MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag

Page created by Sue Lowe
MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                                   media data 2021
Communication solutions for the target group of
managing directors and plant managers in mineral
­processing plants

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                   AT MINERAL PROCESSING

PRINT                                                                      WEBSITE
                                                                           1     portrait                                        page   33
1   AT Europe – title portrait			                          page    3
                                                                           N     website traffic                                 page   34
2   AT Europe – distribution analysis			                   page    5
                                                                           P     prices and forms of advertising                 page   35
T   AT Europe – editorial schedule 			                     page    7
                                                                           F     formats and technical advice                    page   36
P   AT Europe – prices			                                  page   10
    AT Europe – readership analysis			                     page   12
1   AT Worldwide – title portrait			                       page   13
                                                                           1     portrait                                        page   38
2   AT Worldwide – distribution analysis			                page   15
                                                                           N     distribution                                    page   39
T   AT Worldwide – editorial schedule 			                  page   17
                                                                           T     time schedule                                   page   40
P   AT Worldwide – prices 			                              page   20
                                                                           P     prices and forms of advertising                 page   41
    AT Worldwide – readership analysis 			                 page   22
                                                                           F     formats and technical advice                    page   42
F   formats and technical advice			                        page   23
                                                                            additional benefit digital: online-advertorial       page 44
    additional benefit print: AT combination 			           page   25
                                                                            additional benefit digital: communication packages   page 45
    additional benefit print: AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK 			      page   27

    additional benefit print: AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY 		   page   29
    additional benefit print: AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY			    page   31
                                                                                 dice@bauverlag                                  page 46
                                                                                 bauverlag web seminars                          page 46

                                                                                 combination discounts                           page 49
                                                                                 contact                                         page 50

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                                                                     AT Europe – title portrait   1

1 magazine name:             AT MINERAL PROCESSING Europe

2 short profile: 	For about 60 years now, AT MINERAL PROCESSING
                   Europe has been informing engineers on developments
                   and problem solutions in mechanical process engineering
                   for mineral resources. All process stages, e.g. comminution
                   and agglomeration, screening and classification, material
                   transport and storage, are discussed with regard especially
                   to both technical and economic aspects. The trade maga-
                   zine is printed in German and English throughout.
		The technical focus within the broad spectrum of topics
                   makes AT MINERAL PROCESSING Europe unique as an
                   advertising vehicle.

3 target group:	Managing directors and plant managers in mineral
                 ­processing plants

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                                                                                                         AT Europe – title portrait           1

4 publication frequency:   10 issues                                            14 volume analysis: 2019 = 10 issues
5 magazine format:         DIN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high)                   total volume:                                            766 pages = 100.0 %
6 volume/year:             62 volume 2021
                                                                                editorial section                                        650 pages = 84.9 %
                                                                                advertising section                                      116 pages = 15.1 %
7 sales price:             annual subsricption national          € 249.00                    thereof:
                           annual subsricption abroad            € 261.00                    classified ads                                2 pages =       1.7 %
                           single copy                           € 35.00                     publisher’s ads                              11 pages =       9.5 %
                           students                              € 155.00                    bound inserts                                 6 pages =       5.2 %
                           Further information is available at                               loose inserts                                               8 pieces
8 organ:                   –                                                    15 content analysis editorial section:                   650 pages = 100.0 %
9 memberships:             IVW                                                  focus industry                                           171 pages   =   26.3 %
                                                                                technical solutions                                      125 pages   =   19.2 %
10 publisher:              Bauverlag BV GmbH                                    fair-special		                                            88 pages   =   13.5 %
                           Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 62                              follow-ups		                                              87 pages   =   13.4 %
                           33330 Gütersloh                                      trends & equipment                                        63 pages   =    9.7 %
                           Germany                                              news		                                                    52 pages   =    8.2 %
                           www.bauverlag.de                                     research & development                                    29 pages   =    4.5 %
                                                                                reports		                                                 15 pages   =    2.3 %
11 editor:                 Michael Voss                                         interview		                                               11 pages   =    1.7 %
                                                                                coverstory		                                               8 pages   =    1.2 %
12 advertising:            Marco Buch
                           Director Market Strategies & Sales
13 editorial department:   Dr. Petra Strunk
                           phone: +49 5241 2151-7272
                           e-mail: petra.strunk@bauverlag.de
                           Ulrike Mehl
                           phone: +49 5241 2151-7373
                           e-mail: ulrike.mehl@bauverlag.de

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                     EUROPE                                                                            AT Europe – distribution analysis

1 circulation audit:                                                                       3 geografic distrubution:	

2 circulation anaysis:	copies per issue                                                                                     copies actually distributed
                        (annual average of July 01st 2019 to June 30th 2020)                                                 %                      copies
                                                                                             Germany                         21.8                    363
    print run:                       2,000                                                   Europe                          69.6                  1,160
    copies actually distributed:     1,668     thereof abroad:                1,103         further foreign country          8.6                     143
    copies sold:                       466     thereof abroad:                  123          copies actually
                                                                                                                           100.0                  1,668
    subscriptions:                     464                                                   distributed
    single copy sales:                    0
    free copies:                     1,202
    archive and specimen:              332
    other sales:                          2

   Summary of the survey method:
   1. Method: Dissemination analysis by file evaluation - total survey
   2. Basic population: actual circulation 1,621 = 100.0 %,
      not covered by the examination 164 = 10,1%
   3. Sample: total survey
   4. Target person of the study: not applicable
   5. Period of study: May 2020
   6. Execution of the study: Bauverlag BV GmbH

   The detailed survey method can be found at

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                      AT Europe – international distribution   2

international distribution

print run:     2,000 copies

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                  EUROPE                                                                                             AT Europe – editorial schedule
                                                                                                                          PD = publishing date, ED = editorial deadline, AD = advertising deadline

issue      dates        topics                                                                                                                     trade fairs/events

1-2/2021   PD:          Screening and grading           Milling                      Wear protection                Gravel & sand                  09. - 11.02. ExpoSolidos, Barcelona/E
January/   04.02.2021   • Screening machines and      •M  ills                    • Crushers, mills             • Excavators/floating
February                   systems                      • Laboratory and analysis   • Screening installations        cranes and pumps
           ED:          • Electrical classification/       mills                    • Conveying equipment         •W  ashing installations
           09.12.2020      classifiers                  • Wear parts                • Lining for silos and        • S creening machines
                        • Wear parts                                                   bunkers                     • Jigs
           AD:                                                                       • Dump trucks/tipper
           13.01.2021                                                                   trucks/tyre maintenance

3/2021     PD:          Special Solids                  Crushing                     Dust removal & air puri-       Rocks & ores                   10.-11.03. Belt conveyors and their ele-
March      04.03.2021   Preview of SOLIDS with          •M  obile crushers          fication                       • Mills                       ments, Essen/D
                        company reports                 • S tationary crushers      • F ilter technology          • Screens                     15.-16.03. Berliner Recycling- und Roh-
           ED:                                                                       • E xhaust equipment          • Water and sludge proces-    stoffkonferenz (Berlin recycling and raw
           13.01.2021                                                                •D  ust suppression/binding      sing installations          materials conference), Berlin/D
                                                                                                                    • Washing installations        22.-26.03. ECIC European Coke and Iron-
                                                                                                                    • Ground preparation          making Congress, Bremen/D
           AD:                                                                                                                                     22.-26.03. ICSTI International Conference
           10.02.2021                                                                                                                              on Science and Technology of Iron Making,
                                                                                                                                                   March 2021, Symposium für Aufberei-
                                                                                                                                                   tungstechnik (Symposium for processing
                                                                                                                                                   technology), Freiberg/D

