Exploiting Efficient and Scalable Shuffle Transfers in Future Data Center Networks

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

                   Exploiting Efficient and Scalable Shuffle Transfers in
                               Future Data Center Networks
                    Deke Guo, Member, IEEE, Junjie Xie, Xiaomin Zhu, Member, IEEE, Wei Wei, Member, IEEE

                 Abstract—Distributed computing systems like MapReduce in data centers transfer massive amount of data across successive
                 processing stages. Such shuffle transfers contribute most of the network traffic and make the network bandwidth become a bottleneck.
                 In many commonly used workloads, data flows in such a transfer are highly correlated and aggregated at the receiver side. To lower
                 down the network traffic and efficiently use the available network bandwidth, we propose to push the aggregation computation into
                 the network and parallelize the shuffle and reduce phases. In this paper, we first examine the gain and feasibility of the in-network
                 aggregation with BCube, a novel server-centric networking structure for future data centers. To exploit such a gain, we model the
                 in-network aggregation problem that is NP-hard in BCube. We propose two approximate methods for building the efficient IRS-based
                 incast aggregation tree and SRS-based shuffle aggregation subgraph, solely based on the labels of their members and the data center
                 topology. We further design scalable forwarding schemes based on Bloom filters to implement in-network aggregation over massive
                 concurrent shuffle transfers. Based on a prototype and large-scale simulations, we demonstrate that our approaches can significantly
                 decrease the amount of network traffic and save the data center resources. Our approaches for BCube can be adapted to other
                 server-centric network structures for future data centers after minimal modifications.

                 Index Terms—Data center, shuffle transfer, data aggregation


          1     I NTRODUCTION                                                                  network bandwidth in future data centers. A transfer
                                                                                               refers to the set of all data flows across successive stages
          Data center is the key infrastructure for not only online
                                                                                               of a data processing job. The many-to-many shuffle and
          cloud services but also systems of massively distributed
                                                                                               many-to-one incast transfers are commonly needed to
          computing, such as MapReduce [1], Dryad [2], CIEL [3],
                                                                                               support those distributed computing systems. Such data
          and Pregel [4]. To date, such large-scale systems manage
                                                                                               transfers contribute most of the network traffic (about
          large number of data processing jobs each of which may
                                                                                               80% as shown in [10]) and impose severe impacts on
          utilize hundreds even thousands of servers in a data
                                                                                               the application performance. In a shuffle transfer, the
          center. These systems follow a data flow computation
                                                                                               data flows from all senders to each receiver, however, are
          paradigm, where massive data are transferred across
                                                                                               typically highly correlated. Many state-of-the-practice
          successive processing stages in each job.
                                                                                               systems thus already apply aggregation functions at the
             Inside a data center, large number of servers and
                                                                                               receiver side of a shuffle transfer to reduce the output
          network devices are interconnected using a specific data
                                                                                               data size. For example, each reducer of a MapReduce
          center network structure. As the network bandwidth
                                                                                               job is assigned a unique partition of the key range
          of a data center has become a bottleneck for these
                                                                                               and performs aggregation operations on the content
          systems, recently many advanced network structures
                                                                                               of its partition retrieved from every mapper’s output.
          have been proposed to improve the network capacity
                                                                                               Such aggregation operations can be the sum, maximum,
          for future data centers, such as DCell [5], BCube [6],
                                                                                               minimum, count, top-k, KNN, et. al. As prior work [11]
          Fat-Tree [7], VL2 [8], and BCN [9]. We believe that it is
                                                                                               has shown, the reduction in the size between the input
          more important to efficiently use the available network
                                                                                               data and output data of the receiver after aggregation is
          bandwidth of data centers, compared to just increasing
                                                                                               81.7% for Mapreduce jobs in Facebook.
          the network capacity. Although prior work [10] focuses
                                                                                                  Such insights motivate us to push the aggregation
          on scheduling network resources so as to improve the
                                                                                               computation into the network, i.e., aggregating corre-
          data center utilization, there has been relatively little
                                                                                               lated flows of each shuffle transfer during the trans-
          work on directly lowering down the network traffic.
                                                                                               mission process as early as possible rather than just at
             In this paper, we focus on managing the network ac-                               the receiver side. Such an in-network aggregation can
          tivity at the level of transfers so as to significantly lower                        significantly reduce the resulting network traffic of a
          down the network traffic and efficiently use the available                           shuffle transfer and speed up the job processing since the
                                                                                               final input data to each reducer will be considerably de-
          • D. Guo, J. Xie, and X. Zhu are with the Key laboratory for Information             creased. It, however, requires involved flows to intersect
            System Engineering, College of Information System and Management,
            National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, P.R. China.
                                                                                               at some rendezvous nodes that can cache and aggregate
            E-mail: guodeke@gmail.com.                                                         packets for supporting the in-network aggregation. In
          • W. Wei is with the College of Computer Science and Engineering, Xian               existing tree-based switch-centric structures [7], [8] of
            University of Technology, Xian 710048, P.R. China.
                                                                                               data centers, it is difficult for a traditional switch to do

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
                                         http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

