The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance on the growth, parasite burden, and economic return of pasture-raised lambs

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The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance on the growth, parasite burden, and economic return of pasture-raised lambs
The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance on the growth,
              parasite burden, and economic return of pasture-raised lambs
         Braden J. Campbell,* Antoinette E. Marsh,† Elizabeth M. Parker,* Jefferson S. McCutcheon,‡
                               Francis L. Fluharty,§ and Anthony J. Parker*,1,
     Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH 44691, USA †College of Veterinary
     Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA ‡OSU Extension – Southeast Region, The
      Ohio State University, Caldwell, OH 43724, USA §Department of Animal & Dairy Science, University of
                                         Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA

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ABSTRACT: The objective of this experiment was             scores and lowest packed cell volume (PCV) over
to evaluate the impact of protein supplementation          the course of the 112-d grazing period (P < 0.05).
and pasture contamination with gastrointestinal            Moreover, NS and ES treatment lambs demon-
nematodes on the mitigation of parasitic infec-            strated similar FAMACHA eye scores when com-
tion in grazing lambs. We hypothesized that there          pared with NN treatment lambs; however, NN
would be no difference between protein supple-             treatment lambs showed lower PCV when com-
mentation and newly sown pasture in evaluating             pared with NS and ES treatment lambs (P < 0.05).
lamb growth and health parameters associated               In evaluating fecal egg counts (FEC), lambs on
with parasitism. Furthermore, we questioned if             new pasture or given supplement demonstrated
there would be an interaction between protein              lesser FEC when compared with those lambs
supplementation and pasture type. A total of 192,          on established pasture or not given supplement
60-d-old lambs (28.3 ± 5.1 kg) were randomly as-           (P < 0.05). Sixty-four lambs were harvested to
signed to one of four treatments: 1) new pasture           evaluate total abomasum nematode counts which
without supplementation (NN); 2) new pasture               demonstrated that Haemonchus contortus repre-
with supplementation (NS); 3) established pasture          sented approximately 80% of total nematodes.
without supplementation (EN); and 4) established           Furthermore, based upon gross margin analysis,
pasture with supplementation (ES) and grazed for           lambs given a protein rich supplement on pasture
112 d. Lambs were supplemented at a rate of 1%             had a 9.3 kg increase in lamb BW whereas newly
body weight/d. Supplemented lambs had greater              sown pasture had a 1.3 kg increase in lamb BW.
body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG)              A protein rich supplement given to lambs grazing
when compared with non-supplemented lambs                  pastures contaminated primarily with H. contor-
(P < 0.04). Additionally, lambs on newly sown              tus or placing lambs on newly sown pasture in-
pasture demonstrated greater BW and ADG when               creases lamb BW and improves parasite resiliency.
compared with lambs grazing on established pas-            Selection of parasite management strategies may
ture (P < 0.05). For lamb health, lambs in the EN          be influenced by cost of production and market
treatment group had the greatest FAMACHA eye               opportunities.
            Key words: gastrointestinal nematodes, grass-fed, grazing, sheep, haemonchus

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society
of Animal Science.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
                                                                  Transl. Anim. Sci. 2021.5:1-14
    Corresponding author:      
     Received March 31, 2021.
     Accepted June 28, 2021.

2                                                  Campbell et al.

                INTRODUCTION                                  control (i.e., precipitation, air temperature, relative
                                                              humidity, and wildlife interactions) makes it im-
     Gastrointestinal parasitic infection coupled
                                                              possible to develop and maintain a pasture free of
with the continual development of anthelmintic re-
                                                              parasitic nematodes (Waller, 2006). To produce a
sistance remains as a global concern for those that
                                                              pasture with a low density of parasitic nematodes,
rear small ruminants using pasture-based systems
                                                              supported by low lamb FEC’s over a 4-wk inten-
(Waller 1997; Waller and Chandrawathani, 2005;
                                                              sive grazing period, can be achieved by removing
Taylor, 2012; Torres-Acosta et al., 2012). Regardless
                                                              sheep from pasture for 2 yr (Kidane et al., 2010).
of location, producer surveys disclose that the
                                                              Furthermore, pasture renovation techniques using
greatest contributor of anthelmintic resistance is
                                                              soil cultivation have also shown to decrease the
the continued or improper use of anthelmintics
                                                              density of viable parasitic larvae found on pasture
(Calvete et al., 2012; Falzon et al., 2013). Previous
                                                              (Moss et al., 2011).
effectiveness of antiparasitic products has led to the
                                                                   Developing and implementing alternative para-

