Page created by Marc Gonzales
Using rainwater as a resource to
create resilient and liveable cities

                                       INSIDE THIS WHITE PAPER

                                                     Managing rainwater with
                                                      Nature Based Solutions

                                               Cross-disciplinary collaboration
                                                         in climate adaptation

                                                           Urban recirculation
                                                                  of rainwater

                                                    Nature Based Solutions
                                Using rainwater as a resource to create resilient and liveable cities
                                                           Version 2.0
                                                         February 2021

                                                       Front page photo
                                       Climate adaptation at Taasinge Plads in Copenhagen
                                                      Photo: Kontraframe

                                                          Editor in Chief
                                                   State of Green Malene Bering Beitzel,

                                                        Technical Editors
                                             Water Vision Denmark / KLAR Utility Hanne Kjær Jørgensen,
    Danish Technological Institute / DNNK, Danish Network for Climate Adaptation Ulrik Hindsberger,

                                                   1:1 Landskab Jacob Kamp,
                                                 Amphi Consult Lars Briggs,
                                                   Aarhus Vand Anne Laustsen,
                                                   Aarhus Vand Pia Jacobsen,
                                                           BOGL Dorte Hermann,
                                                        Byggros Louise Hansen,
                                           City of Copenhagen Lykke Leonardsen,
                        City of Copenhagen (Skt. Kjelds Kvarter) René Sommer Lindsay,
                                                             DHI Morten Just Kjølby,
                      HOFOR - Greater Copenhagen Water Utility Martin Vester,
                                             LYTT Architecture Jacob Fischer,
                                                             NCC Brask Michael,
                             NIELS LÜTZEN landskabsarkitekter Niels Lützen,
                                                          NIRAS Jan Jeppesen, JANJ@NIRAS.DK
                                                          NIRAS Jens Brandt Bering, JENS@NIRAS.DK
                                                          NIRAS Rikke Juul Monberg, RJMO@NIRAS.DK
                                                        Novafos Tina Otterstrøm Jensen,
                                                         Pilebyg Vibe Gro Falk,
                                                        Ramboll Martin Zoffmann,
                                                             SLA Kristoffer Holm Pedersen,
                                               The Climate City Bjarne Rasmussen.
                                                THIRD NATURE Flemming Rafn,
                                     University of Copenhagen Marina Bergen Jensen,
                                                      Watercare Kristian Bruun Nielsen,
                                                          Wavin Henning Nykjær Stabell,
                                                            WSP Jesper Fog,
                                                            WSP Mads Poulsen,

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                 Download this white paper and other related publications at

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                    To order copies of this white paper or receive information about other related publications,
                                     please contact State of Green at

                                                  Copyright State of Green 2021
Executive summary   3

Population growth, increasingly polluted drinking water, floodings and more frequent
and longer periods of droughts all encourage an optimised use of rainwater in cities.
Climate adaptation seeks to lower the risks posed by the consequences of climate
change, including flooding that arises from extreme rain events. However, when
approached holistically it can also be used to create synergies between a number of
urban challenges by addressing several areas of urban development at the same time
e.g. turning urban areas green, whilst at the same time reducing heat islands. In this
respect, Nature Based Solutions (NBS) can play a key role in urban water management
and contribute to building cities that are attractive for people to live, work and play in.

This white paper features lessons learned from a range of Danish stakeholders within
rainwater management and NBS. It is supported by state-of-the art case examples
demonstrating how rainwater can be used as a resource to create more resilient and
liveable cities.

Multifunctional solutions create more resilient and liveable cities
A large number of synergies and cost-efficiencies can be achieved when rainwater
management is integrated into overall urban planning. Cities around the world are
increasingly concerned with becoming more resilient to the effects of climate change,
including reducing the risk of flooding and rising temperatures. At the same time, many
cities are focusing on securing an ample supply of clean drinking water that can sustain
a growing population. Denmark is working towards creating multifunctional solutions
which – in addition to managing rainwater and reducing the risk of flooding – also create
added value for cities as they contribute to maintaining a sustainable water balance
and result in new, attractive recreational areas.

Find inspiration for your own NBS projects
The content of this white paper is intended as a tool for international stakeholders
who wish to gain insight into the many potentials of using Nature Based Solutions,
gain an overview of how solutions have been implemented in Denmark and around the
world, or who are looking for Danish partners to collaborate with on projects in their
own country.

We hope you will be inspired.


                       “Denmark’s experience shows that climate adaptation and rainwater
                       management can be turned into an opportunity to create not only
                       more resilient but also more liveable cities”

                       Lea Wermelin, Minister for Environment, Denmark

As the climate changes and the number          create more climate resilient cities are well   Based Solutions can contribute to making
and frequency of rainfall events increases,    underway in Denmark where we have had           cities not only more resilient to climate
so does the need for intelligent rainwater     with a national action plan for a National      change but also more attractive places to
management solutions. Like many other          Action Plan for a Climate-Proof Denmark         live.
countries, Denmark has experienced             since 2012. Today, all municipalities must
the consequences of a changing climate         have a local climate adaptation plan, which     The best examples of Nature Based
first-hand. Over the past decade, we have      addresses the specific climate change-re-       Solutions succeed in solving more than
witnessed extreme rain events that have        lated risks in their area.                      one problem at the same time. Holistic
caused flooding and damages to homes as                                                        solutions, however, require close collabo-
well as infrastructure.                        Nature Based Solutions                          ration between authorities, water utilities,
                                               More and more Danish cities and water           organizations, private companies and
According to the Fifth Assessment Report       utilities are looking into managing rain-       individuals. Denmark has a long tradition of
from the IPCC, we can expect even more fre-    water as close to the source as possible        such collaboration. This has brought us far.
quent and more extreme weather events in       and diverting it away from the sewerage         We are proud of our results and solutions.
the years to come. Finding new and innova-     systems and wastewater treatment plants,        And we are eager to share our experiences
tive solutions to managing rainwater in our    thereby bringing down the risk of combined      and lessons learned with other countries.
cities should therefore be a focal point for   sewer overflows. Solutions that manage
cities and water utilities around the world.   increasing volumes of rainwater span from       Join us in Copenhagen for the IWA
                                               hydraulic models for the planning phase to      World Water Congress & Exhibition
Increasing pressure on sewerage                solutions for local detention of rainwater      Denmark will be hosting the IWA World
systems                                        such as subsurface infiltration beds, green     Water Congress & Exhibition in September
Increasing precipitation caused by climate     roofs and permeable paving, to drainage         2022. I invite you to join us for a week of in-
change is putting greater pressure on our      solutions such as separate sewers for           teresting discussions on how we can shape
sewerage systems. However, rather than         rainwater and sewage water as well as local     our water future together.
simply replacing existing pipes with larger    rainwater treatment via roadside infiltra-
ones, benefits can be achieved by focusing     tion beds etc.                                  Until then, I hope you will be inspired by the
on more intelligent rainwater management                                                       many solutions in this white paper.
which detains the rainwater in existing        Multipurpose solutions enrich the city
structures or distributes it to areas where    By combining climate adaptation measures
it creates the least damage. Efforts to        with exciting urban development, Nature
INDEX     5