          so due to the small buffer space shared by too many                                 switches. Fat-Tree [7], VL2 [8] and PortLand [12] fall into
          flows and limited packet processing capability.                                     such a category, where servers only connect to the edge-
             Additionally, these server-centric network structures                            level switches. Different from such structures, FBFLY
          possess high link density, i.e., they provide multiple                              [13] and HyperX [14] organize homogeneous switches,
          disjoint routing paths for any pair of servers. Conse-                              each connecting several servers, into the generalized
          quently, they bring vast challenges and opportunities                               hypercube [15]. For such switch-centric structures, there
          in cooperatively scheduling all flows in each shuffle                               has been an interest in adding the in-network process-
          transfer so as to form as many rendezvous servers                                   ing functionality to network devices. For example, new
          as possible for performing the in-network aggregation.                              Cisco ASIC and arista application switches have pro-
          Currently, a shuffle transfer is just treated as a set of                           vided a programmable data plane. Additionally, existing
          independently unicast transmissions that do not account                             switches have been extended with dedicated devices
          for collective behaviors of flows. Such a method brings                             like sidecar [16], [17]. Sidecar is connected to a switch
          less opportunity for an efficient in-network aggregation.                           via a direct link and receives all traffic. Such trends
             In this paper, we examine the gain and feasibility                               provide a software-defined approach to customize the
          of the in-network aggregation on a shuffle transfer in                              networking functionality and to implement arbitrary in-
          a server-centric data center. To exploit the gain of in-                            network processing within such data centers.
          network aggregation, the efficient incast and shuffle                                  The second category is server-centric, which puts the
          transfers are formalized as the minimal incast aggre-                               interconnection intelligence on servers and uses switches
          gation tree and minimal shuffle aggregation subgraph                                only as cross-bars (or does not use any switch). BCube
          problems that are NP-hard in BCube. We then propose                                 [6], DCell [5], CamCube [18], BCN [9], SWDC [19], and
          two approximate methods, called IRS-based and SRS-                                  Scafida [20] fall into such a category. In such settings,
          based methods, which build the efficient incast aggrega-                            a commodity server with ServerSwitch [21] card acts as
          tion tree and shuffle aggregation subgraph, respectively.                           not only an end host but also a mini-switch. Each server,
          We further design scalable forwarding schemes based                                 thus, uses a gigabit programmable switching chip for
          on Bloom filters to implement in-network aggregation                                customized packet forwarding and leverages its resource
          on massive concurrent shuffle transfers.                                            for enabling in-network caching and processing, as prior
             We evaluate our approaches with a prototype im-                                  work [21], [22] have shown.
          plementation and large-scale simulations. The results                                  In this paper, we focus on BCube that is an outstand-
          indicate that our approaches can significantly reduce                               ing server-centric structure for data centers. BCube0 con-
          the resultant network traffic and save data center re-                              sists of n servers connecting to a n-port switch. BCubek
          sources. More precisely, our SRS-based approach saves                               (k ≥ 1) is constructed from n BCubek−1 ’s and nk n-port
          the network traffic by 32.87% on average for a small-                               switches. Each server in BCubek has k+1 ports. Servers
          scale shuffle transfer with 120 members in data centers                             with multiple NIC ports are connected to multiple layers
          BCube(6, k) for 2≤k≤8. It saves the network traffic by                              of mini-switches, but those switches are not directly con-
          55.33% on average for shuffle transfers with 100 to 3000                            nected. Fig.1 plots a BCube(4, 1) structure that consists of
          members in a large-scale data center BCube(8, 5) with                               nk+1 =16 servers and two levels of nk (k+1)=8 switches.
          262144 servers. For the in-packet Bloom filter based                                   Essentially, BCube(n, k) is an emulation of a k+1
          forwarding scheme in large data centers, we find that                               dimensional n-ary generalized hypercube [15]. In
          a packet will not incur false positive forwarding at the                            BCube(n, k), two servers, labeled as xk xk−1 ...x1 x0 and
          cost of less than 10 bytes of Bloom filter in each packet.                          yk yk−1 ...y1 y0 are mutual one-hop neighbors in dimen-
             The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We                               sion j if their labels only differ in dimension j, where
          briefly present the preliminaries in Section 2. We for-                             xi and yi ∈{0, 1, ..., n−1} for 0≤i≤k. Such servers con-
          mulate the shuffle aggregation problem and propose the                              nect to a j level switch with a label yk ...yj+1 yj−1 ...y1 y0
          shuffle aggregation subgraph building method in Section                             in BCube(n, k). Therefore, a server and its n−1 1-hop
          3. Section 4 presents scalable forwarding schemes to effi-                          neighbors in each dimension are connected indirectly via
          ciently perform the in-network aggregation. We evaluate                             a common switch. Additionally, two servers are j-hop
          our methods and related work using a prototype and                                  neighbors if their labels differ in number of j dimensions
          large-scale simulations in Section 5 and conclude this                              for 1≤j≤k+1. As shown in Fig.1, two servers v0 and v15 ,
          work in Section 6.                                                                  with labels 00 and 33, are 2-hop neighbors since their
                                                                                              labels differ in 2 dimensions.
          2     P RELIMINARIES
          2.1    Data center networking                                                       2.2     In-network aggregation
          Many efforts have been made towards designing net-                                  In a sensor network, sensor readings related to the same
          work structures for future data centers and can be                                  event or area can be jointly fused together while being
          roughly divided into two categories. One is switch-                                 forwarded towards the sink. In-network aggregation is
          centric, which organizes switches into structures other                             defined as the global process of gathering and routing in-
          than tree and puts the interconnection intelligence on                              formation through a multihop network, processing data

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 2
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

                                                                                              methods, such as 1.746 [30], 1.693 [31], 1.55 [27]. Such
                                                                                              methods have a similar idea. Indeed, they start from
                                                                                              an MST and improve it step by step by using a greedy
                                                                                              principle to choose a Steiner vertex to connect a triple of

                                                                                              3     AGGREGATING                SHUFFLE TRANSFERS
          Fig. 1. A BCube(4,1) structure.                                                     We first formulate an efficient shuffle transfer as building
          at intermediate nodes with the objective of reducing en-                            the minimal shuffle aggregation subgraph, an NP-hard
          ergy consumption, thereby increasing network lifetime.                              problem, which can be applied to any family of data
          In-network aggregation is a very important aspect of                                center topologies. We then propose efficient aggregation
          wireless sensor networks and have been widely studied,                              methods for incast and shuffle transfers, respectively.
          such as [23] and [24].                                                              Finally, we present the extension of our methodologies
             Costa et al have introduced the basic idea of such an                            to other network structures.
          in-network aggregation to the field of data centers. They
          built Camdoop [25], a MapReduce-like system running                                 3.1     Problem statement
          on CamCube data centers. Camdoop exploits the prop-                                 We model a data center as a graph G=(V, E) with a
          erty that CamCube servers forward traffic to perform                                vertex set V and an edge set E. A vertex of the graph
          in-network aggregation of data during the shuffle phase                             refers a switch or a datacenter server. An edge (u, v)
          and reduces the network traffic. CamCube differentiates                             denotes a link, through which u connects with v where
          itself from other server-centric structures by utilizing a                          v, u∈V .
          3-dimensional torus topology, i.e., each server is directly                            Definition 1: A shuffle transfer has m senders and n
          connected to six neighboring servers.                                               receivers where a data flow is established for any pair of
             In the Camdoop, servers use the function getParent                               sender i and receiver j for 1≤i≤m and 1≤j≤n. An incast
          to compute the tree topology for an incast transfer.                                transfer consists of m senders and one of n receivers. A
          Given the locations of the receiver and a local server (a                           shuffle transfer consists of n incast transfers that share
          sender or an inner server), the function returns a one-hop                          the same set of senders but differ in the receiver.
          neighbor, which is the nearest one towards the receiver                                In many commonly used workloads, data flows from
          in a 3D space compared to other five ones. In this way,                             all of m senders to all of n receivers in a shuffle transfer
          each flow of an incast transfer identifies its routing path                         are highly correlated. More precisely, for each of its n
          to the same receiver, independently. The unicast-based                              incast transfers, the list of key-value pairs among m
          tree approach proposed in this paper shares the similar                             flows share the identical key partition for the same
          idea of the tree-building method in Camdoop.                                        receiver. For this reason, the receiver typically applies
             In this paper, we cooperatively manage the network                               an aggregation function, e.g., the sum, maximum, mini-
          activities of all flows in a transfer for exploiting the                            mum, count, top-k and KNN, to the received data flows
          benefits of in-network aggregation. That is, the routing                            in an incast transfer. As prior work [11] has shown,
          paths of all flows in any transfer should be identified                             the reduction in the size between the input data and
          at the level of transfer not individual flows. We then                              output data of the receiver after aggregation is 81.7% for
          build efficient tree and subgraph topologies for incast                             Facebook jobs.
          and shuffle transfers via the IRS-based and SRS-based                                  In this paper, we aim to push aggregation into the
          methods, respectively. Such two methods result in more                              network and parallelize the shuffle and reduce phases so
          gains of in-network aggregation than the unicast-based                              as to minimize the resultant traffic of a shuffle transfer.
          method, as shown in Fig.2 and Section 5.                                            We start with a simplified shuffle transfer with n=1, an
                                                                                              incast transfer, and then discuss a general shuffle trans-
          2.3    Stenier tree problem in general graphs                                       fer. Given an incast transfer with a receiver R and a set of
          The Steiner Tree problems have been proved to be                                    senders {s1 , s2 , ..., sm }, message routes from senders to
          NP-hard, even in the special cases of hypercube, gen-                               the same receiver essentially form an aggregation tree.
          eralized Hypercube and BCube. Numerous heuristics                                   In principle, there exist many such trees for an incast
          for Steiner tree problem in general graphs have been                                transfer in densely connected data center networks, e.g.,
          proposed [26], [27]. A simple and natural idea is us-                               BCube. Although any tree topology could be used, tree
          ing a minimum spanning tree (MST) to approximate                                    topologies differ in their aggregation gains. A challenge
          the Steiner minimum tree. Such kind of methods can                                  is how to produce an aggregation tree that minimizes
          achieve a 2-approximation. The Steiner tree problem in                              the amount of network traffic of a shuffle transfer after
          general graphs cannot be approximated within a factor                               applying the in-network aggregation.
          of 1+ for sufficiently small  [28]. Several methods,                                 Given an aggregation tree in BCube, we define the
          based on greedy strategies originally due to Zelikovsky                             total edge weight as its cost metric, i.e., the sum of the
          [29], achieve better approximation ratio than MST-based                             amount of the outgoing traffics of all vertices in the tree.

