Specification Sheet - XProtect Express+ 2019 R1 Specification Sheet

Page created by Jordan Campbell
Specification Sheet

       XProtect® Express+ 2019 R1

           Specification Sheet

Specification Sheet

Feature Overview .................................................................................... 3
  Key features ................................................................................................... 3
  Integration options .......................................................................................... 3
Detailed Product Features ........................................................................ 4
  Recording server ............................................................................................. 4
  Management server and Management Client....................................................... 4
  Event Server .................................................................................................. 6
  Milestone Mobile server .................................................................................... 7
  DLNA server ................................................................................................... 7
  XProtect Smart Client ...................................................................................... 7
  XProtect Smart Client - Player ........................................................................ 10
  XProtect Web Client ....................................................................................... 11
  Milestone Mobile ........................................................................................... 11
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................12
  Minimum system requirements ....................................................................... 12
  Supported languages ..................................................................................... 12
  Licensing structure ........................................................................................ 12

Specification Sheet
Feature Overview                                       •   Flexible user and rights management:
Key features                                               Strict privileges on management of users’
•   Single-server / single-site solution:                  access to functions and camera actions.
    XProtect Express+ supports up to 48 hardware           Modular user management with support for
    devices that can be installed on a single              basic user accounts to global user
    recording server                                       management with single sign-on Microsoft®
•   High performance recording server:                     Active Directory accounts.
    Building on a native 64-bit windows                •   Versatile rule system:
    implementation and a highly-optimized                  Facilitates the automation of different aspects
    database technology with RAM-based pre-                of the system, including camera control,
    buffering, the recording server supports               system behavior and external devices, based
    minimum 3.1 Gbit/s recording rate                      on events or time schedules
•   Hardware accelerated Video Motion                  •   Customer Dashboard
    Detection:                                             Support for sending system, server, storage
    Video motion detection decoding takes                  and device status and errors to the Milestone
    advantage of processing power in Graphical             Customer Dashboard
    Processing Units to significantly reduce the
    CPU load and improve performance of the
    recording servers. It requires CPU with support    Integration options
    for Intel Quick Sync Video                         •   The Milestone Integration Platform Software
•   Centralized management:                                Development Kit (MIP SDK) enables seamless
    A Management Client connected to the                   integration of video analytics algorithms and
    management server enables full remote                  other third-party applications in XProtect
    system configuration of the recording server,          Smart Client and Management Client
    devices, rules, schedules and user rights          •   Compatible with XProtect® Transact and
•   Milestone Interconnect™:                               XProtect® Retail, which integrate video
    A unique system concept that allows all                surveillance with ATMs, point-of-sale (POS)
    Milestone VMS, Milestone Arcus™ appliances             and enterprise resource planning (ERP)
    and Milestone Husky™ NVRs to be                        systems for managing loss prevention and
    interconnected with XProtect Corporate to gain         fraud
    central surveillance operation across              •   Compatible with XProtect® Access for video
    geographically dispersed sites                         enabled physical security, which integrates
•   Alarm Manager:                                         with access control and intrusion systems
    Single-point alarm function that provides a        •   Compatible with XProtect® LPR for automatic
    consolidated and clear overview of security and        reading and tracking of vehicle license plates
    system-related alarms                              •   Generic event integration enables easy and
•   Metadata support:                                      fast integration of third-party applications and
    Supports reception, storage and export of              systems via a simple message-based socket
    metadata, including metadata from camera-              communication interface
    resided video analytics and location data in       •   Supports Milestone ONVIF Bridge that enables
    Video Push from Milestone Mobile                       full video interoperability in multivendor
•   64-bit recording servers:                              installations using a standardized ONVIF
    Allow more cameras to be run on a single               compliant video-out interface
    recording server                                   •   System configuration API enables external
•   Intuitive map function:                                applications to make changes to the system’s
    Multi-layered and interactive maps display the         configuration
    location of every camera and offer control of      •   MIP SDK Mobile enables integrations to third
    the entire surveillance system                         party Mobile or Web applications
•   Multiple language support:
    Lets most operators use the system in their
    native language with support for 30 different
    languages, while the Management Client is
    available in 14 languages
•   Fast evidence export:
    Deliver authentic evidence to public authorities
    by exporting video to various formats,
    including video from multiple cameras in
    encrypted XProtect format with dedicated
    player application included
•   Audit logs:
    Enables extensive logging of all user system
    accesses, configuration changes and operator
Specification Sheet
                                                                recording servers. It requires CPU with support
Detailed Product Features                                       for Intel Quick Sync Video
                                                          •     Functional recording server even if a recording
                                                                storage area is unavailable. Continued
Recording server                                                recording of video from devices with available
System                                                          recording storage and live video on devices
 •   Simultaneous digital multi-channel MJPEG,                  without available recording storage
     MPEG4, MPEG-4 ASP, MxPEG, H.264 and H.265            •     Support for shutdown of recording server if
     video recording of IP cameras and IP video                 recording storage becomes unavailable, to
     encoders                                                   enable fail over to take over
 •   Two-way AAC audio allows users to transmit          Pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ)
     and record audio in advanced quality from            •     “Pass-through” control of manual PTZ
     connected microphones and audio from the                   operation from clients with user priority
