                                                         Any CV abnormality noted in f/u
                                                              Heart failure (incl. abn CXR)
          HTN (esp. uncontrolled, end-organ signs)                                                                     or
                                                                  Pericardial effusion
                    Arrhythmias/syncope                                                                   Doxorubicin ≥240 mg/m2
                                                              Cardiac biomarker elevation
                QTc prolongation >500 ms
                                                     No                                         No            Radiation ≥30 Gy
                                                                 Myocardial ischemia
                                                                                                        Radiation + anthracycline or
                 For cardiotoxic drugs, esp.                          Arrhythmias
                                                                                                        high-dose cyclophosphamide,
                       anthracyclines,                        QTc prolongation >500 ms
                                                                                                         esp. if strenuous activity or
            the following factors add to the risk:                       Syncope
                                                                                                            pregnancy is planned
                   Age 65 years                               Hypotension
                       Female gender                           Uncontrolled hypertension

                         Yes                                            Yes                                        Yes

               Cardio-oncology consultation                   Cardio-oncology consultation               Cardio-oncology consultation

         FIGURE 2. Outline of a general cardio-oncology algorithm. abn ¼ abnormal; CAD ¼ coronary artery
         disease; CXR ¼ chest x-ray; CV ¼ cardiovascular; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; f/u ¼ follow-up; HTN ¼
         hypertension; QTc ¼ corrected QT.

       echocardiography (TTE) has been reported as                         echocardiography has been used in multiple
       high as 10%. However, LVEF assessment by                            independent studies, reporting changes in car-
       contrast-enhanced 2D TTE or 3D TTE is su-                           diac (mechanical) function before a decrease in
       perior in this regard and comparable to that                        LVEF and even before changes in diastolic
       by RNA and cardiac MRI.81-84 As such, the al-                       function after chemotherapy.86-89 The degree
       gorithms validated for RNA may be applied to                        of change in strain imaging is quite consistent
       TTE imaging using these newer echocardio-                           across different laboratories and studies, and a
       graphic techniques. Widespread availability,                        greater than 10% change in global longitudinal
       feasibility, lack of radiation exposure, and                        strain after completion of anthracycline-based
       acquisition of additional cardiac imaging in-                       chemotherapy relative to baseline is predictive
       formation (valvular, pericardial, and hemody-                       of a future decrease in LVEF.86,90 Importantly,
       namic data) make echocardiography an                                these (high-risk) changes can be noted in up to
       attractive option for serial imaging, even                          70% of the patients.86,90 Conceivably, but
       though service fees might be higher.                                subject to further studies, abnormal strain
           Of particular interest is strain imaging,                       values before cancer therapy may signal higher
       which is a measure of regional deformation                          baseline risk for chemotherapy-induced
       of the myocardium. It is currently mainly                           cardiotoxicity.
       obtained by angle-independent 2D speckle                                Based on the above discussion, it seems
       tracking echocardiography, which can                                appropriate to include strain imaging in moni-
       evaluate all 3 domains of myocardial me-                            toring algorithms for cardiotoxicity. The dy-
       chanics (longitudinal, circumferential, and                         namics after a cumulative dose of 200 mg/m2
       radial) and derive data for deformation and                         of doxorubicin may be particularly instructive
       rate of deformation for each myocardial                             and have been suggested to serve as a bench-
       segment.85 Two-dimensional speckle tracking                         mark, with reassessment after each additional
                                                     n                                    n
1294                               Mayo Clin Proc.       September 2014;89(9):1287-1306       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013