1. From climate adaptation to green urban development...................................................6
Using rainwater as a resource

2. Managing rainwater with Nature Based Solutions..........................................................8
NBS a tool for climate change adaptation and increasing urban biodiversity

3. Cross-disciplinary collaboration in climate adaptation ................................................10
Creating synergies and saving costs through collaboration between different stakeholders

4. Nature Based Solutions in simulation models................................................................12
Assessing the urban water cycle and the impact of NBS

5. Breaking through the surface..........................................................................................14
Managing rainwater in densely populated areas with impermeable paving

6. Increasing urban biodiversity.........................................................................................16
Creating green corridors and resilient cities by integrating nature into urban life

7. Nature Based Solutions and treatment of runoff ...........................................................18
Improving the water cycle by ensuring an appropriate quality of rainwater runoff

8. Urban recirculation of rainwater.................................................................................... 20
Using rainwater harvesting to create a city in water balance

9. Creating resilient and liveable cities with Nature Based Solutions..............................22
Using rainwater as a resource to create green urban spaces with added benefits

10. The true value of water..................................................................................................27
A Danish perspective on how we can shape our water future
6      1. From climate adaptation to green urban development

           Using rainwater as a resource

           "Copenhagen is preparing for the changing climate. We want to make sure that investments in flood
           prevention also benefit the Copenhageners and their everyday life, therefore citizen involvement
           is key. In the Cloudburst Plan, we aim to create spaces that increase urban nature, biodiversity and
           create places for citizens to meet, when not being used for water management”

           Ninna Hedeager, Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs at the City of Copenhagen

           Many factors such as population growth,          sustainable places to live and thrive in by    and developing attractive urban spaces
           increasingly polluted drinking water, flood-     reducing heat islands, increasing resiliency   for people to enjoy become two sides of
           ing and more frequent periods of drought         to climate change and making water more        the same coin. As illustrated by the case
           necessitate optimised rainwater usage.           sustainable as a whole, by reusing rainwater   examples, there are many synergies and
           According to World Economic Forum, the           for different purposes.                        cost-efficiencies to be achieved if rainwater
           most likely and most impactful global risks                                                     management is integrated into the overall
           as of 2021 is (amongst others) extreme           In this white paper, you will be presented     urban planning. The key is to have the right
           weather, biodiversity loss and natural           with the various possibilities of using        tools and models to ensure a correct prior-
           resource crises (see illustration below). As     rainwater as a resource, as opposed to         itisation of efforts and suitably designed
           urban environments are expanding and             considering it as something that should be     rainwater management solutions as well as
           more people are living in cities, there is a     directed to the sewers. The aim of using       involving relevant stakeholders at the right
           need to green our cities and make them more      rainwater as a resource is partly to reduce    time throughout the process.
           sustainable, as well as ensure a sustainable     the risk of flooding by optimising rainwater
           water balance in the city. Appropriate rain-     management and partly to contribute to         Several benefits can be achieved by using
           water management e.g., through Nature            creating more green and liveable cities. In    rainwater to help cities maintain a sustain-
           Based Solutions, can make cities healthy,        this sense, adapting to a changing climate     able water balance via various treatment
                                                                                                           technologies. These ensure the proper
                                                                                                           treatment of rainwater, where it infiltrates
                                                                                                           into the groundwater aquifers or is dis-
                                                                                                           charged into local water environments such
                                                                                                           as lakes or streams. Finally, in areas suf-
                                                                                                           fering from water scarcity, local rainwater
                                                                                                           harvesting and recycling can be a valuable
                                                                                                           source of non-potable water, which can be
                                                                                                           used for watering plants, flushing toilets or
                                                                                                           washing clothes instead of using precious
                                                                                                           drinking water.


                  Price instability
Impact →

                                                                                                           Source: World Economic Forum Global Risks
                                                                                                           Perception Survey 2021
       Likelihood →                                       3.28
1. From climate adaptation to green urban development                      7

Photo: COAST Studio, Rasmus Hjortshøj

Creating a forest and low ravine for rainwater storage,                  particular focus on climate and biodiversity. Elevated footbridges
Copenhagen, Denmark                                                      and plateaus invite park visitors to take a walk or sit and linger. These
Remiseparken was a hidden, slightly neglected, green gem in              constructions also make it possible to explore the forest even after
Copenhagen, located in the middle of a social housing complex            it has been flooded by stormwater following a heavy rainfall event.
known as 'Urbanplanen'. The renewal of Remiseparken therefore            Rainwater is also collected in a wadi-like trench that runs along the
plays an important role in making Urbanplanen a safer and more at-       edge of the park. Combined, these solutions form a large delay basin
tractive area as well as functioning as a green, dual-purpose, climate   with a total capacity of 2,000 m3. The different plant species in the
adapted area.                                                            forest and the wadi contribute to a high degree of biodiversity and
                                                                         resilience, and also attract a rich selection of animals, insects and
A small forest of 20 different species of alder trees (Elleskoven) in    birds.
Remiseparken delay water during periods of heavy rainfall. The                                                        Courtesy: BOGL , Rambøll
forest is a new, natural space in the park, and it is designed with a