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 3
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

          As discussed in Section 2.1, BCube utilizes traditional                             algorithms cannot efficiently exploit the topological fea-
          switches and only data center servers enable the in-                                ture of BCube, a densely connected data center network.
          network caching and processing. Thus, a vertex in the                               For such reasons, we develop an efficient incast tree
          aggregation tree is an aggregating vertex only if it repre-                         building method by exploiting the topological feature of
          sents a server and at least two flows converge at it. An                            BCube in Section 3.2. The resulting time complexity is of
          aggregating vertex then aggregates its incoming flows                               O(m× log3 N ) in Theorem 2.
          and forwards a resultant single flow instead of multiple                               Definition 3: For a shuffle transfer, the minimal aggre-
          individual flows along the tree. At a non-aggregating                               gation subgraph problem is to find a connected subgraph
          vertex, the size of its outgoing flow is the cumulative size                        in G=(V, E) that spans all shuffle members with minimal
          of its incoming flows. The vertices representing switches                           cost for completing the shuffle transfer.
          are always non-aggregating ones. We assume that the                                    Note that the minimal aggregation tree of an incast
          introduced traffic from each of m senders is unity (1                               transfer in BCube is NP-hard and a shuffle transfer
          MB) so as to normalize the cost of an aggregation tree.                             is normalized as the combination of a set of incast
          In such a way, the weight of the outgoing link is one                               transfers. Therefore, the minimal aggregation subgraph
          at an aggregating vertex and equals to the number of                                of a shuffle transfer in BCube is NP-hard. For this reason,
          incoming flows at a non-aggregating vertex.                                         We develop an efficient shuffle subgraph construction
             Definition 2: For an incast transfer, the minimal aggre-                         method by exploiting the topological feature of BCube
          gation tree problem is to find a connected subgraph in                              in Section 3.3.
          G=(V, E) that spans all incast members with minimal                                    After deriving the shuffle subgraph for a given shuffle,
          cost for completing the incast transfer.                                            each sender greedily delivers its data flow toward a
             Theorem 1: The minimal aggregation tree problem is                               receiver along the shuffle subgraph if its output for the
          NP-hard in BCube.                                                                   receiver is ready. All packets will be cached when a
                Proof: In BCube, a pair of one-hop neighboring                                data flow meets an aggregating server. An aggregating
          servers is indirectly connected by a network device.                                server can perform the aggregation operation once a
          Consider that all of network devices in BCube do not                                new data flow arrives and brings an additional delay.
          conduct the in-network aggregation and just forward                                 Such a scheme amortizes the delay due to wait and
          received flows. Accordingly, we can update the topology                             simultaneously aggregate all incoming flows. The cache
          of BCube by removing all network devices and replacing                              behavior of the fast data flow indeed brings a little
          the two-hop path between two neighboring servers with                               additional delay of such a flow. However, the in-network
          a direct link. Consequently, BCube is transferred as the                            aggregation can lower down the job completion time due
          generalized hypercube structure.                                                    to significantly reduce network traffic and improve the
             Note that without loss of generality, the size of traffic                        utilization of rare bandwidth resource, as shown in Fig.7.
          resulting from each sender of an incast transfer is as-
          sumed to be unity (1 MB) so as to normalize the cost of
          an aggregation tree. If a link, in the related generalized                          3.2     Incast aggregation tree building method
          hypercube, carries one flow in that incast transfer, it will                        As aforementioned, building a minimal aggregation tree
          cause 2MB network traffic in BCube. That is, the weight                             for any incast transfer in BCube is NP-hard. In this paper,
          of each link in generalized hypercube is 2MB. After such                            we aim to design an approximate method by exploiting
          a mapping, for any incast transfer in BCube, the problem                            the topological feature of data center networks, e.g.,
          is translated to find a connected subgraph in generalized                           BCube(n, k).
          hypercube so as to span all incast members with minimal                               BCube(n, k) is a densely connected network structure
          cost. Thus, the minimal aggregation tree problem is just                            since there are k+1 equal-cost disjoint unicast paths
          equivalent to the minimum Steiner Tree problem, which                               between any server pair if their labels differ in k+1
          spans all incast members with minimal cost. The Steiner                             dimensions. For an incast transfer, each of its all senders
          Tree problem is NP-hard in hypercube and generalized                                independently delivers its data to the receiver along a
          hypercube [32]. Thus, the minimal aggregation tree prob-                            unicast path that is randomly selected from k+1 ones.
          lem is NP-hard in BCube.                                                            The combination of such unicast paths forms a unicast-
             As aforementioned in Section 2.3, there are many                                 based aggregation tree, as shown in Fig.2(a). Such a
          approximate algorithms for Steiner tree problem. The                                method, however, has less chance of achieving the gain
          time complexity of such algorithms for general graphs                               of the in-network aggregation.
          is of O(m×N 2 ), where m and N are the numbers of                                     For an incast transfer, we aim to build an efficient ag-
          incast numbers and all servers in a data center. The                                gregation tree in a managed way instead of the random
          time complexity is too high to meet the requirement of                              way, given the labels of all incast members and the data
          online tree building for incast transfers in production                             center topology. Consider an incast transfer consists of
          data centers which hosts large number of servers. For                               a receiver and m senders in BCube(n, k). Let d denote
          example, Google has more than 450,000 servers in 2006                               the maximum hamming distance between the receiver
          in its 13th data center and Microsoft and Yahoo! have                               and each sender in the incast transfer, where d≤k+1.
          hundreds of thousands servers. On the other hand, such                              Without loss of generality, we consider the general case