50 to 100 mg/m2 thereafter.42,91 After comple-
tion of therapy, reassessment is recommended                            1. Risk assessment                                                         Tests: TTE with strain, EKG, cTn

at 6 and 12 months and as early as 3 months                               Medication-related risk                                 Patient-related risk factors
for those at highest risk, for example, after
doxorubicin equivalent doses exceed 400                                   High (risk score 4):                                    • Cardiomyopathy or heart failure
                                                                          Anthracyclines, Cyclophosphamide,
mg/m2.42 The aforementioned observation of                                Ifosfamide, Clofarabine, Herceptin
                                                                                                                                  • CAD or equivalent (incl. PAD)
                                                                                                                                  • HTN
clinical outcome as a function of time to treat-                          Intermediate (risk score 2):
                                                                          Docetaxel, Pertuzumab,                                  • Diabetes mellitus
ment (Figure 1) would support expansion of                                Sunitinib, Sorafinib                                    • Prior or concurrent anthracycline
these efforts to even earlier time points as                              Low (risk score 1):
                                                                                                                                  • Prior or concurrent chest radiation
would the outlined data on strain imag-                                   Bevacizumab, Dasatinib,
                                                                          Imatinib, Lapatinib                                     • Age 65 years
ing.42,86 Importantly, how well changes in                                Rare (risk score 0):                                    • Female gender
these imaging parameters predict the develop-                             For example, Etoposide, Rituximab,
ment of clinical heart failure has not been                               Thalidomide

established. Also, how these algorithms                                                       Overall risk by Cardiotoxicity Risk Score (CRS)
should be modified for other drugs, for                                     (risk categories by drug-related risk score plus number of patient-related risk factors:
                                                                                   CRS >6: very high, 5-6: high, 3-4: intermediate, 1-2: low, 0: very low)
instance, trastuzumab, remains to be defined.
Changes in strain values, however, have been                            2. Monitoring recommendations
found to precede changes in LVEF by a mini-
mum of 3 months in this setting as well.88                               Very high cardiotoxicity risk: TTE with strain before every (other) cycle, end, 3-6
                                                                         months and 1 year, optional ECG, cTn with TTE during chemotherapy
     One unique aspect of trastuzumab is the                             High cardiotoxicity risk: TTE with strain every 3 cycles, end, 3-6 months and 1 year
prolonged (1-year) treatment duration. Algo-                             after chemotherapy, optional ECG, cTn with TTE during chemotherapy
rithms are in place, with LVEF as a central                              Intermediate cardiotoxicity risk: TTE with strain, mid-term, end and 3-6 months after
                                                                         chemotherapy, optional ECG, cTn mid-term of chemotherapy
evaluation parameter; there is no guidance yet                           Low cardiotoxicity risk: Optional TTE with strain and/or ECG, cTn at the end of chemotherapy
on how to interpret changes in strain imaging                            Very low cardiotoxicity risk: None
data over time (Figure 5). One may argue that
                                                                                                                                      Applies as preventive measures before and
the recognition of abnormalities in these echo-                         3. Management recommendations                                 with abnormalities during/after chemotherapy
cardiographic parameters should prompt the
initiation of effective cardiac therapies with                           Very high cardiotoxicity risk: Initiate ACE-I/ARB, Carvedilol, and statins, starting at lowest dose
                                                                         and start chemotherapy in 1 week from initiation to allow steady state, up-titrate as tolerated
continuation rather than suspension of cancer                            High cardiotoxicity risk: Initiate ACE-I/ARB, Carvedilol, and/or statins
therapy as long as LVEF is preserved and signs                           Intermediate cardiotoxicity risk: Discuss risk and benefit of medications
and symptoms of heart failure are absent.                                Low cardiotoxicity risk: None, monitoring only
Specific guidelines addressing the use of strain                          Very low cardiotoxicity risk: None, monitoring only

