Page created by Lynn Waters
Table of Contents                       Photo above: Boeing delivered
                                        4.5 million units of personal
President and CEO Message           1   protective equipment (PPE) and
                                        produced more than 40,000 face
Leadership Message                  2   shields as part of the company’s
                                        ongoing COVID-19 airlift efforts
Report Summary                      3   via Dreamlifters, the cargo carrier
                                        from the 787 family. Since the first
Air                                 5   787 entered service in 2011, the 787
Water                              15   family has saved more than 48 billion
                                        pounds (22 million metric tons) of
Land                               21   fuel, greatly reducing CO2 emissions.

Awards                             33   Cover photo: The 777X is the
UN Sustainable Development Goals   34   most efficient twin-aisle jet ever
                                        developed, featuring a 72-meter
Priorities                         35   wing span that gives it enormous
                                        lift capability while minimizing
Industry Analysis                  37   drag thanks to its composite wing
                                        technology. The innovative wing tip
Operating Environment              38   folds to accommodate any airport
Environment Strategy               39   gate that today’s 777 serves.

Governance                         42
Forward-Looking Statements         43
Endnotes                           44

PRESIDENT AND CEO   At Boeing, we’re committed to
                    environmental leadership—an
                    important pillar of our broader
                    sustainability strategy to help
                    make the world a better place
                    for future generations.

                    Throughout the company, our           You can learn more about our
                    people are making ambitious           global environmental efforts and
                    strides to protect air, land, water   our team members’ passion for
                    and human health in partnership       them in the pages of this report.
                    with our stakeholders and in
                    line with our customers’ needs.       We have a responsibility to lead
                    You can see examples of our           in this area, and you have my
                    progress across our innovative        commitment that we will keep
                    products and the conscientious        improving for our teams, for our
                    ways we build and service             customers and our communities.
                    them. We’re also identifying          David Calhoun,
                    opportunities to continuously         President and
                    improve, including adopting more      Chief Executive Officer
                    transparency and data in our
                    technical reporting and achieving
                    our ambitious environmental

                                                                 PRESIDENT AND CEO MESSAGE | 1

                     We are committed to
                     environmental excellence
                     and transparency for all of
                     our stakeholders, including
                     employees, customers,
                     investors, and communities
                     around the world.

                     We know our continued                come. Perhaps most importantly,
                     commitment to environmental          environmental sustainability is
                     sustainability—whether we’re         critical to future generations—
                     efficiently managing resources       both to enable us to attract top
                     or cutting the carbon footprint of   talent and because we need to
                     our products—is a key element        leave the Earth in a good place
                     to the company’s overall strategy.   for those who will follow us.
                     Innovation is part of Boeing’s
                     DNA, and you will see how we         We are committed to continuing
                     apply that to the environment        on this trajectory, even as
                     in this report. We are designing     the world grapples with the
                     and building our products while      coronavirus pandemic and social
                     being mindful of emissions and       justice. In fact, there are many
                     conserving precious resources,       valuable lessons to apply from
                     including energy and water, while    our current situation, namely
                     significantly reducing waste.        that responsible actions benefit
                                                          everyone on the planet.
                     We do this because it’s the
                     right thing to do and because        Bryan Scott,
                     it will sustain our business and     Vice President,
                     our communities in the years to      Environment, Health & Safety

                                                                        LEADERSHIP MESSAGE | 2

BOEING’S APPROACH          Boeing recognizes climate change is
                           a fundamental global challenge, and
                           as we enable people to move freely
                           across the planet we recognize the
                           need to reduce the impact of flying.
                           The fuel efficiency of flying continues
                           to improve, and we are reducing
                           carbon emissions from our business
                           operations, using resources efficiently
                           through innovative solutions across
                           our product life cycle.
                           This report provides a summary of
                           the actions we achieved in 2019
                           toward our environmental aspirations.
                           The following pages highlight stories
                           of good stewardship of what all our
                           stakeholders deserve: clean air,
                           water and land.
                           Our 2019 environmental sustainability
                           achievements are based on
                           commitments to the following:
Products            Operations              Collaboration          Governance

Providing           Sustainable             Collaborating with     Comprehensive
innovative          operations to           partners globally to   review and
products            improve the             advance innovative     assessment of the
and services        environmental           environmental          most significant
to improve          performance of our      solutions.             environmental
environmental       factories, work sites                          challenges
performance.        and supply chain.                              and risks.

                                                                         REPORT SUMMARY | 3

REPORT SUMMARY—     Products                              3D printing, is changing the way
BOEING’S APPROACH   The cover story of the new 777X       we design and build products
TO ENVIRONMENTAL    demonstrates that Boeing’s            with fewer raw materials, creating
SUSTAINABILITY      environmental performance             less waste and improving fuel
                    is closely linked to innovation       efficiency in our products (See
                    and technology (See page 6).          story on page 30).
                    Each newly developed Boeing
                    product is typically 15% to 25%
                                                          Boeing’s environmental principles
                    more efficient than the airplanes
                                                          are applied to the product
                    they replace. Read more about
                    Boeing’s industry-leading fuel        lifecycle value chain, working with
                    efficient product offerings,          partners, suppliers and industry
                    enabling the industry to achieve a    collaborators. Throughout
                    global approach to carbon-neutral     the pages of this report, you
                    growth starting in 2020 and a         will see examples of Boeing’s
                    50% reduction by 2050 (See            support of environmental
                    pages 37–40 to learn more about       sustainability through STEM,
                    Boeing’s collaborative efforts        community involvement in green
                    to reduce carbon emissions).          infrastructure, land conservation,
                    Our new airplanes exceed              habitat restoration and resiliency.
                    those industry standards. Our         The stories in this report align
                    commitment to environmental           to Global Reporting Initiative
                    sustainability doesn’t stop there.    categories.
                    In fact, Boeing’s product designs     Governance
                    enable disassembly of parts and       Boeing’s governance includes
                    materials recovery resulting in       reviewing and assessing
                    airplanes that are nearly 90%         significant environmental
                    recyclable by weight for parts        challenges and risks to the
                    reuse and scrap. Read about how       company and industry, such
                    Boeing works directly with airline
                                                          as climate and policy change.
                    customers to ensure airplanes are
                                                          The company's environmental
                    operated as efficiently as possible
                                                          strategy and policies are guided
                    through Boeing Global Services
                                                          by the Environment, Health and
                    (see page 26).
                                                          Safety (EHS) Policy Council,
                    Operations                            composed of Boeing's Executive
                    Boeing has bold goals to reduce       Council and led by the president
                    companywide greenhouse gas            and chief executive officer. The
                    emissions by 2025. Read about         EHS Policy Council ensures
                    our 2019 progress on page 41.         that strategy and performance
                    In 2019, Boeing made strides in       targets are set and monitored.
                    securing more renewable energy        The Board of Directors reviews
                    to power its operations, building     top-level, strategic operational
                    on our strong track record. Two       and compliance risks, which
                    Boeing factories are powered          includes environment-related
                    by 100% renewable energy,             risks. Our governance, strategy,
                    and about half of Boeing’s total      risk management, metrics and
                    electricity consumption comes         targets are summarized in this
                    from carbon-free hydroelectric        report and align to the Task Force
                    and other renewable energy            on Climate-related Financial
                    sources. Since 2007, Boeing           Disclosures (TCFD) core
                    has reduced its emissions by          elements. GHG emissions data
                    29% (See analysis on page             is summarized in the notes
                    40). Read about how additive          section and our CDP report (see
                    manufacturing, also known as          page 44).
                                                                            REPORT SUMMARY | 4


 Boeing airplanes bring the
 world closer together. We’re
 taking critical steps to design
 and build products with air
 quality in mind by reducing
 emissions, decreasing
 fuel use, promoting
 sustainable aviation fuel,
 and increasing the use of
 renewable electricity in our
 manufacturing facilities.