                                                                                                                        Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
predominant use of anthelmintics on-farm to con-
                                                              site management practices are crucial for the sus-
trol for reduced animal growth and health losses
                                                              tainability of grass-fed lamb operations. Providing
as a result of parasitic infestation (Kaplan and
                                                              supplemental protein to grazing lambs as well as
Vidyashankar, 2012). However, alternative manage-
                                                              converting cropland to newly sown pasture may
ment practices to mitigate the negative effects asso-
                                                              serve as additional strategies to reduce the need
ciated with parasitic nematodes must be considered
                                                              for anthelmintic use. Thus, the objective of these
to decrease the industry’s reliance upon antipara-
                                                              experiments was to evaluate the effect of protein
sitic drugs. Management considerations that may
                                                              supplementation and pasture contamination with
aid in reducing the need for anthelmintics are those
                                                              gastrointestinal nematodes on the growth and
that focus on systems management, including but
                                                              health parameters of grazing lambs. We hypothe-
not limited to protein supplementation and pasture
                                                              sized that there would be no difference between
                                                              protein supplementation and newly sown pasture
     In intensive grazing management systems,
                                                              in evaluating lamb growth and health parameters
grazing is considered a high-risk practice when fac-
                                                              associated with parasitism. Furthermore, we ques-
tors of forage quality and pasture parasite burden
                                                              tioned if there would be an interaction between
are unknown (Poli et al., 2020). Providing lambs
                                                              protein supplementation and pasture type.
grazing on pastures of poor quality with supple-
mental plant-derived protein primarily using soy-                        MATERIALS AND METHODS
bean meal has shown to increase lamb body weight
(BW) gain (Wallace et al., 1995; Wallace et al., 1996;            The Ohio State University Animal Care and
Kahn et al., 2000; Felix et al., 2012). Improvements          Use Committee approved the protocol for this ex-
in lamb growth is credited to supplemental pro-               periment (#2017A00000029). Animals were cared
tein meeting or exceeding the increased protein de-           for in accordance with the United States Animal
mands required by young growing lambs (NRC,                   Welfare Act and the Guide for the Care and Use of
2007). Furthermore, protein supplementation                   Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and
from plant-derived sources has also demonstrated              Teaching (FASS, 2010).
improvements in lamb parasite resilience as sup-
ported by an increase in lamb packed cell volume                 ANIMALS, HOUSING, AND HUSBANDRY
(PCV) and decreases in lamb fecal egg count (FEC)
and total nematode counts when compared with                  Animals
non-supplemented counterparts (Wallace et al.,                    A total of 192 spring born Dorset × Hampshire,
1996; Houdijk et al., 2012; Crawford et al., 2020).           Dorset × Suffolk, Hampshire × Dorset, and
     Producers may consider reducing nematode ex-             Suffolk × Dorset, crossbred lambs from the Ohio
posure and subsequent larvae intake by allowing               Agricultural Research and Development Center
pastures to remain fallow from grazing events or by           (OARDC) Sheep Unit Wooster, Ohio were evalu-
establishing new pastures to break the reproductive           ated over the course of 2 yr (2018, 2019). Each
life cycle of parasitic nematodes. Ideally, placing           year, grazing events were initiated in June and
non-parasitized sheep on a pasture with minimum               concluded in October with a total grazing period
parasitic nematodes would greatly reduce the ex-              of 112 d. Lambs (ewes and wethers) were weaned
posure of parasitic larvae to grazing lambs (Michel,          at 60 d of age, with an initial average starting BW
1985). However, factors beyond management                     of 28.3 ± 5.1 kg. Lambs were born, reared, and
                                     Translate basic science to industry innovation
The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance                                         3

housed indoors for the first 60 d of life to reduce          Table 1. Ingredient (%) and nutrient composition
exposure to parasitic infection prior to the initi-          (%) of protein supplement given to supplement
ation of the grazing periods. As a result, prior to          treated lambs at an intake of 1% live body weight
each experimental grazing period, lambs were not             per day
exposed to parasitic infection nor treated with an
                                                             Item                                               Supplement
anthelmintic product. Lambs were stratified by               Ingredient*
BW and sex, then randomly assigned to one of                 Corn gluten meal                           30.00
four treatment groups. Treatments were allocated             Distillers dried grains with solubles      37.62
in a 2 × 2 factorial design where lambs were as-             Soybean meal                               30.34
signed to the following treatments: 1) new pasture           Fat                                         2.00
without supplementation (NN); 2) new pasture                 Amaferm (64 g/lb. in conc.)                 0.04
with supplementation (NS); 3) established pas-               Year                                       2018             2019
ture without supplementation (EN); and 4) es-                Calculated nutrient composition1

                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
tablished pasture with supplementation (ES).                 Crude protein                                 47.31             49.01
Treatment groups were replicated four times each             Acid Detergent Fiber                          10.99              8.82
                                                             Neutral Detergent Fiber                       15.36             17.52
year, with six lambs per replicate (24 lambs/treat-
                                                             Calcium                                        0.13              0.15
ment group/yr).
                                                             Phosphorous                                    0.59              0.61

Pasture Management                                              Parameters calculated and reported as a percentage on a dry matter

    Lambs assigned to the NN and NS treat-
ment groups were placed on a new pasture, de-                sub-paddocks within the permanent 2.5-ha pas-
scribed as newly sown pasture converted from                 ture. Pastures in the EN and ES treatment groups
cropland that had never been fertilized with live-           were given 35 d of rest and re-growth prior to the
stock manure nor grazed by sheep or other ru-                next grazing session to mimic a rotational grazing
minant livestock. Lambs assigned to the EN and               system. Pastures in the NN and NS treatment
ES treatment groups were placed on established               groups were grazed for a 3-d period with lambs
pasture, described as permeant sheep pasture that            never returning to the same grazing area during
is rotationally grazed year-round by the existing            the entirety of the grazing season. Mechanical clip-
OARDC ewe flock. Forages in both pastures                    ping was practiced to ensured that the new pasture
were primarily dominant (90%) in tall fescue                 was of similar dry matter availability and forage re-
(Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.)). Paddocks               sidual height when compared with the established
were rotationally grazed every three days as de-             pasture. Furthermore, ad libitum access to water
scribed by Campbell et al. (2017). Lambs as-                 and mineral (Purina Wind & Rain Sheep Mineral,
signed to the NS and ES treatment groups were                Purina Animal Nutrition LLC, Shoreview, MN,
supplemented with a plant-derived protein rich               USA) were provided in each paddock and moni-
supplement (Table 1). Supplement treated groups              tored daily.
were given supplement in a portable feed trough
(PortaTrough 5, Premier 1 Supplies, Washington,
IA, USA) at a feeding rate of 1% live BW/d, with             Environmental Conditions
supplementation rates adjusted every 14 d to re-
flect the most recent average group BW.                          Daily low, average, and high ambient air
    Pastures (new and established) were approxi-             temperature was recorded using The Ohio State
mately 2.5 ha in size. Each 2.5-ha pasture was               University’s College of Food, Agriculture, and
divided into eight equal size paddocks each year.            Environmental Sciences weather monitoring
Furthermore, each paddock was further divided                system for the OARDC Wooster location.
into sub-paddocks, which were calculated based               These data were used to develop a Temperature
upon equal stocking density or equal live animal             Humidity Index (THI) for the 2018 grazing period
weight per hectare. Sub-paddock sizing was subject           (Figure 1). However, there was a malfunction in
to change based upon live lamb BW and or forage              the weather station’s relative humidity sensor for
dry matter production over the duration of the               the OARDC Wooster location that resulted in
grazing period. Portable electric fencing (VersaNet          no values for relative humidity recorded in 2019
Plus, Premier1Supplies, Washington, IA, USA)                 and therefore a THI was not calculated for this
was used to construct each grazing paddock and               grazing period.
                                    Translate basic science to industry innovation
4                                                           Campbell et al.

