By Brian Collie, Nikolaus Lang, Gang Xu, Justin Rose, Michael McAdoo, Nicholas Ge, and
Diego Medicina

                 A    mid the fast-moving coronavirus
                      outbreak that began in Wuhan, China,
                 companies doing business in China have
                                                                support, to include constructing in just ten
                                                                days a complete hospital with 1,000 beds
                                                                dedicated to coronavirus response. And
                 rightly focused first and foremost on the      while some recent reports suggest that the
                 health and safety of their employees there.    rate of new infections is slowing, little is
                 Over the last few weeks, we have seen          known about the virus and how it spreads.
                 companies mobilize in quick fashion to         It is therefore imperative that companies
                 ensure that affected employees receive         continue to exercise extreme prudence in
                 prompt, proper care and take steps such as     the days and weeks ahead.
                 evacuating employees from high-risk areas
                 or shutting down production to protect         Against this backdrop, it is incumbent on
                 employees from exposure to the virus.          CEOs and leadership teams to, as a second-
                                                                ary concern, monitor and maintain their
                 This focus on people is, of course, the most   business as well; in fact, doing so is a
                 important consideration, especially given      means of ensuring that their organizations
                 the magnitude of the situation. As we write    can meet their obligations to employees
                 this in early February, more than 40,000       elsewhere in the world.
                 people have formally been diagnosed with
                 the virus and more than 1,100 people have      Many industries have already been affect-
                 died—already surpassing the death toll         ed by the coronavirus emergency, but the
                 from the SARS epidemic of 2002–2003. The       auto industry stands out as one that is feel-
                 World Health Organization has declared a       ing the effects quickly and deeply, given
                 public health emergency, and the Chinese       the critical role that China plays—both as
                 government is taking vigorous action: im-      the single largest market for new vehicle
                 plementing a complete quarantine of Wu-        sales and as a supplier of components to
                 han, extending the Chinese New Year            other parts of the world. Exacerbating the
                 break, and dramatically increasing medical     potential impact on the industry, Hubei
province, where Wuhan is located, is a par-      make inventories lean in order to minimize
                   ticular hub of manufacturing activity. As        working capital (meaning that excess sup-
                   the complex global supply chains that in-        ply is not on hand to compensate for dis-
                   volve these facilities are disrupted, the auto   ruptions). We’ve seen a variety of events
                   industry will be impacted both locally and       turn that risk into painful reality. Consider
                   around the world. We offer here some data        the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami
                   to help the industry understand what is          in Japan; in the wake of that event, com-
                   happening to automotive supply chains in         panies were reminded of the need to
                   China right now and how company leaders          build in resiliency and redundancy to pro-
                   can respond in the near and long term.           tect against natural disasters. But a BCG
                                                                    survey conducted several years later indi-
                                                                    cated that only 25% of companies felt
                   Reviewing the Supply Chain                       adequately prepared; most still deal with
                   Risk                                             disruptions reactively. (See the sidebar,
                   The risk to supply chains has been com-          “The Lessons of the 2011 Japan Earth-
                   pounded in recent decades as companies,          quake and Tsunami.”)
                   in a relentless push for greater efficiency,
                   have created more global supply chains to        Just how far the impact of the current crisis
                   leverage low-cost labor in emerging econo-       will be felt will depend on the depth and
                   mies (in some cases, consolidating produc-       length of production stoppages in China.
                   tion with a select supplier) while striving to   Hubei province is the number-two produc-

                      THE LESSONS OF THE 2011 JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND
                      We have seen the effect of unexpected         about a month after the disaster and ran
                      natural disasters on global supply            its US operations at 30% capacity for
                      chains. In March 2011, the fourth biggest     several weeks as a consequence of the
                      earthquake ever recorded and a conse-         shortage of parts. Honda’s quarterly net
                      quent tsunami hit the northeast coast of      profit fell 38% relative to 2010. It closed
                      Japan, resulting in the most devastating      several Japanese plants during the
                      natural disaster in Japan’s modern            month of March and ran them at partial
                      history.                                      capacity for several months after the
                                                                    disaster. Nissan had to deal with 40
                      In addition to the immediate humanitar-       supplier companies’ critical production
                      ian effects, the event caused a slowdown      issues and plant closures for several
                      for the Japanese economy and disrupted        weeks.
                      supply chains in Japan and around the
                      world. The impact was particularly acute      OEMs with headquarters based oceans
                      for Japanese automakers, which had            away felt the economic aftershocks as
                      several assembly and supplier plants          well. For example, Detroit’s Big Three
                      located in the affected areas, but the        OEMs were forced into temporary
                      entire automotive supply chain was hit        shutdowns and review of supply chain
                      by the crisis as well and experienced a       priorities to cope with the shortage of
                      shortage of components, especially in         critical components. The impact was
                      electronics and paint pigments.               also felt in Europe, where OEMs had to
                                                                    cut production because of parts shortag-
                      The fallout for Japanese OEMs was             es. Peugeot, for instance, lacked its
                      strong, and swift. Toyota’s net income for    Hitachi-supplied diesel engine parts, and
                      the quarter including the earthquake fell     Opel, short of electronic components,
                      77% versus the same period in 2010. It        had to reduce production at factories in
                      closed most of its Japanese plants for        Germany and Spain.