imaging in patients with cancer are to be
released by the American Society of Echocardi-                        FIGURE 3. Outline of a putative risk assessment, monitoring, and manage-
ography in the near future. The current (2012)                        ment model for patients undergoing chemotherapy. The central concept is
clinical practice guidelines by the European                          that patient- and medication-related risk factors can be used to generate an
Society for Medical Oncology are summarized                           overall risk score that can then be used to determine monitoring intervals and
in Supplemental Tables 3 and 4 (available on-                         thresholds for preventive strategies. Such models need to be accounted for
line at http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.                             the fact that not all chemotherapeutic agents and patient-related risk factors
                                                                      weigh the same, and hence the ultimate prediction models will need to be
                                                                      more stratified and will need to be verified. ACE-I ¼ angiotensin-converting
     Regarding the use of circulatory bio-
                                                                      enzyme inhibitor; ARB ¼ angiotensin receptor blocker; CAD ¼ coronary
markers, only cardiac troponin (cTn) has stood                        artery disease; cTn ¼ cardiac troponin; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; HTN ¼
the test of time whereas brain natriuretic pep-                       hypertension; PAD ¼ peripheral arterial disease; TTE ¼ transthoracic
tides and C-reactive protein have not and                             echocardiography.
emerging data on myeloperoxidase are yet to
be confirmed.86,92,93 The replacement, additive,
or synergistic role of cTn in the outlined moni-                   with strain imaging.86,94 With trastuzumab,
toring algorithms also requires further investi-                   new cTn elevation is mainly seen with the first
gation. With anthracycline-based protocols,                        or second cycle and only early and persistent el-
cTn serum concentrations increase during and                       evations seem to carry the greatest prognostic
early after completion of chemotherapy but                         weight.95 These data are intriguing if trastuzu-
their predictive value for a future decrease in                    mab is to lead only to myocardial dysfunction
LV function is not superior to that obtained                       and not myocardial injury.

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2014;89(9):1287-1306   n   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013                                                                         1295

                             Cardiovascular Evaluation of Patients After                            is typically for a duration of 12 months). The
                             Cancer Therapy                                                         need for posttreatment cardiovascular follow-
                             After completion of cancer therapy, follow-up                          up is hence confined to only those patients
                             recommendations are to be individualized ac-                           who have ongoing cardiovascular disease pro-
                             cording to the overall survival prognosis of the                       cesses or are at risk of late cardiotoxicity.
                             underlying malignancy, the specific anticancer                               Patients with breast cancer and lymphoma
                             therapy administered, each patient’s unique                            who have undergone anthracycline-based ther-
                             cardiovascular risk and comorbidity profile,                            apy and patients who have had mediastinal radi-
                             and whether they suffered adverse cardiac ef-                          ation therapy are prime candidates for long-term
                             fects during therapy. Goals of management                              cardiac surveillance programs (ideally integrated
                             should be explained and managed together                               into cancer survivorship programs). A recently
                             with other subspecialists involved in the can-                         published expert consensus statement from
                             cer care of the patient.                                               the European Association of Cardiovascular Im-
                                  Serial, long-term postexposure cardiac sur-                       aging and the American Society of Echocardiog-
                             veillance does not pertain to drugs that are asso-                     raphy recommends evaluation based on signs
                             ciated with acute but not chronic injury patterns                      and symptoms and echocardiographic surveil-
                             in the absence of any persistence of complica-                         lance starting 5 years after treatment in high-
                             tions after completion of therapy. One example                         risk patients and 10 years in all other patients.
                             is cyclophosphamide, and even if acute cardio-                         High-risk patients should also receive a func-
                             toxicity were to occur, ongoing follow-up would                        tional noninvasive stress test within 5 to 10
                             not be necessary after recovery. Similarly, cardi-                     years of completion of chest radiation therapy
                             otoxicity has not been reported to develop late                        (Figure 6).96
                             after completion of trastuzumab therapy, and                                Intriguingly, even in the highest-risk group
                             hence there is no need to continue with cardiac                        of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma who
                             monitoring after completion of therapy (which                          received 35 Gy or more of radiation to the chest,
                                                                                                    treadmill exercise ECGs do not reflect the
                                                                                                    burden of CAD.97 Moreover, stress echocardiog-
                                    Initial evaluation
                                                                                                    raphy and nuclear stress test can be quite discor-
                                                                                                    dant in their resultsdthe former being more
                                                                                                    sensitive to abnormalities at rest and the latter
                LVEF >50%                                       LVEF

to those without significant coronary calcifica-
tions.100 Combination with perfusion imaging                                                                 Initial evaluation

may help overcome these limitations and in-
creases the yield of coronary computed tomogra-
                                                                              LVEF ≥50%                        LVEF

             Baseline pre-radiation
                comprehensive                     Chest radiation exposure

                                              Yearly targeted clinical history and
                                                     physical examination