                                                   AIR | 5

777X ADVANCED       The 777X is Boeing’s newest            flow nacelles, together will help
TECHNOLOGIES        family of twin-aisle airplanes,        the airplane to achieve 10%
DRIVE EFFICIENCY    the largest and most fuel              lower fuel use and emissions and
AND ENVIRONMENTAL   efficient jet of its kind. With an     10% lower operating costs to
PERFORMANCE         optimized wingspan of more             comparable aircraft in the market.
                    than 72 meters—longer than
                    today’s 777—and a simple               Boeing has partnered with
                    folding wingtip, the 777X delivers     GE, which has developed the
                    greater efficiency, significant fuel   most advanced, fuel-efficient
                    savings and complete airport           commercial engine ever, the
                    compatibility.                         GE9X. The GE9X engine will be
                                                           more than 5% more efficient than
                    Smart design and innovative            anything in its class.
                    new technologies on the 777X,
                    including its fourth-generation        Boeing began the flight testing
                    carbon-fiber composite wing, all-      phase of its rigorous test program
                    new engines and natural laminar        in January 2020.

                                                                                          AIR | 6

AIRLINES FLY NEW BOEING   Boeing began offering airline      EYGYPTAIR, Etihad Airways and
JETS HOME ON BIOFUEL      customers the option to fly        SAUDIA have used sustainable
                          their new airplanes home on        fuel on delivery flights under
                          sustainable fuel in March 2019.    this new program. Several other
                          Alaska Airlines joined Boeing to   airlines have also expressed
                          launch the program with EPIC       interest.
                          Aviation and World Energy.
                          The program is part of wide-       The program is available at all
                          ranging efforts by Boeing and      three of Boeing’s delivery centers
                          the industry to reduce CO2         in Washington and South
                          emissions from flying and helps    Carolina.
                          signal demand for sustainable      Scientific studies have found that
                          fuel to suppliers. Boeing          sustainable fuel reduces CO2
                          has partnered with airlines        emissions by up to 80% over the
                          on sustainable aviation fuel       fuel’s life cycle, depending on the
                          delivery flights since 2012 when   source used to make it.
                          Etihad Airways took delivery
                          of a 777-300ER. This new
                          program builds on sustainable
                          fuel logistics developed for the
                          ecoDemonstrator Program and
                          makes sustainable fuel available
                          to more airline customers.

                                                                                             AIR | 7

REMOVING PAINT AT THE    Removing paint from an aircraft   With laser ablation, the paint
SPEED OF (LASER) LIGHT   usually involves a lot of hard    absorbs laser light, which excites
                         work with a sander or chemical    the molecules into the plasma
                         process, neither of which are     state and vaporizes the material.
                         easy on the people doing the      Laser de-painting reduces more
                         work—nor the environment.         than 90% of hazardous waste
                                                           generated by other paint removal
                         Boeing is developing innovative   methods.
                         ways to remove paint from
                         airplanes that use lasers to
                         improve the quality and speed
                         of the work while also reducing
                         waste and the ergonomic risk
                         to employees.

                                                                                          AIR | 8

REDUCING FUEL USE      Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator              But the fins aren’t required during
AND EMISSIONS WITH A   Program takes promising               cruise and therefore create drag.
COOL TECHNOLOGY        technologies out of the lab and       Shape memory alloy raises the
                       tests them in the air to accelerate   fins near the ground and retracts
                       innovation.                           them at higher altitudes where
                                                             the air is colder.
                       A technology tested in 2019
                       makes parts change shape or           An airline flying 100 jets equipped
                       move based on the temperature.        with these fins could save up to
                       The project involved vortex           3 million gallons of fuel a year—
                       generators—small fins on              the equivalent of taking about
                       airplane wings that improve           3,800 cars off the road.
                       airflow during takeoff and landing.

                                                                                             AIR | 9

SECOND NATURE:                Most passengers who board            •	Boeing is also studying
MATERIALS AND PROCESS         a plane wouldn’t notice, but            experimental concepts that
ENGINEERS DESIGN WITH         Boeing’s materials and process          pull carbon dioxide out of
ENVIRONMENT IN MIND           engineers are keenly aware that         the atmosphere and use it to
                              their innovation in finding the         produce high value chemicals
                              most environmentally progressive        and materials.
                              matter and methods to build
                                                                   •	Working with suppliers and the
                              airplanes is making air travel
                                                                      FAA, Boeing is working to find
                              cleaner than ever. Here are some
                                                                      safe and reliable replacements
                                                                      for Halon fire suppressants,
                              •	Lasers are beginning to replace      because of damage the
                                 sanders and chemicals in             compound can cause to
                                 Boeing factories to remove           the ozone layer. Boeing has
                                 paint from aircraft, clean           completed critical fire tests
                                 tools, and prepare surfaces          for a new cargo suppression
                                 for painting, improving quality      agent and continues to
                                 and accuracy while reducing          evaluate its performance on
                                 hazardous waste by 90%.              the ecoDemonstrator in-flight

Boeing is working toward
achieving CORSIA's industry
commitment to reduce
carbon emissions by 50%
by 2050.

                                                                                                 AIR | 10

BOEING AND ELG CREATE               A year after launching a             1 million pounds (453,000 kilo-
CARBON-FIBER RECYCLING              partnership with UK-based ELG        grams) of solid waste to landfill
MODEL                               Carbon Fibre to recycle excess       each year and generate revenue
                                    aerospace-grade carbon fiber         by selling the excess, which
                                    composite materials, Boeing          is transformed into laptop
                                    was recognized by the National       cases, car parts and railcar
                                    Association of Manufacturers         undercarriages.
                                    for sustainability leadership,
                                    establishing a model for other       ELG’s proprietary process shreds
                                    manufacturers.                       these excess materials and takes
                                                                         them through a modified pyrolysis
                                    Boeing will implement carbon-        process that vaporizes the resin
                                    fiber recycling at 11 sites across   holding the carbon fiber layers
                                    the globe, with most excess          together. This leaves behind clean
                                    fiber coming from Australia,         discontinuous carbon fiber material
                                    Puget Sound region in the state      to be used for new products.
                                    of Washington and Salt Lake
                                    City manufacturing sites. The        This partnership will help Boeing
                                    program will divert more than        reduce solid waste sent to
                                                                         landfills 20% by 2025.

Boeing's carbon fiber recycling
program is a model of creating
environmental sustainability that
is commercially viable.

                                                                                                        AIR | 11

HERE COMES THE SUN…   The sun, wind and water are      Boeing buys renewables to
AND WIND              increasingly displacing fossil   power its factories in Renton,
                      fuels as the sources of energy   Wash. and Charleston, S.C., and
                      powering Boeing operations.      a large data center in Arizona,
                      In early 2020, Boeing joined     with clean 100% renewable
                      the Renewable Energy Buyers      electricity.
                      Alliance, a community of large
                      energy buyers accelerating a     Boeing is also buying renewable
                      zero-carbon energy future.       energy credits for Portland and
                                                       six other sites in Puget Sound
                      By working closely with energy   for a total reduction of 136,000
                      producers and suppliers, the     metric tons of greenhouse gas
                      alliance helps large energy      across the enterprise.
                      consumers such as Boeing find
                      a viable pathway to procuring    Boeing is committed to reducing
                      more clean energy.               greenhouse gas emissions in its
                                                       operations by 25% by 2025.

