The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS

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The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
The Crux of Voice (In)Security:
      A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection

              Ajaya Neupane*                             Nitesh Saxena                  Leanne Hirshfield       Sarah Elaine Bratt
   University of California Riverside          University of Alabama at Birmingham      Syracuse University     Syracuse University

    Abstract—A new generation of scams has emerged that uses                                 I.   I NTRODUCTION
voice impersonation to obtain sensitive information, eavesdrop
over voice calls and extort money from unsuspecting human                   Voice is supposed to be a unique identifier of a person.
users. Research demonstrates that users are fallible to voice           In human-to-human conversations, people may be able to
impersonation attacks that exploit the current advancement in           recognize the speakers based on the unique traits of their
speech synthesis. In this paper, we set out to elicit a deeper          voices. However, previous studies have shown that human-
understanding of such human-centered “voice hacking” based              based speaker verification is vulnerable to voice impersonation
on a neuro-scientific methodology (thereby corroborating and            attacks [30]. A malicious entity can impersonate someone’s
expanding the traditional behavioral-only approach in signifi-
                                                                        voice by mimicking it using speech synthesis techniques. In
cant ways). Specifically, we investigate the neural underpinnings
of voice security through functional near-infrared spectroscopy         particular, off-the-shelf speech morphing techniques can be
(fNIRS), a cutting-edge neuroimaging technique, that captures           used to generate the spoofed voices of people of interest (vic-
neural signals in both temporal and spatial domains. We design          tims) [30]. The attacker can then perform social engineering
and conduct an fNIRS study to pursue a thorough investigation of        trickeries using an impersonated voice to fool the users into
users’ mental processing related to speaker legitimacy detection –      accepting it as a legitimate one. These attacks may eventually
whether a voice sample is rendered by a target speaker, a different     make the users reveal sensitive and confidential information,
other human speaker or a synthesizer mimicking the speaker. We          which may hamper their security, privacy, and safety.
analyze the neural activity associated within this task as well as
the brain areas that may control such activity.                             Such voice imitation is an emerging class of threats, espe-
                                                                        cially given the advancement in speech synthesis technology,
    Our key insight is that there may be no statistically significant   seen in a variety of contexts that can harm a victim’s reputation
differences in the way the human brain processes the legitimate         and her security/safety [30]. For instance, the attacker could
speakers vs. synthesized speakers, whereas clear differences are        publish the morphed voice samples on social media [17],
visible when encountering legitimate vs. different other human          impersonate the victim in phone conversations [21], leave fake
speakers. This finding may help to explain users’ susceptibility        voice messages to the victim’s contacts, and even launch man-
to synthesized attacks, as seen from the behavioral self-reported       in-the-middle attacks against end-to-end encryption technolo-
analysis. That is, the impersonated synthesized voices may seem         gies that require users to verify the voices of the callers [38],
indistinguishable from the real voices in terms of both behavioral
                                                                        to name a few instances of such attacks.
and neural perspectives. In sharp contrast, prior studies showed
subconscious neural differences in other real vs. fake artifacts            Given the prominence and rapid emergence of these threats
(e.g., paintings and websites), despite users failing to note these     in the wild, it is crucial to understand users’ innate psy-
differences behaviorally.
                                                                        chological behavior that governs the processing of voices
                                                                        and their potential susceptibility to voice impersonation at-
    Overall, our work dissects the fundamental neural patterns          tacks. In this paper, we follow the neuroimaging methodology
underlying voice-based insecurity and reveals users’ susceptibility     adopted in a recently introduced line of research (e.g., [8],
to voice synthesis attacks at a biological level. We believe that
this could be a significant insight for the security community
                                                                        [32], [34]) to scrutinize the user behavior in the specific
suggesting that the human detection of voice synthesis attacks          context of such “voice security”. Specifically, we study users’
may not improve over time, especially given that voice synthesis        neural processes (besides their behavioral performance) to
techniques will likely continue to improve, calling for the design      understand and leverage the neural mechanics when users
of careful machine-assisted techniques to help humans counter           are subjected to voice impersonation attacks using a state-of-
these attacks.                                                          the-art neuroimaging technique called functional near-infrared
                                                                        spectroscopy (fNIRS).

