Transmission of two Australian strains of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) in enclosure populations of house mice (Mus domesticus)

Epidemiol. Infect. (2005), 133, 701–710. f 2005 Cambridge University Press
          doi :10.1017/S0950268805003717 Printed in the United Kingdom

          Transmission of two Australian strains of murine
          cytomegalovirus (MCMV) in enclosure populations of house
          mice (Mus domesticus)

          L. N. F A R R O W A Y 1, S. G O R M A N 2*, M. A. L A W S O N 2, N. L. H A R V E Y 2,
          D. A. J O NE S 1, G. R. S H E L L A M 2 A N D G. R. S I N G L E T O N 1
           CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, GPO Box 284, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, 2601, Australia
           Microbiology, School of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Queen Elizabeth
          II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009, Australia

          (Accepted 21 June 2004)

          To control plagues of free-living mice (Mus domesticus) in Australia, a recombinant murine
          cytomegalovirus (MCMV) expressing fertility proteins is being developed as an
          immunocontraceptive agent. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to monitor the transmission
          of two genetically variable field strains of MCMV through mouse populations after 25 % of
          founding mice were infected with the N1 strain, followed by the G4 strain 6 weeks later.
          Pathogen-free wild-derived mice were released into outdoor enclosures located in northwestern
          Victoria (Australia). Of those mice not originally inoculated with virus, N1 DNA was detected in
          more than 80% of founder mice and a third of their offspring and similarly, G4 DNA was
          detected in 13 % of founder mice and in 3 % of their offspring. Thus, prior immunity to N1 did
          not prevent transmission of G4. This result is promising for successful transmission of an
          immunocontraceptive vaccine through Australian mouse populations where MCMV infection is

          INTRODUCTION                                                                        plagues of house mice in Australia [5]. To date, little is
                                                                                              known about the epidemiology of field strains of
          House mouse (Mus domesticus) plagues occur in
                                                                                              MCMV, with most research concentrating on
          Australian grain-growing regions creating substantial
                                                                                              laboratory strains of the virus. MCMV exists natu-
          socio-economic problems [1, 2]. One approach to this
                                                                                              rally in Australia at a high seroprevalence in wild
          problem is biological control via immunocontracep-
                                                                                              mouse populations (60–90 % [6–8]) and in addition,
          tion [3, 4]. Interrupting normal breeding patterns is a
                                                                                              individual mice can harbour more than one strain of
          relatively humane control method, as it avoids the
                                                                                              the virus [9]. Thus, a recombinant strain of MCMV,
          morbidity associated with other strategies such as
                                                                                              should it be released, will be in competition with other
          baiting. Using this approach, the animal becomes
                                                                                              viral strains. MCMV could prove unsuccessful as an
          infertile by eliciting immune responses to proteins
                                                                                              immunocontraceptive vaccine if it cannot establish
          involved in reproduction.
                                                                                              infection and transmit through populations of mice
             Murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is being con-
                                                                                              already infected with the virus.
          sidered as an immunocontraceptive vector to control
                                                                                                 MCMV is a large DNA virus that belongs to the
                                                                                              Muromegalovirus genus of the Betaherpesvirinae
          * Author for correspondence : Dr S. Gorman, Telethon Institute of                   subfamily, of the Herpesviridae [10]. Several factors
          Child Health Research, 100 Roberts Rd, Subiaco, 6008, Western
          Australia, Australia.
                                                                                              favour the use of MCMV as a vector [5]. MCMV can
          (Email :                                                  persist in salivary glands for longer than a year [11],