4/2021     PD:          Special steinexpo               Digitisation in processing   Conveying & storage            Potash & salt processing       18. - 22.04. IMPC 2021, Cape Town/
April      06.04.2021   Preview of steinexpo with       technology                   •C  onveying equipment        • Extraction, production,     RSA
                        company reports                 • System control              and accessories                  storage and bagging of     19. - 22.04. Comminution 2021, Cape
           ED:                                          • Industry 4.0              •P  umps and engines              fertilisers                Town/RSA
           15.02.2021                                   • System monitoring         •D  ump trucks/dumper         • Phosphate extraction and
                                                        • Digital extraction          trucks/tipper trucks             processing
           AD:                                             planning                  • S ilos and bunkers          • F lotation
           12.03.2021                                                                • F eed and extraction        •P   ackaging
                                                                                       equipment                    • Pelleting
                                                                                     • F ill level monitoring
                                                                                     •W  ear protection/linings
4/2021     PD:          You can find all information on the AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK 2021 on pp. 27-28
April      19.04.2021



MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                        EUROPE                                                                                                AT Europe – editorial schedule
                                                                                                                                    PD = publishing date, ED = editorial deadline, AD = advertising deadline

issue         dates           topics                                                                                                                           trade fairs/events

5/2021        PD:             Grinding & screening          Wear protection                  Flotation                            Construction waste           01. - 03.06. Euro Mine Expo,
May           11.05.2021      • Mills                      • Crushers, mills               • Floatation cells                  recycling                    Västerbotten/S
                              • Laboratory and analysis    • Screening installations       • Development of new                • Crushers, mills           07. - 09.06. Physical Separation 2021,
              ED:                mills                      • Conveying equipment              flotation agents                  •C  onstruction             Falmouth/UK
              22.03.2021      • Screening machines         • Lining for silos and bunkers  • Column leaching, column             machinery
                                 and systems                • Dump trucks/tipper trucks/tyre   flotation                         •A   ttachments
              AD:             • Wear parts                    maintenance                   • Percolators
              19.04.2021                                                                     • Stirrers, ventilation
6/2021        PD:             Special: Achema               Laboratory analysis & automation Gravel & sand                        Conveying & storage          16. - 17.06. SOLIDS Dortmund,
June/July     01.06.2021      Preview with company          • Process control systems       • Excavators/floating               • Conveying equipment
                              reports on Achema             • Energy efficiency                cranes and pumps                     and accessories
              ED:                                           • Maintenance/Service Sampling  • Washing installations             • Pumps and engines
              12.04.2021                                    • Devices and processes for     • Screening machines                • Dump trucks/dumper
                                                               sample division               • Jigs                                 trucks/tipper trucks
              AD:                                           • Laboratory devices                                                 • Silos and bunkers
              06.05.2021                                                                                                          • Feed and extraction
                                                                                                                                  • Fill level monitoring
                                                                                                                                  • Wear protection/
7-8/2021      PD:             Special: Steinexpo            Drone technology in raw material Screening and grading                Ore processing               02. - 04.09. RecyclingAKTIV,
August        03.08.2021      Preview with company          extraction                          • S creening machines and        • Crushers
                              reports on Steinexpo          • Drones for us in opencast mining   systems                         • Mills
              ED:                                           • Digital analysis of drone images • E lectrical classification/    • Flotation
              14.06.2021                                                                          classifiers                     • Heavy-medium sepa-
                                                                                                •W  ear parts                       rators
              AD:                                                                                                                 • Hydrocyclones
9/2021        PD:             Wear protection               Optimisation & Process control        Drainage & drying               Industrial minerals          13. - 16.10. bauma CONEXPO AFRICA,
September     14.09.2021      •C  rushers, mills           • Automation                         •C  hamber filter presses      • Ball and drum mills       Johannesburg/RSA
                              • S creening installations   • Process control systems            •R  otary and tubular driers   • High-compression
              ED:             •C  onveying equipment       • Energy efficiency                  •D  rying with microwaves         roller mills
              26.07.2021      • L ining for silos and      • Maintenance/Service                • Thickener                    • Vibration mills
                                 bunkers                                                                                          • Agitator bead mills
              AD:             •D  ump trucks/tipper                                                                              • etc.
              23.08.2021         trucks/tyre mainte-

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality.

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                        EUROPE                                                                                             AT Europe – editorial schedule
                                                                                                                                 PD = publishing date, ED = editorial deadline, AD = advertising deadline

issue         dates           topics                                                                                                                        trade fairs/events
10/2021       PD:             Mining                       Conveying & storage                 Milling                         Rocks & ores                 08.-11.11. Flotation 2021, Cape Town/
October       14.10.2021      •D  rilling technology      • Conveying equipment and          • Mills                        • Mills                     RSA
                              • S urface mining              accessories                      • L aboratory and analysis     • Screens                   November 2021 Processing and recy-
              ED:             •A  lternative removal      • Pumps and engines                  mills                         • Water and sludge pro-     cling 2021, Freiberg/D
              25.08.2021         procedures                • Dump trucks/dumper trucks/       •W  ear parts                     cessing installations
                              •C  onstruction machinery      tipper trucks                                                    • Washing installations
              AD:                                          • Silos and bunkers                                                • Ground preparation
              22.09.2021                                   • Feed and extraction equipment
                                                           • Fill level monitoring
                                                           • Wear protection/linings

11/2021       PD:             Sorting                      Crushing & screening                Construction waste              Ore processing               24. - 26.11. ForumMIRO, Berlin/D
November      09.11.2021      • S orting machines         • Mobile crushers                  recycling                       • Crushers
                              • Sensors                   • Stationary crushers              •C  rushers, mills             • Mills
              ED:             • S eparating tables        • Wear parts                       •C  onstruction machinery      • Flotation
              20.09.2021      • S orting by density       • Jigs, heavy-medium separators    • Attachments                  • Heavy-medium sepa-
                                                           • Separating equipment                                                rators
              AD:                                          • Floatation equipment                                             • Hydrocyclones

12/2021       PD:             Special: Innovations in      Wear protection                     Washing & drainage              Coal                         January 2022, Aufbereitungstech-
December      09.12.2021      processing technology        • Crushers, mills                  •W  ashing installations       • Processing                nisches Seminar (processing technology
                                                           • Screening installations          • S and washers                • Washing                   seminar), Leoben/A
              ED:                                          • Conveying equipment              •C  hamber filter presses      • Heavy-medium sepa-
              18.10.2021                                   • Linings for                      •R  otary and tubular driers      rators
                                                              silos and bunkers                • Thickener                    • Mills
              AD:                                          • Dump trucks/dumper trucks/                                       • Screening machines
              17.11.2021                                      tyre maintenance

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality.

MINERAL PROCESSING media data 2021 - Bauverlag
                                          EUROPE                                                                     AT Europe – prices, valid from 1st October 2020
1 ad sizes and rates (prices in €):
format                                                              width x height mm                                          b/w                                                    colours
2/1 page                                                              390.0 x 277.0                                                                                                  3,575.00
1/1 page                                                              178.0 x 277.0                                         1,315.00                                                 1,950.00
1/2 page      horizontal                                               178.0 x 135.0
              vertical                                                  83.5 x 277.0                                         795.00                                                  1,365.00
              juniorpage                                               125.0 x 186.0
1/3 page      horizontal                                               178.0 x 83.5
                                                                                                                             640.00                                                  1,050.00
              vertical                                                  55.0 x 277.0
1/4 page      horizontal                                               178.0 x 60.0
              2-col.                                                    83.5 x 125.0                                         550.00                                                   920.00
              vertical                                                  40.0 x 277.0
1/8 page      horizontal                                               178.0 x 30.0
                                                                                                                             405.00                                                   777.00
              2-col.                                                   83.5 x 60.0
1/16 page                                                                83.5 x 30.0                                         235.00                                                   390.00

format                                                                                                                                                                                colours
advertorial 1/1 page                                                                                                                                                                 2,050.00
advertorial 1/2 page                                                                                                                                                                 1,390.00
cover page                                                                                                                                                                           2,520.00
cover story                                                                                                                                                                          6,330.00
company presentation                                                                                                                                                                 4,190.00
image of the month                                                                                                                                                                   2,630.00
All prices are subject to statutory VAT. Please find the general terms and conditions at: www.bauverlag.de/downloads/agbs_en.pdf
2 additional charges:                                                                                     3 discounts: 	published within 12 months
   special position:   inside front cover and inside back cover                        € 273.00
		                     back cover 	                                                    € 639.00                                   staggered repeat discount quantity scale
		                     other prescribed positions:                                   15% charge                                    2 times    3% 		 2 pages            5%
                                                                                                                                    4 times    5% 		 4 pages            10%
  colour:                per special colour                                              € 984.00                                  6 times 10% 		 6 pages              15%

  sizes:                 ads bleeding over the printing area, bleed ads:                                   	Crossmedia discount
		                       2/1 page                                                        € 640.00           Discounts for print and online advertising and
		                       1/1 page                                                        € 330.00           crossmedia advertising campaigns on request.
		                       1/2 page and smaller                                            € 170.00
                                                                                                                                   Loose inserts and technical costs are not discountable.

