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Webpage:                                                                 Volume 2, Issue X, Oct 2014
                                                                                             ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                    WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..

     Development of High Performance and Low Cost
       Automatic Toll Payment System using RFID
          Technology for Malaysia Environment
            A. Salleh1, N. M. Z Hashim2, N. R. Mohamad3, N. A. A. Hadi4, M.Z.A Ab. Aziz5
                                Center for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI)
                                       Faculty of Electronic & Computer Engineering
                                  Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia
Abstract: The proposed Automatic Toll Payment System is designed for efficient and convenient use of the public.
The system is upgraded by using passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology instead of infrared that
currently used nowadays to improve and make it low cost and have high performance toll payment system. A
Malaysian toll payment system such as Touch n’ Go and SmartTag have the constraints that can lead to traffic
congestion especially during the festival period. The RFID system uses tags that are mounted on the windshield of
vehicles, through which information embedded in the tags are read by long read range RFID reader. The passive
RFID technology is coming up with more advantages for public comfort. It is also less expensive since the passive
RFID doesn’t use internal power supply to operate and it provides high speed detection. As vehicles don’t have to
stop in a queue for making a payment, it assures time saving, fuel conservation, contributing in saving money, and
at the same time reduced pollutions. Visual basic software is needed for implementation of the system for running
the database of the entire system. The interface that has been designed, is used for output power and reading
distance analysis before installation. The frequency analysis is carried out based on reading range from 1 meter to
5 meters for efficient speed detection. Every single frequency between 902.4 MHz to 927.8 MHz has been analyzed
to gain efficiencies of tagging against the times. There are frequency band that cannot detect the transponder and
vice versa. So the frequency configuration is important during installation for public convenience.
Keywords: passive RFID, Toll Payment System, low cost.

    1. INTRODUCTION                                            SmartTag is a device that works with combination of
    Nowadays, our country has developed                        Touch ‘n Go card to allow users to pay tolls to drive
tremendously. The Malaysian Expressway Network                 through convenience. It transmits the information via
can be considered as one of the best expressway                infrared. However, the constraints of infrared are low
network in Southeast Asia. The development of                  speed detection and easy to interfere. The device is
expressway is monitored by government agencies,                also expensive [1]. This project attempts as a new
the Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) under the                system that has an improvement on performance and
Malaysian Ministry of Works (MOW). Costly and                  low cost using RFID technology. This technology
time consuming comes to be a priority factor for               enables identification from a distance which without
designing the whole automatic toll payment system.             requiring a line of sight, and unlike earlier bar-code
Every year the total number of vehicle production in           technology. RFID tags support a larger set of unique
Malaysia is increasing significantly by depending on           IDs than bar codes, and can incorporate additional
population civilization. The consequence is the                data such as manufacturer, product type, and even
number of expressway user increased dramatically               measure environmental factors such as temperature.
and caused jammed along the routes and congested,              Furthermore, RFID systems can discern many
especially during festive seasons when traffic tends to        different tags located in the same general area
be heavier than normal, at the same time wasting               without human assistance [2]-[4].
time, fuel, money and increased pollutions [1].
                                                               Basically, for this project the system has, replaced by
Currently, Smart Tag and Touch n’ Go being used as             RFID instead of infrared for transmitting the
an automatic toll payment system in Malaysia.                  information as shown in Figure 1. It is compulsory