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                   and resides as a latent infection in the lungs [12, 13].                            (142.02x E, 35.08x S), a rural region, which periodically
                   Additionally, cytomegaloviruses (CMV) show strong                                   experiences plagues of house mice [2]. The construc-
                   species specificity. MCMV only replicates pro-                                       tion and maintenance of these enclosures has been
                   ductively in mouse cells, while abortive replication                                described [17]. Briefly, each enclosure was 15 mr
                   occurs in cells from other species [14]. A recombinant                              15 m, fully enclosed to prevent predation of mice, and
                   MCMV is thus unlikely to pose a threat to native                                    surrounded by two zinc aluminium fences buried
                   Australian fauna if used as an immunocontraceptive                                  700 mm below ground to prevent immigration and
                   vaccine.                                                                            emigration of mice. Care was taken to remove the
                      The MCMV isolate used as a vaccine vector should                                 possibility of researcher-based transmission of
                   be derived from Australian wild mice, rather than a                                 MCMV [18].
                   laboratory strain, as a well-established salivary gland
                   strain may be more likely to persist and transmit be-
                   tween wild mice. Additionally, the use of an endemic
                   strain as part of a released vaccine avoids the use of a                            Specific-pathogen free (SPF) wild-derived mice were
                   laboratory strain exotic to Australia. Booth et al. [9]                             purchased from the Animal Resources Centre
                   described two Australian strains of MCMV, desig-                                    (Murdoch, WA). This strain of mice were originally
                   nated N1 and G4, which were used in this study.                                     caesarian derived from free-living mice (Mus domes-
                      Shedding from the salivary gland is thought to be                                ticus) trapped in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area
                   the principal means by which virus spreads through a                                (southern NSW) and in fields near Canberra (ACT).
                   mouse population [11]. Close contact between mice is                                The founder mice were maintained as an outbred
                   the means by which MCMV is transmitted, as shown                                    colony and mated to prevent inbreeding. Mice were
                   by housing mice in small cages in a laboratory setting                              70–130 days old at the beginning of the experiment.
                   [15, 16]. Preliminary investigations documented the                                 Prior to release of mice into the enclosures, 0.2 ml of
                   transmission of N1 from two male or female adult                                    blood was obtained from the suborbital venous plexus
                   BALB/c mice to eight recipient female mice after                                    of each mouse to confirm seronegativity to MCMV,
                   intra-peritoneal injection of 5r103 p.f.u. of salivary                              and each was fitted with a passive integrated tran-
                   gland derived virus [G. R. Shellam and S. L. van                                    sponder (PIT) tag. Mice were transported from Perth
                   Dommelen, unpublished observations]. G4 trans-                                      to Walpeup by plane and air-conditioned vehicle fol-
                   mitted from wild male to wild or BALB/c female mice                                 lowing infection at the Animal Resources Centre.
                   following the pairing of male and female mice for 21                                Infected mice were transported on a separate day to
                   days [15].                                                                          uninfected mice.
                      While these previous studies used plaque assay and
                   ELISA, in this study we also utilized real-time quan-
                   titative PCR (qPCR) to monitor the transmission of
                   the MCMV strains N1 and G4. The purpose of this                                     Dr A. Scalzo (Microbiology, University of Western
                   research was to determine if immunity resulting from                                Australia, Perth, WA) provided the MCMV isolates,
                   infection with one MCMV strain (N1) prevented                                       N1 and G4. They were originally isolated from the
                   transmission of a second MCMV strain (G4) within                                    salivary glands of wild mice (Mus domesticus) trapped
                   wild mouse populations released into field enclosures.                               at Nannup (N1), or Geraldton (G4) in Western
                   We observed rapid transmission of N1 through                                        Australia [9]. Dr D. Lang (Duke University, NC,
                   founder mice and their offspring. There was also                                     USA) provided K181, a laboratory strain of MCMV
                   transmission of G4 between founder mice and to their                                [19, 20].
                   first cohort of offspring.

                                                                                                       Cells and viral stock production

                   METHODS                                                                             The M210B4 cell line was obtained from the
                                                                                                       American Type Culture Collection (ATCC).
                   Field enclosures
                                                                                                       Generation of M210B4 cells for the production of
                   The experiment was conducted in nine outdoor                                        tissue culture virus (TCV) stocks was as described
                   enclosures located at the Mallee Research Station,                                  previously [21]. Cell culture flasks (80 cm2) containing
                   near Walpeup in northwestern Victoria, Australia                                    confluent cells were infected with 1r105 p.f.u. of