     operator’s microphone to attached speakers           •     One PTZ priority level for control of rights
 •   Generic framework for receiving and storing                between different operators and automatic
     metadata from compatible devices and clients               patrolling schemes
 •   Route traffic between multiple connected             •     Execute rule-based go-to preset position on
     cameras and multiple clients requesting live               events and patrolling
     view, playback and export                            •     Pause PTZ patrolling on event and resume
 •   A dedicated recording stream enables                       patrolling after manual session timeout
     optimization stream properties (resolutions,         •     Import PTZ presets defined in the PTZ camera
     encodings and frame rate) for video storage          •     Rename imported PTZ presets
     and forensic usage
                                                         I/O and events
 •   Secure high-speed recording database holding
                                                          •     Support for devices with one or more input and
     JPEG images or MPEG4, MPEG-4 ASP, MxPEG,
                                                                output ports
     H.264 or H.265 streams
                                                          •     Powerful rule processing engine for execution
 •   Flexible control of recording characteristics for
                                                                of start and stop actions triggered by events or
     MPEG4/H.264/H.265 streams, making it
                                                                time profiles
     possible to toggle between recording key
     frames only or the full stream                      Setup and management
 •   Record more than 30 frames per second per            •     Selecting “Single computer” set up during the
     camera, limited only by hardware                           initial installation the system automatically
 •   Recording quality depends entirely on camera               performs certain configurations for an easier
     and video encoder capabilities with no software            installation experience
     limitations                                          •     Recording server manager is available in the
 •   Possibility to import pre-event images recorded            local console notification area (icon tray) for
     locally in camera or video encoder                         status messages, start/stop of the service and
 •   Pre-recording buffer (used for event/motion                change of network settings
     based recording) in RAM minimizes the disk          Client access
     read/write operations when no video is               •     Facilitate client access
     recorded                                             •     Clients are authenticated and authorized at the
 •   Built-in, real-time, camera-independent motion             management server and use a session-limited
     detection with the ability to generate motion              access token to access the recording server
     metadata for Smart Search                            •     System administrators controlling systems with
 •   The recording server runs as a Windows                     multiple users can control access permission
     service under local system account or optional             per client for each of the three XProtect clients,
     local Windows user or Microsoft Active                     resulting in safer security access
     Directory account with run-as-a-service             Logs
                                                          •     Logging of system, audit and rule entries to
 •   Port forwarding enables clients to access the              the management server with local caching
     recording servers from outside a network                   during offline scenarios
     address translation (NAT) firewall
 •   Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
 •   64-bit recording servers allow more cameras to      Management server and
     be run on a single server unit
 •   Secure HTTPS camera connection on devices           Management Client
     supporting HTTPS                                    System
 •   Encrypted communication between Recording            •     Management server for user authentication
     Server and services retrieving streaming data              logon, system configuration and logging
 •   Video motion detection decoding takes                •     Management Client for central administration
     advantage of processing power in Graphical                 of the system such as recording server,
     Processing Units to significantly reduce the               devices, security, rules and logging
     CPU load and improve performance of the
Specification Sheet
 •   Management Client compatible with XProtect             •   Enable up to two streams per camera; one
     Express+ 2016 R1 and newer                                 stream for live viewing and one stream for
 •   All configuration and logs from the entire                 recording
     system are stored in a centralized Microsoft           •   Select and configure video format, frames per
     SQL database                                               second (FPS), resolution and quality for the
 •   Management server manager is available in the              video streams.
     local console notification area (icon tray) for        •   Adjustable group of pictures (GOP) length for
     status messages and to start/stop the service              MPEG4 H.264 and H.265 encoded video
 •   The management server runs as a Windows                •   Assign camera shortcut number for easy
     service under local system account or optional             operation by clients
     local Windows user or Microsoft active                 •   Optional preview window for immediate
     directory account with run-as-a-service                    verification of video settings per camera or for
     privileges                                                 a group of cameras
 •   To register and validate your licenses, the            •   Define multiple PTZ preset positions per
     system offers easy-to-use automatic or manual              camera
     online activation via the Internet and                 •   Import PTZ preset positions from cameras
     alternatively, offline activation via email and        •   PTZ scanning on supported devices
     web for closed surveillance networks                   •   Define multiple PTZ patrolling schemes with
 •   Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing                  adjustable wait time between shifts and
Milestone Interconnect                                          customizable transitions with disabling of
 •   XProtect Express+ is compatible with Milestone             motion detection to avoid false alarms
     Interconnect enabling multiple XProtect                •   Run multiple patrolling schedules per camera
     Express+ systems to be connected with a                    per day. For example, run different schedules
     central XProtect Corporate system to gain                  for day/night/weekend
     central surveillance operation across                  •   Privacy masking conceals certain parts of the
     geographically dispersed sites                             image, both in live and playback video and in
                                                                exported material. It supports permanent
Storage                                                         masks and liftable masks that can be lifted and
 •   Definition of one or more storage containers               managed with user credentials. Masking level
     with individual archiving schemes and                      is adjustable and ranges between ‘light blur’ to
     retention times. Recording capacity is limited             ‘solid grey’
     only by disk space                                     •   Privacy mask consistently hides certain areas
 •   Each storage container is defined as live                  in the camera view in live and playback video
     database and one optional archive, where the               and in exported material
     video data is moved from the live database to          •   Configure device events like motion detection
     secondary disk systems or network drives. The              with pre- and post-buffers, or input signal
     archived data is still online and available for            behavior options