                                                                                     AIR | 12


Boeing earned the ENERGY            At the end of 2019, Boeing
STAR Partner of the Year Award      launched a renewable energy
for Sustained Excellence for the    procurement strategy that was
10th consecutive year from the      noted as among the most robust
U.S. Environmental Protection       of all ENERGY STAR industrial
Agency in recognition of the        partners. Boeing’s 2020 strategic
company’s sustained leadership      actions will be operational in 2021
in energy management.               or 2022, to reduce the company’s
                                    direct greenhouse gas emissions.
The 2020 award is based
on conservation efforts by
Boeing employees. Boeing’s
annual employee competition
to reduce waste, called Battle
of the Buildings (see full story
on page 25), exemplifies these
efforts. Boeing went further
and created a toolkit for solid
waste reduction—52 Boeing
sites competed in six countries,
diverting 175 tons from landfills
(or waste to energy), within
a month.

TAKING THE HEAT AND                 Spectrolab, a Boeing subsidiary       Specifically, Spectrolab captures
PUTTING IT TO GOOD USE              based in Sylmar, Calif., which        waste heat from an emissions-
                                    produces space-based solar            control unit—a regenerative
                                    panels, is thinking creatively        thermal oxidizer—to heat parts
                                    by reusing waste from solar           of its facility. By using modern
                                    cell manufacturing heat, in its       controls, an innovative heat
                                    factory. This innovation allows       exchanger design and good
                                    them to turn off their boilers in     old-fashioned plumbing, waste
                                    the summer and run them much          exhaust heat is used to heat the
                                    lower in the winter by recycling      plant hot water loop system.
                                    waste heat from their process
                                    into the boiler-heating loop. By      Spectrolab started doing
                                    reusing waste heat, Spectrolab is     the math and worked on the
                                    able to reduce the use of natural     engineering. The team found a
                                    gas, reducing cost and related        safe and relatively inexpensive
                                    carbon emissions.                     solution. They came up with the
                                                                          design criteria, fabricated it and
                                                                          installed it on their own.
                                                                                                          AIR | 13

BOEING EMPLOYEES      Many Boeing employees now            50 states have access to EV
GET A CHARGE OUT OF   have a place at work to charge       charging stations. This program
THIS NEW PROGRAM      their electric vehicles due to       has the potential to avoid
                      Boeing’s relationship with           greenhouse gas production
                      Chargepoint, the largest electric    from stations at Boeing sites by
                      vehicle charging network in          more than 315,000 kg, which is
                      North America. Employees             the equivalent of the benefits of
                      in nine states, Washington,          planting and growing more than
                      Oregon, California, Arizona,         8,000 trees for 10 years.
                      Missouri, Illinois, Florida, Texas
                      and Pennsylvania, benefit from
                      the Chargepoint network. All

                                                                                          AIR | 14


 Clean water is essential to
 life, and a precious natural
 resource. That’s why Boeing
 is committed to lowering
 water consumption at our
 manufacturing sites. We’re
 also a strong community
 partner in protecting
 rivers, lakes and oceans,
 through innovative green
 infrastructure programs.
                                             WATER | 15

LIQUID ROBOTICS        Boeing, through Liquid Robotics,     impact of the rising levels in
SHORES UP VITAL DATA   continues to find ways for long-     Monterey Bay. When unusually
ON OCEAN HEALTH        duration ocean robots to help        high concentrations of carbon
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL      scientists gain new insights about   dioxide were detected, they
RESEARCHERS            the environment. Wave Gliders,       tracked down the sources
                       which operate at the surface, are    using measurements from the
                       autonomous vehicles that provide     Wave Glider.
                       an essential link between sea, air
                       and space.                           MBARI researchers hope this
                                                            unexpected discovery acts as a
                       Researchers from Monterey Bay        wake-up call and leads to more
                       Aquarium Research Institute in       detailed coastal measurements
                       California have been using Wave      around the world to confirm
                       Gliders to study the levels of       the environmental impact on
                       carbon dioxide in the atmosphere     the ocean.
                       and ocean to determine the

                                                                                      WATER | 16

ONE PERSON’S TRASH IS   Boeing donated 71 sonobuoys         Since 2008, NOAA has been
A MARINE RESEARCHER’S   to the National Oceanic and         recording the underwater “songs”
TREASURE                Atmospheric Administration          and sounds of this species using
                        (NOAA) to record the underwater     sonobuoys in the Bering Sea.
                        sounds of the endangered            In recent years, with the warming
                        eastern North Pacific right whale   of the Bering Sea, these whales
                        in the Bering Sea in Alaska,        seem to be shifting into the
                        diverting 2,000 pounds (900 kg)     northern Bering Sea, outside
                        of hazardous waste, which           their normal range. This donation
                        would have been disposed of if      helps biodiversity research for
                        not donated.                        this whale population that has
                                                            dropped to 30, and helps Boeing
                                                            reduce hazardous waste by 5%
                                                            by 2025.

                                                                                       WATER | 17

PROTECTING ECOSYSTEMS:  In the Pacific Northwest, Boeing          Boeing is working with nonprofit
BOEING SUPPORTS SALMON, is reinforced by two powerful             Salmon Safe to design a bioswale,
ORCAS IN PUGET SOUND    forces: natural beauty and an             which is green infrastructure that
                        innovative spirit. By facilitating        removes pollution out of surface
                        a way to combine these                    runoff water to improve salmon
                        merits, Boeing is helping to              habitat. The green infrastructure
                        reduce pollution flowing into             installed will capture 400,000
                        Puget Sound.                              gallons (1.5 million liters) of
                                                                  stormwater runoff when the
                              The Aurora Bridge (officially the   project is complete.
                              George Washington Memorial
                              Bridge) in Seattle is the           The next step in the project
                              source of some of the region’s      includes Boeing supporting The
                              dirtiest water, endangering         Nature Conservancy and Salmon
                              salmon—critical to the region’s     Safe to develop a third green
                              ecosystems.                         infrastructure site, capturing an
                                                                  additional 1.2 million gallons (4.5
                                                                  million liters) of stormwater runoff.

                                                                                                WATER | 18

With the help of enthusiastic
high school students, Boeing
is testing a new type of porous
paving material that can filter
pollutants out of stormwater and
help protect streams, rivers
and the wildlife that depends on
clean water.

One section of a parking lot at
the School of Industrial Design
Engineering and Art (iDEA) in
Tacoma, Wash. is covered with
a form of permeable pavement
strengthened with excess carbon
fiber from Boeing.

The test will evaluate permeable
pavement’s effectiveness in
filtering stormwater that otherwise
would runoff and pollute natural
water supplies.