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          MCMV with 10 ml of minimal essential media                                          ELISA
          (MEM) (Gibco BRL, NY, USA) with 2 % fetal calf
                                                                                              ELISA was used to monitor the seroprevalence of
          serum (FCS) under conditions of centrifugal enhance-
                                                                                              MCMV in enclosure populations at 0, 4, 6, 8 and 12
          ment [22, 23] at 800 g for 30 min at 25 xC. Flasks were
                                                                                              weeks p.i. The essential aspects of this assay have been
          then incubated at 37 xC with 5% CO2 until 100 %
                                                                                              described elsewhere [25]. Antigen was derived from
          cytopathic effect was evident. Infected cells were
                                                                                              virus particles and proteins obtained after ultra cen-
          scraped into the medium, and samples centrifuged
                                                                                              trifugation of the medium of M210B4 monolayers
          at 11 000 g for 30 min at 4 xC. The pellet was re-
                                                                                              exhibiting complete cytopathic effect induced by
          suspended in 5 ml of MEM with 2 % FCS, frozen
                                                                                              infection with K181. A sample was considered posi-
          overnight at x70 xC and then thawed at 37 xC to re-
                                                                                              tive for antibodies to MCMV if the optical density at
          lease virus from cells. After thawing, the cell debris
                                                                                              the 1/100 dilution was greater than the mean plus 3
          was removed by centrifugation at 300 g for 5 min at
                                                                                              S.D. of the negative control wells.
          4 xC. The supernatant was aliquoted and stored
          at x70 xC.
                                                                                              Plaque assay

          Experimental design                                                                 Salivary glands were homogenized (Heidolph DIAX
                                                                                              300 probe, speed 3 ; Schwabach, Germany) in 1 ml
          Farroway et al. previously described the design of this                             MEM with 2 % FCS, forming a 10% extract. The
          experiment [18]. Briefly, following transportation of                                probe was sequentially washed with mouse osmolarity
          the mice, each enclosure was seeded with a founding                                 buffered saline (MOBS), ethanol, MOBS again and
          population of 22 (8 male, 14 female) mice. For six                                  then MEM with 2 % FCS routinely between samples
          enclosures, three male and three female were in-                                    to eliminate contamination. Samples were clarified
          traperitonally inoculated with 4r104 p.f.u. of N1                                   by centrifugation at 1600 g for 20 min at 4 xC, and
          (TCV) immediately prior to transportation. In four of                               supernatant was stored at x70 xC in two 500 ml
          these enclosures, on days 40–42 post infection (p.i.)                               aliquots. An aliquot of each salivary gland sample
          the PIT tags were used to identify mice originally in-                              was tested by plaque assay in duplicate, as described
          oculated with N1. All 6 N1-inoculated mice were                                     elsewhere [26], except that M210B4 cells were used.
          captured in two enclosures, five mice captured in one,                               Organ weights were not measured prior to homo-
          and three in the final enclosure. These mice (n=19)                                  genization to increase the rate of processing of
          were intraperitoneally inoculated with 5r104 p.f.u. of                              hundreds of samples, and to protect the viability
          G4 (TCV) and released. Two enclosure populations                                    of virus particles. Viral titres are expressed in plaque-
          were used to control for researcher-based trans-                                    forming units (p.f.u.) per ml of 10 % extract, and are
          mission. In these cages, mice were trapped and                                      approximately tenfold less than equivalent p.f.u. per
          handled as for the treatment populations, but were                                  organ values. The detection limit for this assay was
          not infected with MCMV. Mice in the central                                         100 p.f.u./ml.
          enclosure were used as controls for insect or aerial
          transmission. These mice were not trapped or handled
                                                                                              Real-time qPCR
          until the end of the experiment.
                                                                                              Viral DNA was extracted from 10 % salivary gland
                                                                                              extracts for the detection of N1 and/or G4 DNA by
          Trapping protocol
                                                                                              real-time qPCR. A total of 100 ml of each sample was
          Enclosure populations were live-trapped for three                                   treated at 37 xC overnight with proteinase K (10 mg/
          consecutive nights at weeks 4, 6, and 8 p.i., using 30                              ml) and sarkosyl (10 %). Two phenol: chloroform and
          Longworth traps [24] per enclosure (5r6 grid). At                                   one chloroform :isoamyl alcohol (24 :1) extractions
          each session weight (¡0.1 g) and length (¡1 mm) of                                  were then performed. DNA was precipitated by the
          mice were measured, blood collected and mice were                                   addition of isopropanol, samples incubated at
          released. The experiment was terminated at week 12                                  x70 xC for 30 min and viral DNA pellets finally
          whereupon all mice were removed from the en-                                        resuspended in 100 ml of nuclease-free water (Pro-
          closures, bled, killed by cervical dislocation and the                              mega ; Madison, WI, USA). A real-time qPCR kit
          salivary glands and lungs aseptically removed and                                   (Taqman Rodent GAPDH control reagents; Applied
          frozen at x70 xC.                                                                   Biosystems, NJ, USA) for the detection of the