                                     EUROPE                                                                  AT Europe – prices, valid from 1st October 2020

4 classified ads:         (not discountable; 1 column, 45 mm wide)                                                          delivery address: 		 Integralis Industriebuchbinderei,
                          sales advert b/w per mm                                 € 2.70                                                          Lettershop und Fulfillment GmbH
                          sales advert colour per mm                              € 3.90                                                          Lägenfeldstraße 4
                          job advert b/w      per mm                              € 2.70                                                          30952 Ronnenberg
                          job advert colour per mm                                € 3.90                                                          Germany
                          situations wanted per mm                                € 2.70
                          post box fee                                           € 50.00                                   delivery memo:            „For AT MINERAL
                                                                                                                                                      PROCESSING Europe issue …“
                          From a print value of 1,100.00 €, your job posting will be                                        glued ad media 		                                    price ‰
                          displayed online at www.AT-MINERALS.com for 4 weeks for 		                                        postcard                                             € 85.00
                          free.                                                                                             product samples		                                  on request
                                                                                                                            Technical costs are not eligible for commission and are not
5 special ad types:       bound inserts                                                                                     discountable.
                          2 pages				                                         € 1,780.00
                          4 pages				                                         € 2,620.00                                    required delivery quantity: 2,100 copies
                          (others on request)                                                                               delivery address:          Integralis Industriebuchbinderei,
                                                                                                                                                       Lettershop und Fulfillment GmbH
                          discounts as per scale of discount 1 sheet = 1/1 ad page                                                                       Lägenfeldstraße 4
                          	Please supply bound inserts in untrimmed format of 216 mm                                                                    30952 Ronnenberg
                          wide and 303 mm high (four pages and more: folded). Raw                                                                        Germany
                          format of bound-in inserts: bound inserts: 216 x 307 mm,
                          head trim: 7 mm, foot trim: 3 mm, lateral trim: 3 mm each                                         delivery memo:             „For AT MINERAL
                                                                                                                                                       PROCESSING Europe
                          required delivery quantity: 	2,100 copies                                                                                   issue …“
                          delivery address:			Wentker Druck GmbH
                                               Gutenbergstraße 5-9                                                          We will be happy to provide you with information on other
                                               48268 Greven                                                                 special forms of advertising. Just contact us, we will be
                                               Germany                                                                      pleased to realize your individual customer wishes.
                          delivery memo:			    „For AT MINERAL
                                               PROCESSING Europe                                   6 contact:              Marco Buch
                                               issue …“                                                                     Director Market Strategies & Sales
                          loose inserts (not discountable)                                         7 terms of payment: 	net invoice value within 30 days following the date of the
                          maximum size 205 x 290 mm                                                                       invoice, VAT ID No. DE 813382417
                          weight of loose insert                                 price ‰                                   Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh
                          Up to 25 g and 2 mm thickness                         € 815.00                                   Sparkasse Gütersloh-Rietberg
                          (higher weights and thicknesses on request)                                                       IBAN: DE46 4785 0065 0018 0329 62
                          for selected circulation: selection costs per selection € 125.00                                 BIC: WELADED1GTL

                          required delivery quantity:        2,100 copies

MINERAL PROCESSING                                                                                         print
                                       EUROPE                                                    AT Europe – readership analysis

1.1 sectors/branches:

                                                                                   part of copies actually distributed
readership structure
                                                                            %                                            copies

extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals, sand and gravel        53.1                                           885

mining and processing (ores, potash and salt, fertilizer, etc.)            24.3                                           405

further processing industry (e.g. cement, lime and plaster plants)         10.3                                           171

machine and plant engineering                                               4.2                                           70

construction machinery trading                                              3.2                                           53

building materials recycling                                                2.0                                           33

others                                                                      2.9                                           48

                                                                           100.0                                         1,668

publisher analysis, status September 2019

                                                                                                AT Worldwide – title portrait   1

1 magazine name:           AT MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide

2 short profile:            T MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide is the counterpart
                           to AT Europe distributed worldwide. With the same focus
                           on technology and range of subjects covered, AT MINERAL
                           PROCESSING Worldwide presents information exclusively
                           in English for decision-makers in the mineral processing
                           industry. For your export business to other continents, AT
                           MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide is the optimum ad-
                           vertising platform and sales tool. In addition to the printed
                           copies, AT MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide is distrib-
                           uted as an eMagazine by e-mail to selected regions. For
                           you this means even more contacts – for the same price.

3 target group:	Managing directors and operations/plant managers in
                 processing plants

                                                                                                                        AT Worldwide – title portrait          1

4 publication frequency:       5 issues                                              14 volume analysis: 2019 = 5 issues
                                                                                     total volume:                                           295 pages = 100.0 %
5 magazine format:             DIN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high)
                                                                                     editorial section                                       261 pages = 88.5 %
6 volume/year:                 62nd volume 2021                                      advertising section                                      34 pages = 11.5 %
7 sales price:                 annual subsricption national          € 99.00            classified ads                                         0 pages = 0,0 %
                               annual subsricption abroad            € 111.00           publisher’s ads                                        7 pages = 20.6 %
                               single copy                           € 26.50            bound inserts                                          3 pages = 8.8 %
                               Further information is available at                      loose inserts			                                                 0 pieces
8 organ:                       –                                                     15 content analysis editorial section:                  261 pages = 100.0 %

9 memberships:                 IVW                                                   focus industry                                           80 pages   =   30.7 %
                                                                                     trends & equipment                                       49 pages   =   18.8 %
10 publisher:	                Bauverlag BV GmbH                                     technical solutions                                      41 pages   =   15.7 %
                               Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 62                               special trade fair                                       32 pages   =   12.3 %
                               33330 Gütersloh                                       news		                                                   27 pages   =   10.3 %
                               Germany                                               follow-ups		                                             14 pages   =    5.4 %
                               www.bauverlag.de                                      reports		                                                10 pages   =    3.8 %
                                                                                     interview		                                               8 pages   =    3.1 %
11 editor:                     Michael Voss

12 advertising:                Marco Buch
                               Director Market Strategies & Sales

13 editorial department: 	    Dr. Petra Strunk
                               phone: +49 5241 2151-7272
                               e-mail: petra.strunk@bauverlag.de

                               Ulrike Mehl
                               phone: +49 5241 2151-7373
                               e-mail: ulrike.mehl@bauverlag.de

                                  WORLDWIDE                                                                                AT Worldwide – distribution analysis

1 circulation audit:                                                                        3 geographic distribution analysis:

2 circulation anaysis:	copies per issue                                                                                                  part of copies actually distributed
                        (annual average of July 01st 2019 to June 30th 2020)
                                                                                            continent                                        %                       copies

    print run:                        4,000                                                 North, Central and South America                27.9                     1,042

    copies actually distributed       3,760    thereof abroad:                3,740         Africa                                          8.6                       321

    copies sold:                          2    thereof abroad:                    1          Asia                                           56.7                     2,119
    subscriptions:                        2
                                                                                             Ozeania                                         6.0                       223
    single copy sales:                    –
                                                                                             copies actually distributed                   100.0                     3,740
    free copies:                      3,758
    archive and specimen copies:        240
    other sales:                          –

