Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts

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Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 292:1412–1426 (2009)

              Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid
                     Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
                                  VICTORIA M. ARBOUR* AND ERIC SNIVELY
                  Department of Biological Sciences, Biological Sciences Centre, University of Alberta,
                                              Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

                               Ankylosaurid dinosaurs have modified distal caudal vertebrae (the
                          handle) and large terminal caudal osteoderms (the knob) that together
                          form a tail club. Three-dimensional digital models of four tail clubs
                          referred to Euoplocephalus tutus were created from computed tomogra-
                          phy scans of fossil specimens. We propose to use finite element modeling
                          to examine the distribution of stress in simulated tail club impacts in
                          order to determine the biological feasibility of hypothesized tail clubbing
                          behavior. Results show that peak stresses were artificially high at the
                          rigid constraint. The data suggest that tail clubs with small and average-
                          sized knobs were unlikely to fail during forceful impacts, but large clubs
                          may have been at risk of fracture cranial to the knob. The modified han-
                          dle vertebrae were capable of supporting the weight of even very large
                          knobs. Long prezygapophyses and neural spines in the handle vertebrae
                          helped distribute stress evenly along the handle. We conclude that tail
                          swinging-behavior may have been possible in Euoplocephalus, but more
                          sophisticated models incorporating flexible constraints are needed to sup-
                          port this hypothesis. Anat Rec, 292:1412–1426, 2009. V   C 2009 Wiley-Liss,


                          Key words: Ankylosauria; Euoplocephalus; biomechanics; finite
                                     element analysis; functional morphology; palaeo-

                    INTRODUCTION                                  These questions about ankylosaurid tail function are
                                                                testable through finite element analysis (FEA). FEA is a
  Ankylosaurs were large, quadrupedal ornithischian
                                                                powerful tool for understanding the biomechanics of
dinosaurs with extensive dermal ossifications on the
                                                                extant and extinct organisms through modeling of
head, body, and tail (Vickaryous et al., 2004). Ankylo-
                                                                stress, strain, and deformation in anatomical structures.
saurids had highly modified distal caudal vertebrae
forming a handle that, along with terminal osteoderms
(the knob), formed a club-like structure (Fig. 1; terminol-
ogy after Coombs, 1995). Several authors (Maleev, 1952,           Grant sponsors: NSERC PGS-M, Alberta Ingenuity
1954; Coombs, 1971, 1979, 1995) have suggested that             Studentship, Alberta Ingenuity Postdoctoral Fellowship,
                                                                University of Alberta Graduate Students Association,
the tail was used as a defensive weapon. Tail club              Department of Biological Sciences (University of Alberta),
impact forces vary depending on the size of the knob,           Dinosaur Research Institute, Canada Foundation for Innovation,
and large Euoplocephalus tutus (Lambe, 1910) knobs              Jurassic Foundation.
could impact with a force sufficient to break bone in             *Correspondence to: Victoria M. Arbour, Department of Bio-
shear (Arbour, 2008). Could Euoplocephalus tail clubs           logical Sciences CW 405 Biological Sciences Centre, University
withstand these impact forces without fracturing? How           of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9. E-mail:
were stress and strain dissipated throughout the club? If
the vertebrae or knob osteoderms fractured under nor-             Received 9 June 2009; Accepted 9 June 2009
mal impact forces, this would suggest that the primary          DOI 10.1002/ar.20987
purpose of the knob was not for delivering forceful             Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
blows.                                                          com).

Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                               1413
                                                                                      TABLE 1. Material examined
                                                                         Taxon                       Specimens examined
                                                                         Euoplocephalus AMNH 5211, AMNH 5245, AMNH 5337,
                                                                          tutus          AMNH 5403, AMNH 5404,
                                                                                         AMNH 5405, AMNH 5406,
                                                                                         AMNH 5409, AMNH 5470,
                                                                                         CMN 0210 (holotype), CMN 349,
                                                                                         CMN 2234, CMN 2251, CMN 2252,
                                                                                         CMN 2253, CMN 8530, CMN 40605,
                                                                                         ROM 784, ROM 788, ROM 1930,
                                                                                         ROM 7761, TMP 82.9.3, TMP 53.36.120,
                                                                                         TMP 85.36.70, TMP 1992.36.334,
                                                                                         TMP 2000.57.3, UALVP 16247,
                                                                                         UALVP 47273
                                                                         Ankylosauridae TMP 2007.020.0100,
                                                                          indeterminate  TMP 2007.020.0080, TMP 84.121.33,
                                                                                         TMP 2005.09.75
                                                                         Taxonomic assignment of specimens is based on museum cata-
                                                                         logue information and previously published identifications.
   Fig. 1. Diagram of tail club terminology used in this paper. Three-
dimensional digital reconstruction of UALVP 47273 in Mimics based
on computed tomography scans, in (A) dorsal, (B) ventral, and (C)                 TABLE 2. Institutional abbreviations
right lateral views. Scale bar equals 10 cm.                             AMNH                American Museum of Natural History,
                                                                                              New York, New York, USA
                                                                         CMN                 Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa,
Rayfield (2007) provides an overview of the finite ele-                                       Ontario, Canada
ment method and its uses in palaeontology. Stress (force/                ROM                 Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
area) is simulated in a modeled structure when a force                                        Ontario, Canada
(load) is applied; tensile stresses are, by convention, rep-             TMP                 Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology,
resented by positive values, and compressive stresses by                                      Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
negative values. Strain is the change in length after a                  UALVP               University of Alberta Laboratory for
                                                                                              Vertebrate Paleontology, Edmonton,
load is applied divided by the original length of a                                           Alberta, Canada
   FEA of dinosaur fossils has predominantly dealt with
theropod skulls (Rayfield, 2001; Mazzetta et al., 2004;
                                                                         referred to Euoplocephalus and also includes most of the
Rayfield, 2004, 2005; Rayfield et al., 2007; Shychoski et
                                                                         handle. UALVP 47273, UALVP 16247, and TMP
al., 2007), with fewer studies on ornithischian skull
                                                                         83.36.120 were scanned at the University of Alberta
mechanics (Farke et al., 2007; Maidment and Porro,
                                                                         Hospital Alberta Cardiovascular and Stroke Research
2007; Porro, 2007; Snively and Cox, 2008). Analyses of
                                                                         Centre (ABACUS), on a Siemens Somatom Sensation 64
the postcranial skeleton are rarer, and have included the
                                                                         CT scanner, at 1 mm increments. ROM 788 was scanned
metatarsus of a tyrannosaurid (Snively and Russell,
                                                                         at CML Healthcare Imaging in Mississauga, Ontario, at
2002), dromaeosaurid claws (Manning et al., 2007), and
                                                                         2 mm increments, and as two separate scans (the knob
ossified tendons (Organ, 2006) and pedal morphology
                                                                         and the handle).
(Moreno et al., 2007) of ornithopods. This is the first
study to use FEA to investigate biomechanics in ankylo-
saurs. Four ankylosaurid tail clubs referred to Euoploce-
                                                                         Three-Dimensional Modeling and Meshing
phalus tutus are examined to understand the
distribution and magnitude of stresses within the club                     CT scans were used to create 3D models for use in
under simulated impact conditions. If stress magnitudes                  FEA (Fig. 2). The computer program MimicsV (Material-
within the modeled clubs are greater than necessary to                   ise) was used to create a 3D model and mesh for each
fracture bone, then tail clubs were not likely used as                   specimen, and to apply material properties to each
weapons. Distributions of stresses provide information                   mesh. A mask over the desired portion of the scan is cre-
on the function of the handle and knob.                                  ated using the thresholding function. Each slice is man-
                                                                         ually edited using the ‘‘multiple slice edit’’ function to
       MATERIALS AND METHODS                                             both add and remove mask, to fill in cracks in the speci-
                                                                         men and remove artifacts and unwanted parts of the
Computed Tomography
                                                                         scan (including the scanning bed and specimen support
  Four ankylosaurid tail clubs (Tables 1 and 2) were                     jackets). A 3D model was then calculated and inspected
scanned using computed tomography (CT), to derive                        for artifacts. A 3D mesh of hexahedral elements was cre-
three-dimensional models for use in FEA (Fig. 2).                        ated in Mimics and exported as a NASTRAN (.nas) file.
UALVP 47273 has a small knob and much of the handle                      The default settings in Mimics produce a mesh with too
preserved. UALVP 16247 and a cast of TMP 83.36.120                       many elements, which will not work properly in the
are average-sized knobs; TMP 83.36.120 does not pre-                     FEA software Strand7V [Strand7 (Strand7 Pty) deals
serve much of the handle, and UALVP 16247 lacks a                        well with meshes of 1 million elements or less]. The
handle completely. ROM 788 has the largest knob                          mesh size is reduced by grouping voxels in the xy and z
Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
1414                                                         ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

   Fig. 2. Models used in this study. UALVP 47273 in (A) oblique left       overlain in (K) and (L) to show the missing portions. Ridges on the
dorsolateral and (B) caudal view. UALVP 16247 in (C) dorsal, (D) cau-       knob in (J) and (K) are artifacts resulting from poor scan quality and
dal, and (E) left lateral view. TMP 83.36.120 in (F) oblique dorsal, (G)    manual editing in this region. All images created in Mimics from com-
left lateral, (H) ventral, and (I) caudal. ROM 788 in (J) oblique dorsal,   puted tomography scans. Photograph in (L) by R. Sissons and used
(K) ventral, (L) caudal, and (M) left lateral view. The lateral edges of    with permission. Scale equals 10 cm.
the knob were excluded from the scan; photos of the specimen are
Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                                1415
                                   TABLE 3. Material properties used in analyses
                      Density         Young’s          Poisson’s
                      (kg/m3)       modulus (Pa)         ratio                                 Notes
Compact bone           2000             20e9              0.4          Density: Human 1.5-2.0 (Wirtz et al., 2000)
                                                                       Young’s modulus: Alligator mississippiensis
                                                                         cortical 12 020, Crocodylus sp. cortical 5630,
                                                                         Geochelone niger 13780 (Currey, 1988);
                                                                         Varanus exanthematicus cortical 22 800
                                                                         (Erickson et al., 2002)
                                                                       Poisson’s ratio: Human cortical 0.22 to 0.47
                                                                         (Peterson and Dechow, 2003)
Cancellous bone        1000             8e9               0.4          Density: Human 0.1-0.7 (Wirtz et al., 2000)
                                                                       Young’s modulus: Human 774
                                                                         (Peterson and Dechow, 2003)
Keratin                1300             2.5e9             0.4          Young’s modulus: Ramphastos toco beak 6.7 GPa
                                                                         (Seki et al., 2006); Struthio camelus claw 1.84,
                                                                         1.33 GPa (Bonser, 2000); avian feather 2.5 GPa
                                                                         (Bonser and Purslow, 1995), bovine hoof
                                                                         261-418 MPa (Franck et al., 2006); Gekko gekko
                                                                         setae 1.6 GPa, Ptyodactylus hasselquistii setae
                                                                         1.4 GPa (Peattie et al., 2007)
                                                                       Poisson’s ratio: bovine hoof 0.38 (Franck et al., 2006)