                                                                                                  New murmur           Echocardiography
             Screen for modifiable      Search for signs and symptoms suggestive of
                  risk factors                                                                                                     CMR if suspicion
                                        • Pericardial effusion/constriction                      Signs/symptoms
                                                                                                                                    of pericardial
                                        • Valvular heart disease                                  of heart failure
                                        • LV dysfunction/heart failure
                                        • Coronary artery disease
                                        • Carotid artery disease                                      Angina
                                        • Conduction system disease
                                                                                                                          Carotid US
              Correct risk factors                      Asymptomatic

                       Screening echocardiography 5 years           Functional noninvasive stress test for
                        after exposure in high-risk patients          CAD detection (5-10 years after
                      10 years after exposure in the others            exposure in high-risk patients)

                                                    Reassess every 5 years

         FIGURE 6. Monitoring algorithm of patients after radiation therapy. CAD ¼ coronary artery disease;
         CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; LV ¼ left ventricular; US ¼ ultrasound. From Lancellotti et al, 96 with

       response rate (Figure 1).25 These observations                                agents that cause type 2 cardiotoxicity. Initial
       substantiate the paradigm shift to the early detec-                           studies on trastuzumab-associated cardiomyopa-
       tion and early treatment of chemotherapy-                                     thy reported improved cardiac function after
       induced cardiotoxicity.                                                       withholding therapy alone.114 This has remained
            Hemodynamic device support may become                                    the primary approach common to all published
       necessary if medical therapy fails. Acute hemo-                               management algorithms for trastuzumab-
       dynamic support can be temporarily lifesaving                                 associated cardiotoxicity. However, HER-2 inhi-
       as in those with acute myopericarditis owing to                               bition is a vital element in the treatment of
       cyclophosphamide.39,107 Alternatively, chronic                                patients with breast cancer overexpressing
       left ventricular assist device support may                                    this receptor, and thus “drug holiday” is of
       become a bridge to transplant or destination                                  concern.115-117 It is currently undefined whether
       therapy as reported recently.108,109 One unique                               institution of cardioactive medication is neces-
       aspect is the relatively high rate of biventricular                           sary and would allow continuation of therapy
       failure in these patients compared with those                                 without concerns for cardiac adverse effects. As
       receiving left ventricular assist device therapy                              the Akt/PKB signaling pathway is one of the
       for other indications.108 The most severe forms                               key pathways affected by HER-2/ErbB2 signaling
       of heart failure are usually observed in patients                             and is involved in trastuzumab-associated cardi-
       receiving both chemotherapy and radiation                                     otoxicity, up-regulation of this pathway in the
       therapy because of the profound injury and in                                 heart may be of merit. Intriguingly, statins and
       those of young age.110,111 Two key processes                                  nebivolol induce potent up-regulation of this
       have been noted in children developing cardio-                                pathway.118,119 Whether such strategies would
       toxicity: reduction in contractility and/or in-                               be counterproductive to the anticancer effects
       crease in afterload. These have not been                                      of therapy, however, remains an unanswered
       described in adults but may be of significance                                 question.
       for the choice of therapy.111-113                                                  The treatment of patients with radiation-
            At present, it is unknown whether the med-                               induced heart disease is challenged by the mul-
       ical therapies outlined above are necessary for                               tiplicity of processes and the high propensity for
                                                         n                                          n
1298                                  Mayo Clin Proc.          September 2014;89(9):1287-1306           http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013