  * Work                                                                    The specific goal of this paper is to study the neural
           done while being a student at UAB
                                                                        underpinnings of voice (in)security, and analyze differences
                                                                        (or lack thereof) in neural activities when users are processing
                                                                        different types of voices. We examine how the information
Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2019          present in the neural signals can be used to explain users’
24-27 February 2019, San Diego, CA, USA
ISBN 1-891562-55-X                                                      susceptibility to voice imitation attacks using synthesized                             voices (i.e., speaker legitimacy detection). Prior studies [25],                                                  [32]–[34] have shown that subconscious neural differences
The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
                   RELATED WORKS VS . OUR WORK
                                                                        we do not obtain differences in the way the brains process
                                                                        legitimate speakers vs. synthesized speakers, when subject to
   Type of Artifacts       Differences in     Differences               voice impersonation attacks, although marked differences are
                           Neural Activity    in Behavioral             seen between neural activity corresponding to a legitimate
                                                                        speaker vs. a different unauthorized human speaker. That is,
   Websites under phish-   Present            Nearly absent             the synthesized voices seem nearly indistinguishable from the
   ing ( [32]–[34])                                                     real voices with respect to the neurocognitive perspective.
   Paintings [25]          Present            Nearly absent
                                                                        This insight may serve well to explain users’ susceptibility to
   Voices (our work)       Absent             Nearly absent
                                                                        such attacks as also reflected in our task performance results
                                                                        (similar to the task performance results reported in [30]).
                                                                        Table I captures a summary of our work versus other real-
exist when users are subject to real vs. fake artifacts, even           fake detection studies.
though users themselves may not be able to tell the two apart
behaviorally. Neupane et al. in their previous studies [32]–                Since this potential indistinguishability of real vs. morphed
[34] found differences in neural activities at the right, middle,       lies at the core of human biology, we posit that the problem
inferior, and orbitofrontal areas when users were processing            is very severe, as the human detection of synthesized attacks
real and fake websites. Similarly, Huang et al. [25] found dif-         may not improve over time with evolution, Further, in our
ferences in neural activation at similar areas when users were          study, we use an off-the-shelf, academic voice morphing tool
viewing real and fake Rembrandt paintings. Higher activation            based on voice conversion, CMU Festvox [19], whereas with
in the frontopolar area implicates the use of working memory            the advancement in the voice synthesizing technologies (e.g.,
and cognitive workload. Lower activation in the orbitofrontal           newer voice modeling techniques such as those offered by
area suggests that the users trust stimuli presented to them g          Lyrebird and Google WaveNet [29], [41]), it might become
[15]. of the target speakers.                                           even more difficult for users to identify such attacks. Also, our
                                                                        study participants are mostly young individuals and with no
    Based on these prior results, we performed our study with
                                                                        reported hearing disabilities, while older population samples
the hypothesis that these and other relevant brain areas might
                                                                        and/or those having hearing disabilities may be more prone to
be activated differently when users are listening to the original
                                                                        voice synthesis attacks [16].
and fake voices of a speaker. We, therefore, set-up the fNIRS
headset configuration to measure the frontal and temporo-                   We do not claim that the rejection of our hypothesis nec-
parietal brain which overlaps with the regions reported in these        essarily means that the differences between real and morphed
previous “real-fake detection” studies. The implications of the         voices are absent conclusively – further studies might need to
neural activity differences, if present when processing real vs.        be conducted using other neuroimaging techniques and other
fake voices, can be important as these differences could be             wider samples of users. However, our work certainly casts
automatically mined and the user under attack could be alerted          a serious doubt regarding the presence of such differences
to the presence/absence of the attack, even though the user may         (in contrast to other real-fake contexts, such as paintings or
have himself failed to detect the attack (behaviorally). Neupane        websites), which also maps well with our behavioral results,
et al. suggested such an approach in the context of phishing            thereby explaining human-centered voice insecurity.
attacks [33]. Our study investigates the same line in the context
of voice synthesis attacks.                                                 In light of our results, perhaps the only feasible way to
                                                                        protect users from such attacks would be by making them
    The neuroimaging technique used in our study, i.e., fNIRS,          more aware of the threat, and possibly by developing technical
is a non-invasive imaging method to measure the relative                solutions to assist the users. Even though machine-based
concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxy-              voice biometric systems have also been shown to be vulner-
genated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) in brain cortex [11], [24],               able to voice synthesis attacks [30], the security community
[26]. By examining the changes in oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb,                  can certainly work, and has been working, towards making
we can infer the activities in the neural areas of interest. We         such techniques more secure with advanced liveness detection
carefully selected fNIRS as our study platform as it has the            mechanisms, which could aid the end users against voice
unique capabilities to provide spatially accurate brain activity        synthesis based social engineering scams, whenever possible.
information better than the EEG (Electroencephalography)
and similar to that of fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance
                                                                        Broader Scientific Significance: We believe that our work
Imaging) [26]. Therefore, we preferred fNIRS to ensure we
                                                                        helps to advance the science of human-centered voice security,
capture the features from both temporal and spatial domains.
                                                                        in many unique ways. It also serves to reveal the fundamental
Unlike fMRI, fNIRS also allows us to pursue the study in envi-
                                                                        neural basis underlying voice-based security, and highlights
ronments with better ecological validity since the participants
                                                                        users’ susceptibility to advanced voice synthesis attacks. Table
do not have to be in a supine position in the fMRI scanner
                                                                        X gives a snapshot of all our results.
while making decisions.
                                                                            Beyond the aforementioned novel contributions, one im-
Our Contributions: We design and conduct an fNIRS study                 portant scientific attribute of our work lies in recreating and
to pursue a thorough investigation of users’ processing of real         revalidating the findings from the prior behavioral-only (task
and morphed voices. We provide a comprehensive analysis                 performance) study of voice insecurity reported in the literature
of the collected neuroimaging data set and the behavioral               [30] through independent settings. Similar to [30], our results
task performance data set. Contrary to our hypothesis (and              confirm the susceptibility of human users to voice imperson-
contrary to the case of website/painting legitimacy detection),         ation attacks.

The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
Security Relevance and Implications: Although our work                    such attacks. Shirvanian et al. [38] successfully launched man-
is informed by neuroscience, it is deeply rooted in computer              in-the-middle attacks against “Crypto Phones”, where users
security and provides valuable implications for the security              verbally exchange and compare each other’s authentication
community. We conduct a neuroimaging-based user study and                 codes before establishing secure communications, using mor-
show why attackers might be successful at morphed voice                   phed voice samples. Lewison et al. [28] proposed a block-
attacks. Many similar security studies focusing on human                  chain system in which face-recognition is combined with
neuro-physiology have been published as a new line of re-                 voice verification to prevent voice morphing attacks. Bai et
search in mainstream security/HCI venues, e.g., [8], [32]–                al. [4] proposed the use of voices to authenticate certificates.
[34]. How users perform at crucial security tasks from a                  However, it can be subject to potential morphing attacks. In
neurological standpoint is therefore of great interest to the             this light, it is important to understand why users may fail to
security community.                                                       identify the voice of a speaker under morphing attacks, and
                                                                          inform the designers of automated speech recognition systems
    This line of research followed in our work provides novel             as to how users may distinctively process speakers’ voices.
security insights and lessons that are not possible to elicit via
behavioral studies alone. For example, prior studies [32]–                    Recently, several studies have reported the use of neu-
[34] showed that security (phishing) attacks can be detected              roimaging to understand the underlying neural processes con-
based on neural cues, although users may themselves not be                trolling users’ decision-making in security tasks [8], [32]–[34].
able to detect these attacks. Following this line, our work               Specifically, Neupane et al. [34] analyzed brain signals when
conducted an fNIRS study to dissect users’ behavior under                 users were detecting the legitimacy of phishing websites and
voice impersonation attacks, an understudied attack vector.               reading malware warnings using a state-of-the-art neuroimag-
Our results show that even brain responses cannot be used                 ing technique fMRI. Neupane et al. [32] followed up the study
to detect such attacks, which serve to explain why users are              with EEG and eye-tracking to understand users’ neural and
so susceptible to these attacks.                                          gaze metrics during phishing detection and malware warnings
                                                                          tasks in a near-realistic environment.
             II.   BACKGROUND & P RIOR W ORK                                  Relevant to our study is the fNIRS study of phishing
                                                                          detection by Neupane et al. [33]. They used fNIRS to measure
   In this section, we provide an overview on fNIRS system,               neural activities when users were identifying real and phishing
and discuss the related works.                                            websites, and built neural cues based machine learning models
                                                                          to predict real and phishing website. Unlike this study, we use
A. fNIRS Overview                                                         the fNIRS system to measure the neural behavior in a different
                                                                          application paradigm – voice security.
    The non-invasive fNIRS technology has unique capabilities
in that it can provide spatially accurate brain activity informa-             There are some neuroscience studies on voice recognition
tion in line with fMRI, but it can do so in an ecologically               (e.g., [3], [6], [7], [20]). Belin et al. [6] studied the brain
valid experimental environments (not inside a scanner under               areas involved in voice recognition. Formisano et al. [20] in
a supine posture). It is easy to set-up and robust to motion              their fMRI study showed the feasibility of decoding speech
artifacts, and offers high spatial resolution [11], [24], [26]. The       content and speaker identity from observation of auditory
basis of fNIRS is the usage of near-infrared light (700-900 nm            cortical activation patterns of the listener. Similar to our study,
range), which can penetrate through scalp to reach the brain              Bethman et al. [7] studied how human brain processes voices
cortex. Optical fibers are placed on the surface of the head for          of a famous familiar speaker and an unfamiliar speaker. In
illumination while detection fibers measure light reflected back          contrast to all these studies, our research focuses on the
[10], [40]. The differences in absorption spectra of the lights           security aspect of voice impersonation attack and explains why
by oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb allow the measurement of relative                  users fail to identify fake voices, and evaluates the privacy
changes in hemoglobin in the blood in brain. fNIRS provides               issues related to the BCI devices.
better temporal resolution compared to fMRI and better spatial
resolution (approximately 5mm) compared to EEG. Based on                  C. The Premise of our Hypothesis
these attractive features, we have chosen fNIRS as a platform                  Prior researchers [25], [32]–[34] have also conducted stud-
to conduct our study reported in this paper. The hemodynamic              ies to understand why people fall for fake artifacts (e.g., fake
changes measured by the fNIRS occurs at slow rate of 6-9 sec              images, fake websites) analyzing their neural signals. Huang et
similar to fMRI, so the trial duration is relatively longer than          al. [25] had conducted a study to understand how human brain
EEG [10].                                                                 reacts when they are asked to identify if a given Rembrandt
                                                                          painting was a real or a fake. They reported differences in
B. Related Work                                                           neural activation at left and right visual areas when users were
                                                                          viewing real and fake Rembrandt paintings (see Figure 2).
    Voice spoofing attacks are a serious threat to users’ secu-           Neupane et al. had also conducted studies [32]–[34] to analyze
rity and privacy. Previous studies have shown that attackers              the neural activations measured using different neuroimaging
equipped with voice morphing techniques could breach ma-                  devices (e.g., EEG [32], fNIRS [33] and fMRI [34]) when
chine and human speaker verification systems [28], [30], [38].            users were subjected to phishing attacks. The users were asked
Mukhopadhyay et al. [30] attacked both machine-based and                  to identify if a given website was real or fake and their
human-based speaker verification system with morphed voice                neural signals were concurrently measured when they were
samples and different speakers’ (other users’) voice samples.             viewing these websites. They reported differences in the brain
They report that both human and machine are vulnerable to                 activations when users were processing real and fake websites.