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                   mouse glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase                                      plasmid (6.59r106) and Avagadro’s number
                   (GAPDH) gene was used as an internal control for                                    (6.022r1023) were used to compute the number of
                   the DNA extraction procedure (Applied Biosytems).                                   genome copies in 2.5 ml. As mouse genomic DNA and
                   A total of 5 ml of each DNA sample was tested in                                    enzymes in salivary gland extracts have the capacity
                   a final volume of 50 ml as optimized by the manufac-                                 to alter the detection of virus, mock DNA extracts
                   turer. The CT values for the GAPDH internal con-                                    from female or male BALB/c salivary glands (6–8
                   trols were 21.5¡1.9 cycles (mean¡S.D.). The CT                                      weeks) were added to diluted plasmid samples to
                   value was the cycle at which a statistically significant                             generate standard curves. The standard curves for
                   increase in the magnitude of the fluorescent signal                                  the conversion of CT scores to N1 or G4 genome
                   was first detected. Results were analysed with the                                   copy numbers were y=x1.1182 ln(x)+36.574 (R2=
                   GeneAmp 5700 Sequence Detection System, using                                       0.8732) or y=x1.5458 ln(x)+39.27 (R2=0.9512)
                   the Software Version 1.3 (Applied Biosystems).                                      respectively, where y was the CT score, and x, the
                      DNA samples (2.5 ml) were tested for the presence                                genome copy number.
                   of N1 and G4 DNA. A variable site encoding a T-cell
                   epitope in the immediate-early 1 gene (ie1) of N1 and
                   G4 was chosen for amplification [27]. The primer and                                 Statistical analyses
                   probes were – G4 forward primer: TACGGCTGTTT                                        Two cohorts of juvenile mice were born to founder
                   CAGATCTGAGTTT ; N1 forward primer: TACGG                                            mice during the course of the experiment. Juveniles
                   CTGTTTCAAATCT GAGTTT ; G4 and N1 reverse                                            were classified into two cohorts that were a function
                   primer : CCTACGTAGCTCATCCAGACTCTCT;                                                 of whole body lengths derived using frequency–length
                   G4 probe : ACCCACACTTCATGCCCCCTAGCC-                                                curves. Lower length cut-offs for cohort 1 (older juv-
                   TAGG ; N1 probe : ACCTAGACTTCATGCCCCC-                                              eniles) were determined for each enclosure and sex
                   TAATCTAGG. Primers and probes were used at                                          separately, and ranged between 71 and 75 mm. The
                   concentrations of 300 nM and 125 nM respectively.                                   remaining, younger juvenile mouse populations were
                   The PCR reagent mix and thermal cycling conditions                                  known as cohort 2. ELISA, plaque assay and real-
                   for all reactions were as described by the manufac-                                 time qPCR were used to test the salivary glands of all
                   turer ; however, the final volume for all reactions was                              founders and a subset of the juvenile population for
                   25 ml, using 12.5 ml of 2r Taqman Universal PCR                                     the presence of MCMV. The required sample sizes for
                   Mastermix. The specificity of the primers and probes                                 accurate estimation of MCMV prevalence were
                   for N1 and G4 detection was tested using the N1                                     derived as described elsewhere [29].
                   primers and probes to test for viral DNA in samples                                    Data were processed using the computer program
                   from mice infected with G4 and vice versa. Primers                                  SPSS 13.0 for Microsoft (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
                   and probes were specific for the detection of the                                    USA). Presence or absence data were investigated by
                   appropriate viral sequences.                                                        x2 analysis using Pearson’s value. Continuous data
                      Negative controls were routinely included as                                     was studied with one-way ANOVA analysis and
                   advised by the manufacturer (Applied Biosystems),                                   differences elucidated using Tukey’s honestly signifi-
                   and contaminating sequences or fluorescence were not                                 cant post-hoc test and the Student t test, where
                   detected. Positive controls were created from N1                                    appropriate. Data are expressed in terms of the
                   or G4 DNA extracted from the salivary glands of                                     mean¡1 S.E. There were no differences between rep-
                   mice 18 days after intraperitoneal injection with                                   licate enclosures of each experimental treatment for
                   2r104 p.f.u. (TCV). The CT values for the positive                                  any population parameter or viral measure between
                   controls were routinely 22.3¡0.6 or 27.8¡0.6                                        groups of the same sex or cohort.
                   (mean¡S.D.) for the detection of N1 or G4 respect-
                   ively. Plasmids containing the N1 and G4 HindIII L
                   fragments (pUC19) that encode ie1 [28] were used to                                 RESULTS
                   create standard curves to convert CT scores to
                                                                                                       Negative control enclosures
                   MCMV genome copy numbers. The Beckman DU650
                   spectrophotometer (at 260 nm) was used to determine                                 Mice used to control for researcher-based trans-
                   the concentration (mg/ml) of plasmid DNA in pre-                                    mission or for insect/aerial transmission were free of
                   pared samples. Three samples of each plasmid were                                   MCMV by all detection methods at the conclusion
                   tested in triplicate. The molecular weight of the                                   of the experiment and were, therefore, not affected by