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                                                                                                ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                     WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
for all the vehicle owners to have a registered RFID             the comparison between proposed system and
tag attached to their vehicle's windshield. The tag              previous work of electronic toll collection (ETC).
owners should submit their detail information to be
saved in database and the specified unique code will               Table 1: Comparison between proposed work and
be embedded in the tag such as ID number,                                       previous work of ETC
username, address, phone number, car registration                 Country       Toll     System    Payment Cost
number and date travelling.                                                   Types        used    Method
RFID reader would be installed at the entrance and                Proposed      Toll     Passive   Postpaid Low
the end point of the expressway. These readers are                 system     booth       RFID         &
connected directly to the Personal Computer (PC)                                          (long     Prepaid
unit via RS232 interface. PC will be used as a                                            range
monitoring system in this project. It works as the core                                 detection)
project for controlling and monitoring the database              Philippines    Toll         -     Postpaid    -
and signal received to process the information signal                         booth
from the registered tag. When the vehicles come to                 Canada     Closed      OCR,     Postpaid High
the entrance booth, RFID reader will transmit the                             Access      Laser
signal to the tag on the user windshield. The tag will                                    Beam
receive the signal and charged enough energy to                    United      Two         Two         -       -
transmit back the information that embedded in the                 States      lanes    Antennas
tag in the form of electromagnetic waves (identifying              Poland     Closed      GSM,     Postpaid High
response). Then, the reader will send the information,                        Access       GPS
data received for the personal computer unit (PC) via             Malaysia      Toll     Infrared   Prepaid High
RS232 wired interface. PC will process the signal by                          booth
separating the ID and saved in the database.
Moreover, when the vehicles reach the end booth, the             Passive RFID tag doesn’t have an internal power
reader again will read the tag and PC system will                source (battery). The reader transmits signals to the
compare the ID to indicate a right vehicle which is              tags and the electrical current is created in the
the same vehicle that passed at the first booth to let it        antenna to outbound the signal back to the reader. It
pass exit gate.                                                  only has shorter distance read range up to 10 meters
                                                                 since there is no battery on the devices and the cost is
                                                                 less expensive compared to active and semi-passive
                                                                 tag [4]. The most important parameter on tag
                                                                 limitation is a chip sensitivity threshold which is the
                                                                 minimum received RF power necessary to turn on the
                                                                 RFID chip. Lower RF power will result the longer
                                                                 RFID detection. However, the detection sensitivity
                                                                 also depends on architecture during the fabrication
                                                                 process. Impedance can be matched at various chip
                                                                 power levels such as at minimum thresholds for
                                                                 maximizing the tag scope [6]. The RFID reader also
                                                                 has the capability to communicate with the tag
                                                                 without a direct line of sight, depending on the radio
                                                                 frequency and the type of tag (active, passive, or semi
                                                                 passive) used. Readers can process multiple items at
                                                                 once, allowing for increased read processing times.
           Figure 1: RFID in Toll System                         They can be mobile, such as handheld devices that
                                                                 scan objects like pallets and cases, or stationary, such
                                                                 as point-of-sale devices used in supermarkets [4].
                                                                 Currently, toll payment system is using infrared (IR)
The electronic toll collection system is currently
                                                                 as a main technology for public usage in Malaysia.
being used throughout the world. The countries that
                                                                 However, infrared has many disadvantages compared
have applied the electronic toll collection system are
Singapore, United States, Philippines, Japan,                    to the RFID technology in term of performance and
                                                                 costing development. Table 2 shows the comparison
Canada., Poland and Malaysia. [5]. Table 1 shows
                                                                 between infrared and RFID features [7]- [8].

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Webpage:                                                                  Volume 2, Issue X, Oct 2014
                                                                                              ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                    WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
  Table 2: Comparison between Infrared and RFID                system operation. RFID acts as a sensor part of the
Parameter        Infrared              RFID                    system.There are several parameters or specifications
Battery Life More than 1       Varies                          that have been analyzed to ensure the performance is
             year                                              better than current system payment which is infrared
Signal       16 ft.            100 ft.                         technology. Table 3 shows the specification of the
Range                                                          development system design.
Tags         Tags work like    Tags work like
             a television      remote keyless                        Table 3: Specifications of system design.
             remote control    entry                                  Specifications           RFID system
Signal Area  Within a room  Within an area,                            Interface              RS232 output
               and contained     not contained by
               by walls          walls                                   Distance                Adjustable
              Bounces off                                          Effective distance             5 meter
               objects and
               walls                                                  Output power           Maximum 30 dBm
Sensors      More sensors      Less sensors                          Times/ Tagging                  30
             required          required
Application  Equipment         Tracking for                           Frequency            902.4 MHz – 927.8
               deployment        periodic                                                           MHz
              Tracking for      maintenance
               periodic         General locating              Figure 4 shows that the organization chart of the
               maintenance                                     project. The whole system consists of hardware and
              Automated                                       software which is the hardware is classified with
               billing                                         three different parts, input devices, output devices
                                                               and main controller. RFID act as an input device of
              General
                                                               the system where PC is being put as main controller
                                                               and open/close gate act as output devices. Software
                                                               development is divided by two types of software’s,
                                                               Microsoft Visual Basic Express and Microsoft
    3. DESIGN METHODOLOGY                                      Access. Both software has own functions to operate
Based on Figure 3, the transactions are made if the ID         the entire system.
code is passed on authentication part. Means that, the
tags are not on barring status. At the exit point, the
system will calculate the kilometers driven and make
a payment transaction due to the account store in
database. If the tag was barred, the vehicles will be
allowed to pass the toll gate, but the warning notice
will be sent to the respective home address for further