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                     2
er of light vehicles in China, second only to                     duced 800,000 vehicles in Hubei in 2019,
                           Guangdong; in Hubei, nearly 2 million ve-                         representing 100% of its China production.
                           hicles are produced annually at more than                         Dongfeng’s joint venture with Nissan also
                           a dozen production sites. (See Exhibit 1.)                        produced some 270,000 vehicles in the
                           But the effects of the stoppage will be felt                      province. Meanwhile, SAIC-GM contributed
                           all across the country, given that more than                      another 290,000 units. Continued produc-
                           20 provinces and cities have been under                           tion shutdowns will not only severely im-
                           production shutdowns for at least 8 work-                         pact the immediate plant employees but
                           ing days (as of February 10). Production in                       also starve retail dealers of needed vehicles
                           Hubei faced a 12-day shutdown, and eight                          (assuming that secondary capacity for a
                           of the other top ten auto-producing prov-                         given model does not exist elsewhere).
                           inces have been under an 8-day production                         Suppliers will be affected as well; many are
                           shutdown. In total, more than 60% of Chi-                         operating with very aggressive business
                           nese auto assembly production is directly                         cases, and so they feel every decline in vol-
                           affected. Of course, the impact will be felt                      ume—acutely.
                           more widely as hundreds of suppliers to
                           these facilities also manage the disruption                       Hubei is also home to a vast network of
                           to their production.                                              parts suppliers (more than 700 in total)
                                                                                             that serve OEMs in provinces across China,
                           OEMs will be affected differently. Hubei is                       including both indigenous Chinese compa-
                           the headquarters of the largest indigenous                        nies and foreign firms; they also, in a select
                           Chinese OEM by unit volume, Dongfeng                              few cases, produce parts for export abroad.
                           Motors, which is responsible for more than                        While most component production in Hu-
                           50% of all light-vehicle production in China                      bei serves Hubei-based OEMs, the portion
                           coming out of the Hubei province. But oth-                        of production for OEMs based outside Hu-
                           er OEMs have significant volumes in Hubei                         bei is significant. An exact breakdown, by
                           as well. For example, Dongfeng Honda pro-                         supplier, of customers and ship-to points is

 Exhibit 1 | In Hubei, the Indigenous and Foreign OEM Presence Is Significant

                          2019 light-vehicle production volume by OEM in
                              Hubei province (in thousands of units)
    Xiangyang (22%)           444.9
                                                                                                                                  units produced
    • Dongfeng Nissan          267.1                                                                                                 in Hubei
    • Dongfeng                 148.8
    • Zotye                     29.1
                                                                                      Wuhan (64%)            1,263.5

    Shiyan                    131.6
                                                                                      • Dongfeng Honda
                                                                                      • SAIC GM
                                                                                                                287.0               ~8%
                                                                                      • Dongfeng                 87.0                share of
    • Dongfeng Yuan            128.7
                                                                                      • Dongfeng PSA             71.0               production
    • Hubei Sanhuan              2.9                                                                                                 in China
                                                                                      • Dongfeng Renault         15.7

    Yichang                    94.7

    • GAC                       94.7

                                                                                      Xiaogan                    0.1             foreign/JV share
    Suizhou                    52.1                                                                                                of production
                                                                                      • Hubei Sanjiang            0.1                 in Hubei
    • Hengtian                  52.1

   Sources: IHS Markit (February 2020); press search; BCG analysis.
   Note: Map indicates territories that are officially administered by China. Light vehicles include both passenger vehicles and light commercial
   vehicles of less than 6 tons. Numbers reflect rounding.

