Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM

Page created by Lillian Diaz
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud:
cultura, design e strategie
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
                                                                Cloud & Cognitive

UN LUNGO                                                          YESTERDAY
                                                                    Dati & AI

PERCORSO                                                               ‘90

Think 2019 / DOC ID / Month XX, 2019 / © 2019 IBM Corporation
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
‘70                                              ‘90                           YESTERDAY                                                  TODAY
      Micro-processor                                            Internet                                         Dati & AI                             Cloud & Cognitive

                                                                                                 “Ci fonderemo con la nostra
                                                                                                                                   L’UOMO inizia a

                                                                                                 tecnologia (Raymond Kurzweil)
                                                                                                                                 guardare a un futuro
                                                                                                                                     basato sulla
                                                    La RETE apre                                                                 CONVERGENZA tra
                                                    opportunità e                                                                  mondo digitale e
                                                 minacce, ma inizia a                                                                mondo fisico
                                                connettere PERSONE                                                                  IBM la chiama
                                                                                                                                                         Ma non basta… ora
                                                                                                                                                             serve che la
                                                                                                                                                        tecnologia da un lato
   Il PERSONAL                                                                                                                                           abiliti con GRANDI
 COMPUTING e il                                                                                                                                          PERFORMANCE e
GAMING guidano la                                                           L’AI torna con forza e                                                      dell’altro semplifichi
nascita di una nuova                                                        cerca nuove forme di                                                          SPOSTANDO LE
         era                                                                 ESPRESSIONE e di                                                             COMPLESSITÀ: il
                                                                             CONTAMINAZIONE                                                             CLOUD irrompe come
                                                                                                                                                            paradigma di
 Think 2019 / DOC ID / Month XX, 2019 / © 2019 IBM Corporation                                                                                                              4
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
THINK   «Per quanto sia bella
        la strategia, dovresti
         ogni tanto guardare
                  ai risultati»
                     (Winston Churchill)
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
With AI you can explore ...
                               Web, News and
                               Social Media


Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
The future is …

 more focused       more insights          more
 on customer           driven             efficient

 Growth                                               Efficiency

          … and more open to ecosystems
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
AI transforms customer
experience at Orange Bank
               Available 24/7, Djingo is the first point of contact for
                customers and prospects
               Performs currently over 25,000 weekly conversations
                with an accuracy of >85%, whereof 20% take place
                outside traditional working hours, to meet strong demand
                for a continuous service
               € 6m per year cost avoidance through automation of call
                center. 50% of all conversations are fully handled
                by Djingo
               € 2m additional revenue through higher personalization

Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
With AI you can give one
employee the insights of 1,000
   In an industry requiring absolute accuracy, it is
    critical Woodside’s engineers avoid guesswork.
    To ensure precision, they rely heavily on historical
    context and procedural information.
   Oil and gas platforms can cost $500,000 per day
    to operate, and require real-time monitoring of
    thousands of inputs 24/7 by a crew living on top
    of 100,000 tons of steel in the middle of an ocean
   With AI, Woodside can analyze data from
    80,000 sensors, 1 million documents, and 30
    years of lessons learned from employees
   Solution reduces time spent searching for
    expert knowledge by 75%
Intelligenza Artificiale e Cloud: cultura, design e strategie - IBM
AI drives efficiency and advisory
excellence at Credit Mutuel,
               Initial focus was on the efficiency of the sales and
                advisory process with e.g. email automation (300’000
                emails per day of which 40% automated by AI)

               Virtual assistants for 20,000 client advisors in 5,000
                branches were also made available

               The bank has now industrialized the adoption of AI with
                a Competence Center in Strasbourg

               They presented the program results to date and
                highlighted savings of €60 millions

 Inject AI into your digital strategy

                Select the right use cases and
  Focus on       define the right KPIs

  strategic     Threat Data as an asset

implications    Establish a centralized AI

    of AI        competence center

                Today AI is less about
«Per quanto sia bella la strategia,
            dovresti ogni tanto guardare ai risultati»
                                                           (Winston Churchill)
                                                       Chan e
      Arricchire i dati per dare MAGGIORE VALORE

      Mettere a terra per avere RISULTATI CONCRETI

                                                       to CLOUD
      CONDIVIDERE per crescere

      SEMPLIFICARE ciò che non è il proprio business
In qualunque punto del vostro «viaggio» siate…

SPOSTIAMOCI                                                                 IBM può darvi supporto per completare la il
                                                                            percorso, per mitigare rischi e costi e accelerare

                                                                            l’innovazione, con tre drivers:

                                                                             Sicurezza di       Portabilità      Gestione
                                                                                livello      semplice e rapida coerente del
                                                                            enterprise in un     di dati e        cloud e

                                                                            ambiente cloud applicazioni su automazione su
                                                                                ibrido         cloud ibrido    cloud diversi

IL VALORE 20                                                                %
                                                                                     IBM Cloud Strategy
                                                                                   Journey to Cloud 14 in 4
                                                                portate in CLOUD
Think 2019 / DOC ID / Month XX, 2019 / © 2019 IBM Corporation                                                                    13
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