                                                                     Figure 4: Organization Chart of the project
      Figure 3: Data flow of proposed system                   Automatic Toll Payment System needs a few
                                                               software development to operate the entire system,
Hardware and software is needed in order to operate            especially framework for database and compiler for
the whole system. This part will explain about                 structure, plan and control. This project used CCS C
components and software’s that being used on this              Compiler and Microsoft Visual Basic Express
project.The electronics circuit design consists of a           Software for both applications. Each windows form
desktop (PC), RFID circuit, and power supply.                  that has been created has their own command to
Desktop acts as a main part which control the whole            execute the function of every button and other tools

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                                                                                             ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                    WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
that has been used in that form. Database and                  be on for security purpose. The database system has
interface of the software created is two different             checking function for reference purpose. If an
things. A database is a file created by using Microsoft        administrator needs to check on an individual detail,
access to develop the account of each expressway               they only enter the ID number of that client and click
user. Each line or row is represented the account per          the second check button on Figure 6, the system will
person and every single row has details of the user,           only show the details of the ID owner.
such as ID number, name, address, phone number,
car registration number and date travelling. Apart
from that, the database combines together with a GUI
that has been created by using visual basic express
2010 which is used to develop the overall interface of
the software system. The communication between
database and GUI is made up by source connection
with visual basic software. They have to be bound
together for interaction purpose and supporting by
command in every single function.
Microsoft Access is one of the tools that can create
and act as database applications. The collected data
can be stored automatically in a SQL database. It is                         Figure 5: Registration form
more secure and scalable for project purpose. The
interface created using visual basic 2010 can be
combined with Microsoft access as a database of the
project with some command on coding space. Each
particular window of an interface that has been
created must be test the connection between database
and interface. So every row and columns on the
database can be synchronized with interface windows

The overall results of the proposed system including
software and hardware part.                                               Figure 6: ID matching form

                                                               Figure 7 shows the reader configuration form during
4.1 Software
                                                               the installation process. There are so many parameter
Software parts are covered from authentication form,
                                                               needs to be adjusted such as frequency, received
registration form, checking form, database and
                                                               output power, times, baud rate and tagging type. The
configuration parameter form. Figure 5 shows the
                                                               distance of the reading signal depends on the output
registration form that saves all the details of
                                                               power of the reader to broadcast a signal through
expressway user in order to make transaction
                                                               transponder for data collection purpose. There is no
payment and ID matching during system operation.
                                                               line of sight (LoS) for this reader. Some protocol has
The details will be saved on database for
                                                               been used for frequency band setting which is ISO
administration and system references. This form will
                                                               18000-6B and EPCC1-G2. At the work mode
appear after admin of the system entering the
                                                               parameter, RS232 output was chosen for
password and username. For checking form, when we
                                                               communication between the database and reader.
click on the access button on Figure 5, another form
                                                               All information of expressway user has been stored
will be appearing. This is where the system searching
                                                               in system database which is one account for each row
for user ID that has been saved in database for
                                                               of the table as what is shown in Figure 8. The
matching purposes. When a reader scanning the
                                                               information contains of ID number, username,
transponder on the windshield of the car at the exit
                                                               address, phone number, car registration number and
point, the data ID will be compared for transaction
                                                               date traveling. Admin can easily check the details of
purpose. If the ID matched one of the codes, the gate
                                                               each user based on ID checking number.
will open, but if the ID unmatched to any data on the
database, the gate will keep close and the alarm will