The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
detection task. We set-up our study to test the hypothesis that
                                                                                      the brain areas related to the real-fake decision making should
                                                                                      be activated differently when users are listening to the original
                                                                                      and fake voices of a speaker as well. We, therefore, set-up
                                                                                      the fNIRS headset configuration to measure the frontal and
                                                                                      temporo-parietal brain regions reported in these previous “real-
                                                                                      fake detection” studies. Next, we also try to automatically infer
                                                                                      the type of voice (real or morphed voice) a user is listening to
                                                                                      based on the fNIRS-measured neural signals.

                                                                                      D. Voice Synthesis
                                                                                          Voice synthesis is commonly used in text-to-speech sys-
Fig. 1. Activation in right middle frontal gyri (RMFG), right inferior frotal         tems. The quality of the synthesized voice is judged by its
gyri (RIFG), left inferior parietal lobule (LIPL), left precentral gyrus, right       intelligibility and its similarity to a targeted human voice. Tra-
cerebellum, and left cingulate gyrus is dependent on whether or not the               ditionally, it is known to be challenging for a voice synthesizer
participant was viewing an image of a genuine website (real vs. fake) [34].           to produce a natural human speech (without noticeable noise)
  TABLE II.       B RAIN AREAS ACTIVATED IN PHISHING TASK [34] AND                    artificially and make it indistinguishable from the human voice
                    THEIR CORRESPONDING FUNCTIONS                                     [18]. Additionally, voice synthesizers require a huge amount of
                                                                                      data from a target speaker to learn the phonemes and generate
 Brain Areas                     Functions
                                                                                      a synthesized speech of the target speaker.
 Orbitofrontal area              Decision-making; judgment
 Middle frontal, inferior        Working memory                                           However, newer techniques have emerged that may do a
 frontal, and inferior                                                                much better job of synthesizing a voice. Voice morphing (also
 parietal areas                                                                       referred to as voice conversion and voice transformation) is one
 Right cerebellum and            Feedforward and feedback projections                 such technique to generate a more naturalistic (human-type)
 left precentral gyrus                                                                voices with fewer samples. Voice morphing software takes
 Occipital cortex                Visual processing, search                            some samples of a speech spoken by a source speaker and
                                                                                      produces a sound as if it was spoken by the target speaker by
                                                                                      mapping between the spectral features of the source speaker’s
    Specifically, Neupane et al. [34] revealed statistically sig-                     and the target speaker’s voice [42]. Previous research [30],
nificant activity in several areas of the brain that are critical and                 [38] has reported via behavioral studies that the morphed voice
specific to making “real” or “fake” judgments. For the websites                       attack may be successful against users with high probability.
those the participants identified as fake (contrasted with real),                     In our study, we followed a methodology described in [30] and
participants activated right middle, inferior, and orbital frontal                    used the CMU Festvox voice converter [19], an academic off-
gyri, and left inferior parietal lobule. The functions governed                       the-shelf voice morphing tool, to generate the morphed voices
by these areas are listed in Table II. On the other hand, when                        of the target speakers.
real websites were identified, participants showed increased
activity in several regions, such as the left precentral gyrus,
right cerebellum, and the occipital cortex (see Figure 1).                            E. Threat Model
Neupane et al. [33] also explored a feasibility of fake website
                                                                                          In our work, we study how access to a few voice samples
detection system based on fNIRS-measured neural cues, where
                                                                                      of a speaker can be used to launch attacks on human-based
they were able to obtain the best area under the curve of 76%.
                                                                                      speaker verification systems. We assume that an attacker has
                                                                                      collected a few voice samples previously spoken by the target
                                                                                      victim with or without her consent. The attacker can get such
                                                                                      voice samples from any public speeches made by the victim
                                                                                      or by stealthily following the victim and recording audio as
                                                                                      he speaks with other people. The attacker then uses the voice
                                                                                      samples to train a model of a morphing engine (we followed
                                                                                      the procedures mentioned in [30] for morphing engine), such
                                                                                      that the model creates the victim’s voice for any (new) arbitrary
                                                                                      speech spoken by the attacker. This morphed speech can now
                                                                                      be used to attack human-based speaker verification systems.
                                                                                      The attackers can either make a fake phone call, or leave voice
                                                                                      messages, or produce a fake video with the victim’s voice in
Fig. 2. Activation in the visual areas, calcarine sulcus (CS), is dependent on
whether or not the participant was viewing an image of a genuine Rembrandt
                                                                                      it and post it online.
(real vs. fake) [25].
                                                                                      F. Terminology and Attack Description
    Similar to the tasks of identifying real and fake websites
or images, the speaker legitimacy detection task also involves                        Victim Speakers: These are the speakers whose voices were
real-fake decision making and hence we hypothesized that                              manipulated to launch voice impersonation attacks on partici-
similar areas should be activated in the speaker legitimacy                           pants in our study.