                                                                      previously outlined in the lamb growth section.
                                                                      These data were collected using the same sampling
                                                                      techniques as described by Campbell et al. (2017).
                                                                          Anthelmintic treatment for grazing lambs was
                                                                      based upon university livestock facility standard
                                                                      operation procedures. Sheep that displayed PCV
                                                                      values of ≤21% were treated with an anthelmintic
                                                                      recommended by the attending university veter-
                                                                      inarian. In 2018, lambs in need of anthelmintic
                                                                      treatment received moxidectin (Cydectin Oral
    Figure 1. Daily minimum, averge, and maximum temperature hu-      Sheep Drench, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim
midity index (THI) summary for lambs grazing from June to October     am Rhein, Germany) at a rate of 0.2 mg/kg BW.
in 2018 at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center in    Upon evaluation of anthelmintic efficacy on-farm,

                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
Wooster, Ohio, USA. The THI 22 reference line illustrates the THI
value considered to be heat stress for sheep (Lees et al. 2019).      lambs in need of a secondary treatment because of
                                                                      decreased PCV values received levamisole hydro-
Forage Measurements                                                   chloride (Prohibit, AgriLabs, Agri Laboratories,
                                                                      Ltd., St. Joseph, MO, USA) at a rate of 8 mg/kg
    Forage dry matter allowance was measured                          BW. In 2019, lambs in need of one or more an-
every 2 wk on d 1, 15, 29, 43, 57, 71, 85, 99, and                    thelmintic treatments received levamisole hydro-
113 by clipping forage to ground level using hand                     chloride at 8 mg/kg BW.
shears within a 0.66 m2 quadrat. A subsample of
quadrat clippings was dried at 100o C for 48 h. to                             GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITE
calculate forage dry matter availability per hectare.                                 EVALUATION
    To assess forage quality, 24 random grab sam-
ples were collected on the same days as noted above.                  Gastrointestinal Parasite Quantification and
Grab samples were collected in a manner that mim-                     Speciation
icked lamb grazing behavior and were derived from
                                                                          Two lambs from each replicate (8 lambs/
paddocks in which lambs would be entering on their
                                                                      treatment group/yr) were randomly selected at
next scheduled move. Forage quality samples were
                                                                      the conclusion of each grazing period, removed
analyzed for moisture, crude protein (CP), acid de-
                                                                      from pasture, and transported to The Ohio State
tergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF),
                                                                      University abattoir for harvest. Upon stunning and
minerals (Ca, P, K, Mg, and S), relative feed value
                                                                      exsanguination, lambs were eviscerated to remove
(RFV), and total digestible nutrients (TDN; Rock
                                                                      the abomasum and large intestine. Lamb abomasa
River Laboratory, Inc., Wooster, OH, USA).
                                                                      were incised along the greater curvature with all
                                                                      contents removed and placed into a labeled con-
                                                                      tainer. Sampling aliquots and abomasa soaking
                                                                      procedures for nematode quantification are further
Lamb Growth
                                                                      described by Wood et al. (1995). For each lamb, a
    Lamb BW was collected on d 0, 14, 28, 42,                         2 cm wide strip of abomasal wall was dissected ap-
56, 70, 84, 98, and 112 of the grazing period each                    proximately 4 cm above the pyloric sphincter and
year. Body weights were collected using a digital                     immediately placed in 10% formalin solution. The
and pneumatic handling system (DR3 Te Pari                            large intestine was collected from each harvested
Racewell Auto Drafting system, Te Pari Products                       lamb to obtain a final fecal sample. Peanut lectin
Ltd, Oamaru, New Zealand). Average Daily Gain                         staining (Palmer and McCombe, 1996) was used
(ADG) was calculated by taking the difference in                      to fluoresce fecal eggs with eggs staining positive
lamb BW from the consecutive sampling period                          speciated and recorded as Haemonchus contortus
and dividing by the number of days between each                       (Jurasek et al., 2010).
Lamb Health
                                                                          Abomasal tissue was fixed in 10% formalin solu-
  Lamb FAMACHA eye scores, PCV, and                                   tion and was processed by routine histological tech-
FEC samples were collected on the same days as                        niques performed by the Comparative Pathology

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The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance                                         5

and Mouse Phenotyping Shared Resource la-                     Table 2. Pasture dry matter (DM), crude protein
boratory at The Ohio State University College of              (CP, %), acid detergent fiber (ADF, %), neutral
Veterinary Medicine. Three sections of 6 µm tissue            detergent fiber (NDF, %), and total digestible nu-
were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and toluidine             trients (TDN, %) values for new and established
blue for evaluation of inflammatory cell infiltra-            pastures in 2018 and 2019, respectively
tion. Tissue histology samples were evaluated visu-
                                                              Item         New          Established       New         Established
ally, with samples categorized as demonstrating no
                                                              Year                    2018                         2019
evidence of an inflammatory response or an overt
response. Furthermore, the author evaluating the
                                                              d1           22.34             20.09       24.35            25.38
histological sections was blinded to treatment.               d 15         19.74             19.54       27.45            25.72
                                                              d 29         29.61             24.24       25.69            25.99
Statistical Analysis                                          d 43         31.39             26.57       29.12            26.27