dimensions; this results in a loss of fine surface features,    2004, 2005; Snively and Cox, 2008), and imported the
such as the knob osteoderm texture, but the model is            coordinates into RhinoV (McNeel North America, 2007).
still an accurate representation of specimen geometry.          We used this outline as the coronal perimeter of the
Once a mesh has been created, material properties can           idealized model. The geometric model consisted of ellipti-
be assigned. Mimics calculates Hounsfield density values        cal cylinders for the handle (centra plus neural arches,
of the CT images and displays these as a histogram.             and haemal arches), and ellipsoids for the flanking prox-
Materials can be automatically specified from the den-          imal and collective distal knob osteoderms. The shapes
sity values, and material properties can be manually            were combined into one model and exported as a .stl file
entered (a better practice with matrix-filled fossils). The     into Mimics. We used the Mimics Remesher to reconsti-
mesh is then exported as a .nas file for use in Strand7.        tute the .stl surface mesh into uniform triangles, and to
   ROM 788 was scanned in two pieces, and the data              create a volumetric tetrahedral mesh.
from the two CT scans were combined to make a single               This simplified mesh was imported as a .nas file into
model for FEA. Both CT scans were cleaned in Mimics             Strand7, where we applied material properties, con-
as for the other models. Each model was exported as a           straints, and forces for Analysis 1 described below. Anal-
surface stereolithography (.stl) file and imported into a       yses were successful on the model initially imported into
Mimics project file. The .stl models were aligned appro-        Strand7, but scaling it to accommodate unit variance
priately and then joined using the Boolean Unite func-          between Rhino and Strand7 resulted in mesh anomalies
tion in the Segmentation module. The united model was           and solution failure. This required scaling stress results
then decimated using the reduce triangles, smooth, and          of the successful analysis. Stress is inversely propor-
remesh functions in the Mimics Remesher. This                   tional to the square of linear dimensions. We therefore
remeshed, united model was then imported into                   multiplied the simple model’s stress results by the
Strand7. The missing lateral edges of each major osteo-         square of the ratio between maximum widths across the
derm, which were outside of the field of view of the CT         osteoderms, in the simple Strand7 mesh and original
scanner, could not be reconstructed. No additional mesh-        club. The dimensions of the geometrically modeled osteo-
ing is needed for models in .nas format, but the model of       derms were correct, and the calculated stresses were
ROM 788 required additional automatic and manual                similar in magnitude to those of the CT-based club
cleaning in Strand7 to remove triangles with free edges.        model. We are thus confident that stress scaling yields
The surface mesh was then converted to a solid mesh.            accurate results.
   The tail clubs subjected to FEA were variably complete
and taphonomically distorted, inevitable with most fossil       Analysis-Specific Models, Boundary Conditions,
specimens. We therefore checked them against results
                                                                and Material Properties
for an idealized replica of a club (UALVP 47273) based
on simple geometric forms. Deviations from the simpli-            We applied material properties, a constraint, and a
fied model were evaluated as possible preservation-             load to finite element meshes in Strand7, and then ana-
induced stress artifacts, versus those arising from ana-        lyzed for both stress and strain results using the linear
tomical details not captured in the simple FEM. UALVP           solver. Table 3 lists the material properties used in the
47273 was bent taphonomically into a dorsally concave           different analyses, and Table 4 lists the forces, con-
arc, but was otherwise undistorted dorsoventrally. As           straints, and other variables used for each mesh of each
the basis for a straightened model, we traced a dorsal          analysis. Estimates of tail club strike forces are from
photograph of the club in Adobe IllustratorV (Rayfield,         Arbour (2008), and follow a method for estimating tail
Finite Element Analyses of Ankylosaurid Dinosaur Tail Club Impacts
1416                                              ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

                                 TABLE 4. Summary of forces (N) used in analyses
                 ROM             TMP             UALVP          UALVP            UALVP 47273              UALVP 47273
Analysis          788          83.36.120         16247          47273           knob þ vertebrae        isolated vertebra
1               10,160            960              960            570                  –                        –
                  –                –                –            1,127                 –                        –
2               10,160                             960            570                  –                        –
3                 –                –                –             570                 570                      200
4                 –                –                –             39                  39                        –
                1,029              –                –             126                  –                        –
                  –                –                –            1,029                 –                        –
5                 –                –               960            570                  –                       200