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 4
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems






               (a) A unicast-based tree of cost 22 with 18 links. (b) An aggregation tree of cost 16 with 12 links.    (c) An aggregation tree of cost 14 with 11 links.

          Fig. 2. Different aggregation trees for an incast transfer with the sender set {v2 , v5 , v9 , v10 , v11 , v14 } and the receiver
          v0 in Bcube(4,1).

          that d=k+1 in this paper. An aggregation tree of the                                group, all servers establish paths to a common neighbor-
          incast transfer can be expanded as a directed multistage                            ing server at stage j−1 that aggregates the flows from
          graph with d+1 stages. The stage 0 only has the receiver.                           all servers in the group, called an inter-stage aggregation.
          Each of all senders should appear at stage j if it is a                             All servers in the group and their common neighboring
          j-hop neighbor of the receiver. Only such senders and                               server at stage j−1 have the same label except the ej
          the receiver, however, cannot definitely form a connected                           dimension. Actually, the ej dimension of the common
          subgraph. The problem is then translated to identify a                              neighboring server is just equal to the receiver’s label in
          minimal set of servers for each stage and to identify                               dimension ej . Thus, the number of partitioned groups at
          switches between successive stages so as to constitute a                            stage j is just equal to the number of appended servers
          minimal aggregation tree in BCube(n, k). The level and                              at stage j−1. The union of such appended servers and
          label of a switch between a pair of neighboring servers                             the possible senders at stage j−1 constitute the set of all
          across two stages can be inferred from the labels of the                            servers at stage j−1. For example, all servers at stage 2
          two servers. We thus only focus on identify additional                              are partitioned into three groups, {v5 , v9 }, {v10 , v14 }, and
          servers for each stage.                                                             {v11 }, using a routing symbol e2 =1, as shown in Fig.2(b).
             Identifying the minimal set of servers for each stage                            The neighboring servers at stage 1 of such groups are
          is an efficient approximate method for the minimal                                  with labels v1 , v2 , and v3 , respectively.
          aggregation tree problem. For any stage, less number                                   The number of servers at stage j−1 still has an
          of servers incurs less number of flows towards the                                  opportunity to be reduced due to the observations as
          receiver since all incoming flows at each server will be                            follows. There may exist groups each of which only has
          aggregated as a single flow. Given the server set at stage                          one element at each stage. For example, all servers at
          j for 1≤j≤d, we can infer the required servers at stage                             the stage 2 are partitioned into three groups, {v5 , v9 },
          j−1 by leveraging the topology features of BCube(n, k).                             {v10 , v14 }, and {v11 } in Fig.2(b). The flow from the server
          Each server at stage j, however, has a one-hop neighbor                             {v11 } to the receiver has no opportunity to perform the
          at stage j−1 in each of the j dimensions in which the                               in-network aggregation.
          labels of the server and the receiver only differ. If each                             To address such an issue, we propose an intra-stage
          server at stage j randomly selects one of j one-hop                                 aggregation scheme. After partitioning all servers at any
          neighbors at stage j−1, it just results in a unicast-based                          stage j according to ej , we focus on groups each of
          aggregation tree.                                                                   which has a single server and its neighboring server at
             The insight of our method is to derive a common                                  stage j−1 is not a sender of the incast transfer. That is,
          neighbor at stage j−1 for as many servers at stage j as                             the neighboring server at stage j−1 for each of such
          possible. In such a way, the number of servers at stage                             groups fails to perform the inter-stage aggregation. At
          j−1 can be significantly reduced and each of them can                               stage j, the only server in such a group has no one-
          merge all its incoming flows as a single one for further                            hop neighbors in dimension ej , but may have one-hop
          forwarding. We identify the minimal set of servers for                              neighbors in other dimensions, {0, 1, ..., k}−{ej }. In such
          each stage from stage d to stage 1 along the processes as                           a case, the only server in such a group no longer delivers
          follows.                                                                            its data to its neighboring server at stage j−1 but to a
             We start with stage j=d where all servers are just                               one-hop neighbor in another dimension at stage j. The
          those senders that are d-hops neighbors of the receiver                             selected one-hop neighbor thus aggregates all incoming
          in the incast transfer. After defining a routing symbol                             data flows and the data flow by itself (if any) at stage j,
          ej ∈{0, 1, ..., k}, we partition all such servers into groups                       called an intra-stage aggregation.
          such that all servers in each group are mutual one-                                    Such an intra-stage aggregation can further reduce the
          hop neighbors in dimension ej . That is, the labels of all                          cost of the aggregation tree since such a one-hop intra-
          servers in each group only differ in dimension ej . In each                         stage forwarding increases the tree cost by two but saves