                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
                                                              d 57         21.14             24.08       27.56            24.92
    Data on lamb growth and health parameters                 d 71         28.07             24.91       29.08            24.22
were analyzed utilizing SAS software (SAS version             d 85         27.01             24.76       27.96            25.33
9.4, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). A general-           d 99         27.98             26.19       25.01            24.81
ized linear mixed model method (PROC MIXED)                   d 113        25.28             15.1        26.76            24.36
with a Kenward–Roger approximation for degrees
                                                              d1           10.61             14.49       14.03            13.45
of freedom was used to determine differences                  d 15         12.26             13.08       11.07            13.90
among treatment groups. The model included the                d 29          8.73             13.59       10.53            13.74
fixed effects of pasture type (new or established),           d 43          8.17             11.33       11.11            13.74
supplementation (with or without), day, and their             d 57         10.13             13.52       10.22            13.57
interactions. The random statement included year,             d 71          9.39             13.64       11.06            17.04
sex × weight, and group nested within pasture.                d 85         10.02             15.76       15.33            18.25
Repeated measures of lamb body weight, average                d 99         10.87             14.68       16.33            18.35
                                                              d 113        13.66             19.85       13.97            18.71
daily gain, packed cell volume, fecal egg counts,
and FAMACHA eye score were based upon day
                                                              d1           36.35             31.65       27.35            29.22
of collection. LSMEANS and PDIFF were used                    d 15         34.50             33.29       28.47            28.33
to determine treatment least square mean estimates            d 29         35.56             32.23       32.51            28.83
and pooled standard errors of the mean. Data are              d 43         37.81             34.47       32.01            29.07
reported as means ± SEM with significance being               d 57         35.72             32.93       33.02            29.67
determined using a P-value
6                                                                    Campbell et al.

Table 3. Mean ± SEM body weight (kg) and average                                Lamb Health
daily gain (ADG2, g/day) for lambs grazing new or
established pastures and either supplemented or                                      Data describing lamb health are provided
non-supplemented                                                                in Tables 4 and 5. Data in Table 4 outline lamb
                                                                                FAMACHA eye score and PCV. There was a sig-
Item                 Pasture                   Supplementation
                                                                                nificant pasture × supplement × day interaction
                           Estab-            Supple-     Non-sup-               for lamb FAMACHA eye score and PCV. For
                 New       lished    SEM*    mented      plemented   SEM*
Body                                  2.53                            2.54
                                                                                lamb FAMACHA eye score, on d 14, lambs in
  weight                                                                        the ES treatment group had lesser FAMACHA
d0                 28.4      28.3              28.3          28.4               eye scores when compared with all other treat-
d 14               24.8a     28.3b             27.4a         25.8b              ment groups (P < 0.02). On d 28, lambs in the NN
d 28               28.8a     30.5b             31.1a         28.2b              and ES treatment groups had lesser FAMACHA
d 42               29.6      30.2              32.1a         27.7b              eye scores when compared with the EN treat-

                                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
d 56               31.3a     32.8b             34.9a         29.2b
                                                                                ment group (P < 0.04), whereas lambs in the NS
d 70               33.1      32.9              36.8a         29.2b
                                                                                treatment group did not differ from all treatment
d 84               33.6      33.8              37.8a         29.6b
d 98               34.4a     33.4b             38.4a         29.5b
                                                                                groups (P > 0.05). Furthermore, on d 42, 56, 70,
d 112              36.8a     35.4b             40.7a         31.4b
                                                                                84, and 112, lambs in the EN treatment group had
ADG2                                 19                               17        greater FAMACHA eye scores when compared
d 14            −254a       −1b               −66a         −190b                with all other treatment groups (P < 0.02). On d 98,
d 28             281a      157b               264a          174b                lambs in the EN treatment group had the greatest
d 42              59a      −25b                72a          −38b                FAMACHA eye scores when compared with all
d 56             121a      190b               198a          113b
d 70             130a        8b               137a            1b                Table 4. Mean ± SEM FAMACHA eye score and
d 84              39        62                 73a           28b
                                                                                packed cell volume (%) for lambs treated with new
d 98              57a      −27b                42a          −11b
                                                                                pasture without supplementation (NN), new pas-
d 112            168       137                169           137
                                                                                ture with supplementation (NS), established pas-
    a, b
         Means within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).      ture without supplementation (EN), or established
        Pooled standard error of the mean.                                      pasture with supplementation (ES)
                                                                                Item                    NN         NS        EN         ES       SEM*
and ADG (P > 0.05). However, there was a pas-                                   FAMACHA†                                                          0.35
                                                                                   d0                    1.1       1.1        1.2       1.0
ture × day effect for lamb BW and ADG. For lamb
                                                                                   d 14                  1.3a      1.5a       1.3a      1.1b
BW, on d 14, 28, and 56, lambs grazing established
                                                                                   d 28                  1.3a      1.6a,b     1.8b      1.4a
pasture demonstrated greater BW when compared
                                                                                   d 42                  1.2a      1.3a       2.3b      1.4a
with lambs grazing new pasture (P ˂ 0.002). On                                     d 56                  1.2a      1.2a       1.9b      1.5a
d 98 and 112, however, lambs grazing established                                   d 70                  1.4a      1.3a       2.3b      1.5a
pasture exhibited lesser BW when compared with                                     d 84                  1.6a      1.4a       2.8b      1.7a
lambs grazing new pasture (P ˂ 0.05). For lamb                                     d 98                  1.6a      1.3b       3.1c      1.3a,b
ADG, on days 14 and 56, lambs grazing estab-                                       d 112                 1.4a      1.2a       2.6b      1.3a
lished pasture had a greater ADG when compared                                  Packed cell volume                                                0.93
with lambs grazing new pasture (P ˂ 0.0009).                                       d0                   35.0      35.1       35.3     35.9
Conversely, on d 28, 42, 70, and 98, lambs grazing                                 d 14                 38.4a     37.0b      39.2a    37.8a,b
new pasture showed a greater ADG when com-                                         d 28                 38.3a     36.3b      33.8c    34.7c
                                                                                   d 42                 40.9a     40.0a      30.0b    34.7c
pared with lambs grazing established pasture
                                                                                   d 56                 33.5a     33.2a      25.8b    27.9c
(P ˂ 0.0001).
                                                                                   d 70                 29.7a     30.8a      22.4b    26.4c
    Additionally, there was a supplementation ×
                                                                                   d 84                 28.0a     30.1b      20.1c    26.7a
day effect for lamb BW and ADG. For lamb BW,                                       d 98                 26.6a     30.2b      21.3c    29.7b
on d 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, and 112, supple-                                  d 112                26.4a     30.2b      23.0c    29.1b
mented lambs demonstrated greater BW when
compared with non-supplemented lambs (P ˂                                              Means within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
                                                                                   a, b, c