surgical intervention over time. One aspect often                  much symptom relief. Thus, hemodynamic
not considered is the fact that radiation therapy                  catheterization is advised to differentiate be-
to the chest increases the level of complexity for                 tween a primarily constrictive or restrictive pro-
open heart operation and risk of complica-                         cess. Cardiac MRI might help to define the
tions.54 The internal mammary artery (IMA) is                      burden of cardiac fibrosis, especially in those
often not a prime bypass conduit in these pa-                      with equivocal hemodynamic findings. It can
tients owing to radiation damage. Furthermore,                     also outline the pericardium, but in most cases
radiation-induced left subclavian artery disease                   there is no inflammation and these patients do
may cause both a traditional steal phenomenon                      not benefit from anti-inflammatory therapy.
and flow limitation to the left IMA. Aortic calci-                      A high level of clinical suspicion for
fication may pose significant challenges to aorto-                   arrhythmia needs to be maintained in patients
coronary (saphenous and arterial) bypasses.                        after radiation therapy to the chest because
Assessment of the ascending aorta, aortic arch,                    interstitial fibrosis may lead to ventricular
and IMAs is recommended if these patients are                      tachycardias and degeneration of the conduc-
considered for coronary artery bypass grafting.50                  tion system may cause bradyarrhythmias.2,57
Given the surgical challenges in these patients,                   Calcification of the aortomitral ridge is a char-
percutaneous coronary intervention might be                        acteristic clue for those at risk of heart block.121
preferred over coronary artery bypass grafting                     Treatment of these ultimate complications
whenever possible.2 A “heart team” approach                        should be in keeping with current guidelines.
should be pursued, and a comprehensive risk
and benefit assessment should be made. As                           PART 4: PREVENTION OF CANCER
with patients with CAD in general, medical ther-                   THERAPYeINDUCED CARDIOTOXICITY
apy remains the cornerstone of treatment. How-                     The poor prognosis of cancer therapyeinduced
ever, experimental data indicate that although                     heart disease and the lack of a universal response
radiation induces an inflammatory and throm-                        to the institution of therapy argue for a preven-
botic phenotype, conventionally used drugs                         tive approach. This has to be based on the
such as statins and clopidogrel are not effective,                 premise that the perceived benefit is greater
though clopidogrel seems more favorable.120                        than the perceived risk in terms of both adverse
Similarly, neither aspirin nor the newer nitric                    effects and reduction of the anticancer effects.
oxideedonating aspirin reduces the amount of                       Ideally, these approaches should be supported
plaque development in radiation-induced                            by prospective randomized trials that also define
atherosclerosis despite efficacy for age-related                    target subsets of patients at varying levels of risk.
atherosclerosis.120                                                     This has been the case for dexrazoxane, the
    Another important consideration is that                        drug with the best level of evidence for the preven-
these patients may require more than 1 open                        tion of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. In a
heart surgery (eg, bypass surgery and valve                        meta-analysis of 8 trials with more than 1500 pa-
replacement). Postradiation mediastinal fibrosis                    tients, dexrazoxane reduced the incidence of clin-
poses a challenge at baseline and limits the num-                  ical heart failure by more than 80% (relative risk,
ber of redo surgeries. It is therefore advisable, if               0.18; 95% CI, 0.10-0.32; P