Copenhagen Cloudburst Management Plan, Denmark                           The plan outlines the methods, priorities and measures re­com­­
Copenhagen has experienced a number of extreme rainfall events           mended to address climate adaptation, including extreme rainfall
since 2010 and the frequency of these types of events are predict-       events. It designates seven water catchment areas and has resulted
ed to increase in the future. As extreme rainfall events present         in a catalogue of approximately 300 surface projects that will be im-
enormous challenges (which vary from area to area), they cannot          plemented over the next 20 years. When prioritising which projects
be solved by a single initiative such as upgrading the sewerage          to initiate, the city considers factors such as the hydraulic aspects in
system. For this reason, the City of Copenhagen decided to co-           establishing the sequence of projects, where the risk of flooding is
ordinate and consolidate actions into a Cloudburst Management            greatest, where it is easy to start, where other construction work is
Plan that was launched in 2012, and which has been continuously          already planned and where synergies with urban development are
updated since.                                                           possible.
                                                                                                                  Courtesy: City of Copenhagen
8     2. Managing rainwater with Nature Based Solutions

NBS a tool for climate change adaptation and increasing urban biodiversity

Nature Based Solutions (NBS) are measures          the sewerage system. Runoff from catch-          implementation. The product might be
that encapsulate the notion of water as a          ments will arrive at the usual bottlenecks       subject to a European Standard and re-
resource. NBS support a triple bottom line         at different times. By delaying and reducing     quired to adhere to certain specifications.
of planet, profit and people, where the aim        the maximum runoff, it is possible to reduce     Or the producer might need to document
is to heighten urban resiliency. At times,         the risk of flooding.                            the water balance of a new NBS element
NBS solutions are rainwater management,                                                             or the permeability of a specific pavement.
inspired by nature’s methods such as perme-        Designing NBS to handle different                Denmark has more than 30 years of experi-
able pavement and underground storage; at          types of rain events                             ence with testing traditional components in
other times the solution is nature-based el-       In Denmark, there is no standard definition      sewerage systems and today it is also possi-
ements that support biodiversity. Examples         of how to design NBS. In practice, the rec-      ble to test new climate adaptation products
of typical NBS elements are defined on page        ommendation is that every time you design        in a certified lab, where tests are run in a full
9.                                                 an NBS, you need to consider everyday rain,      scale setup, using up to 30 l/s. Companies
                                                   design storms and cloudbursts (as illustrat-     from other countries can also use the lab.
Taking the pressure off the traditional            ed in the 3-point approach method below).        Learn more about the testing facilities at
sewerage system                                    Often professionals and stakeholders tend
Due to the large amount of impermeable             to focus on one type of rain event. However,
surfaces present in cities, rainwater runoff       there can be numerous problems in an area        A tool for adapting to a changing
in a city differs from the runoff pattern that     related to the different rain events. It is      climate
occurs prior to the urbanisation process.          therefore highly important to focus on           NBS, when strategically planned, represent
The hyetograph below reveals that urban-           all types of rain events when designing          a sustainable alternative of a storage/drain-
isation has an impact. The runoff from a           solutions. NBS are particularly efficient for    age facility compared to traditional rain and
city covered with impermeable paving will          solving everyday rain challenges but when        stormwater infrastructure. It is expected
result in quick and high runoff. As runoff         used carefully, NBS can contribute substan-      that more natural structures will drastically
from several catchments arrive at the same         tially to solving some of the problems asso-     decrease the use of concrete structures and
time to the same places in the sewers, it          ciated with heavy rainfall and stormwater.       energy demanding technologies. Hence,
creates bottlenecks, heightening the risk of                                                        integrating NBS into urban areas not only
flooding.                                          Testing NBS elements to meet                     has the potential to solve climate change
                                                   international standards                          challenges, but also meet CO2 emission
By viewing Nature Based Solutions as an            When developing new or using existing            reduction needs, mitigate heat islands and
extension to the traditional sewerage              climate adaptation products, there is often      increase biodiversity and public health via
system, the aim of NBS is to smooth the            a need for full-scale testing, optimisation      the creation of additional green areas in the
runoff hyetograph and reduce pressure on           and documentation of the product before          city.

                                Event                                                                            Volume
                                Depth                                                                            Handling
                                                                    Cloudburst events
                                (mm)                                                                             (per cent)

                                 50-85                                                               C         100
                                                                  Urban drainage
                                                                  design events
                                             rain events                                     Pluvial flood
                                                                           B                  mitigation       99

                                                                  Rainwater           storm
                                                                   resource          drainage
                                                 A                                                             80
                                 10-20                            utilisation
                                                 0.2                      10                         100             (year)

The 3-point approach
Pinpointing three main domains where decisions related to stormwater management take place.
Examples of typical nbs elements                9

    Clima ponds
    To increase biodiversity, ensuring a permanent       Climate roads
    water table, climaponds handling stormwater          Permeable asphalt is getting more common. The
    directly from the downspouts can be estab-           stormwater infiltrates through the surface and
    lished. The trench in the inlet can be designed,     the bearing layers underneath, ensuring the
    so the inlet flow is smooth, even throughout         water transport through all roadbox.

                                                         Green roof and walls
                                                         Green roofs/walls are roofs covered with a multi-
                                                         layer system consisting of: growth medium,
    Ditches                                              drainage layer and water-proof membrane that
    A ditch is a narrow channel dug in the ground,       delay runoff. The degree of delay and volume
    typically used for drainage alongside a road or      reduction increases with the thickness of the
    the edge of a field.                                 growth medium. Green roofs/walls insulate
                                                         structures from heat and can provide a habitat
                                                         for certain insects and birds. Retained water

                                                         Irish crossings
    Infiltration from surface
                                                         Using Irish crossings, the stormwater is able
    Infiltration from surface occurs when discon-
                                                         to cross a road, whenever this is needed. The
    necting the downspouts and discharging the
                                                         trench is shaped as a pre-immersion in the
    rainwater on the permeable surface.
                                                         asphalt itself.