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                                                     3
not yet available, but our preliminary re-                             cilities in North America, the European
                                   search suggests that the most exposed cate-                            Union, Japan, and elsewhere. Exhibit 2
                                   gories are braking, steering, and lighting                             shows the major destinations of Chinese
                                   and electricals; here, the total share of rev-                         auto components by type and key geogra-
                                   enue outside Hubei for a given supplier                                phy. Clearly, an extended Chinese shut-
                                   could be as much as 70% to 80%.                                        down has the potential to dramatically af-
                                                                                                          fect final assembly operations in North
                                   While the exact severity of these supply                               America, the EU, and Japan. (It’s important
                                   chain shocks on China’s vehicle production                             to note that many components produced in
                                   will largely depend on the extent to which                             Hubei are tier-two components shipped to
                                   OEMs have concentrated component pro-                                  tier-one suppliers based elsewhere in Chi-
                                   duction in Hubei and the amount of sec-                                na for assembly and ultimately export
                                   ondary capacity that exists elsewhere, most                            overseas.)
                                   analysts are already suggesting that these
                                   supply chain disruptions will serve to pro-                            Of particular note are wheels, bodies, and
                                   long the decline in China passenger vehicle                            brakes. Each of these categories represents
                                   sales that began in 2017.                                              $5 billion to $6 billion of exports from Chi-
                                                                                                          na, and well over half of these exports goes
                                   And given the importance of China to the                               to facilities in North America and the EU.
                                   worldwide auto sector, the effects will be                             Looking at this broader picture is import-
                                   felt at headquarters across the world. Many                            ant, but a view at the company or facility
                                   foreign OEMs have significant sales in Chi-                            level is vital in order to de-average the risk
                                   na, largely served by local Chinese assem-                             to product flows by location, product cate-
                                   bly facilities. General Motors sells more                              gory, and trading partner. For example, for
                                   units in China than in the US, for example,                            steering wheels, steering columns, and
                                   and Volkswagen has said in an investor                                 steering boxes, Wuhan is China’s third larg-
                                   presentation that the profit from its China                            est exporter; more than 20% of the steering
                                   joint ventures represented 26% of its global                           systems that China exports to the US origi-
                                   EBIT in 2018.                                                          nate in Wuhan. Any disruption in supply
                                                                                                          from these facilities could have dramatic
                                   Beyond the impact on its domestic auto                                 ramifications for assembly facilities in the
                                   production, China is also a significant ex-                            North American trade bloc. Shifting pro-
                                   porter of components to multiple OEM fa-                               duction to other facilities may not be easy.

 Exhibit 2 | NA and EU Countries Are the Areas Most Exposed to China’s Export Disruptions

  2019 China exports ($billions)

           5.6              5.5           5.5              5.1               2.9             2.7                 2.0         1.6         1.4         1.2

           26%              31%           29%                                                30%
                                                           38%               37%                             35%                         38%
                                                                                                                             43%                     48%
                              3%            2%
           15%                             8%                 3%                3%           10%                                            2%
                            10%                                                                                   8%
                                                                           5%                                                          5%
           7%                                               9%                               12%            5%                  8%
                                          19%                                                                                                          5%
                            19%                                              17%                                           5%            18%
                                                           16%                                               17%                                     10%
                                                                                             18%                             17%
                            37%           41%              35%               37%                             35%                         37%
                                                                                             29%                             27%                     24%

         Wheels            Bodies        Brakes            Other          Suspensions     Drive axles,      Steering        Gear       Radiators   Clutches,
                                                           parts                           airbags,          wheels         boxes                  bumpers,
                                                                                           mufflers                                                  seat belts

                                             Destination of exports                North America         EU 27         South Korea
                                             (% of total dollar value):
                                                                                                         Japan         Rest of World

   Sources: IHS Markit Global Trade Atlas; BCG analysis.
   Note: Product categories are 6-digit HS tariff codes under the heading HS 8708. Percentages may not total 100% because of rounding.