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Transmission of MCMV in field enclosures                    705

                                                                    100                                                                                          100

                                                                                                                            Percent seropositive (mean ± S.E.)
           Percentage of mice seropositive for MCMV (mean ± S.E.)



                                                                     20                                                                                           40

                                                                          0         2   4           6         8   10   12                                         20
                                                                    80                                                                                             0
                                                                                                                                                                       Female founders   Male founders    Cohort 1   Cohort 2

                                                                    60                                                                                                                           Generation

                                                                                                                            Fig. 2. The percentage of founder and offspring mice sero-
                                                                                                                            positive for MCMV after 12 weeks. Sera were collected
                                                                    20                                                      from mice trapped in enclosures where 25 % of founder
                                                                                                                            mice initially released were : (1) not infected with virus (no
                                                                     0                                                      virus), (2) infected with N1 only ( ), or, (3) infected with
                                                                          0         2   4          6          8   10   12
                                                                                                                            N1, then G4, 6 weeks later (N1+G4) (%).
                                                                                            Weeks post release

          Fig. 1. The percentage of founder mice seropositive for
          MCMV at various times after release. Sera were collected                                                          mice from N1+G4 enclosures (P=1.80, p=0.180 ;
          from female (a) and male (b) mice trapped in enclosures
          where 25 % of founder mice initially released were : (1) not
                                                                                                                            see Fig. 2). The seroprevalence of MCMV was re-
          infected with virus (– –2– –), (2) infected with N1 only                                                          duced in female founders from the N1-only enclosures
          (—$—), or, (3) infected with N1, then G4, 6 weeks later                                                           in comparison to the seroprevalence observed in
          (N1+G4) (- -¾- -).                                                                                                founder females from the N1+G4 enclosures
                                                                                                                            (P=5.51, p=0.019, D.F.=1 ; see Fig. 2). There was no
          the experimental procedures and/or transmission                                                                   difference in the seroprevalence of MCMV in male
          events occurring in surrounding enclosures. The                                                                   founder mice trapped from either type of enclosure
          negative control enclosures were excluded from all                                                                (P=0, p=1, D.F.=1 ; see Fig. 2).
          subsequent analyses. There was non-specific, but                                                                      At the end of the experiment, the seroprevalence of
          cross-reactive antibody detected by ELISA in mice                                                                 MCMV in founder mice of both treatments was sig-
          from negative enclosures. These background levels                                                                 nificantly greater than either of the offspring cohorts
          remained low throughout the course of the exper-                                                                  (N1 only : P=83.5, p
706                               L. N. Farroway and others

                                        10 000                                                                Quantitation of N1 and G4 DNA in salivary gland

                                              1000                                                            N1 DNA was detected in the salivary glands of
                    p.f.u./ml (mean ± S.E.)