tip angular velocity from Carpenter et al. (2005). Von         tact. For this analysis, the knobs were assigned uniform
Mises stress results were displayed both as 3D surface         material properties of cancellous bone. We applied the
plots, and as 2D cross-sections at various locations           same material properties and constraints to the simpli-
within the specimen. Strand7 can produce colored con-          fied model as those for the CT-based FE model.
tour and vector plots; tensile stresses are positive values,
and compressive stresses are negative values.                     Analysis 2. Impacts did not necessarily always occur
   Each specimen provides different benefits and limita-       at the same location on the tail club. Impacts were simu-
tions for analysis. UALVP 47273 is a relatively complete       lated on the handle just cranial to the knob, and on the
specimen, and allows for analysis of the knob and han-         distal end of the knob, to understand how stress distri-
dle together. However, a mesh of less than 5 million ele-      bution changes as impact site changes. The most realis-
ments does not show the details of the individual neural       tic force was used for both ROM 788 and UALVP 47273,
and haemal arches. To better reveal stress distribution        and the meshes were given the material properties of
in these structures, a smaller model was created by            cancellous bone.
removing all but the last two of the visible handle verte-
brae and the knob. The original scan of UALVP 47273
was edited slice by slice in Mimics to model details of           Analysis 3. As explained earlier, two models were
the penultimate visible vertebra, and to remove the            constructed from the CT scan of UALVP 47273 to exam-
proximal elements. In this manner, an impact force             ine stress details on individual handle vertebrae. First,
could be applied to the knob, and details of stress distri-    the knob and two preceding handle vertebrae were iso-
bution observed in the handle vertebrae. Appropriate           lated and meshed as the ‘‘knob þ vertebrae’’ model. In
forces could then be applied to a single vertebra isolated     Strand 7, a force was applied at the midlength and mid-
from the handle in the same manner. Additionally,              height of the left lateral osteoderm, as for Analysis 1.
UALVP 47273 represents a small knob morphology                 The model was constrained at the cranialmost vertebra,
which is not representative of most ankylosaurid knobs.        on the medial faces of the prezygapophyses, the cranial
ROM 788 is the largest specimen in this study, but the         face of the centrum, and the medial sides of the cranial
handle and knob are separate elements, and the lateral         projection of the haemal spine. Results of the stress dis-
sides of the knob osteoderms were not included in the          tribution in these models were then applied to a second
CT scan. UALVP 16247 is an isolated knob, but repre-           model of a single handle vertebra (‘‘single vertebra’’
sents the average knob size in Euoplocephalus, and the         model), which was also manually isolated and meshed in
CT scan of this specimen had few artifacts. As such, the       Mimics. Properties of cancellous bone were applied to
effects of differing bone densities and material properties    the model. To simulate a tail club with unfused centra,
were best analyzed in this specimen. The cast of TMP           an additional analysis, where the centrum was not con-
83.36.120 cannot be used to examine material proper-           strained, was conducted for both the knob þ vertebrae
ties, but can be compared with the similarly-sized             and isolated vertebra models.
UALVP 16247. To examine different aspects of club me-
chanical response to impacts, we conducted five analyses         Analysis 4. The unusually robust haemal arches of
with varying boundary conditions.                              ankylosaurid tail clubs may play a role in postural sup-
                                                               port of the large knob. Impact forces are assumed to be
                                                               directed in the horizontal plane, but gravity would also
  Analysis 1. Three specimens with different knob              act to pull downward on the tail club. Coombs (1995)
sizes were used to examine the effect of knob size and         noted that ankylosaurids probably did not drag their
impact force on tail clubs. For each model, the cranial        tails on the ground, although the tail may not have been
face of the centrum of the most cranially located part of      held very high off of the ground. The weight (Table 5) of
the handle was constrained. A force was applied to both        each knob is calculated using the volumes and masses in
a small and large area at approximately the midheight          Arbour (2008), multiplied by gravitational acceleration
and midlength of the left major osteoderm of each knob.        (9.81 m/s2). UALVP 47273 is the only specimen in this
This force was oriented at right angles into the osteo-        study that preserves the knob and handle together. Han-
derm. The impact force for each knob was applied to            dle vertebrae become moderately larger as knob size
each node in both the small and large impact area anal-        increases, but the two are not linearly correlated
yses. This is reasonable because impact velocity and           (Arbour et al., in press). As such, it is reasonable to
force would not vary greatly over the larger area of con-      apply the forces and torques derived for each knob
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                            1417
      TABLE 5. Weights of specimens used in                    was also concentrated in some locations that correspond
 Analysis 4 (volumes and masses from Arbour, 2008)             to breaks in the specimens, and is not biologically mean-
                                                               ingful. Peak stress was over 1,000 MPa in all models,
                       Knob           Knob           Force
Specimen           volume (cm3)      mass (kg)        (N)      and was greater in larger knobs and when impact force
                                                               was applied to a larger area. Stress values decreased
ROM 788              53007.00         104.95       1,029.56    rapidly away from the peak stress, sometimes by several
UALVP 16247          6,486.17          12.84        126.00     orders of magnitude. Peak stress was always oriented
UALVP 47273          2,008.32           3.98         39.01     craniocaudally, not mediolaterally or dorsoventrally. In
                                                               all specimens, the maximum stress values always repre-
                                                               sented tensile, rather than compressive, stress.
(UALVP 47273, UALVP 16247, and ROM 788) to the                    In UALVP 47273 (Fig. 3, Table 6), tensile stress was
model of UALVP 47273, for the purposes of comparing            found from the impact site to the distal terminus of the
large and small knob weights. UALVP 47273 was con-             left half of the knob. Tensile stress was also particularly
strained at the cranial face of the cranialmost vertebra,      high between the cranial terminus of the left major knob
and the force was applied to a single node at a point ven-     osteoderms and the handle, whereas compressive stress
tral to the estimated centre of mass of the knob. To inves-    was found in the same location on the right side of the
tigate the distribution of stress within a single vertebra,    tail club. Maximum stress was found within the con-
this force was also applied to the knob þ vertebrae model.     strained area of the handle, and minimum stress was
                                                               found distal to the impact site on the knob. The magni-
   Analysis 5. Knob osteoderms have regions of high,           tude of the impact force did not change the distribution
medium, and low density, which may affect the distribu-        of stress within the club, but did change the absolute
tion of stress and strain throughout the club. Strait et       values of the peak stress. Varying the size of the impact
al. (2005) found that elastic properties affect quantita-      area also changed the absolute values of the maximum
tive strain data in finite element analyses, although          stress. In lateral view, stress vectors were oriented radi-
overall strain patterns are similar using different elastic    ally from the impact site and lengthwise along the han-
properties. Precise material properties for ankylosaur         dle. In dorsal view, stress vectors were oriented
bone cannot be known. However, a range of different            transversely across the handle and formed a complex
properties from various taxa were used to estimate ma-         swirling pattern on the knob around the impact site.
terial properties in tail clubs (Table 3).                        In the idealized model of UALVP 47273 (Fig. 3, Table
   Regions of differing density were calculated using          6), general stress distribution was nearly identical to
Mimics for the knob of UALVP 16247 and an isolated             that of the CT based model, yet varied in some details.
handle vertebra of UALVP 47273. UALVP 16247 was                Peak stresses occurred in the proximal handle near the
loaded over a small area on the left lateral osteoderm, as     constraint, yet were not particularly high near the
for Analysis 1, and UALVP 47273 was loaded on the              cranial junctures between the lateral osteoderms and
neural spine as for Analysis 3.                                the handle. Stresses along the lateral surfaces of the
   Knob osteoderms were likely covered by a keratinous         proximal handle were somewhat higher than in the CT-
sheath in life. Snively and Cox (2008) showed that the rel-    based model.
ative thickness of a horny covering on pachycephalosaur           In both TMP 83.36.120 and UALVP 16247 (Fig. 4,
domes would have greatly influenced the distribution and       Table 6), compression was found on the left osteoderms
magnitude of stresses within the osseous dome. To simu-        and was greatest at the site of impact, whereas tension
late the effects of a keratinous sheath, a new mask was        was found on the right osteoderms and near the con-
created for UALVP 47273 in Mimics. The outline of a thin       straints. Tensile stress was also concentrated at the
keratinous sheath was traced for each slice of the knob        boundaries between the major and minor plates. Stress
osteoderms and added to the overall mask, and the gray-        vectors were oriented radially from the impact sites on
scale values in the resulting model were assigned mate-        the lateral faces of the osteoderms, craniocaudally on
rial properties for cancellous bone and keratin.               the left major osteoderms in dorsal view, and mediolater-
   Additional analyses were conducted using two-dimen-         ally on the right major osteoderms in dorsal view. In
sional models in MultiphysicsV   R . The outline of a trans-   cranial view, the stress vectors converged towards the
verse section through the knob of both UALVP 16247             constraints, forming clockwise swirls.
was traced, as well as areas of low density in each osteo-        In ROM 788 (Fig. 5, Table 6), compressive stress was
derm, and hypothetical keratinous coverings on each            found at the impact site, with tensile stress immediately
osteoderm. These coordinate outlines were exported as          adjacent to the impact site rapidly changing to approxi-
CAD .dxf files, imported into Multiphysics, coerced to         mately neutral stress throughout the rest of the osteo-
solid, and assigned material properties as per the 3D          derm. Tensile stress was found at the boundary of the
models. The section models were constrained at the dor-        knob osteoderms and handle, with compressive stress con-
sal and ventral borders of the centrum (equivalent to          centrated along the midline of the knob dorsally and ten-
the midline of the knob) and loaded as for the 3D              sile stress ventrally. Stress vectors radiated from the
models.                                                        impact site and formed a complex, swirling pattern in dor-
                                                               sal view at the knob and cranial view at the constraint.
                    RESULTS                                    Stress vectors were oriented craniocaudally along the
Analysis 1: Effect of Knob Size and                            handle in lateral view, and mediolaterally in dorsal view.
                                                                  The cranial face of the handle centrum of ROM 788
Impact Force
                                                               experienced tensile stress on the right half and compres-
  In all of the models, stresses were greatest at the con-     sive stress on the left half, similar to that observed
straint and at the impact site (Figs 3–5; Table 6). Stress     in UALVP 47273. The medial face of the right
1418                                                      ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