0.0008). For lamb ADG, on d 14, 28, 42, 56, 70,
                                                                                    Pooled standard error of the mean.
                                                                                   FAMACHA Eye Score color chart: ‘1’ = red, non-anemic mucous
84, and 98, supplemented lambs had a greater                                    membrane; ‘2’ = red- pink, non-anemic mucous membrane; ‘3’ = pink,
ADG when compared with non-supplemented                                         mildly anemic mucous membrane; ‘4’ = pink-white, anemic mucous
lambs (P ˂ 0.04).                                                               membrane; ‘5’ = white, severely anemic mucous membrane.

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The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance                           7

Table 5. Mean ± SEM fecal egg count (eggs/g) for                               when compared with all other treatment groups,
lambs grazing new or established pastures and ei-                              with NN and ES treatment lambs demonstrating
ther supplemented or non-supplemented                                          greater PCV values when compared with EN treat-
                                                                               ment lambs (P < 0.005). Finally, on d 98 and 112,
Item                  Pasture                 Supplementation
                                                                               lambs in the NS and ES treatment groups had the
                         Estab-              Supple-    Non-sup-
                  New    lished     SEM*     mented     plemented SEM*
                                                                               greatest PCV values when compared with all other
Fecal egg count                                                                treatment groups, whereas lambs the NN treatment
Transformed,                        0.27                             0.24      group had greater PCV values when compared with
  log(x = 10)                                                                  the EN treatment group (P < 0.001).
  d0             2.3         2.3               2.3           2.3                    Data in Table 5 represent lamb FEC. There was
  d 14           2.5         2.7               2.6           2.5               no significant pasture × supplement × day inter-
  d 28           2.7a        7.3b              4.7a          5.2b              action detected for lamb FEC (P = 0.0544). A pas-
  d 42           3.0a        7.4b              5.0a          5.5b
                                                                               ture × day interaction, however, was demonstrated

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
  d 56           2.6a        7.2b              5.1           4.7
                                                                               for lamb FEC in that on d 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, and
  d 70           2.8a        7.5b              5.3           5.0
  d 84           2.8a        5.8b              4.1           4.4
                                                                               112 as lambs grazing new pasture had lesser FEC
  d 98           3.0a        4.9b              3.8           4.0
                                                                               when compared with lambs grazing established pas-
  d 112          2.7a        4.7b              3.5a          4.0b              ture (P < 0.0001). Additionally, there was a supple-
Back trans-                          –                                –        mentation × day interaction for lamb FEC whereas
  formed                                                                       on days 28, 42, and 112, supplemented treatment
  d0             0          0                  0            0                  lambs exhibited lesser FEC when compared with
  d 14           3          4                  4            3                  non-supplemented lambs (P < 0.05).
  d 28           4       1482                104          178                       Over the course of the 2-yr grazing experiment,
  d 42          10       1672                134          223
                                                                               a total of 32 and 34 lambs were treated for para-
  d 56           3       1383                153          105
                                                                               sitic infection in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Over
  d 70           7       1713                189          136
  d 84           6        317                 53           74
                                                                               both years, zero lambs from the new pasture treat-
  d 98          10        121                 36           47
                                                                               ment group required anthelmintic treatment. Of
  d 112          5        101                 23           43                  those lambs treated in 2018, 10 lambs received two
                                                                               doses of anthelmintics. In 2019, of those lambs
  a, b
       Means within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).       treated, seven lambs received two doses of anthel-
      Pooled standard error of the mean.                                       mintics whereas five lambs received three doses of
other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Moreover, on d
98, lambs in the NN treatment group had greater                                Nematode and Histological Data
FAMACHA eye scores when compared with the
NS treatment group (P < 0.05), whereas lambs in                                     Total gastrointestinal nematode counts and pro-
the ES treatment group did not differ from the NN                              portions of nematode species are shown in Figure
or NS treatment groups.                                                        2. Total gastrointestinal nematode counts repre-
     For lamb PCV, on d 14, lambs in the NN and                                sent all nematodes collected from the abomasum.
EN treatment groups had greater PCV values when                                Furthermore, based upon fecal egg fluorescence,
compared with the NS treatment group (P < 0.05),                               66% and 59% of fecal eggs evaluated immediately
however, lambs in the ES treatment group did not                               after lamb harvest in 2018 and 2019, respectively,
differ from all treatment groups (P > 0.05). On d                              were identified as H. contortus.
28, lambs in the NN treatment group demonstrated                                    The abomasal tissue of sampled lambs that
the greatest PCV values, with lambs in the EN and                              grazed on new pasture were histologically normal
ES treatment groups having the lowest PCV values                               with no evidence of an inflammatory response
and lambs in the NS treatment group being inter-                               (Figure 3A–C). The mucosa, lamina propria, and
mediate (P < 0.04). Additionally, on d 42, 56, and                             submucosa of abomasal tissue collected from
70, lambs in the NN and NS treatment groups had                                lambs that grazed on established pasture were dif-
the greatest PCV values, whereas lambs in the ES                               fusely infiltrated with lymphocytes, plasma cells,
treatment group had the lowest PCV values and                                  macrophages, and eosinophils with focal areas of
lambs in the EN treatment group were intermediate                              granulomatous inflammation and necrosis (Figure
(P < 0.02). Furthermore, on d 84, lambs in the                                 3D–F). There was no difference in mast cell in-
NS treatment group had the greatest PCV values                                 filtration between lambs that grazed on new or

                                                      Translate basic science to industry innovation
8                                                             Campbell et al.

                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
   Figure 2. Total abomasal nematode counts for lambs treated with (A) new pasture without protein supplementation (NN) and new pasture with
protein supplementation (NS) or (B) lambs treated with established pasture without protein supplementation (EN) and established pasture with
protein supplementation (ES). Nematodes of interest included Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia, and Trichostrongylus axei.