   Summary of the survey method:
   1. method: dissemination analysis by file evaluation - total survey
   2. basic population: actual circulation 3,759 = 100.0 %,
      not covered by the examination 0 = 0.0 %
   3. sample: total survey
   4. target person of the study: not applicable
   5. period of study: May 2020
   6. execution of the study: Bauverlag BV GmbH

   The detailed survey method can be found at

                                       AT Worldwide – international distribution   2

international distribution

print run:     4,000 copies

                                   WORLDWIDE                                                                                                 AT Worldwide - editorial schedule

 issue          dates            topics                                                                                                                             trade fairs/events
 1/2021         Publishing       Screening and grading            Milling                          Wear protection                Gravel & sand                     22.-26.03. ECIC European Coke and
 March          date:            • Screening machines and       • Mills                        • Crushers, mills            • Excavators/floating           Ironmaking Congress, Bremen/D
                18.03.2021           systems                      • Laboratory
                                                                               and analysis      • Screening installations        cranes and pumps              22.-26.03. ICSTI International Confe-
                                 • Electrical classification/       mills                        • Conveying equipment        • Washing installations         rence on Science and Technology of Iron
                Advertising          classifiers                  • Wear parts                   • Lining
                                                                                                            for silos and       • Screening machines            Making, Bremen/D
                deadline:        • Wear parts                                                        bunkers                    • Jigs                          12.-16.04. Hannover Messe, Hanover/D
                24.02.2021                                                                         • Dump trucks/tipper                                           14. - 17.04., steinexpo, Homberg-
                                                                                                       trucks/tyre maintenance                                      Niederofleiden/D
                                 Special Solids                   Crushing                         Dust removal &                 Rocks & ores                      18.-22.04. IMPC 2021, Cape Town/RSA
                                 Company reports on               • Mobile crushers              air purification               • Mills                         19.-22.04. Comminution 2021, Cape
                                 SOLIDS                           • Stationary crushers          • Filter technology          • Screens                       Town/RSA
                                                                                                   • Exhaust equipment          • Water
                                                                                                                                             and sludge proces-   19.-24.04. Intermat, Paris/F
                                                                                                   • Dust suppression/binding       sing installations
                                                                                                                                  • Washing installations
                                                                                                                                  • Ground preparation
 2/2021         Publishing       Special steinexpo                Digitisation in processing       Conveying & storage            Potash & salt processing          01.-03.06. Euro Mine Expo,
 May            date:            Company reports on               technology                       • Conveying equipment        • Extraction, production,       Västerbotten/S
                25.05.2021       steinexpo                        • System control                   and accessories                storage and bagging of        07.-09.06. Physical Separation 2021,
                                                                  • Industry 4.0                 • Pumps
                                                                                                              and engines           fertilisers                   Falmouth/UK
                Advertising                                       • System monitoring            • Dump trucks/dumper         • Phosphate
                                                                                                                                                 extraction and   14.-18.06. Achema, Frankfurt a.M./D
                deadline:                                         • Digital extraction               trucks/tipper trucks           processing                    22.-24.06. Hillhead, Buxton/UK
                29.04.2021                                            planning                     • Silos
                                                                                                           and bunkers          • Flotation                     23.-24.06. Sustainable Minerals,
                                                                                                   • Feed
                                                                                                           and extraction       • Packaging                     Falmouth/UK
                                                                                                       equipment                  • Pelleting
                                                                                                   • Fill
                                                                                                        level monitoring
                                                                                                   • Wear protection/linings
                                 Grinding & screening             Wear protection                  Flotation                      Construction waste
                                 • Mills                        • Crushers, mills              • Floatation cells           recycling
                                 • Laboratory and analysis      • Screening installations      • Development of new         • Crushers, mills
                                     mills                        • Conveying equipment              flotation agents           • Construction machinery
                                 • Screening machines and       • Lining
                                                                           for silos and         • Column leaching, column    • Attachments
                                     systems                          bunkers                          flotation
                                 • Wear parts                   • Dump trucks/tipper           • Percolators
                                                                      trucks/tyre maintenance      • Stirrers, ventilation

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality.

                                   WORLDWIDE                                                                                                   AT Worldwide - editorial schedule

 issue         dates           topics                                                                                                                                     trade fairs/events
 3/2021        Publishing      Special: Achema               Laboratory analysis & auto-          Gravel & sand                               Conveying & storage         13.-16.10. bauma CONEXPO
 August        date:           Company reports on            mation                               • Excavators/floating cranes and          • Conveying equipment     AFRICA, Johannesburg/RSA
               17.08.2021      Achema                        • Process control systems              pumps                                       and accessories
                                                             • Energy efficiency                • Washing installations                   • Pumps and engines
               Advertising                                   • Maintenance/Service              • Screening machines                      • Dump trucks/dumper
               deadline:                                         Sampling                         • Jigs                                        trucks/tipper trucks
               26.07.2021                                    • Devices and processes for                                                    • Silos and bunkers
                                                                 sample division                                                              • Feed and extraction
                                                             • Laboratory devices                                                               equipment
                                                                                                                                              • Fill level monitoring
                                                                                                                                              • Wear protection/
                               Crushing                      Drone technology in raw mate-        Screening and grading                       Ore processing
                               • Mobile crusher              rial extraction                      • Screening
                                                                                                                machines and systems        • Crushers
                               • Stationary crusher          • Drones for us in opencast        • Electrical classification/classifiers   • Mills
                                                               mining                             • Wear parts                              • Flotation
                                                             • Digital analysis of drone                                                    • Heavy-medium
                                                               images                                                                             separators
                                                                                                                                              • Hydrocyclones
 4/2021        Publishing      Wear protection               Optimisation & Process control       Drainage & drying                           Industrial minerals         08.-11.11. Flotation 2021, Cape
 October       date:           • Crushers, mills           • Automation                       • Chamber
                                                                                                              filter presses                • Ball and drum mills     Town/RSA
               29.10.2021      • Screening installations   • Process control systems          • Rotary
                                                                                                           and tubular driers               • High-compression
                               • Conveying equipment       • Energy efficiency                • Drying
                                                                                                           with microwaves                      roller mills
               Advertising     • Lining for silos and      • Maintenance/Service              • Thickener                               • Vibration mills
               deadline:           bunkers                                                                                                    • Agitator bead mills
               07.10.2021      • Dump trucks/tipper                                                                                         • etc.
                                   trucks/tyre mainte-
                               Wear protection               Optimisation & Process control       Drainage & drying                           Industrial minerals
                               • Crushers, mills           • Automation                       • Chamber filter presses                  • Ball and drum mills
                               • Screening installations   • Process control systems          • Rotary and tubular driers               • High-compression
                               • Conveying equipment       • Energy efficiency                • Drying with microwaves                      roller mills
                               • Lining for silos and      • Maintenance/Service              • Thickener                               • Vibration mills
                                   bunkers                                                                                                    • Agitator bead mills
                               • Dump trucks/tipper                                                                                         • etc.
                                   trucks/tyre mainte-

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality.

                                   WORLDWIDE                                                                                       AT Worldwide - editorial schedule

 issue         dates           topics                                                                                                                      trade fairs/events
 5/2021        Publishing      Sorting                       Crushing & Screening                 Construction waste recycling    Ore processing           January 2022, Aufbereitungstech-
 December      date:           • Sorting machines          • Mobile crushers                  • Crushers, mills             • Crushers             nisches Seminar (processing tech-
               21.12.2021      • Sensors                   • Stationary crushers              • Construction machinery      • Mills                nology seminar) 2022, Leoben/A
                               • Separating tables         • Wear parts                       • Attachments                 • Flotation
               Advertising     • Sorting by density        • Jigs, heavy-medium sepa-                                         • Heavy-medium
               deadline:                                         rators                                                               separators
               29.11.2021                                    • Separating equipment                                             • Hydrocyclones
                                                             • Floatation equipment
                               Special: Innovations in       Wear protection                      Washing & drainage              Coal
                               processing technology         • Crushers, mills                  • Washing installations       • Processing
                                                             • Screening installations          • Sand washers                • Washing
                                                             • Conveying equipment              • Chamber filter presses      • Heavy-medium
                                                             • Linings for silos and bunkers    • Rotary and tubular driers       separators
                                                             • Dump trucks/dumper trucks/       • Thickener                   • Mills
                                                                 tyre maintenance                                                 • Screening machines

The editorial department reserves the right to make changes or additions to the scheduled features to allow for topicality.