The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
Familiar Speakers: In our study, we used the voice samples                are listening to the morphed voice of a speaker compared to
of Oprah Winfrey and Morgan Freeman to represent the set of               the original voice of the speaker.
familiar speakers. The reason for choosing these celebrities
in our case study is to leverage their distinct and unique                    To test this hypothesis, we used original, morphed, and dif-
voice texture and people’s pre-existing familiarity with their            ferent voices for two types of speakers – familiar speakers and
voices. The participants were also asked to answer if they                briefly-familiar speakers(see Section II-F). The participants
were familiar with the voice of these celebrities as “a yes/no            were asked regarding their familiarity with these speakers’
question” before their participation.                                     voices as “a yes/no question” before the experiment. During
                                                                          the experiment, the participants were asked to identify the
Briefly Familiar Speakers: In our study, these are the speakers           real (legitimate) and fake (illegitimate) voice of a speaker. We
whom the participants did not know before the study and were              assumed the real voices may impose more trust compared to
only familiarized during the experimental task only to establish          the fake voices. The failure of users in detecting such attacks
brief familiarity. The briefly familiar speakers represent a set          would demonstrate a vulnerability of numerous real-world
of people with whom the users have previously interacted only             scenarios that rely (implicitly) on human speaker verification.
for a short-term (e.g., a brief conversation at a conference).
                                                                          Stimuli Creation: Voice Conversion: We followed the
Different Speaker Attack: Different speakers are the arbitrary
                                                                          methodology similar to the one reported in [30] to create our
people who attempt to use their own voice to impersonate as
                                                                          dataset. For familiar speakers, we collected the voice samples
the victim speaker. In our study, using a different speaker’s
                                                                          of two popular celebrities, Oprah Winfrey and Morgan Free-
voice, replacing the voice of a legitimate speaker to fool the
                                                                          man, available from the Internet. For unfamiliar speakers, we
participants, is referred to as the different speaker attack.
                                                                          recruited participants via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk).
Morphed Voice Attack: Attackers can create spoofed voice                  We asked twenty American speakers in MTurk to record the
using speech morphing techniques to impersonate the voice of              speech of these two celebrities in their own voices. They were
a victim user, referred to as a morphed voice. In our study, the          asked to read the same sentences the celebrities had spoken in
use of such a voice to deceive other users to extract their private       the recorded audio and also to imitate the celebrities’ speaking
information is therefore called the morphed voice attack.                 style, pace and emotion. We fed these original voice samples of
                                                                          the celebrities and the recorded voice samples from one male
Speaker Legitimacy Detection: In our study, this represents the           and one female speaker among these twenty speakers to the
act of identifying whether the given voice sample belongs to              CMU Festvox voice converter [19] to generate the morphed
the original speaker or is generated by a morphed engine. The             voices of Morgan Freeman and Oprah Winfrey.
different speaker attack is used as a baseline for the morphing               In line with the terminology used in [30], in our study, the
attack, since it is expected that people might be able to detect          original recording of a victim speaker’s voice is referred to
the different speaker attack well.                                        as a “real/original voice”. For each speaker, the fake voices
                                                                          created using speech morphing techniques is referred as a
        III.   S TUDY D ESIGN & DATA C OLLECTION                          “morphed voice”, and recorded speech in other speaker’s
    In this section, we present the design of our experimental            voices is referred as a “different speaker”.
task, the set-up involving fNIRS, and the protocol we followed            Experiment Design: We used an event-related (ER) design for
for data collection with human participants.                              our study. In ER design, each trial is presented as an event with
                                                                          longer inter-trial-interval and we can isolate fNIRS response to
A. Ethical and Safety Considerations                                      each item separately [37]. We familiarized the participants with
    Our study was approved by our university’s institutional              the voice a of victim speaker for 1-minute. We could not let the
review board. We ensured the participation in the study was               participants replay the original audio during familiarization as
strictly voluntary and the participants were informed of the              it would have made the experiment longer. As the experiment
option to withdraw from the study at any point in time. We                gets longer, fatigue effects may set in, eventually affecting the
obtained an informed consent from the participants and made               quality of the brain signals recorded.. After familiarization, we
sure they were comfortable during the experiment. We also fol-            presented 12 randomly selected speech samples (4 in original
lowed the standard best practices to protect the confidentiality          speaker’s voice voice, 4 in morphed voice and 4 in different
and privacy of participant’s data (task responses and fNIRS               speaker’s voice and asked participants to identify legitimate
data).                                                                    and fake voices of the victim speakers. The process was
                                                                          repeated for four victim speakers (2 familiar speakers, and
                                                                          2 briefly familiar speakers) randomly. Following [30], our
B. Design of the Voice Recognition Task
                                                                          study participants were not informed about voice morphing
    The study design for our voice recognition task followed              to prevent explicit priming in the security task. In real life
the one employed in recent task performance study of speaker              also, people may have to decide a speaker’s legitimacy without
verification [30]. However, unlike [30], our study captured               knowing the voices may have been morphed.
neural signals in addition to the task performance data. We
                                                                              The experiment started with the Firefox browser loading
designed our experiment to test the following hypothesis:
                                                                          the instructions page (specifying the tasks the participants are
Hypothesis 1 The activation in frontopolar and temporopari-               supposed to perform) for 30 seconds. This was followed by
etal areas, which covers most of the regions activated in previ-          a rest page of 14 sec (+ sign shown at the center of a blank
ous studies (see Section II-C), will be high when participants            page) during which participants were asked to relax. We next

The Crux of Voice (In)Security: A Brain Study of Speaker Legitimacy Detection - NDSS
Speaker                                     Voice            Real            Good
                   Instruction          Rest                                    Rest
                                                      Familiarization                               Sample          Or Fake?           Bye
                     (30sec)          (14sec)                                  (8sec)
                                                         (60sec)                                    (15sec)          (5sec)           (5sec)

                                                                                          Repeat loop for 12 voice samples

                                                                Repeat loop for 4 victim speakers

Fig. 3. The flow diagram depicts the presentation of trials in the experiment. The participants were familiarized with a speaker, and were asked to recognize
the short voice samples presented next as real or fake.