                                                        (87±2)                                                >84 % of founding mice, as well as 40–50 % of
                                                                                                              cohort 1 offspring, and in 20% of cohort 2 offspring,
                                               100                                                            as measured by real-time qPCR (see Table). There
                                                                          (29±1)                              was no difference in the percentage of animals positive
                                                                                                              for N1 DNA from any generation, regardless of ex-
                                                10                                 (10±2)   (15±11)
                                                                                                              posure to N1x, or N1+G4-infected mice (founders:
                                                                                                              P=1.92, p=0.166 ; offspring cohort 1 : P=2.38,
                                                                                                      (4±2)   p=0.123 ; offspring cohort 2 : P=0.022, p=0.882 ; see
                                                         Founders           Cohort 1          Cohort 2        Table). Thus, the prevalence of N1 was equivalent in
                                                                          Generation                          mice of each generation between treatment groups.
                   Fig. 3. MCMV titres in the salivary glands of founder and                                     The three generations of mice displayed equivalent
                   offspring mice. The viral titres were averaged for all mice                                 numbers of N1 genome copy numbers for both treat-
                   tested. The percentages of founder or offspring mice with                                   ments (N1 only : F=1.28, p=0.281, D.F.=161;
                   infectious virus present in salivary gland extracts are shown
                                                                                                              N1+G4 : F=0.501, p=0.606, D.F.=292 ; see Table).
                   for each group (mean¡S.E.). Mice were trapped from en-
                   closures where 25 % of founder mice initially released were :                              Male and female mice also showed equivalent N1
                   (1) not infected with virus (no virus), (2) infected with N1                               copy numbers in both treatments (N1 only : F=1.11,
                   only ( ), or, (3) infected with N1, then G4, 6 weeks later                                 p=0.291, D.F.=161; N1+G4 : F=1.15, p=0.284,
                   (N1+G4) (%).                                                                               D.F.=292). Thus, the two experimental groups dis-
                                                                                                              played equivalent N1 viral genome copies for all
                      There was no difference in the prevalence of infec-
                                                                                                              comparisons of sex or generation between treatments.
                   tious virus in founder mice trapped from either
                                                                                                                 In N1+G4 enclosures, only 13 % of founding mice,
                   enclosure treatment (P=0.034, p=0.854, D.F.=1; see
                                                                                                              3 % of cohort 1 offspring, and no cohort 2 offspring
                   Fig. 3). In contrast, in N1-only-treated enclosures
                                                                                                              were positive for G4 DNA in the salivary glands
                   there was a significantly greater percentage of off-
                                                                                                              (Table). All founders positive for G4 were also posi-
                   spring with infectious virus present in salivary
                                                                                                              tive for N1, however cohort 1 offspring positive for
                   glands, than observed in N1+G4-treated enclosures
                                                                                                              G4, were negative for N1. The number of genome
                   (P=21.7, p
Transmission of MCMV in field enclosures                              707

          Table. Quantity of N1 or G4 viral DNA in salivary glands of founder and offspring mice from enclosures
          containing mice infected with N1, or N1+G4

                                                                                          N1 genome                                                    G4 genome
                                                              N1 positive*                copy number/ml                   G4 positive*                copy number/ml
          Treatment                Generation                 (%)                         (mean¡S.E.)#                     (%)                         (mean¡S.E.)#

          N1 only$                 Founders                   83.8¡1.4                    5.7¡3.2r105                      0¡0                           0¡0
                                                              (n=41)·                                                      (n=11)
                                   Offspring                   50.8¡2.9                    1.2¡0.7r106                      0¡0                           0¡0
                                    (cohort 1)                (n=87)                                                       (n=8)
                                   Offspring                   20.0¡1.2                    3.5¡2.5r107                      0¡0                           0¡0
                                    (cohort 2)                (n=34)                                                       (n=6)
                                   Total                      52.7¡0.1                    2.6¡1.1r106                      0¡0                           0¡0
                                                              (n=162)                                                      (n=25)
          N1+G4"                   Founders                   89.8¡3.8                    4.6¡1.8r105                      12.8¡5.7                    1.8¡0.7r104
                                                              (n=86)                                                       (n=86)
                                   Offspring                   40.4¡3.1                    2.5¡1.6r106                      2.7¡1.6                     7.9¡5.4r105
                                    (cohort 1)                (n=141)                                                      (n=141)
                                   Offspring                   19.9¡3.8                    9.5¡5.7r105                      0¡0                           0¡0
                                    (cohort 2)                (n=65)                                                       (n=65)
                                   Total                      51.2¡1.9                    3.6¡0.9r106                      5.1¡2.5                     2.4¡1.8r105
                                                              (n=292)                                                      (n=292)