   Fig. 3. Impact stresses in TMP 83.36.120 and UALVP 16247.             75 MPa), dorsal view, and (B) stress contour plot (50 to 50 MPa),
Arrows summarize stress vector orientations, and arrowheads indicate     oblique caudosorsal view. UALVP 16247, (C) stress vector plot (75 to
direction and location of load. Positive values are compression, nega-   75 MPa), dorsal view, and (D) stress contour plot (30 to 30 MPa),
tive values are tension. TMP 83.36.120, (A) stress vector plot (75 to   oblique caudosorsal view.
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                                          1419

   Fig. 4. Results from a simplified model of UALVP 47273 match             500 MPa. Impact at midlength of knob, in (A) simplified model, stress
closely with the CT-based model. Positive values are compression,           contour plot, (B) simplified model, stress vector plot, (C) CT model
negative values are tension. UALVP 47273 in oblique left dorsolateral       stress vector plot, and (D) CT model, stress vector plot. Impact on
view, showing that differences in impact location affect stress distribu-   handle cranial to knob, (E) stress contour plot, and (F) stress vector
tions. Stress range in A is 155 to 155 MPa, in B is 300 to 300            plot. Impact on distal tip of knob, (G) stress contour plot, and (H)
MPa, in C, E, and G is 75 to 75 MPa, and in D, F, and H is 500 to         stress vector plot.

prezygapophysis experienced tension, and the lateral                        are oriented mediolaterally, and in lateral view they are
face experienced compression; the reverse was found in                      oriented dorsoventrally.
the left prezygapophysis. Tensile stress was also found                       An impact near the distal tip of the knob results in
within bone surrounding the neural canal. Along the                         stress vectors oriented craniocaudally in lateral view of
handle, tensile stress was found at the cranial edges of                    the knob and handle, and mediolaterally in dorsal view.
the prezygapophyses on the right side. An area of con-                      The distribution of stress along the handle did not
centrated tensile stress (600 MPa) was present on the                      change, and shifted distally in the knob. Tensile stress
right side of the handle 5 cm cranial to the knob (Fig.                    radiated cranially through the left half of the minor
5). The haemal arch experienced neutral stress for much                     plates, and compressive stress did the same on the right
of its length, with increasing tensile stress near the                      half.

                                                                            Analysis 3: Stress Distributions in the
Analysis 2: Impact Site Analysis                                            Handle Vertebrae
  Altering the location of the impact site did not change                     Peak stress values were higher in the UALVP 47273
the distribution of stresses near the constraint in                         knob þ vertebrae model with only the prezygapophyses
UALVP 47273 (Fig. 3, Table 7). Impacts to the handle                        and haemal arch constrained, in comparison to the
resulted in almost zero stress within the knob. Peak                        model with the centrum, prezygapophyses and haemal
stress did not greatly increase or decrease based on                        arch constrained (Fig. 6, Table 8). However, in the con-
impact location, and was always found within the con-                       strained prezygapophyses and haemal arch model, the
straint. Stress vectors radiate from the impact site on                     decrease in stress adjacent to the peak stress (to less
the handle. In dorsal view, stress vectors on the knob                      than 100 MPa) was greater than in the constrained
1420                                                        ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

  Fig. 5. Stress is concentrated cranial to the knob and at the cranial     prezygapophyses indicated by open-headed arrows. (C) Stress vector
borders of the prezygapophyses in ROM 788. (A) Stress contour plot          plot (1500 to 1500), cranial view, stress orientations summarized by
(150 to 150 MPa), oblique right lateral view, with stress concentration    closed-headed arrows, load indicated by arrowhead. Positive values
indicated by open-headed arrow. (B) Stress contour plot (60 to             are compression, negative values are tension.
60 MPa), left lateral view, three examples of high tensile stress at