The pavement project helps iDEA
students learn from a real-world
science experiment and aligns                                              iDEA School students, interested in
with Boeing’s goal to inspire the                                          a career in environmental science,
next generation of scientists and                                          show off a rain garden they designed
                                                                           and built with the support of Boeing.
engineers.                                                                 (Pictured left to right, Kedrick Bennett,
                                                                           Clara Czuleger, Samuel Cutter and
                                                                           Stephanos Mavrommatis)

                                      STUDENTS GET EARLY
                                      LESSONS IN CLIMATE
                                      In March, students traded            scientists in topics ranging from
                                      their books in favor of scientific   ice and snow studies to artic
                                      research equipment, as they          archaeology, marine mammal
                                      voyaged to the frigid lake at        biology and contaminants
                                      FortWhyte Alive to study the         research.
                                      effects of climate change.
                                      Boeing Canada teamed up              The event coincides with
                                      with FortWhyte Alive and the         Boeing’s ongoing commitment to
                                      University of Manitoba Centre        investing in Science, Technology,
                                      for Earth Observation Sciences       Engineering and Math education
                                      as part of Arctic Science Day        as part of developing the global
                                      to help students conduct their       workforce for the next century.
                                      own research alongside climate

                                                                                                            WATER | 19

BUILDING WITH THE             The Boeing India Engineering           Rain water will be collected and
ENVIRONMENT IN MIND           and Technology Center is               stored for use in dry weather.
                              designing with conservation and        Organic waste generated on site,
                              environment in mind.                   such as food and landscaping
                                                                     materials, will be recycled
                              The new campus in Bengaluru            and converted into fertilizer
                              plans to achieve a LEED gold           and mulch, and used for the
                              certification with conservation        landscaping and gardening or
                              features that include irrigating the   donated to local charities.
                              landscaping with treated waste
                              water from the on-site sewage          Jogging trails and adaptive
                              treatment when the campus              landscape areas will create a
                              is complete in 2021, which is          healthy work environment for
                              required by government. Treated        the site’s projected growth to
                              waste water will also be used to       3,500 employees.
                              flush toilets.

Boeing Australia reduced
water use by 34% by
reconfiguring cooling
towers and harvesting
rainwater for on-site
reuse. Globally, Boeing is
working to reduce its water
consumption footprint.

                                                                                                 WATER | 20


 Building the future of
 aerospace is grounded
 here on Earth. Boeing is
 making strides to protect
 the land where we live and
 work by reducing waste to
 landfills at worksites and in
 supply chain processes.
 We protect clean soil and
 create healthy biodiversity
 for wildlife and human health
 around the globe.                             LAND | 21
                                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

BOEING VOLUNTEERS   On National Trails Day, the       $500,000 —to restore the Middle
BUILD SUSTAINABLE   first Saturday in June, Boeing    Fork trail. The trail became a
MOUNTAIN TRAILS     employees built sustainable       National Heritage site this year
                    hiking trails, partnering with    after a 20-year effort to reclaim it
                    nonprofit Mountains to Sound      for public recreation.
                    Greenway in the Cascade Range,
                    near Seattle. Boeing volunteers   The work Boeing volunteers
                    flattened trails, removed         contributed will help protect
                    vegetation, repositioned rocks,   wetlands and wildlife habitat
                    and hoisted 16-foot beams up      as more people visit the area.
                    the mountain to construct new     Volunteering is part of the DNA
                    trails. Boeing has been one of    of Boeing employees.
                    the few businesses to support
                    this campaign—contributing

                                                                                     LAND | 22

BOEING DONATES            Following the devastation of the     while burning millions of acres
AU $1 MILLION TO ASSIST   2019 –2020 bushfires in Australia,   and devastating the country’s
WITH BUSHFIRE RECOVERY    Boeing donated AU $1 million         ecosystem, biodiversity and
                          dollars from the Boeing Charitable   wildlife.
                          Trust to aid recovery and relief
                          efforts, which were directed         Disaster relief efforts in the region
                          through the Australian Red Cross.    align with Boeing’s ongoing
                                                               commitment to the communities
                          The wildfires ravaged Australia,     where the company has a
                          home to nearly 4,000 Boeing          presence.
                          employees, killing at least 33
                          people and displacing thousands,

                                                                                              LAND | 23

BOEING MANUFACTURING     The Manufacturing Leadership          in improved inventory tracking,
EARNS RECOGNITION IN     Council, part of the National         delivery and control, real-time
OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE   Association of Manufacturing, is      data analysis and accelerated
LEADERSHIP               an organization that aims to shape    decision-making.
                         the future of manufacturing,
                         recognized Boeing as a 2019           This innovation reduced waste
                         world-class manufacturing             from rework and mismatch
                         company for excellence in using       issues. It’s also improving
                         digital technology to improve         Boeing’s environmental footprint
                         operations.                           and performance through
                                                               digitally connecting its supplier
                         Boeing has strived to create a        network and workforce—gaining
                         digital network that connects         efficiencies from manufacturing
                         suppliers directly with engineering   facilities through the global
                         and factory operations. Creating      supply chain.
                         that digital network has resulted

                                                                                            LAND | 24

Visitors to the former Emery       Each year, Boeing asks               175 tons of trash—enough to fill a
Landfill in Wichita, Kan. say      employees to improve their           Boeing 747 or 12 dump trucks—
the 80 acres today look more       conservation behaviors through       diverted from landfills and energy
like a park—native grasses         a friendly competition called        recovery facilities, saving the
and a variety of plants that       Battle of the Buildings. In 2019,    company $34,000 in one month.
attract pollinators like bees,     the enterprise-wide competition      Boeing is well on its way of
birds and butterflies have         focused on reducing waste            reaching its 2025 target to reduce
transformed the site.              sent to the landfill or for energy   solid waste to landfill by 20%.
                                   recovery. The competition kicked
Boeing worked with                 off on Earth Day, April 22 and ran
community partners to restore      through the end of May.
the former landfill to a more
natural environment and            Fifty-two sites across the
healthy wildlife habitat.          enterprise participated, 20 of
                                   which reduced waste to landfill or
The Wildlife Habitat Council       waste to energy by double digits.
in 2019 recognized the             The overall enterprise outcome
restoration project and Boeing     was a reduction of 10%. That’s
for its conservation leadership.

                                                                                                    LAND | 25

BOEING GLOBAL SERVICES       Boeing is contributing to reducing   Boeing recertifies parts ensuring
CONTRIBUTES TO AIRPLANE      waste by reusing and recertifying    quality. Parts are acquired
RECYLING                     airplane parts. Retired airplanes    through the dismantling or
                             can provide recycled parts           “teardown” of out-of-service
                             for in-service aircraft, helping     planes. Boeing has harvested
                             customers reduce the cost            materials from retired 777, 767
                             of repairs while offering cost-      and 737 airplanes, as well as
                             efficient quality solutions. BGS     non-Boeing manufactured
                             provides access to this inventory,   aircraft. Boeing is a founding
                             called the Used Serviceable          member of the Aircraft Fleet
                             Material (USM) capability.           Recycling Association, the
                                                                  leading global organization
                             Boeing entered the USM               for developing and promoting
                             business to support the              the safe and sustainable
                             increasing demand for parts          management of circularity of
                             at reduced prices, enable            components and aircraft in the
                             quick inventory access, and          aviation sector.
                             provide more life-cycle value
                             to customers.                        One airplane dismantling can
                                                                  provide up to 6,000 parts.

Boeing Global Services
found a way to recycle and
recertify 6,000 parts from
each retired airplane.