   Figure 3. (A–C) Abomasum of lambs grazing new pastures lacks inflammatory infiltrates in mucosa, lamina propria, and submucosa. (D–F)
Abomasum of lambs grazing established pastures with prominent granulomatous inflammation characterized by lymphocyte, macrophage, and
eosinophil infiltration in mucosa, lamina propria, and submucosa. The arrowhead in (E) (▲) indicates an area of necrosis surrounded by granu-
lomatous inflammation.

established pasture. There was also no difference                        provided in this table are used to descriptively sup-
detected in the histological sections between supple-                    port the use of each management strategy. Estimates
mented and non-supplemented lambs. Pathology                             and assumptions provided may vary based upon
data were not statistically analyzed because of the                      geographical location and market demand.
stark contrast created by the pasture treatments but
are reported to support other health data.                                                      DISCUSSION

Economic Analysis                                                            We accept our hypothesis that there would be
                                                                         no difference between protein supplementation and
   Table 6 provides estimates of net value of lamb                       pasture type for lamb growth and health param-
produced on pasture based upon treatment. Data                           eters associated with parasitism. Our justification
                                              Translate basic science to industry innovation
The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance                       9

Table 6. Lamb net value calculations based upon                             and established pasture treatments. Furthermore,
mean lamb final body weight (BW, kg), estimated                             we did report interactions between protein supple-
lamb sale value (USD, $), pasture establishment                             mentation and pasture type when evaluating lamb
and/or maintenance costs (USD, $), and supple-                              FAMACHA eye score and PCV. However, these
mentation costs (USD, $) for lambs grazing new                              interactions should be interpreted with caution.
or established pastures and either supplemented or                          Results from the current study demonstrate that
non-supplemented                                                            H. contortus was the main nematode of concern as
                                                                            highlighted by fecal egg fluorescence and nematode
Item                         Pasture               Supplementation
                                                                            speciation. These data confirm the appropriate use
                                  Estab-        Supple-      Non-sup-
                    New           lished        mented       plemented
                                                                            of the FAMACHA eye scoring system in the cur-
Starting BWa        28.4          28.3           28.3           28.4        rent study and also demonstrate the importance of
Final BWb           36.8          35.4           40.7           31.4        identifying parasite species in mixed populations
                                                                            to determine which diagnostic tools are most ap-

                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
BW gainc             8.4            7.1          12.4            3.0
Price/kg of          3.61           3.61          3.61           3.61       propriate to use when evaluating overall parasite
  BWd                                                                       burden. Moreover, although differences were noted
Net value of        30.32         25.63          44.76         10.83        in lamb PCV values, the reported values in the cur-
  BW gaine
Pasture Cost/         8.16             4.49       6.33           6.33
                                                                            rent manuscript are within range for sheep (Jackson
  lambf                                                                     and Cockcroft, 2002). Therefore, producers must
Supplement            8.47             8.47      16.94           0.00       consider the pragmatic boundaries of their re-
  Cost/lambg                                                                spective operations to determine which manage-
Net Value/          13.69         12.67          21.49           4.50       ment strategy should be implemented on-farm to
                                                                            improve the growth and health efficiencies of lambs
      Lamb starting BW based upon day 0 from Table 3.                       reared in pasture-based systems.
      Lamb final BW based upon day 112 from Table 3.
      Lamb BW gain over the course of the 112-day grazing period.           Lamb Growth
      Lamb price/kg = Final BW (kg) × Mean sale price / kg of BW.
Sale price data gathered from Mt. Hope auction reports from October             The current study demonstrates that lambs
3, 2018 (
ports/LMR%20Market%20Report10-3–18.pdf) and October 2,                      given a protein rich supplement while grazing
2019. (          on pasture known to be infected primarily with
ports/LMR%20Market%20Report10-2–19.pdf). The mean of the                    H. contortus had the greatest BW at the conclusion
reported range was taken as the price for 60#–80# lambs (range of
prices = $3.08–$4.14/kg.). (Accessed: 18 February 2021).
                                                                            of the 112-d grazing period when compared with
      Net value of BW gain = BW × price/kg of BW.                           non-supplemented lambs grazing on pasture. This
     Pasture cost/lamb based upon pasture type. New pasture costs           is in agreeance with previous research that illus-
calculated using values for seed purchase, soil tillage, seed planting,     trated that lambs consuming a basal diet of fresh
fertilizer purchase, fertilizer application, and pasture maintenance        forage and trickle infected with pure H. contor-
using mechanical clipping. Established pasture costs included fertil-
izer purchase, fertilizer application, and pasture maintenance using        tus L3 larvae for 10 wk had greater weight gains
mechanical clipping. Pasture costs were averaged an applied to the          when supplemented with soybean meal, which pro-
treatment of supplementation to account for both pasture treatments         vided an additional 80 g of crude protein (CP) in
listed within supplementation treatments. Custom agricultural produc-
tion estimates were calculated using 2020 Ohio Farm Custom Rates
                                                                            the diet, and compared with non-supplemented
(    lambs (Wallace et al., 1995; Wallace et al., 1996).
Ohio%20Farm%20Custom%20Rates%20Draft%202020%20Final%20                      More recent findings from Mexico evaluating the
Revised.pdf). Seeding rate estimates are provided by The Ohio State
University Agronomy Guide (
                                                                            effects of protein and energy supplementation of
files/472%20Ohio%20Agronomy%20Guide%2015%20Ed%20red_0.                      Pelibuey lambs artificially infected with H. contor-
pdf). Seed costs estimates for tall fescue (Kentucky-31) were aver-         tus larvae reported that lambs given an additional
aged using pricing from three USA retailers for a 50 lb. bag (Rural         125 g of supplemental protein in the basal diet
King, TSC, and Ace Hardware). Fertilizer estimates for Urea (46-0-0)
were averaged using pricing from three USA retailers for a 50 lb. bag       demonstrated greater BW gains when compared
(Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Seed World). Pasture pricing assumption do           with lambs given 94 g of supplemental protein
not include land costs. (Accessed: 22 February 2021).                       (López-Leyva et al., 2020). Lambs in the current
                                                                            study acquired a mixed parasitic infection natur-
for the acceptance of our hypothesis is demon-                              ally while grazing and were provided with a protein
strated by improvements in lamb growth and eco-                             rich supplement that was 473 g to 490 g/kg/DM
nomic return based on grazing treatment as well as                          of CP. Therefore, at 1% BW, lambs in the current
a decrease in lamb fecal egg output and total worm                          study were provided 135–198 g of additional CP/
burden when compared with non-supplemented                                  day. Based on the estimates provided by the small
                                                   Translate basic science to industry innovation
10                                               Campbell et al.