                                                         Permeable pavement
    Linear drainage systems
                                                         Permeable pavement provides a horizontal
    Using linear drainage systems makes it possible
                                                         surface suitable for walking or driving with
    to transport stormwater visibly just underneath
                                                         (heavy) traffic load but also allows rainwater
    the road. The linear drainage systems can carry
                                                         to infiltrate. The infiltration capacity of the
    heavy traffic. It can also be in the form of steel
                                                         permeable pavement depends on the design
    drain grates in a driveway or conrete drain
                                                         and on the hydraulic capacity of the bearing
    grates alongside a motorway.
                                                         layers underneath.

                                                         Soakaway or infiltration trench
    Rain gardens                                         A soakaway (dry well, infiltration well) is a pit
    A rain garden is a depression in the terrain         in the ground, stabilised with a porous material
    designed to receive, store and filter runoff         wrapped in geotextile and covered with topsoil
    from roofs or surfaces and is also designed as a     and vegetation. An infiltration trench is a
    specially planted area with selected plants that     soakaway shaped geometrically like a trench,
    can cope with dry and with wet conditions.           for example, 60 cm wide, 1 m deep and several
                                                         metres long.

                                                         Trenches are used for transporting water above
    A swale is a rain garden placed in the side of a
                                                         ground in places where open trenches do not
    road, with a soakaway underneath. Typically,
                                                         inconvenience road users. Trenches can be a
    the swale also serves as a traffic harassment.
                                                         recreational element in an urban landscape.

    Underdrains                                          Mix of NBS
    An overlooked NBS is underdrains. Combined           All the above mentioned NBS can be combined
    with all other NBS elements, underdrains             in many different ways. Permeable pavements,
    contribute to distribute the stormwater into - or    linear drainage systems, raingardens,
    out from - the NBS, optimising infiltration rate     underdrains are all pieces of a larger puzzle,
    from the NBS or securing a far bigger infiltration   all contributing to the water infrastructure of
    area.                                                climate adaptation.
10   3. Cross-disciplinary collaboration in climate adaptation

Creating synergies and saving costs through collaboration between
different stakeholders

Water crosses both administrative and             and financed through water tariffs. Due to      early on in the project’s development phase,
geographical borders. Danish experience           a specific co-financing regulation, water       NBS projects are more likely to become
shows that collaboration across disciplines       utilities can help municipalities and private   successful. It is thus crucial to identify all
and institutions can create valuable syner-       owners finance climate adaptation projects.     relevant stakeholders and invite them to
gies; resulting in greener and more liveable      The financing can be given to projects that     start a dialogue as early on in the process as
cities with a higher degree of recreational       are based on above-surface solutions, such      possible.
value for the local community that also           as roads, water courses and recreational
increase biodiversity and lift environmental      areas. As Danish water utilities have a         Sustainability and digitalisation as a
standards. The collaborative approach             monopoly on managing water and sewage,          platform for collaboration
is, however, challenged by the fact that          their activities and investments are regu-      To create the necessary momentum and
the different parts of the water cycle, i.e.      lated by the Water Utility Secretary under      ownership of climate adaptation projects,
sea, sewage, rainwater, rivers, lakes and         the auspices of the Danish Competition and      urban planners, environmental managers
groundwater, are often regulated by differ-       Consumer Authority, which secures effi-         and engineers from the municipal depart-
ent legislative bodies.                           ciency and high standards on water quality,     ments often join forces with engineers
                                                  security of supply and general performance.     and planners from water utilities at an
Legislation and financing mechanisms                                                              early stage. To ensure buy-in from the local
in Denmark                                        Early stakeholder involvement is                community, local citizens, property owners,
The responsibility for climate adaptation         crucial                                         local businesses and environmental NGOs
is often divided between municipalities,          Using a cross-disciplinary, cross-institution   are also involved in the process. A strong
water utility companies and private proper-       and watershed-based multiple stakeholder        use of digital tools and platforms make the
ty owners. This is also the case in Denmark.      approach can increase the sense of own-         project more accessible for all stakeholders,
Danish municipalities are required to include     ership by parties involved, of solutions        including the ability to follow and comment
climate adaptation plans in their local           such as NBS. Furthermore, by using this         on the project as it takes form. Using the
development plans. In order to assist the         holistic approach, solutions often have a       UN Sustainable Development Goals as key
municipalities, the Danish Nature Agency          higher degree of synergy with other activ-      performance project indicators ensure both
has developed a set of guidelines and tools       ities taking place in the municipalities. The   the right project design and increased local
for climate adaptation plans, providing in-       results are often more liveable cities with a   community engagement. This could be a
spiration on how municipalities can manage        higher degree of recreational value for the     local partnership using climate adaption
climate adaptation as part of their overall       local community and higher environmental        projects to flood drained low-lying farmland
planning process to create green-blue live-       standards.                                      and wetlands, reducing greenhouse gas
able cities of the future.                                                                        emissions and urban flooding and at the
                                                  Experience from Danish NBS projects shows       same time creating more biodiversity,
In correlation with the Danish Water Sector       that when city planning, construction, en-      nature and areas for recreation, contribut-
Act, expansions of the sewerage system            vironmental issues, financing mechanisms        ing to SDG 6, 11, 13, 15 and 17.
are managed by water utility companies            and stakeholder relations are all addressed

                                                Cross-disciplinary collaboration in Denmark

                         DNNK, Danish Network for Climate Adaptation (established in 2020) is an innovation
                         network consisting of more than 150 knowledge institutions, government agencies,
                         municipalities, water utilities and private companies (tetrahelix structure). The purpose of
                         DNNK is to develop, document and present climate adaptation technologies and associated
                         planning tools for the transformation of existing urban areas in Denmark. All information
                         and experience with NBS in Denmark have been compiled on the website:

3. Cross-disciplinary collaboration in climate adaptation              11

                                                                                                             Photo credit: LYTT Architecture

Engaging and mobilising the local community in                           ideas. The Climate City project, which focuses on climate adaptation
creating a Climate City in Middelfart, Denmark                           through urban design of public areas, also functions as a driving
Covering an area of 450,000 m2, “The Climate City” project in            force, which inspires local home owners to manage rainwater within
Middelfart demonstrates how to integrate climate adaptation              their own gardens. Therefore, The Climate City is to a great degree
with urban development. Through a dialogue based co-creational           about mobilising the local citizens to become an integrated part
process, the municipality and wastewater utility have worked             of the project. The Climate City is a partnership project between
closely together with landscape architects, engineers, local citizens    Middelfart Municipality, Middelfart Wastewater Utility and the
and other stakeholders in developing the project. From the pro-          philanthropic organisation, Realdania.
gramming phase, through the architectural competition process and
subsequent project development and detailed project design, citi-          Courtesy: Middelfart Municipality, Middelfart Wastewater Utility,
zens have actively contributed with local knowledge, comments and                    Realdania, Bascon, WSP, LYTT Architecture and ADEPT