                                  WORLDWIDE                                                                   AT Worldwide – prices, valid from 1st October 2020

1 ad sizes and rates (prices in €):

format                                                            width x height mm                                            b/w                                            colours
2/1 page                                                            390.0 x 277.0                                                                                            6,170.00
1/1 page                                                            178.0 x 277.0                                           2,160.00                                         3,350.00
1/2 page horizontal                                                 178.0 x 135.0
         vertical                                                    83.5 x 277.0                                           1,290.00                                         2,225.00
         juniorpage                                                 125.0 x 186.0
1/3 page horizontal                                                 178.0 x 83.5
                                                                                                                            1,025.00                                         1,905.00
         vertical                                                    55.0 x 277.0
1/4 page horizontal                                                 178.0 x 60.0
         2-col.                                                      83.5 x 125.0                                            950.00                                          1,790.00
         vertical                                                    40.0 x 277.0
1/8 page horizontal                                                   178.0 x 30.0
                                                                                                                             610.00                                          1,550.00
         2-col.                                                       83.5 x 60.0
1/16 page                                                               83.5 x 30.0                                          345.00                                           780.00

format                                                                                                                                                                        colours
advertorial 1/1 page                                                                                                                                                         3,390.00
advertorial 1/2 page                                                                                                                                                         2,250.00
cover page                                                                                                                                                                   3,730.00
All prices are subject to statutory VAT. Please find the general terms and conditions at: www.bauverlag.de/downloads/agbs_en.pdf

2 additional charges:                                                                                    3 discounts: 	published within 12 months
  special position : inside front cover and inside back cover                         € 275.00
		                    back cover 	                                                    € 640.00                               2 times    3%        2 pages      5%
		                    other prescribed positions:                                   15% charge                               4 times    5%        4 pages     10%
                                                                                                                              6 times   10%        6 pages     15%
  colour:                per special colour                                             € 985.00
                                                                                                          crossmedia discount
  sizes:                 ads bleeding over the printing area, bleed ads:                                  Discounts for print and online advertising and crossmedia
		                       2/1 page                                                     € 1,025.00         advertising campaigns on request.
		                       1/1 page                                                       € 670.00
		                       1/2 page and smaller                                           € 335.00                             Loose inserts and technical costs are not discountable.

                               WORLDWIDE                                                              AT Worldwide – prices, valid from 1st October 2020

5 special ad types:     bound inserts                                                                                       glued ad media                                         price ‰
                        2 pages                                                 € 3,230.00                                  postcard                                                € 85.00
                        4 pages				                                             € 4,170.00                                  product samples                                      on request
                        (others on request)
                                                                                                                            Technical costs are not eligible for commission and are not
                        discounts    as per scale of discount : 1 sheet = 1 ad page                                         discountable.
                        		Please supply bound inserts in untrimmed format of 216 mm
                        wide and 303 mm high (four pages and more: folded).                                                 required delivery quantity:   4,200 copies

                        required delivery quantity: 	4,200 copies                                                          delivery address:              I ntegralis Industriebuchbinderei,
                                                                                                                                                      				 Lettershop und Fulfillment
                        delivery address:                 Wentker Druck GmbH                                                                          				 GmbH
                                                          Gutenbergstraße 5-9                                                                              Lägenfeldstraße 4
                                                          48268 Greven                                                                                     30952 Ronnenberg
                                                          Germany                                                                                     				 Germany

                        		delivery memo:              „for AT MINERAL PROCESSING                                          delivery memo:                „for AT MINERAL PROCESSING
                                                        Worldwide issue …“                                                                                Worldwide issue …“

                        		loose inserts: (not discountable)                                                                We will be happy to provide you with information on other
                        maximum size 205 x 290 mm                                                                           special forms of advertising. Just contact us, we will be
                                                                                                                            pleased to realize your individual customer wishes.
                        weight of loose insert                                    price ‰
                        up to 25 g and 2 mm thickness                            € 795.00        6 contact:               Marco Buch
                        (higher weights and thicknesses on request)                                                         Director Market Strategies & Sales
                        		 selected circulation:
                        for                                                                       7 terms of payment: 	   net invoice value within 30 days following the date of
                        selection costs per selection                            € 125.00                                  the invoice, VAT ID No. DE 813382417

                        required delivery quantity:      4,200 copies                                                       Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh
                                                                                                                            Sparkasse Gütersloh-Rietberg
                        delivery address: 	Integralis Industriebuchbinderei,                                               IBAN: DE46 4785 0065 0018 0329 62
                                            Lettershop und Fulfillment GmbH                                                 BIC: WELADED1GTL
                                            Lägenfeldstraße 4
                                            30952 Ronnenberg

                        		delivery memo:               „for AT MINERAL PROCESSING
                                                        Worldwide issue …“

MINERAL PROCESSING                                                                                                print
                               WORLDWIDE                                                          AT Worldwide – readership analysis

1.1 sectors/branches:

                                                                                          part of copies actually distributed
readership structure
                                                                                   %                                            copies

mining and extraction (ores, potash and salt, fertilizers, etc.)                  65.3                                          2,457

extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals, sand and gravel plants        22.7                                           854

further processing industry (e.g. cement, lime and gypsum plants)                  9.5                                           357

machine and plant engineering                                                      1.3                                           49

construction waste recycling                                                       1.2                                           46

                                                                                  100.0                                         3,760

publisher analysis, status September 2019

                                                                                                                                   formats and technical advice

1 size of journal:                IN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high
                                 D                                                                     5 colors:	           Please make sure that the color palettecontains in every case
                                 untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high)                                                       cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Colors that do not require
                                                                                                                             their own print format must be marked as four-color prints.
  print space:                   186 mm wide x 270 mm high                                                                   Color mode: CMYK. RGB resultsin color differences.
                                 4 columns, 45mm wide
                                                                                                       6 proof:              Please attach a 1:1 laser printout to every data delivery for
2 printing and binding methods: offset printing, adhesive binding                                                            status and text checks.
                                                                                                       7 data archiving:	   All data sent us must be copies; the originalsshould be kept
3 data transmission:             We accept the following data carries: CD-ROM, DVD
                                                                                                                             and saved by you for entra safety until such time as the
                                 Transmission by FTP:     upon request
                                                                                                                             magazine issue is published. The documents and directories
                                 by e-mail (up to 10MB): order.management@bauverlag.de
                                                                                                                             must have unambiguous order and page designations.
                                 For larger volumes of data, please contact:
                                                                                                                             Please avoid, if at all possible, special characters, blank
                                 Linda Schlingmann, phone: +49 5241 2151-5353
                                                                                                                             spaces and umlauts. Please ensure taht all of the elements
                                                                                                                             used are supplied. This refers in particular to images and
4 data formats:	                Please send your advertisement data as PDF with embedded
                                                                                                                             fonts that are embedded in EPS graphics. Data are archived;
                                 fonts, CMYK color space and/or special colors and 300
                                                                                                                             unchanged repetitions are therefore generally possible.
                                 dpi resolution. Alternatively, you may also send us an EPS
                                                                                                                             However, no data warranty or guarantee is assumed.
                                 file with fonts converted in paths and 300 dpi resolution
                                 and /or a TIFF file in the CMYK color space with 600 dpi              8 warranty:	         The printer shops that work for us can only expose what
                                 resolution. Please note that for open files extra costs may be                              exists on the data carriers you deliver to us. We assume no
                                 charged, depending on the expenditure and costs required                                    liability what so ever for any deviations in texts, images or
                                 for processing. Use, if possible, only PostScript fonts from                                colors
                                 the Adobe or Linotype library. Should you use other fonts,
                                                                                                       9 contact:            Linda Schlingmann
                                 or fonts modified by you, please let us know. Under license,
                                                                                                                             phone: +49 5241 2151-5353
                                 we are not permitted to accepts fonts supplied by you. If
                                                                                                                             e-mail: order.management@bauverlag.de
                                 the font used is not available to us, we have to convert
                                 the part of the text concerned into paths, by means of a
                                 graphics program and integrate is as graphics into your
                                 document. Please contact us in such case.