                     TABLE 6. Peak stresses in Analysis 1, examining large and small impact areas
                                                                                        Maximum stress (MPa)
                         Impact          Impact
Model                   force (N)         area              XX               YY             ZZ             XY             YZ              ZX
ROM 788                   10,160          Small         9,150              8,264         16,351          385          3,313           1,142
                          10,160          Large         103,426            93,388        184,760         4,342        37,389         12,979
TMP 83.36.120             1,000           Small         587               383          695            49           46             221
UALVP 16247                960            Small         1,073             837          1,308          74            180             298
                           960            Large         11,547            9,126        14,238         728           1,748           3,148
                          1,420           Small         1,668             1,316        2,055          106           256             456
                          1,420           Large         16,841            13,310       20,767         1,061         2,548           4,591
UALVP 47273                570            Small         1,368             1,215        2,758          115           748             168
                           570            Large         21,295            18,893       42,961         1,806         11,656          2,620
                          1,127           Small         2,127             1,874        4,307          186           1,166           265
                          1,127           Large         40,750            36,151       82,216         3,459         22,308          5,015
UALVP 47273                570            Small         641               416          425            100           19.4            24.5
 simple model
Tensile stress is positive, and compressive stress is negative. X is mediolateral, Y is dorsoventral, and Z is craniocaudal.

centrum, prezygapophyses and haemal arch model                              osteoderm and handle, and on the right half of the cra-
(where stress decreased to around 100 MPa).                                 nial face of the centrum, where the model was con-
  Compressive stress was found at the impact site on                        strained (Fig. 6). The midline of the centrum had stress
the left major osteoderm, dorsally between the left major                   near zero, approximating a neutral axis. Tensile stress
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                                1421
                          TABLE 7. Peak stresses in Analysis 2, examining impact location
                                                                                   Maximum stress (MPa)
Model             Impact force (N)       Impact location        XX         YY          ZZ          XY         YZ          ZX
ROM 788                10,160               Handle            77,776     57,925      121,921     2,587     25,412     13,189
                       10,160          Midlength of knob       9,150      8,264       16,351      385       3,313      1,142
                       10,160           Knob distal tip       39,730     35,732       70,743     1,566     13,887      5,467
UALVP 47273             570                 Handle            3,569     2,914       7,463        412      1,982       487
                        570            Midlength of knob      1,368     1,215       2,758        115        748       168
                        570             Knob distal tip       2,546     2,291       5,102        201      1,389       307
Tensile stress is positive, and compressive stress is negative. X is mediolateral, Y is dorsoventral, and Z is craniocaudal.

was found dorsally and cranially between the right               GPa, and located at the point of bifurcation of the prezy-
major osteoderm and the handle, and on the left half of          gapophyses. Immediately away from this point, stress
the cranial face of the centrum. Within the prezygapoph-         dissipated to 100–200 MPa.
yses, stresses were greater caudally and decreased to
nearly zero at the cranial termini. Changing the con-
                                                                 Analysis 4: Postural Role of the Haemal Arches
strained area of the model changed the distribution of
stresses within the vertebrae. When only the prezyga-              Tensile stress was found at the junction of the prezy-
pophyses were constrained, peak stress occurred on the           gapophyses, but not along their medial faces (Fig. 6,
caudal part of the right prezygapophysis, within the con-        Table 9). Low tensile stresses were observed on the
strained area. Tensile stress was concentrated below the         cranial face of the centrum dorsal to the haemal canal.
right prezygapophysis on the cranial face of the cen-            Ventrally, tensile stress is found irregularly along the
trum, but dissipated abruptly away from the                      haemal arches. In lateral view, the knob experienced low
prezygapophysis.                                                 tensile stress ventrally, and low compressive stress dor-
   Stress vectors in the unconstrained centrum model             sally. In lateral view, the pattern of vectors within the
were complex (Fig. 6). In dorsal view of the knob, stress        handle was similar to that in Analysis 4. In dorsal view,
vectors are oriented mediolaterally in the right osteo-          the vectors are oriented craniocaudally along the knob
derm, and in the left osteoderm collectively form a swirl-       osteoderms, the neural spines, and both right and left
ing pattern, inclined craniocaudally. In left lateral view,      prezygapophyses.
vectors were oriented caudolaterally along the neural
spine, but became undulate along the prezygapophyses.
                                                                 Analysis 5: Material Properties
Along the centrum, vectors were oriented approximately
craniocaudally, looping ventrally onto the haemal spine.            In the keratinous sheath UALVP 47273 model (Fig. 7,
The cranial projection of the haemal spine had approxi-          Table 10), the distribution of stresses within the handle
mately dorsoventrally directed stress vectors. In right          and knob did not change noticeably compared to the nor-
lateral view, stress vectors were oriented dorsoventrally        mal UALVP 47273 model. Compressive stress at the
on the neural spine, right prezygapophysis, centrum,             impact site was surrounded by a halo of tensile stress,
and caudal portion of the haemal spine. The cranial pro-         which was not observed in the bone model. The kerati-
jection of the haemal spine had approximately laterally          nous sheath slightly reduced the peak stress at the con-
oriented vectors. Dorsally, craniocaudally directed vec-         straint. The overall distribution of stresses in the
tors from the left side of the neural spine and haemal           UALVP 47273 isolated vertebra model (Fig. 7, Table 10)
spine arced across the neural arch and haemal arches,            did not change when the material properties were
becoming mediolaterally oriented on the right side of            changed, although the stresses appeared more diffuse
each spine. Stress vectors looped mediolaterally around          compared to the single material property model. Mate-
the right prezygapophysis.                                       rial properties affected the external distribution of stress
   The location and value of the peak stresses were used         in UALVP 16247 slightly; there was an increase in ten-
to estimate a force for an analysis of a single vertebra         sile stress at the cranial of the right major osteoderm.
from the UALVP 47273 knob þ vertebrae model (Fig. 6,             Two-dimensional models of UALVP 16247 (Fig. 7, Table
Table 8). A 200 N force was applied to several nodes on          10) had higher strain values in the inner low density
the left lateral side of the neural spine, with the force        areas of the osteoderms, compared to the outer cortex, in
directed medially at approximately right angles to the           models lacking a keratinous sheath. When a keratinous
neural spine. This is consistent with the orientation of         sheath was modeled, strain was localized to the kerati-
the stress vectors in the knob þ vertebrae model, where          nous layer at the site of impact and strain values were
the craniocaudally-oriented stress vectors in the right          reduced in the bone.
prezygapophyses arc mediolaterally at the location
where the preceding neural spine would have inter-
locked with the prezygapophyses. Stress vector orienta-
tion in the isolated vertebra model was consistent with            Bone is most likely to fail as a result of shear stress.
that seen in the knob þ vertebrae model, confirming an           Human femoral cortical bone can withstand shear stress
appropriate force direction. Compressive stress was con-         of 50 MPa longitudinally (with the grain) and 65 MPa
centrated where the model was loaded, but became ten-            (across the grain), although bone actually appears to fail
sile abruptly, cranial to the load. Peak stress was 2.389       in tension when subjected to transverse shear (Turner
1422                                                        ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