                                                                                               LAND | 26

2019 ENVIRONMENT     Only a true environment                environment targets. Villa led the
CHAMPION PROMOTES    champion is capable of managing        energy management and utilities
CONSERVATION AT      zero-growth in reaching utility        portfolios for the Everett site for
LARGE SITE           targets—including conserving           many years, and now manages
                     energy—in one of the largest           the team with that responsibility.
                     buildings on the planet, Boeing’s
                     assembly facility in Everett, Wash.    Villa’s management of energy
                                                            projects including central plant
                     Vince Villa, a Facilities and          systems, lighting, and new
                     Asset Management manager,              construction have saved more
                     was named Boeing’s 2019                than 32 million kWh since 2012
                     Environment Champion as part           and his leadership in the rollout of
                     of the annual Environmental            Enhanced Recycling across the
                     Leadership Awards. He                  Everett site made a lasting impact
                     exemplifies sustainability in how      at Boeing.
                     he manages people and Boeing’s

 Vince Villa

RECYCLING SHIPPING   In 2019, Boeing’s Transportation,        using reusable and stackable
CONTAINERS REDUCES   Warehousing & Logistics team             packaging;
WASTE AND COST       implemented several projects that
                                                            • Ensured returnable packaging
                     diverted more than 900 tons of
                                                               supported supplier and
                     solid waste from landfills, recycled
                                                               manufacturing rates on the 737
                     more than 400 tons of corrugated
                                                               program; and
                     boxes, and saved the company
                     approximately $400,000 annually.       • Created 777X and 787
                                                               Dreamliner custom designs
                     The team:                                 to protect specific parts while
                     • Worked with the Southern               allowing ease of handling and
                        California Logistics Network           transporting them safely.
                        and Washington Boeing
                                                            These sustainable packaging
                        Licensed Transportation
                                                            projects ultimately helped build
                        Network to consolidate and
                                                            a better planet—and in turn, a
                        schedule freight, as well as
                                                            better Boeing.
                        replace corrugated boxes, by
                                                                                          LAND | 27

BOEING HELPS SUPPLIERS   More than 12,000 suppliers,            With such a broad and diverse
MEET ENVIRONMENTAL       ranging from small- to large-size      global supply chain, Boeing
EXPECTATIONS,            companies, work every day to           is guiding its suppliers to
UNDERSTAND BENEFITS      help Boeing account for 3 million-     understand the advantages of
                         plus parts on an airplane. Today,      implementing an EMS suitable to
                         Boeing is more focused than ever       a company’s business scope –
                         on not only increasing collaboration   one that protects the environment
                         and engagement with its                and reduces a Boeing product’s
                         suppliers, but also promoting          environmental footprint over its
                         robust environmental practices.        life cycle.

                         The International Aerospace            Boeing’s lifecycle view seeks to
                         Environmental Group (IAEG), of         improve all stages of a product’s
                         which Boeing was a founding            life, beginning with its suppliers,
                         member, provides guidance for          through in-service use, to end-of-
                         suppliers to put an environmental      service recycling or recovery.
                         management system (EMS)
                         in place. This is part of IAEG’s
                         Work Group 7 Maturity Model
                         to enhance its environmental
                         performance. Boeing has
                         supplier contractual requirements
                         to ensure an EMS is in place.

                                                                                              LAND | 28

ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES A series of small, incremental         Go deeper by the numbers:
LEAD TO DRAMATIC RESULTS environment-related changes at
                                                                 •	65% reduction in hazardous
AT BOEING AUSTRALIA SITE  Boeing Aerostructures Australia
                                                                    waste by working with a local
                          are proving to go the distance
                                                                    waste to energy recovery
                          in contributing to Boeing’s goals
                          to reduce greenhouse gas
                          emissions and waste across the         •	~1.3 million kilowatt-hours
                          enterprise.                               saved by switching to LED
                                                                    lighting and shutting down
                               Over the past five years, the        power at the end of the day
                               Boeing Fabrication site in
                               Fishermans Bend, Australia,       •	34% reduced water use from
                               has taken steps to reduce its        reconfigured cooling towers
                               usage year-on-year in the areas      and harvested rainwater for
                               of energy, water, and hazardous      on-site reuse
                               and landfill waste.

                                                                                              LAND | 29

Boeing experts in Renton, Wash.
put their skills to work by 3D printing
face shield frames that were shipped
to Boeing St. Louis for assembly
and donation to FEMA, for hospital
workers fighting COVID-19. Boeing
has delivered 40,000 3D-printed
face shields.

ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING                    Additive manufacturing, also        weight, consolidate many parts
SUBTRACTS WASTE                           known as 3D printing, is changing   into one, and create parts that
                                          the way Boeing designs and          are too complex for traditional
                                          builds aerospace products—          manufacturing.
                                          allowing the company to use less
                                          raw materials, create less waste    Metal additive manufactured
                                          and improve fuel efficiency in      parts are now standard on many
                                          its products.                       of Boeing satellites. For example,
                                                                              the engine mount component
                                          Additive manufacturing is the       was first introduced in September
                                          process of building structural      2018. The component produced
                                          components micro-layer by           by additive manufacturing
                                          micro-layer from 3D model           weighs 28 pounds less than
                                          data, as opposed to subtractive     the traditionally manufactured
                                          manufacturing which removes         counterpart, using less of the
                                          material to create parts. It        Earth’s resources and producing
                                          enables highly innovative designs   less scrap in the fabrication
                                          that add functionality, reduce      process.
                                                                                                          LAND | 30

STUDENTS IN 90 COUNTRIES    Boeing partnered with Discovery     environmental footprint, including
MARK 50TH EARTH DAY VIA     Education to celebrate the          ecoDemonstrator 777 in-flight
BOEING VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP   50th Earth Day, April 22, by        test lab; sustainable aviation fuel
                            creating a virtual field trip at    development; STEM stormwater
                   The              education; recycling excess
                            online content was helpful to       carbon fiber to reduce waste.
                            homeschooling parents seeking       Remediation Manager Katie
                            lessons during the pandemic,        Moxley (pictured below), talked
                            including students in more than     about natural habitat restoration
                            90 countries. Those students        along the Duwamish River at the
                            got an inside look at Boeing’s      Plant 2 facility in Seattle.
                            innovative efforts to improve its

                                                                                              LAND | 31

BOEING ITALY PROMOTES    School Cleaning Day is an             Pratica di Mare, Grottaglie,
ENVIRONMENT IN PRIMARY   environmental education program       Foggia and Pomigliano d’Arco,
SCHOOLS                  that works to inspire all Italian     engaging a total of 100 schools
                         primary school students, aged         and more than 400 classes.
                         from 7 to 11, to adopt ecological     In particular, during one of the
                         behaviors and to increase their       biggest events held in Grottaglie
                         awareness of environment              in May 2019, approximately 100
                         sustainability. The project focuses   people participated, including
                         on volunteer activities and active    students with their families,
                         citizenship, in partnership with      teachers and Boeing employees,
                         Boeing employee outreach              where 10kg (22 lbs) of plastic and
                         in schools and the wider              72kg (158 lbs) of garbage were
                         community. In 2019, the program       collected.
                         reached five key cities: Rome,

                                                                                           LAND | 32

         Environmental enthusiasts
         recognize Boeing’s leadership
         with significant national awards
         and honors.