                                                                                                                    formats and technical advice

print space

format           1/1 page  2/3 upright 2/3 page 1/2 upright 1/2 JP  1/2 horiz. 1/3 upright 1/3 horiz. 1/4 upright 1/4 horiz.     1/4 2-col.   1/8 horiz.   1/8 2-col.
width x height   178 x 277 125 x 277 178 x 186 83,5 x 277 125 x 186 178 x 135 55 x 277     178 x 83,5 40 x 277 178 x 60          83,5 x 125 178 x 30       83,5 x 60
in mm

bleed-format (format plus 3mm bleed to each side)

format           1/1 page    2/3 upright 2/3 horiz.
                                                 1/2 upright 1/2 JP   1/2 horiz. 1/3 upright 1/3 horiz. 1/4 upright 1/4 horiz.   1/4 2-col.   1/8 horiz.   1/8 2-col.
width x height   210 x 297   140 x 297 210 x 195 98,5 x 297 140 x 195 210 x 140 70 x 297     210 x 98,5 55 x 297    210 x 70     98,5 x 140 210 x 40       98,5 x 70
in mm

MINERAL PROCESSING                                                                                           additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                              AT combination

AT combination – Global presence at a small price

For your communications with the entire mineral processing industry worldwide, use both editions of AT MINERAL PROCESSING.
This way you reach all relevant markets without overlapping – and that at an attractive special price!

       AT combination I
              1 advert in
              AT MINERAL PROCESSING Europe

       +      1 advert in
              AT MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide

       +      1 text ad in the AT newsletter or
              1 banner on www.AT-MINERALS.com (1 month)

       =      15% combination discount                                                                                               or

Precondition for AT Combi I and II: same format in all issues. The AT combis count as 1 placement/1 page in all frequency scales.

MINERAL PROCESSING                                                                                           additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                              AT combination

    AT combination II
            2 adverts in
            AT MINERAL PROCESSING Europe

    +       1 adverts in
            AT MINERAL PROCESSING Worldwide

    =       15% combination discount

    AT combination III
            1 text ad in the
            AT newsletter

    +       1 banner on
            www.AT-MINERALS.com (in the same time)

    =       15% combination discount

Precondition for AT Combi I and II: same format in all issues. The AT combis count as 1 placement/1 page in all frequency scales.

RUSSIAN YEARBOOK                                                                                         additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                 AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK


The AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK is your door opener for the Russian market. Once a year this special issue of AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK provides you with the opportu-
nity to concentrate on this particular market. Completely in Russian, the AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK attracts attention from the decision-makers in the Russian mineral
processing industry.

1 title:                 AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK
2 short profile: 	The AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK provides an overview of all important aspects
                   in mineral processing and reports on all developments in the different
                   ­process steps for the decision-makers in Russia. The product surveys
                    off the range of information.
3 language:              Russian
4 target group: 	Managing directors and technical operations/plant managers in the mineral
                  processing industry in Russia and the CIS states.
5 publication frequency: 1 issue per year
6 circulation:           2,500 copies
7 magazine format:       DIN A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high)
8 distribution:          Direct mailing to qualified and personalized addresses in the destination

RUSSIAN YEARBOOK                                                                                                                       additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                                                     AT RUSSIAN YEARBOOK

9 advertising rates (all prices are subject to statutory VAT):
ADVERTS                                                                                                                               ENTRIES (not commissionable)
format                              bleed-format           print space                price                                           type of entry                           price
                                     plus 3mm bleed                                   (in €)                                                                                  (in €)
1/1 page                              210.0 x 298.0        178.0 x 277.0            2,250.00                                          company entry                          235.00
1/2 page upright                       98.5 x 279.0         83.5 x 277.0            1,500.00                                          In the directory of manufacturers
                                                                                                                                      incl. company name, address, phone
         horizontal                   210.0 x 140.0        178.0 x 135.0
                                                                                                                                      number, Fax, e-mail, URL and
1/3 page upright                       70.0 x 297.0         55.0 x 277.0            1,250.00                                          company logo
         horizontal                   210.0 x 98.5         178.0 x 83.5
1/4 page 2-col.                        98.5 x 140.0         83.5 x 125.0            1,050.00                                          For customers already listed in AT CRUSHING
         horizontal                   210.0 x 70.0         178.0 x 60.0                                                               TECHNOLOGY and/or AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY
cover page                                                                          2,595.00                                          copying of your product data            235.00
1/1 page                                                                            1,895.00                                          from the tables
company profile*

combination packages
1/1 page advert + 1/1 page company profile*                                         3,200.00

1/2 page advert + 1/1 page company profile*                                         2,700.00                                          10 dates:
                                                                                                                                      booking deadline                      17.02.2021
1/3 page advert + 1/1 page company profile*                                        2,600.00                                           company profiles:
                                                                                                                                      advertising deadline:                 03.03.2021
1/4 page advert + 1/1 page company profile*                                        2,500.00                                           publishing date:                      19.04.2021

* company profile incl. layout (approx. 1,500 characters, 2-3 pictures, company logo and contact details).
  Translation into Russian language included if a Russian text cannot be supplied. Placement: In the front of the magazine in alphabetical order.

SCREENING TECHNOLOGY                                                                                    additional benefit print
                                                                                                                     AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY


The AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY supplement is the must-have for all screen manufacturers, distributors and suppliers. As a comprehensive product overview,
AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY presents the screens in comparison tables.

1 title:                 AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY
2 short profile: 	AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY provides tabular comparisons for diffe-
                   rent types (e.g. trommels, vibrating screens) of screens and accessories
                   and is therefore an indispensable source of information for the selection
                   of a screening machine.
3 language:              English
4 target group: 	Managing directors and technical operations/
                  plant managers in the global mineral processing industry
5 publication frequency: 1 issue per year
6 circulation:           14,500 copies
7 magazine format:       200 mm wide x 280 mm high
8 distribution:	Supplement in the trade magazines AT Europe, AT Worldwide,
                 ZKG CEMENT LIME GYPSUM and tunnel

SCREENING TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                  AT SCREENING TECHNOLOGY

9 advertising rates (all prices are subject to statutory VAT):
ADVERTS                                                                                                      ENTRIES (not commissionable)
format                                 bleed-format                print space              price            type of entry                     categories           price (in €)
                                        plus 3mm bleed                                      (in €)           product entry          – stationary screens            220.00
1/1 page                                   200 x 280               170 x 230             4,095.00            In the overview          circular motion               for first
                                                                                                             tables incl. technical   virbating screens             category
1/2 page upright                           105 x 280                90 x 230             2,295.00            data of your screen
                                                                                                                                      trommel screens
         horizontal                        200 x 150               170 x 130                                 model and company                                      125.00
                                                                                                             logo                     linear motion vibrating
1/3 page upright                            73 x 280                 58 x 230            1,630.00                                     screens                       per additional
         horizontal                        200 x 105               170 x 85                                                           elliptical motion vibrating
1/4 page 2-col.                            105 x 150                90 x 130             1,425.00                                     screens
                                                                                                                                      tumbler screens/gyratory
         horizontal                        200 x 83                170 x 63                                                           screens
1/1 page company profile*                                                                2,375.00                                     analysis and laboratory
combination packages                                                                                                                  others
                                                                                                                                    – mobile screens
package 1:                                                                               5,105.00                                     screens for standalone
– 1/1 page advert                                                                                                                     operation
– 1/1 page company profile*                                                                                                           screens for combined
– picture on the cover                                                                                                                operation
– company and product entries (flat-rate)                                                                                           – screen linings
– 10 copies                                                                                                                         – accessories
package 2:                                                                               3,565.00            company entry – manufacturers screens                  220.00
– 1/2 page advert                                                                                            In the directory of      screen linings                for first
– 1/1 page company profile*                                                                                  manufacturers incl.      analysis and laboratory       category
– picture on the cover                                                                                       company name,
– company and product entries (flat-rate)                                                                    address, phone
                                                                                                                                      accessories                   125.00
– 10 copies                                                                                                  number, fax, e-mail,                                   per additional
                                                                                                             URL and company          wear parts
                                                                                                             logo                   – suppliers