ruminant NRC (2007), 4-mo-old, late maturing,               quality or develop pastures with lesser parasite bur-
30 kg lambs gaining 200 g/d require 125–137 g of            dens to meet this demand.
CP/d. Under these circumstances, supplementation                 Additionally, environmental conditions may
alone met lamb daily protein requirements and               have negatively impacted lamb growth by decreas-
therefore excess CP received may have been further          ing forage intake. It is well documented that in-
used for lamb growth. However, pasture CP was               creases in ambient air temperature and relative
lacking, especially for new pasture in 2018. This           humidity decrease feed intake in sheep (Costa et al.,
data demonstrates that non-supplemented lambs               1992; Marai et al., 2007; Sevi and Caroprese, 2012).
grazing on fescue-based pastures with poor CP lev-          Further research that developed a panting score
els will not meet CP requirements needed to main-           index for sheep illustrated that a minimum THI
tain growth of young, developing lambs. These               value of 22 resulted with visual and physiological
experimental conditions are like those that may             indicators (i.e., respiration rate) of heat stress (Lees
occur on-farm with native or unimproved pastures            et al., 2019). As reported, a majority of the 2018

                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
and thus the data suggest that providing lambs              grazing season reported high THI values that were
with supplemental protein in grass-based systems            greater than 22. This data suggests that lambs in the
will further support increases in lamb growth.              current study were subjected to some degree of heat
     Using agricultural grain byproducts as supple-         stress during a portion of each day, thus potentially
mental protein sources for ruminant livestock has           resulting in a decrease in overall grazing activity
shown to improve animal growth. In a series of              (Osei-Amponsah et al., 2020) and lamb BW gain.
experiments conducted by Felix et al. (2012), the           Therefore, providing access to shade in the current
authors demonstrated that supplementing lambs               study may have improved lamb growth. However,
with dried distiller grains with solubles (DDGS) or         providing shade may have also negatively influ-
soybean hulls at a rate of 2.5% BW increased lamb           enced lamb growth as shade reduces forage growth
BW and ADG when compared with non-supple-                   (Dodd et al., 2005) and may increase the instances
mented lambs. Moreover, supplementation feeding             of nematode larvae consumption due to intensive
rate has also shown to affect lamb growth as lambs          grazing near areas of shade.
on grass pasture provided supplemental protein                   In an economic assessment reviewing the finan-
(190 g/kg DM) at 2% BW had greater BW gains                 cial burden of parasitic infection in ruminant based
when compared with lambs supplemented at 1%                 livestock production systems in Europe, Charlier
BW (Crawford et al., 2020). Although providing              et al. (2020) estimated a $2.2 billion dollar expense
additional protein in the diet allows for lambs to          in agricultural production caused by gastrointes-
increase BW gains on pasture, as lambs consume              tinal nematode infections with nearly 81% of the
more supplemental feed the less forage they will            calculated losses being attributed to decreases in
consume (Newton and Young, 1974; Dove, 2002;                production efficiencies. Overall animal growth may
Poli et al., 2020). When less forage is consumed,           be improved by either providing supplemental pro-
pasture utilization, forage quality, and the propor-        tein or removing the negative effects associated with
tion of parasitic nematodes consumed decreases              parasitism by placing livestock on newly sown pas-
as a greater amount of residual forage and para-            tures that have lesser parasite burdens. Modeled after
sitic larvae remain on pasture post grazing (Dove,          a whole farm economic analysis provided by Heard
2002). This notion is supported through visual ob-          et al. (2013), our assumptions demonstrate that
servation of the grazing plots in the current study         supplying lambs with supplemental protein while
as lambs given supplemental protein had a greater           grazing on grass-based pastures resulted in improv-
amount of residual forage remaining in their pad-           ing lamb growth by 9.4 kg in 112 d. Furthermore,
docks at scheduled moves when compared with                 lambs grazing on new pasture had an increased BW
non-supplemented lambs. Moreover, the substitu-             of 1.3 kg when compared with lambs grazing estab-
tion of pasture with grain byproducts may interfere         lished pasture. This figure demonstrates the benefit
with the goals and marketing opportunities of an            of decreasing the parasite burden on new pasture
operation. For those marketing products labeled             which resulted in a $1.02 greater net value/lamb re-
as grass-fed, according to the USDA (2016), live-           turn for those lambs grazing on newly sown pas-
stock sold under this classification may not receive        ture. Therefore, the benefit of converting cropland
any grain or grain byproducts. Providing supple-            to pastureland within the context of the current
mental protein using grain derived feedstuffs would         study resulted in an increase in lamb BW, estimat-
not qualify for this label, therefore producers may         ing the cost of parasitism at $4.69 per lamb under
consider providing forages of greater nutritional           our assumptions provided. These assumptions are
                                   Translate basic science to industry innovation
The effects of protein supplementation and pasture maintenance                         11

important as each producer must consider the man-              protein have lesser FEC when compared to non-sup-
agement strategy that is best for their operation.             plemented lambs (Abbott et al., 1988; Wallace et al.,
To demonstrate comparable returns using pasture                1995; Strain and Stear, 2001). Similarly, Boer does
alone, forages of greater quality may be considered.           artificially infected with a single dose of 100 H. con-
However, in doing so, production costs will increase           tortus L3 larvae/kg BW, demonstrated a negative
and may dilute the economic benefit of this strategy.          correlation between FEC and supplemental protein
                                                               such that FEC decreased linearly with increasing
Lamb Health                                                    increments of supplemental protein in the basal
                                                               diet, however, the H. contortus treatment used
    Lamb health as measured by variables associ-               did not cause pathogenic effects in the Boer does
ated with parasite resiliency may also be improved             (Can et al., 2017). Under conditions where sheep
when lambs are provided supplemental protein.                  are continuously ingesting H. contortus L3 larvae
As previously noted, the current study demon-                  from grazed forage, Bassetto et al. (2018) dem-