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

          the tree cost by at least four. The root cause is that for a                        O((k+1)2 ×m). In summary, the total computation cost of
          sole server in a group at a stage j the nearest aggregating                         generating the set of servers at stage k is O((k+1)2 ×m).
          server along the original path to the receiver appears at                           At stage k, our approach can identify the server set for
          stage ≤j−2. Note that the cost of an inter-stage or an                              stage k−1 from k candidates resulting from k settings
          intra-stage transmission is two due to the relay of an                              of ek since ek+1 has exclusively selected one from the
          intermediate switch. For example, the server v11 has no                             set {0, 1, 2, ..., k}. The resultant computation cost is thus
          neighbor in dimension e2 =1 at stage 2, however, has two                            O(k 2 ×m). In summary, the total computation cost of the
          neighbors, the servers v9 and v10 , in dimension 0 at stage                         IRS-based building method is O(k 3 ×m) since it involves
          2, as shown in Fig.2(b). If the server v11 uses the server                          at most k stages. Thus, Theorem 2 proved.
          v9 or v10 as a relay for its data flow towards the receiver,                           Our method for minimal aggregation tree in the BCube
          prior aggregation tree in Fig.2(b) can be optimized as the                          and the method for minimal Steiner tree in the hyper-
          new one in Fig.2(c). Thus, the cost of the aggregation tree                         cube proposed in [32] share similar process. Such two
          is decreased by two while the number of active links is                             methods differ from those MST-based and improved ap-
          decremented by 1.                                                                   proximate methods for general graphs in Section 2.3 and
             So far, the set of servers at stage j−1 can be achieved                          are in effect a (1+) approximation, as shown in [32]. The
          under a partition of all servers at stage j according                               evaluation result indicates that our method outperforms
          to dimension ej . The number of outgoing data flows                                 the approximate algorithm for general graphs, whose
          from stage j−1 to its next stage j−2 is just equal to                               approximate ratio is less than 2 [26].
          the cardinality of the server set at stage j−1. Inspired
          by such a fact, we apply the above method to other k                                3.3 Shuffle aggregation subgraph building method
          settings of ej and accordingly achieve other k server sets                          For a shuffle transfer in BCube(n, k), let S={s1 , s2 , ..., sm }
          that can appear at the stage j−1. We then simply select                             and R={r1 , r2 , ..., rn } denote the sender set and receiver
          the smallest server set from all k+1 ones. The setting                              set, respectively. An intrinsic way for scheduling all
          of ej is marked as the best routing symbol for stage j                              flows in the shuffler transfer is to derive an aggregation
          among all k+1 candidates. Thus, the data flows from                                 tree from all senders to each receiver via the IRS-based
          stage j can achieve the largest gain of the in-network                              building method. The combination of such aggrega-
          aggregation at the next stage j−1.                                                  tion trees produces an incast-based shuffle subgraph in
             Similarly, we can further derive the minimal set of                              G=(V, E) that spans all senders and receivers. The shuf-
          servers and the best choice of ej−1 at the next stage j−2,                          fle subgraph consists of m×n paths along which all flows
          given the server set at j−1 stage, and so on. Here, the                             in the shuffle transfer can be successfully delivered. If
          possible setting of ej−1 comes from {0, 1, ..., k} − {ej }.                         we produce a unicast-based aggregation tree from all
          Finally, server sets at all k+2 stages and the directed                             senders to each receiver, the combination of such trees
          paths between successive stages constitute an aggrega-                              results in a unicast-based shuffle subgraph.
          tion tree. The behind routing symbol at each stage is                                  We find that the shuffle subgraph has an opportunity
          simultaneously found. Such a method is called the IRS-                              to be optimized due to the observations as follows. There
          based aggregation tree building method.                                             exist (k+1)×(n−1) one-hop neighbors of any server
             Theorem 2: Given an incast transfer consisting of m                              in BCube(n, k). For any receiver r∈R, there may exist
          senders in BCube(n, k), the complexity of the IRS-based                             some receivers in R that are one-hop neighbors of the
          aggregation tree building method is O(m× log3 N ),                                  receiver r. Such a fact motivates us to think whether the
          where N =nk+1 is the number of servers in a BCube(n, k).                            aggregation tree rooted at the receiver r can be reused to
               Proof: Before achieving an aggregation tree, our                               carry flows for its one-hop neighbors in R. Fortunately,
          method performs at most k stages, from stage k+1 to                                 this issue can be addressed by a practical strategy. The
          stage 2, given an incast transfer. The process to partition                         flows from all of senders to a one-hop neighbor r1 ∈R of
          all servers at any stage j into groups according to ej can                          r can be delivered to the receiver r along its aggregation
          be simplified as follows. For each server at stage j, we                            tree and then be forwarded to the receiver r1 in one hop.
          extract its label except the ej dimension. The resultant                            In such a way, a shuffle transfer significantly reuses some
          label denotes a group that involves such a server. We                               aggregation trees and thus utilizes less data center re-
          then add the server into such a group. The computa-                                 sources, including physical links, servers, and switches,
          tional overhead of such a partition is proportional to                              compared to the incast-based method. We formalize such
          the number of servers at stage j. Thus, the resultant                               a basic idea as a NP-hard problem in Definition 4.
          time complexity at each stage is O(m) since the number                                 Definition 4: For a shuffle transfer in BCube (n, k), the
          of servers at each stage cannot exceed m. Additionally,                             minimal clustering problem of all receivers is how to
          the intra-stage aggregation after a partition of servers                            partition all receivers into a minimal number of groups
          at each stage incurs additional O(k×m) computational                                under two constraints. The intersection of any two
          overhead.                                                                           groups is empty. Other receivers are one-hop neighbors
             In the IRS-based building method, we conduct the                                 of a receiver in each group.
          same operations under all of k+1 settings of ek+1 . This                               Such a problem can be relaxed to find a minimal
          produces k+1 server sets for stage k at the cost of                                 dominating set (MDS) in a graph G0 =(V 0 , E 0 ), where V 0

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 6
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