Separating rainwater from wastewater                                     The citizens can choose either to handle rainwater on their
on the surface, Aarhus, Denmark                                          own plots, or to lead the rainwater to a nearby public area via
The Municipality of Aarhus has a vision of making the city an even       the surface, where Aarhus Vand handles it. Getting citizens
more attractive place to live through its climate adaptation projects,   on board on a project such as this is a crucial task. Thanks to a
and the local water utility, Aarhus Vand, works closely together with    successful citizen involvement process with a combination
the municipality to fulfill this vision.                                 of workshops, extensive FAQ’s and even individual advisory
                                                                         sessions on private plots, the house owners embrace the new
Together, they make rainwater a visible element in the form of rain-     recreational solutions.
water lakes, rainwater beds and rainwater drains. They establish
hollows and dams, create entirely new urban spaces and find new                        Courtesy: Aarhus Vand, EnviDan, Aarhus Municipality
ways to lay out green areas. In this way, rainwater is handled in a
combination of pipes and surface solutions, using various Nature
Based Solution (NBS) elements.
12    4. Nature based solutions in simulation models

Assessing the urban water cycle and the impact of NBS

As many cities around the world are experi-      Hydraulic model of NBS elements as              systems. The model can simulate typical
encing more frequent and heavier rainfalls,      part of sewerage systems                        NBS features such as green roofs, rainwater
simulation modelling tools to help predict       When using simulation models, it is             tanks, swales, infiltration devices, and
and understand the urban water cycle are         possible to quantify the hydraulic effect       overflow from one NBS feature to another.
proving ever more pertinent. Modelling           of water-sensitive urban designs versus         Other significant processes in the urban
different scenarios of terrain flooding from     expansions in grey infrastructure such          water cycle are simulated, i.e. runoff from
sewer overflow or the impact of implement-       as larger pipes or traditional basins in a      semi impervious and impervious surfaces,
ing NBS to the entire urban water cycle          sewerage system. The models simulate            infiltration through the unsaturated zone to
can aid decision makers in prioritising the      the impact of rain events; calculating water    the groundwater, groundwater flow within
projects needed to handle future incidents       depth and flow in the sewers and manholes,      hydrogeological layers and groundwa-
of rain. In Denmark, the very first simulation   and rivers related to different rain events     ter-related interactions with wells, rivers,
models of the sewerage system were               – and also calculate the extent of flooding     channels as wells as suburban infrastruc-
produced in 1985. Since then, the need to        at the terrain. The models can simulate         tures such as leaky sewer pipes, drainage
be able to simulate the whole water cycle in     where overflows and flooding will occur         pipes and infiltration trenches.
detail has only become more pressing, what       and which effects the different solutions
with the heavier rainfalls the country have      will have on the water level, the overflows     A key model characterisation is the detailed
experienced over the last decade and new         and on the risk of flooding, as well as the     simulation of NBS on allotment scale and the
water-sensitive urban designs to handle          extent of the damage to buildings and infra-    upscaling to neighbourhood and city level
them. Climate change scenarios have              structures. In addition, the effect of NBS on   scale. Thus, the effect on the groundwater
become an integral part of urban water           water quality issues can be simulated. The      table from several infiltration devices can
cycle management.                                simulation model, MIKE+, makes it possible      be simulated and used to analyse the risks
                                                 to create an overall hydraulic assessment       of a shallow water table causing damage to
Future climate change scenarios for Danish       of implementing different green solutions       building foundations, basements, road in-
cities predict an increased frequency of         in a catchment area, such as rain gardens,      frastructure etc. Similarly, the model can be
extreme rainfall events that cause floods        swales, infiltration trenches, permeable        used to design and simulate drainage fea-
and massive damage to buildings and              pavements, barrels and green roofs as an        tures – possibly in combination with NBS – to
infrastructure. Similarly, rising sea levels,    extension of the existing sewerage system       prevent a rising urban groundwater table.
increased river flows and higher ground-         as well as modelling bioretention cells and     Catchment runoff (i.e. stormwater runoff,
water levels are expected. To meet these         other green solutions hydraulically. The        drainage and overflow from NBS structures)
challenges, massive investments in flood         MIKE+ is an integrated modelling platform       can be given as input to sewer pipe models
protection and climate change adaption           for modelling collection systems, rivers and    to simulate the hydraulic consequences
measures are required. By using urban            flooding.                                       from NBS on sewer overflows and flooding
water simulation models, decision makers                                                         events. The model can therefore be used in
are able to decide upon and prioritise their     Urban hydrological models and NBS               the planning of sustainable Nature Based
efforts, as the models help quantify the         Another type of simulation model                Solutions and drainage strategies for neigh-
effects of investments. Thereby it is possi-     ‘MODFLOW-URBAN’ focuses on the entire           bourhoods, and can reduce the risk of poor
ble to minimise the risk of poor investment      urban water cycle and the consequences of       investment strategies.
strategies.                                      applying NBS instead of sewer-based pipe
Figure 1:
                                                                          Simulation of a NBS-strategy                                     13
                                                                          on allotment scale:

                                                                          A	Drawing of NBS elements and the
                                                                             direction of stormwater;

                                                                          B	Simulated accumulated runoff to the
                                                                             sewer system in a 10 Yr design storm;

                                                                          C	simulated average water balance.