          * Mice were positive for the ie1 DNA sequences of N1 or G4 as detected by real-time qPCR.
          # Mean genome copy number/ml was calculated for only those mice positive for N1 or G4 DNA.
          $ The numbers of mice in the N1-only treatment groups at the termination of the experiment : founders (n=41), offspring
          (cohort 1 ; n=151), offspring (cohort 2 ; n=45).
          · n=total number of mice tested, combining enclosures within the treatment.
          " The numbers of mice in the N1+G4 treatment groups at the termination of the experiment : founders (n=88), offspring
          (cohort 1 ; n=222), offspring (cohort 2 ; n=76).

          conclusion of the experiment, the majority of these                                 14 days p.i., after intraperitoneal or intra-nasal in-
          mice were infected, as assessed by ELISA, plaque as-                                oculation [9] (S. Gorman, unpublished observations).
          say and real-time qPCR. This is consistent with ob-                                 Indeed, viral dissemination to salivary glands may
          servations that most Australian field mice are                                       take 7–14 days, even after experimental inoculation
          seropositive for MCMV [6–8]. The experiment also                                    with a laboratory strain of MCMV [31]. Thus, N1
          demonstrated that pre-existing immunity to MCMV                                     may not have had the opportunity to disseminate to
          (N1) did not prevent transmission of a secondary in-                                the salivary glands of all of the young mice sampled.
          fecting strain of MCMV (G4) between founding mice                                   The experiment was limited to 12 weeks because in-
          and to their offspring.                                                              itial predictions indicated that the number of mice
             N1 was detected in the salivary glands of most                                   present in the enclosures would increase to unman-
          founding mice, and in fewer offspring, by real-time                                  ageable levels where crowding would pose a signifi-
          qPCR. Transmission of N1 to offspring may have                                       cant threat to the health of the enclosed animals.
          been limited by age, especially within cohort 2, where                              These predictions were not correct, as mice ceased
          mice were too young to have experienced social in-                                  breeding after the birth of the second cohort of
          teractions with mice outside the nest. Additionally,                                offspring [18].
          maternal antibody to MCMV in colostrum and breast                                      The transmission of G4 between founding mice and
          milk has been shown to protect neonatal mice                                        to their offspring (cohort 1) was detected specifically
          from MCMV morbidity and mortality when intra-                                       by real-time qPCR. Transmission of G4 was also in-
          peritoneally challenged on the first day of life and                                 dicated by a significant increase in the seroprevalence
          suckled until 7 days p.i. [30]. However, it is not known                            of MCMV in founder female mice in enclosures where
          what impact maternal antibody has upon viral trans-                                 founder mice were infected with G4. Additionally,
          mission.                                                                            offspring from these enclosures were more likely to
             In laboratory-based experiments, N1 and G4 were                                  contain antibody to MCMV in sera than those from
          detected in the salivary glands of BALB/c mice by                                   enclosures where founders were only infected with

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708         L. N. Farroway and others