          Algorithm 1 Clustering all nodes in a graph G0 =(V 0 , E 0 )
          Require: A graph G0 = (V 0 , E 0 ) with |V 0 | = n vertices.
           1: Let groups denote an empty set;
           2: while G0 is not empty do
           3:   Calculate the degree of each vertex in V 0 ;
           4:   Find the vertex with the largest degree in G0 . Such
                a vertex and its neighbor vertices form a group
                that is added into the set groups;                                            (a) A tree of cost 14 with 11 active (b) A tree of cost 12 with 9 active links.
           5:   Remove all elements in the resultant group and                                links.
                their related edges from G0 .                                                 Fig. 3. Examples of aggregation trees for two incast trans-
                                                                                              fers, with the same sender set {v2 , v5 , v9 , v10 , v11 , v14 } and
          denotes the set of all receivers of the shuffle transfer, and
                                                                                              the receiver v3 or v8 .
          for any u, v∈V 0 , there is (u, v)∈E 0 if u and v are one-hop
          neighbor in BCube(n, k). In such a way, each element of                                   rj finally forwards flows towards other |Ri |−β−1
          MDS and its neighbors form a group. Any pair of such                                      receivers, each of which is two-hops from rj due
          groups, however, may have common elements. This is                                        to the relay of the group head r1 at the cost of 4.
          the only difference between the minimal dominating set                                 Given Cij for 1≤j≤|Ri |, the cost of a shuffle transfer
          problem and the minimal clustering problem. Finding a                               from m senders to a receiver group Ri ={r1 , r2 , ..., rg } is
          minimum dominating set is NP-hard in general. There-                                given by
          fore, the minimal clustering problem of all receivers for a                                                                    |R |
                                                                                                              Ci = min{Ci1 , Ci2 , ..., Ci i }.          (1)
          shuffle transfer is NP-hard. We thus propose an efficient
          algorithm to approximate the optimal solution, as shown                             As a result, the best entry point for the receiver group Ri
          in Algorithm 1.                                                                     can be found simultaneously. It is not necessary that the
             The basic idea behind our algorithm is to calculate the                          best entry point for the receiver group Ri is the group
          degree of each vertex in the graph G0 and find the vertex                           head r1 . Accordingly, a shuffle subgraph from m senders
          with the largest degree. Such a vertex (a head vertex) and                          to all receivers in Ri is established. Such a method is
          its neighbors form the largest group. We then remove                                called the SRS-based shuffle subgraph building method.
          all vertices in the group and their related edges from                                 We use an example to reveal the benefit of our SRS-
          G0 . This brings impact on the degree of each remainder                             based building method. Consider a shuffle transfer from
          vertex in G0 . Therefore, we repeat the above processes                             all of senders {v2 , v5 , v9 , v10 , v11 , v14 } to a receiver group
          if the graph G0 is not empty. In such a way, Algorithm                              {v0 , v3 , v8 } with the group head v0 . Fig.2(c), Fig.3(a), and
          1 can partition all receivers of any shuffle transfer as a                          Fig.3(b) illustrate the IRS-based aggregation trees rooted
          set of disjoint groups. Let α denote the number of such                             at v0 , v3 , and v8 , respectively. If one selects the group
          groups.                                                                             head v0 as the entry point for the receiver group, the
             We define the cost of a shuffle transfer from m senders                          resultant shuffle subgraph is of cost 46. When the entry
          Pαa group of receivers Ri ={r1 , r2 , ..., rg } as Ci , where
          to                                                                                  point is v3 or v8 , the resultant shuffle subgraph is of cost
             i≥1 |Ri |=n. Without loss of generality, we assume that                          48 or 42. Thus, the best entry point for the receiver group
          the group head is r1 in Ri . Let cj denote the cost of an                           {v0 , v3 , v8 } should be v8 not the group head v0 .
          aggregation tree, produced by our IRS-based building                                   In such a way, the best entry point for each of the
          method, from all m senders to a receiver rj in the group                            α receiver groups and the associated shuffle subgraph
          Ri where 1≤j≤|Ri |. The cost of such a shuffle transfer                             can be produced. The combination of such α shuffle
          depends on the entry point selection for each receiver                              subgraphs generates the final shuffle subgraph from m
          group Ri .                                                                          senders to n receivers. Therefore, the cost of the resultantPα
             1) Ci1 =|Ri |×c1 +2(|Ri |−1) if the group head r1 is se-                         shuffle subgraph, denoted as C, is given by C= i≥1 Ci .
                 lected as the entry point. In such a case, the flows
                 from all of senders to all of the group members are
                 firstly delivered to r1 along its aggregation tree and                       3.4      Robustness against failures
                 then forwarded to each of other group members                                The failures of the link, server, and switch in a data
                 in one hop. Such a one-hop forwarding operation                              center may have a negative impact on the resulting
                 increases the cost by two due to the relay of a                              shuffle subgraph for a given shuffle transfer. Hereby, we
                 switch between any two servers.                                              describe how to make the resultant shuffle subgraph ro-
             2) Cij =|Ri |×cj +4(|Ri |−β−1)+2×β if a receiver rj is                           bust against failures. The fault-tolerant routing protocol
                 selected as the entry point. In such a case, the flows                       of BCube already provides some disjoint paths between
                 from all of senders to all of the group members are                          any server pair. A server at stage j fails to send packets
                 firstly delivered to rj along its aggregation tree. The                      to its parent server at stage j−1 due to the link failures
                 flow towards each of β one-hop neighbors of rj in                            or switch failures. In such a case, it forwards packets
                 Ri , including the head r1 , reaches its destination                         toward its parent along another path that can route
                 in one-hop from rj at the cost of 2. The receiver                            around the failures at the default one.

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 7
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

             When a server cannot send packets to its failed par-                             structures utilize those novel switches each with a pro-
          ent server, it is useless to utilize other backup disjoint                          grammable data plane. We leave the incast minimal tree
          path to the failed server. If the failed one is not an                              problem for other switch-centric structures as one of our
          aggregating server on the path from the current server                              future work. Note that the software-defined networking
          to the receiver, it can reroute packets along another                               and programmable data plane just bring possibility to
          disjoint path toward the next aggregating server (if any)                           implement arbitrary in-network processing functionality.
          or the receiver. If the failed server is an aggregating                             Many efforts should be done on improving the capability
          server, it may have received and stored intermediate data                           of novel network devices so as to support the aggrega-
          from some senders. Thus, each sender whose data flow                                tion of the data from large-scale map-reduce jobs.
          passes through such a failed aggregating server needs to
          redeliver its data flow to the next aggregating server (if
          any) or the receiver from a disjoint backup path.
                                                                                              4 S CALABLE F ORWARDING S CHEMES                                         FOR
                                                                                              P ERFORMING I N - NETWORK AGGREGATION
          3.5    Impact of job characteristics                                                We start with a general forwarding scheme to perform
          The MapReduce workload at Facebook in a 600 nodes                                   the in-network aggregation based on a shuffle subgraph.
          cluster shows that 83% of jobs have fewer than 271                                  Accordingly, we propose two more scalable and practical
          map tasks and 30 reduce tasks on average [33]. More                                 forwarding schemes based on in-switch Bloom filters
          precisely, the authors in [34], [35] demonstrate that jobs                          and in-packet Bloom filters, respectively.
          in two production clusters, each consisting of thousands
          of machines Facebook’s Hadoop cluster and Microsoft                                 4.1     General forwarding scheme
          Bing’s Dryad cluster, exhibit a heavy-tailed distribution
                                                                                              As MapReduce-like systems grow in popularity, there is
          of input sizes. The job sizes (input sizes and number of
                                                                                              a strong need to share data centers among users that sub-
          tasks) indeed follow a power-law distribution, i.e, the
                                                                                              mit MapReduce jobs. Let β be the number of such jobs
          workloads consist of many small jobs and relatively few
                                                                                              running in a data center concurrently. For a job, there
          large jobs.
                                                                                              exists a JobTracker that is aware of the locations of m
             Our data aggregation method is very suitable to such
                                                                                              map tasks and n reduce tasks of a related shuffle transfer.
          small jobs since each aggregating server has sufficient
                                                                                              The JobTracker, as a shuffle manager, then calculates an
          memory space to cache required packets with high
                                                                                              efficient shuffle subgraph using our SRS-based method.
          probability. Additionally, for most MapReduce like jobs,
                                                                                              The shuffle subgraph contains n aggregation trees since
          the functions running on each aggregating server are
                                                                                              such a shuffle transfer can be normalized as n incast
          associative and commutative. The authors in [36] fur-
                                                                                              transfers. The concatenation of the job id and the receiver
          ther proposed methods to translate those noncommu-
                                                                                              id is defined as the identifier of an incast transfer and its
          tative/nonassociative functions and user-defined func-
                                                                                              aggregation tree. In such a way, we can differentiate all
          tions into commutative/associative ones. Consequently,
                                                                                              incast transfers in a job or across jobs in a data center.
          each aggregating server can perform partial aggregation
                                                                                                 Conceptually, given an aggregation tree all involved
          when receiving partial packets of flows. Thus, the allo-
                                                                                              servers and switches can conduct the in-network ag-
          cated memory space for aggregating functions is usually
                                                                                              gregation for the incast transfer via the following op-
          sufficient to cache required packets.
                                                                                              erations. Each sender (a leaf vertex) greedily delivers a
                                                                                              data flow along the tree if its output for the receiver
          3.6    Extension to other network structure                                         has generated and it is not an aggregating server. If
          Although we use the BCube as a vehicle to study the                                 a data flow meets an aggregating server, all packets
          incast tree building methods for server-centric structures,                         will be cached. Upon the data from all its child servers
          the methodologies proposed in this paper can be applied                             and itself (if any) have been received, an aggregating
          to other server-centric structures. The only difference is                          server performs the in-network aggregation on multiply
          the incast-tree building methods that exploit different                             flows as follows. It groups all key-value pairs in such
          topological features of data center network structures,                             flows according to their keys and applies the aggregate
          e.g, DCell [5], BCN [9], SWDC [19], and Scafida [20].                               function to each group. Such a process finally replaces
          More details on aggregating data transfers in such data                             all participant flows with a new one that is continuously
          centers, however, we leave as one of our future work.                               forwarded along the aggregation tree.
            The methodologies proposed in this paper can also                                    To put such a design into practice, we need to make
          be applied to FBFLY and HyperX, two switch-centric                                  some efforts as follows. For each of all incast transfers
          network structures. The main reason is that the topology                            in a shuffle transfer, the shuffle manager makes all
          behind the BCube is an emulation of the generalized                                 servers and switches in an aggregation tree are aware
          hypercube while the topologies of FBFLY and HyperX                                  of that they join the incast transfer. Each device in the
          at the level of switch are just the generalized hyper-                              aggregation tree thus knows its parent device and adds
          cube. For FBFLY and HyperX, our building methods                                    the incast transfer identifier into the routing entry for the
          can be used directly with minimal modifications if such                             interface connecting to its parent device. Note that the