                                                                                                              TABLE III.       D EMOGRAPHICS
played a speech sample of a victim speaker for 60 sec, and
then showed a rest page for 8 sec. This was followed by                                                         Participant Size N = 20
12 trials, each 20 sec long. Each trial consisted of a voice                                                           Gender(%)
(corresponding to a fake/real voice of the speaker) played for                                                  Male             50%
15 sec, followed by a 5 sec long response page. The response                                                    Female           50%
page had a dialog box with the question, “Do you think the                                                      Age(%)
voice is of the original speaker?” and the “Yes” and “No”                                                       18-22            20%
                                                                                                                22-26            55%
buttons. The participants answered the question using mouse
                                                                                                                27-31            20%
input. A rest page of 8 sec was loaded after each trial. Rest
                                                                                                                31+              5%
trials are considered as windows of baseline brain activity. The                                                Handedness(%)
process was repeated for four speakers and the experiment                                                       Right-Handed 90%
ended with the goodbye note of 5 sec. The system recorded the                                                   Left-Handed      10%
participant’s neural data, responses and response time. Figure                                                  Background(%)
3 depicts the flow diagram.                                                                                     High School      10%
                                                                                                                Bachelor’s       20%
C. Study Protocol                                                                                               Masters          55%
                                                                                                                Doctorate        10%
    Our study followed a within-subject design, whereby all                                                     Others           15%
participants performed the same set of (randomized) trials
corresponding to the voice recognition task.

Recruitment and Preparation Phase: We recruited twenty                             Our participant demographics is also well-aligned with prior
healthy participants from the broader university community                         neuroimaging security studies [7], [8], [32], [34]. Each partic-
(including students and staff) by distributing the study ad-                       ipant was paid $10 upon completion.
vertisements across our university’s campus. We asked the
participants about their familiarity with Morgan Freeman’s and                     Task Execution Phase: To execute the experiment, we used
Oprah Winfrey’s voices, i.e., if the participants have heard the                   two dedicated computers, one in which the experimental task
celebrities’ voices before and could recognize those voices,                       was presented and the task responses and the response times
along with participants’ age, gender, and educational back-                        were logged, namely stimuli computer, and the other in which
ground in the pre-test questionnaire. Of the 20 participants,                      fNIRS data measured during the experiment was recorded,
10 were male and 10 were female. All were English speaking                         namely data collection computer. We synchronized the data
participants in the age range of 19-36 years with a mean age of                    between these two computers by placing a marker in the fNIRS
24.5 years. Table III summarizes the demographic information                       data at the beginning of the task.
of our participants.
                                                                                       We recorded hemodynamic responses, the rapid delivery
    Previous power analysis studies have found 20 to be an                         of blood to active neuronal tissues [23], in the frontal cortex
optimal number of participants for such studies. For instance,                     and the temporoparietal cortex on both hemispheres using
statistical power analysis of ER-design fMRI studies have                          fNIRS system developed by Hitachi Medical (ETG 4000) in
demonstrated that 80% of clusters of activation proved repro-                      our experiment. These areas cover the brain regions activated
ducible with a sample size of 20 subjects [31]. Both fMRI                          in previous studies [33], [34] (see Section II-C). We took
and fNIRS are based on hemodynamic response of the BOLD                            the measurement of each participant’s head to determine the
principle, so we assumed similar power analysis for fMRI                           best size of probe cap that would fit the participant. The
and fNIRS. Also previous fNIRS studies have shown that                             fNIRS optodes were then placed on participant’s head using
fNIRS measurements are reliable with 12 participants [35].                         fNIRS probe cap which ensured standardized sensor placement

according to the well established 10-20 system. The inter-                         and deoxyHb concentrations at the baseline (rest) and the task
optode distance was set to 30mm and the data was acquired                          performance is said to determine the location in the cortex of
at the frequency of 10Hz. Figure 4 depicts the experimental                        where activities are happening [27].
set-up used in our study.
                                                                                       The signal measured by each channel was related to the part
                                                                                   of the brain above which the channel was placed. These fNIRS
                                                                                   channels were virtually registered onto the stereotactic brain
                                                                                   coordinate system using Tsuzuki’s 3D-digitizer free method
                                                                                   [39]. This method allowed us to place a virtual optode holder
                                                                                   on the scalp by registering optodes and channels onto reference
                                                                                   brains. We then identified the brain area represented by each
                                                                                   channel and grouped these channels based on the majority
                                                                                   of the Brodmann Area [9] they covered. We considered
                                                                                   five broadman areas, namely, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
                                                                                   orbitofrontal gyrus, frontopolar area, superior temporal gyrus
                                                                                   and middle temporal gyrus, found to be activated in previous
                                                                                   studies [25], [33], [34] for real-fake artifacts to measure
                                                                                   differences in neural activities between real and fake voices.
                                                                                   These areas are referred as our regions of interest (ROIs).
                                                                                   As mentioned in III-B, the hypothesis of our study was that
Fig. 4. Experimental setup used in our voice impersonation attack study. The       the areas related to decision making, trust, working-memory,
instructions were shown on the stimuli computer’s screen. Audio was played         and familiarity will have different activations for real and fake
back through external PC speakers (not shown in the figure).                       voices as well, similar to other real-fake artifacts, like paintings
                                                                                   and websites. The oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb measured by the
    Calibration is needed to ensure the quality of the data                        channels in each group was then separately averaged for each
recorded is good. The participant was then moved to the stimuli                    trial.
computer for performing the speaker voice recognition task.
Next, the participants were instructed on the tasks they were
                                                                                   B. Statistical Tests
performing in our study. They were asked to use the mouse
to enter the responses and were requested to minimize the                              We used IBM SPSS [36] for the purpose of statistical
body movements during the experiment. The participants then                        analysis reported in our study. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test used
performed the task discussed in Section III-B.                                     for normality detection revealed that oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb
                                                                                   data were non-normal. Thus, Friedman’s test and Wilcoxon
    In our study, we recorded the changes in the concentra-
                                                                                   Singed-Rank Test (WSRT) were used for measuring differ-
tion of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxygenated
                                                                                   ences in the means of different groups of trials underlying
hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) through the fNIRS device, and task
                                                                                   our analysis. Following the correction methodology adopted
performance metrics (response and response times) while the
                                                                                   in [33], and since our analysis focused on pre-established
participants performed the tasks as the repeated measures of
                                                                                   ROIs per our hypotheses, the comparisons at each of the ROI
our study.
                                                                                   were considered separately and were corrected using Holm-
                                                                                   bonferroni correction [1]. We also report the effect size
                                                                                                                                           √ of
                 IV.    A NALYSIS M ETHODOLOGY                                     WSRT which was calculated using the formula r = Z/ N ,
   In this section, we provide the steps we followed to                            where Z is the value of the z-statistic and N is the number of
process the neural signals for our analysis. We also provide                       observations on which Z is based. Cohen criteria [12] reports
an overview of the statistical tests we conducted on our data.                     effect size > .1 as small, > .3 as medium and > .5 as large.