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                                                                 4
In some cases, duplicate production capaci-        Failure to access the necessary supply can
                   ty (tooling and inputs) may exist in other         cause huge damage for companies because
                   geographies. In others, new tooling may            even a single missing part can shut entire
                   need to be fabricated, workers retrained or        facilities. This lesson was learned amply
                   hired, and inputs redirected. Depending on         during the 2011 earthquake and conse-
                   product complexity, this process can take          quent tsunami in Japan. And while many
                   three to nine months.                              OEMs have 45 or more days’ worth of in-
                                                                      ventory in the market already, any extend-
                   Working with many clients in the industry,         ed shutdown will drive real revenue loss.
                   we have seen some automotive companies             With a heavily fixed cost base, revenue
                   set up robust risk management systems              loss translates quickly into losses in the
                   and comprehensive contingency plans.               hundreds of millions of dollars—and this
                   These systems ensure event readiness and           in an industry already financially stretched
                   fast reaction times that can make the dif-         by regulations and technology changes
                   ference between a good quarter and a bad           that require them to fund new business
                   quarter. Measures include gaining clarity          models and technologies.
                   on supply chain risk throughout the value
                   chain—including tier-two and tier-three
                   suppliers—and securing alternative sourc-          Responding for the Near and
                   es of supply before a stoppage has occurred        Long Term
                   that threatens to block critical capacity for      While it is far too early to gauge the impact
                   a component in a particular geography              on the Chinese and global economies, it is
                   during, for example, a health epidemic or          not too late for companies to launch an im-
                   a natural disaster.                                mediate risk assessment and to develop
                                                                      contingency and recovery plans. Here, and
                   However, the majority of the companies do          in Exhibit 3, we describe how companies
                   not have such systems. They are now sig-           should think about their response to this
                   nificantly exposed to the impacts of the cri-      challenge: in three broad modes, each with
                   sis. The potential downside for such com-          a specific series of steps.
                   panies is worse still if their competitors are
                   ahead of them in executing contingency             Care for local employees and their families.
                   plans and thereby securing the scarcest re-        Working with the relevant authorities in
                   sources for themselves.                            China or anywhere else that may have been

                     Exhibit 3 | Companies Should Respond in Three Broad Ways

                                                           • Coordinate with the authorities
                                        Care for local     • Ensure the safety of your people in the area
                                                           • Make company resources available as appropriate
                                          and their
                                          families         • Proactively support vulnerable suppliers
                                                           • Support the relaunch of the local economy

                                                           • Designate a clear leader

                                        Stabilize and      • Gain transparency and de-average exposure (tier one and tier two)
                                        manage the         • Develop a continuity or resourcing plan at the component level
                                         value chain       • Actively manage the demand
                                                           • Stay nimble

                                                           • Proactively assess potential threats
                                             Build         • Gain visibility into supply origin and embed traceability in contracts
                                          resilience       • Define cost-efficient risk mitigation strategies
                                         for the long
                                                           • Outline contingency plans by crisis type
                                                           • Preapprove a response protocol and chain of command

                      Source: BCG.

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                                       5
affected, companies should first and fore-              assembly around the world. Identify
                   most act to ensure the safety and well-be-              the components and subcomponents
                   ing of employees and their families. At the             that have the greatest potential expo-
                   most basic level, this includes making sure             sure and prioritize your response
                   that any affected employees are receiving               accordingly.
                   the best medical attention possible and,
                   where appropriate, working closely with            ••   Develop a near-term supply continui-
                   respective foreign government representa-               ty plan at the component level. For
                   tives to help with expatriate employees and             components and suppliers with the
                   their families. Beyond this, auto companies             greatest exposure to supply disruption,
                   should consider whether they can leverage               develop a detailed mitigation plan. An
                   their well-defined supply chains to acceler-            effective plan would likely use a
                   ate the movement of needed aid and                      combination of levers including first
                   medical supplies into impacted areas.                   claim on supply, buffering of inventory,
                                                                           shifting sourcing to similar facilities in
                   Stabilize and manage the value chain. The               other geographies, scouting of alterna-
                   following steps are similar to those that               tive sources, and entering into ad hoc
                   leading companies have been taking to                   negotiations. This will require close
                   manage the risk associated with politically             communication and coordination with
                   driven disruptions to global trade:                     upstream and downstream participants
                                                                           in the value chain. We have seen many
                   ••   Designate a clear leader. Assign a                 clients set up a “war room” where key
                        single leader in the organization to               functions meet and work daily, using
                        own your company’s response to this                visual management techniques for
                        crisis and to be accountable for the               critical cross-functional information
                        process. This individual will chair a              exchange.
                        cross-functional group that should
                        generally include operations, supply          ••   Actively manage the demand.
                        chain, sourcing, impacted customer                 Suppliers must move quickly to define
                        business units, and finance personnel,             an optimized order fulfillment plan for
                        for example. It is critical to have a focal        finished goods that are at risk of
                        point of responsibility for developing             shortage. They must understand the
                        the response plan. When responsibility             main tradeoffs across potential penal-
                        is instead spread across the organiza-             ties and reputational damage, strategic
                        tion, there is too acute a risk of a               priorities, the risk of losing market
                        suboptimal response as people seek to              share, and margin realization (price
                        optimize for their own areas without               increase) opportunities. Engaging with
                        sufficient consideration to the whole of           customers is a way to understand where
                        the problem. Worse is inaction, when               demand fulfillment can be delayed, to
                        people feel that they lack the decision            maximize optionality, and to continu-
                        rights to adequately address issues.               ously refine the priorities.