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                                                                                             ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                    WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
                                                               different distance between reader and the
                                                               transponder. It is not compulsory for every frequency
                                                               in band range can be 100% efficient. So, we need to
                                                               identify which frequency detection has a higher speed
                                                               detection per second. This is useful for multi tag
                                                               operation. The distance of detection is based on
                                                               output power apply from RFID reader to reach the
                                                               signal broadcast by transponder. The maximum
                                                               effective distance is 5 meters long and the maximum
                                                               output power for this reader is 30 dB. Means that, 1
                                                               meter of detection is equal to 6 dBm of output power.
                                                               The analysis can be seen as shown in Figure 9.

           Figure 7: Reader configuration

                                                                          Figure 9: Distance vs output power

                                                               Frequency analysis has been done with some
          Figure 8: Database information                       parameter is taken in consideration such as baud rate,
                                                               max inventory scan time, efficiency percentage and
4.2 Hardware                                                   times per 30 tagging. Some distance has been chosen
The operation of the system has begun when the                 for sample of analysis and the frequency range used
RFID reader detects the signal transmitted by the              is 902.6 MHz – 915.8 MHz. It takes 30 times of
passive RFID tag in the form of electromagnetic                tagging for every 0.4 MHz frequency. The number of
wave to transfer data and at the same time the                 tagging must be 30/30 per 0.4 MHz for 100%
information that's embedded in the tag will be                 efficiency. At this range, the frequency is considered
transferred to database via PC itself. The component           high speed detection. Therefore, increase the
hardware of the system. Each tag has different ID              performance of the system. The analysis is shown in
number and can read, write the information by using            Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12. Figure 10 shows
configuration reader software. The type of tag card            that the percentage of efficiency and the frequency
that are used in this project doesn’t need a battery to        involved. If we look at frequency 907.4 and 913.8,
broadcast a signal. It constantly transmits the signal         the efficiency is less than 100%. Mean that, at that
based on the pattern on the tag design. So, for sure           point, the frequency is less efficient in 1 meter of
this kind of product is an environmentally friendly            reading distance. Figure 11 shows that same
unit and can maintain sustainable development.                 parameter study of the reader performance, which is
Moreover, the cost of manufacturing is less                    percentage efficiency and frequency. Lower
expensive rather than active tags.                             percentage seems to be at range 905 MHz – 908.2
There are several parameters that we take in                   MHz and 910 MHz – 913 MHz, which is error
consideration, to analyze the performance of this              detection occur at that point of view. The effect is
system. The most important parameter for automatic             less than 100 %. So those frequency ranges is not
toll payment system is the distance of transponder             practical for implementation as the detection 3 meters
detection. The measurement of distance depends on              is less effective. Figure 12 shows that the same graph,
receiving output power of the reader, which is for this        but different reading range, which is 5 meters and the
reader it can adjust up to 30 dB for maximum                   output power is 30 dBm to support reader capability
efficiency 5 meter detection. The frequency analysis           to read this range of transponder. Every meter
also needs to be done for detection checking with              consumes 6 dBm. From the graph we can see that the
                                                               frequency range 902.6 MHz – 905 MHz and 908.2