A. Neural Data Processing                                                                       V.   TASK P ERFORMANCE R ESULTS
     Raw light intensity fNIRS data collected in the experiment                        To recall, in our experimental task, participants were asked
were processed to remove high-frequency noise and motion                           to answer if the voice trial played was of the “real” speaker or a
artifacts using Hitachi’s data acquisition software. A bandpass                    “fake” speaker. We had logged the participants’ responses and
filter saving the frequencies between .5 and .01 Hz was used                       response times during the experiment. A participant’s response
to attenuate signatures representing respiratory and cardiac                       was marked as correct if she had identified the original
fluctuations. We used the modified Beer-Lambert law [14] to                        speaker’s voice as real, and the other speakers’ (morphed and
transform the resulting light intensity data into relative con-                    different speaker) voice as fake. We then calculated the average
centration changes of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and                           accuracy and response time (RTime) the participants spent on
deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) [40]. We then designed                          providing answers for each type of trial. Accuracy is defined
an in-house software to extract the average oxy-Hb and average                     as the ratio of the total number of correctly identified instances
deoxy-Hb from each channel for each trial (15 second voice                         to the total number of samples presented to each participant.
sample) presented in the experimental task.
                                                                                       From Table V, we observe that the overall accuracy of
    The hemoglobin is called oxy-Hb when it transports                             correctly identifying the voice of the speaker is around 64%
oxygen to cerebral tissue and is called deoxy-Hb when it                           which is only slightly better than the random guessing (50%).
releases oxygen after metabolism. The difference in oxyHb                          It seems highest for the original speaker and the lowest for


           #   ROI Name                         Acronym     Brodmann Area #            Functionality
           2   Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex   DLPFC       9                          Working memory, attention
           3   FrontoPolar Area                 FPA         10                         Memory recall, executive functions
           7   Superior Temporal Gyrus          STG         22                         Primary auditory cortex, auditory processing
           8   Middle Temporal Gyrus            MTG         21                         Recognition of known faces
           9   Orbitofrontal Area               OFA         11                         Cognitive processing, decision making, trust


                                        Acc           Prec               Rec            FM               RTime
                                        µ (σ)         µ (σ)              µ (σ)          µ (σ)            µ (σ)
                            Original    82.1 (16.6)   50.63 (12.5)       83.2 (16.1)    61.31 (9.0)      2.57 (0.5)
                            Morph       42.8 (24.1)   46.71 (19.7)       42.8 (24.1)    43.40 (19.8)     2.58 (0.5)
                            Different   67.2 (21.5)   47.82 (16.0)       68.1 (21.2)    55.82 (16.0)     2.51 (0.5)
                            Average     64.2 (11.5)   48.39 (15.3)       64.7 (20.7)    53.51 (15.0)     2.54 (0.5)

the morphed speakers. Also, we notice that the participants                   We ran Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Tests (WSRT) to evaluate
reported 58% of the morphed speakers and 33% of different                 the differences in mean oxy-Hb and mean deoxy-Hb at each
speakers as real speakers. This shows that the morphed speak-             regions of Interest (ROIs) between the original trial vs. the rest
ers were more successful than the different speakers in voice             trialVI. We found statistically significant differences in oxy-Hb
impersonation attacks. Our results are in line with the task              at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontopolar area, superior
performance results of voice impersonation attacks reported               temporal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus for the original
by Mukhopadhyay et al. [30].                                              speaker trial than the rest trial (such differences are listed in
                                                                          Table VI, rows 1-4 and Figure 5(a)). Statistically significant
    The Friedman’s test showed a statistically significant differ-        differences in deoxy-Hb at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
ence in mean accuracies across original, morphed and different            frontopolar area, middle temporal gyrus and orbitofrontal area
speaker voices (χ2 (20)=17.71, p
Fig. 5.   Activation regions with statistically significant oxy-Hb changes: (a) Original vs Rest; (b) Morphed vs Rest; (c) Different vs Rest.