         Boeing is the 2019 recipient          restore and preserve wildlife
         of the National Manufacturing         habitat at company sites across
         Association Sustainability            the United States, including
         Leadership Award for finding an       Emery Landfill in Wichita, Kan.
         innovative way to recycle a million   The 80 restored acres today look
         pounds (453,000 kilograms) of         more like a park—native grasses
         carbon fiber per year, working in     and a variety of plants that attract
         partnership with UK-based ELG.        pollinators.
         Not only is Boeing implementing
         this recycling program at 11          In 2019, Washington Green
         sites, it is also teaching other      Schools awarded Boeing its
         manufacturing leaders around          Green Medalist Award for the
         the globe how to recycle in a way     company’s commitment to
         that is commercially viable, which    helping students and school
         makes it truly sustainable.           communities become leaders for
                                               the environment.
         For the 10th consecutive year,
         the U.S. Environmental Protection     Environment nonprofit
         Agency honored Boeing’s               organization TreePeople
         achievement in conserving             recognized Boeing as a
         energy with the 2019 ENERGY           Harvest Moon Honoree with
         STAR Partner of the Year –            the Evergreen Award for their
         Sustained Excellence Award.           partnership legacy investment
                                               in Forest Aid, TreePeople’s
         The Wildlife Habitat Council          ambitious campaign to heal our
         recognized Boeing’s efforts to        fire-ravaged forests.
                                                                          AWARDS | 33

SUSTAINABLE          The United Nations Sustainable
                     Development Goals (SDGs)
                     provide the world with a pathway
                     to achieve a more equitable and
                     safe world by 2030.
                     Just as Boeing invests in the future   While this commitment precedes
                     of its business, the company           the adoption of the SDGs in 2015,
                     is committed to enhancing its          the company’s environmental
                     support of the UN SDGs.                policy and our values of safety,
                                                            quality, and integrity align with the
                     As part of Boeing’s longstanding       global goals.
                     environmental policy, Boeing
                     commits to:                            The activities, initiatives, and
                                                            outcomes described in this
                     •	Conduct operations in
                                                            report reflect Boeing’s values
                        compliance with applicable
                                                            and demonstrate some of the
                        environmental laws, regulations,
                                                            ways the company connects to
                        and Boeing policies and
                                                            the SDGs. Boeing has set bold
                                                            targets for the environment and
                     •	Prevent pollution by conserving     continues to make significant
                        energy and resources,               investments in research,
                        recycling, reducing waste,          operations, and products that
                        and pursuing other source           improve not only the company’s
                        reduction strategies.               environmental performance,
                     •	Continually improve the             but that of the aviation industry
                        environmental management            overall. As Boeing evaluates its
                        system.                             future goals, it will consider the
                                                            SDGs and how our actions affect
                     •	Work together with                  achieving them.
                        stakeholders on activities
                        that promote environmental
                        protection and stewardship.

                                                            UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS | 34

             Boeing’s environmental strategy
             is guided by a comprehensive
             review and assessment of the most
             significant environmental challenges
             and risks facing the company.
             The analysis includes direct           Boeing included additional high-
             input and perspectives on              priority risks and opportunities,
             industry best practices and            such as managing hazardous
             community requirements from            materials over the product life
             diverse stakeholders, such as          cycle in our operations, managing
             customers, environment-focused         chemicals in aircraft production,
             non-governmental organizations         pursuing innovations in alternative
             (NGO) and the company’s global         materials and designing
             leadership.                            environmentally progressive
             The information helps Boeing
             identify and update our                External stakeholders added
             understanding of current and           supply chain practices, such as
             emerging sustainability issues         reporting and mitigating product
             that are critical to the company       noise, as high environmental
             and our stakeholders. It also          priorities.
             informs our next-generation
             environmental strategy and             The relative ranking of
             targets.                               environmental risks helps shape
                                                    priorities of all identified issues in
             Most Significant                       our global environmental strategy.
             Environmental Risks
             and Opportunities                      Global Environmental Trends
             The assessment analyzed and            The assessment reports
             prioritized diverse viewpoints and     current and emerging global
             environmental risks as identified      trends that may affect Boeing’s
             by Boeing and its external             business, including climate
             stakeholders. The risks relate         change, resource scarcity,
             to products, operations and a          rapid urbanization, regional
             variety of other issues. Boeing        collaboration on environmental
             and the stakeholders named the         regulations and rapid innovation
             following risks and opportunities      in new technology.
             as our highest priorities:
                                                    Environmental Leadership
             •	Products greenhouse gas             Boeing’s Enterprise Risk
                (GHG) emissions; fuel efficiency;   Management process reviews
                operational efficiency;             other potential climate related
                sustainable aviation fuel.          risks, including (but not limited to)
             •	Operations GHG emissions;           changes in reputation, changing
                energy conservation; water          consumer behavior, business
                management; solid waste             continuity and uncertainty.
                management/waste to landfill.

                                                                               PRIORITIES | 35

             Internal and external stakeholders
             help shape Boeing’s most significant
             environmental priorities. The
             results are shown below, in order
             of importance and influence on
             business strategy.

              Stakeholder Environmental Priorities

              • CO2 emissions in products
                – Fuel efficiency
                – Operational efficiency
                – Sustainable aviation fuel
              •	Operations greenhouse gas emissions
                – Energy conservation
              • Climate adaptation
              •	Operations water management
              •	Operations solid waste management and landfill
              •	Chemicals and hazardous material management
              •	Materials innovation and sustainable building
              •	Supply chain environmental standards, practices
                and reporting
              • Airplane community noise
              •	Remediation and restoration
              • Transparency in reporting
              •	Product end-of-service disassembly and disposal
              •	Non-greenhouse gas emissions
              • Biodiversity
              •	Impact of transportation infrastructure

                                                                     PRIORITIES | 36

                              Progress continues on implementing
                              aviation’s strategy to address
                              environmental sustainability.
                              In 2019, all airlines worldwide     Commercial Aviation
                              flying international routes began   and Climate Change
                              formal monitoring and reporting     Aviation accounts for
                              of their emissions as part of       approximately 2% of global CO2
                              the historic Carbon Offset          emissions, according to the
                              and Reduction Scheme for            U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel
                              International Aviation (CORSIA),    on Climate Change. Global
                              adopted by the United Nations’      agreements reached in 2016
                              International Civil Aviation        support achieving the industry-
                              Organization (ICAO) in 2016.        established goals and a global
                                                                  sectoral approach to controlling
                              CORSIA will help aviation meet
                              its commitment for carbon neutral
                              growth from 2020.                   • A fuel-efficiency performance
                                                                     commitment for aircraft
                                                                  • A global market-based measure
 Commercial Aviation Carbon Reduction Goals                          system, CORSIA

 2010 2020 2050
                                                                  Implementation of these
                                                                  agreements into regulatory
                                                                  frameworks around the world
                                                                  is underway.
  1.5% per year      Carbon-neutral       Reduce carbon
  fuel efficiency       growth           emissions by 50%         Customer Requirements
                                                                  The aviation industry’s business
                                                                  goal of providing safe, cost-
                                                                  efficient travel and environmental
                                                                  goal of reducing CO2 emissions
 Working toward      Implementation            Half the           are both achieved by constantly
 carbon-neutral     of global sectoral       net aviation         improving airplane fuel efficiency.
     growth             approach             CO2 of 2005          Reducing emissions is aligned to
                                                                  our customers’ strategic desire
                                                                  to decrease fuel use.

                                                                                   INDUSTRY ANALYSIS | 37

ENVIRONMENT   Aviation links people from
              many communities and
              countries around the world.
              Aviation also affects the           The United Nations estimates
              planet and our shared global        that the world’s population hit
              environment.                        7.6 billion in mid-2017 and adds
                                                  another 83 million people every
              The air transport industry today    year. By 2030, the population will
              supports an estimated 62.7          reach 8.6 billion and increase to
              million jobs and $2.7 trillion in   nearly 10 billion people by 2050.
              global gross domestic product
              (GDP), according to the Air         A growing population and
              Transport Action Group.             urbanization will further boost
                                                  global demand for transportation,
              Boeing recognizes that pollution,   with the industry being
              natural resource scarcity and       challenged to meet the demand
              climate change are serious issues   without a corresponding growth
              that require credible actions and   of emissions, community noise
              global solutions.                   or other potentially harmful
                                                  environmental effects.