     clients                                                •   Fine-tune motion detection sensitivity per
 •   Archiving scheme define when video is                      camera manually or automatically
     archived and how long the video data is                •   Apply one or multiple exclusion zones for
     retained before deletion                                   where motion detection is to be disabled to
 •   Ability to allocate individual devices to different        avoid unwanted detection
     storage containers
 •   Move a device or a group of devices between           Rules, time profiles and notifications
     two storage containers                                 •    Powerful Microsoft Outlook®-style rule system
 •   Storage overview gives instant indication of                supports an unlimited number of rules
     used vs. available storage in total and for            •    Rule actions can be triggered by event, time
     individual cameras                                          interval or a combination of event and time.
                                                                 Rules can be optionally stopped by event or
Devices                                                          after a certain time
 •   Hardware wizard to add devices; automatically          •   Time profiles with reoccurring time selection
     using Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)                       and expire condition support an unlimited
     discovery, via IP network range scanning, or               number of time profiles
     using manual device detection. All methods             •   Dynamic day-length time profile follows daylight
     support automatic or manual model detection                changes over the year for a given location
 •   Wizard for swift replacement of malfunctioning             defined by a GPS position, including daylight
     devices with preserved configuration settings              savings time
     and recordings                                         •   Play audio files on rule making it possible to
 •   Enable and disable devices if they are not used            automate announcements over speakers.
     or are down for maintenance                            •   Trigger events:
 •   Adjust settings such as brightness, color level,           The XProtect Express+ VMS system and
     compression, maximum bit rate, resolution and              connected devices support a wide set of events
     rotation per camera or camera group                        that can be used to trigger actions using the
                                                                rule system. Events are grouped in the
Specification Sheet
     following categories:                                •   Remote recordings: retrieve remote recordings
     - Hardware: events that relate to physical           •   External events: visibility, administrate, trigger
     hardware devices connected to the system             •   View groups privileges
     - Devices: events that relates to certain            •   Servers: XProtect® Enterprise, XProtect®
     functions and states of devices available to the         Professional and XProtect® Express slave
     XProtect VMS system via the connected                    server access and authentication details,
     hardware devices                                     •   Alarms: visibility of alarms and ability to
     - External Events: events that relate to VMS             manage alarms
     integrations                                         •   MIP: Plug-in permissions
 •    - Recording server: events that relate to           •   General application permissions: Management
      archiving and database functions.                       Client, XProtect Smart Client, XProtect Web
      - Analytics: events from integrated applications        Client, Milestone Mobile
      and systems                                        Logging
 •    For further details on available trigger events,    •   Logs of system, audit and rule entries are
      please refer to the XProtect VMS                        consolidated from all recording servers and
      Administrator's Manual.                                 clients
 •    Start actions: The triggering events may            •   Each log file has adjustable size and time
      initiate a wide set of actions in the VMS               limitations
      system, connected devices or integrated
      systems.                                           System administration
      For a complete list of available actions, please    •   Built-in backup and restore support for manual
      refer to the XProtect VMS Administrator's               system backup of all configuration data,
      Manual                                                  including (listing not exhaustive): system
 •    Stop actions: The rule engine may also trigger          configuration data, maps, alarm settings and
      stop actions in the VMS system, connected               definitions and client views
      devices or integrated systems upon the              •   Configuration Reporting enables complete or
      completion of a rule.                                   partial documentation of system configuration.
      For a complete list of available stop actions,          Custom and site-specific free-text information,
      please refer to the XProtect VMS                        integrator’s notes and logo can be added to the
      Administrator's Manual                                  printer-friendly reports
 •    Multi-recipient customizable email notification     •   License overview including add-on products,
      with image and/or AVI attachment of incidents           Milestone Care coverage and renewal date
                                                          •   License owner information, that is
                                                              synchronized with the software registration
User rights management                                        page on the Milestone website
 •   Common and central management of all user            •   Expanded license information for multi-site
     rights across all user and programmatic (MIP             installations where both the total used licenses
     SDK) interfaces                                          for the common SLC is presented and the
 •   Overall system security definition makes it              license use in the specific system
     possible to globally allow or deny permission to     •   License overview that presents the license use
     devices and functions (such as manage, read,             of all the individual sites running on the same
     edit and delete)                                         SLC
 •   Device-specific security definition makes it         •   “Changes without activation” function that
     possible to allow or deny permission to                  allow additions and replacements of limited
     individual devices and functions (such as                number of hardware devices without requiring
     manage, read, edit and delete).                          license activation
 •   Roles control user and administrator access to:     Authentication
 •   Login: dual authorization rights                     •   System log-in uses Microsoft Active Directory,
 •   Cameras: visibility, administrate, live view             local Windows or basic user account
     (within time profile), playback (within time         •   Use current Windows logon for authentication
     profile), search sequences, export, smart            •   Dual authorization offers an optional additional
     search, AUX commands, manual recording,                  level of system security, where Management
 •   Microphones and speakers: visibility,                    Client users are granted access to the system
     administrate, listen to live audio (within time          only when a second user or supervisor has
     profile), playback audio (within time profile),          confirmed the log-in with a successful
     search sequences, export, manual recording,              authorization of the second user
     speak to speakers                                    •   Kerberos support enables deployment in high
 •   Inputs and outputs: visibility, administrate,            security Kerberos IT environments
     status, activation
 •   PTZ: manual control, activate PTZ presets, PTZ
     priority, manage PTZ presets and patrolling,        Event Server
     lock/unlock PTZ presets and release PTZ             Alarm Manager