                                                                                    activation in superior temporal gyrus and middle temporal
          #   ROI-Type        Hb-Type       p-value      Effect Size                gyrus, related to auditory processing [43], shows that the
          1    DLPFC            oxy          .007            .60                    participants were carefully processing the voice of the speakers
          2     FPA             oxy          .001            .71                    to decide their legitimacy. This shows that the participants were
          3     STG             oxy          .000            .83                    actively trying to decide if the given voice was real or fake.
          4     MTG             oxy          .004            .63
          5     OFA             oxy          .042            .45
                                                                                    B. Speaker Legitimacy Analysis
          6    DLPFC           deoxy         .027            .49
          7     FPA            deoxy         .001            .73                        Now we present the results of contrasting neural activations
          8     MTG            deoxy         .000            .81                    between the original speaker and fake speakers (i.e., the
          9     OFA            deoxy         .046            .44                    morphed speaker and the different speaker). These compar-
                                                                                    isons of the brain activities delineate the brain areas involved
                                                                                    in processing the voices of original and morphed speakers
and mean deoxy-Hb between the different speaker trial and                           (synthesized voices), and original and different speakers. To
the rest trial at various regions of interest revealed statistically                recall, the different speaker scenario is used as a baseline to
significant differences in oxy-Hb at dorsolateral prefrontal                        study the morphed speaker scenario.
cortex, frontopolar area, superior temporal gyrus, middle tem-
poral gyrus and orbitofrontal gyrus for different speaker trial                     Contrast 1: Original Speaker vs. Morphed Voice: This anal-
than in the rest trial (Table VIII, rows 1-5 and Figure 5(c)).                      ysis provides an understanding of how the original speaker’s
It also rendered statistically significant differences in deoxy-                    voice and morphed speaker’s voices are perceived by the
Hb at dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontopolar area, middle                      human brain. To recall, our experimental task had four victim
temporal gyrus, and orbitofrontal area for the different speaker                    speakers. All these speakers were familiarized to participants
trial compared to the rest trial (Table VIII, rows 4-6).                            during the experiment. In this analysis, we examined the neural
                                                                                    activities when participants were listening to all original speak-
Interpretation: Listening, attention and decision-making are                        ers and all morphed speakers. For the same, we ran WSRT at
critical components of higher cognitive function. The detection                     different ROIs to evaluate the differences in mean oxy-Hb, and
of voice impersonation attacks in our study involves all these                      deoxy-Hb between original and morphed voice. However, we
elements in helping participants figure out the original and                        did not observe any statistically significant differences.
the fake voices of the speakers. The statistically significant
activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the frontopolar                  Contrast 2: Original Speaker vs. Different Speaker: In this
area at the neural level (Tables VI, VIII and VII) is indica-                       analysis, we compared the neural metrics when participants
tive of the involvement of working memory and executive                             were listening to the voice of original speaker vs. the voice of
cognitive functions in this task. The previous studies [5],                         a different speaker. We hypothesized that the original speakers
[13] have found interaction among the dorsolateral prefrontal                       – since they were familiarized to participants – will produce
cortex, frontopolar area and orbitofrontal area to play a critical                  different neural activations than the different speakers.
role in conflict-dependent decision-making. The activation in                          For this analysis, we applied WSRT to contrast the mean
orbitofrontal area portrays that the participants were being                        oxy-Hb and mean deoxy-Hb at different ROIs between all
suspicious while identifying the different voices presented to                      the voices of original speaker and the voices of different
them. They were sometimes trusting the voice of the real                            speaker. It revealed statistically significant differences in oxy-
speaker as real and sometimes distrusting the voice as fake.                        Hb for original speaker than different speaker at superior
A study by Dimoka et al. [15] found that trust was associated                       temporal gyrus (p=.029) with medium effect size (r=.48).
with lower activation in orbitofrontal area. The activation in                      These differences are visualized in Figure 6.
orbitofrontal cortex is observed only when users are listening
to voice of different speaker indicating that they were being                           We also applied WSRT to contrast the neural activity
suspicious when they were asked to identify different speaker’s                     for original and different speakers’ voices only corresponding
voice sample. This level of suspicion is also reflected in the                      to the samples correctly identified by the participants per
behavioral results where participants were able to detect the                       their behavioral response. We observed statistically significant
different speakers much better than the morphed speakers. The                       differences at superior temporal gyrus (p
trials compared to rest trials on WSRT, we observed differ-
                                                                                       ences in oxy-Hb in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontopolar
                                                                                       area, orbitofrontal area, middle temporal gyrus, and superior
                                                                                       temporal gyrus (all p-values less than p
VII.    N EURAL A NALYTICS : O RIGINAL VS . M ORPHED                     identifying the voice of morphed speaker vs. original speaker
                     C LASSIFICATION                                       obtained was 53% (see Table IX). To improve the results, we
                                                                           also evaluated the classification model with the best subset of
    In the previous section, we observed that the neural activity          features selected using correlation-based feature selection al-
in original vs. morphed speakers was not statistically signifi-            gorithm [22], and the best F-measure we achieved was 56.2%.
cantly different. In this section, to further validate this result,        We did not see statistically significant difference in these F-
we show that the machine-learning on neural data can also not              measures when compared to those of human detection and
help classify these differences.                                           random guessing. These results show that, similar to human
                                                                           behavioral performance, even neural patterns and machine
A. Feature and Performance Metrics                                         learning may not be successful to identify voice impersonation
    For extracting features, we normalized the oxy-Hb and                  attacks.
deoxy-Hb data in each region of interest using z-score nor-                TABLE IX.       S PEAKER L EGITIMACY D ETECTION : P RECISION , RECALL
malization. Next, at each ROI, we computed maximum, mini-                            AND   F- MEASURE ( HIGHLIGHTED BEST CLASSIFIER )
mum, average, standard deviation, slope, variation, skew, and                                         Prec          Rec             FM
kurtoisis for the normalized oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb data for
each trial as features. We computed these features separately                RandomTree               49.5 (9.5)    48.8   (10.9)   48.9   (9.7)
                                                                             Logistic                 49.4 (11.2)   50.0   (11.9)   49.4   (10.9)
for the first and second half of each 15 second long task. We
                                                                             J48                      48.8 (10.7)   48.8   (12.1)   48.6   (11.2)
also separated the 15 seconds of data into 3 segments, and we                NaiveBayes               46.7 (10.1)   43.8   (11.2)   44.8   (9.5)
took the average value of each of these 3 segments for the                   MultilayerPerceptron     50.0 (11.3)   48.8   (11.1)   49.0   (10.3)
oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb datastreams. We had one feature vector                   LMT                      48.3 (11.1)   54.4   (12.4)   50.8   (10.9)
for each trial.                                                              SimpleLogistic           49.4 (10.3)   59.1   (13.5)   53.2   (10.1)
    To build classification models, we utilized off-the-shelf                SMO                      49.0 (12.6)   47.2   (12.9)   47.8   (12.0)
machine learning algorithms provided by Weka. To this end,                   RandomForest             47.1 (9.5)    52.8   (11.4)   49.6   (9.8)
we used 10-fold cross-validation for estimation and validation
of the models built on different algorithms including: Trees –
J48, Logistic Model Trees (LMT), Random Forest (RF) and                              VIII.     D ISCUSSION AND F UTURE W ORK
Random Tree (RT); Functions – Neural Networks, Multilayer                     In this section, we summarize and discuss the main findings
Perceptron (MP), Support Vector Machines (SMO), Logistics                  from our work, outline the strengths/limitations of our study
(L) and Simple Logistic (SL), and Bayesian Networks – Naive                and point to future work. Table X provides a summary of our
Bayes (NB).                                                                overall results.
    As performance measures, we report the precision (P rec),
recall (Rec), F-measure (F M ) or F1 Score for machine                     Summary and Insights: The participants in our study showed
learning classification models. P rec refers to the accuracy               increased activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontopo-
of the system in rejecting negative classes and measures the               lar cortex and orbitofrontal gyrus,the areas associated with
security of the proposed system. Rec is the accuracy of the                decision-making, working memory, memory recall and trust
system in accepting positive classes and measures the usability            while deciding on the legitimacy of the voices of speakers
of the proposed system. Low recall leads to high rejection of              compared to the rest trials. They also showed activation in
positive instances, hence unusable, and low precision leads to             superior temporal gyrus, which is the region that processes
high acceptance of negative instances, hence insecure. F M                 the auditory signals. Overall, these results show that the users
represents the balance between precision and recall.                       were certainly putting a considerable effort in making real vs.
                                                                           fake decisions as reflected by their brain activity in regions
    True positive (TP) represents the total number of correctly            correlated with higher order cognitive processing. However,
identified instances belonging to the positive class while true            our behavioral results suggests that users were not doing well
negative(TN) is the number correctly rejected instances of                 in identifying original, morphed and different speakers’ voices.
negative class. Similarly, false positive (FP) is the number of            Perhaps the poor behavioral result was because the participants
negative instances incorrectly accepted as positive class and              were unaware of the fact that the voices could be morphed (a
false negative (FN) represents the number of times the positive            real-world attack scenario). Another reason could be that the
class is rejected.                                                         quality of voice morphing technology is very good in capturing
                                                                           features of the original speaker/victim.
B. Speaker Legitimacy Detection Accuracies
                                                                               We also analyzed the differences in neural activities when
    Our statistical analysis of neural data related to original            participants were listening to original voice and morphed voice
speaker, morphed speaker voices showed some, albeit minimal,               of a speaker. However, we did not see any statistically signif-
significant differences in oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb. Taking this                icant differences in the activations in brain areas reported in
into account, we extracted features from these underlying                  previous real–fake studies [34]. Although the lack of statistical
neural differences and built a 2-class classifiers as discussed            difference does not necessarily mean that the differences do not
in Section VII-A to identify original and morphed speakers.                exist, our study confirms that they may not be present always,
In this classification task, the positive class corresponds to             if at all present. Our task performance results also showed that
original speaker and negative class corresponds to the mor-                people were nearly as fallible to the morphed voice as they
phed. For the speaker legitimacy detection, we observed that               were to the real voices. The results show that the human users
none of the classifiers performed well. The best F-measure of              may be inherently incapable of distinguishing between real and