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                                                                                                ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                     WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
MHz – 910.6 MHz has no efficiency at all. Mean that              performance and user service costing, infrared has
the tag has not been detected in that particular                 low speed detection for reading capability and the
frequency range. 5 meter reading range for passive               range of reading is lower than RFID detection.
tag is quite long. So that at certain frequencies in this        SmartTag user has to ensure that the SmartTag
range is there is effectively detected.                          device is positioned properly and have adequate
                                                                 balance of their journey. The user must slow down
                                                                 the vehicles when nearing to the Smart Tag lane and
                                                                 they can’t follow too close to car in-front of them. In
                                                                 case if the SmartTag is not detected, they have to
                                                                 touch the card (Touch ‘n Go) to the available card
                                                                 reader at that particular lane.
                                                                 In terms of costing, SmartTag required high
                                                                 manufacturing cost and high expense for the user as
                                                                 they have to purchase the SmartTag devices that cost
                                                                 about RM 80.00 per device. This is not included
                                                                 Touch n’ Go card that have to top up the amount as it
                                                                 act as a debit card and used together with the Smart
                                                                 Tag device to transmit the signal. Active tag more
                                                                 expensive than passive tag because the passive tag
 Figure 10: Frequency analysis for 1 meter distance              does not require a battery to transmit the signal to the
                                                                 reader. The passive tag constantly broadcast signal in
                                                                 the form of electromagnetic wave. So that the reader
                                                                 can read the data transmitted by the tag for access
                                                                 The passive RFID tag doesn’t need a battery to
                                                                 supply power to transmit or broadcast the signal to
                                                                 the reader. It transmits signals in the form of
                                                                 electromagnetic wave constantly. So that the
                                                                 environment can be sustained since batteries are not
                                                                 included in this system. When battery drain and
                                                                 unchangeable, it cannot be disposed completely. If
                                                                 toll payment system used battery on every single tag,
                                                                 it can cause pollution to our environment. However,
                                                                 the automatic toll payment system uses passive tag
                                                                 and it is environmentally friendly and the
 Figure 11: Frequency analysis for 1 meter distance              commercialized process can be made easily because
                                                                 this system has high performance, low cost and does
                                                                 not pollute an environment. The cost of passive tag is
                                                                 less expensive because no battery required for signal
                                                                 supply. So, one of the objectives of this project can
                                                                 be completed as the user can use cheaper service with
                                                                 high quality technology, easy, convenient, and
                                                                 The manufacturing cost and user service expense is
                                                                 absolutely cheaper. One passive tag only cost RM
                                                                 0.50 per card and it doesn’t have a device or battery.
                                                                 Just stick on the car windshield and there is no line of
                                                                 sight (LoS) parameter required. The advantage of this
                                                                 system by using RFID, it has the capability of multi
 Figure 12: Frequency analysis for 5 meter distance              tag once a time. Therefore, there is no error detection
                                                                 occurring during the tagging process with more than
                                                                 one vehicle on the same lane. The output power can
    5. OVERALL DISCUSSIONS                                       be adjusted based on the reading range of the
RFID technology is much better than current                      transponder. 1 meter required 6 dBm output power to
technology that's already implemented in our country             read the user data. The operation of the system will
expressway which is infrared technology. In term of              not disturb by the weather surround the area. The

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Webpage:                                                                  Volume 2, Issue X, Oct 2014
                                                                                              ISSN 2320-6802

                      ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                    WINGS TO YOUR THOUGHTS…..
signal can penetrate to the heavy rain or haze. So              km/h) Automatic toll payment system can be
that, RFID technology required high performance                 implemented without toll gate. So that can reduce
rather than infrared that has been implemented in our           traffic congestion, especially during festival season.
country nowadays. RFID technology can be
commercialized in this particular industry to make              Acknowledgement
improvements for public convenience.                            The author would like to thank Universiti Teknikal
Based on frequency analysis that has been made, the             Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for the fund to complete
frequency tagging for 3 and 5 meter occur more                  this research.
detection problem rather than 1 meter reading range.
Only certain frequency can make up to effective
detection, which is 90% efficient. So that we can set
                                                                [1]    Aishah Binti Nordin, “Toll Payment
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using now. The operating band of frequency is at                [4]    Pranoti Salunke, Poonam Malle, Kirti
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to database via RS232 interface. Payment method can                    Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Norbayah
be improved by doing additional system which is                        Yusop, Ridza Azri Ramlee Mai Mariam
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