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 8
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

          routing entry for each interface is a list of incast transfer                       the identifiers of all incast transfers on the interface.
          identifiers. When a switch or server receives a flow with                           When the switch or server receives a flow with an incast
          an incast transfer identifier, all routing entries on its                           transfer identifier, all the Bloom filters on its interfaces
          interfaces are checked to determine where to forward                                are checked to determine which interface the flow should
          or not.                                                                             be sent out. If the response is null at a server, it is
             Although such a method ensures that all flows in a                               the destination of the packet. Consider that a server is
          shuffle transfer can be successfully routed to destina-                             a potential aggregating server in each incast transfer.
          tions, it is insufficient to achieve the inherent gain of                           When a server receives a flow with an incast identifier,
          in-network aggregation. Actually, each flow of an incast                            it first checks all id−value pairs to determine whether
          transfer is just forwarded even it reaches an aggregating                           to cache the flow for the future aggregation. Only if the
          server in the related aggregation tree. The root cause is                           related value is 1 or a new flow is generated by aggre-
          that a server cannot infer from its routing entries that it                         gating cached flows, the server checks all Bloom filters
          is an aggregating server and no matter knows its child                              on its interfaces for identifying the correct forwarding
          servers in the aggregation tree. To tackle such an issue,                           direction.
          we let each server in an aggregation tree maintain a pair                              The introduction of Bloom filter can considerably com-
          of id−value that records the incast transfer identifier and                         press the forwarding table at each server and switch.
          the number of its child servers. Note that a switch is not                          Moreover, checking a Bloom filter on each interface only
          an aggregation server and thus just forwards all received                           incurs a constant delay, only h hash queries, irrespective
          flows.                                                                              of the number of items represented by the Bloom filter.
             In such a way, when a server receives a flow with an                             In contrast, checking the routing entry for each interface
          incast transfer identifier, all id−value pairs are checked                          usually incurs O(log γ) delay in the general forwarding
          to determine whether to cache the flow for the future                               scheme, where γ denotes the number of incast transfers
          aggregation. That is, a flow needs to be cached if the                              on the interface. Thus, Bloom filters can significantly
          related value exceeds one. If yes and the flows from all                            reduce the delay of making a forwarding decision on
          its child servers and itself (if any) have been received,                           each server and switch. Such two benefits help realize
          the server aggregates all cached flows for the same                                 the scalable incast and shuffle forwarding in data center
          incast transfer as a new flow. All routing entries on its                           networks.
          interfaces are then checked to determine which interface
          the new flow should be sent out. If the response is
          null, the server is the destination of the new flow. If a                           4.3     In-packet bloom filter based forwarding scheme
          flow reaches a non-aggregating server, it just checks all                           Both the general and the in-switch Bloom filter based for-
          routing entries to identify an interface the flow should                            warding schemes suffer non-trivial management over-
          be forwarded.                                                                       head due to the dynamic behaviors of shuffle transfers.
                                                                                              More precisely, a new scheduled Mapreduce job will
          4.2 In-switch bloom filter based forwarding scheme                                  bring a shuffle transfer and an associated shuffle sub-
          One trend of modern data center designs is to utilize                               graph. All servers and switches in the shuffle subgraph
          a large number of low-end switches for interconnection                              thus should update its routing entry or Bloom filter on
          for economic and scalability considerations. The space                              related interface. Similarly, all servers and switches in a
          of fast memory in such kind of switches is relatively                               shuffle subgraph have to update their routing table once
          narrow and thus is quite challenging to support massive                             the related Mapreduce job is completed. To avoid such
          incast transfers by keeping the incast routing entries.                             constraints, we propose the in-packet Bloom filter based
          To address such a challenge, we propose two types of                                forwarding scheme.
          Bloom filter based incast forwarding schemes, namely,                                  Given a shuffle transfer, we first calculate a shuffle
          in-switch Bloom filter and in-packet Bloom filter.                                  subgraph by invoking our SRS-based building method.
             A Bloom filter consists of a vector of m bits, initially                         For each flow in the shuffle transfer, the basic idea of
          all set to 0. It encodes each item in a set X by mapping                            our new method is to encode the flow path information
          it to h random bits in the bit vector uniformly via h                               into a Bloom filter field in the header of each packet of
          hash functions. To judge whether an element x belongs                               the flow. For example, a flow path from a sender v14 to
          to X with n0 items, one just needs to check whether all                             the receiver v0 in Fig.2(c) is a sequence of links, denoted
          hashed bits of x in the Bloom filter are set to 1. If not,                          as v14 →w6 , w6 →v2 , v2 →w0 , and w0 →v0 . Such a set of
          x is definitely not a member of X. Otherwise, we infer                              links is then encoded as a Bloom filter via the standard
          that x is a member of X. A Bloom filter may yield a false                           input operation [37], [38]. Such a method eliminates
          positive due to hash collisions, for which it suggests that                         the necessity of routing entries or Bloom filters on the
          an element x is in X even though it is not. The false                               interfaces of each server and switch. We use the link-
          positive probability is fp ≈ (1−e−h×n0 /m )h . From [37],                           based Bloom filters to encode all directed physical links
          fp is minimized as 0.6185m/n0 when h=(m/n0 ) ln 2.                                  in the flow path. To differentiate packets of different
             For the in-switch Bloom filter, each interface on a                              incast transfers, all packets of a flow is associated with
          server or a switch maintains a Bloom filter that encodes                            the identifier of an incast transfer the flow joins.