                                                             OPERATING ENVIRONMENT | 38

STRATEGY                Boeing launched its Global 2025
                        Strategy for Environmental Leadership
                        in 2018. In 2019, we made progress
                        by advancing several environmental
                        initiatives. The strategy has three
                        overarching pillars that guide product
                        innovation, sustainable operations
                        and global collaboration.
 Global 2025 Strategy for Environmental Leadership – 2019
  Strategy Pillar           Progress Details

  Innovate for              Innovation is crucial throughout Boeing, from design and
  Performance               manufacturing to operations and services. Addressing
                            our environmental footprint from the beginning to the end
                            of service is important for environmentally responsible
                            manufacturing solutions, including energy efficiencies, while
                            also working toward eliminating hazardous chemicals
                            in production.
                            In January 2020, Boeing began test flights of the 777X, the
                            most fuel efficient twin-engine jet in the world. (See page 3
                            for full story.)

  Excellence in             Boeing made progress in 2019 by reducing solid waste by
  Sustainability            15% and water use by 7% from the 2017 levels. Boeing
                            is leading with recycling and procuring renewable energy
                            The CDP (formerly called the Carbon Disclosure Project),
                            the industry standard for environmental reporting,
                            recognized Boeing with a B rating for our CO2 emissions
                            reduction and transparent reporting.

  Inspire Global            The National Association of Manufacturing awarded Boeing
  Collaboration             with its environmental sustainability leadership award in
                            2019 for its leading work in developing a process to recycle
                            excess carbon fiber, a commercially viable endeavor.
                            Boeing is a leader in sharing this thought leadership with
                            other major manufacturers. (See page 8 for full story.)

                                                                        ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY | 39

STRATEGY                  Responsible aviation contributes
                          to a more sustainable planet by
                          generating economic growth,
                          providing jobs and improving
                          living standards for people around
                          the world.
                          An economic growth engine like        beginning, Boeing has supported
                          this requires responsibility—one      three goals established through
                          that Boeing and the aviation          the Air Transport Action Group.
                          industry have proactively taken       Boeing’s market-leading, fuel-
                          on by setting and implementing        efficient airplanes and other
                          ambitious goals to sustainably        efforts continue to help the
                          grow the industry. From the           industry stay on track.

  Commercial Aviation Carbon Reduction Goals

  Goal                    Progress Details

                          Working toward carbon-neutral growth, commercial aviation
                          exceeded this goal, with an average 2.1% improvement per year.
                          Boeing’s highly efficient airplanes, including the 787 Dreamliner
  1.5% per year           family that reduces fuel use by 20% to 25% compared to the
  fuel efficiency         models it replaces, helped enable this success. Airline operational
  Working toward          efficiency also contributed significantly through greater seating
  carbon-neutral growth   utilization, fuel conservation programs and other efforts.

                          Since January 2019, all airlines flying international routes began
                          formal monitoring and reporting of their emissions as part
                          of the historic Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for
  Carbon-neutral          International Aviation. The United Nations’ International Civil Aviation
  growth                  Organization adopted CORSIA in 2016. With the program in place,
  Implementation          the industry expects to offset 76% of the growth in global aviation
  of global sectoral      CO2 emissions from 2020 onward, based on pre-COVID-19 flying
  approach                trends. Boeing supports the program, including tools and services
                          from Boeing Global Services to help our customers with their
                          CORSIA reporting needs.

                          Achieving this long-term goal requires continued research and
                          development in all areas of an airplane and its operation: from
                          innovative new airframes, engines and materials technology for
  Reduce carbon           airplanes of the future—including hybrid and electric-powered
  emissions by 50%        airplanes—to researching new pathways and scaling up
  Half the net aviation   sustainable aviation fuel production. Boeing continues making
  CO2 of 2005             technology and innovation investments and collaborating across
                          the globe in all of these areas to reduce lifecycle emissions from the
                          global fleet and achieve the goal.

                                                                             ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY | 40

STRATEGY          Boeing is making progress
                  on the road to environmental
                  targets in its operations.
                  The bright spots include reducing    with a 2.7% increase in 2019 over
                  solid waste by 15% in 2019, and      the 2017 baseline. The target is
                  water use by nearly 7% from the      a 5% reduction over the baseline
                  2017 baseline. The 2025 target       year of 2017.
                  is reducing both by 20% over the
                  baseline year of 2017                Innovative recycling, such as
                                                       turning excess composite
                  Greenhouse gas emissions were        material into consumer products,
                  down 2.8% last year, with a slight   is expected to help further
                  increase, 0.3%, in overall energy    reduce solid waste in coming
                  use. The 2025 targets are a 25%      years. Renewable resources are
                  and 10% reduction, respectively.     increasingly displacing fossil fuels
                  Hazardous waste reduction            as the source of energy powering
                  remains a significant challenge,     Boeing operations.

              Progress Toward 2025 Goals in 2019 (from 2017)
              2025 Reduction Goals                       Progress Details

                           Reduce greenhouse              Reduced 2.8%
                           gas emissions by

                           Reduce water                   Reduced 7%
                           consumption by

                           Reduce solid waste             Reduced by 15%
                           to landfill by

                           Reduce energy                  Increased 0.3%
                           consumption by

                           Reduce hazardous               Increased 2.7%
                           waste by

                          5%                                        ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY | 41

GOVERNANCE   Boeing’s environmental strategy     corporate long-range business
             and policies are guided by the      planning; another annual meeting
             Environment, Health & Safety        focuses on detailed planning
             (EHS) Policy Council, composed      and reviewing the company’s
             of Boeing’s Executive Council       environmental and safety
             and led by the president            performance.
             and chief executive officer.
             Environmental matters are part      Environmental initiatives
             of the value proposition of our     are embedded into every
             airplanes.                          organization and function within
                                                 Boeing. The EHS organization
             The Policy Council ensures          comprises functions focused
             that strategy and performance       on workplace safety and health,
             targets are set and monitored.      environmental performance
             A team of 20 executives across      and regulatory compliance. The
             our businesses and product lines    EHS team also works with our
             meets twice a month to advance      business unit and operational
             our strategy and plan.              leaders to drive an integrated,
                                                 enterprisewide strategy that
             Reviews by the EHS Policy           addresses our products,
             Council and a functional review     services, processes, operations,
             with the president and chief        contractors and employees.
             executive officer are conducted
             twice a year. Progress and status   This highly integrated and
             are reported through each of        coordinated approach drives
             these venues in addition to other   continuous improvement in the
             internal executive reviews across   environmental performance of our
             the company.                        products and operations around
                                                 the world.
             One Policy Council meeting
             each year is focused on setting
             targets that are aligned with

                                                                      GOVERNANCE | 42

FORWARD-LOOKING   This report contains “forward-          in circumstances that are
STATEMENTS        looking statements” within the          difficult to predict. Many factors
                  meaning of the Private Securities       could cause actual results to
                  Litigation Reform Act of 1995.          differ materially and adversely
                  Words such as “may,” “should,”          from these forward-looking
                  “expects,” “intends,” “projects,”       statements.
                  “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,”
                  “targets,” “anticipates” and            Additional information concerning
                  similar expressions are used to         these and other factors can
                  identify these forward-looking          be found in our filings with
                  statements.                             the Securities and Exchange
                                                          Commission, including our most
                  Examples of forward-looking             recent Annual Report on Form
                  statements include those relating       10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form
                  to our future financial condition       10-Q and Current Reports on
                  and operating results, as well as       Form 8-K.
                  any other statement that does
                  not directly relate to any historical   Any forward-looking statement
                  or current fact. Forward-looking        speaks only as of the date on
                  statements are based on our             which it is made, and we assume
                  current expectations and                no obligation to update or revise
                  assumptions, which may not              any forward-looking statement,
                  prove to be accurate.                   whether as a result of new
                                                          information, future events or
                  These statements are not                otherwise, except as required
                  guarantees and are subject to           by law.
                  risks, uncertainties and changes

                                                                FORWARD-LOOKING STATMENTS | 43

These notes provide details on Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions; greenhouse gas inventory, including various sites; and ISO 14001, the
international standard that specifies requirement for an effective environmental management system (EMS); among environmental metrics.