       retrospective evidence for b-blockers and sta-                 the prevention of LVEF reduction at 6 months
       tins but remain limited in therapy details.123,124             and even outlined a benefit in terms of the
       This is important as experimental studies have                 combined secondary end point of death or
       found that not all b-blockers provide cardio-                  heart failure.130 No interaction was observed
       protection from chemotherapy-induced cardi-                    in terms of the primary end point and cTnI
       otoxicity. Nonselective b-blockers such as                     or brain natriuretic peptide elevation; howev-
       propranolol may, in fact, potentiate cardiotox-                er, LVEF benefits remained largely confined
       icity, likely related to inhibition of b-2 activ-              to patients with acute leukemia.130 This obser-
       ity.136,137 In contrast, b-blockers with proven                vation thus supports the limitation of preven-
       evidence for cardioprotection in this setting                  tive strategies to those patients at highest
       include carvedilol and nebivolol whereas the                   presumed risk of cardiotoxicity on the basis
       effect of metoprolol appears neutral.125-129                   of treatment-related and patient-related factors
            In contrast to experimental data, randomized              as outlined in the beginning (Figure 3). This is
       clinical trial data supporting the use of statins              in keeping with the European Society for Med-
       remain scarce with only one reported so far.135                ical Oncology guidelines (see Supplemental
       In keeping with the reported benefit in the treat-              Table 3), which recommend ACE inhibitors
       ment of patients with chemotherapy-induced                     as first-line agents; however, as outlined above
       heart failure, ACE inhibitors have been the first               and summarized in Table 2, carvedilol, nebi-
       ones tested and contended. The ACE inhibitor Af-               volol, and statins should be considered as
       ter Anthracycline study in survivors of pediatric              well.27 Obviously, patients already receiving
       cancer did not find any significant long-term                    these therapies should continue with them.
       benefit.131 However, the qualifying enrollment                  The exception, however, as implied, is that ef-
       criteria included a broad spectrum of cardiac ab-              forts should be made to switch patients from
       normalities and treatment was not commenced                    b-blockers other than carvedilol and nebivolol
       until at least 2 years after discontinuing anthracy-           to these specific agents, given their evidence-
       cline therapy.131 Still, a prospective randomized              based level of benefit for the prevention of
       controlled study comparing monotherapy with                    chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy.
       enalapril or metoprolol to placebo in patients un-
       dergoing adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and
       dacarbazine or rituximab-cyclophosphamide,
                                                                      Advances in cancer therapy and the outcome
       doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone therapy
                                                                      limiting effect of cardiovascular adverse effects
       for Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma,
                                                                      have generated a growing need for cardio-
       respectively, did not find any benefit in the pre-
                                                                      oncology. With this, the paradigm has shifted
       vention of clinical or subclinical cardiotoxic-
                                                                      toward early recognition and treatment of car-
       ity.129 At the other end of the spectrum,
                                                                      diotoxicity and even pre-cancer therapy car-
       confined only to those with cTnI elevation
                                                                      diovascular risk assessment and prevention.
       within 3 days of initiation of high-dose chemo-
                                                                      The key practical steps in the cardio-
       therapy, initiation of enalapril therapy was of
                                                                      oncology approach outlined in this review
       remarkable benefit.132 The surveillance intensity
                                                                      comprise the following:
       of such a protocol, however, may pose a barrier
       for general use, even though it underscores the                Step 1: Ongoing interaction between cardiolo-
       merit of defining a high riskehigh yield patient                        gists, oncologists or hematologists, and
       population.                                                            general practitioners in a “cardio-
            With regard to combination therapies, the                         oncology team” approach, ideally with
       preventiOn of left Ventricular dysfunction                             the development of “cardio-oncology
       with Enalapril and caRvedilol in patients sub-                         clinics” staffed by dedicated specialists.
       mitted to intensive ChemOtherapy for the                               These efforts should be linked to and
       treatment of Malignant hEmopathies (OVER-                              even start with evaluation efforts of po-
       COME) trial was conducted with universal                               tential cardiotoxic adverse effects of
       consideration of enalapril and carvedilol for                          chemotherapeutic agents.
       all patients referred for intensive chemo-                     Step 2: Clinical screening of patients with
       therapy or stem cell transplant.130 The study                          cancer for underlying or developing
       remained positive in its primary end point of                          cardiovascular disease, followed by
                                                 n                                    n
1300                           Mayo Clin Proc.       September 2014;89(9):1287-1306       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2014.05.013
TABLE 2. Adjunctive Pharmacological Strategies for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicitya
                                                                                                                                                Cardiotoxic         Radiation                                             Cardiotoxicity               Outcome with vs without
                                                                                  Study            Year          Cohort          F/u time      chemotherapy          therapy           Preventive therapy                   definition                      previous therapy
                                                                            Observational studies
                                                                              Seicean et al,123   2012     Breast cancer        2.61.7 y   Anthracyclines            66%       Any statin therapy during CT      Rate of new HF                      6.0 vs 17.2b (HR, 0.3; 95%
                                                                                2012                         (n¼628)                                                                                                admission (%)                        CI, 0.1-0.9)
                                                                              Seicean et al,124   2013     Breast cancer        32 y       Anthracyclines and/or     59%       Any BB therapy during CT          Rate of new HF                      4.7 vs 12.7b (HR, 0.2; 95%

                                                                                2013                         (n¼318)                          Herceptin                                                             admission (%)                        CI, 0.1-0.7)