Specification Sheet
    •   Single-point alarm management of all internal       •   Milestone Mobile servers can be installed in
        system alarms and external security alarms              parallel, offering redundancy and/or allowing
    •   Alarm descriptions and work instructions make           more simultaneous users
        alarms actionable for operators                     •   Milestone Mobile servers can be configured
    •   An alarm location map can be linked to each             through the tray controller to easily adjust or
        alarm providing instant situational awareness           update settings
        to the operator dealing with the alarm              •   Use either a default-generated certificate for
    •   Customizable alarm priorities allow operators           HTTPS encrypting the connection to the
        to focus on the most critical alarms                    Milestone Mobile server or provide your own
    •   Customizable alarm categories enable logical            custom certificate
        grouping of alarms dependent on their type          •   Support for two-step verification for log-in
        and nature                                          •   Video Push configuration is done from the
    •   Customizable alarm statuses enable alignment            server, so users can push video via Milestone
        of the alarm handling workflow with existing            Mobile without having to do any configuration
        workflows and security systems                      •   Milestone Mobile server supports creating
    •   Alarm handling result code enables tracking of          server-side export through XProtect Web Client
        the outcome of the alarms                               and Milestone Mobile
    •   Automatic allocation to alarm owner with            •   Video decoding in Mobile Server takes
        escalation and alarm forwarding possibilities           advantage of processing power in Graphical
    •   Time profiles for definition of active alarms           Processing Units. This includes the GPU part of
    •   Possibility to associate one or more cameras to         the Intel CPU (requires CPU with support for
        an alarm (maximum 15 cameras can be                     Intel Quick Sync Video) and in the GPU of
        displayed simultaneously in the alarm preview           additional external NVIDIA cards
        window)                                             •   Smart Connect enables easy configuration of
    •   A set of alarm handling reports gives valuable          internet access to the Mobile Server by
        information about alarm inflow and alarm                automatic configuration of firewalls and
        handling performance                                    internet routers via UPnP. Smart Connect also
    •   Extensive logging of alarms                             verifies the configuration and operation of the
    •   Microsoft Clustering support for the event              internet connection, and can be used to email
        server enables secure and redundant alarm               connection details to Mobile Client users1