Endnotes for Performance Summary                       electricity are calculated using the          Endnotes for Hazardous Waste
Chart                                                  emission factors provided in U.S. EPA         Generation
   Data  reported in this chart for the                GHG Mandatory Reporting Rule. Scope 2             azardous Waste are determined
   greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous                 emissions from purchased electricity             from U.S. EPA hazardous manifest
   waste, water intake and solid waste to              are calculated using the market-based            or equivalent government shipping
   landfill reflect environmental performance          method and eGRID sub-region factors,             documents
   at the following sites from a baseline              since residual mix is not available in
                                                       the U.S. For the Canada site, Scope 1            In addition to data from Boeing’s Core
   set on 2017 values. These sites (known
                                                       emissions are calculated using the                Metric Sites, data from Portland, Ore.
   as Core Metric Sites) represent the
                                                       emission factors provided in U.S. EPA             (PDX Paint Hangar); Jacksonville, Fla.
   vast majority of Boeing’s operations
                                                       GHG Mandatory Reporting Rule; Scope 2             (Cecil Field); Titusville, Fla.; Oklahoma City,
   and are identified by the city in which
                                                       emissions are calculated using the                Okla.; El Paso, Texas; Wichita, Kan.; and
   the Boeing operation resides. For each
                                                       market-based method and the supplier-             Sylmar, Calif., are included.
   metric, additional facilities and office
   buildings also have been included where             specific emission factor. For the Australia
                                                       sites, Scope 1 emissions are calculated       Endnotes for Global Reporting
   information is available.
                                                       using the emission factors provided in        Australia National Greenhouse and Energy
     Alabama: Huntsville                               the National Greenhouse and Energy            Reporting endnote: This comprehensive
     Arizona: Mesa                                     Reporting (NGER) Scheme, and Scope 2          report must be completed by registered
     California: El Segundo, Huntington                emissions are calculated using market-        corporations that meet specified energy use
     Beach, Long Beach, Seal Beach,                    based method and the emission factors         and greenhouse gas emission thresholds.
     Palmdale                                          provided in the National Greenhouse and       For the 2018–2019 reporting period, the
     Illinois: Chicago                                 Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme, since         Australian government’s Clean Energy
                                                       residual mix is not available in Australia.   Regulator released data for companies
     Indiana: Gary
                                                       Emissions calculated with location-based      emitting approximately 48,500 tons (about
     Missouri: St. Charles, St. Louis                  method are: 1,208,000 tons (1,105,000         44,000 metric tons) of equivalent carbon
     Ohio: Heath                                       metric tons) CO2e (2019). Emissions           dioxide (CO2e).
     Oregon: Gresham                                   calculated with Market-based method
     Pennsylvania: Ridley Park                         are: 1,075,000 tons (976,000 metric tons)     Endnotes for Greenhouse Gas
                                                       CO2e (2019).                                  Corporate Inventory
     South Carolina: Charleston, Ladson
     Texas: Houston, San Antonio                        ECs were applied to the GHG calculation
                                                       R                                                 he greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
                                                       for the following locations: North               reported represent 1,827 buildings in
     Utah: Salt Lake City, West Jordan
                                                       Charleston, S.C., Portland, Ore., Phoenix,       44 countries where Boeing has oper-
     Washington: Auburn, Bellevue, Tukwila                                                              ational control. Refer to the Site Listing
                                                       Ariz. and 6 Puget Sound locations in
     (Developmental Center), Everett,                                                                   Endnotes for the Corporate GHG Inventory
                                                       Wash. In 2019, these Boeing locations
     Frederickson, Kent (Space Center),                                                                 Chart for cities included.
                                                       made arrangements to purchase RECs
     Seattle (North Boeing Field, Plant 2,
                                                       to offset around 148,000 tons (134,000            cope 3 emissions only includes emis-
     Thompson, South Park), Renton
                                                       metric tons) of GHG emissions.                   sions from business travel.
     (737 Assembly, Longacres), SeaTac
     (Spares Distribution Center)
                                                    Endnotes for Water Intake                            cope 1 “Other gas types” include CH4,
     Canada: Winnipeg                                                                                   N2O,NF3 and PFCs emissions
                                                       In addition to data from Boeing’s Core
     Australia: Fishermans Bend                         Metric Sites, data from Oklahoma City,           cope 1 “Other fossil fuels” include
                                                        Okla. and Portland, Ore. (PDX Paint             No. 6 fuel oil, gasoline, aviation gasoline,
Endnotes for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
                                                        Hangar), also included.                         propane and LPG.
   In addition to data from Boeing’s Core
    Metric Sites, data from Portland, Ore.          Endnotes for Energy Use                             1 metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds.
    (PDX Paint Hangar), Oklahoma City, Okla.,
                                                      	In addition to data from Boeing’s Core           arbon dioxide equivalent, or CO2e,
    Moses Lake, Wash., Arizona Data Center             Metric Sites, it also includes data from         means the number of metric tons of CO2
    and Washington Data Center are also                Portland, Ore. (PDX Paint Hangar),               emissions with the same global warming
    included.                                          Oklahoma City, Okla., Moses Lake, Wash.,         potential as one metric ton of another
    arbon dioxide equivalent, or CO2-e,
   C                                                   Arizona Data Center and Washington               greenhouse gas. (In accordance with EPA
   means the number of metric tons of CO2              Data Center.                                     40CFR98 Mandatory Greenhouse Gas
   emissions with the same global warming                                                               Reporting.)
                                                      	Energy use is calculated from consumption
   potential as one metric ton of another              of electricity, natural gas and fuel oil.         ccounting protocol: This GHG inventory
   greenhouse gas (in accordance with EPA              (Our facility in Philadelphia is the only        is prepared using the following protocols:
   40CFR98 Mandatory Greenhouse Gas                    major U.S. site that uses fuel oil for
   Reporting).                                                                                          •	
                                                                                                          The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A
                                                       heating.) Consumption of other fuels is
                                                                                                          Corporate Accounting and Reporting
    HG emissions are calculated based on
   G                                                   not represented.
                                                                                                          Standard (Revised Edition);
   consumption of electricity, natural gas and
                                                    Endnotes for Solid Waste to Landfill                •	
                                                                                                          The Scope 2 Guidance;
   fuel oil. (Our facility in Philadelphia is the
   only major U.S. site that uses No. 6 and           	Includes data from Boeing’s Core               •	
                                                                                                          GHG Reporting Guidance for the
   other fuel oils for heating and curtailment         Metric Sites.                                      Aerospace Industry;
   backup.) Consumption of other fuels is not                                                           •	
                                                                                                          The Australia National Greenhouse and
   represented.                                       	Solid waste numbers represent values              Energy Reporting Act; and
                                                       determined from scale-weighed
                                                                                                          The United Kingdom’s CRC Energy
    or U.S. sites, Scope 1 emissions from
   F                                                   containers as well as calculated weights.
                                                                                                          Efficiency Scheme.
   natural gas, fuel oil and on-site generated
                                                                                                                                     ENDNOTES | 44
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