  Fig. 6. Results from Analyses 4 and 5 show that varying the con-         unconstrained, stress contour plots in (D) cranial view, 125 to
straint and direction of load affects stress distributions. Arrows sum-    125 MPa; and oblique left dorsolateral view (G) 50 to 50 MPa, (H)
marize stress vectors, and arrowheads indicate the direction and           25 to 25 MPa; stress vector plot in oblique left dorsolateral view,
location of load. Positive values are tension, and negative values are     125 to 125 MPa. UALVP 47273 knob þ vertebrae, knob weight,
compression. UALVP 47273 knob þ vertebrae, impact force, centrum           stress contour plot in (I) dorsal view, 15 to 15 MPa, (L) cranial view,
constrained, stress contour plots in oblique left craniolateral view (A)   15 to 15 MPa; (O) stress vector plot in left lateral view, 125 to
100 to 100 MPa, (B) 25 to 25 MPa; (C) cranial view, 100 to 100          125 MPa. UALVP single vertebra, impact force, centrum uncon-
MPa; and oblique left dorsolateral view (E) 100 to 100 MPa, (F) 25       strained, 250 to 250 MPa, in (J) dorsal view, (K) oblique left dorsolat-
to 25 MPa. UALVP 47273 knob þ vertebrae, impact force, centrum             eral view, and (M) 250 to 250 MPa, cranial view.
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                                    1423
               TABLE 8. Peak stresses in Analysis 3, examining the effects of different constraints
                                                                                          Maximum stress (MPa)
Model                   force (N)             Constraint                XX           YY           ZZ        XY        YZ      ZX
UALVP 47273               570        Centrum, prezygapophyses,         175          64          39       13       15     8
 knob þ vertebrae                      haemal spine
UALVP 47273               570        Prezygapophyses,                   216          103          50        21         15     129
 knob þ vertebrae                      haemal spine
UALVP 47273               200        Prezygapophyses,                 2,389        1,297       1,443     754       110    247
 single vertebra                       haemal spine
Tensile stress is positive, and compressive stress is negative. X is mediolateral, Y is dorsoventral, and Z is craniocaudal.

        TABLE 9. Peak stresses in Analysis 4, comparing the effects of weight and differing constraints in
                                          ROM 788 and UALVP 47273
                                                                                             Maximum stress (MPa)
Model                    force (N)               Constraint                    XX          YY          ZZ     XY        YZ     ZX
ROM 788                   1,029       Centrum, Prezygapophyses                269        249      505          7     48     2
UALVP 47273                 39        Cranial handle                            22          25        35          1      9    1
UALVP 47273                 39        Prezygapophyses, haemal spine              5          12         4          3       1
1424                                                         ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

   Fig. 7. Differing material properties slightly change the distribution   properties of cancellous bone. UALVP 47273 isolated vertebra with
of stresses within the models, and a hypothetical keratinous covering       two material properties, oblique left craniolateral view: (E) stress con-
reduces strain within the knob. UALVP 47273 with simulated kerati-          tour plot (600 to 600 Pa) of results of mesh (F) with neural and hae-
nous covering, oblique left lateral view: (A) stress contour plot of        mal arches assigned properties of compact bone and the centrum
results (150 to 150 MPa) of (B) mesh resulting from material property      assigned properties of cancellous bone. (G) UALVP 16247, transverse
assignment in Mimics, where dark blue is assigned the material prop-        section at approximately the midlength of the knob, first principal
erties of keratin and all other colors are assigned the properties of       strain results using COMSOL Multiphysics, with an outer compact
cancellous bones. UALVP 16247 with two material properties, oblique         zone, inner cancellous zone, and simulated keratinous covering over
left craniolateral view: (C) stress contour plot of results (50 to 50      the left osteoderm. Arrowhead indicates location and direction of load.
MPa) of (D) mesh where greens and blues are assigned the properties         Tensile stresses are positive, compressive stresses are negative.
of compact bone and reds, yellows and oranges are assigned the

           TABLE 10. Peak stresses in Analysis 5, examining the effects of different material properties
                                                                                                      Maximum stress (MPa)
Model                   Impact force (N)                  Materials                   XX          YY           ZZ          XY        YZ         ZX
UALVP 16247                     960             All cancellous                     1,073        837        1,308        74        180      298
                                960             Compact and cancellous              206         175         233         7          7        44
UALVP 47273                     570             All cancellous                     1,368       1,215       2,758       115        748      168
                                570             Compact, cancellous, with             809          833        1,220      227       230       238
                                                  keratinous sheath
UALVP 47273                     200             Compact and cancellous               688         110         292        468        272       474
 single vertebra
Tensile stress is positive, and compressive stress is negative. X is mediolateral, Y is dorsoventral, and Z is craniocaudal.