                                                           DLNA server
Milestone Mobile server                                     •   DLNA allows users to display video directly
    •   The Milestone Mobile server runs as a                   onto any DLNA supported tv without needing
        dedicated service, allowing it to be installed          to have a PC nor a Smart client. The function
        either on the same server as other system               supports live video and camera selection can
        components or on dedicated hardware in more             be manual, carousel or rule based
        demanding installations                             •   The Milestone DLNA server runs as a dedicated
    •   The Milestone Mobile server can transcode               service, allowing it to be installed either on the
        video so streams are robust and can adapt to            same server as other system components or
        changing connection bandwidth as well as                on dedicated hardware in more demanding
        optimize the use of available bandwidth to get          installations and can be downloaded here:
        the best possible stream quality in the XProtect        https://www.milestonesys.com/support/resour
        Web Clients and Milestone Mobile clients                ces/download-software/
    •   Adjustable transcoding logic enables capping of     •   The DLNA servers can be configured through
        video resolution and frame rate for video               the tray controller to easily adjust or update
        streams provided to XProtect Web Clients and            settings
        Milestone Mobile clients                            •   Installing the DLNA server plugin in the
    •   The Milestone Mobile Server encodes audio in a          Management Client will allow the DLNA server
        Web Client suitable format, so users can play           management to change settings
        live or recorded audio.                             •   Supports more than one DLNA server
    •   Installing the Milestone Mobile server plugin in    •   The populated cameras on the DLNA interface
        the Management Client will give access to               can be set by an admin
        Milestone Mobile server management in order         •   The DLNA functionality requires the selected
        to change settings, read out miscellaneous              cameras to be configured to use H.264
        status information, configure codecs used for
        exports as well as manage ongoing and
        completed exports                                  XProtect Smart Client