Figure 2:

Simulation of sustainable stormwater infiltration                       groundwater table underneath buildings and delaying stormwater
strategies in Odense, Denmark                                           runoff to the existing sewer system. As the illustration in figure
The developed urban hydrology model ‘MODFLOW-LID’ was                   2 shows, the model was used to simulate different stormwater
demonstrated for case-areas in the city of Odense. Different NBS-       infiltration strategies and the associated depth to the groundwater
strategies were simulated on detailed scale (Figure 1) and upscaled     table in a residential area: (a): actual situation (baseline scenario)
by the model to neighbourhood scale (Figure 2). NBS-strategies          without stormwater infiltration; (b): massive stormwater infiltration
included the use of rainwater tanks, green roofs, raingardens and       leading to a critical shallow groundwater table in low-laying parcels;
soakaways on private parcels as well as swale-trench systems with       (c): the use of green roofs to reduce stormwater infiltration volume
water brakes and overflow to the existing sewer system underneath       leading to less critical depth to the groundwater table.
roads. Special attention was given to the simulation of rainwater
harvesting (rain tanks) and green roofs in combination with infiltra-      Courtesy: The Foundation for Development of Technology in the
tion devices to manage sustainable infiltration strategies in terms      Danish Water Sector - VTU, ALECTIA, VCS Denmark, Municipality of
of both maximising the infiltration, minimising the risk of a shallow                                    Odense, Aarhus University, GEUS

Evaluation of flood management in Malmö, Sweden                         the system was set up in the simulation software MIKE FLOOD. This
The area of Augustenborg in Malmö, was retrofitted with a green         included the rain on grid and infiltration, to enable correct quanti-
open stormwater system in the late 1990s. When a major rainstorm        fication of stormwater infiltration in green areas. A scenario of the
hit the city of Malmö in August 2014, Augustenborg was less affect-     current stormwater system and one for the old pipe-based system
ed by flood damage than nearby areas. Since the retrofitting of the     was created. This methodology allowed for evaluation on compar-
stormwater system, it was unknown if the solution was efficient for     ison of the two. Results showed that the retrofitted green storm-
extreme rainfall events with a 100-year or higher return period.        water system would result in an approximately 80 percent lower
                                                                        discharge and hence substantially decrease the risk of flooding.
The nature based stormwater solution in Augustenborg, consists
of open canals, swales, ponds and green roofs as well as adapted             Courtesy: Division of Water and Wastewater Engineering Lund
levelling of green areas to ensure controlled flooding. A model of                University, DHI, VA Syd (Water utility in the city of Malmo)
14    5. Breaking through the surface

Managing rainwater in densely populated areas
with impermeable paving

Due to the increasing amounts of large,              Permeable paving allows transportation,            layer are permeable. When using permeable
impermeable surfaces in cities, the rain-            storage and delay but in general, there is no      asphalt to store and delay rainwater, several
water runoff from a city differs from the            evaporation.                                       issues need to be taken into account. Firstly,
natural runoff pattern that occurs prior to                                                             it requires a mental leap to allow water
urbanisation (as explained in chapter 2).            Considering infiltration from areas with per-      into the construction of the road – a major
When impermeable surfaces are the main               meable paving, experience from Denmark             shift from traditional designs that ensure
types of surface present in an area, the             shows that it is possible to construct             no water is entering the road construction.
runoff from several catchments will arrive           permeable paving both with – and without –         When allowing rainwater in the road con-
simultaneously in certain sections of the            infiltration. For instance, if the municipality    struction, the lifetime of the asphalt has to
sewers, where the capacity of the pipes is           is worried about the water quality of runoff       be considered as well as the lifetime of the
lower than the accumulated flow. The lack of         from a large parking lot, it is possible to con-   permeability layer. What is the risk of the
capacity creates bottlenecks in the sewers,          struct permeable paving with a membrane            asphalt clogging, which will prevent infiltra-
increasing the risk of flooding. When es-            underneath and lead the runoff through             tion of the rainwater into the construction
tablishing NBS, peak runoff is delayed and           pipes into a sampling well. Sampling can be        of the road? How can this risk be minimised?
reduced, which, in a majority of cases, also         carried out at a specified frequency that          In addition, traditional requirements need
minimises the risk of flooding.                      the municipality determines. This makes            to be considered, such as noise reduction,
                                                     it possible to document the quality of the         rolling resistance (see figure 3) and not
Replacing impermeable pavements                      runoff from the parking lot and based on           least, safety.
but preserving the carrying capacity                 this, assess whether it will be possible to
When establishing NBS in a densely populat-          allow runoff to be infiltrated in the long run.    Although this is still relatively new terri-
ed city, it is important that the functionality                                                         tory, Denmark has accumulated enough
of the base surface - including the carrying         Permeable asphalt: the principle of the            experience to present the first answers to
capacity - is preserved. This is possible            climate adapted road                               these questions, thanks to a new method
when paving roads or streets with perme-             In general, the principle of the permeable         of maintenance and operations, which is a
able asphalt, or when using permeable                road is to allow water in the road construc-       focal point when using permeable asphalt
tiles in the pavement or at the parking lot.         tion, as both the wear layer and the base          to ensure a long lifetime of the permeability.

                                                                      Particles and
                                                                       air quality

                                      Permeability                      Mobility                        Noise


                                                                  Carrying Capacity



                                                  Resistance                                Sustainability

Figure 3: Functional requirements of the road. Permeability is one of the requirements, which
is ensured by periodical and thorough maintenance and operations.
5. Breaking through the surface              15

Retention and infiltration of rainwater                                  an infiltration tank, it was possible to allow for the right amount of
in a schoolyard in Horsens, Denmark                                      water storage to be accomodated. The AquaCell cassettes are made
Increasing amounts of rainfall heighten urban planning challenges.       of 100 per cent recycled PP and can hold up to 96 per cent of their
This also applies to municipal institutions, such as schools. The        volume. Due to the stackable design, the contractor could easily
Danish primary school, Østerhåbskolen, which is located in the           store the 648 cassettes in the schoolyard while the installation took
southern part of Jutland experienced flooding in the schoolyard          place. With the retention and infiltration solution in place, the risk of
during periods of heavy rainfall. The challenge was to find a solution   flooding the schoolyard has been reduced considerably.
for managing rainwater in the schoolyard, which consists of an area
of 187 m2 and has a water capacity of 179 m3. By using a new gen-                                                               Courtesy: Wavin
eration of AquaCell rainwater cassettes for rainwater retention and