                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
strates interactions between treatments when eval-             onstrated that giving grazing ewes supplemental
uating lamb FAMACHA eye score and PCV. In                      protein decreased ewe FEC and improved the ef-
general, lambs given supplemental protein had                  fect of a H. contortus specific vaccine (Barbervax).
lesser FAMACHA eye scores and greater PCV                      Conversely, others have reported no differences in
values when compared with non-supplemented                     lamb FEC when comparing lambs fed basal diets
lambs. These results are similar to those found in             with lambs fed basal diets supplemented with add-
the current literature whereas lambs supplemented              itional protein (Abbott et al., 1986; Kahn et al.,
on pasture with soyhulls or DDGS had lesser                    2000). Lambs provided supplemental protein in
FAMACHA eye scores and greater PCV values                      their diet demonstrated lesser nematodes observed
when compared with non-supplemented control                    in the abomasum at harvest when compared with
lambs (Felix et al., 2012). Conversely, in evaluating          lambs not supplemented with a protein rich supple-
the effect of different levels of protein supplemen-           ment (Abbott et al., 1988; Wallace et al., 1996). It
tation using oaten and lucerne chaff in Boer goats             is noteworthy that the substitution effect of protein
administered a single dose of H. contortus at a rate           or energy supplementation on basal forage intake
of 100 L3 larvae/kg of live BW, protein supplemen-             is rarely considered by authors in interpreting their
tation did not have an effect on goat PCV (Can                 results of protein supplementation on parasitic in-
et al., 2017). Furthermore, regardless of infection            fections in grazed lambs. The substitution effect is
status (infected vs. non infected), supplemental pro-          the decrease in basal forage intake for a given in-
tein has shown to improve lamb PCV (Datta et al.,              take of supplement (w:w) (Minson, 1990). The
1998). This too is similar to the current study as             protein rich supplement treatment in the current
lambs provided supplemental protein, regardless of             study may have reduced the lamb’s intake of grazed
pasture treatment or exposure to parasite burden,              forage. A decrease in forage intake reduces the in-
had greater final PCV values when compared with                gestion of nematodes when compared with lambs
non-supplemented lambs. Focusing on the effect of              consuming their total diet from grazed forage. The
parasite burden, new and established pastures were             reduction in FEC, abomasal nematode numbers,
of similar quality and therefore may have had min-             and the observed lack of difference in the inflam-
imal impact on lamb growth and health. To improve              matory response in abomasal tissue of lambs given
the benefits of the newly sown pasture, the inclu-             the protein rich supplement indicates that the sub-
sion of perennial grasses, legumes, annual forages,            stitution of basal forage intake for the protein sup-
or forage species containing condensed tannins that            plement may be a contributing cause of the effects
are of greater digestibility and quality may further           associated with protein supplemented lambs in the
aid in improving lamb growth and health efficien-              current study.
cies (Datta et al., 1998; Juhnke et al., 2012; Terrill              The challenge of establishing a new pasture
et al., 2012; Campbell et al., 2021).                          that is free of parasite burden was difficult to
    Protein supplementation in the current study               achieve. The current literature makes note of this
demonstrated a reduction in overall worm burden                issue as others have also attempted to create pas-
as indicated by a decrease in lamb FEC and total               tures free of parasitic nematodes but have failed
abomasal nematode count. This is in support of                 to demonstrate a total eradication of parasites
the concept that regardless of whether the infection           (Waller, 2006; Kidane et al., 2010; Moss et al.,
was experimentally induced or naturally acquired               2011). The new pasture in the current study was
through grazing, lambs provided supplemental                   removed from crop production prior to use and
                                      Translate basic science to industry innovation
12                                                  Campbell et al.

had never been previously grazed by livestock                  two of many management strategies that could be
according to farm records. To ensure forage es-                utilized on-farm to create an effective parasite man-
tablishment, the new pasture was managed mech-                 agement program in which reduces anthelmintic use.
anically for the first 2 yr. On-farm observations
indicated that prior to grazing the newly sown pas-                            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ture parasite status may have become comprom-
ised due to topography and deer interaction with                   We would like to thank our colleagues (Dr
the experimental site. Spring precipitation flooded            Alejandro Relling, Christine Gelley, Jerad Jaborek,
portions of the new pasture and deposited sheep                Nicole Hardy, Kellie Enger, Douglas Clevenger,
manure from adjacent pastures. Furthermore,                    Roger Shearer, Erin Weisgarber, Joel Bielke, Kyle
wild populations of whitetail deer (Odocoileus                 Miller, Gregg Fogle, and all the undergraduate,
virginianus) were commonly observed grazing in                 graduate, and visiting scholar students) for assisting
the new pasture despite our best efforts to exclude            in data collection, on-farm work, technical service,

                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 17 November 2021
them from the area and therefore could have also               and manuscript revision. This work is supported by
further confounded our attempts in maintaining                 USDA AFRI CARE grant no. 2017-68008-26337/
a low parasite burden pasture. However, as sup-                project accession no. 1011774 from the USDA
ported by total nematode counts and histological               National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Salaries
assessments of lamb abomasal tissue, there was                 support provided by state and federal funds ap-
a clear difference in pasture parasite burden be-              propriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and
tween new and established pastures.                            Development Center, The Ohio State University.
                                                                   Conflict of interest statement. The authors have
                                                               no conflict of interest to declare.
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