                                                                            Randomized controlled trials
                                                                              Kalay et al,125     2006     Breast cancer (68%), 6 mo       Anthracyclines:             0%       Carvedilol 12.5 mg/d,             LVEF (%)                            Carvedilol: no change;
                                                                                2006                         lymphoma (18%)                  doxorubicin 520                      administered before CT and                                            Control: significant
                                                                                                                                             mg/m2 or epirubicin                  continued for 6 mo                                                    decrease (68.9-52.3b)
                                                                                                                                             780 mg/m2

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2014;89(9):1287-1306
                                                                              El-Shitany           2012    Children with ALL    1 wk after Doxorubicin                 0%       Carvedilol 0.1-1 mg/d,            FS (%)                              39.56.3 vs 33.56.2b

                                                                                 et al,126 2012              (n¼50)               CT         120 mg/m2                            administered 5 d before CT      GPSS (%)                            19.32.0 vs 15.11.8b
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cTnI (ng/mL)                        0.020.02 vs 0.060.05b
                                                                              Elitok et al,127     2013    Breast cancer        6 mo        Anthracyclines             0%       Carvedilol 12.5 mg/d,             Peak systolic strain, septal (%)    205.3 vs 164.3b
                                                                                 2013                        (n¼80)                           520 mg/m2                           administered before CT and      Peak systolic strain, lateral (%)   185.6 vs 146.1b
                                                                                                                                                                                  continued for 6 mo              LVEF (%)                            645.1 vs 634.8
                                                                              Kaya et al,128       2013    Breast cancer        6 mo        Anthracyclines:           27%       Nebivolol 5 mg/d, administered    LVEF (%)                            63.83.9 vs 57.55.6b
                                                                                2012                         (n¼45)                           doxorubicin                         7 d before CT and               NT-proBNP (pmol/L)                  15269 vs 20473b
                                                                                                                                              246 mg/m2 or                        continued for 6 mo
                                                                                                                                              354 mg/m2
                                                                              Georgakopoulos       2010    HL and NHL           12 mo       ABVD                      21%       Metoprolol 25-50 mg BID or        New HF rate (%)                     2.4 or 4.7 vs 0 (P¼.56)
                                                                                et al,129 2010               (n¼125)            30 mo       R-CHOP                                enalapril
                                                                                                                                                                                  2.5-10 mg BID, administered

                                                                                                                                                                                  with CT
                                                                              Bosch et al          2013    Acute leukemia   6 mo            Anthracyclines            18%       Carvedilol (6.25-25 mg BID) and   LVEF (%), absolute change by 0.17 vs 3.28b
                                                                                 (OVER-                      (n¼36) or HSCT                   (40% before, 40%                    enalapril (2.5-10 mg BID),        TTE
                                                                                 COME                        (n¼54)                           during, cumulative                  administered 24 h before CT     LVEF (%), absolute change by 0.36 vs 3.04 (P¼.09)
                                                                                 trial),130 2013                                              265 mg/m2)                          and continued in f/u              CMR imaging
                                                                              Silber et al         2004    Pediatric cancer     35 mo       Anthracyclines            36%       Enalapril 0.05-0.15               FS (%)                       Interaction term (change due
                                                                                 (AAA                        survivors with                   300 mg/m2                           mg/kg per d                                                     to treatment) P¼.84
                                                                                 study),131                  1 cardiac                                                                                           LVESWS (g/cm2)               Interaction term (change due
                                                                                 2004                        abnormalities in                                                                                                                     to treatment) P¼.28
                                                                                                             f/u (n¼135)                                                                                          MCI (L/min per m2)           Interaction term (change due
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to treatment) P¼.55
                                                                              Cardinale            2006    HDC (n¼114, 60% 12 mo            Various, cumulative       11%       Enalapril 2-20 mg/d, administered LVEF decrease >10% to        0 vs 43b
                                                                                et al,132 2006              NHL and breast                    doxorubicin                         after cTnI elevation and          ULN within 3 d                   335 mg/m2                                                           Arrhythmia rate (%)          2 vs 17b
                                                                                                            of any cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Continued on next page

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