Obtaining climate adaption in grocery                                    from the roof of the store. The roof runoff is led under the car park’s
store car park, Hedensted, Denmark                                       asphalt, enabling the runoff to be handled together with the
The City of Hedensted has experienced of the costly aftermath of         rainwater that falls on the car park. The parking area consists of a
heavy rainfalls that are occurring with increasing frequency in many     permeable asphalt coating and a unique base layer, with the same
countries. As such, implementing climate adaptation measures has         drainage capability of a traditional fascine. This ensures that the
become a priority in the area. Therefore, when the supermarket           water does not flood or form puddles in the car park and that the
chain Lidl wanted to open a new store in the area, they included         water drains slowly into the ground, rather than straining the
rainwater management in their planning from the outset.                  sewage system.
                                                                                                                             Courtesy: NCC, Lidl
The store had a car park installed that deals not only with the
rainwater that falls on the parking area, but also with the rainwater
16   6. Increasing urban biodiversity

Creating green corridors and resilient cities
by integrating nature into urban life

Globally, biodiversity is under pressure         NBS and the water cycle are becoming the         cities and creating wild, green and blooming
and the majority of the dying species are        focal point when creating green corridors        lushness everywhere via rain gardens,
threatened as a result of human activities.      and resilient cities by integrating nature       swales and green roofs.
Vital ecosystems are weakened and food           into urban life.
chains are destroyed. In Denmark, consec-                                                         In addition to improving green corridors,
utive governments have worked to reverse         It is possible to choose a strategy for the      NBS also offer a number of other benefits
the decline in the diversity of the country’s    chosen plants in NBS elements to support         for urban life. For example, the urban heat
nature by creating contiguous and resilient      certain insects (e.g. bees or butterflies) and   island effect, i.e. higher temperatures in
nature areas with improved living condi-         thereby birdlife, amphibians and/or native       cities compared to the surrounding coun-
tions for native animals and plants. Another     plants. Denmark has experience with strat-       tryside, is reduced locally when the number
benefit of such areas is the creation of         egies that support native plants which serve     of green areas is increased. There is also a
enhanced outdoor experiences for the local       as habitats for certain species – for example    growing overall trend among architects and
community.                                       salt marshes or meadows. The concept is          city planners to find inspiration in nature
                                                 called ‘Urban Green’ where the plants are        and to consider both nature and wildlife
Bringing nature back into the cities             selected to ensure that the composition          when planning and designing new urban
The occurrence of NBS solutions such as          of the plants support each other, forming        areas.
green roofs, rain gardens and swales can         a symbiosis between the different plants.
contribute to increasing local biodiversity.     The concept is bringing nature back into the

Using rainwater to combat urban heat-island                               be stored and redistributed to the surrounding areas. Vegetated
effect with Green Bus Stops, Poland                                       ground boxes around the bus stop can also retain rainwater and
Many cities today suffer from Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) and          create stepping stone habitats for the local fauna (e.g. insects,
excess of rainwater runoff in the streets, creating challenges for        birds). During intense rain events, the excess storm water is drained
liveability and causing costly damages to infrastructures. Four cities    with patented internal vents, into the vegetated boxes containing
in Poland have chosen to use the Green Bus Stop as a Nature Based         optimised drainage layers. Any excess rainwater from the boxes is
Solution to reuse rainwater as a resource and contribute to the           led to sewers or nearby green areas. Besides adding ecological con-
reduction of UHI effect.                                                  nectivity and biodiversity to urban areas, the Green Bus Stop emits
                                                                          less heat than the traditional counterpart does, at times as much as
The green roof of the Green Bus Stop can retain up to 90 per cent         10°C less.
of the rainwater falling on its surface. The excess of rainwater falls                                   Courtesy: Amphi Consult & FPP Enviro
into an underground rainwater container, where the rainwater can
6. Increasing urban biodiversity            17

The Lakeside Garden in Singapore                                         habitat for dragonflies. All fallen trees have been repurposed into
Once a mangrove swamp, the Jurong region in the South-Western            site furnishing and landscape features such as bird platforms,
Singapore is being developed into a new business and leisure des-        habitat logs, pathway curbs or nature trail features - all in order to
tination called the Jurong Lake District. The Lakeside Garden is the     support and improve biodiversity.
first phase of the Jurong Lake Gardens, which is the recreational area
of the new district.                                                     There is a nature-inspired play area, which is the largest of its kind
                                                                         in the country. It offers a variety of experiences for children, such as
One of the most visible features of the garden is the ‘Rasau Walk’,      the opportunity to crawl through a ‘squirrel’s nest’ and glide through
which is a winding, barrier-free, waterfront boardwalk along the         a tree canopy. Jurong Lake Gardens is a park where people, animals
Jurong Lake shoreline. Other features include grasslands for bird        and plants can co-exist and mutually benefit.
hides, islands for herons and a stream forest, which is a suitable                                                            Courtesy: Ramboll

It’s raining frogs: stormwater solution improves                         a reduction of the risk of combined sewer overflow to the stream
biodiversity in Alleroed, Denmark                                        as well as an increase in wet and semi-wet habitats. Exposure of
Heavy rain events have caused multiple sewer overflows in Lynge, a       mineral soil in combination with the addition of stormwater and
district of Alleroed Municipality that is located north of Copenhagen.   planting of selected species is expected to increase the diversity of
The area was previously a marsh area, which could store large            plant species found in the area, and in turn, increase the number of
volumes of stormwater, but due to drainage, Lynge had lost parts         food sources for insects. Furthermore, a new pond was established
of its natural character over time. With a combination of land-          to attract amphibians. The pond only receives stormwater that has
scape-based stormwater solutions and nature improving initiatives,       passed through a dual porosity filter implemented centrally in the
Alleroed Municipality decided to improve stormwater management,          area.
increase biodiversity in Lynge and improve conditions for the
recipient, Lynge Stream. The developed stormwater solution holds             Courtesy: University of Copenhagen, COWI, HedeDanmark, LiAn
back stormwater in dry and wet basins, and slowly discharges it into           Landscape Design, Alleroed Municipality, City of Copenhagen,
Lynge Stream. The result is a more stable waterflow in the stream,                         Albertslund Municipality and Aarhus Municipality
18   7. Nature based solutions and treatment of runoff