                   N1. Transmission of G4 occurred, even though by the                                 in a heightened anti-MCMV immune response, which
                   end of the experiment 85.7 % of mice initially in-                                  may have prevented virus dissemination and repli-
                   oculated with G4 were negative for this virus in their                              cation in the salivary glands of offspring mice.
                   salivary glands by real-time qPCR.                                                     Immunity to N1 was not sufficient to prevent
                      The detection of G4 DNA in the salivary glands of                                transmission of G4. Indeed, 12.8 % of the salivary
                   the first cohort of offspring is encouraging for the                                  glands of founder animals from the N1+G4 en-
                   successful transmission of a recombinant MCMV-                                      closures were positive for both N1 and G4 DNA. The
                   based vaccine from parent to offspring where mice                                    majority of these animals were not those initially in-
                   may possess prior immunity to MCMV. Offspring                                        jected with virus, indicating that transmission of both
                   from enclosures containing mice inoculated with N1                                  strains did occur. Additionally, the introduction of G4
                   and G4 demonstrated increased MCMV seroconver-                                      to enclosures did not reduce the amount or prevalence
                   sion with reduced virus titres compared to offspring                                 of N1 in either founder or offspring mice, as there was
                   from N1-only enclosures. Although less than 3 % of                                  no correlation between N1 and G4 genome copy
                   the offspring were positive by real-time qPCR for G4                                 numbers in the salivary glands of mice positive for
                   by the end of the experiment, the G4 strain trans-                                  both strains.
                   mitted at a sufficient level to alter the overall antibody                               In addition to the detection of viral DNA in the
                   status of the offspring population. G4 DNA was not                                   salivary glands, the N1 strain was detected in the
                   detected in the youngest offspring cohort, however,                                  lungs of a small proportion of founders and cohort 1
                   there was significantly greater seroconversion in the                                offspring mice for both viral treatments, and G4 was
                   second cohort of offspring from enclosures containing                                detected in the lungs of one mouse from cohort 2
                   mice inoculated with N1+G4, than those from                                         offspring (data not shown). Real-time qPCR was used
                   N1-only enclosures, suggesting that transmission had                                to detect viral DNA where there was no distinction
                   occurred.                                                                           between replicating virus and latent viral genomes in
                      G4 is transmitted from male-to-female, female-to-                                the lungs or salivary glands. Therefore, no con-
                   female or parent-to-offspring SPF wild-derived mice                                  clusions can be made concerning the nature of viral
                   or BALB/c mice housed in small cages, as detected by                                DNA present in samples that were negative for the
                   real-time qPCR (S. Nikolovski, unpublished obser-                                   presence of infectious virus. Formidable logistics co-
                   vations). Additionally, G4 is detected in the salivary                              ordinating the sampling of hundreds of mice located
                   glands and lungs of adult BALB/c mice at 12 weeks                                   at the remote outback site were not conducive for the
                   after intraperitoneal infection with 2r104 p.f.u. of                                detection of viral RNA. We could not detect tran-
                   TCV (S. Gorman, unpublished observations). These                                    scripts of late proteins to identify whether MCMV
                   laboratory-based observations suggest that in a                                     was persisting as infectious virus at a low level, or in
                   natural setting the G4 virus should transmit and per-                               a latent form, as performed in previous studies [32].
                   sist in wild mice. However, measuring the transmiss-                                   In the juvenile mouse populations, real-time qPCR
                   ibility of G4 only was beyond the scope of this                                     was the most sensitive method of detecting viral
                   research.                                                                           transmission. In particular, of the offspring that
                      Inoculation with N1 42 days prior to the introduc-                               were positive for viral DNA in their salivary glands
                   tion of G4 allowed for greater levels of N1 trans-                                  by real-time qPCR, only 9% and 14 % of serum
                   mission and replication in the salivary glands than                                 samples from cohort 1 and cohort 2 respectively
                   G4. This was reflected by the significantly higher                                    were positive for MCMV antibody as measured by
                   number of genome copies of N1 than G4 in the sali-                                  ELISA. The absence of antibody specific for MCMV
                   vary glands of all generations. All of the founding                                 in the offspring populations may have been because
                   mice that were positive for G4 were also positive for                               mice had recently acquired infection with MCMV,
                   N1. The introduction of G4 also increased viral-                                    or that their immune systems were not fully mature
                   specific antibody responses. A significantly greater                                  and needed more time than adult mice to produce
                   number of offspring from the N1+G4 enclosures                                        antibody.
                   were seropositive than those from the N1-only en-                                      During this experiment, mice had access to water
                   closures. There was also a trend for founder mice                                   and feed ad libitum, and, with the exception of infec-
                   from N1+G4 enclosures to have lower virus titres                                    tion with N1 (and later G4), were specific-pathogen
                   than those from N1-only enclosures. These data                                      free. In the wild, free-living mice find food and water
                   indicate that a subsequent infection with G4 resulted                               for consumption, and are thus dependent upon

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Transmission of MCMV in field enclosures                              709

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