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but 9
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
                                                10.1109/TPDS.2014.2316829, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

             When a switch receives a packet with a Bloom filter                              here n0 =2(k+1). If we impose a constriant that the value
          field, its entire links are checked to determine along                              of Formula (2) is less than 1, then
          which link the packet should be forwarded. For a server,                                                                                 2
          it should first check all id−value pairs to determine                                               m ≥ 2(k+1) × log0.6185                     .                 (3)
                                                                                                                                               k × (k−1)
          whether to cache the flow for the future aggregation.
          That is, the packet should be forwarded directly if                                   We can derive the requried size of Bloom filter field
          the related value is 1. Once a server has received all                              of each packet from Formula (3). We find that the value
          value flows of an incast transfer, e.g., server v10 collects                        of k is usually not large for a large-scale data center, as
          value=3 flows in Fig.3(b), such flows are aggregated as                             shown in Section 5.5. Thus, the Bloom filter field of each
          a new flow. To forward such packets, the server checks                              packet incurs additional traffic overhead.
          the Bloom filter with its entire links as inputs to find a
          forwarding direction.                                                               5     P ERFORMANCE                EVALUATION
             Generally, such a forwarding scheme may incur false                              We start with our prototype implementation. We then
          positive forwarding due to the false positive feature                               evaluate our methods and compare with other works un-
          of Bloom filters. When a server in a flow path meets                                der different data center sizes, shuffle transfer sizes, and
          a false positive, it will forward flow packets towards                              aggregation ratios. We also measure the traffic overhead
          another one-hop neighbors besides its right upstream                                of our in-packet Bloom filter based forwarding scheme.
          server. The flow packets propagated to another server
          due to a false positive will be terminated with high
          probability since the in-packet Bloom filter just encodes                           5.1     The prototype implementation
          the right flow path. Additionally, the number of such                               Our testbed consists of 61 virtual machines (VM) hosted
          mis-forwarding can be less than one during the entire                               by 6 servers connected with an Ethernet. Each server
          propagation process of a packet if the parameters of a                              equips with two 8-core processors, 24GB memory and a
          Bloom filter satisfy certain requirements.                                          1TB disk. Five of the servers run 10 virtual machines as
             For a shuffle transfer in BCube(n, k), a flow path is at                         the Hadoop virtual slave nodes, and the other one runs
          most 2(k + 1) of length, i.e., the diameter of BCube(n, k).                         10 virtual slave nodes and 1 master node that acts as
          Thus, a Bloom filter used by each flow packet encodes                               the shuffle manager. Each virtual slave node supports
          n0 = 2(k+1) directed links. Let us consider a forwarding                            two map tasks and two reduce tasks. We extend the
          of a flow packet from stage i to stage i−1 for 1≤i≤k                                Hadoop to embrace the in-network aggregation on any
          along the shuffle subgraph. The server at stage i is an                             shuffle transfer. We launch the built-in wordcount job
          i-hop neighbor of the flow destination since their labels                           with the combiner, where the job has 60 map tasks and
          differ in i dimensions. When the server at stage i needs                            60 reduce tasks, respectively. That is, such a job employs
          to forward a packet of the flow, it just needs to check                             one map task and reduce task from each of 60 VMs. We
          i links towards its i one-hop neighbors that are also                               associate each map task ten input files each with 64M. A
          (i−1)-hops neighbors of the flow destination. The flow                              shuffle transfer from all 60 senders to 60 receivers is thus
          packet, however, will be forwarded to far away from                                 achieved. The average amount of data from a sender
          the destination through other k+1−i links that should                               (map task) to the receiver (reduce task) is about 1M after
          be ignored directly when the server makes a forwarding                              performing the combiner at each sender. Each receiver
          decision. Among the i links on the server at stage i,                               performs the count function. Our approaches exhibit
          i−1 links may cause false positive forwarding at a given                            more benefits for other aggregation functions, e.g., the
          probability when checking the Bloom filter field of a                               sum, maximum, minimum, top-k and KNN functions.
          flow packet. The packet is finally sent to an intermediate                             To deploy the wordcount job in a BCube(6, k) data
          switch along the right link. Although the switch has                                center for 2≤k≤8, all of senders and receivers (the map
          n links, only one of them connects with the server at                               and reduce tasks) of the shuffle transfer are randomly
          stage i−1 in the path encoded by a Bloom filter field in                            allocated with BCube labels. We then generate the SRS-
          the packet. The servers along with other n−2 links of                               based, incast-based, and unicast-based shuffle subgraphs
          the switch are still i-hops neighbors of the destination.                           for the shuffle transfer via corresponding methods. Our
          Such n−2 links are thus ignored when the switch makes                               testbed is used to emulate a partial BCube(6,k) on which
          a forwarding decision. Consequently, no false positive                              the resultant shuffle subgraphs can be conceptedly de-
          forwarding appears at a switch.                                                     ployed. To this end, given a shuffle subgraph we omit all
             In summary, given a shuffle subgraph a packet will                               of switches and map all of intermediate server vertices
          meet at most k servers before reaching the destination                              to the 60 slave VMs in our testbed. That is, we use
          and may occur false positive forwarding on each of at                               a software agent to emulate an intermediate server so
          most      i=1 i server links at probability fp . Thus, the                          as to receive, cache, aggregate, and forward packets.
          number of resultant false positive forwarding due to                                Thus, we achieve an overlay implementation of shuffle
          deliver a packet to its destination is given by                                     transfer. Each path between two neighboring servers in
                       Xk−1                m                                                  the shuffle subgraph is mapped to a virtual link between
                  fp ×        i = 0.6185 2(k+1) × k × (k−1)/2,     (2)                        VMs or a physical link across servers in our testbed.

                                 1045-9219 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but10
                                                                                         republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
                                         http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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