1   Use of Smart Connect require Milestone Care Plus
Specification Sheet
 •   Dedicated task-oriented tabs for the Sequence        •    Centralized storage of shared and private
     Explorer and the Alarm Manager, in addition to            camera views, enables coherent access to
     the traditional Live and Playback tabs                    views across the system
 •   Application theme support with choice of dark        •    Possibility to instantly re-arrange cameras in
     or light themes                                           views for optimized monitoring of incidents,
 •   True multi-window support where secondary                 with single click restore of original view
     windows have full functionality and can be           •    Instant camera placement in live view allows
     operated in independent mode or synchronized              for instant replacement of cameras in a view,
     mode where they follow the control of the main            where new cameras can be placed in a
     window                                                    particular view and positioned through a simple
 •   Shortcuts to select a specific window or specific         drag-and drop operation
     camera in a window                                   •    Update on “motion only” optimizes CPU use by
 •   Camera search function promptly finds                     allowing motion detection to control whether or
     cameras, types of cameras and views in the                not the image should be decoded and
     system with the ability to create temporary               displayed
     views to display all or a subset of cameras          •    Global hotspot function allows users to work in
     matching the search criteria                              detail with any camera selected from any view
 •   Display metadata bounding boxes from                 •    Local hotspot function allows users to work in
     supported devices in live views and playback              detail with a camera selected from the same
Customization                                                  view
 •   Application options enables customization of         •    Carousel function allows a specific view item to
     the general behavior and look of the XProtect             rotate between pre-defined cameras that are
     Smart Client                                              not necessarily present in the view at the same
 •   The customization can either be made as                   time. Operators can select default or custom
     individual personalization managed by each                display times for each camera, and they are
     operator, or centrally enforced using Smart               able to manually switch to the next or previous
     Client Profiles                                           camera in the carousel list
 •   Offers a simplified user interface with the          •    Matrix function shows live video from multiple
     possibility option to toggle between “Simple”             cameras in any view layout with customizable
     and “Advanced” modes, where Advanced mode                 rotation paths, remotely controlled by
     is default                                                computers sending matrix remote commands
 •   Control of general look & feel and navigation        •    Import static or active HTML maps for fast
     properties, such as color mode, camera title              navigation to cameras and to provide a good
     bar, grid sizes etc.                                      overview of premises
 •   Availability of control panes and functions in       •    Hide HTML page toolbar in HTML page views
     live and playback tabs, and in setup mode            •    Activate matrix via graphical maps of premises
 •   Information included in time line in playback             using JavaScript or integrate with centralized
     tab                                                       access control systems
 •   Behavior and availability of expert function         •    The operator can assign outputs, PTZ presets
 •   Setup of keyboard short cuts and joystick                 and views as actions to joystick buttons and as
     controls                                                  keyboard shortcuts.
 •   Specific behavior of alarms and access control       •    Two-way audio support enables XProtect Smart
     notifications                                             Client to record and play live audio from
 •   Advanced application settings such as use of              camera-connected microphones and outgoing
     hardware acceleration, videos diagnostics                 audio from the operator’s microphone to one
     overlay and time zone settings                            or multiple camera speakers
 •   Application language                                 •    Adaptive de-interlacing option secures high
                                                               video quality, based on the actual video
Live view                                                      content received. XProtect Smart Client can
 •   View live video from 1-100 cameras per                    optionally apply a filter to areas of the image
     computer monitor/view                                     where jagged edges would otherwise show up
 •   Multiple computer monitor support provides a         •    Operators may start/stop manual recording on
     main window and any number of either floating             individual cameras, where the recording status
     windows or full screen views                              is propagated to all XProtect Smart Client
 •   Live view digital zoom allows a full view of              users active in the system
     recordings while the operator can digitally
     zoom in to see details                              PTZ
 •   Supports multiple view layouts optimized for         •    Control PTZ cameras by using;
     4:3 and 16:9 display settings in both                •    PTZ preset positions
     landscape and portrait                               •    PTZ point-and-click control
 •   Independent playback capability allows for           •    Overlay buttons
     instant playback of recorded video for one or        •    PTZ zoom to a defined rectangle
     more cameras, while in live mode                     •    Video overlaid PTZ control
                                                          •    Virtual joystick function
Specification Sheet
 •   Joystick                                           •   Secure video evidence handling with a digital
 •   Manage PTZ presets and patrolling profiles             signature of exported video material that
 •   Start, stop and pause patrolling                       enables users to verify the video has not been
 •   View who have PTZ control and time to                  modified or tampered with when viewing the
     automatic release                                      export in the XProtect Smart Client – Player
 •   Lock PTZ control                                   •   Create evidence material in media player
 •   Take manual control of a PTZ camera that is            format (AVI files), MKV format, or still image
     running a patrolling scheme. After a timeout           format (JPEG images)
     with no activity, the camera reverts to its        •   Disable re-export option to prevent undesirable
     scheduled patrolling scheme.                           distribution of sensitive evidence material
 •   360° ImmerVision Enables® Panomorph lens           •   Bulk camera export in multiple formats to
     technology                                             multiple destinations, including direct export to
I/O and events                                              optical media, results in more efficient video
 •   Overlay buttons provide intuitive control of           exports and more secure handling of evidence
     cameras, camera-integrated devices and other           material
     integrated systems directly from the camera        •   Export comment function enables users to add
     view                                                   general and/or camera-specific comments to a
 •   Manually trigger output port relay operation,          video export when exporting to XProtect
     for example when controlling gates                     format.
 •   Manually trigger events by activating a server-    •   In media player format comments can be
     defined event from a list                              added as pre/post slides
                                                        •   Print incident reports including image,
Playback                                                    surveillance details and free-text user
 •   Playback video from 1-100 cameras per                  comments
     computer monitor/view
 •   Advanced video navigation includes fast/slow      Sequence Explorer
     playback, jump to date/time, single step and       •   Dedicated tab for the Sequence Explorer
     video motion search                                •   Search options are: recording sequences (with
 •   Integrated video timeline with time navigation         support for time slicing) and Smart Search
     and playback controls, including an integrated     •   Smooth navigation with sliding preview and
     function to select a time interval for export          “drag-and-throw” function for video thumbnails
 •   Toggle between simple and advanced timeline        •   Preview of selected sequence with auto play
     mode                                                   and direct export support
 •   Overview of recorded sequences
 •   Independent playback capability allows the        Map function
     independent playback of recorded video from        •   Built-in map function in XProtect Smart Client
     one or more cameras                                    provides intuitive overview of the system and
 •   Instant camera placement in playback view              offers integrated access to all system
     allows users to instantly replace cameras in a         components
     view, where a new camera can be placed in a        •   Map images can be in standard graphic file
     particular view and position with a simple             formats including JPG, GIF, PNG and TIF
     drag-and drop operation                            •   Any number of layered maps such as city,
 •   Digital zoom allows the operator to see                street, building and room
     magnified details in the recorded video            •   Instant camera preview on “mouse over” and
                                                            one-click shows all cameras on map
Export and print                                        •   One-click function to open floating window with
 •   The snapshot function enables operators to             all cameras (maximum 25 cameras) on the
     produce instant visual documentation of a              map
     camera by saving the camera image to a file,       •   Depiction of camera view zones on map with
     or sending it directly to a printer                    clickable PTZ zones for instant PTZ control
 •   The storyboarding function makes it possible to    •   Easy drag-and-drop and point-and-click
     include video sequences from different or              definition of: cameras, servers, microphones,
     overlapping time intervals form different              speakers, I/O devices, hot-zones for map
     cameras in the one and the same export                 hierarchies, camera view zones and PTZ
 •   Export in XProtect format; including the               camera presets position view zones
     standalone XProtect Smart Client - Player          •   Integrated control of speakers, microphones,
     application for instant and easy viewing by            and events and output I/O control, including:
     authorities                                            doors, gates, light and access control systems
 •   Export preview with looped playback                •   Real-time status monitoring indication from all
 •   Encryption and password protection of                  system components including cameras, I/O
     exported video material with a choice of               devices and system servers
     following strong encryption algorithms: 56-bit     •   Graphical visualization of the system status
     DES 128, 192 and 256-bit AES                           through color coding