                                                                                                             10 dates:
                                                                                                             advertising deadline:                        06.09.2021
                                                                                                             publishing date:                             28.09.2021
* company profile incl. layout (approx. 1,500 characters, 2-3 pictures, company logo and contact details).
  placement: in the front of the magazine in alphabetical order.

CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY                                                                                      additional benefit print
                                                                                                                      AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY


The AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY supplement is a must-have for all crusher manufacturers, distributors and suppliers. This comprehensive product survey provides a
tabular overview of the different types of crushers and the available machines.

1 title:                 AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY
2 short profile: 	AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY presents tabular overviews of stationary
                   and mobile crushers (impact crushers, cone crushers, etc.) as a compre-
                   hensive product survey. Directories of manufacturers and distributors
                   round off the necessary information in the search for a suitable crusher.
3 language:              German/English
4 target group: 	Managing directors and technical operations/
                  plant managers in the global mineral processing industry
5 publication frequency: 1 issue per year
6 circulation:           29,000 copies
7 magazine format:       200 mm wide x 280 mm high
8 distribution:	Supplement in the trade magazines AT Europe, AT Worldwide,
                 ZKG CEMENT LIME GYPSUM, tunnel and THIS

CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                    additional benefit print
                                                                                                                                      AT CRUSHING TECHNOLOGY

9 advertising rates (all prices are subject to statutory VAT):
ADVERTS                                                                                                      ENTRIES (not commissionable)
format                                bleed-format             print space                price              type of entry                       categories            price
                                       plus 3mm bleed                                     (in €)                                                                      (in €)
1/1 page                                  200 x 280              170 x 230             5,065.00              product entry                  – cone crushers        320.00
                                                                                                             In the overview tables incl.      stationary/mobile   for first category
1/2 page upright                          105 x 280                90 x 230            2,590.00              technical data of your crus-   – jaw crushers
         horizontal                       200 x 150              170 x 130                                   her models and company
                                                                                                                                               stationary/mobile   160.00
1/3 page upright                           73 x 280                58 x 230            1,750.00                                             – roll crushers        per additional
                                                                                                                                               stationary          category
         horizontal                       200 x 105              170 x 85
1/4 page 2-col.                           105 x 150               90 x 130             1,370.00                                             – impact crushers
         horizontal                       200 x 83               170 x 63                                                                   – hammer crushers
2/1 page company profile*                                                              3,150.00                                                stationary/mobile
                                                                                                                                            – crushing buckets
combination packages                                                                                         Company entry                  – manufacturers       320.00
package 1:                                                                             6,300.00
                                                                                                             In the directory of manufac-      crushers wear       for first category
                                                                                                             turers incl. company name,        parts
– 1/1 page advert                                                                                            address, phone number, Fax,
– 2/1 page company profile*                                                                                                                    accessories         160.00
                                                                                                             e-mail, URL and company
– picture on the cover                                                                                       logo                           – suppliers            per additional
– company and product entries (flat-rate)
– 10 copies
package 2:                                                                             4,550.00
– 1/2 page advert
– 2/1 page company profile*
– picture on the cover                                                                                       10 dates:
– company and product entries (flat-rate)                                                                    advertising deadline:                         29.10.2021
– 10 copies                                                                                                  publishing date:                              22.11.2021

* company profile incl. layout (approx. 1,500 characters, 4-6 pictures, company logo and contact details).
  1/1 page each German and English. placement: in the front of the magazine in alphabetical order.

                                                                                                      portrait   1

1 website:             www.AT-MINERALS.com
2 short profile:	     The AT website is the first port of call for engineers in mineral
                       processing in their online research. It’s not for nothing that the search,
                       the archive and product pages are the most-clicked pages on
                       www.AT-MINERALS.com. All information is provided in German and
                       English. www.AT-MINERALS.com therefore gives you an on-target
                       online advertising platform and – especially in combination with printed
                       advertising in AT MINERAL PROCESSING – offers particularly positive
                       advertising effects.

3 target group:	      managing directors and operations/
                       plant managers in mineral processing plants worldwide

4 publisher:           Bauverlag BV GmbH
                       contact editorial department:
                       Dr. Petra Strunk
                       phone: +49 5241 2151-7272
                       e-mail: petra.strunk@bauverlag.de
                       contact digital advertising:
                       Axel Gase-Jochens
                       Head of Digital Sales
                       phone: +49 5241 2151-2727
                       e-mail: axel.gase-jochens@bauverlag.de

                                                                                                                                                              website traffic   N

1 traffic audit:      –

2 website traffic:   page impressions:              14,779
		                   visits:                        10,254
		                   unique user:                    9,100
		                   (Source for page impressions and visits: IVW, for unique users: Google Analytics/proprietary information; average per month April 2020 to June 2020)

Source from June 2019 to March 2020: Google Analytics/own reference
Source from April 2020 for page impressions and visits: IVW
Source unique user: Google Analytics/proprietary information

                                                                                                                                                        prices and forms of advertising                       P
1 prices and forms of advertising:
        advertising formats                                      placement                                    format (pixel, width x height)                    max data size           prices in €/4 weeks
          fullsize banner                      website, in rotation with max. two additional                             468 x 60                                 100 kB                        532.00
           superbanner                         website, in rotation with max. two additional                             728 x 90                                 100 kB                        644.00
            skyscraper                         website, in rotation with max. two additional                            120 x 600                                 100 kB                        784.00
         skyscraper sticky                     website, in rotation with max. two additional                            120 x 600                                 100 kB                        868.00
          wide skyscraper                      website, in rotation with max. two additional                            160 x 600                                 100 kB                        924.00
       wide skyscraper sticky                  website, in rotation with max. two additional                            160 x 600                                 100 kB                     1,008.00
             half page                         website, in rotation with max. two additional                            300 x 600                                 100 kB                     1,036.00
          half page sticky                     website, in rotation with max. two additional                            300 x 600                                 100 kB                     1,148.00
         medium rectangle                      website, in rotation with max. two additional                            300 x 250                                 100 kB                        980.00
             wallpaper                         website, in rotation with max. two additional                      728 x 90 + 120 x 600                            100 kB                     1,176.00
       expandable wallpaper                    website, in rotation with max. two additional                728 x 90 + 120 x 600 (300 x 600)                      100 kB                     1,316.00
              layer ad                                           homepage                                               400 x 400                                 100 kB                       336.00
                                                                                                                (with frequency capping)
            company logo                       website, in rotation with max. two additional                            200 x 100                                   100 kB                  on request
          situations vacant                                    in the job market                                        individual                                  100 kB                   1,120.00
              microsite                              own navigation within the website,                                 individual                                  100 kB                 10,206.00*
                                                              duration 12 weeks
             onlinePLUS                       addition to an existing online article/advertorial                  photos, videos, PDFs                              100 kB                    1,008.00
          online-advertorial                                      see page 46                                            individual                                 100 kB                    2,394.00
              ad bundle                                             website,                                   consisting of fullsize banner,                       100 kB                      784.00
                                                    in rotation with max. two additional                    skyscraper and medium rectangle
               billboard                               on all pages except homepage,                                    970 x 250                                   100 kB                    1,316.00
                                                    in rotation with max. two additional
All online advertising formats can be booked exclusively. Rates and availability on request. * Total price for a period of 12 weeks. All prices are subject to statutory VAT.
Please check our general terms of sale on: www.bauverlag.de/downloads/agbs_en.pdf