Improving the water cycle by ensuring an
appropriate quality of rainwater runoff

Local management of storm water runoff in        municipalities must determine whether            for a maximum of 24 hours due to concerns
Nature Based Solutions includes the runoff       treatment of the runoff is required for each     about pathogens. If the treated runoff is to
to be collected, delayed and/or stored and       case that utilises NBS. This requirement         be sprayed or pumped for play, e.g. at play-
hereafter used as a recreational asset in        depends on the pollution level of the runoff     grounds, UV disinfection is often necessary.
channels or ponds in the city or discharged      as well as the sensitivity of the recipient.
slowly to a receiving water body, such           Thus, when choosing a treatment solution,        Several solutions for treatment of runoff
as a groundwater aquifer, the ocean,             it is important to ensure the water can be       are available and they are often already an
streams or wetlands. However, runoff can         treated sufficiently to meet the quality         integrated part of the NBS. These include
contain a variety of pollutants such as oil      requirements related to the particular           basic treatment mechanisms such as sedi-
components, heavy metals, endocrine dis-         recipient.                                       mentation, filtration, absorption, biological
rupters, pesticides, road salt and nutrients.                                                     degradation and flocculation – often in
Therefore, runoff must often undergo             If the water is infiltrated, it must not con-    combination. Proper documentation of the
treatment before being discharged to the         taminate the groundwater. If the water is        treatment efficiency of the solutions is par-
receiving water body.                            discharged to a lake or a stream, it must not    amount to ensure that the receiving water
                                                 deteriorate the biological and ecological        bodies are protected. Establishing a sound,
In accordance with the European Water            state of the receiving body of water. And if     pragmatic and useful documentation proce-
Framework Directive and the Danish               it is used for recreational purposes, the rule   dure is still an ongoing process in Denmark,
Environmental Protection Law, Danish             of thumb is that rainwater can be stored         as well as in many other countries.

 Maximum permissible values:
 PH: 6-9
 Suspended Solids:
7. Nature based solutions and treatment of runoff                 19

Treating rainwater through curb                                        The curb extensions on Gyvelvej are constructed by using a two-sec-
extensions, Hørsholm, Denmark                                          tion system in which the first section collects fallen leaves and sand
Sewer capacity is often maxed out during periods of heavy rainfalls.   particles. The second section of the curb extension infiltrates the
Therefore, an unconventional management approach to rainwater          rainwater through a special type of soil which binds and delays
from roads has been applied to Gyvelvej in the city of Hørsholm.       organic and nonorganic nutrients. Clean water then infiltrates into
A technology which is becoming more widespread in relation to          the groundwater aquifers. In the case of extreme rain events, the
treating dirty runoff water from roads is Nature Based Solutions. By   water is bypassed to underground infiltration trenches in order to
using alternative methods for handling road water, a double profit     utilise the full capacity of the system and subsequently discharge
is gained in the form of a decreased load on the sewer system and a    the water to the sewer.
facility with recreational value.                                                                                               Courtesy: WSP
20   8. Urban recirculation of rainwater

Using rainwater harvesting to create a city in water balance

In many areas of the world, increasing water    Basin Connected Cities and Water-Wise            design) and contractors (in charge of estab-
scarcity and drought is a highly critical       Communities.                                     lishing the system for collecting rainwater
problem, forcing cities and countries to                                                         and performing leakage detection).
focus on how to harvest and optimise the        The Danish innovation consortium ‘Cities in
reuse of rainwater. In Denmark, water           Water Balance’ aims to provide urban climate     Safety issues when reusing rainwater
scarcity has not yet been a serious issue,      adaptation options that address both the         The legislation in Denmark for reusing
but climate change predictions indicate that    increased risk of rainwater flooding and the     rainwater is very strict, forcing companies
prolonged drought periods will occur more       increased risk of drought by linking rainwa-     to focus on optimal design and safety stand-
frequently in the future.                       ter management systems either directly or        ards. It must be documented that there is
                                                indirectly to water supply systems and in        no contact between the rainwater system
The water balanced city                         this way progressing towards a closed urban      and the drinking water system. Thus, there
A recurring objective for cities that invest    water cycle. Based on the overall concept        are two compulsory technical solutions
in rainwater harvesting and recycling is        of the water balanced city, it is possible to    to prevent the drinking water from being
often to ensure that the city is able to rely   customise concepts for areas where there is      polluted; a physical gap between the two
on the water resources available within         a heightened risk of water scarcity.             systems and a safety valve that prevents
the city limit. Many cities are faced with                                                       the drinking water from coming into physi-
rising population growth due to increased       The focal point of the water balanced city       cal contact with the rainwater.
urbanisation. Rainwater harvesting and          concept is how to increase infiltration,
recycling rainwater can assist the city in      evaporation and rainwater reuse. However,        The design and safety regulations are de-
maintaining its overall water balance in        the issue of leakages in the drinking water      scribed in detail in a manual which includes
spite of a growing population, thereby man-     system should also be considered in order        guidelines for designing all parts in the
aging urban water in a sustainable manner.      to reduce water loss. Finally, educating         system; including fittings, filters, manholes,
The International Water Association has         citizens on how to conserve drinking water       storage tanks, pipes and the back-security
developed a comprehensive framework             and reuse rainwater should also be part of       valve. For instance, the size of the storage
for sustainable urban water management,         the concept. A team is put together for each     tank is designed by calculating water con-
resilience and liveability. Its approach,       case under the concept. Each team typically      sumption, the amount of runoff from the
which is termed ‘Water-Wise Cities’, consists   consists of a consortium of knowledge            roof and considerations of the residence
of 17 principles supporting four highly in-     institutions (in charge of development of        time to reduce the growth of bacteria in the
terconnected actions; Regenerative Water        concept, documentation and teaching), con-       tank.
Services, Water Sensitive Urban Design,         sulting engineering companies (in charge of

                             WATER SOURCES                                      DIRECT REUSE:
                                  Stormwater                      Toilet flushing, laundry, recreational purposes
                                   Greywater                              Watering of green infrastructure

                                                                                   Dual porosity,
                                                                                    UV filtration
                                                                      GROUNDWATER RECHARGING

A city in water balance relies on water resources available within the city limit. Rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling allows for
population growth.
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