Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018

Page created by Veronica Jimenez
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
     Hands-on Training
     November 12-16, 2018

     Entabeni, South-Africa
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
Michel De Maeseneer, MD, PhD    Tjeerd Jager,MD                 Monica Kalume-Brigido, MD
Professor of Radiology,         Division head                   Associate Professor of Radiology
Division Head                   Musculoskeletal                 Musculoskeletal Division
Musculoskeletal Imaging         Imaging                         University of Michigan
Free University Brussels        Vice Chair for Education        Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Brussels, Belgium               Algemeen Stedelijk Ziekenhuis
                                Aalst, Belgium

Stefaan Marcelis, MD            Kurt Vanderdood,MD
Chairman and Division Head      Division Head
Musculoskeletal Imaging         Musculoskeletal Imaging
Sint Andries Ziekenhuis         Maasland Ziekenhuis Sittard,
Tielt, Belgium                  Sittard, The Netherlands
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
After following this course the participant will be able to perform
  routine musculoskeletal ultrasound examinations of the various joints.
The participant will become familiar with normal ultrasound anatomy as
        well as ultrasound appearance of clinically relevant pathologies.

       The limited number of participants per teacher allows a tailored
 approach to each participants needs. There is ample hands-on training
and time to practice more difficult structures depending on experience.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
MONDAY                                             TUESDAY
  Arrival at Johannesburg airport before 09:00.      08:00-09:00 Breakfast at the clubhouse
  09:00-12:30 Transfer to Entabeni by luxury coach   09:00-11:00 Ultrasound of the elbow
  12:30-13:00   Registration, Welcome                11:00-13:00   Ultrasound of the wrist
  13:00-14:00 Lunch at clubhouse                     13:00-14:00 Lunch at clubhouse
  14:00-16:00 Ultrasound of the shoulder             16:00-19:00 Game drive
  16:00-19:00 Game drive                             19:30         Dinner
  19:30         Dinner

• Limited registration to 25 to optimize
  teacher registrant interaction during
  hands on.

• Digital course syllabus included
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
WEDNESDAY                                             THURSDAY
05:30-08:00 Game drive                                05:30-08:00 Game drive

08:00-09:00 Breakfast at clubhouse                    08:00-09:00 Breakfast at clubhouse

09:00-11:00 Ultrasound of the hip                     09:00-11:00 Ultrasound of the ankle

11:00-13:00   Ultrasound of the knee                  11:00-13:00   Ultrasound of the foot

13:00-14:00 Lunch at clubhouse                        13:00-14:00 Lunch at clubhouse

19:30         Dinner                                  19:00         Dinner

05:30-08:00 Game drive
08:00-09:00 Breakfast at clubhouse
09:00-11:00 Ultrasound of the hand
12:00-13:00 Lunch at clubhouse
13:00         Return to Johannesburg Airport by luxury coach
Arrival before 17:00
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
Full payment due August 1, 2018
1 Register
  Name, E-mail and Telephone-number to:                            C A NC E L L AT ION P OL IC Y                                                    Course Fee:
                                                                          NO REFUND AFTER
2 Course fee                                                                 A U G U S T 1 ST
  875€ : theoretical + practical sessions
  Payment course fee to Medipoint:                                   LEGEND LODGES POLICY
    ACCOUNT NAME:        Francoise Herbeth
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: IBAN: BE80 0003 3374 5977                             Tr a v e l I n s u r a n c e :
    BIC (SWIFT):         BPOTBEB1
    BANK NAME:           Bpost (Markiesstraat 1, 1000 Brussel)
    mention REF:         Entabeni [name of the registrant]        Entabeni Legend Lodges includes:
                                                                    • Full board (3 meals)
3 Accommodation                                                     • 1 game drive a day (make
  Single room 19179 ZAR for 4 nights                                  personal arrangements with
  Additional spouse in room 5846 ZAR for 4 nights                     Entabeni directly if you wish
    ACCOUNT NAME:        Legend Lodges                                more)
    BANK NAME:           Standard Bank                              • Group transport by luxury
    BRANCH NAME:         Standard Bank Brooklyn                       coach to and from JHB airport
    BRANCH CODE:         01-12-45                                     (private transport can be
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 20 060 8436                                       arranged with Legend Lodges)
    SWIFT CODE:          SB ZAZAJJ
    mention REF:         MSK Ultrasound Course [name of the registrant]
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
Facilities and Activities

• World famous Extreme       • Unique game drives         • Local town visit          • Helicopter flight
  19th hole golf only                                                                 • Swimming Pools
  reachable by helicopter    • Dinner experience with     • Lodges with zebra’s and
                               local drumming               monkeys around            • Health and Wellness Spa

 We recommend making arrangements directly with Entabeni for 19th hole, helicopter flight, ...before your stay.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
WATERBERG                      Limpopo
                                          Limpopo Province               Province
Legend Golf & Safari Resort                          Sun City

        ENTABENI               Free                                       Pretoria


                              Cape Town
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Hands-on Training November 12-16, 2018
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