2 discounts:                published within 12 months                                                            We will be happy to provide you with information on other online special forms of
                                                                                                                  advertising. Just contact us, we will be pleased to realize your individual customer wishes.
                             3 months         5%
                             6 months        10 %                                                                 Axel Gase-Jochens
                            12 months        15 %                                                                 Head of Digital Sales
                                                                                                                  phone: +49 5241 2151-2727
3 online ad specials:       additional options                                                                    e-mail: axel.gase-jochens@bauverlag.de
                            wallpaper: coloured, clickable background
                            30% additional charge

                                      ONLINE                                                                                               formats and technical advice

1 file formats:	JPG, GIF, Flash, HTML-Tag, Redirect-Tag                                          2 delivery address:	please send your banner to order.management@bauverlag.de
                 Weight: max. 100 kB per banner
                                                                                                  3 delivery time:	4 working days prior to beginning of the campaign. These lead times
                  Please also provide a medium rectangle for the online advertising 		                              give both of us sufficient time to test the formats and to ensure reliable
                  options in order to guarantee optimisation for mobile devices.                                    delivery of the campaign. Otherwise, we can bear no costs for delays
                                                                                                                    caused by late delivery to us.
                  The kB data given for every advertising material are maximum
                  sizes and represent the total sum of all data defined by the advertising                            Please send your materials together with the required meta information:
                  materials (including files to be loaded later, sniffer code,                                        – booked site
                  images, flash, etc.).                                                                               – customer name
                                                                                                                      – order number
                                                                                                                      – target-URL
                    F or detailed information please see our spec sheet:
                                                                                                                      – booking period
                                                                                                                      – advertising format
                                                                                                                      – motif name
                  You get a reporting about ad-impressions and ad-clicks after                                        – contact person for inquiries
                  campaign end.
                                                                                                  4 contact:          For technical support please contact:

                                                                                                                      Linda Schlingmann
                                                                                                                      phone: +49 5241 2151-5353
                                                                                                                      e-mail: order.management@bauverlag.de

                                                                                                                      formats and technical advice    F

advertising forms

fullsize banner                  superbanner                       skyscraper               wide Skyscraper   half Page              billboard
468 x 60                         728 x 90                          120 x 600                160 x 600         300 x 600              970 x 250

                                                                                                                                     width x height
                                                                                                                                     in pixel

medium rectangle                 wallpaper                         expandable wallpaper     layer ad          ad bundle
300 x 250                        728 x 90 + 120 x 600              728 x 90 +               400 x 400         468 x 60
                                                                   120 x 600 (300 x 600)                      120 x 600

Please consider our information on data formats and programming.
                                                                                                              300 x 250

                                                                                                    portrait   1

1 name:                 AT newsletter

2 short profile:	The AT newsletter gives engineers a monthly update on the
                  developments and contracts in the mineral processing industry. With
                  the AT newsletter, you can specifically reach the decision-makers,
                  landing direct in their mailbox and therefore in their line of vision.
                  Report on new products or developments with a text ad or make a
                  lasting impression with a banner!

3 target group:	managing directors and operations/
                 plant managers in mineral processing plants worldwide

4 publication frequency: 10 times per year

5 publisher:            Bauverlag BV GmbH

                        contact editorial department:
                        Dr. Petra Strunk
                        phone: +49 5241 2151-7272
                        e-mail: petra.strunk@bauverlag.de
                        contact digital advertising:
                        Axel Gase-Jochens
                        Head of Digital Sales
                        phone: +49 5241 2151-2727
                        e-mail: axel.gase-jochens@bauverlag.de

                                                                                        distribution   N

1 recipients:	managing directors and operations/
               plant managers in mineral processing plants worldwide

2 circulation:   1,998 recipients
                 openingrate gross: 46.91%
                 openingrate net: 16.96%
                 (source: Inxmail; average per month July 2019 until June 2020)

                                                                                                              time schedule               T

 issue           publishing date   booking deadline        trade fairs/events

1-2/2021          26.01.2021         18.01.2021            ExpoSolidos, Filtech

3/2021            02.03.2021         22.02.2021            Belt conveyors and their elements, Berliner Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz
                                                           (Berlin recycling and raw materials conference), SOLIDS Dortmund, ECIC
                                                           European Coke and Ironmaking Congress, ICSTI International Conference on
                                                           Science and Technology of Iron Making, Symposium für Aufbereitungstechnik
                                                           (Symposium for processing technology)

4/2021            24.03.2021         16.03.2021            Hannover Messe, IMPC 2021, Comminution 2021, Intermat

5/2021            28.04.2021         20.04.2021

6/2021            26.05.2021         17.05.2021            Euro Mine Expo, Physical Separation 2021, RecyclingAKTIV, Achema,
                                                           Hillhead, Sustainable Minerals

7-8/2021          14.07.2021         06.07.2021

9/2021            18.08.2021         10.08.2021

10/2021           22.09.2021         14.09.2021            bauma CONEXPO AFRICA

11/2021           27.10.2021         19.10.2021            Flotation 2021, Processing and recycling 2021 ForumMIRO

12/2021           01.12.2021         23.11.2021            Aufbereitungstechnisches Seminar (processing technology seminar)

                                                                                                                                 prices and forms of advertising           P

1 prices and forms of advertising:
         forms of advertising                         placement                       format (pixel, width x height)      max data size           prices in €/newsletter
            fullsize banner                             content                                 468 x 60                     20 kB                           449.00
              skyscraper                          next to the content                          120 x 600                     20 kB                           536.00
           wide skyscraper                        next to the content                          160 x 600                     20 kB                           644.00
          medium rectangle                              content                                300 x 250                     20 kB                           644.00

                text ad                                  content                     headline up to 50 characters            20 kB                         536.00
                                                                                  + up to 500 characters (incl. spaces)
                                                                                      + 1 image (275 x 255 pixel)
                                                                                                  + link
           text ad premium                    1. text ad in the newsletter,          headline up to 50 characters            20 kB                         618.00
                                                        content                   + up to 500 characters (incl. spaces)
                                                                                      + 1 image (275 x 255 pixel)
                                                                                                  + link
           situations vacant                             content                     headline up to 50 characters            20 kB                         562.00
                                                                                  + up to 500 characters (incl. spaces)
                                                                                      + 1 image (275 x 255 pixel)
                                                                                                  + link
         newsletter takeover                       content, exclusive                        up to 4 text ads,               20 kB                        4,027.00
                                                                                  3 fullsize banners and 1 skyscraper

All prices are net prices. Please check our general terms of sale on: www.bauverlag.de/downloads/agbs_en.pdf

2 discounts:              published within 12 months

		 3 times 5 %
   6 times 10 %
		12 times 15 %

                                                                                          formats and technical advice   F

1 file formats:	JPG or static GIF, max. 20 kB (without animation)

                           For detailed information please see our spec sheet:

2 format of newsletter:   HTML or text

3 delivery address:	Please send the advertising material for your campaign to:

4 delivery date:	4 working days prior to beginning of the campaign. These lead
                  times give both of us sufficient time to test the formats and to
                  ensure reliable delivery of the campaign. Otherwise, we can bear
                  no costs for delays caused by late delivery to us.

                          Please send your materials together with the required
                          – customer name
                          – booked newsletter
                          – order number
                          – target URL
                          – contact person for inquiries

                          Reporting: On request you will get a reporting about the
                          recipients/opening rate and ad-clicks.

5 contact:		              For technical support please contact:

                          Linda Schlingmann
                          phone: +49 5241 2151-5353
                          e-mail: order.management@bauverlag.de

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