Specification Sheet
 •   Hierarchical propagation of status indications       •   Application options allow users to adapt the
     to higher ordered maps                                   layout and personalize the application to their
 •   Different levels of status indications available         particular preferences
     (alarm, warning and errors)                         Authentication
 •   System performance data for cameras and              •   System log-in uses Microsoft Active Directory,
     servers including camera resolution, FPS,                local Windows or a basic user account
     network use and disk space                           •   Use current Windows logon for authentication
 •   Ability to suppress status indications (such as      •   Auto-log-in and auto-restore views
     error and warning) for a given device                •   Dual authorization offers an optional additional
 •   Possibility to edit device names in a map and            level of system security, where XProtect Smart
     assign map-specific names and references to              Client users are granted access to the system
     devices in a map                                         only when a second user or supervisor has
 •   Map editing subject to user rights                       confirmed the log-in with a successful
Camera Navigator                                              authorization of the second user
 •   Provides consistent and comprehensive visual        System
     verification, ensuring easier tracking of moving     •   Support for IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
     objects in geographically complex                    •   64-bit Windows® operating system support
     environments                                             enables better performance when viewing and
 •   Automatically displays thumbnail views of                operating many cameras
     nearby cameras                                       •   Support for hardware accelerated decoding
 •   Add-on to the map application with no special            using Intel Quick Sync video
     configuration needed                                 •   Video decoding is done to significantly reduce
Alarm Manager                                                 the CPU load and improve performance of the
 •   Dedicated dockable tab for the Alarm Manager             recording servers. Supports video decoding
 •   Alarm list with extensive filtering capabilities         done in the GPU part of the Intel CPU (requires
     and an alarm preview in both live and playback           CPU with support for Intel Quick Sync Video)
     mode                                                     and in the GPU of additional external NVIDIA
 •   Extensive alarm sort and filtering functions             cards
     allow operators to focus on most critical alarms
 •   Instant preview of primary and related
     cameras helps reduce the number of false            XProtect Smart Client - Player
     alarms                                               •   Play back recorded or archived video and audio
 •   Tight integration with the map function allows           evidence, including edited storyboard exports
     operators to indicate and acknowledge active         •   Same user-friendly interface and most
     alarms in the map                                        functions as XProtect Smart Client
 •   Alarm descriptions and work instructions make        •   Offers a simplified user interface with the
     alarms actionable for operators                          possibility option to toggle between “Simple”
 •   Alarm escalation and alarm forwarding                    and “Advanced” modes, where Advanced mode
     possibilities allow operators with appropriate           is default
     skills to handle different alarms                    •   Instant one-click playback for easy viewing of
 •   Alarm reports enable incident documentation              exported video evidence
 •   Alarm location map presents the alarm                •   Advanced second-level investigation tools
     operator with a map showing the alarm area               make it easy to refine exported video and re-
     when an alarm is selected                                export the most essential evidence
 •   Alarm notification to a single or a groups of        •   Metadata bounding boxes included in exports
     Milestone Mobile client users using Push                 are displayed time synchronized in XProtect
     Notifications                                            Smart Client – Player
 •   Optional sound notifications for different alarm     •   The project tool allows users to merge video
     priorities for notification of new incoming alarm        exports or archives from two different locations
 •   Alarm disabling option enables users to                  or XProtect systems together into one new
     suppress alarms from a given device in a                 export
     certain time period                                  •   View up to 100 cameras time-synched during
 •   Instant access to both live and recorded video           playback
     from the cameras that are related to the alarm       •   Camera search function promptly finds
 •   Alarm handling reports give valuable                     cameras, types of cameras and camera views
     information about alarm inflow and alarm                 in the system
     handling performance                                 •   Scrollable activity timeline with magnifying
Setup and management                                          feature
                                                          •   Instant search on recordings based on
 •   Download and install XProtect Smart Client
                                                              date/time and activity/alarm (video motion
     from a web page on the management server
 •   Notification about new updates at log-in