                   ••   Gain transparency and determine               ••   Stay nimble. We expect a fluid envi-
                        your exposure. Identify the potential              ronment in which predictions about
                        exposure of each component to suppli-              the extent of the coronavirus and its
                        ers, including those in tier one and tier          impact will seem to change daily.
                        two and, in some cases, all the way                Ensure that the mitigation team is
                        down to the raw-material level. This               accountable, on top of the shifting
                        may be difficult. Many firms lack                  environment, and updating plans as
                        visibility into second- and third-tier             the situation evolves.
                        suppliers. But it’s critical, as we learned
                        when the Xirallic paint pigment               Build resilience for the long term. While
                        shortage following the Japan earth-           supply chain design and management have
                        quake and tsunami impacted vehicle            been refined into a science aimed at

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                         6
minimizing cost to a fraction of a percent            virus that would dramatically impact the
                   and working capital to a bare minimum,                global automotive market. The imperative
                   risk management has often been left by the            now is for companies to first and foremost
                   wayside. The best firms are able to play the          take care of their people, and our hope is
                   long game, gaining deep and sustainable               that authorities and health care officials
                   visibility into their supply chains, often to         will be able to get this crisis under control,
                   the raw-material level. This allows them to           especially given the substantial influx of
                   proactively assess and monitor disruption             resources we are now seeing. Events on the
                   risk and to make the tradeoffs between                ground continue to unfold at a rapid pace,
                   absolute minimum cost and a manageable                and there is no telling whether this crisis
                   level of risk.                                        will be short-lived or get far worse before it
                                                                         gets better. Regardless, the sooner compa-
                   This is not a response that should be                 nies can take strong, proactive steps to
                   tapped only as supply shocks require but              manage the corresponding impact and to
                   rather one that is embraced as a core capa-           build resilience for the future, the better. If
                   bility and institutionalized into supplier se-        we can learn one thing from mass infec-
                   lection and broader supply chain design,              tious diseases, natural disasters, and the
                   with contingency and crisis management                new dynamic around global trade, it is that
                   plans firmly in place. These skills and man-          resilience pays dividends.
                   agement systems will be critical in creating
                   the resilience necessary to confront the
                   global challenges of the 2020s.

                    Just a few months ago, companies were
                     working to finalize their 2020 business
                   strategies and plans. No one could then
                   predict the emergence of a dangerous new

                   About the Authors
                   Brian Collie is a managing director and senior partner in the Chicago office of Boston Consulting Group.
                   He leads BCG’s global automotive and mobility team and is a coleader of BCG’s Center for Mobility Inno-
                   vation. You may contact him by email at

                   Nikolaus Lang is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Munich office. He is the global
                   leader of the Global Advantage practice and a coleader of BCG’s Center for Mobility Innovation. You may
                   contact him by email at

                   Gang Xu is a managing director and partner in BCG’s Greater China office. He leads the firm’s automo-
                   tive coverage in Greater China and is a core member of the Industrial Goods practice. You may contact
                   him by email at

                   Justin Rose is a managing director and partner in the firm’s Chicago office. He is a member of the firm’s
                   Industrial Goods leadership team. You may contact him by email at

                   Michael McAdoo is a partner and associate director in BCG’s Montreal office. He has worked as an exec-
                   utive and an advisor on international trade issues. You may contact him by email at mcadoo.michael@

                   Nicholas Ge is a partner in the firm’s Greater China office. He focuses on the mobility and automotive
                   industry and operations and transformation topics. You may contact him by email at ge.nicholas@bcg.

                   Diego Medicina is a principal in BCG’s Milan office and a core member of the Industrial Goods practice.
                   You may contact him by email at

Boston Consulting Group | The Global Auto Industry Responds to the Coronavirus                                                7
                   The authors thank Andrew Chua, Catherine Cuddihee, Caroline Huang, Iacob Koch-Weser, and Stefan Re-
                   iter for their contributions to this article.

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