the junction of the prezygapophyses. Even though the                          The idealized model of UALVP 47273 was valuable for
medial faces of the prezygapophyses were constrained,                       cross-validation with analyses of the fossil-based origi-
stress values were generally lower than the 100 MPa                        nal. The similarity of their overall stress distributions
required to break bone in shear.                                            suggests that distortion in UALVP 47273 did not
ANKYLOSAUR TAIL CLUB IMPACTS                                             1425
preclude interpretation of such results from this model,        material properties, magnitude of force, and area of impact
and that simplified models can be informative even in           size in the 3D analyses only changed the peak stress mag-
the case of complex analyses (Snively et al., 2006). Varia-     nitude. Changes in the location of impact altered the dis-
tion between their results was also instructive. The sim-       tribution of stress, and loading the models for impact force
plified model smoothed out breaks in the original               versus weight altered the distribution of stress as well.
specimen, which eliminated some uninformative concen-              Keeled knob osteoderms can reduce the impact area
trations of stress. However, the simple model was less          during a tail club impact, which both reduces overall
realistically informative about effects of anatomical           stress within the tail club and increases the stress on
details. We had not incorporated ossified tendons into          the impacted object. A keratinous sheath over the keel
the coronal template, which resulted in a narrower han-         may have helped to reduce strain within the knob, as
dle and higher compressive and tensile stresses from lat-       keratin is tougher and more resistant to cracking than
eral bending. Also, the simple model missed stress              bone (Ashby et al., 1995) Two-dimensional models of
concentrations, and potential adaptations for resilience,       UALVP 16247 confirmed that even a thin layer of kera-
at articulations like those of the neural arch.                 tin could have greatly reduced strain within the cancel-
   The components of the neural arch are arranged to            lous bone of the knob. A keratinous sheath may have
resist lateral bending. The prezygapophyses are long            been important for preventing damage to the underlying
and tall, and do not dorsally overlap the neural spine of       bone during impacts.
the preceding vertebra. In ROM 788, tensile stress was             Although peak stress values suggest that tail clubs
concentrated at the cranial edges of the prezygapophyses        may have failed during impacts, a closer inspection of
on the impact side. In the model, these edges are fused         several models indicates that most were probably able
to the handle. In reality, there is some space between          to withstand forceful impacts. Stress values below
the prezygapophyses and neural spine of successive ver-         100 MPa immediately adjacent to the peak stress in the
tebrae, which would have allowed for a small amount of          most accurate models (UALVP 16247, UALVP 47273
flexibility, and tensile stress may not have concentrated       knob þ vertebrae, and UALVP 47273 isolated vertebra)
in this location. However, stress at this location in the       provide further support that at least small and average-
model suggests that soft tissues in this area (possibly         sized tail clubs were unlikely to fail from the impact
associated with Mm. interarticulares superiores), may           forces calculated in Arbour (2008). Large tail clubs may
have experienced greater tensile stress than elsewhere          have been at risk of failure during impacts. This suggests
between the prezygapophyses and neural spines.                  that 1) Euoplocephalus did not engage in hypothesized
   Peak stresses in ROM 788 are very large, and stresses        tail-swinging behavior, 2) Euoplocephalus did engage in
adjacent to the element with peak stress are still greater      this behavior, but did not impact with as much force as
than that required to break bone in shear. Additionally,        suggested in Arbour (2008), or 3) flexibility in the crania-
an area of concentrated stress (650 MPa) was observed          lend part of the tail and within the handle may have
near the knob. A similar concentration of stress was not        played an important role in preventing fracture of the tail
observed in the smaller tail clubs, and this stress may         club, which is not modeled easily in the FEA used in this
be a result of the size difference between the knobs and        study. In the future, more sophisticated finite element
calculated impact forces. Very large tail clubs, if impact-     modeling, incorporating flexible constraints at the cranial
ing with the maximum force, may have been in danger             end of the handle, and flexibility within the handle, could
of fracture. If the tail club was used for forceful impacts,    provide additional insight into the mechanics of ankylo-
then individual animals with very large knobs may not           saurid tail club strikes, and additional evidence for or
have attempted to achieve maximum impact forces dur-            against this hypothesized behavior.
ing tail swings.
   FEA simulating the weight of the club resulted in
peak stresses lower than that required to break bone in
UALVP 47273 (which has a small knob), and TMP                      The authors thank P. Currie (UALVP) for the opportu-
83.36.120 and UALVP 16247 (which have average-sized             nity to conduct this research and for his supervision and
knobs). Tail clubs with small and average-sized knobs           advice. M. Caldwell, A. Murray, A. Wolfe, and E. Koppel-
would not have been in danger of failure from weight            hus (UALVP) also provided advice and support during
alone. However, peak stress values in ROM 788 were              the course of this project. The authors wish to thank the
somewhat more than is required to break bone. As in             following for access to and assistance at their respective
the other analyses, peak stresses were located within           institutions: C. Mehling (AMNH), K. Shepherd and M.
the constraint, and stress values decreased greatly im-         Feuerstack (CMN), D. Evans and B. Iwama (ROM), and
mediately adjacent to the peak stress, to under 50 MPa.         J. Gardner and B. Strilisky (TMP). M. James, G. Pinto,
Tensile stress along the dorsal surface of the handle,          P. Bell and A. Lindoe prepared specimens at UALVP. CT
and compressive stress along the ventral surface, was no        scanning at the University of Alberta ABACUS facility
more than 15–17 MPa, which is far lower than that              was made possible by R. Lambert and G. Schaffler. CT
required to break bone in tension or compression. None          scanning of ROM 788 at CML Healthcare was made pos-
of the tail clubs were likely to fracture under their own       sible by T. Ladd, and VMA thanks D. Evans and B.
weight, including ROM 788.                                      Iwama (ROM) for their assistance and permission to
   Porro (2008) found that material properties and force        scan the specimen. The authors also thank J. Li and M.
did not change the distribution of stress within the skull of   Lawrenchuck (Materialise) for technical assistance with
Heterodontosaurus, and only changed the magnitude of            Mimics, and to Anne Delvaux (Beaufort Analysis, Inc.)
the maximum stress. However, the direction of force             for assistance with Strand7. H. Mallison (Museum für
changed the distribution of stress within the skull. This is    Naturkunde, Berlin) provided advice on digital imaging
also true for the ankylosaurid tail clubs: changes to the       of fossils. VMA thanks M. Burns and R. Sissons
1426                                                         ARBOUR AND SNIVELY

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