Specification Sheet
•   Evidence can be generated as a printed report,      •   Preview exports on the server without
    a JPEG image, an AVI or MKV film or in                  downloading them
    XProtect format                                     •   Trigger outputs and events with live view of
•   Export audio recordings in WAV, MKV or AVI              related camera
    format                                              •   System log-in using XProtect user name and
•   Exported video can be digitally zoomed to view          password
    an area of interest and minimize export             •   System log-in using Microsoft Active Directory
    footprint size                                          user
•   Re-export evidence containing XProtect format       •   Support for two-step verification for log-in
    and XProtect Smart Client - Player for instant,     •   Secure connection through HTTPS
    easy viewing by authorities                         •   No installation needed on client computer
•   Encryption and password protection of
    exported video material with a choice of the
                                                        Milestone Mobile
                                                        •   Supports any mobile device running Android®
    following strong encryption algorithms: 56-bit
                                                            5.0and iOS9, or newer versions
    DES 128, 192 and 256-bit AES
                                                        •   Add log-in credentials for multiple servers in
•   Secure video evidence handling with a digital
                                                            Milestone Mobile to easily switch between sites
    signature of re-exported video material
                                                            or different connection addresses
    enables users to verify that the video has not
                                                        •   Views are inherited from the connected
    been modified or tampered with when viewing
                                                            XProtect VMS system. The client automatically
    the export in XProtect Smart Client – Player
                                                            obtains the user’s private and shared views
•   View, modify or add general and/or camera-
                                                            from the system to be used as camera lists in
    specific comments for a given video export
                                                            Milestone Mobile
•   De-interlacing of video from analog cameras
                                                        •   A view with all cameras is automatically
•   360° ImmerVision Enables® panomorph lens
                                                            generated, allowing Milestone Mobile to be
                                                            used when no views are set up. It also
                                                            provides a quick way of searching through
XProtect Web Client                                     •   Camera search function promptly finds
•   Access XProtect views through the browser and
                                                            cameras, types of cameras and camera views
    avoid advanced setup
                                                            in the system
•   Shared views can be managed centrally via the
                                                        •   Cameras can be viewed in full screen to take
    server with administrator/user rights and user
                                                            better advantage of the device’s screen. It is
                                                            also possible to search through cameras in a
•   Camera search function promptly finds
                                                            view while in full screen by swiping left or right
    cameras, types of cameras and camera views
                                                        •   Digital pinch-to-zoom enables users to zoom in
    in the system
                                                            on a part of the image for closer review and
•   Easy single/multi camera video playback
                                                            conduct detailed investigation of video when
    including fast/slow playback, single frame step
                                                            using megapixel or high-definition cameras
    and jump to date/time with frame preview
                                                        •   Play back recordings from the database and
    while adjusting time
                                                            select a specific time or recorded sequence to
•   Investigation function with ability to save
                                                            start playback, step through recordings and
    exports for later usage or download
                                                            select a playback speed.
•   Users can quickly get an overview and act if
                                                        •   View recordings from the database while
    needed via the list of alarms
                                                            keeping an eye on what is currently
•   Control PTZ cameras remotely with PTZ mouse
                                                            happening. The client displays a live picture-in-
    gestures, including preset positions
                                                            picture frame of the same camera when in
•   One-way audio support enables XProtect Web
                                                            playback mode. The picture-in-picture can be
    Client users to play and export live or recorded
                                                            moved by dragging and double-tapping will
    audio from device or camera-connected
                                                            return to live view
                                                        •   Control PTZ cameras with Milestone Mobile
•   Two-way audio support adds the capability to
                                                            either manually or by selecting predefined
    use the cameras speaker to talk with a person
                                                            presets for quick navigation
    in front of the camera. E.g. use case in relation
                                                        •   Video Push allows users to use their mobile
    to Access Control or warn a crowd of a
                                                            devices’ cameras as cameras in the XProtect
    potential danger
                                                            VMS. Easy to use and requires no setup in the
•   Dynamic bandwidth optimization when
                                                            mobile device
    streaming from server to client gives better
                                                        •   Option to include location metadata in Video
    use of bandwidth
•   Create AVI, MKV or database export files
                                                        •   One-way audio support enables XProtect
•   Export on the server to avoid moving large
                                                            Mobile Client users to play and export live or
    video files back and forth. Only download
                                                            recorded audio from device or camera-
    needed files or save them for downloading
                                                            connected microphones
    when on a faster connection
Specification Sheet
    •   Two-way audio support adds the capability to        •   Export on the server to avoid moving large
        use the cameras speaker to talk with a person           video files back and forth. Only download
        in front of the camera simply using the Push-           needed files or save them for downloading
        To-Talk button in XProtect Mobile Client –              when on a faster connection
        security interaction at your fingertips. E.g. in    •   Receive alarm notifications using Push
        relation to Access Control or warn a crowd of a         Notifications, notifications include access to
        potential danger                                        video, alarm information and instructions 2
    •   View access control events and grant/deny           •   Smart Connect with automatic Mobile Server
        access to the premises if an access control             discovery on LAN using UPnP, and easy
        system is integrated via the XProtect Access            connection via WAN to known Mobile servers
        add-on product.                                         without having to keep track of actual server
    •   Trigger outputs and events:                             addresses
        Mobile devices can trigger outputs connected        •   Investigation function to access investigations
        to the XProtect VMS, or user-defined events to          done in the Web client
        have greater control while on the go                •   Support for two-step log-in verification
    •   Connect securely to the Milestone Mobile
        server using HTTPS encryption

Minimum system requirements
The following are minimum requirements for the computers used, please refer to:

Supported languages
For details on supported languages, please refer to:

Licensing structure
Server base license
    •   An XProtect Express+ server base license is mandatory for installing the product
    •   The base server license permits the following deployments within the legal entity purchasing the
        base server license:
    •   One Management Server
    •   One Recording Server
    •   Unrestricted number of XProtect Smart Clients, XProtect Web Clients and Milestone Mobile
    •   The XProtect Express+ server base license includes AAC licenses for two concurrent XProtect Smart
        Clients. If you need additional AAC audio licenses they are available in packs of 50 licenses.

Hardware device license
    •   To connect cameras, audio devices, video encoders and other devices to XProtect Express+, one
        license per physical hardware device is required. The product may only be used with as many
        hardware devices as you have purchased hardware device licenses for
    •   XProtect Express+ supports up 48 hardware devices. To extend an installation with hardware device
        licenses, the base server license number (SLC) is required when ordering

    Use of Push Notifications require Milestone Care Plus
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