                                                     M ACHINE L EARNING (ML) R ESULTS .

         Task                    Condition            Activation Regions     Task      ML        Implications
                                                                             Result    Result
         Voice Trial vs Rest     Original vs. Rest    DPLFC; FPD;            N/A       N/A       Regions associated with working
         Trial                                        STG; MTG; OFA                              memory, decision-making, trust,
                                 Morphed vs. Rest     DPLFC/ FPA; STG;       N/A       N/A       familiarity, and voice processing
                                                      MTG                                        are all activated during the
                                 Different vs. Rest   DPLFC; FPA; STG;       N/A       N/A       experimental task.
                                                      MTG; OFA
         Speaker Legitimacy      Original vs.         No difference          43%       53%       Both users and their brains seem to
         Detection               Morphed                                                         fail at detecting voice morphing
                                 Original vs.         STG                    55%       N/A       Brain differentiates original speaker
                                 Different                                                       and different speakers voice

morphed voices. Consequently, they may need to rely on other               the headset on might have affected the performance of some
external mechanisms to help them perform this differentiation              of the participants. In real-world voice impersonation attacks,
(e.g., automated detection tools). Nevertheless, even current              the participants are not explicitly told to identify the real and
voice biometric solutions have been shown vulnerable to voice              fake voices of the speaker unlike our study. However, this
impersonation attacks [30].                                                could actually be seen as a strength of our work. Our results
                                                                           show that the participants were unable to detect these attacks
    In line to this, we built and tested an automated mechanism            despite being asked explicitly, and hence the result in the
to identify original and morphed voice extracting features from            real-world attack may be even worse, where the users have
neural data corresponding to each of the two types of voices.              to make the decision implicitly. Also, the participants in our
We found that it could only predict the voice correctly with               study were mostly young, so the results of the study may not
the accuracy slightly better than random guessing. This shows              represent the success rate of voice spoofing attacks against
that both the explicit responses of the users and the implicit             older people or people with declination in hearing ability (the
activity of their brains are indicative that morphed voices are            attack success rates against such populations may actually
nearly indistinguishable from the original voices. This neuro-             be higher in practice [16]). However, our sample size and
behavioral phenomenon serves to show that users would be                   diversity is well-aligned with those of prior studies (e.g., [33],
susceptible to voice imitation attacks based on off-the-shelf              [34]). Also, our participants belonged to the broader university
voice morphing techniques. We believe this to be an important              community, including students, employees, and others.
finding given the already emergence of voice imitation attacks.
More advanced state-of-the-art voice modeling techniques than                  One limitation of our study pertains to the number of trials.
the one we used in our study, such as those offered by Lyrebird            We asked the users to identify forty eight voice samples, each
and Google WaveNet [29], [41], could make people even more                 presented for 16 seconds, in about thirty minutes of the study.
susceptible to voice imitation attacks.                                    Although multiple long trials are a norm in neuroimaging
                                                                           studies for desired statistical power [2], the users may not
    This same finding also bears positive news in other do-                have to face these many challenges in a short span of time in
mains. The fact that “listeners” can not differentiate between             real-life. Another limitation pertains to the fNIRS device we
the original voice of a speaker from a morphed voice of the                used for the study. fNIRS captures the brain activities mostly
same speaker, at both neural and behavioral level, seems to                close to the cortex of the brain. So, it might have missed
suggest that current morphing technology may be ready to                   the neural activities in the inner core of the brain. The users’
serve those who have lost their voices.                                    decision making process towards the end of 15 seconds might
    In our study, the participants were not trained to look for            also not be captured by fNIRS. It is an inherent limitation in
specific forms of fabrications in the fake voice samples. Such             measuring the BOLD signal. Finally, the fact that the voices
an explicit training of users to detect fabrications could make            of the speakers, Oprah and Freeman used in our study were
an impact on users’ ability to detect fabricated voices. Future            distinctive and familiar to the speakers, might have confounded
studies should be conducted to analyze the effect of such                  the neural activity in the frontal cortex. Future studies might
training against users’ performance in identifying morphed                 be needed to explore a more realistic task set-up. Nevertheless,
voices. This will be an interesting avenue for further research.           we believe that our work provides a sound first study of vocal
                                                                           security from a neuro-physiological perspective with important
                                                                           take-aways and insights that future studies can build upon.
Study Strengths and Limitations: In line with any other
study involving human subjects, our study had certain lim-
                                                                                           IX.   C ONCLUDING R EMARKS
itations. The study was conducted in a lab setting. So, the
performance of the users might have been affected since they                   In this paper, we explored voice security through the lens
might not have been concerned about the security risks. Even               of neuroscience and neuroimaging, running an fNIRS study
though we tried to emulate a real-world scenario of computer               of human-centered speaker legitimacy detection. We dissected
usage in a lab setting and used a light-weight fNIRS probe                 the brain processes that control people’s responses to a real
caps designed for the comfort level, performing the task with              speaker’s voice, a different speaker’s voice, and a morphed

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